RE: CSCS and hospital use.

2002-01-29 Thread I Anderson

The difference between CS and silver nitrate is the nitrate. Silver
ions as supplied by both CS and silver nitrate are benign, but the
nitrate is caustic to tissue. Highly diluted silver nitrate has been
used to good effect for many years in preventing nasty infections
passed from mother to baby during birth, but prolonged use of silver
compounds, especially silver nitrate, can be hazardous to health, if
not for the tissue damage, then by the large amounts of silver that
can be ingested or absorbed in the form of compounds (as opposed to
the very small amounts of silver delivered by colloidal silver).
Ingestion of large amounts of silver can lead to the cosmetically
disfiguring condition known as argyria, in which silver ions bound to
tissue, especially skin or eye, may be photo-reduced to silver metal
and cause a greying or bluing of the skin.


 -Original Message-
 From: Marshall Dudley []
 Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2002 4:44 a.m.
 Subject: Re: CSCS and hospital use.

 Annie Hall wrote:

  Anyway, as an absolute newby can someone say what is
  the difference, in simple English, between silver
  nitrate and CS please?

 Big difference.  Silver Nitrate is a compound, and colloidal
 silver is the
 pure metal in very small custers.  An undeveloped film contains
 compounds (such as silver nitrate or silver chloride), and
 the developed
 photograph contains very small silver particles, similar to a

 Thus if silver nitrate is exposed to light, and a developer
 such as caffine,
 it will develop into silver particles which will appear
 black.  Not a good

 Silver nitrate is also toxic, whereas silver metal and
 colloid is not.  Some
 theories as to how silver kills bacteria relay on it's catalytic
 propterites.  colloidal silver is a very good catalyst, but
 silver nitrate
 is a very poor catalyst.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
 colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
 message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSNewbie

2002-01-29 Thread I Anderson

Even the most modest generator will make acceptable colloidal silver,
be it clear yellow or golden. The primary difference will be in the
shelf life of the output. None of it will be harmful to ingest.

For a given concentration, clear CS will have the smallest particle
size, then yellow, gold through to grey. Aim for a light colour with a
strong beam (Tyndall Effect) as shown by a laser pointer shone through
the solution, until you are familiar with the process and its nuances.

Many people have been helped by CS made in a glass with two silver
electrodes draped over the side, connected to 1, 2 or 3 9V batteries.


-Original Message-
From: Dan Williamson []
Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2002 7:29 a.m.
Subject: CSNewbie

I have only started looking at CS as a possible alternative to
conventional treatment for skin cancer. There seems to be so much
conflicting information on the net as to low voltage CS preparation
that I have hesitated making any. Are there any web sites out there
that give accurate information? Some sites say that the finished
product will be slightly yellow to golden in color the next day while
others say it will be clear. Could someone clarify this for me as I
intend to use the CS internally as well and I certainly don't need to
use something that is usless or harmful, this old body of mine is the
only one I have. Thanks   -dan

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSBubbler System for CS and Commentary

2002-01-29 Thread I Anderson
I guess it's a case of what ever works for you!
I have 10L of 3 year old CS, slight golden colour, that tests as
having the same concentration (22ppm) as the day it was made. And it
was made without any stirring at all, apart from the occasional hand
stirring during the 2.5 days it took to make it!


 -Original Message-
 From: Tel Tofflemire []
 Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2002 4:47 p.m.
 Subject: Re: CSBubbler System for CS and Commentary

 Brooks I have been using the fish tank bubblier, and
 sometimes a Alpine
 Ozone Gen. for Cs, and I knew in my deepest of my being it
 was ok...I tested
 it by making with bubblier and with out, I could plainly see
 by my necked
 eyes that bubbled CS was better, it doesn't loose PPM setting
 on the shelf,
 and it stayed clear or maybe just a faint bit light purple
 color, but on
 first look appears perfectly clear..white background reveals a tint
 purple. ..Thank you Brooke for taking the time...\
 Tel Tofflemire
 Phoenix, AZ

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSThe O-T List

2002-01-29 Thread Wayne Fugitt

What happened to the O-T list?

I have not had a single message in several days?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSFW: New items appearing in your saved search - colloidal silver

2002-01-29 Thread Connie
thought some would like to look at these (and laugh)
can't sell CS on ebay, so selling information on the benefits of...

Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 22:49:55 PST
Subject: New items appearing in your saved search - colloidal silver


Good news! New items have been found at eBay in your favorite search for:

Keywords: colloidal silver

Here are the most recent new listings since we last emailed you.
Please click on any of the URLs to see what we have found for you.

Item #: 1697504316
Title:  Colloidal Silver Benefits Information Pak
Price:  $0.01
Bids:   0
Starts: Jan-28-02 13:54:58 PST

Item #: 1697498436
Title:  Colloidal Silver Info Pak
Price:  $0.01
Bids:   0
Starts: Jan-28-02 13:40:49 PST

Item #: 1697494863
Title:  THIS BOOK MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE_Colloidal Silver
Price:  $0.01
Bids:   3
Starts: Jan-28-02 13:32:42 PST

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSGreening of Hackensack Pediatric Oncology

2002-01-29 Thread Connie
The Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology at Hackensack
University Medical Center
President and CEO: John P. Ferguson
Headquarters: Hackensack
Founded: 1888 
NJ Employees: 7,000
Business: Healthcare
The Environmental Quality Award is presented to companies that have done
outstanding work to preserve or enhance the quality of the natural
environment in New Jersey.

This spring, The Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology at
Hackensack University Medical Center revamped its massive hospital cleaning
operation to reduce not only the toxicity in the cleaning chemicals, but
also the quantity of chemicals and the waste generated. The program has been
dubbed Greening the Cleaning, the program is a coordinated effort with the
Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology. The hospital
strives to protect the natural environment as well as making the hospital
safer for patients by reducing the amount of potentially harmful chemicals
in the hospital environment.

In a four-phase operation that involved hospital personnel from senior
management to the environmental services staff, the hospital replaced 18 of
its 22 cleaning products with safer, environmentally sound alternatives that
are just as effective. They also began buying cleaning materials in bulk,
diluting them at the site to reduce the quantity and refilling the drums to
keep containers out of the waste stream.

A multidisciplinary team began by inventorying all the cleaning products
used at Hackensack and evaluating their effectiveness and toxicity. The team
then compared the existing products with environmentally sound substitutes.
The hospital ordered new equipment and supplies, created ten new mixing
stations, renovated the storage spaces and began a comprehensive,
hospital-wide education program. In one week, staff were educated,
proficient and at ease with the new cleaning system and environmentally
friendly products. 

The new products are just as effective as the old ones, but without
potentially harmful chemicals. For instance, the hospital replaced its
existing window cleaner with one that was free from fuming solvents such as
ammonia. They also switched to an all-purpose cleaner with no strong acids,
chlorine, phosphates, benzene or hazardous ingredients, as defined by the
federal Occupation Safety and Health Administration. While such changes may
seem small, any reduction in hazardous materials will improve indoor air
quality and make a big difference to patients who are already in a
vulnerable state. Additionally, the waste and toxic reduction effort is
expected to yield a 15 percent cost savings.

The Greening the Cleaning program is an ongoing effort. Deidre Imus Center
personnel are constantly monitoring the effectiveness of the program and
assessing additional means of reducing toxics and waste. The center is
striving to establish a model cleaning program for the healthcare industry
as a whole. 
Back to Top

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNew worm

2002-01-29 Thread Black
I got at least eight of these today... it took Norton several minutes to
eliminate the viruses from them.


- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 12:03 AM
Subject: CSNew worm

 There is a new worm, I have gotten two copies today, and it was only
 discovered 2 days ago.

 If you get a message like this:

 Subject: new photos from my party!
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 19:25:35 -0800 (PST)


 My party... It was absolutely amazing!
 I have attached my web page with new photos!
 If you can please make color prints of my photos. Thanks!

 don't click  on the link!


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSInnocuous products (was Greening at Hackensack Pediatric Oncology)

2002-01-29 Thread Russ Rosser
Does the article mention specific subustututes?  E.g.: Dr. Whittaker's
Newsletter once reported that Stanford replaced some of its industrial
cleaners with apple cider vinegar, finding it more effective against staph
on surfaces (it's GOOD for skin, too)!  Dr, Hulda Clark suggested a Borax
solution for most detergent needs.  Of course, baking soda + H2O3 replaces
fluoridated toothpaste (which posts a poison control warning...BTW, the ADA
now admits that fluoride may cause more harm than benefit!).  I just bought
a gallon of Miracle 2 for shampoo  Others?


- Original Message -
From: Connie
To: silver- list; CSCats -Dogs
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:50 AM
Subject: CSGreening of Hackensack Pediatric Oncology

 The Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology at Hackensack
 University Medical Center
 President and CEO: John P. Ferguson
 Headquarters: Hackensack
 Founded: 1888
 NJ Employees: 7,000
 Business: Healthcare
 The Environmental Quality Award is presented to companies that have done
 outstanding work to preserve or enhance the quality of the natural
 environment in New Jersey.

 This spring, The Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology
 Hackensack University Medical Center revamped its massive hospital
 operation to reduce not only the toxicity in the cleaning chemicals, but
 also the quantity of chemicals and the waste generated. The program has
 dubbed Greening the Cleaning, the program is a coordinated effort with the
 Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology. The hospital
 strives to protect the natural environment as well as making the hospital
 safer for patients by reducing the amount of potentially harmful chemicals
 in the hospital environment.

 In a four-phase operation that involved hospital personnel from senior
 management to the environmental services staff, the hospital replaced 18
 its 22 cleaning products with safer, environmentally sound alternatives
 are just as effective. They also began buying cleaning materials in bulk,
 diluting them at the site to reduce the quantity and refilling the drums
 keep containers out of the waste stream.

 A multidisciplinary team began by inventorying all the cleaning products
 used at Hackensack and evaluating their effectiveness and toxicity. The
 then compared the existing products with environmentally sound
 The hospital ordered new equipment and supplies, created ten new mixing
 stations, renovated the storage spaces and began a comprehensive,
 hospital-wide education program. In one week, staff were educated,
 proficient and at ease with the new cleaning system and environmentally
 friendly products.

 The new products are just as effective as the old ones, but without
 potentially harmful chemicals. For instance, the hospital replaced its
 existing window cleaner with one that was free from fuming solvents such
 ammonia. They also switched to an all-purpose cleaner with no strong
 chlorine, phosphates, benzene or hazardous ingredients, as defined by the
 federal Occupation Safety and Health Administration. While such changes
 seem small, any reduction in hazardous materials will improve indoor air
 quality and make a big difference to patients who are already in a
 vulnerable state. Additionally, the waste and toxic reduction effort is
 expected to yield a 15 percent cost savings.

 The Greening the Cleaning program is an ongoing effort. Deidre Imus Center
 personnel are constantly monitoring the effectiveness of the program and
 assessing additional means of reducing toxics and waste. The center is
 striving to establish a model cleaning program for the healthcare industry
 as a whole.
 Back to Top

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSBubbler System for CS and Commentary

2002-01-29 Thread Marshall Jeffus

 Please consider the following discussion as coming from a limited background, 
based on what little I know about CS:  the quality of CS is not determined by 
ppm, but by particle size and purity.  Solution ppm shouldn't typically change, 
even over long term, as the silver can't just disappear.  However, it can 
clump into larger particles (due to cohesive forces), rendering it ineffective. 
 It can also combine molecularly with contaminants in the solvent (water) or 
the container, which makes a good case for using inert (glass) bottles.  Also, 
keep in mind due to light degradation.  Particle size can be tested, but not 
without cost.  
Btw does anyone know of an inexpensive particle size tester?  I think it's lab 
equipment, not a handheld like a TDS meter.
Would appreciate anyone who can either affirm or correct the above information.
  I Anderson wrote: I guess it's a case of what ever works for 
I have 10L of 3 year old CS, slight golden colour, that tests as
having the same concentration (22ppm) as the day it was made. And it
was made without any stirring at all, apart from the occasional hand
stirring during the 2.5 days it took to make it!


 -Original Message-
 From: Tel Tofflemire []
 Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2002 4:47 p.m.
 Subject: Re: CSBubbler System for CS and Commentary

 Brooks I have been using the fish tank bubblier, and
 sometimes a Alpine
 Ozone Gen. for Cs, and I knew in my deepest of my being it
 was ok...I tested
 it by making with bubblier and with out, I could plainly see
 by my necked
 eyes that bubbled CS was better, it doesn't loose PPM setting
 on the shelf,
 and it stayed clear or maybe just a faint bit light purple
 color, but on
 first look appears perfectly clear..white background reveals a tint
 purple. ..Thank you Brooke for taking the time...\
 Tel Tofflemire
 Phoenix, AZ

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions Great stuff seeking new owners! Bid now!

Re: CSInnocuous products (was Greening at Hackensack Pediatric Oncology)

2002-01-29 Thread Connie
I tried to find an email addy for Deidre Imus to communicate directly with
her. Could not find one, so emailed her hubby, the infamous Don Imus...
If I can get in direct contact with Deidre I will ask what substitutions
have been made.
I also want to connect her to the couple good websites with CS infoif
she does not already know about CS, I think she would be very receptive to
it use. 
Could be good for us to see Imus educated on the use of CS.

Imus was talking on his show this AM, about encouraging the Hackensack
hospital to be more forthcoming on their ''greening'' of their system. He
feels the public needs to be more aware of those changes, and how what they
have done has already made such a difference in the work force in the
condition of their hands, among other things.

The article I found was the only thing I could find in a search for
information on their changes.


 From: Russ Rosser
 Reply-To: Russ Rosser
 Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:40:28 -0600
 Subject: CSInnocuous products (was Greening at Hackensack Pediatric
 Resent-Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:41:55 -0800
 Does the article mention specific subustututes?  E.g.: Dr. Whittaker's
 Newsletter once reported that Stanford replaced some of its industrial
 cleaners with apple cider vinegar, finding it more effective against staph
 on surfaces (it's GOOD for skin, too)!  Dr, Hulda Clark suggested a Borax
 solution for most detergent needs.  Of course, baking soda + H2O3 replaces
 fluoridated toothpaste (which posts a poison control warning...BTW, the ADA
 now admits that fluoride may cause more harm than benefit!).  I just bought
 a gallon of Miracle 2 for shampoo  Others?
 - Original Message -
 From: Connie
 To: silver- list; CSCats -Dogs
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:50 AM
 Subject: CSGreening of Hackensack Pediatric Oncology
 The Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology at Hackensack
 University Medical Center
 President and CEO: John P. Ferguson
 Headquarters: Hackensack
 Founded: 1888
 NJ Employees: 7,000
 Business: Healthcare
 The Environmental Quality Award is presented to companies that have done
 outstanding work to preserve or enhance the quality of the natural
 environment in New Jersey.
 This spring, The Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology
 Hackensack University Medical Center revamped its massive hospital
 operation to reduce not only the toxicity in the cleaning chemicals, but
 also the quantity of chemicals and the waste generated. The program has
 dubbed Greening the Cleaning, the program is a coordinated effort with the
 Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology. The hospital
 strives to protect the natural environment as well as making the hospital
 safer for patients by reducing the amount of potentially harmful chemicals
 in the hospital environment.
 In a four-phase operation that involved hospital personnel from senior
 management to the environmental services staff, the hospital replaced 18
 its 22 cleaning products with safer, environmentally sound alternatives
 are just as effective. They also began buying cleaning materials in bulk,
 diluting them at the site to reduce the quantity and refilling the drums
 keep containers out of the waste stream.
 A multidisciplinary team began by inventorying all the cleaning products
 used at Hackensack and evaluating their effectiveness and toxicity. The
 then compared the existing products with environmentally sound
 The hospital ordered new equipment and supplies, created ten new mixing
 stations, renovated the storage spaces and began a comprehensive,
 hospital-wide education program. In one week, staff were educated,
 proficient and at ease with the new cleaning system and environmentally
 friendly products.
 The new products are just as effective as the old ones, but without
 potentially harmful chemicals. For instance, the hospital replaced its
 existing window cleaner with one that was free from fuming solvents such
 ammonia. They also switched to an all-purpose cleaner with no strong
 chlorine, phosphates, benzene or hazardous ingredients, as defined by the
 federal Occupation Safety and Health Administration. While such changes
 seem small, any reduction in hazardous materials will improve indoor air
 quality and make a big difference to patients who are already in a
 vulnerable state. Additionally, the waste and toxic reduction effort is
 expected to yield a 15 percent cost savings.
 The Greening the Cleaning program is an ongoing effort. Deidre Imus Center
 personnel are constantly monitoring the effectiveness of the program and
 assessing additional means of 

Re: CStopic for archinves

2002-01-29 Thread Tony Moody
Connie, try a Subject search for dog bites .  I searched for wound in the
body of the files I have saved and found them round about 20 Jan.

Connie wrote:
 I was looking for the posting that came in the last couple weeks on how
 someone had treated a deep cut.
 I was at a loss for what topic to enter in the archives search engine.
 Thought it was even in the last week or so...looked through the messages,
 could not find it, could someone help me out?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CStopic for archinves

2002-01-29 Thread Robert L. Cousins
Speaking of a deep cut..

I was fishing off the coast of Alaska a few years back when a hand caught a
fishhook heading over the side at about 8 knots. The circle hook caught his
trigger finger and ripped the meat off the inside all the way to the tip. He
had a shrimp looking appendage hanging on to the tip of his finger and
exposed bone/tissue to that.

Immediately, he unzipped, and you guessed it, urinated on his finger for a
full urine wash. He bound the flap back to where it had been all his life
and a week later he was fishing again with full use.

For deep cuts that I have received, however, I let it bleed and close them
with superglue. I have healed some great gaps this way. They leach a bit
through the glueline, and I have to add more from time to time, but always

Urine is sterile. BC
- Original Message -
From: Tony Moody
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: CStopic for archinves

 Connie, try a Subject search for dog bites .  I searched for wound in
 body of the files I have saved and found them round about 20 Jan.

 Connie wrote:
  I was looking for the posting that came in the last couple weeks on how
  someone had treated a deep cut.
  I was at a loss for what topic to enter in the archives search engine.
  Thought it was even in the last week or so...looked through the
  could not find it, could someone help me out?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSBubbler System for CS and Commentary

2002-01-29 Thread JJ
Hiya TJ,

For a quickie fix for air control try the following:

1) Bend the hose or tubing back on itself so a sharp 
   bend is formed.
2) Put a clothespin or rubber band or some type of 
   clamp across the doubled-back hoses near the bend 
   so that the sharp bend is maintained.  
3) Adjust the distance from the clamp to the bend for 
   the amount or air needed.

I find that 3 or 4 bubbles per second are all that is
needed to keep the DW liquid stirred well.  At this
level of agitation, no water bubbles out of my container.  


 -Original Message-
 From: TJ Garland []
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:46 AM
 Subject: Re: CSBubbler System for CS and Commentary
 OOPS!!  I have no shutoff valve. I have a simple pump, check 
 valve and hose. 
   I missed the valve in your setup.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CStopic for archinves

2002-01-29 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Re: Urine is sterile.   A caution to any who may think that means that
urine is always sterile.

Yes, normal healthy urine is sterile.  That is not true during genitourinary
tract infections [a common example is Neisseria Gonorrhoeae] and the
infective agent(s) can be transmitted via the urine to other organs of your
body [commonly: mouth, anus, eyes]  or to other people.  As with many
techniques that work great most of the time user attention is required.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

 -Original Message-
From:   Robert L. Cousins []
Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 4:44 PM
Subject:Re: CStopic for archinves

Speaking of a deep cut..

I was fishing off the coast of Alaska a few years back when a hand caught a
fishhook heading over the side at about 8 knots. The circle hook caught his
trigger finger and ripped the meat off the inside all the way to the tip. He
had a shrimp looking appendage hanging on to the tip of his finger and
exposed bone/tissue to that.

Immediately, he unzipped, and you guessed it, urinated on his finger for a
full urine wash. He bound the flap back to where it had been all his life
and a week later he was fishing again with full use.

For deep cuts that I have received, however, I let it bleed and close them
with superglue. I have healed some great gaps this way. They leach a bit
through the glueline, and I have to add more from time to time, but always

Urine is sterile. BC
- Original Message -
From: Tony Moody
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: CStopic for archinves

 Connie, try a Subject search for dog bites .  I searched for wound in
 body of the files I have saved and found them round about 20 Jan.

 Connie wrote:
  I was looking for the posting that came in the last couple weeks on how
  someone had treated a deep cut.
  I was at a loss for what topic to enter in the archives search engine.
  Thought it was even in the last week or so...looked through the
  could not find it, could someone help me out?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSairbrush - air compressor

2002-01-29 Thread Satchid
I think, that the DW in the generator is working as a wet air filter. In a
wet air filter the dirty air is blown trough a wet area. Then the dust that
is in the air sticks to the liquid and stays behind. Of course, there is not
s much dust in the little volume of air that is used for bubbling, and
the microbes and other living creatures in it will be destroyed in the CS,
but it is there. I suggest to put a filter between the compressor and the CS
gen. as I described in an earlier post. It is cost very little.


-Original Message-
From: Gaston []
Sent: woensdag 30 januari 2002 2:43
Subject: CSairbrush - air compressor

I have read that an air pump may cause contamination to the distilled water
when making CS. (others have commented that it is not the case). And I
tend to agree with these comments.

However, others have suggested using a small air compressor along with an
and I have never heard anybody commenting that CS could be contaminated, by
the air,
during this process...

Comments would be appreciated pls ?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSairbrush - air compressor

2002-01-29 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes

We already breathe too much oil daily.

Used oil less compressors may be found in surplus and on the web.  They are
used in dental and lab work.  Some lab vacuum pumps are oil less, and work
fine as a compressor when hooked up on the discharge side of the pump.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

 -Original Message-
From:   Gaston []
Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 6:43 PM
Subject:CSairbrush - air compressor

I have read that an air pump may cause contamination to the distilled water
when making CS. (others have commented that it is not the case). And I
tend to agree with these comments.

However, others have suggested using a small air compressor along with an
and I have never heard anybody commenting that CS could be contaminated, by
the air,
during this process...

Comments would be appreciated pls ?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSairbrush - air compressor

2002-01-29 Thread Gaston
I have read that an air pump may cause contamination to the distilled water 
when making CS. (others have commented that it is not the case). And I
tend to agree with these comments.

However, others have suggested using a small air compressor along with an 
and I have never heard anybody commenting that CS could be contaminated, by the 
during this process...

Comments would be appreciated pls ?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLorenzo's Oil

2002-01-29 Thread John A. Stanley
In article,
Marshall Dudley wrote:
Hit everyone,

Lorenzo;s oil was on AE the other day, and I watched it. I had never seen it
before.  Boy does it show the doctors as a bunch of buffoons!

Anyway, I found one part interesting.  The parents were wanting to use an
extract of rape seed oil in the formula.  The doctors said that the FDA would
never allow that since rape seed oil is known to be poisonous.  That really
caught my attention.  That the FDA would supposedly not allow it in a cure for
a disease because of it's toxicity, but will allow it to be put on the store
shelf labeled as canola oil for everyone to eat.

The rapeseed extract in Lorenzo's Oil is erucic acid. Canola oil is
from rapeseed developed to be very low in erucic acid which is why the
more technical name for canola oil is low erucic acid rapeseed oil.
However, I still think canola oil is evil. Olive oil, nut oils, and
butter are the lipids of choice in our household.

John A. Stanley

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CStopic for archinves

2002-01-29 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Well said, James.   Thoughtful comment!   One of the big weaknesses with
many alternative medical methods is that the potential dangers are not
clearly stated.   



James Osbourne, Holmes wrote:
 Re: Urine is sterile.   A caution to any who may think that means that
 urine is always sterile.
 Yes, normal healthy urine is sterile.  That is not true during genitourinary
 tract infections [a common example is Neisseria Gonorrhoeae] and the
 infective agent(s) can be transmitted via the urine to other organs of your
 body [commonly: mouth, anus, eyes]  or to other people.  As with many
 techniques that work great most of the time user attention is required.
 James-Osbourne: Holmes
  -Original Message-
 From:   Robert L. Cousins []
 Sent:   Tuesday, January 29, 2002 4:44 PM
 Subject:Re: CStopic for archinves
 Speaking of a deep cut..
 I was fishing off the coast of Alaska a few years back when a hand caught a
 fishhook heading over the side at about 8 knots. The circle hook caught his
 trigger finger and ripped the meat off the inside all the way to the tip. He
 had a shrimp looking appendage hanging on to the tip of his finger and
 exposed bone/tissue to that.
 Immediately, he unzipped, and you guessed it, urinated on his finger for a
 full urine wash. He bound the flap back to where it had been all his life
 and a week later he was fishing again with full use.
 For deep cuts that I have received, however, I let it bleed and close them
 with superglue. I have healed some great gaps this way. They leach a bit
 through the glueline, and I have to add more from time to time, but always
 Urine is sterile. BC
 - Original Message -
 From: Tony Moody
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:20 AM
 Subject: Re: CStopic for archinves
  Connie, try a Subject search for dog bites .  I searched for wound in
  body of the files I have saved and found them round about 20 Jan.
  Connie wrote:
   I was looking for the posting that came in the last couple weeks on how
   someone had treated a deep cut.
   I was at a loss for what topic to enter in the archives search engine.
   Thought it was even in the last week or so...looked through the
   could not find it, could someone help me out?
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  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLorenzo's Oil

2002-01-29 Thread Marshall Dudley
John A. Stanley wrote:

 The rapeseed extract in Lorenzo's Oil is erucic acid. Canola oil is
 from rapeseed developed to be very low in erucic acid which is why the
 more technical name for canola oil is low erucic acid rapeseed oil.
 However, I still think canola oil is evil. Olive oil, nut oils, and
 butter are the lipids of choice in our household.

The specification is less than 2%.  I don't consider that very low, but it is
certainly much lower than normal rape seed.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBetr.: CSHealthy vs unhealthy oils

2002-01-29 Thread Joseph Fritz

At 09:53 AM 1/9/02 +0100, you wrote:

Hello Terry and other members.
I think your two cents correct but I have still a question on high blood 
pressure. What is the best way to handle high blood pressure? My best 
friend 49 years old was until a year ago a very healthy person. Then he 
started feeling not so good sometimes blurred sight on his right eye, high 
blood (185 over 115). After long discussions with his house-doctor he was 
allowed to go to the hospital. He's had several investigation but nothing 
was found. Conclusion there's nothing wrong with you. Now he get 
medication (antical) for high blood pressure. This makes him not feel good 
and he's worrying to death. Please what's your advice?

thanks from me and my friend


My dad had a similar prob he did aerobics several hours 3+ times a week 
when he stopped for a while his blood pressure did something similar the 
meds his doc gave him lowered his bp to normal but also lowered his pulse 
to 30-40 bests a min he started exercizeing again and stoped the meds and 
was fine I would say try being more active

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSChecking..JUst Ignore..

2002-01-29 Thread Grant
Just checking to see if this goes through..
Strange no msgs tonight..

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2002-01-29 Thread Bob Bartell
Hi DJG (Whoever you are),

Knew Dr. Stanley Jacob in Oregon a number of years ago when he was
embroiled in that mess with DMSO and MSM and the thieves of Dunsmuir
Corp..  He was head of the Department of Surgery at Oregon Health
Sciences University in Portland.  Fine man.  As a research scientist he
had many papers published in leading medical journals and was so well
thought of by people in the Portland Metro area that it wouldn't be far
fetched to use the word beloved.  A real good guy.  Lost all respect
for the FDA and their goon squads over that squabble.  They finally
pressured the University to get him to toe the official line or lose his
job.  So much for ethics and morality.  It's a wonder he has anything up
on his web site.. He's got lotsa moxie but still has to tread lightly.
Namaste:   Bob Bartell


-Original Message-
From: DJG [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 12:04 AM
Subject: CSDMSO


  I don't know if anyone posted this, but is the home of
the father of DMSO, Dr. Stanley Jacob. He was mercilously attacked for
decades, and DMSO was banned for a time. If his authority is in doubt,
check his bio. 

  I curiously noted what appears to be missing from his website now is
the precise use of DMSO for laymen; simple instructions for the proper
application. His website has changed from a few years so it may be
there, but I couldn't find it. It's been a while, but it seems if you
use 99.99% pure DMSO, it must be diluted with DW. Keep in mind that DMSO
will carry through the skin whatever is mixed with it, to an extent.

  Also, a friend of mine (a retired bio-physicist) gave me a machine
called the Ionotron he developed in the 1970's and 1980's. It is based
on Iontophoresis, however went way beyond what IP is used for today.
It's quite amazing as he explained it. His research and clinical use
showed he could cure ear infections in 15 minutes, and accelerated
healing 20-30 times, plus numerous other uses. One in particular was
eliminating skin cancer very rapidly (minutes) using retinoic acid if
memory serves me. I have many of his papers, but haven't done much with
it. The FDA badgered him, and subsequently the project was cancelled
after he put up 500k of his own money. I bought two platinum plated
titanium electrodes to experiment with it, however have misplaced them
at the moment. I noticed another device called Electro-Regenesis claimed
this effect, however the website is gone and I haven't been able to find
any new information. They were applying for FDA approval. If anyone is
interested in my machine, I'd like to discuss it with you, especially if
you are knowledgeable in electro-medical devices and/or chemistry
related to medicine. My friend has given me permission to do what I wish
with the machine, but he will remain anonymous unless I'm told




CSTake a break and enjoy a look at this

2002-01-29 Thread Bob Bartell
This is a special treat for all of you great guys and gals who
contribute to this list.

Click on this right now and enjoy a short break from your concerns.

Namaste:Bob Bartell

Re: CSFwd: e mails with Quackwatch

2002-01-29 Thread DJG
Well, I wasn't that bad, and didn't bother saving the volley.
  My father died on April 26, 2001. When he was admitted in March 2001 to
the hospital he was taking 2 meds, and those were minimal (the story is long
since this all started in March 1999, but will not go into detail). By the
time he died, he was on 13 different drugs, contracted MRSA (actually was
Vancomycin resistant as well), and when I saw the bag of Vancomycin, I knew
his days were numbered. It literally destroyed his kidneys, eyes and liver.
I was powerless though I had 3 meetings with the hospital staff, arguing
with 3 doctors and the nurses. I must say they are the most arrogant,
condescending _(fill it in). If I had done what I
wanted, they would have evicted my dad. The hospitals don't like to see me
around. In fact, they don't want anyone there who's halfway informed.
  I am very bitter toward our current system of medicine as I witnessed the
legal killing of my dad. That may sound radical, but there's no other words
for it. He was killed by a system that forces the use of very toxic
chemicals that are lethal to especially the elderly. If lawsuits were based
on drugs having lethal effects, our courts would be backlogged for years. If
the drugs are used in accordance with the FDA approved procedure, you can't
blame the hospital. His death certificate said he died of
respiratory/cardiac failure. That is a fraudulent stated cause of death.
They sedated him with Haldon, Morphine and one other that slips my mind at
the moment, and poisoned him. We warned them that antibiotics and any
sedative drugs would shut him down. They ignored us.
  We also said the sedation would affect his autonomic system and prevent
him from breathing as we had this experience in 1999. They ignored us.
  We said Vancomycin was horrendously toxic to him. They said it was being
monitored...the only thing they were monitoring was his death. I
contacted three medical friends of mine who agreed. His symptoms were
typical of Vancomycin side effects of the worst case.
  It was a nightmare, and I will never forgive them for what they did to my
dad. It was so bad they wouldn't allow me to review his records, so I had to
contact my attorney. It seemed so illogical to me anyway to give abx via IV
when the lungs were where the infection was. I asked if I could use GSE and
CS (via nebulizer). I was refused. Beware! Have a trusted family member or
friend nearby at all times to watch your loved one in the hospital, and keep
close track of everything the hospital does. The fact is they want to keep
patients drugged up so they don't have to watch them. In my dad's case, we
said the reason he was so uncooperative (unknowingly) was BECAUSE of the
drugs and requested he be taken off them. Yet, they refused as they said he
needed them to relax. It was downhill from that point on. He was a
vegetable, but we convinced his doctor to have a meeting with the
pulminologist (who claimed Dad was brain dead) and to take him off the
sedation for a few days. They did and he came around, his brain was fine.
However, the nurses were given permission to sedate him should he become
agitated. To them, agitated means they have to do their job. And so it went.
  ICU is not what it used to be years ago. Now, they drug you and let
machines monitor you. I've said enough. I am angry. Thank you for allowing
me to post this. The bottom line is, the first night there he was writing us
notes asking us where he was etc. By the third night he was a drugged out
vegetable. It's painful for me to continue, so I'll stop here. Don't let
them push you around folks.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSThe O-T List

2002-01-29 Thread Bob Bartell
Pt! Wayne!
Keep it quiet  we're sneaking them back over here!  I know! I know!
Mike is going to get us..!
Namaste:  Bob Bartell

-Original Message-
From: Wayne Fugitt [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:16 AM
To: *Silver-List* (E-mail)
Subject: CSThe O-T List

What happened to the O-T list?

I have not had a single message in several days?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLorenzo's Oil

2002-01-29 Thread DJG
  Don't forget Flaxoil, sesame seed oil and coconut oil!!
- Original Message -
From: John A. Stanley
Newsgroups: list.silver
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: CSLorenzo's Oil

 In article,
 Marshall Dudley wrote:
 Hit everyone,
 Lorenzo;s oil was on AE the other day, and I watched it. I had never
seen it
 before.  Boy does it show the doctors as a bunch of buffoons!
 Anyway, I found one part interesting.  The parents were wanting to use an
 extract of rape seed oil in the formula.  The doctors said that the FDA
 never allow that since rape seed oil is known to be poisonous.  That
 caught my attention.  That the FDA would supposedly not allow it in a
cure for
 a disease because of it's toxicity, but will allow it to be put on the
 shelf labeled as canola oil for everyone to eat.

 The rapeseed extract in Lorenzo's Oil is erucic acid. Canola oil is
 from rapeseed developed to be very low in erucic acid which is why the
 more technical name for canola oil is low erucic acid rapeseed oil.
 However, I still think canola oil is evil. Olive oil, nut oils, and
 butter are the lipids of choice in our household.

 John A. Stanley

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 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSFW: New items appearing in your saved search - colloidal silver

2002-01-29 Thread Bob Bartell

I am ROTFLMAO --- Yankee Ingenuity defeats the FDA!  Good Post!
Namaste:  Bob Bartell

-Original Message-
From: Connie [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:37 AM
To: silver- list
Subject: CSFW: New items appearing in your saved search - colloidal

thought some would like to look at these (and laugh)
can't sell CS on ebay, so selling information on the benefits of...

Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 22:49:55 PST
Subject: New items appearing in your saved search - colloidal silver


Good news! New items have been found at eBay in your favorite search

Keywords: colloidal silver

Here are the most recent new listings since we last emailed you.
Please click on any of the URLs to see what we have found for you.

Item #: 1697504316
Title:  Colloidal Silver Benefits Information Pak
Price:  $0.01
Bids:   0
Starts: Jan-28-02 13:54:58 PST

Item #: 1697498436
Title:  Colloidal Silver Info Pak
Price:  $0.01
Bids:   0
Starts: Jan-28-02 13:40:49 PST

Item #: 1697494863
Title:  THIS BOOK MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE_Colloidal Silver
Price:  $0.01
Bids:   3
Starts: Jan-28-02 13:32:42 PST

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSGreening of Hackensack Pediatric Oncology

2002-01-29 Thread Bob Bartell
Dear Connie, 
A step in the right direction for a change.  Good Post! Thanks for your
contributions.  Namaste:  Bob Bartell

-Original Message-
From: Connie [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 9:51 AM
To: silver- list; CSCats -Dogs
Subject: CSGreening of Hackensack Pediatric Oncology

The Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology at
University Medical Center
President and CEO: John P. Ferguson
Headquarters: Hackensack
Founded: 1888 
NJ Employees: 7,000
Business: Healthcare
The Environmental Quality Award is presented to companies that have done
outstanding work to preserve or enhance the quality of the natural
environment in New Jersey.

This spring, The Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology
Hackensack University Medical Center revamped its massive hospital
operation to reduce not only the toxicity in the cleaning chemicals, but
also the quantity of chemicals and the waste generated. The program has
dubbed Greening the Cleaning, the program is a coordinated effort with
Deidre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology. The hospital
strives to protect the natural environment as well as making the
safer for patients by reducing the amount of potentially harmful
in the hospital environment.

In a four-phase operation that involved hospital personnel from senior
management to the environmental services staff, the hospital replaced 18
its 22 cleaning products with safer, environmentally sound alternatives
are just as effective. They also began buying cleaning materials in
diluting them at the site to reduce the quantity and refilling the drums
keep containers out of the waste stream.

A multidisciplinary team began by inventorying all the cleaning products
used at Hackensack and evaluating their effectiveness and toxicity. The
then compared the existing products with environmentally sound
The hospital ordered new equipment and supplies, created ten new mixing
stations, renovated the storage spaces and began a comprehensive,
hospital-wide education program. In one week, staff were educated,
proficient and at ease with the new cleaning system and environmentally
friendly products. 

The new products are just as effective as the old ones, but without
potentially harmful chemicals. For instance, the hospital replaced its
existing window cleaner with one that was free from fuming solvents such
ammonia. They also switched to an all-purpose cleaner with no strong
chlorine, phosphates, benzene or hazardous ingredients, as defined by
federal Occupation Safety and Health Administration. While such changes
seem small, any reduction in hazardous materials will improve indoor air
quality and make a big difference to patients who are already in a
vulnerable state. Additionally, the waste and toxic reduction effort is
expected to yield a 15 percent cost savings.

The Greening the Cleaning program is an ongoing effort. Deidre Imus
personnel are constantly monitoring the effectiveness of the program and
assessing additional means of reducing toxics and waste. The center is
striving to establish a model cleaning program for the healthcare
as a whole. 
Back to Top

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFwd: e mails with Quackwatch

2002-01-29 Thread Maxine Wilton
The State rules and regulations in Wash in 1973 killed my dad ina nursing
So I know what you mean here.
 I told them to call Dr on Thurs when i saw him  and they waited till Sunday
when he was out of his mind.
They called me in Am anfd i went to the nursing home and waited alll day as
they said they couldn't get a hold of the Dr. and had to wait before they
could send him to the hospital.
 By abt 7 PM he got to hospital.  By Thurs at abt 10;30 A M he was dead.
The State guys came around and my dad had some vitamins with a order  that
he had to have 1 in A M and 1 in P M.
It didn't have a prescription label on and they threw it away.  Said the
orders from the Dr wasn't enough . Had to have a prescription label.
These vit's kept him from lung infection.
 When they were thrown away the nursing home never called me or told me so
he went abt 6 weeks without them.
He got phnemonia and they doctored him them selves and never called any Dr.
untill,  Sun am   when they called me.
Those nursing homes are ziltch also.
I wished I had taken him out of the nursing home Sun Am or had taken him to
Dr myself the day i tolf them to call Dr.
State of Wash killed my father.

-Original Message-
From: DJG
Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 9:45 PM
Subject: Re: CSFwd: e mails with Quackwatch

Well, I wasn't that bad, and didn't bother saving the volley.
  My father died on April 26, 2001. When he was admitted in March 2001 to
the hospital he was taking 2 meds, and those were minimal (the story is
since this all started in March 1999, but will not go into detail). By the
time he died, he was on 13 different drugs, contracted MRSA (actually was
Vancomycin resistant as well), and when I saw the bag of Vancomycin, I knew
his days were numbered. It literally destroyed his kidneys, eyes and liver.
I was powerless though I had 3 meetings with the hospital staff, arguing
with 3 doctors and the nurses. I must say they are the most arrogant,
condescending _(fill it in). If I had done what I
wanted, they would have evicted my dad. The hospitals don't like to see me
around. In fact, they don't want anyone there who's halfway informed.
  I am very bitter toward our current system of medicine as I witnessed the
legal killing of my dad. That may sound radical, but there's no other words
for it. He was killed by a system that forces the use of very toxic
chemicals that are lethal to especially the elderly. If lawsuits were based
on drugs having lethal effects, our courts would be backlogged for years.
the drugs are used in accordance with the FDA approved procedure, you can't
blame the hospital. His death certificate said he died of
respiratory/cardiac failure. That is a fraudulent stated cause of death.
They sedated him with Haldon, Morphine and one other that slips my mind at
the moment, and poisoned him. We warned them that antibiotics and any
sedative drugs would shut him down. They ignored us.
  We also said the sedation would affect his autonomic system and prevent
him from breathing as we had this experience in 1999. They ignored us.
  We said Vancomycin was horrendously toxic to him. They said it was being
monitored...the only thing they were monitoring was his death. I
contacted three medical friends of mine who agreed. His symptoms were
typical of Vancomycin side effects of the worst case.
  It was a nightmare, and I will never forgive them for what they did to my
dad. It was so bad they wouldn't allow me to review his records, so I had
contact my attorney. It seemed so illogical to me anyway to give abx via IV
when the lungs were where the infection was. I asked if I could use GSE and
CS (via nebulizer). I was refused. Beware! Have a trusted family member or
friend nearby at all times to watch your loved one in the hospital, and
close track of everything the hospital does. The fact is they want to keep
patients drugged up so they don't have to watch them. In my dad's case, we
said the reason he was so uncooperative (unknowingly) was BECAUSE of the
drugs and requested he be taken off them. Yet, they refused as they said he
needed them to relax. It was downhill from that point on. He was a
vegetable, but we convinced his doctor to have a meeting with the
pulminologist (who claimed Dad was brain dead) and to take him off the
sedation for a few days. They did and he came around, his brain was fine.
However, the nurses were given permission to sedate him should he become
agitated. To them, agitated means they have to do their job. And so it
  ICU is not what it used to be years ago. Now, they drug you and let
machines monitor you. I've said enough. I am angry. Thank you for allowing
me to post this. The bottom line is, the first night there he was writing
notes asking us where he was etc. By the third night he was a drugged out
vegetable. It's painful for me to continue, so I'll stop here. Don't let

RE: CSFwd: e mails with Quackwatch

2002-01-29 Thread Bob Bartell
Hey TJ,
A total waste of time on this man.  Forget it! He's immune!  Put your
time to more productive use.  The record stands and he's been
eviscerated by it!
Let's go on to something else.
Namaste:  Bob Bartell

-Original Message-
From: TJ Garland [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:34 AM
Subject: CSFwd: e mails with Quackwatch

From: T. J. Garland
Subject: e mails with Quackwatch
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 11:02:05 -0500

E-mail between me and Barrett

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: ignorance
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 10:44:52 -0500
From: T. J. Garland
To: Stephen Barrett, M.D.

It is of interest to me because stupid, over-medicating allopaths
both my parents 2 years ago. They tried to kill me 5 years ago with
drugs. I got smart and went on a nutritional diet (Hallelujah Acres).
and was healed easily and cheaply. I have asked dozens of allopaths
since then about nutrition, at Chamber of Commerce meetings, political
events, fundraisers, etc. and not a ONE recommended a diet change for
prevention or cure of disease. Even the AMA says that allopaths killed
~200,000 patients last year. Why is that not on your site?   Have you
read LETHAL MEDICINE by Harvey Wachsman, MD?  I am a a chemist by
education. I understand body chemistry. I know what synthetic drugs do
to the liver and kidneys.
 I could tell you a hundred horror stories about allopathic
medicine- concerning friends and relatives. I have not the time-besides
you know many more yourself. Dozens of health professionals agree that
the reason for better health in the US
today is not based on medical
advances but better sanitation procedures- as indoor toilets.
  I have a question for you:  Is autouropathy a useful therapy?

Stephen Barrett, M.D. wrote:

This site is the biggest scam I have ever seen. You and your drug
manuf. bosses are the biggest bunch of lying SOB's I have seen.

I have no monetary relationship with any drug company. Your accusation
makes as much sense as me accusing you of being funded by a vitamin

May you get terminal  prostate cancer  and have to  rely solely
on all  those allopathic medicines you love so much. You are
an ignorant whore of the allopaths. The sad part is thousands of
people might actually believe this crap you put out. Though,  I guess
could be called natural selection. TJ Garland

What's your background? Why is this of interest to you?


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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFW: New items appearing in your saved search - colloidal silver

2002-01-29 Thread Maxine Wilton
hello   Bob,
 Will you tell em where and what is the best silver to buy for Wm to use as
he is in process of buying the rest of what he needs to make the CS machine
so I can get some CS  and see if it will get rid of this 14 months of  Pain
in my face, chin, ear  teeth etc. from Sghingles last Jan 1 2001.
I told him if he didn't get on it I was buying a qt of antifreeze and next
time i have a bad pain spell I was drinking it all.
 I will get rid of it  soon or else for good.
I am sicker than sick of this pain.   Nothing as Horrible.
 I realy should go ring the guy's neck that brought his chicken pox teen age
kid to that 2000 X mas dinner. we were invited  to and went.   We don't go
to any invited things now.
 He even caused his own parents  to suffer and they got CS and took about 3
sessions of it and got rid of their pain a bout 6 weeks ago.
Now it's past,   past   my time.   I know God didn't even give Old Satan
power to have that kind of pain in H_. I am sure.
 Our friends  bought a gal of  CS paid 175.00 for it.   Rip off.  I don't
have any money  like that.
I have KT and Kefir as well which have helped with   other things I don't
have money to buy the drugs for..
So I am better off without them and will have CS soon.
 They have my  high Blood Pr. under control better than the Zestral. and I
finialy got muy digestive tract back on a daily basis.

-Original Message-
From: Bob Bartell
Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 10:01 PM
Subject: RE: CSFW: New items appearing in your saved search - colloidal


I am ROTFLMAO --- Yankee Ingenuity defeats the FDA!  Good Post!
Namaste:  Bob Bartell

-Original Message-
From: Connie []
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:37 AM
To: silver- list
Subject: CSFW: New items appearing in your saved search - colloidal

thought some would like to look at these (and laugh)
can't sell CS on ebay, so selling information on the benefits of...

Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 22:49:55 PST
Subject: New items appearing in your saved search - colloidal silver


Good news! New items have been found at eBay in your favorite search

Keywords: colloidal silver

Here are the most recent new listings since we last emailed you.
Please click on any of the URLs to see what we have found for you.

Item #: 1697504316
Title:  Colloidal Silver Benefits Information Pak
Price:  $0.01
Bids:   0
Starts: Jan-28-02 13:54:58 PST

Item #: 1697498436
Title:  Colloidal Silver Info Pak
Price:  $0.01
Bids:   0
Starts: Jan-28-02 13:40:49 PST

Item #: 1697494863
Title:  THIS BOOK MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE_Colloidal Silver
Price:  $0.01
Bids:   3
Starts: Jan-28-02 13:32:42 PST

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour


2002-01-29 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 00:03:35 -0500, DJG wrote:

  Also, a friend of mine (a retired bio-physicist) gave me a machine called 
 the Ionotron he developed in the 1970's and 1980's. It is based on 
 Iontophoresis, however went way beyond what IP is used for today. It's quite 
 amazing as he explained it. His research and clinical use showed he could 
 cure ear infections in 15 minutes, and accelerated healing 20-30 times, plus 
 numerous other uses. 

If anyone is interested in my
machine, I'd like to discuss it with you, especially if you are knowledgeable 
in electro-medical devices and/or chemistry related to medicine. My friend has 
given me permission to do what I wish with the machine, but he will remain 
anonymous unless I'm told otherwise.

Could you describe it?  Can you measure the voltage/current (and pulse
frequency and shape, if it's a pulsed unit)?  What kind of electrodes
are used (I noted that one WWW site suggests using silver or silver
chloride electrodes with their iontophoresis machine -- hmm).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour


2002-01-29 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 00:03:35 -0500, DJG wrote:

If anyone is interested in my
machine, I'd like to discuss it with you, especially if you are knowledgeable 
in electro-medical devices and/or chemistry related to medicine. My friend has 
given me permission to do what I wish with the machine, but he will remain 
anonymous unless I'm told otherwise.

Oh -- that WWW site is:

On that site they say: (3)Treatment times greater than 10 minutes
are not likely to achieve any greater tissue concentrations due to the
removal of the medication by circulation.

Isn't that what some people might want?  To get some medication into
the blood stream?

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour