>With out it I become a shuffling, shaking,
>> hurting, sleeping reck that can't even remember what I done 10 minutes
>> before.
>>   I don't have the answer for the reason that CS caused the combination
>> of antibotics that I take to quit working but it did.
>Floxin has been singled out on one of the major news shows for the neurological
>damage that can and does occur. I expect you feel untired because of some of
>this effect. I took one and it was "wired to the ceiling" time. Be careful of
>all the fluoroquinilones. 

   There was more to it than just being tired. That was just one of the 
problems. I know that floxin or "any" antibotic isn't good for a person
if they have to take it long term but I'm stuck between a rock and a 
hard place. With out them I run the risk of having another heart attack,
can't function enough to carry on my daily life, and it just eats my nerves
up. It's so bad at times that I can't stand sound or light.

>What if the CS made you tired from die off of candida or???, have you been 
>tested for yeast? Sorry, just trying to help. I read candida may be causative 
>for CFS symptoms. Deb  
>       Debbie McDonald

   I've considered yeast as a posibility for some of my problems. God knows
as much antibotics that I've had ran through me that I should have a massive
yeast infection. The one thing that rules that out is that I was 90%+ cured
a little while back with IV clafrin. The bug that has me is right under my
skin. It's a fiberglass fealing that is slowly working it's way into my
muscles and other parts of my body. I know that it has an effect on my 
nerves and veins. I believe that it shrinks my veins and possability causes
them to harden. I know it does that to my nerves because the more moving
around that I do the works it gets. I can take some thing to make me sleep
for a few days and some of my pain and problems go away or atleast lessen.
That non movement of the nerves gives them time to mend some. 

   The area that the infection (soft tissue) makes it hard to cure with 
antibotics or anything for that matter. I think that is why the floxin
works so good on me because it gets to the nerves. 

Take Care 


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