MCT Fund Update

1998-07-09 Thread Douglas McMurtrie
Fantastic response!! Past half way!!

I'll be away for a few days so I can't promise when I'll have the next
update available. It shouldn't be any later than Monday though.

Have a nice weekend,


For now the fund stands as follows:

 George N. $20.00
 W. D.   - $10.00
 Debbie  - $10.00
 Marsha Hallett - $20.00
 Dameon  - $20.00
 Dean Woodward   - $20.00 
 George $20.00
 George Martin $50.00
 Douglas McMurtrie   - $50.00

  Total to Date $ 220.00

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Legal to prescribe already?

1998-07-09 Thread bjs1779
This is an interesting aricle at Joyce's web site. Almost sounds
like it is legal to prescribe.

Clinical Use Report Of MSP
   Dr. Joseph J. Cardot

  Researchers have been warning the medical establishment for
years that the indiscriminate use of antibiotics could spawn
mutations in pathogens (bacterial, viral, and fungal), creating
"Super Bugs" resistant to all known medications. The result, they
warned, would create a "post antibiotic world" where common, as
well as uncommon, infections would quickly escalate into fatal
illnesses. The warning have been ignored; the result is that we
are--right now--facing a major threat to human life from formally
treatable infectious conditions.

  A friend of mine, Dr. Richard Callahan, York, NE, in a recent
phone conversation remarked that, in his opinion, mutated
pneumococcus nacteria and viral pneumonia will be killing thousands
of Americans annually within five years. Bad news indeed.

  The good news is that Mild Silver Protein (MSP) may be an
answer to the dilemma we are facing. I have operated a family
practice for 37 years where I have treated all types of infections
in patients varying in ages from infants to over ninety.

  Before prescribing any treatment I believe a doctor should
determine if the patient might suffer harmful effects from the
treatment. "First Do No Harm." The treatment should also offer
the prospect of helping the patient recover. MSP meets both of the

  I started using a silver suspension in protocols for patients
with infections in January of 1992. The first patient, a female,
had "walking" viral pneumonia. She was placed on one tablespoon of
the silver suspension t.i.d. She was asymptomatic the fourth day
into treatment. I was astounded. I thought that it might have
been a misdiagnosis. Since that first experience I have treated
more than 50 cases of viral pneumonia with the same positive
results. Time of treatment varies, due to patient condition and
severity of infection, from four days to thirty days. The outcome,
however, is consistently positive; the infection is cleared.

  Since that first experience I have included MSP in protocols
for all types of infectious diseases with positive results.

  MSP has cleared reoccurring ear infections in children who
were scheduled for tube surgery making the procedure unnecessary.

  Infectious fibromayalgia (Fibromyositis) and Sjogren's
syndrome patients have benefitted from MSP therapy; MSP therapy
helps many rheumatoid arthritis patients with synovial fluid
infections that are causing inflammation to no longer need

  Systemic Candida Albicans is successfully treated with MSP.
It is so effective we must start with small doses to control
Herxheimer effect.

  Staph and other infections in the mouth (Gingivitis) have
dramatically improved with MSP therapy.

  The Lyme disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi) is
eliminated using MSP therapy. I have records of Lyme patients who
have been taking various antibiotics for three or more years who
have become asymptomatic on MSP therapy after just three or four
weeks of treatment. The average duration to rid the body of the
spirochete is three to nine months. Systemic Candida Albicans
frequently occurs in patients with Lyme; complicating the treatment
and prolonging the duration of treatment.

  Lyme disease is far more prevalent than is generally known.
Lyme has been reported in the U.S. in 43 states, and in all of
Canada. I believe that reported cases of Lyme represent only about
20% of the actual number of Lyme cases. Lyme is routinely
misdiagnosed as meningitis or as a "heat rash." A red rash is a
typical symptom of Lyme. Ag-Cidal and Silvicidal* are proving to be
IOO% effective in getting rid of the Lyme spirochete when they
are included in the treatment protocol.

  The important thing about MSP therapy is that it is non-toxic.
I have never observed any side effect from using MSP therapy, and
I have used it in patients with all kinds of infections. In acute
conditions as much as four tablespoons per day has been given, with
no adverse reactions observed or reported.

  HIV positive patients have responded to MSP therapy if begun
before the advanced Stages of full blown AIDS. Temple University
studies indicate that MSP kills the HIV virus in vitro. I believe
that the HIV can be completely eliminated by using higher
concentrations of MSP than can be absorbed with oral dosing. In
vivo studies should be done using 250 to 750 ppm MSP administered
IV. Due to the fact that MSP is non-toxic in high concentrations,
this could prove to be a God-sent treatment for the millions who
are suffering and dying from AIDS related illnesses.

  The use of AZT and other chemotherapeutic drugs, in the vain
attempt to treat AIDS is, in my view, simply death by prescription.
These drugs destroy DNA and the immune system; a case of "the cure
being as bad as the disease."

  Why not use a proven to be non-toxic

Re: Deer Tick

1998-07-09 Thread LynnLLHcs
Reading this kinda' late, but watched a video of a presentation by a very well
respected doctor in the lyme community.  He said the spirochetes will make
their way into the CNS and all tissues within 4 weeks, so waiting to test is
not a good idea.  Better to treat preventively and for a LONG time.  My
daughter was treated with 10 days amoxicillan when she was 3 for bulls-eye
rash.  Now she is 9 and sick with chronic lyme disease.  


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Re: caster oil

1998-07-09 Thread Debbie McDonald
Found this on the newsgroups Can anyone dispute it with facts or should we
do more digging?  Deb 
> >
> > castor oil contains ricin, one of the most potent poisons known.  A single
> > molecule will kill a cell (by chewing up ribosomes if memory serves).  The 
> > oil
> > is used as a cathartic.  Not sure whether this is a true "stimulant 
> > cathartic"
> > a class of drugs that too many women only learn to avoid after they have to
> > consult a doctor because their colon doesn't work anymore.
> >
> > Avoid castor oil, if someone tells you it is healthful, see if they are also
> > taking DDT pills and ask for a reputable reference.
> >
> > Robert Read, DVM, PhD
> Looked up ricin.  Toxic indeed!! LD50 .001 ug/gram!  But why do women
> seem to fall victim to this?  They just happen to use it more?  And is
> there really damage to the colon, given the 3-day turnaround time for
> the lining?


 Debbie McDonald

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1998-07-09 Thread Douglas McMurtrie
Just a quick thought. Since the report on Joyce's site covers CS
effectiveness on 4 common bacteria, perhaps we should look into testing
CS for anti-viral effectiveness. There are also anti-fungal claims for
CS that should be verified as well. Does anyone have a pointer to such
test results already or do you think this would be an original and
valuable contribution?

Regards to all,


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS Lab Tests

1998-07-09 Thread W. D. Cavanaugh
Okay, guys, here's the fly in the ointment.  I had volunteered 10
bucks-- maybe it got routed wrong (and I really appreciate the
record keeper in this matter; I'm no good at that sort of thing, 
and don't want to learn to be good.)  Since it got misplaced in 
the shuffle, after I heard that the results were already in, 
I kept quiet because I really don't like to waste money-- too hard
to come by some days-- and replication of honest test results
seems a waste to me and I really don't want to contribute to that.
'Course I never made it to the list, so ole stingy gut me shoulda
kept mum--  NOT!!  I'm too committed to openness, especially with
such a terrific group as this.

What a wonderful thing that we're willing to put our money where
our mouths are.  Since this test has now been done twice, I suggest
some other project.  And Bob seems to be a natural leader.  I
nominate him Secretariat/National Treasure/Presidio.  How 'bout if
we send him (or whomever we elect) money-- whatever we're comfortable
with-- and then come to a consensus about how to spend it.  I would,
however, suggest that we do as we've done on this:  wait till we
do a pretty thorough investigation to see if we can obtain whatever
information we're after without cost.  With money in hand, we'll
be able to expedite this thing.

Frankly, it's a risk.  Bob may turn out to be a con man who runs
off to Mexico with our $4.35; but I'm as willing to bet that he's
responsible as I'm willing to admit that I'm not going to handle
anyone else's money.  I trade commodities for a living, and it
makes me nervous handling my own money.

Marsha, speaking of money, I have the money order to send you, and
I'll mail it today.  Thanks for the silver, gorgeous.
Wil C.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Testing CS?

1998-07-09 Thread bjs1779
Dear List;

I don't mean to throw a wet blanket on the noble efforts
to get CS tested here. BUT, I think it would be misguided to
think that it may somehow make CS mainstream if that is our
intention. If it is for
your own personal knowledge and all of that, that is fine.
Now that I have upset everyone, I had the misforture to
pay the Quackwatch web site a close inspection. It is truely
SCAREY. They got the laws on their side and are pushing for
more and they aren't afraid to use them. Not only do they go
after individuals, the writing is on the wall for many companies,
some of which I do busness and have been satisfied with. I
would not be surprised that these people may attempt to take
some sort of action on some of the alternative newsgroups.
I don't know if writing them would help or really make things
worse. Right now, I think the latter. It appears that ONE of
their motives is money for themselves.
I sure hope everyone takes some time to VISIT their lovely
site. I can tell you up front that WHATEVER you are doing is
WRONG and they encourage YOU to take action against the companies
that have hoodwinked you into buying  their products. In California,
the INDIDIVUAL consumer, has the SAME power as the Attorrny General.
Weather I am being overly concerned or not, I certainly am

Here is one example. I hope that everyone realizes that there is
the other side of the coin on anything. This is not the main page,
but it will take you there. bjs

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CS Lab Tests

1998-07-09 Thread robert . wells
Hi folks.  I'm back.  I was out of town for a few days.  I haven't had time
to read all of my 150+ messages yet, so I don't know where we stand on the
issue of having our own tests run by a reputable lab. (the Silver List is
the biggest culprit).

However, I heard back from the company that makes the Grapefruit Seed
Extract (G.S.E., but not to be confused with grape seed extract).  They are
faxing me a copy of their lab tests which compared G.S.E. to CS, Chlorine,
etc.  I haven't seen them yet, but I appreciate their openness in sharing
the reports.  I'll post again as soon as I've had a chance to review them.
It will be interesting to see if we can learn anything about the
characteristics of the CS used for comparison purposes (ppm, who made it,

Have a nice day!

Bob Wells

Re: make your own c.s.

1998-07-09 Thread John and Valerie Surgeon
What's a TDS meter, and where do I get one?

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MCT Fund Update

1998-07-09 Thread Douglas McMurtrie
OK, it seems that we have at least some interest in getting our own
testing done, so for now let's press on.

Thanks to all who've pledged. Almost half way there already!!

Anyone hear from Bob Wells yet?

Also, again, please hold all checks until we reach the magic number and
work out all the logistics. 

For now the fund stands as follows:

 Debbie  - $10.00
 Marsha Hallett - $20.00
 Dameon  - $20.00
 Dean Woodward   - $20.00 
 George $20.00
 George Martin $50.00
 Douglas McMurtrie   - $50.00

  Total to Date $ 190.00

For CHC and any other newcomers:
We are collecting pledges to handle the cost of laboratory testing of CS
at different concentrations against different pathogens

For George Martin:
I agree that knowing the blood levels vs the ingested levels would be
very valuable info. Maybe after this is done we could have a volunteer
take a very specific dose on a daily basis for a month then have their
blood tested for CS levels. I would be more than happy to serve as the
guinea pig myself.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Wound Care - LONG!!

1998-07-09 Thread Joyce Inouye

Take Noni (Morinda is a good brand)--It helps with tissue regeneration and
wound healing and immune functions.  You can apply it directly on the

Also, when you take the Colloid of Silver, keep it in your mouth for at
least 6 minutes, since it takes about that long to kill pathogens in
vitro.  When I have a toothache, I leave the silver in my mouth until the
pain goes away.

Also, support your immune system with the nutrients it needs.  (Your White
Blood Cells will have to work overtime to get rid of the dead cells. And
take plenty of greens and antioxidants to help with the detoxing. 

:)  Joyce 

On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Carl J. wrote:

> Will soon be facing an open draining wound from a necrotizing
> (dying) squamous cell carcinoma tumor of the jaw.  I am an LPN (inactive
> status) and will be doing wound care on the site.  It hasn't opened yet,
> but I want to be prepared.
> My objectives are simple:  to keep the wound clean (free of
> debris), free from infection, pain free, and to facilitate healing while
> minimizing scaring.  While I know that it would be difficult to heal
> completely due to the nature of the beast - I want to optimize wound
> management.  While supplies such as bandages, tape, etc. are readily
> available from local pharmacies.  I need your help/experience in wound
> management using herbal methods.  Don't really want to go towards
> 'normal' pharmaceuticals i.e. Neosporine, etc.  I believe once you begin
> that route you end up in a circle of killing some organisms while
> quietly growing another.  I want to keep the wound clean from the get-go
> and thus minimize the chance of infection and thus having the expense of
> obtaining a wound culture & sensitivity (C&S).
> Normal wound care involves cleansing/irrigating the wound with H2O2,
> if debris is present, and then rinse with normal saline.  I intend to
> cleanse with Colloidal Silver, apply a herb based ointment/salve for
> healing and to apply a Telfa (non-stick) type pad, and bandage as
> appropriate.
> My question is this:  In reading through "NATURAL HEALING WITH
> HERBS" by Humbart Santillo B.S., M.H.  I've come across many various
> herbs for wound care and need some guidance.   Any sources on the web?
> Thanks,
> Carl
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Wound Care - LONG!!

1998-07-09 Thread Carl J.
Will soon be facing an open draining wound from a necrotizing
(dying) squamous cell carcinoma tumor of the jaw.  I am an LPN (inactive
status) and will be doing wound care on the site.  It hasn't opened yet,
but I want to be prepared.
My objectives are simple:  to keep the wound clean (free of
debris), free from infection, pain free, and to facilitate healing while
minimizing scaring.  While I know that it would be difficult to heal
completely due to the nature of the beast - I want to optimize wound
management.  While supplies such as bandages, tape, etc. are readily
available from local pharmacies.  I need your help/experience in wound
management using herbal methods.  Don't really want to go towards
'normal' pharmaceuticals i.e. Neosporine, etc.  I believe once you begin
that route you end up in a circle of killing some organisms while
quietly growing another.  I want to keep the wound clean from the get-go
and thus minimize the chance of infection and thus having the expense of
obtaining a wound culture & sensitivity (C&S).
Normal wound care involves cleansing/irrigating the wound with H2O2,
if debris is present, and then rinse with normal saline.  I intend to
cleanse with Colloidal Silver, apply a herb based ointment/salve for
healing and to apply a Telfa (non-stick) type pad, and bandage as
My question is this:  In reading through "NATURAL HEALING WITH
HERBS" by Humbart Santillo B.S., M.H.  I've come across many various
herbs for wound care and need some guidance.   Any sources on the web?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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