Re: CS & silver nitrate, etc.
Ni Orsi wrote: > > Bruce, when making CS last night I found this: > > 1. It left a film on my glass that was light yellow and very hard to > get off, in fact I still have not got all of it off. This has been noticed by many, myself included, and seems to be caused by fine silver particles 'plateing out' on the surface of the glass. I use a Scotch-brite pad to clean this film, rinsing thorughly /repeatedly with distilled water. > > 2. When I drink the CS it has a slight metal taste. This is also normal experience, and may well be due to the charge on the silver particles. ( "... the +1 monovalent silver ion is 300 times more toxic / effective than other forms..." - see the B.C. Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Silver" article for good technoical background.) > 3. Right after drinking 8 oz I get a slight numbness in my throat that > goes away after about 30+/- minutes. Also reported by many others; I personally do not experience this sensation, but I also tend to hold the CS in my mouth for at least a couple minutes before swallowing, to allow it to absorb under the tongue, into the blood, as recommended by several other CS users. > > Question: > > 1. After 30+/- minutes can you stop and re-boil the water/CS, then > continue to make CS? If you keep your CS generating container on a coffee maker heating surface, or on one of the coffee cup warmer hot plates, etc, this should not be necessary... > > 2. When you refer to low DC are you saying that 9V is better than 27V, > or are you saying to stay away from higher Volts than 27? Technically, 'low voltage' is defined by UL as being below 42 volts. Anything below that level is not considered a shock hazard, as I understand it... In my experience, 9 volts is excessively slow; if all you had was one 9 volt battery & you needed CS, you could use it & eventually have CS, but the production rate would be slower than necessary. 12 volts overcomes the initial minimal conductivity of pure distilled water in a more reasonable amount of time, and can be very workable. (less than 4 volts will do it eventually, but you really need a lot of patience! ) When working with the commonly available / supplied 12 ga to 14 ga wire silver electrodes, with a modest amount of wetted surface area, a system using 27 to 36 volts may run more current through the system later in the genetrating process than is desirable, from the standpoint of the mechanical redispersal of the plated out silver 'sludge' that forms on the negatively charged electrode (called the 'cathode' while in operation.) You'll definitely need to filter your finished product... The 40mA rated bulb as a current limiter is used / specified because it's commonly available; (anyone found a 24-27 volt bulb with a 10 to 15mA rateing?... might be more what you would like to use in a system with small electrodes) A list member from Down Under is working on a current controlled CS system which starts by boosting voltage to give good initial current flow, then regulates the current to not let it exceed a given value (based again on electrode surface area.) My favorite approach, without needing to get too complicated, is to use a voltage in between (15 volts works well for me) which will allow reaching the desired CS concentration without producing excess current flow; then monitoring the unrestricted current rise with a simple meter to know when to end the generating process. A given end point current reading, for a given electrode geometry, always gives a predictable/ reproducable PPM of CS, [as read on the Hanna Instruments TDS1.] > > Bruce, thanks for your help. Ni Questions & comments always welcome! There's still some 'undefined ground' in this field of research; there are also many having good results using their home made CS. Be Well! Bruce -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Cleaning glassware...
> Ni Orsi writes: > > > 1. It left a film on my glass that was light yellow and very hard to > > get off, in fact I still have not got all of it off. That yellow film *can* be removed chemically. I've used copper cleaner, like you'd use to clean your copper bottom cooking pots. A little on a rag or sponge etches the glass clean *instantly*. I've heard others suggest using vinegar, which acts more slowly. The important thing to remember is to *WASH*, *RINSE*, and *RINSE* again thoroughly, several times. You want to be starting with clean and uncontaminated glass. When cleaning glassware, you should 1) scrub, etch, or any other aggressive treatment first, 2) wash with soap or detergent to remove any residue, 3) thoroughly rinse with tap water to remove the soap, 4) finish with at least a double rinse of distilled water, 5) air dry to avoid contamination from the towel. Chemists and what-all may do a lot more than just this, including various sequences of solvents or acid etches, depending on what they're trying to remove and what they're using the vessel for. What I've described should be quite sufficient for what we're doing. Be well, Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [ ] [Speaking only for myself... ] -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Bill, it is used by lying down on your back and putting your feet on it and turning it on. It will move back and forth at a preset motion that increases the oxygen level in your blood. You only need to use it once or twice a day of 5 to 15 minutes. The Chi Machine has been used successfully by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, with many remarkable benefits reported by users o More energy; a greater sense of well-being o Stronger and more limber spine and joints o Firming and toning of thighs, hips, buttocks o Sounder and more restful sleep o Greater ease in getting going in the morning o Stronger immune systemfewer or no colds o Better stamina o Alleviation of many stress-related conditions headaches (including migraines), anxiety, depression, constipation, etc. o Improved function of the internal organs o Improved circulation of the blood and good for: misaligned spine, sore back, gout, arthritis, tendentious, weight loss (15 minute massage is estimated to equal a 90 minute walk in terms of body oxygenation). Since 1990, half a million Chi Machines have been sold worldwide, primarily in the Far East. The machine has gained a tremendous reputation for its solid construction and outstanding health benefits. And, unlike many types of exercise equipment, the machine is easy to use, providing excellent results without stress or injury. If you would like to try one let me know. There is a 14 day money back policy; so you risk the cost of shipping if you don't see immediate benefit. Best of Health, Ni. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS & antibiotics & ??????
Have you tried oxygen therapies? At 01:46 PM 10/9/98 -0500, you wrote: >>With out it I become a shuffling, shaking, >>> hurting, sleeping reck that can't even remember what I done 10 minutes >>> before. >>> I don't have the answer for the reason that CS caused the combination >>> of antibotics that I take to quit working but it did. >>Floxin has been singled out on one of the major news shows for the neurological >>damage that can and does occur. I expect you feel untired because of some of >>this effect. I took one and it was "wired to the ceiling" time. Be careful of >>all the fluoroquinilones. > > There was more to it than just being tired. That was just one of the >problems. I know that floxin or "any" antibotic isn't good for a person >if they have to take it long term but I'm stuck between a rock and a >hard place. With out them I run the risk of having another heart attack, >can't function enough to carry on my daily life, and it just eats my nerves >up. It's so bad at times that I can't stand sound or light. > >>What if the CS made you tired from die off of candida or???, have you been >>tested for yeast? Sorry, just trying to help. I read candida may be causative >>for CFS symptoms. Deb >> Debbie McDonald > > I've considered yeast as a posibility for some of my problems. God knows >as much antibotics that I've had ran through me that I should have a massive >yeast infection. The one thing that rules that out is that I was 90%+ cured >a little while back with IV clafrin. The bug that has me is right under my >skin. It's a fiberglass fealing that is slowly working it's way into my >muscles and other parts of my body. I know that it has an effect on my >nerves and veins. I believe that it shrinks my veins and possability causes >them to harden. I know it does that to my nerves because the more moving >around that I do the works it gets. I can take some thing to make me sleep >for a few days and some of my pain and problems go away or atleast lessen. >That non movement of the nerves gives them time to mend some. > > The area that the infection (soft tissue) makes it hard to cure with >antibotics or anything for that matter. I think that is why the floxin >works so good on me because it gets to the nerves. > > > > > >Take Care > >Reid > > > >-- >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. > >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: > -or- >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. > >To post, address your message to: > >List maintainer: Mike Devour > > > -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Dameon, I have a grandchild with CF. He is now 3. At a very early age fluid slowly started building in his lungs. We did and are still done enzyme therapy. As of now he no longer has any fluid build-up. The doctors have no answer other than he now has a mild case of CF. Our explanation is a little different. When he was only 1-1/2 we started feeding him a product called Ambrotose, and a lot of it. Within 3 months we notice that the fluid build-up had significantly reduced. Today he no longer has any build-up. About 4 months we started him on Immunocal for GSH production and weight gain. He is a twin and is now equal to his twin sister is all respects. Recently we started him on a "Chi" machine to increase the oxygen in his blood. The first thing we have noticed is better sleep and more calm. Best of Health, Ni. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>Off topic: biopsies
Harry writes: > I have heard that a biopsy will cause the cancer fluids (cells) to spread > throughout the body. Is this true? List: This a good question. Some cancer such as melanomas spread quickly with tampering, others such as basal cell and most squamous, don't. It is a judgement call. If you are immunocompromised or if you lean to electing a treatment that surpresses immunity, you might choose not to. If knowledge of type, grade, differentiation is going to inform your choice of therapy, then you must. If you have an alternative treatment in mind that ignores these distinctions--including some of the quite effective cancer diets--why bother? > I also understand that a dark field microscopic examination of the blood can > determine if their are cancer cells in the blood. Is this as reliable -- or > more reliable -- than a biopsy? Darkfield can be helpful, but too many people are doing this with only modest skills and so often they are trying to sell you something. Biopsy is as reliable as the pathologist who reads it. > Are their other methods that can give > reliable determination of the presence of cancer cells in the body? Depending on what type of cancer you are looking for, tumor markers (blood tests) can be very helpful. AMAS and AMTL are good if you don't know. One of the simplest and best would be a delayed type hypersensitivity reaction (skin test) to GalGalNAc. It can routinely tell you if you will be diagnosed with cancer during the next six years or so. I don't think the insurance companies got wind of it yet! Good luck! Vincent Gammill -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS & silver nitrate, etc.
Ni Orsi writes: > 1. It left a film on my glass that was light yellow and very hard to > get off, in fact I still have not got all of it off. Ni, When you reduce AgNO3 in a glass, some of it will plate out. The yellow tinge has always plagued mirror makers who solved the problem by simultaneously reducing mercury from it's cyanide salt, thereby forming an amalgam. Better living through chemistry?! Regards, Vincent -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS & antibiotics & ??????
>With out it I become a shuffling, shaking, >> hurting, sleeping reck that can't even remember what I done 10 minutes >> before. >> I don't have the answer for the reason that CS caused the combination >> of antibotics that I take to quit working but it did. >Floxin has been singled out on one of the major news shows for the neurological >damage that can and does occur. I expect you feel untired because of some of >this effect. I took one and it was "wired to the ceiling" time. Be careful of >all the fluoroquinilones. There was more to it than just being tired. That was just one of the problems. I know that floxin or "any" antibotic isn't good for a person if they have to take it long term but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. With out them I run the risk of having another heart attack, can't function enough to carry on my daily life, and it just eats my nerves up. It's so bad at times that I can't stand sound or light. >What if the CS made you tired from die off of candida or???, have you been >tested for yeast? Sorry, just trying to help. I read candida may be causative >for CFS symptoms. Deb > Debbie McDonald I've considered yeast as a posibility for some of my problems. God knows as much antibotics that I've had ran through me that I should have a massive yeast infection. The one thing that rules that out is that I was 90%+ cured a little while back with IV clafrin. The bug that has me is right under my skin. It's a fiberglass fealing that is slowly working it's way into my muscles and other parts of my body. I know that it has an effect on my nerves and veins. I believe that it shrinks my veins and possability causes them to harden. I know it does that to my nerves because the more moving around that I do the works it gets. I can take some thing to make me sleep for a few days and some of my pain and problems go away or atleast lessen. That non movement of the nerves gives them time to mend some. The area that the infection (soft tissue) makes it hard to cure with antibotics or anything for that matter. I think that is why the floxin works so good on me because it gets to the nerves. Take Care Reid -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Hello Silverados - Well, it's been yet another near-death roller coaster ride! This time was THE worst ever. It started as a cold which complicated my Cystic Fibrosis. Then I waited too long to get into the hospital for the IV drug treatment and it became a very close call. Now I'm back in the same old hospital crap: Drugs and their terrible side-affects and whether they're worth using against the bugs that are killing me. Along the way they discovered a bad bug that's been eating up my lungs probably for years. It's a TB-related complex "myco-bacterium" that's *very* hard to kill. It'll be a long-term drug therapy that may take a whole 2 YEARS -- until after the year 2000!! 3 drugs are used at the same time that will turn my urine and tears ORANGE. There was also another bug found in the culture that they could not identify and ended up sending to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Suffice it to say, I'm not a happy camper at this time. I also discovered a new and interesting tid-bit about Cystic Fibrosis (CF): While the alternative therapies (especially Colloidal Silver) have been excellent at killing some of the worst bugs known to the CF world, they also ironically could create an opening for something new and potentially even worse to move in! It seems that -- like everything else ion the Universe -- these little critters are territorial and don't want other bugs crowding their space. So, in a sense, this would make Pseudomonas aeruginosa (one of the worse killers in the CF world) my friend! VERY STRANGE. This just serves to illustrate all the more how complex the nature of our being is. I guess there really are no simple answers here. This has been the short report. I'm grateful to everyone for your concern and prayers/best wishes during this HELLISH period for me... it was really touching. I'm still stuck in the hospital for now. I'll update this as more is learned, but for now, I'm off the CS (by my doctor's request) til we get word from the CDC on what that mystery bug is. One final note: I was very good friends with the man called Joost -- or "Jovo" ( -- and was extremely shocked and saddened to learn of his sudden death when I finally checked email from here. All I could do was stare at the screen in tearful disbelief. Sleeping was difficult that night. He was a great and trustworthy friend who was always willing to help and a true warrior; a real fighter. He left behind two sons whom he loved dearly. He was also the last person I communicated with before entering the hospital; he said he would pray for me. He will be missed. For those interested, he'd begun posting the story of his life ( Take care all -- Dameon -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS & silver nitrate, etc.
Bruce, when making CS last night I found this: 1. It left a film on my glass that was light yellow and very hard to get off, in fact I still have not got all of it off. 2. When I drink the CS it has a slight metal taste. 3. Right after drinking 8 oz I get a slight numbness in my throat that goes away after about 30+/- minutes. Question: 1. After 30+/- minutes can you stop and re-boil the water/CS, then continue to make CS? 2. When you refer to low DC are you saying that 9V is better than 27V, or are you saying to stay away from higher Volts than 27? Bruce, thanks for your help. Ni -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Off topic: biopsies
I have heard that a biopsy will cause the cancer fluids (cells) to spread throughout the body. Is this true? If a biopsy consists of excising a small piece of tissue from the affected area, how can this cause the spread of cancer fluids (cells). I also understand that a dark field microscopic examination of the blood can determine if their are cancer cells in the blood. Is this as reliable -- or more reliable -- than a biopsy? Are their other methods that can give reliable determination of the presence of cancer cells in the body? Thanks for your help. Harry Davis -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>Re: CS and pregnancy
Thanks for sharing the Funk article. That article is about as close as we can come to "informed consent" until someone specifically puts colloidal silver to the test. My MD gave me a copy of it and it made me feel much better about taking CS once I realized the differences between it and prescription silver products that caused argyria. I am glad to have that article, but caution others that reading brief abstracts of it are very misleading. In context, you will find all the cautions regard large-particle, highly concentrated silver salts, silver protein prescriptions, elemental silver in drinking water, and industrial overdose. Colloidal silver is just "tacked on" to the article but never directly observed or reported on other than to show some brand names and their strengths in a chart. The strengths are far lower than the silver products that reportedly have caused argyria. The Fung article is just a review of pre-existing research & findings, none specific to low ppm, small particle CS. We all get elemental silver in the milk & mushrooms we digest, and we are not turning blue. And for years, our ancestors ate with silverware, pregnant or not. I'm not saying it's o.k. to take low ppm CS in pregnancy. I don't have a scientific answer to that. But now we may wonder, is it o.k. to eat mushrooms and drink milk in pregnancy??? :) Sincerely, Nancy B. ~ Home schoolers: CHEAP used books Oikos Interactive Family Journal Lyme Disease info: About Colloidal silver (non-commercial) ~ -Original Message- From: To: Date: Thursday, October 08, 1998 9:16 PM Subject: Re: CS>Re: CS and pregnancy >Hi Brooks Bradley and all > .Please don't shoot the messenger. I am only reporting others research. I >agree with you 100%. I was very troubled with the obviously flawed research >done by Fung, et al. Please read these papers yourself. My option is that >Fung and Bowen have presented a very poor risk/benifit analysis. They have >left out critical data to substantiate most of there claims. They have many >misleading and conflicting statements which leave me with more questions than >answers. This is an important paper for political reasons. I was planning on >providing more information on the paper if anyone is interested. > > >-- > -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS & silver nitrate, etc.
Ni (& list) Ni Orsi wrote: > > Bruce, I have started to read all the old E-mail off the web page you > gave me, and I have one basic question with regards to the SOTO CS maker > - are we or are we not making good CS? A Low Voltage DC powered CS generator can produce good quality, usable CS. Many are achieving excellent results using CS they make themselves with these types of generator systems. Recent discussion on the topic of limiting current flow in the generator is worth following; This is relative to electrode surface area & geometry. I am of the school of thought that 'faster is not necessarily better'; that limiting voltage, and limiting current flow relative to the specific silver electrode geometry, is a good approach to CS generation. I've put a lot of material on the website below, so I won't repeat it now: DEFINING "GOOD CS" purity: only silver & water small particle size positively charged silver particles (ions) The Analytical equipment to analyze these characteristics is expensive and, no doubt, technical to operate properly. I personally do not have access to this equipment- wish I did! Other list members (individuals not connected with any commercial venture) have reported results of testing by research facilities, however, which are saying that CS generated with a low voltage DC has a measured smaller particle size and greater amount of charged particles than that made with an HVAC technique Bob Lee posted info about current flow relative to electrode surface area recently - continues to offer technical info of great value. > And how do we treat > concerns about silver proteins, silver nitrate, and silver acetate > possibility in our CS? Best of Health, Ni. I know how I personally would proceed to bypass such concerns: If you start with pure distilled water and don't add other chemicals in an atempt to speed up the process (increase the initial conductivity), and pre-heat your water to boiling to drive off any possible disolved gasses in the water before starting the generation operation, all you should have is a colloidal silver suspension in water when you're done. How you store your CS after you're done making it may ultimately have more to do with your CS quality / potency... Another tidbit of info: a source recently mentioned that CS at about 15 to 16 PPM has a much better shelf life (when properly stored) than CS at much higher concentrations I'll try to obtain coppies of the supporting research / documentation when possible, and pass on what I can to the list. Be Well! Bruce -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>Re: CS and pregnancy
At 09:16 PM 10/8/98 EDT, wrote: >Hi Brooks Bradley and all >. >Please don't shoot the messenger. I am only reporting others research. I Weathermen should be fined if they report anything other than sunshine. gary hawkins -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour