Re: [Rails] Re: Beginner Question

2016-03-08 Thread Colin Law
Please quote the previous message when replying.  This is a mailling
list not a forum, though you may be accessing it via a forum like
interface, so it is important to quote so we know what you are
replying to.  See further comments below.

On 8 March 2016 at 01:03, Hitesh Sancheti  wrote:
> This is what I see when I click on Show Posts link
> 2016-03-08T01:02:38.242828+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET
> path="/posts"
> request_id=b362a590-741a-4b32-8ba6-ad2c8d916413 fwd=""
> dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=21ms status=200 bytes=2749
> 2016-03-08T01:02:38.227479+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/posts" for
> at 2016-03-08 01:02:38 +
> 2016-03-08T01:02:38.232514+00:00 app[web.1]: Processing by
> PostsController#index as HTML
> 2016-03-08T01:02:38.236506+00:00 app[web.1]:   Rendered
> posts/index.html.erb within layouts/application (2.1ms)

That tells us that the server is running GET /posts and is rendering
PostsController#index.  That does not sound like the Home Page that
you said it was rendering.  Which controller action did you want it to

Unfortunately you have not provided the other information I asked for,
which was to show us a few lines round the Show Posts link in your
code.  Please provide that, unless posts#index is the action you want
it to run.

Also have a look at the html that the code is generating (View Page
source in the browser, or something similar depending on which browser
you are using).  Copy/paste the relevant section here.  But again,
please look at it and see if it helps you to work out what the problem
is.  Again if posts#index is the action you want it to run then no
need as that bit is working.

> 2016-03-08T01:02:38.240308+00:00 app[web.1]:   Rendered
> posts/_navigation.html.erb (1.1ms)
> 2016-03-08T01:02:38.240592+00:00 app[web.1]: Completed 200 OK in 8ms
> (Views: 7.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

That bit looks a bit odd as it only seems to have rendered what I
assume is your nav bar.  Perhaps this is the issue.  If posts#index is
the action you expected to be called but it is not rendering the view
you expect then have a look at that code and see if you can see the
issue.  Otherwise paste the index action code here.

But don't just post lots of stuff.  Try and understand it first and
any bits you don't understand then ask us for help.


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[Rails] Re: Beginner Question

2016-03-07 Thread Hitesh Sancheti
This is what I see when I click on Show Posts link

2016-03-08T01:02:38.242828+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET 
request_id=b362a590-741a-4b32-8ba6-ad2c8d916413 fwd="" 
dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=21ms status=200 bytes=2749
2016-03-08T01:02:38.227479+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/posts" for at 2016-03-08 01:02:38 +
2016-03-08T01:02:38.232514+00:00 app[web.1]: Processing by 
PostsController#index as HTML
2016-03-08T01:02:38.236506+00:00 app[web.1]:   Rendered 
posts/index.html.erb within layouts/application (2.1ms)
2016-03-08T01:02:38.240308+00:00 app[web.1]:   Rendered 
posts/_navigation.html.erb (1.1ms)
2016-03-08T01:02:38.240592+00:00 app[web.1]: Completed 200 OK in 8ms 
(Views: 7.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

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Re: [Rails] Re: Beginner Question

2016-03-07 Thread Colin Law
On 7 March 2016 at 15:40, Hitesh Sancheti  wrote:
> From the top nav bar, the 'Show Post' link takes me back to the home
> page. But I want it to take me to
> Is there anything that needs to be defined in routes?

What do you see in the log file when you click the link?  Having
studied that if you do not understand it then copy/paste a few lines
of code around the Show Post link so we can see what you are doing,
and also post the relevant section of the log.

If you had something missing from the routes you would get a routing error.


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[Rails] Re: Beginner Question

2016-03-07 Thread Hitesh Sancheti
>From the top nav bar, the 'Show Post' link takes me back to the home 
page. But I want it to take me to

Is there anything that needs to be defined in routes?

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[Rails] Re: Beginner Question

2016-03-06 Thread Dave Porter
Would that not normally be just   posts_path

On Monday, 7 March 2016 07:00:16 UTC+8, User wrote:
> Hello everyone, I just started off with RoR and had a question. 
> I wanted to link my 'Show All Posts' to my allposts.html.erb which will 
> display all the posts that are created but I am having difficulty in 
> doing so. Do I need to define this in routes.rb file. I just want to 
> display all posts when that link is clicked. 
> <%= link_to "New Post", new_post_path %> 
> <%= link_to "Show All Posts", '#' %> 
> Contact 
> allposts.html.erb contents 
> <% @posts.each do |post| %> 
> <%= post.title %> 
> <%= post.body%>  
> <%= link_to "Show Posts", post  %> 
> <% end %> 
> -- 
> Posted via 

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[Rails] Re: beginner in Ruby on rails

2015-07-25 Thread Sofi Celi

>i am beginner in ruby on rails

I'm also a beginner.. I have found these tutorials and books very 

Currently, I work in RGSoC. If you want to learn together or have any 
problem, search me as @claucece on twitter. I have some Rails mentors, so I 
can help :)

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[Rails] Re: beginner in Ruby on rails

2015-07-24 Thread Taras Matsyk
Thank you, @Colin.
Good to know that I have not taken a wrong direction for the very 
beginning. :)

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Re: [Rails] Re: beginner in Ruby on rails

2015-07-20 Thread Colin Law
On 20 July 2015 at 20:34, Taras Matsyk  wrote:
> ...
> @Colin, can I have question. Why should I use rvm?
> I am using rbenv at the moment, which reminds me a python virtualenv and
> I am pretty satisfied with it.
> So what is the advantage?

Yes I believe you are right, rbenv is also ok.


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[Rails] Re: beginner in Ruby on rails

2015-07-20 Thread Taras Matsyk
Hey, beginner, send me a message. We are in the same boat =D

@Colin, can I have question. Why should I use rvm?
I am using rbenv at the moment, which reminds me a python virtualenv and 
I am pretty satisfied with it.

So what is the advantage?

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[Rails] Re: (Beginner) ActionController::UrlGenerationError - No route matches

2014-05-16 Thread Ronald Fischer
Colin Law wrote in post #1146273:
> It is because you have told it that
> the controller is articles/new, whereas in fact this is the complete
> path.  You just need
> <%= link_to 'Add new weird stuff', new_article_path %>


Now after you explained it, it became obvious!!

Thanks a lot.


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[Rails] Re: (Beginner) ActionController::UrlGenerationError - No route matches

2014-05-16 Thread Fab Forestier
try something like this:

<%= link_to t('.new', :default => t("")),
  new_article_path(article), :class => 'btn 
btn-mini' %>

Where class =>'btn btn-mini' is un type of button when you use bootstrap 
theme if you don't use it try whitout this option.

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[Rails] Re: beginner to ruby programming

2014-03-26 Thread Robert Walker
Jaya Ruhil wrote in post #1141029:
> hi every one ,
> i am beginner to ruby, i don't know a little bit of ruby, but i have to
> learn it bcz i m going to work as a system admin , and for client server
> automation using puppet i required concept of ruby, can any body help in
> in directing me , towards learning it quickly and easily.

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[Rails] Re: beginner to ruby programming

2014-03-26 Thread masta Blasta
Jaya Ruhil wrote in post #1141029:
> hi every one ,
> i am beginner to ruby, i don't know a little bit of ruby, but i have to
> learn it bcz i m going to work as a system admin , and for client server
> automation using puppet i required concept of ruby, can any body help in
> in directing me , towards learning it quickly and easily.

I would also like to be able to learn Ruby quickly and easily. 
Preferably before lunch.

I would also like to know how to do my taxes. If anyone can teach me 
real quick how to do taxes. Preferably before lunch.

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[Rails] Re: Beginner

2012-09-01 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 6:34:57 PM UTC+1, Bala Ramachandran wrote:
> I am someone with no programming experience.
> 1.  What is the best way for me to learn Ruby on Rails
Personally I believe at least some knowledge of ruby is useful. People 
speak well of 

> 2.  How long will it take?
That's entirely dependant on how fast you pick things up. If you've really 
got no programming experience at all then I would have thought it would be 
at least a multi month process. 

3.  What is the back end database that Ruby uses.
2 of the more common ones are Postgres & Mysql, but people also use oracle, 
sql server, sqlite3 and also non relational stores such as mongodb, 
couchdb, riak etc.

4.  Are there any components that need to be bought out?
> Thanks

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[Rails] Re: Beginner here: What does it take to find a decent job as Rails developer and live from it

2012-01-09 Thread Francisco Lucas
thanks, ruby!

On 7 jan, 06:55, ruby  wrote:
> find people on and stackoverflow.
> twitter isn't a bad place to start streaming tags.
> and i think it's always good to form relationships first
> then ask for a recommendation 2nd.  people still hire people.
> i have a freelance opt if you're ever interested.
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 2:40 AM, Francisco Lucas wrote:
> > Fabricia, where can I find this opportunities here in Brazil?
> > On 4 jan, 17:43, FaBritze  wrote:
> >> Hello there!
> >> Rails is growing up very fast in the market
> >> To give you an idea, here in Brazil there are many opportunities for
> >> RoR web development, both in small and in multinational companies and
> >> some academic attempts too
> >> About "employable" Rails developer...
> >> This is very concerning...
> >> Depend's the region or companie...
> >> Experience is more needed than studies/certificates, but without these
> >> you will have to make a good advertising and have a presentable
> >> portfolio to convince companies that you really have a difference in
> >> your work
> >> The combination would be ideal
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at

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[Rails] Re: Beginner here: What does it take to find a decent job as Rails developer and live from it

2012-01-05 Thread Francisco Lucas
Fabricia, where can I find this opportunities here in Brazil?

On 4 jan, 17:43, FaBritze  wrote:
> Hello there!
> Rails is growing up very fast in the market
> To give you an idea, here in Brazil there are many opportunities for
> RoR web development, both in small and in multinational companies and
> some academic attempts too
> About "employable" Rails developer...
> This is very concerning...
> Depend's the region or companie...
> Experience is more needed than studies/certificates, but without these
> you will have to make a good advertising and have a presentable
> portfolio to convince companies that you really have a difference in
> your work
> The combination would be ideal

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Re: [Rails] Re: Beginner here: What does it take to find a decent job as Rails developer and live from it

2012-01-05 Thread Peter Hickman
Experience is good, especially comercial experience of Rails.

If you've been doing Rails for 5 years but you are actually employed
as a Java programmer you will probably lose to someone who has been
employed as a Rails developer for 2 years.

It's hard to sell enthusiasm over experience :(

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[Rails] Re: Beginner here: What does it take to find a decent job as Rails developer and live from it

2012-01-05 Thread FaBritze
Hello there!

Rails is growing up very fast in the market

To give you an idea, here in Brazil there are many opportunities for
RoR web development, both in small and in multinational companies and
some academic attempts too

About "employable" Rails developer...

This is very concerning...

Depend's the region or companie...

Experience is more needed than studies/certificates, but without these
you will have to make a good advertising and have a presentable
portfolio to convince companies that you really have a difference in
your work

The combination would be ideal

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[Rails] Re: [Beginner] fields_for within each loop

2011-10-20 Thread Hakjune Kim
Thank you Fred for another reply.

But having relationship report->question->answer will lead to 
unnecessary generation of the question per each report. In my case, 
question is same for all reports.

Could you please guide me what I should do then?
I feel like I'm stuck in db model now.

Your advise will be very much appreciated.

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[Rails] Re: [Beginner] fields_for within each loop

2011-10-19 Thread Hakjune Kim
It doesn't work as I expected.
I changed the controller and view but it doesn't work

in report_controller.rb

def new

  QuestionSingle.each do |qs| ...

so answer_single generated as many as questions.

So when I call answer_singles in the fields for it calls every 
answer_singles generated.

<% QuestionSingle.all.each_with_index do |question, index| %>
  <%= index+1 %>. <%= question.content %>
<%= f.fields_for :answer_singles do |answer| %>
  <%= answer.text_area :content %>
  <%= answer.hidden_field :question_single_id, {:value => index} 
<% end %>
<% end %>

I have designed models not like report -> question -> answer
report -> answer (due to the predefined questions by scaffolding)

For all report same questions will be fed and answers have report_id, 
question_id. My question is how I can use answer same as the 

Simple fields for shows all answer fields having same report_id.

Let me know if there's better design for predefined questions.


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[Rails] Re: [Beginner] fields_for within each loop

2011-10-19 Thread Hakjune Kim
Thank you very much Frederick.

I have changed my code according to it.
But in the form how I can implement this?
Once I'm using the same code it will display 3 fields since it's using 
fields_for loop for all answers.

What can I use in this case?

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[Rails] Re: [Beginner] fields_for within each loop

2011-10-19 Thread Hakjune Kim
I found from the development log that I'm passing question_single_id as 
Seems to be my code of this part is not working

<%= f.fields_for :answer_singles,  {:question_single_id => index} do 
|answer| %>
<%= answer.text_area :content, {:question_single_id => index} %>

What I meat to do was to assign question_single_id when I fill the 
answer :content.
And look up a text_area per each question.

Is there any good solution for text_area and fields_for usage?

I know I'm way far from CRUD development but what to do. (codes are 
getting uglier)

What i should implement is like a quiz system with given questions.
User login -> answer the given questions -> end
Admin -> edit questions or review user answers -> end

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[Rails] Re: [Beginner] fields_for within each loop

2011-10-19 Thread Hakjune Kim
Sure, Thank you very much.

def new
@report =

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # new.html.erb
  format.json { render :json => @report }

<%= form_for(@report) do |f| %>
  <% if @report.errors.any? %>

  <%= pluralize(@report.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited 
this report from being saved:

  <% @report.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<%= msg %>
  <% end %>

  <% end %>

<%= f.label :project_id, "Project Runner" %>
<%= :project_id, Project.all.collect {|d| 
[Project::P_PARTNER[d.partner], d.partner]} %>
<%= f.label :finalized %>
<%= :finalized, [["Yes", true], ["No", false]] %>

<%= f.label :emails %>
<%= f.number_field :emails %>

<% QuestionSingle.all.each_with_index do |question, index| %>
  <%= index+1 %>. <%= question.content %>
<%= f.fields_for :answer_singles,  {:question_single_id => 
:index} do |answer| %>
  <%= answer.text_area :content, {:question_single_id => :index} 
<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

Others are just as the scaffold output (index, edit, new, show)

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[Rails] Re: [Beginner] fields_for within each loop

2011-10-19 Thread Hakjune Kim
By making it nested_attributes I'm able to control it but still some
weird loop.
I don't fully understand how loop works in rails so please advise.

First this code makes one text area per each question.
<% QuestionSingle.all.each_with_index do |question, index| %>
  <%= index+1 %>. <%= question.content %>
<%= f.fields_for :answer_singles,  {:question_id => :index} do
|answer| %>
  <%= answer.text_area :content %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

After I put answers and edit it makes number of answer text area same as

Please let me know how I can make the text area per question.

Thank you and regards,

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Re: [Rails] Re: Beginner issue - databases reference

2011-09-21 Thread Colin Law
On 22 September 2011 02:21, Justin D.  wrote:

Please don't top post, it makes it difficult to follow the thread.
Insert your reply at appropriate points in the previous post.  Thanks.

> Well... I've read some tutorials and basically, what I had to do was to
> create a database with the command scaffold. I had to choose :references
> as the type of one of my table entry... But the thing is I can't figure
> which entry to reference to...

I think the confusion here is that you have said that you have two
databases.  I suspect that you mean two tables in one database.  Is
that correct?

I suggest that you have a look at the Rails Guides, starting with
Getting Started, then ActiveRecord Associations, Routing, and
Debugging.  I mean a good work through, do not just skim over then.
Then (or in parallel) work through some tutorials.
is good and free to use online.  Make sure that you have Rails 3
installed and any tutorial you use is for that version of rails.



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Re: [Rails] Re: Beginner issue - databases reference

2011-09-21 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 6:21 PM, Justin D.  wrote:
> Well... I've read some tutorials and basically, what I had to do was to
> create a database with the command scaffold.

Sorry, that doesn't make any sense to me.

You might want to step back and document exactly what you're done
so far, and post that and the code for the models you've (I'm guessing)
created via scaffolding.

It would help to know what version of Rails you're using, as well.

Hassan Schroeder
twitter: @hassan

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[Rails] Re: Beginner issue - databases reference

2011-09-21 Thread Justin D.
Well... I've read some tutorials and basically, what I had to do was to 
create a database with the command scaffold. I had to choose :references 
as the type of one of my table entry... But the thing is I can't figure 
which entry to reference to...

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[Rails] Re: beginner

2011-06-23 Thread Chirag Singhal
You can also try out Rails tutorial
It's pretty good and the author got Ruby Heroes Award at this year's 
RailsConf for his contribution to community

There's another great beginner free course by codeschool, which you can try 
out -

Once you are get a hang of how things work in Rails, then and would be good reference 
And you can start watching Railscasts once you have learnt enough to read 
and understand someone else's code.

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[Rails] Re: (Beginner) Finding a database object within a time interval

2011-05-08 Thread Anders_P
Thanks for the tip, got a bit cleaner.

On May 8, 8:02 pm, Frederick Cheung 
> On 8 May 2011, at 18:51, Anders_P  wrote:
> > Thanks for your answer, I think I got it to work.
> > def current_tee
> >  current_time =
> >  @current_tee = Tee.find :all, :conditions => [
> >    "featured = true AND start_date < '#{current_time}' AND end_date
> >> = '#{current_time}'"
> >  ]
> > end
> > I had also forgot ' ' before and after '#{current_time}'.
> If you use the placeholder syntax (  ie  :conditions => ["start_date < ?", 
> current_time])  then you don't need to worry about that and other SQL 
> escaping problems
> Fred
> > Thanks!
> > // Anders
> > On May 8, 5:13 pm, Frederick Cheung 
> > wrote:
> >> On 8 May 2011, at 13:58, Anders_P  wrote:
> >>> Hello,
> >>> I'm trying to create a find statement that should find an element
> >>> which start_date and end_date are within If I for example
> >>> have an object with a start_date of 2011-05-04 and end_date of
> >>> 2011-05-19, the find statement should find the elment(s) that are
> >>> within that time peroid. My code looks like this:
> >>> def current_tee
> >>>      @current_time =
> >>>      @current_tee = Tee.find(:conditions => [
> >>>        "id = ? AND featured => true AND start_date > #{@current_time}
> >>> AND end_date <= #{@current_time}", params[:id]
> >>>      ])
> >>> end
> >> You either need Tee.find :all, :conditions => ...
> >> Or Tee.find some_id (or Tee.find :first, :conditions => ... if you only 
> >> want one record)
> >> But you've got something halfway between the two
> >> Fred
> >>> And:
> >>> def show
> >>>    @tee = current_tee
> >>>    respond_to do |format|
> >>>      format.html # show.html.erb
> >>>      format.xml  { render :xml => @tee }
> >>>    end
> >>> end
> >>> I keep getting this error: Couldn't find Tee without an ID.
> >>> Any tips on how to solve this?
> >>> Thanks!
> >>> // Anders
> >>> --
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> >>>
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> >>> at
> > --
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Re: [Rails] Re: (Beginner) Finding a database object within a time interval

2011-05-08 Thread Frederick Cheung

On 8 May 2011, at 18:51, Anders_P  wrote:

> Thanks for your answer, I think I got it to work.
> def current_tee
>  current_time =
>  @current_tee = Tee.find :all, :conditions => [
>"featured = true AND start_date < '#{current_time}' AND end_date
>> = '#{current_time}'"
>  ]
> end
> I had also forgot ' ' before and after '#{current_time}'.
If you use the placeholder syntax (  ie  :conditions => ["start_date < ?", 
current_time])  then you don't need to worry about that and other SQL escaping 


> Thanks!
> // Anders
> On May 8, 5:13 pm, Frederick Cheung 
> wrote:
>> On 8 May 2011, at 13:58, Anders_P  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm trying to create a find statement that should find an element
>>> which start_date and end_date are within If I for example
>>> have an object with a start_date of 2011-05-04 and end_date of
>>> 2011-05-19, the find statement should find the elment(s) that are
>>> within that time peroid. My code looks like this:
>>> def current_tee
>>>  @current_time =
>>>  @current_tee = Tee.find(:conditions => [
>>>"id = ? AND featured => true AND start_date > #{@current_time}
>>> AND end_date <= #{@current_time}", params[:id]
>>>  ])
>>> end
>> You either need Tee.find :all, :conditions => ...
>> Or Tee.find some_id (or Tee.find :first, :conditions => ... if you only want 
>> one record)
>> But you've got something halfway between the two
>> Fred
>>> And:
>>> def show
>>>@tee = current_tee
>>>respond_to do |format|
>>>  format.html # show.html.erb
>>>  format.xml  { render :xml => @tee }
>>> end
>>> I keep getting this error: Couldn't find Tee without an ID.
>>> Any tips on how to solve this?
>>> Thanks!
>>> // Anders
>>> --
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>>> "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group.
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>>> at
> -- 
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[Rails] Re: (Beginner) Finding a database object within a time interval

2011-05-08 Thread Anders_P
Thanks for your answer, I think I got it to work.

def current_tee
  current_time =
  @current_tee = Tee.find :all, :conditions => [
"featured = true AND start_date < '#{current_time}' AND end_date
>= '#{current_time}'"

I had also forgot ' ' before and after '#{current_time}'.


// Anders

On May 8, 5:13 pm, Frederick Cheung 
> On 8 May 2011, at 13:58, Anders_P  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm trying to create a find statement that should find an element
> > which start_date and end_date are within If I for example
> > have an object with a start_date of 2011-05-04 and end_date of
> > 2011-05-19, the find statement should find the elment(s) that are
> > within that time peroid. My code looks like this:
> > def current_tee
> >      @current_time =
> >      @current_tee = Tee.find(:conditions => [
> >        "id = ? AND featured => true AND start_date > #{@current_time}
> > AND end_date <= #{@current_time}", params[:id]
> >      ])
> > end
> You either need Tee.find :all, :conditions => ...
> Or Tee.find some_id (or Tee.find :first, :conditions => ... if you only want 
> one record)
> But you've got something halfway between the two
> Fred
> > And:
> > def show
> >    @tee = current_tee
> >    respond_to do |format|
> >      format.html # show.html.erb
> >      format.xml  { render :xml => @tee }
> >    end
> > end
> > I keep getting this error: Couldn't find Tee without an ID.
> > Any tips on how to solve this?
> > Thanks!
> > // Anders
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group.
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> >
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> > at

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[Rails] Re: (Beginner) Learning Rspec (help!)

2011-04-23 Thread Anders_P
Ouch embarrassing. :D


On 23 Apr, 22:15, Frederick Cheung  wrote:
> On Apr 23, 8:58 pm, Anders_P  wrote:
> > Hello!
> > And:
> > class NewsletterReceiversController < ApplicationController
> >   def create
> >     @newsletter_receiver =
> >[:newsletter_receiver])
> >     if
> >       flash[:notice] = "A message"
> >       redirect_to root_path
> >     else
> >       render 'pages/home'
> >     end
> >   end
> > end
> > My NewsletterReceiversController specs looks like this:
> > require 'spec_helper'
> > describe NewsletterReceiversController do
> >   describe "Success" do
> >       before(:each) do
> >         @attr = { :email => "" }
> >       end
> >       it "should create a receiver" do
> >         lambda do
> >           post :create, :newsletter_reveiver => @attr
> >         end.should change(NewsletterReceiver, :count).by(1)
> >       end
> Step through your code and you'll see that you've got a typo here.
> Fred
> >     end
> >   end
> > end
> > This gives me the following error:
> > Failure/Error: lambda do
> >   count should have been changed by 1, but was changed by 0
> > Anyone got any tips on how to solve this?
> > Thanks
> > // Anders

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[Rails] Re: (Beginner) Learning Rspec (help!)

2011-04-23 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Apr 23, 8:58 pm, Anders_P  wrote:
> Hello!
> And:
> class NewsletterReceiversController < ApplicationController
>   def create
>     @newsletter_receiver =
>     if
>       flash[:notice] = "A message"
>       redirect_to root_path
>     else
>       render 'pages/home'
>     end
>   end
> end
> My NewsletterReceiversController specs looks like this:
> require 'spec_helper'
> describe NewsletterReceiversController do
>   describe "Success" do
>       before(:each) do
>         @attr = { :email => "" }
>       end
>       it "should create a receiver" do
>         lambda do
>           post :create, :newsletter_reveiver => @attr
>         end.should change(NewsletterReceiver, :count).by(1)
>       end

Step through your code and you'll see that you've got a typo here.


>     end
>   end
> end
> This gives me the following error:
> Failure/Error: lambda do
>   count should have been changed by 1, but was changed by 0
> Anyone got any tips on how to solve this?
> Thanks
> // Anders

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[Rails] Re: Beginner Help - Iterating and Displaying From Models with Relationship

2011-02-22 Thread Ryan

Thank you very much everyone!  Fred, your advise was spot on.  Worked
like a charm!

<% Company.find(1).applications.each do |app| %>
<%= %>
<% end %>


Clint, thanks for the tip on the inspect function, I missed that.  It
probably would have been the best way to debug and trial/error the

Once again thank you all for the help :)

On Feb 22, 1:44 pm, Michael Pavling  wrote:
> On 22 February 2011 16:52, Bryan Crossland  wrote:
> > Hi Ryan,
> Hiya,
> Can you not top-post, please. It makes it hard to know what you're
> exactly replying to. TIA.
> >There are two ways to get it to display what you want. Remove the
> > = and change your block to read { |app| puts } or do as
> That's not gonna do much good, as "puts" is going to output on the
> server console. The one way to do it is as Fred said.
> Michael

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Re: [Rails] Re: Beginner Help - Iterating and Displaying From Models with Relationship

2011-02-22 Thread Michael Pavling
On 22 February 2011 16:52, Bryan Crossland  wrote:
> Hi Ryan,

Can you not top-post, please. It makes it hard to know what you're
exactly replying to. TIA.

>There are two ways to get it to display what you want. Remove the
> = and change your block to read { |app| puts } or do as

That's not gonna do much good, as "puts" is going to output on the
server console. The one way to do it is as Fred said.


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Re: [Rails] Re: Beginner Help - Iterating and Displaying From Models with Relationship

2011-02-22 Thread Bryan Crossland
Hi Ryan,

Your loop is correct. The issue how erb is interpreting what you are
asking it to do. The = is telling erb to spit out the contest of the
array Company.find(1).applications.each without running the block it
has. There are two ways to get it to display what you want. Remove the
= and change your block to read { |app| puts } or do as
Fredrick suggested and write you code like so:

<% Company.find(1).applications.each do |app| %>
 <%= %>
<% end %>


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 2:31 AM, Clint  wrote:
> I am not at my computer, so I can't help out with code.
> Basically you need to dig one layer deeper. The above is an
> array of Applications. Try to <%=raise Company.find(1).inspect %> to
> display
> the returned value/array. From there you can play around till it
> satisfy your needs.
> On Feb 22, 4:40 am, Ryan  wrote:
>> This should probably be easy but for some reason I can't get past a
>> simple routine.  I have a model for Companies and for Applications.  A
>> company has many applications.  So in this instance I have a company
>> id and I want to find all applications associated with that company.
>> I tried the following:
>> <%= Company.find(1).applications.each { |app| } %> in my
>> view.
>> This returns "##> 0xb672f1d0>##> 0xb672ef50>##> 0xb672e924>#" when the view is rendered.
>> I'm not really sure what this is, but it does have one entry for each
>> of my applications for that company.  So I know it is creating the
>> right number of entries just not sure what the output means.
>> I'm sure I am doing something monumentally stupid but I can't seem to
>> find any examples of this that return this output.  Any help that can
>> be provided is very much appreciated.
>> Thank you!
> --
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[Rails] Re: Beginner Help - Iterating and Displaying From Models with Relationship

2011-02-22 Thread Clint
I am not at my computer, so I can't help out with code.
Basically you need to dig one layer deeper. The above is an
array of Applications. Try to <%=raise Company.find(1).inspect %> to
the returned value/array. From there you can play around till it
satisfy your needs.

On Feb 22, 4:40 am, Ryan  wrote:
> This should probably be easy but for some reason I can't get past a
> simple routine.  I have a model for Companies and for Applications.  A
> company has many applications.  So in this instance I have a company
> id and I want to find all applications associated with that company.
> I tried the following:
> <%= Company.find(1).applications.each { |app| } %> in my
> view.
> This returns "## 0xb672f1d0>## 0xb672ef50>## 0xb672e924>#" when the view is rendered.
> I'm not really sure what this is, but it does have one entry for each
> of my applications for that company.  So I know it is creating the
> right number of entries just not sure what the output means.
> I'm sure I am doing something monumentally stupid but I can't seem to
> find any examples of this that return this output.  Any help that can
> be provided is very much appreciated.
> Thank you!

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[Rails] Re: beginner question: database relationships

2011-02-07 Thread Alexander Farley
Ok, so I've discovered that can be done in the User 
edit form (in my project, not in the gem). However, I'm not sure how to 
save this newly built topic; normally this would be done by the topic 
controller catching the POST right? But in this case it's not the topic 
controller that gets the POST.

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[Rails] Re: beginner question: database relationships

2011-02-07 Thread Alexander Farley
Thanks for the advice, follow up questions:

I'm using Devise for authentication. I think this means the controller 
inside the Devise gem handles user model editing.

So, how does one add Topics as a nested resource for Users? I understand 
this normally requires three things: a) nested partial form for creating 
topics owned by users added into the users edit form, b) 
@user.build_topic added into the Users controller edit action, c) 
accepts_nested_attributes_for :topics added into User model.

So basically two questions:

  -is it standard practice to have to modify the gem like this (in the 
Devise controller)? is there a less intrusive way?

  -Are the steps that I required necessary & sufficient?

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[Rails] Re: beginner question: database relationships

2011-01-30 Thread Alpha Blue
Alexander Farley wrote in post #978480:
> That helps a lot. To clarify, I am not necessarily looking to create
> seed data upon creation of a User; just trying to figure out how to
> "link" the creation of the two resources. The create_model method sounds
> about right.
> Anyway, your info gives me plenty to read up on for now. Thanks again
> Alex

Hi Alex,

To simplify how you see those methods, you don't necessarily have to 
create a new user object.  You can use:

user = User.first
.. and then look through the methods for the user object.

The reason why I supplied two different puts statements is so that you 
can see the difference between methods for each.  One is showing the 
methods available to the User "class", while the other is showing 
methods available to the User "object".

Look for build_ methods as well as these will not save the record until 
you forcibly save the record.  It will allow you a little more 
flexibility with your getting used to the console.

Also notice that the create_ and build_ methods available to the user 
object are usuable with has_one relationships.  While the same methods 
are usuable with objects from models that have belongs_to relationships.

So, as an example:

has_many :moderators
has_many :topics
has_many :posts
has_one :userprofile

You would see the create_ and build_ methods for a user object only for 

user = User.first
user.methods.sort.each do |method|
  p method

... methods..
... build_userprofile
... create_userprofile
... etc..

Likewise, for topic, if you had:

class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user

topic = Topic.first
topic.methods.sort.each do |method|
  p method

... methods..
... build_user
... create_user
... etc..

Test out a brief example just to see what happens:


As for accessing the table data for each model with has_one or has_many 
from the user model..

topics = User.first.topics

And if you want to iterate over the returned array..

topics.each do |topic|
  p topic

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[Rails] Re: beginner question: database relationships

2011-01-30 Thread Alexander Farley
That helps a lot. To clarify, I am not necessarily looking to create 
seed data upon creation of a User; just trying to figure out how to 
"link" the creation of the two resources. The create_model method sounds 
about right.

Anyway, your info gives me plenty to read up on for now. Thanks again


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[Rails] Re: beginner question: database relationships

2011-01-29 Thread Alpha Blue
Alexander Farley wrote in post #978434:
> So, here's my goal: I want an "intuitive" flow of "create user"->"create
> user's topics" -> "add blacklist for topic". Right now, my "edit user"
> view doesn't allow adding topics (topics must be added manually, with a
> known user_id).

So, you want to create a new user and automatically create a topic for 
that user?  Why?  Are you just trying to add some seed data for the 

If so, you can do:

user = => '', :hashed_password => '...')
user.create_topic(... your topic fields ...)

.. that's assuming you have the fields I expressed above.

When a model belongs to another, you automatically get the create_model 

But, if you aren't trying to automatically populate some seed data, why 
are you trying to create a topic for a user?

> Am I going in the right direction? Is there a normal/default way of
> editing (adding)  a table entry's "children"?

You should check out the methods for the model.  Try the following in 
your rails console:

User.methods.sort.each do |list|
  p list

user =
user.methods.sort.each do |list|
  p list

The console is your best friend right now.  I would check out the guides 
on active record so you can gain a better understanding of how to work 
with database records:

Look over active record associations and active record callbacks.

You can handle the blacklist/raw/etc. that you are trying to work with 
using before_create and after_create in the topic model.  That way when 
a topic is being created .. something is done.. and after it's created 
something else is done..

With not too much to go on, this is all I can offer at the moment.

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[Rails] Re: Beginner "rails new" question

2011-01-27 Thread Dahlby
Sorry for not being explicit:
> Mac OS 10.6 (snow leopard)
rails -v = 2.3.5
I think I had installed Rails 3, but it bumped me back to 2.3.5. At least I 
was going through the book's steps successfully.

I got RVM working in terminal now. I hadn't done "source .bash_profile" to 
load it in. That did the trick. RVM commands now work in the terminal. I 
wasn't sure if .bash_profile needed extra code in there, but it looks like 
it can just be a plain, naked text file with the one piece of RVM code in 
there. Good to know.

I installed Rails 3 (again perhaps) and now rails -v is 3.0.5.

I did my "rails new demo_app" and I got all the appropriate files this time.

Thanks for the responsive help! I'm back on track now (or back on the Rails, 
as it were)  

case closed


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[Rails] Re: Beginner "rails new" question

2011-01-27 Thread Marnen Laibow-Koser
Please quote when replying.

Dahlby wrote in post #977793:
> Thanks for all the replies.
> It looks like things changed after shutting down and starting back up
> the
> next day. My rails went back to version 2.3.5 for some reason. That
> would
> explain the different folder set I get when doing a "new" command. The
> Hartl
> book recommended having both Rails 2 and 3, in case I needed to switch
> back
> and forth.

That is a great idea, but then you need to either use RVM or explicitly 
specify the version.

> I installed RVM but am having a frustrating time trying to get the
> Terminal
> to recognize the command.

What OS are you using?

> I'm going backwards it seems :(
> If I had a .bash_profile, I don't now. I created one, put it in my home
> directory, and added the suggested RVM code to it:
> [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"  # This
> loads RVM into a shell session.
> ...but Terminal still doesn't acknowledge rvm as a command.

How do you know?  What happens when you try to use it?

> I don't have a .bashrc or .profile file either. All I found in the home
> directory was .bash_history.

.bash_profile should be fine.  Did you start a new shell or use "source" 
to reload your profile after editing it?

> Not sure how I got it to work on Monday.
> My gem list rails is:
> rails (2.3.5, 1.2.6)

So you don't have Rails 3 at all, then, at least not accessible with 
your current settings.

Since you neglected to quote when replying, you forgot to answer my 
entire post.  I asked about the output of rails -v.

> I guess my initial question is answered and now am needing basic help
> with
> rvm. I went through the RVM site's troubleshooting section, but it's
> still a
> little technical for me.

Development is technical.  That's life.  What don't you understand?

> Thanks for any further help!!
> Ian

Marnen Laibow-Koser

Sent from my iPhone

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[Rails] Re: Beginner "rails new" question

2011-01-26 Thread Dahlby
Thanks for all the replies.
It looks like things changed after shutting down and starting back up the 
next day. My rails went back to version 2.3.5 for some reason. That would 
explain the different folder set I get when doing a "new" command. The Hartl 
book recommended having both Rails 2 and 3, in case I needed to switch back 
and forth.

I installed RVM but am having a frustrating time trying to get the Terminal 
to recognize the command. I'm going backwards it seems :(

If I had a .bash_profile, I don't now. I created one, put it in my home 
directory, and added the suggested RVM code to it:

[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"  # This 
loads RVM into a shell session.

...but Terminal still doesn't acknowledge rvm as a command. 
I don't have a .bashrc or .profile file either. All I found in the home 
directory was .bash_history.
Not sure how I got it to work on Monday. 

My gem list rails is:
rails (2.3.5, 1.2.6)

I guess my initial question is answered and now am needing basic help with 
rvm. I went through the RVM site's troubleshooting section, but it's still a 
little technical for me.

Thanks for any further help!!


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[Rails] Re: Beginner "rails new" question

2011-01-26 Thread Marnen Laibow-Koser
Dahlby wrote in post #977579:
> Hi,
> I'm currently slogging my way thru the installation-setting up pages
> of Ruby On Rails 3 Tutorial. I'm a bit new at terminal stuff, and am
> wrapping my head around getting around hidden directories, github, ssh
> keys, blah blah.
> Question:
> I'm trying to set up a new app with the command "rails new demo_app".
> It instead gives me a directory called "new" with the usual
> directories, but not all the usual files are there, like Gemfile or
> Readme.

Then you are trying to use a Rails 3 tutorial with a Rails 2 (or older) 
installation.  Don't do that.  Install Rails 3.

> I already set up another app before successfully, where it
> generated all the requisite files using my project name in the command
> line (rails new first_app). I'm wondering if I switched something off
> inadvertently between then and now.

Perhaps.  What's the output from rails -v ? How about gem list rails ?

Are you using RVM?

> Thanks for any help. (I'm sure to be back with more dumb questions)
> Ian

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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[Rails] Re: Beginner "rails new" question

2011-01-26 Thread dai

When I try it with "rails new demo_app", it's succeeded in generating
all files.
Are you meaning you can not generate any files now? Even if you change
your working directory ( to other directory ) ?

On Jan 26, 1:26 pm, Dahlby  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently slogging my way thru the installation-setting up pages
> of Ruby On Rails 3 Tutorial. I'm a bit new at terminal stuff, and am
> wrapping my head around getting around hidden directories, github, ssh
> keys, blah blah.
> Question:
> I'm trying to set up a new app with the command "rails new demo_app".
> It instead gives me a directory called "new" with the usual
> directories, but not all the usual files are there, like Gemfile or
> Readme. I already set up another app before successfully, where it
> generated all the requisite files using my project name in the command
> line (rails new first_app). I'm wondering if I switched something off
> inadvertently between then and now.
> Thanks for any help. (I'm sure to be back with more dumb questions)
> Ian

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[Rails] Re: Beginner "rails new" question

2011-01-26 Thread Kael
I'm not sure about the solution but maybe:

Rails 3.0 was the first that used rails new app_name command.
Previously it was rails app_name.
Is that possible you tried first time with rails 3.0 or newer than
second time used with 2.3.x?
Maybe used the one click installer and got the older version. Maybe.
Try rails -v.

On Jan 26, 5:26 am, Dahlby  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently slogging my way thru the installation-setting up pages
> of Ruby On Rails 3 Tutorial. I'm a bit new at terminal stuff, and am
> wrapping my head around getting around hidden directories, github, ssh
> keys, blah blah.
> Question:
> I'm trying to set up a new app with the command "rails new demo_app".
> It instead gives me a directory called "new" with the usual
> directories, but not all the usual files are there, like Gemfile or
> Readme. I already set up another app before successfully, where it
> generated all the requisite files using my project name in the command
> line (rails new first_app). I'm wondering if I switched something off
> inadvertently between then and now.
> Thanks for any help. (I'm sure to be back with more dumb questions)
> Ian

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[Rails] Re: Beginner in Rails Apps

2011-01-11 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Jan 11, 12:42 pm, Tiago Dias  wrote:
> Thanks, this is good resource, I forget to mention that the specification of 
> project says the app needs to be written in Rails 2, I know it´s a crap 
> requirement.

The rails guides are good too. The 2.3.x version of those are at

> On Jan 11, 2011, at 11:52 AM, radhames brito wrote:
> >
> > --
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[Rails] Re: Beginner on RoR

2010-11-10 Thread Gogov
Since I'm a Rails newcomer (coming from Java/C++), I iterated lots of
tutorials already, what Brian posted seems good though I haven't
explored it thoroughly. was very useful for
Watching was very useful for me
Reading this group is very useful for me (:
Talking with guys at #rvm, etc..

Just be sure to pick something recent because it can be quite
frustrating to do stuff by the book which applies for the old version
and doesn't work with the new one.
Drop me a line if you need more newbie help (:


On Nov 10, 2:16 am, Brian Troutwine  wrote:
> Michael Hartl's book[1] has a section that addresses just this topic,
> in addition to being a good RoR tutorial itself.
> [1]
> On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 6:39 PM, Filippos  wrote:
> > Hello there dear Ruby on Rails experts.
> > I decided to dive into the world of web development and Ruby on Rails
> > is my cutting-edge choice for developing and deploying webapps.
> > Unfortunately i can not find any book to help and guide me through the
> > language with examples and projects written in simple words.
> > So far what i've found online are websites that praise RoR , which is
> > fine by me, and blogs or wikies that address the mid level user who is
> > switching from a different language and therefore have a basic
> > background of programming (c++, java, ruby, visual basic or any other
> > object or non object oriented language)
> > What about those who have no background?
> > I bought two books already but they require some knowledge of
> > programming and after some point it gets complicated.
> > Any help would be a plain miracle because i really want to learn the
> > language!
> > --
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[Rails] Re: Beginner cant get rake to work

2010-10-15 Thread Jon W.
Okay that fixed the dependicies for the shell, seems like there is 
something wrong with the gem though.

When i try to use rake from my IDE it searches for the gem and it fails.

Well I can work around it. Thank you

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[Rails] Re: Beginner cant get rake to work

2010-10-14 Thread Lee Smith
Well, it's definitely a path problem with can't find the
executable "rake".  It's been a while since I developed rails on a
windows machine but when I did I used "ruby installer" worked as

Whatever ruby setup you're using, see if you can find anything about
modifying your path so windows knows where to find rubygems.

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[Rails] Re: Beginner cant get rake to work

2010-10-14 Thread Luis Lavena
On Oct 15, 12:56 am, "Jon W."  wrote:
> gem list posts
> *** LOCAL GEMS ***
> ...
> rake (0.8.7)
> ...
> and try installing and updating using gem but still doesnt work

Is a bug in Ruby 1.9.2 and the bundled rake.

The solution is in the RubyInstaller thread (remove of rake.gemspec or
rename to rake-0.8.7.gemspec)

Luis Lavena

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[Rails] Re: Beginner cant get rake to work

2010-10-14 Thread Jon W.
gem list posts

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

rake (0.8.7)

and try installing and updating using gem but still doesnt work

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[Rails] Re: Beginner cant get rake to work

2010-10-14 Thread Lee Smith
When you run "gem list" from the command line, does it list "rake

If it does not, run "gem install rake".

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Re: [Rails] Re: Beginner Facing Problem with rake db:migrate

2010-05-28 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On May 28, 2010, at 3:33 PM, Krishna Venkata wrote:

> Hi Philip,
> Earlier I  manual dropped all the tables that didn't fix the problem
> Now used  rake db:drop db:create db:migrate  but still geting rake 
> aborted message..
> C:\Murali Rubby\demo\library>rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
> (in C:/Murali Rubby/demo/library)
> rake aborted!
> Mysql::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes: 
> IQUE INDEX `unique_schema_migrations` ON `schema_migrations` (`version`)
> (See full trace by running task with --trace)
> So please provide some other Info to fix that...

Heh.  Google for your mysql error and you'll find this thread which is 
*exactly* the same problem... even down to the same tables...

Good luck!

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[Rails] Re: Beginner Facing Problem with rake db:migrate

2010-05-28 Thread Krishna Venkata
Hi Philip,

Earlier I  manual dropped all the tables that didn't fix the problem
Now used  rake db:drop db:create db:migrate  but still geting rake 
aborted message..

C:\Murali Rubby\demo\library>rake db:drop db:create db:migrate

(in C:/Murali Rubby/demo/library)
rake aborted!
Mysql::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes: 
IQUE INDEX `unique_schema_migrations` ON `schema_migrations` (`version`)

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

So please provide some other Info to fix that...

Thank you so much for your quick reply.
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Re: [Rails] Re: Beginner

2010-01-29 Thread Colin Law
On 29 January 2010 09:42, Karthikeyan  wrote:
> goto , better get Agile Web Development With
> Rails by Dave Thompson

Make sure you get the latest revision of AWD.

Also though this will only take you so
far as it is still in development.


> On Jan 29, 12:39 pm, Chris Bautista  wrote:
>> Hello all!
>> I was recommended by a buddy to check out Ruby on Rail. So here I am.
>> Does anyone have any good websites for tutorials?
> --
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[Rails] Re: Beginner

2010-01-29 Thread Karthikeyan

goto , better get Agile Web Development With
Rails by Dave Thompson

On Jan 29, 12:39 pm, Chris Bautista  wrote:
> Hello all!
> I was recommended by a buddy to check out Ruby on Rail. So here I am.
> Does anyone have any good websites for tutorials?

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[Rails] Re: Beginner to Ruby

2010-01-17 Thread Marnen Laibow-Koser
csuper wrote:
> I haven't read the book you bought.  But Why's (poignant) Guide to
> Ruby is a pretty good free beginners book.  It is also pretty fun to
> read.

It's a fun read, but I didn't find it terribly useful for learning.  I 
basically just taught myself from Programming Ruby.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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[Rails] Re: Beginner to Ruby

2010-01-17 Thread csuper
I haven't read the book you bought.  But Why's (poignant) Guide to
Ruby is a pretty good free beginners book.  It is also pretty fun to

On Jan 16, 2:02 am, Akshay Nawale  wrote:
> Hello to all Ruby members, I am eager to learn Ruby for Rails..
> I just bought the book "Ruby For Rails" by David A. Black
> Is it good enough for the beginner like me to start with this book
> Please Suggest...
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[Rails] Re: Beginner to Ruby

2010-01-17 Thread Anachronistic

Personally, I liked Ruby on Rails: Up and Running (http:// The
reviews on Amazon are mixed, but let me say it this way: as a stand-
alone book, it will not teach you the in-depth aspects of Rails
development. What it WILL do is let you, in an afternoon, fire through
an entire book and build an application quickly.

I love the Agile Web Development with Rails book. Absolutely love it.
But it's a decently large book that does take some time to get through
because it covers all the bases. If you read the RoR: Up and Running
book, learn the Rails environment and how these apps work, then go
back and read the Agile book to get a deeper understanding, I think
you'll be in good shape.

Just my $.02! Good luck and welcome to the RoR community.

- Alan
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[Rails] Re: Beginner to Ruby

2010-01-16 Thread Demetrius
I started learning a little over a year ago. Although I have a long
way to go, I can look back and see that creating an example app that
was in the book (Agile Web Development with Rails, Third Edition),
really helped me to learn what RoR can do. From there, I read through
the details of the language while starting to build my own app. It's a
slow process, learning while coding, and frustrating at times because
it can take forever to figure out how to do the simplest thing BUT...
slowly but surely, I'm learning. Whatever you decide to read, just
stick with it. Good luck!

On Jan 16, 2:02 am, Akshay Nawale  wrote:
> Hello to all Ruby members, I am eager to learn Ruby for Rails..
> I just bought the book "Ruby For Rails" by David A. Black
> Is it good enough for the beginner like me to start with this book
> Please Suggest...
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[Rails] Re: beginner problem

2009-12-21 Thread Marnen Laibow-Koser
Aldric Giacomoni wrote:
> Guille San wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I´m starting using rails. I have one problem. I create a controller, the
>> code is the next:
>> class PlayersController < ApplicationController
>>   scaffold:player
>> end
> "scaffold" is something that you use on the command line, not within 
> your code.
> Delete the file in which your controller is.
> Go on the command line, in the root of your rails application.
> Type "ruby script/generate scaffold player name:string".

Scaffold was a controller method in Rails 1.x.  If you are following a 
tutorial that is having you use it, then you are following a seriously 
outdated tutorial.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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[Rails] Re: beginner problem

2009-12-21 Thread Aldric Giacomoni
Guille San wrote:
> Hi,
> I´m starting using rails. I have one problem. I create a controller, the
> code is the next:
> class PlayersController < ApplicationController
>   scaffold:player
> end

"scaffold" is something that you use on the command line, not within 
your code.
Delete the file in which your controller is.
Go on the command line, in the root of your rails application.
Type "ruby script/generate scaffold player name:string".
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[Rails] Re: Beginner views

2009-12-21 Thread Manus
Okej! I suspected it would be done that way.

Thank you for the time once again!

On Dec 21, 2:24 pm, Colin Law  wrote:
> 2009/12/21 Manus :
> > Hey!
> > I'm a bit new to Rails and I wonder how one render both the new
> > controller and the index on the same page.
> > For example:
> > Guestbook
> > (new) #post a new entry
> > (index) #showing all posts
> > I do not want to go to a separate new page.
> There is nothing stopping you showing a form for entering a new record
> on the same page as the index.  The view erb file merely has to show
> the form and the index.  Use partials for the two sections so you can
> use the same partials individually if you want just one or the other.
> Colin


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[Rails] Re: Beginner needs help

2009-07-04 Thread Peter Hermansson

Tried the suggestions from Sijo. Worked like a charm. Coool..!

Thanks again everyone!

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[Rails] Re: Beginner needs help

2009-07-04 Thread Peter Hermansson

Thanks guys,
I have been out of town a few days, thats why this late reply.

I am using Rails 2.3.2 The book was published in 2006 so I guess the 
examples can be out of date. I ran into that when the book mentioned 
start-form-tag and end-form-tag... Took me a while to figure that out.

Anyways, I am buildng all the examples from scratch, and so far I have 
not downloaded anything, so it could be a typo, even though I have 
checked the code several times...

Tha last two suggestions I haven't tried yet, but I will.

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[Rails] Re: Beginner needs help

2009-07-02 Thread Sijo Kg

> class AuthorTest < Test::Unit::Testcase

change the above to

class AuthorTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
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[Rails] Re: Beginner needs help

2009-07-02 Thread Sijo Kg

> class AuthorTest < Test::Unit::Testcase

change the above to

class AuthorTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

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[Rails] Re: Beginner needs help

2009-07-02 Thread Älphä Blüë

He's using 2.3.2 from the errors..

So, did you create everything from scratch?  Or, did you read a section 
in the book that said go to x website and download the incomplete or 
complete samples and you are working from those?

If you are working from samples, the samples are probably not using the 
same RoR version you are.  That's the very first question I'd answer.

Most books and source files that go with those books are out of date 

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[Rails] Re: Beginner needs help

2009-07-02 Thread Gavin

What version of Rails are you using?

On Jul 2, 1:56 pm, Peter Hermansson 
> Hi, I am trying to follow the book 'Beginning Ruby on Rails e-commerce'
> examples.
> When I come to unit testing I get an error message:
> C:/Ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test"
> "C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb"
> "test/unit/author_test.rb" "test/unit/helpers/about_helper_test.rb"
> C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:440:in
> `load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Test::Unit::Testcase
> (NameError)
> My test/unit/author_test.rb looks like this:
> require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ' /../test_helper'
> class AuthorTest < Test::Unit::Testcase
>   fixtures :authors
>   def test_name
>     author=Author.create(:first_name => 'Joel',
>                          :last_name => 'Spolsky')
>     assert_equal 'Joel Spolsky',
>   end
> end
> Why do I get the error message ?
> --
> Posted via
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[Rails] Re: beginner

2009-05-24 Thread Frederick Cheung

On May 24, 6:29 pm, Freddy Andersen  wrote:
> if params[:checkbox]
> This checks if that params is true(true/false, 1/0)

both 1 and 0 are true in ruby :-)
If you are doing this by hand you will need to compare params
[:checkbox] to the value that gets submitted. if you are using the
check_box helper then by default the value will be "0" or
"1" (strings, not integers). If you are using check_box_tag or
crafting the html by hand then it is slightly more troublesome as if
the check box is not ticked there will be no value in the params hash.
If you are using the check_box helper it might be appropriate to just
pass the appropriate part of the params hash to update_attributes.


 or not, but how
> did you do you checkbox code? If its just a form_for .. do |f|
> f.checkbox(:checkbox) you should be ok.
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[Rails] Re: beginner

2009-05-24 Thread Freddy Andersen

if params[:checkbox]

This checks if that params is true(true/false, 1/0) or not, but how
did you do you checkbox code? If its just a form_for .. do |f|
f.checkbox(:checkbox) you should be ok.
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[Rails] Re: beginner question

2009-05-21 Thread Robert Walker

Frederick Cheung wrote:
> Don't think xcode does anything with rails at all

I'm pretty sure you're correct Fred. Installing the developer tools 
(including Xcode) also install Ruby and Rails, along with other useful 
developer related things like gcc, cvs, Subversion, etc. But, other than 
that Xcode itself doesn't interact with Rails.

I do have a couple of recommendations though. Before you do anything 
else with updating, first update Rubygems with:

sudo gem update --system

Then your should be safe to go ahead and update any gems you like, 
including Rails.

I'm not sure if this matters, but I don't really use the gem update 
command, other than to update Rubygems itself. Instead I just use the 
gem install command to install updated versions:

sudo gem install rails

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[Rails] Re: beginner question

2009-05-21 Thread Calvin

Thank you for that information Fred!

On May 21, 1:38 am, Frederick Cheung 
> On May 20, 9:39 pm, Calvin  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am using rails 1.2.3 that came with my mac Xcode installation. If I
> > update rails with:
> > sudo gem update rails
> > will the latest version of rails cause a conflict with Xcode?
> Don't think xcode does anything with rails at all
> Fred
> > Thanks for your time,
> > Calvin- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[Rails] Re: beginner question

2009-05-21 Thread Frederick Cheung

On May 20, 9:39 pm, Calvin  wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using rails 1.2.3 that came with my mac Xcode installation. If I
> update rails with:
> sudo gem update rails
> will the latest version of rails cause a conflict with Xcode?

Don't think xcode does anything with rails at all

> Thanks for your time,
> Calvin
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[Rails] Re: Beginner: what to do after adding an association in a model?

2009-03-12 Thread rroman81

So building on that example,  you should add a column person_id to the
address table.  Rails will infer the foreign key based on rails model
names.  U can also specify the actual column by passing  :foreign_key
into belongs_to macro.


On Mar 12, 6:22 am, Ar Chron  wrote:
> The associations you create in a model have to be backed up by the
> appropriate fields in the DB.
> For example:
> class Person
>   has_many :addresses
> class Address
>   belongs_to :person
> should be a model representation of the relationship inherent in the
> database (the two really go hand-in-hand).
> if:
> Table people
>   id:integer
>   first_name:string
>   last_name:string
> Table address
>   id:integer
>   person_id:integer
>   line1:string
>   line2:string
>   city:string
>   state:string
>   postal_code:string
> has_many :addresses tells Rails that for a given person, it can use that
> person id field to retrieve address records (those whose person_id
> matches the current person id value). Similarly, from an address, Rails
> can get back to the person record by following the person_id on the
> address.
> --
> Posted via
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[Rails] Re: Beginner: what to do after adding an association in a model?

2009-03-12 Thread Ar Chron

The associations you create in a model have to be backed up by the 
appropriate fields in the DB.

For example:

class Person
  has_many :addresses

class Address
  belongs_to :person

should be a model representation of the relationship inherent in the 
database (the two really go hand-in-hand).


Table people

Table address

has_many :addresses tells Rails that for a given person, it can use that 
person id field to retrieve address records (those whose person_id 
matches the current person id value). Similarly, from an address, Rails 
can get back to the person record by following the person_id on the 

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[Rails] Re: Beginner: what to do after adding an association in a model?

2009-03-12 Thread David Schoen

Does that mean I have to write a custom migration for it, the only
automated migrations I can find are for adding/removing columns

Is there something like AddHasAndBelongsToManyModelXToModelY?


2009/3/12 Frederick Cheung :
> On Mar 12, 6:05 am, neerolyte  wrote:
>> I've looked at a bunch of tutorials and don't really understand what
>> is supposed to happen after I add an association (belongs_to, has_many
>> etc) to both sides of a relationship.
>> A lot of the tutorials just add the associations and move on as if
>> that's it, but when I add the association nothing has changed in the
>> db (which makes sense because at this point I've only changed code).
>> Is there a command I'm supposed to run to look at all the
>> relationships and add tables/columns for relationships that are
>> missing them? or am I supposed to manually create the table?
> You're suppose to use migrations to add columns or create tables (see
> )
> Fred

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[Rails] Re: Beginner: what to do after adding an association in a model?

2009-03-12 Thread Rabia Akhtar
I dont think so you need to do any thing manually with the db..
Just use the association by using dot operator.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 11:05 AM, neerolyte  wrote:

> I've looked at a bunch of tutorials and don't really understand what
> is supposed to happen after I add an association (belongs_to, has_many
> etc) to both sides of a relationship.
> A lot of the tutorials just add the associations and move on as if
> that's it, but when I add the association nothing has changed in the
> db (which makes sense because at this point I've only changed code).
> Is there a command I'm supposed to run to look at all the
> relationships and add tables/columns for relationships that are
> missing them? or am I supposed to manually create the table?
> >

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[Rails] Re: Beginner: what to do after adding an association in a model?

2009-03-12 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Mar 12, 6:05 am, neerolyte  wrote:
> I've looked at a bunch of tutorials and don't really understand what
> is supposed to happen after I add an association (belongs_to, has_many
> etc) to both sides of a relationship.
> A lot of the tutorials just add the associations and move on as if
> that's it, but when I add the association nothing has changed in the
> db (which makes sense because at this point I've only changed code).
> Is there a command I'm supposed to run to look at all the
> relationships and add tables/columns for relationships that are
> missing them? or am I supposed to manually create the table?

You're suppose to use migrations to add columns or create tables (see )

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[Rails] Re: Beginner Layouts and Partials question

2008-12-24 Thread Sazima

sa 125,

This paper (Modular Page Assembly in Rails) helps a lot:

Cheers, Sazima

On Dec 23, 12:38 pm, sa 125  wrote:
> Hello - very new to rails and MVC, I'm trying to figure out how
> layouts/partials co-exist. My basic layout (application.html.erb) looks
> like this:
>     <%= render :partial => "main/header" %>
>       <%= render => :partial => "main/menu" %>
>       <%= render => :partial => @partial %>
> and my MainController is:
> class MainController
>   def index
>     @partial = "main/home"
>   end
> end
> Now, I found that I have to create an index.html.erb file that's
> identical to the application.html.erb file, or nothing works (neither
> can exist without the other). I'm trying to understand what I'm doing
> wrong -- obviously I need some index action in my controller, but I'd
> like to just maintain one layout file and nothing else.. I'm obviously
> missing something big here, so any clarifications will be great :)
> --
> Posted via
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[Rails] Re: Beginner Layouts and Partials question

2008-12-24 Thread sa 125

> in the view (app/views/people/index.html.erb):
> <% content_for :title do -%>
>   Listing People
> <% end -%>
> First Name
> Last Name
>   <%= render :partial => "people", :collection => @people %>

> in the partial (app/views/people/_people.html.erb):
> >
>   <%= h person.first_name %>
>   <%= h person.last_name %>
> I made sure I had data available for these people (using 
> script/console), but I got an error rendering this partial:
> undefined local variable or method 'person' for #
> in app/views/people/_people.html.erb

OK, I figured out my mistake - when creating the partial, I called it
"_people.html.erb" instead of "_person.html.erb", so the rails engine
probably didn't know what to look for. Also needed to change the call to
render from <%= render :partial => "people" %>  to <%= render
:partial => "person"...%>

I would like to know how to override this behavior so that I could call
the partial and the collections however I want. Thanks to everyone who
helped on this post!
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[Rails] Re: Beginner Layouts and Partials question

2008-12-24 Thread MaD

> I realize the partial doesn't recognize the person object, but I thought
> rails handled the conversion between the collection @people of the view
> to the iteration in the partial. So.. I'm not sure what I might be doing
> wrong. Help is very appreciated - thanks!

i don't see an iteration. try

  for person in people do
  <%= h person.first_name %>
  <%= h person.last_name %>


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[Rails] Re: Beginner Layouts and Partials question

2008-12-24 Thread sa 125

These were all really helpful -- I really appreciate the depth of the 
responses. I now only have a problem with using a collection in 
rendering a partial. I think I followed the exact rules, but here is 
what I did anyway:

The layout (app/views/layouts/application.html.erb):

  <%= yield :title %>
  <%= yield %>


the controller (app/controllers/people/people_controller.rb):

class PeopleController < ApplicationController
  layout "application" # default, but specified anyway
  def index
@people = Person.find(:all)

in the view (app/views/people/index.html.erb):

<% content_for :title do -%>
  Listing People
<% end -%>

First Name
Last Name
  <%= render :partial => "people", :collection => @people %>

in the partial (app/views/people/_people.html.erb):

  <%= h person.first_name %>
  <%= h person.last_name %>

I made sure I had data available for these people (using 
script/console), but I got an error rendering this partial:

undefined local variable or method 'person' for #

in app/views/people/_people.html.erb

I realize the partial doesn't recognize the person object, but I thought 
rails handled the conversion between the collection @people of the view 
to the iteration in the partial. So.. I'm not sure what I might be doing 
wrong. Help is very appreciated - thanks!

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[Rails] Re: Beginner Layouts and Partials question

2008-12-23 Thread Ryan Bigg

You may also want to read the getting started guide (and others) on
Ryan Bigg

On 24/12/2008, at 5:50 AM, sa 125 wrote:

> Those were really helpful posts -- I think I got the general idea, in
> which I should specify in the controller which layout it should belong
> to, and then in the layout file use <%= yield %> to render these  
> views.
> I'll keep playing with it and see what comes up.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Posted via
> >

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[Rails] Re: Beginner Layouts and Partials question

2008-12-23 Thread Robert Walker

Robert Walker wrote:
> layout by first looking in app/layouts/ for a layout template named 

Correction app/views/layouts/
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[Rails] Re: Beginner Layouts and Partials question

2008-12-23 Thread Robert Walker

sa 125 wrote:
> Those were really helpful posts -- I think I got the general idea, in 
> which I should specify in the controller which layout it should belong 
> to, and then in the layout file use <%= yield %> to render these views. 
> I'll keep playing with it and see what comes up.
> Thanks!

Take this example:


class PeopleController < ApplicationController
  # layout 'custom'

  # GET /people
  # GET /people.xml
  def index
@people = Person.find(:all)

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # index.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml => @people }

app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:";>"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">

  My Application

  Header in Application layout
  <%= yield %>
  Footer in layout

app/views/layouts/people.html.erb:";>"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">

  My Application

  Header in People layout
  <%= yield %>
  Footer in layout

app/views/layouts/custom.html.erb:";>"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">

  My Application

  Header in Custom layout
  <%= yield %>
  Footer in layout


Listing people

First name
Last name

  <% for person in @people %>
  <%= render :partial => 'list' %>
  <% end %>

<%= link_to 'New person', new_person_path %>

Notice in this example that the first line in the people_controller is 
commented out. So in this case Rails begins searching for an appropriate 
layout by first looking in app/layouts/ for a layout template named 
people.html.erb. If it exists Rails will use it automatically. If it 
does not exist then Rails looks for a template named 
application.html.erb. If that file exists it will be applied to any 
controller that does not specify a specific layout to use.

In all cases if the layout is provided (by uncommenting line #1 in this 
example controller) it will look for a template with the given name 
(custom.html.erb) in this example.

I also provided a contrived partial in the 
app/views/people/index.html.erb template to show when how how partials 
might be used.

There is also a method called "content_for" I'll leave that up to you to 
investigate, but this can also be very useful when dealing with layouts 
and partials.
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[Rails] Re: Beginner Layouts and Partials question

2008-12-23 Thread sa 125

Those were really helpful posts -- I think I got the general idea, in 
which I should specify in the controller which layout it should belong 
to, and then in the layout file use <%= yield %> to render these views. 
I'll keep playing with it and see what comes up.


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[Rails] Re: Beginner Layouts and Partials question

2008-12-23 Thread John Yerhot

Here it goes

A layout is like the container for the content(.. view) relating to
your actions.  When an action is called, the action renders its view.
For example, the person controllers index action will look for app/
views/person/index.html.erb.  It also looks for the layout it should
render the view in.  You can define the layout to use either in the
controller (layout 'application' in your case) or put in in
application.rb, which will then define a global default layout.

You've got the right idea with the erb you posted. You can render
partials in layouts, but for the action to render it's view in the
layout, you need to put <%= yield %>.  The entire contents of the
actions's view will get rendered there.

Your layout, application.html.erb should be residing in the app/views/
layout directory.  You should add "layout 'application'" to your
controller, add <%= yield %> to the layout, create views for your
actions and try it out.  Your views should render inside your layout.

I hope that gives you some idea of how views and layouts interact.

- John

On Dec 23, 8:38 am, sa 125  wrote:
> Hello - very new to rails and MVC, I'm trying to figure out how
> layouts/partials co-exist. My basic layout (application.html.erb) looks
> like this:
>     <%= render :partial => "main/header" %>
>       <%= render => :partial => "main/menu" %>
>       <%= render => :partial => @partial %>
> and my MainController is:
> class MainController
>   def index
>     @partial = "main/home"
>   end
> end
> Now, I found that I have to create an index.html.erb file that's
> identical to the application.html.erb file, or nothing works (neither
> can exist without the other). I'm trying to understand what I'm doing
> wrong -- obviously I need some index action in my controller, but I'd
> like to just maintain one layout file and nothing else.. I'm obviously
> missing something big here, so any clarifications will be great :)
> --
> Posted via
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[Rails] Re: Beginner Layouts and Partials question

2008-12-23 Thread MaD

right: you need an index-file for your index-action (actions and views
pair up)
wrong: it has not to be identical to the layout-file.

try to put
  <%= yield %>
into your layout instead of
  <%= render => :partial => @partial %>
and change your index to
  Hello it's <%= %>

in your controller just leave it like this
  def index

now, if you want to render a partial, do so by saying it for example
in your view. if you put
  render :partial => foo
in your controller, then by default
  layout => false
is set.

maybe i'm even mistaken somewhere, but anyhow i hope i could help. my
suggestion: get hold of some rails basics.
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[Rails] Re: Beginner: helper vs model

2008-11-28 Thread Scott Peterson

Rob Biedenharn wrote:
> On Nov 28, 2008, at 1:51 PM, Scott Peterson wrote:
>> So, I've generated a player_admin controller and pointed it to my
>> object using debug(), which didn't show fullname as an attribute.
>> end
> You really want to have this in your Player model.  It will look
> almost the same:
> class Player
>def fullname
>  self.first_name + " " + self.last_name
> end
> or perhaps:
> class Player
>def fullname
>  "#{self.first_name} #{self.last_name}"
> end

Absolutely right.  I want a single place which defines how I build 
"fullname", so when I add title, middle name, whatever, it just works 
everywhere I display.

>> funadmentally
>> wrong with how I'm thinking about Ruby objects, that in the Player  
>> model
>> wasn't really an appropriate place to try that?
>> Thank you.
> How did the method look when you tried to define it within your Player
> model?  If you still tried to refer to @player rather than self, that
> may be your mental hurdle.  You're defining a new attribute of a
> model.  The rest of the system shouldn't care if the storage behind
> the model changes to hold the fullname and the other methods become:
> class Player
>def first_name
>  self.fullname.split(' ').first
>def last_name
>  self.fullname.split(' ').last
> end
> (NOTE: I'm not suggesting that this should happen, but only that the
> rest of the application can continue to reference @player.first_name,
> @player.last_name, or @player.fullname without having to know what
> really sits behind the model.)
> -Rob
> Rob Biedenharn

Thanks a million for the response.  Not sure what I did yesterday.  I'm 
pretty sure I wasn't referring to "@player", as I was in the Player 
model object.  Some foolish typo, I imagine.  Glad to hear that I had 
the right idea though.
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[Rails] Re: Beginner: helper vs model

2008-11-28 Thread Rob Biedenharn

On Nov 28, 2008, at 1:51 PM, Scott Peterson wrote:
> Just learning the framework.  I apologize if this is in the worng  
> forum.
> I looked around for something like "Beginner's Questions" but didn't  
> see
> it.
> I'm building a simple application which will let players register  
> for an
> event.
> So, I've generated a player_admin controller and pointed it to my
> players table.  Worked great, I'm off and running.
> After learning about hashing the password, I decided I might like to  
> add
> a convenience method to the Player (attached) which would give  
> fullname.
> My ultimate goal of this is to list the players, obviously.
> In the player_admin/show view, I tried <%= @player.fullname %>, got an
> error which said fullname not defined.  I also just dumped the player
> object using debug(), which didn't show fullname as an attribute.
> I also tried it as a no-param method [i.e., fullname() ], without  
> luck.
> After puzzling a while, I came across the notion of helpers, and  
> decided
> to try the method in the player_admin_helper:
> def fullname
>  @player.first_name + " " + @player.last_name
> end

You really want to have this in your Player model.  It will look  
almost the same:

class Player
   def fullname
 self.first_name + " " + self.last_name

or perhaps:

class Player
   def fullname
 "#{self.first_name} #{self.last_name}"

> Worked like a charm. I kind of understand, it's because the show view
> was invoked by the player_admin controller, so he has access to the
> player_admin_helper, but that won't help me when I'm off in some other
> part of the application.
> I don't understand where I went wrong when just trying to get a  
> similar
> method directly in the player object.  Is there something  
> funadmentally
> wrong with how I'm thinking about Ruby objects, that in the Player  
> model
> wasn't really an appropriate place to try that?
> Thank you.

How did the method look when you tried to define it within your Player  
model?  If you still tried to refer to @player rather than self, that  
may be your mental hurdle.  You're defining a new attribute of a  
model.  The rest of the system shouldn't care if the storage behind  
the model changes to hold the fullname and the other methods become:

class Player
   def first_name
 self.fullname.split(' ').first
   def last_name
 self.fullname.split(' ').last

(NOTE: I'm not suggesting that this should happen, but only that the  
rest of the application can continue to reference @player.first_name,  
@player.last_name, or @player.fullname without having to know what  
really sits behind the model.)


Rob Biedenharn

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[Rails] Re: Beginner: "NameError - uninitialized constant" when I create a model object

2008-11-28 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Nov 28, 2:57 pm, packat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is in app/models
> On Nov 28, 9:28 am, Frederick Cheung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Nov 28, 1:49 pm, packat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> My first Rails 
> > example using model and I got this NameError:
> > >  NameError in VandaController#att
> > > uninitialized constant VandaController::Compute
> > Is the model in compute.rb in app/models or lib ?
> It is in app/models.
The important thing was whether the file was called compute.rb

> I am following a book  "Beginning Ruby on Rails" by Steven Holzner.
> That book may be based on older version.  Mine is 1.8.6
The important thing would be the rails version, not the ruby version.
> and now get a different error:
>  ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in VandaController#att
> Mysql::Error: Table 'orchids.computes' doesn't exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM
> `computes`
> Apparently, a schema is created for Compute and Ruby thought ther is a
> Compute table in the database.
> So this is not helping any.
It would have created a migration to add that table but it would not
have run it. You can run it with
rake db:migrate


> > Fred
> Thanks Fred
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[Rails] Re: Beginner: "NameError - uninitialized constant" when I create a model object

2008-11-28 Thread packat

It is in app/models

On Nov 28, 9:28 am, Frederick Cheung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Nov 28, 1:49 pm, packat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> My first Rails example 
> using model and I got this NameError:
> >  NameError in VandaController#att
> > uninitialized constant VandaController::Compute
> Is the model in compute.rb in app/models or lib ?

It is in app/models.

I am following a book  "Beginning Ruby on Rails" by Steven Holzner.
That book may be based on older version.  Mine is 1.8.6

After posting the question, I blindly tried running
"ruby script/generate model compute"

and now get a different error:

 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in VandaController#att
Mysql::Error: Table 'orchids.computes' doesn't exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM

Apparently, a schema is created for Compute and Ruby thought ther is a
Compute table in the database.
So this is not helping any.

> Fred
Thanks Fred

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[Rails] Re: Beginner: "NameError - uninitialized constant" when I create a model object

2008-11-28 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Nov 28, 1:49 pm, packat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My first Rails example using model and I got this NameError:
>  NameError in VandaController#att
> uninitialized constant VandaController::Compute
Is the model in compute.rb in app/models or lib ?

> Same code works fine if I don't create the Compute object.
> What did I do wrong?
> Here is the Controller
> class VandaController < ApplicationController
>   def att
>     @compute =
>     @data1 = @compute.cmpt
>   end
> end
> Here is the Model
> class Compute
>   def cmpt
>     return 5
>   end
> end
> And here is the view
>     Model
>     reading data from a model
>       Fetch : <%= @data1 %> from Compute model.
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[Rails] Re: Beginner Question: Formatted Text Data -> Hash -> Database.

2008-09-11 Thread Pardee, Roy

I'll be interested to see what responses you get, but I can't think of a more 
efficient way.  I'd try something like:

my_file.each_line do |line|
  if line ~= /$User/ and this_user.username.length > 0 then
if then
  puts("Saved user #{this_user.username}")
  puts("Problem saving #{this_user.username}!:\n#{this_user.errors}")
this_user =
  attribute, val = line.split(/:\s*/)
  this_user.send(attribute.lower, val)

That's air-code obviously--may be wildly off...

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:50 AM
To: Ruby on Rails: Talk
Subject: [Rails] Beginner Question: Formatted Text Data -> Hash -> Database.

I have a text document that has formatted data in it, and I am attempted to 
determine the best way to parse the data to break it up into hashes that I can 
then write to my databases. I suppose my issue is determining where to tell 
Ruby to STOP reading in data to write into the database. The file would be 
similar to this:

User:  Username
Phone: Phone number
Address:  Address
Comments: Comments
Data1: Data
Data2: Data
Data3: Data
User:  Username
Phone: Phone number
Address:  Address
Comments: Comments
Data1: Data
Data2: Data
User:  Username
Phone: Phone number
Address:  Address
Comments: Comments
Data1: Data
Data2: Data

It's not that difficult to chomp the \n and use a split to create a hash in a 
loop, but how do tell Ruby to start a new database write process if it hits a 
new "user" key value? Should I write a case statement to check each line for a 
"user" key and use that line to call a new instance of my database 
class/method? Is there a faster or more efficient way?

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