CSbone growth

2000-11-05 Thread Nick Grant
Hi all

I had a look in the archives , but doesn't seem much info, so thought I'd
ask.  Bone growth and CS, what's the correlation?  I have heard it increases
bone growth, is this true?


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CSUrgent! You can help to save a life!

2000-11-05 Thread Alex Torres
Please go to:
Thanks a lot!
Alex Torres M.D.

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CSOT - Walmart FDA/IRS yada yada

2000-11-05 Thread DeathBH
Sorry List.. just now catching up on email:

For the record, I have picketed here in Atlanta - 3 businesses over the 
years.  Most jurisdictions, not all, you have to check, you can picket, 
dispurse - whatever, in the right of way (ROW) nationwide.  Normally the ROW 
is the first 3 feet of land.  Since I have been in construction most of my 
career, this is pretty much standard across the U.S.   The ROW was 
established initially for other reasons, but we have (at this moment I might 
add) the freedom to use it to picket or dispurse. 

I personally, at this time, don't have the time to do any of this.  Instead, 
I take the heat and the personal attacks on my character and introduce my 
co-workers, co-church members, whatever, to CS, alternative medicine,  the 
illegality of the IRS code and the lists.  Marketing people will tell you 
that word of mouth is still the best way to advertise. 

[ sorry Mike if this is too OT]

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Re: CSHVAC/ARC Transformer source?

2000-11-05 Thread V. Richter
Thanks Robert,
By the way, is a GFI going to be a problem?  It doesn't seem like it would
since the current to ground should still be zero if all goes as planned.  I
just wanted to make sure.  There is a neon sign place in my town.  I'll
check there first.  A new transformer wouldn't be out of my reach

Vince Richter

- Original Message -
From: Robert Bartell rbart...@drfast.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: CSHVAC/ARC Transformer source?

 Hi Vince,
 Any manufacturer of Neon signs can get you one. Code now requires the
 transformers to have ground fault interruptors for certification.  The
 ones didn't have them and you can probably find a good deal around for a
 used one.
 New ones are around $100 - $120 retail.  Used or old style should be about
 $35 to $40, Good Luck and good hunting!  :Robert Bartell  Oh, by the way,
 thanks to ole Bob on this list for this info!

 - Original Message -
 From: V. Richter cvin...@ala.net
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 10:30 PM
 Subject: CSHVAC/ARC Transformer source?

  To all HVAC/ARC method folks,
  What is a source on the internet of Transformers in the 120/15,000V

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSList freedom

2000-11-05 Thread Terry Wayne
I have been a little disturbed by the responses to Ted
Windsor concerning his product.

 jumpin' christ... you just HAVE to love somebody
with the big swinging brass ones to try and gouge out
$75 for a quart or so of energised water that they
spent thousand of dollars on the equiptment to
develop. and this on the authority of (they) heard 
of a fish that didn't suffocate.  what more ringing
endorsement could any reasonable being possible want?
please take my millions of dollars and do with it what
you will and evidence be damned. you are really
drunvalo melchizidek in another inicarnation aren't 
you? i'd bet yer at least friends.

The above paragraph communicates several ideas which I
find offensive to be expressed on this list. 

One, Ted doesn't have any choice about revealing the
details of the production of his product. If he
chooses to keep these details to himself, he is a

Two, he must be careful to not charge too much, or he
will also be a villain (maybe each of us should submit
our prices to this list for the approval of those who
feel they know what we should charge).

Three, he must also submit all the details of how he
became convinced of the efficacy of his product to
these same guardians who will tell us if we've made a

Actually, the tone of the paragraph at the top and the
others that preceded it sounds identical to what I've
repeatedly heard from representatives of the AMA.

Ted shouldn't have to run some kind of gauntlet or
pass some screening process before he can participate
in this list, nor should he (or anyone else) have to
fear being blasted with vituperative sarcasm for his

We will never be able to conduct any objective,
intelligent discussions with those of the AMA
persuasion (which we need to do) if all they're going
to get is recrimination. Isn't that what we complain
about getting from them?

A primary principle of free enterprise is that we can
charge what ever we want - if it's too much, we will
make no sales (provided there is competition). To be
condemned for our pricing is silly - the market will
take care of that.

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSList freedom

2000-11-05 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 11/5/00 12:26:11 PM EST, tw...@yahoo.com writes:

 Subj: CSList freedom
 Date:  11/5/00 12:26:11 PM EST
 From:  tw...@yahoo.com (Terry Wayne)
 Reply-to:  silver-list@eskimo.com
 I have been a little disturbed by the responses to Ted
 Windsor concerning his product.
  jumpin' christ... you just HAVE to love somebody
 with the big swinging brass ones to try and gouge out
 $75 for a quart or so of energised water that they
 spent thousand of dollars on the equiptment to
 develop. and this on the authority of (they) heard 
 of a fish that didn't suffocate.  what more ringing
 endorsement could any reasonable being possible want?
 please take my millions of dollars and do with it what
 you will and evidence be damned. you are really
 drunvalo melchizidek in another inicarnation aren't 
 you? i'd bet yer at least friends.
 The above paragraph communicates several ideas which I
 find offensive to be expressed on this list. 
 One, Ted doesn't have any choice about revealing the
 details of the production of his product. If he
 chooses to keep these details to himself, he is a
 Two, he must be careful to not charge too much, or he
 will also be a villain (maybe each of us should submit
 our prices to this list for the approval of those who
 feel they know what we should charge).
 Three, he must also submit all the details of how he
 became convinced of the efficacy of his product to
 these same guardians who will tell us if we've made a
 Actually, the tone of the paragraph at the top and the
 others that preceded it sounds identical to what I've
 repeatedly heard from representatives of the AMA.
 Ted shouldn't have to run some kind of gauntlet or
 pass some screening process before he can participate
 in this list, nor should he (or anyone else) have to
 fear being blasted with vituperative sarcasm for his
 We will never be able to conduct any objective,
 intelligent discussions with those of the AMA
 persuasion (which we need to do) if all they're going
 to get is recrimination. Isn't that what we complain
 about getting from them?
 A primary principle of free enterprise is that we can
 charge what ever we want - if it's too much, we will
 make no sales (provided there is competition). To be
 condemned for our pricing is silly - the market will
 take care of that.

Terry: I just wanted you to know that I support your views. Living in a 
capitalist culture ain't easy for many of us. If there's a better system, I'd 
like to hear about it (off list, of course). The profit motive should be 
respected not mocked. Thanks. Roger

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2000-11-05 Thread Serita-w
I'm confused. Is this vaccine taken before you get diabetes as a
preventative or afterward to cure or lessen it?

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CSMore on carbs

2000-11-05 Thread Joanne
Joanne ThomasonDear Alex
I NEVER said stop all carbohydrates!  What I said was there are simple and 
complex carbos and there is a difference between a Snicckers bar and an apple.I 
feel like you are advocating any kind of carbo or sugar and maybe it is 
language misunderstanding.  Your English is certainly better than my Spanish 
(in fact the one Spanish phrase I remember would best not be used here)  I do 
not believe it is good medicine to recommend that your patients take any 
carbohydrates they want regardless of the source.  And I stand by that.

Part of my frustration probably comes form when I was first diagnosed my doctor 
just said lose weight and  made me feel this diabetes thing was no big deal.  
Well it s was a It has not been until recently I realized just how big a deal 
it was.  In spite of good numbers I still was not healthy.  My goal is not to 
cure my diabetes 
but to get healthy.

Eating sugar will not help me do that inspite of good numbers easily maintained 
with meds.  While having good numbers I developed the beginning of kidney 
problems.  This can happen without even knowing it.  There were no symptom, no 
blood or pain when peeing etc.  Fortunately I have a doctor now that did a 
first specimen  in the moraing urine test and caught  it.Now it is under 
control but still I ate sugar.  After all the numbers were good.!!!

The book Sugar Blues was recommended to me.  I in turn recommend it to you.  If 
you would like ,send me your snail mail address and I will send you my copy 
when it gets here,  Then maybe you and I might have an understanding where each 
of us is coming from.
At my chiropractors there is a sign that reads

When we can learn from our problems we begin to deal with life.
 When we can learn from other peoples problems we can begin to master life

I urge all you diabetics and all others to learn from the problems I have had 
and STOP the sugar..NOT the carbohydrates.In fact a majority of your calories 
should come from carbs.  The figure  60% was given me.  If you take a 1000 
calorie diet(i know that may not be much, but I can do the math in my head) 600 
calories should come from carbs.  That's a big salad lots of veggies fruit etc 
or 2 Snickers bars.  Take your choice.  Alex you said the diet must be 
balanced..yes it should but NOT with sugar--with complex carbs.  If you were a 
politician I'd say you had stock in the sugar company(just kidding--only a day 
and a half left of those 
wonderful political commercials.)

As for the vaccine if I read it correctly you take it for 45 days rest for 15 
and then do it for another 45 days.  If that is so that would be 31/2 months.  
Are you then saying you can still eat all the sugar you want?  I think I will 
stay with my no sugar and walking at least a mile every day.  (That would take 
us to Valentines Day, I'll send you a Valentine Alex and let you know how I am 
doing)I think I will be in better shape than those that just take a vaccine.  
It really surprised me to see some want to jump on the bandwagon for a vaccine 
since I have read a lot of anti vaccine posts on this list.  Of course it is 
easier.  I wish I could convey to all with this problem how wonderful I feel 
and not just physically.

Alex I went to the site you posted and my heart goes out to that poor child.  
You are a good man to want to help her.  I can send you  some money..After all 
I don't buy candy bars anymore.
I hope I have said nothing to offend you, that was not my intention.  Have a 
good day!
Sincerely  Excerpts from Sugar Blues
Sugar is worse than nothing because it drains and leaches the body of precious 
vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion, detoxification and 
elimination make upon one's entire system.

Excess sugar eventually affects every organ in the body. 

Sugar taken every day produces a continuously overacid condition, and more and 
more minerals are required from deep in the body in the attempt to rectify the 

  Joanne Thomason


  This is my Beautiful Sami Jo

  Click on me to send my mommy mail :-)



Re: CSMaking your own energised water

2000-11-05 Thread Robert L. Berger

Just a note on swizzling the bottle to start a voetex. In the northern
hemisphere on must swizzle the bottle counter clockwise and in the southern
hemisphere it must be clockwise.  the roration of the earth demands it.

Flush the toilet and watch the water.

I was also wondering if the yoke from an old TV energized with DC would not work
for the magentic structure?

Ole Bob

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSUnidentified subject!

2000-11-05 Thread Robert Bartell
Thanks, Sir Richard,
Everybody seems to have great healing spring waters or mineral waters
starting with that from Lourdes in France. Just too many to sort through!
Good project for somebody who can run some definitive and comparative tests
for publication. Best regards:   Robert Bartell

- Original Message -
From: Sir Richard Beresford-Wylie dazer_internatio...@email.msn.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: CSUnidentified subject!

 Dear Robert
 Sorry I do not know!!.Given all the Emails on the Silver List
 regarding Energised Water I did my own Search. I sent the
 list Members the details of this inexpensive product, made in
 Germany and sold through the English Company listed.
 The other Interesting news I fond is regarding one of
 The purest spring waters---from the Highlands of Scotland
 Many Health claims for this Water
 www.deesidespringwater.co.uk and www.jointmobility.co.uk
 Best wishes

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Bartell rbart...@drfast.net
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com silver-list@eskimo.com
 Date: 04 November 2000 19:31
 Subject: Re: CSUnidentified subject!

 does the water flow through the spiral unit or simply over it to create a
 vortex or whirlpool motion?  It's hard to tell from the illustration.
 the funnel come with it or do you have to scrounge around to find one to
 fit? Can you elaborate any on the principles that the unit is based on?
 Regards:  Robert Bartell
 - Original Message -
 From: Sir Richard Beresford-Wylie dazer_internatio...@email.msn.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 3:59 PM
 Subject: Re: CSUnidentified subject!
  For those with a belief that Energised Water is the answer
  Cost around $15
  Best wishes
  -Original Message-
  From: A :. A :. superflo...@webtv.net
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com silver-list@eskimo.com
  Date: 01 November 2000 07:32
  Subject: CSUnidentified subject!
  by  jumpin' christ... you just HAVE to love somebody with the big
  swinging brass ones to
  try and gouge out $75 for a quart or so of energised water that they
  spent thousand of dollars on the equiptment to develop. and this on
  the authority of (they) heard  of a fish that didn't suffocate.  what
  more ringing endorsement could any reasonable being
  possible want? please take my millions of dollars and do with it what
  you will and evidence be damned.
  you are really drunvalo melchizidek in another inicarnation aren't you?
  i'd bet yer at least friends.
  i live in winterhaven california.
  come visit   :-(
  (640 first ave.  space #3)
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  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CS and the boogy man

2000-11-05 Thread Robert Bartell
Right on, Roger:
An inquiring mind is a hell of thing to live with, isn't it?  I'm still
digging for that other info for you!  Robert Bartell

- Original Message -
From: rogalt...@aol.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS and the boogy man

 In a message dated 11/4/00 1:40:36 PM EST, rbart...@drfast.net writes:

  Bob: I would be most interested in the reference behind your 4 day
   retention figure.
  I'll dig it out and get back to you!
   Using myself as a guinea pig, I got a much larger time
  How did you determine this?

 Bob: I sampled my urine and feces over several months and did a material
 balance to make the estimate. Roger

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 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSgermany

2000-11-05 Thread Robert Bartell
Hi Nick,
I've seen you on this site for a while, lately, so I know that you know
exactly what to do: cut a couple of 14 ga silver wire leads, solder them to
some 9Volt battery connectors and mail them to him with an instruction
sheet.  He can buy the three 9V batteries in Germany. Yaaa? Das ist goot?
:Robert Bartell

- Original Message -
From: Nick Grant nwgr...@inet.net.nz
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 10:11 PM
Subject: CSgermany

 Hi everyone

 I have a friend in Germany want to acquire some CS.  Does anyone know a
 Latin or German website that he could find out some info from.  What would
 Colloidal Silver be called in German?

 Hoping someone can help.  He has a very sick little boy.


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 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSHVAC/ARC Transformer source?

2000-11-05 Thread Robert Bartell
Hi Vince,
Any manufacturer of Neon signs can get you one. Code now requires the
transformers to have ground fault interruptors for certification.  The older
ones didn't have them and you can probably find a good deal around for a
used one.
New ones are around $100 - $120 retail.  Used or old style should be about
$35 to $40, Good Luck and good hunting!  :Robert Bartell  Oh, by the way,
thanks to ole Bob on this list for this info!

- Original Message -
From: V. Richter cvin...@ala.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 10:30 PM
Subject: CSHVAC/ARC Transformer source?

 To all HVAC/ARC method folks,
 What is a source on the internet of Transformers in the 120/15,000V range?

 I am interested in the HVAC/ARC CS production method to get smaller
 particles and higher ppm batches.  My background is as a Navy electrician
 where I learned to try not to electricute myself or anyone else.  Also,
 there is a direct conection between high voltage gone astray and fires.
 local CS supplier demonstrated this method for me the other day and he has
 life saving story to tell about his last five years of CS use.  Briefly:
 was exposed to an explosion in Nam which left him with several internal
 souvenirs.  Now he successfully fights recurring infections with the
 inonized CS made with HVAC and two arcs.  I hope he joins this list if he
 hasn't already.  Tim, you there?


 Vince Richter

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSdiabetes--joanne's story

2000-11-05 Thread Mary
Great job, Joanne.

I used to be on the low carb diabetes list and for people recently diagnosed
type 2, they could get off insulin completely on low carb plus walking.

For those who have been on insulin for  a long time, they seemed to be able
to reduce their insulin.

For type 1, low carb gave them the best prognosis.

See Bernstein's book on low carb and diabetes.

See also Atkins book about low carb, he has testimonials about the benefits
of low carb.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CS'Triple Jab(MMR) Autism

2000-11-05 Thread Mary
Dear List,

My son has this bowel problem from the vax. No matter what I do, he has this
inflammation of the colon (autistic enterocolitis) Does anyone have any
suggestions? I have him on a paleo diet and he has improved but there is
this artificial measles virus (from the MMR)  in the colon that invades the
mucosal tissues. All suggestions appreciated. Thank you, Mary

'Triple Jab Autism (MMR) Could Be Next BSE'

[By Sarah-Kate Templeton Health Editor in the Sunday Herald, UK.]

  The consultant who first suggested that the MMR vaccine causes autism
has warned MSPs that government failure to face up to the danger will lead
to a catastrophe on the scale of the BSE crisis (Mad Cow Disease).
  Dr Andrew Wakefield told a Scottish parliament cross-party group on
autism, launched in Edinburgh last week, that the UK faces an epidemic of
the lifelong disorder. He renewed his call for single vaccines to be used to
immunise against measles, mumps and rubella.
  On a two-day visit to Scotland, Wakefield - a consultant
gastroenterologist at the Royal Free Hospital in London - hit out at Sir
Kenneth Calman, the chief medical officer in 1998.
  In the official report into the BSE crisis, Calman was blamed for
saying that beef was safe. Wakefield said Calman had taken the same approach
to the MMR scare.
  Calman had warned that a wave of lethal epidemics could sweep Britain
if parents went on refusing combined vaccines. The former chief medical
officer had said there was no need, on the basis of evidence presented by
Wakefield, to change vaccination policy.
  Wakefield said: These same people have been seen as victims of their
own handling of BSE, and that is where we are heading with the MMR.
  It is going to take a strong body of people that are not prepared to
be pushed around to prevent a similar situation.
  I feel strongly that, if this is something we have contributed to by
our own failure to act, then we have a moral obligation to look after these
children for all time.
He dismissed claims that the rising incidence of autism is a result of a
change in diagnostic criteria and insisted we are now seeing an epidemic .
  At a Glasgow conference on the causes of autism, the consultant
explained how numerous families approached him, all with the same story to
tell. Their children all had autism and bowel problems and they believed
that the two were linked and that they had started as a direct consequence
of the MMR vaccine. They said that, until vaccination, their children had
been developing normally.
  Wakefield said: At first we were sceptical but the story was so
consistent that we felt we had to investigate.
  Of the 160 autistic children we looked at, only five did not have
bowel disease. The parents were right. The medical profession was wrong.
  The expert attacked others for ignoring claims of a link. He said:
When the parent tells you they believe the problems started after exposure
to the MMR vaccine, do you say, 'That is very interesting but politically it
makes me very uncomfortable'? No, you bring together experts from around the
world and you accept the over-riding need to establish whether there is a
  Wakefield said research carried out by his team and Professor John
O'Leary of Coombe Women's Hospital in Dublin - and presented to a US
Congressional hearing earlier this year - was clear evidence of a link. He
said further research papers, to be published shortly, would confirm these
  He emphasised: I am not anti-vaccine. It is a recognition that one
plus one plus one is not equal to three. It is about the way the live
viruses behave.
  We have data suggesting there is interaction between the compounds
that may pose a risk.

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CSUngray Hair

2000-11-05 Thread Black

Marsha, great idea and what a novel way to use CS!
Is this something one should do everyday, and if so, for how long?
Knowing the effectiveness of CS it should'nt take long to kill the bloomin
Will be forever grateful to you if my ol gray hair starts to grow back.

For Health and Beauty For Life,

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CSre: Bone growth

2000-11-05 Thread Duncan Crow
Hi Nick;

The textbook to read about bone regrowth would be Dr. Robert O. Becker's The
Body Electric or Cross Currents.

I don't have a copy handy, but the gist of it is that non-union bone
regrowth (and accelerated healing) can be prompted by silver on a silk
bandage wadded into a bad wound with infection (Silverlon.com) and low
amounts of DC current applied to the edge of the bandage, on the order of 1
microamp. Not very much current.  But the work was really about current, and
less about the silver, although the silver was working very well. And it's a
very invasive procedure and not a home treatment.

I have not seen data WRT normal bone growth from silver supplements.

The preferred methods for bone regrowth now are PEMT, and acupuncture with
current applied to each side of a break. Dr. Becker often implanted silver
wires to each side of the non-union and applied the current to start bone

Also, in 48 patients (non-Becker) with non-union fractures of the wrist, the
break was tooled and casted.  1/2 of the patients got a magnet embedded in
the cast. The reault was that the half with magnets got their casts off an
average of 3 weeks earlier.

hope this helps..



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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRe: Ungray hair

2000-11-05 Thread Judith Thamm
Dear Marsha,

Well, I was dark.  Please detail the formula of the B complex so I can
try a similar one here.

   Please tell us more about your B-vitamin hair ungraying
 Which B
  vitamins, and what doses, etc.?  Do you think also taking CS had
  do with golden blondeness?

 Dear Steve, I take about 50 mg of B complex every day. Took about 1
year to
 notice the gray was gone. I wish I had a dark haired person to try
this on!
 More visible...
 My STBX is (was) dark, but he never believed me on CS, let alone
 and minerals. Now he has diabetes! Heh heh...serves him right...
 Oooh, I`m gettin` mean.
 I don`t know if CS helped or not. I take a swallow every day as a
 preventive, and for depression.

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2000-11-05 Thread need_high_yield
Hi Robert,

Apparently you MISSED the entire thesis of Stossel's report!

He was NOT commenting on the dangers of dioxin but rather on the
Politically Correct yet illogical reasoning of Ben  Jerry's.  BJ
were demanding their suppliers of carton's that pack their ice cream
have no dioxin in them.  BJ then  distributed literature in their
outlets informing consumers of such a good deed and their literature
stated any level of dioxin is dangerous.   Yet BJ simply omitted
telling the consumers of their products that their product itself has
much more dioxin than the original containers ever thought of having!

Stossel's thesis was that the level of dioxin in the ice cream
probably wasn't harmful (he feeds his own kids BJ ice cream) but for
BJ to declare BJ was so consumer health oriented to change their
containers to protect their customers was simply ludicrous!!!  In my
humble opinion, BJ using such to window dress their public relations
image is outrageous.  So I also say: Give Me A Break!

So, in reality, you should have restated the philosopher as  There
are BJ's, damned BJ's, and statistics.

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CSthank you Mary

2000-11-05 Thread Joanne
Joanne ThomasonThank you Mary for your recent message.  I wish I knew of 
something to help your son but I haven't a clue.  Hope someone does.  Good luck

  Joanne Thomason


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Re: CSRe: Ungray hair

2000-11-05 Thread Marsha Hallett
 Dear Marsha,
  Well, I was dark.  Please detail the formula of the B complex so I can
 try a similar one here.

Dear Judith, Just a B complex tablet  with 50 mg of the big ones and 50 mcg
of the little ones!
Good luck!!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRe: Ungray hair

2000-11-05 Thread d.linen

Marsha Hallett wrote:

 Dear Judith, Just a B complex tablet  with 50 mg of the big ones and 50 mcg
 of the little ones!
 Good luck!!


What's the 'big ones' and what's the 'little ones?'


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSOT, help little girl

2000-11-05 Thread Debbie McDonald
http://www.geocities.com/compu dr/aime/aime.htm

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMaking your own energised water

2000-11-05 Thread CKing001
Nice point Bob.
As I recall, there are some permanent magnets on the yoke too...

It won't work--I told Orville that, I told Wilbur that, and I'm telling you now!

On Sun, 05 Nov 2000 14:36:29 -0600, Robert L. Berger bober...@swbell.net

I was also wondering if the yoke from an old TV energized with DC would not 
for the magentic structure?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSList freedom

2000-11-05 Thread CKing001
Isn't that a fascinating attribute of human nature?
And it happens so very often that it is predictable!
It's hard to be one of the thousand points of light when you can't pay your
electric bill .

On Sun, 05 Nov 2000 17:00:48 -0800, Ted Windsor t...@home.com wrote:

I have given my product away free, it seems when I do this it is not

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2000-11-05 Thread silviag
Please delete my name from CS list.  Just getting back up from MATRIX virus.  
Need time to re-group.  Thanks. SGJ


2000-11-05 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Willie,

On Mon, 6 Nov 2000 01:36:15 -0600 (CST), Willie L. Forbes
r...@zwallet.com wrote:

I have heard that the higher the ppm is the better the CS quality. I have an 
associate who claims he is using 500 ppm which is suppose to be much better 
for you therapeuticly. He claims that the 5ppm is not enough to have any value 
health wise, and that you would have to consume much much more to have any 
real effect.
I don't know this is all new to me. Can someone help?

So far, most tests show that 5 ppm CS kills bacteria dead.  I doubt
that 500 ppm will kill them deader.  :)

Seriously, 500 ppm concentrations almost require additives to keep the
silver in suspension.  The needed additives could cause much of the CS
to be ineffective.

It's far, far cheaper to make more CS at 10 to 20 ppm than it is to
buy the 500 ppm stuff.  (You can make a few gallons of 10 ppm for the
cost of 4 oz at 500 ppm.  It's the volume of CS that counts, not the

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2000-11-05 Thread Willie L. Forbes
I have heard that the higher the ppm is the better the CS quality. I have an 
associate who claims he is using 500 ppm which is suppose to be much better for 
you therapeuticly. He claims that the 5ppm is not enough to have any value 
health wise, and that you would have to consume much much more to have any real 
I don't know this is all new to me. Can someone help?

Willie L. Forbes

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSHVAC/ARC Transformer source?

2000-11-05 Thread Robert Bartell
Hey Vince,
You're welcome! If you can afford a new unit with a GFI, go for that! As for
going the other way (without a GFI), if my house burns down, I'll let you
and Ole Bob know right away although I don't think that its much
of a risk!
Regards. Robert Bartell

- Original Message -
From: V. Richter cvin...@ala.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: CSHVAC/ARC Transformer source?

 Thanks Robert,
 By the way, is a GFI going to be a problem?  It doesn't seem like it would
 since the current to ground should still be zero if all goes as planned.
 just wanted to make sure.  There is a neon sign place in my town.  I'll
 check there first.  A new transformer wouldn't be out of my reach

 Vince Richter

 - Original Message -
 From: Robert Bartell rbart...@drfast.net
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 3:45 PM
 Subject: Re: CSHVAC/ARC Transformer source?

  Hi Vince,
  Any manufacturer of Neon signs can get you one. Code now requires the
  transformers to have ground fault interruptors for certification.  The
  ones didn't have them and you can probably find a good deal around for a
  used one.
  New ones are around $100 - $120 retail.  Used or old style should be
  $35 to $40, Good Luck and good hunting!  :Robert Bartell  Oh, by the
  thanks to ole Bob on this list for this info!
  - Original Message -
  From: V. Richter cvin...@ala.net
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 10:30 PM
  Subject: CSHVAC/ARC Transformer source?
   To all HVAC/ARC method folks,
   What is a source on the internet of Transformers in the 120/15,000V


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