The 500ppm stuff that Ole Bob tested, and sent on for further testing is the
stuff peddled by HHA....are these the same products others are asking you
Just curious...

> From: "Trem" <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:02:56 -0800
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:41:39 -0800
> Hi Reid and List members,
> The reason I asked the original question is that I have had several people
> ask me about CS touted as being 500 PPM and they wanted to know what I
> thought about it.  In all cases I was told it was very deep yellow to brown
> colored.  Since I don't have a clue as to how it's made, I'm hesitant to say
> anything about it except that it must be really agglomerated to be that
> color and that it probably doesn't contain many ions.  Could be way off in
> my reasoning so that's why the question.  Does anyone know the process used
> to make the 500 PPM stuff.  I call it stuff because I'm not sure what it is.
> And I'm not asking for the process in order to try making it.  That's not a
> consideration.  I wouldn't ingest it...would rather stick with low PPM clear
> CS.
> Trem
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Reid Harvey" <>
> To: "silver list" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:29 PM
> Subject: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made
>> Hi Trem,
>> I'm curious why you say that electrolysis can't make CS as strong as 100
>> to 500ppm, unless perhaps you are speaking of the more conventional
>> methodologies.  I make CS that is ~170ppm, using a generator I acquired
>> from, and though I have not had this tested I feel
>> the ppm is the amount advertised.  I'm told this generator will make CS
>> upto about 1100ppm or more, simply requiring additional time.
>> The container used is a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask, operated in a double
>> boiler, which I monitor to see that the boiling point is never
>> exceeded.  It's necessary to keep the temperature somewhat under 212oF,
>> between about 200 and 208, so there's a thermometer inserted in the
>> rubber cork at the top.  I'm also told that the rate of ionic silver
>> reaction is doubled for every additional 10oF.  Also I use polarity
>> switching, doing this every one minute, in order to prevent current
>> runaway.  Three or four hours at temperature and the CS goes from yellow
>> to orange to deep amber, always tranparent, but at the end so dark that
>> what one sees is a kind of gray, reflected color.  But in diluting you
>> get back to a clear yellow.
>> I have variously seen here that a number of CS enthusiasts insist the
>> ions will agglomerate and precipitate if something like 50ppm is
>> exceeded, but I am guessing that this is not what happens.  I believe
>> there is actually a current runaway, or perhaps precipitation due to an
>> electromagnetic field.  It seems that as ppm increases there is more and
>> more likelihood of instability, for various reasons.  The folks who made
>> my generator advise the concentrated CS is best kept in a Farraday cage
>> in order to prevent instability due to electromagnetic fields.  Of
>> course, the producers of the Mexican CS, Microdyn, solve the same
>> problem by using the protein stabilizer.
>> I hope this information is helpful.
>> Reid
>> Trem said:
>> Hi List,
>> There's a question that's been nagging me for several years and I hope
>> someone can help me figure it out.  When I see 100 to 500 PPM CS I
>> always
>> wonder what process was used to make it.
>> Since I know that electrolysis can't make it that strong it seems to me
>> it
>> has been made through chemical means.  If it is made chemically and
>> protein
>> binders such as gelatin are used to stabilize it, what is the process?
>> Is
>> the silver dissolved in an acid and then a precipitant added to form
>> particles or is there some other method?
>> And if it is done using an acid can anyone tell me the process?
>> The stuff is always deep brown in color which makes me think it's no
>> good
>> because of agglomeration, but it might actually have that much silver in
>> it.
>> I know Ole Bob has tested some of it and as I recall he found most of
>> them
>> were not at the PPM touted but it seems he did find some that were in
>> the
>> hundreds of PPM.  Bob, are you there?  Can you shed any light for me?
>> Can anyone?
>> Trem
>> --
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