Re: Thyroid

1998-08-03 Thread Debbie McDonald
How much iodine do you paint??

Daniel Holly wrote:
 For low Iodine or to help thyroid,paint the Iodine
 on your underarm where it is not hairy.
 Regular drugstore Iodine.
 I do it.


 Debbie McDonald

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For Christian von Wechmar

1998-08-03 Thread Nancy B.
Please tell me more about your experience testing both low
voltage CS  HVAC CS.  I missed that discussion some time

What kind of generator did you use for HVAC?

Was it clear (microscopically) that the particles from HVAC
were larger than low voltage, or could they have been clumps
of small particles which I've read about at the ProCS site
or the motherlode site?  (Can't remember which one.)
There's a photo of this at one or both of these sites used
as the wallpaper.

Also, was the HVAC CS ionic or non-ionic or both?

Can anyone comment on whether ionic or non-ionic is better?
I can never keep that straight.

Nancy B.


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Re: Thyroid

1998-08-03 Thread Daniel Holly
For low Iodine or to help thyroid,paint the Iodine 
on your underarm where it is not hairy.
Regular drugstore Iodine.
I do it.


-Original Message-
From: Jason Ringas
Date: Monday, August 03, 1998 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: Thyroid

Mary Jo Bruce wrote:
I seem to recall that a recent edition of Dr. Douglass' alternative
 health newsletter had an article about thyroid.  I believe it was
 suggested that one might dot iodine on the skin and watch to see
 whether it was sucked up by the body, so to speak - or not.
 I think there was a place on the body where it was best to dot it, but
 I do not remember where it was.

I read somewhere that the iodine should be painted on the soles of the
feet.  The larger pores will allow more efficient absorption.



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Off Topic-Trifield Meter

1998-08-03 Thread chc
Does anyone know where we can pick up a high quality trifield meter to
check electromagnetic radiation levels, at a good price???

Thanks in advance,

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CS Response Vern

1998-08-03 Thread chc
Vern Wrote
Not exactly, but if I leave the CS in my mouth long at all, I get what
might call a sore throat.  It doesn't last a real long time, but the
region does get somewhat touchy for a little while.  I have no idea what

causes this reaction.

When The CS gets absorbed into the system, in the mouth it is
immediately absorbed into blood system (This is a very vascular area,
that why it is used extensively for homeopathic absorption. You avoid
the stomach and any effect stomach HCL acid has on your medicine)

Also CS being held in the mouth is obviously also being absorbed into
the local lymph system, tonsils, lymph in throat.

The CS causes die off, and  stimulates the white blood cells and
therefore a local reaction can occur in the glands in the throat, which
are in a small closed space.

 Sometimes this can be a sign of slow lymph drainage in the neck at C-7,
indicating old injury or needing to stretch or some other issues in the
neck area.

Feel free to e-mail me personally if you have any questions Vern.

Hope this helps,


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Re: Thyroid

1998-08-03 Thread Jason Ringas
Mary Jo Bruce wrote:
I seem to recall that a recent edition of Dr. Douglass' alternative
 health newsletter had an article about thyroid.  I believe it was
 suggested that one might dot iodine on the skin and watch to see
 whether it was sucked up by the body, so to speak - or not.
 I think there was a place on the body where it was best to dot it, but
 I do not remember where it was.

I read somewhere that the iodine should be painted on the soles of the
feet.  The larger pores will allow more efficient absorption.



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New folks, welcome!

1998-08-03 Thread M. G. Devour
I've helped several new folks sign on to the list over the weekend. 
Welcome aboard, everyone. 

All of you sent your subscribe messages to, 
which bounce to me and get handled manually. If, in the future, you 
send subscribe or unsubscribe instructions to: 

they will be handled by the list server automatically without having
to wait for me.

In case any of you have questions about CS or getting started, here
is an intro and overview FAQ file I wrote up a couple months ago. It
will take you on a tour of a few web sites that ought to help you
get familiar with the field. 

In the meantime, we're gearing up to do some experiments to test some 
of the claims made about CS. So you'll see talk about some protocols, 
testing, standardized designs, etc. These are works in progress, so 
don't worry if it doesn't all make sense.

MOST IMPORTANT: If you have questions, ask! The list is peopled by a 
lot of folks with different backgrounds and experiences with CS and 
other alternatives. Someone can help with most things, and *most* 
will help you with some things! grin

Welcome, and be well,

Mike D.
silver-list owner

---Begin included message

Greetings and welcome to the silver-list. This FAQ will give you a
brief introduction to the world of Colloidal Silver and an overview by
way of a few decent web sites.


First, please understand that a *lot* of what you'll find online
about colloidal silver (CS) is imprecise, unscientific, and hype.
There are almost no controlled studies of any kind. There is precious
little objective data to back up even the most fundamental claims.

Also, there is a backlash against colloidal silver from debunkers
who will do everything in their power to scare you away through
exaggeration and fear. They dismiss *all* favorable evidence and
results in apparent over-reaction to the plentiful CS hype. Their
claims do not hold up in the face of readily available facts. 

Most of the information you receive will be anecdotal testimony, to be
taken on faith or common sense until you can verify it yourself. And
be forewarned, you'll find yourself rubbing shoulders with advocates
of every kind of alternative medicine, from time honored to wildly

What persists, when all is said and done, are the compelling
accounts of people who have successfully treated some very serious
conditions. They are not trying to sell you anything, but only want
others to be helped as they have been. It is these people that have
made me want to discover the truth about colloidal silver.


A good jumping off point is this article by Peter Lindemann which lays
the groundwork and points out some of the mythology that confuses the

Commercial CS Generators:

These sites are good sources of CS information and low voltage
direct current CS generators:

   Sota Instruments,

A variety of more sophisticated high-voltage AC and DC generators are
offered by:

   CS Pro Systems,

Build Your Own CS Generators:

It's easy and inexpensive to build your own CS generator. Plans and
instructions as well as kits and pre-wired units can be found at these
individuals' web sites:

   Mark Metcalf, 
  Read his Article One and Article Two, linked at the bottom of
  the left-hand frame

   Thomas Miller,
  The link to the CS generator is near the bottom of the page.

Other Information And Product Sources: 
  They sell an interesting sounding book by a Dr. Hill. They
  have excerpts on line.  and
  These folks sell a mild silver protein product that is quite
  carefully made. A lot of good silver info on their site.
  The online version of a booklet about CS. The author indulges in
  a couple of radically speculative scientific theories, but the
  information on CS is helpful.


When you browse these sites you will inevitably find conflicting
information about different products or methods. Especially, many
vendors will claim their products are unique or superior or the
only safe and effective CS. Take such claims with a grain of salt!

There are also many other sites and resources. In no way do I wish to
imply by the inclusion or exclusion of any site that this is the best
there is. Nor do I endorse everything, or necessarily anything, you
will find at these sites.

I hope that exploring these sites will give you an idea of what CS is,
how it is made and used, and some of the issues that are being debated
among different vendors and experimentors. 

If you have more questions or need help getting started, feel free to
ask for help 

Re: CS response

1998-08-03 Thread Reid Smith
Not exactly, but if I leave the CS in my mouth long at all, I get 
what you might call a sore throat.  It doesn't last a real long 
time, but the whole region does get somewhat touchy for a little 
while.  I have no idea what causes this reaction.
Chronic candida infections in the throat are not uncommon.
Some organisms release spores, etc. (and all release toxins) 
when they die.  Your immune system may then react to these 
events with allergy symptoms, etc.  That's my best guess.

   One of the signs of candida is a white coating on the toung.

Take Care 


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1998-08-03 Thread Mary Jo Bruce


   I seem to recall that a recent edition of Dr. Douglass' alternative 
health newsletter had an article about thyroid.  I believe it was
suggested that one might dot iodine on the skin and watch to see
whether it was sucked up by the body, so to speak - or not. 
I think there was a place on the body where it was best to dot it, but
I do not remember where it was.

  Mary Jo

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Re: giardia and cryptosporidium treatable by cs?

1998-08-03 Thread Harvey Flatbush
Douglas Haack  List

At 12:19 PM 8/3/98 +1000, you wrote:
Peter, I had an unusual feeling in my gut yesterday, due to I believe
some reverse osmosis but giardia infected Sydney water. I drank from the
filtered water quite accidently, and without thinking etc. although I
have a distiller and all my CS and drinking water comes normally from
this source.

Anyway I was rushing out to drive 120 kms to a meeting - being a
pleasant Saturday. I felt the pre feeling of the runs. anyway I won't do

In my neck of the woods, what you get from Giardia is referred to as Beaver
Fever and it will definately give you a case of the Hershey Squirts. :o)
I am glad to hear CS works so well on Giardia.  I will for sure put some
bottles of CS in my jump off kit.  I have a portable handpump filter system
that filters out Giardia that is good for 600 gallons of drinking water but
after that if necessary, the CS will go into play.  A ounce per gallon of
water should take care of it. That is the ratio I have been using in stored
water.  If you have any cuts or abrasions on your body and you bath in the
water that has Giardia in it, you can become infected through breaks in you
skin.  It is said that Giardia is caused by animals urinating and dumping
along and in streams and ponds.


Harvey Flatbush
Ione, Washington  

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Re: CS response

1998-08-03 Thread It's not me
Not exactly, but if I leave the CS in my mouth long at all, I get what you
might call a sore throat.  It doesn't last a real long time, but the whole
region does get somewhat touchy for a little while.  I have no idea what
causes this reaction.

-Original Message-
From: Debbie McDonald
Date: Sunday, August 02, 1998 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS response

Hi All,
  Have any of you had any sensation/dull ache (for lack of better word) in
thyroid region upon taking your CS? This happens to me every morning a
while after I drink some. Deb


 Debbie McDonald

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1998-08-03 Thread Reid Smith
relative. Who can really say what's enough - vitamins, minerals, CS or
otherwise? I was once taking 100,000 IU's of vitamin-A a day for MONTHS
as part of a medical experiment. At that level I should have experienced
some kind of side affects; they kept asking me if I was, but I wasn't...
nothing! Then there's an IV drug for fighting infections in Cystic
Fibrosis called Colymycin; *most* patients have terrible side affects
from even a small amount: Heavy urination, rubber legs and migrain
headaches. When I was on it I felt absolutely nothing - not even
tingling toes! I treat silver water as a mineral suppliment that just
*happens* to work better than a drug for my situation. Lucky me... so
far. Speaking of drugs, just what *is* a drug, in it's simplest
definition? They're *subtsances* taken for a specific reason with the
intent of getting well. This can also define what a vitamin, mineral or

   Doctors and some researchers make the mistake in thinking all people
are the same. I've experienced some of the same things that you've 
experienced. Like my white count never goes up, even with a 104 feavor.
Doctors look at the white count as a sign of infection. I have something
wrong with my immune system that causes me to not increase the white
count. When I first thought about it I thought that I had screwed up
my immune system because of all the antibotics. Then I thought back 
and my immune system was that way before I even started taking 

  One dose of clafrin, and about 2 minutes later my sinuses open and start
to drain. The doctors told me that's not possable antibotics don't work
that fast. I proved it to one by blowing my nose on a mirror and having
him check the inside. The right side steamed up the mirror and the left
didn't. Then after the injection I did the same and he looked again and 
said hummm that's strange. Both sides are open now and your left sinus
is draining.. :]

   I went to the ER a little while back with a headake out of this world.
I finally convinced the doctor to put me on an IV and the only thing that
he had was leviquin. About 10 minutes into the IV the headake started going
away and my leg started burning. That's where the infection is consentrated.
After 30 minutes the headake was gone and as I was leaving he said boy that
leviquin is some miracal drug. Weired but that's the way it works.

   People are different and what works for one might not work for another.

Take Care 


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Re: CS response

1998-08-03 Thread Bill Kingsbury
At 09:41 PM 8-2-98 -0600, Vern wrote:
Not exactly, but if I leave the CS in my mouth long at all, I get 
what you might call a sore throat.  It doesn't last a real long 
time, but the whole region does get somewhat touchy for a little 
while.  I have no idea what causes this reaction.

Chronic candida infections in the throat are not uncommon.
Some organisms release spores, etc. (and all release toxins) 
when they die.  Your immune system may then react to these 
events with allergy symptoms, etc.  That's my best guess.


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Re: giardia and cryptosporidium treatable by cs?

1998-08-03 Thread Douglas Haack
Peter, I had an unusual feeling in my gut yesterday, due to I believe
some reverse osmosis but giardia infected Sydney water. I drank from the
filtered water quite accidently, and without thinking etc. although I
have a distiller and all my CS and drinking water comes normally from
this source.

Anyway I was rushing out to drive 120 kms to a meeting - being a
pleasant Saturday. I felt the pre feeling of the runs. anyway I won't do
into any more detail. I put off my immediate departure, drank 130mls of
distilled water with maybe 5 or 10 mls of 5 or 10ppm cs. Within two
hours I felt comfortable enough to start on my drive. I believe the cs
did the trick. The drive and the afternood was pleasantly without
incidence! One still had the later sensation of some thing amiss in the
digestive area and tract, but, it was definitely neutralised 95%. Of
course I will now have to change the filters and clean the holding tank
if one is going to drink from this source. I usually fill the distillers
boiler from this system, purely because one gets much less mineral
residue from the RO system. Better still I have to devise a way of
introducing cs ato an area before the water starts on its filtering
journey. Yes - I wonder if the cs particles are fine enough and will
pass thru the filters?? I should ask the list this question!!

Douglas Haack, Greenwich Village, Oz

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Re: CS response - thyroid

1998-08-03 Thread Debbie McDonald
Bill Kingsbury wrote:
 Years ago I read that the thyroid can become colonized by
 certain types of fungus -- something doctors never test for.
 A Medline search should turn up some references:
Thanks Bill, this sounds like a possibility. I tried to call WaterOz, does
anyone have the phone number?? The one on the web page does not work for me.

 Debbie McDonald

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1998-08-03 Thread bjs1779 wrote:
 cells do on their level. And did you know that when sperm enters a woman
 much of it is *immediately* treated as an intruder and destroyed? Yet we
 still have over-population. 

And did you know that you can take the worlds entire population and fit
into the state of Texas? Then you can accomodate them in 1500 sf. homes
that would house four people, and still fit in the state of Texas. To
prove it, all you need is a worlds almanac, pencil and paper.


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CS Thyroid

1998-08-03 Thread chc
Hi Deb;
Hi All,
 Have any of you had any sensation/dull ache (for lack of
 better word) in your thyroid region upon taking your CS?
 This happens to me every morning a short while after I
 drink some. Deb

Just recently someone posted that CS can use up or destroy the body's
enzymes, which got me to thinking. When I take CS Commercial grade 30
pp, 2 tsp 3X day for my Lyme, I get pain all over my body. Everyone
wants to blame this on a herxheimers reaction, but that just didn't feel
right in my gut.

So I got some real good enzymes with FOS, that are recommend to take on
an empty stomach in am and at bedtime and they are meant to replace the
tissue enzymes that we apparently use up by age 35, some of us a bit

Needless to say after a week of taking the enzymes between meals, I also
take papaya enzymes with cooked foods, I take the CS and no

This could also relate to the thyroid, but I'd me much more inclined to
say either the thyroid needs Iodine and is screaming for it, because of
the tissue strain put on the enzymes when taking CS or it needs both
Iodine and enzymes. Try both, can't hurt.

Patients tell me that they take 1-2 drops of Iodine in small glass (not
plastic) every day and they feel wonderful and thyroid aching goes
away...Sounds reasonable.

I have found the liquids work much better than tablets.

If you take a little too much Iodine, you'll know it,because you
will be staring at the ceiling at night unable to go to sleep and you
will feel edgy and wired..

I knew a Catholic Priest who was 110 yrs old, healthy and spry and
when I asked how he stayed that way, expecting him to say Prayer or
God, something spiritual like... He smiled and said, Iodine...I take
1 drop in a small glass of water. If I ever feel unwell, which I rarely
do, I take 2 drops, With that he winked patted me on the butt and
strolled away for his long walk...

I'd say that old codger was probably right on.. Even his hormones seemed
to be working better than most. IMHO.


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Re: CS response

1998-08-03 Thread W. D. Cavanaugh
Yes, Debbie.  I have that feeling often.  And I noticed
when Bob Beck drank some on his lecture tape, he began
clearing his throat like he had that same (dull ache?) that
I have.

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Re: CS Immunity

1998-08-03 Thread Philip Collins
A few folks have very astutely pointed out that there are important
exceptions to my let-your-immune-system-try-to-do-its-job-before-intervening
theory.  Thanks.  There are some really nasty bugs out there, and it does
not make sense to wait until they have you down before defending yourself.

I should also admit that I do not always follow the theory myself.  I am
already a complete vitamin C junkie, and I start in on the echinacea at the
first sign of a cold.  But I hesitate to use the big guns (CS) on every
little sore throat, fearing that I will become a CS junkie as well.


-Original Message-
From: W. D. Cavanaugh
Date: Friday, July 31, 1998 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: CS  Immunity

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Re: MCT Fund

1998-08-03 Thread Philip Collins
Okay, Bob, I can certainly understand why noone will really want to be
making that decision for me.  Since it looks like we are way over the mark
on the MCT fund, I hereby rescind my pledge, and I will send Jim and Reid
each $10 immediately.


-Original Message-
From: Robert L. Wells
To: silver silver
Date: Friday, July 31, 1998 1:00 PM
Subject: MCT Fund

Thanks Whitney, your support is valued.  However, you need
to be the person who decides where your contribution goes.
I don't think anyone else should do it for you unless you
specifically appoint someone to make your decision for you
and are prepared to write a check.  If you want to support
Reid and Jim, send them a check now.  They'll appreciate
it.  If you want to stick with the microbial test, you can
do that too.  It's your choice.  If you drop out of the MCT
Fund, just let me know.
Bob Wells

Whitney wrote:
Mike, your recommendations are all OK with me.
I do want to say that the $20 which I pledged for
microbial testing can be moved wherever it is needed
(to the particle-size measurement or ppm testing projects).

Whitney Collins

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Re: Charging Colloidal silver with Lyme frequency

1998-08-03 Thread Reid Smith
I wonder if anyone has tried charging a silver solution with an electrical 
frequency such as 380 KiloHertze , the frequency in Clarks book for Lyme

   VERY interesting thought  There might be a way to check that idea also.
Find the frequency for paramicuim, make the silver using that frequency,
then test it to see if it effects the bacteria any faster.
   One question is does the CS made by that frequency hold that frequency.


Take Care 


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Re: Color

1998-08-03 Thread Reid Smith
I seem to fixate on the inane.  Here are terms that
have been bandied about, which have caught my attention:
golden, amber, cloudy, sludge,  and I'm sure
there are many other adjectives not on the tip of
my mind.  There was some discussion about stirring,
Now, I was slightly taken to task over using my 12V-DC,
1 amp generator.  I give y'all a further chance to
examine me.  My water is from an aquifer that is virtually
mineral-free.  It is shipped all over the world (not from
my well, of course.)  It has no taste whatever, and is
neither soft nor hard.  That's my beginning point.
I make my CS in a clear gallon pickle jar usually.  I let it
make for about an hour.  There is absolutely no sediment,
and never a need to stir-- the cloud floats from the wire.
When the hour is up, the CS in the jar has a lavender cast.
I pour it in a standard clear glass and it is crystalline.
Btw, the water in the picle jar does not have this lavender
cast until the CS is made.
Anything wrong with this picture, my gurus?

   The golden color comes from the type of distilled water you use. 
I used one type for a long time then changed to another. The only
difference was the word SPRING water. Besides that they both were
the same.

   Distilled water has a very high resistance. They use it in atomic
power plants as an insulator (thnak you Nancy for that info). When the 
voltage starts to move from one silver rod to the other the water becomes 
less resistant. Thus you stir the water to distribute the particals so it 
becomes more resistant. This was shown to be true by someone in a past
post. If the rods touch the sides of the glass or the bottom of the
glass the glass acts like a conductor thus causing less resistance.

   The first thing that needs to be done is to find out the corilation
between voltage an amps. Meaning does voltage produce the smallest 
partical size or is it amps. My guess would be amps. BUT you have to
have voltage to push the electrons through the distilled water because
it is resistant.

Second thing to consider is does the ionic or colliodal particals
float to the top. If so then a person might be able to get around the
having to stir by insulating the silver wire all except the end of
it and sticking the wire down as close to the bottom as possable.
There are two other problems that arised here. Using plastic and
how far from the bottom is the best. Insulating the wire is a simple
task a person could use heat shrink wrap wire coating.

   Just some thoughts..


   ALLWAYS rinse your glasses out with distilled water before making
two or three times. If not just the left over moisture from washing 
a glass can cause an increase in resistance...


Take Care 


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: MCT Fund Update 7/31 AM

1998-08-03 Thread Reid Smith
At the start of this, my main thoughts were with the particulate size and
effectiveness, is the size a factor in how well it works. Are we back to having
no real way to discern this measuring process now? or is there still some way
this will be able to be tested. Someone with lots of time would be needed for
the subsequent tests on down from that level.We knowG it works, but the
retailers of CS are telling multiple versions of why THEIR'S works best. We
need to be able to tell ourselves and newcomers needing help the answer to
this. Maybe we could turn some mice blue in the meantime:).  Deb   

   Good idea, hey I have an old wild cat that keeps comming around. 
Humm I could be the only person on the block with a BLUE cat... :] 

   For those that are animal rights activists I'M ONLY KIDDING!!! 

Take Care 


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Darkfield microscopy

1998-08-03 Thread Reid Smith
Darkfield microscopy is accomplished by using a special condenser.  The
condenser delivers a hollow cone of light with the tip of the cone focused
on the specimen.  The angle of the light rays is such that all of the light
misses the microscope objective, thus causing a dark field of view.
However, a specimen can refract or reflect some of the impinging light and
divert it into the microscope objective.  Therefore, objects in the specimen
appear to be bright against a dark background.
With this type of specimen illumination it is possible to detect objects
even when they are smaller than the resolution limit of the microscope.
However, this does not mean that you can measure their size, at least not

   One thing that is possable is checking the sizes of particals with the
darkfield. If we want a uniform size partical and if it is viewed to be 
many different sizes under the darkfield then we know that something
has to be changed. If we know that we need .001 and we know that it's
not possable to see .001 under the m-scope but we see particals then
we know that they aren't .001. So we take a picture filter and look again.

   Now here's something else to consider. What would happen if a person 
used inferred light? What would happen to the ability to view partical size

Take Care 


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Psoriasis

1998-08-03 Thread M. G. Devour
Thank you for the update, John. I was thinking about you just
yesterday. You saved me digging through my archive to get your 

It sounds like you're progressing well and that you have a good 
handle on the process. It's ironic that water purification is one of 
the few widely recognised and accepted uses of colloidal silver. It 
has been tried even at the municipal level, I think. Still it is not 
widely applied. How does it feel to be on the cutting edge of 
technology!?  grin

Be well,

Mike D.

John Morris wrote:

 Hi everyone it has been a few weeks since I wrote to the list, and
 everything is progressing well. My rash is slowly fading, I am still
 having problems with my face but it starting to improve . Remember I
 have had psoriasis for at least 20 years so I am very happy with the
 results . I am taking 50 mills of C.S. 3 times a day and am still
 using Paw Paw ointment as my skin dries out a lot. Also I am taking
 fish oil and this seems to help a lot. We have had a water alert in
 Sydney and thy are telling everyone to boil the water for at least 3
 minutes we have got parasites Gardia but I am using C.S. as well in
 the water so I will let you know how we go .
   Regards John
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour