Re: Color

1998-04-19 Thread George Martin
Bruce / List,
Well, I've sat down several times to reply to this
but haven't made much progress.  The wife is having medical
problems and is scheduled for surgery soon.  If you notice
from my e-mail address I am in Japan (US Navy) and we have
to travel to near Tokyo for her treatment (and my work!)
and I will be out of touch with the list for about 5 weeks.
 But I wanted to leave a few thoughts...sorry for the
shallow treatment, Bruce's posts deserve a more in depth
answer than I can give right now.

On Sat, 11 Apr 1998 07:30:32 -0600, Bruce K. Stenulson

>George Martin wrote:
>> I've always suspected that the color was due to
>> oxidation but have absolutely no evidence that this is the
>> case. 
>Haven't got this all figured out either, George, but I'll offer a few of
>my thoughts abd observations on the subject:

Around Christmas I was visiting a web site with a box that
said "Click here to win a Digital Camera!".  Well, I did
and I won!  Coolest (and only) thing I have ever won.  So
to celebrate and to illustrate why I think the way I do, I
have posted two photos on my web site at the following url:

>The 'selective' reflection of yellow light more than other colors is a
>known characteristic of very small particle size Ag. This in and of
>itself does not tell the whole story, but is a valid observation on it's
>own. [Yellow coler=light reflected off very fine particle size silver.]
> I have a set of silverware that I've noticed
>> exhibits the same sort of color change as it oxidizes. If
>> this was the case I would expect to see a greater color
>> change (more rapid oxidation) with the larger particle
>> sizes (greater surface area per particle).  One other
>> anecdotal input...if I place a recently cleaned piece in my
>> mouth I don't get the same taste as I get from a heavily
>> tarnished piece.  To me the tarnished piece tastes close to
>> the metallic taste I get from the darker colored CS.

>The 'Blue Bloods' of...


>The taste of the tarnished silverware is possible because these oxidized
>particles can separate from the surface and interact with your taste
>buds; the recently cleaned piece does not have free particles to do
>Now if you can tell me the difference in taste between tarnished
>particles (oxidized) and non-tarnished particles, we'll be able to use
>the taste test for more than just detecting separate particles in
>general. I have experimented with placing a silver electrode from my
>Zapper - the positively charged external one- under my tongue and near
>the gum next to a problem tooth; very much a metalic taste quickly.
>(Yes, I know all of the cautions reguarding peroxide generation, etc
>friend killed out a long standing sinus infection by this same method,
>however, and was happy to live with the trade-offs in the process.)
The first thing that occured to me when I read about your
experience with the zapper was that the 'taste' you get may
be similar to the effect when you place a 9 volt battery on
your tounge.  I don't think I know how to describe a taste.
 All I am saying is that the effect I get from putting the
tarnished fork in my mouth is similar to the effect / after
taste I observe from the golden colored CS that I produce
with my 'battery powered gizmo'.  I don't notice a similar
effect from the untarnished silverware or a cleaned silver
electrode.  After using the CS I produced
(distilled water, 3 x 9vdc batteries, room temp, 30 minutes
or so) I can notice a distinct 'metallic' aftertaste for an
hour or so.

>> For those of you who may take exception to this
>> just tell me one thing...  what is the process that
>> prevents the silver from oxidizing in the presence of the
>> oxygen in the water?
>Here is more undefined ground - I'll offer an observation I believe is
>relevant, and a theory for which I as yet do not have complete proof;
>it's not easy to phrase the wording, and I won't try to go into an
>in-depth explaination... 
>While the generator is running (in a DC system) you will observe that
>the Anode (positive electrode) darkens. Oxidation of the silver Anode
>itself is likely what we are observing in this darkening, as oxygen is
>drawn to / generated at the surface of the strongly positively charged
>silver anode.
>An oxygen atom, when in contact with the positively charged anode, can
>do either of two things; 
><1> it can combine with other oxygen atoms and be evolved as oxygen gas
>bubbles, which we can observe with the naked eye at higher current flow
><2> it can combine with an atom of silver in the surface matrix of the
>silver anode, resulting in a non-charges silver oxide particle that will
>stay weakly bonded to the surface of the anode unless otherwise
>'disturbed'; hence, the 'darkening' of the anode, as silver oxide is
>generally greyish-black (reflects no light)

ppm level

1998-04-19 Thread Donna
>I get the impression from postings on the list in recent months that
>30 PPM is favored as a standard needed to effect cures.
   I think we mainly got it from the postings for MSP (mild silver protein)
When I speak for myself I must say that I started at a low ppm for lyme and
when I increased to the 30ppm it made one heck of a difference.  I am not
yet cured but one day hope to be like Marsha and Candace.  

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1998-04-19 Thread Donna
> Cathryn,
  Below is the dosage that Candace gave me, it is probably the same one you
have.  You mentioned that it is 3 nine volt batteries that you have.  I
really doubt that you are getting 30ppm.  It might be best if you could get
it tested.  As for the color being coudy white, mine is golden yellow.  The
jury is still out on what color Cs should be.  I believe it should be the
yellow color.  My herx is just about over for now, I do expect it to be back
in about 2 to 3 weeks.  I will increase again and see what happens.   I also
heat my water to about 175-180 and then keep it on a hot plate to try to
maintain the temp as close as possible.
Good luck

  Dosage Must Coincide
> "With Body Weight"
>The initial 1st (first) week dosage in all cases should only be 1/2 (one-half)
>teaspoon only once (1) a day in the morning as the Colloidal Silver at 30 PPM
>is so effective that if you start the therapeutic dosage of more than 1/2
>(one-half) teaspoon per I (one) day you may put yourself into bed with a
>severe Herxheimer or Candida reaction from all the dead bacteria piling up
>waiting to be expelled from your bloodstream.
>Thereafter your dosage of Colloidal Silver "absolutely must" correspond to
>your body weight for the protocol to be successful as Colloidal Silver is
>allopathic-the more you take the better it works and conversely the less you
>take for your body weight the less it will be able to do for you. Again: The
>dosage can be more but not less than that required for your body weight for it
>to work and for this protocol to he successful.
>The dosage baseline of 4 (four) teaspoons (20 ml.) morning immediately upon
>arising I (one) hour before breakfast, and 4 (four) teaspoons (20 ml.) evening
>2 (two) hours after supper, is based on an average infection for a 120 (one
>hundred and twenty) pound individual.
>The dosage also must be tailored to the severity of the infection, which means
>you must increase the dosage (after you have adjusted the initial dosage to
>your weight), if you have had a chronic, severe, or long-term infection.
>It is crucial that:
>Your starting-beginning baseline dosage ("before" you tailor dosage to your
>symptoms) must correspond to your body weight. This means the baseline dosage
>must be increased a minimum of I (one) teaspoon (5 ml.) every time you take a
>dosage, to accommodate every 30 (thirty) pound increment in body weight.
>For example: A 210 lb. individual must increase their baseline dosage to 7
>(seven) teaspoons = (35 ml.) in the morning and 7 (seven) teaspoons (35 ml.)
>in the evening.
>The following outline is the basic initial dosage reference:
>120 lb. man, woman or child   4 (four) tsps. morning and 4 (four) tsps.
>   150 lb. II  II  = 5 (five) tsps. morning and 5 
> (five) tsps. evening.
>   180 lb.  = 6 (six) tsps. morning and 6 
> (six) tsps. evening.
>   210 lb. = 7 (seven) tsps. morning and 7 (seven) tsps. 
> evening.
>   Just to confirm:
>A 60 (seventy) lb. child would respectively require a dosage of 2 (two)
>teaspoons [10 (ten) ml.] in the morning and 2 (two) teaspoons [10 (ten) ml.]
>in the evening.
>Respective dosage you then stay at that dosage until you ameliorate all of
>your symptoms If because of the severity or the chronic state of your
>infection you plateau and have a stubborn symptom that you cannot knock out at
>this dosage 4 then increase your dosage by I (one) teaspoon additional in the
>morning and 1 (one) teaspoon additional in the evening for 2 (two) weeks.
>This should make a big difference to your recovery. If not yet, increase the
>dosage "again" by another 1 (one) teaspoon in the morning and 1 (one) teaspoon
>in the evening for the following two weeks and stay on the respective
>additional dosage until you do ameliorate that symptom.
>The key is that you increase and tailor the dosage to the point whereby you
>aggressively knock out any remaining symptoms that are attributable and due to
>the current active Borrelia Burgdorferi infection. You must treat until all
>"active" symptoms are gone-so you are basically asymptomatic, as this is your
>main guideline to know how much to, and how long to treat.
>N.B. The spirochetes re-cycle every 30 (thirty) days if there are any
>remaining in your body. This means that some sensitive individuals will notice
>a flare up of their symptoms every 30 (thirty) days (almost to the day like
>clockwork) as long as there are still some spirochetes present.
>Therefore once you have knocked out all of your symptoms, "then" go back to
>your original baseline dosage per your body weight, until you no longer have
>the symptom flare up and for I (one) more month after you feel you have
>eradicated the infection.
>This final month of treatment is necessary to insure you have killed all the
>spirochetes in your body, for if there are any that 

PPM level

1998-04-19 Thread George N. Allen
I have just been rereading some of Bob Beck's lectures and writings.
He refers pretty consistently to a PPM level of 3 to 5 as being
adequate for all illnesses.

I get the impression from postings on the list in recent months that
30 PPM is favored as a standard needed to effect cures.

Where did the 30PPM concept come from?


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Personal Experience

1998-04-19 Thread Dean Woodward
I guess it is time for me to come "out of the closet", and quit just being a
careful observer. I am relatively new to the list, and joined to learn what
I could about Lyme, and specifically the use of CS in combatting it. My wife
Patsy has been fighting this horrible bug (undiagnosed) for about eight
years, and it has really been a battle for both of us, but particularly for
her. When the bug got around to her eyes her eye doc almost went into shock,
called in an associate, spent about an hour studying her eyes, and finally
asked if she had ever been diagnosed with Lyme. She had not even brought up
the subject to him. That finally brought things to a head, and the other
doc's we were dealing with began to think that maybe, just maybe, her
problem might be Lyme, in spite of the conventional wisdom that there isn't
any Lyme in Texas (never mind that Bb was originally cultured from ticks and
fleas in Texas - or so I am told), and the fact that she tested negative,
repeatedly. She is now under intensive doxycycline (400 mg/day) and a host
of other medications - including steroids (just now learned of the possible
ill effects of steroids on Bb). She is definitely improving, and her doc
wants to see her again in three months, and was letting good enough alone as
regards treatment. She has not yet tried CS except on skin problems, and
time will tell whether she will choose to do so in the future. I certainly
will not suggest it without the active participation of her doc.

Now about my limited personal observations. I am amost ashamed to mention my
problems, since they are so trivial compared to the problems I hear
discussed on the list. I started treating my own problems mostly to assure
myself that it isn't all hype. It's not!

Problem Nr. 1: I am 73 years old, and all of my life since age 13 I have
been fighting, and losing, a battle with fungal nail infection. It spread
from one toenail, eventually infecting all of them. Low level pain in the
nails is something I have learned to live with, but never to like. I have
tried just about everything I ever heard of, some of which can do great
violence to the liver), and nothing has ever even come close to helping.
About the only treatment I have gotten any relief from is a Dremel Mototool
which I use to grind down the horrible, ugly, thick nails. That reduces the
pressure of the shoe on the nails, and helps a little. I might add that I
use a mask when doing this grinding because I sure as heck don't want those
bugs in my lungs!!!.

Experience with CS: I bought some 5 ppm commercial product from General
Nutrition (our local health food store), ground the nails down as thin as I
could stand, and began treating both the nails and the skin of the entire
feet with twice daily CS rubbed vigorously into them. I started about two
weeks ago. The response was instant - the pain simply went away. After a
lifetime, I almost missed it . I can tell that the new nail growing in
appears to be normal. I think within a few months they will, indeed be
normal. I shall continue this treatment for the rest of my life, because
these fungus bugs are tough dudes, and will probably lie in wait for another
opportunity to make my life less enjoyable.  My wife said this morning that
my feet looked almost human :>)
Problem Nr. 2: I grew up on a farm in Hermitage Arkansas, many miles from
any dental help, and my parents who were in their 40's when I was born had
other things to do just to make ends meet other than check my dental health.
I saw my first dentist at 15, and was already a wreck. The Marine Corps
doc's in WWII did the best they could to help me, and did help a lot, but
the damage was already done. Later in my career as an officer in the Army
the doc's helped me continue the battle, and did help - crowns, bridges,
etc. At this point my gums are in such bad shape that if I don't vigorously
fight it I would lose all my teeth. For the past five or so years I have
rinsed with dilute (50/50) solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide (I told my
dentist, and now he does the same because he saw the result on my teeth -
which tightened back up - and my gums). If I miss even two days of this
treatment my toothbrush turns very red! Two weeks ago I shifted to once
daily rinse with two medicine droppers of the 5 ppm CS, and there has been
no sign of pink even on my toothbrush, and my mouth feels wonderful. This
stuff works! No ifs, ands or buts.

Problem Nr. 3: Like everyone else I get occasional skin eruptions, minor
abrasions, etc. As with Problems 1 and 2 I started using the 5 ppm CS on
these, and the result was little short of magic. I couldn't believe that
anything in the world could work this fast. Generally overnight.

Hope I haven't bored you all with this recitation. I enjoy following the
arguments (make that discussions) about the relative merits of DC vs AC, low
voltage vs. high, etc. I'm an Aggie Electrical Engineer, and one of these
days I will start making my own, and I'll probably get some of

What is a Herx? Answer...

1998-04-19 Thread M. G. Devour
On 20 Apr 98 at 2:38, one of our new list members wrote to me in 

> Can you please tell me what is the herx effect?

I'll answer to the list just because other people might have the same
question, and so you all can correct me if I get it wrong! 

I'm not as much of an expert as any of our Lyme sufferers, but I've
heard them explain it often.

The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is named for the scientists who
identified the condition. It came out of research into the treatment 
of Syphilis, which is the archtypical spirochete disease.

It is caused by a sudden die-off of microbes as a result of 
treatment. The dead beasties dump their toxins and metabolites into 
your system all at once and it takes a while for your liver to filter 
out the poisons. You then suffer an apparent worsening of symptoms, 
or additional symptoms entirely the result of the reaction.

A major herx, paradoxically, is a sign of hope and improvement for
the lyme sufferer, as it means the treatment is actually getting to
the damn bugs. Given many of these folks' difficulty in getting
proper diagonsis and effective treatment, they're usually grateful
to finally see something, anything, happen.

The downside is that a sudden massive herx can be very stressful and
even fatal. We're talking the potential for toxic shock. Somebody
who's already sick and immune compromised, maybe having more than
one infection, could get knocked on their butt in a hurry with too
big an initial dose of colloidal silver. 

Severe Herx's can feature sudden fever, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting
or dizziness (from low blood pressure), and skin rash. Like other 
kinds of shock, it may require urgent treatment if blood pressure 
drops too low. A mild herx, while uncomfortable, does not *require*
treatment and will run its course by itself.

In the Lyme treatment protocol on one of Advantage Pharmaceutical's
web pages, you'll notice the emphasis on starting slowly, and
gradually increasing the dose based on symptoms. The URL is:

The site wasn't responding when I just went to check, but it should 

Don't interpret anything I say here as medical advice. I'm just 
repeating what I've found and read elsewhere and may have it all 

Welcome to the list and thanks for the good question. Don't hesitate 
to jump in!

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: insight

1998-04-19 Thread Cat3walker
I checked the generator and there are 3 9Volt batteries.  The book I had said
that if you heat up the distilled water to 104 degrees that that will increase
the ppm concentration in a shorter amount of time.  The color of the CS is a
creamy white.  I have the dosage infor from Susan Yensen but I do not have
Candace's. I am thinking that I should increase the dosage because I have been
on this for over 2 weeks.  Something is finally working however.  I hope you
make it over the next hump without a relapse.  Let me know if you find the
info. from Candace.  Thanks.

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Re: Rife

1998-04-19 Thread Fred Walter
>From: "M. G. Devour" 
>Could someone post the rife-list particulars? What kind of message
>volume does it have? Maybe some of the new folks would like to have a look.

There are quite a few Rife-related mailing-lists.

There are those that are sponsored by JW Labs.
If you participate there, do *not* even mention considering
any of his competing devices - he will consider you
his "enemy" from that point on. (Seriously - I still have
the email.)

There is ghawk's Rife mailing-list. It is high volume, and the last time
I dropped in for a few days, most of the posters were people who have *not*
built Rife devices of any sort.  It contains a lot of not-relevant-to-Rife

There is the Rifers mailing-list. This is a by-invitation only mailing-list
mainly for people that have actually built, or are building, or will build
a Bare-Rife device.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Re: Rife

1998-04-19 Thread brains
M. G. Devour wrote:
> This list, as I understand, began as a spin-off from the rife-list,
> as CS discussions were becoming too common for comfort there. If you
> were around at the time and could fill in the details for a newbie
> like me, I'd appreciate hearing about it.
> So the Rife/Bare enthusiasts are sort of our sister or parent group.

G'day to the silver list . well quite a  few of the listers 
here are also from the RIFE list ...

for all those here who wish to learn more about RIFE there are many
sites with very good info on them 

I myself have used a Rife unit on my cat who has Adeno-carcinoma and was
in the 4th stage (terminal) he was diagnosed on the 6th FEBRUARY with a
short time to die (two weeks ) and although he is painfully thin and
weak we expect a full recovery from him  he is being looked after by
an animal naturopath  unfortunately RIFE units are almost always
used as a last resort ...our vet said there was nothing they could
do although the problem was located 3 months prior to the diagnosis but
they said nothing except there was a indication of thickening of the
colon ... I am sold on RIFE units personally .. full information
shortly on my home page at bottom of mail .

links on my page to quite a few sites .. have a look at Don Tunneys
and Fred Walters site for good info .. 
Fred just posted his site as I was writing this 

good reading all 

Brian in OZ 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Follow up on trial...

1998-04-19 Thread M. G. Devour
Brother-in-law visited yesterday for my daughter's birthday party. He 
was having an upper-respiratory infection a couple of weeks back and 
I gave him a bottle of CS to try, and all the cautions and 
disclaimers I could think of.

Asked him how it went. He said his bug is still there but almost
gone. More importantly it *didn't* get worse, or lead to bronchitis 
like usual. He said that everybody around him was sick with it and 
all were much worse than he was.

He seemed satisfied. I said I appreciated the report. 

I'm not pushing things, or making any great claims. Just asking folks
to try it for me. I don't raise great expectations, and if anything I 
soft-peddle the possibilities. If I make any converts they'll become 
so by their own experience.

I'm also careful to point up the 3 or 4 downside issues right up 
front, in the interest of full disclosure:  I briefly explain the 
argyria issue, Herx effects, intestinal flora disruption, and check 
for any allergic type reaction to silver jewelry. I also tell them to 
start with a *very* small initial dose to check for any reaction.

Anyway, my brother is trying it now, and I just gave a bottle to
another friend who's jaw was swollen up with an abcess. She also had
an antibiotic that she was just starting, so it won't be a clear
trial, but she's had this before and I might hear about any change in

Be careful, be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: insight

1998-04-19 Thread Fred Walter
>From: "It's not me" 
>So are you using one of these devices?


>What exactly are we talking about here, light waves, radio waves, sound

Light/RF/magnetism are involved in getting the frequencies into the body.

>What kind of results have you witnessed yourself?

See my web-site
for a discussion on this topic.

I'm currently having a few more people/pets drop in for sessions,
but I haven't updated my web-site yet with their stories.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-04-19 Thread M. G. Devour
This list, as I understand, began as a spin-off from the rife-list,
as CS discussions were becoming too common for comfort there. If you
were around at the time and could fill in the details for a newbie 
like me, I'd appreciate hearing about it.

So the Rife/Bare enthusiasts are sort of our sister or parent group.

I appreciated Susan's posting describing the protocol she used. It
gives me a chance to get a bit more info about Rife tech than I'm
likely to any time soon without joining the rife-list.

I hope no-one will ever hesitate to describe other things they're 
using or that they know work. "Off topic" should only apply when 
discussions get so detailed or voluminous that they drown out other 
stuff, or would be better served on other forums or off-list.

Since an overriding aspect of our interest here is *health*, I
consider other alternatives besides CS to be reasonable topics when
they answer any members' needs. Thank you all for sharing your
knowledge and supporting each other.

Could someone post the rife-list particulars? What kind of message
volume does it have? Maybe some of the new folks would like to have a

Mike D.
your humble list-maintainer 

On 18 Apr 98 at 13:01, Susan wrote:

> >Fred,
> >I can't seem to find the references to Fibromyalgia a the sight you list.
> >Was the info in testimonial form or based on some research?
> Hi a friend used to come to my house for rifing.  We used the whole
> spectrum of freq that D.Tunney was using at that time.  We never
> used any of the freq that cause "die-off" as she barely could get
> around and had to work.  So we left off any candida and fungal ones
> but I will post this list for you and you can see for yourself. 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: insight

1998-04-19 Thread It's not me
Thanks Fred,
So are you using one of these devices?  I see posts from time to time about
the Bare-Rife, but with all of the stuff out there in the health field, I
have not paid as much attention as maybe I should.  I'm also a bit
suspicious until I see something work or know of someone that it has worked
on.  What exactly are we talking about here, light waves, radio waves, sound
waves?  What kind of results have you witnessed yourself?

-Original Message-
From: Fred Walter 
Date: Saturday, April 18, 1998 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: insight

>>From: "It's not me" 
>>>From: Fred Walter 
Some people with Fibromyalgia have gotten symptom relief from using
a Bare-Rife device. The details are somewhere at
>>I can't seem to find the references to Fibromyalgia a the sight you list.
>>Was the info in testimonial form or based on some research?
>Testimonial. The information is there, you just have to dig a bit. Try:
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Cs for Arthritis

1998-04-19 Thread It's not me
Jerry Karl,

I don't know if CS would help, but have you tried Glucosamine, Chondroitan,
Boswellan, Sea Cucumber.  These are a couple that are real popular right now
and people swear that they are helping.  I have sold the stuff to a couple
of dozen people and all of them are still using it and claim it is the most
relief that they have gotten.  I have not tried it myself, as most of my
pain is not from arthritis.  By the way this isn't a commercial, so I hope
you won't take it that way.  By selling supplements, I get to hear feedback
from people as to what is working for various illnesses.  If you try one of
the above, especially Glucosamine, I guess that you should try it for at
least 2 months before giving up, although most that I have talked to started
noticing some difference after about 2-3 weeks.  Hope that you find some

-Original Message-
From: Jerome Karl 
Date: Saturday, April 18, 1998 4:31 PM
Subject: Cs for Arthritis

>I've been on this list for about 2 months and I don't remember if CS for
>Arthritis has been discussed.
>Will it help??  I've already had both knees replaced because of arthritis
>now I'm getting it in two of my fingers.  I know it's not carpal tunnel or
>muscle soreness.  One of my fingers has already become twisted - about
>a year ago and now it's happening again to more.
>Will CS help or would it be a waste of time.
>Please help,
>Jerry Karl
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