Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread Catherine Creel

A virus-induced molecular mimicry model of multiple sclerosis 

Full text

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2002-02-27 Thread Wong111
Dear Brooks

I am not a researcher but if I may, I would like the dosage protocol you 

Here is some information from another list you may be interested in: 
suggested dosage to be taken 3 times a day.
ALC  500mg
ALA  250mg
COQ10  80 mg

Costing based on Beyond A Century prices $1.82 per day.


In a message dated 02/26/2002 7:40:45 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> I have noticed that there has been,
> quite recently, some interesting
> references to possible benefits from using alpha lipoic acid and
> combination.  The latest comments originate
> from the Linus Pauling Institute.
> Their claim is for an order of magnitude increase in
> effectivity..over either substance ingested alone.  I was VERY
> interested in their commentssince we have prosecuted a series of
> mammal-based evaluations..using these very subsances in concert.
> Our results trackvery closelythose claimed by this Institute.
> We did not deem it necessary to undergo the expense of "Blind Studies"
> for such an exploratory-type investigation;  we, none-the-less, have a
> substantive confidence there IS merit to this protocol.  Through varying
> the proportions of the two compounds, we have arrived at a tentative
> assumption that-alpha lipoic acid is the most powerful progenitor in
> the combinationand is more powerful in results when combined with
> much smaller portions of acetyl-l-carnitine-than when the reverse
> conditions are manifest.
> The principal reason for our original interest was based
> upon our pronounced interest in addressing the challenges of
> "age-related" insults presenting in humans and other higher mammals.
>   I am, at present, discussing the adviseability of
> mentioning the dosage protocols we found to be most efficacious.  If I
> can obtain the proper legal assurances, I will.most probablypost
> a synopsis of our results to the list.
>Meantime, I would encourage the membership to
> conductat least---a literature search on this protocol.  Such is
> ESPECIALLY recommended for older researchers suffering from a lowered
> metabolic level and/or cognition-related challengesmost especially
> compromises in clearness of thought and ability to maintain a coherent
> thought pattern.
> Researchers in SERIOUS straits may contact me off-line
> for a more extended explanation.  Please, no "FISHING
> EXPEDITIONS".while healthy, my total energies are limited-I do
> wish to utilize them to best advantage.
> Sincerely,  Brooks
> Bradley.
> --


2002-02-27 Thread Shirley Reed
 Is there any good reason not to try a zapper?  I
don't have ms, but my zapper has sure done me a lot of
good for I don't know what all.  I am using a Don
Croft model.   pj

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Re: CS>Mesosilver

2002-02-27 Thread Ian Roe
Taking the higher ppm is not a waste.  I just take less of it.  Some people 
take 2-4 oz of 5ppm per day.  With 32ppm, I am able to take 2-4 teaspoons per 
day - so a bottle lasts longer for myself as well as the people I give it to.  
IF anything, it costs less because I have to purchase my distilled water.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ted Windsor 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 9:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Mesosilver

  3% to 5% CS is all I have ever used, over 20% is a total waste, I have lots 
of happy people that this CS has worked for. 
  Ian Roe wrote: 

Well, this mesosilver sounds real good on paper and the graphs that can be 
drawn are impressive.  I understand the cost of producing it is higher, so the 
made with MesoProcesss?

Re: CS>ms

2002-02-27 Thread MikeJonny3
WHAT is a zapper???

Re: CS>ms

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Is there any good reason not to try a zapper?  I
> don't have ms, but my zapper has sure done me a lot of
> good for I don't know what all.  I am using a Don
> Croft model.   pj

I`ve been thinking about it. Where does one get a Zapper?

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Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Not necessarily. Many pathogens can hide in secluded places wreaking their 

  CS is supposed to go anywhere to get the bugs. It can`t reverse nerve damage 

Were were screened for chlamydial infection? HHV-6? If they didn't extract 
it from cerebrospinal fluid, how can they know for certain? 
  No, I`m just starting the testing.
Do you have a history of infectious mononucleosis (Epstein Barr)? Did you 
have mumps or measles after age 15?
  No There are others.
  Now, as far as CS goes, the size of a virus ranges from 22 nm up to and over 
90 nm. I must admit I'm not an expert on the efficacy of CS against viruses, 
but common sense would tell me if the CS size is not optimal in relation to the 
intended target, it will not work. 
If it were me, I would not sacrifice my body to the Priesthood of medicine. 
I would go outside the accepted/approved "norm" if I in fact I was dx with MS. 
Be prepared to be excoriated by your doctor should you do this. Unless you want 
to be pumped full of drugs and live in misery the rest of your life, you may 
want to investigate this further.

  I know, My sister is a case in point...none of her doctor`s suggestions have 
helped her, but the CS I suggested has!
  my 2 cents
Have your heard of UVBI?

  I just began taking cod liver oil, and am noticing improvements with it. 
Could be the Vitamin A and D were too low.
  Thanks for the 2 Cents!!

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin to try 
for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any knowledge or 
experience, good or bad with this stuff??
I hesitate to take stuff like that...

RE: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread Heather King (LCA)
Hi Marshalee,


I don't know about specific supplements for either, but I do know that
diet figures VERY prominently in living with either condition. Limiting
(or eliminating) sugar & aspartame, as well as all high-glycemic-index
foods (potatoes, rice, beans, beets) will at least ease some of the
discomfort of MS & make the diabetes (if Type II) very manageable. A
Friend of mine was diagnosed with both last year & when she changed her
eating habits to this mode, she found she had very few symptoms and lost
weight too. She is working with her doc to adjust medications (I don't
know what...he's an MD, but practicing as an integrated Naturopath/MD),
but she looks great & we walk a mile every day at lunch together. 


Sorry I don't have more information...




-Original Message-
From: Marshalee Hallett [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS


Dear List, I`m finding out about diabetes and possible MS right now.

Anyone out there have any words of knowledge for me??



PS, My GTT numbers were 90 FBS and 160  2 hours after the nasty sweet

I`ll be having more blood work and possibly an MRI soon.


I`d rather have stage 4 liver cancer than MS, much quicker...

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-02-27 Thread Catherine Creel

  Do NOT take the Wellbutrin.  Very shortly, this stuff is going to be
from the market.

  Do not take any SSRI or SNRI-type drug you are offered.  They all can
cause permanent structural changes in the brain that cause people to never
be able to be off them and function as they once did.  Tricyclic
are harder on the body, but do not cause permanent damage.

  There are a number of stories about people being prescribed Zyban
for people who wish to quit smoking) and experiencing debilitationg side
effects that
are long-lasting.

  Go to

 If you are feeling depressed, it is far better to look at making
in food (to whole foods), and taking something like gingko biloba to
SAFELY boost your energy.  St. John's Wort has been shown to be
effective against mild to moderate depression in a number of clinical trials
It has been prescribed in Europe for over 25 years as a "first line of
drug for depression.

  If tyou need any more info, please contact me.  This is my field of


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ms

2002-02-27 Thread Marlene Hanson
For zapping to kill certain pathogens.  More information at  
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: CS>ms
WHAT is a zapper???  

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-02-27 Thread Maxine Wilton

My Spouce has ADD. Dr gave him that and he couldn't take it.  She then gave him 
  REMRON,  a realative new drug at the time and he has been able to take that . 
He takes it before going to bed, Comes in 15 mg's or 30 mg's.. he knows by 
himself if he needs the 15's or  30's, been on it for about 4 yrs now.  once in 
a while he skips it. It does let you sleep for abt 10 hrs.   What will work for 
one person may not work for another.
 He was a trained (colege) Chemist s  so knows a lot about different drugs etc.
He takes Methalyn days as the Remron will make you want to sleep more at least 
for him.
 The Methalyn  is a form of  Ritalyn.(in).
 If the depression is from something going on in life that is temporary  I 
would want something else or try to eliminate the problem causing..
   Busy yourself in some new interest etc.
Original Message-
From: Marshalee Hallett 
Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin to 
try for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any knowledge or 
experience, good or bad with this stuff??
I hesitate to take stuff like that...

Re: CS>ms

2002-02-27 Thread Catherine Creel

  If you're looking for electrical devices that have some efficacy look at
and Beck products.  The Zapper is over-hyped and cannot even begin
to touch most pathogens.

   I would imagine we have a scientist or two here that can expound on this.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS : solution

2002-02-27 Thread Duncan Crow
Hi Marshalee;

Diabetes is only a disorder and can easily be stopped. MS is primarily lipid
peroxidation, regardless of whether it's caused by mycoplasma, HHV, mercury,
aluminum, etc...doesn't matter.

Contact me privately for details.

The gist of the peer-reviewed information is that Methylation will help the
myelin sheaths regrow, and antioxidant therapy including especially
glutathione precursor Immunocal/HMS-90, will stop the disease from
progressing. The Immunocal helps your body chuck any (myelin-damaging)metals
and will help your immune system and cells to resist invasion by mycoplasma
and HHV, and whatever. It will reduce inflammation both directly and
indirectly and also help eliminate toxins currently in your system.

Regardless of your electronic, CS, or Rife therapies you may employ, this is
the simple base on which to build a successful MS program.

On the diabetes, I have several hints some of which overlap with the MS
therapy, gleaned from a quick romp through peer-reviewed data. (Many MDs
believe diabetes is a chromium/vanadium deficiency).

  A simple chromium deficiency results in an increased need for insulin. And
excess insulin, such as is seen in many cases of type 2 diabetes, can in
turn cause a chromium deficiency. The bottom line is that chromium may be
useful for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

  In a study involving 180 type-II diabetics, the volunteers getting a total
of 1000 mcg -or one milligram (mg)- of chromium daily improved significantly
compared to the placebo group after only two months. By the end of four
months, their average hemoglobin A(ic) was 6.6 percent compared to 8.5 for
the placebo group. A normal level is usually less than 6.2 percent.  The
low-chromium group getting 200 mcg daily ended the study with a hemoglobin
A(ic) level of 7.5 percent, also significantly below the placebo group. But
there was no significant difference in blood glucose between the
low-chromium and placebo groups. In the high-chromium group, however, blood
glucose after an overnight fast was down to 129 mg/dL versus 160 mg/dL in
the placebo group. And it averaged 190 mg/dL two hours after eating a meal
versus 223 mg/dL in the placebo group. In nondiabetic people, blood glucose
is around 100 mg/dL after fasting and 120 mg/dL after a meal, said Lois
Jovanovic-Peterson, a physician specializing in diabetes and a senior
scientist at the Sansum Medical Research Foundation in Santa Barbara, Calif.

  In addition to improvements in blood glucose, the high-chromium group had
a significant drop in total cholesterol. And both the high- and low-chromium
groups had a significant drop in plasma insulin just two months after
beginning the supplements and a further drop at four months. 1,000 mcg daily
is on the high side, however, and may present safety concerns.

  Chromium is available in a number of forms, some of which are better
absorbed than others. Chromium citrate is well absorbed, while chromium
chloride is not. Take chromium and vanadium sulphate together for best
results. They aid insulin in getting sugar into the cell, which lowers blood
sugar levels.

  The Islets of Langerhans produce insulin in the pancreas. The Islets can
be regenerated using the sweet herb Gymnema Sylvestre,  available in health
food stores. Gymnema Sylvestre also reduces your craving for carbohydrates,
especially sugars. Many people cannot control their carbohydrate cravings
and remain overweight even though they follow an otherwise prudent diet.
Fiber from chitosan, pectin, guar gum, and psyllium husk works by absorbing
some of the dietary fat that is normally absorbed into your blood stream.

  Dr. Batmanghelidj's book, Your Body's Many Cries For Water, deals with
diabetes & its cellular causes, which involve not drinking enough water, or
not taking salt with it, lack of exercise & why that is important to getting
tryptophan across the blood-brain barrier, how tryptophan helps regulate
cellular water transfer, etc. Tryptophan is not only the precursor to four
of the most important neurotransmitters, it is critically involved in
cellular hydration balance. If you are on antidepressants or tranquilizers
you are assumed to be serotonin deficient, which means you are tryptophan

  Finally, you've got to stop using unsaturated oils, especially
polyunsaturates except for a LITTLE for omega-3 EFAs. Use coconut oil, palm
oil, butter and lard. Coconut oil drops triglycerides 15% while canola
raises them 47%. Coconut oil clients invariably lose weight; canola, corn
and soy users invariably gain.



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Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread Dave Darrin

It sounds to me like your lyme disease has flared up as the symptoms are 
the same.
I've had lyme for forty some years and assure you that you never kill it 
completely. It hides in dryer tissues such as the lymph system and 
flares up with a trauma or some other unknown reason.
My lyme was cured so I thought, for the last two years. A month and a 
half ago I bumped my knee against some concrete. Not hard enough to 
cause a bruise, only made it a little sore. I went ahead and had my 
seven mile bicycle ride for the day. Later that day my knee started to 
swell to about triple normal size.
When that happens that quick it explodes the tissues from inside and 
makes it take a long time to heal completely. I started taking six 
ounces of CS every half hour, in two days the swelling was starting to 
go down. I kept on the dosage for another day and at the end of the 
first week the swelling was gone, but it took another six weeks to 
return to 100 percent.
Always in the past when one knee went ballistic the other would follow 
before the first one quit.
You had lyme disease so you still have lyme disease, CS can only kill 
what is in the blood stream and when it hides elsewhere it can launch an 
attack at any time. The constant use of CS will usually keep it at bay 
but you have to be ready to launch the big guns ( frequent dosage ) to 
drive it back when an attack happens.

 This is the second time to try to send this,I wish I could figure out 
how to operate a computer :)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Electronic Products:

2002-02-27 Thread Medicine Man
Hi I am looking to buy Electronic
equipment..Chi-Machines-Zappers-Rife-ect if anyone has anything to sell
please send list and price...Thanks MM.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ms

2002-02-27 Thread MARIANO DELISE
I have a friend with MS who used a zapper, and she believs it set her back
about a year.  We don't know why, but on CS alone she kept improving, and
when she began with the zapper, her walking regressed.
Nancy DeLIse
- Original Message -
From: "Shirley Reed" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 5:09 AM
Subject: CS>ms

> Is there any good reason not to try a zapper?  I
> don't have ms, but my zapper has sure done me a lot of
> good for I don't know what all.  I am using a Don
> Croft model.   pj
> __
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> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-02-27 Thread MARIANO DELISE
I'm not sure I wold take any prescription drug from a doctor these days.  Have 
you tried colloidal gold for depression?
With these possible diagnosis you have, who wouldn't be depressed?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshalee Hallett 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:13 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

  Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin to try 
for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any knowledge or 
experience, good or bad with this stuff??
  I hesitate to take stuff like that...

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread MARIANO DELISE
I think this makes the most sense to me
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Darrin" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

> Marsha:
> It sounds to me like your lyme disease has flared up as the symptoms are 
> the same.
> I've had lyme for forty some years and assure you that you never kill it 
> completely. It hides in dryer tissues such as the lymph system and 
> flares up with a trauma or some other unknown reason.
> My lyme was cured so I thought, for the last two years. A month and a 
> half ago I bumped my knee against some concrete. Not hard enough to 
> cause a bruise, only made it a little sore. I went ahead and had my 
> seven mile bicycle ride for the day. Later that day my knee started to 
> swell to about triple normal size.
> When that happens that quick it explodes the tissues from inside and 
> makes it take a long time to heal completely. I started taking six 
> ounces of CS every half hour, in two days the swelling was starting to 
> go down. I kept on the dosage for another day and at the end of the 
> first week the swelling was gone, but it took another six weeks to 
> return to 100 percent.
> Always in the past when one knee went ballistic the other would follow 
> before the first one quit.
> You had lyme disease so you still have lyme disease, CS can only kill 
> what is in the blood stream and when it hides elsewhere it can launch an 
> attack at any time. The constant use of CS will usually keep it at bay 
> but you have to be ready to launch the big guns ( frequent dosage ) to 
> drive it back when an attack happens.
> Dave
>   This is the second time to try to send this,I wish I could figure out 
> how to operate a computer :)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>MS links to "MAC" & "MC" 'sDNA?

2002-02-27 Thread Harold MacDonald
People with Scottish names are more likely to develop MS .and Surnames with 
"MAC or "MC"are the riskiest,approx. 25% increased risk.Scientists led by Peter 
Rothwell of Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford investigated the rate in southeast of 
Scotland.Their work may explain the anomaly around the globe where MS is common 
have  high numbers of people with Scottish ancestry in their population.The 
scientists say that since people with Scottish surnames run an increased risk 
regardless of where they live,it is more likely a GENETIC susceptibility 
carried by many people with Scottish ancestry.
Rothwells' work is published in the Journal of Neurology,Neurosurgery and 
Fortunately I am only 1/2 Scottish and MS doesn't run in our side of the 
MacDonalds;but I wouldn't be surprised if the reason for MS in Scotland was 
because of the centuries of wretched living,ie ,cold climate;food:Oatmeal 
porridge,Haggis,mutton,etc. UGH!

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2002-02-27 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Wong,
The dosages you relate appear quite adequate
for general maintenance for individuals with "mild challenges".
Interestingly, we found that a reversal of the percentages of ALA and
ALC you state.gave the best results.  The addition of COQ-10 should
only help.  Creatine is not adviseable in some cases..especially in
advanced age volunteers.  The reason being that it, sometimes, causes a
condition similar to "anabolic steroid-induced trauma" these
sensitive individuals.  While creatine has shown to offer excellent
support to the bulk of the population (especially under 55 years,
biological age), some caution should be considered before utilizing for
older volunteers.  Reaction tests might be in orderespecially if
larger dosages are contemplated for older "non-athletes".
In cases of acute challenge we utilized as much as
1000 mg ALA daily..with excellent results.  At these levels we did
use 500 mg of ALC.
A side note you may find of interest;  is that we
obtained (in some cases) unusually effective early response among the
most "highly challenged" group.through using a 10 minute
"pre-conditioning" of O2 (at approximately 80% O2 and 20% atmospheric
air).  Although we did not encounter any cases of hyper-ventilation
during the O2 preconditioning would be prudent to
remember that if such WERE to occur, just having the volunteer breathe
in and out into
a plain brown paper bag will alleviate the consequences quite rapidly.
Our results using the little artist's air-brush to
deliver the O2 demonstrated to be equally did
employing a conventional "hospital-type" oxygen-support system.  The
hospital-type system is cost-prohibitive-for most do-it-your-selfer
researchers.An additional result which recommends the simple
air-brush system is that by holding the discharge nozzle just inside the
mouth and closing the lips to within about 1/4" circular clearance
around the air-brush nozzlea resultant venturi action which pulls
atmospheric air into the gas-stream..completely mitigates against
Good luck in your personal
Sincerely,  Brooks
Bradley. wrote:

> Dear Brooks
> I am not a researcher but if I may, I would like the dosage protocol
> you used.
> Here is some information from another list you may be interested in:
> suggested dosage to be taken 3 times a day.
> ALC  500mg
> ALA  250mg
> COQ10  80 mg
> Costing based on Beyond A Century prices $1.82 per day.
> Wong
> In a message dated 02/26/2002 7:40:45 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
>> I have noticed that there has been,
>> quite recently, some interesting
>> references to possible benefits from using alpha lipoic acid and
>> combination.  The latest comments
>> originate
>> from the Linus Pauling Institute.
>> Their claim is for an order of magnitude increase in
>> effectivity..over either substance ingested alone.  I was VERY
>> interested in their commentssince we have prosecuted a series of
>> mammal-based evaluations..using these very subsances in concert.
>> Our results trackvery closelythose claimed by this
>> Institute.
>> We did not deem it necessary to undergo the expense of "Blind
>> Studies"
>> for such an exploratory-type investigation;  we, none-the-less, have
>> a
>> substantive confidence there IS merit to this protocol.  Through
>> varying
>> the proportions of the two compounds, we have arrived at a tentative
>> assumption that-alpha lipoic acid is the most powerful
>> progenitor in
>> the combinationand is more powerful in results when combined
>> with
>> much smaller portions of acetyl-l-carnitine-than when the
>> reverse
>> conditions are manifest.
>> The principal reason for our original interest was based
>> upon our pronounced interest in addressing the challenges of
>> "age-related" insults presenting in humans and other higher mammals.
>>   I am, at present, discussing the adviseability of
>> mentioning the dosage protocols we found to be most efficacious.  If
>> I
>> can obtain the proper legal assurances, I will.most
>> probablypost
>> a synopsis of our results to the list.
>>Meantime, I would encourage the membership to
>> conductat least---a literature search on this protocol.  Such is
>> ESPECIALLY recommended for older researchers suffering from a
>> lowered
>> metabolic level and/or cognition-related challengesmost
>> especially
>> compromises in clearness of thought and ability to maintain a
>> coherent
>> thought pattern.
>> Researchers in SERIOUS straits may contact me
>> off-line
>> for a more 

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
> Marsha:
> It sounds to me like your lyme disease has flared up as the symptoms are
the same.
No, they are not the same at all. I know what Lyme feels like, this ain`t
it. With Lyme my joints ached, I had brainfog, I was really TIRED, and so
on, for about 45 more symptoms. Now I have ringing in the ears, neuropathy,
skin thickening, and depression, only the last is also Lyme connected. My
sister has MS, badly, and she knows what it`s like.

> I've had lyme for forty some years and assure you that you never kill it
> completely. It hides in dryer tissues such as the lymph system and
> flares up with a trauma or some other unknown reason.
> My lyme was cured so I thought, for the last two years. A month and a >
half ago I bumped my knee against some concrete. Not hard enough to
> cause a bruise, only made it a little sore. I went ahead and had my
> seven mile bicycle ride for the day. Later that day my knee started to
> swell to about triple normal size.
That does NOT sound like Lyme. I have, before Lyme, bumped myself slightly,
and because I broke some vessel or something, swelled up.

> When that happens that quick it explodes the tissues from inside and
> makes it take a long time to heal completely. I started taking six
> ounces of CS every half hour, in two days the swelling was starting to
> go down. I kept on the dosage for another day and at the end of the
> first week the swelling was gone, but it took another six weeks to
> return to 100 percent.
> Always in the past when one knee went ballistic the other would follow
> before the first one quit.
> You had lyme disease so you still have lyme disease, CS can only kill
> what is in the blood stream and when it hides elsewhere it can launch an >
attack at any time.
What makes you think that CS can`t kill off the Lyme? It is so fine it can
get inside the cells where it hides. ABX can`t do that, that`s why they
can`t get rid of Lyme totally.

The constant use of CS will usually keep it at bay
> but you have to be ready to launch the big guns ( frequent dosage ) to
> drive it back when an attack happens.
> Dave
 I`m (hopefully) having an MRI done soon, it will show if it is MS or not.
I`ll keep you posted.

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CS>CS & Argyria

2002-02-27 Thread -No Strezzz Cazzz

I am new to this list. I ordered my CS generator a few days ago, and I can't
wait to get it.

I have surfed the web extensively for possible dangers/risks of Colloidal
Silver. And I keep seeing references to "Argyria". I also saw a homepage of
a woman that appearantly has this disease (?) and she looks like someone
from Star-Trek. Well, not really, but she has a blue face anyway.

The thought that I would wake up one day with a blue face seriously scares
me. I searched for more information on Argyria, and it is often mentioned in
the same breath with Colloidal (?) Silver.

Some say that onle the grinded and chemically "modiefied" silver zould cause
Argyria in some rare cases. Other people claim that even Colloidal Silver
can cause Argyria.

I would like to know your comments. Is there any news on the CS/Argyria
relationship? Does it only apply when you take the silver orally? Are there
any new cases of Argyria known?

Looking foreward to your reply. Thanks a lot!

-No Strezzz Cazzz

Amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread Maxine Wilton
I have read the message belo.
 I had an Uncle, (Cecil ) that had what they used to call Elephant's
disease.  It was thickening of the skin and also things inside happening. I
also havea  3rd   cousin , ( Ellen) that has the same thing.
 I have been told this is a hereditary illness. Cecil is my
Mother's,Brother  Their mother, ( my Gran , mother) was a sister to Ellen's
Granfather.   and theirParents were  a Brannan(male)and Rooks, (female),  So
it had to have come fromeither the Male side or female side of   our Grt
Granparents.I have since heard that several other's alo had this and
it still hade to have come from the GRt  gran parents.  Brannan or Rooks of
which I haven't heard yet as anyone before on either side as lots of death
causes imfo was not recorded back in that time unless in bibles etc.
  There is another name   for this I can't think of just now.
Cecil eventually had to have some intestines (potions) removed as got stone
like.  He died  yrs later when in 80's.
You already have a number of things gong on with you as I think I read along
the way so I realy couldn't say just what the problem is.  But it sounds
like what these two,  Cecil ( deceased)  and Ellen( alive) had.
othernfather were siblings
-Original Message-
From: Marshalee Hallett 
Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

>> Marsha:
>> It sounds to me like your lyme disease has flared up as the symptoms are
>the same.
>No, they are not the same at all. I know what Lyme feels like, this ain`t
>it. With Lyme my joints ached, I had brainfog, I was really TIRED, and so
>on, for about 45 more symptoms. Now I have ringing in the ears, neuropathy,
>skin thickening, and depression, only the last is also Lyme connected. My
>sister has MS, badly, and she knows what it`s like.
>> I've had lyme for forty some years and assure you that you never kill it
>> completely. It hides in dryer tissues such as the lymph system and
>> flares up with a trauma or some other unknown reason.
>> My lyme was cured so I thought, for the last two years. A month and a >
>half ago I bumped my knee against some concrete. Not hard enough to
>> cause a bruise, only made it a little sore. I went ahead and had my
>> seven mile bicycle ride for the day. Later that day my knee started to
>> swell to about triple normal size.
>That does NOT sound like Lyme. I have, before Lyme, bumped myself slightly,
>and because I broke some vessel or something, swelled up.
>> When that happens that quick it explodes the tissues from inside and
>> makes it take a long time to heal completely. I started taking six
>> ounces of CS every half hour, in two days the swelling was starting to
>> go down. I kept on the dosage for another day and at the end of the
>> first week the swelling was gone, but it took another six weeks to
>> return to 100 percent.
>> Always in the past when one knee went ballistic the other would follow
>> before the first one quit.
>> You had lyme disease so you still have lyme disease, CS can only kill
>> what is in the blood stream and when it hides elsewhere it can launch an
>attack at any time.
>What makes you think that CS can`t kill off the Lyme? It is so fine it can
>get inside the cells where it hides. ABX can`t do that, that`s why they
>can`t get rid of Lyme totally.
>The constant use of CS will usually keep it at bay
>> but you have to be ready to launch the big guns ( frequent dosage ) to
>> drive it back when an attack happens.
>> Dave
> I`m (hopefully) having an MRI done soon, it will show if it is MS or not.
>I`ll keep you posted.
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ms

2002-02-27 Thread DJG  This is the main url for Beck's protocol.
Incidentally, Beck has given his blessing to Sota for their products.  FDA/FTC relentlessly attacked them, but most
recently FTC backed down, which is quite a feat. What's strange is how FTC
could even try since Sota is a Canadian firm. Their magnetic pulser is now a
licensed non-prescription medical device in Canada. They are trying to get
the blood electrification approved as well, but I doubt that will happen
anytime soon. Russ Torlage is a good guy.

I have two Beck-type devices. One is a modified version.
- Original Message -
From: "Catherine Creel" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: CS>ms

> < >>
>   If you're looking for electrical devices that have some efficacy look at
> Rife
> and Beck products.  The Zapper is over-hyped and cannot even begin
> to touch most pathogens.
>I would imagine we have a scientist or two here that can expound on
> Catherine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chelation-milk thistle, some serious FYI

2002-02-27 Thread natural_essentials
The liver enzyme test you are referring to is GGT, there is also SGOT
(could also be that one), SGPT, and alkaline phosphtase.  Those are the
main liver enzymes for a serum (blood) chemistry profile.  A very
interesting note The milk thistle really DOES work - or at least
covers up the damage done to a liver.   Why do I say this you ask??? 
Because insurers (life, health) are scared of what it can cover up/heal. 
Do NOT admit to taking it if you are applying for insurance.  They may
take that as reason enough to decline you.  At least the insurance
industry is beginning to take the healing properties of herbs seriously,
or on a more cynical note, maybe they are just using it to their
advantage.  Either way, the word is getting out.

On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 15:09:17 EST writes:
> Finished 10 IV Chelations for my fifth year.  Cholesterol is down 86 
> points 
> but Dr. noticed a high liver reading on my blood test, GOT?  He 
> prescribed 
> Silymarin (Milk Thistle) 3 X per day for 30 days.  He also said to 
> take Apple 
> Cider vinegar because of crystals saw in my blood test.  He said 
> vinegar 
> would dissolve the crystals.  I tried one T in my 2 liter water 
> bottle and 
> within a couple days my kidneys really opened up.  I had to get up 3 
> times 
> during the night when I never got up before.
> I also got 7 porcelain crowns after insurance will cost me $35 each. 
>  The 
> border is a good one hour wait coming back to the USA.
> The 10 Chelations lowered the GOT reading but it was still 3 points 
> above 
> their limit of 65.
> Several people getting Chelations are now starting to make their own 
> Cs as I 
> told everyone who would listen about the virtues of Cs.
> Brickey
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread DJG
There are other methods to go after the viruses hiding in tissue. One is by
an Iontophoresis device, which I have. Others are by RF (Lachovsky), Rife
  UVBI (ultraviolet blood irradiation) is very effective against blood borne
infections. See Dr. William Campbell Douglass M.D.
  Ozone therapy is yet another. And, there are certain herbal preparations
that play hell on viruses, and cancer. One is called C-Herb. I've used it
many times. It works by exposing the protein sheath that protects the virus
from detection by the immune system, thereby allowing it's destruction by
the body's NK cells. Warts, molesanything this is a non-self cell,
including Hepatitis C.

- Original Message -
From: "Dave Darrin" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

> Marsha:
> It sounds to me like your lyme disease has flared up as the symptoms are
> the same.
> I've had lyme for forty some years and assure you that you never kill it
> completely. It hides in dryer tissues such as the lymph system and
> flares up with a trauma or some other unknown reason.
> My lyme was cured so I thought, for the last two years. A month and a
> half ago I bumped my knee against some concrete. Not hard enough to
> cause a bruise, only made it a little sore. I went ahead and had my
> seven mile bicycle ride for the day. Later that day my knee started to
> swell to about triple normal size.
> When that happens that quick it explodes the tissues from inside and
> makes it take a long time to heal completely. I started taking six
> ounces of CS every half hour, in two days the swelling was starting to
> go down. I kept on the dosage for another day and at the end of the
> first week the swelling was gone, but it took another six weeks to
> return to 100 percent.
> Always in the past when one knee went ballistic the other would follow
> before the first one quit.
> You had lyme disease so you still have lyme disease, CS can only kill
> what is in the blood stream and when it hides elsewhere it can launch an
> attack at any time. The constant use of CS will usually keep it at bay
> but you have to be ready to launch the big guns ( frequent dosage ) to
> drive it back when an attack happens.
> Dave
>   This is the second time to try to send this,I wish I could figure out
> how to operate a computer :)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Electronic Products:

2002-02-27 Thread DJG
Looks suspicious to me...
- Original Message - 
From: "Medicine Man" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 5:02 PM
Subject: CS>Electronic Products:

> Hi I am looking to buy Electronic
> equipment..Chi-Machines-Zappers-Rife-ect if anyone has anything to sell
> please send list and price...Thanks MM.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-02-27 Thread DJG
Eniva makes very good mineral products, including colloidal gold. 
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 6:51 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

  I'm not sure I wold take any prescription drug from a doctor these days.  
Have you tried colloidal gold for depression?
  With these possible diagnosis you have, who wouldn't be depressed?
- Original Message - 
From: Marshalee Hallett 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin to 
try for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any knowledge or 
experience, good or bad with this stuff??
I hesitate to take stuff like that...


2002-02-27 Thread Shirley Reed
   I will have to differ with you regarding the
zappers.  I have and use a Beck silver pulser and the
Sota magnetic pulser and would not wish to be without
either.  But I have and use continually the Croft
zapper.  It is wonderful.  So are the other two
devices.  I kinda dread using the Beck pulser as I
have experienced the depression that can accompany 
its use.  Not any fun at all.  It is over in a couple
of weeks, but I dread going through it.  I don't think
everyone has that, but I sure do. But with the zapper
I only feel good, really good.  But after a month and
a half with the pulser, I feel really good too, so I
am currently using the Croft zapper 24/7 and the Beck
unit for 1 and 1/2 hours per day.  So far no
depression, but its only been a few days.  It took a
week or so to kick in last time.  G.  But I know
it will be over soon and then I will feel great.  It
may be overkill, but I am going to do it.  The Hulda
Clark parasite program will make you feel great too.
After its over.  It isn't much fun either--all those
pills and 7 or 8 wormwood pills at once can make the
stomach feel rebellious!!Anyway, these are some of
my experiences and observations regarding these
devices.   Everybody's different.   pj 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-02-27 Thread Craig Chamberlin

While I am very reluctant to take antibiotics, and I am very
anti-allopathic, etc., I have suffered chronic depression for at least
the last 30 years.  I have tried anti-depressants from every catagory. 
SSRI side effects were horrible for me.  Recently, my doctor asked if I
had ever taken Wellbutrin SR, and I hadn' being ever on the look
out for something which would work, I tried it. I took the first 150mg
pill at the pharmacy.  Twenty minutes later I arrived home and my wife
could see the difference in my face. I was calm (not drugged) and smiled
at her.  My concentration was vastly improved and I was laughing, like a
normal person.

This drug has broken the cycle of depression for me.  I am now able to
funtion without fighting all of the side effects of depression.  I have
learned how it feels to not be depressed and have concentrated on
keeping those feelings.  After about a year of varying my dosage
according to my needs, I am now taking only one 150mg tablet every other
day, and sometimes I will take a 100mg on the off day. I experienced no
side effects until I reached a dosage of over 300mg/day, and then I had
some trouble sleeping and increased anxiety.

My wife is experiencing the early stages of menopause and has also found
that Wellbutrin SR provided immediate relief from depression and mood
swings with no side effects.  She too, after reaching 300mg/day, has
found that 150mg every day with an additional 150mg every now and then
to be adequate.

I have tried all of the other methods, St John's Wort, 5-HTP, etc.,
etc., but none worked.  This has worked for me.

Your mileage may vary.

I don't want to start a thread on this and only offer my experience for
you to consider.  Others who have had different experiences should speak
about them and not to me, I am not going to debate anyone over too many other fun things to do.  I will answer any relevant
questions off list, however...but I won't defend what I am doing, so
don't waste your time...I have been in the barrel too long and don't

Warmest regards,


> Marshalee Hallett wrote:
> Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin
> to try for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any
> knowledge or experience, good or bad with this stuff??
> I hesitate to take stuff like that...
> Marshalee

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-02-27 Thread Craig Chamberlin

One Additional clarification...make sure it is Wellbutrin SR...not just
Wellbutrin.  Wellbutrin has a bit of a higher side effect of seizures,
while SR is the same as other SSRI's, etc.  Trycyclic's are among the
worst wrt side-effects.

Warmest regards,


> Marshalee Hallett wrote:
> Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin
> to try for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any
> knowledge or experience, good or bad with this stuff??
> I hesitate to take stuff like that...
> Marshalee

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Electronic Products:

2002-02-27 Thread CKing001
Government agent!
Gonna take it all off the market and destroy them!
Jump in here Marshall

2+2=5, for moderately large values of two .

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002 22:48:07 -0500, "DJG"  wrote:

>Looks suspicious to me...
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Medicine Man" 
>Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 5:02 PM
>Subject: CS>Electronic Products:
>> Hi I am looking to buy Electronic
>> equipment..Chi-Machines-Zappers-Rife-ect if anyone has anything to sell
>> please send list and price...Thanks MM.
>> --
>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>>  -or-
>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>> To post, address your message to:
>> Silver-list archive:
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zapper

2002-02-27 Thread Catherine Creel
<<   I will have to differ with you regarding the
zappers.  I have and use a Beck silver pulser and the
Sota magnetic pulser and would not wish to be without
either.  But I have and use continually the Croft
zapper.  It is wonderful.  So are the other two
devices.  I kinda dread using the Beck pulser as I
have experienced the depression that can accompany 
its use.  Not any fun at all.  It is over in a couple
of weeks, but I dread going through it.  I don't think
everyone has that, but I sure do. But with the zapper
I only feel good, really good.  But after a month and
a half with the pulser, I feel really good too, so I
am currently using the Croft zapper 24/7 and the Beck
unit for 1 and 1/2 hours per day.  So far no
depression, but its only been a few days>>

  I thought we were talking about the Zapper in relation to
MS possibly cause by a virus.   This was the basis for my comment
about the Zapper.

  Honestly, though, you could probably touch your tongue to a 
nine volt battery for 1 a few seconds 3x a day and get similar 
results :-)


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Electronic Products:

2002-02-27 Thread DJG
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Electronic Products:

> Government agent!
> Gonna take it all off the market and destroy them!
> Jump in here Marshall
> Chuck
> 2+2=5, for moderately large values of two .
> On Wed, 27 Feb 2002 22:48:07 -0500, "DJG"  wrote:
> >Looks suspicious to me...
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Medicine Man" 
> >To: 
> >Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 5:02 PM
> >Subject: CS>Electronic Products:
> >
> >
> >> Hi I am looking to buy Electronic
> >> equipment..Chi-Machines-Zappers-Rife-ect if anyone has anything to sell
> >> please send list and price...Thanks MM.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> >>
> >> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >>  -or-
> >> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >>
> >> To post, address your message to:
> >> Silver-list archive:
> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >>
> >

CS>Interesting....and promising technology.

2002-02-27 Thread Brooks Bradley
I have, for some time, enjoyed the fruits of
"swimming upstream" through following the advice of a maverick economist
and stock analyst named Bill Bonner.  He publishes a periodical named
The Daily Reckoning.  This acknowledgment has absolutely nothing to do
with my impending disclosure.other than to identify its original
For those among the list membership interested
in, what I regard to be, the more genuine aspects of the
presently-manifesting medical technologies.especially with an eye to
possible investment strategies, a study of this article might be
While these particular companies (those
identified in the article) may not be THE
ANSWER, such approaches do seem (to me at least) to offer a more
sensible alternative than do those presently receiving the bulk of media
My comments are not intended to recommend anyone;  but rather to share a source of information I
found to be quite helpful in making my own decisions relating to
sectors/business firms of our economy.
The concept of  "heat shock proteins" and
"anti-angiogenesis" compounds do indeed appear to suggest a swift and
impending shift in medical protocols...especially regarding the
address of some of the more threatening
afflictionsincluding cancer.
 I found this article to be quite informative
and to reflectat least in partmy personal convictions regarding
the general direction which the more efficacious (among alleopathic
methodologies) research is headed.
Do be advised this communication is in NO way a suggestion
that one consider or be encouraged to purchase stocks or securites
from ANYONE.
   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  It is possible persons attempting to contact the url will be
rejected by the electronic filtering
system at Agora. It may reject interrogations not emanating from
members. If this occurs to interested parties.just email me.  I have
the article archived and can just copy and email it to you.  The
analyses do appear quite clever and well done.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>: CS>Electronic Products:

2002-02-27 Thread Maxine Wilton
Hello Collector;
Medicine Man,
What are you going to do with all these things you are wanting to buy
Are you going to  repair if nreeded and resell them,  use the parts,  or
destroy them  fro another reason
What are you willing to pay for them. May we havre a list of items with the
limited price you will pay
 Interested  party.
Please post to list.  so we can anyone reply.

>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Medicine Man" 
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 5:02 PM
>>Subject: CS>Electronic Products:
>>> Hi I am looking to buy Electronic
>>> equipment..Chi-Machines-Zappers-Rife-ect if anyone has anything to sell
>>> please send list and price...Thanks MM.
>>> --
>>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>>>  -or-
>>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>>> To post, address your message to:
>>> Silver-list archive:
>>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Leo Regehr
Anyone care to comment?
--- Begin Message ---

>From "FDAnews Daily Bulletin" for February 27, 2002:

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has settled enforcement actions
against the marketer of a home test kit for anthrax and the purveyor of
a colloidal silver product purported to treat anthrax. "These companies
used inaccurate and unfounded claims to sell peace of mind," J. Howard
Beales, director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, said Feb.
27. "They tried to cash in on consumer anxiety about bioterrorism."

The FTC enforcement actions are part of a larger probe of internet-based
companies marketing bogus products that take advantage of consumers who
have grown fearful of bioterrorism. Since mid-November, the FTC has sent
121 warning letters to marketers of bioterrorism-related products
discovered during a coordinated surf of the internet by the FTC, the FDA
and more than 30 state attorneys general. Beales said that 50 of the 121
warning letters involved products related to the detection or treatment
of anthrax.

In one action, Vital Living Products and its president, Donald
Podrebarac, entered into an agreement to settle charges that they
deceptively advertised a do-it-yourself method to detect anthrax
bacteria and spores in the air, water and on surfaces. Beales called the
claims "pure bunk."

In the other action, Kris Pletschke, operator of the web site
"," signed a consent agreement with the FTC that prohibits
him from making deceptive and misleading therapeutic claims for
colloidal silver or any other health-related products. Beales said the
FTC ordered Pletschke to offer full refunds to all consumers who
purchased colloidal silver.


*  Eric S. Hoy, Ph.D., SI(ASCP)
*  Clinical Associate Professor
*  Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences
*  The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
*  Email:

The opinions expressed here are mine alone, do not reflect the opinions
of any employer, cost you nothing, and are probably worth what you paid
for them.

**I may have been born at night, but it wasn't LAST night!**

--- End Message ---

Re: CS>[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Catherine Creel
Hi Leo,

  you said:


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has settled enforcement actions
against the marketer of a home test kit for anthrax and the purveyor of
a colloidal silver product purported to treat anthrax. "These companies
used inaccurate and unfounded claims to sell peace of mind," J. Howard
Beales, director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, said Feb.
27. "They tried to cash in on consumer anxiety about bioterrorism."

  Sure.  The damn fools shouldn't have been making specious
claims.  CS has never been tested against  B. anthracis.

  You'll notice that those who did not make claims like this did not
get nailed.


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Re: CS>[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Rick
I have a stock broker who handles some stocks for me. He supposedly is one
of the most knowledgeable mining stock brokers in the U.S. He told me about
a company called Clifton Mining which has a subsidiary called American
Biotech Labs that produces a supposedly FDA approved CS- type solution
called ASAP, which has many anti-bacterial properties.

You can go read the info about this product:

So, apparently the FDA doesn't have a problem with CS, maybe just with the
way some people on the web are pushing its benefits.

This isn't meant to be a plug for either of the companies listed. It's just
some information you might find useful. I have no relationship with amsilver
or Clifton Mining.


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Re: CS>[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Catherine Creel
Hi Rick,


  The devil's in the details.  From the website:

"February 20, 2002. American Biotech Labs is pleased to announce that the
ASAP Solution® has just been granted its first US EPA approval as a hard
surface disinfectant."

   Note it says EPA and that it is approved as a surface disinfectant.


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Re: CS>[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Rick

You're right, the website doesn't say anything about the FDA (but the EPA is
close, isn't it??). I was looking on a vendor's (of ASAP)  site and it
stated the following:

"According to the manufacturer, it has also been approved as an antibiotic
in several other countries and is the only silver solution product of this
type that has been able to be filed with the FDA for drug approval. The
manufacturer has already received approval by the FDA to begin testing of
the product in both animals and humans. Note that while the ASAP Solution®
has received approval by the FDA to begin testing, this does not mean that
the FDA will eventually approve this product as an effective antibiotic.
Hence, for now, the ASAP Solution® is not intended to treat, cure or prevent
any disease.  Note too that the FDA and government have not evaluated
statements on this website (to the best of our knowledge)"

Again- I personally know nothing about these companies, but I find it at
least cautiously optimistic that at least some form of a governmental
organization is acknowledging their products potential benefits.

I guess you ought to start somewhere.

What actually is the process for FDA approval? Do you feel the powers at be
will ever allow a CS type solution be approved?


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Re: CS>[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Catherine Creel
Hi Rick,

You said:


   Anyone can file an application for approval of a product or
procedure with the FDA.  From there, it gets tougher.

Do I think they will ever give approval?  I have my doubts.
Pharmaceutical companies stand to lose too much.  Another
problem is the lack of agreement and science to support one 
particular manufacturing process`and effectice ppm.
To me, this lack of agreement is the biggest barrier to


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

2002-02-27 Thread Rick

Thanks for the clarification. 


- Original Message - 
From: "Catherine Creel" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: CS>[Fwd: [healthfraud] More Bad News for Colloidal Silver]

> Hi Rick,
> You said:
> <  the powers at be will ever allow a CS type solution be approved?>>
>Anyone can file an application for approval of a product or
> procedure with the FDA.  From there, it gets tougher.
> Do I think they will ever give approval?  I have my doubts.
> Pharmaceutical companies stand to lose too much.  Another
> problem is the lack of agreement and science to support one 
> particular manufacturing process`and effectice ppm.
> To me, this lack of agreement is the biggest barrier to
> approval.
> Regards,
> Catherine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS & Argyria

2002-02-27 Thread JJ
Have you searched the archives of this list?

> -Original Message-
> From: -No Strezzz Cazzz []
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 10:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>CS & Argyria

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