[RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: Lang claims fuel questions of 'what if?'r

2005-06-12 Thread Jeff Todd
How would a jury have reacted if it knew Albert Means 
was not a victim?

That's the question of the week in the long-running soap 
opera that began with the University of Alabama's NCAA 
case and proceeded into courtrooms across the Southeast, 
and where it continues, in various venues, to this day. 
A Memphis Commercial Appeal article has prompted the 
question. In that article in which Lynn Lang, Means' 
former high school coach, claims he provided Means with 
some $60,000 during Means' final two years of high 

The defense team for Logan Young, who was found guilty 
of giving Lang that money so that Means would sign with 
Alabama is, understandably, aghast. They argue, 
plausibly, that a jury might have seen things 
differently, or, at the very least, that Young's 
culpability (and hence any possible jail sentence) is 
greatly mitigated by the fact that Albert Means was no 

Along the way, Lang also portrayed the recruitment of 
Means as a freewheeling circus in which a lot of teams 
participated, not a corrupt transaction in which there 
was only one culprit. Lang provided the names of a lot 
of schools -- including Tennessee and Arkansas, to name 
the most hypocritical and moralistic of the alleged 
bidders -- along with dollar amounts and a few local 
color details, like the one where an Arkansas coach 
promised to leave $80,000 in a bag under a bridge.

It has even prompted a few regional columnists to 
propose that maybe Means wasn't a victim (gasp!), or 
that the NCAA prosecution of the case was, at best, 
rather selective (double gasp!). Honesty has to get the 
best of modesty here, if only to the extent of saying 
that regular readers of this column have heard all those 
points many times before.

That doesn't diminish the importance of this week's 
revelations for Young, who is fighting to stay out of 
jail. Furthermore, whenever another person steps back 
and takes a fresh look at how the NCAA functions, that's 
a victory. That's a big reason why The Tuscaloosa News 
is fighting to unseal and reveal all the documents in 
the Ronnie Cottrell/Ivy Williams lawsuit. Every piece of 
information contributes to the public's understanding of 
this incredibly complex and still-evolving case.

Quite likely, a redefinition of Means' victim status 
would have influenced a Memphis jury in Young's case, a 
case that never belonged in a federal courtroom in the 
first place. But that leads to another question.

How would this information have affected that other 
jury -- the NCAA Committee on Infractions?

There are so many subtexts to Alabama's NCAA Infractions 
hearing. There were so many agendas at work, some of 
them known at the time, others that have subsequently 
come to light, and yet others that will be exposed in 
the future. I've yet to see any summary, including the 
one that Cottrell's attorneys filed this week, that 
encompasses everything that happened.

I am convinced, though, that Albert Means as victim 
was one of the motivating factors -- not the only one, 
by any means, but a big one -- in the COI's ultimate 
decision. For one thing, it explains one of the more 
inexplicable elements of the whole case: the viper's-venom 
rhetoric directed by committee chairman Thomas Yeager 
towards an institution that had been co-operative beyond 
the point of self-preservation.

Perhaps we are in the tricky territory of the 
sub-conscious here. Probably, every member of the COI 
would deny that the unique history of the University of 
Alabama played a role in its decision-making.

But I do know that the NCAA prides itself on a 
politically aware agenda, positioning itself against 
everything from Confederate flags to Indian nicknames. I 
do know that Southern schools are penalized far more 
frequently -- and more severely -- than Eastern and 
Midwestern schools. And I sincerely believe that when 
Alabama sat in the NCAA's peculiar dock of justice, 
there were ghosts sitting there as well, ghosts that 
once stood in the schoolhouse door. They aren't literal 
specters, of course. But that image still lives, and the 
perception of rich, old boosters exploiting a young 
black man -- which is exactly how the story was 
presented to the COI -- made it resonate.

Would a jury have responded differently if it knew the 
case (such as it was) was business as usual in a lot of 
places, not just in the South, but in places like 
Michigan and Ohio as well? It's hard to detect much 
moral difference in Albert Means getting paid off and 
Chris Webber getting paid off. And when the moral 
element is stripped away, would the wrath of any jury, 
even one as agenda-ridden as the Committee on 
Infractions, be quite the same?

This was no crusade. There seem to have been no real 
victims and far more perpetrators than the NCAA was 
willing to prosecute. And as this case as proceeded 
through its long after-life, that has gotten clearer and 
clearer with every fact that has come to light.

Cecil Hurt is 

[RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: Big Ten does little wrong in eyes of NCAA

2005-05-22 Thread kurtrasmussen


CECIL HURT: Big Ten does little wrong in eyes of NCAA
May 22, 2005

It seems that I might owe the NCAA Enforcement Staff an apology./sDuring 
the Logan Young trial in Memphis, I wrote that members of the 
Enforcement Staff were probably monitoring the case -- unless they were 
too busy whitewashing the pending Ohio State case.

Well, it turns out that I was right about what they were doing, not that 
predicting a whitewash took any great insight. But where I transgressed 
was in underestimating their speed and efficiency. After all, I wrote 
that in late January -- and the NCAAs enforcement guys had already 
wrapped up their investigation into Maurice Clarett in time to beat 
the Christmas rush.

Ohio State, earlier this week, released its official letter of inquiry 
from the NCAA, and that letter included no mention of Clarett, the star 
running back on Ohio States 2002 national champions and, most recently, 
a young man who accused the Buckeyes of a long list of NCAA infractions. 
Instead, the letter focused almost entirely on potential basketball 
violations, mentioning football only once.

To be honest, that was so predictable that I originally didnt even 
intend to write about it. No investigation into Big Ten football ever 
amounts to anything. The last Big Ten football team to receive a 
postseason ban in football was Minnesota in 1991. Ive probably got 25 
years or so of college football observation left, and Im likelier to 
see Vanderbilt win a national championship than I am to see a Big Ten 
team get a bowl ban. Just for the record, in the 15 years since it last 
happened, the SEC has seen Alabama (twice), Auburn, Kentucky, Ole Miss 
and Mississippi State receive penalties. Its reached a point, though, 
where most college football fans just shrug about that inequity. It 
doesnt make any difference to Alabama, which has served out the 
penalties in its most recent probation. Its just the way things are.

Of course, Big Ten fans will argue that there have not been any 
penalties because their programs are all pristine. The proof? Well, if 
the NCAA hasnt imposed any penalties, they must be clean -- or so the 
tautology goes. I dont know about that. I do know that a Michigan 
booster was paying $600,000 to players in basketball, which isnt the 
main sport at Michigan. (The NCAA Enforcement Staffs original finding 
in that case, by the way, was that there were only secondary 
violations.) I do know that Albert Means recruitment was a cesspool 
and the team that traveled the greatest distance to jump in and swim 
around was Michigan State. I do know that Clarett was driving a quick 
succession of nice vehicles while he was playing at Ohio State. So color 
me skeptical about the pristine thing.

Nonetheless, the case wasnt likely to be column material. That was 
until someone at the NCAA decided to comment.

Now, an NCAA comment isnt all that valuable in and of itself. In the 
first place, its probably no better than 50-50 on whether any given 
NCAA official is telling the truth or not. On the other hand, when 
someone at the NCAA does deign to comment about a pending case, it is 
revealing. First, the comment is usually means that the NCAA has been 
stung by some particular criticism. Second, the comment usually reveals 
more about the NCAA agenda than the spokesperson intended to reveal.

Thats what you can tell from the words of David Price, the NCAA vice 
president for enforcement services, earlier this week. Price indicated 
that the NCAA had tried for nearly a month to call Clarett, and he never 
called them back.

Over the course of a month in November and December 2004, phone calls 
were placed to Mr. Claretts reported cell phone numbers, relatives, 
former legal representatives and friends, Prices statement said. But 
the messages left were never returned. In addition, attempts to contact 
him in person failed.

No kidding, Mr. Price? Your crack staff devoted a whole month to finding 
Clarett, then gave up because he didnt return a phone call?

Thats a little different than the years spent pursuing some of the 
individuals in the Alabama case. Some of those individuals werent too 
co-operative, either, like Lynn Lang, who never said a word to the NCAA 
until after Alabamas penalties were handed down. In that case, the lack 
of an interview was no deterrent. The NCAA just used confidential sources.

One thing is obvious, and thats why the Broncos drafted Maurice Clarett 
as highly as they did. Not only does he seem to be super-strong, since 
he apparently fashioned the SUVs he drove in college with his bare 
hands, but he is also able to become invisible at will. Considering that 
he was a constant television presence in the build-up to the NFL draft, 
reporters and others seemed able to find him pretty easily. It wasnt so 
easy for an NCAA investigator, though, and the best course for them was 

Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-10 Thread Pat Smoot
OK dammit, I missed it all.  Why did you call  tell me everything you said.
- Original Message - 
To: RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Laborde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

You need to become a regular.
Yeah, someone needs to take up Shane's slack.
You are at least 100 IQ points above any other
Well, in most cases that only puts me at +50, but thanks just the same. :)
You'd be the Dennis Miller of Alabama.
Slef E.

RTF mailing list

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[RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Mike Laborde
What happened? What did he say?

I was out of my truck during most of his interview. Apparently he said something
major about Bama's football program.

RTF mailing list

RE: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Devonna Snuggs
shamelessly borrowed from another board

Cecil Hurt on The University's non -comment on the Daniel Moore article in
Sunday's T-Town paperyou control the information or it controls
you... On the Cottrell trialthe Neuhiesel settlement
shows that the ncaa is vunerable on the procedural argument.There is
support for the argument that they don't know or follow their own rules and

On a possible settlement, they, the ncaa, wouldn't hesitate to do it in
their own best interests, if it would keep their proceedings out of the
lime light. The settlement with Neuhiesel was small potatoes to the ncaa.

On the upcoming season, the usual statements IF they stay healthy, IF the
OL jells, IF Darby returns healthy and to previous form, IF they can protect
Brodie and he lasts out the year. Its just to difficult to say in May, what
will happen come Sept.

Now listening to a clip of the Dubose interview from this past Friday and
his comments that too many people are trying to run the program. Cecil's
comments on the matter:  First he, Cecil, wants to lay aside the Dubose
affair of 1999 and take emotion out of the equation, when discussing the

Cecil: You need to listen to what Coach Dubose says, BECAUSE, he sat in the
Head Coach's chair (used Nixon as example of talking about the Presidency,
setting aside Watergate/emotion). Some of what he says is self-serving, BUT,
its not all hot air. Cecil noted that Bowtie did not attend the news
conference ,when Dubose's hiring was announced.

Basically Cecil is confirming some of what Dubose is saying. Used Coach
Perkins and Curry as an example. Said that Coach Perkins left Alabama,
becuase he didn't think that the football interests could protect him
from the President's office and Curry left, because he didn't think that
the President's office could protect him from the football interests.

Cecil went onto say that Dubose was basically speaking of the divisions
within the Family, as it related to 1999. He, Cecil, named Bockrath,
Sorenson, Robbins, Marsh and another.

I wouldn't call this interview a bombshell interview, but I would say its
required listening for those interested in the inner workings of the
athletic dept. When they put Cecil's interview up on Finebaum.com, I would
catch a listen. Cecil was unusally

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Mike Laborde
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 3:51 PM
To: rtf@rolltidefan.net
Subject: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

What happened? What did he say?

I was out of my truck during most of his interview. Apparently he said
major about Bama's football program.

RTF mailing list

RTF mailing list

Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Jeff Todd
Didja hear my call about DICK?

Slef E.

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Laborde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: rtf@rolltidefan.net
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 3:50 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

What happened? What did he say?

I was out of my truck during most of his interview. 
Apparently he said something
major about Bama's football program.

RTF mailing list

RTF mailing list

Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Bryan Benefield
You made a call about Jobu?

Or your favorite part of Jobu?

Did you claim to be yorslef or slumbody else?


--- Jeff Todd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Didja hear my call about DICK?
 Slef E.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Mike Laborde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: rtf@rolltidefan.net
 Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 3:50 PM
 Subject: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum
 What happened? What did he say?
 I was out of my truck during most of his interview. 
 Apparently he said something
 major about Bama's football program.
 RTF mailing list

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Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Mike Laborde
Was that you that said he used the name Jim so he wouldn't have to pay Vickers
a royalty? I laughed my ass off at that comment. Priceless!

 --- Original Message ---
On Mon, 09 May 2005 16:29:27 -0500, Jeff Todd wrote:
 Someone called in and said Jim from Tuscaloosa's real name is DICK
 Gary. I called in and gave them my real name. It was about 2:45.

 Slef E.

RTF mailing list

Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Bryan Benefield
There went your 15 minutes of fame...

Everyone's getting outed on that show! Next thing you
know we'll find out that I-Man and Phyllis are
shacking up.


--- Jeff Todd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Someone called in and said Jim from Tuscaloosa's
 name is DICK Gary. I called in and gave them my real
 name. It was about 2:45.
 Slef E.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Bryan Benefield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics 
 Discussion List RTF@rolltidefan.net
 Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 4:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum
  You made a call about Jobu?
  Or your favorite part of Jobu?
  Did you claim to be yorslef or slumbody else?
  --- Jeff Todd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Didja hear my call about DICK?
  Slef E.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Mike Laborde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: rtf@rolltidefan.net
  Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 3:50 PM
  Subject: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum
  What happened? What did he say?
  I was out of my truck during most of his
  Apparently he said something
  major about Bama's football program.
  RTF mailing list

  RTF mailing list

  Discover Yahoo!
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Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Jeff Todd
Someone called in and said Jim from Tuscaloosa's real 
name is DICK Gary. I called in and gave them my real 
name. It was about 2:45.

Slef E.

- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Benefield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics 
Discussion List RTF@rolltidefan.net
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

 You made a call about Jobu?

 Or your favorite part of Jobu?

 Did you claim to be yorslef or slumbody else?


 --- Jeff Todd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Didja hear my call about DICK?

 Slef E.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Mike Laborde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: rtf@rolltidefan.net
 Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 3:50 PM
 Subject: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

 What happened? What did he say?

 I was out of my truck during most of his interview.
 Apparently he said something
 major about Bama's football program.

 RTF mailing list


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 Discover Yahoo!
 Find restaurants, movies, travel and more fun for the 
 weekend. Check it out!

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Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Jeff Todd
Yes, and I asked Paul if Vickers spells his first name 
with a K. :-)


- Original Message - 
From: Mike Laborde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics 
Discussion List RTF@rolltidefan.net
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

Was that you that said he used the name Jim so he 
wouldn't have to pay Vickers
a royalty? I laughed my ass off at that comment. 

 --- Original Message ---
On Mon, 09 May 2005 16:29:27 -0500, Jeff Todd wrote:
 Someone called in and said Jim from Tuscaloosa's real 
 name is DICK
 Gary. I called in and gave them my real name. It was 
 about 2:45.

 Slef E.

RTF mailing list

RTF mailing list

Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Bryan Benefield
Jest heerd you. They replayed the 1st hour. Didnt know
you lived in Boass...
 Yes, and I asked Paul if Vickers spells his first
 with a K. :-)
 - Original Message - 
 From: Mike Laborde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics 
 Discussion List RTF@rolltidefan.net
 Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 5:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum
 Was that you that said he used the name Jim so he 
 wouldn't have to pay Vickers
 a royalty? I laughed my ass off at that comment. 
  --- Original Message ---
 On Mon, 09 May 2005 16:29:27 -0500, Jeff Todd wrote:
  Someone called in and said Jim from Tuscaloosa's
  name is DICK
  Gary. I called in and gave them my real name. It
  about 2:45.
  Slef E.
 RTF mailing list


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Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Mike Laborde
Dude, that was an all-time classic call. I'm not too sure either of them got the
K joke. I did. I was laughing hard  out loud as I was on the I-20 to I-459
North ramp.

You need to become a regular. You are at least 100 IQ points above any other
caller. You'd be the Dennis Miller of Alabama.

 --- Original Message ---
On Mon, 09 May 2005 18:42:00 -0500, Jeff Todd wrote:
 Yes, and I asked Paul if Vickers spells his first name with a K.


 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Laborde [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: RollTideFan -
 University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
 RTF@rolltidefan.net Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 5:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

 Was that you that said he used the name Jim so he wouldn't have
 to pay Vickers
 a royalty? I laughed my ass off at that comment. Priceless!

RTF mailing list

Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

2005-05-09 Thread Jeff Todd

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Laborde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics 
Discussion List RTF@rolltidefan.net
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on Finebaum

 You need to become a regular.

Yeah, someone needs to take up Shane's slack.

 You are at least 100 IQ points above any other

Well, in most cases that only puts me at +50, but thanks 
just the same. :)

 You'd be the Dennis Miller of Alabama.


Slef E.

RTF mailing list

[RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: Learning a lesson from premature celebrations

2004-11-06 Thread Jeff Todd
November 06, 2004

At the risk of offending any Republicans who aren't 
feeling magnanimous after last Tuesday's landslide, it's 
not time for the Alabama football team to drop that 
banner just yet.

Yes, the Crimson Tide has reached the six-win plateau. 
Yes, the Tide will get a nice bowl trip to Atlanta or 
Nashville or Shreveport. Yes, it helps recruiting. Yes, 
it's good for a team to get the added practice time that 
comes with postseason eligibility.

But the real mission of this Alabama football team 
should be more than beating the six most beatable teams 
on its schedule. No, that's not a criticism. It's 
certainly not a failure to recognize all the adversity 
that Alabama's team has overcome to reach this point. 
But there are still two regular-season chances at huge 
wins -- one against an old rival that's coming off a 
national championship, and a second against an even 
bigger rival that's bidding for a national championship 
of its own. That's where this team can really make its 
mark in history in blazing letters.

Mike Shula says the same thing.

In the understandable excitement about earning a bowl 
trip -- the first for all except the grizzled veterans 
on this team -- Shula got an ice-water bath.

In the coach's estimation, it was premature.

The water on the back is nice, Shula said. But we 
want to save that for when we win the big one.

That comment doesn't mean that Shula was slighting 
Mississippi State. He spent a good part of his postgame 
news conference praising MSU coach Sylvester Croom, and 
it wasn't just lip service.

Croom brought in a Mississippi State team that could 
easily have collapsed after some ignominious early 
losses, and had them playing tough football. For all the 
outside issues that had accompanied this game, it really 
boiled down to the same thing that lots of 
Alabama-Mississippi State football games have boiled 
down to, long before either Shula or Croom were ever 
hired. It was a hard-hitting, old-fashioned game -- not 
mistake-free -- that was finally settled because Alabama 
had more players and more playmakers (even in its 
current state of attrition).

It wasn't a case where someone outcoached the guy on 
the other sideline. Both coaches did just fine, and both 
programs should feel comfortable with the man they have.

Alabama should feel comfortable -- but not content.

We've got to put it aside right away, Shula said when 
asked again about bowl eligibility. We've still got a 
lot of work to do. First, we've got to get healthy. 
We've got to have a long discussion about what we're 
going to do in practice this week, because we are beat 
up. Then we've got to get focused on playing the 
defending national champion (LSU) at their place. And 
we've got to play better than we did tonight.

Alabama did improve in some areas on Saturday night. It 
was the best game yet for Spencer Pennington at 
quarterback -- not enough to make anyone forget Namath 
or Stabler, but at least enough to make LSU and Auburn 
aware that he can throw the ball. Brian Bostick made 
some big pressure-packed kicks, although Brandon Brooks' 
fumble on a punt return makes it hard to say that 
special teams were improved. It wasn't the defense's 
best game, but that's only because the Tide defense has 
set a lofty standard for itself this season.

And all that might be good enough, given the 
circumstances surrounding this season. It might be good 
enough that Alabama has established a no-nonsense 
attitude, and earned more respect than it had at the 
beginning of the year. But there is a chance to do 
more -- a lot more.

It might be a slim chance. LSU and Auburn are as good as 
any teams Alabama has played this year. Only Tennessee 
would be comparable. Against the Vols, Alabama was able 
to make it close, but not to win, and winning is what 
counts. So the Crimson Tide can't pause to take a deep 
breath. It can't simply start dreaming of a bowl game. 
The toughest two-game stretch of the schedule is ahead.

The Tide shouldn't say Mission Accomplished, without 
seeing if it can go beyond anything it has done to this 

Cecil Hurt is sports editor of The Tuscaloosa News. 
Reach him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or at (205) 

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[RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: As practice opens, it's time to forget sanctions and such

2004-08-08 Thread Pat Smoot
CECIL HURT: As practice opens, it's time to forget sanctions and such
August 08, 2004

On Tuesday, University of Alabama football coach Mike Shula will be far more
familiar with the football players in front of him than he was at this time
a year ago, when he was seeing every single player for the first time.

On the other hand, Shula will have some acquaintances to make. That's
because of one statistic that stood out on the 104-man roster that Alabama
released on Friday.

There are only 17 seniors, of any description.

A couple of those were walk-ons, and three more were specialists (including
both returning kickers). The remaining dozen seniors include some of the
Tide's most recognizable names -- A.C. Carter, Wesley Britt, Evan Mathis,
Anthony Bryant. But it's obvious that those guys will have to carry a large
leadership load off the field, as well as on it.

Of the other 87 players, more than half are freshmen (44, a number that will
probably go to 45 when the roster is finalized). Some of those are redshirt
freshmen that have had the benefit of a year in the program, but the Crimson
Tide will be young, by any standard, this season.

NCAA sanctions are the primary culprit. Scholarship limitations have skewed
the roster in many ways, and will continue to do so for at least a couple of
more years.

Among the anomalies are a shortage of line depth -- the sophomore class, for
instance, has one offensive lineman, Kyle Tatum, and he is a former
defensive lineman -- and a fair number of freshmen on any logical two-deep
roster. (That's partly the NCAA's fault, and partly Dennis Franchione's).

With the opening of practice, though, it's time to set aside NCAA sanction
analysis. Yes, the sanctions exist, and will be a factor this season. But
what matters most now is the fact that Alabama, like every other Division I
school, has 105 players on hand, and has to make the most of the available

Numbers are important, but it's much more important that football players
make plays. The best remedy for youth, or lack of depth, will be for Brodie
Croyle to have a breakout year at quarterback, or for Ray Hudson to rush for
more than 1,000 yards, or for DeMeco Ryans to play at the All-American
level, or for Britt to bounce back from his leg injury and return to
dominance. None of that will make the defensive line any deeper, but it will
make any shortcomings a lot less noticeable.

Familiarity should help the process. Alabama won't spend the next three
weeks in a mad rush to install something new, as it did in 2003. Instead,
the Tide will be looking to build on the things it installed last season. It
should be obvious, and quickly, how the process is going.

There may even be some hints before Sept. 4, since it appears that the Tide'
s early scrimmages will be open, not locked down like they were a year ago.

That doesn't mean that Alabama won't be doing some new things this season,
and it obviously doesn't mean that there won't be some new faces involved.

Shula has already predicted that anywhere from 10 to 14 freshmen could see
action this season, and that means early in the season. Add in some redshirt
freshmen and a couple of junior college transfers, and there might be as
many as 20 players making their college football debut against Utah State.

That's still a major improvement, considering where things were a year ago.
But the Tide has plenty of teaching to do, and not much time to get it done.

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Re: [RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: As practice opens, it's time to forget sanctions and such

2004-08-08 Thread Glen
This Bama Fan is somewhat encouraged by the news coming out of Tuscaloosa
While I understand the meaning of young and the lack of real depth, I am
looking forward to the build up if you will of the program back to the
level it once enjoyed. 

I am a bit concerned about the future situation where alot of the now
freshmen graduate as seniors. 

This situation however is years down the road and I am eagerly awaiting the
maturation process that these young men are to go through with Coach Shula
at the helm. I am equally sure that Coach Shula and his staff understands
how to develop depth and hope that I can keep this understanding while he
sub's during a game in lieu of RUTS.

just my $.02

Roll Tide Forever

Glen Phillips



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Re: [RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: As practice opens, it's time to forget sanctions and such

2004-08-08 Thread Steven Johnson
Amen Glen, well put.


--- Glen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This Bama Fan is somewhat encouraged by the news
 coming out of Tuscaloosa
 While I understand the meaning of young and the lack
 of real depth, I am
 looking forward to the build up if you will of the
 program back to the
 level it once enjoyed. 
 I am a bit concerned about the future situation
 where alot of the now
 freshmen graduate as seniors. 
 This situation however is years down the road and I
 am eagerly awaiting the
 maturation process that these young men are to go
 through with Coach Shula
 at the helm. I am equally sure that Coach Shula and
 his staff understands
 how to develop depth and hope that I can keep this
 understanding while he
 sub's during a game in lieu of RUTS.
 just my $.02
 Roll Tide Forever
 Glen Phillips

 RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics
 Discussion List
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 subscription visit http://listinfo.rolltidefan.net

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Re: [RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: As practice opens, it's time to forget sanctions and such

2004-08-08 Thread Ricky Mc
Glenn, my biggest concern is Joe Kines being our defensive coordinator. 
That bend and breaking defense of his scares the hell out of me.

Roll Tide!
Glen wrote:
This Bama Fan is somewhat encouraged by the news coming out of Tuscaloosa
While I understand the meaning of young and the lack of real depth, I am
looking forward to the build up if you will of the program back to the
level it once enjoyed. 

I am a bit concerned about the future situation where alot of the now
freshmen graduate as seniors. 

This situation however is years down the road and I am eagerly awaiting the
maturation process that these young men are to go through with Coach Shula
at the helm. I am equally sure that Coach Shula and his staff understands
how to develop depth and hope that I can keep this understanding while he
sub's during a game in lieu of RUTS.

just my $.02

Roll Tide Forever
Glen Phillips

Yea, Alabama! Drown'em Tide!

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[RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: Tankersley firm on principles

2004-07-07 Thread Jeff Todd
It's been more than three weeks since the Florida Marlins made University of Alabama 
left-hander Taylor Tankersley their first-round choice in Major League Baseball's 
amateur draft.

It's been more than two weeks since Tankersley and the Marlins brass came to financial 
terms, agreeing on a signing bonus that the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported at a 
healthy $1.3 million.

But, as of Tuesday, Tankersley hasn't thrown a single pitch for the Marlins, and 
doesn't know when he will. The proposed deal remains unsigned -- not because of 
dollars, but because of principle.

I'm sure that when an outsider who doesn't know what's going on picks up the paper, 
he sees a story that says 'Tankersley hasn't signed,' and thinks 'Oh, he's holding out 
for more money, Tankersley said Tuesday in a telephone interview from his Tuscaloosa 
apartment. That's not the case at all. I don't want people to get the wrong 
perception of me. I feel like I've bent over backwards up to this point.

I want to play, but I don't want to give up my rights as a player.

This is the situation, boiled down to basics: The Marlins have been burned before. 
Josh Allison, last year's first-round draft choice, is currently out of baseball after 
admitting to an addiction to Oxycontin and subsequently testing positive for marijuana 
use. The Marlins paid Allison nearly $2 million in bonus money, and have no idea what 
his future holds. Other teams have had similar problems in recent years.

As a result, the Marlins have requested that Tankersley, this year's No. 27 pick 
overall, sign a deal with a number of stipulations, ranging from extra testing to 
repayment of bonus money for a positive test at any time in the next four years.

I don't know what has gone on with other players, but I know what they are asking me 
to do is something different than anyone else has been asked, Tankersley said. I 
don't want to use the word monumental, but my advisor has told me it would set a 
precedent. It has never been done.

To Tankersley, it appears that he is being held accountable for the mistakes of others.

I understand why they are being cautious, but I haven't done anything to warrant 
this, he said. We told the Marlins that our program [at Alabama] tested regularly. 
They didn't hide anything. And I've never had a positive test, not one.

As a result of the Marlins' demands, the Major League Baseball Players Association has 
become involved in the negotiations.

We've talked to the union about it, Tankersley said. We sought their guidance. But 
when the union writes the Commissioner's office, then the Commissioner writes the 
Marlins and the Marlins write us, it takes time. It's dragging this thing out.

For fervent Alabama fans, there might be a glimmer of hope that Tankersley and the 
Marlins can't reach an agreement and the star pitcher will opt for another year of 
college, but Tankersley himself isn't currently referring to that as even a remote 

I've been somewhat disappointed in the way the Marlins have handled things, to put it 
mildly, Tankersley said. But at the same time, I'm still grateful that they drafted 
me in the first round, and I still want to play for them.

I'm very fortunate. I'll be getting the kind of money that might never come my way 
again, and it will give me a head start in life. But I can't just go giving away my 
rights. It's a business, and you've got to stand firm on some things.

We've made some progress. We've gotten closer in the past week, and there may be more 
[progress] in the next few days.

I want to get it done, but it has to be handled right.

Reach Cecil Hurt at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or (205) 722-0225.

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[RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: 'Croomgate leaves Shula looking petty

2004-04-04 Thread kurt rasmussen

CECIL HURT: 'Croomgate leaves Shula looking petty
April 04, 2004
Email this story.

At some point today, Mike Shulas ship will dock in New Orleans and he 
will walk down the gangplank -- and probably wish that he could promptly 
turn around.

Even a second spin about the Caribbean wont postpone the inevitable 
questions about Croomgate -- the decision to remove Mississippi State 
head coach Sylvester Crooms name from one of the University of 
Alabamas spring football awards.

It hardly measures up to NCAA probation or Mike Prices lost weekend in 
terms of program-shaking importance. But thanks to the collision of bad 
judgment and bad timing, it has grown into an issue, one that wont 
reach closure until Shula has been asked about his reasons. If he 
doesnt address it this week, hell be asked about it at the SEC Spring 
Meetings in Destin, or the Media Days at the end of the summer.

It is possible that Shula wont respond to the questions. He may simply 
say no comment. He may release a statement reiterating what UA 
spokesman Larry White said earlier this week -- that the new UA policy 
is that spring awards cant be named for head coaches at other SEC 
schools. It might be harsh to refer to that rationale as lame, but 
such logic doesnt exactly run a 4.4 40, either.

Nonetheless, Shula may repeat that, proclaim the topic closed, and be 
content to accept the verdict that has already been rendered by media 
outlets from CBS to ESPN: that the decision was petty and short-sighted.

On the surface, its hard to argue with that verdict. Not many people 
have tried, and most of the ones who have tried have taken the approach 
that Shula is in charge of the Alabama program, and can run it the way 
he sees fit.

Thats not really the issue, though. Obviously, Shula is in charge of 
making decisions about the football program. He decides who starts at 
fullback, which sideline the team stands on, and whether or not the team 
should don red pants. He also can name spring awards after whomever he 
wants, whether its Bart Starr or Bart Simpson.

But there is a difference between having that unquestioned authority and 
using it wisely. A good rule of thumb might be the dictum of Hippocrates 
-- first, do not harm. That seems to come into play here. Even after 
looking at the Croom decision from 15 different angles, its hard to see 
what the upside was, while the potential for harm -- or at least hurt 
feelings and bad publicity -- seem to loom as large as Big Als 
backside. Perhaps Shula has some additional information as to why it 
helped the Alabama program to make the change, but its hard to guess 
what it might be.

The fact is that Croom is a former Crimson Tide player who has done 
well. The fact that he played at Alabama, then went on to become the 
first African-American head coach in the SEC, should be a source of 
pride, not a reason for erasure.

Shula is not a racist, not by any stretch of the imagination. 
Furthermore, he shouldnt have to bear the brunt of the past 50 years of 
University of Alabama history. Shula didnt decide not to hire Croom. 
Shula didnt stand in the schoolhouse door.

But the fact is, those are things that happened at Alabama, and the 
echoes of the past have to be taken into consideration when 
institutional decisions are made. It is frustrating that the national 
media revives those issues in connection with the University of Alabama 
-- but it isnt surprising. In fact, its inevitable. If someone in a 
position of authority at Alabama isnt cognizant of the potential 
ramifications of decisions like the one made in the Croom situation, 
then they should be.

Its too late, apparently, to do no harm. But it isnt too late for 
Shula to share his side of the story, and at least bring an end to this 

Cecil Hurt is sports editor of The Tuscaloosa News. Reach him at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or at (205) 722-0225.

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[RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: NCAA situation....

2004-01-14 Thread Rick McMahan
CECIL HURT: NCAA situation far from over in Memphis, courts
January 14, 2004
Email this story.

Last weeks NCAA letter from Thomas Yeager to University of Alabama 
President Robert Witt, calling a long-overdue halt to the possibility of 
institutional penalties arising from Alabamas 2002 infractions case, 
was a relatively commendable chapter in the long and unpleasant saga -- 
but it wasnt the final chapter, by any means.

There are some good things about the letter. It signals a healthier 
future relationship between Alabama and the NCAA. It echoes other subtle 
signals from Indianapolis that the NCAA respects Witt. NCAA President 
Myles Brand didnt mention Witt by name in his keynote speech to the 
NCAA Convention in Nashville this week, but it was obvious that Brands 
glowing references to strong presidents taking a stand against coaches 
run amok was a clear allusion to Witts action in the Mike Price situation.

For some, the promise of a more peaceful future is enough. Memphis is 
over. Since no revelations about the past can result in additional 
sanctions for Alabama, so the thinking goes, it is now best to move on. 
Thats not necessarily a bad way to look at things, particularly from an 
institutional standpoint.

For Witt or Mike Shula, both of whom are unconnected to the events that 
caused so much turmoil in the Alabama program, the future is the proper 
place for emphasis. But that doesnt mean that the past should simply be 
forgotten, or unexamined, and it wont be.

Due to pending legal actions in both civil cases and criminal cases, 
detailed exhumation of the Alabama case will continue -- and, like most 
exhumations, the results will not be pretty for anyone, including the NCAA.

In particular, the criminal case against Logan Young has opened the NCAA 
archives to Youngs highly competent defense lawyers. Federal law 
assures them of access to virtually any materials needed to prepare a 
defense -- and that includes audiotapes and transcripts of information 
that many individuals thought would remain confidential, because the 
NCAA said that would be the case.

People will say all sorts of things confidentially. Thats one reason 
why the NCAA bylaws contain a prohibition on the use of such 
confidential source testimony, and its the main reason that the 
Infractions Committees use of such testimony was short-sighted and 
stupid, regardless of what stipulations someone at Alabama might have 
made to allow its use. And once Youngs attorneys have access to the 
confidential records, they will soon become part of the civil arena as 
well, in the pending Ronnie Cottrell/Ivy Williams lawsuit, the Wendell 
Smith lawsuit and the lawsuits of other disassociated boosters that will 
be filed before too long.

Intellectually speaking, the Alabama case is a huge, writhing monster 
that no one has yet wrestled entirely into submission. Ive analyzed it 
for years (some might say ad nauseum), and have been as subject to blind 
spots as anyone, but I do have one opinion that has remained unchanged 
since Feb. 2, 2002. Regardless of the NCAAs intent in the Alabama case, 
the ultimate effect was to sound the death-knell for any sort of 
co-operation from a school that has allegedly broken the rules.

The past two years have simply reinforced that view. No other school has 
received penalties remotely approaching those that Alabama received. In 
the one instance where the Committee on Infractions seemed to come close 
-- the Michigan basketball case -- the Appeals Committee, in a 
transparently political decision, blithely reduced the penalties to 
little more than time served. Now, courtroom revelations in the coming 
days and weeks will also show that the NCAA cannot even live up to its 
guarantees of confidentiality. If you dont think those lessons have 
been learned elsewhere, just look at Auburns aggressive defense in its 
current basketball case.

In practical terms, Alabama has served its sanctions, or will have 
served them all when the reduced signing class of 2004 is wrapped up 
early next month. From that point, nothing can be reduced and, the NCAA 
has promised, nothing will be added.

But has the last shot been fired? Not by a long shot.

Cecil Hurt is sports editor of The Tuscaloosa News. He can be reached at 


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[RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: It's over -- for now

2003-11-30 Thread Rick McMahan
CECIL HURT: It's over -- for now
November 30, 2003
HONOLULU | Well, it's over.

Nothing much needs to be said other than that.

A supremely forgettable season ended with a supremely forgettable game, 
Alabama's loss to Hawaii followed the same script as the season. Alabama 
looked good early, missed some opportunities, encountered some 
adversity, missed more opportunities, then faded away down the stretch.

Mathematically, it doesn't matter much. A 4-9 record is worse than 5-8, 
but not by much.

Hopefully, Mike Shula will learn from it all.

Shula's vacation, such as it is, will last only one more day, with a 
Monday return to Tuscaloosa. His honeymoon, such as it has been, won't 
last much longer. Expectations next year may not be at SEC Championship 
levels, but they will be higher than a final record of substantially 
less than .500 will support. The problems of 2003 will be attributed to 
outside causes -- the weird transition, the NCAA -- if Alabama shows 
improvement next season.

If not, it will be ascribed increasingly to coaching.

The Hawaii game did nothing to delay that. Alabama had a couple of good 
offensive series, then went stagnant. It got back into the game on 
special teams, and threw away chances to put Hawaii away. The team that 
never learned how to win looked lost at the end.

The bowl ban is over. The shotgun wedding of Mike Shula and staff to 
players they didn't recruit and had barely coached has ended. A season 
has been wasted.

The recent turn of events at the two SEC schools nearest to Tuscaloosa 
will increase the scrutiny on Shula as well. The ongoing soap opera, 
The Travails of Tommy Tuberville, has many ramifications, but one 
repercussion of that resounding vote of no-confidence from the Auburn 
administration is this: Alabama will be expected to pull even with, or 
ahead of, the AU program in short order.

Meanwhile, if Mississippi State is able to follow through on its good 
idea to hire Sylvester Croom, there will be constant comparisons between 
the former player Alabama did hire, and the former player that it didn't.

In both cases, that will mean added pressure on Shula. That pressure can 
only be relieved by one thing -- winning.

That starts with securing players on two fronts -- from the pool of 
recruits, and from the current team. At least two important linemen, 
Justin Smiley and Antwan Odom, will be looking into NFL possibilities 
and Alabama would probably be doing well to retain one of them. 
Quarterback Brodie Croyle is scheduled to have surgery on his damaged 
left shoulder next week and his availability for spring practice will be 
curtailed, at best.

Because of its Hawaii trip, Alabama's staff will lose a couple of 
recruiting days next week, with the Tide coaches getting on the road 
Wednesday instead of Monday. The Tide will try to make up for that by 
having several prospects come in for December official visits rather 
than waiting until January.

The image that Alabama will try to project to those visitors will be one 
of stability. There has been no word on whether Shula will replace any 
assistant coaches, or one, or two, or six. The Tide head coach is 
extremely close to the vest with such information. But his attitude in 
recent weeks seems to have been one that stresses continuity, and the 
importance of strong coach-player relationships in a program that has 
been lacking in both recently. That doesn't sound like a man who is 
planning to clean house.

On the other hand, Shula does understand the importance of the coming 
season. It must be approached with urgency. The 2003 season can be 
forgotten, someday. The 2004 season cannot be.

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Re: [RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: It's over -- for now

2003-11-30 Thread PIRATESPT

In a message dated 11/30/03 8:11:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Monday return to Tuscaloosa. His honeymoon, such as it has been, won't 
last much longer.  

the Honeymoon is already over..sad to sayShula wont have nearly as 
much time to produce as Mike Dubose did...

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[RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt Article:

2003-11-06 Thread Joel Perry
The University of Alabama football team is coming off a much-needed open
week, but is having to learn a new set of moves.

Just call it the Offensive Line Shuffle.

The Tide wasn't blessed with depth up front to begin with, but problems
really started to develop when All-SEC tackle Wesley Britt went down early
in the Tide's five-overtime loss to Tennessee. His broken leg pushed Atlas
Herrion, who had been playing at guard, back to the left tackle position.
Later, when guard Dennis Alexander twisted an ankle, Danny Martz was pressed
into action. With Matt Lomax already sharing time with J.B. Closner at
center, that essentially depleted the small pool of experienced depth that
Alabama had available.

We're thin, Tide coach Mike Shula admitted at his Tuesday press
conference. But with the guys we have, we can operate smoothly

The biggest concern, of course, is for starting quarterback Brodie Croyle,
who has managed to last through the Tide's two most recent games despite his
suspect left shoulder. Britt has been one of the stalwarts in protecting
Croyle, although Herrion did play most of the Tennessee game with no
noticeable breakdown in protection.

I don't think we'll have to change the offense, Croyle said after
Tuesday's practice. Atlas did a fine job against Tennessee. I felt just as
good setting up and throwing behind him as I did with Wesley.

Alexander did not participate in the practice and was wearing an orthopedic
boot on his sprained left ankle, but said he felt good about his chances
of playing against Mississippi State.

I'm just wearing the boot to take a little weight off the ankle, he said.
I'm going to try to practice [today].

If Alexander cannot play, the Tide's backups will be Von Ewing and Mark
Sanders, young players with virtually no game experience.

We even had the guys that we are thinking of redshirting, guys who aren't
going to play, taking reps with the second team, Shula said. That's good
for the future of our team.

That would be the long-term future that Shula means. In the immediate
future -- in other words, the next four games -- the Tide will simply have
to do the best with what he has. That includes working players like Herrion
and Lomax at multiple positions, and hoping.

It's difficult, but we've got to close ranks and move on, said guard
Justin Smiley, who will have to take over Britt's leadership role. I
believe in Atlas' abilities [at tackle]. You have to approach it like that.
If you worry about things too much and don't trust the guy next to you,
you're going to have some trouble.

We're in a new season now, a four-game season. This game coming up is huge,
because we want to win the rest of our games. There is no way I want to have
a losing season.

Smiley says that if that means being more vocal, he'll do it.

We've got to provide leadership for the young guys, Smiley said. They are
good players. Danny Martz has played a little, maybe not as much as he
deserves. I've just got to reassure him, and the other guys, that they can
play and dominate at this level. They just have to step in there and do it.

One thing seems certain -- they will get their chance.

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[RollTideFan] CECIL HURT: Former QB hasn't faced QB controversy

2003-08-24 Thread Jeff Todd

Roll Tide!!

Slef E.

- Original Message - 

 Bunch of homos..join your priest buddy in


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RE: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on PF

2003-08-14 Thread Baker, Lee
That doesn't equate to be a great LB in my opinion.  Great are Borneliius Bennett 
and Derrick Thomas.  He is neither.


-Original Message-
From: Steven Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 12:17 PM
To: Devonna Snuggs; RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics
Discussion List
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on PF

If Brooks isn't a great linebacker then why did he
lead the team last year with 110 tackles?

--- Devonna Snuggs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Said he does not think BD is a great LB and was
 shocked he was named All SEC
 First Team

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RE: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on PF

2003-08-05 Thread Joel Perry
Cause the defensive line couldn't tackle?

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Steven Johnson
Sent:   Tuesday, August 05, 2003 12:17 PM
To: Devonna Snuggs; RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics
Discussion List
Subject:Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on PF

If Brooks isn't a great linebacker then why did he
lead the team last year with 110 tackles?

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[RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on PF

2003-08-04 Thread Devonna Snuggs
Said he does not think BD is a great LB and was shocked he was named All SEC
First Team

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RE: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on PF

2003-08-04 Thread Baker, Lee
Me too.  I would put the 2 at au, Kevin Burnette from ut ahead of him.


-Original Message-
From: Devonna Snuggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 3:49 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt on PF

Said he does not think BD is a great LB and was shocked he was named All SEC
First Team

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[RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt

2001-11-26 Thread Jeff Todd

For the love! I don't understand the need for AM 
- Radio to 'power down' in sync with the setting sun. Anyway

I caught bits and pieces of Cecil Hurt on 
Finebaum today. As best I could decipher, Hurt was saying the impending 
football scholarship reductions would likely be in the neighborhood of TWENTY, 
over a three year period.

Certainly not good news. Let's just hope it 
doesn't get worse.

Roll Tide!!


Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt

2001-11-26 Thread William H Evans

The ionosphere that AM frequency radio waves bounce off of RISES after the 
sun sets and pressure from the solar wind is no longer holding it down.

Therefore AM stations have a **MUCH** greater range on their signal at 
night, and a corresponding need for smaller stations to cut power. The big 
stations that are allowed by the FCC to maintain full power can be picked up 
1,000 miles away.

On I-65 outside of Hartselle around midnight I can pick up WWL (N'awlins), 
WLW (Cinci), WABC (New York), WSB (Atlanta), WLS (Chicago), and KSAT (San 

WABC in NYC is 770 AM. If WVNN (770 AM) in Huntsville (and all of the 
other 770's) didn't power down I wouldn't be able to pick up WABC clear as a 

bill evansHartselle, AL[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 19:48:03 -0600 "Jeff Todd" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  For the love! I don't understand the need for 
  AM - Radio to 'power down' in sync with the setting sun. 
  I caught bits and pieces of Cecil Hurt on 
  Finebaum today. As best I could decipher, Hurt was saying the impending 
  football scholarship reductions would likely be in the neighborhood of TWENTY, 
  over a three year period.
  Certainly not good news. Let's just hope it 
  doesn't get worse.
  Roll Tide!!

Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt

2001-11-26 Thread Jeff Todd

Isn't that something that dates back to WWII? (Clear 

Seems to me that communications have improved to the point 
that the FCC should drop that plan.


-Original Message-From: 
William H Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Monday, November 26, 2001 9:14 PMSubject: Re: [RollTideFan] 
Cecil Hurt

Therefore AM stations have a **MUCH** greater range on their signal at 
night, and a corresponding need for smaller stations to cut power. The 
big stations that are allowed by the FCC to maintain full power can be 
picked up 1,000 miles away.

Re: [RollTideFan] Cecil Hurt

2001-11-26 Thread JDunnav901

Trying to remember back to my radio up-bringins'...AM has to power down if on 
a clear channel due to an agreement between US and Mexico.  My family's AM 
station powers down to 1,000 watts at night, I believe, then has to be 
directional.  A few years back they had to turn off totally at sundown ( 
which was 4:45 in the winter, as I remember!!).   Could be way off base, but 
that's what I remember.

Roll Tide.

Jim D.
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