What about Eniva CS (was labeled at 275 ppm)? I've used this several times
in the past and it did seem to be quite effective, even able to absorb
through the skin. They do not supply technical bulletins anymore, but I have
seen them a few years ago. I won't pretend to be an expert on CS, only
through experience.
  I'd like to see some serious testing of their products.
Also, I'm having my doubts about CS working all that well against certain
infections such as urinary tract infections. My brother-in-law has cancer
with recurring infections. The latest landed him in the hospital with a
systemic infection (very serious). They immediately put in on abx and it
cleared up in a few days. He went home and began ingesting large quantities
last week of CS. Tonight I understand he's back in with an infection. I fear
this time it may even be a Staph infection from his hospital stay.
  I've heard some say beyond the stomach and GI tract, CS does little for
acute infections of this type. I'm starting to lean toward that hypothesis
as my son's ear infection this week was very severe. We are no strangers to
ear infections. Usually, it can be cleared up within 12 hours after dropping
CS into the ears. We have also used GSE in oil as well. However, this time
the infection went beyond the outer ear and into the inner ear, which the CS
could not reach. Reluctanly I had no choice other than bring him to ER for
which he was prescribed TriMox (amoxicillin) for the first time in about 2
1/2 years. Within 24 hours, the infection and pain subsided and he's now
feeling well.
  Is it possible the most efficacious type of CS is in fact some of the
specialty producers of CS such as Aqua Argentica or New Silver Solution that
claim their products have special properties (magnetic, energized etc.) do
in fact work much better than making your own? I know that external
infections are handled very well with even the most primitive(?) methods of
'home brewed' CS, but internally I have yet to see any form of CS rid an
internal (beyond the stomach) infection equal to or better than standard
abx, or even work at all in our experience. In my son's case, it was not
worth the risk experimenting which may result in permanent ear damage or
worse yet, mastoiditis or even menningitis. As I've stated, using CS is not
new to me, but I am not an authority on the subject other than by anecdotal.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Windsor" <t...@shaw.ca>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

> More then 20 ppm is a waste, until someone can prove differently I will
> continue to believe this.  Besides if more was better everyone would be
> making it.
> Blessings
> Ted
> Reid Harvey wrote:
> > Hi Trem,
> > I'm curious why you say that electrolysis can't make CS as strong as 100
> > to 500ppm, unless perhaps you are speaking of the more conventional
> > methodologies.  I make CS that is ~170ppm, using a generator I acquired
> > from Educate-Yourself.org, and though I have not had this tested I feel
> > the ppm is the amount advertised.  I'm told this generator will make CS
> > upto about 1100ppm or more, simply requiring additional time.
> >
> > The container used is a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask, operated in a double
> > boiler, which I monitor to see that the boiling point is never
> > exceeded.  It's necessary to keep the temperature somewhat under 212oF,
> > between about 200 and 208, so there's a thermometer inserted in the
> > rubber cork at the top.  I'm also told that the rate of ionic silver
> > reaction is doubled for every additional 10oF.  Also I use polarity
> > switching, doing this every one minute, in order to prevent current
> > runaway.  Three or four hours at temperature and the CS goes from yellow
> > to orange to deep amber, always tranparent, but at the end so dark that
> > what one sees is a kind of gray, reflected color.  But in diluting you
> > get back to a clear yellow.
> >
> > I have variously seen here that a number of CS enthusiasts insist the
> > ions will agglomerate and precipitate if something like 50ppm is
> > exceeded, but I am guessing that this is not what happens.  I believe
> > there is actually a current runaway, or perhaps precipitation due to an
> > electromagnetic field.  It seems that as ppm increases there is more and
> > more likelihood of instability, for various reasons.  The folks who made
> > my generator advise the concentrated CS is best kept in a Farraday cage
> > in order to prevent instability due to electromagnetic fields.  Of
> > course, the producers of the Mexican CS, Microdyn, solve the same
> > problem by using the protein stabilizer.
> >
> > I hope this information is helpful.
> > Reid
> >
> > Trem said:
> > Hi List,
> >
> > There's a question that's been nagging me for several years and I hope
> > someone can help me figure it out.  When I see 100 to 500 PPM CS I
> > always
> > wonder what process was used to make it.
> >
> > Since I know that electrolysis can't make it that strong it seems to me
> > it
> > has been made through chemical means.  If it is made chemically and
> > protein
> > binders such as gelatin are used to stabilize it, what is the process?
> > Is
> > the silver dissolved in an acid and then a precipitant added to form
> > particles or is there some other method?
> >
> > And if it is done using an acid can anyone tell me the process?
> >
> > The stuff is always deep brown in color which makes me think it's no
> > good
> > because of agglomeration, but it might actually have that much silver in
> > it.
> > I know Ole Bob has tested some of it and as I recall he found most of
> > them
> > were not at the PPM touted but it seems he did find some that were in
> > the
> > hundreds of PPM.  Bob, are you there?  Can you shed any light for me?
> >
> > Can anyone?
> >
> > Trem
> >
> > --
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