Re: [rt-users] sendmailpipe returns EX_TEMPFAIL

2013-08-14 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 08/14/2013 07:35 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
>> So maybe the problem is solved? I did have PerlOptions +Parent in the
>> apache configuration before, but maybe not correctly? I checked the
>> other application's vhosts file and it _does_ have PerlOptions
>> +Parent.
> While PerlOptions +Parent is important if you need to run two mod_perl
> apps, you should keep your log in place, and possibly dig up one of
> the shims from the mailing list archives that has been used to debug
> this.
> In the past, it was bugs in mod_perl and the handler type, but it's
> nearly impossible to debug from the standard RT debug and mail logs.

Adding on to what Kevin said...

You could also just save yourself some time and switch to a different
deployment option for RT.  Running it under mod_fastcgi or mod_fcgid is
simple and would avoid any mod_perl bugs with +Parent.  Why fight with

Re: [rt-users] Searching and comparing two date field values instead of value with supplied valid

2013-08-12 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 08/12/2013 11:39 AM, Landon wrote:
> The help I need though is on comparing dates using RT::Date or
> something.  If I load the CF.{ServerCreated} and the Created value how
> do I compare them reliably in modules?  
> Would this work?
> ...
> my $ServerCreated = DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_datetime(
> $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('ServerCreated') );
> my $Created = DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_datetime(
> $ticketObj->Created );
> $ticket->SetStatus( 'resolved' ) if $ServerCreated < $Created;
> …

my $server_created = RT::Date->new( $ticket->CurrentUser );
Format => 'sql',
Value  => $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('ServerCreated'),

if ($server_created->Unix < $ticket->CreatedObj->Unix) {

Re: [rt-users] Migration Prep

2013-08-09 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 08/09/2013 06:36 AM, Paul O'Rorke wrote:
> When I look at syslog I see the following during startup:
> Aug  9 08:28:04 rt4 RT: DBI
> connect('dbname=rtdb;host=localhost','rtuser',...) failed: Can't connect
> to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
> at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ line 105.
> (/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/
> Aug  9 08:28:05 rt4 RT: DBI
> connect('dbname=rtdb;host=localhost','rtuser',...) failed: Can't connect
> to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
> at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ line 105.
> (/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/
> Aug  9 08:28:08 rt4 mysqld_safe: Starting mysqld daemon with databases
> from /var/lib/mysql

Just by looking at the log timestamps, your system is pretty clearly set
to start Apache (or whatever is serving RT) before mysql.  This isn't
RT's fault, but simply the wrong startup ordering for your system.  You
should change it so Apache/your webserver depends on mysql being started
first.  How to do so depends on your distribution.

Re: [rt-users] Migration Prep

2013-08-02 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 08/02/2013 10:04 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 12:49:47PM -0400, Asif Iqbal wrote:
>>  Please show a log of your make upgrade-database step
>>* 3.9.8
>>* 4.0.1
> That's definitely skipping steps.
> It should read:
> * 3.9.8
> * 4.0.0rc2
> * 4.0.0rc4
> * 4.0.0rc7
> * 4.0.1

Paul and Asif, you've helped uncover a regression in RT's upgrade logic
beginning in 4.0.14.  It only affects folks who are upgrading from an RT
3.8.x (or older) install to 4.0.14 or higher.  If you're upgrading from
4.0.0 or higher, you're unaffected.

4.0.17 will be out shortly to correct this regression.  Thanks for your
time spent debugging on the list.

Re: [rt-users] Postfix sendmail returning status code 75

2013-07-31 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/31/2013 12:55 PM, Nathan Cutler wrote:
> postfix/sendmail[26576]: fatal: wwwrun(30): No recipient addresses
> found in message header
> My "sendmail wrapper" is now in place and I will be watching closely
> tomorrow. Today from what I managed to capture it looked like nothing
> (or only one byte?) was being piped from RT to "sendmailpipe". This is
> consistent with what was written to the log (No recipient addresses
> found).

My guess is that you're running RT 4 under mod_perl with the wrong
SetHandler value.  Read and
compare your config.

Re: [rt-users] Error when creating ticket after 4.0.6 --> 4.0.16 upgrade

2013-07-30 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/30/2013 07:25 AM, Max McGrath wrote:
> Dug into the code...looks like I put some custom code in Create.html:
> 119 % if (QueueObj ->Name eq 'Desk Tasks') {
> 120 <& /Elements/EmailInput, Name => 'Requestors', Size => undef,
> Default => $ARGS{Requestors} || $session{CurrentUser}->EmailAddress &>
> 121 % } else {
> 122 <& /Elements/EmailInput, Name => 'Requestors', Size => undef,
> Default => $ARGS{Requestors} &>
> 123 %}
> 124 % $m->callback( CallbackName => 'AfterRequestors', QueueObj =>
> $QueueObj, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
> Is there something wrong in line 119 that won't work in 4.0.16?

119 won't have compiled on any RT version.  It's a Perl syntax error
(bareword QueueObj instead of the variable $QueueObj that you really want).

Perhaps you never cleared your Mason cache previously so the
customization never ran until you upgraded.

Re: [rt-users] Error when sending or reciving mail (fork::abort: address space needed by xxx)

2013-07-24 Thread Thomas Sibley
[Posted back to the list for posterity.]

On 07/24/2013 11:43 AM, John Rouillard wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 03:13:13PM -0700, Thomas Sibley wrote:
>> On 07/23/2013 09:19 AM, scott.dalzell wrote:
>>> i have done some research and rebasing might be the answer. 
>>> if this is the case how to i rebase and will it effect my mysql database?
>> Whatever research you did was mistaken or misleading.  "Rebasing" has
>> nothing to do with MySQL.  It is a concept in git, a source code
>> management tool, used during development.  You don't need to worry about
>> rebasing.
> Actually rebasing is also a method for aligning the link libraries
> addresses in windows so that cygwin can properly emulate fork(2). The
> errors he is getting with failure to fork due to conflicting address
> layouts in the executable address space may be fixed with a (cygwin)
> rebase.

Ahhh.  "Today I learned..." :)  Thanks for the explanation!

> Using rebase probably needs to be discussed on the cygwin list as it
> has nothing whatsoever to do with RT.


Re: [rt-users] Notifications are sent before status and custom field changes are applied?

2013-07-24 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/23/2013 12:56 AM, Craig Ringer wrote:
> Do any of the other RT users here know of a reason *not* to use
> TransactionBatch for sending email notifications?

Be wary of $self->TransactionObj in TransactionBatch scrips; it isn't
guaranteed to be the transaction that matched the scrip condition but
merely the first transaction in the batch.

You can use $self->TicketObj->TransactionBatch to get an arrayref of
transaction objects.

Re: [rt-users] Error when sending or reciving mail (fork::abort: address space needed by xxx)

2013-07-23 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/23/2013 09:19 AM, scott.dalzell wrote:
> Hi Guy
> i am running RT4.0.12 using a mysql 5.6.10 under cygwin 2.774 and i am
> having a major issue

It's rather brave to use Cygwin for a production RT instance.

> When i try and and reply to a ticket or create a ticket via email i get the
> following in the error.log
> ---log file---
> [Tue Jul 23 16:51:49 2013] [error] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable:
> fork: Unable to fork new process
>   2 [main] perl 1952 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by
> 'cygcrypto-1.0.0.dll' (0x41) is already occupied
> [Tue Jul 23 15:52:05 2013] [critical]:
> : Could not send
> mail with command `/opt/rt4/etc/msmtp_wrapper -oi -t -ODeliveryMode=b
> -OErrorMode=m -f`: open2: fork failed: Resource
> temporarily unavailable at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/ line
> 474.

Your server is running out of memory, likely because the maximum memory
usages of MySQL and Apache aren't properly configured to coexist
peacefully within the limits of your server.  Most people install Apache
and MySQL without tuning them, and then eventually run into problems
like this.

You should read about how to tune Apache and MySQL.  Starting with is a good start, but nothing will do this automatically
for you.  You'll need to manually make changes.

> this all started to happen when i added in a set of new queues. i have
> removed the queues but the error persists.

The new queues have nothing in particular to do with it.

> i have done some research and rebasing might be the answer. 
> if this is the case how to i rebase and will it effect my mysql database?

Whatever research you did was mistaken or misleading.  "Rebasing" has
nothing to do with MySQL.  It is a concept in git, a source code
management tool, used during development.  You don't need to worry about

Re: [rt-users] Error when adding user to RT 4 (email exists)

2013-07-23 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/23/2013 02:31 PM, window camera wrote:
> Thanks. Unfortunately there is nothing like that in the latest RT
> version. Plus, this is an unprivileged user, so it probably wouldn't
> show up anyway. Not sure. 

Tools -> Configuration -> Users

The search form shows up there.

Unprivileged users are shown in user searches, but not when you first
load the page (since there are often thousands of unprivileged users).

Re: [rt-users] SOS:: many mysql processes are killing RAM, why?

2013-07-19 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/19/2013 11:29 AM, Alex Decalli wrote:
> Great, thanks for information.
> here u can find my settings
> Please tell me whatever might cause this. A clue even..
> By the way, RT 3.8.7 , and it's all dedicated to RT, mysql, apache

Please keep replies on the list.

I was only telling you where to start and what you needed to provide to
the list for the list to possibly help.  I don't have the time to solve
your problem myself.

Re: [rt-users] SOS:: many mysql processes are killing RAM, why?

2013-07-19 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/19/2013 08:42 AM, Alex Decalli wrote:
> Hi.
> I have RT 3.8 on mysql 5.1 on ubuntu 11.04. Why do I have many mysql
> processes they are bringing down RAM.
> check it out
> innodb_buffer_pool = 3G, 12G ram,  autologoff disable, waiting time for
> mysql disable. The time it is happening, like 10 users are in mysql
> (used command show processlist)

It's impossible to diagnose this with the info provided.  If you want
the list to help, you'll need to specify:

* What 3.8 version
* Your full mysql config
* The output of
* Other processes on the system

Note that MySQL is a threaded server, which means all those "processes"
you see in top are actually threads.  That's why they have exactly the
same memory footprint.  The memory is shared memory.  Try toggling
display of threads off in top with "H".

I expect your RAM issue is not MySQL, but something else.  Often people
leave Apache unconfigured.

Re: [rt-users] How to update CF via scripted mySQL commands

2013-07-19 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/19/2013 06:10 AM, scott.dalzell wrote:
> i have got abit further with this issue and i have got a perl script that
> does what i need it to do and edit the mysl database, however when i add
> this code into RT as a scrip i get the following error in the error.log.

Updating the RT database via raw SQL statements is a recipe for
disaster.  Do not do it.  Use the Perl API RT provides.  If you don't,
you WILL corrupt your RT database.

> [Fri Jul 19 12:38:40 2013] [error]: Scrip 491 Prepare failed: Global symbol
> "@row" requires explicit package name at (eval 646) line 74.
> Global symbol "$sqlQuery" requires explicit package name at (eval 646) line
> 74.
> Global symbol "@row" requires explicit package name at (eval 646) line 75.
> Global symbol "$dbh" requires explicit package name at (eval 646) line 87.
> Global symbol "$query_master2" requires explicit package name at (eval 646)
> line 92.
> Global symbol "$sqlQuery" requires explicit package name at (eval 646) line
> 98. (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Action/
> [Fri Jul 19 12:38:40 2013] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value $Default in
> join or string at /opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/EditCustomFieldWikitext line
> 52. (/opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/EditCustomFieldWikitext:52)
> i prosume this means i am missing some "USE xyz"'s at the start of the
> code(see below) to allow RT to understand all the variables like perl can
> via the command line

No, those errors are because RT runs under strict.  Put "use strict;" at
the top of your command-line code and fix the errors first.

Re: [rt-users] SLA extension with prior Scrip setting SLA CF

2013-07-17 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/17/2013 12:10 PM, Mark D. Nagel wrote:
> We ran into a problem that I think may be solvable with use of 
> TransactionBatch, but may
> require changes to the SLA extension.  Or perhaps not.  Thus this question, 
> which is
> We are using the ExtractCustomFieldValues extension to indicate to RT the 
> initial setting
> of some fields, including the SLA field, depending on various factors 
> examined in our
> procmail pre-filter.  What we found was that the field was set, then the SLA 
> scrip resets
> it to the default queue value.  It seems that this is because all the 
> conditions run first
> telling the SLA scrip to set the default value, which it does even though the 
> value had
> been set previously. 
> So  what would be the recommended solution here to make sure this doesn't 
> happen?  I
> could move the ExtractCFValues Scrip to the bottom, which seems like it would 
> work, but it
> would be nice if the SLA Scrip realized it doesn't actually need to set the 
> CF once it was
> set.  If we change both to TransactionBatch, this could work, but I assume 
> this would
> still require some changes to the SLA condition logic.

Changing both to the transaction batch stage will have the same problem.
 You need to put them in different stages, so move the SLA scrip which
assigns the queue default to the TransactionBatch stage.  I don't think
it should negatively affect anything else.

Re: [rt-users] What do "first", "last" and "all" mean in --transaction on rt-crontool?

2013-07-16 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/16/2013 08:48 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:
> They're not related to database-level transactions since RT doesn't make
> use of them.

This is wrong.  RT _does_ make use of DB transactions.  grep for
BeginTransaction and/or Rollback.

> It looks like --transaction picks an *existing* transaction to set as
> the context of the cronjob. 'first' for the tx that created the ticket,
> 'last' for the most recent ticket, or 'all' to select all transactions
> on the ticket.
> [snip lots more]

Yes, that all sounds about right without verifying myself.

> I'm a little puzzled by the way crontool doesn't seem to have the
> ability to create a *new* transaction for matching tickets. I guess the
> action code is supposed to do that if a new transaction is required, eg
> when adding a Comment to a ticket.

rt-crontool can create new transactions by using the normal RT actions,
just as you describe.  I'm not sure why it seems odd to you.

crontool is fundamentally a way to run scrip conditions/actions over a
batch of tickets/transactions on a time-based trigger rather than solely

> Some actions and conditions don't require a transaction context, and for
> those no --transaction should be specified; there's an implicit
> "--transaction none" where "undef" is passed as the transaction to act
> on in process(...) .
> This can result in unexpected effects, like sending mail in the name of
> the person who last did something on the ticket, so it's best to avoid
> specifying a transaction unless you know you need one and one makes
> sense in that context.
> For example, if you invoke RT::Action::SendEmail, it'll use the
> transaction in GetFriendlyName to get the creator of the current
> transaction and from it, the friendlyname. Same with SetReturnAddress.

FWIW, the Notify* subclasses are generally much more useful than the
SendEmail action directly.

> It might be worth elaborating on this a little more in the documentation
> and/or book. Feel free to use any of the above.

As is, the above isn't really suitable for pasting into the usage doc
for rt-crontool.  A doc patch based on the above that fits with the rest
of the doc would be appreciated, though.


Re: [rt-users] How to customize/redirect default Logout Page?

2013-07-12 Thread Thomas Sibley
I suspect you didn't clear your Mason cache like Chris suggests.

That said, you can avoid modifying Logout.html.  There's a "Default"
callback in NoAuth/Logout.html which you can use to modify the URL
redirected to. This lets you have RT redirect to the CAS endpoint's
logout URL.

Re: [rt-users] LDAPImport size limit woes

2013-07-11 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/11/2013 12:55 AM, Nathan Cutler wrote:
>> You might contact the admins of the server and ask if they can enable
>> the paging extension or something.  It's strange that it's not
>> supported; it's been around for _ages_.
> Thomas: OK, I will ask them. Is this the one:
> ?

Yep, that's the RFC for it.  I like to use the "html" version which has
slightly nicer formatting:

Re: [rt-users] Mandatory Custom Field Privileges

2013-07-10 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/10/2013 02:33 PM, Tim Wiley wrote:
> I'm setting the validation field in the Basic CF config to "(?#Mandatory)."

Ok, good.

> * What's unexpected is if a user has SeeCustomField, but not
> ModifyCustomField on a mandatory CF, at ticket creation they get the
> error "MyCustomField: Input must match [Mandatory]" even though it's not
> displayed & they don't have modify rights on it.  Shouldn't RT create
> the ticket just as it does for a user without SeeCustomField, leaving
> the mandatory CF unset?

This is totally a bug.  I just replicated it on 4.0-trunk.

After digging, I discovered that I fixed it on git master, which will
become RT 4.2.  An equivalent fix should be backported to the 4.0
version of the CF validation.

I'm Cc'ing this to our bug tracker.

Re: [rt-users] LDAPImport size limit woes

2013-07-10 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/10/2013 12:49 PM, Nathan Cutler wrote:
>> What LDAP server are you running?
> I don't know. It (the server) is not under my control, so I'll just
> have to stick with kludge I've been using until now.

You might contact the admins of the server and ask if they can enable
the paging extension or something.  It's strange that it's not
supported; it's been around for _ages_.

> By the way, do I understand the docs correctly that the LDAPImport
> extension has no way of defining a chain of several LDAP servers,
> similar to what the RT::Authen::ExternalAuth does?

Correct.  You can work around this by using tricks like invoking
rtldapimport with an environment variable that you then check with code
in to dynamically determine which LDAP config to use.

Then you invoke rtldapimport one time from cron for each value of the
environment flag.

Re: [rt-users] Mandatory Custom Field Privileges

2013-07-10 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/09/2013 05:08 PM, Tim Wiley wrote:
>> Not letting one group of users see a set of CFs is possible with RT's
>> rights, provided you haven't granted rights too widely at the global
>> level.  You may need to rejigger some of your rights first to be less
>> global and more role/group/object specific.
> I think that might've been the key.  I removed some more wide spread
> permissions on one of my mandatory fields & the error is gone.  Let me
> play around with the others & I'll get back to you.

Which error is gone?

How are you making the CFs mandatory, btw?  If it's an extension, that
may affect whether or not it's caring to check rights before verifying

> The blanket permission was SeeCustomField granted to everyone on the CF
> level.  I'm guessing that there's no good way to allow a user to see the
> field, but not modify it?  Am I misunderstanding what SeeCustomField
> allows?
> It's possible, I was mistaken on SeeQueue a while back.

The See* rights are just visibility, not modification.
ModifyCustomField controls adding/removing values from CFs on tickets, etc.

Re: [rt-users] LDAPImport size limit woes

2013-07-10 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/10/2013 02:15 AM, Nathan Cutler wrote:
> [Wed Jul 10 09:10:42 2013] [error]: LDAP search failed Critical
> extension not available
> (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.2/RT/Extension/
> LDAP search failed Critical extension not available

This is an error from your LDAP server saying that it doesn't support
paged results (i.e. the first 100, the second 100, etc).

What LDAP server are you running?  The paging extension is common in
most servers using the v3 LDAP spec.

> Could it be that the value of LDAPSizeLimit that I set in
> must match the server's actual limit exactly? (I was
> assuming it just had to be <= the server's actual limit.)

No, you assumed correctly.  It just must be <= the actual limit.

Re: [rt-users] Mandatory Custom Field Privileges

2013-07-09 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/09/2013 02:20 PM, Tim Wiley wrote:
> GroupA are workers in & effectively own Queue1.  GroupA requested a
> number of custom fields for their queue that help facilitate better
> reporting on tickets.  Because of the reporting nature of these custom
> fields, GroupA has requested that only they have the permissions
> required to set the values on these fields & that they are mandatory.
> Furthermore, these custom fields should be hidden from GroupB, the group
> that is allowed to submit tickets to the queue.  Ideally, if GroupB
> can't see or modify the custom field, they shouldn't be told at ticket
> creation that the CFs are mandatory & the ticket should be created. Once
> a ticket lands in the hands of GroupA & they modify the ticket, the
> mandatory CFs with no values should then be verified & an error should
> be displayed, not allowing the modify until all mandatory CFs are filled
> out (because GroupA has permissions to see & modify the custom fields).
> I've looked all over for the special permissions recipe for this setup &
> I can't find anything.  Am I the only one trying to use RT in this
> manner?  Is there a way to do this that I'm missing?   Do you need more
> information or clarification?  I'll gladly supply it.

You never said what you tried and what isn't working...

Not letting one group of users see a set of CFs is possible with RT's
rights, provided you haven't granted rights too widely at the global
level.  You may need to rejigger some of your rights first to be less
global and more role/group/object specific.

Re: [rt-users] How do you check the value of a Transaction CustomField

2013-07-03 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/03/2013 03:18 AM, scott.dalzell wrote:
> Just a note the above works for the Ticket Custom Field if i change the 
> $cf->LoadByName(Queue => $trans->QueueObj->id,Name => "Alert_Support_T"); 
> to
> cf->LoadByName(Queue => $ticket->QueueObj->id,Name => "Alert_Support"); 

RT::CustomField->LoadByName only loads ticket CFs, no other types (for
historical reasons).

You'll need to load it differently.

Re: [rt-users] RT Scrip

2013-07-02 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/02/2013 06:37 AM, Bryon Baker wrote:
> it would be nice if there was a place people could put their scrips.

A very good way to distribute custom scrips, actions, and conditions is
to package them up into proper Perl classes and put them in an extension
you publish to CPAN.  That way they're installable and versionable and
don't rely on error-prone copy and paste.

Re: [rt-users] Can you run RT on the same server as Twiki?

2013-07-02 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 07/02/2013 11:42 AM, Sherri McGurnaghan wrote:
> [crit]: Something went wrong while trying to run RT's standalone web server:
> Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains:
> /usr/local/share/request-tracker4/lib /usr/share/request-tracker4/lib
> /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2
> /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14
> /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/share/perl5/Plack/Handler/
> line 8.

You need to install the FCGI Perl module.  Since you appear to be using
the Ubuntu packages and the system perl, try this:

   apt-get install libfcgi-perl

It should have been installed when you installed the Ubuntu package,
since request-tracker4 depends on libhtml-mason-perl which depends on

RT's standard configure script during a tarball install has an
--with-web-handler=fastcgi to ensure this dep is present.

> So I am at a loss as what to do next. Maybe the two can’t run on the
> same server? Any help / guidance would be appreciated.

They can run just fine together, however:

> FYI:
> * OS and version - Ubuntu 12.04
> * Memory - 1 GB   
> * Disk   - 10 GB
> * Processor  - Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.40GHz
> * Database and version - MySQL version 5.5.29
> * Apache version   - Apache version 2.2.22  

That's a tiny amount of memory for an RT server which also hosts the
database on the same machine.  You'll want to tune MySQL and Apache so
they can't swap death.

Re: [rt-users] Create child/parent ticket on another queue

2013-06-27 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/26/2013 09:58 PM, nonnick wrote:
> Hi all,
> How can i create a child ticket on another queue.
> For example:
>   Ticket A has been created in queue X. Team in queue X can not resolve by
> themselves, must be request queue Y do somethings then team X can resolve
> ticket. How can they create a child ticket B of ticket A on queue Y

Re: [rt-users] External Authentication

2013-06-26 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/26/2013 10:25 AM, Bryon Baker wrote:
> I agree Thomas.
> As stated before I have the correct information and setup for the
> ODBC drivers I have tested this with isql and tsql and I wrote a
> quick perl scrip to test the connection string and that works.
> What I can's figure out is what information needs to be put in the "
> 'dbi_driver'=>  'DBI_DRIVER'," so that RT will use
> the DSN entry in the ODBC configs.

RT::Authen::ExternalAuth expects to build a DSN like so:


Yet ODBC wants a sub-driver, so try this hack:

   dbi_driver => 'ODBC',
   database   => 'FooBar;driver=FreeTDS',

Re: [rt-users] Queue owner and Queue Admin Cc

2013-06-26 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/26/2013 03:09 AM, Mohammadali Mobli wrote:
>  I want a specific person to get email when a ticket comes in to a specific
> queue. (I have already added Admin Cc but it does not work it gives an
> error no recipient found no email sent.)
> Now the weird thing is on one queue i have this setup and it works the
> person gets email. But on another queue with the same configuration it does
> not work.

or as a per-user preference

It comes up on the list all the time.

Re: [rt-users] External Authentication

2013-06-26 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/26/2013 10:03 AM, Bryon Baker wrote:
> Update
> Working with the first error I created a with the correct 
> connect string.  (I tested using Perl).
> Now I get this error.
> DBD::SQLServer initialisation failed: Can't locate object method "driver" via 
> package "DBD::SQLServer" at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.2/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/ line 820.

You shouldn't be trying to write a DBI driver class; that's madness.

You probably to use ODBC with a connect (dsn) string that includes the
correct odbc (sub)driver to use.

Re: [rt-users] External Authentication

2013-06-25 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/25/2013 02:05 PM, Bryon Baker wrote:
> Sorry I screwed on both. 
> Made change and now I get the following messages.  LDAP works by the way.
> [Tue Jun 25 20:58:13 2013] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth service: 
> Connect_MSSQL 
> (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.2/RT/Authen/
> [Tue Jun 25 20:58:13 2013] [debug]: SSO Failed and no user to test with. 
> Nexting (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.2/RT/Authen/
> [Tue Jun 25 20:58:13 2013] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth service: 
> Connect_LDAP (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.2/RT/Authen/
> [Tue Jun 25 20:58:13 2013] [debug]: SSO Failed and no user to test with. 
> Nexting (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.2/RT/Authen/
> [Tue Jun 25 20:58:13 2013] [debug]: Autohandler called ExternalAuth. 
> Response: (0, No User) 
> (/usr/share/request-tracker/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/html/Elements/DoAuth:11)

This means that your MSSQL auth source didn't find a user, so it moved
on to your LDAP source where it also didn't find a user (presumably
because some users are in MSSQL and others are in LDAP).

Re: [rt-users] External Authentication

2013-06-25 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/25/2013 01:45 PM, Bryon Baker wrote:
> Not a typo
> I am trying to us a Microsoft SQL database not MySQL.

Please keep replies on the list.

And look more closely at what you typed.  One has a single underscore,
the other two.  I know you're using MSSQL not MySQL.

Re: [rt-users] External Authentication

2013-06-25 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/25/2013 01:39 PM, wrote:
> 'Connect_MSSQL'   =>  {  ## GENERIC SECTION

Typo.  Compare above to message below.

> [Tue Jun 25 20:32:34 2013] [debug]: Invalid service type for UserExists:
> Connect__MSSQL
> (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.2/RT/Authen/

Re: [rt-users] CustomField Transactions Options?

2013-06-25 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/25/2013 01:22 PM, Kai Storbeck wrote:
> And for our custom action prepare (or cleanup, I never know which to pick):

Prepare should be used to do any work needed to do the action's
business, or to check some further conditions (depends on the action).

No changes should ever be made in prepare since it may be called more
than once.  All changes should happen in "cleanup" (which is renamed to
commit in 4.2).

Re: [rt-users] RT and SSO with SAML

2013-06-18 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/18/2013 05:58 AM, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
>> - logout waits 1 second (default), and go back to login page, so I'm
>> authenticated again. I think I need to change the logout link in the
>> code?
> Yes. Very specific to setup, so there is no direct solution that works
> for everybody.

There's a "Default" callback in NoAuth/Logout.html which you can use to
modify the URL redirected to.  This lets you have RT redirect to the SSO
endpoint's logout URL.

>> - SSO is always used and I'd like a way to do a local login (with
>> root for example which is not in our user directory). I'm not sure
>> how to do this yet.
> Host second RT as a virtual host on different URL without SSO. Only
> people with passwords in RT's database would be able to use this interface.

Alternatively you can tell Apache to "Satisfy any" and allow some local
users depending on their IP address.  You may or may not be able to
configure mod_mellon to allow optional SSO auth.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Question about restricting queues

2013-06-18 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/18/2013 11:08 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 02:33:07PM -0400, Chris Hall wrote:
>>I've got a bit of a weird problem, and wondered if anybody has a solution 
>> for it.
>>We have several queues, and a few are grouped up by name. For example:
>>Queue A tier 1
>>Queue A tier 2
>>Queue A tier 3
>>Queue B tier 1
>>Queue B tier 2
>>Queue B tier 3
>>The managers at the helpdesk are having a problem w/ ppl making a ticket 
>> in Queue A tier 1,
>>and then when they escalate it, accidentally transferring it to Queue B 
>> tier 2 (instead of
>>Queue A tier 2). They asked me if there was any way to group these queues 
>> up in such a way
>>that, for example, if a ticket is made in any of the Queue A's they are 
>> locked in and can only
>>be transferred between the Queue A's.
> As Jean-Christophe notes, the common solution is "Don't let them have
> access to B" but you may not be able to do that.  Unfortunately, a
> Scrip runs too late to stop the email from going out with the other
> queue's email address.
> The best solution may be modifying SelectQueue (using a callback if
> available) to limit the set of Queues presented to non-admin users.

Another solution which may be acceptable is defining different
lifecycles for each trio of queues.  The lifecycles don't have to
actually be different, just named differently.  Then if you omit a
mapping between the two lifecycles, RT will prevent tickets moving
between them (by _anyone_).  It's a bit of a misuse, but will work.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] RT 4.0.8 - rt-mailgate hangs on authenticated RT server

2013-06-17 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/17/2013 03:06 PM, Duncan Napier wrote:
> I understand that to get around this, you open up areas of the server to the 
> the localhost ( so no authentication is required. I have tried a 
> bunch of fixes, but none seem to work. They seem require NoAuth areas of the 
> rt directory have authentication disabled using Apache Location or Directory 
> directives, as in:
> #
> # Begin Code Fragment
> #
> Satisfy Any
> Allow from all
> Satisfy Any
> Allow from all

Your Apache configuration directives are wrong.  Location/LocationMatch
take a URL location, not a directory path (that's what
Directory/DirectoryMatch are for).  You also aren't using the matching
power of LocationMatch, and don't need it, so you want something like:

Satisfy any
Allow from

You don't need to allow /NoAuth for mailgate.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Can a scrip do a search like RT::Client::REST does?

2013-06-13 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/13/2013 10:52 AM, Landon wrote:
> Thanks Ken.  The document I found was
> at

You don't want RT::Search for this.

You want to use the RT::Tickets class using the ->FromSQL method, which
accepts TicketSQL.  There are docs and plenty of examples in the RT source.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Export Missing Fields Break Tabs

2013-06-12 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/12/2013 06:10 AM, Robert Gabriel wrote:
> Are there any major differences between feed spreadsheets and CLI output?

Yes, the CLI output does not attempt to be importable by a spreadsheet.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] REST vs GUI: huge performance diference

2013-06-11 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/11/2013 01:42 PM, Ram wrote:
> Hey folks. I'm using rt 4.02 via REST and I noticed a surprising
> difference in performance between using the RT web GUI where a certain
> query takes less than one second and the RT command line where the same
> query takes close to four seconds.
> rt ls ' '
>  (takes 3+ seconds)
> rt web UI quick search for
>  (takes < 1 second)
> That user has 133 tickets. If I do this for a user with 6 tickets then
> both methods are essentially instant.
> What's going on here?

Allow me to paste from #rt:

14:00 <@trs> ram: the quick search on the web automatically limits to active 
14:00 <@trs> ram: `rt ls` doesn't if you specify a query
14:00 <@trs> try `rt ls ' and (status=new or 
 status=open or status=stalled)'`
14:00 <@trs> or similar

Please wait a reasonable time for a response before asking in multiple mediums.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Slow query on CFs

2013-06-04 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 06/04/2013 06:03 AM, Vegard Vesterheim wrote:
> A RT (TicketSQL) query like this:
> Queue = 'drift' AND (  Status = 'new' or Status = 'open' or Status =
> 'stalled' ) AND (  CF.{utstyr} = '' OR CF.{utstyr} =
> '' OR CF.{utstyr} = '' OR CF.{utstyr} =
> '' OR CF.{utstyr} = '' OR
> CF.{utstyr} = '' OR CF.{utstyr} = '' OR
> CF.{utstyr} = '' OR CF.{utstyr} = '' OR
> CF.{utstyr} = '' OR CF.{utstyr} = '' OR
> CF.{utstyr} = '' OR CF.{utstyr} =
> '' OR CF.{utstyr} = '' OR CF.{utstyr}
> = '' OR CF.{utstyr} = '' OR
> CF.{utstyr} = '' OR CF.{utstyr} = '' OR
> CF.{utstyr} = '' OR CF.{utstyr} = '' OR
> CF.{utstyr} = '' OR CF.{utstyr} =
> '' )

I'm sure you've considered this, but I have to ask: Could you simplify
most of the CF conditions with CF.{utstyr} ENDSWITH ''?

For a technical solution, the approach Ruslan described is the way to
go.  It works great for watchers.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Alert Group when a ticket in placed into stall

2013-05-31 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/31/2013 09:09 AM, globo wrote:
> Does anyone have a script to alert a group when a ticket/request is placed
> in a Stall condition. 
> but I cant find the Condition (On Stall ) when setting up the script 

The other answers you received will work, but if you'd like you can
fairly easily add an "On Stalled" condition to the scrip dropdown.

You'll need to create a small file with the following contents:

   @ScripConditions = (
   {  Name => 'On Stalled',
  Description  => 'Whenever a ticket is stalled',
  ApplicableTransTypes => 'Status',
  ExecModule   => 'StatusChange',
  Argument => 'stalled'

This is based on a small piece of etc/initialdata that's installed with
RT for the "On Resolve", "On Open", etc conditions.

Once you have the file, run:

   sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert --datafile /path/to/file/above

It'll insert the "On Stalled" condition you defined into the database
for use in the scrip condition dropdown.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Q: RT4: adding addresses to the $RedistributeAutoGeneratedMessages list

2013-05-30 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/30/2013 11:59 AM, John N. wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running RT4, and am having an issue where machine generated
> messages sent to RT create loops.
> As per the documentation, I added
> Set($RedistributeAutoGeneratedMessages, 0); in, and
> this cleared up most of my problems.  Tickets created by "root@*" no
> longer generate reply emails, which is a good thing.
> However, mail from 'postmaster@*' is still causing loops.
> Does anyone know where the list used by
> $RedistributeAutoGeneratedMessages is specified, so I can add 'postmaster'?

postmaster@ is already caught.

This sounds like your $RTAddressRegexp is unset when it needs to be or
is incomplete.  RTAddressRegexp must match all addresses which are
injected into RT.  You can only leave it unset if all such addresses are
accounted for by $CorrespondAddress/$CommentAddress and queue-specific
addresses configured in the admin interface.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Change "RT @ A Glance" selection criteria

2013-05-30 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/30/2013 12:55 AM, Danie Brink wrote:
> Is it possible for us to change the SQL query that is run for the "RT at
> a glance" front page that shows the last 10 unowned new tickets? With
> our RT Ticket count hovering around 4million the current query performs
> a complete table scan to sort the show the last 10 (filtered) so we
> would like to customize it more for our needs.
> Any pointers where to look for and modify this query? (We're on RT3.8.7).

I suspect you want the $UseSQLForACLChecks option:

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] RT at a Glance error after upgrade from 4.011 to 4.0.12

2013-05-30 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/30/2013 10:52 AM, Kevin wrote:
> trs, 
> Your reply trigged a thought that I didn’t clear the mason cache after the
> upgrades. I just cleared the cache and now it is functioning correctly.
> Thank you for taking a deeper look into this issue, please accept my apology
> for the the extra hoops I put you through,
> I can chalk this one up to not clearing the cache after the upgrade on both
> the .12 and .13 upgrades
> If you would still like to me to do the data dumper for the MyRT.html, lmk
> Thanks again for taking the time to look into this issue.

Glad it's resolved.  I don't need the data dumper output.  That's a
likely scenario, I guess I ruled it out since a number of people
reported it.  :)

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] RT at a Glance error after upgrade from 4.011 to 4.0.12

2013-05-29 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/29/2013 10:43 AM, Kevin wrote:
> I am using the default English no language changes have been done.
> Attached are the files requested as well as the rt.log.
> MyRT.html   
> SearchesForObject
> rt.log.gz   

I'm stumped, and despite multiple reports unable to reproduce the
problem in other RTs.  Can you add the following line to

use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($_);

Add it right after the line which reads:

my ( $desc, $loc_desc, $search ) = @$_;

Then clear your mason cache (rm -rf var/mason_data/obj) and restart RT.

The logs should have the new Data::Dumper output you added when you hit
Configuration -> Global -> RT At a Glance.  Send the full logs that are


RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] MSMTP works for sending, but receiving is now - And why a full MTA?

2013-05-29 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/29/2013 04:53 AM, Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) wrote:
> Postfix IRC channel & they felt a full-blown MTA was overkill, so I

Unfortunately the Postfix folks, while well intentioned, probably don't
understand the behaviour and requirements of RT.  Rest assured that a
full blown MTA isn't overkill here, and is indeed the recommended
practice.  You can tell your paranoid-prone boss that using Postfix is
way more reliable than msmtp.  He wants RT to be reliable, right?  :)

> -I didn't spend too long with MSMTP. It was at least good exposure to
> it, as I'd never heard of it before. What's bugging me is why I can't
> use any of the smtp_recipient_restrictions on the server.

You probably can.  You didn't mention what error you ran into, but it's
likely no more than configuration error.  There are many folks
knowledgeable about Postfix on this list, although Postfix config is
semi-off topic.  Give #postfix (or whatever the postfix help channel is)
another shot, and come back to us if they insist on badgering about
non-postfix options rather than helping. ;)


RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Module::Install::RTx install paths

2013-05-29 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/29/2013 06:24 AM, Maciej Dobrzanski wrote:
> While converting our customizations into proper extensions I discovered that
> the installer, which I grabbed from other existing extensions, writes files
> into both release as well as local code trees. This way modules from 'lib'
> always go to rt/local/lib/RT, but everything from 'html' such as Mason
> files, CSS, Javascript end up in rt/html instead of rt/local/html. The
> culprit appears to be here:

What RT version are you running?

Modern versions of Module::Install::RTx install all extension data into

If you're seeing extension files installed into local/{lib,html} or
html/ then I suspect you're using an old version of
Module::Install::RTx, or perhaps a very old version of RT.

Rather than copying inc/ from another extension, you're better off
installing Module::Install::RTx from CPAN and then writing and running a
Makefile.PL which uses it.  When you run it, it'll populate inc/ with
the latest code.  You should also make sure that a inc/.author directory
exists for module authors _only_ since it will tell Module::Install to
regenerate files that it wouldn't otherwise do.

This draft documentation for writing extensions may be of help:

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] RT at a Glance error after upgrade from 4.011 to 4.0.12

2013-05-29 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/29/2013 08:00 AM, Kevin wrote:
> When tailing the log and trying to access the rt at a glance from the root
> user and menu section Tools > Configuration > Global > RT at a Glance  I get
> the following error in the log, no other messages come from the log 
> [Wed May 29 14:57:54 2013] [error]: Can't call method "Content" on an
> undefined value at /opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html line 69.
> Stack:
>   [/opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html:69]
>   [/opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/autohandler:49]
>   [/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/]
>   [/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/]
>   [/opt/rt4/share/html/autohandler:53]
> (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web/

Please send to the list two files:


Additionally, in which language do you use RT?

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

[rt-users] Translators needed for RT 4.2 updates

2013-05-28 Thread Thomas Sibley
Hello RT users and hackers,

We're hard at work on what will become RT 4.2.  Part of that process is
starting to get the translations updated, and that's where you come in.
 If you speak English and a language other than English, we'd love if
you took a bit of time to help update RT's translations for the next
major release series.

We translate RT using the Rosetta translations tool, which
means you help translate RT from your browser.  You can find basic
instructions here: or just jump in:

Our message catalog tool found some errors in existing translations
around the use of placeholders, which I've split out into separate files
and attached, one for each language.  If you're contributing to a
translation, it'd be great to fix the problems noted in the appropriate

Of particular note are bi-directional text issues and placeholders (%1,
%2, etc) in the Arabic translation.  Launchpad's web translation tool
currently makes it difficult to verify that the usage of placeholders in
right-to-left text is correct.  If anyone is up for it, it may be
easiest to fix up those strings using offline translation (no more
complicated than editing a text file) and then uploading to Launchpad
with the corrected file.

Let us know if there's any way we can help with translations, and thanks
to everyone who has contributes.

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2, %3) in msgid: %1 %2 changed to %3
 got (%1, %2) in msgstr: %1 %2 تغيرت إلى 3%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: %1 %2 deleted
 got () in msgstr: تم حذف 1% 2%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: %1 %2 saved.
 got () in msgstr: تم حفظ1% 2%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2, %3) in msgid: %1 %2 with template %3
 got (%1, %2) in msgstr: %1 %2 مع القالب 3%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: %1 (from pane %2)
 got (%1) in msgstr: %1 (من اللوحة 2%)

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2, %3) in msgid: %1 changed from %2 to %3
 got (%1) in msgstr: %1 تغير من 2% إلى 3%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: %1 chart by %2
 got (%1) in msgstr: %1 الرسم البياني بواسطة 2%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 copy
 got () in msgstr: نسخ 1%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 enabled
 got () in msgstr: تم تمكين 1%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Invalid queue role group type %1
 got () in msgstr: نوعُ مجموعةِ أدوارِ طابورٍ غيرُ صحيحٍ

string does not have the same placeholders
expected () in msgid: Modify a scrip that applies to all queues
 got (%1) in msgstr: عدّل سكربت ينطبق على كل الطوابير %1

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: weekly (on %1) at %2
 got () in msgstr: أسبوعياً (في 1%) عند 2%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 update: Nothing changed
 got (%2) in msgstr: %2 actualitzar: Res ha canviat

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Could not create CustomField: %1
 got () in msgstr: No s'ha pogut crear el camp personalitzat

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Unable to delete topic membership in %1
 got () in msgstr: No s'ha pogut esborrar la pertinença al tema

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: Couldn't delete dashboard %1: %2
 got () in msgstr: Kontrolna ploča se nije mogla obrisati

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: #%1
 got () in msgstr: msgstr

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Can't find a collection class for '%1'
 got () in msgstr: Kan geen bewaarde zoekopdracht vinden om mee te werken

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: grouped by %1
 got () in msgstr: opgedeeld in

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: Custom field value changed from %1 to %2
 got (%1) in msgstr: Kentän arvo muutettu arvosta %1 arvoon

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Link ticket #%1
 got () in msgstr: Lisää viittaus

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Link ticket %1
 got () in msgstr: Lisää viittaus

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Modify the queries of dashboard %1
 got () in msgstr: Muokkaa työtilan kyselyitä

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: Owner changed from %1 to %2
 got (%2) in msgstr: Yhteyshenkilöksi vaihdettu %2

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: Owner forcibly changed 

Re: [rt-users] defanging URLs in incoming e-mails?

2013-05-28 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/28/2013 03:58 PM, Riggle, Kevin wrote:
> It looks like RT's MailPlugins are only for go/no-go filtering and
> authentication, and aren't intended to be used to modify the body of the
> message before it is made into a transaction.  (Or will changes to the
> MIME::Entity be honored?)

MailPlugins which are "ApplyBeforeDecode" can completely alter the
MIME::Entity, I believe.  Start reading the code in

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Active Directory and RT

2013-05-24 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/24/2013 03:35 PM, davidneudorfer wrote:
> Removing group and group_attr was what did it for me. Hopefully this helps
> someone else in the future.

It looks like you missed my reply, where I explained what was going
wrong with your group and group_attr, along with a few other things.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] MSMTP doesn't run

2013-05-24 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/24/2013 01:54 PM, Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) wrote:
> I've tried switching from Postfix to MSMTP with this wiki entry:

Best Practical strongly recommends against mailers like MSMTP and _for_
real MTAs like Postfix.  MSMTP will usually drop your email if delivery
fails the first time.  RT doesn't retry because it expects the MTA to do so.

So it's strange you're switching away from such a nice MTA as Postfix.
What's your reasoning?

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Active Directory and RT

2013-05-24 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/24/2013 02:40 PM, davidneudorfer wrote:
> 'attr_match_list' => [
> 'Name',
> 'EmailAddress',
> 'RealName',
> ],

First things first, remove RealName from the config above.  It should be
removed from the example configs as it's a misleading example.
"attr_match_list" are properties that in combination uniquely identify a
user; by including RealName, you're telling RT that a user's real name
may never change (such as not being provided, or differing slightly).

Glenn's suggestions are also good.

Second, note these lines:

> [Fri May 24 21:31:20 2013] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base:
> ou=lb,DC=office,DC=lbox,DC=com == Scope: base == Filter: (member=CN=David
> Neudorfer,OU=lb,DC=office,DC=lbox,DC=com) == Attrs: dn
> (/opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/
> [Fri May 24 21:31:20 2013] [debug]: LDAP group membership check returned 0
> results
> (/opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/
> [Fri May 24 21:31:20 2013] [info]: My_LDAP AUTH FAILED: david.neudorfer

This is why auth fails: RT didn't find the logging in user as a member
of the group you specified that users must be a member of.

I suspect you're running into the issue that the group check is done as
the logging in user rather than the service user (cn=thisisauser in your
sample).  The group check happens after the rebind to check the provided
password.  There's an open bug about this because it should be made

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Installing RT4 with AssetTracker on Debian Wheezy

2013-05-23 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/23/2013 04:42 PM, Gary McRae wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your prompt reply.
> I changed the spelling but it made no difference.
> Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Show logs with the correct spelling.

> BTW, when I reply like this should I reply to you personally or to a list?

The list.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Installing RT4 with AssetTracker on Debian Wheezy

2013-05-23 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/23/2013 03:45 PM, Gary McRae wrote:
> Then I “apt-get install rt4-extension-assettracker” and it installs
> without any errors.
> Then I put “Set(@Plugins, qw(RTx::AssettTracker));” into

You're spelling it wrong ---^^^


RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Proper way to backup RT Database

2013-05-23 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/23/2013 11:16 AM, John Buell wrote:
> Does the interpretation of %M vs %m vary from Linux to Linux (or
> between Linux and other *nixes)?
> When I first set up my backups I found that following the linked page
> to the letter I got timestamps with YearMinuteDate instead of
> YearMonthDate. I do a nightly SQL backup, followed by a backup of
> everything I've customized for Apache and Postfix, and use `date
> +%Y%m%d%H%M` to do a date and time stamp on my files.

No, that's a typo.  Thanks, fixed!

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Disable Requestor email in reply by default

2013-05-23 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/23/2013 06:40 AM, Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) wrote:
> I'm putting an RT system online for our service department. At the
> present time, the site will be internally accessible only but Internet
> email correspondence with clients will be permitted. To control
> confidentiality, it's been requested that the requestor email be
> disabled by default for all ticket replies (i.e.: remove the checkbox
> from the Requestor by default). Is there a way to do this?

Rather than automatically uncheck the checkbox you're thinking of,
modify your global/queue scrips to not send mail to the requestor.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Change ticket status after elapsed time period

2013-05-22 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/22/2013 01:52 PM, Asif Iqbal wrote:
> Ramon Kagan wrote a RT::Action::SetStatus module
> You can place it at /opt/rt3/local/lib/RT/Action/ and use
> it. You may have to run mkdir -p /opt/rt3/local/lib/RT/Action

Asif, RT has shipped with an RT::Action::SetStatus in core since 4.0.0.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

[rt-users] [rt-announce] RT 3.8.17 released

2013-05-22 Thread Thomas Sibley
RT 3.8.17 contains important security fixes.

SHA1 sums
4765c68f91a0e8e21ed0fd39397cd8e3970ca992  rt-3.8.17.tar.gz
a0aa9a3e284d4fc36ba7e6354d7e0772833f2a00  rt-3.8.17.tar.gz.sig

This release of RT resolves a number of security vulnerabilities:


It also includes a database upgrade, so please make sure to run `make

Details about the above CVEs are available at:

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log rt-3.8.16..rt-3.8.17
or visiting

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
rt-announce mailing list

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

[rt-users] [rt-announce] RT 4.0.13 released

2013-05-22 Thread Thomas Sibley
RT 4.0.13 contains important security fixes.

SHA1 sums
d09f0b9beed8f4e7972fd43d5597e78306d9acef  rt-4.0.13.tar.gz
94d1de447301c9be728197572aff2d29944bc39e  rt-4.0.13.tar.gz.asc

This release of RT resolves a number of security vulnerabilities:


It also includes a database upgrade, so please make sure to run `make

Details about the above CVEs are available at:

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log rt-4.0.12..rt-4.0.13
or visiting

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
rt-announce mailing list

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

[rt-users] [rt-announce] Security vulnerabilities in RT

2013-05-22 Thread Thomas Sibley
We discovered a number of security vulnerabilities which affect both RT
3.8.x and RT 4.0.x.  We are releasing RT versions 3.8.17 and 4.0.13 to
resolve these vulnerabilities, as well as patches which apply atop all
released versions of 3.8 and 4.0.

The vulnerabilities addressed by 3.8.17, 4.0.13, and the below patches
include the following:

RT 4.0.0 and above are vulnerable to a limited privilege escalation
leading to unauthorized modification of ticket data.  The DeleteTicket
right and any custom lifecycle transition rights may be bypassed by any
user with ModifyTicket.  This vulnerability is assigned CVE-2012-4733.

RT 3.8.0 and above include a version of bin/rt that uses
semi-predictable names when creating tempfiles.  This could possibly be
exploited by a malicious user to overwrite files with permissions of the
user running bin/rt.  This vulnerability is assigned CVE-2013-3368.

RT 3.8.0 and above allow calling of arbitrary Mason components (without
control of arguments) for users who can see administration pages.  This
could be used by a malicious user to run private components which may
have negative side-effects.  This vulnerability is assigned

RT 3.8.0 and above allow direct requests to private callback components.
Though no callback components ship with RT, this could be used to
exploit an extension or local callback which uses the arguments passed
to it insecurely.  This vulnerability is assigned CVE-2013-3370.

RT 3.8.3 and above are vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) via
attachment filenames.  The vector is difficult to exploit due to parsing
requirements.  Additionally, RT 4.0.0 and above are vulnerable to XSS
via maliciously-crafted "URLs" in ticket content when RT's "MakeClicky"
feature is configured.  Although not believed to be exploitable in the
stock configuration, a patch is also included for RTIR 2.6.x to add
bulletproofing.  These vulnerabilities are assigned CVE-2013-3371.

RT 3.8.0 and above are vulnerable to an HTTP header injection limited to
the value of the Content-Disposition header.  Injection of other
arbitrary response headers is not possible.  Some (especially older)
browsers may allow multiple Content-Disposition values which could lead
to XSS.  Newer browsers contain security measures to prevent this.
Thank you to Dominic Hargreaves for reporting this vulnerability.  This
vulnerability is assigned CVE-2013-3372.

RT 3.8.0 and above are vulnerable to a MIME header injection in outgoing
email generated by RT.  The vectors via RT's stock templates are
resolved by this patchset, but any custom email templates should be
updated to ensure that values interpolated into mail headers do not
contain newlines.  This vulnerability is assigned CVE-2013-3373.

RT 3.8.0 and above are vulnerable to limited session re-use when using
the file-based session store, Apache::Session::File.  RT's default
session configuration only uses Apache::Session::File for Oracle.  RT
instances using Oracle may be locally configured to use the
database-backed Apache::Session::Oracle, in which case sessions are
never re-used.  The extent of session re-use is limited to information
leaks of certain user preferences and caches, such as queue names
available for ticket creation.  Thank you to Jenny Martin for reporting
the problem that lead to discovery of this vulnerability.  This
vulnerability is assigned CVE-2013-3374.

Patches for all releases of 3.8.x and 4.0.x are available for download
below.  Versions of RT older than 3.8.0 are unsupported and do not
receive security patches; please contact if you
need assistance with an older RT version.

25349c393c1b8d720f26a62dd57dc90d7def1cea  security-2013-05-22.tar.gz
d78db2e9fba3b78c1ee7a0a8d9ede871cc7ba7dc  security-2013-05-22.tar.gz.sig

The README in the tarball contains instructions for applying the
patches.  If you need help resolving this issue locally, we will provide
discounted pricing for single-incident support; please contact us at for more information.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
rt-announce mailing list

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Cannot get RT-Extension-MobileUI and RT-Authen-ExternalAuth to play nice....

2013-05-21 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/20/2013 11:31 PM, Gary Greene wrote:
> Currently, I'm using RT version 3.8.10 (yes, I know it is old; we're
> not ready to upgrade to the 4 series yet with the customizations
> we've done to rt3...) and have installed version 1.03 of
> RT::Extension::MobileUI and version 0.09 of RT::Authen::ExternalAuth
> in use. The configuration we're using has the authentication only
> coming from the AD LDAP environment we have.
> When attempting to login to the mobile UI, it complains that a user
> doesn't exist, tries to fall back to SSO, fails (which it should, as
> we've not setup SSO yet here), and then kicks you right back to the
> login UI.

You didn't provide any logs.  Please turn on debug logging in RT and
show the debug logs produced when you try to login via the mobile UI.

Have you tried a newer version of RT::Authen::ExternalAuth?

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Login Passwords Fail following upgrade to RT 4.0.0

2013-05-21 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/21/2013 06:55 AM, wrote:
> I am currently running RT 3.8.16 and all appears to be working fine. I
> have decided to upgrade to RT 4.0.0.

Why 4.0.0 and not 4.0.12?  .12 contains two years of bugfixes.  There is
no reason to upgrade to something less.

> There are a few other differences in the users database between rt3 & rt4.
> I have tried to follow the README, UPGRADING & UPGRADING.mysql directions
> but cannot find that the new database SCHEMA has changed during these
> processes.

Did you run `make upgrade-database`?  It sounds very much like you
didn't run any database upgrades at all.

Please re-read the README, paying attention to step 6(b) and UPGRADING-4.0:

Perhaps this will be useful:

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] unsubscribed from dashboard for a user who has left

2013-05-21 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/21/2013 11:13 AM, Andy Lee wrote:
> I got a system dashboard that is setup. And the user use to be subscribed
> to the dashboards to get reports daily.
> It appears the user is still receiving emails from the reports. How can
> i remove the user from the system dashboard reporting?

There's currently no way for an RT admin to modify another user's
dashboard subscriptions (without manually touching the database, which
we discourage).  You'll need to login as the user (admins *can* reset
passwords) and remove the subscription, or the user will need to do it

Keep in mind that dashboard subscriptions are to any arbitrary address,
so it's possible for users to subscribe an address that isn't theirs
(which can be useful in various situations).


RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] ExtractCustomFields template and dropping errant HTML tags

2013-05-20 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/20/2013 02:53 PM, Lundberg, Emory wrote:
> Some additional information as I'm getting big blobs of text with
> markup in several fields on emails and forms that are submitted to my
> RT-4.0.10:
>> 2013-05-20 21:37:32 The RT System itself - FQDN you've completed
>> this form!> align="center">  added
> I'm stuck on not being sure about the most appropriate way to
> proceed. I don't know if I should be trying to adjust my CustomField
> template to ignore HTML tags designated with '<', or if I should be
> stripping HTML at the MTA and forcing plain text on everybody.

Perhaps ECFV should preferentially use an alternative text/plain part if
one exists, and only use text/html if necessary.

> I'm not using `Set($PreferRichText, 1);` because I don't know if that
> will even help with body parsing at all.

It doesn't affect this parsing, it only affects display in the ticket

> My Template for that field is written as:
>>  FQDN|Body|FQDN:*([^<].*+)||

I don't think your regex is matching what you expect.

It says to match the string "FQDN", then zero or more colons ":", then
any single character except "<", then any character zero or more times,
then a syntax error since a quantifier "+" is used without anything to

Perhaps you meant:


which matches "FQDN:", optional whitespace, one or more characters that
aren't "<" to the end of the line.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Still having database problems - Getting bad - Can't add attachments

2013-05-20 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/20/2013 06:54 AM, Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) wrote:
> I'm still getting these errors when trying to attach large files (around
> 4MB) to tickets:

Did you look at the max_attachment_size parameter to mysql?

I suspect you're running into that.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Fwd: Parent/Child relationships for tickets in RT REST

2013-05-20 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/19/2013 06:56 PM, John Kelsh wrote:
> Hi Landon,
> HasMember & MemberOf should create a Parent/Child relationship shouldn't
> it?

Yes, those are the internal names, for better or worse.  I don't know
about the internals of RT::Client::REST, but RT's REST interface will
accept Parent/Child types too and do the right thing.


RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Post upgrade 3.8.5 to 4.0.12 Global->RT At A Glance error

2013-05-17 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/17/2013 01:36 PM, Pete Beebe wrote:
 Can you run `diff -ruN` against the two install trees (the one
 you backed up and the one currently in use)?
> Zip file is 190KB in size.  I will be sending it separate from this
> reply.  I cut out the session_data diff output to trim down the
> original log file (4MB).  If you prefer that this additional diff
> info be included I can simply send you the zipped 4MB log file.

The session data isn't necessary (and shouldn't be published publicly
either; sessions contain private data).

I filtered out irrelevant files (the new RT-Authen-ExternalAuth install,
Mason cache files, documentation files (man and pod)) from the diff you
sent, and it left no significant changes.

Frustratingly, I still can't reproduce the error locally on a handful of
long-lived RT instances all of which have been upgraded through 4.0.12.


RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Notify Actor

2013-05-17 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/17/2013 03:06 AM, Andrea gabellini - SC wrote:
> Thomas,
> this queue is a low traffic queue, and users that use it aren't so
> familiar with RT, so they prefer to have all emails in their mailbox,
> also those they send.

Nod.  NotifyActor is also changeable a per-user preference (Logged in as
... -> Settings, look under the "Mail" section).

Perhaps it would be sufficient for those users to simply flip the
"Outgoing mail" preference to yes for themselves while leaving the
global $NotifyActor preference off.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Post upgrade 3.8.5 to 4.0.12 Global->RT At A Glance error

2013-05-17 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/17/2013 09:13 AM, Pete Beebe wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> Looks like the mail filter stopped this one from going through due to
> the attached log file.  Re-forwarding minus log file.

It was briefly stopped, yes, but I let it through manually.  There's a
size limit on posts at which point they require manual moderation.

> Also of note, yesterday evening I brought our RTPROD server offline
> for a reboot.  When the OS was back online I backed up the existing
> RTPROD installation directory and re-ran the configuration to
> re-create the install directory.  I then copied over our
> RT_SiteConfig file and custom log and started the web service back
> up.  I re-tested the Global At A Glance setting and found that the
> issue was no longer appearing.
> Sonothing done on the database end (other than re-instating those
> user records).  For this particular problem it seems that me laying
> down a new install base somehow corrected the original issue.

Out of curiosity, how did you reinstate the user records?  The error was
still occurring after you'd reinstated them, but before you reinstalled,

I'm surprised that a new install would correct the issue, but it is
possible.  Basically a component was returning an unexpected empty
value.  Can you run `diff -ruN` against the two install trees (the one
you backed up and the one currently in use)?  Alternatively, sent two
tarballs over and I can do it.

Thanks for continuing to dig at this and all the info you've provided.


RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] shredder on specific user

2013-05-16 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/16/2013 05:14 PM, Philip Brown wrote:
> After doing a few searches, it seems that using the "rt-shredder" tool
> is the one true way to delete a user.
> Unfortunately... i find the documentation on it, inscruitable :(
> Could someone please give me a simple, straightforward commandline to
> delete user X?
> I was hoping it would be as simple as
> rt-shredder --plugin User name=doomeduser
> but that does not seem to be adequate.

The format is incorrect.  --plugin takes a single argument, but you've
space separated it and hence it's two.  See for the proper
format; you're close.

Alternatively, use the admin web interface instead of the command line.
 Select "Users" from the object type and then enter "doomeduser" in the
Name field.  If the user isn't disabled, either disable them first or
enter "enabled" in the status field (which defaults to "disabled" if
empty, for safety).

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Notify Actor

2013-05-16 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/16/2013 01:07 AM, Andrea gabellini - SC wrote:
> Thomas,
> I have 10 queues and only in one of them I need to notify the actor.
> What about a config like this?
> Set(NotifyActor, {
>  'default' => '0',
>  'queue-name' => '1',
> });

I understand the concept.  What I'm asking is for an explanation why you
want it for only 1 queue but not all the others.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] QueueDeactivatedScrips

2013-05-16 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/16/2013 01:08 AM, Andrea gabellini - SC wrote:
> Thomas,
> thank you. I will wait for the 4.2. What is the time line?

It's our policy not to speculate on release dates.  You can follow
development on rt-devel mailing list which receives announcements of
alpha 4.1 releases and then 4.2 "release candidates" for testing.  Note
that in general, alpha releases like 4.1.x releases shouldn't be used
for production services.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] AD External Authentication

2013-05-15 Thread Thomas Sibley
Pretty straightforward, with one caveat.

On 05/14/2013 12:12 PM, MacKillip, Scott wrote:
> If the user has an account in RT (set up by an RT administrator) they
> should still have the same functionality, just authentication is
> coming from AD and not the internal RT database.
> If the user does not have an account in AD they should be denied
> access.
> If the user does not have an account in RT, they should be directed
> to the self-service pages.

You can't access the self service pages without at least an unprivileged
RT account.  With $AutoCreateNonExternalUsers set to 0, users who can
auth with AD but don't have an RT account will have one automatically
created.  Users without an AD account will be denied all access.

> If the user does have an account in RT, they should not notice any 
> difference after installing the AD Authentication module.
> Given the above requirements, will the following steps accomplish
> this?
> 1.  Install RT::Authen::ExternalAuth
> 2.  Configure same to use LDAP
> 3.  Set $WebExternalAuth to 0 in

$WebExternalAuth already defaults to off, and while unfortunately named,
does not refer to RT::Authen::ExternalAuth.  It would be better named
$WebRemoteUser, as it will be in RT 4.2, since it uses the REMOTE_USER
that your webserver is expected to set when enabled.

Short version: step 3 is unnecessary.

> 4.  Set $AutoCreateNonExternalUsers to 0 (I don’t want to create
> any account in RT unless I do it myself)

Note that this means RT also won't accept email from addresses which
aren't in your configured AD.  This is because all addresses must have
an RT account of some sort, usually autocreated as unprivileged (without
a password, so unable to login).

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Post upgrade 3.8.5 to 4.0.12 Global->RT At A Glance error

2013-05-15 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/15/2013 02:24 PM, Pete Beebe wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> The 4.0.11 to 4.0.12 Oracle upgrade completed and this RT At A Glance
> issue still did not reappear.  This was all done on our Dev system,
> however.  The Prod OS/config is a clone of the so I'm at a loss as to
> what the difference would be that's causing this to occur.

That result is quite strange, but suggests a database inconsistency.
Have you run rt-validator?

What are the output of the 3 SQL queries I sent you earlier on this
newly upgraded dev instance?

As of yet, I haven't tracked down the problem locally.  By my count,
there are 3 reports of similar issues on rt-users.  At least two of
three migrated database types, so my suspicions are there right now but
I have no proof/explanation.  I hope to have more time to debug this soon.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Notify Actor

2013-05-15 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/15/2013 07:49 AM, Andrea gabellini - SC wrote:
> Hello,
> is it possible to set NotifyActor per queue basis?

No.  If you wanted to hack up some Perl, you could do it.  I don't
recommend it.  What's your use case?

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] QueueDeactivatedScrips

2013-05-15 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/15/2013 08:02 AM, Andrea gabellini - SC wrote:
> Hello,
> is there an updated version of RT-Extension-QueueDeactivatedScrips? I
> found
> but is for rt 4.0.4.

I do not believe so.  However, RT 4.2 will include equivalent
functionality natively.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Can't add attachments anymore - Possibly DB switch?

2013-05-15 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/15/2013 11:57 AM, Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) wrote:
> Is this an error due to me switching to MariaDB from MySQL? It's looking
> like some file attachments can't get added.
> [Tue May 14 22:05:25 2013] [warning]: RT::Handle=HASH(0xbd328224)
> couldn't execute the query 'INSERT INTO Attachments (Subject,
> ContentType, Filename,
> Headers, MessageId, Creator, Parent, Created, ContentEncoding, Content,
> TransactionId) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' at
> /usr/local/share/pe
> rl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ line 600.
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::SimpleQuery('RT::Handle=HASH(0xbd328224)',
> 'INSERT INTO Attachments (Subject, ContentType, Filename, Head...', '06
> 0741-2_new.pdf', 'application/pdf', '060741-2_new.pdf', 'Subject:
> 060741-2_new.pdf\x{a}MIME-Version: 1.0\x{a}Content-Type: app...', '',
> 821, 20024, ...
> ) called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/
> line 350

Hmm, there's no reason in the error message *why* the query failed.
That is strange.  Is there anything in Maria's logs?

Are you seeing this happen more than once?  Is there any pattern in what
attachments fail?

FWIW, RT doesn't officially support MariaDB, and there are a few
differences from MySQL, so you're running in uncharted territory right
now.  Support may be added in the future, as MariaDB does seem to be
gaining usage.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] REMOTE_USER, external auth, and email mismatching

2013-05-15 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/15/2013 06:19 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> Well, here's where I asked the community to share what works:
> And here's 1 (of 2) contributions I got and submitted, still sitting
> in a github pull request that has not been merged after 1+ years:
> That was the "water testing" and end of my contributions to RT,
> as a failed experiment. I didn't bother submitting the 2nd
> config contribution I got based on the above.

I just responded to your PR.  Thanks for pointing it out again.  We
manage a lot of repos and only use github for publishing public mirrors
and receiving PRs.  Sometimes this means PRs slip through the cracks if
no one prods us.  That is to say: if anyone thinks they're owed a
response on a PR or patch or any other contribution, please do pipe up
to get our attention again.

I'm sorry your contributing experience was lousy.

> Here's someone else's code contribution from 1+ years ago to
> allow secure LDAP:

That is an unnecessary change, and should have been closed long ago.
I've now done so.  The simple solution is specifying a server of
"ldaps://" instead of just "".

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] REMOTE_USER, external auth, and email mismatching

2013-05-15 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/14/2013 01:41 PM, Philip Brown wrote:
> I then attempted to do the fallback suggested via
> CanonicalizeEmailAddressMatch
> after removing the KrbLocalUser from my apache configs.
> however, the replace did not seem to have any effect. I'm still getting
> logged in as
> rather than
> for the record, I'm using a match string of
> '\@.*\$'
> and replace of
> '\'

You may be mistaking the user *name* for the email address.  Without a
separate Name, RT often assigns the email address as the name.  This may
happen before canonicalization in some cases.  Can you verify the email
addresses aren't being canonicalized?  If not, there may be an
interaction with existing users, but I wouldn't expect that necessarily.

If the email address is canonicalized, but the name is still the
uncanonicalized form, I'd suggest looking at this piece from my original

You can also do more sophisticated munging by writing your own

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] making a custom field mandatory for select queues

2013-05-14 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/14/2013 07:32 AM, Darin Perusich wrote:
> Hello All,
> It's is possible to make a custom field mandatory of selective queues?
> Say I have a CF called "Environment" who's values are test,
> development, and production which is a global CF since it may apply
> any queue, but only needs to be mandatory in queue XYZ. Can this be
> done?

Depending on your definition of mandatory, the plugin
RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition might be what you want.  It lets you
specify per-queue mandatoryness, but does expect that you're only
requiring the CFs are filled on creation or resolution or some other
particular status transition.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Problems upgrading from 3.9.3

2013-05-14 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/14/2013 08:57 AM, saxmad wrote:
> ERROR: One of initial functions failed: DBD::Pg::db table_info failed:
> ERROR:  column t.spclocation does not exist
> LINE 11: ...t(t.spcname) AS "pg_tablespace_name", quote_ident(t.spclocat...
>   ^ at
> /usr/share/request-tracker4/etc/upgrade/3.9.8/content line 3.

What version of Pg are you running?

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] using rt command line to check whether a queue exists

2013-05-13 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/13/2013 11:00 AM, Darin Perusich wrote:
> Hello All,
> I've been playing around w/scripting the creation of queues and
> haven't been able to figure this out. How do I use the rt command line
> tool to list whether a queue exists or not? 'rt ls -t queue "name =
> queue1"' throws unsupported object, "rt list -q queue1" lists the
> tickets.

ls/list is for tickets only.  You want "show":

rt show queue/FooBar
rt show queue/13
rt show -t queue "Foo Bar"

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] rt-email-dashboards CRON strange error Debian RT 4.0.7

2013-05-13 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/13/2013 06:59 AM, David Lane (IT Support) wrote:
> Now I have a couple of other issue which could be unrelated (1) admins
> get copies of their own admincc messages

There is a $NotifyActor site-wide config option and a per-user preference.

> (2)
>  is ignored and email comments are taken
> as correspondance

You didn't show your /etc/aliases file, but I expect you have
help-comment to run rt-mailgate --action correspond instead of --action

> [Mon May 13 13:00:08 2013] [error]: Can't locate object method
> "err_headers_out" via package "RT::Dashboard::FakeRequest" at
> /usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Interface/ line 891, 
> line 1000. (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Interface/Web/
> [Mon May 13 13:00:08 2013] [error]: Caught exception: An internal RT
> error has occurred.  Your administrator can find more details in RT's
> log files. (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Dashboard/

Upgrade to RT 4.0.9.  This was first fixed in that version.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] RES: RES: RES: RES: Generate end of the day report and email

2013-05-10 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/10/2013 01:49 PM, Diaulas Castro wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
>   Its 4.0.1

Yeah, upgrading should make the dashboard mails look better in Outlook.
 You can find the specific release by looking through our release notes:

Regardless, coming up to the latest 4.0.12 is worth it.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] RES: RES: RES: Generate end of the day report and email

2013-05-10 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/10/2013 01:32 PM, Diaulas Castro wrote:
> Sounds good, will look.
> Btw i tested again subscription/Dashboard... on outlook that mail looks weird.
> Dashboard :
> My bash :

You don't mention your RT version, but I believe it's better in a recent
4.0 release.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] RES: RES: Generate end of the day report and email

2013-05-10 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/10/2013 10:52 AM, Diaulas Castro wrote:
> Already saw, but I have so many reports and alerts by mail and some
> of them I cant get with dashboard/subscribe so I made some bash
> scripts and all of reports/alerts have the same style/looking.
> I have one that alert 2 times/day, he send mail to requestor telling
> that ticket # is awaiting for response, but I need it with same
> subject since the requestor reply will create new ticket . PS: I Have
> huge red colored text telling to not  reply.

That sounds like you want rt-crontool.  I know you said you had no
experience with it, but try starting with our draft of expanded
rt-crontool docs:

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Multiple attachments

2013-05-10 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/10/2013 05:12 AM, Alexander Kucheryuk wrote:
> Hi!
> I am running 4.0.12. Adding multiple attachment is not working. I can
> add one attachment (to ticket) and everything is fine. If I click "add
> more files", I get redirected to "Internal Server Error" page. My
> logging level is set to debug, however, nothing shows up in logs. This
> is NOT self service.

Can't reproduce this locally on 4.0.12.  If there's an internal sever
error, then there *must* be some sort of logs.  Perhaps you're not
looking in the right place?

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Problem with mail bounce

2013-05-10 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/10/2013 07:03 AM, Guadagnino Cristiano wrote:
> There definitely is something weird with the way the "reply-to" header
> is treated from RT.
> I did some more tests on a quite clean test system (RT 3.8.10) and I
> always get a "permission denied" error as soon as I add the reply-to header.
> By enabling debug logs I see RT thinks he is receiving the email message
> from the address in the "reply-to" header instead of the "from" header.
> That would also explain why I was getting the "RT Received mail ( ) from
> itself." message in my previous experiments.

This is a feature, not a bug.  Reply-To: is preferred over From: is
preferred over Sender: when determining the actor via email.  Among
other things, this is useful to create tickets on behalf of someone else
via email.  The original From: is still visible in the ticket history.

FWIW, we have code to let you include a message when forwarding, and I
hope that it makes it into 4.2.

> 1) we copy the text to forward in a new Outlook message
> 2) we set the sender as the private email address of who is sending
> 3) we mangle the subject so that it contains the magic RT token with the 
> number of the original ticket
> 4) we add a special RT adress as BCC; this address is configured so that it 
> triggers a comment action instead of a correspond action
> 5) set the Reply-To header with our normal RT address

Instead of doing the above, why don't you just keep it inside RT all along?

1) Copy text to forward into a new RT comment
2) Set the One-time Cc to the person receiving the forward
3) Uncheck all other recipients from the "Scrips and Recipients" box.
This should be easier if you enable the $SimplifiedRecipients option.

Then the "forward" will come from RT originally, only go to the one-time
cc, and be recorded on the ticket.  Any replies will end up as comments
on the ticket (assuming your queue comment address and /etc/aliases is
setup correctly).  Less steps, less needing to go outside RT only to
shove stuff back in.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] RES: Generate end of the day report and email

2013-05-10 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/10/2013 09:12 AM, Diaulas Castro wrote:
> Made this bash script to accomplish using RT CLI.
> Just customize “From:”,  To:” and “Status” search in rt ls command and
> schedule on crontab.

You really want to look at dashboards and dashboard subscriptions in
RT's web interface.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Can't remove Quick Create & Can you reverse the order of history?

2013-05-09 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/08/2013 04:39 PM, Thomas Sibley wrote:
> On 05/08/2013 01:00 PM, Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) wrote:
>> I've got two questions:
>> 1. I just did an upgrade from 4.0.11 to 4.0.12 & all seemed well. Due to
>> people not using the full ticket Create, I decided to globally remove
>> "Quick Create" from "RT At A Glance". However, when I do that I get the
>> following error:
> I can't reproduce this problem and looking at the code don't see how it
> would happen.  Do you have any local customizations?
> Can you send us the output of running this SQL query?
> select id, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectId from Attributes where
> ObjectType='RT::System';
> Could you also navigate to Configuration -> Tools -> System Config in
> RT, save that page as HTML, and send the file?  Make sure any sensitive
> data is redacted first.

Stephen, the information I request above will still be useful, but on a
hunch, did you recently migrate RT's database from MySQL to MariaDB?

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Post upgrade 3.8.5 to 4.0.12 Global->RT At A Glance error

2013-05-09 Thread Thomas Sibley
Thanks for the information, notes below.

On 05/09/2013 09:29 AM, Pete Beebe wrote:
 Do you have any local customizations?
> None that I'm aware of.  Only plugins I've currently go in place are:
> RT::Authen::ExternalAuth RT::Extension::ActivityReports
 Can you send us the output of running this SQL query?  select
 id, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectId from Attributes
 where ObjectType='RT::System';
 Could you also navigate to Configuration -> Tools -> System
 Config in RT, save that page as HTML, and send the file?  Make
 sure any sensitive data is redacted first.
> Both the Select query and the system config HTML page and files have
> been included in the attached ZIP file.

Your system config page and SQL results reveal that you have duplicate
copies (3 total of each record) of certain global data.  This suggests
your migration from MySQL to Oracle was flawed.  How did you migrate,

Your database may contain duplicate internal records in other areas too,
which are likely to lead to more problems (and potentially very subtle
ones).  What do these queries return?

select id, Name, Created, LastUpdated from Users where Name in
('RT_System', 'Nobody', 'root');

select id, Domain, Type, Created, LastUpdated from Groups where Type in
('Everyone', 'Privileged', 'Unprivileged');

> I'm unsure of how to reply to this and have it also update the forum
> thread so I've omitted the address
> when sending the e-mail.

You reply by sending to  That sends to
the mailing list, and I'll read it since I'm subscribed.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Problem with multple new tickets on same subject

2013-05-09 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/09/2013 10:52 AM, Jok Thuau wrote:
> Has anyone from best practical considered integrating these patches in the
> source? (seems quite harmless from where I stand)
> Would one just fork the github repo and submit a pull request from there?

This suggestion comes up once in a while, and there's been lengthy
discussion about it in the past on rt-users.  There are good reasons not
to use References: or subject matching heuristics all the time; it boils
down to common use cases which easily generate false positives
(associating email with an existing ticket instead of creating a new
one).  False positives are potentially much worse from a
privacy/security/information leak standpoint than false negatives.
Probably it should be configurable for sites which accept the pitfalls
of using References:.

It's too late to consider for RT 4.2, but maybe 4.4.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Can't remove Quick Create & Can you reverse the order of history?

2013-05-08 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/08/2013 01:00 PM, Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) wrote:
> I've got two questions:
> 1. I just did an upgrade from 4.0.11 to 4.0.12 & all seemed well. Due to
> people not using the full ticket Create, I decided to globally remove
> "Quick Create" from "RT At A Glance". However, when I do that I get the
> following error:
> admsjc@helpdesk:/var/log/apache2$
>  tail error.log
>   [/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/]
>   [/opt/rt4/share/html/autohandler:53]
> (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web/
> [Wed May  8 19:53:28 2013] [error]: Can't call method "Content" on an
> undefined value at /opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html line 69.
> Stack:
>   [/opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html:69]
>   [/opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/autohandler:49]
>   [/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/]
>   [/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/]
>   [/opt/rt4/share/html/autohandler:53]
> (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web/

I can't reproduce this problem and looking at the code don't see how it
would happen.  Do you have any local customizations?

Can you send us the output of running this SQL query?

select id, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectId from Attributes where

Could you also navigate to Configuration -> Tools -> System Config in
RT, save that page as HTML, and send the file?  Make sure any sensitive
data is redacted first.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Post upgrade 3.8.5 to 4.0.12 Global->RT At A Glance error

2013-05-08 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/04/2013 07:22 PM, Pete Beebe wrote:
> I just completed a migration from MySQL to Oracle as well as an
> upgrade from 3.8.5 to 4.0.12.  So far everything is running well
> however I have run across one error that occurs when, as super user,
> I click on the Global-->RT At A Glance link.  I receive an error in
> the WebUI followed by the resulting log file error message:
> [Sun May  5 02:14:09 2013] [error]: Can't call method "Content" on an
> undefined value at /rt4/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html line 69,
>  line 445.
> Stack: [/rt4/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html:69] 
> [/rt4/share/html/Admin/autohandler:49] 
> [/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/] 
> [/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/] 
> [/rt4/share/html/autohandler:53]
> (/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web/

I can't reproduce this problem and looking at the code don't see how it
would happen.  Do you have any local customizations?

Can you send us the output of running this SQL query?

select id, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectId from Attributes where

Could you also navigate to Configuration -> Tools -> System Config in
RT, save that page as HTML, and send the file?  Make sure any sensitive
data is redacted first.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Problems with "Newest unowned" and queue permissions

2013-05-07 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/07/2013 05:48 AM, Ryan Whalen wrote:
> I 'fixed' this by saving a search for unowned and new tickets AND in a
> specific queue, naming them '10 newest unowned tickets in /queuename/.
> Then saved the search to /group's/ saved searches. 
> Then you need to give the AdminCCs instructions on how to edit their RT
> at a glance page to remove the standard 10 newest unowned and add the
> saved search:10 newest unowned in /queuename. /

FWIW, the above is unnecessarily complicated, as you can modify the one
search to be relative for each user by adding this clause: = '__CurrentUser__'

__CurrentUser__ is a placeholder for the logged in user's numeric id.

Re: [rt-users] RT 4.0.5 Pass/forward content type

2013-05-06 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/06/2013 08:58 AM, Dalal, Kamber Z wrote:
> Hi,
> In RT 4.0.5 in the ticket history the ‘Download (untitled)/with headers’
> (text/html) button/link does not pass content type, thus the browser
> displays the html page in plain text, instead of an html page.
> How can we force the content-type information be passed on thru the
> button/link?

There is a configuration that controls this.  It is off by default for
security reasons.

If what you really want is RT to show the (safe, sanitized) HTML in the
ticket history directly, you want to instead set the $MaxInlineBody
config option to 0 and $PreferRictText to 1.

Re: [rt-users] Login Loop

2013-05-02 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/02/2013 03:22 AM, wrote:
> Ruslan,
> I removed WebBaseURL and added WebDomain, restarted apache, but still
> receive the same error:
> Set( $WebDomain, '');
> Set( $WebPort, 443);
> Set( $WebPath, '/rt4');
> Thoughts?

Your Apache config isn't setup for /rt4.  Please read,
particularly the last section.

Re: [rt-users] Cannot Create user with LDAP Overlay

2013-05-01 Thread Thomas Sibley
On 05/01/2013 12:59 PM, Camron W. Fox wrote:
> Alle,
>   Even thought the privileges for Everyone and Unprivileged are set to
> CreateTicket and ReplyToTicket, we get these errors when send from an
> external user:
> User creation failed in mailgateway: Name in use
> User  '' could not be loaded in the mail gateway
> RT could not load a valid user, and RT's configuration does not allow
> for the creation of a new user for your email.
>   How do we allow this when using the LDAP overlay? I've googled for this
> but found only answers for 3.X and we're running 4.0.10.

What "LDAP overlay" are you using on 4.0.10?  Usually that phrase refers
to an ancient 3.6-era overlay that was pretty hacky.

On a modern RT, you should be using REMOTE_USER auth ($WebExternalAuth)
or RT::Authen::ExternalAuth (+ RT::Extension::LDAPImport).

If you're using RT::Authen::ExternalAuth, look into the
$AutoCreateNonExternalUsers option it provides.

[rt-users] [rt-announce] RT 4.0.12 released

2013-05-01 Thread Thomas Sibley
It's my pleasure to announce RT 4.0.12 is now available for download.

SHA1 sums
779ae82d1847aea23afe28e54a982c59f93b4953  rt-4.0.12.tar.gz
8ef461c88486fa551985323ef6ed56e626176258  rt-4.0.12.tar.gz.sig

This release of RT repairs a regression in 4.0.11.  If you use the Rich
Text Editor, the red background on Reply was missing due to the update
of CKEditor to support IE10. It also includes a database upgrade, so
please make sure to run 'make upgrade-database'.

* Date and DateTime Custom Fields now have the same 'smart' date parsing
  that core RT date fields have.
* Improved logging when the sending of a Correspond or Comment fails.
* The Quick Search preferences page now has Select/Clear All buttons.
* Unprivileged users can now change Language and Time Zone.
* Warn MySQL users if their max_allowed_packet is dangerously low.

* Repair 4.0.11 regression where red background on Reply with the
  RichText Editor was lost.
* Quiet warnings in the verbose user format.
* Allow changing the case of a Group's name (prevented by earlier code
  stopping you from having two groups with the same name).
* Allow changing the case of a Class's name.
* Avoid warnings when using empty Templates.
* Update our InnoDB checks for MySQL 5.6 compatibility.
* Clarification of when SetOutgoingMailFrom and OverrideOutgoingMailFrom
  are available.
* Improve layout of collection lists in IE.
* Fix Attach more files button in Self Service.
* Set caching headers on autocomplete endpoints.
* Restore and improve prematurely deleted documentation for
* Correct the encoding of Dashboard email Subject headers.
* Fix the default roles on User->WatchedQueues.
* Document the need to grant SeeCustomField in UPGRADING-3.4.
* Nudge menus below the shadows in aileron.
* Fix missing headers and a syntax error in the
  /REST/1.0/attachment/NN endpoint.

* Improve the display of numbers when using the French localization.
* Built in components and searches (such as Bookmarked Tickets) are now
* Use PostgreSQL error codes in the full-text-indexer instead of
  matching on error messages that may be in a non-english language.
* Localize 'Dashboard' during creation.
* Mark 'Modify this user' as localizable.

* Test can now be run against a remote DB server.
* Install etc/upgrade to make some rt-setup-database actions easier
  without requiring access to the install directory.
* RT_TEST_PARALLEL_NUM controls the -j param in make parallel-test
* Work around a git bug in git archive when packaging releases.
  This caused the third party sources to bloat the 4.0.11 tarball.
* Fix examples in the CreateTickets documentation.
* RT Ticket types (ticket, approval, reminder) are now always forced to
  lower case.
* Allow the use of 'NOT IN' in Limits (assuming a new enough

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log rt-4.0.11..rt-4.0.12
or visiting

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