No processing for event 'report_RHTSupport' is defined

2016-04-23 Thread Yasha Karant
A MATE applet vi EPEL crashed.  An automatic bug reporting tool 
activated without my intervention (prompted for my sudo login).  I went 
through all of the screens that appeared;it
seemed to want to submit the issue to RedHat, not EPEL nor SL/CentOS.  I 
answered all of the prompts, and in the end, the automatic tool failed 
with a diagnostic:

No processing for event 'report_RHTSupport' is defined

How does one configure this or is this an artifact from the original 
RHEL source that was not modified (unlike the various logos, splash 
screens, etc.) and somehow still is configured for a RedHat licensed 
(for fee?) support product?  Can this be configured to point to either 
the add-on reposiity (e.g., EPEL, ELRepo, etc.) or to either SL or 
CentOS?  If there are any on this list from CERN or in a CERN supported 
collaboration, I know that CERN has an internal support mechanism that 
is *NOT* made available to SL users (even when Fermilab and CERN were 
jointly mentioned on SL); as a matter of information, does the CERN 
"CentOS" team have an internal CERN configuration whereby these reports 
go to a CERN network location (obviously not available to those of us 
not part of a CERN collaboration)?

Yasha Karant

Re: abiword

2016-04-16 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/15/2016 12:54 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:

On 04/15/2016 11:48 AM, R P Herrold wrote:
as well as a well documented, and solved problem with the buildsystem 
which EPEL uses (I was perhaps too eliptical yesterday), and thus my 
dis-interest in re-inventing or re-documenting this wheel ** yet 
again ** -- Russ herrold 

Thanks for working on this, Russ.  While reinventing the wheel is 
frowned upon most of the time, there are settings where reinventing 
wheels should be encouraged, particularly the educational setting. 
Sometimes it is worthwhile to do some calculations by hand or by slide 
rule, then go back to the calculators and spreadsheets; the act of 
reinventing enhances the understanding of why things are done the way 
that they are done. You better appreciate koji if you build your own 

For most of us, though, it's just a time sink.  Yasha is in a 
different environment than most of us.
I may be in a university environment, but we do not waste time 
reinventing the wheel for research or research support activities -- and 
neither does any other viable research group.  However, it was my 
understanding that the EPEL or other similar automata are not readily 
available -- for deploying production code through porting there is no 
reason not to use an existing "automaton" that can resolve dependencies 
(I recall a correspondent referring to these sorts of things as 
:dependency hell") from whatever source code repositories as required 
and ultimately build a working executable application.   At the moment, 
my group does not have a porting machine that we could dedicate to this 
sort of problem.  This is not an issue of "critical thinking", etc., but 
rather pure technological implementation.  However, the development of 
that technology does require a variety of "critical thinking" 
activities.  I definitely do not want to get into the repo "business" at 
this time -- we do not have the resources that we can spare from other 
activities, and are not likely to get the necessary external funding to 
become a repo development "house".  But -- I would very much like a 
working SL7 binary executable of a reasonably current Abiword.

Yasha Karant

Re: abiword

2016-04-14 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/14/2016 02:01 PM, R P Herrold wrote:

On Thu, 14 Apr 2016, R P Herrold wrote:

The content is now at:
and will move to:

just got a clean build with RawHide's

which I have pushed and will appear in 'local'

-- R

This probably will require either EPEL or someone on this list who can 
generate a working binary.  A naive rpmbuild --rebuild yields:

error: Failed build dependencies:
aiksaurus-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
aiksaurus-gtk-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
asio-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
goffice-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
gtkmathview-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
librevenge-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
libwmf-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
libwpd-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
libwpg-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
link-grammar-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
loudmouth-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
ots-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
poppler-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
t1lib-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
telepathy-glib-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64
wv-devel is needed by abiword-1:3.0.1-4.el7.x86_64

and when I start with the first failed dependency:

yum install aiksaurus-devel
No package aiksaurus-devel available.
Error: Nothing to do

Hopefully, someone will have both the time (and required effort) to 
build abiword (more or less current) and to be able to
release either a consistent and ready to build set of rpm.src files for 
SL7, etc., or a built binary RPM along with whatever other built
RPMs are required again for SL7. As it appears that there are business 
restrictions that prevent Owlriver from offering any such binaries,
I hope that someone else may -- or EPEL will come through in short 
order. (I was under the impression that a business could offer executable
software without cost for download provided the usual "disclaim all" was 
part of the download and use "license".)   abiword  is available for

(not to claim that Ubuntu LTS is somehow better than SL) from at least 
one site on the web .

Yasha Karant

Re: abiword

2016-04-14 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/14/2016 12:49 PM, R P Herrold wrote:

On Thu, 14 Apr 2016, R P Herrold wrote:

I have a local solution in a 'scratch build' environment,
yielding: abiword-3.0.1-2.el7.centos.src.rpm.  It 'runs' at
soon, soon

and now done

The content is now at:
and will move to:

Lamar -- could you please pull and build SRPMs out of the
'local' path, and confirm that no gremlins have crept in, via
a cross-check on your buildsystem?  I don't use 'mock' for
scratch solves


-- Russ

Thank you very much for providing the above URLs.

From the above reference web site, I am guessing that only orc7 
(owlriver 7) extension
files are needed for SL 7, in which case here is the list of what I have 


Are there other files that are needed other than those provided in the 
"standard" EL7 public repos?  (I believe that
the Red Hat subscriber repos are not readily available to the 
non-paying, only CentOS repos under the Red Hat "umbrella".)

By the way, as a university (not a business), are we allowed to 
redistribute binary RPMS made from the above .src.rpm files with the
usual acknowledgement (thanking you and your firm, but no guarantee that 
anything works and no guarantee that the binaries will not
"destroy" any system upon which these are installed)?  If we do build 
from your .src.rpm s and things work, why should others have re-invent 
the wheel

and/or redo the labor?

Yasha Karant

Re: abiword

2016-04-14 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/14/2016 11:22 AM, R P Herrold wrote:

On Thu, 14 Apr 2016, Yasha Karant wrote:

I don't and haven't 'publish' binaries for a long time now,

Although you evidently are not a "repo", are you willing to
allow others access to the built RPMs (not SRPMs) needed for
an executable install of abiword? The RPMs I have are all
2.x, nothing in 3.x .  Are there any "conflicts" between
what is needed by a more recent abiword and the standard
install (from SL/CentOS, EPEL, ElRepo repos)?  That is,
package M conflicts with whatever during the binary install?

Long ago and far away, with the pre-cursor product to CentOS
(cAos), I built and released binaries.  With the turn-down of
RHL, and the rise of the 'Enterprise' distributions, I spent
some time considering 'policy' as to releasing sources vs.
binaries, and concluded that there were obligations to 'stand
behind' binaries, which did not arise with a simple set of
related sources.  Unless one is a commercial customer of Owl
River, binaries are not available ( contrariwise, all binaries
installed at any customer are backed by availability of
sources at the site previously indicated, thus satisfying GPL
and related 'source availability' obligations )

so, thus, my earlier mention of poking EPEL

I could attempt to put personnel (grad students, undergrads)
on the build, but I really do have higher priority work for
these persons.  I myself do not have the spare time right
now to contribute much to the porting effort of a standard
"office enduser" package.

And wonderfully, in the FOSS ethic, EPEL should solve this for
all of us with any luck

-- Russ herrold
Although EPEL "should", being like CentOS these days a more-or-less 
"wholly owned

subsidiary" of Red Hat, but the time it is done we may be at RHEL 8.

You indicated that you are willing to release the SRPMs that have 
already been ported (both for source

code and dependencies) to SL 7 and that upon using a command syntax like:

rpmbuild --rebuild /tmp/mypackage-1.0.0-1.src.rpm

where  .src.rpm is the same as .srpm (as I recall).

will result in a (set) of binary RPM files that will install application 
"binaries" that will execute under SL7.  Any dependencies (e.g., other 
packages, not just header file RPMs, but ".so" file RPMs) will be 
revealed by the rpmbuild step and can be "fixed" through
yum install foobar (where foobar is the dependency) from either SL, 
EPEL, or ElRepo, not RPMs for which one has the
merry chase on the web (sometimes resulting in other incompatibilities 
or real vulnerabilities).  I am not trying to be overly specific here, 
but my
group (as I am certain have others on this list) has more than once had 
to chase down RPM dependencies (e.g., libraries) that only were made
at one laboratory somewhere -- and never made it into the "mainstream" 
EL repos (say ported from some other Linux family).

Thanks for any clarification.

Yasha Karant

Re: abiword

2016-04-14 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/14/2016 08:28 AM, R P Herrold wrote:

On Thu, 14 Apr 2016, R P Herrold wrote:

I'll poke at it today

and with an older abiword-3.0.1-1 spec I have been working
with, I get a complete build save for:



... the RPM build turn cycle is slow as there are so many
moving parts, but looking good

I don't and haven't 'publish' binaries for a long time now,
and have a day's delay between 'inside' local content, and
formal mirrored content ... looking, it appears I've been
doing this package for over a decade (it is also my preferred
'Word' format file editing tool, and I have large corpus of
content in such form).  Gnumeric is the other I rely on, to
avoid the LibreOffice trap

but SRPMs end up with a day's delay at:

-- Russ herrold
Although you evidently are not a "repo", are you willing to allow others 
access to the
built RPMs (not SRPMs) needed for an executable install of abiword? The 
RPMs I have are all 2.x,
nothing in 3.x .  Are there any "conflicts" between what is needed by a 
more recent abiword
and the standard install (from SL/CentOS, EPEL, ElRepo repos)?  That is, 
package M conflicts with whatever

during the binary install?

I could attempt to put personnel (grad students, undergrads) on the 
build, but I really do have higher priority work for
these persons.   I myself do not have the spare time right now to 
contribute much to the  porting effort of a standard

"office enduser" package.

Yasha Karant


2016-04-13 Thread Yasha Karant

Is there any port of:

Grab the latest source tarball (recent version: darktable 2.0.3) – make 
sure to use the .tar.xz file

to SL 7x?

Yasha Karant


2016-04-11 Thread Yasha Karant
Is there any EL7 rpm or other successful build of a recent stable 
release of abiword?  If so, what is URL to download the build including 
whatever other rpms are required (or a large
static image that does not require any .so components that are not part 
of the standard SL 7 repo)?

Yasha Karant

Re: MATE on SL 7

2016-04-09 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/08/2016 09:55 PM, S. Tindall wrote:

On 04/08/2016 09:16 PM, Bill Maidment wrote:

Hi Guys
I installed (yum groupinstall mate-desktop) on SL 7.2 and I can 
select MATE using the icon next to the "Sign In" button on the 
password entry screen.

It seems to remember what your last selection was, too.

Thanks Bill!

You are absolutely correct. Switched back to GDM and the MATE 
selection was exactly where you said it would be.

Before, I looked everywhere for a desktop selection at login, but 
never thought to look again after selecting my username. I don't 
recall having to select MATE from a login list after installing under 

I have not investigated the actual "name" of the 
application/applet/whatever that provides the default login screen to a 
SL 7 GUI environment (by "default", I mean that after an installation 
using the GUI installer for SL 7, this is the screen that appears for 
login).  Unlike on OpenSUSE, what ever this is works fine with MATE as 
installed from the EPEL repo.

There is a small "gear" icon on screen.  Using that icon, one gets a 
list (e.g., Gnome, KDE, ... ) upon which is listed MATE after the MATE 
installation.  No "fiddling" was required to change the default login 
GUI application (unlike my experience with OpenSUSE under which I did 
need to change the equivalent application to one that "supported" the 
OpenSUSE port of  MATE.

For those who do not like either the current Gnome or KDE (both of which 
seem to have the aroma of MS Win 8 desktop or MacOS X desktop, perhaps 
with a bit of the Android desktop as well), are there fully provisioned 
alternatives to MATE?  The previous Gnome 2 GUI, as with MATE, seems to 
have all of the functionality that a professional (not "thats 
entertainment") user needs.  As MATE is a "fork" of Gnome 2 updated to 
run under later release distros for which Gnome 2 is not available (and 
not being developed/ported by the Gnome "team"), it more or less is 
Gnome 2 (with icon and possibly name changes, just as SL has icon 
changes from RHEL in so far as such icons carry the Red Hat "brand" -- 
thus there is "eye of mate" rather than "eye of gnome", etc.).

Yasha Karant

MATE on SL 7

2016-04-06 Thread Yasha Karant
It appears that the software package GUI installer, gpk-application, 
does not have what is needed for an install of MATE
under SL.  (One evidently does not need MATE for SL 6 as Gnome 2 is part 
of the stock SL 6 distribution).  During the base install of SL 7,
I always install both whatever Gnome and KDE GUIs are supplied; thus the 
comment below about X windows is not relevant for my use.
I do this on servers as well as workstations so that graphical machine 
"workload" display and analysis tools are available in addition to the
scrolling text tools.  (Sometimes a visualisation provides insight that 
a table or text does not.)


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

MATE is available through the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) 
repository, maintained by the Fedora Project. This should work on CentOS 
7 as well, and any other compatible derivatives.

After you install the epel-release-7*.rpm package to add the EPEL 
repository to Yum, you can install MATE with the following command:

yum groupinstall mate-desktop
If you install this on a minimal system without an existing GUI 
configured (such as a GNOME or KDE desktop), you might want to install 
the X Window System group as well for local graphical logins:

yum groupinstall "X Window System"
you may also want to change the default systemd target to graphical:

systemctl set-default

End quote.  Note that unlike other entries in this URL document, the 
actual release (version) of MATE is not given (presumably because the 
document maintainers do not have the time or perhaps do
not get information from the EPEL "team",  Also, unlike the entry for 
Debian that states:


MATE 1.8.1 is currently packaged for Debian 8 (jessie). MATE 1.12 is 
also available on Debian testing (“Stretch”) and unstable (“Sid”).

(If sudo is unavailable on your system, simply omit it and use a root 

First make sure your package list is up-to-date by running:

sudo apt-get update
To install MATE, choose one of the apt-get options below.

This will install the base packages required for a minimal MATE desktop
sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-core
This will install the complete MATE desktop
sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment
This will install the complete MATE desktop including a few extras
sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-extras

End quote

There is no explanation of just which components are automagically 
loaded through the use of the RHEL 7 instructions; that is,
there is no explicit equivalent of:   This will install the complete 
MATE desktop including a few extras

sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-extras

i am not certain what are in the "extras"; I do know that after I got 
MATE up and running on my wife's SL7.2 laptop, I had to hunt for the 
other RPMs I needed
to get MATE GUI displays of what she expected (and I also use on  my 
MATE desktop).  I am referring to items for the MATE menu and items for 
a MATE panel (e.g.,


Yasha Karant

Virtual Box MS Win 7 guest no NAT issue now understood

2016-04-05 Thread Yasha Karant
I have now resolved the cause of the lack of NAT Internet connection on 
a Virtual Box MS Win 7 guest.  After I installed SL 7.2 on my wife's new 
I restored (via a cp from an external USB hard drive that held all of 
the files that were not SL installed, including all of the Virtual Box 
guest files) the Virtual Box
guest files from her previous laptop to the new machine.  I installed 
the Virtual Box EL7 RPM, configured VirtualBox to recognize the restored 
guest files, and the
NAT network functioned over the 802.11 WNIC controlled by SL 7 Network 
Manager -- everything worked (indeed, any statements that NAT would not 
work with 802.11 in
"new" kernels were indeed red herrings).  When I then restored her guest 
machine (MS Win 7 Pro as well) to my SL 7 laptop, again, NAT worked.  
Thus, I have determined that
(somehow) the MS Win device NIC device driver that Virtual Box uses to 
connect to the NIC supplied by Virtual Box to the MS Win 7 guest was 

I have created a second virtual disk and have attached this to the MS 
Win 7 system that "works", and am in the process of doing a MS Win 7 
backup (not a Linux backup) to this additional
virtual disk that the MS Win 7 guest "sees" now as drive E: .  I do not 
know MS Win very well at all, using it as an appliance, and real source 
code and OS architectural details are not readily available (several of 
my students who worked in MS Win "shops" have access to material 
licensed only to such "shops", not to persons such as myself, and even 
these have large limitations according to my students.)

 I know that I may remove said virtual disk from the working MS Win guest
and attach it, via Virtual Box, to the non-working MS Win guest.  I am 
not asking for a response to the SL list, but if anyone on this list 
knows how I can use this "backup" virtual hard drive to restore
just the MS Win systems files (specifically, just this NIC driver and 
whatever associated MS Win 7 systems files it "needs"), I would greatly 
appreciate off-list (via my private email,
if possible) as to what to do -- or a URL with the necessary 
instructions.  Any help greatly would be appreciated.

All of the guests in question are MS Win 7 Pro SP 1, and all have the 
necessary MS Win
license.  If at all possible, I do *NOT* want to "smash" the 
applications installed into the MS Win guest when I restore just the MS 
Win OS files.

Yasha Karant

Re: Issue with EPEL repo

2016-04-05 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/05/2016 03:53 PM, Akemi Yagi wrote:
On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 3:34 PM, Yasha Karant < 
<>> wrote:

On 04/05/2016 09:37 AM, Akemi Yagi wrote:

Let's make peace here, shall we?


Although you are correct that you seriously did misunderstand what
    I posted, Yasha Karant


Not that it matters much, but I just wanted to clarify the 
misunderstanding on your part ... I'm not the person who misunderstood 
what you posted. I am only a commentator in this thread.


Sorry Akemi,

English no longer has a thou (singular) and a you (plural or a group).  
My intention only was the plural in that it evidently was misunderstood 
by an ELRepo "person" who seemed to be representing some generalized 
ELRepo view, but I never suggested it was you (singular).

As is clear, ELRepo "people" do post and provide assistance (not always 
solutions) on this SL llist; again, do any EPEL "people"?  I know that 
you are ELRepo (good work), not EPEL.  I also know how much time and 
effort can be involved in porting from source a package designed for one 
environment to another -- I have done this, as have some of the students 
in our research group, often a merry chase due to inconsistencies even 
when both the source and target environments are supposed to be 
conforming to the same "standards".


Re: Issue with EPEL repo

2016-04-05 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/05/2016 09:37 AM, Akemi Yagi wrote:
On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Dave Howorth 
< <>> wrote:

On 2016-04-05 16:40, Alan Bartlett wrote:

On 5 April 2016 at 15:57, Yasha Karant <
<>> wrote:

I know from past experience that ElRepo persons do read
and reply to this
list.  Does any EPEL person?  If not, does anyone know how
to contact the
EPEL maintainers?

There is an issue with the EPEL MATE install method.

Yasha Karant

Let me correct your above two blunders:

(1) The ELRepo Project is not EPEL.
(2) I, my fellow founders and administrators of the ELRepo
Project do
read this mailing list and do respond, when appropriate.

I don't understand why you accuse Yasha of two blunders?

His original post makes it clear that he understands the
difference between ElRepo and EPEL, so why do you think that is a

He says that ElRepo DO read the list, which you then confirm, so
why is that a blunder?

I think you owe him an apology, unless I have seriously
misunderstood something.

OK ... I see that there was some misunderstanding ...

Let's make peace here, shall we?

Regarding contacting EPEL maintainers, I see the following description 
in EPEL's FAQ:

"You can find help or discuss issues on the epel-devel mailing list or 
IRC channel #epel on Freenode. Report issues against EPEL via bugzilla"

Just checked the epel-devel mailing list. It does not seem to be 
actively used at this moment. So, I would suggest use of <> is the way to go.

Regarding ELRepo, while we (ELRepo team members) are reading this SL 
list, it is best to use ELRepo's mailing list to address any issue or 
ask questions ( ) 
rather than here. In fact, I encourage everyone who uses ELRepo's 
packages to subscribe to the list.

Although you are correct that you seriously did misunderstand what I 
posted, what you have posted confirms what I have observed after my 
posting on EPEL to the SL list:  contacting anyone who knows EPEL and 
getting a meaningful response is about the same as I experienced with 
SuSE support (non-existent except for SLES and then only to "large" 
"corporate" customers).  The comment I received from a person who gets 
the EPEL Red Hat Bugzilla "reports" was this:

I don't have much to do with MATE directly (I'm mostly a package sponsor for 
some of the folks more directly involved).

So, I'd recommend sticking relevant details in bugzilla

End quote.

Note that, unlike ELRepo folks with whom one can communicate via the SL list (persons who even are 
willing to identify themselves, and not "hide" behind some Bugzilla-like interface), EPEL 
seems much more unwilling to discuss matters.  Has an EPEL "maintainer" ever (recently) 
posted/replied to the SL liist?

I fully understand that the ELRepo folks are (presumably) volunteers, and thus may have 
little real free time to address such issues; hence, one should not pester them, 
particularly from typical enthusiast "users".  I suspect that EPEL persons in 
part may, as with CentOS, now be paid by Red Hat, but I do not know this for a fact.  I 
have had few issues with ELRepo packages, and those I or others have had
seem to be well addressed (not always solved -- sometimes ithe solution is to 
wait for a later updated release) by the ELRepo correspondents to this SL llist.

On this point, a question.  I have been told (but not verified as a fact) that 
the Ubuntu equivalent to the main SL repository contains (all?) packages that 
one must, for any EL family distro, find on the master (SL, CentOS, etc.) 
repository and then hunt ELRepo, EPEL, and for some items, NUX and others (in 
which case I only enable software sources such as NUX during the actual 
installation of an RPM
package that only is available in source or on  such a repository).  As I 
indicated in a previous post, I have no reason at the present time to switch to 
Ubuntu LTS (and definitely will not be going back to either
OpenSUSE or SLES); however, I am curious if the above claim is factual.  Such a 
"single" repository is much more convenient (and probably more consistent, 
without dependency conflicts) than rpmfind on the web, etc.

Yasha Karant

Yasha Karant

Issue with EPEL repo

2016-04-05 Thread Yasha Karant
I know from past experience that ElRepo persons do read and reply to 
this list.  Does any EPEL person?  If not, does anyone know how to 
contact the EPEL maintainers?

There is an issue with the EPEL MATE install method.

Yasha Karant

Update: SL 7.2 success on Dell consumer laptop

2016-04-05 Thread Yasha Karant
 Evidently, the issue with something on the hardware of that HP 
consumer laptop preventing the SL7.2 live KDE  boot DVD from running may 
be correct.  The live DVD iso
worked on a Dell Latitude E5550, followed by a full install from the 7.2 
4 Gbyte install DVD iso.  As a consumer laptop, Dell did not put a DVD 
reader/burner on this
model and one is not available.  Using dd, I put each of the above 
mentioned 7.2 iso images on USB stick flash drives, and did the 
testing/install from there.  No issues,
everything works.  In the future, for problem cases, I will use Ubuntu 
LTS -- but as I have all of the applications, etc., already configured 
for SL 7, it was easier for me not
to have to "support" fundamentally different distros (e.g., yum for one, 
apt-get for the other).  I do want to thank all who assisted with this 
issue, including a detailed discussion
(off list) about Ubuntu LTS.  In that regard, having checked other 
comments on the web, it does appear that Ubuntu LTS is as "production" 
"hardened" as the EL family, and in
some ways is easier to maintain, there being no need to find multiple 
repositories to get the various development tools and applications as 
does EL (e.g. EPEL, ElRepo. etc.).

Yasha Karant

Re: Linux on HP consumer laptop

2016-04-04 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/04/2016 07:02 AM, Tom H wrote:

On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 6:44 AM, Yasha Karant <> wrote:

The Ubuntu LTS ("stable" "server" "hardened" "enterprise" distro)
bootable DVD actually works in the consumer HP laptop my wife may have
to use.

The kernel Ubuntu LTS uses is:


That's because you installed 14.04.4.

Had you installed 14.04.3, you'd have 3.19.

Had you installed 14.04.2, you'd have 3.16.

Had you installed 14.04.1 or 14.04.0, you'd have 3.13.

And you could've stayed at whatever version that you'd want to use.

Basically three or four months after the release of a non-LTS version,
its kernel's made available within the latest LTS version; more or

In this regard, is anyone using Ubuntu LTS in a production
environment? Is it fact both stable and (reasonably) hardened (e.g.,
not a consume/enthusiast product such as MS Win or RH Fedora)?


On the desktop, there are far more Windows systems deployed than Linux ones...
I understand that my following comment on your last statement may be 
regarded as "off subject for this SL list".  First, in many parts of
the world other than the USA, MS Windows is not that well deployed even 
on the desktop except that many machines come with
MS Windows pre-installed.  (Aside:  I do not like the name "Windows" for 
MS Windows.  I routinely correct my students not to use
Windows, but Microsoft Windows or MS Windows.  Open systems also have 
Windows -- X windows.  All of the current "windows" GUI
systems evolved from the Xeror Star system -- officially. Xerox 8010 
Information System -- that were based upon previous "non-commercial"
research and implementation.  Evolved does not mean necessarily sharing 
the same source code, but the same "style" of basic GUI system.

The reason for the proliferation of MS Windows on the desktop has 
nothing to do with stability, hardening, or functionality.  It has to do 
with for-profit
business practices -- Microsoft is a monopoly that really should be at 
least four independent companies:  an OS environment company (MS Windows),
a software applications company (MS Office, etc.), an ISP and services 
vendor (e.g., "cloud" services and vendor rented provisioning), and an 
full systems vendor (supplying a complete hardware, environment, and 
applications software solution, similar to what Apple does with Mac 
Because of the monopoly, not quality, Microsoft has gotten the market 
share it does in the USA.  Microsoft attempted to make massive 
intrusions into high
performance locally distributed-coupled MIMD architectured machines 
(e.g., machines such as those listed in , and did
not succeed because of the intrinsic limitations of the MS Windows 
model.  Architecturally, in terms of "classical" computing (not quantum 
computing, etc.),
the BSD Mach type kernel model is "better" than the Linux monolithic 
kernel; however, due to practical deployment development, as well as 
licensing issues
at the early stages of "Free"BSD, Linux has  by far won the open systems 
base.  Most of the Top 500 listed machines have some Linux base.

Linux on HP consumer laptop

2016-04-03 Thread Yasha Karant
The Ubuntu LTS ("stable" "server" "hardened" "enterprise" distro) 
bootable DVD actually works in the consumer HP laptop my wife

may have to use.

The kernel Ubuntu LTS uses is:


whereas SL 7 is using a 3.x Linux kernel.  All of the HP supplied 
hardware seems to work under Ubuntu LTS current production,
including the graphics/video card/display, sound card, LAN, pointing 
device, DVD driver/burner, and USB (including "automounting").  Is the 
issue with SL 7 on this platform the
use of a 3.x kernel rather than a 4.x kernel?   I would prefer to stay 
with yum over apt-get, but if the hardware is not supported, one faces

a quandary.

In this regard, is anyone using Ubuntu LTS in a production environment?  
Is it fact both stable and (reasonably) hardened (e.g., not a 
consume/enthusiast product such as

MS Win or RH Fedora)?

Yasha Karant

Re: SL7.2 Live DVDkde would not boot

2016-04-03 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/03/2016 11:20 AM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 03/04/16 17:10, John Pilkington wrote:

I've had an interesting week with a new 3TB drive and a family box that has
been running MS Vista for years.  I disconnected the Windows HD 'for safety'
and installed kubuntu from the live DVD, with few problems until I tried a
'real' boot, which failed.  Eventually I installed buntu 14 with grub
alongside Vista on the original HD, and also have buntu 16 beta on the new
one; at present they will all boot and run.  Don't know if SL7 would do the
same.  But the USB drive exploit looks handy.

This should work on the majority of all Linux distributions, at least if you
use UUID for the /boot partitionsi.  Use of LVM can also simplify mounting the
root parition (/) and so on - unless you use UUID for those mount points too.

I've booted several old Linux installations from hardrives put into a USB
closure. I haven't tried to do that with Windows though, that might work too -
but somehow I imagine it will freak out at some point where drive letters
won't match properly.

To get an overview you can run 'blkid' or 'lsblk -o NAME,UUID' on your system
to see all devices and their unique UUID.  These tools are also valuable when
you need to modify /etc/crypttab manually.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
Thank you for that approach, but what you describe does not seem to be 
what I am suggesting.

Rather, I was going to use dd in single user mode (does the old init 
method still work with the EL 7 replacement for
init to get to single user mode, scrolling text screen, no GUI, or is 
another mechanism required?) to make an image of my booting, working SL 
7.1 installation on a 1 Tbyte external USB drive.

Then, using the boot control screen of the target laptop -- well before 
any OS boots -- I was going to set the boot device to be
USB, plug the "bootable" dd'ed USB 1 Tbyte external drive into a USB 
port on the target machine, and boot from that.  If my
present system is bootable, etc., will not the dd'ed USB drive be 
bootable (except perhaps for that efi "chunk" issue I mentioned 
elsewhere and do have any
elucidation on that point) or do I need to worry about UUID, etc., 
issues with the dd'ed "copy"?  Are new UUIDs generated/required to boot 
such an

"imaged" external USB drive?


Yasha Karant

Linux GUI use of a touchpad laptop without physical buttons

2016-04-03 Thread Yasha Karant
The typical Linux GUI uses a pointing device with three buttons; the 
center button can be emulated on two button pointing devices by 
depressing both buttons.  (Some track balls only have two buttons plus a 
scroll wheel -- depressing the wheel is the center "button".)

What happens with a laptop that has only a touchpad but no buttons? 
"Tapping" on the touchpad performs the MS Win 10 "button" functions, but 
what about
Linux use?  Can one configure the touchpad so that a specific set of 
regions work only for "tapping" and thus emulate a button, and the rest 
works as a regular

"glide" pointing device?

If not, is the only mechanism to use such a machine, without pointing 
device physical buttons, is to have an external (e.g., USB attached) 
mouse or trackball with buttons?

Also, are there packages to enable in Linux GUIs, and compatible with 
EL7,  touchscreen devices?  If so, does anyone have direct experience 
with the actual functionality

provided by such Linux packages -- are these end-user usable?

Yasha Karant

Re: SL7.2 Live DVDkde would not boot

2016-04-03 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/02/2016 10:36 PM, David G.Miller wrote:

Yasha Karant <ykarant@...> writes:

An alternative approach -- if it will work.  Suppose I purchase a 1
Tbyte external USB drive (typically with a NTFS partition//format, but
this can be changed).
Suppose I install such a drive in the target machine that has MS Win 10
on the internal hard drive, and then, during the boot (secure boot
disabled, legacy boot enabled),
boot from the SL 7.2 install DVD.  Could I do the full install (I am not
worried about partitions, etc., yet -- merely for testing purposes) to
the USB drive, not touching the internal harddrive,
and, after the install, boot the machine from the external USB drive
(again, not touching the harddrive).  Is this feasible?  I fully
understand that an external USB drive machine will be "slower" than
a properly configured SATA internal harddrive machine -- but will this work?

Yasha Karant

On 04/02/2016 02:28 PM, Chris Schanzle wrote:

On 04/02/2016 01:25 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

Other than stating that EL 7 will not work, are there any other

Best option is to remove the drive and put your own in for testing.

Alternatively, clone the drive with CloneZilla or if you're more
comfortable, "dd | gzip -1" and muck with it to your hearts
content...if you need to restore it to 'factory condition' just
restore your backup.

I do this with ANY new purchase...before turning the system on and
booting it up.

I did that for a few years with Fedora.  I still have a 400GB USB drive with
a couple of versions of Fedora on it (I "walked" forward my Fedora installs
so that I had a stable, previous version install on one set of partitions
and the latest, bleeding edge on another partition set).  I needed a newer
kernel than was shipping with SL/CentOS/RHEL at the time.  Just keep track
of which drive is which when you do the install and change your boot order
so the USB drive has priority if it's attached.

I tend to use this arrangement with my "work" laptops that come with Windows
installed by the IT department on the hard drive.  I boot the systems to
Linux on the external USB and can then escape from Windows when I feel the

I also found the Linux install on an external drive is even portable between
hardware platforms so an option is to install to the external drive from so
other hardware and just boot the problem laptop from the external drive
after you've confirmed that the installation works.

I do not know the rules//customs of this list as to whether or not I 
should snip this.

Your last paragraph presents an option.  I have a 1 Tbyte SL 7.1 system 
on my professional (not consumer
Pavillion) with a "genuine" Intel I7 CPU (not the AMD CPU on the 
possible laptop for my wife).  If I simply got an external
1 Tbyte USB drive (e.g. a commodity Western Digital My Passport Ultra), 
and then, using my laptop that has a 1 Tbyte internal
drive, did a dd from my laptop to the external drive (a dd should copy 
all partitions, including boot) -- would this be bootable on the

target test machine?

If it is, and we elect to keep her machine, could I then, using her 
machine, do a dd from the external USB booted drive to the internal 1 
Tbyte drive of
her machine, producing a bootable Linux internal harddrive, or would 
there be a problem?  My machine does not have a EFI "chunk" on the 
and I have been told that without such a "chunk" -- wasted space -- a 
non EFI image will not boot on an EFI machine even if both Secure Boot 
is disabled
and Legacy Boot is enabled.  If this is the case, the image from my 
machine would not boot.  Any ideas or suggestions?

If the above would produce a booted SL 7.1 machine on my wife's new 
laptop, I presumably could put in the 7.2 install DVD and upgrade to 7.2 
without requiring the use
of a slow nextwork connection (at home, all we have is DSL -- and at my 
wife's university office, that theoretical has a 1 Gbit/sec 802.3 
connection, the actual throughput when
downloading the current 7.2 Live DVDkde ISO image was approximately 1 
Mbit/sec -- 1 percent of the nominal throughput -- mostly because the IT 
central administration fully
controlling network professionals at my institution have certain skill 
and knowledge issues that I shall not address here).

Would the above work or is the lack of an efi "chunk" a "deal breaker"?  
Can I install such an efi chunk on my machine (I have enough unused 
space in various partitions that I could use
gparted, for example, to free up such space -- if I know where the efi 
"chunk" needs to be (next to the MBR? anywhere on a bootable disk?) and 
from where to get an efi "chunk" image.

Yasha Karant

Re: SL7.2 Live DVDkde would not boot

2016-04-02 Thread Yasha Karant
An alternative approach -- if it will work.  Suppose I purchase a 1 
Tbyte external USB drive (typically with a NTFS partition//format, but 
this can be changed).
Suppose I install such a drive in the target machine that has MS Win 10 
on the internal hard drive, and then, during the boot (secure boot 
disabled, legacy boot enabled),
boot from the SL 7.2 install DVD.  Could I do the full install (I am not 
worried about partitions, etc., yet -- merely for testing purposes) to 
the USB drive, not touching the internal harddrive,
and, after the install, boot the machine from the external USB drive 
(again, not touching the harddrive).  Is this feasible?  I fully 
understand that an external USB drive machine will be "slower" than

a properly configured SATA internal harddrive machine -- but will this work?

Yasha Karant

On 04/02/2016 02:28 PM, Chris Schanzle wrote:

On 04/02/2016 01:25 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
Other than stating that EL 7 will not work, are there any other 

Best option is to remove the drive and put your own in for testing.

Alternatively, clone the drive with CloneZilla or if you're more 
comfortable, "dd | gzip -1" and muck with it to your hearts 
content...if you need to restore it to 'factory condition' just 
restore your backup.

I do this with ANY new purchase...before turning the system on and 
booting it up.

Re: SL7.2 Live DVDkde would not boot

2016-04-02 Thread Yasha Karant
There were two more postings by me with suffix [2] and then [3] pursuant 
to the situation with SL7.2 Live on this particular platform, including 
the Ubuntu description of the hardware.
As far as I can tell, all of the important hardware (harddrive and 
controller, DVD reader/burner, WNIC, NIC, pointing device, 
video//graphics card, sound card, CPU including FPU and MMU, and USB 
devices) are linux supported, including in SL 7.  Have I missed 
something?  The BIOS are "secure boot", but that is a standard issue on 
current X86-64 hardware and "secure boot" (read, proprietary closed 
source vendor controlling) can be disabled for "legacy boot".  The issue 
that causes the dracut complaint is a missing file image on the RAMFS 
that a non-installed (e.g., live) system uses.  The Ubuntu test was with 
a USB flash drive -- would that make a difference?

As far as the older text-based installer, I fully concur with the 
respondent below.  A text based installer should at least be an option 
-- it worked much better.  However, the live non-installed system 
supposedly will not use the installer.  (I point out that the only 
enterprise competitor to EL is SLES, and SLES is much more GUI and 
automated than previous EL versions and also -- from direct experience 
-- is neither easy to configure nor properly supported except for large 
commercial-style configurations.  There also is no equivalent to this 
professional email list serve for any SuSE product to which I had even 
licensed access.)

I understand that Ubuntu is not as stable as EL (although Ubuntu 
advertises support and at least at one point claimed that it could be 
used for production deployments -- something one dare not do with 
unstable non-hardened systems) -- but is the issue here simply one of 
the kernel and drivers?  Red Hat does certify EL 7 for laptops
but all I could find for EL 7 were products from Lenovo.   Lenovo is not 
that conservative in hardware, and certainly competes with both HP and Dell.

Other than stating that EL 7 will not work, are there any other suggestions?

Yasha Karant

On 04/02/2016 04:40 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 12:00 AM, Yasha Karant <> wrote:

SL-72-x86_64-2016-02-03-LiveDVDkde.iso would not boot on a HP Pavilion
Laptop Computer  model N5R26UA#ABA, although the list of hardware on the
machine should have been supported by SL 7.  Fortunately, one of my students
works at the store selling the machine, and his manager had a bootable USB
flash drive with several 64 bit linuxes on it.  Both ubuntu and mint booted,
so, presumably SL 7 should boot.  The DVD image was verified/tested before
using it.

Below is the (rather long) journalctl output from the attempt to boot SL 7
-- can anyone identify what is failing and how to fix it?  We have 14 days
to return the machine for full credit provided I do not modify the harddrive
(that I shall not do unless we keep the machine and install SL 7).

Any suggestions?  Is  there a way to test boot, without install, including
X, from the 4 Gbyte regular SL7.2 install DVD (after burning the iso file to
a DVD)?

Yasha Karant

[Very long records deleted]

First: SL, like hte upsteam RHEL, is really a stable server grade
operating system. The kernels will never be bleeding edge, with the
latest support for the latest laptop chipsets, many of which tended to
be very leading edge and off-brand. And Ubuntu tends to be leading
edge: they're not very stable for server grade systems, but rather
tend to the latest chipsets.

Second. the heavily reduced kernel and configs used by Anaconda for
the boot operating configurations can be. problematic. I've also
had problems with 7. and 7.2, that did *not* happen with 7.0. In fact,
I just installled a server with 7.0 successfully, and was able to
update, when 7.1 and 7.2 CD's were unable to boot it.

Third: the "rescue" mode should still be available, adding the word
"rescue" to the boot kernel options. I really wish they'd list rescue
mode, and *not* on that ghods-awful X based "spoke and wheel" logic
installer. The older, text based installer worked very well, took up
much less screen space, was easier to read, and had consistent layout.
It also worked *much better* for remote consoles and
virtualizatization consoles.

SL7.2 Live DVDkde would not boot [3]

2016-04-02 Thread Yasha Karant
Just in case this helps, first, the HP description of the hardware, and 
then, the Ubuntu description (note that the machine is "Ubuntu 
certified" that seems to be correct in that
64 bit Ubuntu did boot and an Xwindows GUI window manager was 
operational).  Again, any assistance would be most appreciated.

Yasha Karant


*Product Name*

*Product Number*


1.8GHz up to 3.2gHz AMD Quad-Core A10-8700P APU
*Microprocessor Cache*

2MB L2 Cache

*Video Graphics*

AMD Radeon R6 graphics with up to 4352MB total graphics memory

15.6-inch diagonal HD BrightView WLED-backlit display (1366x768)
*Hard Drive*

1TB 5400RPM hard drive
*Multimedia Drive*

SuperMulti DVD burner
*Network Card*

Integrated 10/100 BASE-T Ethernet LAN
*Wireless Connectivity*

1x1 802.11b/g/n WLAN and Bluetooth

B PLAY with dual speakers

Full-size island-style keyboard with numeric keypad
*Pointing Device*

HP Imagepad with multi-touch gesture support
*External Ports*

1 multi-format SD media card reader
2 SuperSpeed USB 3.0, 1 supporting USB Boost
1 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0
1 RJ-45 (LAN)
1 Headphone-out/microphone-in combo jack


   Hardware summary

This system was tested with these key components:


AMD processor AMD A4-5000 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics 


Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kabini [Radeon HD 8330] 


Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast 
Ethernet controller 


Atheros Communications AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter 

   Hardware details


Unknown ST LIS3LV02DL Accelerometer 


Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kabini HDMI/DP Audio 

Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH Azalia Controller 

Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH Azalia Controller 

Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson Azalia Controller 

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kabini HDMI/DP Audio 

Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Unknown 


Insyde B.0C 


Hewlett-Packard 216F 


Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co., Ltd (Foxlink) None 


Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS5229 PCI Express Card Reader 


Advanced Silicon S.A. hp DVDRAM GU70N 

Unknown hp DVDRAM GU70N 


Hewlett-Packard Notebook 


Advanced Silicon S.A. ST320LT012-9WS14C 

Unknown ST320LT012-9WS14C 


Advanced Silicon S.A. AT Translated Set 2 keyboard 

Unknown AT Translated Set 2 keyboard 


Realtek Se

SL7.2 Live DVDkde would not boot [2]

2016-04-01 Thread Yasha Karant
I just verified that the SL7.2 Live DVDkde DVD I burned does boot on my 
SL 7.1 HP laptop -- very slow, but it does boot and bring up KDE.  
During the failed boot process, there was a specific file mentioned to 
post as a "bug report", rdsosreport.txt .  This file also is long, but 
it appears here for reference.  Any ideas how to fix this? Would a USB 
stick boot work?  The machine currently has MS Win 10, but if we decide 
to keep it, I would reformat the drive as a Linux only machine, with MS 
Win running as a guest under VirtualBox or the like. At the end of the 
output below appears Warning: /dev/disk/by-label/SL-72-x86_64-LiveDVDkde 
does not exist ,   This is correct; a manual inspection of 
/dev/disk-by-label/ shows windows, etc., but no SL file.

Any assistance would be most appreciated.

Yasha Karant

+ cat /lib/dracut/dracut-033-360.el7_2
+ cat /proc/cmdline
initrd=initrd0.img root=live:CDLABEL=SL-72-x86_64-LiveDVDkde 
rootfstype=auto ro quiet  rhgb rd.luks=0  

+ '[' -f /etc/cmdline ']'
+ for _i in '/etc/cmdline.d/*.conf'
+ '[' -f '/etc/cmdline.d/*.conf' ']'
+ break
+ cat /proc/self/mountinfo
1 1 0:1 / / rw shared:1 - rootfs rootfs rw
18 1 0:17 / /sys rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime shared:2 - sysfs sysfs rw
19 1 0:3 / /proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime shared:7 - proc proc rw
20 1 0:5 / /dev rw,nosuid shared:8 - devtmpfs devtmpfs 
21 18 0:16 / /sys/kernel/security rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:3 - securityfs securityfs rw

22 20 0:18 / /dev/shm rw,nosuid,nodev shared:9 - tmpfs tmpfs rw
23 20 0:11 / /dev/pts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime shared:10 - devpts 
devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000

24 1 0:19 / /run rw,nosuid,nodev shared:11 - tmpfs tmpfs rw,mode=755
25 18 0:20 / /sys/fs/cgroup ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec shared:4 - tmpfs 
tmpfs ro,mode=755
26 25 0:21 / /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:5 - cgroup cgroup 
27 18 0:22 / /sys/fs/pstore rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime shared:6 - 
pstore pstore rw
28 25 0:23 / /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:12 - cgroup cgroup rw,cpuset
29 25 0:24 / /sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:13 - cgroup cgroup rw,hugetlb
30 25 0:25 / /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:14 - cgroup cgroup rw,cpuacct,cpu
31 25 0:26 / /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:15 - cgroup cgroup rw,net_cls
32 25 0:27 / /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:16 - cgroup cgroup rw,perf_event
33 25 0:28 / /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:17 - cgroup cgroup rw,blkio
34 25 0:29 / /sys/fs/cgroup/devices rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:18 - cgroup cgroup rw,devices
35 25 0:30 / /sys/fs/cgroup/memory rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:19 - cgroup cgroup rw,memory
36 25 0:31 / /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
shared:20 - cgroup cgroup rw,freezer
37 1 0:32 / /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs rw,relatime shared:21 - rpc_pipefs 
rpc_pipefs rw

59 18 0:33 / /sys/kernel/config rw,relatime shared:22 - configfs configfs rw
+ cat /proc/mounts
rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
proc /proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw,nosuid,size=3745572k,nr_inodes=936393,mode=755 0 0
securityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0

tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts 
rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000 0 0

tmpfs /run tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,mode=755 0 0
tmpfs /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755 0 0
cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd cgroup 
0 0

pstore /sys/fs/pstore pstore rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset cgroup 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset 0 0
cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb cgroup 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,hugetlb 0 0
cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct cgroup 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuacct,cpu 0 0
cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls cgroup 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls 0 0
cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event cgroup 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,perf_event 0 0

cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio 0 0
cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devices cgroup 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices 0 0
cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/memory cgroup 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory 0 0
cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer cgroup 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer 0 0

rpc_pipefs /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs rpc_pipefs rw,relatime 0 0
configfs /sys/kernel/config configfs rw,relatime 0 0
+ blkid
/dev/sda1: LABEL="SYSTEM" UUID="5E84-4728" TYPE

Re: Need bootable no install SL 7 DVD

2016-04-01 Thread Yasha Karant

On 04/01/2016 12:34 PM, olli hauer wrote:

On 2016-04-01 21:07, Yasha Karant wrote:

My spouse's laptop appears to be failing in hardware -- there are repeated 
errors coming from the SL 6 boot screen including what appears to be a failing 
hard drive (but this could also be the mother board disk controller).

As we cannot afford a linux certified laptop, and I plan to upgrade her to a machine that 
is provisioned for 64 bit operation, we will need to find a commodity laptop at a big box 
merchandiser (typically under $500).  However, all of these machines will have MS Win 
preinstalled.  In the past, if we are considering the purchase of such a machine, I have 
inserted a bootable standalone with Xwindows and network SL DVD -- if all of the hardware 
is recognized (that is, drivers exist), we will consider the machine.  If the machine has 
proprietary MS Win hardware (drivers not part of the "stock" SL distribution), 
we look elsewhere.

Is SL-72-x86_64-2016-02-03-LiveDVDkde.iso 
 the correct image to burn to a DVD to be able to perform the above test (bootable, runs, 
but does not install anything on the existing hard drive)?  I prefer KDE to Gnome 3, but 
could burn the gnome variant (SL-72-x86_64-2016-02-03-LiveDVDgnome.iso 
 Will this test the WNIC as well as the video and audio cards in the machine?  Are there 
any predefined login/password accounts on the above ISO images, and if so, what account and 
password?  Typically, there were none.

Yasha Karant

I read there is a linux edition from the 'Inspiron 15 3000', but I haven't had 
it in my own hands.
Maybe you can find some dedicated linux report.

She needs a laptop *NOW*.  At a local Office Depot (a USA office supply 
big box chain), I have found:

HP Pavilion Laptop Computer With 15.6" Screen & 6th Gen AMD Quad-Core 
A10 Processor, Windows® 10, 15-ab153nr Item # 473975

Item #  473975
OfficeMax # 25099857
Manufacturer #  N5R26UA#ABA

processor speed 1.8 GHz
processor brand AMD
maximum memory capacity 8 GB
optical drive   SuperMulti DVD burner
hard drive type hard drive
Product Condition   new
wired connectivity  10/100 Ethernet
screen size 15.6 inches
integrated speakers Yes
video hardware 	AMD Radeon R6 Graphics with up to 4352MB total graphics 

peripherals includednone
gaming PC   no
front camera/webcam Yes
wireless connectivity   802.11b/g/n; Bluetooth
Operating Systems   Windows 10
modem   no modem
weight  4.89 lb
brand name  HP
memory type DDR3L SDRAM
processor type  A10
2 in 1  no
maximum battery life7.5 hours
hard drive capacity 1 TB
screen resolution   1366 x 768
numeric keypad  yes
memory card reader  Yes
memory  8 GB
eco-label/standard  ENERGY STAR; EPEAT Silver
processor model Quad-Core A10-8700P APU
ports 	2 SuperSpeed USB 3.0; 1 USB 2.0; 1 HDMI; 1 RJ-45 (LAN); 1 
headphone-out/microphone-in combination jack

warranty length 1-year limited
model name  Pavilion 15-ab153nr
audio hardware  B PLAY with dual speakers
Touchscreen no

Although this is a consumer machine (mine is a HP but 
commercial/industrial/semi-"mil-spec", and fully supports SL), she does 
not need to use it the way I need to.
I am assuming another 3 to 5 years.  Other than a bit small in RAM for 
full 64 bit operation, it should work -- and still has a RJ-45 802.3 
jack for wired use.  From what I can tell, all of
the hardware has SL 7 intrinsic drivers.  Unless I know the box is 
"linux certified" (my HP was), the only way I can check a consumer 
commodity machine is to boot and verify that all of the hardware is 
"seen" and "works".

How does one defeat UEFI for testing purposes in store?

Yasha Karant

Need bootable no install SL 7 DVD

2016-04-01 Thread Yasha Karant
My spouse's laptop appears to be failing in hardware -- there are 
repeated errors coming from the SL 6 boot screen including what appears 
to be a failing hard drive (but this could also be the mother board disk 

As we cannot afford a linux certified laptop, and I plan to upgrade her 
to a machine that is provisioned for 64 bit operation, we will need to 
find a commodity laptop at a big box merchandiser (typically under 
$500).  However, all of these machines will have MS Win preinstalled.  
In the past, if we are considering the purchase of such a machine, I 
have inserted a bootable standalone with Xwindows and network SL DVD -- 
if all of the hardware is recognized (that is, drivers exist), we will 
consider the machine.  If the machine has proprietary MS Win hardware 
(drivers not part of the "stock" SL distribution), we look elsewhere.

Is SL-72-x86_64-2016-02-03-LiveDVDkde.iso 
the correct image to burn to a DVD to be able to perform the above test 
(bootable, runs, but does not install anything on the existing hard 
drive)?  I prefer KDE to Gnome 3, but could burn the gnome variant 
Will this test the WNIC as well as the video and audio cards in the 
machine?  Are there any predefined login/password accounts on the above 
ISO images, and if so, what account and password?  Typically, there were 

Yasha Karant

Re: How does NetworkManager monitor the connection files?

2016-03-30 Thread Yasha Karant

On 03/30/2016 08:40 PM, jdow wrote:

On 2016-03-30 20:35, olli hauer wrote:

On 2016-03-31 05:02, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 03/30/2016 06:56 PM, jdow wrote:

On 2016-03-30 10:59, Yasha Karant wrote:

Yasha, you may find you have to modify the virtual box settings so 
that they are not trying to use a network connection that is not 
active. That will also mean shutting down VB and restarting it. 
This is an issue I have with a Windows 7 host, as well.

Disconnected adapters won't communicate with anything. And when you 
connect 802.3 the 802.11 connection is shut down.

Thank you for that information.  However, reading the VirtualBox 
manual ( I cannot find the 
command to shutdown VirtualBox.  Because EL 7 no longer uses the 
standard rc scripts, where do I look?  Does VirtualBox have its own 
command?  I have looked through the VBoxManage switches, and I 
cannot seem to find one that allows one to shutdown all of the 
VirtualBox services and then to restart these.   Details for SL7 
would be most appreciated.

Hm, on FreeBSD most users configure a LAGG interface with both 
interfaces as member, this way changing the real interface is 
transparent to VirtualBox.

Hm, this might do the same thing: 

I do not know about the Load Balancer, but after some "research", I 
found and executed as root:

systemctl stop vboxdrv.service
systemctl start vboxdrv.service

This had no effect -- but these may be the wrong commands. (Evidently, 
on EL 7, systemctl replaces the usual rc scripts.)  Any other suggestions?

Yasha Karant

Re: How does NetworkManager monitor the connection files?

2016-03-30 Thread Yasha Karant

On 03/30/2016 06:56 PM, jdow wrote:

On 2016-03-30 10:59, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 03/30/2016 09:14 AM, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Wed, 30 Mar 2016, Benjamin Lefoul wrote:


I have set monitor-connection-files=true in my

It works fine (in fact, instantly) if I edit
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 with emacs or vi (for 

changing the IP).

It fails miserably if I use sudoedit, or sed:

I *think* emacs writes a new file with a different name and then 
renames it.

Try "ls -li /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" before and after
editting; if the inode/inum (the number at the beginning) has changed
that is what your editor is doing, and what NetworkManager is 
looking for.

# grep 100 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

# sed -i 's/100/155/g' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Even though all stats (access modify and change) are renewed.

It's worse than that: even nmcli con reload afterwards fails.

In fact, the only way to get the ip to change is by entering the 
file with

vi, not touching it, and leave with ":wq" (not just ":q").

Why is that? What is going on here?

I know, I know, I can use nmcli in scripts, and not 

tools, but say I don't want to... :)

And still, during operations, I'd rather edit the files with 

Thanks in advance,

Benjamin Lefoul


I have a related question.  I have now inserted an appropriate UTP 
cable into
the RJ-45 jack on my laptop, I have a green LED (meaning MAC signal) 
-- thus I
have a 802.3 connection.  However, unlike previous incarnations of 
Manager, the present SL7 one does not allow me to activate the 802.3 
but only the 802.11 connection. Evidently, despite claims that NAT 
should work
with 802.11 to VirtualBox running a MS Win 7 Pro guest (a claim as I 
contradicted by other respondents), it does not (MS Win sees no 
network).  Thus,
I am attempting to run my laptop on a wired 802.3 connection, but I 
cannot seem
to activate it.  I do need Network Manager when I am in the field and 
connect to arbitrary 802.11 WLANs in a fashion similar to MS Win and 
Mac OS X

(for which the "automagic" 802.11 DHCP hotel, etc., networks seem to be
designed).  How do I get Network Manager to allow me to activate the 
connection?  Note that Network Manager does "see" the 802.3 NIC ( it 
Ethernet Network (Intel Ethernet Connection I217-LM) but shows 
disconnected and

will not let me connect.  Do I need to be root to make this happen?

If this related query should be a new thread, I will repost as such 
if that is


Any help would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

Yasha, you may find you have to modify the virtual box settings so 
that they are not trying to use a network connection that is not 
active. That will also mean shutting down VB and restarting it. This 
is an issue I have with a Windows 7 host, as well.

Disconnected adapters won't communicate with anything. And when you 
connect 802.3 the 802.11 connection is shut down.

Thank you for that information.  However, reading the VirtualBox manual 
( I cannot find the command to 
shutdown VirtualBox.  Because EL 7 no longer uses the standard rc 
scripts, where do I look?  Does VirtualBox have its own command?  I have 
looked through the VBoxManage switches, and I cannot seem to find one 
that allows one to shutdown all of the VirtualBox services and then to 
restart these.   Details for SL7 would be most appreciated.

Re: How does NetworkManager monitor the connection files? [2]

2016-03-30 Thread Yasha Karant

On 03/30/2016 10:59 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 03/30/2016 09:14 AM, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Wed, 30 Mar 2016, Benjamin Lefoul wrote:


I have set monitor-connection-files=true in my 

It works fine (in fact, instantly) if I edit 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 with emacs or vi (for 
instance, changing the IP).

It fails miserably if I use sudoedit, or sed:

I *think* emacs writes a new file with a different name and then 
renames it.
Try "ls -li /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" before and 
after editting; if the inode/inum (the number at the beginning) has 
that is what your editor is doing, and what NetworkManager is looking 

# grep 100 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

# sed -i 's/100/155/g' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Even though all stats (access modify and change) are renewed.

It's worse than that: even nmcli con reload afterwards fails.

In fact, the only way to get the ip to change is by entering the 
file with vi, not touching it, and leave with ":wq" (not just ":q").

Why is that? What is going on here?

I know, I know, I can use nmcli in scripts, and not 
string-manipulation tools, but say I don't want to... :)

And still, during operations, I'd rather edit the files with 

Thanks in advance,

Benjamin Lefoul


I have a related question.  I have now inserted an appropriate UTP 
cable into the RJ-45 jack on my laptop, I have a green LED (meaning 
MAC signal) -- thus I have a 802.3 connection.  However, unlike 
previous incarnations of Network Manager, the present SL7 one does not 
allow me to activate the 802.3 connection, but only the 802.11 
connection.  Evidently, despite claims that NAT should work with 
802.11 to VirtualBox running a MS Win 7 Pro guest (a claim as I recall 
contradicted by other respondents), it does not (MS Win sees no 
network).  Thus, I am attempting to run my laptop on a wired 802.3 
connection, but I cannot seem to activate it.  I do need Network 
Manager when I am in the field and must connect to arbitrary 802.11 
WLANs in a fashion similar to MS Win and Mac OS X (for which the 
"automagic" 802.11 DHCP hotel, etc., networks seem to be designed).  
How do I get Network Manager to allow me to activate the wired 
connection?  Note that Network Manager does "see" the 802.3 NIC ( it 
displays Ethernet Network (Intel Ethernet Connection I217-LM) but 
shows disconnected and will not let me connect.  Do I need to be root 
to make this happen?

If this related query should be a new thread, I will repost as such if 
that is appropriate.

Any help would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

Figured out how to get NM to work -- now connected via 802.3 
(symbol/icon/graphic is not "signal bars" but two terminals).  I am 
still attempting to get VirtualBox to recognize the 802.3 network and 
NAT for MS Win.

Re: How does NetworkManager monitor the connection files?

2016-03-30 Thread Yasha Karant

On 03/30/2016 09:14 AM, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Wed, 30 Mar 2016, Benjamin Lefoul wrote:


I have set monitor-connection-files=true in my 

It works fine (in fact, instantly) if I edit 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 with emacs or vi (for 
instance, changing the IP).

It fails miserably if I use sudoedit, or sed:

I *think* emacs writes a new file with a different name and then 
renames it.
Try "ls -li /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" before and 
after editting; if the inode/inum (the number at the beginning) has 
that is what your editor is doing, and what NetworkManager is looking 

# grep 100 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

# sed -i 's/100/155/g' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Even though all stats (access modify and change) are renewed.

It's worse than that: even nmcli con reload afterwards fails.

In fact, the only way to get the ip to change is by entering the file 
with vi, not touching it, and leave with ":wq" (not just ":q").

Why is that? What is going on here?

I know, I know, I can use nmcli in scripts, and not 
string-manipulation tools, but say I don't want to... :)

And still, during operations, I'd rather edit the files with sudoedit...

Thanks in advance,

Benjamin Lefoul


I have a related question.  I have now inserted an appropriate UTP cable 
into the RJ-45 jack on my laptop, I have a green LED (meaning MAC 
signal) -- thus I have a 802.3 connection.  However, unlike previous 
incarnations of Network Manager, the present SL7 one does not allow me 
to activate the 802.3 connection, but only the 802.11 connection.  
Evidently, despite claims that NAT should work with 802.11 to VirtualBox 
running a MS Win 7 Pro guest (a claim as I recall contradicted by other 
respondents), it does not (MS Win sees no network).  Thus, I am 
attempting to run my laptop on a wired 802.3 connection, but I cannot 
seem to activate it.  I do need Network Manager when I am in the field 
and must connect to arbitrary 802.11 WLANs in a fashion similar to MS 
Win and Mac OS X (for which the "automagic" 802.11 DHCP hotel, etc., 
networks seem to be designed).  How do I get Network Manager to allow me 
to activate the wired connection?  Note that Network Manager does "see" 
the 802.3 NIC ( it displays Ethernet Network (Intel Ethernet Connection 
I217-LM) but shows disconnected and will not let me connect.  Do I need 
to be root to make this happen?

If this related query should be a new thread, I will repost as such if 
that is appropriate.

Any help would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

Re: LAN connectivity via VirtualBox to MS Win

2016-03-29 Thread Yasha Karant

On 03/29/2016 12:05 PM, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:

On 29 March 2016 at 12:41, Yasha Karant <> wrote:

My understanding is that 802.11 NAT, etc., connectivity from SL 7 to
VirtualBox to MS Win does not work because the kernel releases for SL 7 no
longer support this possibility.  I know it functions in SL 6 because my
spouse still has SL 6 on her laptop (her machine is underprovisioned
effectively to run a 64 bit OS and it is not cost effective to re-provision
the machine, although the CPU is an X86-64) and this works.  This is
necessary to run an application that must connect to the Internet and is not
available for native Linux, only MS Win and Mac OS X.  (For those who are
curious, the application is an USA income tax preparation/paying program of
which we have used an annual edition for many years under MS Win under
VirtualBox under SL.)  I have migrated my machines to SL 7.

Given this, if I instead connect using 802.3 to a 802.3 port and do not use
802.11, will the standard NAT I mention above work? My understanding
from previous responses/posts to this list is that the SL7 kernel series
still does provide this necessary support for 802.3 but not 802.11.

I have attempted to use a USB port 802.11 WNIC that is supported under Linux
and purportedly under MS Win 7; VirtualBox does redirect the USB device to
MS Win and MS Win "sees" it.  However, the MS Win driver is lacking, and
unless I have Internet MS Win connectivity, I do not know how to get the MS
Win driver.  Under MS Win, the driver seems to be gotten automagically from
some MS Win repository, possibly one from Microsoft.  If at all possible, I
do not want to do any non-automagic systems work on MS Win, particularly as
in most cases this seems to involve regedit (editing the MS Win 'registry",
a poorly constructed and documented structure).

Any information will be appreciated; otherwise, I will need to use my wife's
SL 6 machine.

Yasha Karant

Virtual machines should be able to nat through the system to 802.11
networks. They cannot bridge to the 802.11 network.

I regret to state that what you suggest, NAT, works fine with VirtualBox 
under SL 6 but does not work with SL 7.  In fact, when I upgraded from 
SL 6 to SL 7 is when I first discovered this -- and the information that 
I believe I received on this SL list indicated that NAT to a 802.11 WNIC 
on the host SL machine would not work because of changes in the kernel 
from SL 6 to SL 7.  If I am incorrect, please indicate how this is to be 
configured on the host, VirtualBox, and the MS Win 7 guest.  On my 
wife's SL 6 machine, what you suggest works seamlessly with no 
configuration work on my part other than to specify NAT for VirtualBox 
via the VirtualBox GUI configuration screens.

conversion to ext4

2016-02-24 Thread Yasha Karant
Regrettably, my office workstation has numerous ext2 and ext3 
partitions.  At some time in the future, unknown, I will be able to 
obtain a few 4 Tbyte drives, and redo the entire filesystems as xfs 
under logical volumes, not partitions.  For now, I have upgraded to SL 
7.2 and installed the latest elrepo appropriate nvidia driver and 
utilities rpms.   However, the system would not boot until I modified 
/etc/fstab to eliminate mounting of a number of the ext2 partitions.  
Hence, I plan to migrate all partitions to ext4 as this purportedly can 
be done in place.  I cannot find a utility or script that does this 
automagically, nor specific EL7 instructions.  I have found a set of 
instructions by which one migrates ext2 to ext3 and then ext3 to ext4.  
I have appended these below.  Has anyone done this and, if so, does the 
procedure below "work"?  is there a better procedure or an automagic 

I did a perusal of this list, but can find no such instructions for 
SL7.  Given the number of changes between many of the older SL major 
releases and the current one, it seemed wise to use a SL7 proven 

Yasha Karant

It is possible to enable journalling, extents, directory indexes, and 
uninitialized block groups for a modest speedup.

First, ensure that your e2fsprogs is up to date. Newer versions have 
many, many bug fixes.

Second, ensure that your filesystem is in good working order!

|# umount /dev//DEV/|

|# e2fsck -fy /dev//DEV/|

Next, to change an ext2 filesystem to ext3 (enabling the journal 
feature), use the command:

|# tune2fs -j /dev//DEV/|

To enable the ext4 features on an existing ext3 filesystem, use the 

|# tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev//DEV/|

WARNING: Once you run this command, the filesystem will no longer be 
mountable using the ext2 or ext3 filesystem driver!

After running this command (specifically, after setting the uninit_bg 
parameter), you MUST run fsck to fix up some on-disk structures that 
tune2fs has modified:

|# e2fsck -fDC0 /dev//DEV/|

Finally, edit */etc/fstab* to change the filesystem type to ext4.


 * Running fsck will complain about "One or more block group descriptor
   checksums are invalid" - this is expected
   <> and one of
   the reasons why tune2fs requests to fsck.
 * By enabling the *extents* feature new files will be created in
   extents format, but this will not convert existing files to use
   extents. Non-extent files can be transparently read and written by
   Ext4. You can convert files to extent format by running chattr +e on
   each file. Starting in e2fsprogs 1.43 you will be able to run e2fsck
   with -E bmap2extent -fy to do this conversion.
 * If you convert your root filesystem ("/") to ext4, and you use the
   GRUB boot loader, you will need to install a version of GRUB which
   understands ext4. Your system may boot OK the first time, but when
   your kernel is upgraded, it will become unbootable (press /Alt+F+F/
   to check the filesystem).
 * If you do the conversion for the root fs on a live system you'll
   have to reboot for fsck to run safely. You might also need to add
   /rootfstype=ext4/ to the kernel's command line so the partition is
   not mounted as ext3.
 * *WARNING*: It is NOT recommended to resize the inodes using
   resize2fs with e2fsprogs 1.41.0 or later, as this is known to
   corrupt some filesystems.
 * If you omit "uninit_bg" on the tunefs command, you can skip the fsck


Re: 7.2 update instructions

2016-02-23 Thread Yasha Karant
Apologies, but I do not understand the "+1"; is this approval to post 
additional commentary on this matter, or, again, is this discussion not 
suitable for this list? I did not initiate the matter of the ACM view or 
curricular recommendations, in contrast to that of an information 
technology approach; but there seem to be fundamental misconceptions 
concerning the fields of computer science and engineering in the 
commentary, just as I have met some "applied" physicists who have 
misconceptions about fundamental physics (e.g., high energy physics and 
general relativity).  (I mention fundamental physics because that is the 
basic reason for the existence of both Fermilab and CERN -- at both 
institutions, EL is the operating environment to enable the research, 
rather than DEC VMS of a previous epoch.  Those in the EL community gain 
from this use.)

For Lamar, who evidently has looked at my not-recently-updated academic 
home page, the item you mention is posted there from another source (I 
do not have any graphics artists to support my work, and do not have the 
spare time to do the stick figure material you see) that I thought was 
credited.  I use this introduction to AES (and cryptography in general), 
along with a Conan Doyle short story, as my part of the "dog and pony 
show" my department does on an annual basis to recruit high school 
students to come to our ABET accredited programs as undergraduate 
majors. If a person cannot handle mathematics, including that behind 
encryption, then, regrettably, computer science and engineering probably 
is not a good fit (nor would physics be).  When I teach a course 
involving encryption, I cover it with greater depth than what you see in 
the cartoon -- but I still have the students read the cartoon to get 
some background before I teach the mathematics and then the cryptography.

On 02/22/2016 11:29 AM, William Shu wrote:
Yasha/Lamar + 1 for your views on these comparisons, and Lamar's 
university's conclusions (and justifications thereto) when done, on or 
off list.


On Monday, February 22, 2016 6:54 PM, Lamar Owen <> wrote:

On 02/22/2016 11:50 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

> would it be appropriate for me to post a response? The differences
> are deep and fundamental.

I can't answer that; a moderator would need to.  I would personally
welcome a direct e-mail with the explanation myself, as my .edu is
currently investigating 'CS' curricula (where 'CS' is the
Google/Microsoft version and not the ACM version of 'CS').

And for the list, one of the more fascinating things you are likely to
ever read is Yasha Karant's 'A Stick Figure Guide to the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES)' which is available at ; I
certainly found it interesting.

My paragraph was simply there to let you know that there are probably
many more IT folk here than CS folk, and IT folk tend to have a very
hands-on and practical 'here's the standard way to do it' answer and an
eye towards maintainability, and all of that is just a part of the IT
mindset.  Neither is the more correct mindset; the mindsets are just
different.  A CIS-mindset is yet even more different, but that's not
nearly as well represented here, nor are the CE or SE mindsets, but the
IT mindset is very much predominant here.  As well, it was to serve to
let the list as a whole know that there are different mindsets out there
that are very different from the typical sysadmin IT-centric mindset.

Re: 7.2 update instructions

2016-02-22 Thread Yasha Karant

On 02/19/2016 08:09 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:

On 02/18/2016 03:16 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

As the "old" partition scheme is increasingly considered "obsolete", 
for the new layout scheme, how does one not overwrite the entire file 
system other than having two separate hard drives, a "system" one and 
and "non-system" (e.g., /home ...) one (for which the "hard drives" 
could be multiple drives in a RAID configuration, etc., but not 

While this has nothing to do with what you originally posted, I'll 
bite.  In my case I have set up a separate logical volume for /home 
from the one where / is mounted.  Whether this LV is on the same 
volume group as the LV for / is irrelevant; in my case they are on the 
same VG, and I tell (told, in the case of one 'upgrade') the installer 
to use a particular existing LV for /, a particular partition for 
/boot, another LV for swap, and the last LV for /home.  All are set to 
format *except* the one for /home. It took a bit of time to get used 
to the EL7 installer's way of doing mount points, but now that I've 
used it a few times I really prefer it to the old way for many (but 
not all) use cases.

But my question is 'why do you always seem to pick the hard way?' to 
do things.  (I already have a good idea why, actually, as it has to do 
with a basic difference between 'Computer Science' and 'Information 
Technology' (as defined by the ACM's 2008 Computing Curricula 
Standards) and a basic difference between the CS mindset and the IT 
mindset.)  Just understand that most of the advice you're going to get 
here is squarely in the IT (as defined by the ACM) mindset, including 
from me.
Actually, it has a great deal to do with the original post; however, 
your exposition of a workable methodology is reasonably clear and will 
be the mechanism for going forward and I thank you for your clarity.  
Presumably, to move existing to-save partitions from the older file 
system structure to the more current structure is not possible with an 
"imaging" method, such as dd, but will work with a full backup of an 
existing high level file system mounted upon a "physical" partition" (e. 
g., using tar perhaps with lossless compression) and then restore.

The second point you raise -- the difference between computer science 
and engineering versus information technology -- requires a response and 
clarification, as you posted your views to a public list (anyone may 
view/read).  However, as your comment is off the mission of this list 
(as I have discovered, engineering design issues are not for this list, 
but rather mostly technology), would it be appropriate for me to post a 
response?  The differences are deep and fundamental.

Yasha Karant

Re: 7.2 update instructions

2016-02-18 Thread Yasha Karant
As I am using SL 7.1, the answer below should suffice (assuming it works 
seemingly as advertised).
I fully understand from past experience that EL, unlike SLES, does not 
allow an upgrade in place for major releases,
only minor releases (e.g., upgrade in place SL 7.1 to SL 7.m for 
whatever m turns out to be).  For SL N to SL N+1, etc., one must be 
willing to sacrifice whatever is on the partitions that must be 
overwritten (/ , /boot , /usr, /bin/ , ...) but not on what can be 
"untouched" during the N to N+1 process (e.g., /opt , /usr/local if this 
is a separate partition from /usr , ... ).

As the "old" partition scheme is increasingly considered "obsolete", for 
the new layout scheme, how does one not overwrite the entire file system 
other than having two separate hard drives, a "system" one and and 
"non-system" (e.g., /home ...) one (for which the "hard drives" could be 
multiple drives in a RAID configuration, etc., but not "system")?

On 02/17/2016 07:12 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

If you;re already on SL 7.x, you should be able to mount the CD and do
"yum -y update/mnt/[whatever]/Packages/sl-release*.rpm" and get most
of the changes availabale.


7.2 update instructions [2]

2016-02-17 Thread Yasha Karant

I have found the following:

CentOS 7 (through and including 7.1) offered the

|Applications | System Tools | Software Update|

applet. This applet allowed users to update CentOS 7.

Where is the applet in 7.2 v1511? I do not see that anymore.

Yes, I know of |yum -y update|. I executed the |yum -y update| command, 
which is how I got from CentOS 7 to CentOS 7 (7.2 v1511).

1 Answer

This is a bug in the Upstream(Redhat) which has been reported:

You can solve this issue by installing the |gnome-packagekit-updater| 
package with this command.

|sudo yum install gnome-packagekit-updater |

Once this package is installed you will find the ICON where it used to 
be. i.e: Applications | System Tools | Software Update

You can also start the GUI Updater from command line once it is 
installed by invoking this command:

|sudo gpk-update-viewer |

End quote.

I understand that the above applies to CentOS 7.2, but SL 7.2 and all 
other RHEL re-distributions, not binaries licensed from Red Hat for fee, 
now must go through the "Red Hat subsidiary" CentOS for the source from 
which to build a distro (e.g., SL 7.2) . Thus, the same procedure should 
work if one knows how to point the upgrade path to a local DVD.   Note 
that I use MATE, not Gnome, as my primary GUI system.  Must I use Gnome 
for the above correctly to function, or will an invocation from a 
command line in a MATE terminal GUI application suffice?

Has anyone done the above, and, if so, what cautions (warnings, 
"gotchas") are needed?

Note that I have attempted to install the above gnome-packagekit-updater 
with the following error diagnostics and failure:

[root@jb344 ykarant]# yum install gnome-packagekit-updater
Loaded plugins: langpacks
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package gnome-packagekit-updater.x86_64 0:3.14.3-5.el7 will be 
--> Processing Dependency: gnome-packagekit(x86-64) = 3.14.3-5.el7 for 
package: gnome-packagekit-updater-3.14.3-5.el7.x86_64

[snip -- very long list -- 294 RPM files updated]

Total  5.1 MB/s | 340 MB  01:07
Running transaction check
Running transaction test

Transaction check error:
  file /usr/lib/systemd/system/blk-availability.service from install of 
device-mapper-7:1.02.107-5.el7_2.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from 
package lvm2-7:2.02.105-14.el7.x86_64
  file /usr/sbin/blkdeactivate from install of 
device-mapper-7:1.02.107-5.el7_2.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from 
package lvm2-7:2.02.105-14.el7.x86_64
  file /usr/share/man/man8/blkdeactivate.8.gz from install of 
device-mapper-7:1.02.107-5.el7_2.1.x86_64 conflicts with file from 
package lvm2-7:2.02.105-14.el7.x86_64

Error Summary

[root@jb344 ykarant]#

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

On 02/16/2016 11:15 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
I have burned the current production SL 7.2 4 Gbyte install DVD. The 
DVD boots but does not seem to have an upgrade option, only an install 
option.  Note that I plan to overwrite all files/partitions used by 
the system (but not /home , /opt , /usr/local that is a separate 
partition from /usr, and the like).

Currently, a number of add-on repositories (e.g., elrepo) for 7.1 are 
searched by the software installer.  Will these be saved and used for 
7.2 or must these manually either be saved or reinstalled after the 
7.2 update?

Are there instructions (URL?) for the upgrade, or is there a mechanism 
to invoke the DVD-based installer to do the update?  I do not want to 
use an Internet update because of the latency -- I want to do the 
upgrade from local (DVD) media.  Is this possible?

Yasha Karant


7.2 update instructions

2016-02-16 Thread Yasha Karant
I have burned the current production SL 7.2 4 Gbyte install DVD. The DVD 
boots but does not seem to have an upgrade option, only an install 
option.  Note that I plan to overwrite all files/partitions used by the 
system (but not /home , /opt , /usr/local that is a separate partition 
from /usr, and the like).

Currently, a number of add-on repositories (e.g., elrepo) for 7.1 are 
searched by the software installer.  Will these be saved and used for 
7.2 or must these manually either be saved or reinstalled after the 7.2 

Are there instructions (URL?) for the upgrade, or is there a mechanism 
to invoke the DVD-based installer to do the update?  I do not want to 
use an Internet update because of the latency -- I want to do the 
upgrade from local (DVD) media.  Is this possible?

Yasha Karant

want recommendations for 802.11 USB interface

2016-02-02 Thread Yasha Karant
I need a USB 802.11 dongle.  I have tried one and am returning it 
because the driver failed.

I would prefer a dongle that can handle IEEE 802.11 b/g/n on USA 
frequency allocations with a driver for 32 bit MS Win 7/8 and for 64 bit 
SL 7.

Anyone with positive (or negative) experiences?

Yasha Karant

802.11 USB

2016-01-27 Thread Yasha Karant
Although from a previous thread it appears that KVM as a type 2 
hypervisor (not "bare iron" but under a Linux host) somehow can 
bridge/NAT the 802.11 host Internet connection to a MS Win guest, it 
should also be possible to use a 802.11 USB adapter (without serving as 
an advertisement, but simply as a reference for a long list, see:, 
detach it from the Linux host, and then attach it through VMware Player 
to the guest OS.  (Note that for some USB devices, VirtualBox posts a 
"fail to create proxy" error and will not in fact provide the affected 
USB device to the guest OS.  Thus far, VMware Player has been able to 
attach such devices to the guest although these were rejected by 
VirtualBox.)  For MS Win 7 Pro and presumably later MS Win guests, there 
should be a driver for the USB 802.11 device, and the 802.11 network 
should then allow the device to communicate -- one laptop, two 802.11 
NICs and connections (one host, one guest).  Is there any recommendation 
(including from the vendor supplier list above) for such a device?  
These seem quite inexpensive at US$15 or so.  The reason I am posting it 
to SL is that it would be nice to have a device that could be recognized 
by both SL and by MS Win in the event I ever wanted to use a second 
Linux 802.11 connection.

Yasha Karant

Re: two mysteries

2016-01-27 Thread Yasha Karant

On 01/27/2016 07:02 AM, Tom H wrote:

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 6:41 AM, jdow  wrote:

On 2016-01-26 05:17, Tom H wrote:

IIRC, Yasha's issue with 802.11 is that he cannot bridge a wifi NIC (I
pointed out in Oct/Nov that it's because the kernel prevents it).

Have you gone into /dev and made the appropriate permissions change on the

NICs aren't listed under "/dev". They're symlinks under
"/sys/class/net/" that point at "/sys/devices/...".
At a previous epoch, both VMware and VirtualBox allowed a MS Win guest 
to "share" the Linux host 802.11 Internet connection, typically through 
NAT if my memory serves.  This no longer works evidently because of a 
change in the kernel.  Is there any modified driver that can overlay a 
"virtual" NIC on the real 802.11 NIC?  Can the kernel be "tricked" by 
such an overlay?  Is there a possible alternative (modified, "hacked") 
kernel that will allow this?  Is the only alternative to obtain a second 
802.11 NIC and then have the Linux host not use this hardware but have 
it used by the virtual machine (e.g., MS Win guest)?  My laptop has an 
external "hardware" expansion insert slot, and I might be able to find 
such a 802.11 NIC.

Presumably, a "bare iron" hypervisor controlling the real hardware 
platform and then allocating virtual machines and their environments 
(supervisors), e.g., a SL7 VM and a MS Win VM under the hypervisor, 
would work if the hypervisor time multiplexes the 802.11 NIC between the 
two VMs.  However, one is then forced to a hypervisor controlling the 
hardware (security issues) along with the additional overhead of a full 
time hypervisor.

Re: two mysteries

2016-01-26 Thread Yasha Karant

On 01/26/2016 09:41 PM, jdow wrote:

On 2016-01-26 05:17, Tom H wrote:

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 10:12 AM, David Sommerseth
<> wrote:

On 26/01/16 08:13, Yasha Karant wrote:

As neither VMware player nor VirtualBox seem capable of providing a MS
Win guest with any form of Internet access to an 802.11 connection 

the host (in both cases, the claim from a MS Win 7 Pro guest is that
there is no networking hardware, despite being shown by the guest as
existing), it is possible that the "native" (ships with) vm
functionality of EL 7 may address this issue.

So you want the guest to have full control over the wireless network
adapter?  That is possible, but only through a hypervisor ... and these
days, unless the adapter supports PCI SR-IOV [1], you need to disable
the interface (unload all drivers, unconfigure it) and allow your guest
to access the PCI interface directly (so called PCI passthrough).

With PCI SR-IOV support (this requires hardware support), you can
actually split a physical PCI device also supporting SR-IOV into
multiple "virtual functions" (VF) which results in more PCI devices
appearing on your bare-metal host and you can then grant a VM access to
this VF based PCI device.  For network cards, that also includes a
separate MAC address per VF.

[1] <>

But the downside, from your perspective, all this requires a 

IIRC, Yasha's issue with 802.11 is that he cannot bridge a wifi NIC (I
pointed out in Oct/Nov that it's because the kernel prevents it).

Have you gone into /dev and made the appropriate permissions change on 
the device?


Obviously, there is some point I am missing:

The physical 802.11 device has an instantiated driver interface wlp61s0 
on the machine in question.

bash-4.2$ ls -a /dev/wl*
ls: cannot access /dev/wl*: No such file or directory
bash-4.2$ ls /dev | grep -a wl
bash-4.2$ locate wlp61s0

Re: two mysteries

2016-01-25 Thread Yasha Karant

On 01/25/2016 04:30 PM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 25/01/16 19:32, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 01/24/2016 06:06 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:

On 01/23/2016 01:30 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

Perhaps someone else has experienced what I related below and can comment
-- SL 7x.

1.  ... For 802.3, I prefer to use a manual configuration, not NetworkManager.

For a dynamic connection even with a wired Ethernet you should use the
supported NetworkManager stack, your personal preferences aside.  NM works
and doesn't require munging for a simple DHCP wired connection.

2.  ...Note that I must use MS Win to work with these devices as the
application software for the device in question is *NOT* available for
linux, the device is proprietary (no source code available), and
CrossOver/Wine does not support USB -- forcing the use of a VM running a MS
Win gues

Neither VMware nor VirtualBox ship as part of SL.  KVM does, and USB
passthrough works very well with Windows 7 running in a KVM virtual machine
on my laptop.  It just works, and it's already part of SL; why not use it?
Performance is very good in my experience, and I'm running a few pieces of
software in Win 7 for the same reasons as you.  You're also far more likely
to get useful help using KVM, either from the list or from other sources,
such as the Red Hat or Fedora documentation.

 From the KVM site ( that has a
RedHat logo, there is a list of management interfaces, including VMM (Virtual
Machine Manager -- ) that also appears
to be a Red Hat entity.  Anyone using VMM?  VMM appears to allow a true host
OS (supervisor, not hypervisor) with the VM ("hypervisor") running under the
OS (as with VMWare workstation/player or VirtualBox), thus booting an OS, not
a hypervisor that actually provisions for guest supervisors.  Is this correct?

This was a bit confusing for me (getting late, so probably stupid to reply now).

But  KVM is the core hypervior.  It is in fact just a kernel module which
you can load at any time on systems with CPUs supporting hardware
virtualization (VT-d or similar, most modern Intel, AMD and IBM Power 7/8
supports KVM).

libvirt is the management backend, which provides a generic API.  libvirt can
be used against other hypervisors as well, such as Xen, but probably more
often used with KVM.

qemu-kvm is the KVM virtual machine process.  Each qemu-kvm process is started
per VM.  You seldom start these processes manually, but they are kicked off by

virt-manager is a management GUI front-end.  And virsh is a console based
management tool.  Both connects to the libvirt API.

Further, you can also download an oVirt Live image and boot that on a
bare-metal or virtual machine.  oVirt can then connect to libvirt and provide
an even more feature rich management tool.

virt-manager and oVirt can also connect to several systems running libvirt
simultaneously, so you can manage more hypervisors from a single front-end.
And there are probably even more front-ends, like "Boxes" (not really tried it).

I dunno much about vmware stuff, so I will refrain to comment that.  But
VirtualBox is also two-fold.  My experience with VirtualBox is now quite old
(5-6 years ago).  You can start VirtualBox guests without a kernel support
module loaded, which would work on most hardware.  But performance was not too
good at all.  If you got the init.d script to build the kernel module, you
could get quite acceptable performance.  However, I see VirtualBox more like a
single package which gives you both hypervisor and management tool in a single
software package.

Even though VirtualBox is more a "single unit" and KVM/Qemu/libvirt consists
of more components ... you normally don't notice that when you start VMs via
the management tools.

I hope this gave a broader perspective.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

Thank you for your detailed exposition.  My primary concern is that I do 
*NOT* want a hypervisor actually controlling the physical hardware; we 
have enough security vulnerabilities with a "hardened" supervisor such 
as EL 7.  My secondary issue is the actual human clock execution time in 
the VM as contrasted with the same OS/environment running on the 
physical hardware.  I have found that current production releases of 
VirtualBox and VMware (e.g., VMware player) provide acceptable 
performance, although the USB interface on VMware now does seem better 
than VirtualBox that evidently still has issues (one of the mysteries).  
As neither VMware player nor VirtualBox seem capable of providing a MS 
Win guest with any form of Internet access to an 802.11 connection from 
the host (in both cases, the claim from a MS Win 7 Pro guest is that 
there is no networking hardware, despite being shown by the guest as 
existing), it is possible that the "native" (ships with) vm 
functionality of EL 7 may address this issue.  Note that 

Re: two mysteries

2016-01-25 Thread Yasha Karant

On 01/24/2016 06:06 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:

On 01/23/2016 01:30 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
Perhaps someone else has experienced what I related below and can 
comment -- SL 7x.

1.  ... For 802.3, I prefer to use a manual configuration, not 

For a dynamic connection even with a wired Ethernet you should use the 
supported NetworkManager stack, your personal preferences aside.  NM 
works and doesn't require munging for a simple DHCP wired connection.

2.  ...Note that I must use MS Win to work with these devices as the 
application software for the device in question is *NOT* available 
for linux, the device is proprietary (no source code available), and 
CrossOver/Wine does not support USB -- forcing the use of a VM 
running a MS Win gues

Neither VMware nor VirtualBox ship as part of SL.  KVM does, and USB 
passthrough works very well with Windows 7 running in a KVM virtual 
machine on my laptop.  It just works, and it's already part of SL; why 
not use it?  Performance is very good in my experience, and I'm 
running a few pieces of software in Win 7 for the same reasons as 
you.  You're also far more likely to get useful help using KVM, either 
from the list or from other sources, such as the Red Hat or Fedora 

From the KVM site ( that 
has a RedHat logo, there is a list of management interfaces, including 
VMM (Virtual Machine Manager -- ) 
that also appears to be a Red Hat entity.  Anyone using VMM?  VMM 
appears to allow a true host OS (supervisor, not hypervisor) with the VM 
("hypervisor") running under the OS (as with VMWare workstation/player 
or VirtualBox), thus booting an OS, not a hypervisor that actually 
provisions for guest supervisors.  Is this correct?

Yasha Karant

two mysteries

2016-01-23 Thread Yasha Karant
Perhaps someone else has experienced what I related below and can 
comment -- SL 7x.

1.  Over break, an SL7x machine I had configured for a colleague had 
ceased to work.  There was a power outage and upon reboot, the Dell BIOS 
was not recognizing the Nvidia video card -- somehow the Dell BIOS had 
changed state.  Upon physical removal of the Nvidia card and yum erase 
of the relevant Nvidia X11 driver RPMs, X11 was working, but now there 
was no network connectivity.  I routinely run gkrellm to get a quick 
view of machine function; in this case, the 802.3 NIC was transmitting 
but not receiving any response from the central DHCP server.  This was 
working before the break (no static IPs generally are allowed by the 
university IT to centralize and police all services, both for 802.11 and 
802.3) .  After some investigation, I discovered that the DHCP, etc., 
services were no longer trusted by the SL7 firewall.  I reconfigured to 
trusted.  The 802.3 NIC that had been identified by gkrellm as eml now 
is P2P1 and the system connected; the end user was satisfied.  The 
central IT claims to have made no changes (no new CA, etc.).  Any ideas 
as what might have happened?  Could Network Manager have activated?  For 
802.3, I prefer to use a manual configuration, not NetworkManager.

2.  The other issue concerns VMware and VirtualBox -- not EL per se, but 
someone on this list may have experience with the problem. Because of a 
lack of licensing funds, I am using VMware Player and VirtualBox (not 
simultaneously).My default is VirtualBox, but if necessary and as a 
test, VMWave Player.  Both are running images of MS Win 7 Pro that are 
simply the transformation of one virtual machine guest file format to 
the other.  Neither connects to the 802.11 host NIC and thus neither has 
Internet connectivity (a separate matter).  Both have bidirectional 
shared folders with the host.  Both have the extension packs, tool sets, 
etc., installed as specified by each.  VMware is able to use all USB 
devices that I connect to the host.  However, VirtualBox is not, 
producing an error that has been observed many times on posts I found on 
the web (Failed to create a proxy device for the USB device. (Error: 
VERR_READ_ERROR) ).   Has anyone on this list observed the VirtualBox 
USB issue?  USB 2 service is installed in for VirtualBox, vboxusers has 
the correct user entry, etc.  Some USB devices work, others do not -- 
but the same device that did not work for VirtualBox did work for 
VMWare.   Note that I must use MS Win to work with these devices as the 
application software for the device in question is *NOT* available for 
linux, the device is proprietary (no source code available), and 
CrossOver/Wine does not support USB -- forcing the use of a VM running a 
MS Win guest.

Yasha Karant


Re: a year later - CERN move to Centos - what are we doing?

2016-01-13 Thread Yasha Karant
For the immediate future, we plan to continue with SL 7.  When EL 8 
emerges, we may need to re-evaluate the situation.  That being stated, 
for non-CERN groups (that is, groups neither employed by CERN nor in one 
of the collider collaborations), is there a CERN equivalent to this SL list?
What "services" does provide?  I understand that 
for CERN groups, the service presumably is close to what RH provides to 
contract for-fee customers, with the proviso that the CS persons with 
CERN groups know what they are doing.  What is available to non-CERN 
groups/persons?  If this is information that is not relevant to the 
entire SL list, a private email would be appreciated.

On 01/13/2016 09:24 PM, Jaroslaw Polok wrote:
If you use CERN CentOS 7 - please contact us at 
in case you encounter problems, if you use CentOS 7 - please use centos

mailing lists...

Now CERN Linux el7 comes in and I see the machines installed as 7.1 
stay there,

no automatic update to 7.2. Odd.

Then here, I see same with CentOS7 - no automatic updates by default, 
no automatic
updates to latest point release, 7.1 machines stay at 7.1. (I do not 
have any SL7 to compare)

So I am puzzled by all this. Maybe I should ask google: "is centos7 
supposed to self update to latest point release?"

In both cases you should get automatic updates to latest release 
(while using default yum repository definitions), if this is not the 
case: please report the problem.

Then I takes quite a bit of work to get automatic updates to work at 
all on CentOS7

(CERN el7 seems to be okey):

a) The yum.cron package is crazy - each time I need to use yum, I 
have to wait
until it finishes some useless background tasks. Then "yum remove 
yum.cron" has
no effect because all the cron jobs are part of the main yum package. 
Go figure.

b) the CERN yum-autoupdate package, which we use for SL6 updates, 
on a yum plugin not available anywhere (except from a CERN repo) and 
then actually
does not work out of the box because of strange interaction with 
systemd - only works after a reboot.

bb) then it does not send any email about updates - the el6 
yum-autoupdate did this,

where did this function go?!?

again: if you encounter such problem(s) - please report.

(Hmm... maybe I should try these auto update scripts from the SL7 

So as they say, 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

... I think this discussion went totally off-topic for the SL mailing 
list ..

Best Regards


Re: Dell Precision T1700 default xorg.conf file needed

2016-01-13 Thread Yasha Karant

On 01/13/2016 07:53 AM, Mark Stodola wrote:

On 01/13/2016 01:35 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 01/11/2016 08:52 AM, Akemi Yagi wrote:

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Mark Stodola <
<>> wrote:

On 01/11/2016 09:57 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 01/09/2016 04:37 PM, Akemi Yagi wrote:

If you are sure the xorg.conf file existed but has been
removed with
no backup, then it was not done by ELRepo. I suggest you
look into the
code. You will find that ELRepo's package would not remove
without backing up.

I respectfully disagree.  It is possible that there were 

installs/updates of the ELRepo driver during the experimental
stages of
SL 7 to work on the platform as the platform was delivered.
But -- both
the primary and backup copies have an ElRepo comment and no
content.  Because of the way the Dell boot bios interacted
with the
platform after a power outage (beyond the limits of the 
small UPS

attached to the unit -- that may need new batteries but the
may not have the money to maintain), the only way to get to
the obvious
Dell boot configuration screen (GUI driven) was to remove the
card -- and the system does now boot to the text terminal
interface, but
no GUI.

I can email to you the xorg.conf files I found on the machine
after the
above actions.  I will do additional digging. Meanwhile, no
one has
responded so I either will find the X11 xorg configuration
utility or
attempt to copy one from a working machine that has no Nvidia


I haven't had much time to work with SL7 yet, but isn't it the
case that there is no xorg.conf by default?  Try just renaming the
nvidia generated one and see what happens.  I think the X server
attempts to autodetect settings, which has gotten fairly reliable
over the years for the most common setups.


That is my understanding. In SL7, there should be no xorg.cong file by
default. In fact, |xorg.conf| is marked as deprecated in EL6, but will
still be used if it is present. Graphical settings are supposed to be
automatically detected and configured by the X server.


Precisely the problem.  The Nvidia X11 driver package seems to have
"hardwired" some version of the Nvidia (not noveau) driver into the
system.  How does one find this and revert to "stock"  for an Intel
graphics driver or for some more generic VGA style driver?   If I list
the installed RPMs and remove the Nvidia RPM will this address the 

My laptop (upon which I am now working) has a laptop Nvidia "card". 

rpm -qa reveals


when I do the same on the workstation in question, I presume I will find
a similar (but perhaps different numbered) nvidia-*-el7.elrepo.x86_64;
if I rpm -e the version on the workstation, will this action force a
return to "default/stock" or must I do something in addition?

Yasha Karant

Uninstalling both the kmod-nvidia and the nvidia-x11-drv should do the 
trick.  It may leave behind the xorg.conf for you to manually remove, 
depending on how the rpm was configured during build.

It is the kmod-nvidia module which does the nouveau blacklisting using 



You were correct.  After removal of the Nvidia PCI add-on card, and thus 
getting to a scrolling terminal screen (ctrl-alt-F2, etc.), login as root,
rpm -qa | grep elrepo , yielded the two packages.  yum -remove one of 
the packages (after a long wait to check many repositories) removed both 
packages (the other as a dependency), reboot, clean X11 GUI login.   
Thanks for the hint.  Presumably, in a future iteration of the elrepo 
packages, there will be an automagic test to verify that a Nvidia board 
really is present, and, if not, use the stock driver as if no elrepo 
Nvidia package had been installed.


Re: Dell Precision T1700 default xorg.conf file needed

2016-01-12 Thread Yasha Karant

On 01/11/2016 08:52 AM, Akemi Yagi wrote:
On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Mark Stodola < 
<>> wrote:

On 01/11/2016 09:57 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 01/09/2016 04:37 PM, Akemi Yagi wrote:

If you are sure the xorg.conf file existed but has been
removed with
no backup, then it was not done by ELRepo. I suggest you
look into the
code. You will find that ELRepo's package would not remove
without backing up.

I respectfully disagree.  It is possible that there were multiple
installs/updates of the ELRepo driver during the experimental
stages of
SL 7 to work on the platform as the platform was delivered. 
But -- both

the primary and backup copies have an ElRepo comment and no
content.  Because of the way the Dell boot bios interacted
with the
platform after a power outage (beyond the limits of the small UPS
attached to the unit -- that may need new batteries but the
may not have the money to maintain), the only way to get to
the obvious
Dell boot configuration screen (GUI driven) was to remove the
card -- and the system does now boot to the text terminal
interface, but
no GUI.

I can email to you the xorg.conf files I found on the machine
after the
above actions.  I will do additional digging. Meanwhile, no
one has
responded so I either will find the X11 xorg configuration
utility or
attempt to copy one from a working machine that has no Nvidia


I haven't had much time to work with SL7 yet, but isn't it the
case that there is no xorg.conf by default?  Try just renaming the
nvidia generated one and see what happens.  I think the X server
attempts to autodetect settings, which has gotten fairly reliable
over the years for the most common setups.


That is my understanding. In SL7, there should be no xorg.cong file by 
default. In fact, |xorg.conf| is marked as deprecated in EL6, but will 
still be used if it is present. Graphical settings are supposed to be 
automatically detected and configured by the X server.


Precisely the problem.  The Nvidia X11 driver package seems to have 
"hardwired" some version of the Nvidia (not noveau) driver into the 
system.  How does one find this and revert to "stock"  for an Intel 
graphics driver or for some more generic VGA style driver?   If I list 
the installed RPMs and remove the Nvidia RPM will this address the issue?

My laptop (upon which I am now working) has a laptop Nvidia "card". Thus,

rpm -qa reveals


when I do the same on the workstation in question, I presume I will find 
a similar (but perhaps different numbered) nvidia-*-el7.elrepo.x86_64; 
if I rpm -e the version on the workstation, will this action force a 
return to "default/stock" or must I do something in addition?

Yasha Karant

Re: Dell Precision T1700 default xorg.conf file needed

2016-01-11 Thread Yasha Karant

On 01/09/2016 04:37 PM, Akemi Yagi wrote:
On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Yasha Karant < 
<>> wrote:

The ElRepo Nvidia driver seems to have erased (not backed up) the
default X11 xorg.conf file on a Dell Precision T1700 with an addon

If you are sure the xorg.conf file existed but has been removed with 
no backup, then it was not done by ELRepo. I suggest you look into the 
code. You will find that ELRepo's package would not remove xorg.conf 
without backing up.

In the %post section:

# Check if xorg.conf exists, if it does, backup and remove [BugID # 

[ -f %{_sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf ] && \

mv %{_sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf 
%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.elreposave &>/dev/null


Hope you can find the real cause of the trouble you are having.

I respectfully disagree.  It is possible that there were multiple 
installs/updates of the ELRepo driver during the experimental stages of 
SL 7 to work on the platform as the platform was delivered.  But -- both 
the primary and backup copies have an ElRepo comment and no "stock" 
content.  Because of the way the Dell boot bios interacted with the 
platform after a power outage (beyond the limits of the small UPS 
attached to the unit -- that may need new batteries but the Department 
may not have the money to maintain), the only way to get to the obvious 
Dell boot configuration screen (GUI driven) was to remove the Nvidia 
card -- and the system does now boot to the text terminal interface, but 
no GUI.

I can email to you the xorg.conf files I found on the machine after the 
above actions.  I will do additional digging.  Meanwhile, no one has 
responded so I either will find the X11 xorg configuration utility or 
attempt to copy one from a working machine that has no Nvidia card.


Dell Precision T1700 default xorg.conf file needed

2016-01-09 Thread Yasha Karant
The ElRepo Nvidia driver seems to have erased (not backed up) the 
default X11 xorg.conf file on a Dell Precision T1700 with an addon Nvidia
card.  With the Nvidia card in place, the system will not boot (blocked 
by the Dell bios); the card has been physically removed. The system boots
to a standard terminal login prompt and will allow login; however, no 
GUI login, and both startx and xinit fail.  SL 7.1 .  Does anyone have a 
stock xorg.conf file or URL for one that will work on this platform and 
environment (including a pointing device, etc.)?  Does anyone recall the 
command that will "automagically" rebuild a working xorg.conf file?  I 
can play with this, but it is easier to get this operational.

Yasha Karant

Re: Vbox with new Kernel vers. 3.10.0-327.3.1(SL7.1)

2015-12-28 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/28/2015 01:37 PM, S A wrote:


I was out for holiday last week and came back to my SL 7.1 desktop needing a 
slew of updates.  I had been running VirtualBox-5.0-5.0.10_104061_el7-1.x86_64 
against kernel-3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64 with out issue.  After installing the 
latest kernel mentioned by Etienne, and attempting to rebuild the vboxdrv 
modules, I had similar failures.  Afterward, I attempted to upgrade to 
VirtualBox-5.0-5.0.12_104815_el7-1.x86_64, I discovered the libdevmapper issue 
noted in the previous post which prevented the newer version from installing.

It seems that there is a VirtualBox bug filed against the EL7.2 3.10.0-327 
kernel noted here: which may be causing 
the issues you are encountering.  Unfortunately, the testing build for EL7:,
 does not install due to the same libdevmapper issue.  I had hoped maybe the 
devmapper issue was introduced in builds between the latest testbuild and the 
release build for 5.0.12, no such luck.

I have device-mapper-libs-1.02.93-3.el7_1.1.x86_64 installed, but it seems that 
the VirtualBox package is calling for device-mapper-libs-1.02.97, which doesn't 
seem to be available for SL7.  The CentOS and Oracle Linux public yum repo's 
latest version is device-mapper-libs-1.02.107-5.el7.x86_64.  Is that in the 
pipeline for release to SL7 soon?

I am confused.  As I thought I understood the current EL situation, Red 
Hat owns CentOS and distributes EL full source, per GPL, Linux, etc., 
licenses, through CentOS for all non-RH rebuilds (e.g., Oracle) to use 
(sans Red Hat logos, services, etc.).  In this case, two questions:

(1) Is Fermilab/CERN not funded well enough to have the same 
rebuliding/packaging resources as Oracle just to rebuild from the RH 
CentOS sources, and thus is delayed in production binary (RPM) release 
compared to Oracle?  Both Fermilab and CERN are funded through their 
respective governments that support fundamental research.

(2) If (1) is true, during the interval before the "current" RH 
production release is a SL release, can one simply use the CentOS or 
Oracle RPMs (e.g., in this case, 
device-mapper-libs-1.02.107-5.el7.x86_64.rpm) to maintain compatibility 
with Oracle licensed-for-free products (e.g., VirtualBox)?

Yasha Karant

2015-12-23 Thread Yasha Karant
I have attempted to upgrade Oracle X86-64 EL7 VirtualBox to current 
production (please see below).  It appears that is required, presumably instead 
of device-mapper-libs x86_64   7:1.02.93 , device-mapper-libs 
x86_64   7:1.02.97 .   Any suggestions or is this fixed in the next 
minor release of SL 7 (that is, the current production release of RHEL 7)?

Yasha Karant

[root@jb344 Downloads]# yum install 

Loaded plugins: langpacks
Examining VirtualBox-5.0-5.0.12_104815_el7-1.x86_64.rpm: 
Marking VirtualBox-5.0-5.0.12_104815_el7-1.x86_64.rpm as an update to 

Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package VirtualBox-5.0.x86_64 0:5.0.8_103449_el7-1 will be updated
---> Package VirtualBox-5.0.x86_64 0:5.0.12_104815_el7-1 will be an update
--> Processing Dependency: for 
package: VirtualBox-5.0-5.0.12_104815_el7-1.x86_64

--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: VirtualBox-5.0-5.0.12_104815_el7-1.x86_64 

 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
[root@jb344 Downloads]# yum install
Loaded plugins: langpacks
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package device-mapper-libs.i686 7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: device-mapper = 7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 for 
package: 7:device-mapper-libs-1.02.93-3.el7_1.1.i686
--> Processing Dependency: for package: 

--> Running transaction check
---> Package device-mapper.x86_64 7:1.02.84-14.el7 will be updated
--> Processing Dependency: device-mapper = 7:1.02.84-14.el7 for package: 
--> Processing Dependency: device-mapper = 7:1.02.84-14.el7 for package: 

---> Package device-mapper.x86_64 7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 will be an update
---> Package libsepol.i686 0:2.1.9-3.el7 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package device-mapper-event.x86_64 7:1.02.84-14.el7 will be updated
---> Package device-mapper-event.x86_64 7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 will be an 
--> Processing Dependency: device-mapper-event-libs = 
7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 for package: 

---> Package device-mapper-libs.x86_64 7:1.02.84-14.el7 will be updated
---> Package device-mapper-libs.x86_64 7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 will be an update
--> Running transaction check
---> Package device-mapper-event-libs.x86_64 7:1.02.84-14.el7 will be 
---> Package device-mapper-event-libs.x86_64 7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 will be 
an update

--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 PackageArch Version Repository Size

 device-mapper-libs i686 7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 sl-fastbugs   
254 k

Installing for dependencies:
 libsepol   i686 2.1.9-3.el7 sl147 k
Updating for dependencies:
 device-mapper  x86_64   7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 sl-fastbugs   
208 k
 device-mapper-eventx86_64   7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 sl-fastbugs   
158 k
 device-mapper-event-libs   x86_64   7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 sl-fastbugs   
151 k
 device-mapper-libs x86_64   7:1.02.93-3.el7_1.1 sl-fastbugs   
259 k

Transaction Summary

Install  1 Package  (+1 Dependent package)
Upgrade ( 4 Dependent packages)

Total size: 1.1 M
Total download size: 401 k
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
(1/2): libsepol-2.1.9-3.el7.i686.rpm   | 147 kB   00:00
(2/2): device-mapper-libs-1.02.93-3.el7_1.1.i686.rpm   | 254 kB   00:01

Total  348 kB/s | 401 kB  00:01
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  Updating   : 
7:device-mapper-libs-1.02.93-3.el7_1.1.x86_64   1/10
  Updating   : 
  Updating   : 
7:device-mapper-event-libs-1.02.93-3.el7_1.1.x86_64 3/10
  Installing : 
libsepol-2.1.9-3.el7.i686   4/10
  Updating   : 
7:device-mapper-event-1.02.93-3.el7_1.1.x86_64  5/10
  Installing : 

Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS] SL 6 IA-32 hplip-3.14.10 HP M225dw driver

2015-08-11 Thread Yasha Karant

On 08/11/2015 05:58 AM, Pat Riehecky wrote:

On 08/11/2015 01:46 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:
I have a colleague for whom I have installed IA-32 SL 6 .  She has 
recently purchased a HP M225dw all-in-one laser printer. However, I 
cannot find a driver for this printer for SL 6.  HP open systems 
supported this printer starting with hplip-3.14.10, but I cannot find 
this RPM for SL 6.  The current hplip distributed by HP supports the 
M225dw, but will not install under SL 6.  At present, the printer 
will not print from SL6 although the printer is discovered over the 
LAN. Any help or suggestions greatly would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

What version of hplip is installed on the system?


that is the most recent version I can find (could not find a more recent 
one in EPEL, etc., that would work with IA-32 SL6)
HPLIP 3.14.10 is the lowest rev level that supports the HP M225dw 
(, search on 
225dw, scroll up to find the release number).
seems to be the current SL7 version, but that too will not support this 
printer.  The RPM from HP for current, HPLIP 3.15.7, definitely will not 
install on SL 6 IA-32 and I have not experimented with SL 7 X86-64.

Has anyone ported HPLIP 3.14.10 or higher to IA-32 SL6?  to X86-64 SL7?  
Does a CUPS that will run on IA-32 SL6 have support for a M225dw (I 
cannot find a list of supported printers under CUPS)?



Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS] SL 6 IA-32 hplip-3.14.10 HP M225dw driver

2015-08-11 Thread Yasha Karant

On 08/11/2015 11:02 AM, Akemi Yagi wrote:

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 08/11/2015 01:46 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

I have a colleague for whom I have installed IA-32 SL 6 .  She has recently
purchased a HP M225dw all-in-one laser printer. However, I cannot find a
driver for this printer for SL 6.  HP open systems supported this printer
starting with hplip-3.14.10, but I cannot find this RPM for SL 6.  The
current hplip distributed by HP supports the M225dw, but will not install
under SL 6.  At present, the printer will not print from SL6 although the
printer is discovered over the LAN.  Any help or suggestions greatly would
be appreciated.

Yasha Karant
hplip-3.12.4-6.el6.i686.rpm that is the most recent version I can find
(could not find a more recent one in EPEL, etc., that would work with IA-32
HPLIP 3.14.10 is the lowest rev level that supports the HP M225dw
(, search on 225dw,
scroll up to find the release number).

Within that site, I see the following page:

Scroll down and you'll find 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 and 7.0'
both showing Yes. It looks as if the installer works there.



That is what I tried at first.  It would not install and properly 
function, claims not withstanding.  I tried yum install (from a 
terminal, not the GUI) but it would not work due to a python error (too 
old a version, ... ) -- I did not record the error message, and thus 
only am relating from memory.  When I get to the machine on which I 
tried this, I will record the exact errors.


Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS] SL 6 IA-32 hplip-3.14.10 HP M225dw driver

2015-08-11 Thread Yasha Karant

On 08/11/2015 10:55 AM, Pat Riehecky wrote:

On 08/11/2015 12:29 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 08/11/2015 05:58 AM, Pat Riehecky wrote:

On 08/11/2015 01:46 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:
I have a colleague for whom I have installed IA-32 SL 6 .  She has 
recently purchased a HP M225dw all-in-one laser printer. However, 
I cannot find a driver for this printer for SL 6.  HP open systems 
supported this printer starting with hplip-3.14.10, but I cannot 
find this RPM for SL 6.  The current hplip distributed by HP 
supports the M225dw, but will not install under SL 6.  At present, 
the printer will not print from SL6 although the printer is 
discovered over the LAN.  Any help or suggestions greatly would be 

Yasha Karant

What version of hplip is installed on the system?


that is the most recent version I can find (could not find a more 
recent one in EPEL, etc., that would work with IA-32 SL6)
HPLIP 3.14.10 is the lowest rev level that supports the HP M225dw 
(, search on 
225dw, scroll up to find the release number).
seems to be the current SL7 version, but that too will not support 
this printer.  The RPM from HP for current, HPLIP 3.15.7, definitely 
will not install on SL 6 IA-32 and I have not experimented with SL 7 

Has anyone ported HPLIP 3.14.10 or higher to IA-32 SL6?  to X86-64 
SL7?  Does a CUPS that will run on IA-32 SL6 have support for a 
M225dw (I cannot find a list of supported printers under CUPS)?



The 6.7 BETA/rolling release includes a newer version of hplip.


Pat Riehecky
Scientific Linux developer

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

 hplip-3.14.6-3.el6.i686.rpm what I currently find on 6 rolling --

hplip-3.14.6-3.el6.i686.rpm  also is what I find for CentOS 6.7

whereas the minimum is HPLIP 3.14,10 .

Just for comparison, here is the same information for OpenSUSE 13.2 (not the beta version 

*openSUSE 13.2*

 * *official release*

 o 3.14.6
 o 32 Bit

 o 64 Bit

 o Source

   1 Click Install

 * Printing

 o 3.15.6
 o 32 Bit

 o 64 Bit

 o Source

   1 Click Install

 * home:AndreasSchwab

 o 3.15.6
 o 32 Bit

 o 64 Bit

 o ppc

 o ppc64

 o Source

   1 Click Install

 * home:Ledest:misc

 o 3.15.6
 o 32 Bit

 o 64 Bit

 o Source

Re: IMAP client backup applications

2015-03-09 Thread Yasha Karant

On 03/07/2015 04:21 PM, Chris Schanzle wrote:

On 03/06/2015 06:58 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
My department is being forced by the university administrative IT 
unit to MS Office365 distributed server (cloud) email service, as I 
have communicated in a previous query.  We are now being advised by 
others who have been forced to do this -- but of course not by IT -- 
to backup all of our email.  I use Mozilla Thunderbird, incoming 
IMAP, outgoing to a designated SMTP server.   I have found

licensed for fee that claims to function under Linux, MacOS X, and MS 
Windows for this purpose.  There are concerns to find a viable 
licensed-for-free product that will copy IMAP folders and all of the 
contents thereof to a local harddrive directory/file structure and 
that can restore these same IMAP folders and the contents thereof 
back to a remote IMAP service -- thus guarding against loss -- up to 
the last backup snapshot -- of all email.

Has anyone any experience with the above application?  is there a 
licensed for free reliable, viable alternative, GUI preferred, for 

Yasha Karant

I've had good luck with imapsync[1] to make backup copies to another 
IMAP server.  It's smart and useful for migrating many accounts from 
one imap service to another, but it's also useful for just syncing one 

When we migrated to the cloud, I had expectations of the cloud just 
vaporizing or turning into a thundercloud and taking a dump on us, but 
it has been OK.  MS hasn't lost any of our mail. Thunderbird does 
occasionally re-download all folders on my various systems (fedora, 
windows, CentOS 6) which takes a long time for my years of email 
archives due to their throttling (which has vastly improved as well -- 
use to take a week with many fatal errors while using it normally; now 
completes in about a day and rarely a failure).  The root cause of 
this is unknown - could be when they move me to another 'pod' or when 
they muck with my folders (redownload happened recently when they 
added Clutter).


At present, my department chair is suggesting:

that is licensed for free for home use -- presumably meaning single 
user unless one really must work from home for this use.

Note that this application does not support Linux.  Hence, my plan is:  
under SL run VirtualBox running MS Win 7 pro running the above 
application, but save all of the produced files on the Linux side 
using VirtualBox shared folders.  Many of my colleagues here do not use 
MS Win as the primary OS environment; most use Linux or MacOS X with 
open system extensions (e.g., fink).  The colleague who suggested the 
above application is using MS Win on his workstation.

Has anyone had any experience with this sort of scheme or this application?

Yasha Karant

IMAP client backup applications

2015-03-06 Thread Yasha Karant
My department is being forced by the university administrative IT unit 
to MS Office365 distributed server (cloud) email service, as I have 
communicated in a previous query.  We are now being advised by others 
who have been forced to do this -- but of course not by IT -- to backup 
all of our email.  I use Mozilla Thunderbird, incoming IMAP, outgoing to 
a designated SMTP server.   I have found

licensed for fee that claims to function under Linux, MacOS X, and MS 
Windows for this purpose.  There are concerns to find a viable 
licensed-for-free product that will copy IMAP folders and all of the 
contents thereof to a local harddrive directory/file structure and that 
can restore these same IMAP folders and the contents thereof back to a 
remote IMAP service -- thus guarding against loss -- up to the last 
backup snapshot -- of all email.

Has anyone any experience with the above application?  is there a 
licensed for free reliable, viable alternative, GUI preferred, for Linux?

Yasha Karant

Re: SL 7.0 does not appear to provide complete support for the nVidia GK208 (NV108) chip set.

2015-02-26 Thread Yasha Karant

On 02/25/2015 11:44 PM, Akemi Yagi wrote:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 10:14 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 02/25/2015 06:22 AM, EXT-Askew, R W wrote:

I installed SL 7.0 in a system that contains a nVidia GK208 (NV108) chip
set.  This installation does come up but the only display sizes are
1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480.
Does anyone know where I can get an “.el7” version of 1.0.11-1 or has
anyone tried the Fedora version?
Bill Askew

I am guessing that the above Nvidia chip set is (fully) supported by the
proprietary Nvidia Linux driver:

The easiest way to find the right driver version is to install
nvidia-detect [1] from ELRepo and run it. For example:

$ nvidia-detect -v
Probing for supported NVIDIA devices...
[10de:0fc1] NVIDIA Corporation GK107 [GeForce GT 640]
This device requires the current 346.47 NVIDIA driver kmod-nvidia

I have this working on my SL7 X86-64 workstation.  The stock driver (noveau)
needs to be fully disabled.

If you use ELRepo's kmod-nvidia package [2], you do not need to do any
of this manually. It will disable nouveau for you. Just set up ELRepo
as Pat suggested and run 'yum install kmod-nvidia'.


Nvidia routinely updates the proprietary Nvidia driver code.  At each 
major or minor production release of the Nvidia driver, does the above 
ELRepo RPM get updated to the current Nvidia code?  Is it maintained for 
the same Linux environments that Nvidia supports, or for a superset of 
the Nvidia supported environments?


Re: SL 7.0 does not appear to provide complete support for the nVidia GK208 (NV108) chip set.

2015-02-26 Thread Yasha Karant

On 02/26/2015 08:20 AM, Akemi Yagi wrote:

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 7:56 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 02/25/2015 11:44 PM, Akemi Yagi wrote:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 10:14 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

I am guessing that the above Nvidia chip set is (fully) supported by the
proprietary Nvidia Linux driver:

The easiest way to find the right driver version is to install
nvidia-detect [1] from ELRepo and run it. For example:

$ nvidia-detect -v
Probing for supported NVIDIA devices...
[10de:0fc1] NVIDIA Corporation GK107 [GeForce GT 640]
This device requires the current 346.47 NVIDIA driver kmod-nvidia

I have this working on my SL7 X86-64 workstation.  The stock driver
needs to be fully disabled.

If you use ELRepo's kmod-nvidia package [2], you do not need to do any
of this manually. It will disable nouveau for you. Just set up ELRepo
as Pat suggested and run 'yum install kmod-nvidia'.



Nvidia routinely updates the proprietary Nvidia driver code.  At each major
or minor production release of the Nvidia driver, does the above ELRepo RPM
get updated to the current Nvidia code?  Is it maintained for the same Linux
environments that Nvidia supports, or for a superset of the Nvidia supported


ELRepo's nvidia packages stay current with the updates released by
Nvidia. There are 4 legacy versions in addition to the current

The kmod-nvidia-340xx driver supports GeForce 8xxx and 9xxx series
GPUs, GT2xx and Quadro series
The kmod-nvidia-304xx driver supports GeForce 6 and 7 series GPUs
The kmod-nvidia-173xx driver supports GeForce 5 series GPUs
The kmod-nvidia-96xx driver supports GeForce 2 to GeForce 4 series GPUs

'nvidia-detect' identifies your device and tells you which one to use.

I highly recommend you subscribe to the elrepo mailing list. Recently,
Nvidia released a version that drops support for a number of commonly
used cards. ELRepo proactively dealt with the issue as seen in this

Like all other ELRepo's packages, they are built for RHEL and its
rebuilds (including SL).

Excellent with one remaining question:  after installing the ELRepo RPM 
instead of the much more messy Nvidia driver, will Nvidia CUDA 
(including the Nvidia nvcc compiler) system function?  Will CUDA see 
the Nvidia GPU cards with the ELRepo driver as with the Nvidia driver?


Re: SL 7.0 does not appear to provide complete support for the nVidia GK208 (NV108) chip set.

2015-02-25 Thread Yasha Karant

On 02/25/2015 06:22 AM, EXT-Askew, R W wrote:

Hi All

I installed SL 7.0 in a system that contains a nVidia GK208 (NV108) 
chip set.  This installation does come up but the only display sizes 
are 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480.

The nouveau package that was installed as part of the installation is 

The system message file contains;

kernel: nouveau  [  DEVICE][:01:00.0] BOOT0  : 0x108390a1

kernel: nouveau  [  DEVICE][:01:00.0] Chipset: GK208 (NV108)

kernel: nouveau  [  DEVICE][:01:00.0] Family : NVE0

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] checking PRAMIN for image...

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] ... signature not found

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] checking PROM for image...

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] ... signature not found

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] checking ACPI for image...

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] ... signature not found

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] checking PCIROM for image...

kernel: nouveau :01:00.0: Invalid ROM contents

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] ... appears to be valid

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] using image from PCIROM

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] BIT signature found

kernel: nouveau  [   VBIOS][:01:00.0] version

kernel: nouveau E[   VBIOS][:01:00.0] 0xa303[ ]: unknown opcode 0x07

kernel: nouveau E[ DEVINIT][:01:00.0] init failed, -22

kernel: nouveau E[ DRM] failed to create 0x8080, -22

kernel: nouveau: probe of :01:00.0 failed with error -22

I have looked around on the internet and it looks as though version 
1.0.11-1 will support this chipset.  I have not been able to locate a 
“.el7.” version but there is a fedora version 

Does anyone know where I can get an “.el7” version of 1.0.11-1 or has 
anyone tried the Fedora version?


Bill Askew

I am guessing that the above Nvidia chip set is (fully) supported by the 
proprietary Nvidia Linux driver:

Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver

   Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver

Release Date:   2015.2.24
Operating System:   Linux 64-bit
Language:   English (US)
File Size:  73.00 MB

I have this working on my SL7 X86-64 workstation.  The stock driver 
(noveau) needs to be fully disabled.


[ykarant@jb344 ~]$ su
[root@jb344 ykarant]# rpm -e xorg-x11-drivers xorg-x11-drv-nouveau
[root@jb344 ykarant]# vi /etc/default/grub
[root@jb344 ykarant]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.10.0-123.8.1.el7.x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-123.8.1.el7.x86_64.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-0-rescue-9e59d688ec394445aa63626075677bcc
Found initrd image:
[root@jb344 ykarant]# vi /etc/modprobe.d/disable-nouveau.conf
[root@jb344 ykarant]# cat /etc/modprobe.d/disable-nouveau.conf
blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
[root@jb344 ykarant]#sh ~/Downloads/

The is a script that runs and does all of the necessary steps.

reboot the system.

End instructions

Note that this was not done under X11 or a window manager, but from within a 
plain ANSI terminal screen (e.g.,
CTRL-F4 to get the fourth terminal.

After that, a reboot will (eventually) show the Nvidia splash screen and then a 
regular GUI (window manager)
login.  I am currently using MATE because I do not like either the current 
Gnome nor the current KDE.

Hope this helps.

Yasha Karant

Re: SL7 client for Microsoft ActiveSync

2015-02-09 Thread Yasha Karant

I appreciate the various replies, some of which have been off-list.

One such off list is:

[Entity X} is not yet on the ActiveSync client but
we have been using MS Exchange 2010 for a few years now.
the linux IMAP clients were at first problematic but eventually they
sorted them all out and there are plenty of people who still use
thunderbird to read their mail without significant trouble except
the server getting confused every once in a while.  I think you
can expect that office365 cloud-based email, which my wife's university
already uses, will work out the imap kinks in the next bug release or two.

End quote.

This is a SL issue in that if SL is to be used in the real world as both 
a workstation and as a server environment,
one needs workstation applications that communicate/interoperate with 
those commonly available from other environments
(the two primary examples being proprietary MS Windows and highly 
proprietary Mac OS X -- albeit the latter has BSD internals
and thus can be adapted to open standards -- in addition to the various 
smart phone, tablet, and device environments such

as Android or IOS).

Fully function is not a weasel word -- it means that if a set of 
services are available from some service or application -- then all of 
these functions can be accessed with equivalent results as if the 
native proprietary application were used.  Evidently,
using IMAP and SMTP -- open public IETF standards -- work, but very 
slowly, with the current MS Office365 email service.
The web based interfaces are slow as well.  This leaves us with the only 
alternative -- until MS works out the Office365 cloud based email imap 
kinks in the next few maintenance minor releases (bug releases).  I 
am not holding my breath in that MS may view this as a method to force 
linux out of the USA professional/commercial workplace.

Yasha Karant

On 02/09/2015 06:03 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 1:40 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

My university IT department, external to any academic or research unit, has
made the arbitrary decision to force us to use a Microsoft Office365
external distributed proprietary (cloud) service for official university
email.  Although this service nominally supports IETF SMTP and IMAP
protocols, it is abysmally slow when so doing. The campus IT spokesperson
has explained that only a client compliant with Microsoft ActiveSync will
fully function with this imposed proprietary closed system service --
translation:  if one wants reasonable speed in email, use an ActiveSync
client -- probably from Microsoft.

It's better than some, and a lot more robust than many IT department's
internal services. I've seen Linux favoring shops fail to maintain
complex email services, and especially calendar functions, and had
their client company finally throw in the towel and switch to
Office365 or GMail. And be clear, this is not a Scientific Linux
problem, it's a my company chose to use a hosted, commercial, closed
mail server, and I need to deal with it.

If it does straightfoward IMAP, then any of the dozens of built-in
IMAP capable clients should work for email access, including the
default evolution product in SL  And there are hundreds of good web
guidelines for evolution access to Office365: look around.

What you won't get with a pure IMAP client such as my old favorite
pine or other pure IMAP clients, is access to the user address
search engines, calendar functions, integrated address books, etc.,
etc. Those matter to some folks, especially if you need to book a
meeting room and can only use the Exchange clients to do so.

Part of the problem is the weasel words fully function.  Any client
that wants to deal with the upstream office365 server is typically
webscraping the webmail access. That webmail access tends to *suck* in
terms of performance, especially with complex and bulky email systems.
It's why even I maintain a Windows environment with an Outlook client:
I find that waiting a full minute for a new filter to be enabled and
waiting waiting waiting to get a refreshed screen to work with
is unacceptable, and the web based access to Office365 has been
unacceptable for me. But I hammer my email with many alert and
notification systems and cron job reports.

Is there any such client (Microsoft or otherwise) available for Linux, and
in particular, SL 7?  All that I found on the web is to use proprietary
Microsoft Outlook under a MS Windows environment under a virtual machine
(e.g., VirtualBox) under Linux -- not a solution I want for regular email

See above. Start from evolution, which is a popular and well
supported client in RHEL and in SL  and work your way out to a client
that works as well as you can expect.

For anyone currently using (by force or choice) Microsoft ActiveSync, does
it in fact support the functionality of IMAP and SMTP without staying
completely with a Microsoft proprietary environment, including Microsoft

Re: Docker

2015-02-02 Thread Yasha Karant

On 02/02/2015 11:35 AM, Connie Sieh wrote:

On Fri, 30 Jan 2015, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 01/30/2015 10:32 AM, Brett Viren wrote:

Yasha Karant writes:

For example, will a
legally licensed MS Win application that does not run under
Wine/CrossOver work under Docker under SL 7 the same as it would under
VirtualBox with a full install of say MS Win 8.1 (soon MS Win 10)?

Docker containers run on Linux (the kernel) so, no, if your application
requires honest-to-badness MicroSoft Windows don't plan on using 

Can one make a Docker application package on the target host (e.g., SL
7) or does one need first a full install of the (virtual) base

I don't know what target (host? guest?) means here.

The application, say A, runs under environment (OS) X, not environment
Y.  One wants A under Y.  The target is Y.  Can one build A under Y
using the appropriate chunks
from X with Docker, or does one re-build (dockerise) A under X for
target Y?  In the first event, one only needs to be running Y; in the
second event, one needs to be running X to build for Y.

A Docker image is a full OS (minus the kernel).  To start you write one
line in a Dockerfile like:

   FROM fedora:20

and do a docker build

You can follow up this line with additional instructions (such as yum
install ...) to further populate.

If you have a second image that shares some portion of these
instructions, or as you add more instructions, any prior existing
layer is reused.

I don't find a lot of bases for SL but there are ways to add new base
OSes from first principles (CMS has some scripts in github) and there
are established ones for centos.


Presumably, any application that will run under CentOS, in particular,
CentOS 7 that is the RHEL source release for other ports, such as SL 7,
should be able to run under SL.  My understanding is that SL 7 is not
built from the actual RHEL 7 source that is used to build RHEL 7 that is
licensed for fee, but from the RHEL packaged CentOS source (CentOS now
effectively being a unit of Red Hat, a for-profit corporation) that is
used to build CentOS 7 (that, as with SL 7, is licensed for free as a
binary installable executable system that requires no building from
source per se).


SL is built from the source that Red Hat has provided .  It is built 
from the same source that all rebuilds can build from. There is no 
such thing as RHEL packaged CentOS source .

Connie J. Sieh
Computing Services Specialist III

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
630 840 8531 office

Please correct me if I am in error.  RHEL, binary licensed for fee, is 
built from a source that RH does not seem to release.  Rather, RH 
releases, through the RH subsidiary CentOS and a GIT mechanism, a source 
for all rebuilds, supposedly including CentOS.  Thus, SL and CentOS are 
built from the same source, but the actual RHEL source may or not may in 
fact (claims to the contrary notwithstanding) be the same, as no one 
outside of RH or a RH licensee actually sees the source for RHEL.  If 
RHEL also is built through a GIT mechanism, I am assuming that the 
Internet path to the RHEL GIT is not the same as that to the public 
rebuildable CentOS GIT.  In the event that Fermilab or CERN has licensed 
the actual RHEL 7 source as a RHEL licensee, would personnel at either 
non-RH entity be allowed to comment if in fact there were non-trivial 
differences between the actual RHEL 7 source and the rebuildable 
CentOS 7 source?  Trivial differences would be the presence of RH logos 
and splash screens, each of which is replaced by whatever the rebuilder 
is using (SL for the SL rebuild) -- but all of the internal intellectual 
property references in the source code still (presumably) mentions RH in 
both the actual RHEL 7 source and the CentOS 7 rebuildable source.

Yasha Karant

Re: Docker

2015-01-30 Thread Yasha Karant
You have answered my question.  There are, roughly, using old 
terminology, heavy-weight containers and light-weight containers.  
VMware used to offer heavy-weight containers that would run any MS Win 
application under Linux (presuming the same underlying ISA), but were n 
some instances extreme resource hogs.  Docker thus seems to be a 
light-weight container with strong limitations as to the differences in 
the underlying environment and OS structures (again, same ISA -- 
different ISAs require rather different approaches, including the old 
Sun approach on SPARC workstations of having a Sbus IA-32 coprocessor 
board to run a licensed copy of MS Win).

Yasha Karant

On 01/30/2015 10:14 AM, Jamie Duncan wrote:
Using containers is nothing like using a fully virtualized kernel. 
It's using cgroups, kernel namespaces, and selinux to isolate 
applications within Linux and make them easier to deliver.

So you can't run a windows app natively in docker. You'd have to run 
Wine in docker and execute your application that way. It's not a 
replacement for virtualizaton.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

On a different (albeit related) thread, the recommendation was
made to use Docker to port alien applications and environments
(presumably with the ISA and basic machine components used by SL7)
to SL 7.  Looking at the Docker documentation and license (license
reproduced below), this seems feasible -- rather than using any VM
for the purpose of running such an application.

How many have tried Docker?  Does it work well?  For example, will
a legally licensed MS Win application that does not run under
Wine/CrossOver work under Docker under SL 7 the same as it would
under VirtualBox with a full install of say MS Win 8.1 (soon MS
Win 10)?  Can one make a Docker application package on the target
host (e.g., SL 7) or does one need first a full install of the
(virtual) base (e.g., DLLs and OS environment structures of the
original host of the application, e.g., MS Win) under which to
dockerize (e.g., run MS Win under VirtualBox under SL7,
dockerize a MS Win application, and then run the dockerized
application under SL7 without VirtualBox or any regular VM)?

from --

Business Model

Docker, Inc. offers Docker-related products and services and is
creating a network of certified professional support, training,
and services providers. We are committed to keeping Docker open
source under the Apache 2.0 license.

Yasha Karant

End quote.


Jamie Duncan


2015-01-30 Thread Yasha Karant
On a different (albeit related) thread, the recommendation was made to 
use Docker to port alien applications and environments (presumably 
with the ISA and basic machine components used by SL7) to SL 7.  Looking 
at the Docker documentation and license (license reproduced below), this 
seems feasible -- rather than using any VM for the purpose of running 
such an application.

How many have tried Docker?  Does it work well?  For example, will a 
legally licensed MS Win application that does not run under 
Wine/CrossOver work under Docker under SL 7 the same as it would under 
VirtualBox with a full install of say MS Win 8.1 (soon MS Win 10)?  Can 
one make a Docker application package on the target host (e.g., SL 7) or 
does one need first a full install of the (virtual) base (e.g., DLLs and 
OS environment structures of the original host of the application, e.g., 
MS Win) under which to dockerize (e.g., run MS Win under VirtualBox 
under SL7, dockerize a MS Win application, and then run the dockerized 
application under SL7 without VirtualBox or any regular VM)?

from --

Business Model

Docker, Inc. offers Docker-related products and services and is creating 
a network of certified professional support, training, and services 
providers. We are committed to keeping Docker open source under the 
Apache 2.0 license.

Yasha Karant

End quote.

Re: Docker

2015-01-30 Thread Yasha Karant

On 01/30/2015 10:32 AM, Brett Viren wrote:

Yasha Karant writes:

For example, will a
legally licensed MS Win application that does not run under
Wine/CrossOver work under Docker under SL 7 the same as it would under
VirtualBox with a full install of say MS Win 8.1 (soon MS Win 10)?

Docker containers run on Linux (the kernel) so, no, if your application
requires honest-to-badness MicroSoft Windows don't plan on using Docker.

Can one make a Docker application package on the target host (e.g., SL
7) or does one need first a full install of the (virtual) base

I don't know what target (host? guest?) means here.

The application, say A, runs under environment (OS) X, not environment 
Y.  One wants A under Y.  The target is Y.  Can one build A under Y 
using the appropriate chunks
from X with Docker, or does one re-build (dockerise) A under X for 
target Y?  In the first event, one only needs to be running Y; in the 
second event, one needs to be running X to build for Y.

A Docker image is a full OS (minus the kernel).  To start you write one
line in a Dockerfile like:

   FROM fedora:20

and do a docker build

You can follow up this line with additional instructions (such as yum
install ...) to further populate.

If you have a second image that shares some portion of these
instructions, or as you add more instructions, any prior existing
layer is reused.

I don't find a lot of bases for SL but there are ways to add new base
OSes from first principles (CMS has some scripts in github) and there
are established ones for centos.

Presumably, any application that will run under CentOS, in particular, 
CentOS 7 that is the RHEL source release for other ports, such as SL 7, 
should be able to run under SL.  My understanding is that SL 7 is not 
built from the actual RHEL 7 source that is used to build RHEL 7 that is 
licensed for fee, but from the RHEL packaged CentOS source (CentOS now 
effectively being a unit of Red Hat, a for-profit corporation) that is 
used to build CentOS 7 (that, as with SL 7, is licensed for free as a 
binary installable executable system that requires no building from 
source per se).


static linked ISA executables

2015-01-28 Thread Yasha Karant
Suppose one has an ISA executable file (e.g., an application that is a 
native binary executable, not an interpreted executable) that works 
under a different Linux distribution -- for clarity, call that OTHER 
Linux.  OTHER may use a different kernel and a different glibc than SL, 
and the executable may be IA-32, not X86-64.  If under OTHER the 
executable file is built with only static libraries -- no dynamic .so 
calls -- will it execute under SL 7?   That is, when system (kernel) 
calls are made by the executable, will the use of a different kernel and 
glibc generally cause the executable to fail? I am restricting the 
discussion to the X86-64 ISA, not an arbitrary ISA for which OTHER may 
be available.

Yasha Karant

Re: static linked ISA executables

2015-01-28 Thread Yasha Karant

On 01/28/2015 11:22 AM, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:

On 28 January 2015 at 10:20, Yasha Karant wrote:

Suppose one has an ISA executable file (e.g., an application that
is a native binary executable, not an interpreted executable) that
works under a different Linux distribution -- for clarity, call
that OTHER Linux.  OTHER may use a different kernel and a
different glibc than SL, and the executable may be IA-32, not
X86-64.  If under OTHER the executable file is built with only
static libraries -- no dynamic .so calls -- will it execute under
SL 7?   That is, when system (kernel) calls are made by the
executable, will the use of a different kernel and glibc generally
cause the executable to fail? I am restricting the discussion to
the X86-64 ISA, not an arbitrary ISA for which OTHER may be available.

Yasha Karant

It depends on how statically it is compiled. I have seen things which 
were listed as static but only for everything but glibc. In that case 
you need to install the x86_32 glibc to get it working. That said.. 
when things are super static you can end up with hunt the file I 
need.. it is static but is looking for a file which is in a 32 bit 

So some of the time it will work, some of the time it won't. Without 
knowing more about what ldd and say strings says about the 
executable.. not sure which category your executable will fall in.

Stephen J Smoogen.

My intention is this.  There exist applications on various other 
distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE, etc.) that do not exist and will 
not build under SL 7.   The intent would be to setup a development 
machine of the other distro, build the application from source as static 
as possible (with bloat by this mechanism), include whatever directories 
or files that need to be present, and then run the thing under SL 7 .  
In a worst case, rather that using a physical machine, install the other 
distro in a virtual machine under VirtualBox (that runs very well under 
SL 7) -- with enough disk space assigned to the Virtual Box machine to 
allow for such a build.  Some applications (such as a full window 
manager) I would not consider, but there are others of more limited 
generality that I would.

Yasha Karant

Adobe flash plugin replacement for Firefox

2014-12-22 Thread Yasha Karant
We have end users that we support on machines currently running IA-32 
SL6x who need Adobe Flash capability in a Mozilla Firefox browser.

From Adobe (presumably under the influence/control of the Microsoft 

*NOTE*: Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last version to target Linux 
as a supported platform. Adobe will continue to provide security 
backports to Flash Player 11.2 for Linux.

Is there a replacement for the Adobe Flash Player?  Is there a 
version/replacement that properly works with x86-64 SL7 using a 64 bit 

Yasha Karant

Adobe flash plugin replacement for Firefox [2]

2014-12-22 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/22/2014 09:51 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:
We have end users that we support on machines currently running IA-32 
SL6x who need Adobe Flash capability in a Mozilla Firefox browser.

From Adobe (presumably under the influence/control of the Microsoft 

*NOTE*: Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last version to target 
Linux as a supported platform. Adobe will continue to provide security 
backports to Flash Player 11.2 for Linux.

Is there a replacement for the Adobe Flash Player?  Is there a 
version/replacement that properly works with x86-64 SL7 using a 64 bit 

Yasha Karant

I found the following information:

*Linux* Mozilla, Firefox - NPAPI (Extended Support Release)
Chrome (embedded), Chromium-based browsers - PPAPI

I have searched on the web for PPAPI for Mozilla Firefox; the most I 
could find was:

Other options considered.

 * We default to Chromium  – nope, let’s specifically NOT switch
   browsers over Flash.
 o Outcome: That would send the completely wrong message.
 * We default to a compatible Flash alternative (Shumway, Gnash,
 o Outcome: That would just be a stop gap measure.  And we’ll
   always be playing catchup.
 * We add PPAPI support to Firefox ourselves / Hack it in
 o Outcome:  Non-starter.  Unless Mozilla adds it we don’t want the
   maintenance burden.

End quote.

Note that because Flash is not an ISO standard (unlike PDF), compatible 
Flash alternatives evidently always will be reverse engineering
and thus playing catchup.  Unfortunately, many end users and many IT 
units (that are business management based with little or no
concern for computer science but only for-profit vendor technology) use 
and thus demand Flash.

Any suggestions?

Yasha Karant

Re: Adobe flash plugin replacement for Firefox

2014-12-22 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/22/2014 11:53 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 12/22/2014 10:35 AM, Chris Schanzle wrote:

On 12/22/2014 12:51 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

We have end users that we support on machines currently running IA-32
SL6x who need Adobe Flash capability in a Mozilla Firefox browser.

From Adobe (presumably under the influence/control of the Microsoft

*NOTE*: Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last version to target
Linux as a supported platform. Adobe will continue to provide security
backports to Flash Player 11.2 for Linux.

Is there a replacement for the Adobe Flash Player?  Is there a
version/replacement that properly works with x86-64 SL7 using a 64 bit

Yasha Karant

What's the problem here?  Flash is available for 32 and 64-bit browsers,
use their yum repo.  Just because the version is older than others,
doesn't mean it is insecure or won't do the job.

Hi Chris,

Firefox flags the out-of-date Flash plugin as a security hazard.


Hi Yasha,

I do not know if this will help at all, but I install
the You Tube All HTLM5 extension on all my customer's machines to
get them off of Flash as much as possible:

   It is also faster at rendering than Flash is.  Well at least
it corrects a lot of lag problems on You Tube (problem
may be You Tube, not Flash).

   Also, because iOS (iPhone, iPad, etc.) does not support Flash,
it seriously behooves your clients to switch to HTML5 (I do recommend
this to my clients).



These are not my clients (customers) in the for-profit business sense of 
the word.  These typically are colleagues who need Linux
support that the regular IT channels at my university will not provide:  
the IT unit only supports current MS Windows with their configuration
or, in so far as Apple supports it, Mac OS X.   Some of these 
colleagues, such as the one who raised this issue, is a retired faculty 
member who still serves as an editor on a major international social 
science journal.  I got sick and tired of trying to make MS Windows work 
on her machine, and got her to switch to EL .  Support problems vanished 
under EL -- and with Crossover to support the particular (obsolete) 
versions of the MS Office suite that she must use (I have attempted to 
get her to switch to Open/LibreOffice, but to no avail -- she also does 
not like the current MS Office suite user interface and typically will 
not use it although it is installed under MS Win under VirtualBox).  
However, the journal and some of her colleagues present material that 
requires Flash, and Flash is an accepted standard by her journal. 
Thus, I must support Flash format material.

Is there a mechanism to force Linux Firefox *NOT* to use the Firefox 
old and insecure database that Firefox uses for MS Win?  Although her 
current machine is X86-64, as with my own laptop, it is 
under-provisioned for a 64 bit environment.   It will run, but not well 
and may be unstable.  Understand that the above mentioned colleague will 
have ten or more GUI intensive applications open at the same time -- not 
just a word processor, a spreadsheet, and a web browser.  Hence I have 
left her at IA-32 SL6x.

Since my most recent posting on this matter, I have found:

How to Use VLC Instead of Flash Player in Firefox

VLC is an open-source cross-platform media player. It allows you to play 
standard video and audio formats from files on your computer, and also 
use the Firefox add-on to watch videos online through the browser. VLC's 
Firefox add-on uses fewer resources on the computer than Flash player 
does, so you can accomplish more while the video is running without 
programs having to stop or wait.

End quote.

Is anyone using Firefox on EL doing the above?  If so, how and does it 
provide the needed functionality?  Is the necessary software available 
from USA repositories or do intellectual property restrictions only 
allow it to be distributed, say, in the EU?



Re: Adobe flash plugin replacement for Firefox

2014-12-22 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/22/2014 01:00 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 12/22/2014 12:50 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

Since my most recent posting on this matter, I have found:

How to Use VLC Instead of Flash Player in Firefox

Hi Yasha,

Sounds like you have your hands full!  I wish I had more
Linux customers.

says This add-on has been removed by its author

Doesn't sound so good.


p.s.  what do you use for remote assistance with your

It appears that the VLC route does not work.  Will VLC play Flash?  If 
so, does Firefox allow helper applications so that VLC would be used 
rather than a Firefox plugin?  This method -- helper applications -- 
used to work, but I have no details on the current implementations with 
regard to the allowed functionalities (e.g., MIME types) as permitted by 
either SL 6 or SL 7.  Presumably, Mozilla Seamonkey has the same issues 
as Firefox.

As for your PS question, a reply probably is more appropriate off-list.


Re: Adobe flash plugin replacement for Firefox

2014-12-22 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/22/2014 03:44 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 12/22/2014 03:10 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 12/22/2014 02:08 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

And I asked on the Firefox newsgroup.

A guy over on the Firefox newsgroup wrote me off list
with how to do it.  I am waiting for his permission
to paste it over here.

Got permission, just leave his name off:

  yes. i am using it myself.

  from main menu;

Edit  Preferences  Applications

  highlight Content Type you want to change, in Action
  column, press up/down pointers, select;

   Use VLC Multimedia Plugin (compatible Totem 2.nn.n)
   (in Firefox)

  my system is CentOS 6.6, using firefox 24.8.0 and my 'vlc'
  plugin is 2.28.6.

  depending on your install of linux and 'vlc', the number will
  be different.

I removed flash and restart FF.  I tried loading a flv from disk and
it started VLC in a separate windows.

I also tried watching the Green Bay Packers highlights and got
mined in adds and spy utilities.  (The Packer won, by the way.)


The details for Firefox 34.0.5, IA-32, are slightly different.   I use 
current production Firefox, not the SL ESR version.

IA-32 SL 6x .

1.  Tools - Add ons - Plugins

Shockwave flash set to Never Activate in the menu choices

VLC multimedia set to Always Activate

2. Edit - Preferences - Applications

search for flash and use VLC (that may appear as default in some cases)

Before I did both of these steps, Firefox (after a quit and activate) 
refused to use VLC, but does now

except for the situation as follows.

I tried the URL below:

The test  Adobe Flash Player Test did not work, with the diagnostic 
message:  Flash not running.

The test Adobe Flash-Video Test forced a download of a FLV file that was 
then opened and handled by VLC .

Does anyone know why the first test failed and how to get around the 
issue with VLC ?

Yasha Karant

Re: Longest LTS - still SL/RHEL?

2014-12-15 Thread Yasha Karant

Take a look at:


7.0 	​boot.iso

Note that Princeton linux does have a port of EL7 to i386 (IA-32).  
However, you will need to find RPMs or build from source for this platform;

the Princeton list is at:


If you are only looking to install some rpms, you can download our 
repositories on your system.

 * YUM Repositories for PUIAS 6
 * YUM Repositories for PUIAS 5
 * YUM Repositories for PUIAS 2

that does not seem to show PUIAS 7.

End Princeton.

I am in a similar, but not identical, situation.  I support a number of 
laptops with X86-64 processors that are running IA-32 mode environments 
(SL 6).  These need either to be replaced or to have increased 
provisioning (more RAM, larger capacity hard drives) to safely run a 
64-bit word length environment.   At the present, I do not have any 
grant funds that can be used for this purpose; to understand this 
situation, my university finds this a low priority; the priority of my 
university is to hire more administrators (and staff to support those 
administrators), and to engage in expensive eduspeak programs, whilst 
ever increasing class sizes and reducing real academic resources.

Yasha Karant

On 12/15/2014 02:29 AM, Keith Lofstrom wrote:

I was sad to learn that there will not be a 32 bit version of
SL7 / RHEL7 .  I run older T60 laptops with 3x4 aspect ratio
screens, and have a stockpile of spares and screens and keyboards
that should last a long time.  I dislike runt screen AKA wide
screen displays.  However, my venerable laptops use 32 bit

I hope to have enough 3x4 goodness to last as long as I do, and
machines that will keep working for my wife (and her business) who
will likely outlive me.  However, Redhat stops providing security
support of the 6 series of distros after 2023.  I love the SL
community, and would love to keep upgrading SL distros forever,
and also keep using the old 32 bit machines, but it appears that
I must give up one or the other soon, or deal with some big
changes when I no longer have the ability to adapt to them.

Are there other distros with even longer LTS policies than SL and
RHEL?  Is there some way to keep supporting SL6x with security
updates long after RH stops providing them?  Some in our community
may have built measurement systems around 32 bit CPUs that must
keep collecting data far into the future - what is the plan?


Mate users list

2014-12-15 Thread Yasha Karant
Is there a users list (similar to this) for Mate, the Gnome 2 
environment for those who do not want Gnome 3 or KDE Plasma?  This could 
be an EPEL or other re-packaging/porting entity users list.

Yasha Karant

Re: Adobe Acroread linux current on SL 7

2014-12-15 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/15/2014 11:13 AM, Glenn Morris wrote:

Brandon Vincent wrote:

After reading your email, I tried installing Acrobat Reader 9.5.5 on a
fresh SL 7 system and the only problem I encountered was that the
depreciated pangox libraries are no longer included with the pango
package. I compiled the library from source and once I ensured all the
dependencies were met, I had no issue starting up acroread.

Can you actually use it to view a pdf?
Does the Help, About Adobe Reader 9 menu item work?

For me, although just plain acroread works, either of the above
actions cause it to crash (in compute_face in libcairo).

(I cheated and just copied libpangox from SL6...

I used yum to erase and install acroread:

[root@jb344 Downloads]# yum erase AdobeReader_enu.i486
Loaded plugins: langpacks
Resolving Dependencies
-- Running transaction check
--- Package AdobeReader_enu.i486 0:9.5.5-1 will be erased
-- Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 PackageArchVersion Repository Size

 AdobeReader_enui4869.5.5-1 @/AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i486linux_enu135 M

Transaction Summary

Remove  1 Package

Installed size: 135 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading packages:
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
AdobeReader_enu-9.5.5-1.i486 1/1
  Verifying  : 
AdobeReader_enu-9.5.5-1.i486 1/1

  AdobeReader_enu.i486 0:9.5.5-1

[root@jb344 Downloads]# ls /usr/bin/acroread
ls: cannot access /usr/bin/acroread: No such file or directory
[root@jb344 Downloads]# yum install AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i486linux_enu.rpm
Loaded plugins: langpacks
Examining AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i486linux_enu.rpm: AdobeReader_enu-9.5.5-1.i486
Marking AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i486linux_enu.rpm to be installed
Resolving Dependencies
-- Running transaction check
--- Package AdobeReader_enu.i486 0:9.5.5-1 will be installed
-- Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 PackageArchVersion RepositorySize

 AdobeReader_enui4869.5.5-1 /AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i486linux_enu135 M

Transaction Summary

Install  1 Package

Total size: 135 M
Installed size: 135 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  Installing : 
AdobeReader_enu-9.5.5-1.i486 1/1
  Verifying  : 
AdobeReader_enu-9.5.5-1.i486 1/1

  AdobeReader_enu.i486 0:9.5.5-1


end yum output

between the erase and install, I verified that /usr/bin/acroread had 
been removed, but it is present again after the install.

from (very long -- posted to note that this same Adobe supplied script 
seemed to work with X86-64 SL6):

 sh -xv /opt/Adobe/Reader9/bin/acroread
# Copyright (c) 1996-2007, Adobe Systems Incorporated
# All Rights Reserved

+ ver=9.5.3

if [ $1 = -version ]; then
echo $ver
+ '[' '' = -version ']'

#We are not LSB compliant yet, so let's not use as loader.
#if [ `uname -s` = Linux ]  [ ! -x /lib/ ]; then
#exec /lib/ ${1+$@}
exec ${1+$@}

  if [ ${mktemp_count+set} != set ]; then


  while /usr/bin/test -e $mktemp_file
mktemp_count=`expr $mktemp_count + 1`

  touch $mktemp_file  chmod 600 $mktemp_file  echo $mktemp_file

  MKTEMP=`which mktemp 2/dev/null`;
  if [ $MKTEMP !=  ]; then

$MKTEMP /tmp/acrobat.$1


while [ -h $lfile -a -f $lfile ]; do
  CWD=`dirname $lfile`
if [ `expr ${CWD} : \.\.` = 2 ]; then
lfile=`basename $lfile`
cd $CWD
lfile=`/bin/ls -l $lfile|sed 's/^.*- *\(.*\) *$/\1/'`

if [ -f $lfile ]; then
  CWD=`dirname $lfile`
lfile=`basename $lfile`
if [ `expr ${CWD} : \.\.` = 2 ]; then
cd $CWD
echo `/bin/pwd`/$lfile

Re: Mate users list

2014-12-15 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/15/2014 08:45 AM, Elias Persson wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 2014-12-15 17:07, Yasha Karant wrote:

Is there a users list (similar to this) for Mate, the Gnome 2
environment for those who do not want Gnome 3 or KDE Plasma?  This
could be an EPEL or other re-packaging/porting entity users list.

Yasha Karant

Google suggest:

- -- 
AF24 6DE9 D1DF DFB8 3A74  A7AC F457 B7A3 5DF1 4240

Version: GnuPG v2

From the URL you found via Google, I do not find any list for 
professional users.  What I find are developers, brainstorming, some 
help, and, for Linux based upon TUV for SL, primary emphasis on Fedora.  
Most of it seems to be towards the installation of Mate that went quite 
smoothly from the repository containing Mate for SL.

I am quoting what I found below (long -- I apologize) so that if someone 
else has a different viewport into the Mate lists, we can resolve the 


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about 
the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on 
your subscription. To visit the general information page for an 
unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and 
the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for 
your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

*List*  *Description*
*blueman* 	mailing list 
for blueman development and discussion
*debian-mate* 	mailing 
list for MATE maintainers in Debian
*git-commits* 	mailing 
list for git commits
*mate-dev* 	mailing list 
for MATE development
*mate-distributor* 	mailing list for 
MATE maintainers in distributions
*mate-i18n* 	mailing 
list for MATE translators
mailing list for MATE maintainers in openSUSE


   MATE Forum




   Discussions about posts on MATE website **


   MATE Help


   Desktop Help
   Support on MATE usage **


   MATE Installation


   MATE installation on Arch Linux [wiki] **


   MATE installation on Debian [wiki]


   MATE installation on Ubuntu [wiki]


   Linux Mint
   MATE installation on Linux Mint [wiki]


   Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS
   MATE installation on Fedora [wiki] **



Re: Mate users list

2014-12-15 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/15/2014 02:11 PM, Phil Wyett wrote:

On Mon, 2014-12-15 at 13:56 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 12/15/2014 08:45 AM, Elias Persson wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 2014-12-15 17:07, Yasha Karant wrote:

Is there a users list (similar to this) for Mate, the Gnome 2
environment for those who do not want Gnome 3 or KDE Plasma?  This
could be an EPEL or other re-packaging/porting entity users list.

Yasha Karant

Google suggest:

- -- 
AF24 6DE9 D1DF DFB8 3A74  A7AC F457 B7A3 5DF1 4240

Version: GnuPG v2


 From the URL you found via Google, I do not find any list for
professional users.  What I find are developers, brainstorming, some
help, and, for Linux based upon TUV for SL, primary emphasis on
Fedora.  Most of it seems to be towards the installation of Mate that
went quite smoothly from the repository containing Mate for SL.

I am quoting what I found below (long -- I apologize) so that if
someone else has a different viewport into the Mate lists, we can
resolve the differences.

big snip


I don't believe any Free/OSS/Community project has professional user
list(s). It defeats the point of Free/OSS/Community projects that help
and support each other as part of a whole, be that novice, intermediate
or professional. Having one core user list allows all to learn from each
other and spread the wealth of knowledge.




Although there are many users on the SL list who are not computer 
science (informatics) professionals, there also are a significant number 
who are.  Much of the serious commentary is from professional users, not 
the typical banter one finds from enthusiasts attempting to get ubuntu 
installed to use an office suite application; and much of it is from the 
professionals who develop either SL (currently from the Red Hat 
subsidiary CentOS source) or who are familiar with the various 
application/environment/driver porting repositories for EL (such as 
EPEL).  I have not found the equivalent to the SL list for Mate, nor 
have I found such for the majority of end user enthusiast 
distributions.  This is what I mean by a professional list (similar 
lists exist for many environments and applications -- I can provide a 
set of these from my own experience, but the set by no means is meant to 
be exclusionary or complete).



Adobe Acroread linux current on SL 7

2014-12-13 Thread Yasha Karant
I fully understand that there are open source PDF readers.  I use a 
number of these, as well as Qoppa PDF Studio Pro (under license for fee) 
as a Linux replacement for Adobe Acrobat.  (PDF Studio Pro provides 
essentially all of the features I need that are provided by Adobe 
Acrobat -- and Adobe refuses to port Acrobat to linux.)

Nonetheless, I attempt to keep a functioning copy of Adobe Reader 
(acroread) on my workstation.  This was not an issue under EL 6. 
However, the most recent (last) Adobe Acroread rpm does not run.  I followed

3b. Install Adobe Reader (acroread) on CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 7
Note: On x86_64 bit system, 32-bit dependencies is also installed.

end quote.

With the IA-32 dependencies supposedly installed (yum install of the 
Adobe acroread RPM was successful), the application fails.

Does anyone have SL7 acroread working?  If so, how?

I really do not want to invoke Virtualbox to run MS Win 7 pro to run the 
MS Win version of acroread.

Yasha Karant

Re: Scientific Linux 7 BETA

2014-12-13 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/13/2014 09:02 AM, Santu Roy wrote:

wine 1.7 does not work in SL7, how can i run  windows file in SL7
Assuming you have a license for MS Windows if one is required and 
enforced by your nation state (it is in the USA, EU, etc.), a very 
effective alternative is to load Oracle VirtualBox (licensed for free), 
load MS Windows under VirtualBox, and then install whatever MS Windows 
applications you need within MS Windows under VirtualBox.  Unlike Wine 
that has some issues with executing various MS Windows applications, if 
the application runs in the release of MS Windows you have, it will run 
under MS Windows under Virtual Box.

Yasha Karant

Re: Scientific Linux 7 BETA

2014-12-13 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/13/2014 09:28 AM, Phil Wyett wrote:

On Sat, 2014-12-13 at 22:32 +0530, Santu Roy wrote:

wine 1.7 does not work in SL7, how can i run  windows file in SL7


Below is a link with info of why wine does not work with RHEL/SL/CentOS



Does this mean that commercial licensed-for-fee CrossOver

that is based upon and develops/debugs Wine does not function with 
IA-32 MS Windows applications on EL7?

Yasha Karant

Re: turla

2014-12-12 Thread Yasha Karant
My amount of concern depends upon just what this infection can do -- 
including transmission of sensitive data and/or a root compromise.

From your response, are you assuming a separate stand alone hardware 
firewall that is filtering all traffic to the server, or an application 
running on the server?

Yasha Karant

On 12/11/2014 06:09 PM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:
If you are really worried about this put a web  application firewall 
in front of your server in other words a squid reverse proxy which 
tests the inbound data through a filter application, or if you are 
really brave you can try in line snort in iptables.

I would personally love to see an inline implementation of snort 
hooked into squid instead of iptables.

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

On Dec 10, 2014 5:16 AM, Karel Lang AFD wrote:

i'm not much afraid of this. I run all servers i take care of with tight
SELinux policies.
I dont think this poses a threat to a secured server.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying i'm a 'master knowing all, afraid of
nothing' :] I know, i'm not, that's why i've got everything backed up
and barebone reinstall procedure in place - in case, disaster happens
(box is hacked, burnt, stolen, 3rd WW started - in this case i also have
a bottle of whiskey in my stash :D)

And if all this is in vain, then you should at least have a good
insurance, if your business is really critical.

Biggest threat to any Linux box server (IMHO) is still at the social
(engineering) level, like exceptions with weak passwords for some
'special' users, stolen laptops, secretary giving away her pw to any guy
who says he needs it because he's from IT department .. etc etc :]

*Karel Lang*
*Unix/Linux Administration* | +420 731 13 40 40

On 12/09/2014 07:23 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
 I am attempting to discover the degree of penetration of the following
 compromise methodology into EL systems, particularly SL 6 and SL 7. I
 apologize for including the actual article in addition to the URL;
 however, if the URL should be compromised or removed, the material 
is of

 sufficient importance to be retained. At the moment, I do not have time
 to research this item; however, I suspect that there are subscribers to
 this list who have more detailed information. There is mention of a
 tool called YARA that will help in the detection (albeit evidently
 neither the quarantine nor removal of the infection) -- has anyone used
 this tool and is it effective?

 Yasha Karant

 The 'Penquin' Turla

 A Turla/Snake/Uroburos Malware for Linux
 By Kurt Baumgartner, Costin Raiu on December 8, 2014. 7:05 pm

 Recently, an interesting malicious sample was uploaded to a
 multi-scanner service. This immediately triggered our interest because
 it appears to represent a previously unknown piece of a larger puzzle.
 That puzzle is Turla, one of the most complex APTs in the world.

 We have written previously about the Turla APT with posts about their
 Epic Turla operations

 and Agent.btz inspiration 
 So far, every single Turla sample we've encountered was designed for 

 Microsoft Windows family, 32 and 64 bit operating systems. The newly
 discovered Turla sample is unusual in the fact that it's the *first
 Turla sample targeting the Linux operating system* that we have 

 This newly found Turla component supports Linux for broader system
 support at victim sites. The attack tool takes us further into the set
 alongside the Snake rootkit and
 components first associated with this actor a couple years ago. We
 suspect that this component was running for years at a victim site, but
 do not have concrete data to support that statement just yet.

 The Linux Turla module is a C/C++ executable statically linked against
 multiple libraries, greatly increasing its file size. It was 
stripped of

 symbol information, more likely intended to increase analysis effort
 than to decrease file size. Its functionality includes hidden network
 communications, arbitrary remote command execution, and remote
 management. Much of its code is based on public sources.

 *Md5* *Size* *Verdict Name*
 0994d9deb50352e76b0322f48ee576c6 627.2 kb N/A (broken file)
 14ecd5e6fc8e501037b54ca263896a11 637.6 kb HEUR:Backdoor.Linux.Turla.gen

 General executable characteristics:

 ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically
 linked, for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, stripped

 Statically linked libraries:

 * glibc2.3.2 - the GNU C library
 * openssl v0.9.6 - an older OpenSSL library
 * libpcap - tcpdump's network capture library


2014-12-09 Thread Yasha Karant
I am attempting to discover the degree of penetration of the following 
compromise methodology into EL systems, particularly SL 6 and SL 7.  I 
apologize for including the actual article in addition to the URL; 
however, if the URL should be compromised or removed, the material is of 
sufficient importance to be retained.  At the moment, I do not have time 
to research this item; however, I suspect that there are subscribers to 
this list who have more detailed information.   There is mention of a 
tool called YARA that will help in the detection (albeit evidently 
neither the quarantine nor removal of the infection) -- has anyone used 
this tool and is it effective?

Yasha Karant

The 'Penquin' Turla

A Turla/Snake/Uroburos Malware for Linux
By Kurt Baumgartner, Costin Raiu on December 8, 2014. 7:05 pm

Recently, an interesting malicious sample was uploaded to a 
multi-scanner service. This immediately triggered our interest because 
it appears to represent a previously unknown piece of a larger puzzle. 
That puzzle is Turla, one of the most complex APTs in the world.

We have written previously about the Turla APT with posts about their 
Epic Turla operations  
and Agent.btz inspiration . 
So far, every single Turla sample we've encountered was designed for the 
Microsoft Windows family, 32 and 64 bit operating systems. The newly 
discovered Turla sample is unusual in the fact that it's the *first 
Turla sample targeting the Linux operating system* that we have discovered.

This newly found Turla component supports Linux for broader system 
support at victim sites. The attack tool takes us further into the set 
alongside the Snake rootkit and 
components first associated with this actor a couple years ago. We 
suspect that this component was running for years at a victim site, but 
do not have concrete data to support that statement just yet.

The Linux Turla module is a C/C++ executable statically linked against 
multiple libraries, greatly increasing its file size. It was stripped of 
symbol information, more likely intended to increase analysis effort 
than to decrease file size. Its functionality includes hidden network 
communications, arbitrary remote command execution, and remote 
management. Much of its code is based on public sources.

*Md5*   *Size*  *Verdict Name*
0994d9deb50352e76b0322f48ee576c6627.2 kbN/A (broken file)
14ecd5e6fc8e501037b54ca263896a11637.6 kb

General executable characteristics:

ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically 
linked, for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, stripped

Statically linked libraries:

 * glibc2.3.2 - the GNU C library
 * openssl v0.9.6 - an older OpenSSL library
 * libpcap - tcpdump's network capture library

Hardcoded CC, known Turla activity: *news-bbc.podzone[.]org*
The domain has the following pDNS IP: ** aut-num:AS30982 announcement: 
as-name:CAFENET descr:  CAFE Informatique et 
telecommunications admin-c:YN2-AFRINIC tech-c: 
AN39-AFRINIC org:ORG-CIet1-AFRINIC mnt-by: 

aut-num: AS30982
as-name: CAFENET
descr: CAFE Informatique et telecommunications
admin-c: YN2-AFRINIC
tech-c: AN39-AFRINIC
mnt-lower: CAFENET-NOC
source: AFRINIC# Filtered

Note: the CC domain is currently sinkholed by Kaspersky Lab.

   Functional description

The sample is a stealth backdoor based on the cd00r sources

This Turla cd00r-based malware maintains stealth without requiring 
elevated privileges while running arbitrary remote commands. It can't be 
discovered via netstat, a commonly used administrative tool. It uses 
techniques that don't require root access, which allows it to be more 
freely run on more victim hosts. Even if a regular user with limited 
privileges launches it, it can continue to intercept incoming packets 
and run incoming commands on the system.

 Startup and Execution

To start execution, the process requires two parameters: ID (a numeric 
value used as a part of the magic packet for authentication) and an 
existing network interface name. The parameters can be inputted two 
different ways: from STDIN, or from dropper a launching the sample. This 
is NOT a command-line parameter, it's a real prompt asking the attacker 
user to provide the input parameters. After the ID and interface name 
are entered and the process launched


2014-12-09 Thread Yasha Karant

I have been attempting to build abiword from the source


configure: error: Package requirements (
  fribidi = 0.10.4
  glib-2.0 = 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 = 2.6.0 gobject-2.0 = 2.6.0
  libgsf-1 = 1.14.18
  wv-1.0 = 1.2.0
  gio-2.0 libebook-1.2 libecal-1.2  libical = 0.46
  cairo-pdf cairo-ps pangocairo
  gtk+-3.0 = 3.0.8 gtk+-unix-print-3.0 librsvg-2.0 = 2.16.0 cairo-fc
 x11) were not met:

Does anyone have a SL 7 abiword ?  Does anyone know how to satisfy for 
SL 7 the unmet package requirements

found by configure?

Yasha Karant

mate control center customize theme point size

2014-12-09 Thread Yasha Karant

Through MATE control center, change theme, customize theme, pointer, size

the small to large slider is greyed out and does not work.  How does 
one change the pointer size

in MATE?

Yasha Karant

window switcher matrix in Mate versus Gnome 2

2014-12-08 Thread Yasha Karant
In the more recent updates to Gnome 2 under SL 6 (both X86-64 and 
IA-32), when one puts the pointing device pointer over an element of the 
window switcher matrix display, the actual primary applications running 
in the window/screen to which the element points are displayed.  This 
does not yet seem to be present in Mate as available for SL7.  Is there 
an addon that adds this functionality?

Yasha Karant

stereoscopic image viewer application

2014-12-08 Thread Yasha Karant

I have used sView in the past as a stereoscopic image view under X86-64 SL6.

to build the RPM, the instructions I have read:

RPM-based distributive

yum install gcc gcc-c++
yum install gtk+-devel gtk2-devel
yum install mesa-libGLU-devel glew-devel
yum install openal-devel
yum install libconfig-devel

rpm -Uvh

yum install ffmpeg-devel
#yum install libavcodec-devel libavdevice-devel libavformat-devel 
libavutil-devel libswscale-devel

yum install rpm-build

mkdir -p ${HOME}/workspace/redhat/{RPMS,SRPMS,SPECS,SOURCES,BUILD}
echo %_topdir ${HOME}/workspace/redhat  ${HOME}/.rpmmacros

mv sview_12.05-1~precise.tar.gz 

rpmbuild -ba distribution/sView.rpm.spec

end quote.

Unfortunately, this seems to have run into a bit of a snag on SL7. Does 
anyone either have a current running version of sView or other 
stereoscopic viewer application(s) for SL7 that is recommended?

Yasha Karant

Re: stereoscopic image viewer application

2014-12-08 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/08/2014 03:48 PM, Phil Wyett wrote:

On Mon, 2014-12-08 at 12:34 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote:

I have used sView in the past as a stereoscopic image view under X86-64 SL6.

to build the RPM, the instructions I have read:

RPM-based distributive

yum install gcc gcc-c++
yum install gtk+-devel gtk2-devel
yum install mesa-libGLU-devel glew-devel
yum install openal-devel
yum install libconfig-devel

rpm -Uvh
yum install ffmpeg-devel
#yum install libavcodec-devel libavdevice-devel libavformat-devel
libavutil-devel libswscale-devel

yum install rpm-build

mkdir -p ${HOME}/workspace/redhat/{RPMS,SRPMS,SPECS,SOURCES,BUILD}
echo %_topdir ${HOME}/workspace/redhat  ${HOME}/.rpmmacros

mv sview_12.05-1~precise.tar.gz
rpmbuild -ba distribution/sView.rpm.spec

end quote.

Unfortunately, this seems to have run into a bit of a snag on SL7. Does
anyone either have a current running version of sView or other
stereoscopic viewer application(s) for SL7 that is recommended?

Yasha Karant


Wow, the 'bit of a snag' being the mass of compiler errors emitted when
a build is attempted. This code in it's current condition will not build
on SL 7. You need to speak with the upstream developers of sview and
report the gcc 4.8 build issues with them.



Yes -- you observed the issue, and I strongly suspect that the upstream 
developers will not clean this up.

In the interim, as I mentioned above:

is there another stereoscopic viewer application(s) for SL7 that is 



Re: gnu texmacs, kile

2014-12-08 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/04/2014 04:00 PM, Phil Wyett wrote:

On Thu, 2014-12-04 at 15:39 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote:

Although I have installed the current SL7 latex set as well as
TeXstudio, I still need gnu texmacs as well as Kile.

Does anyone know of EL 7 rpms for these package, including which, if
any, repositories must be installed for yum, etc., to resolve
the dependencies to install these files?

Yasha Karant



texmacs is in epel 6 but not 7 as yet. You may wish to contact the epel
maintainer (see link below) and ask if they are willing to do the build.


kile is in epel 7 testing. See links below.



I have attempted to contact tremble, but there seems no link to do so 
and I have no need to join any Fedora group.

As I recall, there were EPEL proponents (developers?) who have 
corresponded to this SL list -- would anyone care to comment on the 
status of GNU TeXmacs?  Note that I do receive .tm files and thus need a 
way to at least convert these to some form of LaTeX source from which I 
can attempt to recover the necessary information.  As for now, I 
personally have given up on all the LaTeX front ends but Texstudio (that 
does run under SL7) as I cannot afford the only true LaTeX WYSIWYG 
( , albeit it is not evident from the web site if 
this in fact will run under SL7).   However, I attempt to keep extant 
versions of as many such applications as I can mostly to help students 
who need to submit formalism in PDF using LaTeX (I have found no text 
processing system superior to LaTeX for producing journal articles and 
the equivalent, such as theses).

A build of TeXmacs from either source or the rpmbuild from a source rpm 
fails, and I do not have the personal spare time nor the personnel 
resources to fix this.



GNU TeXmacs SL7 solved

2014-12-08 Thread Yasha Karant



using last stable works on SL7.  Note that  the web site states The 
binary distributions might not work on certain systems with old versions 
of Linux (from before 2009, approximatively) .  SL7 is more current 
than that.  One still must follow the INSTALL instructions after the 
tar.gz is unpacked.

Yasha Karant

Re: gnu texmacs, kile

2014-12-08 Thread Yasha Karant
Already had LyX.  I tried LyX as a LaTeX WYSIWYW as advertised by LyX 
developers; I prefer TeXstudio at this point.

On 12/08/2014 06:38 PM, Joseph Godino wrote:

Have you tried Lyx? It is in EPEl

On Mon, 2014-12-08 at 16:21 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 12/04/2014 04:00 PM, Phil Wyett wrote:

On Thu, 2014-12-04 at 15:39 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote:

Although I have installed the current SL7 latex set as well as
TeXstudio, I still need gnu texmacs as well as Kile.

Does anyone know of EL 7 rpms for these package, including which, if
any, repositories must be installed for yum, etc., to resolve
the dependencies to install these files?

Yasha Karant



texmacs is in epel 6 but not 7 as yet. You may wish to contact the epel
maintainer (see link below) and ask if they are willing to do the build.


kile is in epel 7 testing. See links below.



I have attempted to contact tremble, but there seems no link to do so
and I have no need to join any Fedora group.

As I recall, there were EPEL proponents (developers?) who have
corresponded to this SL list -- would anyone care to comment on the
status of GNU TeXmacs?  Note that I do receive .tm files and thus need a
way to at least convert these to some form of LaTeX source from which I
can attempt to recover the necessary information.  As for now, I
personally have given up on all the LaTeX front ends but Texstudio (that
does run under SL7) as I cannot afford the only true LaTeX WYSIWYG
( , albeit it is not evident from the web site if
this in fact will run under SL7).   However, I attempt to keep extant
versions of as many such applications as I can mostly to help students
who need to submit formalism in PDF using LaTeX (I have found no text
processing system superior to LaTeX for producing journal articles and
the equivalent, such as theses).

A build of TeXmacs from either source or the rpmbuild from a source rpm
fails, and I do not have the personal spare time nor the personnel
resources to fix this.



Which SL 7 accepts which TUV Fedora release RPMS

2014-12-08 Thread Yasha Karant
Although I should have been able to find this information from a 
different source, via Wikipedia:

I found:

Fedora 19 → Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Is it correct that (most) binary x86-64 RPMs for TUV Fedora 19 will 
install on SL 7 ?


Re: bluegriffon

2014-12-05 Thread Yasha Karant

On 12/05/2014 05:57 AM, Michael Tiernan wrote:

On 12/4/14 8:52 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

For specific uses, I need an application similar to Blue Griffon

Two things, first is to try a slightly older version of BG to see if
that fixes your problem.

Second, the best alternative and cross platform is KompoZer (which is
what BG was built from).

You'll find RPMs on their website too.

From the kompozer URL:

Latest stable version: 0.7.10 (2007-08-30)

This is a beta version (by release number, albeit stable by 
declaration) that is more than seven years old.
I have used kompozer in the past, but komopozer was not keeping up with 
some of the new features that appear in certain web pages.
As BlueGriffon uses the current Firefox internals, it more closely 
adapts to certain of these features as I recall from direct use.

Re: Mate 1.8

2014-12-04 Thread Yasha Karant
Problem solved.  Are the dconf-editor edited fields (variables) (well) 
documented anywhere?  I did a web search on this issue
and a found a reference that this had been solved in Mate 1.8 (at least 
on ubuntu).  As I show my research students, a MS Win 8, Mac OS X, Gnome 
3, or KDE Plasma interface is not as efficient as a Gnome 2 style 
interface for non-touch-screen machines; trackpads and touchscreens 
require ergonomic calibration that may be too sensitive for some 
hands/fingers.  Mate is much better.


On 12/03/2014 10:31 PM, Ben Waugh wrote:
My understanding is that this bug is known to be present in MATE 1.8, 
but will be fixed in the next release:

Meanwhile, there is a workaround using dconf-editor: 


On 04/12/14 05:29, Yasha Karant wrote:

I understand that this is not an EPEL list.  However, Mate is an EPEL
port to EL7.   I have been attempting to use Gnome 3, both Classic as
well as Frippery; but I find that Gnome 3 lacks specific functionalities
that I prefer.  Evidently, Mate is a port/clone of Gnome 2 for
distributions using Gnome 3, including EL7.  I have installed Mate 1.8.1
as well as the applets, etc., from the EPEL list in the Add/Remove
Software GUI.

However, the window selector grid has a fixed 4 windows, and the right
click Preferences on the selector does not allow me to increase the
number of workspaces.  A search on the web reveals that this is
supposedly fixed in Mate 1.8 , but is not on my machine. Does anyone
have a solution?

Supposedly Oracle EL 7 uses Gnome 2.  Is it possible to use the Oracle
EL 7 rpms to install Gnome 2?

Yasha Karant

gnu texmacs, kile

2014-12-04 Thread Yasha Karant
Although I have installed the current SL7 latex set as well as 
TeXstudio, I still need gnu texmacs as well as Kile.

Does anyone know of EL 7 rpms for these package, including which, if 
any, repositories must be installed for yum, etc., to resolve

the dependencies to install these files?

Yasha Karant


2014-12-04 Thread Yasha Karant

For specific uses, I need an application similar to Blue Griffon

I have found a bluegriffon RPM; however, installation yields the issues 

Does anyone have a workaround or a similar application?  I have found 
Blue Griffon better than the web page
editor in Seamonkey (a modern Mozilla based package similar to old 
Netscape that shares underlying internals with
Firefox), although I do have seamonkey (and opera and other web browser 
applications) installed.  These are needed for

W3C conformance as well as ergonomic testing and evaluation.

yum install bluegriffon-1.7.2-2-omv2013.0.x86_64.rpm
Loaded plugins: langpacks
Examining bluegriffon-1.7.2-2-omv2013.0.x86_64.rpm: 

Marking bluegriffon-1.7.2-2-omv2013.0.x86_64.rpm to be installed
Resolving Dependencies
-- Running transaction check
--- Package bluegriffon.x86_64 0:1.7.2-2 will be installed
-- Processing Dependency: for package: 
-- Processing Dependency: for package: 
-- Processing Dependency: for package: 
-- Processing Dependency: for package: 

-- Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: bluegriffon-1.7.2-2.x86_64 

Error: Package: bluegriffon-1.7.2-2.x86_64 

Error: Package: bluegriffon-1.7.2-2.x86_64 

Error: Package: bluegriffon-1.7.2-2.x86_64 

 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

Yasha Karant

Re: Dell Latitude E6540

2014-10-23 Thread Yasha Karant

On 10/23/2014 04:47 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

Is anyone running SL 7 on a Dell Latitude E6540?  My institution is
considering this unit over the equivalent HP unit, to replace the five year
old laptop that I currently use, because of the net lower cost of the Dell.
Dell claims that it will run Linux Ubuntu 12.04 -- but I do not know if this
enthusiast Ubuntu has more secure boot, etc., capabilities than SL7x.

Any information, on or off list, greatly would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

I'm afraid I don't have one in hand myself. Have you considered
burning a live CD or USB bootable image, visiting a computer store or
someone in your IT group who has one, and taking a test drive with it
with their permission? Laptop support for Linux can sometimes be
tricky as vendors use slightly cheaper, newer chip sets that no one in
th eLinux world has had a chance to test with, but I find that
technique very useful to ensure basic bootability and X windows
operation and peripheral operation.
Thank you for your suggestion.  Unfortunately, this Dell model that 
claims to be engineered and built to meet
FIPS 201-certified smart card and fingerprint readers and RSA SecurID 
along with a MIL-STD-810G-tested chassis typically
is not available in the local mass merchandiser computer laptop stores 
(Office Max, Staples, etc.).  When my wife's laptop was stolen and we 
had to replace it out of our personal budget (her department had no 
funds to buy a replacement Faculty laptop because the university is 
self-insured for many situations, including that one), I did take a 
SL6x bootable DVD and found a machine for which SL6x would boot and that 
had sound, 802.11 WNIC, video card, DVD drive, pointing device, etc., 
fully supported by SL (not requiring proprietary MS Win drivers).  The 
first several low priced laptops did *NOT* meet this criterion, but a 
Lenovo did.  Unfortunately, consumer (low price) Lenovo is of poor 
mechanical quality (hinges/chassis already fatigue fractured), and 
unlike Dell or HP, Lenovo refuses to supply the service manual and full 
parts list, nor will it sell parts.  Also, several stores would NOT let 
me do a DVD boot and run (not install) -- and thus i could not test 
which, if any, machines for sale would work.  i suppose if we buy the 
Dell and it does not work we could attempt to return it, or I could be 
forced to switch to Ubuntu (not appealing).

Re: Dell Latitude E6540

2014-10-23 Thread Yasha Karant
Is it X86-64 SL 6.5 or IA-32 SL 6.5 on your Dell E6520?  What boot 
changes/hardware changes exist between the E6520 and E6540 (e.g., 
mandatory secure boot)?

Yasha Karant

On 10/23/2014 08:36 AM, DBC wrote:
I have been running SL 6.5 on my E6520 for over 9 months and have been 
very happy.  I wanted to install Solaris 11x86 but couldn't get it to 
install.  The SL 6.5 has been fantastic with my only hiccups being I 
can't play movie DVDs and can't get my iTunes program.


-- Original Message --
*Received: *11:24 AM EDT, 10/23/2014
*From: *Yasha Karant

*Subject: *Re: Dell Latitude E6540

On 10/23/2014 04:47 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Yasha Karant 

 Is anyone running SL 7 on a Dell Latitude E6540? My institution is
 considering this unit over the equivalent HP unit, to replace the 
five year
 old laptop that I currently use, because of the net lower cost of 
the Dell.
 Dell claims that it will run Linux Ubuntu 12.04 -- but I do not 
know if this
 enthusiast Ubuntu has more secure boot, etc., capabilities than 

 Any information, on or off list, greatly would be appreciated.

 Yasha Karant
 I'm afraid I don't have one in hand myself. Have you considered
 burning a live CD or USB bootable image, visiting a computer store or
 someone in your IT group who has one, and taking a test drive with it
 with their permission? Laptop support for Linux can sometimes be
 tricky as vendors use slightly cheaper, newer chip sets that no one in
 th eLinux world has had a chance to test with, but I find that
 technique very useful to ensure basic bootability and X windows
 operation and peripheral operation.
Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, this Dell model that
claims to be engineered and built to meet
FIPS 201-certified smart card and fingerprint readers and RSA SecurID
along with a MIL-STD-810G-tested chassis typically
is not available in the local mass merchandiser computer laptop stores
(Office Max, Staples, etc.). When my wife's laptop was stolen and we
had to replace it out of our personal budget (her department had no
funds to buy a replacement Faculty laptop because the university is
self-insured for many situations, including that one), I did take a
SL6x bootable DVD and found a machine for which SL6x would boot and that
had sound, 802.11 WNIC, video card, DVD drive, pointing device, etc.,
fully supported by SL (not requiring proprietary MS Win drivers). The
first several low priced laptops did *NOT* meet this criterion, but a
Lenovo did. Unfortunately, consumer (low price) Lenovo is of poor
mechanical quality (hinges/chassis already fatigue fractured), and
unlike Dell or HP, Lenovo refuses to supply the service manual and full
parts list, nor will it sell parts. Also, several stores would NOT let
me do a DVD boot and run (not install) -- and thus i could not test
which, if any, machines for sale would work. i suppose if we buy the
Dell and it does not work we could attempt to return it, or I could be
forced to switch to Ubuntu (not appealing).

Dell Latitude E6540

2014-10-22 Thread Yasha Karant
Is anyone running SL 7 on a Dell Latitude E6540?  My institution is 
considering this unit over the equivalent HP unit, to replace the five 
year old laptop that I currently use, because of the net lower cost of 
the Dell.  Dell claims that it will run Linux Ubuntu 12.04 -- but I do 
not know if this enthusiast Ubuntu has more secure boot, etc., 
capabilities than SL7x.

Any information, on or off list, greatly would be appreciated.

Yasha Karant

Re: any workaround for `GLIBC_2.14' not found on SL 6x

2014-08-30 Thread Yasha Karant

On 08/30/2014 03:50 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 12:16 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

Is there any workaround for the issue below other than moving to SL 7 (once
that release goes into production from beta)?

ykarant@jb344 Downloads]$ /usr/bin/AfterShotPro2X64
Install Path:   /opt/AfterShotPro2(64-bit)
./AfterShotPro: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required
by /opt/AfterShotPro2(64-bit)/lib/
./AfterShotPro: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.17' not found (required
by /opt/AfterShotPro2(64-bit)/lib/
./AfterShotPro: /opt/AfterShotPro2(64-bit)/lib/ no version
information available (required by /usr/lib64/
[ykarant@jb344 Downloads]$

Yasha Karant

Since it's commercial software, maybe you could ask *them*?
I already have.  As Corel (which bought Bibble -- strange -- if 
corporations are people, and corporations can buy other corporations, 
why cannot non-incorporated real human people buy other non-incorporated 
real human people -- perhaps because corporations are not people but 
merely engines of avarice) effectively was bought by Microsoft a number 
of years ago, their technical support for Linux is not superb.  
Otherwise, Corel would keep (as does VirtualBox owned by Oracle, a 
parent corporation that competes with Red Hat for EL for-profit 
support) versions around that are in fact directly compatible with 
most distros. Interestingly, the IA-32 version (32 bit linux) runs fine 
under IA-32 SL 6x.

Speaking of which, is there any other workflow package that works as 
well or better directly under Linux (I do not mean Photoshop under MS 
Windows under VirtualBox under Linux -- I do mean native)?  I have tried 
gimp, but the import facilities for imaging vendor proprietary image 
formats (raw, e.g., Nikon NEF) is not as effective.  I do not run Mac 
OS X (a typical image manipulation environment) because none of our 
primary machines (both fixed workstations as well as laptops) are sold 
by Apple and thus it is software piracy in the USA to run Mac OS X on 
such machines (Apple will not sell a license for Mac OS X for non-Apple 
machines ) -- otherwise Mac OS X with fink or the equivalent might be a 

Yasha Karant

any workaround for `GLIBC_2.14' not found on SL 6x

2014-08-29 Thread Yasha Karant
Is there any workaround for the issue below other than moving to SL 7 
(once that release goes into production from beta)?

ykarant@jb344 Downloads]$ /usr/bin/AfterShotPro2X64
Install Path:   /opt/AfterShotPro2(64-bit)
./AfterShotPro: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found 
(required by /opt/AfterShotPro2(64-bit)/lib/
./AfterShotPro: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.17' not found 
(required by /opt/AfterShotPro2(64-bit)/lib/
./AfterShotPro: /opt/AfterShotPro2(64-bit)/lib/ no version 
information available (required by /usr/lib64/

[ykarant@jb344 Downloads]$

Yasha Karant

Microsoft Active Directory and SCCM

2014-08-05 Thread Yasha Karant
The administrative computing and network unit at my institution seem to 
want to force us to use Microsoft Active Directory and SCCM. The 
generalities that have been released to date are quoted below:



   Work with the ITC’s across the University to join all University
   owned PC’s and Mac’s to an organizational unit (OU) of the CSUSB AD


   Provide training to all ITC’s on Microsoft Active Directory and SCCM

*Cost:* $25,000 Estimated

*Rationale:* With the availability of advanced tools to maintain and 
upgrade machines from a central console, Faculty and Staff will greatly 
benefit from patches and updates being done for them remotely and in an 
automated fashion. They will also be able to install campus licensed 
software themselves.

NB: ITC Information Technology Consultant (a California State University 
staff position designation) -- a technician, typically with a BS in IT 
or a related field, who has hardware and software control over 
non-administrative-computing Faculty MS Windows or Mac OS X workstations.

End quote.

Does anyone on the list have to use these Microsoft proprietary systems 
with EL open systems -- both servers and workstations? If so, what are 
your experiences and how does one do the integration? Under no 
circumstances are we willing to share root passwords with the 
administrative unit. Replies off list are welcome.

Yasha Karant

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