[sage-devel] Re: Sage virtual appliance (VirtualBox)

2011-05-14 Thread Kelvin Li
On May 14, 2:07 pm, Volker Braun  wrote:
> The virtual machine is really only useful on modern hardware with at
> least 4GB ram and hardware virtualization support (Intel VT-x or AMD-V).

My personal experience differs. I have run windows VMware guests with
512 MB of memory on top of old hardware (no VT-x/AMD-V) that had only
1 GB of memory in total, and it suited my needs at the time for
experimenting with software.

I think it would be nice if our Sage VM appliance could run on a wide
variety of hardware, much as Sage itself does not require high-end
machines to work.

-- Kelvin

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[sage-devel] solve an algebraic expression

2011-05-14 Thread Dox
Hi again list,

This time I come with a problem of solving an algebraic expression, the 
solution has the variable x on it!

sage: reset()
sage: var('x')
sage: var('mp', latex_name=r"m_\pi")
sage: var('me', latex_name=r"m_e")
sage: f(x) = mp - sqrt(x^2 + me^2) - x
sage: solve(f(x)==0, x)
[x == mp - sqrt(me^2 + x^2)]

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[sage-devel] Integration of dirac_delta

2011-05-14 Thread Dox
Hi group!

I was trying to integrate a dirac_delta, but SAGE cannot do so... weird 
thing, 'cause that `function' is defined, and in only make sense as part of 
an integration.



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[sage-devel] Re: Sage virtual appliance (VirtualBox)

2011-05-14 Thread Andrey Novoseltsev
On May 14, 3:07 pm, Volker Braun  wrote:
> I don't think that running a virtual machine on yesteryear's hardware is a
> viable option. Yes you can make it boot but it'll be too slow for productive
> use. The virtual machine is really only useful on modern hardware with at
> least 4GB ram and hardware virtualization support (Intel VT-x or AMD-V). If
> you have the hardware support then you supposedly can run 64-bit guests on
> 32-bit hosts, though I haven't tried.

What do you mean here by "productive use"? If you are computing
numerous high-dimensional Mori cones, you will probably work on some
Unix server anyway ;-) While if you are an undergrad with an oldish
Windows computer (especially in less financially fortunate countries),
plotting sines and experimenting with Newton's method for a cubic - I
don't think that there will be an issue with not having enough cores/
memory. Maybe 512Mb is too harsh and will interfere with normal
working of the guest operating system, but 1Gb is certainly enough (if
I recall correctly, student version of MAGMA is limited to 100Mb only)
and it is easy to increase if necessary. It is also just as easy to
decrease it, but the error message that I got didn't say anything
about memory and if it was my first encounter with virtual machines
(which is likely to be the case for many potential users), I wouldn't
know what to do. I am pretty sure that <=2Gb machines are still quite
common around the world and on a 2-core 4Gb 2009-laptop it still was
more comfortable for me to use 1 core for the guest system and 1.5Gb

On an unrelated note, the 2004-laptop (with an awesome screen) used in
the experiment is my primary machine for Sage development and
SageTeXing and it works great, although for these purposes I boot it
directly into Linux rather than messing with virtual machines. That's
the ultimate form of recycling - just continue using it since it is
not broken and works fine ;-) For CPU/memory/time demanding
computations there are perfect shared servers that beat any personal

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage virtual appliance (VirtualBox)

2011-05-14 Thread Volker Braun
I don't think that running a virtual machine on yesteryear's hardware is a 
viable option. Yes you can make it boot but it'll be too slow for productive 
use. The virtual machine is really only useful on modern hardware with at 
least 4GB ram and hardware virtualization support (Intel VT-x or AMD-V). If 
you have the hardware support then you supposedly can run 64-bit guests on 
32-bit hosts, though I haven't tried. 

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage virtual appliance (VirtualBox)

2011-05-14 Thread Volker Braun
The OVA file format is just a tar archive of a 2-file OVF format. VMware 
might need you to place the contained files in the same directory. 

[vbraun@volker-desktop data]$ tar tf Sage-4.7.rc2.ova 

The VM is always going to be painful to download with your modem. We can 
certainly hand-craft a Fedora install that is even smaller or manually 
delete/strip/dedup the Sage install. But then that'll just cause problems 
when we upgrade the base Fedora install or if Sage moves files around. Right 
now the compressed virtual machine is 1.4GB. Thats not excessive nowadays. 
The contained virtual hdd is actually 7GB.

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage virtual appliance (VirtualBox)

2011-05-14 Thread Andrey Novoseltsev
I have tried to run it on my "desktop notebook": Athlon 64 3000
(1.8GHz, 1 core), 2 Gb RAM (maximum possible), Windows XP Professional
32-bit. I was pretty sure it will not run given the guest memory size,
but I got the following, which does not refer to memory:

Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Sage 4.7.rc2

AMD-V is not available. (VERR_SVM_NO_SYM).

Unknown error creating VM (VERR_SVM_NO_SYM).

Then I changed guest RAM to 1Gb. It started and showed during boot
that it requires 64-bit and detected only 32.

I think that the machine should be configured to run "as is" on as
many computers, including old ones, as possible. Perhaps 1 core, 512Mb
RAM, 32-bit should be the default and installation instructions can
mention that you can easily adjust the first two parameters according
to your particular hardware, but it is optional. As for 32/64 I think
the best option is to have two images, since with automatic script it
should not be a problem to maintain both.

Thank you,

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage virtual appliance (VirtualBox)

2011-05-14 Thread Kelvin Li
> > > probably VMWare requires a slightly different directory layout:
> > > http://gvaro.wordpress.com/2010/05/07/vmware-player-error-“failed-to-open-
> > > virtual-machine-failed-to-query-source-for-information-”/
> > >
> > > (don't know if Bing (ahem...) can find this link though :-))

That was one of the first hits I got. :-P But it does not help me. In
this case, everything is contained in a single OVA file. Why would the
location of an imported applicance make a difference?

> > Thanks for the suggestions. I haven't tried to make a hand-crafted
> > absolutely minimal Linux install because that would be a hassle to maintain.

I wasn't saying that manually tweaking is better; that would defeat
the whole point of the "automated" script! I was wondering whether
Fedora allows you to (automatically) install an even more reduced base
system than what you have right now. Or maybe you can specify which
packages you want to exclude at install time.

> > I agree that sendmail can be turned off. I like sshd, though, because its a
> > nice way to interact with the virtual machine. You can scp files in/out, for
> > example. By default the VM doesn't punch the ssh port through its NAT for
> > security, but that can be easily done in the VirtualBox settings.

I think this is an interesting debate. I see the whole virtual machine
solution as primarily targeting Windows, and most Windows users do not
have ssh or even know about it. Not to say that Sage-on-Windows users
are dumb, but I think that if such a user knows enough about ssh to
want to use it, he/she can install it manually. On the other hand,
instructions on transferring files in/out of VMs using the pre-
installed sshd are more likely to confuse users than to help them.

I also figure that such motivated/knowledgeable users are more likely
to install and configure their own VMs and just build Sage from

I would like to keep things lean because long boot times and gigantic
disk images (about 4.5 GB uncompressed, and the downloading took over
2 hours on my internet connection) could be annoying for users who are
trying to take the shortest possible route to getting Sage running on

> Maybe some ideas from the sage-lithe VM prototype (407 
> MB)http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/emil/sagelithe/vm-sage-lithe-a1.zip
> could be utilized. In itself this version is not optimized yet (e.g.
> full xorg and xvesa)
> regards
> emil

Was this assembled by hand or by a script?

-- Kelvin

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[sage-devel] Re: LaTeX code to Sage expression?

2011-05-14 Thread rjf
It is possible to define a a program that will take a single language
and produce from it either TeX, Lisp, Sage, Mathematica, Maple,
Maxima, MathML, etc.

That does not solve the problem of taking some random TeX formula, not
using that language of macros etc, and converting it into a CAS

The newer version of Gradshteyn has, as its base, all of the formulas
in such a language, and there is a translator into some CAS.  I think
the translator is written in TeX.
This was done by hand, and using it makes it rather simple to produce
(sort of) code in any CAS. See the paper for why I say "sort of".

I don't have the code for Caspi's project; I've asked him to post it

As for whether more recent work has surpassed it... I think that a
program that works in 1997 might still work just fine. And the design
is probably OK too.  Reminds me of the quip..

 "Algol 60 was not only an improvement on its predecessors, but also
on nearly all its successors.
-- C. A. R. Hoare"

Now if you want to switch back and forth, starting with the CAS, then
it is quite easy.  You embed the CAS code into the TeX so that
translating back is simply extracting a comment.

\int_a^bf(x)dx % maxima% integrate(f(x),x,a,b)


On May 14, 9:23 am, daly  wrote:
> Since TeX is turing complete and allows macros,
> would it be possible to create a set of macros
> that are not ambiguous? For instance, an integral
> macro that specifies the limits and differential
> variable?
> \integrate{0}{\infty}{r}{sin(\theta)}
> In this case it seems to me that the latex macros
> would closely approximate the actual linear input
> to the CAS.
> Tim Daly
> On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 08:25 -0700, rjf wrote:
> > Look at
> >http://moralfiber.org/eylon/berkeley/cs282/
> > to see a paper,
> > Parsing Mathematics Typeset in TeX
> > that  successfully parsed many many formulas
> > from Gradshteyn and Rhyzik, a table of integrals.
> > The result was Lisp, which presumably could be Maxima.
> > If you have a result in Maxima, presumably Sage can make sense of it.
> > Or the same design can directly produce whatever Sage-speak you had in
> > mind.

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage virtual appliance (VirtualBox)

2011-05-14 Thread Emil Widmann

> Thanks for the suggestions. I haven't tried to make a hand-crafted
> absolutely minimal Linux install because that would be a hassle to maintain.

Having a automated script to produce virtual machine images is a huge
step in the right direction.
Personally I think size (1.4 GB) could be optimized  but it was
pointed out in previous discussions that size is not a major concern
for mainstream development. On the other hand with virtual machines
resources of the host are split.
Maybe some ideas from the sage-lithe VM prototype (407 MB)
could be utilized. In itself this version is not optimized yet (e.g.
full xorg and xvesa)

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: LaTeX code to Sage expression?

2011-05-14 Thread daly
Since TeX is turing complete and allows macros,
would it be possible to create a set of macros
that are not ambiguous? For instance, an integral
macro that specifies the limits and differential


In this case it seems to me that the latex macros
would closely approximate the actual linear input
to the CAS.

Tim Daly

On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 08:25 -0700, rjf wrote:
> Look at
> http://moralfiber.org/eylon/berkeley/cs282/
> to see a paper,
> Parsing Mathematics Typeset in TeX
> that  successfully parsed many many formulas
> from Gradshteyn and Rhyzik, a table of integrals.
> The result was Lisp, which presumably could be Maxima.
> If you have a result in Maxima, presumably Sage can make sense of it.
> Or the same design can directly produce whatever Sage-speak you had in
> mind.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: LaTeX code to Sage expression?

2011-05-14 Thread Bruno Le Floch
> http://moralfiber.org/eylon/berkeley/cs282/

Thank you, this was an interesting read, which motivates me to revise
my current approach slightly. I think that I need to keep more
information in a first pass, in order to correctly handle subscripts
and superscripts. I still don't know how to place the closing
parenthesis at the right place in constructions such as \sin a \, bc.
A difficult problem, as you mention.

I think that the first two passes (expanding macros and removing
spurious left braces) should be done within TeX for more robustness:
it is not true that only \ and { and } matter. Perhaps some of the
other steps may be done in TeX as well, although having a dictionary
of symbols would not be too easy within TeX.

The study seems quite old (1997). Are you aware of more recent developpments?


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[sage-devel] Re: LaTeX code to Sage expression?

2011-05-14 Thread Jason Grout

On 5/14/11 10:25 AM, rjf wrote:

Look at
to see a paper,
Parsing Mathematics Typeset in TeX
that  successfully parsed many many formulas
from Gradshteyn and Rhyzik, a table of integrals.

The result was Lisp, which presumably could be Maxima.
If you have a result in Maxima, presumably Sage can make sense of it.

Or the same design can directly produce whatever Sage-speak you had in

Is there code to go with that paper somewhere?  It certainly looks 


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[sage-devel] Re: aut codes patch

2011-05-14 Thread Dima Pasechnik

On May 13, 7:18 pm, Thomas Feulner 
> Hi,
> On 7 Mai, 07:04, Dima Pasechnik  wrote:
> > On May 6, 9:12 pm, David Joyner  wrote:
> > > Hi:
> > > The contribution at #10153 byThomasFeulneris huge and,
> > > IMHO, important. It basically generalizes what Robert Miller did for
> > > automorphisms of codes in the binary case to the non-binary
> > > case. Robert himself has  run the valgrind on the doctests for #10153
> > > and says that none of the doctests in the code_can.pyx file seem to be
> > > causing
> > > any memory leaks.
> > > Is it possible for others to look at
> > >  http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/10153
> > > and comment on it? I know reviewing something so immense
> > > is very time consuming but maybe with more people
> > > looking at it, the workload can be divided up in a
> > > reasonable way?
> > It is 400Kb (!) of mostly C++ code.
> > Few parts seem to come directly from Boost (and probably can be
> > replaced with Sage's Boost subset, or
> > placed there is needed), some parts from an apparently
> > large collection of routines written by Ralf Gugisch.
> The files fdstream.hpp does not come directly from Boost. Something
> equivalent within Boost seems to be boost/iostreams/device/
> file_descriptor.hpp. I think, this is not contained in Sage's standard
> Boost. Should I make my code depend on the optional package
> boost_1_34_1.spkg?

no harm in this... Eventually one can add the needed things to the
"standard" Sage part of Boost.

> I need this class in order to use pipes for some 'conversation' with
> GAP. Maybe someone knows some better way?

well, there is a Sage-GAP interface available (not too fast though,
the better one is in the works).
Do you mean to say that your package has its own way to communicate
with GAP?

> The files written by Ralf Gugisch do not contain the stuff on oriented
> matroids. They just provide permutation groups and their action on STL
> containers and a base class for building up a backtrack tree.
> Therefore, I think, there is no reason for factoring out these files?

It looks like a sufficiently interesting piece of functionality on its
Which looks like a jolly valid reason to me to factor it out.


> > A minor detail, that can potentially cause a  headache, is that the
> > line endings are inconsistent across the patch (Unix/Windows).
> This will be changed, I did not realize that I have mixed them up.
> > This certainly can become an experimental package, IMHO.
> Thomas
> > Dima
> > > BTW,Thomashas a version of his program which calls 
> > > MAGMA:http://www.algorithm.uni-bayreuth.de/en/research/Coding_Theory/index
> > > - David Joyner

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[sage-devel] Re: LaTeX code to Sage expression?

2011-05-14 Thread rjf
Look at
to see a paper,
Parsing Mathematics Typeset in TeX
that  successfully parsed many many formulas
from Gradshteyn and Rhyzik, a table of integrals.

The result was Lisp, which presumably could be Maxima.
If you have a result in Maxima, presumably Sage can make sense of it.

Or the same design can directly produce whatever Sage-speak you had in

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[sage-devel] Re: LaTeX code to Sage expression?

2011-05-14 Thread Jason Grout

On 5/14/11 7:57 AM, Bruno Le Floch wrote:

we contact David Cervone on this?

I emailed Davide and sent him the link to this thread the other day. 
There may be more developments from when he may have looked at it, though.



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Re: [sage-devel] Re: LaTeX code to Sage expression?

2011-05-14 Thread Bruno Le Floch
@Mike: I couldn't find precise info about the cadabra TeX input, but I
found odd things: "x^{2x+1}" is interpreted as "x^{2+x+1}". I may be
misunderstanding something, though.

@Dan: I just had to add the rule ")(" => ")*(" that I had forgotten
yesterday, and here is what I get:


And it wasn't too difficult to add some code to keep track of which
variables appear in the expression, giving var("x,y"). I still need to
polish and comment the code, but it shouldn't take too long. Do you
have harder cases? What is the correct expression (if any) in Sage for
the following?

\sum_{1 < k < n} k
\sum_{\substack{1 < j < n \\ 1 < k < m}} j^k
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{x^k}{k!}

> We might also talk with the jsmath/mathjax developer, Davide Cervone.
> IIRC, he already converts from latex to MathML, so there is some sort of
> tex processing that he is doing in javascript.  We've talked with him
> about a way to convert from latex/mathjax back to Sage code before.

For general TeX code, containing user-defined macros etc, the only way
I think is to use TeX to expand macros (my parser currently does that
when encountering an unknown control sequence). For code generated by
Sage, it is probably easier.

> For your application, I wonder if it would be easy to somehow encode
> annotations in the latex output, so that you could delimit
> subexpressions with the code that originally created them. If we output
> mathml instead of latex for mathjax, I suppose that encoding such
> annotations would be easier.  Especially if it was Content MathML
> instead of just Presentation MathML.

To be frank, I only know TeX inside out, so I would naturally choose
TeX, but the main question is whether jsmath/mathjax have some kind of
"reverse search" feature (going from the display to the LaTeX). Should
we contact David Cervone on this? --- I wasn't planning to look into
this so soon.


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[sage-devel] Re: Maple 15 out

2011-05-14 Thread parisse
> So that issue still exists in Maple 15, however it is generally much better
> because memory is recycled.  

As far as I understand on my side, the problem with parallelization is
that malloc locks threads, therefore I can only parallelize code that
does not allocate memory. That's why I can not improve much timings in
the sparse case for more cores, because I need to allocate GMP
integers for a lot of terms to make polynomials once the
multiplication is done using immediate int128. I believe TRIP is using
it's own allocator with probably distincts heaps for each thread.

> As for Giac, thanks for the update.  I look forward to timing it for our
> next paper :)

The TRIP benchmark is perhaps a bit unfair for SDMP, because it
probably uses the symbolic representation for Maple compared to the
polynomial representation for trip and giac. This should not be
sensitive for the dense case, but is probably for the sparse case.

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[sage-devel] Re: Maple 15 out

2011-05-14 Thread Roman Pearce
I was surprised to still see a bit of this in practice on an 8x Core2 system 
with the example from our paper:

f := (1 + x + y + 2*z^2 + 3*t^3 + 5*u^5)^12:
g := (1 + u + t + 2*z^2 + 3*y^3 + 5*x^5)^12:

What happens here is that we construct the result one term at a time, and 
doing that requires a lot of bandwidth.  We generally assume the cores share 
a cache, i.e. they can transfer data to each other at least as fast than all 
of them (in aggregate) can transfer data to memory.  This is true of the 
Core i3/i5/i7 and AMD's cpus.  On the 8 x Core2 you have 2 cores sharing an 
L2, then two of those fused together on a multi-chip-module, and two MCMs 
connected on the motherboard.  So there are a lot of different level of 
interconnect and the last one is especially slow.  In this case, an 
algorithm that works on a shared data structure in memory will scale better, 
and this is also true of large multi-cpu systems like what TRIP was tested 

So that issue still exists in Maple 15, however it is generally much better 
because memory is recycled.  The larger example on the TRIP page (power=16) 
does not slowdown on our 8 x Core2 machine and performance on Nehalem 
machines (2x4 cores) is very good.  Performance on the 8-core Nehalem EX 
makes me want to buy one.  Anyways, you can see we have really bet on 
manycore versus SMP.  Mainly because I can't see how to do more complicated 
algorithms (like division or powering) in SMP without using an order of 
magnitude more memory.  It's a one-size fits all algorithms and most cpus 

As for Giac, thanks for the update.  I look forward to timing it for our 
next paper :)

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[sage-devel] Re: bug with direct product of permutation groups

2011-05-14 Thread Rob Beezer
You probably do not have an alpha version.  It would have printed in
what you did above.

On May 13, 11:59 pm, Pierre  wrote:
> sage --version gives
> Sage Version 4.6.2, Release Date: 2011-02-25
> how do I find out about the "alpha"?
> On 13 mai, 19:34, Rob Beezer  wrote:
> > I do not have too many versions of Sage available to me at the moment,
> > but:
> > Your example works properly on 4.6.2.alpha3
> > Your example fails on  4.6.2.alpha4  and  4.7.rc0
> > The failure is at the same place as in the initial report.
> > Pierre - What version are you using?
> > The only ticket merged between those two alphas that looks like it
> > could possibly be relevant is
> >http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11000
> > which has to do multi-line input to GAP.
> > Rob
> > On May 13, 3:04 pm, Pierre  wrote:
> > > Thanks, this works... sometimes. But the following still fails:
> > > sage: G = QuaternionGroup()
> > > sage: H = direct_product_permgroups([G, G])
> > > sage: K= direct_product_permgroups([H, G])
> > > Gap produced error output
> > > Syntax error: expression expected
> > > $sage17:=;;
> > >          ^
> > >    executing $sage17:=;;
> > > any thoughts?

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage virtual appliance (VirtualBox)

2011-05-14 Thread Volker Braun
Thanks for the suggestions. I haven't tried to make a hand-crafted 
absolutely minimal Linux install because that would be a hassle to maintain. 
I'm only installing the Fedora "Core" packages with a handful of extra stuff 
(fortran, for example). That way upgrading the Guest OS should just work as 
easily as upgrading the Sage source release.

I agree that sendmail can be turned off. I like sshd, though, because its a 
nice way to interact with the virtual machine. You can scp files in/out, for 
example. By default the VM doesn't punch the ssh port through its NAT for 
security, but that can be easily done in the VirtualBox settings.

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Re: [sage-devel] sage-4.7 release schedule

2011-05-14 Thread Julien PUYDT

Le 12/05/2011 17:13, Jeroen Demeyer a écrit :

At this point nothing is blocking the sage-4.7 release any more.  So it
would be nice if everybody could try to build and test Sage, to see
whether there are any remaining issues.  If not, I will release sage-4.7
in about a week or so.

sage-4.7rc2 still has an atlas which doesn't compile with ARM processors 
; see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/10808

Snark on #sagemath

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage virtual appliance (VirtualBox)

2011-05-14 Thread Dima Pasechnik
probably VMWare requires a slightly different directory layout:

(don't know if Bing (ahem...) can find this link though :-))

On May 14, 3:07 pm, Kelvin Li  wrote:
> On May 13, 8:15 am, Volker Braun  wrote:
> > I wrote a script to create a virtual machine with Sage and export it as an
> > OVA appliance. I'm using VirtualBox but I think VMware should support it,
> > too. At this point it would be useful if people could try it out on a
> > variety of host machines.
> Functionally, it works. Sage starts up, I could connect to the
> Notebook from my host's Firefox, do "2+2", and surf the documentation.
> I didn't run doctests or stress test it in any way.
> I have VirtualBox 4.0.6 (non-free extension pack not installed) on
> Windows XP SP3. I did not touch the configuration when importing, so
> the guest was set to use 2048 MB of memory, 2 CPUs, and was 64-bit.
> The host has 4 GB of memory and an Intel Core 2 Duo.
> Although nothing seems broken, I do have a few complaints. First, the
> boot time is quite terrible. The time from my pressing "Start" on the
> VirtualBox interface to seeing the login prompt was 1 minute 43
> seconds. By comparison, my 32-bit Debian installation (in the same
> VirtualBox) takes only 30 seconds; it is a rather minimal
> installation.
> Secondly, this Fedora installation seems rather bloated. When I
> shutdown the guest, there are messages saying that the sshd and
> sendmail daemons are stopping; but why should they be running in the
> first place? I believe that is part of the reason the booting is so
> slow.
> Thirdly, could the space in the name of the OVA appliance (Sage
> 4.7.rc2) be removed? When importing, the VM is placed in a directory
> called "Sage 4.7.rc2", so I end up with a space in the directory name.
> I also tried VMware Player, but upon attempting to open the OVA
> appliance, I got an error message: "Failed to open virtual machine:
> Failed to query source for information." Same thing happened in VMware
> Workstation.
> After a brief Bing search, I could not figure out what these messages
> meant.
> I have only briefly glanced over the build script, but I think this is
> a good first iteration!
> -- Kelvin

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage virtual appliance (VirtualBox)

2011-05-14 Thread Kelvin Li
On May 13, 8:15 am, Volker Braun  wrote:
> I wrote a script to create a virtual machine with Sage and export it as an
> OVA appliance. I'm using VirtualBox but I think VMware should support it,
> too. At this point it would be useful if people could try it out on a
> variety of host machines.

Functionally, it works. Sage starts up, I could connect to the
Notebook from my host's Firefox, do "2+2", and surf the documentation.
I didn't run doctests or stress test it in any way.

I have VirtualBox 4.0.6 (non-free extension pack not installed) on
Windows XP SP3. I did not touch the configuration when importing, so
the guest was set to use 2048 MB of memory, 2 CPUs, and was 64-bit.
The host has 4 GB of memory and an Intel Core 2 Duo.

Although nothing seems broken, I do have a few complaints. First, the
boot time is quite terrible. The time from my pressing "Start" on the
VirtualBox interface to seeing the login prompt was 1 minute 43
seconds. By comparison, my 32-bit Debian installation (in the same
VirtualBox) takes only 30 seconds; it is a rather minimal

Secondly, this Fedora installation seems rather bloated. When I
shutdown the guest, there are messages saying that the sshd and
sendmail daemons are stopping; but why should they be running in the
first place? I believe that is part of the reason the booting is so

Thirdly, could the space in the name of the OVA appliance (Sage
4.7.rc2) be removed? When importing, the VM is placed in a directory
called "Sage 4.7.rc2", so I end up with a space in the directory name.

I also tried VMware Player, but upon attempting to open the OVA
appliance, I got an error message: "Failed to open virtual machine:
Failed to query source for information." Same thing happened in VMware

After a brief Bing search, I could not figure out what these messages

I have only briefly glanced over the build script, but I think this is
a good first iteration!

-- Kelvin

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