Re: [SIESTA-L] Follow-up on NaN error with parallel version of Siesta 2.0

2006-10-05 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Derek,

I haven't tried with lam-mpi, but with intel mpi there are problems
if you link with a blacs compiled for mpi 1.2 while using mpi 2
(lam-mpi implements almost all of mpi 2). The problem is in one
of the include files of the c interface of blacs, so it can be really
difficult to detect while using a fortran only application. In order
to link with mkl  I'm using the following:


#Pay attention to the intelmpi20 suffix of blacs:

Also if nuotot is only 24 then the system is really small,  maybe
there are no orbitals in a given node and it produces the NaN.

Good luck, and please post your findings!


On oct 5, 2006, at 5:32 PM, Derek A. Stewart wrote:

Hi everyone,

   Just a quick follow up on the NaN errors I have been running  
into with

Siesta 2.0.  It looks like the error occurs in the cdiag subroutine
(cdiag.F) when pzheevd is called to solve the standard eigenvalue
problem.  I have tried changing the parameters of the run (i.e.
DivideConquer, Set2D), but similar problems occur.

This means it is probably a problem with the scalapack library.  Has
anyone successfully compiled the parallel version of Siesta with  

7.1.1 with intel compilers version 8 or 9?  If they have, I would be
interested in comparing your Bmake, SLmake input files for BLACS and
SCALAPACK with what I am using.



On 10/4/06, Derek A. Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

   I have been trying to get the parallel version of Siesta 2.0  
to run
with the intel compilers (version 8.1, MKL math libraries) and  
(7.1.1).  I have no problems compiling the parallel version of  

However, when I run a calculation, I run into a problem which I have
traced to the diagk.F file.  Evidently the psi matrix
psi(2,nuotot,nuo) which provides auxiliary space for the  

has NaN entries for nuo=1,2.  The other entries (nuo=3-24) are fine.
This can probably be traced to the cdiag subroutine called in this
file and I am working on this.

Has anyone run into this problem before?  For my compilation, it  

to occur for general input files.  The run has no problems for the



Derek Stewart, Ph. D.
250 Duffield Hall
Cornell Nanoscale Facility
stewart (at)
(607) 255-2856

Re: [SIESTA-L] Follow-up on NaN error with parallel version of Siesta 2.0

2006-10-05 Thread Sergey Lisenkov
 Hi Derek,

   Did you try to use scalapack/blacs shipped with CMKL library? 


Hi everyone,

   Just a quick follow up on the NaN errors I have been running into with
Siesta 2.0.  It looks like the error occurs in the cdiag subroutine
(cdiag.F) when pzheevd is called to solve the standard eigenvalue
problem.  I have tried changing the parameters of the run (i.e.
DivideConquer, Set2D), but similar problems occur.

This means it is probably a problem with the scalapack library.  Has
anyone successfully compiled the parallel version of Siesta with lam-mpi
7.1.1 with intel compilers version 8 or 9?  If they have, I would be
interested in comparing your Bmake, SLmake input files for BLACS and
SCALAPACK with what I am using.



 On 10/4/06, Derek A. Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

I have been trying to get the parallel version of Siesta 2.0 to run
 with the intel compilers (version 8.1, MKL math libraries) and lam-mpi
 (7.1.1).  I have no problems compiling the parallel version of siesta.
 However, when I run a calculation, I run into a problem which I have
 traced to the diagk.F file.  Evidently the psi matrix
 psi(2,nuotot,nuo) which provides auxiliary space for the eigenvectors
 has NaN entries for nuo=1,2.  The other entries (nuo=3-24) are fine.
 This can probably be traced to the cdiag subroutine called in this
 file and I am working on this.

 Has anyone run into this problem before?  For my compilation, it appears
 to occur for general input files.  The run has no problems for the



 Derek Stewart, Ph. D.
 250 Duffield Hall
 Cornell Nanoscale Facility
 stewart (at)
 (607) 255-2856

Re: [SIESTA-L] pseudopotential problem

2006-10-05 Thread Salvador Barraza-Lopez
 I would add the following option to what Marcos says:

 You can start with a standard atom inp file. See the atom manual for 
details. Then do an all electron calculation with atm. So you really want an 
ae.inp kind of file.

 Keep in mind, atm, unlike siesta, has a very *rigid* readout format, so *keep 
all spacings in your input files as in the template ae.inp file* that you can 
get, for instance on the Tutorial directory of atom. Otherwise you will get 
all kind of errors during the script run.

 Once you have a successful atm calculation, go to your directory, 
that will be created if a successful run did happen, and opent the 

 In this file you will have a bunch of data. Go to the channels you want your 
pseudo to have and dismiss the previous channels (you get all channels here 
'cause this is an all-electron calculation). Check the biggest 
r extr
for the channels you are interested in. For instance, from one of my files:
 n = 5  l = 1  s = 0.5
a extr 0.290  -0.408   0.601  -1.120
b extr-0.055   0.022  -0.013   0.008
r extr 0.037   0.138   0.351   0.979
r zero 0.075   0.216   0.528
r 90/99 %  1.597   2.266
(and assuming I wanted the 5p orbital to be in the valence) I would write down 
0.97 as a starting point for my rc in my pseudo. You get the idea.

 Please PLOT the radial part of your all electron result. Your rc must be away 
enough from parts where your wavefunctions cross the r axis (ie, bigger than 
the biggest r zero value).

 Okay, suppose you wrote down your r extrs. Now take a template pg (or pe for 
that matter) file. Replace the rcs in that file (and the atomic number as 
well as the pseudo flavor to suit!) by the ones you just got. Sometimes is 
safe to choose one of your r_extrs for all rcs (the smallest, the biggest, 
some value in between,...)

 Run the script. Go back to your output dir (something like 
and plot the wavefuncions once more. pg(pe) wavefunctions should overlap 
outside rc.

 On a more stringent test of your pseudo, you can check in the atom manual how 
to test for transferability.

 All this is good but, 
-sometimes atm changes your input radii (See OUT file for actual taken 
-even though you are happy with your pseudo, siesta discovers GHOST states 
(...and crashes). Then you have to go back to your pseudo inp file and modify 
some options slightly.

-if your pseudo makes for a sucessful siesta run, do *check* some bulk 
properties: Lattice constants and the like.

 Bottom line is, it will take you a couple of days to get comfortable with the 
process of generating pseudos but it is worth (and perhaps even necessary if 
you consider using SIESTA in the long run) the effort.

Best regards,

On Thursday 05 October 2006 09:08, Marcos Verissimo Alves wrote:
 Hi Bozo,

  Hi Marcos
  thanks for your mail and sorry for not giving full information, I just
  wanted to keep mail as short as possible so people can go quickly
  through it.

 Don't keep the e-mail short when you have a problem whose cause you cannot
 identify. In some cases, a more lengthy (but not too lengthy) explanation
 is necessary, in order to identify possible sources of error.

  So, what I did is: I went to SIESTA webpage, then to LINKS and there
  you can find ABINIT with the list of pseudopotentials that Siesta can
  use. So I simply downloaded GGA (PBE) Hartwigsen_Goedecker-Hutter
  pseudopotentil for Bi as a text file. I named it Bi.psf.

 So there is your problem. If you look at the abinit pseudopotential format
 and the .psf format, you will see that they are completely different. What
 the link means is that siesta can use thses potentials because they are
 norm-conserving, but they have to be in the appropriate format. If you can
 find (or anyone in the list can provide) a format conversion tool from the
 abinit format to the siesta format, it will be great. Otherwise, you can

 a) See if, in the abinit file, the core radii are specified. I don't
 remember if siesta has HGH pseudopotential generation (probably not), but
 you could use the rc's from HGH as a starting point for generating your
 own TM GGA pseudo using atom, testing it on elemental Bi. If this is not
 good, you can do

 b) a search in the literature, find some paper with calculations for Bi
 which states the channels and core radii for the GGA TM pseudopotential
 are used, and generate your own pseudo from those. Or,

 c) you could ask, on the list, if anyone has a good pseudo for Bi.

  I had pseudopotential for Si from before.
  And then started simulation. I know that pseudopotential for Si is ok,
  because I did some calculations with silicon in diamond before, and
  everything worked fine.

 Probably because the pseudo was in the right file format (.psf).

  In simulation I am using generalized gradient approximation and also
  PBE parametrization of the 

Re: [SIESTA-L] probleme_with_phenol_input

2006-10-05 Thread Andrei Postnikov
| Error in Cholesky factorisation in rdiag
| Stopping Program from Node:0
|   I don't know what is exactly the problem ? 

A good chance that it is due to an error in input,
e.g. two atoms at the same place

Good luck,

Andrei Postnikov

+-- Dr. Andrei Postnikov  Tel. +33-387315873 - mobile +33-666784053 ---+
| Paul Verlaine University - Institute de Physique Electronique et Chimie, |
| Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, 1 Bd Arago, F-57078 Metz, France |

[SIESTA-L] probleme_with_phenol_input

2006-10-05 Thread cornil david
Dear SIESTA users,
  I'm a new user of SIESTA and I try to run some little input in order to learn 
  I have a problem with a calculation of a phenol molecule.
  Here is the end of my output :
  outcell: Unit cell vectors (Ang):
0.00   11.6817490.00
0.000.00   13.076909
  outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   11.681749   11.681749   13.076909
outcell: Cell angles (23,13,12) (deg): 90. 90. 90.
outcell: Cell volume (Ang**3):   1784.5177
  InitMesh: MESH =80 x80 x90 =  576000
InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =   120.000   129.618 Ry
  * Maximum dynamic memory allocated =25 MB
Error in Cholesky factorisation in rdiag
Stopping Program from Node:0
  I don't know what is exactly the problem ? 
  Thanks in advance
  Cornild David
  University of Mons-Hainaut

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Re: [SIESTA-L] pseudopotential problem

2006-10-05 Thread Marcos Verissimo Alves
Hi Bozidar,

That really depends on the kind of error you are obtaining on the reading
of the pesudo by siesta. There are several points in which your e-mail
provides incomplete information:

1) Have you downloaded the pseudopotential itself? If it's giving an
error, then it might be corrupted. Difficult to happen, but could be.

2) Have you downloaded the input file and then generated the pseudo using
atom? If so, then you may (inappropriately) be getting ghost states and
this is the kind of error Chun is referring to; it has been discussed on
the list a while ago.  If this is the case (ghost states from a pseudo
which is known to have none), then you should recompile atom with a good
compiler (intel is very good), with -O2 optimization, and NOT -O3, which
is known to, in some cases, induce to numerical errors.

So, to really help you, you should provide more information on what you
have actually done.

Best regards,


 Hi, I think you must have used the different compilers to make the siesta
 and the atom. You can recompile the atom using the same compiler you used
 to make siesta, than generate the pseudopotential again.

 Good luck.


 - Original Message -
 From: Bozidar Butorac [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 4:48 PM
 Subject: [SIESTA-L] pseudopotential problem

 Dear Siesta users

 I started calculation about Bismuth in Silicon. I downloaded
 pseudopotential for Bi from the SIESTA webpage, but after siesta reads
 input file, the calculation suddenly stops when the pseudopotentil for
 Bi is being read.

 I know that pseudopotential for Si is ok, because I did some simulations
 involving silicon before and everything was good.

 I think the problem is about the format of pseudopotential file for Bi,
 but I don't know how to fix it.

 Does anybody have an idea how to solve it?

 I also attached the output file.

 Thank you very much in advance.



Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Sector
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy

I have become so addicted to vi that I try to exit OpenOffice by typing :wq!

[SIESTA-L] pseudopotential problem

2006-10-05 Thread Bozidar Butorac
Dear Siesta users

I started calculation about Bismuth in Silicon. I downloaded
pseudopotential for Bi from the SIESTA webpage, but after siesta reads
input file, the calculation suddenly stops when the pseudopotentil for
Bi is being read. 

I know that pseudopotential for Si is ok, because I did some simulations
involving silicon before and everything was good. 

I think the problem is about the format of pseudopotential file for Bi,
but I don't know how to fix it.

Does anybody have an idea how to solve it? 

I also attached the output file. 

Thank you very much in advance.


Taking nodenames from 
/home/bozidar/Marshall/Bi_in_Si/, number of nodes 
specified by -np
/opt/scali/bin/mpimon -stdin all  /home/bozidar/bin/siesta  --  n02 1 n02 1
SIESTA 1.3-- [Release] (30 Jul 2003)
Architecture  : pgf90-mpich
Compiler flags: mpif90 -fast
PARALLEL version

* Running on2 nodes in parallel
 Start of run:   5-OCT-2006   7:28:58

WARNING: Siesta is reading its input from file INPUT_DEBUG
** Dump of input data file 
# Label
SystemLabel Bi_in_Si
# Optimisation
MD.TypeOfRun CG
MD.NumCGSteps 150
MD.MaxForceTol 0.01 eV/Ang
MD.VariableCell true
MD.MaxStressTol 100 bar
SolutionMethod diagon
kgrid_cutoff 1.0 Ang
MaxSCFIterations 200
DM.MixingWeight 0.10
DM.NumberPulay 3
SpinPolarized false
# Basis set
MeshCutoff 170 Ry
PAO.EnergyShift 0.01 Ry
PAO.BasisSize DZP
#PAO.SplitNorm 0.15
# Functional
XC.Functional GGA
XC.Authors PBE
# I/O
LongOutput true
UseSaveData false
NumberOfSpecies 2
NumberOfAtoms  64
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
1  14  Si
2  83  Bi
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
LatticeConstant1.0 Ang
%block LatticeVectors
   11.0430140.00   0.00
   0.0011.043014   0.00
   0.00 0.00  11.043009
%endblock LatticeVectors
AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
   -0.0567   -0.0859   -0.2005   1 # Si 1
1.380382351.380378231.38036897   1 # Si 2
2.760758482.76075650   -0.1971   1 # Si 3
4.141121824.141122501.38037668   1 # Si 4
   -0.07752.760756062.76075324   1 # Si 5
1.380386384.141122884.14112765   1 # Si 6
2.76075870   -0.11452.76075387   1 # Si 7
4.141122201.380382664.14112805   1 # Si 8
5.52150958   -0.1113   -0.1881   1 # Si 9
6.901887851.380375211.38036817   1 # Si10
8.282252162.76075320   -0.2085   1 # Si11
9.662616254.141120391.38037155   1 # Si12
5.521511762.760752772.76075210   1 # Si13
6.901891504.141121114.14112799   1 # Si14
8.28225312   -0.14672.76075230   1 # Si15
9.662614361.380379474.14112697   1 # Si16
   -0.08105.52151198   -0.1950   1 # Si17
1.380379226.901891041.38036724   1 # Si18
2.760754868.28225329   -0.2255   1 # Si19
4.141121049.662614561.38036914   1 # Si20
   -0.10738.282253702.76075032   1 # Si21
1.380383589.662612584.14112543   1 # Si22
2.760755455.521513472.76075143   1 # Si23
4.141121296.901892614.14112751   1 # Si24
5.521508225.52150909   -0.1749   1 # Si25
6.901887146.901890421.38036878   1 # Si26
8.282249168.28224996   -0.2361   1 # Si27
9.662615849.662613541.38036341   1 # Si28
5.521508668.282250812.76074921   1 # Si29
6.901887429.662611614.14112649   1 # Si30
8.282250615.521510382.76074955   1 # Si31
9.662613266.901890364.14112617   1 # Si32
   -0.0608   -0.09945.52151657   1 # Si33
1.380380871.380375956.90189628   1 # Si34
2.760756952.760753625.52152168   1 # Si35
4.141123294.141121756.90189933   1 # Si36
   -0.08932.760753408.28225115   1 # Si37
1.380386734.141119879.66260137   1 # Si38
2.76075754   -0.14568.28225184   1 # Si39
4.141121541.380380479.66260173   1 # Si40
5.52150922   -0.12495.52151529   1 # Si41
6.901885831.380372506.90189468   1 # Si42
8.282251182.760750185.52152044   1 # Si43
9.662615574.141120726.90189703   1 # Si44
5.521510482.760750718.28225032   1 # Si45
6.901886824.141123439.66260728   1 # Si46