[Rails] Re: Conrollers in rails (C in MVC)

2013-05-14 Thread Praveen BK
Thank you so much Robert Walker. You have given me a lot of insight 
regarding Controller in MVC.

I Thank you again for your time and guidance.


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[Rails] Re: How to differentiate the form_for with respect to routes

2013-05-14 Thread Robert Walker
Nike Mike wrote in post #1109024:
> I have my devise routes as
> get "/signup/employer" => "devise/registrations#new" ,:as=>:useremp
> get "/signup/contractor" => "devise/registrations#new",:as=>
> :usercontract
> Both routes points to controller -> registrations and action -> new.When
> i hit the URL /signup/employer then my form_for should have the field as
> Employer and Contractor for /signup/contractor.
> Need the form_for based on the routes,how to achieve this

Try something like:

 get "/signup/:user_type" => "devise/registrations#new"

Then you should see something like this in params:

Now sending a URL like:

GET http://localhost:3000/signup/employer

Will generate a params hash that looks like:


Now whatever you put at the end of the URL will be available inside the 
params hash:

def new
  if params[user_type] == "employer"
# Employer
  else if params[user_type] == "contractor"
# Contractor
# Invalid user_type

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[Rails] Re: manual vs automatic bundler deployment with capistrano

2013-05-14 Thread Robert Walker
John Merlino wrote in post #1108980:
> I assume this is the most up to date documentation for running bundler
> install when deploying a rails application with capistrano:
> http://gembundler.com/v1.3/deploying.html
> In the documentation, it offers two methods for deploying capistrano
> with bundler: manual vs automatic.
> Which is preferred?

I'd choose automatic. Basically just add the require line to your 
deploy.rb file just like it says there in the docs.

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[Rails] How to differentiate the form_for with respect to routes

2013-05-14 Thread Nike Mike
I have my devise routes as

get "/signup/employer" => "devise/registrations#new" ,:as=>:useremp
get "/signup/contractor" => "devise/registrations#new",:as=>

Both routes points to controller -> registrations and action -> new.When
i hit the URL /signup/employer then my form_for should have the field as
Employer and Contractor for /signup/contractor.

Need the form_for based on the routes,how to achieve this

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2013-05-14 Thread cristhian Campoverde
I think, my method create is wrong in controller MALLA
I want to save the ids selected in the view malla from the controller

  def create
@malla = Malla.new(params[:subject_ids][:level][:malla])
   if @malla.save
   redirect_to mallacurriculares_menu_principal_admin_path,  :notice
<%=form_for @malla , :url => {:action=>"create"} do |f| %>
<% for c in @class %>
<%=f.radio_button :clase_id, c.id%> <%=c.tip_mall_descrip%>
<% end %>

<% for n in Level.find(:all) %>
<%=radio_button_tag :level, n.id%><%=  n.level_number %>

<% for a in @subject%>
<%= a.subject_name%>
<%=f.submit "SAVE"%>

My problem is, when I chose the options in my checkbox and radiobutton,
I can't get their "ids" in my table ASIGNATURAS_MALLAS_NIVELS, sometimes
I get this errors:
Please, someone help me, i'm doing my thesis.

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[Rails] Keeping Multiple Development Machines Synchronized with Homeboy

2013-05-14 Thread Preston Lee
I just released some bash scripts for keeping my numerous Ruby/Rails 
development machines synchronized sanely. If you have a desktop, laptop, 
cloud server etc. you bounce between and use RVM, brew and whatnot, you 
might find them useful! Pull requests appreciated. :)

GitHub: https://github.com/preston/homeboy

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[Rails] How to use selenium combined with cucumber on rails

2013-05-14 Thread Nike Mike
How to combine cucumber features with selenium that runs on rails 3.2

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[Rails] Re: rvm/capistrano

2013-05-14 Thread mike

On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 10:56:10 AM UTC-4, John Merlino wrote:
> When I ran cap deploy:setup, the following actually installed rvm, 
> ruby and the online_store gemset on my staging server: 
> set :rvm_ruby_string, 'ruby-1.9.3-p0@online_store' 
> set :rvm_autolibs_flag, "read-only" 
> set :rvm_type, :system 
> set :rvm_install_with_sudo, true 
> before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:install_rvm'   # install RVM 
> before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:install_ruby'  # install Ruby and create 
> gemset, OR: 
> before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:create_gemset' # only create gemset 
> Now that's what you would expect. However, I already had rvm, ruby 
> installed on my server, and all I wanted installed was the gemset 
> called online_store. So why was this unable to detect that rvm and 
> ruby was already installed? 

my guess is that you had an older version of RVM and an older patch of 
Ruby.  Whenever you run cap deploy:setup on the above code, it's going to 
do two things:

1.  Update RVM to the current stable version (if the installed version 
isn't current)
2.  Install the latest stable version of Ruby.  Note, this is an install, 
not an update.  It will leave older versions in the repository.  To RVM, 
1.9.3-p0 is different from 1.9.3-p194.  If you run the above and 1.9.3-p0 
was installed on the server, it will now install 1.9.3-p194 and both will 
be installed (and available).   

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[Rails] manual vs automatic bundler deployment with capistrano

2013-05-14 Thread John Merlino
I assume this is the most up to date documentation for running bundler
install when deploying a rails application with capistrano:


In the documentation, it offers two methods for deploying capistrano
with bundler: manual vs automatic.

Which is preferred?

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[Rails] Re: capistrano/mod_rails

2013-05-14 Thread mike

On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 11:27:55 AM UTC-4, John Merlino wrote:
> I was following these instructions for capistrano deployment: 
> https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano/wiki/2.x-From-The-Beginning 
> Under the section "Application Layer Initialization", it says: 
> "We need to tell Capistrano how to “spin up” (start) our application 
> layer. The precise way this works will vary depending on how you’re 
> running your application layer. If you’re using mod_rails, for 
> instance, it will be very different than if you’re using mongrel. 
> Here, I’ll assume you’re using mongrel. By default, when Capistrano 
> needs to start your application layer, it will try to execute a script 
> called “spin”, in the “script” directory of your application, on each 
> remote server. We’ll need to write that script, and then check it into 
> the source repository." 
> Well I'm using mod_rails/passenger. Do I need to be writing any 
> scripts as it suggests when using mod_rails? 
No.  When you run capify . a default config/deploy.rb file is created.  At 
the bottom of that file is a section of code with the comment "If you are 
using Passenger mod_rails uncomment this:".

remove the comment sign (#) at the beginning of the lines below that 
starting with namespace and ending with end.  That's all you need to do.


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[Rails] Re: patch levels and ruby

2013-05-14 Thread John Merlino
My /usr/local/rvm/gems looks like this (on ubuntu server):

cache  ruby-1.9.3-p0@globalruby-1.9.3-p194
ruby-1.9.3-p0  ruby-1.9.3-p0@online_store  ruby-1.9.3-p194@global

Is this normal to be using so many patch levels? Obviously I want
different gemsets for different projects to manage with bundler. But
patch levels?

On May 14, 1:06 pm, John Merlino  wrote:
> I'm using capistrano. I added this to the recipe:
> set :rvm_ruby_string, 'ruby-1.9.3-p0@online_store'               # use
> the same ruby as used locally for deployment
> set :rvm_autolibs_flag, "read-only"        # more info: rvm help
> autolibs
> set :rvm_type, :system
> set :rvm_install_with_sudo, true
> before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:install_rvm'   # install RVM
> before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:install_ruby'  # install Ruby and create
> gemset, OR:
> before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:create_gemset' # only create gemset
> Thats why patch level p0 is there. If I drop the -p0, will it install
> the latest rvm with each cap deploy?
> On May 14, 12:53 pm, Walter Lee Davis  wrote:
> > On May 14, 2013, at 12:37 PM, John Merlino wrote:
> > > How do you know which patch level to use for ruby? I have one project 
> > > that uses ruby-1.9.3-p0. When I cd into another project, it says: 
> > > ruby-1.9.3-p392 is not installed. So which to use: ruby-1.9.3-p0 or 
> > > ruby-1.9.3-p392?
> > Personally, with the rash of security updates we have seen lately, I would 
> > always use the latest Ruby you can in your major branch. Make sure your 
> > tests pass in the app that runs on v.0, and then update to the latest and 
> > run them again. If you're using rvm, that's likely how you got locked into 
> > v.0 and v.[whatever] in two different apps. If so, then check to see if you 
> > have an .rvmrc file in that folder. (Or local equivalent for some other 
> > ruby-switcher.)
> > Walter
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > > "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group.
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> > > email to rubyonrails-talk+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > > To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com.
> > > To view this discussion on the web 
> > > visithttps://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rubyonrails-talk/e795aa06-bf20-482b
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[Rails] Re: capistrano and scm_username and github

2013-05-14 Thread Frederick Cheung
On Friday, May 10, 2013 4:36:18 PM UTC+1, John Merlino wrote:
> In the capistrano wiki, it contains this line: 
> set :scm_username, “foo”. If you access your source repository with a 
> different user name than you are logged into your local machine with, 
> Capistrano needs to know. 
> Actually the way I access my repository through my app is through ssh 
> keys. The only user name I have with github is the one I use to log 
> into github to view my repositories. 
> There is still an associated user name - you added your ssh key to a 
github account - what is the name of that account ?


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[Rails] Re: patch levels and ruby

2013-05-14 Thread John Merlino
I'm using capistrano. I added this to the recipe:

set :rvm_ruby_string, 'ruby-1.9.3-p0@online_store'   # use
the same ruby as used locally for deployment
set :rvm_autolibs_flag, "read-only"# more info: rvm help

set :rvm_type, :system
set :rvm_install_with_sudo, true

before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:install_rvm'   # install RVM
before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:install_ruby'  # install Ruby and create
gemset, OR:
before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:create_gemset' # only create gemset

Thats why patch level p0 is there. If I drop the -p0, will it install
the latest rvm with each cap deploy?

On May 14, 12:53 pm, Walter Lee Davis  wrote:
> On May 14, 2013, at 12:37 PM, John Merlino wrote:
> > How do you know which patch level to use for ruby? I have one project that 
> > uses ruby-1.9.3-p0. When I cd into another project, it says: 
> > ruby-1.9.3-p392 is not installed. So which to use: ruby-1.9.3-p0 or 
> > ruby-1.9.3-p392?
> Personally, with the rash of security updates we have seen lately, I would 
> always use the latest Ruby you can in your major branch. Make sure your tests 
> pass in the app that runs on v.0, and then update to the latest and run them 
> again. If you're using rvm, that's likely how you got locked into v.0 and 
> v.[whatever] in two different apps. If so, then check to see if you have an 
> .rvmrc file in that folder. (Or local equivalent for some other 
> ruby-switcher.)
> Walter
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> > email to rubyonrails-talk+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com.
> > To view this discussion on the web 
> > visithttps://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rubyonrails-talk/e795aa06-bf20-482b
> > For more options, visithttps://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

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[Rails] Re: capistrano and scm_username and github

2013-05-14 Thread Robert Walker
John Merlino wrote in post #1108530:
> In the capistrano wiki, it contains this line:
> set :scm_username, foo. If you access your source repository with a
> different user name than you are logged into your local machine with,
> Capistrano needs to know.
> Actually the way I access my repository through my app is through ssh
> keys. The only user name I have with github is the one I use to log
> into github to view my repositories.
> So I'm not sure if scm_username is needed and what username does it
> want.

If I'm not mistaken, they are not talking about your GitHub  username 
(or wherever you're hosing your repository). They are talking about the 
Git username that you set with git config.

$ git config --list
user.name=Robert Walker

This information will show up in git log indicating the author of the 
changes at the time they were committed. It has nothing to do with 
authentication for accessing the Git repository. That, as you mentioned, 
is handled separately from :scm_username thorough something like ssh as 
you mentioned.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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Re: [Rails] patch levels and ruby

2013-05-14 Thread Walter Lee Davis

On May 14, 2013, at 12:37 PM, John Merlino wrote:

> How do you know which patch level to use for ruby? I have one project that 
> uses ruby-1.9.3-p0. When I cd into another project, it says: ruby-1.9.3-p392 
> is not installed. So which to use: ruby-1.9.3-p0 or ruby-1.9.3-p392?

Personally, with the rash of security updates we have seen lately, I would 
always use the latest Ruby you can in your major branch. Make sure your tests 
pass in the app that runs on v.0, and then update to the latest and run them 
again. If you're using rvm, that's likely how you got locked into v.0 and 
v.[whatever] in two different apps. If so, then check to see if you have an 
.rvmrc file in that folder. (Or local equivalent for some other ruby-switcher.)


> -- 
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Re: [Rails] patch levels and ruby

2013-05-14 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 9:37 AM, John Merlino  wrote:
> How do you know which patch level to use for ruby? I have one project that
> uses ruby-1.9.3-p0. When I cd into another project, it says: ruby-1.9.3-p392
> is not installed. So which to use: ruby-1.9.3-p0 or ruby-1.9.3-p392?

Given there are known security issues in -p0 and -p392, why aren't
you updating all your projects to the latest version?

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan

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[Rails] Re: patch levels and ruby

2013-05-14 Thread Robert Walker
John Merlino wrote in post #1108958:
> How do you know which patch level to use for ruby? I have one project
> that
> uses ruby-1.9.3-p0. When I cd into another project, it
> says: ruby-1.9.3-p392 is not installed. So which to use: ruby-1.9.3-p0
> or ruby-1.9.3-p392?

What are you using to manage your Rubies? RVM and rbenv both have 
mechanisms for setting per-project Ruby versions. Do you have a hidden 
file inside the directly you cd into that specifies what version to use 
for that project?

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] patch levels and ruby

2013-05-14 Thread John Merlino
How do you know which patch level to use for ruby? I have one project that 
uses ruby-1.9.3-p0. When I cd into another project, it 
says: ruby-1.9.3-p392 is not installed. So which to use: ruby-1.9.3-p0 
or ruby-1.9.3-p392?

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Re: [Rails] My first working Rails site - Bargain Stock Funds

2013-05-14 Thread Colin Law
On 14 May 2013 16:59, Jason Hsu, Android developer  wrote:
> Thank you for your help and encouragement.  I am pleased to report that my
> first Ruby on Rails site is now operational.  Bargain Stock Funds
> (http://www.bargainstockfunds.com) now displays profiles of over 10,000
> stock ETFs and mutual funds from the value investing point of view.  There
> are detailed profiles of funds, there is a master file showing all data for
> all funds in CSV format, there is a list of the cheapest stock ETFs, and
> there is a list showing the valuations of each Vanguard fund.  Features in
> the works include the ability to search for funds by various parameters and
> listings of the cheapest mutual funds in each style box category
> (large/medium/small, value/blend/growth).

One minor issue, some of the html is invalid (in minor ways as far as
I can see).  For example

Good luck


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[Rails] My first working Rails site - Bargain Stock Funds

2013-05-14 Thread Jason Hsu, Android developer
Thank you for your help and encouragement.  I am pleased to report that my 
first Ruby on Rails site is now operational.  Bargain Stock Funds (
http://www.bargainstockfunds.com) now displays profiles of over 10,000 
stock ETFs and mutual funds from the value investing point of view.  There 
are detailed profiles of funds, there is a master file showing all data for 
all funds in CSV format, there is a list of the cheapest stock ETFs, and 
there is a list showing the valuations of each Vanguard fund.  Features in 
the works include the ability to search for funds by various parameters and 
listings of the cheapest mutual funds in each style box category 
(large/medium/small, value/blend/growth).

The source code for my Rails site is at https://github.com/jhsu802701/bsf/.  
The source code for the web-scraping script that acquires the fund data 
is at https://github.com/jhsu802701/bsf-python .  (I tried Ruby initially, 
but my script was too slow.  I'm not sure if switching to Python made it 
faster, or if other improvements made my script faster.  I plan to try 
Ruby/JRuby when I revamp my Doppler Value Investing project, which profiles 
individual stocks in terms of net liquidity and free cash flow.  The web 
site is http://www.dopplervalueinevsting.com .)

I'm using a Postgres database to store the data on the stock funds.  I 
chose Postgres because it's far more robust and can handle far more web 
traffic than the default SQLite3 database.

I have made sure to use rspec tests and to implement these tests with Guard 
and Spork.  It allows me to implement Joel Spolsky's principle of testing 
early and often.  (Thanks, Rails!)  I understand that history has not been 
kind to Rails developers who neglect the testing process, and I had to make 
sure that I am NEVER tempted to skip this step in the name of "meeting a 

My deployment process is configured to AUTOMATICALLY update the 
config/database.yml file.  (Saving the password in plaintext on GitHub is 
not a viable option.)  I had to make sure that I can update the production 
web site with ZERO downtime.

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Re: [Rails] Fetching gem metadata from http://rubygems.org/.Unfortunately, a fatal error has occurred. Please se

2013-05-14 Thread rajesh kanna
thanks Dheeraj Kumar


On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Dheeraj Kumar wrote:

> The latest bundler is 1.3.5. Try updating it using `gem update bundler`
> and then running the bundle command.
> --
> Dheeraj Kumar
> On Tuesday 23 April 2013 at 6:01 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 23 April 2013 13:22, kanna  wrote:
> Hi guys
> when i'm doing bundle install i got this type of error
> whats this?
> please help me.
> rajesh@rajesh:~/workspace/Cybermedia_Test$ bundle install
> Fetching gem metadata from http://rubygems.org/.Unfortunately, a fatal
> error
> has occurred. Please see the Bundler
> troubleshooting documentation at http://bit.ly/bundler-issues. Thanks!
> Can you access rubygems.org from your browser ok?
> If you can then try running bundle again in a few hours in case it is
> a temporary network or server problem.
> Colin
> --
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[Rails] capistrano/mod_rails

2013-05-14 Thread John Merlino
I was following these instructions for capistrano deployment:


Under the section "Application Layer Initialization", it says:

"We need to tell Capistrano how to “spin up” (start) our application
layer. The precise way this works will vary depending on how you’re
running your application layer. If you’re using mod_rails, for
instance, it will be very different than if you’re using mongrel.
Here, I’ll assume you’re using mongrel. By default, when Capistrano
needs to start your application layer, it will try to execute a script
called “spin”, in the “script” directory of your application, on each
remote server. We’ll need to write that script, and then check it into
the source repository."

Well I'm using mod_rails/passenger. Do I need to be writing any
scripts as it suggests when using mod_rails?

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[Rails] rvm/capistrano

2013-05-14 Thread John Merlino
When I ran cap deploy:setup, the following actually installed rvm,
ruby and the online_store gemset on my staging server:

set :rvm_ruby_string, 'ruby-1.9.3-p0@online_store'
set :rvm_autolibs_flag, "read-only"

set :rvm_type, :system
set :rvm_install_with_sudo, true

before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:install_rvm'   # install RVM
before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:install_ruby'  # install Ruby and create
gemset, OR:
before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:create_gemset' # only create gemset

Now that's what you would expect. However, I already had rvm, ruby
installed on my server, and all I wanted installed was the gemset
called online_store. So why was this unable to detect that rvm and
ruby was already installed?

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[Rails] Re: Conrollers in rails (C in MVC)

2013-05-14 Thread Robert Walker
Praveen BK wrote in post #1108907:
> When should I create a new controller in a rails application?

Basically the same as in any other MVC based system. When you need to 
manage user actions and communicate information between views and 

The most common pattern is to have a controller with the seven "RESTful" 
actions (index, new, show, edit, create, update & destroy) for each 
model object. The actions map to HTTP requests, and depend on the HTTP 
method used (i.e. GET, POST, DELETE, PUT/PATCH).

For example sending a GET request to http://example.com/articles would 
map to the "index" action of articles_contolller.rb. The "index" action 
retrieves a list of article model instances and passes the list to the 
app/views/index.html.erb view template for rending into a web browser.

In a RESTful application you want to think about breaking down your 
application's model into "resources" Sometimes a "resource" is basically 
a model object, such as Article.

Often a resource is more abstract and can be treated independently from 
actual model classes with their own MVC. One example of this would be a 
user session. There may be no model object representing the concept of a 
session, but there could still be an MVC for managing session in a 
RESTful style. In other words you would have an entry in 
config/routes.rb for a sessions resource with a sessions_controller.rb 
file with at least some of the standard RESTful actions. Maybe a 
"create" action for logging in users by creating a session for them and 
a "destroy" action for logging users out. There may be no actual 
persistent model representing a session, but rather the model may be 
nothing more than inserting the id of the user model into the session 

There are also many other opportunities for resources that don't map 
directly to models or views. Or you may choose to use a separate 
resource (and controller) for managing AJAX requests, or advanced search 
features. The possibilities are endless and depend greatly on the needs 
of your application.

If you have not done so already, begin with the Rails guides:


Once you have a general understanding of Rails then jump into on of the 
excellent tutorials such as:


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Permanent | RoR Engineers | £65k + bonus + Bens | UK based (Oxfordshire)

2013-05-14 Thread crisps85
Please let me know the best number to contact you if you would like the 
know more. 

Email your CV to christine.w...@squareoneresources.com 

This position will be based in the UK so there will be NO remote working.

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[Rails] Re: Why joins queries make result readonly?

2013-05-14 Thread Илья Воронцов
Thank you, Frederik.
I think in my case joins is better because I don't want any orders except 
those having exact executor (with includes I'll get lots of orders without 
any executor at all, if I understand its behavior right)
I tried to get specialist_id and got nothing. So it looks, there is 
actually no column foreign columns on default join.

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[Rails] Re: Why joins queries make result readonly?

2013-05-14 Thread Frederick Cheung
On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 10:26:56 AM UTC+1, Илья Воронцов wrote:
> Order Load (2.0ms)  SELECT "orders".* FROM "orders" INNER JOIN 
> "order_executors" ON "order_executors"."order_id" = "orders"."id" INNER 
> JOIN "specialists" ON "specialists"."id" = 
> "order_executors"."specialist_id" WHERE "specialists"."id" = 1
> => [# client_id: 1, completion_status: "finished", created_at: "2013-05-13 
> 20:48:19", updated_at: "2013-05-14 00:36:38", price: 
> #>]
> I see no additional columns but Order.by_executor(1).first.readonly? is 
> true. Is that necessary?
> One other thing: inspect only ever shows columns from the model table - If 
you change the select clause to orders.*, order_executors.specialist_id 
then you'd get the same inspect output but your object would respond to 


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Re: [Rails] Re: Why joins queries make result readonly?

2013-05-14 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 11:14:56 AM UTC+1, Colin Law wrote:
> Should the OP be using includes rather than joins? 
Hard to tell.


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Re: [Rails] Re: Why joins queries make result readonly?

2013-05-14 Thread Colin Law
On 14 May 2013 11:12, Frederick Cheung  wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 10:26:56 AM UTC+1, Илья Воронцов wrote:
>> Are there any rationalies to make queries obtained by joining scope to be
>> readonly? I read some old posts (pre-rails3) that joins adds additional
>> columns to record so that ActiveRecord doesn't know how to update that
>> fields, but actually I don't see that fields. For example I write model
>> class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
>>   has_and_belongs_to_many :executors, class_name: 'Specialist',
>> join_table: 'order_executors'
>>   scope :by_executor, ->(executor_id) {
>> joins(:executors).where(specialists: {id: executor_id} ) }
>> end
>> and make query Order.by_executor(1) so that I get:
>> Order Load (2.0ms)  SELECT "orders".* FROM "orders" INNER JOIN
>> "order_executors" ON "order_executors"."order_id" = "orders"."id" INNER JOIN
>> "specialists" ON "specialists"."id" = "order_executors"."specialist_id"
>> WHERE "specialists"."id" = 1
>> => [#> client_id: 1, completion_status: "finished", created_at: "2013-05-13
>> 20:48:19", updated_at: "2013-05-14 00:36:38", price:
>> #>]
>> I see no additional columns but Order.by_executor(1).first.readonly? is
>> true. Is that necessary?
>> p.s. Yes I know that I can set readonly(false) or explicitly specify
>> select clause - so that records won't become readonly. But I want to
>> understand why this blocking behavior is necessary (if it is still true) and
>> what damage will be possible without readonly mark? Also I don't understand,
>> how can I shot myself if I explicitly set readonly(false).
> This might be a hangover from the past - I think active record didn't use to
> default to orders.* - the default select clause was select *.
> The danger is only if you do select columns from the other tables. This can
> either prevent saves (because your object has an attribute that doesn't
> exist for the model) or mask existing data, eg if both of the joined tables
> have a client_id column and you do select * then the activerecord object
> will have a single client_id attribute that has only one of those values.

Should the OP be using includes rather than joins?


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[Rails] Re: Why joins queries make result readonly?

2013-05-14 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 10:26:56 AM UTC+1, Илья Воронцов wrote:
> Are there any rationalies to make queries obtained by joining scope to be 
> readonly? I read some old posts (pre-rails3) that joins adds additional 
> columns to record so that ActiveRecord doesn't know how to update that 
> fields, but actually I don't see that fields. For example I write model
> class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
>   has_and_belongs_to_many :executors, class_name: 'Specialist', 
> join_table: 'order_executors'
>   scope :by_executor, ->(executor_id) { 
> joins(:executors).where(specialists: {id: executor_id} ) }
> end
> and make query Order.by_executor(1) so that I get:
> Order Load (2.0ms)  SELECT "orders".* FROM "orders" INNER JOIN 
> "order_executors" ON "order_executors"."order_id" = "orders"."id" INNER 
> JOIN "specialists" ON "specialists"."id" = 
> "order_executors"."specialist_id" WHERE "specialists"."id" = 1
> => [# client_id: 1, completion_status: "finished", created_at: "2013-05-13 
> 20:48:19", updated_at: "2013-05-14 00:36:38", price: 
> #>]
> I see no additional columns but Order.by_executor(1).first.readonly? is 
> true. Is that necessary?
> p.s. Yes I know that I can set readonly(false) or explicitly specify 
> select clause - so that records won't become readonly. But I want to 
> understand why this blocking behavior is necessary (if it is still true) 
> and what damage will be possible without readonly mark? Also I don't 
> understand, how can I shot myself if I explicitly set readonly(false).

This might be a hangover from the past - I think active record didn't use 
to default to orders.* - the default select clause was select *.

The danger is only if you do select columns from the other tables. This can 
either prevent saves (because your object has an attribute that doesn't 
exist for the model) or mask existing data, eg if both of the joined tables 
have a client_id column and you do select * then the activerecord object 
will have a single client_id attribute that has only one of those values.


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[Rails] Why joins queries make result readonly?

2013-05-14 Thread Илья Воронцов
Are there any rationalies to make queries obtained by joining scope to be 
readonly? I read some old posts (pre-rails3) that joins adds additional 
columns to record so that ActiveRecord doesn't know how to update that 
fields, but actually I don't see that fields. For example I write model
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_and_belongs_to_many :executors, class_name: 'Specialist', join_table: 
  scope :by_executor, ->(executor_id) { 
joins(:executors).where(specialists: {id: executor_id} ) }

and make query Order.by_executor(1) so that I get:

Order Load (2.0ms)  SELECT "orders".* FROM "orders" INNER JOIN 
"order_executors" ON "order_executors"."order_id" = "orders"."id" INNER 
JOIN "specialists" ON "specialists"."id" = 
"order_executors"."specialist_id" WHERE "specialists"."id" = 1
=> [#>]

I see no additional columns but Order.by_executor(1).first.readonly? is 
true. Is that necessary?

p.s. Yes I know that I can set readonly(false) or explicitly specify select 
clause - so that records won't become readonly. But I want to understand 
why this blocking behavior is necessary (if it is still true) and what 
damage will be possible without readonly mark? Also I don't understand, how 
can I shot myself if I explicitly set readonly(false).

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[Rails] Conrollers in rails (C in MVC)

2013-05-14 Thread Praveen BK
When should I create a new controller in a rails application?

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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2013-05-14 Thread Dante Pineda

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[Rails] Re: rails 3.2.13 model generator does not work in a mountable engine

2013-05-14 Thread Geoffrey Roguelon

I've generated a mountable engine with Rails 3.2.13 and i've none problems 
to generate a model after a controller...

Have you tested again ?

Best regards.

Le mardi 14 mai 2013 05:29:15 UTC+2, ma...@secondbureau.com a écrit :
> I use `rails plugin new engine_name --mountable` to generate a mountable 
> engine, and `cd engine_name`
> I tried `rails g controller controller_name`, it works fine, but not 
> `rails g model model_name`, after I type this command it shows nothing.
> anyone meet this?

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2013-05-14 Thread cristhian Campoverde
Thanks for you replying Colin:

Look, this's my message of error:

 NoMethodError in MallacurricularesController#create
undefined method `save' for []:ActiveRecord::Relation


The parameters looks good, and my controller is:

  def new
@asignatura = Asignatura.find(:all)
@clase = Clase.find(:all)
@nivel = Nivel.find(:all)
@malla = Malla.new

 def create
 @malla = Malla.new(params[:malla])
 @subject = @malla.subjects(params[:subject_ids])
 @level = @malla.levels(params[:level])

   if @malla.save and @subject.save and @level.save
   redirect_to mallacurriculares_menu_principal_admin_path,  :notice 
=> 'MALLA created'

In my controller i want to save the "ids" that i chose in the view form 
to my model: subject_malla_level.

And i dont know how to do it, please help men  :(

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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2013-05-14 Thread Colin Law
On 14 May 2013 09:13, cristhian Campoverde  wrote:
> The trouble Colin is I accidentally deleted my first post, it was the
> first time i signed up, so i was trying to know how the forum works.
> Please man help me with that, really I need to solve it for my thesis.

Please quote the previous message when replying as this is actually a
mailing list not a forum, though you may be accessing it using a
forum-like interface.  My reply was:

You need to show us the exact error and the line of code it is failing
on (with the lines around it).  First, though, have a look at the
Rails Guide on Debugging which will show you techniques that you can
use to debug your code.


> --
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2013-05-14 Thread cristhian Campoverde
The trouble Colin is I accidentally deleted my first post, it was the 
first time i signed up, so i was trying to know how the forum works.

Please man help me with that, really I need to solve it for my thesis.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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2013-05-14 Thread Colin Law
On 14 May 2013 08:03, cristhian Campoverde  wrote:
> Hi Colin, really ?? sorry, I tried to simplificate my question...!
> Please, if you know how to solve, tell me men.

See my reply to your initial posting.


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Re: [Rails] Instagram Redirect error

2013-05-14 Thread Dheeraj Kumar
It looks like you're passing a redirect URL to the API while authenticating. 
You should either not include it, or make sure it's the same as the one you 
provide in Instagram's app settings. 

Dheeraj Kumar

On Tuesday 14 May 2013 at 1:07 PM, Maddy wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> In just integrate instagram to my app.
> I got an error while redirect from instagram.
> {"code": 400, "error_type": "OAuthException", "error_message": "Redirect URI 
> does not match registered redirect URI"}
> Please advise.
> Thank you
> -- 
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[Rails] Instagram Redirect error

2013-05-14 Thread Maddy
Hi Folks,

In just integrate instagram to my app.
I got an error while redirect from instagram.

{"code": 400, "error_type": "OAuthException", "error_message": "Redirect URI 
does not match registered redirect URI"}

Please advise.

Thank you

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[Rails] rake precompile:assets throwing error

2013-05-14 Thread sith
While running rake precompile:assets i'm getting the following error

This is the error message:
rake assets:precompile:all RAILS_ENV=production
rake aborted!
undefined local variable or method `establish_connection' for 

Please help

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2013-05-14 Thread cristhian Campoverde
Hi Colin, really ?? sorry, I tried to simplificate my question...!

Please, if you know how to solve, tell me men.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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