Re: Testing CS/grapefruit seed extract

1998-07-05 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Unfortunately, we do not know of any alternative Internet source beyond
the one I listed earlier.  However, there is a possible course open to you.
 One of our staff members has obtained a copy of Dr. Blaylock's book on the
subject, entitled, Excitotoxins:The Taste That Kills.  He has read it and
informs me that it covers, essentially, the majority of the data we have
learned from Dr. Blaylock.  The book is, he states, superbly documented
with approximately 500 source references for about a 300 page book. Our
staff member said he purchased the book from Amazon Books, on the Internet.
 He paid around $14 or $15, plus shipping.  I have not, personally, read
the book, but this engineer---one of our brightest---declares it to be a
superb and sobering revelation.  I hope this is of help to you.  Brooks
Bradley. At 01:25
PM 7/4/98, you wrote:
At 02:52 AM 7/3/98 -0500, you wrote:

 Your reference to brain fog prompts me to offer the following
suggestion.   Our research group has been doing some investigational
inspections of existing literature/research results relating to
Excitotoxinsand their effect on the human brain.  Among our sources we
discovered the work of Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.  Our entire staff was
thunder-struck by the evidence Dr. Blaylock revealed.  I encourage all
members of this list to avail themselves  of a general review of his work.

   Do you have a source for people without sound cards  audio 

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Re: CS and yogurt

1998-07-05 Thread Tom Young
Hi Jim.
Just wondering -- any chance your test could have been skewed due to the
presence of the sea salt?  I know salt can kill some forms of bacteria/germs.

...Tom wrote:

 This CS was made in heated water with a bit of sea salt. I would
 guess the ppm is in the range of 25 to 35 ppm.

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Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-05 Thread Debbie McDonald

 Could I suggest the unthinkable as a POSSIBILITY? Not saying it is
 true just a mere thought
 Could G.S.E.  actually BE an excitotoxin seeing as it causes the brain
  I missed something here, please fill me in on the thread that says that GSE
causes brain fog.  Deb

 Debbie McDonald

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Re: Castor Oil

1998-07-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury
7-5-98, Charles L. Church wrote:

Dear List,

Would the person who posted that GREAT message on castor oil be willing
to send it along to me at ? I seem to have misplaced it.
Also, would it be acceptable to put this information on my home page?


 I'm sending your copy separately.  You'd really need to ask 
 Dr. Williams about posting a copy -- the article is from 
 his copyrighted newsletter, Alternatives.  It's published by 
 Mountain Home Publishing, 2700 Cummings Lane, Kerrville, TX 78028
 phone 210-367-4492   Ask for subscription information, too.


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Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-05 Thread likowski
Hi all.

I agree with Mike D, W. D. Cavanaugh and all the rest who rallied in
defense of those in the medical establishment who are possibly willing
to cross the line into this/our dimension. My perspective/attitude on
doctors in general is quite tainted because of having had to deal with
them on a continual basis since I was 4 years old. I doubt that there
are many on the list that can claim the same amount of experience. This
does not make me an expert on ALL of them, but I can surely attest
with great accuarcy to the high degree of hypocracy and lack of *real*
concern for The Truth, whatever that may be -- at least in the field of
Cystic Fibrosis research. It's like that old joke: A scientist puts a
frog on a table and takes note of how far the frog jumped with all 4
legs -- after alarming it with a sound -- writing, Frog jumped 3 feet
with 4 legs. Then he removes 1 leg and presses the alarm again
observing, Frog jumped 2 feet with 2 legs. Then he removes another
leg, presses the alarm and observes, Frog jumped 6 inches with 1 leg.
Finally, removing the 4th leg and pressing the alarm he writes, Frog
goes deaf. If the doctors are committed to *really* healing the sick,
why are they barking up so many wrong trees to begin with? A perfect
example of what I'm talking about is the fact that Joyce Inouye has posted on her site PROOF that Colloidal
VICTIMS!! Studies done by an actual lab and even earlier reports from
DECADES ago have confirmed it for all the doubters, not to mention my
own experience! So why are these healers and supposedly truthful
doctors with a mission to help humanity ignoring this information? Why
is a friend of mine with the same disease not expected to live past the
next week because all the drugs they've been giving him FOR THIS VERY
SAME BACTERIA have ruined his kidneys and liver and other systems are
now shutting down? That's where my attitude stems from. I *used* to
blindly trust them [like most people] and now I'm paying for it. Most
people with marginal doctor experience may not feel the same way, and
-- as I said in my first doctor-bashing agreement -- there *are* some
good ones out there who *are* just plain ignorant of these options [like
CS] and *may* be willing to learn and *maybe* even risk their career
JUST to help people, but they're so few and far between that I wouldn't
hold my breath. Most wouldn't risk their entire schooling and
high-paying career to start replacing their drugs with Colloidal Silver.
They may *want* to or feel a sincere desire to do so, but sayin' ain't
doin'. So they stay close to the security of their AMA masters while
continuing to use many of the poisons they really don't need to and
getting paid well for it. If *YOU* had invested in a long/expensive
medical education and someone proved that half [or more] of the drugs
you were prescribing and treatments you were getting paid for doing
could cease because of a substance that can be made in someone's
kitchen, would you cross that line? Move to Mexico? End up like Wilhelm
Reich or Ruth Drown [and they weren't even doctors]? Most AMA
doctors remind me of that scene from the film COOL HAND LUKE where
Paul Newman is being put in the box for solitary confinement and the
jailer apologizes because he's just doing his job; Luke says to him,
Callin' it a job don't make it right. I salute any doctor couragious
enough to rebel against the mighty force of The Dark Gods, but the sad
truth is that 98% of them simply won't. 


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Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-05 Thread Tom Bassett
What is G.S.E???

Can't find a link to that subject.

Anyone, please??

Tom Bassett  if you prefer.

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Follow-up on Castor Oil

1998-07-05 Thread Charles L. Church
I just found the article sorry about that anyway, I would still
like to know if it would be alright to put this article on my web site.


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Re: Sources for powdered amino acids(bulk)

1998-07-05 Thread Debbie McDonald


 Debbie McDonald

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Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-05 Thread Daniel Holly
I think of myself as a techno-peasant.
I think you just might have something there boss.
You put a *silver* dime in a dish of bacteria culture and the 
bacteria will not grow next to the dime.



-Original Message-
From: Charles L. Church
Date: Sunday, July 05, 1998 1:16 PM
Subject: Provocative thoughts

Could I suggest the unthinkable as a POSSIBILITY? Not saying it is
true just a mere thought

Could G.S.E.  actually BE an excitotoxin seeing as it causes the brain

Secondly, I've been meaning to suggest to the list another WILD
possibility... please forgive me if I seem rustic, but could the removal
of silver and gold coin from circulation be a major contributing factor
the onset of so many modern diseases? Mankind have used these for money,
(and for very good reason), from creation till now, and now all these
wierd diseases? I know that with WHO and nice organizations of similar
treachery we need not necessarily have this as a cause, but is it


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1998-07-05 Thread Debbie McDonald
Once again, delete if not interested. I did not note who was using remedies so
sending to list.

  Has anyone used yellowdock tea for psoriasis..thanks.
 No, but I am taking herb capsules which contain yellow dock.  Just
 started taking them a week ago and am noticing positive reduction of my
 red patches.  I am also applying aloe vera gel topically twice a day
 which dramatically reduces itching and promotes healing.


 Debbie McDonald

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Re:another site

1998-07-05 Thread Debbie McDonald
In case this helps any of us, (delete if not interested). I only read part of
the book excerpt on 5-htp and it was very interesting. It included sections on
CFS, Depression, etc . Take a look.


 Debbie McDonald

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Re: Doctors

1998-07-05 Thread Marsha Hallett

Dear Mike and all, I just wanted to mention that my new doctor here in
Oceanside was quite interested in Colloidal Silver when I mentioned it to
him. He requested more information. I may send him to the list, as he has a
computer! His name is Dr. Newman.
Go Doc!!!

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Re: Doctors

1998-07-05 Thread W. D. Cavanaugh
The applause you hear in the background is mine.  Probably a host
of others, as well.  When a person of a different ethnic background
makes me angry, I don't indict their ancestors.

Our doctor doesn't run the AMA.  Many priests I have known (though
I'm not Catholic) have VERY different opinions than their church.
Were they to make that common knowledge, they'd lose not only their
credibility with the masses ('scuse the pun,) but very possibly
their jobs.  My brother is CEO of a large corporation, but with
politics involved I feel reasonably sure he bridles his tongue
(and his practice.)  There IS a place for politics.  It keeps us
from devolving into is not... is,too... incoherency.  We
want to get our point across as efficiently and acceptably as
possible.  And I believe that to be true of those doctors who
KNOW about good alternative treatments, yet who have been hired
under the constraints that don't allow them to openly use unapproved

BLESS 'EM.  Many of them are doing the best that they can, with what
they have, where they are.  We are doing the same.  I, for one,
agree with Mike that we need to get along (and cut some slack.)

Wil C.

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Re: Doctors

1998-07-05 Thread jackie lay
I agree totally with MIke.
J. Lay

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1998-07-05 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi everybody!

I'd like to make a comment about doctors, as it applies to this 

On  4 Jul 98 at 16:45, Dameon wrote:

 You are correct. 98% the doctors in this country are scum. At
 best, they are educated idiots. *Some* surgeons *may* be an
 exception: When I had 12 hours to live because of a bad appendix
 that was leaking poisons into my system, I was grateful for
 surgery. In *some* cases they *are* necessary.

It worries me to see this sentiment expressed by so many folks on
the list. We *all* have had bad experiences, and some nothing but.
I've got no problem seeing that. If the MD's, the AMA (or equivalent
in your country) and the pharmaceutical companies had even most of 
the answers, none of us would need to be here. I'm sure every epithet 
you can dream up may be rightly applied to some doctors. 

But, as Dameon admits, sometimes they *do* save lives. Probably
more often then we would like to admit. I would have been a widower
with two small babies to raise were it not for modern antibiotics and
the diagnostic and treatment skills of a particularly *good*

I only feel the need to defend doctors because I think it's necessary
that at least *some* of them be willing to help us. And I would go so 
far as to say that some are victims of the system as much as we 
would be if we didn't fight back. Any doctor asking us for info on 
alternative treatments faces *far* more hostile regulatory, 
political, and economic threats than any of us do.

We had a bad time with Tom Clayton, who was on the list for a while
back in Dec-Feb. He was undiplomatic and too impatient to deal with
us and it didn't work out.

On the other hand, we've got Doc V. in Italy (Hi Raul!) who's posted
to the list several times and been well recieved. Further, I have no
idea who's reading this right now that won't post for fear of attack,
from us or within his/her own profession.

I say any physician or scientist willing to share knowledge with us
and meet us half way ought to be welcomed, or at least tolerated. If
they're civil, I don't *care* if it's hard for you, but be civil 
back. It would help if they would leave their authority at the door 
and meet us as intellectual equals. I hope at least a *few* will be 
able to do that! grin

I don't know what kind of ground rules we need. But I think the list
is evenly divided between those who have no use for doctors at all 
and those who, like me, would appreciate any help that's freely 
given (and the rest could probably care less!). 

I'm open to your thoughts and ideas on this. Anybody wanting to 
correspond in e-mail or on the list is welcomed to do so.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: The size of things

1998-07-05 Thread M. G. Devour
I noticed the same thing, but I wasn't going to say anything. GRIN 
I figured Susan was intending to say micrometers, or microns, so I 
mentally corrected it and read on.

A good way to write micrometers would be to use um. The u is 
the closest thing in the standard ascii character set for the greek 
lower case micron. So the ideal range of silver particle is something 
like .001-.0015um, or 1 to 15 nanometers.

Oh well!

Mike D.

On  4 Jul 98 at 12:47, Bob Lee wrote:

 Hi list,
  Was scanning some postings and my eye caught on some numbers. My
 brain likes numbers so my eyes are alert to them. A posting was
 talking about blood and said that a red blood cell was  7 mm in

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Doctor bashing

1998-07-05 Thread John and Valerie Surgeon
A number of derogatory statements have been made about physicians and their
power trips/moneygrubbing.  Let's try to keep some perspective on this.
There are a lot of docs out there who aren't bad guys, and they're fighting
constantly to get alternate therapies available.  I'm thinking in
particular of Drs. William C. Douglass II and III, and the many other
physicians of the IBOM and the ACAM.  

By the way, in speaking up for alternate medicine practicioners, I need to
emphasize that I may be a Surgeon, but am not licensed to practice
medicine.  I do consider myself to be pretty sharp-get the point?  I've
been known to cut to the heart of the matter, and make some incisive
remarks.  My slice is pretty bad, too, so I keep off the links.  You're
probably tired of all this cutting up, so suture self.

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