Re: CS>tetracycline

2002-03-20 Thread Catherine Creel

  It can impair the kidneys which can lead to high blood pressure.


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CS>Eniva CS 275 ppm

2002-03-20 Thread DJG

- Original Message -
From: "DJG" 
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

  In reference to my last message, Eniva brand CS is crystal clear. They
used to label it as 275 ppm, but now use mcg per serving. How do they make
it crystal clear at 275 ppm? It appears they have a proprietory method from
what I recall, but it's been a few years since I saw their technical papers
on the product.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

2002-03-20 Thread DJG
What about Eniva CS (was labeled at 275 ppm)? I've used this several times
in the past and it did seem to be quite effective, even able to absorb
through the skin. They do not supply technical bulletins anymore, but I have
seen them a few years ago. I won't pretend to be an expert on CS, only
through experience.
  I'd like to see some serious testing of their products.
Also, I'm having my doubts about CS working all that well against certain
infections such as urinary tract infections. My brother-in-law has cancer
with recurring infections. The latest landed him in the hospital with a
systemic infection (very serious). They immediately put in on abx and it
cleared up in a few days. He went home and began ingesting large quantities
last week of CS. Tonight I understand he's back in with an infection. I fear
this time it may even be a Staph infection from his hospital stay.
  I've heard some say beyond the stomach and GI tract, CS does little for
acute infections of this type. I'm starting to lean toward that hypothesis
as my son's ear infection this week was very severe. We are no strangers to
ear infections. Usually, it can be cleared up within 12 hours after dropping
CS into the ears. We have also used GSE in oil as well. However, this time
the infection went beyond the outer ear and into the inner ear, which the CS
could not reach. Reluctanly I had no choice other than bring him to ER for
which he was prescribed TriMox (amoxicillin) for the first time in about 2
1/2 years. Within 24 hours, the infection and pain subsided and he's now
feeling well.
  Is it possible the most efficacious type of CS is in fact some of the
specialty producers of CS such as Aqua Argentica or New Silver Solution that
claim their products have special properties (magnetic, energized etc.) do
in fact work much better than making your own? I know that external
infections are handled very well with even the most primitive(?) methods of
'home brewed' CS, but internally I have yet to see any form of CS rid an
internal (beyond the stomach) infection equal to or better than standard
abx, or even work at all in our experience. In my son's case, it was not
worth the risk experimenting which may result in permanent ear damage or
worse yet, mastoiditis or even menningitis. As I've stated, using CS is not
new to me, but I am not an authority on the subject other than by anecdotal.

- Original Message -
From: "Ted Windsor" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

> More then 20 ppm is a waste, until someone can prove differently I will
> continue to believe this.  Besides if more was better everyone would be
> making it.
> Blessings
> Ted
> Reid Harvey wrote:
> > Hi Trem,
> > I'm curious why you say that electrolysis can't make CS as strong as 100
> > to 500ppm, unless perhaps you are speaking of the more conventional
> > methodologies.  I make CS that is ~170ppm, using a generator I acquired
> > from, and though I have not had this tested I feel
> > the ppm is the amount advertised.  I'm told this generator will make CS
> > upto about 1100ppm or more, simply requiring additional time.
> >
> > The container used is a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask, operated in a double
> > boiler, which I monitor to see that the boiling point is never
> > exceeded.  It's necessary to keep the temperature somewhat under 212oF,
> > between about 200 and 208, so there's a thermometer inserted in the
> > rubber cork at the top.  I'm also told that the rate of ionic silver
> > reaction is doubled for every additional 10oF.  Also I use polarity
> > switching, doing this every one minute, in order to prevent current
> > runaway.  Three or four hours at temperature and the CS goes from yellow
> > to orange to deep amber, always tranparent, but at the end so dark that
> > what one sees is a kind of gray, reflected color.  But in diluting you
> > get back to a clear yellow.
> >
> > I have variously seen here that a number of CS enthusiasts insist the
> > ions will agglomerate and precipitate if something like 50ppm is
> > exceeded, but I am guessing that this is not what happens.  I believe
> > there is actually a current runaway, or perhaps precipitation due to an
> > electromagnetic field.  It seems that as ppm increases there is more and
> > more likelihood of instability, for various reasons.  The folks who made
> > my generator advise the concentrated CS is best kept in a Farraday cage
> > in order to prevent instability due to electromagnetic fields.  Of
> > course, the producers of the Mexican CS, Microdyn, solve the same
> > problem by using the protein stabilizer.
> >
> > I hope this information is helpful.
> > Reid
> >
> > Trem said:
> > Hi List,
> >
> > There's a question that's been nagging me for several years and I hope
> > someone can help me figure it out.  When I see 100 to 500 PPM CS I
> > always
> > wonder wha


2002-03-20 Thread Mary Lou Borgert
does anyone on this list have any information on tetracycline?? i have
looked at the few sites but i cannot understand some of the words.
what i was wondering was does long term use cause either high blood pressure
or stroke.
thank you
Mary Lou

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>more than 20ppm a waste?

2002-03-20 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 11:07:35 -0500, "Ian Roe"

>Hi to Ted Windsor:
>I have seen postings before about how anything more than 20 ppm is a waste.
>It's a pretty subjective statement.  It's really more helpful to say, "I use
>20 ppm and it is effective for me!"
>Many have felt that anything over 10-12  ppm is a waste.  It really depends
>upon how one is using their CS and what one isusing it for - doesn't it?  

Well, here's the situation.  There has been some lab testing of CS
(ionic silver), and the experiments show that 5 ppm will kill just
about everything in a short time.  The only exception was one strain
of staph (or was that strep?) that needed 8 ppm to do the job in the
same amount of time.  Stronger concentrations seemed to be *less*
effective for some pathogens tested.  (I think it was the BYU tests
that I'm remembering.)

>one is using it topically or to sterilize countertops, spray salads,  then
>the higher ppm is useful and so is the ionic content. There is a rationale
>here.  Given equal particle size, 

That's the rub.  Higher ppm usually means larger particle size --
probably due to the ions clumping together (Zeta potential and all

> if one is used to taking two ounces of 5
>ppm per day (and they experience it's efficacy) , then if they were taking
>20ppm they would only need to take 1/4 of this or if they were taking 30ppm
>then they would only have to take 1/6 of this. If they are purchasing their
>CS, then it does make a difference in cost.  A teaspoon of 30ppm is equal to
>an ounce of 5 ppm.  A 500 ml bottle of 30ppm would be equivalent to six
>500ml bottles of 5 ppm.  

Diluting 30 ppm to 5 ppm would still leave you with the larger
particles of the original 30 ppm CS.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: how 100 to 500 ppm CS is made

2002-03-20 Thread Reid Harvey

What you should say is that *for your purposes* more than 20ppm is a waste, since there are many other applications where the more concentrated CS is important.  For example, use for bandages has been cited, and I certainly couldn't saturate our water filters with 20ppm.
Bill, I'm surprised to see that food coloring is used for Microdyn, since this is not indicated on the label.  Upto now I've thought this is simply what it looks like when it's very concentrated.  I get a dark color when I make the 170ppm, and think it just gets a whole lot darker in Microdyn's process.  It's also important to add this example as another where Ted is wrong, that Mexicans benefit greatly in using Microdyn, whether for making bacteria contaminated water potable, cleaning salad vegetables, treating cholera, or any of the other 649 applications variously cited. How ironic that the poverty stricken, south of the border, have the superior access to healthy remedy.
Bye for now.
Ted said:
More then 20 ppm is a waste, until someone can prove differently I willcontinue to believe this.  Besides if more was better everyone would bemaking it.BlessingsTedGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

2002-03-20 Thread Connie
The 500ppm stuff that Ole Bob tested, and sent on for further testing is the
stuff peddled by HHAare these the same products others are asking you
Just curious...

> From: "Trem" 
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:02:56 -0800
> To: 
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:41:39 -0800
> Hi Reid and List members,
> The reason I asked the original question is that I have had several people
> ask me about CS touted as being 500 PPM and they wanted to know what I
> thought about it.  In all cases I was told it was very deep yellow to brown
> colored.  Since I don't have a clue as to how it's made, I'm hesitant to say
> anything about it except that it must be really agglomerated to be that
> color and that it probably doesn't contain many ions.  Could be way off in
> my reasoning so that's why the question.  Does anyone know the process used
> to make the 500 PPM stuff.  I call it stuff because I'm not sure what it is.
> And I'm not asking for the process in order to try making it.  That's not a
> consideration.  I wouldn't ingest it...would rather stick with low PPM clear
> CS.
> Trem
> - Original Message -
> From: "Reid Harvey" 
> To: "silver list" 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:29 PM
> Subject: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made
>> Hi Trem,
>> I'm curious why you say that electrolysis can't make CS as strong as 100
>> to 500ppm, unless perhaps you are speaking of the more conventional
>> methodologies.  I make CS that is ~170ppm, using a generator I acquired
>> from, and though I have not had this tested I feel
>> the ppm is the amount advertised.  I'm told this generator will make CS
>> upto about 1100ppm or more, simply requiring additional time.
>> The container used is a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask, operated in a double
>> boiler, which I monitor to see that the boiling point is never
>> exceeded.  It's necessary to keep the temperature somewhat under 212oF,
>> between about 200 and 208, so there's a thermometer inserted in the
>> rubber cork at the top.  I'm also told that the rate of ionic silver
>> reaction is doubled for every additional 10oF.  Also I use polarity
>> switching, doing this every one minute, in order to prevent current
>> runaway.  Three or four hours at temperature and the CS goes from yellow
>> to orange to deep amber, always tranparent, but at the end so dark that
>> what one sees is a kind of gray, reflected color.  But in diluting you
>> get back to a clear yellow.
>> I have variously seen here that a number of CS enthusiasts insist the
>> ions will agglomerate and precipitate if something like 50ppm is
>> exceeded, but I am guessing that this is not what happens.  I believe
>> there is actually a current runaway, or perhaps precipitation due to an
>> electromagnetic field.  It seems that as ppm increases there is more and
>> more likelihood of instability, for various reasons.  The folks who made
>> my generator advise the concentrated CS is best kept in a Farraday cage
>> in order to prevent instability due to electromagnetic fields.  Of
>> course, the producers of the Mexican CS, Microdyn, solve the same
>> problem by using the protein stabilizer.
>> I hope this information is helpful.
>> Reid
>> Trem said:
>> Hi List,
>> There's a question that's been nagging me for several years and I hope
>> someone can help me figure it out.  When I see 100 to 500 PPM CS I
>> always
>> wonder what process was used to make it.
>> Since I know that electrolysis can't make it that strong it seems to me
>> it
>> has been made through chemical means.  If it is made chemically and
>> protein
>> binders such as gelatin are used to stabilize it, what is the process?
>> Is
>> the silver dissolved in an acid and then a precipitant added to form
>> particles or is there some other method?
>> And if it is done using an acid can anyone tell me the process?
>> The stuff is always deep brown in color which makes me think it's no
>> good
>> because of agglomeration, but it might actually have that much silver in
>> it.
>> I know Ole Bob has tested some of it and as I recall he found most of
>> them
>> were not at the PPM touted but it seems he did find some that were in
>> the
>> hundreds of PPM.  Bob, are you there?  Can you shed any light for me?
>> Can anyone?
>> Trem
>> --
>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>>  -or-
>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>> To post, address your message to:
>> Silver-list archive:
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re[2]: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers

2002-03-20 Thread TJ Garland

Ozone generators also do a good job.  TJ

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Nationwide mysterious rashes

2002-03-20 Thread Bob Bartell
Is that my old friend "Kilroy" at the bottom of your post??  Ha ha,
Namaste:  Bob Bartell

-Original Message-
From: Joyce Inouye [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 2:29 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Nationwide mysterious rashes

Try parasite cleanses and nutrition.  Also immune supports,
etc.--you know, the basics of nutrition.

 =(o o)=

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Schauberger (#187)

2002-03-20 Thread Bob Bartell
Hi Kevin, 
As my daddy used to say -- You First!  I too have wondered  and am
going to block out some time in the very near future to experiment with
this.  If you get there before me, be sure to post your results.
Namaste:  Bob Bartell

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Nolan [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Schauberger (#187)

Reference to Emoto's apparent proofs of bizarre links between water's
structure and eg, music, words, thoughts, even typed messages placed on
bottle, have appeared on this list before. What I have not seen is
duplication by anyone else. Is there anyone on this list who has
to do just that? If so, please chime up and let us know what you found!

regards, Kevin Nolan

- Original Message -
From: "Brooks Bradley" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Schauberger (#187)

> Hello JR,
> Thank you for the reference to Mr. Emoto.  We have
> principal investigator who is quite familiar with his work.  While we
> not funded any consequential research effort in this is,
> fascinating and indicates to be of genuine value both in the field of
> knowledge andmore specifically, the environs of
> health.
> Thank you again for sharing your information.
> Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> wrote:
> > Brooks writes:
> >
> > > ...Next, we were especially intrigued at  prospects of being able
> > >
> > > to generate an actual change in structural well as the
> > >
> > > bioactivity of water.  We were able, under scanning electron
> > >
> > > examination, to determine that---indeed---such modifications were
> > >
> > > easily achieveable...
> > >
> > For photographic evidence of water's mutability due to sound, words,
> > music and prayer:
> >
> > > These slides are the work of Japanese researcher Mr. Masaru Emoto,
> > > from his book "Messages from Water."
> > >
> >
> > jr
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>The phamaceuticals lack of trust

2002-03-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Pharmaceutical company buries information on cancer cure because it is not


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>500 PPM

2002-03-20 Thread Trem
Hi Russ,

The URL you gave me takes me to a religious site with no mention of CS.
Perhaps you could try again with one that works.Or am I missing

- Original Message -
From: "Russ Rosser" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: CS>100-500 PPM CS and how it's made.

 You might ask suppliers like  --Russ

> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

2002-03-20 Thread Bill Missett
The Mexican OTC product "|Microdyn" is advertised at .32 percent, and it is
a dark brown, but the coloring is a food additive to make it appear the same
color as iodine, to fool the natives into using it, since they were
accustomed to using iodine prior to Microdyn, for water and veggie
purification.  I don't know what the PPM of .32 percent CS would be, or
whether testing has been done

- Original Message -
From: "Trem" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

> Hi Reid and List members,
> The reason I asked the original question is that I have had several people
> ask me about CS touted as being 500 PPM and they wanted to know what I
> thought about it.  In all cases I was told it was very deep yellow to
> colored.  Since I don't have a clue as to how it's made, I'm hesitant to
> anything about it except that it must be really agglomerated to be that
> color and that it probably doesn't contain many ions.  Could be way off in
> my reasoning so that's why the question.  Does anyone know the process
> to make the 500 PPM stuff.  I call it stuff because I'm not sure what it
> And I'm not asking for the process in order to try making it.  That's not
> consideration.  I wouldn't ingest it...would rather stick with low PPM
> CS.
> Trem
> - Original Message -
> From: "Reid Harvey" 
> To: "silver list" 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:29 PM
> Subject: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made
> > Hi Trem,
> > I'm curious why you say that electrolysis can't make CS as strong as 100
> > to 500ppm, unless perhaps you are speaking of the more conventional
> > methodologies.  I make CS that is ~170ppm, using a generator I acquired
> > from, and though I have not had this tested I feel
> > the ppm is the amount advertised.  I'm told this generator will make CS
> > upto about 1100ppm or more, simply requiring additional time.
> >
> > The container used is a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask, operated in a double
> > boiler, which I monitor to see that the boiling point is never
> > exceeded.  It's necessary to keep the temperature somewhat under 212oF,
> > between about 200 and 208, so there's a thermometer inserted in the
> > rubber cork at the top.  I'm also told that the rate of ionic silver
> > reaction is doubled for every additional 10oF.  Also I use polarity
> > switching, doing this every one minute, in order to prevent current
> > runaway.  Three or four hours at temperature and the CS goes from yellow
> > to orange to deep amber, always tranparent, but at the end so dark that
> > what one sees is a kind of gray, reflected color.  But in diluting you
> > get back to a clear yellow.
> >
> > I have variously seen here that a number of CS enthusiasts insist the
> > ions will agglomerate and precipitate if something like 50ppm is
> > exceeded, but I am guessing that this is not what happens.  I believe
> > there is actually a current runaway, or perhaps precipitation due to an
> > electromagnetic field.  It seems that as ppm increases there is more and
> > more likelihood of instability, for various reasons.  The folks who made
> > my generator advise the concentrated CS is best kept in a Farraday cage
> > in order to prevent instability due to electromagnetic fields.  Of
> > course, the producers of the Mexican CS, Microdyn, solve the same
> > problem by using the protein stabilizer.
> >
> > I hope this information is helpful.
> > Reid
> >
> > Trem said:
> > Hi List,
> >
> > There's a question that's been nagging me for several years and I hope
> > someone can help me figure it out.  When I see 100 to 500 PPM CS I
> > always
> > wonder what process was used to make it.
> >
> > Since I know that electrolysis can't make it that strong it seems to me
> > it
> > has been made through chemical means.  If it is made chemically and
> > protein
> > binders such as gelatin are used to stabilize it, what is the process?
> > Is
> > the silver dissolved in an acid and then a precipitant added to form
> > particles or is there some other method?
> >
> > And if it is done using an acid can anyone tell me the process?
> >
> > The stuff is always deep brown in color which makes me think it's no
> > good
> > because of agglomeration, but it might actually have that much silver in
> > it.
> > I know Ole Bob has tested some of it and as I recall he found most of
> > them
> > were not at the PPM touted but it seems he did find some that were in
> > the
> > hundreds of PPM.  Bob, are you there?  Can you shed any light for me?
> >
> > Can anyone?
> >
> > Trem
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message

RE: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers

2002-03-20 Thread Bob Bartell
That really needed to be said and you said it well... Thanks from all of
us who share this view and opinion.  Personally, I think this is one of
the best open forums that I've ever found ... all considered!  Namaste:
Bob Bartell

-Original Message-
From: AVRA / Jason [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers

Arnold wrote:
>Frank Key is a fine scientist and has been working is this field for a
time.  He single-handedly changed the focus of this list from ionic
to particle (colloidal) silver.

*grins*  Frank has accomplished that, hasn't he?

I'm here, a voice in the wilderness ( it sometimes seems ), to say:
throw out your "ionic" silver quite yet.

The TRUTH of the matter is, those involved in serious ionic research are
busy to play games.  Some of the research going on is not public, and
never be.  Whether you all know it or not, you owe them quite a bit.
have fallen out of fashion for the time being.  But they are very, very,
very busy people, and not concerned with fashion.

More than three exclusively used the silver-list as a contact point to
openly share knowledge, experience and ideas, with no other motive than
caring... They were public in no other place on this planet.  For that,
list was truly blessed, beyond its ability to appreciate.

I am very grateful to be in contact with several, who work at a level
far exceeds politics.  They don't need to fight in order to get sales,
really don't even need to advertise; some don't.  They need no market
penetration.  They need no slander.  They need no lawsuits, nor threats
lawsuits.  They needed no propaganda against untested theories, when
simply wanted solid and scientific exploration of theories...

When you wage a war on an enemy that doesn't really exist, you always
The question is, who cares enough to find the real truth?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers

2002-03-20 Thread Joyce Inouye

May I have your opinion on a few questions?

1.  What is the optimum silver size?

2.  Have you heard of New Silver?  (It has been tested by the
FDA).  The manufacturers say it is so effective they named it New
Silver.  I bought some (before their prices went up to pay for
the study).  It was effective for my toothache.

3.  An ionic form which previously was effective no longer seemed
to work.  Do ionic silver became ineffective after a certain
period of time?  (I've had it for many months in a clear plastic

4.  What is the best water distiller to buy?

5.  I read on a website that the FDA has limited maximum
concentration of silver to 40 ppm.  Is this true?

6.  Have any of you heard of Tetrasil, a form of silver that is
reported to cure AIDS?  If so, what is the percent of successful

Also, did you know that New Silver destroys Anthrax spores?  I
think it took about 25 ppm (?) to kill them.  They are now
selling their silver at 40 ppm.  


>   The silver atoms leave the anode one at a time as positive silver
>ions, that is an atom of silver with one electron missing.  They are
>accelerated to the cathode by the potential difference between the anode and
>the cathode.  Somewhere in the process,(I think it is at the boundary layer
>interface at the cathode, but I'm guessing), these positive silver ions pick
>up their missing electron and combine to form a "clump" of silver of a
>certain size.  The size of these "clumps" is directly affected by the ratio
>of total current to surface area of the anode.  For the low voltage process,
>this has been shown to be .2 microamps per square millimeter.
>High quality distilled water is, by its nature, de-ionized.  If the
>conductivity is low, that means very few ions.
> A yellow-amber color is an indication of a larger particle size
>than we now believe to be optimum.  Keep in mind, however, that this is only
>because of the increase in total surface area of a given ppm with smaller
>particles.  Frank Key's CS is not yellow-amber, I'm sure he would be
>horrified at the thought.  It is a brown color, caused by the very high
>concentration (ppm) that he achieves.
>  Frank Key is a fine scientist and has been working is this field
>for a long time.  He single-handedly changed the focus of this list from
>ionic silver to particle (colloidal) silver.
>Craig, your comment about your sister and breast cancer gives me
>pause for thought about what we champions of CS are doing on this list.
>Most of the technical advice that you will receive here comes from people
>who are involved in making and selling CS or equipment to make CS.  I am not
>in that group, at least not yet.  I don't think any of us would advise you
>to rely on CS to help your sister.  Cancer is a disease that strikes fear in
>all of us and that is the breeding ground of quackery.  You have my best
>wishes for your sisters condition but I think you should seek guidance from
>conventional allopathic sources in this matter.
>Good Luck,
>- Original Message -
>From: "Craig Chamberlin" 
>To: "CS" 
>Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 7:58 PM
>Subject: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers
>> Arnold,
>> I may be mistaken, but isn't the objective to put small silver particles
>> into suspension not ions or is this an issue of the terms being used.
>> As I understand it, AG+ isn't very useful once it gets into the stomach,
>> but is very useful for topical/sublingual application.
>> Because I haven't finished figuring out how to make high quality
>> colloidal silver (with very little AG+), I have been buying mine from
>> Frank Rey (  Yes, it is expensive, but my sister
>> has breast cancer and I am not going to muck about with unknown things
>> for her.
>> Oddly, while everyone says that the yellow-amber color is a sign of AG+,
>> that is the color that comes from Frank Rey.  And he does have access to
>> the equipment (or should I say owns) to test what he makes.
>> I have been using constant current (have a small circuit board made up)
>> method, at very low current levels (0.2uA/square inch of electrode) and
>> found that it produces more crud than moving up to .2mA/square inch of
>> electrode.  Somewhere in here lies a better number.  I also believe that
>> reversing current direction may be an important part of this, which
>> means that both electrodes need to be made of silver.
>> Also, a chemist friend of mine who has some experience with colloids
>> stated emphatically that you need to use de-ionized water, which,
>> interestingly enough, is what Frank Rey's cs is made with.
>> I believe that having de-ionized water is a major factor in getting a
>> good colloidal silver.
>> Going to be testing that here shortly, as soon as I can find de-ionized
>> water.
>> Ciao,
>> Craig
>> Arnold Beland wrote:
>> >
>> > Craig,
>> >
>> > .2 is correct.  Ivan did some very good w

RE: CS>Multi-system organ failure and CS..............

2002-03-20 Thread Joyce Inouye

Sounds like the patient needs lots of protection from so many
toxic drugs.  You can help protect his body by giving him lots of
quality anti-oxidants to neutralize the free radicals caused by
the drugs and illness.  The Herbal Healer has GREENS which are
good anti-oxidants.  RisoTriene is another rich source of
antioxidants.  Pycnogenol is another.

Buy him top quality food medicines.  I heard a story of how one
young man was given only three days to live. (He was dying of
AIDS).  His sister sneaked in Mannatech's products into his
feeding bag (he was being fed through a tube to his stomach).

I don't know exactly what products were used, but my guess is
ManAloe (Ambrotose) and PhytAloe, and other powder which can be
dissolved in liquid.  You need to give a LOT to a very sick
person.  The young man recovered and was released fromt the

Also, search on the Internet for quality WHOLE MEAL REPLACEMENTS.  
And perhaps dried juices of fruits and vegetables (pre-digested
foods).  I've heard stories of Noni working wonders if given in
large doses.

 =(o o)=


>Dear Christiane, 
>This is very difficult to respond to . almost .. An end-stage crisis
>with little time left to get something going!  I'm going to recommend a
>book, "One Touch Healing" by Mildred Carter and Tammy Weber published by
>Reward Books in Paramus, NJ 07652.
>This would be an adjunct therapy together with any other protocols that
>may be recommended here. (Immunecal, ALP, etc.) Lost my beloved to MRSA
>and other complications .I found this book after she had passed ...  I
>know how hard it is to fight against allopathic attitudes and almost
>overwhelming odds . Also, don't discount the power of prayer!  Many
>church groups have prayer circles going for those in crisis.  I will
>pray for Mike's father tonight.  Namaste:  Bob Bartell
>-Original Message-
>From: John Osowiecki [] 
>Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 8:56 AM
>Subject: CS>Multi-system organ failure and CS..
>Hello All,
>Here I go again with one of those REALLY technical
>My friend, Mikes' father is in the ICU with MRSA (Methicillin Resistant
>Staph Aureas) in his blood.  He is in multi-system organ failure.  His
>heart only has 15% function, he is on dialysis for kidney failure, and
>his liver is failing as well.  He is currently on Vancomycin and
>Gentomycin to treat the MRSA.  He is on dopamine, propofol, and livifed
>(norpine) for his heart.  He is on Protonix and Alternagel for his
>stomach.  He is being fed via an NG tube, as well as Hyperal through a
>central line.
>Prior to the MRSA infection he was in good health. The doctors have
>given Mike authorization to use alternative treatments, although Mike
>had to sign a release of liability. (HUGE STEP, in a hospital setting).
>Mike has been giving him small amounts of CS as well as Coral Calcium
>(from Health Thru Nutrition).  He is also considering starting him on
>Milk Thistle complex (for his liver), Nettleseed complex (for his
>kidney) and Fu Zheng (for his immune system...this product is made
>by herbalist amalcomist).  I spoke to him at length this morning and he
>pleaded with me to ask the list for opinions and input (yes, I brag
>about you all, alot! ~:-})
>As many of you know, I have a chronically ill child, and am very aware
>of what it is like to have a loved one in the situation that mikes'
>father is in.  I also believe in combining traditional medicine (when
>issues are so complex) with a wholistic approach. I gave Mike
>information from my experience with multi-system organ failure and the
>use of CS.which is this:  When we are dealing with a blood
>infection like MRSA, CS will kill the infection, but the problem is that
>since his liver is failing, it will not be able to adequately remove the
>dead toxins from his body, and can cause further complications.  Since
>his father is in the ICU and receiving heavy doses of IV antibiotics
>that are toxic to the liver, AND killing the infection, I think that
>adding CS would overload the liver even more than the doctors have, and
>I advised against him using it, right now. I know that others of you
>(like Brooks Bradley ~:-}) might have some experience with this type of
>infection and situation, and might be able to provide some information
>from your personal experience.  Another thing that I reminded Mike of is
>that nutritional supplements and herbs CAN interact severely with
>mainstream medicine, and that it is VERY important to be properly
>informed of any contraindications.  The problem is that the doctors and
>pharmacy at the hospital don't have any idea what these supplements
>are...and the friends tha

Re: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers

2002-03-20 Thread Joyce Inouye

Lots of info for your sister with cancer.

I am finally receiving email again.  If any of you answered my
previous question, please do so again.  I did not receive your
previous email.

What is the consensus for the best silver maker?  By best, I mean
the most effective germ killer?

Also, what is the best Rife Instrument?

And the best zapper?

Do you know how I might subscribe to these groups?

Thank you.


>AVRA / Jason wrote:
>> Craig:
>> I'm the last one who would want to knock Frank Key's work.  He makes an
>> excellent particle silver.  I've personally learned a TON from him.  But if
>> he states that's going to do anything for cancer, I'd like to know the
>> reasoning.
>She is only using it to prevent other viral/bacterial infections, and
>for Thrush/Candida.
>Frank Key has never made any claim period and I didn't say he did.
>And I didn't say it was being used to treat her cancer...What I said
>was:  "Yes, it is expensive, but my sister has breast cancer and I am
>not going to muck about with unknown things for her."  I also didn't say
>it wasn't being used to treat her cancer, hence the confusion.
>> Purchase the books "The Body Electric" and "Cross Currents" by Dr. Robert O.
>> Becker for an in depth understanding of the possible dynamics at work.  Dr.
>> Becker formulated a theory as to why silver might, in some cases, positively
>> affect cancer.  If he is right in his theories, then particle silver, unless
>> it converted to ionic silver in the body and at the point of cancer, won't
>> likely do much.  Cancer is negatively charged.  So how is the particle
>> silver going to effect the cancer?
>Not even an issue, not using it to treat cancer.
>> For your sister's sake, if nothing else, try not to listen ONLY to the
>> loudest voice, nor ONLY the most theoretically convincing voice.
>I appreciate your concern.
>> The silver particle supporters talk about ionic silver as if it's a done
>> deal that all ionic silver is converted to silver chloride in the body.
>> They are the ONLY ones to do so.  I've never met a silver particle supporter
>> / ant-ion promoter ( exclusively silver particles ) that either didn't have
>> a financial interest, or were parroting those who do have a financial
>> interest.
>You are probably right...BUT:  The silver particles definately don't get
>converted to silver chloride.
>> Furthermore, while there is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that
>> colloidal silver can have an impact on cancer, there is also anecdotal
>> evidence that suggests it does not.  This likely means that in some
>> situations CS use can work, and in others, it doesn't.  This suggests that
>> colloidal silver use is an excellent ADDITION to a full natural ( and/or
>> allopathic ) treatment protocol.
>She is under the care of a comprehensive multi-pathic group. She is not
>getting chemotherapy, but is receiving many other things, not limited to
>R/B and 6C EM+ treaments, QXCI scans, Biotron, EAV, hyperbaric oxygen,
>H202 IV, nutrionalist, hynotherapist, chiropractor, naturopath, and an
>> No matter how hard I try, I can't see particle silver doing much for cancer.
>> I can't identify a method of action.  I've seen situations where a
>> negatively charged substance has impacted cancer, but it was a GREAT deal
>> more of the substance, to the point where there is a generation of an
>> electromagnetic field, to do so.  HOWEVER, I could be wrong.  I'd be more
>> than open to hearing a theory on particle silver action on tumors.  My own
>> research into cancer and silver has just begun.
>I have no theory. The CS is being used prophylactically.
>Again, I appreciate your concern and thank you for taking the time to
>inform me.  
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers

2002-03-20 Thread Joyce Inouye

Will someone enlighten me as to the reason why ionic silver is
better than colloidal silver?

A man with cystic fibrosis was one a member of this group, and he
said WaterOz' ionic silver was best.  Kept him germ free.  

You asked:  

>The question is, who cares enough to find the real truth?


>Arnold wrote:
>>Frank Key is a fine scientist and has been working is this field for a long
>time.  He single-handedly changed the focus of this list from ionic silver
>to particle (colloidal) silver.
>*grins*  Frank has accomplished that, hasn't he?
>I'm here, a voice in the wilderness ( it sometimes seems ), to say:  Don't
>throw out your "ionic" silver quite yet.
>The TRUTH of the matter is, those involved in serious ionic research are too
>busy to play games.  Some of the research going on is not public, and may
>never be.  Whether you all know it or not, you owe them quite a bit.  They
>have fallen out of fashion for the time being.  But they are very, very,
>very busy people, and not concerned with fashion.
>More than three exclusively used the silver-list as a contact point to
>openly share knowledge, experience and ideas, with no other motive than
>caring... They were public in no other place on this planet.  For that, this
>list was truly blessed, beyond its ability to appreciate.
>I am very grateful to be in contact with several, who work at a level that
>far exceeds politics.  They don't need to fight in order to get sales, they
>really don't even need to advertise; some don't.  They need no market
>penetration.  They need no slander.  They need no lawsuits, nor threats of
>lawsuits.  They needed no propaganda against untested theories, when they
>simply wanted solid and scientific exploration of theories...
>When you wage a war on an enemy that doesn't really exist, you always win.
>The question is, who cares enough to find the real truth?
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Nationwide mysterious rashes

2002-03-20 Thread Joyce Inouye

I also discovered a great oil for skin problems.  It's Miracell.  

 =(o o)=


>Hi Listers,
>My twin sons both got this rash.  One got it first and my wife insisted that
>we take him to our pediatrician who was clueless and said it was a "viral
>rash".  I consulted my homeopathic repertory and Rhus Tox appeared to be the
>remedy of choice and gave him two doses.  By thy next morning the rash was
>nearly gone.  His brother started to display the begining signs and he too was
>given Rhus Tox and never developed the full blown rash.  All signs of it were
>gone the morning after one dose.  CS was my next choice, but the Rhus worked
>and resolved the problem to the point that no further treatment was necessary.
>Chip Hoyle
>Trem wrote:
>> Has anyone experienced the mysterious rash now reported in 14 states?  In
>> particular a persistent rash of  unknown cause affecting adults and not
>> responding to conventional treatment?  If so has CS been successfully used
>> to treat it?
>> Trem
>> --
>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>>  -or-
>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>> To post, address your message to:
>> Silver-list archive:
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re[2]: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers

2002-03-20 Thread Maxine Wilton
A short while back I saw where someone was haveing a bad problem with
alergies all of a suden
 he would take Cs and as soon as he stopped it was back. He found out where
he worked there was a leaky water problem and where it was  was being picked
up in air conditioning or air filtering and spread through that system.  I
The water problem in the place was fixed after the EPA got into it and his
alergiy prob;em left him.
 Sometimes in our homes there is musty or mold someplace and or something
else that causes persisitant problems. A person should check this out when
taking something  like CS  and when stopping taking it your problem is back
right away.
 I know if I walk into a must oder older house I can end up in hospital.
 I know
-Original Message-
From: Arnold Beland 
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re[2]: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers

>   Thank you for posting the link to this:
>It was this Atlantic Monthly article that gave the impetuous for me to
>making my own CS.  I had been buying CS for some years as a prophylactic
>recurring severe sinus infections that would incapacitate me for days at a
>   If you have any more links, especially about bacterial and viral
>"loading" please post them.
>Thanks Again,
>- Original Message - >
>> I highly urge everyone to go read this article, in full! It can be
>> viewed at.
>> AJ>  Cancer is negatively charged.  So how is the particle
>> AJ> silver going to effect the cancer?
>> Are you assuming that CS ONLY works by the charge it carries? If so,
>> please cite your references.
>> AJ> The silver particle supporters talk about ionic silver as if it's a
>> AJ> deal that all ionic silver is converted to silver chloride in the
>> AJ> They are the ONLY ones to do so.  I've never met a silver particle
>> AJ> / ant-ion promoter ( exclusively silver particles ) that either
>> AJ> a financial interest, or were parroting those who do have a financial
>> AJ> interest.
>> The above statement is incorrect. Even Frank Key himself DOES NOT
>> discount the benefits of ionic silver! If you would like, I can direct
>> you to his website so that you can read this firsthand. The only
>> statement Frank makes is that HE BELIEVES that when CS is INGESTED,
>> only the particles make it into the bloodstream. This is not the pro
>> particle/anti ion argument that you make it sound like. On his website
>> he clearly states conditions that he feels ions would be preferable to
>> particles.
>> AJ> Furthermore, while there is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that
>> AJ> colloidal silver can have an impact on cancer, there is also
>> AJ> evidence that suggests it does not.  This likely means that in some
>> AJ> situations CS use can work, and in others, it doesn't.  This suggests
>> AJ> colloidal silver use is an excellent ADDITION to a full natural (
>> AJ> allopathic ) treatment protocol.
>> I totally agree with the above statement.
>> AJ> No matter how hard I try, I can't see particle silver doing much for
>> AJ> I can't identify a method of action.  I've seen situations where a
>> AJ> negatively charged substance has impacted cancer, but it was a GREAT
>> AJ> more of the substance, to the point where there is a generation of an
>> AJ> electromagnetic field, to do so.  HOWEVER, I could be wrong.  I'd be
>> AJ> than open to hearing a theory on particle silver action on tumors.
>> AJ> research into cancer and silver has just begun.
>> Just because a method of action can't be identified doesn't mean that
>> something isn't taking place.
>> AJ> My single point is that you don't have to rely exclusively on one
>> AJ> the other.  Until clinical evidence demonstrates facts, all the
>> AJ> theories in the world mean little more than a starting place for
>> AJ> Science has not changed that much, in its method of operation, over
>the last
>> AJ> few hundred years... Remember, at one time, scientists first looked
>> AJ> a microscope and announced to the world that they SAW a little person
>> AJ> sperm.
>> AJ> I plan, hopefully within the foreseeable future, to enlist the
>assistance of
>> AJ> a nonbiased organic chemist to fully address the issue, or at least
>make the
>> AJ> best attempt to do so.
>> AJ> But you should know:  it has been proven that ionic silver CAN plate
>> AJ> organs.  This is an undisputed fact, documented by Petering in the
>70's ( I
>> AJ> have not seen the actual studies ), who was considered a reputable
>> AJ> scientist.  While this was demonstrated by the use of ionic silver
>> AJ> compounds, it was still ionic silver.  If the ionic silver was
>converted to
>> AJ> si

Re: CS>100-500 PPM CS and how it's made.

2002-03-20 Thread Trem
Hi Ken,

Do you mean they dissolve the silver in an acid and then precipitate it and
somehow then get it to stay in suspension?  Seems as though it would fall
out and settle.  Did you ever look at some of it after it had sat for a
while?  Give us some more of your observations please.


From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: CS>100-500 PPM CS and how it's made.

> Advanced materials in moncure NC makes a colloidal silver with the
> chemical precipitate the 55 gallon drum for repackaging.   It
> is a very bright yellow in color.
>  They seemed to want to get rid of me as fast as possible [I just walked
> the door]
> Ken
> At 03:33 PM 3/19/02 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hi List,
> >
> >There's a question that's been nagging me for several years and I hope
> >someone can help me figure it out.  When I see 100 to 500 PPM CS I always
> >wonder what process was used to make it.
> >
> >Since I know that electrolysis can't make it that strong it seems to me
> >has been made through chemical means.  If it is made chemically and
> >binders such as gelatin are used to stabilize it, what is the process?
> >the silver dissolved in an acid and then a precipitant added to form
> >particles or is there some other method?
> >
> >And if it is done using an acid can anyone tell me the process?
> >
> >The stuff is always deep brown in color which makes me think it's no good
> >because of agglomeration, but it might actually have that much silver in
> >I know Ole Bob has tested some of it and as I recall he found most of
> >were not at the PPM touted but it seems he did find some that were in the
> >hundreds of PPM.  Bob, are you there?  Can you shed any light for me?
> >
> >Can anyone?
> >
> >Trem
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >Silver-list archive:
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

2002-03-20 Thread Trem
Hi Reid and List members,

The reason I asked the original question is that I have had several people
ask me about CS touted as being 500 PPM and they wanted to know what I
thought about it.  In all cases I was told it was very deep yellow to brown
colored.  Since I don't have a clue as to how it's made, I'm hesitant to say
anything about it except that it must be really agglomerated to be that
color and that it probably doesn't contain many ions.  Could be way off in
my reasoning so that's why the question.  Does anyone know the process used
to make the 500 PPM stuff.  I call it stuff because I'm not sure what it is.
And I'm not asking for the process in order to try making it.  That's not a
consideration.  I wouldn't ingest it...would rather stick with low PPM clear


- Original Message -
From: "Reid Harvey" 
To: "silver list" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:29 PM
Subject: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

> Hi Trem,
> I'm curious why you say that electrolysis can't make CS as strong as 100
> to 500ppm, unless perhaps you are speaking of the more conventional
> methodologies.  I make CS that is ~170ppm, using a generator I acquired
> from, and though I have not had this tested I feel
> the ppm is the amount advertised.  I'm told this generator will make CS
> upto about 1100ppm or more, simply requiring additional time.
> The container used is a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask, operated in a double
> boiler, which I monitor to see that the boiling point is never
> exceeded.  It's necessary to keep the temperature somewhat under 212oF,
> between about 200 and 208, so there's a thermometer inserted in the
> rubber cork at the top.  I'm also told that the rate of ionic silver
> reaction is doubled for every additional 10oF.  Also I use polarity
> switching, doing this every one minute, in order to prevent current
> runaway.  Three or four hours at temperature and the CS goes from yellow
> to orange to deep amber, always tranparent, but at the end so dark that
> what one sees is a kind of gray, reflected color.  But in diluting you
> get back to a clear yellow.
> I have variously seen here that a number of CS enthusiasts insist the
> ions will agglomerate and precipitate if something like 50ppm is
> exceeded, but I am guessing that this is not what happens.  I believe
> there is actually a current runaway, or perhaps precipitation due to an
> electromagnetic field.  It seems that as ppm increases there is more and
> more likelihood of instability, for various reasons.  The folks who made
> my generator advise the concentrated CS is best kept in a Farraday cage
> in order to prevent instability due to electromagnetic fields.  Of
> course, the producers of the Mexican CS, Microdyn, solve the same
> problem by using the protein stabilizer.
> I hope this information is helpful.
> Reid
> Trem said:
> Hi List,
> There's a question that's been nagging me for several years and I hope
> someone can help me figure it out.  When I see 100 to 500 PPM CS I
> always
> wonder what process was used to make it.
> Since I know that electrolysis can't make it that strong it seems to me
> it
> has been made through chemical means.  If it is made chemically and
> protein
> binders such as gelatin are used to stabilize it, what is the process?
> Is
> the silver dissolved in an acid and then a precipitant added to form
> particles or is there some other method?
> And if it is done using an acid can anyone tell me the process?
> The stuff is always deep brown in color which makes me think it's no
> good
> because of agglomeration, but it might actually have that much silver in
> it.
> I know Ole Bob has tested some of it and as I recall he found most of
> them
> were not at the PPM touted but it seems he did find some that were in
> the
> hundreds of PPM.  Bob, are you there?  Can you shed any light for me?
> Can anyone?
> Trem
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Schauberger (#187)

2002-03-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Not using the frozen method.  But I have found duplicable difference in the
absorption spectrum of water, primarily in the uv and ir region, when water has
been exposed to thoughts, prayer, healing energies, and a number of "devices"
such as dolphin rings.


Kevin Nolan wrote:

> Reference to Emoto's apparent proofs of bizarre links between water's frozen
> structure and eg, music, words, thoughts, even typed messages placed on a
> bottle, have appeared on this list before. What I have not seen is
> duplication by anyone else. Is there anyone on this list who has attempted
> to do just that? If so, please chime up and let us know what you found!
> regards, Kevin Nolan
> - Original Message -
> From: "Brooks Bradley" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 4:19 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: Schauberger (#187)
> > Hello JR,
> > Thank you for the reference to Mr. Emoto.  We have one
> > principal investigator who is quite familiar with his work.  While we have
> > not funded any consequential research effort in this is,
> indeed,
> > fascinating and indicates to be of genuine value both in the field of
> general
> > knowledge andmore specifically, the environs of physical/psychological
> > health.
> > Thank you again for sharing your information.
> > Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Brooks writes:
> > >
> > > > ...Next, we were especially intrigued at  prospects of being able
> > > >
> > > > to generate an actual change in structural well as the
> > > >
> > > > bioactivity of water.  We were able, under scanning electron
> microscopy
> > > >
> > > > examination, to determine that---indeed---such modifications were
> quite
> > > >
> > > > easily achieveable...
> > > >
> > > For photographic evidence of water's mutability due to sound, words,
> > > music and prayer:
> > >
> > > > These slides are the work of Japanese researcher Mr. Masaru Emoto,
> > > > from his book "Messages from Water."
> > > >
> > >
> > > jr
> > >
> > > --
> > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> > >
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> > >
> > > To post, address your message to:
> > > Silver-list archive:
> > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

CS>more than 20ppm a waste?

2002-03-20 Thread Ian Roe
Hi to Ted Windsor:

I have seen postings before about how anything more than 20 ppm is a waste.
It's a pretty subjective statement.  It's really more helpful to say, "I use
20 ppm and it is effective for me!"

Many have felt that anything over 10-12  ppm is a waste.  It really depends
upon how one is using their CS and what one isusing it for - doesn't it?  If
one is using it topically or to sterilize countertops, spray salads,  then
the higher ppm is useful and so is the ionic content. There is a rationale
here.  Given equal particle size,  if one is used to taking two ounces of 5
ppm per day (and they experience it's efficacy) , then if they were taking
20ppm they would only need to take 1/4 of this or if they were taking 30ppm
then they would only have to take 1/6 of this. If they are purchasing their
CS, then it does make a difference in cost.  A teaspoon of 30ppm is equal to
an ounce of 5 ppm.  A 500 ml bottle of 30ppm would be equivalent to six
500ml bottles of 5 ppm.  It doesn't take a whole lot longer to make 30ppm
than it does to make 5 ppm and the price spread is not 6:1 at least from
what I have seen out there.  I know mine isn't - $20 vs $15 CDN.

80% of the success of any treatment whether it is within the medical model
or a more natural model, is in the mind.  If someone believes that taking 1
tsp of 30 ppm vs 1 teaspoon of 20ppm will help them more - it probably will
and it is therefore not a waste.  Making subjective negative statements to
these folks about how they are wasteing their CS can have unintended
detrimental effects.  People like to believe that what they are doing is
helpful.  If they believe they are helping themselves, to some extent, they
are - even if all they are doing is touching their toes.

There are people out there who insist that you not have your head in bed
lined up with any of the toilettes in the house - and if they can suck
someone into that belief system and they don't move their bed, they can get
sick. I've seen the promotional material on this. These people wouldn't have
you move into a house on a cul de sac.  But never the less, if you buy into
a belief system like this, it will have it's effect on your health.

I use 32 ppm, and I take about 1-2 tsp per day.  When I get a sore throat, I
gargle an ounce 2-3 times per day for two to three days - Is it a waste? I
don't know - but it works fine thankyou and I'm not really going to listen
to anyone telling me I've wasted it.  If I even miss one day off work, it
costs me about $400 - if I miss 5 days it's about $2000. My own subjective
statement here: " If I can avoid a two thousand dollar sore throat and cold,
no amount of CS that I took was a waste, whether it was 5 pm or 100 ppm.

Postings on the list seem to indicate that members on the list use anything
from one ppm up to 40 ppm  (most at about 5-10 ppm) and find it useful and
effective so I don't really understand why someone wants to create 100 to
500 or even 1000 ppm.  except to demonstrate their technical expertise (lots
of those folks here - nothing wrong with this)  or to develop some sort of
hype and proprietary edge for marketing by developing a method out of reach
of most folks.

- Original Message -
From: "Ted Windsor" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

> More then 20 ppm is a waste, until someone can prove differently I will
> continue to believe this.  Besides if more was better everyone would be
> making it.
> Blessings
> Ted

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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Raising PH Level of Distilled Water

2002-03-20 Thread Jason / AVRA

Greetings, all:

I utilize hydroxide rather than potassium hydroxide to raise the PH level of 
water.  I'm not certain what postassium hydroxide sells for, but I've found 
hydroxide to be an excellent and affordable ( retail ) product through Alpha 
Omega Labs.

However, one cannot really make CS with the modified substance.  45 ML of 
hydroxide concentrate raises the PH of good distilled water to 9.5 - 10 PH.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New Acid/Alkaline Water Device

2002-03-20 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Kevin,  Can you check the addresses on these links, only the hiddencures page
will work, and the order link does not work on that one??
Tel Tofflemire

Kevin Nolan wrote:

> Much impressed with their generous advice offered on their hiddencures page,
> including links to competitor electrolysed water machines. Another even
> cheaper DIY design which has been listed here from time to time is at
> That design uses stainless steel
> electrodes, which does leech nickel into the acid water cell. Another cheap
> unit is at; very much along the
> same lines as the hiddencures device, but using much cheaper (but IMO just
> as inert and effective) carbon electrodes instead of platinum/titanium.
> Output rate would be very low - but then so is the batch quantity.
> Kevin Nolan
> - Original Message -
> From: "John A. Stanley" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 9:58 AM
> Subject: CS>New Acid/Alkaline Water Device
> > In the past there has been discussion on the list about those
> > acid/alkaline water machines, and the units I've seen on the 'net were
> > very expensive. Yesterday at the healthfood store I saw an ad on the
> > bulletin board for a new unit that looks kinda homebrew, but the price
> > is right:
> >
> >
> >
> > Whatcha all think?
> >
> > --
> > John A. Stanley
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>Re[2]: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers

2002-03-20 Thread Arnold Beland
   Thank you for posting the link to this:
It was this Atlantic Monthly article that gave the impetuous for me to start
making my own CS.  I had been buying CS for some years as a prophylactic for
recurring severe sinus infections that would incapacitate me for days at a
   If you have any more links, especially about bacterial and viral
"loading" please post them.

Thanks Again,


- Original Message - >
> I highly urge everyone to go read this article, in full! It can be
> viewed at.
> AJ>  Cancer is negatively charged.  So how is the particle
> AJ> silver going to effect the cancer?
> Are you assuming that CS ONLY works by the charge it carries? If so,
> please cite your references.
> AJ> The silver particle supporters talk about ionic silver as if it's a
> AJ> deal that all ionic silver is converted to silver chloride in the
> AJ> They are the ONLY ones to do so.  I've never met a silver particle
> AJ> / ant-ion promoter ( exclusively silver particles ) that either didn't
> AJ> a financial interest, or were parroting those who do have a financial
> AJ> interest.
> The above statement is incorrect. Even Frank Key himself DOES NOT
> discount the benefits of ionic silver! If you would like, I can direct
> you to his website so that you can read this firsthand. The only
> statement Frank makes is that HE BELIEVES that when CS is INGESTED,
> only the particles make it into the bloodstream. This is not the pro
> particle/anti ion argument that you make it sound like. On his website
> he clearly states conditions that he feels ions would be preferable to
> particles.
> AJ> Furthermore, while there is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that
> AJ> colloidal silver can have an impact on cancer, there is also anecdotal
> AJ> evidence that suggests it does not.  This likely means that in some
> AJ> situations CS use can work, and in others, it doesn't.  This suggests
> AJ> colloidal silver use is an excellent ADDITION to a full natural (
> AJ> allopathic ) treatment protocol.
> I totally agree with the above statement.
> AJ> No matter how hard I try, I can't see particle silver doing much for
> AJ> I can't identify a method of action.  I've seen situations where a
> AJ> negatively charged substance has impacted cancer, but it was a GREAT
> AJ> more of the substance, to the point where there is a generation of an
> AJ> electromagnetic field, to do so.  HOWEVER, I could be wrong.  I'd be
> AJ> than open to hearing a theory on particle silver action on tumors.  My
> AJ> research into cancer and silver has just begun.
> Just because a method of action can't be identified doesn't mean that
> something isn't taking place.
> AJ> My single point is that you don't have to rely exclusively on one side
> AJ> the other.  Until clinical evidence demonstrates facts, all the
> AJ> theories in the world mean little more than a starting place for
> AJ> Science has not changed that much, in its method of operation, over
the last
> AJ> few hundred years... Remember, at one time, scientists first looked
> AJ> a microscope and announced to the world that they SAW a little person
> AJ> sperm.
> AJ> I plan, hopefully within the foreseeable future, to enlist the
assistance of
> AJ> a nonbiased organic chemist to fully address the issue, or at least
make the
> AJ> best attempt to do so.
> AJ> But you should know:  it has been proven that ionic silver CAN plate
> AJ> organs.  This is an undisputed fact, documented by Petering in the
70's ( I
> AJ> have not seen the actual studies ), who was considered a reputable
> AJ> scientist.  While this was demonstrated by the use of ionic silver
> AJ> compounds, it was still ionic silver.  If the ionic silver was
converted to
> AJ> silver chloride or other compound, no organ plating would be
possible - at
> AJ> least, that is my thinking on the subject.  SO, the ionic silver made
> AJ> through the stomach/or/bloodstream, to the organ, at which time, for
> AJ> whatever reason, it was still ionic.  Then, it plated onto the organ.
> I would have to see the study. Besides, there is a great difference
> between ingesting silver ions in water at a very low concentration,
> and massive amounts of, say, silver nitrate. While he may have
> documented this, what was the concentration of silver required to do
> this (in milligrams per kilogram of body weight)?
> AJ> Anyone truly honest would say:  We don't know.  There is not enough
> AJ> evidence.
> Anyhow, this is NOT meant as a pissing contest! I have just added my
> views, and made a slight correction to the ion/particle statement.
> Everyone is invited to join in, in a CIVILIZED mannor please!
> Regards,
>  Solar
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for

Re: CS>100-500 PPM CS and how it's made.

2002-03-20 Thread Ode Coyote
 Advanced materials in moncure NC makes a colloidal silver with the
chemical precipitate the 55 gallon drum for repackaging.   It
is a very bright yellow in color.
 They seemed to want to get rid of me as fast as possible [I just walked in
the door]

At 03:33 PM 3/19/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi List,
>There's a question that's been nagging me for several years and I hope
>someone can help me figure it out.  When I see 100 to 500 PPM CS I always
>wonder what process was used to make it.
>Since I know that electrolysis can't make it that strong it seems to me it
>has been made through chemical means.  If it is made chemically and protein
>binders such as gelatin are used to stabilize it, what is the process?  Is
>the silver dissolved in an acid and then a precipitant added to form
>particles or is there some other method?
>And if it is done using an acid can anyone tell me the process?
>The stuff is always deep brown in color which makes me think it's no good
>because of agglomeration, but it might actually have that much silver in it.
>I know Ole Bob has tested some of it and as I recall he found most of them
>were not at the PPM touted but it seems he did find some that were in the
>hundreds of PPM.  Bob, are you there?  Can you shed any light for me?
>Can anyone?
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Amazing new microscope (article, UC Berkeley).

2002-03-20 Thread Ode Coyote
  They will if they can make money on it, but anyhow...maybe someday soon
we can see our silver particles.
 I haven't seen a Doc in over 20 years.


At 03:13 PM 3/19/02 -0600, you wrote:
>This all sounds wonderful, but I don't believe the powers that be will allow
>a cure for any of these money making illinesses.  The Pharms will not allow
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ode Coyote" 
>Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:03 AM
>Subject: CS>Amazing new microscope (article, UC Berkeley).
>> Berkeley
>> Microsized microscopes: UC Berkeley researchers develop microlens and
>> scanner that can provide views inside living cells
>> 13 March 2002
>> By Sarah Yang, Media Relations
>> Berkeley - Imagine a future where doctors can view the DNA of tumor cells
>> inside a patient as cancer drugs are delivered, or where anti-terrorism
>> units can identify single molecules of a biowarfare agent on site with a
>> portable detector. With a significant development in miniaturized
>> microscopes at the University of California, Berkeley, scientists are
>> inching closer to such possibilities.
>>Luke Lee
>> Assistant Professor Luke Lee is developing a micro-lens smaller than the
>> period at the end of this sentence. Peg Skorpinski photo
>>   micro-CIA
>> Shown is an image of a scanner of the micro confocal imaging array, or
>> micro-CIA, taken by a scanning electron microscope. The photopolymer
>> microlens in the center of the scanner is shaped by surface tension, not
>> etching, and is therefore extremely smooth. Comb-drives on opposing sides
>> of the scanner power the side-to-side movements using electrostatic
>> The "fingers" of the comb-drives are spaced 2-5 microns apart.
>>micro confocal imaging array
>> As seen in this schematic of a micro confocal imaging array, the staging
>> platform that holds the sample is on the bottom. Three scanners stacked
>> vertically above the platform scan each of the three axes (X, Y and Z) for
>> three-dimensional images. The fluorescent signal detector sits above the
>> scanners.
>> Luke P. Lee, assistant professor of bioengineering at UC Berkeley, and his
>> doctoral student Sunghoon Kwon have captured an image of a plant cell with
>> a microlens smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.
>> "It's shrinking a million dollar machine down to a size that can balance
>> the tip of a ballpoint pen," said Lee, who presented the results at a
>> recent International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. "The
>> microlens and scanner we've made is a crucial part of a microscope that is
>> 500 to 1,000 times smaller than anything in its class."
>> In testing the accuracy of the microlens and scanner, Kwon placed a cell
>> sample taken from a flowering lily, Convallaria majalis, onto the platform
>> of a conventional confocal microscope. Without moving the sample, they
>> captured a cross-sectional image of the cell wall, first with the
>> traditional microscope, then with the microlens scanner. They found that
>> the two images matched, showing for the first time that his microscopic
>> lens could perform as well as a conventional one.
>> "Honestly, we were shocked," said Lee, who also is co-director of the
>> Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center. "What we've finally shown is a proof of
>> concept. We have tested only 2-D images now, but it's just a matter of
>> and manpower before we get the first 3-D image."
>> The microlens and scanner are part of a device Lee is developing called
>> micro confocal imaging array, or micro-CIA. The micro-CIA belongs to a
>> group of devices known as Bio-Polymer-Opto-Electro-Mechanical-Systems, or
>> BioPOEMS. Invented by Lee, BioPOEMS marry the world of optics to that of
>> microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS, for use in biological
>> The size and sensitivity of the micro-CIA would allow technicians to
>> quickly test even trace amounts of anthrax or smallpox in the field. It
>> could become a crucial part of a "lab-on-a-chip," where researchers can
>> study genes and proteins in ways unimagined decades ago. Lee is
>> particularly excited by the potential for advancements in medicine
>> with a miniaturized microscope.
>> "You could put this device on the tip of an endoscope that could be guided
>> inside a cancer patient," said Lee. "Doctors could then see how tumor
>> behave in vivo. It would also be feasible to deliver drugs directly to the
>> tumor cell, and then view how the cell responds to the drugs."
>> High-end confocal microscopes, which house several lasers, take up to a
>> meter of desk space, can cost more than $1 million and typically require
>> highly-trained operators to run them, said Lee. The high cost of owning
>> running confocal microscopes limits the amount of research that can be
>> with them, he said.
>> "My goal is to not only shrink

Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

2002-03-20 Thread Ted Windsor
More then 20 ppm is a waste, until someone can prove differently I will
continue to believe this.  Besides if more was better everyone would be
making it.

Reid Harvey wrote:

> Hi Trem,
> I'm curious why you say that electrolysis can't make CS as strong as 100
> to 500ppm, unless perhaps you are speaking of the more conventional
> methodologies.  I make CS that is ~170ppm, using a generator I acquired
> from, and though I have not had this tested I feel
> the ppm is the amount advertised.  I'm told this generator will make CS
> upto about 1100ppm or more, simply requiring additional time.
> The container used is a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask, operated in a double
> boiler, which I monitor to see that the boiling point is never
> exceeded.  It's necessary to keep the temperature somewhat under 212oF,
> between about 200 and 208, so there's a thermometer inserted in the
> rubber cork at the top.  I'm also told that the rate of ionic silver
> reaction is doubled for every additional 10oF.  Also I use polarity
> switching, doing this every one minute, in order to prevent current
> runaway.  Three or four hours at temperature and the CS goes from yellow
> to orange to deep amber, always tranparent, but at the end so dark that
> what one sees is a kind of gray, reflected color.  But in diluting you
> get back to a clear yellow.
> I have variously seen here that a number of CS enthusiasts insist the
> ions will agglomerate and precipitate if something like 50ppm is
> exceeded, but I am guessing that this is not what happens.  I believe
> there is actually a current runaway, or perhaps precipitation due to an
> electromagnetic field.  It seems that as ppm increases there is more and
> more likelihood of instability, for various reasons.  The folks who made
> my generator advise the concentrated CS is best kept in a Farraday cage
> in order to prevent instability due to electromagnetic fields.  Of
> course, the producers of the Mexican CS, Microdyn, solve the same
> problem by using the protein stabilizer.
> I hope this information is helpful.
> Reid
> Trem said:
> Hi List,
> There's a question that's been nagging me for several years and I hope
> someone can help me figure it out.  When I see 100 to 500 PPM CS I
> always
> wonder what process was used to make it.
> Since I know that electrolysis can't make it that strong it seems to me
> it
> has been made through chemical means.  If it is made chemically and
> protein
> binders such as gelatin are used to stabilize it, what is the process?
> Is
> the silver dissolved in an acid and then a precipitant added to form
> particles or is there some other method?
> And if it is done using an acid can anyone tell me the process?
> The stuff is always deep brown in color which makes me think it's no
> good
> because of agglomeration, but it might actually have that much silver in
> it.
> I know Ole Bob has tested some of it and as I recall he found most of
> them
> were not at the PPM touted but it seems he did find some that were in
> the
> hundreds of PPM.  Bob, are you there?  Can you shed any light for me?
> Can anyone?
> Trem
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Check out Colloidal Silver Generators

2002-03-20 Thread Jonathan Britten
One mason jar full -- looks like a quart jar to me. . .  size not written . 
. .

At 10:32 PM 3/19/2002 -0500, you wrote:

How much cs did you make?

- Original Message -
From: "Jonathan Britten" 
To: ; 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Check out Colloidal Silver Generators

> BTW,  evidently I misunderstood about the laser -- it was free
> shipping.  Anyway,  good machine from silvergen!
> At 02:25 PM 3/19/2002 -0600, Jonathan Britten wrote:
> >I just got the 200 buck silvergen generator.   Seems excellent based on
> >the results of my first batch.  Took two hours,  no sludge whatsoever,
> >cyrstal clear.Was supposed to come w/ free laser but that was
> >so I can not check for the Tyndall effect.   First impression is that
> >is a very good unit indeed.
> >
> >JBB
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >t 09:15 PM 3/14/2002 -0800, you wrote:
> >
> >>Is there a general consensus as to the top silver makers?
> >>
> >>The colloidal silver you mentioned seems to be an average model
> >>with an expensive price tag.  Below are websites which seem to
> >>have more features.  Have any of you tried them?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>I feel silver should be taken like an antibiotic -- only when our
> >>immune system cannot handle all the germs and needs
> >>re-inforcements.
> >>
> >>The best way to keep free of germs is to build a healthy Immune
> >>System by eating healthy foods.  Also by taking extra food
> >>medicines.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> >";>Click here:
> >> Silver Generators
> >> >
> >> >Hi everyone I am thinking of buying a different generator than the one
> >> >bought.
> >> >has anyone heard of the generators for sale on the enclosed web-site?
> >> >They look and sound pretty good to me, and are less expensive than the
> >> >one I just bought
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >>
> >>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >>  -or-
> >>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >>
> >>To post, address your message to:
> >>Silver-list archive:
> >>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS>Trap Report from John Moore

2002-03-20 Thread Lee Catlett

TJ Garland wrote:
> Lee, what is the Trap Report? TJ

Trap Report from John Moore

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>CS, Current, water, etc. was Testers

2002-03-20 Thread Solar
Hello Jason, and list,

Not one to sit idle during good conversation, please let me interject
my proverbial $0.02!

Tuesday, March 19, 2002, 9:48:15 PM, you wrote:

AJ> Craig:

AJ> I'm the last one who would want to knock Frank Key's work.  He makes an
AJ> excellent particle silver.  I've personally learned a TON from him.  But if
AJ> he states that's going to do anything for cancer, I'd like to know the
AJ> reasoning.

Two very good reasons why CS may be beneficial to someone with cancer.
First, it has been shown by many sources, that humans tend to get
cancer many, many times in life. The immune system tends to deal with
it before it gets too far out of hand. So, a healthy immune system is
a good defense to cancer (a point which I think very few would
debate). So, if one were to take CS, I feel it would, if nothing else,
help to unload the immune system from some of its day-to-day
housekeeping tasks. Things like low-grade, continual infections from
poor dental work, and general every day exposure to bacteria and virii
found everywhere.

The second reason that CS may be beneficial is covered in the article
"A New Germ Theory", which is available online, and is a MUST READ.
Here is a small quote from the article.

"H. pylori, the ulcer pathogen, confers a sixfold greater risk of
stomach cancer, and accounts for at least half of all stomach cancers.
Also, the lymphoid tissue of the stomach can produce a low-grade
gastric lymphoma under the influence of this bacterium. Early reports
indicate that the lymphoma is cured in 50 percent of cases by
resolving the H. pylori infection -- which may mark the first time in
medical history that cancer has been cured with an antibiotic."

Wait a minute. That's pretty important. Read it again. What it says is

I highly urge everyone to go read this article, in full! It can be
viewed at.

AJ>  Cancer is negatively charged.  So how is the particle
AJ> silver going to effect the cancer?

Are you assuming that CS ONLY works by the charge it carries? If so,
please cite your references.

AJ> The silver particle supporters talk about ionic silver as if it's a done
AJ> deal that all ionic silver is converted to silver chloride in the body.
AJ> They are the ONLY ones to do so.  I've never met a silver particle supporter
AJ> / ant-ion promoter ( exclusively silver particles ) that either didn't have
AJ> a financial interest, or were parroting those who do have a financial
AJ> interest.

The above statement is incorrect. Even Frank Key himself DOES NOT
discount the benefits of ionic silver! If you would like, I can direct
you to his website so that you can read this firsthand. The only
statement Frank makes is that HE BELIEVES that when CS is INGESTED,
only the particles make it into the bloodstream. This is not the pro
particle/anti ion argument that you make it sound like. On his website
he clearly states conditions that he feels ions would be preferable to

AJ> Furthermore, while there is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that
AJ> colloidal silver can have an impact on cancer, there is also anecdotal
AJ> evidence that suggests it does not.  This likely means that in some
AJ> situations CS use can work, and in others, it doesn't.  This suggests that
AJ> colloidal silver use is an excellent ADDITION to a full natural ( and/or
AJ> allopathic ) treatment protocol.

I totally agree with the above statement.

AJ> No matter how hard I try, I can't see particle silver doing much for cancer.
AJ> I can't identify a method of action.  I've seen situations where a
AJ> negatively charged substance has impacted cancer, but it was a GREAT deal
AJ> more of the substance, to the point where there is a generation of an
AJ> electromagnetic field, to do so.  HOWEVER, I could be wrong.  I'd be more
AJ> than open to hearing a theory on particle silver action on tumors.  My own
AJ> research into cancer and silver has just begun.

Just because a method of action can't be identified doesn't mean that
something isn't taking place.

AJ> My single point is that you don't have to rely exclusively on one side or
AJ> the other.  Until clinical evidence demonstrates facts, all the chemistry
AJ> theories in the world mean little more than a starting place for study.

AJ> Science has not changed that much, in its method of operation, over the last
AJ> few hundred years... Remember, at one time, scientists first looked through
AJ> a microscope and announced to the world that they SAW a little person in
AJ> sperm.

AJ> I plan, hopefully within the foreseeable future, to enlist the assistance of
AJ> a nonbiased organic chemist to fully address the issue, or at least make the
AJ> best attempt to do so.

AJ> But you should know:  it has been proven that ionic silver CAN plate onto
AJ> organs.  This is an u