Re: CSRe:distilled water

2001-10-07 Thread Ode Coyote
  The warning is to not use H2O2 and CS as a seeding solution.  It's OK to
add them together [it will actually break up large particles that have
formed...turn a colored CS clear]  but not to use it as a starter.

At 06:28 PM 10/5/01 -0600, you wrote:

I've never seen large flakes of silver in a CS solution where very small
amounts of H2O2 have been added.  I particularly like to use a H2O2 / CS
solution to treat ear conditions.

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe:distilled water

   Seeding  Add a bit of a previous batch of CS to the new batch to
 increase initial conductivity of the water to get things going faster
 without contaminating the batch with...
  Warning:  Do not use H2O2 or CS that has any H2O2 in it. [Makes very
 pretty but huge metal flakes]


 At 11:17 AM 10/3/01 -0700, you wrote:
 Ken ~
 Your tap water sounds like my well water.  Too much iron and minerals.
 is CS seeding?
 Thanks bunches,
 Julie  Critters
I've tried tap water but mine has so much iron and minerals in it
that I
  got grey stuff dropping out.
   Distilled with CS seeding works best.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFollowup Remarks on Bioterrorism Preparations Found on Quackwatch

2001-10-07 Thread George Martin
No heat.  Use an ultrasonic type. 

--Original Message Text---
From: Josephine
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 18:27:12 -0700

Hi Suzy,
I will look for a cool mist vaporizer.
Does using a vaporizer mean that the CS must be heated?
If so, then will the heat affect the quality of the CS as it is
Hi Josephine, we don't use the airbrush, but have had SUPERB results
by using a cool mist vaporizer, purchased from Walgreens for under
$30.00.  We get the mist into the throat, deep into the lungs and
nose.  Suzy 

Re: CSAntibiotics and the Pill

2001-10-07 Thread Judith Thamm

Dear Tony,

 Does taking antibiotics result in contraceptive pill becoming less
I believe it doesn't - only - why would you want to take an antibiotic?
anti = against  biosis=life; an against life product - it would only impair
the person's immune system.

 Does taking CS make the pill less effective?

A colloid does not interreact with a drug unless it contained fungal,
bacterial or viral contamination.

 A young adult who is on the pill and who has just come down with 'flu
 wants to know. Her mother has offered her CS for the 'flu symptoms, and
 the CS is said to be a natural antibiotic. She seems to think that the
 pill is made ineffective by antibiotics, thus increasing the risk of
 unwanted pregnancy. She would like to take CS but doesn't want to become
 pregnant right now. :, giving up sex for a while doesn't seem to be an

[The population would decline if it was ;) ]

 I am not aware of antibiotics affecting the pill and, if so,
 would really like to know the pathway.

Avoid antibiotics, take the CS, continue sex, continue the pill.


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Re: CSRe: Thoughts and comments

2001-10-07 Thread A.V.R.A.
According to Peter Lindemann ( whom I personally view as a good source of
information for more than just CS ), adding salt as a primer results in
particles sized from .05 to .14 microns, as determined from electon
microscope photography.  Particles this size, according to Peter, are too
large to form a colloidal suspension.

Also, silver salts are often not as effective as colloidal Silver or Silver
proteins. For example, Simonetti and colleagues tested extremely dilute
solutions of electro-colloidal Silver [Ag(e)] and Silver nitrate [Ag N03]
against culture of two bacteria (E. coli and P. aeruginosa), a yeast (C.
albicans) and a mould (A. niger). The levels of Silver ion tested were
incredibly low: 108 PPB (0.108mcg/ml) and 10.8PPB (0.0108 mcg/ml). Simonetti
et al concluded Our experiments showed that the contact antimicrobial
activity of Ag(e) was superior to that of AgNO3 against gram-positive and
negative bacteria, C. albicans, and a filamentous mycete. Our contact tests
confirmed the excellent antibacterial spectrum and the high potency of
electrically generated silver demonstrated previously Anodic silver ions
are very effective agents at low concentrations without any detrimental
effect upon normal mammalian cells, and the [low] concentrations needed to
inhibit the bacteria in invitro experiments have been confirmed clinical
data. (23)
   23) N. Simonetti et al (1992) Electrochemical Ag+ for Preservative
Use Appl Environ Microbiol 58, 3834-36.

The above taken from International Anti-Aging systems...  The opinion stated
is that silver salts are corrosive, and act as astringents and irritants.
In their opinion, mild silver protein is better than silver salts.

A further quote:  Electrically prepared colloidal silver [Ag(e)] is
currently available from many sources, in potencies ranging from 3-5 PPM up
to 500 PPM. Equally (or more) important than the silver level is the
particle size and degree of dispersion. In a liquid colloid, the Silver does
not actually dissolve in the liquid; rather, it exists as a suspension of
microscopic particles floating around in the liquid medium. Properly made
Ag(e) should contain particles approximately 0.01 to 0.001 microns in
diameter (1 micron=one millionth of a meter, or 4/100,000 inch). At this
tiny size, each particle is a cluster of perhaps 5-20 Silver atoms, with a
positive electric charge.

Also taken from International Anti-Aging Systems.

Correct me if I'm wrong ( and I could be ) but most people started using
salt in CS preparations because of an article written and widely publicized
by Mark Metcalf.  That article is still widely publicized, even though Mark
later admitted that it was true that avoiding creating silver salts in the
generator process was more desireable over the quick fix of adding salt,
which only added the benefit of decreasing the amount of time of brew.

From AHP ( brand ):

Although there have been a number of different techniques developed in an
attempt to achieve a true silver colloid, the best and most effective method
is the electrical process since it is the only method which preserves the
necessary homogeneity, minuteness of granules, purity and stability to
create a true colloid. [Examples of other methods which have been employed
are mechanical grind, ultrasonic and chemical-Ed.]. A true colloid of silver
is composed of particles of ultrafine, 99.999% silver, electrically charged
and held in suspension in a solution of deionized water. According to the
Colloid Research Foundation, the highest quality colloidal silver consists
of the maximum number of particles of the minimum possible size with the
ultimate solution having a huge number of particles of one atom, each
carrying an electrical charge.

Researcher Leonard Hirschberg A.M., M.D. (Johns Hopkins) says: 'From a
therapeutical point of view I need only deal with the electric colloid
metals ... Only these present the necessary homogeneity, purity and

According to Dr. Ronald J Gibbs, the ideal colloidal silver contains
particles ranging from .01 microns to .001.  In his book, Dr. Gibbs clearly
demonstrates a relationship between particle size and effectiveness against
bacteria, demonstrating this via in-vitro experiments.  Dr. Gibbs considers
safe ranges of colloidal silver to up to 12ppm.  Interesting to note that
Gibbs says that a 1 to 9 ratio must be used ( in-vitro) for true efficacy
against bacteria ( bacteria:colloidal silver in measured in drops ).  He
studied time periods  up to 11.5 hours.  Of course, in the body, the process
works differently, very differently.

After spending a few minutes researching the matter, in the spirit of
open-mindedness, I can't imagine why one would want to create larger
particles, nor why one would want to purposefully create compounds, when it
is relatively easy to avoid both.  It seems like a case of reinventing the
wheel square.

As to why solutions made with salts still work, there could be any number of

CSDiscussion between Terry, Marshall and Co

2001-10-07 Thread Jan Carew
A really useful and interesting discussion -  made easy to follow by the
indications of just who was expounding. Shall keep a copy in my archives!

Many thanks - and more on these lines would be v welcome.


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CSPart 2: List Guidelines and Rules

2001-10-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear List Members,

Achieving the goals we share is the reason we're here on the Silver
List. Guidelines and rules for conduct allow us to better serve those
goals. I would like your QUESTIONS and FEEDBACK on the following
proposed guidelines and rules in order to make sure they are clear,
fair, and acceptable to you. Now is the time to speak up, on list or
in private!



Civil, courteous, and considerate behavior is required at all times
and in all discussions, regardless of topic.

Aggressive behavior is not allowed. Attacks, ridicule or insults
against the person, ideas, education, beliefs, or opinions of any
other list member are not acceptable behavior. This applies 
equally to off-list behavior toward list members.

Criticism of other list members' behavior or how the list is being run
must be directed to the list owner, privately and not on the list. No
List Cops!


Any Colloidal Silver related topic or question may be raised and
discussed until it is obviously exhausted.

Any alternative health-related question may be asked, and answers may
be given regardless of whether they are related to Colloidal Silver or
not. HOWEVER...

Alternative health related topics *NOT* related to Colloidal Silver
will be ended or taken off list as soon as basic information is given
and important resources identified.

Brief heads-up messages about legislation, regulation, or politics of
relevence to Colloidal Silver or *important* alternative health issues
may be posted *occasionally*, with follow-up to be taken off list.

A *modest* amount of humor, chit-chat, friendly banter and
encouragement is condoned, and is indeed important for the well-being
of the list. Such threads should be *brief*, seldom more than a small
handful of messages. Such off topic noise must be allowed in order
to foster the friendly, welcoming environment we seek. It is, however
a privilege. Please do not abuse it.


This is a non-commercial forum. No vendor may participate except as a
private individual. No promotion of any kind is permitted without my
prior, explicit approval of each occurrence. No vendor or
representative may promote a particular product or malign any other. 

No vendor sales or solicitation is permitted except in private e-mail.
It is each member's responsibility to make sure all business is
conducted privately and not on the list, but it is especially the
vendors' responsibility to know *how* to reply off list to avoid
violating this rule.

Exception: Reasonable use of signature files and taglines is
permitted. The list owner will judge what is reasonable.


Experience shows that certain topics are clear losers, no matter how
carefully they are treated.

Politics is forbidden unless it relates *directly* to CS or *important*
alternative health issues, as mentioned above. Do not discuss parties,
elections, politicians, policy, or philosophy. Do not raise divisive
issues -- you know which ones! Do not *reply* to political comments
made by others -- Nope, not even to be fair!

Religion, mysticism, or spirituality are to be avoided as topics for
discussion. No comment can be made that will not risk offending
someone. Overt evangelization is not permitted. Do not reply to
religious remarks made by others.

I am not asking you to de-God everything you say, do or think,
however. Brief greetings, thanks, and prayer requests or offerings are
acceptable. The occasional God bless, or you're in our prayers
will not be seen as a transgression. Modest tag lines or signature
files may also be used.

I say again: Criticism of other list members' behavior or how the list
is being run must be directed to the list owner, privately and not on
the list. No List Cops!


Posts that are clearly Off Topic are generally discouraged. Do not
start an obviously off topic thread. Do not reply to off topic posts
made by others. If a thread morphs off-topic, end it or take it off
list! There should not be lengthy threads on obviously off-topic

This does *not* apply to threads that result from someone's health
related questions as described in the Permitted Topics section above.

If in doubt, or you have a special need you believe justifies an off
topic post, please ask me in private e-mail.


Again, now is the time to comment on what I'm proposing here. 

Some of these proposals change the way I've been running the list. I'm
obviously tightening the Off Topic guidelines, but this is consistent
with the availability of the...

I'm asking people not to respond to transgression by others on list,
but rather to me in private. I'm asking people not to reply to or
extend off-topic threads. All this in hopes of preventing escalation
of problems from a single mis-step by someone.

Inevitably there are some gray areas in the rules. This cannot be
helped. If you refuse to absorb the 


2001-10-07 Thread Terry Chamberlin
A regular vaporizer works by heating the water until
it turns to steam. This would only get water into your
lungs, not silver, since only the water would
evaporate, leaving the silver behind.

A cool mist vaporizer sounds like it works using a
different principle than evaporation, but I would want
to be sure of that before I bought one.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFiring CS onto water purifiers

2001-10-07 Thread George Martin
I haven't jumped in because this is something I remember
from discussions several years ago with the folks that produce
ceramic filters similar to the Daulton or British Berkefeld type.

They construct the filter element from diatomaceous earth. 
This gives a (memory here) absolute filteration below 1 micron
(99.99%)  and particles down to 0.2 microns are removed with close
to 98% effectiveness.

They somehow use silver nitrate to saturate the filters
which is reduced to metallic silver by application of heat.  The
water takes 10 - 15 minutes to pass through the filter and the
prolonged contact with the metallic silver produces the desired
bacteriostatic action.

George Martin

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Re: CSvaporizers

2001-10-07 Thread George Martin
 A cool mist vaporizer has a rapidly spinning disk 
that essentially throws a very fine mist into the air.

 The better choice is an ultrasonic type.  A small 
electronic device (ultrasonic transducer) vibrates the 
water at 25-40 kHz (kHz = 1000 times / sec) and 
forms a very fine mist.  The reason I say it is better is 
because they sometimes come with a warning or 
disclaimer that only distilled water should be used 
because they also will pick up minerals in the water 
and can cause a film (mineral deposit) to form on 
nearby surfaces...exactly what we want!

 As has been mentioned before, they can be had from 
Walmart.  I purchased mine (Sunbeam brand) for $40.

 I've had more success with a nebulizer.  These are 
designed to disperse medicines (usually asthma?) 
directly into the lungs.  In the US they require a doctor's 
prescription BUT I have purchased a used one from eBay 
for only $25.  Check out this:
 If you have a suitable air compressor or use an O2
bottle all you would need is the mouthpiece (the 
actual nebulizer and some suitable tubing.  Of course,
you MUST ensure that the O2 or air compressor is 
regulated to a very low pressure (1-2 psi???) 

George Martin

On Sun, 7 Oct 2001 08:35:23 -0400 (EDT), Terry Chamberlin wrote:

=A regular vaporizer works by heating the water until
=it turns to steam. This would only get water into your
=lungs, not silver, since only the water would
=evaporate, leaving the silver behind.
=A cool mist vaporizer sounds like it works using a
=different principle than evaporation, but I would want
=to be sure of that before I bought one.
=Do You Yahoo!?
=Get your free address at
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=with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
=To post, address your message to:
=Silver-list archive:
=List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSNebulizer info

2001-10-07 Thread Quietcove

I for one would like to see the voltage tripler version
included, since 9 volt wall adapters are in most homes
already I would think. Also many people have ni-cads

Of course the simplest of all is the phone line generator.
Just strip one side of a phone cord, add two alligator
clips, plug it in and away you go. Brilliant in it's simplicity.
I don't remember who on the list suggested that, but pat
yourself on the back!

Make sure you see George Martins post on vaporizers. He suggests
ebay for a nebulizer. They are going for 25$-60$ USD, not sure
what that works out to in AUD at the moment, but it could save
you some money.


-Original Message-
From: damian []
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2001 1:04 PM
Subject: CSNebulizer info

I've heard people mention there use of CS in nebulizer and some say that you
must use extremely high quality nebulizers to make the particle size small.
However then theres those who use vaporizers and say they have good success.
Surely then if i were to buy a cheaper nebulizer and not an expensive
ultrasonic version there should be no problem. I've been thinking of getting
one for some time now. The model ive been looking at uses a pump and not
oxygen. Its about $140 Australian. Any thoughts people before i go and throw
my money away. I seem to be doing that allot latly and are getting sick of
it. Ok people take care.

Oh yeah who is in charge of compiling the faq. Joseph has just about
the schematic for a 9V CS maker with current regulator. Who does this get
mailed to if it is to be included in the faq. I believe some people are
against using a voltage trippler. I reckon it should be included in the faq
and let the person decide. Take care

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2001-10-07 Thread snapper-
Can someone please tell me approx.number of grams of MSM to use in the
8oz's of CS to reach the saturation level. Also, is 1 1/2 oz's of DMSO
correct?   THANKS, TOM

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CSAnthrax resistance gene identified in mice-FYI

2001-10-07 Thread Wwench9
Anthrax Resistance Gene Identified in Mice 


WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) Oct 02 - Researchers have identified a gene in 
mice that mediates macrophage resistance to anthrax lethal toxin (LeTx), 
according to a report published in the October 2nd issue of Current Biology. 
If demonstrated in human cells, this finding could have important 
implications in the event of an attack with a biological agent. 

While the locus responsible for anthrax toxin resistance had been mapped to 
chromosome 11, the exact gene responsible for resistance had never been 
identified, the authors state. 

In the current study, Dr. William F. Dietrich, from Harvard Medical School in 
Boston, and colleagues evaluated the susceptibility of various murine 
macrophage strains to LeTx. 

Within the previously identified locus, the researchers found only one gene 
that differed between susceptible and resistant strains. The gene identified 
encoded a kinesin-like protein, known as Kif1C. Treatment with a chemical 
that alters the cellular localization of Kif1C induced LeTx susceptibility in 
formerly resistant strains. In contrast, ectopic expression of a resistance 
allele of Kif1C promoted survival in susceptible strains. 

We don't know yet whether human macrophages vary in their susceptibility to 
the toxin, Dr. Dietrich told Reuters Health. However, we can isolate and 
test human macrophages, so this is clearly an answerable question, he said. 
If they do vary in their susceptibility, it will be interesting to see if 
this can be accounted for by differences in the human homologue of Kif1C 
gene, he added. 

If the human macrophage research pans out it might lead to some sort of 
diagnostic test, Dr. Dietrich noted. But then the question becomes 'what do 
we do with such a test?'  he said. Determining a patient's susceptibility 
might facilitate triage and help guide clinical decision making. 

Dr. Dietrich also pointed out that anthrax involves a couple different 
processes. There's the bacterial infection component which...can be 
controlled, and then there's the toxin aspect which is difficult to control, 
he said. So if a patient is resistant to the toxin, treatment could focus 
on the bacterial infection aspect. 

I don't view the Kif1C protein as being a drug target itself, Dr. Dietrich 
emphasized. However, further research into the pathways involved may reveal 
molecules that could be pharmacologic targets, he added. 

Current Biol 2001;11:1503-1511. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNebulizer info

2001-10-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 10/7/2001 1:02:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

 Oh yeah who is in charge of compiling the faq. Joseph has just about 
 the schematic for a 9V CS maker with current regulator. Who does this get 
 mailed to if it is to be included in the faq. I believe some people are 
 against using a voltage trippler. I reckon it should be included in the faq 
 and let the person decide. Take care

Damian: Send any FAQ suggestions (together with answers, if you like) to me. 

RE: CSPart 2: List Guidelines and Rules

2001-10-07 Thread JudytheK
I for one like what you've done.  Sending concerns to you directly 
rather than to the list as a whole makes sense. The direction of
this list pleases me a good deal!
Judy Down Maine 

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour []
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2001 7:50 AM
Subject: CSPart 2: List Guidelines and Rules

Dear List Members,

Achieving the goals we share is the reason we're here on the Silver
List. Guidelines and rules for conduct allow us to better serve those
goals. I would like your QUESTIONS and FEEDBACK on the following
proposed guidelines and rules in order to make sure they are clear,
fair, and acceptable to you. Now is the time to speak up, on list or
in private!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Thoughts and comments

2001-10-07 Thread Frank Key
A.V.R.A. wrote:

 According to Peter Lindemann ( whom I personally view as a good source of
 information for more than just CS ), adding salt as a primer results in
 particles sized from .05 to .14 microns, as determined from electon
 microscope photography.  Particles this size, according to Peter, are too
 large to form a colloidal suspension.

Peter Lindemann's information has numerous scientific flaws.

  particles sized from .05 to .14 microns

That would be 50 to 140 nanometer sized particles, which are not too large to 
form a colloidal suspension. Colloidal suspension can be formed by particles 
up to 1000 nm.

 Properly made
 Ag(e) should contain particles approximately 0.01 to 0.001 microns in
 diameter (1 micron=one millionth of a meter, or 4/100,000 inch). At this
 tiny size, each particle is a cluster of perhaps 5-20 Silver atoms, with a
 positive electric charge.

A 1 nanometer diameter particle (0.001 microns) consists of 31 atoms, not 5. A 
10 nm particle (0.010 micron) particle consists of 30978 atoms, not 20.

See the table at:

Silver particles have a NEGATIVE charge, not POSITIVE charge. Ions have a 
positive charge. See the paper Ions, Atoms and Charged Particles at:

frank key

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Re: CSGeneral comments, questions

2001-10-07 Thread Ode Coyote

  Theoretically, the smaller the particle, the greater the surface area,
the more effective.
 Seems reasonable to assume that the smallest particles would be more able
to pentrate tissues and cells.
 It's likely that even brown sludge CS contains significant small particles
along with the boulders.
 Even boulders should be effective 'where ever they can get to' if there
enough of them, but smaller particles shouldn't have the same limitations
of location.

IMO, there is probably no bad CS...but some is better and maybe ionic
is better for some applications than particulate and vice versa. 

At 09:48 AM 10/6/01 -0400, you wrote:
Listers, Techies, vendors, users, spectators: 
(Come one, come all)
Being taught by my father to “Question Authority”
(actually, he said, “Question Everything”), I feel the
need to reiterate what I believe are Primary Questions
regarding CS. I have, as yet, seen nothing from the
Scientific types on the List in response to my

Questions like:
1. Does particle size matter below a certain size?
(1/4” chunks are too big, yes!) This is one of, if not
the major, consideration. If coffee-colored, LVDC CS
is just as effective (in killing pathogens) as
crystal-clear, HVAC CS, then variations in voltage and
current are only relevant to the speed of CS-brewing.

2. Apart from known silver compounds (silver-nitrate,
and silver compounded to any already toxic metal like
mercury, lead, cadmium, etc.) is the fear of making
silver compounds from any other minerals found in
water simply a superstition? (Minerals we think
nothing of drinking such as what is found in spring or
well water.) A superstition is something that is
feared without any logical reason, or even in the face
of logic. I have repeatedly seen newbies admonished
with great authority to NOT use salt, that this is
dangerous. Or, no other water but DW or Deionized
(maybe RO) should ever be considered. Yet I have seen
no data to substantiate these ideas.

A significant amount of time, money, equipment, etc.,
is expended by the Technical-oriented folks on the
List on determining how to make CS with small particle
size, or a preponderance of ions or particles, or a CS
that has no color. Yet, little if any of this research
seems to address the question, Does this method
improve the microbe-killing or health-enhancing
benefit of CS? (Which, in my opinion, is the top

It’s considered to be humorous that religious
theologians of 4-500 years ago used to expend serious
energy discussing such weighty matters as, How Many
Angels Can Sit On The Head Of A Pin? The reason it’s
humorous is because the question is irrelevant, it
doesn’t matter, it has no bearing on anything. If it
turned out that there was no significant difference
between the pathogen-killing, health-enhancing effects
of LVDC vs. HVAC CS, wouldn’t we commence research in
other, more important areas?

To be objective, and because this may very well be
true, it may be quite important, what color CS is, or
what voltage or current is used, or the addition of
various substances as “starter”. Or it may turn out
that ionic CS is better at fighting some kinds of
ailments and particulate CS others. But it doesn’t
seem that any comprehensive, methodical research is
being conducted to determine this. I realize that the
kind of research that measures the microbe-killing
effect of CS is more expensive to conduct, and that
there may be gov’t/legal loopholes to be resolved
before such research could even be conducted. Most of
the technical type people on this List have limited
finances/resources for conducting the specific kinds
of research I am suggesting. 

Yet the question still remains: How do we know any of
this matters in the slightest? How do we know if one
type of electro-colloidal CS is better than any other?
Speaking subjectively, my own experience with the CS I
make using a very simple method (that anyone else
could use) is so good, it is sometimes hard for me to
take seriously the discussions of ionic vs
particulate, 0.1 vs .001 size particles, meso vs
non-meso, colored vs clear, stirred, heated,
magnetized, oxygenated, prayed-over, etc., Colloidal
Silver, when there is not ALSO offered some kind of
data to indicate that this particular
method/technique/adjustment makes CS more effective at
doing what we seek for it to do. We read impressive
testimonies about nearly every kind/type/method CS

If you build a whole method and line of reasoning on
an unsubstantiated assumption, isn’t that risky? The
medical establishment has done that on a wide variety
of issues. They are left with scrambling around trying
to bolster their position, trying to “save face” in
response to mounting scientific evidence that exposes
their faulty premises. Let us not do the same. 

The proposed newbie CS FAQ/Info Primer (a great idea)
must be careful to separate fact from unproven
assumptions. “It is believed by some, though not all”,
should be made clear, or else CS 

Re: CSRe:distilled water

2001-10-07 Thread A.V.R.A.
Ahh, thank you Coyote, I had misread your initial comment.
- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote

   The warning is to not use H2O2 and CS as a seeding solution.  It's OK to
 add them together [it will actually break up large particles that have
 formed...turn a colored CS clear]  but not to use it as a starter.

 At 06:28 PM 10/5/01 -0600, you wrote:
 I've never seen large flakes of silver in a CS solution where very small
 amounts of H2O2 have been added.  I particularly like to use a H2O2 / CS
 solution to treat ear conditions.
 - Original Message -
 From: Ode Coyote
 Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 1:30 PM
 Subject: Re: CSRe:distilled water
Seeding  Add a bit of a previous batch of CS to the new batch to
  increase initial conductivity of the water to get things going faster
  without contaminating the batch with...
   Warning:  Do not use H2O2 or CS that has any H2O2 in it. [Makes very
  pretty but huge metal flakes]

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CSHydrogen peroxide addition

2001-10-07 Thread Jan Carew
Ken said:-

The warning is to not use H2O2 and CS as a seeding solution.  It's OK to
add them together [it will actually break up large particles that have
formed...turn a colored CS clear]  but not to use it as a starter.

Sorry to be so thick, Ken, but are you advocating adding hydrogen peroxide
to a brew once it's made? ( My CS is yellow and I'd prefer it to be
colourless)  And how much would you add proportionally? What strength?

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Re: CSRe: Thoughts and comments

2001-10-07 Thread A.V.R.A.
Thank you very much Frank for bringing this to my attention.  I shall hit
the books again, and adjust my thinking.

- Original Message -
From: Frank Key
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Thoughts and comments

 A.V.R.A. wrote:

  According to Peter Lindemann ( whom I personally view as a good source
  information for more than just CS ), adding salt as a primer results in
  particles sized from .05 to .14 microns, as determined from electon
  microscope photography.  Particles this size, according to Peter, are
  large to form a colloidal suspension.

 Peter Lindemann's information has numerous scientific flaws.

   particles sized from .05 to .14 microns

 That would be 50 to 140 nanometer sized particles, which are not too large
 form a colloidal suspension. Colloidal suspension can be formed by
 up to 1000 nm.

  Properly made
  Ag(e) should contain particles approximately 0.01 to 0.001 microns in
  diameter (1 micron=one millionth of a meter, or 4/100,000 inch). At this
  tiny size, each particle is a cluster of perhaps 5-20 Silver atoms, with
  positive electric charge.

 A 1 nanometer diameter particle (0.001 microns) consists of 31 atoms, not
5. A
 10 nm particle (0.010 micron) particle consists of 30978 atoms, not 20.

 See the table at:

 Silver particles have a NEGATIVE charge, not POSITIVE charge. Ions have a
 positive charge. See the paper Ions, Atoms and Charged Particles at:

 frank key

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CSFw: CSHow can I get Tai-Pan's Part I?

2001-10-07 Thread Jan Carew
Dear George,

Too right I'm interested! I'd love to have them.

Can you send any suitable for a beginner? to my own e-mail.

Thanks VERY much.  Jan

-Original Message-
From: George Martin
To: Jan Carew
Date: Sunday, October 07, 2001 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: CSHow can I get Tai-Pan's Part I?

I have a bunch of stuff he has written over the years.  I keep
everyone of them and refer to them often.  Are you interested?


On Sun, 7 Oct 2001 18:11:55 +0200, Jan Carew wrote:

=Yes thanks v much - got it next download  - v prompt service!
=Loads of useful info - shall keep in my  archives!
=-Original Message-
=From: George Martin
=To: Jan Carew
=Date: Sunday, October 07, 2001 3:55 PM
=Subject: Re: CSHow can I get Tai-Pan's Part I?
=Did you get Part I ?
=On Sat, 6 Oct 2001 08:31:52 +0200, Jan Carew wrote:
==I got your intriguing Part 2 - how can I get your Part I?
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==List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAntibiotics and the Pill

2001-10-07 Thread Christiane Osowiecki
I didn't see this original post..but just for the
record.antibiotics DEFINATELY interfere with the effectiveness
of the pill.  Your physician should tell you this when he/she prescribes
them as well as the pharmacist when you pick it up.

As far as CS goes.I don't know the answer to that
question..but there are many more qualified listers who may be able
to give a more definitive answer to that question.

Just clarifying the antibiotic issue for those who weren't aware.


- Original Message -
From: Judith Thamm
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2001 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: CSAntibiotics and the Pill

 Dear Tony,

  Does taking antibiotics result in contraceptive pill becoming less
 I believe it doesn't - only - why would you want to take an antibiotic?
 anti = against  biosis=life; an against life product - it would only
 the person's immune system.

  Does taking CS make the pill less effective?

 A colloid does not interreact with a drug unless it contained fungal,
 bacterial or viral contamination.

  A young adult who is on the pill and who has just come down with 'flu
  wants to know. Her mother has offered her CS for the 'flu symptoms, and
  the CS is said to be a natural antibiotic. She seems to think that the
  pill is made ineffective by antibiotics, thus increasing the risk of
  unwanted pregnancy. She would like to take CS but doesn't want to become
  pregnant right now. :, giving up sex for a while doesn't seem to be an

 [The population would decline if it was ;) ]

  I am not aware of antibiotics affecting the pill and, if so,
  would really like to know the pathway.
 Avoid antibiotics, take the CS, continue sex, continue the pill.


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Re: CSRe: Thoughts and comments

2001-10-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
How much salt is used? I think only a few grains, right?  I would guess it
is less than 5 ppm, so it would get reacted out fairly fast.


Terry Chamberlin wrote:

 Marshall wrote:
 “The problem is that in the process of making CS, the
 silver leaves the wire as ions. Ions are very reactive
 and will react immediately with many things. Once the
 ions combine and form colloid then the silver becomes
 very non-reactive. So if your water has 50 ppm of salt
 in it, the first silver ions will combine with the
 chlorine in the salt and produce silver chloride. Only
 after all the elements that will combine with the
 silver ions are consumed will sufficient quantity of
 ions be present to actually start making colloid. Thus
 depending on the water, you may have to make several
 hundred ppm of ionic silver, which will combine and
 likely precipitate out, before you ever make the first
 clump of colloid.”

 Terry responds:
 I follow your reasoning (I think), but, if this is
 true, we should be able to say that folks who use a
 salt starter would not have much if any success using
 CS made this way, nor would we see reports of success.
 However, that is not the case. People have had such
 good experience with salt-seeded CS that they swear by

 Marshall wrote:
 “The theory [small particle size being essential] is
 pretty sound. Silver buried inside a particle can do
 nothing, and particles of silver which never contact a
 pathogen can do nothing. When you reduce particle size
 then the surface to volume ratio increases, and the
 number of independent particles increase. Both effects
 should increase the effectiveness. Also you have to
 consider what size is required to pass through the
 stomach wall. We do know that when you add salt to
 ionic silver, the silver precipitates out. If the
 silver is gone out of the water, then we know that it
 will not be effective since nothing is left but
 slightly salty water.”

 Terry responds:
 Again, this “sound theory” doesn’t explain the success
 of CS made in ways that, according to that theory,
 shouldn’t work. Scientifically, bumblebees can’t fly,

 Marshall wrote:
 “We know that color defines particle size, and that
 particle size determines stability. We know that when
 the particles settle out, the remaining liquid is less
 effective at the very least. We also know that if the
 particles are too big they will not make it into the
 blood stream. I tested this when I was a child. When I
 swallowed a dime, it made it through without ever
 making it to the blood stream (thank goodness).”

 Terry responds:
 OK, I think we are in agreement, don’t swallow silver
 dimes. But I was thinking of smaller sizes, and my
 question was, At what size does size become an issue?
 Next question: Is it even possible to make
 electro-colloidal silver with particles too big to be
 utilized by the body? Remember, the mechanically
 ground-up silver ingested by the blue-bloods in Europe
 was still effective. A silver dollar in the bottom of
 a milk pail had a deterring effect on bacteria, which
 leads me to conclude that a very big particle size (a
 silver dollar) was still utilized by a different
 dynamic than the size of the particle.

 Marshall wrote:
  How do we know if one type of electro-colloidal CS
 is better than any other? (Quoting Terry)
 What other? Grinding silver up in a machine? That is
 like trying to use bowling balls for a job that
 requires ball bearings. If you make CS by reduction of
 silver nitrate, then you end up with other chemicals
 in the product, and most likely some silver nitrate
 will be left as well. We know the dangers of silver

 Terry responds:
 I meant, “is one type of electro-colloidal CS better
 than any other type of electro-colloidal CS?” Is LVDC
 better than HVAC, or submerged electrodes vs.
 suspended, or high current vs. low current, or DW vs.
 RO, or smiled-at vs. frowned-at?

 Marshall wrote:
 “It is true that CS is such a fantastic antibiotic
 that all of it seems to work no matter how it is made,
 and whether it is primarily ionic or colloid. But why
 not make it the best that you can. Lets say that an
 anthrax has been developed that is somewhat immune to
 silver. Then what? One is limited as to the amount of
 CS they can take by how much water they can drink.
 Most effective CS could make a difference in you

 Terry responds:
 But that’s the point. What determines what is “the
 best that you can”? What is the “most effective CS”?

 Marshall wrote:
 (Quoting Terry)  If you build a whole method and line
 of reasoning on an unsubstantiated assumption, isn’t
 that risky? 
 “What assumptions are unsubstantiated? We KNOW that
 color depends on particle size, this has been known
 for almost 100 years. We know that larger particles
 cannot make it through the stomach lining.  [Larger
 than what? - Terry]  We know that when a particle is
 made smaller the surface to volume ratio increases.
 We know that ionic silver 

Re: CSRe: Thoughts and comments

2001-10-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
Frank Key wrote:

  Properly made
  Ag(e) should contain particles approximately 0.01 to 0.001 microns in
  diameter (1 micron=one millionth of a meter, or 4/100,000 inch). At this
  tiny size, each particle is a cluster of perhaps 5-20 Silver atoms, with a
  positive electric charge.

 A 1 nanometer diameter particle (0.001 microns) consists of 31 atoms, not 5. A
 10 nm particle (0.010 micron) particle consists of 30978 atoms, not 20.

You are assuming a spherical particle.  There is no assumption of shape in the
above paragraph.  If a silver atom is .2nm then if the atoms were stacked end to
end, making a rod, it would be 5 atoms long for a 1 nanometer particles.  A 
would contain 31 as you say.  A shape other than a rod or sphere would fall in 
range of 5 to 31 atoms, so the statement above is not really far off.


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Re: CSFiring CS onto water purifiers

2001-10-07 Thread Reid Harvey
Nina's friend said, I figured this (i.e. the silver filter) was it,
he wrote me, since Clark is famous for not liking very much of the
products she gets for testing. To my complete surprise, my unit passed
with flying colors. And it also cleaned the water.

P.S. Everybody, I'll be out of Bangladesh for the next week, without
access to the silver list. So I'll look forward to jumping back in after
returning.  Bye for now. Reid

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Re: CSFiring CS onto water purifiers

2001-10-07 Thread Reid Harvey
Following is a response from a ceramist friend of mine on the issue of
mixing the CS into the clay composition prior to forming the purifiers,
then firing. I am reminded that there's a lot going on in the process of
firing that's not always easy to predict.

(Another example of this is a problem that bedevilled me while I was
after the achievement of predictable, good flow.  While fabricating
purifiers all the same way I ended up with a big range in flow rate,
anywhere from 0.25 to 1.5 liters per hour, given the filter I was using.
What I learned at the time was that these results were to be expected,
since there is a very complex chemistry during the sintering process. So
I had to solve the problem by using permeable grog, which all gets mixed
up, then there is an averaging of flow rate, a smaller range.)

In any event, what my friend says as follows points up the need for lots
of additional experimentation. So for the time being I am back to the
business of simply doing what we know works. Thanks to all who have
shown interest.

Bill Walker said:
Silver metal melts at 962 degrees C, and boils at 2212 degrees C. Silver
oxide decomposes in air at 230 degrees C, into silver metal and oxygen

The silver would not burn out.  But what would actually happen to it
during the firing is the question.

The problems that I see with mixing the colloidal silver into the clay
body are:
1) the silver may diffuse into the clay body during firing -- think of
it as if it just gets melted in with everything else and no longer
exists as colloidal silver;
2) if the silver remains as colloidal silver, it may not be at the
surface of the pores -- much of it may end up encapsulated by the rest
of the clay body.

On the other hand, there might be a driving force for the silver to
preferentially migrate to the pore surfaces.


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CSBio Protection

2001-10-07 Thread bvjones
Hi fellow listers

Between 9:00 and 10:00 pm EST, this evening. I heard a radio program (amidst 
many interruptions), with Dave Hinkson and Larry Wayne Harris.  They talked 
about protection in a possible bio attack. 

Harris talked about 1milli liter per pound of bodyweight, while Hinkson spoke 
of calcium ions that would take toxins out of the body while CS would work on 
infection (massive amounts, and best inhaled via a mister)

Harris has a book out on this and gave the toll free number, as well as his 
website. Unless Mike says its okay to post here I will only pass it on 
privately. Haven't checked out the website yet.  Harris spoke very favorably of 
a new ( to me) product which is also the name of his website.

As I said I had many interruptions while listening and missed much of the info, 
so please don't kill the messenger. I just thought some of you might want to 
know about this.



2001-10-07 Thread Joe Fleck
Anyone have any info or insight on the effectiveness of CS on any of the
'popular' BioThreats? Specifically, smallpox. Also, does anyone know if
these weapons will be genetically engineered to be resistant to our
common antibiotics and/or antivirals and, if so, how will CS do in
combatting these? Please reply with anything, no matter how trivial it
may seem. I'm in survival research mode!  :^)

thanks, joe...

PS - been a while, nice to be back

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CS Beginner Book(s)

2001-10-07 Thread wolfcreek1
The jeweler will have my pure silver wire ready tomorrow.  What book(s) do you 
recommend for a beginner CS student?  

With all the info I am reading and only partially absorbing, I figure a good 
book will help keep me off your backs with stupid questions, tho a book will 
help prompt some questions too.  I suppose either way I'll still need 
everyone's help here.  Thanks!

Happy Howling,

Julie  Critters
Wolf Creek Ranch
Home of Whispering Winds Wholistic Animal Sanctuary
The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing 
Don't dream a dream, live a dream and let reality sleep. ~ Enyo Johnson

Re: CSRe: Thoughts and comments

2001-10-07 Thread Frank Key
Marshall wrote:

 You are assuming a spherical particle.  There is no assumption of shape in the
 above paragraph.  If a silver atom is .2nm then if the atoms were stacked end 
 end, making a rod, it would be 5 atoms long for a 1 nanometer particles.  A 
 would contain 31 as you say.  A shape other than a rod or sphere would fall 
 in the
 range of 5 to 31 atoms, so the statement above is not really far off.

Yes, we are assuming spherical particles. Has anyone actually seen a rod 
shaped particle? 

All the work we are familiar with assumes the particles to be spherical.

To be precise, the diameter of a silver atom is 0.288 nm.

frank key

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2001-10-07 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

I would be interested in buying an affordable nebulizer rather than try
the airbrush/oxy method --  impractical for me for various reasons.I
would be happy to hear from anyone having info. about affordable,
non-prescription nebulizers.


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