Re: [RDD] Log refresh question

2019-11-27 Thread Jamie Dominey
I have seen this happen as well randomly for several years over many 
different versions.  I never have been able to figure out what causes 
it.  Most of the time it works fine, but occasionally several hours of 
the log will go missing when refreshed.

On 2019-11-27 11:32 a.m., Rob Landry wrote:

One of the stations I have to do with just discovered that the LOG 
REFRESH button in rdairplay will sometimes truncate the currently 
running log.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] MySQL(Maria) issue

2019-10-03 Thread Jamie Dominey
I'm still trying to find a solution to this issue and I am running out 
of ideas.  When I do a show processlist; I get a bunch of the following 

|  223 | rduser | rdmusic:51230   | Rivendell | Query   | 7 | 
Waiting for table level lock | delete from STACK_SCHED_CODES where 
STACK_LINES_ID=116264 | 0.000 |
|  235 | rduser | rd-master1:56636    | Rivendell | Query   | 5 | 
Waiting for table level lock | delete from STACK_SCHED_CODES where 
STACK_LINES_ID=90376  |    0.000 |
|  253 | rduser | rdmusic:51264   | Rivendell | Query   | 3 | 
Waiting for table level lock | delete from STACK_SCHED_CODES where 
STACK_LINES_ID=77455  |    0.000 |
|  265 | rduser | rdproduction2:56130 | Rivendell | Query   | 1 | 
Waiting for table level lock | delete from STACK_SCHED_CODES where 
STACK_LINES_ID=70139  |    0.000 |
|  275 | rduser | rdproduction1:49354 | Rivendell | Query   | 7 | 
Waiting for table level lock | delete from STACK_SCHED_CODES where 
STACK_LINES_ID=63939  |    0.000 |
|  286 | rduser | rd-master1:56686    | Rivendell | Query   | 8 | 
Waiting for table level lock | delete from STACK_SCHED_CODES where 
STACK_LINES_ID=59351  |    0.000 |
|  294 | rduser | rdproduction1:49770 | Rivendell | Query   | 2 | 
Waiting for table level lock | delete from STACK_SCHED_CODES where 
STACK_LINES_ID=55784  |    0.000 |
|  308 | rduser | rdproduction2:57262 | Rivendell | Query   | 5 | 
Waiting for table level lock | delete from STACK_SCHED_CODES where 
STACK_LINES_ID=52225  |    0.000 |
|  325 | rduser | rd-master1:56732    | Rivendell | Query   | 8 | 
Waiting for table level lock | delete from STACK_SCHED_CODES where 
STACK_LINES_ID=49433  |    0.000 |

The number of these connections keeps increasing every day until I hit 
the maximum number of connections and then I have to reboot all 
machines.  I have tried killing them, but they just come back instantly 
with another process ID. Rebooting a client will kill the connections 
from that client, but they will continue to slowly increase again.  Can 
anyone please point me in the right direction as to what may be causing 


On 2019-09-18 6:15 p.m., Jamie Dominey wrote:


I have developed an issue since upgrading to v3.  Basically what is 
happening is that the number of current database connections keeps 
increasing until it hits the maximum connections, and any currently 
open Rivendell programs will keep running, but nothing new will open 
until a currently running program is closed or everything is 
restarted.   It takes 4 or 5 days from a restart to hit the maximum 
which I believe is 151.

I tried a second server, but that didn't make a difference.  Ran the 
database check which fixed a few problems, but didn't solve the issue. 
Nothing has changed other that the update which I did using the posted 
method.  This is on CentOS 7 and everything was installed using the 

This is what I am currently seeing and 3 of the machines currently 
have no open Rivendell applications.  The number climbs by about 30 
connections a day.

[rd@rdserver ~]$ mysql -NBe 'show global status like 
"Threads_connected";' | cut -f2

[rd@rdserver ~]$ mysql -u root -p -e"show processlist;"|awk '{print 
$3}'|awk -F":" '{print $1}'|sort|uniq -c

Enter password:
  1 Host
 22 localhost
 15 rd-master1
 20 rdmusic
 18 rdproduction1
 20 rdproduction2
[rd@rdserver ~]$

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] MySQL(Maria) issue

2019-09-18 Thread Jamie Dominey


I have developed an issue since upgrading to v3.  Basically what is 
happening is that the number of current database connections keeps 
increasing until it hits the maximum connections, and any currently open 
Rivendell programs will keep running, but nothing new will open until a 
currently running program is closed or everything is restarted.   It 
takes 4 or 5 days from a restart to hit the maximum which I believe is 151.

I tried a second server, but that didn't make a difference.  Ran the 
database check which fixed a few problems, but didn't solve the issue. 
Nothing has changed other that the update which I did using the posted 
method.  This is on CentOS 7 and everything was installed using the scripts.

This is what I am currently seeing and 3 of the machines currently have 
no open Rivendell applications.  The number climbs by about 30 
connections a day.

[rd@rdserver ~]$ mysql -NBe 'show global status like 
"Threads_connected";' | cut -f2

[rd@rdserver ~]$ mysql -u root -p -e"show processlist;"|awk '{print 
$3}'|awk -F":" '{print $1}'|sort|uniq -c

Enter password:
  1 Host
 22 localhost
 15 rd-master1
 20 rdmusic
 18 rdproduction1
 20 rdproduction2
[rd@rdserver ~]$

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] rddbcheck

2019-09-13 Thread Jamie Dominey
I'm trying to run rddbcheck with v3.03, but I get command not found.  It 
this still included with Rivendell?  The Operation Guide still mentions 
it. My install is on CentOS 7 using the install scripts.  Does it have 
to be installed separately, or should it be there when installed using 
the installer script?

I have tried this on both a new and an upgraded install and can't find 
it on either.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell v3.0.1

2019-07-17 Thread Jamie Dominey

Thanks for this update.

Can a 2.x Rivendell install be updated to 3.01 using 'yum update 
rivendell', or does it have to be reinstalled?


On 2019-07-16 5:44 p.m., Fred Gleason wrote:

On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to
announce the availability of the first production release of the next
major version of Rivendell, 3.0.1. Rivendell is a full-featured radio
automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast
environments. It is available under the GNU General Public License
version 2.

 From the 'NEWS' file:

*** snip snip ***
Rivendell is now Unicode UTF-8 clean.

Qt4 is now used throughout Rivendell instead of Qt3.

A multicast update system has been added that allows Rivendell
modules to update views syncronously in step with changes made in
other modules.

The Rivendell Loadable Modules system for processing PAD data has
been completely replaced by PyPAD, allowing PAD processing plug-ins
to be written in the popular Python scripting langauge. Backward
compatible replacement scripts for many of the RLM plug-ins supplied
in Rivendell v2.x are included.

Added a compatibility library to facilitate the use of the Rivendell
Web API in external applications.

A system of virtual log machines has been added, allowing play-out
of up to 23 logs simultaneously.

Rivendell is now fully systemd compatibile.

The Windows ports of rdlogedit(1) and rdlogmanager(1) have been

Database Update:
This version of Rivendell uses database schema version 308, and will
automatically upgrade any earlier versions. To see the current
schema version prior to upgrade, see RDAdmin->SystemInfo.

Be sure to run 'rddbmgr --modify' (as root) immediately after
upgrading to allow any necessary changes to the database schema to
be applied.
*** snip snip ***


Full source code for this release is available at:

Be sure to throughly read and understand the 'INSTALL' and 'UPGRADING'
files in the root of the source tree, as they contain important
information about changes between previous major Rivendell versions and

An upgradable CentOS 7 online installer is available. This is the
quickest and easiest way actually to try this release for yourself.
Instructions can be found at:

If you run across a problem, please submit a detailed problem report

Be sure to mention the version of Rivendell [v3.0.1] in your


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
|   | Paravel Systems |
|   We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.  |
| |
|  -- Winston Churchill   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] [Action required] We’re updating Linux system requirements

2018-09-28 Thread Jamie Dominey
We migrated away from using "Dropbox" several months ago and switched to 
a Nextcloud server running on a Raspberry Pi.  I haven't tried the 
client with CentOS 6, but it works well with CentOS 7 and is very 
similar to "Dropbox".

On 2018-09-28 12:02 PM, Fred Gleason wrote:
On Sep 28, 2018, at 08:27, Bernardo J Mora > wrote:

Forgive me if I’ve missed a previous discussion, please feel free to 
send relevant links along via the listserv.

Kindly let this CentOS amateur what I should expect after October 15.

CentOS 6 is based on glib 2.12, while CentOS 7 uses 2.17. Thus, it 
would appear that Dropbox (capital ‘D’, the commercial online service) 
will no longer work on either of those environments after 10/15/2018. 
This is *not* to be confused with ‘dropbox’ (lower-case ‘d’, the 
Rivendell importation service), which will continue to work as before.

Even if the app doesn’t work, will the folder still sync correctly?

Presumably not.

This is not a Rivendell issue. Dropbox is a closed-source, proprietary 
system; you will need to ask them I’m afraid.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer         |
|                           |              Paravel Systems         |
| A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of    |
| many bad measures.         |
|                                         -- Daniel Webster         |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] [music import] [traffic import] in logs

2018-06-11 Thread Jamie Dominey

Hi Folks,

Since version 2.19.0 the [music import] and [traffic import] links are 
being left in the log after music and traffic are merged.  I see the 
change is noted in the change log for 2.19.0.

First, am I doing something wrong that these are not being removed when 
I merge the logs, and if not, how are others dealing with them.  They 
cause no issue when in auto, but in manual it leaves a bunch of carts 
that are not playable, and it making voice tracking difficult.  I have 
to manually edit and remove them all, before voice tracking so I can set 
the overlaps correctly.

Is there a way to remove them all?  If there isn't a way to remove them 
all, will rolling back to version 2.18.2 corrupt the database?

Thanks for you help.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Log Importation Changes

2018-06-09 Thread Jamie Dominey
I finally found time to update from 2.18.2 to 2.19.2.  Is there a way to 
disabled this new feature?  It makes it difficult to set the position of 
voice tracks over the song intros if there is a music import tag in the log.

"Log Importation Changes. Changed music and traffic importation so that
parent link events are still visible in linked logs."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] USB joystick CentOS 7

2017-02-23 Thread Jamie Dominey
Before switching from Ubuntu to CentOS 7, I was using a usb joystick for
GPI to start carts from the console.  I haven't had any luck getting
CentOS 7 to recognize a joystick of any sort.  Has anyone been able to
get this to work?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell v2.15.2

2017-01-18 Thread Jamie Dominey
For systems that were installed using the new script method
can it be updated using "yum update rivendell" or is something else


On Fri, 2017-01-13 at 13:08 -0500, Fred Gleason wrote:
> On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to
> announce the availability of Rivendell v2.15.2.  Rivendell is a
> full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional
> broadcast environments. It is available under the GNU General Public
> License.
> From the NEWS file:
> *** snip snip ***
> Changes:
>WallTime RLM.  Refactored the 'rlm_walltime' RLM to be compatible
> with
>v1.1.0 firmware.
>Create Database Bug Fix.  Fixed a bug in database creation that
> caused
>incompatibility with MySQL InnoDB tables.
>WAV Format Change.  Implemented a workaround in WAV file generation
>to avoid compatibility issues with certain proprietary audio
> editors.
>LiveWire Multicast GPIO Driver.  Added the ability to generate GPO
>Web API.  Added 'CREATE' and 'GROUP_NAME' parameters to the
> 'Import'
>Various other bug fixes.  See the ChangeLog for details.   
> Database Update:
>This version of Rivendell uses database schema version 259, and
> will
>automatically upgrade any earlier versions.  To see the current
> schema
>version prior to upgrade, see RDAdmin->SystemInfo.
>As always, be sure to run RDAdmin immediately after upgrading to
> allow 
>any necessary changes to the database schema to be applied.
> *** snip snip ***
> Further information, screenshots and download links are available at:
> Cheers!
> |--|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |  Chief Developer
> |
> |   |  Paravel Systems
> |
> |--|
> | "You see, wire telegraph is a kind of very, very long cat.  You pull
> |
> | his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles.  Do you
> |
> | understand this?  And radio operates exactly the same way:  you send
> |
> | signals here, they receive them there.  The only difference is that
> |
> | there is no cat."
> |
> |
> |
> |   -- Albert Einstein, upon being asked to describe radio
> |
> |--|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] voicetrack help

2016-05-02 Thread Jamie Dominey
If I remember correctly, it does this when the second track it set as
play instead of seque.

On Sun, 2016-05-01 at 20:47 -0700, jorge soto wrote:
> I do click record and recording does begin, but the second start
> button still remains unclickable. When I am done recording and want to
> move the tracks around, only the top track moves freely, the
> voicetrack and the bottom track move as if they were only one track.
> On May 1, 2016 8:43 PM, "Lorne Tyndale" 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> The second start button does not become active until you hit
> "record".
> Normally to voice track, you'd hit the first "Start" button,
> that will
> cause the tail of your first track to start playing.
> When you want to start recording your voice, hit "Record".
> The first
> track will continue to play until it reaches its end,
> Rivendell will
> also start to record the voice track.
> Then when you want the next track to start, you'd hit the
> second start
> button (which will now be active), it'll start playing the
> second track
> and continue to record (if you want to talk over the intro of
> the second
> track, for example).  When you hit "Save" it'll stop
> recording.  You can
> then play it back, tighten it up if needed, tweak levels, save
> it and go
> on to the next, or do it all over again.
> Hope this makes sense.
> >  Original Message 
> > Subject: [RDD] voicetrack help
> > From: jorge soto 
> > Date: Sun, May 01, 2016 9:34 pm
> > To: ""
> > 
> >
> >
> > On ubuntu 14.04, Rivendell 2.10.3 from tryphon, I have set
> my voice tracker
> > settings to a Max record time of 1:00:00, autotrim of -30,
> normalization of
> > -13, MPEG Layer 2, 128kbs Enable 2nd start button YES, but
> when I go to
> > track, the second start button is there but it's
> unclickable. Any idea what
> > is wrong or what settings I
> missed?___
> > Rivendell-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Broadcast Appliance can't start daemons

2016-02-04 Thread Jamie Dominey
Swapping audio cards fixed this issue.  Thanks to everyone who helped.
It didn't get me much farther though.  When I try to restore the
database, that I have just backed up on my production machine, it
crashes and corrupts the database.  If I dump the database it will
create a new one, but still will not allow me to restore.  Both systems
are on the same version 2.10.3.  I will tackle it again tomorrow, but I
think I'm ready to dump the appliance and go back to Ubuntu.

On Fri, 2016-02-05 at 10:20 +1300, Robert Jeffares wrote:
> edit as root  /etc/asound.conf
> pcm.rd0 {
>type hw
>card 0
>device 0
>   rate 48000 <--- add this line to match what your system is set to
> }
> ctl.rd0 {
>type hw
>card 0
> }
> pcm.rd1 {
>type hw
>card 0
>device 1
>   rate 48000 <-- add this line...
> }
> ctl.rd1 {
>type hw
>card 0
> save
> restart
> This is one of the few linux times it's smarter to restart the whole server.
> regards
> Robert
> On 05/02/16 02:21, Jamie Dominey wrote:
> > Here is what I have in /var/log/messages
> >
> >
> > Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed: Starting ALSA Play Device rd0:
> > Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed:   Device started successfully
> > Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed: Starting ALSA Capture Device rd0:
> > Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed:   Asked for sample rate 48000, got 96000
> > Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed:   Sample rate unsupported by device
> > Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed: TwoLAME encoder library not found, MPEG L2
> > encoding not supported
> > Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed: Found MAD decoder library, MPEG L2 decoding
> > supported
> > Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv kernel: caed[1829]: segfault at 2d0 ip
> > 003122c086f6 sp 7ffecd1990b0 error 4 in
> >[3122c0+17000]
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 2016-02-03 at 21:01 -0500, Cowboy wrote:
> >> On Wednesday 03 February 2016 05:31:25 pm Jamie Dominey wrote:
> >>>   I
> >>> believe this updated the OS to Centos 6.7  Now the rivendell daemons
> >>> will not start.  Is there an easy fix for this, or do I need to start
> >>> over and only update Rivendell?
> >>   We have several instances running on CentOS 6.7 without problem.
> >>   Need more info from you. /var/log/messages ??
> >>
> >
> > ___
> > Rivendell-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Broadcast Appliance can't start daemons

2016-02-04 Thread Jamie Dominey
Here is what I have in /var/log/messages

Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed: Starting ALSA Play Device rd0:
Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed:   Device started successfully
Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed: Starting ALSA Capture Device rd0:
Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed:   Asked for sample rate 48000, got 96000
Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed:   Sample rate unsupported by device
Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed: TwoLAME encoder library not found, MPEG L2
encoding not supported
Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed: Found MAD decoder library, MPEG L2 decoding
Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv kernel: caed[1829]: segfault at 2d0 ip
003122c086f6 sp 7ffecd1990b0 error 4 in[3122c0+17000]

On Wed, 2016-02-03 at 21:01 -0500, Cowboy wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 February 2016 05:31:25 pm Jamie Dominey wrote:
> >  I
> > believe this updated the OS to Centos 6.7  Now the rivendell daemons
> > will not start.  Is there an easy fix for this, or do I need to start
> > over and only update Rivendell?
>  We have several instances running on CentOS 6.7 without problem.
>  Need more info from you. /var/log/messages ??

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Broadcast Appliance can't start daemons

2016-02-04 Thread Jamie Dominey
The odd part though, is it worked until the upgrades were applied.  The
hardware hasn't changed.  It's not an ASI card.  This pc will be the
server on a client/server setup and was installed using the 2 disk 0
spare option of the appliance CD.  I will disable this card and install
one that supports 48000 and see if it helps.


On Thu, 2016-02-04 at 08:52 -0500, Cowboy wrote:
> On 02/04/2016 08:21 AM, Jamie Dominey wrote:
> > Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed:   Asked for sample rate 48000, got 96000
> > Feb  4 06:14:29 rdserv caed:   Sample rate unsupported by device
>  Ah, hardware compatibility problem !
>  I take this is not an ASI card ?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Broadcast Appliance can't start daemons

2016-02-03 Thread Jamie Dominey
I've been running Rivendell on Ubuntu for several years, but want to
move to the broadcast appliance.

I did a new install of the broadcast appliance and everything seemed to
work well until I ran the software updater and installed all updates.  I
believe this updated the OS to Centos 6.7  Now the rivendell daemons
will not start.  Is there an easy fix for this, or do I need to start
over and only update Rivendell?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Broadcast Appliance can't start daemons

2016-02-03 Thread Jamie Dominey
I can't check /var/log/messages until I'm back in that building, but the
first thing I tried to run was rdadmin which should have updated the

On Wed, 2016-02-03 at 22:31 +, Steve Rubin wrote:
> > On Feb 3, 2016, at 2:31 PM, Jamie Dominey <> wrote:
> > 
> > I've been running Rivendell on Ubuntu for several years, but want to
> > move to the broadcast appliance.
> > 
> > I did a new install of the broadcast appliance and everything seemed to
> > work well until I ran the software updater and installed all updates.  I
> > believe this updated the OS to Centos 6.7  Now the rivendell daemons
> > will not start.  Is there an easy fix for this, or do I need to start
> > over and only update Rivendell?
> > 
> > Thanks
> Are you seeing anything in /var/log/messages?  My guess is a database version 
> mismatch.
> --
> Steve Rubin
> Rubin Broadcasting, Inc.
> 670 Coleman Ave - San Jose, CA 95110
> 408.728.4330

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDLibrary issue

2015-07-26 Thread Jamie Dominey
Hi folks,

Yesterday I noticed RDLibrary is reporting very little time remaining.
All 3 workstations are showing 2 hours remaining time.  There is
actually 1.3 terrabytes free when I check /var/snd from any of the
workstations.  I'm not sure if this is a software bug, or a problem with
my install, but it did report properly until recently.  I upgraded to
2.10.3 about a month ago and it could have started then, but I just
noticed it yesterday.  

Has anyone else seen this, or know the cause?  It in on Ubuntu 12.04
using the Tryphon repos.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RML command line in now and next

2014-08-24 Thread Jamie Dominey
I noticed it.  Not sure when it changed, but I eventual figured out that
it was what broke rdstreamdata.  Adding a \r to the end the the string
fixed it for me.

On Sun, 2014-08-24 at 15:12 -0500, Tim Camp wrote:
 Was wondering why in version 2.8..4 I believe it is that you cannot
 output a newline
 in the RML in the now and next area.
 %r doesn't do it
 %R doesn't do it
 and the text box will not allow a \ character so you can't put in \n
 Anyone else noticed this?
 Tim Camp
 Mobile, Al.
 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdstreamdata

2014-06-16 Thread Jamie Dominey
Thank You.  I will give it a try.

On Sun, 2014-06-15 at 19:51 -0300, Fernando Della Torre wrote:
 Hi Jamie!
 I have got the files.
 This TAR contains the files to make rdstreamdata work on ubuntu 12.04.
 Note that this is experimental.
 You can also get the Jobs I use for starting Rivendell daemons here.
 They work pretty good having jackd as audio backend.
 Hope it helps.
 Fernando Della Torre
 Tecnologia da Informação
 (: +55 16 98137-1240
 (: +55 16 99137-2886
 V.D.I.T. Soluções em Virtualização
 A utilização deste e-mail não implica em autorização ou outorga de
 poderes para seu usuário praticar qualquer ato em nome das empresas
 citadas, cuja representação considera-se válida se praticada
 exclusivamente por representante legal ou procurador devidamente
 constituído, na forma estabelecida em seu respectivo estatuto ou
 contrato social
 2014-06-15 16:45 GMT-03:00 Fernando Della Torre
 Hello Jamie.
 I have written part of the rdstreamdata few years ago.
 Some unpublished changes were made last year to make it work
 with Rivendell 2.8 under Ubuntu 12.04, I remember that I have
 had to split it into 2 daemons, one was written in Python and
 writes UDP output from Rivendell into a file, the other one
 actually updates the Icecast/Shoutcast server. These 2 daemons
 are started by Upstart Jobs.
 I have this experimental version working on a Rivendell
 deployment that I don't have easy access now.
 I'll try to grab them ASAP and send to you somehow.
 Thanks for using it.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] rdstreamdata

2014-06-14 Thread Jamie Dominey
I've had been using rdstreamdata to update the metadata to my shoutcast
cast server for a few years, and it worked well until a few months ago.
When I updated Rivendell to 2.80, rdstreamdata stopped working
correctly.  What is happpening is the file /tmp/rdstreamdata.tmp that
stores the current song title is getting the next song added to file,
but it is not replacing the previous song.  The more songs that are
played, the longer the list in /tmp/rdstreamdata.tmp gets and it sends
the whole list to the shoutcast server.  If i manually
delete /tmp/rdstreamdata.tmp, it starts over.  I'm using the tryphon
packages on Ubuntu 12.04.  I have no idea what is causing this or how to
fix it, but it started after I updated Rivendell.  Has anyone else had
this issue, or better yet found a fix for it?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Voice-Tracking bug?

2013-11-26 Thread Jamie Dominey
I was having an issue similar to this when I switched from version 1 to
version 2. Another user posted a solution that worked for me back in
March.  I have no idea why this works, but it did.  I will cut and paste
the other message below.

Hi Guys,

I Think I figured out a solution.

Added : innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit=2  to my.cnf

Now the voicetracker responds in less than a second to the save button.


2013/3/11 Tim Camp
This is a mysql setting issue in my opinion.
Give me a few to think about it any I'll remember what it is.
I've seen it before.

On 11 Mar 2013 16:34, Peter Claes - CLS bvbva wrote:

Hi all,

We are -after 3 months- still strugling with the
voicetracker module.

Everything works, but saving a 10 second voicetrack
takes 3 minutes !

To be clear, this is not remote, this is on localhost.
On same box as SQL is on. (quad-core 2.00Ghz 8GB Ram-
rivendel 2.2.0 -
MySQL 5.5)

Generating a Log also takes about 1.2 hours (4000 carts
in system .. SLQ
+/- 30MB), which is -in my opinion- also slow, or am I
seeing this wrong ?

I there someone, that could give me a clue on where to
search for this
issue ?


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On Mon, 2013-11-25 at 21:52 +, Pedro Picoto wrote:
 30'' to save a VT. 
 If I  Do Over... another 30''
 Save the log: another 30''...
 Normal or not?
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Re: [RDD] Icecast Title Streaming Ubuntu 12.04

2013-04-22 Thread Jamie Dominey
I have rdstreamdata working on 12.04 LTS 64 bit and a shoutcast server.
I just followed the instructions and it worked.  I do have netcat, lynx
and awk installed because I had also tried streamdata v 1.0. I believe
one of these is required for rdstreamdata.

I haven't tried the rlm icecast2 module, but did use the rlm shoutcast
module and switched back to rdstreamdata because the rlm shoutcast
module does not send default data to the server when the song ends.  We
have a few hosts who play a lot of CD's, and with rlm shoutcast, the
last song played by the automation would stay there until another song
was played from the automation.  rdstreamdata will send a default text
such as the station name when the automation is not being used, or is
playing audio that now and next is not enabled for.  This may not matter
in your setup.

On Mon, 2013-04-22 at 19:06 +1000, Lee Baker wrote:
 Hi Mike,
 No I haven't yet tried that, but your assistance would be greatly
 I have only ever used rdstreamdata 
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Mike
 Sent: Monday, 22 April 2013 6:12 PM
 To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System
 Subject: Re: [RDD] Icecast Title Streaming Ubuntu 12.04
 Do you mean sending the title of each song as it plays?
 If so have you tried the rlm icecast2 module? 
 Happy to give instructions if that would help.
 Lee Baker wrote:
 Hi all,
 Just wondering if anyone has got title streaming working using Ubuntu 12?
 I have tried setting rdstreamdata but it doesn't seem to be compatible.
 Anyone know of another solution?
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Re: [RDD] Temperature controlled jingles

2013-04-10 Thread Jamie Dominey
Can you give more details?  I'm not that familiar with scripts.  Where
are the 80 carts located and how are they named and numbered?


On Tue, 2013-04-09 at 10:14 -0600, Robert Orr wrote:
 Here's mine. I have 80 carts prerecorded with It's 15 degrees in
 Saskatoon, It's 16 degrees in Saskatoon etc. The script below just
 runs every 20 minutes via crontab and I have cart 4000 inserted in my
 log whenever I want to give the temperature:
 cd /var/snd
 rm -f canada_e.html
 wget -q
 j=`cat canada_e.html |grep Saskatoon |sed -e :a -e
 's/[^]*//g;//N;//ba; s/[a-zA-Z;]//g'`
 cp $file 004000_001.wav
 On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Bill Putney wrote:
 There is weather station software that runs on Linux
 for one) and hobby class weather stations are not that
 expensive. If
 have all your own temperature, humidity, wind speed/direction
 and rain
 gauge from your own station it is likely to be better and more
 than the online sources, unless you live next to a major
 airport. All
 the information would be available as local variables
 refreshed minute
 by minute to make decisions about what to play.
 On 4/9/13 8:17 AM, Sébastien Leblanc wrote:
  Damn, just checked  their terms of use ( and
 they don't
  allow radios, newspapers, broadcast and cable television to
 use their
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Re: [RDD] Temperature controlled jingles

2013-04-10 Thread Jamie Dominey
Thanks, that helps me understand what you are doing and how to adapt it
to work for me.

On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 09:09 -0600, Robert Orr wrote:
 Hi Jamie,
 I have 80 carts numbered from 3460 to 3540 that contain the
 temperatures from minus 40 to plus 40. In actuality, each of those
 carts has a dj reading it's minus 40 in Saskatoon or it's minus 39
 in Saskatoon ... etc. 
 All the audio for carts in Rivendell are stored in /var/snd ie. the
 audio for cart number 3460 is /var/snd/003460_001.wav so here's what
 my script does:
 cd /var/snd#change directory to /var/snd
 rm -f canada_e.html 
 wget -q  #grab the
 text version of the temperature website
 j=`cat canada_e.html |grep Saskatoon |sed -e :a -e
 's/[^]*//g;//N;//ba; s/[a-zA-Z;]//g'`  #strip out everything
 except the temperature in Saskatoon for example 15
  s=$((3500+$j))  #in our 15 degree example s would
 equal 3515
  file=00${s}_001.wav   #the audio file that corresponds to 15
 degrees is 003515_001.wav
 cp $file 004000_001.wav  #replace the 004000_001.wav audio with,
 in our example, the 003515_001.wav audio so when cart 4000 is played
 it will say it's 15 degrees in Saskatoon.
 The script is called and is stored in
 my home directory and made executable. This line in the root crontab 
 4,24,44 * * * * /home/robert/
 fires the script every 20 minutes and I insert cart 4000 any time in
 the log that I want the current temperature recording to play.
 Note, messing with the audio in /var/snd is not the approved method of
 doing things in Rivendell. I should be doing an rdimport command. But
 it works for me and I wrote that script many years ago before I knew
 you could import without the gui.
 Hope that helps.
 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:14 AM, Jamie Dominey
 Can you give more details?  I'm not that familiar with
 scripts.  Where
 are the 80 carts located and how are they named and numbered?
 On Tue, 2013-04-09 at 10:14 -0600, Robert Orr wrote:
  Here's mine. I have 80 carts prerecorded with It's 15
 degrees in
  Saskatoon, It's 16 degrees in Saskatoon etc. The script
 below just
  runs every 20 minutes via crontab and I have cart 4000
 inserted in my
  log whenever I want to give the temperature:
  cd /var/snd
  rm -f canada_e.html
  wget -q
  j=`cat canada_e.html |grep Saskatoon |sed -e :a -e
  's/[^]*//g;//N;//ba; s/[a-zA-Z;]//g'`
  cp $file 004000_001.wav
  On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Bill Putney
  There is weather station software that runs on Linux
  for one) and hobby class weather stations are not
  expensive. If
  have all your own temperature, humidity, wind
  and rain
  gauge from your own station it is likely to be
 better and more
  than the online sources, unless you live next to a
  airport. All
  the information would be available as local
  refreshed minute
  by minute to make decisions about what to play.
  On 4/9/13 8:17 AM, Sébastien Leblanc wrote:
   Damn, just checked  their terms of use
 ( and
  they don't
   allow radios, newspapers, broadcast and cable
 television to
  use their
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Re: [RDD] streamdata

2013-02-06 Thread Jamie Dominey
I got it working,


On Mon, 2013-02-04 at 17:32 +0100, Michael Papsdorf wrote:
 It should work if you're using it on the same box as before. If you're
 running into trouble, let me know.
 Sent from Samsung Mobile
 Jamie Dominey wrote:
 Does any know if streamdata ver 1.0 from Emitworks  will
 still work with Rivendell ver 2?  I used this to send Now and Next
 to my shoutcast server with Rivendell 1.72 and would like to use it
 Rivendell 2.
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Re: [RDD] Web based voice tracking and playlist editor

2012-02-21 Thread Jamie Dominey
The systems that I have seen, have all used a client that connects to a
server at the studio rather than a browser.  Most of them will download
a low bitrate version of the songs or the beginning and end of the songs
before and after where the voice track will be placed.  The voice tracks
are recorded on the local pc using a client interface similar to the one
used to voice track in the studio and the tracks get uploaded and synced
up after the recording is finished.  If you google remote voice
tracking you will find several examples.  I'm not a programmer and have
no idea how much work it is to implement something like this into
Rivendell, but it is one of the few missing features in a great
automation package.  

On Tue, 2012-02-21 at 08:24 -0500, Alan Peterson wrote:
 Lee Baker, Jamie Dominey  Rob Landry exchanged:
  It would be handy if there was a solution that allowed for people to
  be able to log in to a web system, view there music logs and then
  record voice tracks directly in to the system.
  There have been a few
  workarounds posted to the list using dropboxes or vnc, but they are not
  the same as having this functionality built into the software.
  That should be very easy to do, as long as you don't need to hear the 
  music playing as you record each track 
 I might be mistaken as to the process, but I recall some company pulled this 
 off about 10 years ago by allowing the remote jock to record a dry VT, 
 visually slip some tracks on a screen to fit, then hit a GO button. The Big 
 Box at the other end would import the VT, quickly render *only* the duration 
 of the break - three seconds either side of the VT - squish it down to a 
 heavily compressed MP3 and send that back to the jock for a QC check.
 As I'm involved in talk programming these days, I'm not too close to music 
 stations that VT these days and I'm sure a lot has changed. But at the time I 
 saw this a decade ago, it was a fairly efficient way to do it. No need to 
 make a compressed copy of the whole tune; just render the essence of the 
 break, once assembled, and send that along.
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Re: [RDD] Web based voice tracking and playlist editor

2012-02-20 Thread Jamie Dominey
I love Rivendell's abilities and user interface, but to me, this is the
biggest missing feature and the only one that has had me consider
switching to another automation package.  There have been a few
workarounds posted to the list using dropboxes or vnc, but they are not
the same as having this functionality built into the software.

On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 00:16 +1000, Lee Baker wrote:
 Hello fellow rivendellers, I was wondering if anyone out there in the
 community has developed some kind of web based system that integrates
 in with Rivendell.
 It would be handy if there was a solution that allowed for people to
 be able to log in to a web system, view there music logs and then
 record voice tracks directly in to the system.
 I have been playing with drop boxes whereby announcers record their
 voice tracks and then give them a specific name and the drop boxes
 pick those file names up and insert them in to the appropriate cart. 

 I have seen other commercials products that have web based voice
 tracking, not sure how good it works but if Rivendell offered
 something like that it would be fantastic. 
 It would also be handy if you could log in to a web system and view
 logs, music library, edit playlists etc.
 Would there be anything out there like that?
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