Re: [rt-users] Some users getting CSRF warnings when creating tickets?

2016-09-27 Thread Sean Cwiek
Hey Alex,

We’ve seen this when users are jumping between the http and https versions of 
our RT instance.  Advising everyone to login at the https address seemed to 
resolve it for us.



From: rt-users [] On Behalf Of 
Alex Hall
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 4:07 PM
To: rt-users <>
Subject: [rt-users] Some users getting CSRF warnings when creating tickets?

Hi all,
We're starting to have more people test RT now. Oddly, the two who just started 
trying it out get CSRF warnings when they try to make or update tickets, while 
no one else does. They are using Chrome, but so is a guy who is *not* getting 
the warnings. We're all in the same building, thus on the same network. Any 
idea why this might be happening? My Nginx log for RT doesn't include anything 
about this, and my RT log is empty. Thanks.

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department<>
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

Re: [rt-users] Onetime CC are giving an internal error

2016-04-08 Thread Sean Cwiek
We are seeing something very similar for every correspondence after upgrading 
to 4.4.  The call to load the Scrips and Recipients box when updating a ticket 
contains the entire content of the message in the string, which is often 
leading to this 414 error.  We never ran into this issue in 4.2.

> We are running rt-4.4.0 and just noticed that selecting a One-time Cc
> gives an internal error in the Scrips and Recipients block.
> The error is:
 > [9625] [Thu Apr  7 12:37:48 2016] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in 
 > split at /opt/rt4/share/html/Helpers/PreviewScrips line 81. 
 > (/opt/rt4/share/html/Helpers/PreviewScrips:81)
> [9625] [Thu Apr  7 12:37:48 2016] [error]: Operation "eq": no method found,
> left argument has no overloaded magic,
> right argument in overloaded package Email::Address at 
> /opt/rt4/share/html/Helpers/PreviewScrips line 115.
 > Stack:
>   [/opt/rt4/share/html/Helpers/PreviewScrips:115]
>   [/opt/rt4/share/html/Helpers/autohandler:51]
>   [/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/]
>   [/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/]
>   [/opt/rt4/share/html/autohandler:53] 
> (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web/
 > Anyone else seen that?
 > We are running rt with a couple of extensions but none of them should be
> touching something in that part of the code.
 > Something related to this, namely PreviewScrips. If you reply/comment to
> a large message body then apache will log a 414 and there will be no
> text in the Scrips and Recipients block.
> Looking at the apache logs shows a very large GET request which looks
> like an URL encoded block of text which is 8000 chars.
> Shouldn't PreviewScrips use POST instead of GET because of the possible
> large amount of text?
 > Regards,
 > Joop


Sean Cwiek
MeL Systems Specialist
Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS)
Phone: 800-530-9019 ext. 148
Phone: 517-492-3848<>

RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions
* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

[rt-users] Migrating/Upgrading from RT2 -> RT4, getting errors installing RT3 'make initialize-database'

2016-03-07 Thread Sean
I’m in the process of migrating from RT2 to the latest RT4. In reading the
archives and various posts I’ve been able to figure out that I need to dump
the RT2 database which was successful (via RT-Extension-RT2toRT3). I’m
assuming the next step in the process is to install RT3 to reimport the
dump data to it and then upgrade to RT4.


   Is it important that I upgrade to 3.0.0 or does any 3.0.x or 3.x.x
   version work for this part of the process?

   Is there is a better way to go about upgrading from RT2 to RT4?

Dev System details:

OS: Debian 8 (VMWare Wks guest)

MySQL: 5.5

In trying to install RT3 (3.0.0) I keep running into errors during the
‘make initialize-database’ phase. I don’t think that it’s a database issue
yet, it seems that Perl is having issues with the scripts and/or something
I’m missing on my system.

All Perl deps are met:

root@rt3:/home/bdk/rt-3-0-0# make testdeps | grep -i missing


Configure options:

root@rt3:/home/bdk/rt-3-0-0# ./configure --prefix=/srv/rt3
--with-web-user=www-data --with-web-group=www-data --with-rt-group=www-data
--with-db-rt-user=rt3 --with-db-rt-pass=rt3

I get 2 errors that I don’t think will amount to much:

cp -rp ./local/html/* //srv/rt3/local/html

cp: cannot stat ‘./local/html/*’: No such file or directory

Makefile:398: recipe for target 'local-install' failed

make: [local-install] Error 1 (ignored)

cp -rp ./local/po/* //srv/rt3/local/po

cp: cannot stat ‘./local/po/*’: No such file or directory

Makefile:398: recipe for target 'local-install' failed

make: [local-install] Error 1 (ignored)

The rest of the install goes good:

Congratulations. RT has been installed.

You must now configure RT by editing /srv/rt3/etc/

(You will definitely need to set RT's database password before continuing.

Not doing so could be very dangerous)

After that, you need to initialize RT's database by running

'make initialize-database'

I checked /srv/rt3/etc/ and the correct database name, user &
password are set there via my earlier config. The next step is where I get
hung up:

root@rt3:/home/bdk/rt-3-0-0# make initialize-database

/usr/bin/perl //srv/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba root

Useless use of greediness modifier '?' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in
m/^(\d{4}? <-- HERE )(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/ at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 127.

Useless use of greediness modifier '?' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in
m/^(\d{4}? <-- HERE )-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/ at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 129.

Useless use of greediness modifier '?' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in
m/^(\d{4}? <-- HERE )-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\+00$/ at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 131.

Useless use of greediness modifier '?' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in
m/^(\d{4}? <-- HERE )(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/ at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 132.

"my" variable $attr masks earlier declaration in same statement at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 476.

"my" variable %params masks earlier declaration in same statement at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 476.

"my" variable $attr masks earlier declaration in same statement at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 476.

"my" variable %params masks earlier declaration in same statement at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 476.

"my" variable $attr masks earlier declaration in same statement at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 476.

"my" variable %params masks earlier declaration in same statement at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 480.

Variable "$QueueObj" is not imported at /srv/rt3/lib/RT/
line 586.

(Did you mean  instead?)

Variable "$QueueObj" is not imported at /srv/rt3/lib/RT/
line 589.

(Did you mean  instead?)

Variable "$QueueObj" is not imported at /srv/rt3/lib/RT/
line 607.

(Did you mean  instead?)

syntax error at /srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 470, near "$attr
qw(id Creator Created LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy)"

Global symbol "$attr" requires explicit package name at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 471.

Global symbol "%args" requires explicit package name at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 471.

Global symbol "$attr" requires explicit package name at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 471.

Global symbol "%args" requires explicit package name at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 471.

Global symbol "$attr" requires explicit package name at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 471.

Global symbol "$self" requires explicit package name at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 482.

Global symbol "$id" requires explicit package name at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 482.

Global symbol "$Owner" requires explicit package name at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 502.

Global symbol "%args" requires explicit package name at
/srv/rt3/lib/RT/ line 508.

[rt-users] Help Resolving Incorrect Ticket Merging

2014-05-16 Thread Sean Snell
Hello everyone,
First of all, yes, I'm totally aware of the big glaring warning that
clearly states Warning: merging is a non-reversible action! Enter a single
ticket number to be merged into. And yes, I'm about to go overboard on
very explicit security permissions for my guys.

However, I'm now facing a stupid situation all thanks to an intern who
thought he'd problem solve himself, and he accidentally merged a sub-ticket
of an ongoing case that is completely unrelated to what he was trying to
do. Now, I have a simple ticket that was *supposed* to be a purchasing
request, and now he's managed to merge the data in error. How can I sort
this issue out, even if I have to do it by hand? I have SQL experience (my
backend DB), so I'm not afraid from that respect, but since I'm still
fairly newish to RT, so I hesitate at just hunting via SQL queries and
trying to update the info without guidance.

*Side thought: Why are there so many non-reversible actions in RT? Another
example are ticket comments, which now at this point have a ton of awful
typo's, but we're forced to roll with it because there's no way to
correct the typo*.

Thanks for the help, and sorry if I sound a bit heated at the moment.

RT Training - Dallas May 20-21

[rt-users] Dealing with forwarded tickets from one queue to another

2013-01-15 Thread Sean Purdy

We have a situation where someone gets mail sent to them from one queue, and 
needs to forward it to a different queue as a new ticket.  e.g. for forwarding 
to a support queue.  Currently RT will interpret the incoming mail as an update 
to the original ticket instead of creating a new ticket in the other queue.

Is there any way around this?  RT knows the old ticket ID from the Subject, and 
the new queue it's being submitted to.

Currently looking at patching Interface/ and using $SystemTicket-id vs 
but perhaps this has been covered before?


Sean Purdy

[rt-users] Customize Quicksearch RT 4.0.4

2011-11-30 Thread Sean McDaid

I have upgraded to RT 4. I have defined a few different custom statuses in
RT_SIteConfig such as:

default = {
initial = [ 'new' ],
active  = [ 'open', 'stalled', 'next_rel', 'inv_pend',
'cust_info' ],
inactive= [ 'resolved', 'rejected', 'deleted' ],

When I log in I see the QuickSearch includes these columns (''next_rel,
'inv_pend', 'cust_info').

The summaries Active Tickets I own and Waiting Tickets I own group
tickets by state (ie. Active or Waiting) regardless of their status.

Is there a way to customize the Quicksearch to group by state, ie. 3
columns Active, Waiting, Planning?

Also where can the state of a status be defined, for example cust_info
should be a Waiting state?

Thanks for any help

RT Training Sessions (
* Boston — TBA

Re: [rt-users] Upgrading from RT 3.6.2 to RT 4.0.4

2011-11-25 Thread Sean McDaid
Thanks Kevin and Jared,

This helped. I should have done the database upgrade (rt-setup-database) to
just to 3.7.87, then ran and then went back and
finished the data upgrade.

Seem to be good now,


RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28  29, 2011

[rt-users] Upgrading from RT 3.6.2 to RT 4.0.4

2011-11-18 Thread Sean McDaid

I'm am working on upgrading from RT 3.6.4rc2 to RT 4.0.4.

I am having some difficulties with the sequence of instructions provided in
README, UPGRADING.mysql and version upgrades (UPGRADING-3.6, UPGRADING-3.8
and UPGRADING-4.0).

Even though I have MySQL version 4.1 but as I am running RT 3.6 I must
follow the procedure outlined in UPGRADING.mysql.

This tells me to follow the instruction in README up to point 6b. In README
step 2 I have to run ./configure, do I run this with default options or
specify: --with-db-database=rt3 (to point to my current database)?

After this I fix all the required dependencies.

I skip README 6a as I am upgrading, instead I follow README 6b where I run
make upgrade, which works.

After make upgrade it tells me to run make upgrade-database which tries
to connect to rt4 database (with ./configure default) or rt3 database if I
used --with-db-database=rt3, both of these fail with:
   Access denied for user 'rt_user'@'localhost' to database 'rt3' OR
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (if I used root)
I guess I missed something which caused this failure. Any ideas?

It then directs me back to UPGRADING.mysql step 4 which tells me to apply
Apply the RT 3.8 schema upgrades.. Is this etc/upgrade/

Are these steps correct? Or is there a worked example of an upgrade frmo
RT3 to RT4?

Also at what point am I supposed to apply the changes outlined in

Thanks for any help!

RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28  29, 2011

[rt-users] Can't change ticket statuses

2011-07-20 Thread Sean McDaid

After recently installing RT4, I have a load of ticket migrated from 3.8.

Previously on RT3 when as user logged in they were able to see and change
all the statuses of ticket they raised or owned.

Now in my new RT4 installation when a ticket is in Waiting state  the status
cannot be changed at all. When the ticket is in active
state I have only the options {open, new, stalled, reject, deleted}
available in the dropdown.

This is what I have in
   @ActiveStatus = qw(new open po_req inv_po in_test) unless @ActiveStatus;
   @InactiveStatus = qw(resolved rejected deleted) unless @InactiveStatus;

Am I missing something, or does this have to do with LifeCycle in RT4?


2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] New install of RT4 crashes Internet Explorer 8

2011-07-04 Thread Sean McDaid
Hi, yes zooming also causes the same problem. When I turn off either
scripting or CSS the problem disappears.
I'm trying to figure out what IE is doing differently than Firefox/Chome.


On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Christopher Lasater clasa...@taleo.comwrote:

 Hey Sean,
Does zooming make the problem worse or do we have different issues?

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Christopher Lasater
 Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 3:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [rt-users] New install of RT4 crashes Internet Explorer 8

 It sounds dumb, but I think the issues I related to zooming in.  If I have
 no zoom at 100% everything works fine.  The second I try to zoom its freezes
 and if I am at 115%, which was my default, then it freezes when I get into
 rt at a glance.  I can zoom in and out like crazy in Firefox without
 experiencing any problems.

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Christopher Lasater
 Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 3:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [rt-users] New install of RT4 crashes Internet Explorer 8

 Mod_perl2, External Auth to an LDAP server, LDAP Importer.  Not sure what
 else you would be interested in.

 Problem occurs with or without IE compatibility mode.


   AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

   DocumentRoot /opt/rt4/share/html
   Location /
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
   PerlSetVar psgi_app /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server
   use Plack::Handler::Apache2;


 Set( $rtname, '');
 Set ($WebPath , );
 Set ($WebBaseUrl ,; Set ($WebURL ,;); Set ($WebDomain,;

 Obviosly I changed my servername to all FQDN

2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] New install of RT4 crashes Internet Explorer 8

2011-07-01 Thread Sean McDaid
Yeah I can't recreate the issue there, perhaps I haven't created a large
ticket. More likely though it is my configuration or data migration - I had
to upgrade
from 3.6 - 4.0 in one go.

Is there some way to migrate a 3.6 database directly to 4.0 and then simply
this into a RT 4.0 install? This was done manually which I'm skeptical


On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 10:23:06PM +0100, Sean McDaid wrote:
 The ticket I am using as test case is a new ticket in the RT 4.0.1
 installation. Make say 15 comments with 20 lines of text, within some
 of these comments keep the quoted text. Also to the comments add some
 attachments of different formats. Also add some transactions changing
 status/owner/impact/category etc.

 This should create a relatively large ticket - load this up with IE8
 with scripting enabled. This takes a very long time, and window
 resizing also affects it.

 Would you find a ticket on (login using
 guest/guest) which shows the problem you're seeing? That will allow
 us to compare apples to apples.




  OK so I've upgraded to 4.0.1 and the issue persists. Again when I turn
off the scripts the problem is solved.
 Can you provide a simple test case that we can use to reproduce the

 2011 Training:

2011 Training:

[rt-users] New install of RT4 crashes Internet Explorer 8

2011-06-29 Thread Sean McDaid
I have installed Request Tracker 4.0.0 on CentOS release 5.6. The database
is MySQL 5 which is running remotely from the RT instance.

When I create a very large ticket or open a migrated large ticket with
Firefox there are no problems. But when I open the same ticket with IE8, it
either crashes or takes a very long time to open.
If the ticket loads and I resize the IE window or scroll up and down the
window again freezes.

I have check the RT logs in Debug when loading from both Firefox and IE and
don't see any differences. I also thought it might have been a problem with
the migrated data from RT 3.6 but this issue is happening with newly created

Does anyone have an Idea what may be happening here?


2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] New install of RT4 crashes Internet Explorer 8

2011-06-29 Thread Sean McDaid
Hi Christopher,

That actually seems like the issue. From Internet Options I've turned off
Scripting and the problem is no-longer present.
I'll upgrade to the new release to see if that resolves issue.


On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 4:05 PM, Christopher Lasater clasa...@taleo.comwrote:

 Hey Sean,

Did you check out the new release 4.0.1.  One of the bug
 fixes is:

 ** **

 Javascript fixes for IE8 in the admin UI.

 ** **

 Might help you out.

 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Sean McDaid
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 29, 2011 9:35 AM
 *Subject:* [rt-users] New install of RT4 crashes Internet Explorer 8

 ** **

 I have installed Request Tracker 4.0.0 on CentOS release 5.6. The database
 is MySQL 5 which is running remotely from the RT instance.

 When I create a very large ticket or open a migrated large ticket with
 Firefox there are no problems. But when I open the same ticket with IE8, it
 either crashes or takes a very long time to open.
 If the ticket loads and I resize the IE window or scroll up and down the
 window again freezes.

 I have check the RT logs in Debug when loading from both Firefox and IE and
 don't see any differences. I also thought it might have been a problem with
 the migrated data from RT 3.6 but this issue is happening with newly created

 Does anyone have an Idea what may be happening here?


2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] New install of RT4 crashes Internet Explorer 8

2011-06-29 Thread Sean McDaid
OK so I've upgraded to 4.0.1 and the issue persists. Again when I turn off
the scripts the problem is solved.


On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Sean McDaid seanmcdaid2...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Christopher,

 That actually seems like the issue. From Internet Options I've turned off
 Scripting and the problem is no-longer present.
 I'll upgrade to the new release to see if that resolves issue.


 On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 4:05 PM, Christopher Lasater 

 Hey Sean,

Did you check out the new release 4.0.1.  One of the bug
 fixes is:

 ** **

 Javascript fixes for IE8 in the admin UI.

 ** **

 Might help you out.

 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Sean McDaid
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 29, 2011 9:35 AM
 *Subject:* [rt-users] New install of RT4 crashes Internet Explorer 8

 ** **

 I have installed Request Tracker 4.0.0 on CentOS release 5.6. The database
 is MySQL 5 which is running remotely from the RT instance.

 When I create a very large ticket or open a migrated large ticket with
 Firefox there are no problems. But when I open the same ticket with IE8, it
 either crashes or takes a very long time to open.
 If the ticket loads and I resize the IE window or scroll up and down the
 window again freezes.

 I have check the RT logs in Debug when loading from both Firefox and IE
 and don't see any differences. I also thought it might have been a problem
 with the migrated data from RT 3.6 but this issue is happening with newly
 created tickets.

 Does anyone have an Idea what may be happening here?


2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] New install of RT4 crashes Internet Explorer 8

2011-06-29 Thread Sean McDaid
The ticket I am using as test case is a new ticket in the RT 4.0.1
installation. Make say 15 comments with 20 lines of text, within some
of these comments keep the quoted text. Also to the comments add some
attachments of different formats. Also add some transactions changing
status/owner/impact/category etc.

This should create a relatively large ticket - load this up with IE8
with scripting enabled. This takes a very long time, and window
resizing also affects it.


 OK so I've upgraded to 4.0.1 and the issue persists. Again when I turn off 
 the scripts the problem is solved.
Can you provide a simple test case that we can use to reproduce the problem?

2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] Endless auto-reply loop

2011-01-18 Thread Sean Quinlan
They aren't a user in RT. The only users within RT are the staff and
volunteers for the membership office. The 'clients' are the the thousands of
people who join the organization (Interscholastic Equestrian Association),
mostly riders and coaches. Because the membership 'office' is actually a
group of people who are widely distributed geographically, working out of
their homes, keeping track of support requests was becoming a nightmare. Our
hope is that RT can centralize the point of communication and tracking open

Given that, we configured it so anyone could email in and create a new
ticket. Most members of the IEA do have an email address, so I suppose we
could add them all 'by hand', but how would we keep the membership in sync,
which changes a little all the time and has significant churn every
enrollment period (late summer).


On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Kevin Falcone

 On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 10:05:08AM -0500, Sean Quinlan wrote:
 Where Jesse replies:
 And you can always set up individual addresses to not get mail.

 Configuration - Users, search for the user, leave the username as the
 email address and then blank out the email address of the user record.


Re: [rt-users] Endless auto-reply loop

2011-01-18 Thread Sean Quinlan
Ah, my apologies! I went to the Users page and didn't see them, and did not
register your instruction to search for them. Thanks for being patient and
reposting your instructions. I have done as you suggested, and hopefully
that takes care of it.

Thanks again,

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Kevin Falcone

 On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 12:05:06PM -0500, Sean Quinlan wrote:
 They aren't a user in RT. The only users within RT are the staff and
 volunteers for the
 membership office. The 'clients' are the the thousands of people who
 join the organization
 (Interscholastic Equestrian Association), mostly riders and coaches.
 Because the membership
 'office' is actually a group of people who are widely distributed
 geographically, working out
 of their homes, keeping track of support requests was becoming a
 nightmare. Our hope is that
 RT can centralize the point of communication and tracking open issues.
 Given that, we configured it so anyone could email in and create a new
 ticket. Most members of
 the IEA do have an email address, so I suppose we could add them all
 'by hand', but how would
 we keep the membership in sync, which changes a little all the time
 and has significant churn
 every enrollment period (late summer).

 You said you don't want RT emailing a mailing list.  To stop it from
 sending mail to the mailing list:

   Configuration - Users, search for the user, leave the username as
   email address and then blank out the email address of the user

 If RT has received or sent mail to an email address, there
 is a User, believe me.


Re: [rt-users] Endless auto-reply loop

2011-01-18 Thread Sean Quinlan
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Kevin Falcone

   Configuration - Users, search for the user, leave the username as
   email address and then blank out the email address of the user

That appears to have worked perfectly, and if I run into this specific issue
again I now know how to quickly resolve it.


[rt-users] Creating a ReferredToBy Link

2010-03-04 Thread Sean McCrindle
Some time lurker, first time poster.
I am trying to make a script which parses an incoming message for text 
for RT#TicketId and then adds a ReferredToBy link relationship between 
the current ticket being posted to, and the ticket id extracted.

I have:

while ($content =~ m!RT#(\d+)!g) {
   $self-TicketObj-AddLink(Type='ReferredToBy', Target=$1);

But this does not work.

I can do:
while ($content =~ m!RT#(\d+)!g) {
   $self-TicketObj-AddLink(Type='RefersTo, Base=$1);
and this works.

Can anyone help with the correct syntax to create the ReferredToBy link?

RT 3.8.2


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2010 RT Training Sessions!
San Francisco, CA, USA - Feb 22  23
Dublin, Ireland - Mar 15  16
Boston, MA, USA - April 5  6
Washington DC, USA - Oct 25  26

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[rt-users] Linked custom field question

2010-01-26 Thread Sean

Using RT 3.8.6

I have a custom field called Area - It's a Select one type. I see a list of 

I have a second custom field called Sub-Area - It's a Select one type and 
values are based on the above Area

When I select an area, the Sub-Area has a drop-down where the values change 
based on the Area chosen - SO FAR SO GOOD -

The problem is this - I select an area, then select a sub area and click 
update. The area and sub-area are set as indicated. If I look at the main page 
for the ticket, it shows what I have selected. However, if you go back to the 
Basics page - while the Area shows what I have selected, the Sub-Area drop 
down reverts back to (no value) even though a value is set for the ticket. 
This can be confusing to some.

The drop down is dynamic based on the area chosen obviously - so Im not sure if 
this is just something we would have to live with, or if it is a code change 
somewhere that could be made such that the drop down reflects what has been 



Community help:
Commercial support:

2010 RT Training Sessions!
San Francisco, CA, USA - Feb 22  23
Dublin, Ireland - Mar 15  16
Boston, MA, USA - April 5  6
Washington DC, USA - Oct 25  26

Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
Buy a copy at

[rt-users] Maximum size of query

2009-12-15 Thread Sean

What is the maximum size of a query in the ticket search (not simple search)

Meaning - ( Status = open OR Status = stalled) AND (Creator = a...@1234 OR 
Creator = e...@5678 ...) --- How long can that be?



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Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
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[rt-users] Add dashboard to selfservice

2009-12-04 Thread Sean

How can I add dashboards to the selfservice page? This allows me to add 
dashboards for managers to see some reports instead of having to make them 
priviliged users



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[rt-users] Search for tickets created by members of a group

2009-11-30 Thread Sean

Im trying to create a dashboard that lists tickets created by a list of users 
who all belong to a group in RT.

In order to do that, I need to create the search first obviously.
Is there a way to say created by members of group X or do I need
to say owner = X or owner = Y or owner = Z ?



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Re: [rt-users] Upgraded to rt-3.8.5 and kill stopped working

2009-11-10 Thread Sean Sullivan

Jesse Vincent wrote:
 Sure, here you are. I'm currently @ 3.6.5. 
 Right. that's just a custom saved search format.  YOu'll want to read up
 on editing saved searches.
I'm confused. What is just a custom search? The KILL link there used in that 
one tkt under 10 newest unowned tickets? 


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Re: [rt-users] Upgraded to rt-3.8.5 and kill stopped working

2009-11-09 Thread Sean Sullivan

Jesse Vincent wrote:
 So, this is an RT extension. Which version of it are you using and where
 did it come from? We certainly shouldn't be breaking our API in the
 middle of a stable series, so I want to make sure it gets sorted out.
 As an aside, 3.8.6 has been out for a week or so and has some fixes
 you likely want.

 Thanks for the response! I didn't realize this was a plugin. I inherited 
 this install and as you know it was a fair bit dated so I was asked to 
 upgrade it. 

 As far as my version of HTML::Mason, there appear to be 2 versions, 1.36 and 
 1.42. If I do:

 Ah, no. It was the Kill extension I was looking for the version of.
 find /opt/rt3/ -name \*Kill\* 
 might be a start to tracking down the right files.  Note also that after
 an upgrade, you really need to clear /opt/rt3/var/mason_data/obj before
 starting apache, otherwise you might get a skewed set of compiled mason

That's the thing, there isn't any Kill module. That was the first thing I 
searched for when I noticed the issue. 

r...@lechuck:~# find /opt/rt3/ -name \*Kill\*
r...@lechuck:~# find /opt/rt3.bak/ -name \*Kill\*
r...@lechuck:~# find /usr -name \*Kill\*

No results for any of these searches. 

rt3.bak was our previous install where kill actually worked so if we ever had a 
module \*Kill\* it should still be in there at least. Unless of course it was 
in say /usr/lib/perl* and some other module ditched it when I updated it... 

I did the cache clearing during the update process so that shouldn't be an 



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Re: [rt-users] Upgraded to rt-3.8.5 and kill stopped working

2009-11-09 Thread Sean Sullivan


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Re: [rt-users] Upgraded to rt-3.8.5 and kill stopped working

2009-11-09 Thread Sean Sullivan

 Jesse Vincent wrote:
  r...@lechuck:~# find /opt/rt3/ -name \*Kill\*
  r...@lechuck:~# find /opt/rt3.bak/ -name \*Kill\*
  r...@lechuck:~# find /usr -name \*Kill\*
  No results for any of these searches. 
  I suspect it's time for the big guns. 
  grep -ri kill /opt/rt3.bak/share
  grep -ri kill /opt/rt3.bak/lib

 And now, how about:

 grep -ri kill /opt/rt3.bak/local

r...@lechuck:~# grep -ri kill /opt/rt3.bak/local
/opt/rt3.bak/local/lib/RT/ Get DBI handle object 
(DBH), do SQL query, kill DBH

Thats it. 

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Re: [rt-users] Upgraded to rt-3.8.5 and kill stopped working

2009-11-05 Thread Sean Sullivan

I should have mentioned that I upgraded from 3.6.6. RTFM I'm not 100% what the 
previous version was.


-Original Message-
From: on behalf of Sean Sullivan
Sent: Thu 11/5/2009 1:27 PM
Subject: [rt-users] Upgraded to rt-3.8.5 and kill stopped working

Hi all,

I just spent yesterday upgrading to RT 3.8.5 with RTFM 2.4.2 and for
some reason kill isn't working from the main UI anymore. I get:

RT::Ticket::Kill Unimplemented in HTML::Mason::Commands.
(/opt/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Display.html line 134)

I made sure all the perl deps were updated as well so I'm not sure what
could be causing it. I also didn't find anything when searching so I
thought I'd just check in here before spending a day running through the
code myself. 

Anyone else seen this behavior?


Sean Sullivan
Systems Administrator
o: 617.491.6144 x183
c: 781.408.1406
Harmonix Music Systems


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Re: [rt-users] Upgraded to rt-3.8.5 and kill stopped working

2009-11-05 Thread Sean Sullivan

-Original Message-
From: Jesse Vincent []
Sent: Thu 11/5/2009 1:48 PM
To: Sean Sullivan
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Upgraded to rt-3.8.5 and kill stopped working

On Thu  5.Nov'09 at 13:27:46 -0500, Sean Sullivan wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just spent yesterday upgrading to RT 3.8.5 with RTFM 2.4.2 and for
 some reason kill isn't working from the main UI anymore. I get:
 RT::Ticket::Kill Unimplemented in HTML::Mason::Commands.
 (/opt/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Display.html line 134)

So, this is an RT extension. Which version of it are you using and where
did it come from? We certainly shouldn't be breaking our API in the
middle of a stable series, so I want to make sure it gets sorted out.

As an aside, 3.8.6 has been out for a week or so and has some fixes
you likely want.

Thanks for the response! I didn't realize this was a plugin. I inherited this 
install and as you know it was a fair bit dated so I was asked to upgrade it. 

As far as my version of HTML::Mason, there appear to be 2 versions, 1.36 and 
1.42. If I do:

use HTML::Mason;
print $HTML::Mason::VERSION\n;

I get 1.42, so I guess that is what is being used by RT?

Course, if I look at that file it contains only:

package HTML::Mason;
# Copyright (c) 1998-2005 by Jonathan Swartz. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

use 5.006;

$HTML::Mason::VERSION = '1.42';

use HTML::Mason::Interp;

sub version
return $HTML::Mason::VERSION;



Followed by a bunch of perldoc text. 

This made me think, where is HTML::Mason::Commands? Well it's not on this 
machine, nor is it installable:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install HTML::Mason::Commands' Warning: Cannot install 
HTML::Mason::Commands, don't know what it is.

The CPAN page says this about HTML::Mason::Commands:
This was the documentation for the mc_ command set. In Mason 0.8 and beyond, 
mc_ commands have been replaced by the new HTML::Mason::Request 

So now I'm really confused... 


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[rt-users] RT4 Status Report

2009-09-09 Thread Sean McCreadie
I haven't seen a status report since the one in March, are there any updates?  
I am looking to upgrade my system soon but understand RT4 will be a major 
upgrade, so Im anxious to see it released.  Thank you.


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Re: [rt-users] RT4 Status Report

2009-09-09 Thread Sean McCreadie
OK thanks good to know.  So a release date is 2010?  Ill work on upgrading 
production to 3.8.4, hopefully there will be some sort of upgrade path to 4.0 
when it is released?  Thanks for all the hard work and a great product!

-Original Message-
From: Jesse Vincent [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 7:30 AM
To: Sean McCreadie
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT4 Status Report

On Wed  9.Sep'09 at  6:57:46 -0700, Sean McCreadie wrote:
 I haven’t seen a status report since the one in March, are there any updates? 
 I am looking to upgrade my system soon but understand RT4 will be a major
 upgrade, so Im anxious to see it released.  Thank you.

We're hard at work. It's hard work. And clients always come first ;)

You shouldn't be planning to upgrade a production RT instance to RT 4.0
in 2009. It's a fairly serious project with a LOT of code churn.

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[rt-users] RT feature request

2009-08-02 Thread Sean

Not sure what/where the appropriate place is for an RFE, just thought I'd 
suggest it while im thinking of it.

I'd like to suggest a way to implement a .. for lack of better terminology, a 
ticket flow so - for example - User X wants to order a server. This goes 
through several different people/queues, it would go to the purchasing queue 
first, then the facilities queue, than the appropriate OS groups build queue. 
Right now, this can be done with
a manual parent/child method (i.e. user X request is the parent, and a child is 
created for each subtask) or the ticket is moved from queue-to-queue/group to 
group. It has been asked if, instead of a manual process, a flow could be 
modeled whereby a build ticket would be created, and when that ticket was 
closed, a new one (or child or however this would want to be done) 
automatically created in the next step until resolution.
This would take a lot of the manual-ness out of the process.

Along with this comes the possibility of ticket types - incident vs. problem 
vs. build vs. quote request etc etc etc.. Whats nice about this
is that you can have a ticket of a build type go into the facilities queue, 
and that ticket, since it is a build type, could have a bunch of required 
custom fields that facilities would need to fill out (coincidentily, ticket 
types could be linked to the flow suggestion above - meaning a build type 
ticket would automatically go into the build flow) - and at the same time, a 
ticket for someone needing a machine physically power cycled could submit a 
trouble ticket to the facilities queue - and that ticket, since it's not a 
build type ticket but a trouble ticket, would have none of the custom fields 
that the build type had.

So, my RFE is for a flow modelling ability along with a ticket type attribute 
that triggers various custom fields and links with flow types.

Im sure like I said in the first suggestion, these sorts of things
can be manually done, and certain things may have been suggested in various 
forms in the past, so I apologize if this is redundant, mainly, I just want to 
automate a lot of what is done manually today, and offer
uses a lot of bang for their buck so to speak with this change, offering a 
lot of flexibility to an already great tool.

Apologize also if this was the wrong place to suggest this to.




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[rt-users] Correspond vs. Comment on resolve

2009-07-30 Thread Sean

On RT 3.8.4, if I put my mouse over the resolve link on a ticket, 
it goes to Update.html?Action=comment How can I change
that to Action=Correspond  ? Not sure where this lives. I just
want it to do correspondance by default when someone resolves a ticket vs. 
comment by default




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Re: [rt-users] Remove AdminCc based on Custom Field Value

2009-07-27 Thread Mchugh, Sean
On Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:26 AM, Kevin Falcoe wrote:


  so, since I can determine a successful job based on the custom field
  NB_STATUS, which is transmitted
  in the body of the message, I would like to delete all AdminCc
  Here's what I have in my custom scrip:
 I suspect you're running into a problem distinguishing AdminCcs on the
 Queue level vs the Ticket level.
 Instead of trying to remove the AdminCcs, I'd put a User Defined
 condition on the default On Create Notify AdminCc that returns false
 if your CF is set, just make sure the CF gets set first and you may
 need to make some of the Scrips be TransactionBatch (see the config

Thanks Kevin.  One question:  after making 'On Create NotifyAdminCc'
user defined,
what must I drop into the Custom Action to actually keep the former
behavior ?  Can I just
copy from the perl source ?

  my $nbstatus = $self-TicketObj-FirstCustomFieldValue('NB_STATUS');
  if ($nbstatus == 0) {
my $admincc = $self-TicketObj-AdminCcAddresses;
my @watchers = split /\,/,$admincc;
$RT::Logger-warning(Scrip 12 found watchers:
foreach my $watcher (@watchers) {
   my ($st, $msg) =
  The ticket status is set correctly, but I can't seem to get any of
  'Watcher' related code to work;
  1.) AdminCcAddresses returns nothing
  2.) This custom scrip's description starts with a 00 and is set for
  TransactionBatch, as is Scrip #4; and
  I can see in the ticket history, that my custom scrip is
  before the Notify Admins scrip
  3.) The AdminCc is set on the Queue that this custom scrip executes
  and points to a group.
  Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
  Sean McHugh
  VP, Dir. of Global Services
  Grey Group
  p. 212-546-1926
  c. 917-916-8644
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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.2 - 3.8.4 upgrade issue FCKeditor error

2009-07-22 Thread Sean

Apologies, yes you are correct, it is 3.8.4 (doh!) I have
updated the subject line accordingly.

 You don't give an IE version

IE 7, also tried Firefox just now, same error.

I'll poke around a bit more.

--- On Tue, 7/21/09, Kevin Falcone wrote:

 From: Kevin Falcone
 Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.2 - 3.8.6 upgrade issue FCKeditor error
 Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 3:11 PM
 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 11:53:00AM
 -0700, Sean wrote:
  I recently upgraded from 3.8.2 to 3.8.6 
 There is no 3.8.6, I assume you mean 3.8.4
  When using the web interface, any interaction
 involving the FCK
  editor (i.e. create ticket, reply, resolve, comment)
 induces a
  pop-up window (in IE, dont have firefox to test) which
 says Unknown
 You don't give an IE version
  toolbar item CreateDiv  - if I click ok the
 FCKeditor loads.
  Luckily, I am doing this on a test instance. When
 comparing the two
  FCKeditor screens, there are several buttons missing
 on the 3.8.6
  screen vs. the 3.8.2 in the editor. I can provide
 screenshots if
  requested, but I think this is more a problem with
 CreateDiv vs
  the actual buttons themselves.
 3.8.4 was tested with IE6/7/8 and I don't see this behavior
 retesting with IE8.
 CreateDiv is used in the current version of FCKEditor, it
 is not an RT
 extension, so I don't know why you would be getting this
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[rt-users] Remove AdminCc based on Custom Field Value

2009-07-21 Thread Mchugh, Sean
I have a queue that records backup job status.  When a notification
comes in for a successful job, I don't want to send out a Notify Admins
email (Global Scrip #4);

so, since I can determine a successful job based on the custom field
NB_STATUS, which is transmitted
in the body of the message, I would like to delete all AdminCc users.

Here's what I have in my custom scrip:

my $nbstatus = $self-TicketObj-FirstCustomFieldValue('NB_STATUS');
if ($nbstatus == 0) { 
  my $admincc = $self-TicketObj-AdminCcAddresses;
  my @watchers = split /\,/,$admincc;
  $RT::Logger-warning(Scrip 12 found watchers:
  foreach my $watcher (@watchers) {
 my ($st, $msg) =

The ticket status is set correctly, but I can't seem to get any of the
'Watcher' related code to work;

1.) AdminCcAddresses returns nothing
2.) This custom scrip's description starts with a 00 and is set for
TransactionBatch, as is Scrip #4; and
I can see in the ticket history, that my custom scrip is executing
before the Notify Admins scrip
3.) The AdminCc is set on the Queue that this custom scrip executes on
and points to a group.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Sean McHugh
VP, Dir. of Global Services
Grey Group
p. 212-546-1926
c. 917-916-8644


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[rt-users] RT 3.8.2 - 3.8.6 upgrade issue FCKeditor error

2009-07-21 Thread Sean

I recently upgraded from 3.8.2 to 3.8.6 

When using the web interface, any interaction involving
the FCK editor (i.e. create ticket, reply, resolve, comment) induces a pop-up 
window (in IE, dont have firefox to test) which says Unknown toolbar item 
CreateDiv  - if I click ok the FCKeditor loads. Luckily, I am 
doing this on a test instance. When comparing the two FCKeditor screens, there 
are several buttons missing on the 3.8.6 screen vs. the 3.8.2 in the editor. I 
can provide screenshots if requested, but I think this is more a problem with 
CreateDiv vs the actual buttons themselves.

Any ideas?




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[rt-users] Completely remove AdminCCs for certain tickets..

2009-07-15 Thread Mchugh, Sean
Hi all,

I have a general Queue in use which received notifications from our
backup system.
I want to:

a.) log all notification (success / fail / incomplete)
b.) only notify AdminCc and other Watchers when it's a failure /

Right now, my OnCreate scrip for this queue checks the sender and a
custom field on message arrival
to help me recognize if the request is a notification and if whether
it's a failure/incomplete or success.

If it's a success, I immediately resolve the ticket;  this is working,
however, what I would also like
to do is not have RT send out any email

I've looked for a method to SetAdminCc, but cannot find any;  DelMember
and DelAdminCc(from CommandByEmail)
seem to require either iterating through the set of watchers or knowing
who's on the AdminCc list;  

I was wondering if there was a way to switch Templates during the
transaction and change it to Blank

Any ideas ?

Sean McHugh
VP, Dir. of Global Services
Grey Group
p. 212-546-1926
c. 917-916-8644


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[rt-users] ExternalAuth + Anonymous emails to queue

2009-03-30 Thread Mchugh, Sean
Hi all,


I'm using RT with ExternalAuth (v 0.8);  everything works perfectly fine

with respect to ldap/AD authentication and access.


However, I'm trying to allow a single queue to receive requests from any

email address (ie.  @gmail , etc) without knowing who the end user is

without creating accounts for these folks...


On the Queue, I have Everyone with the following rights:










Is it possible to do this without a major hack/reconfig ?




Sean McHugh

VP, Dir. of Global Services

Grey Group

p. 212-546-1926


c. 917-916-8644




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Re: [rt-users] Tracking a bug with WYSIWYG editor and IE7

2009-03-24 Thread Sean

Are there more people than michael and I that are interested in a solution to 
this? I can't believe that this isn't affecting more people. Maybe nobody uses 
signature lines? It seriously breaks messages when you have a signature and use 
the WYSIWYG editor, so this seems like a fairly big bug.

I have spent  alot of time trying to solve this, it is over my head, is anyone 
out there working on solving this? Im sure michael is also very interested in a 
solution as well, and hopefully others are too.

--- On Fri, 3/20/09, Michael Finn wrote:

 From: Michael Finn
 Subject: Re: [rt-users] Tracking a bug with WYSIWYG editor and IE7
 Date: Friday, March 20, 2009, 6:40 AM
 FWIW, the problem persists in IE8...
  -Original Message-
 [mailto:rt-users-] On Behalf Of Michael
  Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 10:58 AM
  Subject: Re: [rt-users] Tracking a bug with WYSIWYG
 editor and IE7
  I can't seem to let this go.  Comparing the
 Download (untitled) data
  with my signature, I see that they are the same length
 and shape --
  same number of characters on each line.  That should
 be a big clue as
  the truncation problem, as well as the
 'random' spaces in the middle
  words -- they correspond to newline positions in my
  Why does this only happen in IE (6/7/?)?  Why only
 when I'm creating a
  *new* ticket and not on reply/comment?
  Still investigating...
   -Original Message-
 [mailto:rt-users-] On Behalf Of
 Michael Finn
   Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 8:01 PM
   Subject: Re: [rt-users] Tracking a bug with
 WYSIWYG editor and IE7
   A-ha!  That's a reasonable theory... I've
 got a signature on my
   account; my other users... not so much. ;)
   FWIW, I also have the problem occur on IE6.
   As you suggested, I removed my signature from my
 Preferences, and
   problem went away.  Now, how does this help us
 solve the problem?
   it were Firefox, I'd use Chris Pederick's
 wonderful Web Developer
   on (
 to pick it
   anyone recommend a similar tool for IE7?
-Original Message-
From: Sean
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 5:54 PM
To: Alex Young;; Michael Finn
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Tracking a bug with
 WYSIWYG editor and IE7
I too am seeing this problem.
it only happens when:
1. the WYSIWYG editor is being used
2. IE7 is the browser
3. The user has a signature (i.e. RT
 automatically inserts text)
Im wondering if it has to do with the
 signature column being TEXT
VARCHAR or something along those lines..
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Re: [rt-users] reply with attachment

2009-03-14 Thread Mchugh, Sean
Definitely a valid approach which we use internally.  However, we are dealing 
with a few external entities on the other end that have highly restricted 
internet access and arranging for that access is not always timely.

-Original Message-
From: Jerrad Pierce
To: Mchugh, Sean
Sent: Sat Mar 14 16:11:20 2009
Subject: Re: [rt-users] reply with attachment

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 01:17, Mchugh, Sean wrote:
 I'm looking for a quick and easy template that can add a variety of
 attachments to an email response.

 The purpose is to email customers legal forms and documents that need to be
 filled out as part of particular requests before the request can be worked

 Anyone done this yet ?
Our solution has been to not abuse the email servers involved, and simply
include URIs to the forms on an ftp server. It's a simple approach,
but it works.

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Re: [rt-users] reply with attachment

2009-03-14 Thread Mchugh, Sean
Thanks, that's the recommendation I was looking for - the files don't change 
much, but they're just unique to each queue.

-Original Message-
From: Jerrad Pierce
To: Mchugh, Sean
Sent: Sat Mar 14 18:48:08 2009
Subject: Re: [rt-users] reply with attachment

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 18:29, Mchugh, Sean wrote:
 Definitely a valid approach which we use internally.  However, we are
 dealing with a few external entities on the other end that have highly
 restricted internet access and arranging for that access is not always
Well then, assuming http file service is also out, by a variety of files do
you mean many or that they change? (Although if they change you're
going to have to have a complicated scrip to handle the responses). If it's
just to attach many, I'd precompose a MIME message with attachments,
and use that as my template. A little work up front, but it also saves the
server from repeatedly encoding the same content.

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Re: [rt-users] Advice for New Machine

2009-03-13 Thread Sean

On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 15:16 -0500, John Arends wrote:
 Gary Greene wrote:
  I would go CentOS for the machine if you're a RH person, since it is 
  practically the same thing, and there are more than a few of us CentOS 
  users running RT with our own RPMs.

 What version of RT are you running on top of CentOS? With 3.8.2 there 
 are so many dependencies it seems to be a near impossible task to build 
 RPMs for all the required perl modules. I've been playing with the 
 script included with RT and it does a pretty good job of pulling 
 everything down from CPAN and installing it.

We recently updated from 3.6 to 3.8. I tried to get 3.8.2 going in an
OpenSolaris (snv_101) zone and Ubuntu 8.10 (also tried Jaunty alpha)
server installation. Neither was anywhere close to a clean install, and
neither worked to my level of satisfaction. I ended up using a Gentoo
server. In my opinion, Gentoo and RT 3.8 is a pretty good match. Being a
source based distribution helps, I think.

Just my 2c.


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Re: [rt-users] Advice for New Machine

2009-03-13 Thread Sean

 Can I assume your voting for Linux?

Within the context of RT I don't understand what voting for Linux is
supposed to mean. RT doesn't care about what kernel is running. It only
cares about the supporting software, which itself is also independent of
the kernel.
Based on my experience, I believe a source-based distribution is the
best way to go, unless somebody wants to hand build every necessary
component, starting with perl and apache. That is something I
considered, but the maintenance involved with that kind of environment
is not something I wanted to tackle. 

I have a lot of familiarity with the portage package management system
of Gentoo, which is why I chose it. It just so happens that the Gentoo
distribution is primarily a Linux based distribution. But the running
kernel played little to no role in my choice.

I suspect using ports with a FreeBSD platform would work just as well
for someone who is familiar with ports. It's not about the kernel, it's
about the software environment. In my opinion a software environment
with a source based package management system is the best option because
of all the different software pieces required for RT to function



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[rt-users] reply with attachment

2009-03-13 Thread Mchugh, Sean
I'm looking for a quick and easy template that can add a variety of attachments 
to an email response.
The purpose is to email customers legal forms and documents that need to be 
filled out as part of particular requests before the request can be worked on.
Anyone done this yet ?

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Re: [rt-users] Tracking a bug with WYSIWYG editor and IE7

2009-03-11 Thread Sean

I too am seeing this problem.

it only happens when:

1. the WYSIWYG editor is being used
2. IE7 is the browser
3. The user has a signature (i.e. RT automatically inserts text)

Im wondering if it has to do with the signature column being TEXT vs. VARCHAR 
or something along those lines..

--- On Fri, 2/27/09, Michael Finn wrote:

 From: Michael Finn
 Subject: Re: [rt-users] Tracking a bug with WYSIWYG editor and IE7
 To: Alex Young,
 Date: Friday, February 27, 2009, 11:44 AM
 Further testing:
 Logged into a different PC (Remote Desktop); logged into RT
 w/ IE7 -- same problem (55 chars, extra garbage).
 Logged into RT as root w/ IE7 -- did NOT have the
 Fellow IT user (with same permissions as mine) is also not
 having this problem.
 It looks like *I'm* the lucky one. :(
 What could it be about *my* login in RT that's causing
 this issue???
  -Original Message-
 [mailto:rt-users-] On Behalf Of Michael
  Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 9:28 AM
  To: Alex Young;
  Subject: Re: [rt-users] Tracking a bug with WYSIWYG
 editor and IE7
  I just tried it with RTFM disabled, and got the same
  Subject: 3rd test of RT in IE7
  MIME-Version: 1.0
  Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
  X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.427 (Entity 5.427)
  Content-Disposition: inline
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
  X-RT-Original-Encoding: utf-8
  Content-Length: 55
  've disabled
  RTFMnbsp;to test the IE7 pr
   -Original Message-
   From: Alex Young
   Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 5:04 AM
   To: Michael Finn;
   Subject: RE: Tracking a bug with WYSIWYG editor
 and IE7
   I am using pretty much the same as you, except
 I'm running IE7 on
   Michael, do oyu still have this bug if you
 disable RTFM?
   I can reproduce the error consistantly whenever I
 hit reply/comment
   a specific transaction. Depending on which
 transaction I
   on changes the site that the data is truncated.
 Doesnt matter how
   more I type into the reply/comment, each
 transaction also truncated
   the same bytes regardless.
   The Javascript errors I had in IE had nothing to
 do with this bug. I
   fixed it my removing the references to
 scriptalicous.js and
   prototype.js in the modified header from the
   -Original Message-
   From: Michael Finn []
   Sent: 25 February 2009 20:59
   To: Alex Young;
   Subject: Tracking a bug with WYSIWYG editor and
   The only extension I have is RTFM. More specs:
   MySQL 5.0.67 (external server)
   IE 7.0.5730.11 on WinXP SP3
   IE7 Add-ons don't apply, because I
 experienced the same issue in IE7
   safe mode ('iexplore
   I'm baffled.
-Original Message-
From: Alex Young
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:38 PM
To: Michael Finn;
Subject: RE: [rt-users] Trying to track a
 bug with WYSIWYG
and RTx-EmailCompletion
Hmmm... odd that I dont get the error when I
 remove RTx-
EmailCompletion, but you're not using
 it. What other extensions are
using? Do you still get this problem if they
 are disabled?
Mine is getting truncated at 319 characters
 on every one. I never
noticed it before.
Looks like my JavaScript error is unrelated.
 Its a RTx-
specific error that, so nothing to do with
 the truncation.
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.427 (Entity 5.427)
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
X-RT-Original-Encoding: utf-8
Content-Length: 319
pDoes it do it when inserting
 content fro
m the previous page?/p
pOn Wed Feb 25 14:58:45 2009, ayoung
br /
gt; T
his is a
g winded reply to see if IE will br
 with the WYSIWYG br /

gt; editor yet br /
gt; again. br /
gt; br /
cant understand why it breaks. br /
-Original Message-
From: Michael Finn
Sent: 25 February 2009 18:26
To: Alex Young;
Subject: RE: [rt-users] Trying to track a
 bug with WYSIWYG
and RTx-EmailCompletion

Re: [rt-users] DBD::mysql error when installing rt 3.8.2 on Cent OS 5.2

2009-02-18 Thread Sean Corey

upgrade DBD::mysql

Your version of DBD::mysql is to old to do the upgrade. I ran into this 
earlier today.

Sean Corey

Shannon Adams wrote:
 I am in the process of migrating RT from an old server running Fedora Core 4, 
 RT ver 3.8.1, and mysql version 4.1.20-log.  I upgraded RT on this old server 
 a while back and ran into the random logouts, binary attachment problems, etc.
 I have installed a new server running Cent OS 5.2.  The installation of RT 
 3.8.2 and restore of the data from the old server is complete. This server is 
 running mysql version 5.0.45.

 From what I have read in all the documents, I need to upgrade my database on 
 the new server since it was running on an old version of mysql.  However, 
 when I run this:  perl etc/upgrade/ rt3 password 
 password  sql.queries, it returns:

 DBD::mysql version 4.002 required--this is only version 3.0007 at 
 etc/upgrade/up line 7. 
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at etc/upgrade/ line 

 To attempt to upgrade DBD::mysql, I run: perl -MCPAN -e'install DBD::mysql' 
 but, it returns:

 Running make install
 make test had returned bad status, won't install without force

 Any ideas?


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Re: [rt-users] RTFM 2.4.1 on RT 3.8.2

2009-02-03 Thread Sean McCreadie



My looks like this:





Maybe this will help.






[] On Behalf Of Josh
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 8:10 AM
Subject: [rt-users] RTFM 2.4.1 on RT 3.8.2


I am attempting to install RTFM 2.4.1 on my existing (fully functional)
RT 3.8.2 installation.  This is on a CentOS 5 host with RT installed in
the standard location (/opt/rt3).  So, I do the following (all of which
complete without any error messages):


cd /usr/local/src


tar zxf RTFM-2.4.1.tar.gz

cd RTFM-2.4.1

perl Makefile.PL


make install

make initdb

/etc/init.d/httpd restart


I login to RT as a SuperUser and I don't see any reference to RTFM.  


I know that with other RT plugins (RT-Authen-ExternalAuth), I have
needed to include a line in my  But when I tried
adding this [  Set( @Plugins, (qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth),RT-FM));  ]
and restarting, it had no impact.


Any suggestions?  Am I missing a simple step?  Thanks,



- - - -

Joshua Fiske '03, '04

Network and Security Engineer

Clarkson University, Office of Information Technology

(315) 268-6722 -- Fax:  (315) 268-6570

I route, therefore you are.


   Think before you print.


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Re: [rt-users] Poor graphics.

2009-01-30 Thread Sean McCreadie
Anybody able to resolve this?  I have the same issue, running Centos 5.2 
though, have installed graphviz.  I get the same thing as Albert.  Thanks in 
advance for any help.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Albert Shih
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 3:53 AM
Subject: [rt-users] Poor graphics.

Hi all

When I use the charts of tickets relantionship, I get very poor charts, event I 
click and many box in Show Tickets Properties on section I don't have 
anything. Just something like

I got no error in my log. 

Any help ? 

NB: I'm running rt-3.8.2 on FreeBSD with manual install

Albert SHIH
SIO batiment 15
Observatoire de Paris Meudon
5 Place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon Cedex
Téléphone : 01 45 07 76 26
Heure local/Local time:
Ven 30 jan 2009 12:46:46 CET

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[rt-users] Trouble with Relationship Graphs in RT 3.8.2 on Centos 5

2009-01-20 Thread Sean McCreadie


I have installed RT 3.8.2 on a fresh Centos 5 box for testing.
Everything is looking great so far but Ive ran into the issue with the
ticket relationship charts again.  I have had trouble with this months
ago when I set up a 3.8.1 box and was never able to resolve.  I
installed graphviz (both from source and from yum) and webdot, but when
I click on the graph link and check a few boxes, I only get a
rudimentary BW chart, no colors (even though I selected it from the
dropdown).  Does anyone have any idea what may be the issue?  When I
look in /var/log/messages, I get these errors:


RT: Couldn't find property handler for 'CF' and 'Type of Request' 
subkeys (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Graph/ 

RT: Couldn't find property handler for 'ReferredToBy' and '' subkeys 

RT: Couldn't find property handler for 'RefersTo' and '' subkeys 



Here is a link to my first question on this back in November, I have
tried everything suggested in the responses.  Thanks in advance, this
list has been invaluable.



Sean McCreadie



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Re: [rt-users] Richtext spell checker

2009-01-09 Thread Sean
Has anyone got this working? I've spent 16+ hours trying to get this to
work. It seems simple enough. i got past the part where it was saying page not 
found, and now just get php script errors in the spellchecker.php


--- On Sun, 10/12/08, Jesse Vincent wrote:

 From: Jesse Vincent
 Subject: Re: [rt-users] Richtext spell checker
 To: Alex Young
 Date: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 6:50 AM
 On Thu  9.Oct'08 at 21:25:34 +0100, Alex Young wrote:
 Anyone managed to get Aspell working in FCK editor
 in RT?
 I believe you need to set up a bit more custom handling for
 spelling system. We haven't pushed very hard at this --
 as we've 
 worked with clients, we've found that browser-based
 basically ALWAYS work better.
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[rt-users] A solution found for my RT 3.8.1 slowness

2008-12-29 Thread Sean

Just thought I would pass along something that worked for me to solve
some of my RT 3.8.1 slowness.

Everything worked fine for me until I clicked Tickets - I had the 10-15 
second slowness to load the ticket search page.
I had upgraded from 3.6.4 to 3.8.1 (new install of RT, import database.)

I tried every suggestion I could find on the net, every mysql tweak I could 
find, and nothing worked.

On a whim, I brought up mysql administrator, clicked the rt3 database, 
highlighted all the tables, clicked maintanence, then clicked Optimize tables 
- which rebuilds the indexes etc.. And guess what? for once something did what 
it said it would! optimize! :-)

Now the search page loads just as quickly as every other page. Hope this helps 


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[rt-users] Assets and RTx::Calendar

2008-12-17 Thread Sean

I have 2 custom fields in Asset tracker, a project start date  end date.
Each server has this field.

I also have RTx::Calendar installed, and it works great for tickets, but
does not work at all with Assets. I want to be able to query the AT database 
for the start and end dates, and put them on the calendar.

Is there a way to do this that I don't know about? Has anyone modified 
RTx::calendar to be able to do this?



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Re: [rt-users] Lost Links after Upgrade 3.6.7 - 3.8.1

2008-12-04 Thread Sean
Im having this same problem, Im not sure I understand the solution though?
What do I need to change back, and change back to what? Im just confused, and
whatever it is, it seemed to fix it for Thomas, so I would love to fix it 
myself :-)


- Original Message 
From: Knaupp, Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jesse Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: rt mailing list
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 9:01:54 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Lost Links after Upgrade 3.6.7 - 3.8.1

That's it  : )

Thank you  : )

| -Original Message-
| From: Jesse Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 3:31 PM
| To: Knaupp, Thomas
| Cc: rt mailing list
| Subject: Re: [rt-users] Lost Links after Upgrade 3.6.7 - 3.8.1
| You probably changed your $Organization field in the RT 
| config file.  
| You'd want to change it back.
| -j
| On Aug 25, 2008, at 9:29 AM, Knaupp, Thomas wrote:
|  Hello List,
|  after upgrading rt 3.6.7 to 3.8.1, all links
|  ( Depends on / Parents / Refers to / etc.)
|  seem to be lost  : /
|  Suggestions?
|  Anyone who knows a solution for this?
|  Regards,
|  Tom

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[rt-users] Quick upgrade to 3.8.1 question RE: ical

2008-12-03 Thread Sean

I installed the ical extension a long time ago (I have RT 3.6.1)

In the upgrade to 3.8.1 it says:

RT::Extension::iCal has been integrated into core, so you MUST uninstall
it before upgrading. In addition, you must run etc/upgrade/3.8-ical-extension
script to convert old data.

Firstly, is the order:
1. uninstall
2. run etc/upgrade/3.8-ical-extension

Secondly, Im not sure how to uninstall RT::Extension::iCal  how do you do this?



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Re: [rt-users] RT::Authen::ExternalAuth v0.06 Released - Includes 3.8.xCompatibility

2008-11-03 Thread Sean McCreadie

Thank you for looking at my problem.  I disabled the log stack traces as
you suggested and attached the new log file.  Now I can see that it is
indeed authenticating my test user Joe User with my AD. The attached
log file contains the results of first logging in successfully as root
and then as Joe User. When I try to login as the AD user in the web UI I
get the following error in the browser:

Can't call method SetDisabled on an undefined value at
/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/ line 1087,  line 514.

Thanks again for all the help.


Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 1:28 AM
To: Sean McCreadie
Cc: RT Users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT::Authen::ExternalAuth v0.06 Released -
Includes 3.8.xCompatibility

Sean McCreadie wrote:
 Hello Mike,
 Thank you and Kevin for working hard on this release, I am excited to
 hopefully get it working on my RT 3.8.1 server.  I have installed the
 v0.06 release but I am running into difficulty getting it going.  I
 drilled over the lists trying to get info regarding the errors I am
 seeing but so far I have been unable to get users to authenticate with
 AD.  I am running a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory, pretty sure
 anonymous binding is disabled.  I have attached my SiteConfig file, as
 well as the logging in rt.log when I try to authenticate. I have tried
 many different ways of entering the 'user' value to no avail.  I have
 problem authenticating with the local root account. Im not sure how or
 where to look to see if the RT server is even attempting to
 users to AD, when I look through the rt.log file it doesn't appear to
 be.   Thanks in advance for any insight.

Can you turn off log stack traces and repost an rt.log? I'm having
difficulty reading through the one you sent quickly and don't have a lot
of time for reading v. slowly.

FWIW, your looks right on the money.

Kind Regards,


Mike Peachey, IT
Tel: +44 114 281 2655
Fax: +44 114 281 2951
Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:00 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and reloading 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:01 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and reloading 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:01 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and reloading 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and reloading 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
dc=canyonpartners,dc=local == Filter: ((objectClass=*)(sAMAccountName=root)) 
== Attrs: 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [debug]: Disable Check Failed :: ( My_LDAP ) root 
User not found 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [debug]: RT::User::IsExternalPassword Trying 
External authentication 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth service: 
My_LDAP (/opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
dc=canyonpartners,dc=local == Filter: ((sAMAccountName=root)(objectClass=*)) 
== Attrs: dn 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [info]: My_LDAP AUTH FAILED: root User not found or 
more than one user found 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [info]: RT::User::IsExternalPassword External Auth 
Failed: root 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [debug]: RT::User::IsPassword External auth FAILED 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [info]: RT::User::IsInternalPassword AUTH OKAY: root 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [debug]: RT::User::IsPassword Internal auth 
[Mon Nov  3 14:20:10 2008] [info]: Successful login for root from

Re: [rt-users] RT::Authen::ExternalAuth v0.06 Released - Includes 3.8.xCompatibility

2008-11-02 Thread Sean McCreadie
Hello Mike,

Thank you and Kevin for working hard on this release, I am excited to
hopefully get it working on my RT 3.8.1 server.  I have installed the
v0.06 release but I am running into difficulty getting it going.  I have
drilled over the lists trying to get info regarding the errors I am
seeing but so far I have been unable to get users to authenticate with
AD.  I am running a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory, pretty sure
anonymous binding is disabled.  I have attached my SiteConfig file, as
well as the logging in rt.log when I try to authenticate. I have tried
many different ways of entering the 'user' value to no avail.  I have no
problem authenticating with the local root account. Im not sure how or
where to look to see if the RT server is even attempting to authenticate
users to AD, when I look through the rt.log file it doesn't appear to
be.   Thanks in advance for any insight.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2008 11:46 AM
To: RT Users; RT Devel
Subject: [rt-users] RT::Authen::ExternalAuth v0.06 Released - Includes

Evening All,

I am proud to announce the official release of
v0.06 - the first release to be out-of-the-box compatible with RT 3.8.x.
Thanks to everyone for being so patient in waiting for this, I know it
has been a long time since 3.8.0 came out, but as many know I have been
ridiculously busy.

I want to extend MASSIVE thanks to Kevin Falcone for the work he put
into this, it wouldn't have happened without him - at least not for some

I have uploaded the release to CPAN, but it may take some time for it to
become available and propagate to the mirrors. Once done, you should be
able to install it directly through the CPAN shell or find it here:

Until then, you can install directly from the BPS SVN server's trunk, I
don't expect trunk to be changed at least until mid next week, so you
can trust it to be the same as the release at least until it's available
on CPAN. To get and install it from the SVN server:

$ svn co
$ cd RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make install

Have fun :)

BTW, any bugs or feature requests should be submitted through the CPAN
RT system at
Kind Regards,


Mike Peachey, IT
Tel: +44 114 281 2655
Fax: +44 114 281 2951
Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England

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# Any configuration directives you include  here will override 
# RT's default configuration file,
# To include a directive here, just copy the equivalent statement
# from and change the value. We've included a single
# sample value below.
# This file is actually a perl module, so you can include valid
# perl code, as well.
# The converse is also true, if this file isn't valid perl, you're
# going to run into trouble. To check your SiteConfig file, use
# this comamnd:
#   perl -c /path/to/your/etc/

Set($LogToSyslog, 'debug');
Set($LogToScreen, 'debug');

Set($LogToFile  , 'debug');
Set($LogDir, 'var/log');
Set($LogToFileNamed , rt.log);#log to rt.log

Set($LogStackTraces, 1);

Set($WebBaseURL , http://RT2:80;);
Set($WebPath , );
Set($rtname, Canyon Partners);
Set($Organization , Canyon Partners, LLC);

Set($DatabaseUser , rt_user);
Set($DatabasePassword , password);

Set($FriendlyFromLineFormat , \%s via HelpDesk\ %s);
Set($OwnerEmail , '');
Set($CorrespondAddress , '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
Set($CommentAddress , '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
Set($SendmailPath , /usr/sbin/sendmail);
Set($Timezone , 'US/Pacific'); 

Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch  MyCalendar MyAdminQueues 
MySupportQueues MyReminders  RefreshHomepage MyLocks SavedSearchList)]);

Set (@Plugins,(qw(RT::FM RTx::Calendar RT::Extension::TicketLocking 
RTx::EmailCompletion RT::Authen::ExternalAuth)));

Set( $EmailCompletionSearchFields, [qw(EmailAddress RealName Name)] );

Set($ExternalAuthPriority, ['My_LDAP']); 
Set($ExternalInfoPriority, ['My_LDAP']);
Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS, 0);
Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 0); 

Set($ExternalSettings,  {'My_LDAP'   =  {   ## GENERIC SECTION

Re: [rt-users] Ldap Authentication setup question

2008-10-31 Thread Sean McCreadie

I am downloading the new rev as we speak and will comment shortly.
Thank you very much for all your great help, I appreciate it very much.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 7:35 AM
Cc: RT Users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Ldap Authentication setup question

Alan Cheng wrote:
 I would like to report that v0.06_03 is working for my
 RHEL5/RT-3.8.1/Sun Directory Server 6.3. 


 I am seeing new information in
 my RT log so I know the new version is indeed active.
 [Fri Oct 31 10:17:36 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and
 reloading RT::User


Indeed. You can thank Kevin Falcone for that.

 For v0.06_03 to work, I have to put in Set(
 @Plugins,(qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth))); into but
 didn't need this when running 0.05.  I didn't even know this option
 before reading the posting from Michael Mollard. :)

Yeah, will make sure this is at least in the README before a stable
release (if Kevin hasn't put it in already).

 One little comment is that after checking out the source code from
 I had to cd to RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk instead.

My bad.

 Thanks for releasing this fix!

Pleased to help :) Thanks to Kevin for the majority of the work.

Come on then Michael.. one more confirmed happy person and I'm releasing
it :)
Kind Regards,


Mike Peachey, IT
Tel: +44 114 281 2655
Fax: +44 114 281 2951
Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England

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Community help:
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
Buy a copy at

Re: [rt-users] Ldap Authentication setup question

2008-10-29 Thread Sean McCreadie

Ive been battling trying to get AD external Authentication going as
well.  Im pretty new at RT also, but I have read over all the docs and
these posts several times trying to get it working.  I am having the
exact same issue as Michael in this thread, and I haven't been able to
resolve.  Have either of you figured out a solution?  When I got to my
servers URL I am presented with the normal login screen, but if I try to
login as root, I get this error:

RT::User::UpdateFromExternal Unimplemented in HTML::Mason::Commands.
th/autohandler/Auth line 82)

If I refresh in the browser it then takes me to roots home screen and
everything functions as normal.  I can logout and repeat, I have to
refresh once to get in.  If I try to login as an AD user, I get this

Can't call method Disabled on an undefined value at
/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/ line 971.

I have drilled over my and compared it to the ones
posted on the lists.  I turned on logging to file and it didn't generate
anything I could see that was related.  I checked file permissions on
the files listed below and they are OK.  

 Thanks in advance for all the great help.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 2:55 AM
To: Michael Mollard; RT Users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Ldap Authentication setup question

Michael Mollard wrote:
 Let me know when you're up and about again.  I've installed
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth v.06_2 and now just logging in as local root
generates this error.
 RT::User::UpdateFromExternal Unimplemented in HTML::Mason::Commands.
html/Callbacks/ExternalAuth/autohandler/Auth line 73)

This generally means that the has not been found in the
right place to make its methods available. UpdateFromExternal is an
RT::User method, RT looks in and doesn't find it, ande then
checks for its existence in and Obviously
it's just not finding or is unable to read

File permissions perhaps?

Kind Regards,


Mike Peachey, IT
Tel: +44 114 281 2655
Fax: +44 114 281 2951
Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England

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[rt-users] Trouble getting Relationship Charts to render correctly in RT 3.8.1

2008-10-25 Thread Sean McCreadie


Fresh off the Training class yesterday with Jesse I realized that my new
RT 3.8.1 install isn't rendering the relationship graphs correctly.  I
am able to see the graph link but it only displays a simple BW graph,
when I select the various parameter checkboxes, I get nothing, and I get
several errors in /var/log/messages like this:


RT: Couldn't find property handler for 'CF' and 'Type of Request'
subkeys (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Graph/


RT: Couldn't find property handler for 'ReferredToBy' and '' subkeys


RT: Couldn't find property handler for 'RefersTo' and '' subkeys



I searched the list and found this link
et%20graph;%2377362 , so I tried installing perl-Graphviz, building
from source, via yum, all with no avail.  I am running Centos 5.2
x86_64.  Anybody have any ideas?  


Thanks in advance



Sean McCreadie

IT Support

Canyon Partners, LLC

310 272 1764



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Re: [rt-users] Trouble getting Relationship Charts to render correctlyin RT 3.8.1

2008-10-25 Thread Sean McCreadie
Heres a screenclip  of the graph, no matter what I try all I can get is
the black and white graph with no additional info or colors.  I tried
installing webdot, graphviz, and perl-GraphViz.  What version of
graphviz are people running?  When I use yum it installs graphviz
2.20.3.  Thanks again in advance.



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sean
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 6:10 PM
Subject: [rt-users] Trouble getting Relationship Charts to render
correctlyin RT 3.8.1




Fresh off the Training class yesterday with Jesse I realized that my new
RT 3.8.1 install isn't rendering the relationship graphs correctly.  I
am able to see the graph link but it only displays a simple BW graph,
when I select the various parameter checkboxes, I get nothing, and I get
several errors in /var/log/messages like this:


RT: Couldn't find property handler for 'CF' and 'Type of Request'
subkeys (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Graph/


RT: Couldn't find property handler for 'ReferredToBy' and '' subkeys


RT: Couldn't find property handler for 'RefersTo' and '' subkeys



I searched the list and found this link
et%20graph;%2377362 , so I tried installing perl-Graphviz, building
from source, via yum, all with no avail.  I am running Centos 5.2
x86_64.  Anybody have any ideas?  


Thanks in advance



Sean McCreadie

IT Support

Canyon Partners, LLC

310 272 1764


attachment: ticketgraph.jpg___

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Re: [rt-users] Error trying to create a new user on new 3.8.1 install

2008-10-20 Thread Sean McCreadie
Also, when I look at messages log it has this error every time I click
on create:



RT: Couldn't get principal for not loaded object



Anybody have any ideas? I got my fresh install working great except for
this show stopper.  Thanks again for any insight.




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sean
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 2:03 PM
Subject: [rt-users] Error trying to create a new user on new 3.8.1


When I try to create a new user on a fresh 3.8.1 install, I get this
message when I click on create:


Can't call method Disabled on an undefined value at
/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/ line 1098.


Im not sure what the error means, I haven't modified Modify.html or at all.  Thanks in advance for any help.



Sean McCreadie

IT Support

Canyon Partners, LLC

310 272 1764



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Re: [rt-users] Error trying to create a new user on new 3.8.1 install

2008-10-20 Thread Sean McCreadie

I have aded RTFM, and RTx-Calendar (which ive used before with no
problems), but I did just add TicketLocking extension to my new build
because it looks like something we could use.  Should I disable them in
RT_Siteconfig to test?  Thanks for the quick response.

-Original Message-
From: Kenneth Crocker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 12:32 PM
To: Sean McCreadie
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Error trying to create a new user on new 3.8.1


What autorization extensions are you using in your 


On 10/20/2008 12:25 PM, Sean McCreadie wrote:
 Also, when I look at messages log it has this error every time I click

 on create:
 RT: Couldn't get principal for not loaded object 
 Anybody have any ideas? I got my fresh install working great except
 this show stopper.  Thanks again for any insight.
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Sean 
 *Sent:* Saturday, October 18, 2008 2:03 PM
 *Subject:* [rt-users] Error trying to create a new user on new 3.8.1
 When I try to create a new user on a fresh 3.8.1 install, I get this 
 message when I click on create:
 Can't call method Disabled on an undefined value at 
 /opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/ line 1098.
 Im not sure what the error means, I haven't modified Modify.html or at all.  Thanks in advance for any help.
 Sean McCreadie
 IT Support
 Canyon Partners, LLC
 310 272 1764

 Community help:
 Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
 Buy a copy at


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[rt-users] Error trying to create a new user on new 3.8.1 install

2008-10-18 Thread Sean McCreadie
When I try to create a new user on a fresh 3.8.1 install, I get this
message when I click on create:


Can't call method Disabled on an undefined value at
/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/ line 1098.


Im not sure what the error means, I haven't modified Modify.html or at all.  Thanks in advance for any help.



Sean McCreadie

IT Support

Canyon Partners, LLC

310 272 1764



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Re: [rt-users] Problem with Asset Tracker button appearance on RT 3.8.1

2008-10-15 Thread Sean McCreadie
Ok great, thanks for the heads up, ill keep my eye out for any updates
you have on this.

-Original Message-
From: Philip Kime [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 7:52 AM
To: Todd Chapman
Cc: Sean McCreadie;
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Problem with Asset Tracker button appearance on
RT 3.8.1

On 15 Oct 2008, at 4:15 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:


 Philip Kime has been working on AT updates for 3.8. Philip, what was  
 your solution to this?

I noticed this too and only looked at it briefly before realising that  
there were a number of CSS and layout things that need changing for  
3.8.1. I have no fix for this yet but am looking into it.

Dr Philip Kime


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Re: [rt-users] Problem with Asset Tracker button appearance on RT 3.8.1

2008-10-15 Thread Sean McCreadie
Heres a screenshot of the issue, forgot to attach in first email.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sean
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:35 AM
Subject: [rt-users] Problem with Asset Tracker button appearance on RT




I recently installed Asset Tracker 1.2.3 on a fresh 3.8.1 build and
noticed that the new asset of type button and dropdown menu are both
pushed under the search button and field up at the top of the page.  I
have used AT with earlier RT versions with no issues, is this something
anyone else has seen?  Any idea on how to push it back to the left?
Also, anybody heard anything about an updated release of AT?  I really
like it and use it every day.  Thanks in advance for any help.



Sean McCreadie

IT Support

Canyon Partners, LLC

310 272 1764


attachment: AT.jpg___

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[rt-users] Problem with Asset Tracker button appearance on RT 3.8.1

2008-10-15 Thread Sean McCreadie


I recently installed Asset Tracker 1.2.3 on a fresh 3.8.1 build and
noticed that the new asset of type button and dropdown menu are both
pushed under the search button and field up at the top of the page.  I
have used AT with earlier RT versions with no issues, is this something
anyone else has seen?  Any idea on how to push it back to the left?
Also, anybody heard anything about an updated release of AT?  I really
like it and use it every day.  Thanks in advance for any help.



Sean McCreadie

IT Support

Canyon Partners, LLC

310 272 1764



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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.: Customize RT at a glance

2008-10-08 Thread Sean McCreadie


I edited my RT at a glance title by first copying the index.html file from 
/opt/rt3/share/html  to /opt/rt3/local/html  and then modifying it.  You may 
need to create the /local/html directory if you haven't before.  In this file 
you will see on line 6 and line 81  (3.8.1) the text for RT at a glance.  One 
line is for the title in the main body of the page and the other modifies the 
browser tab title. You can change it to whatever you like.  I actually changed 
mine to pull the company name from the RT_Siteconfig file, so it reads  
Company Name Request Tracker  I did this by inserting  [_1] Request Tracker 
into lines 6 and 81 where RT at a glance used to be.  






From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gabriel Cadieux
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 8:41 AM
To: Filipe José Silva Clemente;
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.: Customize RT at a glance


i'm sure you can change all that stuff if you edit the raw html/perl stuff.


have a look in there and grep for RT at a Glance or whatever the spelling is 
for the string you want..


as for the color, it's probably in the css somewhere if there is some (i'm 



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Filipe José 
Silva Clemente
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 10:34 AM
Subject: [rt-users] RT 3.8.: Customize RT at a glance



Is it possible to change the home page title displayed (RT at a 
Glance) to something like Helpdesk Homepage ?


Is it possible to change the RT 3.8 web console blue color, to some 
other color?







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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.: Customize RT at a glance

2008-10-08 Thread Sean McCreadie
Also, in order to see the changes don't forget to clear your Mason cache and 
restart apache.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sean McCreadie
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 2:58 PM
To: Gabriel Cadieux; Filipe José Silva Clemente;
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.: Customize RT at a glance




I edited my RT at a glance title by first copying the index.html file from 
/opt/rt3/share/html  to /opt/rt3/local/html  and then modifying it.  You may 
need to create the /local/html directory if you haven't before.  In this file 
you will see on line 6 and line 81  (3.8.1) the text for RT at a glance.  One 
line is for the title in the main body of the page and the other modifies the 
browser tab title. You can change it to whatever you like.  I actually changed 
mine to pull the company name from the RT_Siteconfig file, so it reads  
Company Name Request Tracker  I did this by inserting  [_1] Request Tracker 
into lines 6 and 81 where RT at a glance used to be.  






From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gabriel Cadieux
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 8:41 AM
To: Filipe José Silva Clemente;
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.: Customize RT at a glance


i'm sure you can change all that stuff if you edit the raw html/perl stuff.


have a look in there and grep for RT at a Glance or whatever the spelling is 
for the string you want..


as for the color, it's probably in the css somewhere if there is some (i'm 



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Filipe José 
Silva Clemente
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 10:34 AM
Subject: [rt-users] RT 3.8.: Customize RT at a glance



Is it possible to change the home page title displayed (RT at a 
Glance) to something like Helpdesk Homepage ?


Is it possible to change the RT 3.8 web console blue color, to some 
other color?







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Re: [rt-users] upgrade 3.6.1-3.8.1 Looping login

2008-09-09 Thread Sean
I'm having the same problem with a fresh install of 3.8.1 using MySQL

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 02:54:31PM -0400, Helmuth Ramirez wrote:
 Were you coming from MySQL 4.0?
 I had the same problem until I did the MySQL 4.0 - 4.1 updates
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chip
 Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 2:30 PM
 Cc: RT Users
 Subject: [rt-users] upgrade 3.6.1-3.8.1 Looping login
 Upgraded 3.6.1 to 3.8.1, carefully read the docs, followed the
 instructions (for mysql) and the upgrade went brilliantly. Good
 job folks. Very nice.
 Logged into my new shiny RT. And all looks good.
 however, when running (some) reports, and fiddling
 about with advanced searches, I'll get returned to
 a login screen, and I must log in again in order
 to access the result.
 Community help:
 Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
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 Community help:
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 Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
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  This is lemma 1.1.  We start a new chapter so the numbers all go back to 
-- Prof. Seager, CO 351

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Re: [rt-users] upgrade 3.6.1-3.8.1 Looping login

2008-09-09 Thread Sean
That worked! Thanks a million!

On Tue, 09 Sep 2008 11:40:45 -0500, Todd A. Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Just hit and fixed this issue yesterday.  My solution was to was to add 
 the following to
 Set($WebSessionClass , 'Apache::Session::File');
 Sean wrote:
 I'm having the same problem with a fresh install of 3.8.1 using MySQL

 On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 02:54:31PM -0400, Helmuth Ramirez wrote:
 Were you coming from MySQL 4.0?
 I had the same problem until I did the MySQL 4.0 - 4.1 updates

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chip
 Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 2:30 PM
 Cc: RT Users
 Subject: [rt-users] upgrade 3.6.1-3.8.1 Looping login

 Upgraded 3.6.1 to 3.8.1, carefully read the docs, followed the
 instructions (for mysql) and the upgrade went brilliantly. Good
 job folks. Very nice.

 Logged into my new shiny RT. And all looks good.
 however, when running (some) reports, and fiddling
 about with advanced searches, I'll get returned to
 a login screen, and I must log in again in order
 to access the result.


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Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [rt-users] Problems installing RT 3.8 on Centos 5.2 with FastCGI

2008-08-01 Thread Sean McCreadie

The 64 bit RPM's would be a big help.  This is the first time I have
built a 64 bit RT server, and im lost on a few points like this.  Thanks
a lot for the reply and help!


-Original Message-
From: Tom Lanyon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 1:16 AM
To: Sean McCreadie
Cc: Graeme Fowler;
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Problems installing RT 3.8 on Centos 5.2 with

On 24/07/2008, at 8:21 AM, Sean McCreadie wrote:

 Thanks everyone for the help on this so far.  I was able to get  
 fastcgi compiled correctly, I think, but when I go to start Apache I  
 get this error now:

 Stopping httpd:[FAILED]
 Starting httpd: httpd: Syntax error on line 210 of /etc/httpd/conf/ 
 httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/ 
 FastCGI.conf: Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into  
 server: /etc/httpd/modules/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

 I followed the Wiki for RHEL4 and the advice in this email trail and  
 it seemed to work flawlessly until I tried to start the service.   
 Any input would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks again


Looks like you're building 32 bit mod_fastcgi but your system is 64  
bit. If on x86_64 bit you should be building mod_fastcgi against /usr/ 
lib64/httpd, not /usr/lib/httpd.

Not familiar with the instructions in the wiki but I built some  
mod_fastcgi RPMS and wrote a spec file for our CentOS 5 environments.  
I can provide you with a src RPM and x86_64 RPM for mod_fastcgi-2.4.6  
off-list if you need (100k each).


Tom Lanyon
Systems Administrator
NetSpot Pty Ltd


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Re: [rt-users] Problems installing RT 3.8 on Centos 5.2 with FastCGI

2008-07-23 Thread Sean McCreadie
Thanks everyone for the help on this so far.  I was able to get fastcgi 
compiled correctly, I think, but when I go to start Apache I get this error now:

Stopping httpd:[FAILED]
Starting httpd: httpd: Syntax error on line 210 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: 
Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/FastCGI.conf: Cannot load 
/etc/httpd/modules/ into server: 
/etc/httpd/modules/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

I followed the Wiki for RHEL4 and the advice in this email trail and it seemed 
to work flawlessly until I tried to start the service.  Any input would be 
greatly appreciated.  Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graeme Fowler
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Problems installing RT 3.8 on Centos 5.2 with FastCGI

On Tue, 2008-07-22 at 11:58 -0700, Sean McCreadie wrote:
“ /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such
 file or directory 

yum install glibc-devel

Try the compile again - it's nothing to do with the Apache libs, this is
a core function you're missing the header file for.



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[rt-users] Problems installing RT 3.8 on Centos 5.2 with FastCGI

2008-07-22 Thread Sean McCreadie


I am trying to install RT 3.8 on Centos 5.2 from source.  I have been
following the RHEL4 Install Guide on the wiki and trying to make it work
as best I can.  Im running into a problem with installing FastCGI,
apparently http-devel build directories are in a different location than
they are in Centos4, and I think the FastCGI makefile needs to represent
this.   I editing the makefile to point to /usr/lib/http for the
location of the Apache installation, but im not sure if this is right.
When I type make it appears to run and then gives this line:


/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file
or directory 

   mod_fastcgi.c: In function 'open_connection_to_fs':

   mod_fastcgi.c:1083: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will
break strict-aliasing rules

   make: *** [mod_fastcgi.slo] Error 1


Then when I try:  service httpd start I get:


 Starting httpd: httpd: Syntax error on line 210 of
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of
/etc/httpd/conf.d/FastCGI.conf: Cannot load
/etc/httpd/modules/ into server:
/etc/httpd/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory



I understand its creating the error because the file doesn't exist, but
Im lost as to what I need to do to correct it.  If anyone has any
experience or ideas on this it will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks



Sean McCreadie




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Re: [rt-users] Problems installing RT 3.8 on Centos 5.2 with FastCGI

2008-07-22 Thread Sean McCreadie

Thank you very much for responding so quickly. I did as you said but I was 
unable to cp /usr/lib/httpd/modules/ as this directory didn't 
exist on my system. I tried reinstalling httpd and httpd-devel, but it still 
didn't produce that directory. Any ideas?  I'm gonna try some more things 
tonight when I get home. Thanks again for the help!

Sean McCreadie
IT Support
Canyon Partners, LLC
310 272 1764

- Original Message -
From: Chaim Rieger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Sean McCreadie
Sent: Tue Jul 22 12:10:40 2008
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Problems installing RT 3.8 on Centos 5.2 with FastCGI

sorry for top posting

i install rt 3.8 on centos last night in about 2 hours

make sure you have httpd-devel installed (this will install apr-utils
wget latest fastcgi
cp Makefile.AP2 Makefile
change top_dir to /usr/lib/httpd in Makefile
make install
cp /usr/lib/httpd/modules/ to /etc/httpd/modules
create a fastcgi.conf file in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ in it should be the 
LoadModule directive
restart httpd

let me know if any issues

Sean McCreadie wrote:


 I am trying to install RT 3.8 on Centos 5.2 from source. I have been 
 following the RHEL4 Install Guide on the wiki and trying to make it 
 work as best I can. Im running into a problem with installing FastCGI, 
 apparently http-devel build directories are in a different location 
 than they are in Centos4, and I think the FastCGI makefile needs to 
 represent this. I editing the makefile to point to /usr/lib/http for 
 the location of the Apache installation, but im not sure if this is 
 right. When I type “make” it appears to run and then gives this line:

 “ /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file 
 or directory

 mod_fastcgi.c: In function 'open_connection_to_fs':

 mod_fastcgi.c:1083: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will 
 break strict-aliasing rules

 make: *** [mod_fastcgi.slo] Error 1”

 Then when I try: service httpd start I get:

 “Starting httpd: httpd: Syntax error on line 210 of 
 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of 
 /etc/httpd/conf.d/FastCGI.conf: Cannot load 
 /etc/httpd/modules/ into server: 
 /etc/httpd/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No 
 such file or directory”

 I understand its creating the error because the file doesn’t exist, 
 but Im lost as to what I need to do to correct it. If anyone has any 
 experience or ideas on this it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

 Sean McCreadie



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Chaim Rieger


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[rt-users] RT Reporting Project - Wishlist

2008-07-04 Thread Sean McCreadie
I remember an email going out from Jesse back in February regarding a
Reporting Tool Project that someone was working on.  Jesse had us submit
ideas and wish lists.  Is there any update on this?  Thanks



Sean McCreadie




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[rt-users] Connect Failed Too many connections

2008-06-05 Thread Sean
Been running RT for almost 2 years w/o incident, and NEVER had this problem 
Came in this morning to people saying they couldn't log into RT. I look in the 
apache error log and see:
[Thu Jun 05 09:48:59 2008] [error] [client] Connect Failed Too 
many connections\n at /opt/rt3/lib/ line 220\n
DBI connect('dbname=rt3;host=localhost','rt_user',...) failed: Too many 
connections at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ line 

I had made a change to resolv.conf the previous day to address a mail problem 
we had (which had caused
a lot of emails to back up) but as of 12:30am today (8 hours before the error 
cropped up) RT was working
fine, and I was getting emails. so something happened overnight. 
Like i said, never had this problem, don't know what could have caused it, and 
don't know what I can do to prevent it.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] DBIx]# rpm -qa | grep -i dbi
[EMAIL PROTECTED] DBIx]# rpm -qa | grep mysql

rt 3.6.4


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Re: [rt-users] error upgrading from 3.4.5 to 3.6.4 (viaetc/upgrade/3.5.1 script)

2008-04-18 Thread Sean McCreadie
I had the same issue several months ago and was never able to get my 3.4
database to upgrade to 3.6.  It seemed like the script that was provided
was wrong in some way and I could never get it upgraded to the 3.5
schema.  Does anyone have any ideas on this?  I would love to get my old
ticket in use again!  Thanks in advance.




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Trenton
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 8:30 AM
Subject: [rt-users] error upgrading from 3.4.5 to 3.6.4
(viaetc/upgrade/3.5.1 script)


I'm trying to upgrade my RT system from 3.4.5 to 3.6.4 via:


# command:

/opt/rt3.6/sbin/rt-setup-database --action schema \ --datadir
etc/upgrade/3.5.1 --dba root --prompt-for-dba-password


But I am getting this error:



Creating database schema.

Problem with statement:



CREATE TABLE Attachments (


  TransactionId integer NOT NULL  ,

  Parent integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0  ,

  MessageId varchar(160) NULL  ,

  Subject varchar(255) NULL  ,

  Filename varchar(255) NULL  ,

  ContentType varchar(80) NULL  ,

  ContentEncoding varchar(80) NULL  ,

  Content LONGTEXT NULL  ,

  Headers LONGTEXT NULL  ,

  Creator integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0  ,

  Created DATETIME NULL  ,



Table 'Attachments' already exists at /opt/rt3.6/sbin/rt-setup-database
line 220, SCHEMA line 464.



Thanks in advance -



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[rt-users] CustomField Type Date

2008-03-10 Thread Sean
I've seen some mention in the archives about having a CustomField as a
Date type (like the regular Dates in a ticket), but nothing plain
enough for me to create such a CustomField.

So the short question is: How do I make a CustomField that is of a type
Date, ideally with a choose a date link beside it?


  Removing the straw that broke the camel's back does not necessarily
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Re: [rt-users] Making a field mandatory for ticket resolution.

2008-03-04 Thread Sean
So has anyone modified this to make time worked mandatory? Running RT 3.6.4 and 
would love to implement this, but like the previous poster, my JavaScript-fu is 
weak :-)

Are there plans to make time worked mandatory in other versions (maybe it 
already is in 3.6.5 or 3.6.6?)


- Original Message 
From: Jacob Helwig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 7:41:19 AM
Subject: RE: [rt-users] Making a field mandatory for ticket resolution.

It sounds like could
be modified to do the checks that Huw is looking for.  Unfortunately, my
JavaScript-fu is weak, so I wouldn't be able to quickly/easily suggest a
way to do the needed modifications, but it sounds like it would be able
to provide a base/starting point.

Jacob Helwig
PC Technician
Busch's Help Desk
Desk: x35221
Direct: 734-214-8221

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Drew
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 8:30 AM
To: Huw Selley
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Making a field mandatory for ticket resolution.

My boss wanted the same from me.  As a sledgehammer fix, I set it so
that any action taken on a ticket defaults to 10 min by editing

I'm sure there would be a way to add something to the UI (i.e. a
javascript snippet) but I've been pulled off onto other projects for the

Huw Selley wrote:

 My apologies if this belongs on rt-devel.

 I am currently using RT 3.6.3 in production and have had a request
 management to force users to update the 'Time Worked' field when
resolving a

 I could not spot anywhere in the UI to make a built-in field mandatory
so I
 guess I need to write a scrip to do this.
 My questions are:

 1) Can I do this from the UI?
 2) If not can someone point me in the right direction, I am happy to
write a
 scrip that runs OnResolve and checks that there is a value in the
 field but I am unsure how to warn the user that they have not filled
in a
 value (or does RT take care of that for me?)

 Thanks in advance


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[rt-users] Creating a custom field with multiple values to fill in

2008-02-13 Thread Sean McCreadie


I have some users that would like to have several custom fields created.
My problem is that they would like to be able to fill in a lot of info
on the ticket about the person who is calling in, including contact
name, company name, department, etc.  I tried creating many individual
CF's with the enter one value type, it works but there ends up being
so many fields that the ticket screen gets pretty cluttered.  Im
wondering if there is there any way that I can create a CF in which I
can list those attributes needed (company name, etc.) for them to fill
out, and it would all be in one field or box?  This way the user can
just fill in each necessary line in the CF and it will all be in one
nice neat area instead of so many individual CF'c.  Thanks again
inadvance for the help, this mailing list has been amazing.



Sean McCreadie

IT Support

Canyon Partners, LLC

310 858 4288



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Re: [rt-users] Is a saved charts list on the home screen possible?

2008-02-06 Thread Sean McCreadie
OK I did that and I see that it added the chart to the at a glance.  The
only problem is that the chart is displayed on the home screen as well.
I can collapse the chart but I can only view it on the home screen.  I
see that it gets automatically added to my saved searches column,
which is an add-on from the wiki, but when I click on it it takes me to
the search page and then I have to scroll to the bottom and open the
chart again.  I guess its pretty good this way but I would really like
to be able to have a link on the home page that would take me directly
to the chart.  Thanks everyone for all the help!  I really like RT, it's
a great tool.




Steve Holmes
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 1:41 PM
To: RT Lists
Cc: Sean McCreadie;
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Is a saved charts list on the home screen


On 3.6.3:

Do a search and create a chart. At the bottom save the chart.
Then go back to your at a glance page and click 'Edit'
in either of the two scrolling menus on the left find your saved chart
and select it and copy it over the to box on the right by clicking on
the arrow. 
scroll down to the bottom of the page and click save.
That should do it.


On Feb 6, 2008 3:05 PM, RT Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Sean,

Did you have any luck with this?  I thought it was a great idea, but
after poking around on my 3.6.6 instance I haven't been able to
determine how it's done.



On 2/5/08, Sean McCreadie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Im running 3.6.6, the latest version, I must be missing it, ill try
again today.  Thanks for the feedback.

-Original Message-
From: Jesse Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:40 AM
To: Sean McCreadie
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Is a saved charts list on the home screen

On Sat, Feb 02, 2008 at 03:41:28PM -0800, Sean McCreadie wrote:
 I recently created the saved search list that is outlined in the wiki,
 and its working great.  I have it added to my users home screens and
 they use it to view individual searches that they have created.  What
 hoping for now is to be able to do something similar with saved
 I noticed that when you run a search, at the bottom of the show
 screen there is an option to create a bar or pie chart with the search
 data.  My managers really like this tool and they want me to create a
 saved charts section that can be put on the home screen summary, just
 like the saved searches.  When I try to save the chart using the save
 feature at the bottom, it just adds it into the saved searches and
 you click on it, it just shows the search and not direct to the chart.
 Has anyone explored this?  Thanks

What version of RT? Recent versions certainly do let you put saved
charts on the homepage

 Sean McCreadie

 Canyon Partners, LLC

 310 858 4288



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We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak, and not
please ourselves. Each of us must please our neighbor for the good
of building up the neighbor. 
-Romans 15:1

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Re: [rt-users] Is a saved charts list on the home screen possible?

2008-02-05 Thread Sean McCreadie
Im running 3.6.6, the latest version, I must be missing it, ill try
again today.  Thanks for the feedback.

-Original Message-
From: Jesse Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:40 AM
To: Sean McCreadie
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Is a saved charts list on the home screen

On Sat, Feb 02, 2008 at 03:41:28PM -0800, Sean McCreadie wrote:
 I recently created the saved search list that is outlined in the wiki,
 and its working great.  I have it added to my users home screens and
 they use it to view individual searches that they have created.  What
 hoping for now is to be able to do something similar with saved
 I noticed that when you run a search, at the bottom of the show
 screen there is an option to create a bar or pie chart with the search
 data.  My managers really like this tool and they want me to create a
 saved charts section that can be put on the home screen summary, just
 like the saved searches.  When I try to save the chart using the save
 feature at the bottom, it just adds it into the saved searches and
 you click on it, it just shows the search and not direct to the chart.
 Has anyone explored this?  Thanks

What version of RT? Recent versions certainly do let you put saved
charts on the homepage
 Sean McCreadie
 Canyon Partners, LLC
 310 858 4288

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[rt-users] Calendar pop up for all date fields

2008-02-03 Thread Sean McCreadie


Im running RT 3.6.6 and I really like the built in calendar pop up for
the date fields.  However, for some reason a few of the date fields are
missing it, like the date fields in the reports section.  I tried to
look at the code for the existing pop up sand mimic it in the other
ones, but I am unable to see where this is happening.  Has anyone ran
across this?  Has anyone added this to all the date fields?  Thanks 



Sean McCreadie

Canyon Partners, LLC

310 858 4288



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[rt-users] Is a saved charts list on the home screen possible?

2008-02-02 Thread Sean McCreadie
I recently created the saved search list that is outlined in the wiki,
and its working great.  I have it added to my users home screens and
they use it to view individual searches that they have created.  What im
hoping for now is to be able to do something similar with saved charts.
I noticed that when you run a search, at the bottom of the show results
screen there is an option to create a bar or pie chart with the search
data.  My managers really like this tool and they want me to create a
saved charts section that can be put on the home screen summary, just
like the saved searches.  When I try to save the chart using the save
feature at the bottom, it just adds it into the saved searches and when
you click on it, it just shows the search and not direct to the chart.
Has anyone explored this?  Thanks



Sean McCreadie

Canyon Partners, LLC

310 858 4288



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Re: [rt-users] 3.6.5 Clickable links

2008-01-28 Thread Sean McCreadie
I just saw this post and thought it would be a good idea, got it working
no sweat on 3.6.6 following the instructions on the wiki


Thanks everyone.




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Toby
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 2:58 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] 3.6.5 Clickable links


Working for me - 3.6.1, no 'porting' required.


Mathew Snyder wrote:

 I looked up how to make links clickable and found the information on
the wiki.

 However, all of the listed options indicate older versions of RT.  Has

 ported any of these solutions to the 3.6 branch and had them work?





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Re: [rt-users] Failed upgrade to RT 3.6.6 with Asset Tracker

2008-01-28 Thread Sean McCreadie

I changed the permissions back to the way they were before the upgrade and 
everything is working!  Thanks

- Original Message -
From: Todd Chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Sean McCreadie
Sent: Mon Jan 28 08:39:49 2008
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Failed upgrade to RT 3.6.6 with Asset Tracker


The upgrade changed permissions on the directory where that config file is 
stored. Loosen up the permissions a bit and things will start working.


On 1/23/08, Sean McCreadie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



I tried to upgrade my 3.6.5 installation to 3.6.6 today and it appeared 
to work with no issues until I tried to go to the webpage in a browser.  I got 
the error pasted below.  I have Asset Tracker working great on 3.6.5 and it 
looks like this was the issue with the upgrade.  Does anyone know why it is 
throwing this error?  Thanks in advance.




System error


Error during compilation of 
Can't locate /opt/rt3/etc/AssetTracker/ in @INC (@INC 
contains: /opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.2 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.2 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at /opt/rt3/lib/RTx/ line 68.




code stack: 




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Community help:
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Re: [rt-users] Failed upgrade to RT 3.6.6 with Asset Tracker

2008-01-26 Thread Sean McCreadie
Thanks for the tip! It was the permissions on the and files that was changed.  I fixed it and the RT page loaded 
right up.  Thanks again.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ruslan Zakirov
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 5:21 PM
To: Sean McCreadie
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Failed upgrade to RT 3.6.6 with Asset Tracker

Two possible reasons that it can not find file
1) no such file
2) permissions
may be something else, but these are the most common

On Jan 23, 2008 6:36 PM, Sean McCreadie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I tried to upgrade my 3.6.5 installation to 3.6.6 today and it appeared to
 work with no issues until I tried to go to the webpage in a browser.  I got
 the error pasted below.  I have Asset Tracker working great on 3.6.5 and it
 looks like this was the issue with the upgrade.  Does anyone know why it is
 throwing this error?  Thanks in advance.


 System error


 Error during compilation of
  Can't locate /opt/rt3/etc/AssetTracker/ in @INC (@INC contains:
 /opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.2
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0
 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4
 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.2
 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0
 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at /opt/rt3/lib/RTx/ line 68.




 code stack:



 Community help:
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Best regards, Ruslan.

Community help:
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
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[rt-users] Failed upgrade to RT 3.6.6 with Asset Tracker

2008-01-25 Thread Sean McCreadie


I tried to upgrade my 3.6.5 installation to 3.6.6 today and it appeared
to work with no issues until I tried to go to the webpage in a browser.
I got the error pasted below.  I have Asset Tracker working great on
3.6.5 and it looks like this was the issue with the upgrade.  Does
anyone know why it is throwing this error?  Thanks in advance.




System error


Error during compilation of
Can't locate /opt/rt3/etc/AssetTracker/ in @INC (@INC
contains: /opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.2
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.2
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at /opt/rt3/lib/RTx/ line




code stack: 




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[rt-users] CSS Changes in 3.6.5

2008-01-22 Thread Sean

I use RT 3.6.4 with Internet explorer. I have a problem where the text jumps 
down a couple 
pixels on a page.

I read in the release notes for 3.6.5:
* reverted CSS changes causing problems in IE browser

Im not really keen on upgrading my entire RT to 3.6.5, so, have the CSS changes 
been isolated (or can they be) so that I can just fix the specific CSS problem?



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RE: [Junk released by User action] Re: [rt-users] Disable Auto replymessage for a group

2008-01-18 Thread Sean McCreadie
OK it works now!  Thanks everyone for all the help with this, I was able
to get it to send the Autoreply only to regular users and not my
Helpdesk group by using the code supplied below.  Mine looks like this:

if ( $self-TransactionObj-Type eq Create ) {
my @HelpDeskMembersEmails =
my $requestor = $self-TicketObj-RequestorAddresses();
if (grep{ lc($requestor) eq lc($_)} @HelpDeskMembersEmails)
return undef;
return 1;

Thanks again to everyone that helped on this!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Emmanuel
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Junk released by User action] Re: [rt-users] Disable Auto
replymessage for a group

On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 08:48:45AM -0800, Sean McCreadie wrote:
 Thanks for the tip on those actions, I didn't think about that before.
 I guess im still a little stuck on this because I need to be able to
 disable the Autoreply action for only those members of my RT group
 called Helpdesk and still have it work for all the unprivileged
 Gene replied with a way to check group membership in a custom
 I think this is the way to go, but I can't seem to get the syntax
 to get it to work.  Maybe there is a way to write in a custom
 to return undef if the requestor is a privileged user?  Perhaps I can
 just list all the email addresses of the members of my helpdesk group
 the custom condition? , as there are only about 10 members.  I was
 to get it to work for one email address (I pasted the code in the
 original post) but I couldn't figure out how ot list several
 Thanks again for all the help on this, I have learned a lot so far off
 this mailing list and hope to contribute more as I get more experience
 with RT.

Once you have an array with your helpdesk users emails, uses something
like this:

if ( $self-TransactionObj-Type eq Create )
my @HelpDeskMembersEmails = FIXME;
my $requestor = $self-TicketObj-RequestorAddresses();
if (grep{ lc($requestor) eq lc($_)} @HelpDeskMembersEmails)
return undef;

return 1;

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RE: [Junk released by User action] Re: [rt-users] Disable Auto reply message for a group

2008-01-17 Thread Sean McCreadie

Thanks for the tip on those actions, I didn't think about that before.
I guess im still a little stuck on this because I need to be able to
disable the Autoreply action for only those members of my RT group
called Helpdesk and still have it work for all the unprivileged users.
Gene replied with a way to check group membership in a custom condition,
I think this is the way to go, but I can't seem to get the syntax right
to get it to work.  Maybe there is a way to write in a custom condition
to return undef if the requestor is a privileged user?  Perhaps I can
just list all the email addresses of the members of my helpdesk group in
the custom condition? , as there are only about 10 members.  I was able
to get it to work for one email address (I pasted the code in the
original post) but I couldn't figure out how ot list several addresses.
Thanks again for all the help on this, I have learned a lot so far off
this mailing list and hope to contribute more as I get more experience
with RT.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kenneth
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:55 AM
To: Sean McCreadie
Subject: [Junk released by User action] Re: [rt-users] Disable Auto
reply message for a group


Try changing the action from Autoreply to Notify. That
way the 
person creating the ticket will not get an email but everyone else on 
the list will. In fact, that is the only difference between an 
Autoreply action and a Notify action. The notify action assumes that

since you're the one doing the creating, you do not need to be bothered 
by an email but sends one to everyone else, whereas an Autoreply nails

evryone on the list, period. Good Luck.


On 1/15/2008 11:05 PM, Sean McCreadie wrote:
 I've been looking through the wiki and mailing lists trying to find a 
 solution to this with no success.  I'm sure it's very simple, I'm just

 new to this.  I need to disable the default Auto reply scrip for only
 Helpdesk team, that way all the unprivileged users will still receive 
 the Auto reply, but not the HelpDesk team when they create a ticket.
 tried adding this custom condition to the default scrip and was able
 disable it for one email address, but im hoping there is an easy way
 check group membership.  Thanks in advance for all the help.
 if ( $self-TransactionObj-Type eq Create 
  $self-TicketObj-RequestorAddresses() =~
   return undef;
 } else {
   return 1;
 Sean McCreadie
 IT Support
 Canyon Partners, LLC
 310 858 4288

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RE: [rt-users] Disable Auto reply message for a group

2008-01-16 Thread Sean McCreadie

Thank you for getting back to me on this, yes I did set the condition to
user defined and I was able to get the scrip to work in that it will not
Autoreply to the the one email address I specify.  I would like to be
able to have it not send the Autoreply to an entire group but I don't
know how to write the code for that.  I tried to list all the email
addresses in my helpdesk group individually and wasn't able to get that
going either, I know its just a syntax error. Thanks for the debugging
bit also.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:41 AM
To: Sean McCreadie;
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Disable Auto reply message for a group

At Wednesday 1/16/2008 02:05 AM, Sean McCreadie wrote:

I've been looking through the wiki and mailing lists trying to find 
a solution to this with no success.  I'm sure it's very simple, I'm 
just new to this.  I need to disable the default Auto reply scrip 
for only my Helpdesk team, that way all the unprivileged users will 
still receive the Auto reply, but not the HelpDesk team when they 
create a ticket.  I tried adding this custom condition to the 
default scrip and was able to disable it for one email address, but 
im hoping there is an easy way to check group membership.  Thanks in 
advance for all the help.

if ( $self-TransactionObj-Type eq Create 
  $self-TicketObj-RequestorAddresses() =~
   return undef;
} else {
   return 1;


1. Did you also set the Condition drop-down entry to 'User defined' ?

2. Check the RT log for error messages.

3. Also, to help debug, you can put this kind of thing in the code:

$RT::Logger-debug(Email is from Help Desk );

these messages show up in the log.



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[rt-users] Disable Auto reply message for a group

2008-01-15 Thread Sean McCreadie


I've been looking through the wiki and mailing lists trying to find a
solution to this with no success.  I'm sure it's very simple, I'm just
new to this.  I need to disable the default Auto reply scrip for only my
Helpdesk team, that way all the unprivileged users will still receive
the Auto reply, but not the HelpDesk team when they create a ticket.  I
tried adding this custom condition to the default scrip and was able to
disable it for one email address, but im hoping there is an easy way to
check group membership.  Thanks in advance for all the help.


if ( $self-TransactionObj-Type eq Create  

 $self-TicketObj-RequestorAddresses() =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ 


  return undef;

} else {

  return 1;




Sean McCreadie

IT Support

Canyon Partners, LLC

310 858 4288



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[rt-users] Side-by-side ticket screen for RT 3.6.5

2008-01-12 Thread Sean McCreadie
 $CanComment = 0;



$CanRespond = 1 if ( $Ticket-CurrentUserHasRight('ReplyToTicket') or

 $Ticket-CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket') ); 


$CanComment = 1 if ( $Ticket-CurrentUserHasRight('CommentOnTicket') or

 $Ticket-CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket') );



$m-comp('/Elements/Callback', TicketObj = $Ticket, ARGSRef = \%ARGS);

my (@wresults, @results,  @dresults, @lresults, @cf_results);


unless ($OnlySearchForPeople) {

# There might be two owners. 

if ( ref ($ARGS{'Owner'} )) {

my @owners [EMAIL PROTECTED]'Owner'}};

delete $ARGS{'Owner'};

foreach my $owner(@owners){

$ARGS{'Owner'} = $owner unless ($Ticket-OwnerObj-id ==





@wresults = ProcessTicketWatchers( TicketObj = $Ticket, ARGSRef =

 @cf_results = ProcessObjectCustomFieldUpdates( Object = $Ticket,
ARGSRef = \%ARGS);

@dresults = ProcessTicketDates( TicketObj = $Ticket, ARGSRef =

@lresults = ProcessTicketLinks( TicketObj = $Ticket, ARGSRef =


if ($ARGS{'UpdateAttachment'}) {

my $subject = $ARGS{'UpdateAttachment'};

# since deutf8izes the magic field, we need to add it


# strip leading directories

$subject =~ s#^.*[\\/]##;


my $attachment = MakeMIMEEntity(

   Subject = $subject,

   Body= ,

   AttachmentFieldName = 'UpdateAttachment'


delete $ARGS{'UpdateAttachment'};

$ARGS{'UpdateAttachments'}-{ $subject } = $attachment;



$ARGS{'UpdateContent'} =~ s/\r+\n/\n/g if $ARGS{'UpdateContent'};


if ($ARGS{'UpdateAttachments'} || ( $ARGS{'UpdateContent'} 
$ARGS{'UpdateContent'} ne  -- \n . 

$session{'CurrentUser'}-UserObj-Signature)) {

 ProcessUpdateMessage(TicketObj = $Ticket,


@results = ProcessTicketBasics( TicketObj = $Ticket, ARGSRef =


push @results, @wresults;

push @results, @dresults;

push @results, @lresults;

push @results, @cf_results;


# undef so that TransactionBatch scrips run and update the ticket

$Ticket = undef;

$Ticket = LoadTicket($id);


# If they've gone and moved the ticket to somewhere they can't see,

# TODO: display the results, even if we can't display the ticket.


unless ($Ticket-CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket')) {

   Abort(No permission to view ticket);









$OnlySearchForPeople = undef

$UserField = undef

$UserOp = undef

$UserString = undef

$id = undef





4)  Edit/create local/html/Ticket/Elements/Tabs, and add this line:



   _B = { title = loc('Side-by-Side'),

path  = Ticket/ModifyAllHistory.html?id= . $id, },




5) Create /local/html/Tickets/Elements/ShowHistory (copy from
/share/html...) and edit the line:





   $URIFile = $RT::WebPath./Ticket/Display.html 




To Read:



   $URIFile = $RT::WebPath./Ticket/ModifyAllHistory.html




Sean McCreadie

IT Support

Canyon Partners, LLC




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[rt-users] MergeUsers Patch question

2008-01-03 Thread Sean McCreadie
I installed the MergeUsers Extension from Jesse and then I noticed the
patch that Dirk has put up on the mailing list.  I tried to run the
patch and it didn't work.  Im pretty new to this and have never tried to
use the patch command before.  My question is should I be copying the
Modify.html file from /share/html/Admin/Users to the local directory and
then running the patch on it?  Or does it run on the original file in
the share directory?  Thanks everyone in advance, im pretty confused on
this one.







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Re: [rt-users] Custom reports

2007-09-20 Thread Sean

I implemented the attached report generator, and it works great with one 
I would like to be able to see which tickets do not have a value in that custom 
field. Meaning, the page shows a count of how many tickets have value x, and 
value y in that custom field, I would like an additional count of how many have 
not set something in that custom field and after a few hours, I still cant 
figure out how to do it so I thought I would ask. I have reattched the file for 


- Original Message 
From: Brian Gallew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 6:42:48 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Custom reports

Fernando Fugita wrote:

 I need to create a custom report, showing the number of tickets for 
 certain type (a custom field of the RT), in a determined period.
 I tried the RTx-Statistics, but was not useful.

You really have to write it yourself.  Attached is a report that we use 
at Carnegie Mellon - Qatar.


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Re: [rt-users] LDAP(AD) auth failure

2007-09-13 Thread Sean O'Brien

Well as a noob to the product and to perl, If you followed the directions in 
the wiki and it's installed properly.

The first error I ran into this problem yesterday.
For me it was basically because the user's email already existed as a user. 
To work around that I went to Configuration - Users and then searched for that 
email, selected the user set it so they could be assigned privileges . Then set 
the username to the uid for the user. At which point I guess you could remove 
the ability for them to be assigned privileges again (and they'd disappear off 
the user list again). That all said I don't consider this a solution, because 
most users first experience will be sending an email, which will then stop them 
from logging into the website to track progress unless there is some support 
intervention. And importing the users everyday out of ldap is a task I will 
forget to do.

The second error however suggests the LDAP auth failed any ways. 

The third error is just the generic error if anything went wrong.


 Dummy cerberus [EMAIL PROTECTED] 13/09/2007 8:02 pm 

I have follow the Wiki page about configuring LDAP to authenticate my
users ( I think that
authentication is working, but I cannot login with my users... I
cannot find out the problem... but the error messages is this one:

Sep 13 21:40:52 ironman RT: Transaction-Create couldn't, as you
didn't specify an object type and id (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/
Sep 13 21:40:52 ironman RT: RT::User::IsLDAPPassword AUTH FAILED:
maripmar (/opt/rt3/local/lib/RT/
Sep 13 21:40:52 ironman RT: FAILED LOGIN for maripmar from (/opt/rt3/share/html/autohandler:251)

Thanks in advance and best regards


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Re: [rt-users] Scrip Help needed (grabbing Organization)

2007-08-23 Thread Sean
This did it. 

It was actually that we have a default incoming queue, and certain team members
are say, unix, and others are network, so when someone in the network team took
at ticket, it would move to the network queue (vs. having their own personal 
so i am storing the value of the queue (unix, network, etc...) in the 
Organization field, so
I took your snippet below:


and changed it to:


Thanks a million


- Original Message 
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:18:20 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Scrip Help needed (grabbing Organization)

Hi Sean,

Here's my understanding of what you're trying to do:
1.  Ticket comes in to default incoming queue.
2.  An admin sees it and changes the Owner to himself.
3.  The ticket moves into the admin's personal queue.

If that is it, there's a pretty simple way to do this.  Use your On Owner 
Change scrip and replace the actions stuff with this.  It should move the 
ticket into a queue that has the same name as the ticket owner.


If your objective is something else, could you clarify that for me?


At 06:28 PM 8/22/2007, Sean wrote:
Hi, I am trying to modify one of the contributed scrip's on here which 
relates to taking a ticket and having it automatically go to a certain 
queue. We have one queue that all requests go to (i.e. customer facing) 
and the admins have their own queues of responsibility. I didn't want to 
screw with custom fields, and because we don't use the information in the 
customer info page (i.e address etc..) I figured just for the admin's, I 
would put the queue name in the organization field. So, here is the scrip, 
which I have tried for hours to get to work (so there may be some 
extraneous things here) - Basically, the problem as I see it, is that I 
can't get the syntax or something correct to get the value in the 
organization field, as when I set: $newqueue = queue1 - the code DOES 
change the queue, but I can't get it to grab the value in the organization 
field. The scrip is Condition: On Owner Change, Action: User Defined, 
Template: Global template: blank, Stage is TransactionCreate Script in 
Custom condition: blank Scrip in Custom action preparation code: return 1 
Scrip in action cleanup code: my $User = new RT::User($RT::SystemUser); 
$User-Load( $User-Organization); my $newqueue = $User-Organization; 
$newqueue = ($User-Organization); $RT::Logger-info(Ticket took by an 
admin : new ticket in admin queue); my ($status, $msg) = 
$self-TicketObj-SetQueue($newqueue); $RT::Logger-info(Set queue to 
($newqueue)); return 1; Output in /var/log/messages: Aug 22 21:25:38 rt 
RT: Ticket took by an admin : new ticket in admin queue ((eva l 2459):6) 
Aug 22 21:25:38 rt RT: Set queue to () ((eval 2459):9) Thanks for any 

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[rt-users] Scrip Help needed (grabbing Organization)

2007-08-22 Thread Sean

I am trying to modify one of the contributed scrip's on here which relates to 
taking a ticket and having it automatically go to a certain queue.

We have one queue that all requests go to (i.e. customer facing) and the admins 
have their own queues of responsibility. I didn't want to screw with custom 
fields, and because we don't use the information in the customer info page (i.e 
address etc..) I figured just for the admin's, I would put the queue name in 
the organization field.

So, here is the scrip, which I have tried for hours to get to work (so there 
may be some extraneous things here) - Basically, the problem as I see it, is 
that I can't get the syntax or something correct to get the value in the 
organization field, as when I set:

$newqueue = queue1 - the code DOES change the queue, but I can't get it to 
grab the value in the organization field. 

The scrip is 
Condition: On Owner Change, 
Action: User Defined, 
Template: Global template: blank, 
Stage is TransactionCreate

Script in Custom condition: blank
Scrip in Custom action preparation code: 

return 1

Scrip in action cleanup code:

my $User = new RT::User($RT::SystemUser); 
$User-Load( $User-Organization);
my $newqueue = $User-Organization;
$newqueue = ($User-Organization);
$RT::Logger-info(Ticket took by an admin : new ticket in admin queue); 
my ($status, $msg) = $self-TicketObj-SetQueue($newqueue); 
$RT::Logger-info(Set queue to ($newqueue));
return 1;

Output in /var/log/messages:

Aug 22 21:25:38 rt RT: Ticket took by an admin : new ticket in admin queue ((eva
l 2459):6)
Aug 22 21:25:38 rt RT: Set queue to () ((eval 2459):9)

Thanks for any help.


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