Re: CSWarts?

2000-04-03 Thread Steve Hessler
Dear Diane,  Little red spots here and there which seem to come (maybe) from
a pinch to a pimple or some other very surface injury.  They frequently are
a bright red indicating blood very near the surface in a small pool.
Regards, herb

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Re: CSseasilver

2000-04-03 Thread Jason R. Eaton
Greetings Listers!

The following is a quote from the SeaSilver website ( I personally have no
experience with nor opinion on their products ):

begin webquote Dr. Gary Smith (a pioneer in cancer research) writes: We
get silver and all minerals in the body through the food we eat . by
assimilating the plant nutrients the minerals are transferred . through the
blood stream to the various organs of our body. Hence, we get silver from
plants. If we cannot assimilate silver for some reason or as the tissues
age, we develop a silver deficiency and an impaired immune system .
Consequently, the depletion of minerals in our soil has left us deficient of
silver, one of our most essential trace minerals, causing a drastic increase
in immune system disorders in our society in the last decade. Research has
taught us that all disease is allowed to manifest itself because of a
weakened immune system. In over 20 years of worldwide research on Colloidal
Silver, numerous interviews with government agencies, health care
practitioners and their patients, no other nutrient, herb or drug
(prescription or over-the-counter) is as safe and effective against all
known forms of unfriendly virus, bacteria, and fungus. Additionally, while
it is generally known that most antibiotics kill only perhaps 6 or 7
different disease organisms, reports have shown that Colloidal Silver has
been used successfully in the treatment of over 650 diseases! Furthermore,
strains of disease organisms fail to develop in the presence of Colloidal
Silver. Colloidal Silver's greatest attribute is its unique ability to
function as a superior second immune system in the body! EndQuote

Now, I'm a real believer in colloidal silver.  However, the use of language
and paste-togethers from various web sources paint a doubtful picture.  At
first glance, one readily believes that all of the above is from this Dr.
Gary Smith.  How crafty.  If I had first heard of colloidal silver by
reading this, I wouldn't have touched the stuff.  Over twenty years of
worldwide research on Colloidal Silver?  Numerous interviews with goverment
agencies?  One of our most essential trace minerals?

Making a simple statement as if it were the truth, without citation, reason,
data, or personal experience, which goes against the readily believable,
obvious, or commonly accepted, and doing so with expressed authority, is
propaganda.  Research has taught us that all disease is allowed to manifest
itself because of a weakened immune system.  I wonder how long one must
study in order to realize that 1=1.

This is a quote from another page, a letter from John Hopkins University, as
signed at the end:


The amount of silver required to develope argyria is estimated to be 3.8
grams per day.  By comparison your product contains silver in amounts
equaling less than 1 milligram of silver (1,000 micrograms = 1 milligram;
1,000 milligrams - 1 gram), which therefore represents an amount
approximately 1/500th to 1/1000th of the amount of silver considered to be a
risk in the developement of argyria.

Most cases of argyria reported in the medical literature over the last 100
years involved chronic intravenous or intramuscular use of the silver
preparations, most often involving a silver drug prescribed by physicians
which in most cases contained silver nitrate.  Other cases of argyria
reported in the medical literature involve application of silver
preparations used for many months or years in the treatment of the eye or
vagina for certain diseases.  We could not locate a single case of orally
consumed colloidal silver manufactured in the last 25 years causing argyria
in our review of the literature [emphasis added].  This is probably due to
the low levels of silver contained in such preparations, since only very
small amounts of silver are needed for its antiseptic effect.

Humans consume approximately 100 micrograms of silver every day in the diet.
Additional amounts within this range would be considered safe by all
reasonable estimates, especially if the amount needed to develope argyria
would be equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or 3.8 grams) of silver a day.

As for the efficacy of silver preparations, we found considerable scientific
evidence published over the last 75 years that a number of silver compounds
can be effective germicidal (antiseptic) agents against several hundred
pathogenic organisms [emphasis added].   However, silver is not an
antibiotic as some have claimed because an antibiotic by definition is
derived from a living organism.

I hope this information is of assistance to SeaSilver, Inc.  I have prepared
an extensive monograph on this subject for future publication.  We expect
the monograph to be available in late spring of this year.  We hope the
information therein will clarify and educate consumers on the safety of
various silver preparations.   We will advise you when that publication is

We appreciate the concerns expressed at this time by some of 

CSFw: CORRECTION: Dr.Rolf Grossklaus- Chair-Codex Committee on Nutrition Foods for Special Dietary Use: WHY the LACK OF TRANSPARENCY??? GESUNDHEIT IST EIN MENSCHENRECHT! (HEALTH IS A HUMAN RIGHT!)

2000-04-03 Thread Carol M. Ryan

- Original Message - 
From: John Hammell 
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 3:16 PM
Subject: CORRECTION: Dr.Rolf Grossklaus- Chair-Codex Committee on Nutrition  
Foods for Special Dietary Use: WHY the LACK OF TRANSPARENCY??? GESUNDHEIT IST 

IAHF LIST  CODEX DELEGATES: Made an error in previous letter sent. Scrap 
previous one and replace it with this. I erred previously and used the word 
inexpensive when of course I meant expensive I've made the change below 
highlighted in red. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please post this version 
instead to your websites and forward it to more people. 

If you are a CODEX delegate and feel annoyed about receiving this, don't bitch 
to me, you need to ask some fundamental questions about the CODEX process in 
general since it excludes the voice of consumers who have no voting power in 
the process and who for the most part are excluded from the decision making 
process.Moreover, the Vitamin issue must be killed entirely at CODEX per the 
wishes of consumers as clearly expressed in '97 in Geneva. Rather than remove 
vitamins and minerals from the agenda entirely, as should have occurred, you 
are continuing against our will. It is necessary for all Codex delegates to go 
to and to inform Dr.Rath in writing that you totally oppose 
the Codex Vitamin Proposal and wish it to be removed from the table, otherwise 
you will be charged as an accomplice to commit Genocide.

  Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 03:00:00 +0200 
  To: John Hammell 
  From: Boris Dragin 
  Subject: Re: To: Dr.Rolf Grossklaus- Chair-Codex Committee on Nutrition  
  Foods for Special Dietary Use: WHY the LACK OF TRANSPARENCY??? GESUNDHEIT 

  Hi John,
  Thanks for this mail, and the others, by the way.

  Did you happen to misspell the underlined word in the paragraph below 
(inexpensive)? The prices of drugs have been shooting high up in recent 
years. They are getting VERY expensive. No inexpensive drugs have been produced 
recently; not to my knowledge.
  You may wish to change that.

Thanks to Boris in Sweden for his alertness. He is correct. Inexpensive is 
changed below to expensive

Do you DISPUTE our contention that we are SOVEREIGN over our own bodies and 
that we have a God given unalienable absolute total RIGHT to consume vitamins 
and minerals as well as herbs and other natural substances in whatever dose and 
quantity we WANT, WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION, in order to bring about HEALING so that 
we aren't forced to be slaves to the pharma cartel and their toxic, expensive, 
ineffective DRUGS?

Do you actually BELIEVE that you have the RIGHT to tell us what we can or 
cannot INGEST?

  B: Here, he may say that they do not DISPUTE that we, the consumers are 
SOVEREIGN and that the CODEX does not direct its rules toward consumers (one 
can never expect them to admit what they are up to). Not directly, it doesn't. 
But the indirect result of the proposed rules would be a practical prohibition.
  One may consider adding the following to make your statement still more clear:

- remind them that we, who oppose the CODEX understand that they are trying 
to introduce rules that will result in nothing else but a worldwide 
prohibition, etc. 

  I am spreading this mail further.

  Take care,


Next Codex Mtgs Re Vitamin Issue
CCNFSDU in Berlin
June 19- June 23, 2000
47th Session of Codex Executive
June 28-June 30, 2000 in Geneva
What to Do: Contact Your Countries
Delegate to the Codex Committee
on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Use
(Beth Yetley in USA, Margaret Cheney in Canada)
Tell Them To Oppose the Draft Guidelines for Vitamins and Minerals
 That the Paper Titled 
A Risk Assessment Model for Establishing Upper Levels for Nutrients
Is Unscientific, Biased Against Vitamin Use, Was Paid for by Pharmaceutical 
Is Anti Consumer, And a Complete Expose Is Available at
International Advocates for Health Freedom is a true grass roots, decentralized
movement of vitamin consumers world wide opposed to the pharmaceutically rigged 
Codex Shell Game, to the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and to 
all Statist Elements of Coersion, Wherever they may be found, anywhere in the 
world. As Free people, we are Sovereign over our own BODIES, With a God Given 
Unalienable Right to Ingest Any Substance of Our Choosing, (Especially Vitamins 
and Minerals) Into OUR BODIES As We See Fit.
We hereby put all unelected CODEX bureaucrats,UN and WTO Supporters World 
Wide,Employees of the FDA, HPB, MCA, MCC and similar drug cartel stooges on 
NOTICE that We Believe Strongly in the American Second Amendment Right to Bear 
Arms As Well as in the Right to Freedom 

CSIntro - Current?

2000-04-03 Thread Fred

G. Bouche said to Ron:
It is interesting to hear that you see T. E. at around 6 MA. Many
CS producers recommend to use a limiting current of 0.8MA
to produce cs. Does that mean that T. E. is not present with that
kind of low current ? /snip

Like most, you refer to the current level when what you need to
look at is the current density! I.E. a very large area (flat) electrode
can use many times higher current to get the same current
density as a wire type electrode! As an example, 1 ma with a 14
ga. wire (0.064) has roughly the same effect as 16 ma with a 1 inch
wide electrode (assuming the same length)!

When we say our unit terminates at 5ma. (flat electrode) it is similar
to a 4 inch long 14 ga. wire electrode limited to 0.5ma!


2000-04-03 Thread Debbie McDonald
Re this topic, one should not chelate with Cilantro if one still
has the mercury amalgam fillings in place in the mouth and one
should be very careful about chelating period, much can be learned
by subbing to one of the metals lists to learn more about the
dangers. I have been gone so forgive me if this has already been
covered. Deb

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CSRe: Coriander

2000-04-03 Thread Fred

Ron said:
snipI do remember a metallic taste from curry, and someone remarking
 that it was coriander.  That was before I would appreciate something that
 would pull metals out of the body. /snip

In following the interesting coriander string I can't help but wonder where the
quoted metallic taste comes from (in curry and salsa so far).

Possibly from the processing of the coriander in a metallic pan (will it leach
metal from a pan)??? If so, you are taking one step forward and two back!
Some one know? I did not do have time research it yet.

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CSRe: silver-digest Digest V100 #267

2000-04-03 Thread KiasiBehr
In a message dated 04/02/2000 9:39:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Borax is a laundry product.
 It's also a flux for brazing and welding.
 Kills ants too?

Also excellent for killing fleas!  I used it for one summer and had no 
further problems the next summer. It was wonderful!!

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CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread joegum
I was just wondering...A lot of us who grew up in the sixties and
seventies had our own black lights used to illuminate artwork, etc.
Doubtless many of these are laying about unused  or might even be
purchased at flea markets for a song.  I also remember the rather
sickly-sweet, somewhat acrid smell when these were used. (And yes,  I'm
sure it was from the bulbs.)  I wonder... if one simply wrapped some
clear neoprene tubing around the length of the UV tube,  connected a
cheap aquarium air pump at one end and an even cheaper aquarium
air-stone at the other,  would this make an effective ozonator?  If so,
this could be of benefit to those on this list that simply can't afford
a $200 plus unit.  Joe G.

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Re: CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread Wwench9
Joe G,

It was suggested by a friend that one could use the filament and fixture for 
a mercury gas type pole light as a cheap ozonator.  Any thoughts from the 


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Re: CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread Marshall Dudley
joegum wrote:

 I was just wondering...A lot of us who grew up in the sixties and
 seventies had our own black lights used to illuminate artwork, etc.
 Doubtless many of these are laying about unused  or might even be
 purchased at flea markets for a song.  I also remember the rather
 sickly-sweet, somewhat acrid smell when these were used. (And yes,  I'm
 sure it was from the bulbs.)

 I wonder... if one simply wrapped some
 clear neoprene tubing around the length of the UV tube,  connected a
 cheap aquarium air pump at one end and an even cheaper aquarium
 air-stone at the other,  would this make an effective ozonator?  If so,
 this could be of benefit to those on this list that simply can't afford
 a $200 plus unit.  Joe G.

According to Beck, the amount of ozone you get off of uv ozonators is too
dilute to be of much use.


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Re: CSEd Dames mentions CS on Art Bell

2000-04-03 Thread Marshall Dudley
According to Beck, HIV is not difficult to get rid of at all, or at least it is
not difficult to reach 0 viral particles per cc of blood,  with CS, ozonated
water, magnetic pulsing and zapping.


Trem Williams wrote:

 Well, it certainly seems as though it could work, since HIV is a virus and
 CS kills virus.  And of course if you aren't HIV+ and get pneumonia or some
 other opportunistic disease then you have pneumonia or another regular
 disease.  If you're HIV+ and get it, then you have AIDS.  It's the same with
 all diseases for anyone that has HIV.  If you're positive, then it's AIDS.
 If you're HIV negative, then you have a known disease.   And it seems CS
 kills many of those known diseases.

 Why not expect it to be effective with HIV and AIDS?


 - Original Message -
 From: Ron Hackley
 To: Silver List
 Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 4:06 PM
 Subject: CSEd Dames mentions CS on Art Bell

  Friday night (3/31/00) Art had remote viewer Ed Dr. Doom Dames on.
  Near the 2AM station break Ed was talking about how he'd remote viewed
  the AIDS virus and had been remote viewing for a cure for AIDS and
  cancer. I wasn't listening too closely but then Ed said that the cure
  seemed to have something to do with Colloidal Silver. Art said WHAT, and
  Ed repeated himself, adding that there are various types of colloidal
  silver (??) and that he wasn't sure what it meant yet. Then a station
  break and it wasn't brought up again (I didn't really expect it to be).
  Ed has a listing for a RA archive of the show (3/31/00) at It says that it isn't available yet
  though. Since Art is retiring I don't know if an archive will appear at or not. It isn't much to listen to (the minute or so
  mention of CS) but it sure did get my attention.
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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMaking CS

2000-04-03 Thread Nina Silver, Ph.D.

- Original Message - 
From: Ron Hackley
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: CSMaking CS


 There seem to be many ways to make good (and bad) CS. I think if one can
 make ANY CS they have an important tool, and then we can work to refine
 and make it better. I don't think anyone should hold off making CS
 because they are afraid they won't make it right or something. (I know
 this doesn't apply to you Gaston, but once I start commenting it's
 sometimes hard to stop:).

Thanks for your pep talk. I'm going to try it again.
--Nina, who can cook but can't (yet) make CS

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CSAluminum Does Jump

2000-04-03 Thread Fred

Keep at it David, nice to see some more serious investigations!
They can go a long way toward helping others with an interest
in keeping on the correct path, to an earlier project solution.

Also, your excellent links reminded me of a magnetic ding
remover NASA had developed some years ago, which was
obviously not for steel! At the time I was building a 50MJ pulser
for a Tokamac for the Univ. of Texas but did not try to make a
work coil (wish I had, as I  would have had a key advantage,
at that time, with my high power electronics experience). We
were using large hocky puck SCR's to fire 2 ft. tall ignitrons,
as I recall, for 2 second pulses of 10KV at 5,000 amperes. 

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Re: CSAluminum Does Jump

2000-04-03 Thread Terry Dickinson
Well done David, this must become the definitive statement.

But - Gee! - I knew I was right!


david saunders wrote:
Greetings List members:
The recent dicussion of Aluminum's magnetic properties prompted
me to do some experimentation during my MPG development
project. The results are: Aluminum does jump under the right
circumstances. The effect can be observed anywhere electric
power is available, and the certain electromagnetic principles
are applied.

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Re: CSseasilver

2000-04-03 Thread Ivan Anderson
Well said, Jason!

Its disappointing that this seems to be the norm, except for a few.
You might like to contrast SeaSilver with
the web site of one of our members (who may or may not wish to make
himself known). Pharmaceutical grade CS and a consistent conservatism
to go with it.

I might mention regarding Argyria that, as John W Hill writes in his
book 'Colloidal Silver a Literature Review', There are cases of
adults developing argyria after consuming 900mg of silver as a silver
protein over a period of one year.

This equates to consuming a little under 2 litres of 10ppm CS per
week, far more than most people consume. Even the Rfd max of 14ug per
kg per day over a lifetime equates to 35mls or more than 1 oz per day
of 10ppm CS, for a 150lb adult.

Thanks Jason.

- Original Message -
From: Jason R. Eaton
Sent: Sunday, 2 April 2000 13:14
Subject: Re: CSseasilver

 Greetings Listers!

 The following is a quote from the SeaSilver website ( I personally
have no
 experience with nor opinion on their products ):

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Re: CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread Ivan Anderson
Good idea Joe,

Unfortunately, the amount of Ozone this would produce is too small to
be of any use other than improving the atmosphere of the room in which
it was placed.


- Original Message -
From: joegum
Sent: Monday, 3 April 2000 16:42
Subject: CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

 I was just wondering...A lot of us who grew up in the sixties
 seventies had our own black lights used to illuminate artwork,
 Doubtless many of these are laying about unused  or might even be
 purchased at flea markets for a song.  I also remember the rather
 sickly-sweet, somewhat acrid smell when these were used. (And yes,
 sure it was from the bulbs.)  I wonder... if one simply wrapped some
 clear neoprene tubing around the length of the UV tube,  connected a
 cheap aquarium air pump at one end and an even cheaper aquarium
 air-stone at the other,  would this make an effective ozonator?  If
 this could be of benefit to those on this list that simply can't
 a $200 plus unit.  Joe G.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSBeck's brain tuner

2000-04-03 Thread EJohns9525


Does anyone know if Beck gives the instruction on how to make your own

brain tuner?  And if so, where can it be found?


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Re: CSWarts?

2000-04-03 Thread d.linen
Thank you Herb,

You know what's so great about this list is that there is always someone
to answer questions and I love learning new things.


Steve Hessler wrote:
 Dear Diane,  Little red spots here and there which seem to come (maybe) from
 a pinch to a pimple or some other very surface injury.  They frequently are
 a bright red indicating blood very near the surface in a small pool.
 Regards, herb

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CScilantro chelating

2000-04-03 Thread LORENA TERRES
where can I find out more information on this subject please.  I did not notice 
a reference

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Re: CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread Todd Horton
On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 01:30:43 EDT, you wrote:

Joe G,

It was suggested by a friend that one could use the filament and fixture for 
a mercury gas type pole light as a cheap ozonator.  Any thoughts from the 

From my save folder..

Go get a mercury vapor yard light.  I think you can get a complete
ballast, bulb and all for about 20 bucks at most of the home
stores.  Break the OUTER envelope of the bulb, but do not damage the
inner bulb.  The small bulb is the actual Mercury vapor lamp.  Fire
'er up, and
you'll have a copious source of UV radiation, guaranteed to blister
eyeballs in a few seconds, (seriously!) or sunburn your skin in just a
minutes.  Enclose the lamp in a light-tight box, and arrange for a
small fan to
blow air through the box.  Voila`! Instant Ozone!  (Also erases Eproms

Ralph   W5JGV

ICQ  8514638
Home of the Rife Biomedical Research Web Ring

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSseasilver

2000-04-03 Thread Marshall Dudley
Jason R. Eaton wrote:

 Greetings Listers!

 The amount of silver required to develop argyria is estimated to be 3.8
 grams per day.  By comparison your product contains silver in amounts
 equaling less than 1 milligram of silver (1,000 micrograms = 1 milligram;
 1,000 milligrams - 1 gram), which therefore represents an amount
 approximately 1/500th to 1/1000th of the amount of silver considered to be a
 risk in the developement of argyria.


 Humans consume approximately 100 micrograms of silver every day in the diet.
 Additional amounts within this range would be considered safe by all
 reasonable estimates, especially if the amount needed to develope argyria
 would be equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or 3.8 grams) of silver a day.

3.8 grams equals 3,800,000 micrograms, you are off by 10.

That would work out to 380 liters a day of 10 ppm CS.  Argyria would not be a
concern, you would be dead of water poisoning withing 24 hours.  I suspect he
meant to say 3.8 mg of silver, but am not sure.  I will try to reach this guy
and confirm the number.

 As for the efficacy of silver preparations, we found considerable scientific
 evidence published over the last 75 years that a number of silver compounds
 can be effective germicidal (antiseptic) agents against several hundred
 pathogenic organisms [emphasis added].   However, silver is not an
 antibiotic as some have claimed because an antibiotic by definition is
 derived from a living organism.

Although some definitions of antibiotic do say this, the second definition in my
Webster's dictionary says:

antibiotic. 2. destroying or inhibiting the growth of bacteria and other

and from my pocket Webster's:

antibiotic. substance used as a germ killer, a medicine.

Thus according to Webster, an antibiotic does NOT have to necessarily come from
a living organism.


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CSHVAC Colloidal Silver

2000-04-03 Thread Daniel Holly
HVAC Colloidal Silver  

Can anyone suggest a good website that tells how to make it.

I have a 12,000 volt neon sign transformer (ACTOWN   #FG4002) from the
Enhancer I made.

Details on the enhancer


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CSBeck Protocol SOTA

2000-04-03 Thread Jeff Lawrence
I've seen a few posts lately re: SOTA devices and am
considering buying their equipment related to the Beck
Protocol also (one piece at a time as I can afford
it).   Is everyone using the SOTA devices pleased with
the products and results they are getting? Is their
any specific device that seems more affective than the
rest?  (or one device that's not worth the money -
i.e. the Water Ozonator)?

I've recently purchased a device that's a cross
between a Zapper and a RF Freq. Generator (called the
HFA-4AV).  I should be receiving it within the next
week or two.

I'll post a review of this device to the group after
I've had a chance to use it for a while (if anyone is


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Re: CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread Marshall Dudley
I cannot emphasize enough the danger to the eyes if a mercury vapor bulb is 
for only a second or two without the outer uv filter (bulb).

I remember reading about the outer bulb breaking on a bulb in a large
ampitheater,  and the hundreds of people who ended up having to get medical
attention for their eyes afterward, even though they were 100 or more feet away
from it.


Todd Horton wrote:

 On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 01:30:43 EDT, you wrote:

 Joe G,
 It was suggested by a friend that one could use the filament and fixture for
 a mercury gas type pole light as a cheap ozonator.  Any thoughts from the
 From my save folder..

 Go get a mercury vapor yard light.  I think you can get a complete
 ballast, bulb and all for about 20 bucks at most of the home
 stores.  Break the OUTER envelope of the bulb, but do not damage the
 inner bulb.  The small bulb is the actual Mercury vapor lamp.  Fire
 'er up, and
 you'll have a copious source of UV radiation, guaranteed to blister
 eyeballs in a few seconds, (seriously!) or sunburn your skin in just a
 minutes.  Enclose the lamp in a light-tight box, and arrange for a
 small fan to
 blow air through the box.  Voila`! Instant Ozone!  (Also erases Eproms

 Ralph   W5JGV

 ICQ  8514638
 Home of the Rife Biomedical Research Web Ring

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSBorax, boric acid

2000-04-03 Thread Tai-Pan
Hi Listers,

 A little more info here.

Borax; a crystalline, slightly alkaline borate of sodium, Na2B4O7

Boric acid; Any acid derived from boron trioxide, B2O3. A white
crystalline compound, B(OH)3 obtained from its salts.

Boric; of or containing boron.

Borate; a salt or ester of boric acid, to mix or impregnate with borax
or boric acid.

Bless youBob Lee

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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RE: CSAllergies!MSM in Capsules

2000-04-03 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Go to drugstore: ask for big gelatin caps; stuff them with MSM.  
James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   BB Anthony []
Sent:   Sunday, April 02, 2000 2:49 PM
Subject:Re: CSAllergies!

I don't disagree with the advantages of MSM but I have not been able to
understand how any one can take it with water or even apple juice.  I can
barely get it down with orange juice.  I haven't been able to get past a
teaspoon.  Do you eventually get used to the taste? --BA

Subject: Re: CSAllergies!

 At 08:28 PM 4/1/00 -0800, you wrote:

 And it tastes so much better if you mix it with a little water and fill
 glass with grape juice or apple juice or cider.


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RE: CSEd Dames mentions CS on Art Bell

2000-04-03 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes

There are now many highly qualified researchers who believe there is not causal 
effect between the virus and the condition. 

Koch's principle has never been demonstrated, and in some terminal patients the 
virus cannot be found. 

Nonetheless, people with the condition significantly improve with CS.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   Marshall Dudley []
Sent:   Sunday, April 02, 2000 11:33 PM
Subject:Re: CSEd Dames mentions CS on Art Bell

According to Beck, HIV is not difficult to get rid of at all, or at least it is
not difficult to reach 0 viral particles per cc of blood,  with CS, ozonated
water, magnetic pulsing and zapping.


Trem Williams wrote:

 Well, it certainly seems as though it could work, since HIV is a virus and
 CS kills virus.  And of course if you aren't HIV+ and get pneumonia or some
 other opportunistic disease then you have pneumonia or another regular
 disease.  If you're HIV+ and get it, then you have AIDS.  It's the same with
 all diseases for anyone that has HIV.  If you're positive, then it's AIDS.
 If you're HIV negative, then you have a known disease.   And it seems CS
 kills many of those known diseases.

 Why not expect it to be effective with HIV and AIDS?


 - Original Message -
 From: Ron Hackley
 To: Silver List
 Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 4:06 PM
 Subject: CSEd Dames mentions CS on Art Bell

  Friday night (3/31/00) Art had remote viewer Ed Dr. Doom Dames on.
  Near the 2AM station break Ed was talking about how he'd remote viewed
  the AIDS virus and had been remote viewing for a cure for AIDS and
  cancer. I wasn't listening too closely but then Ed said that the cure
  seemed to have something to do with Colloidal Silver. Art said WHAT, and
  Ed repeated himself, adding that there are various types of colloidal
  silver (??) and that he wasn't sure what it meant yet. Then a station
  break and it wasn't brought up again (I didn't really expect it to be).
  Ed has a listing for a RA archive of the show (3/31/00) at It says that it isn't available yet
  though. Since Art is retiring I don't know if an archive will appear at or not. It isn't much to listen to (the minute or so
  mention of CS) but it sure did get my attention.
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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V100 #268

2000-04-03 Thread Fernwoods
In a message dated 04/03/2000 7:12:50 PM Romance Daylight Time, writes:

 Also excellent for killing fleas!  I used it for one summer and had no 
 further problems the next summer. It was wonderful!!

How did you use it to kill fleas?  I tried mixing Borax with sugar last 
summer to get rid of ants and it didn't work.  That's why I asked if boric 
acid was different.  I'm hoping that it will work better.  Actually the ants 
did suddenly disappear many weeks after I tried the Borax and sugar.  Does it 
take that long?

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Re: CSseasilver

2000-04-03 Thread Steve geigle there's a scary thought.  Why would I, as a person using my
own puresilver (nothing but silver and distilled water) want to add ANYTHING
to the batch when it has been working so well for me in preventing all kind
of illness?  Don't you see the beauty in the simplicity of
puresilver...can't patent it either.


Steven Geigle
Cedar Mill, Oregon, USA
- Original Message -
From: Ivan Anderson
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSseasilver

 Well said, Jason!

 Its disappointing that this seems to be the norm, except for a few.
 You might like to contrast SeaSilver with
 the web site of one of our members (who may or may not wish to make
 himself known). Pharmaceutical grade CS and a consistent conservatism
 to go with it.

 I might mention regarding Argyria that, as John W Hill writes in his
 book 'Colloidal Silver a Literature Review', There are cases of
 adults developing argyria after consuming 900mg of silver as a silver
 protein over a period of one year.

 This equates to consuming a little under 2 litres of 10ppm CS per
 week, far more than most people consume. Even the Rfd max of 14ug per
 kg per day over a lifetime equates to 35mls or more than 1 oz per day
 of 10ppm CS, for a 150lb adult.

 Thanks Jason.

 - Original Message -
 From: Jason R. Eaton
 Sent: Sunday, 2 April 2000 13:14
 Subject: Re: CSseasilver

  Greetings Listers!
  The following is a quote from the SeaSilver website ( I personally
 have no
  experience with nor opinion on their products ):

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSHVAC Colloidal Silver

2000-04-03 Thread Marshall Dudley
Conventionally the electrodes are put a fraction of an inch above the water
to give a crude form of regulation when the voltage pulls the water up to
the electrodes.

Put voltage and current meters on the curcuit.  Our patent pending technique
uses glass tubes over the silver electrodes so that only 1/8 inch or so are
exposed, and then submerged so that the silver is produced near the bottom
instead of the top, convection then stirs the colloid from the heat prevent
excessive heat buildup near the electrod.  Run at 10,000 volts.  You will
likely not get a lot of current since a 12,000 volt neon sign transformer is
rated to actually operate at about 8,000 volts.  For the best efficiency you
should use a 15,000 volt transformer, since they are rated to be run at
right at 10,000 volts.  You will likely find that the water is getting too
warn, and you will need some method of cooling with ice to maintain an
acceptable temperature.


Daniel Holly wrote:

 HVAC Colloidal Silver  

 Can anyone suggest a good website that tells how to make it.

 I have a 12,000 volt neon sign transformer (ACTOWN   #FG4002) from the
 Enhancer I made.

 Details on the enhancer


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSquestion about boric acid for plants

2000-04-03 Thread Marshall Dudley
Nina Silver, Ph.D. wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Marshall Dudley
 Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 4:04 PM
 Subject: Re: CSquestion about boric acid for plants

  Borax is sodium tetraborate decahydrate or hydrated sodium borate, and
  acid is HBO2 or H3BO2. Boric acid can be produced by the action of acids
  They are both toxic to ants, but boric acid is more toxic than borax.

 Thanks for the clarification. The list I got off the web lists all the
 borates together. Can you:
 1) give the chemical composition for Borax (in the same form as you did
 with boric acid), and
 2) give a little more detail about what makes them different from each

 Many thanks.

I can find no other name for boric acid.  I am not surprised.  To call it
hydrogen boron dioxide or trihydrogen boron dioxide would be like calling
sulfuric acid - hydrogen sulfate.  Borax is actually a weak base, not an acid
as boric acid is.
Common name: borax
Chemical name: sodium tetraborate decahydrate
Chemistry: Na2B4O7 -10H2O, Hydrated sodium borate.

Information on boric acid: and borax


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS Makers

2000-04-03 Thread Kathryn Neff
Have two questions...

1.  Has anyone used the Silvergen you like it...does it make
good quality CS in your opinion...also have you used the tester that is can email me privately if you wish at

2.  Am on a meditation list and they are talking about CSthey know very
little about it...and have been talking about buying some CS from someone
and the CS is  pink.some is very very gold..I recall reading on
the list about the colors of CSand what was not good CS and what the
colors meantbut I cannot find it.can anyone send me a message
regarding that I may post it to the meditation listI wish to
let them know about what is good CS, but do not want to give a vague
statement. I guess there is a lot of stuff out there for sale that is
not good.I make my own with a simply machine...but do not feel qualified
to give them advice

Thank you,
Kathy Neff

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS[Fwd: CSquestion about boric acid for plants]

2000-04-03 Thread Marshall Dudley
It seems that this message did not make it, so I am forwarding it again.

Nina Silver, Ph.D. wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Marshall Dudley
 Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 4:04 PM
 Subject: Re: CSquestion about boric acid for plants

  Borax is sodium tetraborate decahydrate or hydrated sodium borate, and
  acid is HBO2 or H3BO2. Boric acid can be produced by the action of acids
  They are both toxic to ants, but boric acid is more toxic than borax.

 Thanks for the clarification. The list I got off the web lists all the
 borates together. Can you:
 1) give the chemical composition for Borax (in the same form as you did
 with boric acid), and
 2) give a little more detail about what makes them different from each

 Many thanks.

I can find no other name for boric acid.  I am not surprised.  To call it
hydrogen boron dioxide or trihydrogen boron dioxide would be like calling
sulfuric acid - hydrogen sulfate.  Borax is actually a weak base, not an acid
as boric acid is.
Common name: borax
Chemical name: sodium tetraborate decahydrate
Chemistry: Na2B4O7 -10H2O, Hydrated sodium borate.

Information on boric acid: and borax


---End Message---

Re: CSHVAC Colloidal Silver

2000-04-03 Thread Daniel Holly
I appreciate the advice very much.


- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: CSHVAC Colloidal Silver

 Conventionally the electrodes are put a fraction of an inch above the
 to give a crude form of regulation when the voltage pulls the water up to
 the electrodes.

 Put voltage and current meters on the curcuit.  Our patent pending
 uses glass tubes over the silver electrodes so that only 1/8 inch or so
 exposed, and then submerged so that the silver is produced near the bottom
 instead of the top, convection then stirs the colloid from the heat
 excessive heat buildup near the electrod.  Run at 10,000 volts.  You will
 likely not get a lot of current since a 12,000 volt neon sign transformer
 rated to actually operate at about 8,000 volts.  For the best efficiency
 should use a 15,000 volt transformer, since they are rated to be run at
 right at 10,000 volts.  You will likely find that the water is getting too
 warn, and you will need some method of cooling with ice to maintain an
 acceptable temperature.


 Daniel Holly wrote:

  HVAC Colloidal Silver  
  Can anyone suggest a good website that tells how to make it.
  I have a 12,000 volt neon sign transformer (ACTOWN   #FG4002) from the
  Enhancer I made.
  Details on the enhancer
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  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread Marshall Dudley
Sorry but I have no expertise in this, it would be a pure guess.  All I know is
that Beck has stated to always use the high voltage ozone generators because 
the uv
ones simply do not put out enought uv for useful generation of ozonated water.  
use of a 100 watt mercury vapor lamp may be different, but one must make sure to
shield the uv rays from the living.  The ones you buy use the flourscent uv 
which likely produce much lower levels of ozone.


Alvin Rose wrote:

 what amount of ozone level do you think this unit would put out.
 I have one ready to experiment with but didn.t realize the uv
 output would be high.

 At 01:10 PM 4/3/00 -0400, you wrote:
 I cannot emphasize enough the danger to the eyes if a mercury vapor bulb
 is viewed
 for only a second or two without the outer uv filter (bulb).
 I remember reading about the outer bulb breaking on a bulb in a large
 ampitheater,  and the hundreds of people who ended up having to get medical
 attention for their eyes afterward, even though they were 100 or more feet
 from it.
 Todd Horton wrote:
   On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 01:30:43 EDT, you wrote:
   Joe G,
   It was suggested by a friend that one could use the filament and
  fixture for
   a mercury gas type pole light as a cheap ozonator.  Any thoughts from 
   From my save folder..
   Go get a mercury vapor yard light.  I think you can get a complete
   ballast, bulb and all for about 20 bucks at most of the home
   stores.  Break the OUTER envelope of the bulb, but do not damage the
   inner bulb.  The small bulb is the actual Mercury vapor lamp.  Fire
   'er up, and
   you'll have a copious source of UV radiation, guaranteed to blister
   eyeballs in a few seconds, (seriously!) or sunburn your skin in just a
   minutes.  Enclose the lamp in a light-tight box, and arrange for a
   small fan to
   blow air through the box.  Voila`! Instant Ozone!  (Also erases Eproms
   Ralph   W5JGV
   ICQ  8514638
   Home of the Rife Biomedical Research Web Ring
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
   To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
   with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
   To post, address your message to:
   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread Alvin Rose

what amount of ozone level do you think this unit would put out.
I have one ready to experiment with but didn.t realize the uv
output would be high.

At 01:10 PM 4/3/00 -0400, you wrote:
I cannot emphasize enough the danger to the eyes if a mercury vapor bulb 
is viewed

for only a second or two without the outer uv filter (bulb).

I remember reading about the outer bulb breaking on a bulb in a large
ampitheater,  and the hundreds of people who ended up having to get medical
attention for their eyes afterward, even though they were 100 or more feet 

from it.


Todd Horton wrote:

 On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 01:30:43 EDT, you wrote:

 Joe G,
 It was suggested by a friend that one could use the filament and 
fixture for

 a mercury gas type pole light as a cheap ozonator.  Any thoughts from the
 From my save folder..

 Go get a mercury vapor yard light.  I think you can get a complete
 ballast, bulb and all for about 20 bucks at most of the home
 stores.  Break the OUTER envelope of the bulb, but do not damage the
 inner bulb.  The small bulb is the actual Mercury vapor lamp.  Fire
 'er up, and
 you'll have a copious source of UV radiation, guaranteed to blister
 eyeballs in a few seconds, (seriously!) or sunburn your skin in just a
 minutes.  Enclose the lamp in a light-tight box, and arrange for a
 small fan to
 blow air through the box.  Voila`! Instant Ozone!  (Also erases Eproms

 Ralph   W5JGV

 ICQ  8514638
 Home of the Rife Biomedical Research Web Ring

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread Ron Hackley
A while back I tried making up an ozonator doing this, but instead of
breaking the glass of the outer bulb, I drilled a hole on the sides near
both ends of the outer bulb. Figured I would use an aquarium pump to
push air through. Results were a lot of ozone (smell) as the lamp was
firing up, then seems like hardly any after that. Very disappointing.
This wasn't a new lamp so that might have had something to do with it?

Note that the outer glass gets VERY hot. As for the warnings about
avoiding eye contact with UV, you will be very very miserable if you
sunburn your eyes with UV. Been there, done that, and not again.

Alvin Rose wrote:
 what amount of ozone level do you think this unit would put out.
 I have one ready to experiment with but didn.t realize the uv
 output would be high.
 At 01:10 PM 4/3/00 -0400, you wrote:
 I cannot emphasize enough the danger to the eyes if a mercury vapor bulb
 is viewed
 for only a second or two without the outer uv filter (bulb).
 I remember reading about the outer bulb breaking on a bulb in a large
 ampitheater,  and the hundreds of people who ended up having to get medical
 attention for their eyes afterward, even though they were 100 or more feet
 from it.
 Todd Horton wrote:
   On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 01:30:43 EDT, you wrote:
   Joe G,
   It was suggested by a friend that one could use the filament and
  fixture for
   a mercury gas type pole light as a cheap ozonator.  Any thoughts from 
   From my save folder..
   Go get a mercury vapor yard light.  I think you can get a complete
   ballast, bulb and all for about 20 bucks at most of the home
   stores.  Break the OUTER envelope of the bulb, but do not damage the
   inner bulb.  The small bulb is the actual Mercury vapor lamp.  Fire
   'er up, and
   you'll have a copious source of UV radiation, guaranteed to blister
   eyeballs in a few seconds, (seriously!) or sunburn your skin in just a
   minutes.  Enclose the lamp in a light-tight box, and arrange for a
   small fan to
   blow air through the box.  Voila`! Instant Ozone!  (Also erases Eproms
   Ralph   W5JGV
   ICQ  8514638
   Home of the Rife Biomedical Research Web Ring
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
   To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
   with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
   To post, address your message to:
   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOptimizing voltage on simple homemade generator

2000-04-03 Thread Becky Phelps

I also use the 3 nine volt batteriesI was wondering what ppm you are making 
your collodial silver???   I have read alot on the internet, and having been 
making mine 3-5 ppmAlso, do you heat the water  Dr. Beck has a film out 
where he shows a travel cs maker with one 9volt batteryso we did make a set 
this way, but it seemed to take too much back to the 3 nine 
voltdo not know anything about the 30 volt...but I would think that the 
wires would get blacker quickerhope to hear back from you...Becky in 
-Original Message-
From: Toscano
Date: Monday, April 03, 2000 7:41 PM
Subject: CSOptimizing voltage on simple homemade generator

First of all I'd like to tip my hat as someone who rarely posts but loves 
to read all the messages here. Thanks to all for insightful and intelligent 
info, it is much appreciated even by those of us who don't frequently make 
ourselves known.

I have been making CS for a few years now using a simple homemade apparatus 
I learned about here way back when I started. It is three 9V alkaline batteries 
wired in series and terminating in a positive and negative alligator clip on 
each end. However I remember reading somewhere that the ideal voltage to use 
for such a simple setup would be 30V (mine being 27V with three 9V 
batteries)...first of all is this correct? Anyhow, I went to Rat Shack and got 
a two-AAA battery holder and wired it in series to make a total of 30V. I have 
made three batches of CS in this manner and find the reaction starts sooner 
than it did with 27V but other than that nothing seems different. Is it worth 
my while to keep using the 30V setup? If not, what is the ideal voltage I could 
utilize here? 


D. Toscano

Re: CSOptimizing voltage on simple homemade generator

2000-04-03 Thread Trem Williams
Hello D,

Any voltage is OK.  What really makes the difference is current flow.  Higher 
voltages start the process quicker.  Lower voltage takes longer to get some 
silver into the water so the current can flow.  What you need to do is get an 
inexpensive milliameter from the Shack and insert it in series with your 
batteries.  Whenever the current starts to rise because of more silver in the 
water, just remove a 9 volt battery from the circuit to keep the current within 
limits.  Admittedly that is a simplistic fix.  You can get as sophisticated as 
you like.  You can insert a variable potentiometer in series with one electrode 
or you can get really technical and insert a current regulator to hold it 
constant.  As an example, we start our voltage at 40 volts and reduce it 
automatically to maintain 1 milliampere.  The voltage may end up as low as 5 or 
6 volts at the end of the process, depending on the PPM you want.

Depends on how much effort you want to put into it.

Constant Current Colloid Generators
  Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 8:35 PM
  Subject: CSOptimizing voltage on simple homemade generator

  First of all I'd like to tip my hat as someone who rarely posts but loves to 
read all the messages here. Thanks to all for insightful and intelligent info, 
it is much appreciated even by those of us who don't frequently make ourselves 

  I have been making CS for a few years now using a simple homemade apparatus I 
learned about here way back when I started. It is three 9V alkaline batteries 
wired in series and terminating in a positive and negative alligator clip on 
each end. However I remember reading somewhere that the ideal voltage to use 
for such a simple setup would be 30V (mine being 27V with three 9V 
batteries)...first of all is this correct? Anyhow, I went to Rat Shack and got 
a two-AAA battery holder and wired it in series to make a total of 30V. I have 
made three batches of CS in this manner and find the reaction starts sooner 
than it did with 27V but other than that nothing seems different. Is it worth 
my while to keep using the 30V setup? If not, what is the ideal voltage I could 
utilize here? 


  D. Toscano

CSDW myth

2000-04-03 Thread boberger
Hi Ya'all;

Its just that time again.

We Know that the HVAC boys ned the best DW available to make the system

However that does not necessarily apply to the LVDC.

Using a DW that has a conductivity of 3 uS as measure by a one cm.
probe, I can make 11 ppm CS that is crystal clear and with a T.E. that
can barely be seen in a totally dark room in 60 minutes of brew time,
and it has NO sparkles.

Using a Demineralized Water with a starting conductivity = 41 uS (wow) I
can make 33 ppm CS that is crystal clear with a medium T.E. with no
sparkles in 20 minutes.

Both of these two have almost no taste.


27 vdc; 7/16 spacing using #14 wire; 3 1/2 wet length; 14 oz. of
water; and constant stirring.
There in only .8v dc on the Radio Shack 1 1/2v motor

If you have looked a web-site you will be
surprised at what is being sold !!!

If you want plots then request a download of Wplot .exe and my plots.
They are worth many words.

Also no wiping, no treeing, and no sludge. That's hard to beat.

Ole Bob

Re: CSWarts?

2000-04-03 Thread coyote

 Surprised to see you here!  I just now stumbled across this list and
subscribed.  Good to read you. :-)
 KD'C  aka  k...@czen

At 09:51 AM 4/3/00 -0500, you wrote:
Thank you Herb,

You know what's so great about this list is that there is always someone
to answer questions and I love learning new things.


 Paying $5 to $20 an ounce for colloidal silver?
 Make your own, often higher quality, colloidal silver at home for 5 cents
a gallon with the Coyote Zenterprizes Current controlled Colloidal Silver
 Specs based on Bob Becks research.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSHVAC Colloidal Silver

2000-04-03 Thread ROGALTMAN

Playing around with high voltage is VERY dangerous. If you don't have 
specific experience with high voltage I would stay away from making CS that 

Roger Altman

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread joegum
Oh well...   Thank you to EVERYONE for setting me straight on this.
Joe G.  

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSOptimizing voltage on simple homemade generator

2000-04-03 Thread Toscano
First of all I'd like to tip my hat as someone who rarely posts but loves to 
read all the messages here. Thanks to all for insightful and intelligent info, 
it is much appreciated even by those of us who don't frequently make ourselves 

I have been making CS for a few years now using a simple homemade apparatus I 
learned about here way back when I started. It is three 9V alkaline batteries 
wired in series and terminating in a positive and negative alligator clip on 
each end. However I remember reading somewhere that the ideal voltage to use 
for such a simple setup would be 30V (mine being 27V with three 9V 
batteries)...first of all is this correct? Anyhow, I went to Rat Shack and got 
a two-AAA battery holder and wired it in series to make a total of 30V. I have 
made three batches of CS in this manner and find the reaction starts sooner 
than it did with 27V but other than that nothing seems different. Is it worth 
my while to keep using the 30V setup? If not, what is the ideal voltage I could 
utilize here? 


D. Toscano