Re: [sdre-l]: what would you recomend...

1999-10-18 Thread XphiveX


I would definately recommend diary first, because it was their first... 
In my experience, the people that hear HIFTBSO first, seem to not end up 
liking sdre as much they should be liked.   you know?   Hearing the 
albums in the order in which they came out ... seems like a good idea because 
you can see how they have matured throughout the years. Like reading 
a book of their lives... (instead... listening to their lives).You do it 
in chronological order You don't pick up a book and read it from the last 
past page to the foreward. it wouldn't make sence. Same with their 
albums.   It's a story of their lives... what goes on, growing up and 
realizing new things...   don't you agree?

[sdre-l]: i think no one thinks enough

1999-08-18 Thread XphiveX

 Someone wrote:   I have to agree with you that SDRE has 
some lyrics that are too "intelligent" for most people.  So of course the 
majority of the world is below comprehension, therefore that kind of music 
could never become "mainstream" or liked by the "majority"... I've always 
liked lines like "I dream to heal 
your wounds, but I bleed myself"... You know, Brittany Spears would just say 
"hey bro, I know you have problems, but i have problems too.."  Not quite as 
poetic, but understood at its face value by almost everyone...  So no, SDRE 
will never see the popularity it deserves, but that's ok... thoughts on that were not as positive as your own...i bet since
jeremy writes all of his lyrics by making tapes of him making noises to
their songs and having them all figure out what it sounds like he said,
"they cant exactly be interpreted the same way he meant them. its just
whatever the listener wants them to mean." whoever wrote that seems was
in praise of theirself and critical of everyone else. it all depends on
taste. and i don't think britney spears  really writes that crap anyways. i 
if some one elses style is to be strait to the point then that is their
style and they shouldn't have to hide it under blankets of metaphors.
and people who do use hidden meanings have a different style and that
is how they should write.

Re: [sdre-l]: a little weird .... ummm ~> "ELECTRONIC MAIL"

1999-05-25 Thread XphiveX

You know, another type of music i've been really into lately is eastern 
music.   Nothing western. More  gypsy music, and arab.  It's 

Re: [sdre-l]: Batman

1999-05-25 Thread XphiveX

=)  rad =)

<< Here is my dumb introduction... 
 I'm still stuck on the batman thing.  I used to love to listen to the 
 soundtrack and I never really noticed that sunny day was on.  After 
 to it over and over for about 3 monthes I stoped. (this was before I got 
 "emo")  Around a year ago I liked this guy who introduced me to sunny day.  
 right away went to the store to buy an album, all they had was diary.  I 
 in love with "song about an angel."  I then bought "lp2", and "how it 
  I don't want to sit here and say oh my fav album is this because I will 
 Just say I like diary alot.  After listening to Sunny Day I went onto and went to relative to them... and it got me into liking emo.
 --Lisa >>

Re: [sdre-l]: a little weird .... ummm ~> "ELECTRONIC MAIL"

1999-05-25 Thread XphiveX

<< I don't know if it is the lame area in which I live, northeast
 Pennsylvania, or if I am not listening close enough, but I NEVER have
 heard SDRE/Jeremy on the radio anywhere.  I have been listening to Sunny
 Day back since the Diary days.
 If anyone has any comments... feel free. >>

I'm with you on that one.  I don't even live in a "lame" area...   i live in 
the east bay area, calif. And there is no sdre or jeremy on any  radio 
stations, that i know of at all  Never heard sdre on radio in the 
past 5 years or so that i've been into them.  They are probably one of the 
only "emo" bands that i am into.   If you were to look at all my other 
records...   you would never think i was into sdre.  hee heh
They are THE MOST "popular" band (i guess you can say) 
that i am into. Most people are very suprised when they find out i'm into 
them.We have mutual friends though... (we=jeremy and will) ...  so thats 
why i heard of them at the very beginning... other words i would have never 
been in that section of the record store.   You know what i mean?  heh he 
I'm more into (and i know maybe most of you would never have heard of 
these bands...   if so, rad!)  ... starting with the bigger bands:  Neurosis, 
at the gates, will haven, multi facet, los crudos, dystopia, logical 
nonsense, sake, redscare, murder takes no holiday, current grimple stuff, ojo 
rojo, eldopa, submission hold, antischism, initial state, damad, buzzov*en, 
etc... etc..  and sunndy day real estate...   jeremy solo.. is good...   damn 
his voice is amazing.   You (nice sdre fan) people should go to my web page 
and look around.  Sign the guest book too, if you want.  ( i want, heh he)
  ok, i go now.   peace.
_= ~ jessica ~ =_~> ~> ~>">how much longer do we 

Re: [sdre-l]: introducing....

1999-05-20 Thread XphiveX

Sunny day stuff is on the radio?  i didn't know that. Out of all the 
bands i am into, they are by far the most "well known."  (one of the only 
"emo" bands too, hehe hee)   So i guess that doesn't suprise me, wow.   Thats 
how people got into them so quick, all of a sudden.  Thats cool though, 
really it is.  Learn something new every day, right?  Take care every body.
<< I did try introducing myself a bit ago, but I don't think the message went 
 through.  So, I'll try again.  Hmm, I got into SDRE by hearing Pillars and 
 HIFTBSO on the radio (gasp) on a preview show, and, incidentally, I have not 
 heard them since which gives you an idea of the abysmmal taste in music in 
 my neck of the woods.  That, and having heard they were good, compelled me 
 to get How it feels... and that CD rocks, I do believe it is the best of the 
 three full-length albums.  I got the other two in reverse order, and just 
 picked up Diary a couple weeks ago.  I also had the chance to see the band 
 in Spokane, and had tickets and the whole she-band, except that two days 
 before I sprained my ankle rather severly and spent the night of the in the 
 hospital, which is a terrible place to sleep.
 I live approx. 40 miles N. of Spokane, WA, which is across the state from 
 Seattle and a polar opposite of that city.  Suffice to say, I'll just 
 thrilled to be leaving for college in Portland, OR next year.  Other bands I 
 like include:  Pearl Jam, REM, the Wallflowers, the Cure, Bauhaus, 
 Soundgarden, and a host of other bands which I can't remember, as well as 
 Celtic/Native American traditional music.  I have one sister who is the 
 coolest person I know and has blue-purple spiked hair, something like Lars 
 from Rancid, except not quite as tall.
 talk to y'all later
 living in the mainstream is such a lame dream--[Henry Rollins]

Re: [sdre-l]: POLL: results; new poll

1999-05-19 Thread XphiveX

knowing it was sunny day?   circles. 

I want to see the results from yo' last poll.   peace.

Re: [sdre-l]: (no subject)

1999-05-19 Thread XphiveX

i read all of these daily.

<< i was wondering how many people see this daily or close to it
 it seems like there is only a couple people here??
 ? >>

[sdre-l]: please read this, not sdre related, but very important to me...

1999-05-15 Thread XphiveX

I know this isn't sunny day related, but please take the time to read this, 
it's about Puerto Rico, and the shit it has to put up with by the american 
government... My whole family on both sides all still lives in puerto rico, 
and this island it talks about is a small island off the coast of PR.  My 
moms whole family owned most of the island...   many years back, and the us 
governmaent took it away from them...  for the damn military.. anyways  
please read cousin sent this to me.
thanks,   Jessica...   


 April 22, 1999

 On April 19, 1999, American F-18 fighter planes, on a routine
 bombing maneuver over the island of Vieques (a small island of
 approximately 8,000 inhabitants 7 miles off the SE coast of Puerto
 Rico belonging to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico), dropped "by
 mistake" two five-hundred pound bombs on a guard-post on Camp Garcia,
 US Navy. The incident resulted in the death of David Sanet, a
 security guard employed by a private company, and the wounding of four
 others, whose names have not yet been released. The four individuals
 wounded are being hospitalized at Fort Roosevelt (Puerto Rico), and
 the US Navy refuses to comment on their condition.

 This tragedy is only the latest incident in a history of US Naval
 presence on Vieques that extends back to the early 1940's, when the
 Navy expropriated 26,000 acres of land, more than 72 percent of the
 island's total area. This land was stolen primarily to use for
 artillery drills, bombing exercises, and munitions storage. The
 effects of this expropriation were devastating to the local
 population. The Playa Grande Sugar Mill, the center of the island's
 modest economy, was forced to close, and a severe social and economic
 crisis ensued. The US Interior Department planned to alleviate this
 crisis by relocating the island's entire population to Saint Croix, US
 Virgin Islands, and granting control of the remaining territory to the
 Navy. Fierce opposition quelled these plans, and every additional
 attempt at relocation over the course of twenty years. In 1964, the
 residents of Barrio Esperanza, on Vieques's south coast, organized
 opposition to stop the last forcible effort to relocate the remaining

 Opposition hasn't been limited to a defensive posture, however.
 The residents of Vieques have banded together in a number of
 aggressive efforts to halt the US Military's exploitation of the
 island. Fishermen of Vieques have demonstrated repeatedly against
 bombing and against restrictions limiting their use of the sea. There
 have been numerous demonstrations to raise public awareness to the
 catastrophic ecological consequences of the Navy's island operations.

 In 1983, the Governor of Puerto Rico, Carlos Barcelo, added his own
 voice to the popular opposition by issuing formal charges against the
 Navy for ecological damage caused to Vieques. Today, in the wake of
 this senseless bombing, the demonstrations continue. The island's
 population has vowed to stage continuous protest, and the fishermen
 have said that they will fish in restricted waters.

 The Mayor of Vieques, Manuela Santiago, has drafted a "cease and
 desist" resolution to permanently halt all military operations on the
 island. This resolution, once passed by the Vieques Municipal
 Assembly, will serve as the consummate declaration of collective
 opposition to American Military presence on the island.

 Please voice your support for the struggle of Vieques by:

 1. Appending your name to this petition to President William Clinton
 and Secretary of Defense William Cohen.

 2. Forwarding this petition to as many individuals as possible.

 If your name on the petition is #50, #100, #150 ... please return it




 Petition to:

 The President of the United States of America,
 William Clinton,
 and US Secretary of Defense,
 William Cohen.

 We, the undersigned, are outraged at American Naval operations on the
 island of Vieques. The more than five decade long use of 72 percent
 of the island for artillery drills, bombing exercises, and storage of
 munitions has ravaged the environment, has dislocated the island's
 population, and has now resulted in loss of human life. In accordance
 with Vieques Mayor Manuela Santiago's resolution, we petition that the
 US Navy cease and desist all operations on the island of Vieques.

 Note: It is best if you highlight the text in its entirety and COPY
 it onto a new outgoing message, add your name to the bottom of the
 list, then send it on. Thanks.

 1. Kevin Hoffman, San Diego, CA
 2. Aned Yarelis Muniz Gracia, Corozal, PR
 3. Dr. Rev. Thomas Marshall, Santa Cruz, CA
 4. Alba Yarimar Muniz Gracia, Corozal, PR
 5. Freddie Marrero, New York, NY
 6. Heidi J. Figueroa Sarriera, Trujillo Alto, PR
 7. Edwin Ramos Martmnez, Trujillo Alto, PR

Re: [[sdre-l]:SF show?

1999-05-10 Thread XphiveX

Micah~ No it is not at the bottom of the hill  (too small in there...)
    it is at fort mason.   ( i live here, but i think i'm gonna miss 
them... leaving for 3 months to puerto rico visit family and all...)
And yeah i think it is on july 3rd, because the next night, they be playing 
in southern california (again, mandy...  you can see them this time...)  You 
from the bay area micah?  good luck finding all the info out, and getting 
your ticket. peace.


Re: [sdre-l]: bueller....? bueller....?

1999-05-04 Thread XphiveX

<< Re: the July 3rd show in SF does ANYONE have specific info? brian? why 
is this date not on the official site? have tickets gone on sale yet? anyone 
on the list going to this gig? gettin ansy...ana.  >>

===>>>  If i'm in town, i'll be going...   But most likely i'll be outta here 
by then   =(... Which is alright i guess, how often do we get to 
travel /  ...   how often do we see sdre... well it is a pretty 
close match, but sorry guys i think traveling sounds a little more appealing 
right now     heh heee (it's always nice to get away isn't it?)   

(i know this is very much not sdre related, but just to add this in...  last 
night at san quentin: Manny Babbit was executed...   very intense night, 
mellow protest, candles, etc...=>  This man was a vietnam vet   poor, 
black, man who was sent to war at age 17   (((remember in the 60's racism 
was a big thing, and so the U.S. sent all the minorities before sending over 
any of the whites.)))  This government taught him how to kill, and how to 
fight, how to hate, etc... We lost that war, and many men came back 
mentaly ill, crazy both from war, and that agent orange crap. They 
refused to treat many of them, and gave these men (that were still alive) no 
respect. Manny Babbit was crazy from war, and acted crazy...  he would 
hide in bushes all the time pretending to be shooting all these people, 
wearing army gear, etc...   Well one night while acting out his "flashed 
back" crazy memories of the war, he scared a woman walking by  and led 
her to have a heart attack.   She died.   Now Manny went to 
trial, and lacking money, he got a public defender defending him.The 
public defender was a drunk (they are now proving) and handled his case very 
poorly.   Manny was put on death row... for first degree murder.  
  (did i mention that he's black...that didn't have anything to do with 
it right?  nah)Now, it's almost 10 years later.   Manny was murdered 
last night in a gas chamber..  while all we can do, was stand out side in 
 People ask why those boys in Colorado shot 
all those kids at school?Why?   Well look at our examples  Our 
government   teaches these vets.  to be savages, go off and kill, protecting 
them, and murdering others in their names...   Then when they get back, the 
government spits on them, turns their backs to this illness they have 
developed, and when an infortunate thing happends on behalf of this 
illness that should have been taken care of,  the government takes care 
of it with vengance. and violence solve all problems with 
violence, kill kill kill
They teach those to kill, and when they kill ~ they teach them that "killing 
is bad", by killing them.  I ask   anyone who has read this just to pray, 
or meditate, or think, or whatever you do about Manny Babbit.And the 
other people waiting in line to be murdered, by those who taught us to murder.
.Love one another.
Thanks for reading this   XjessicaX

Re: [sdre-l]: SDRE

1999-05-04 Thread XphiveX

In a message dated 99-05-03 14:19:03 EDT, TinyTigre1 writes:

<< hey you dork...they didnt even play in southern california until november 
20th of last year. that was their first show ever in california, so no, she 
really didnt have a chance to see them live.
 ~carissa >>

Heh Heh    you make me laugh...  

Re: [sdre-l]: re: SDRE

1999-05-04 Thread XphiveX

  =)   c o n g r a d u l a t i o n s   = )

<< wow!
 i've gathered much information from everyone, and it
 looks like i'll FINALLY get to see Sunny Day live
 sooni'm all smiles over it!

Re: [sdre-l]: SDRE

1999-05-04 Thread XphiveX

A little judgemental?  sorry hun...   i was completely polite, and simply 
asking why you hadn't gotten the chance to see them live...i mean you 
could have said," i've been out of town everytime they have come through er 
somethin"   thats rad you've been a fan for years, and you don't need to 
to explain anything to me.   =)   damn.

<< hey...i wouldn't call you mean..but i would call you a
 little judgemental...just because i haven't seen them
 live doesn't mean i'm not a fan,there's lots of bands
 that i admire that i haven't seen live...YET, and like
 i said i'm the only SDRE fan I know...the point is I
 do want to see them..I plan on seeing them...i hope
 thats a good enough explanation for youmandy
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 > Mandy, i don't mean to be mean, but if you've liked
 > sdre for years, why 
 > haven't you ever seen them live?  They've been to
 > southern cal before... 
 > heh hei dunno, just wonderin, it seems weird to
 > miss them if you are such 
 > a long devoted 
 > fan.   >>

Re: [sdre-l]: Lil' Red Hearts

1999-05-03 Thread XphiveX


<< OK.  Dude:
 I found myself in New York this weekend (and lucky me, the Pot Fest was
 held this weekend as well, hehe).  I strolled down to a record store in
 search of Sunny Day, tracked them down, and flipped thru a pretty
 extensive collection.  The images on them were relatively crappy, and
 there was no mention of SubPop anywhere on many of them, so I presumed
 that several kids had put together compilations or live recordings or
 whatever, and somehow the store bought them.  There were three odd CD
 covers on the rack that were simple brown paper with minimal writing.  I
 grabbed the perfect one, noted the handwriting looked like Jer-yummy's,
 but immediately dismissed it, flipped it over to find a heart w/
 "Jeremy" written in it, and thought, "How gay.  Why the hell would
 someone do such a corny thing as pulling the lead singer's name in a
 heart?  Duh."
 As I was making my purchase, I asked the guy behind the counter if the
 CDs where made by the public, and he half-scoffingly replied, "We get
 stuff through the record companies.  Sunny Day's a small enough band
 that they'll make a thousand copies of a recording and distribute it."
 So idiot girl here, slowly starts to piece all the glaring evidence
 together, after being blinded by cynicism.  The three brown covers must
 have been a product of Jeremy, and whoever else, spending hours upon
 hours in a studio next to a stack of live recordings, copying them onto
 CDs, armed with paper bags, scissors, glue, a couple different color
 pens, and cutesy little stamps, intending to identify and engineer
 little pockets for those CDs.  Um, dude, that seriously KICKS-ASS!  That
 is so EXTRAORDINARILY thoughtful, he wins many a_little_red_star for
 such an endeavor.
 Does anyone know anything about these?  Anyone seen them?  Any idea how
 many exist?  Am I completely off-base on them being handmade by the
 demi-god himself?
 I intended to scan the cover, and I will if anyone wants to see it, but
 I can't do it right now... >>

Re: [sdre-l]: SDRE

1999-05-03 Thread XphiveX

Mandy, i don't mean to be mean, but if you've liked sdre for years, why 
haven't you ever seen them live?  They've been to southern cal before... 
heh hei dunno, just wonderin, it seems weird to miss them if you are such 
a long devoted 
<< hey! i honestly never even knew Sunny Day Real Estate
 had such a big following..ok so i know that sounds
 pretty lame, but nobody i know...and i mean nobody has
 even heard of them...i've been listening to them for
 years and i think they're the most beautiful band i've
 ever heard...but you know how those closed minds
 are..hard to get through...anyhow i'm glad i found
 this site, and this mailing next mission is
 to see them live..i've only heard nothing but good
 things about their shows (i'll make one of those close
 minded friends of mine go with me!) : )   hopefully
 they'll be in So Cal soon!  this is really
 cool..thanks for listening!
 mandy >>

Re: [sdre-l]: emo tag....hip hop thread

1999-05-01 Thread XphiveX

Mikie. you need to hear some more   hip hop   not this 
tribe called quest bullshit...they aint hip hopok i guess they 
are fi you think so, but look out there (not big record stores or mtv) 
but other places... and there are some hard working individuals, who have  a 
lot to say and express it in a hip hop way...

<< there are only a few hip hop bands out there even worth being listened 
 tootribe called quest, and US3...they both rawk...very political

Re: [sdre-l]: emo tag.

1999-05-01 Thread XphiveX

VERY TRUE...   =)

<< I've always considered punk and hip hop to be very similar. The both 
involve music that inspires a whole movement and lifestyle. They are both (if 
they are thoughtful and meaningful) very political and smart. Both movements 
also seek to make changes in society, while society as a whole has considered 
the music to be threatening.maybe i'm an asshole
 In a message dated 99-05-01 00:08:06 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  ECT.LIKE "the coup" FROM OUT HERE (OAKLAND) OR "black star" OR "the 

Re: [sdre-l]: show on the 4th of july

1999-04-30 Thread XphiveX


<< hey guys,
 if you have the opportunity to see at the drive-in live, DON'T MISS THEM !!!
 i have never seen sdre live, but at the drive in live is the best show i 
 have ever seen !!! I'm not kiddingthose guys are INCRDIBLE !!!
 check out their album in casino ourt before the show...if you know the 
 songs, you'll appreciate more the show  think..
 29, Palettes
 1212 GENEVA

Re: [sdre-l]: emo tag.

1999-04-30 Thread XphiveX

ECT.LIKE "the coup" FROM OUT HERE (OAKLAND) OR "black star" OR "the 

<< this is my first post, other than my hello thing.  well, anyway, i have to 
 disagree with one of the things said.  i am not a huge fan of rap.hip-hop, 
 but some of it does have some good thoughts and ideas.  for one example, 
 at arrested development.  i dont know much about them at all, but i remember 
 hearing some of their stuff in a friends car.  i remember one song 
 specifically where they are talking about political prisoners and the 
 such...i dont know.  oh well.  sorry for being off topic.  byebye.
 .gregory.* >>

Re: [sdre-l]: portland tix

1999-04-30 Thread XphiveX


<< hey everyone. =)
 i went to the mcmenamins website to try to buy tix online for the portland 
 show on the 27th, but they weren't selling them on there. is this just 
 because they don't go on sale til tomorrow or is there somewhere else i need 
 to go to get tix? if someone could clear me up that would be great. thanx.
 take care. =)
 np: model engine "the lean years tradition" >>

Re: [sdre-l]: PDX show!

1999-04-28 Thread XphiveX

In a message dated 99-04-28 22:23:05 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  WOo hoo!
   So, its all offical now, saw the ad in the Willamette Weekly. Sdre
 playing crystal ballroom may 27th. Tickets on sale this Saturday.
 woo fucking hoo. 
 jane. >>

Wheres the crystal ballroom?probably not in my state never 
heard of it...

Re: [sdre-l]: OTS Promise Ring

1999-04-27 Thread XphiveX

In a message dated 99-04-27 19:26:18 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Any reason for the PromiseRing hatred, and what bands am I allowed 
 to like
 Thank you, God of indie for pointing me in the right direction. What kind of 
 clothes do you wear so I can be MORE like you??
 Marc >>

heh hee   Your funny marc.

:  end sarcasm  :

Re: [sdre-l]: UW show last night!

1999-04-27 Thread XphiveX

<< I think the people who didn't get to go to the show are entitled to free
 videos from it.  What do ya say?
 Jared >>

Thats what I'm talkin about...Anyone who video taped Sunny Day, hook me 
up...;)   <~  (lets pretend those are puppy dog eyes, begging)

I've seen sdre a number of times already and haven't had the chance to video 
tape them... i would love a copy.  I live down here in the bay area 
(oakland), so i couldn't go to the show... :( Seattle. I was 
born there, and lived there for a while (along with a lot of other places.. 
heh hee)
 X jessica X*">how much longer do we 
have... *


Re: [sdre-l]: uoregon

1999-04-19 Thread XphiveX

In a message dated 99-04-19 19:54:50 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< hey, any oregonites have the 411 on the u oregon show in may??  where to
 get tickets??? info about the venue??  i'd be willing to fly out cuz it's
 around my birthday.all the info would be grately appreciated.
 thanks, jamie in chicago* >>

I'm not from oregon, (oakland baby, heh hee)  but i'm sure you can tickets 
through ~ ~ ~ ~you need a credit card/debit card 
though. Just know where they be playing at  

peace. X jessica X