CSDistilled Water Purity

2002-09-23 Thread cmccauley

Regarding the 'beard' or 'roots' on my one electrode, I notice when I make
CS (my own set-up with the 9volt batteries) that  depending on whether I
use a bubbler or not AND whether the bubbler is moving slowly or gung ho
makes a difference as to whether I get a 'beard' or 'roots'.

I get roots when I don't use a bubbler or have the bubbler set to bubble
very slowly (two or three bubbles per second).  This is also when I get a
yellowish CS with a stronger TE.

I tend to get a beardy-like, waving grass-like growth when I use my bubbler
set to bubble stronger and have more water movement.  I also get a totally
clear CS with very little TE when I brew like this.

I would assume the bubbler is adding air (oxygen,etc...) into the water,
both dissolved and not dissolved.   Does this have anything to do with the
roots or beardiness of the electrode?  Or could it be the carbon dioxide in
the 'air'?

Also, I don't have either of the Hanna meters to check my distilled water
but when I check the conductivity of the water before I start brewing a
batch AND before I spike it with some of a previous batch, using a plain
old digital multimeter (using the mA function), my Food Lion distilled
water, which is ozonated and steam distilled, always reads below .05 mA.
Is this good?  Does it even matter?  I would think that I would want the
water the least conductive to start with (until I spike it with CS to raise
the conductivity).  Am I correct?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSQuestion about new batches of CS?

2002-09-23 Thread Ode Coyote

  Overcook could be it.
 Timers on a constant voltage generator cannot be the least bit accurate.
The whole process is an exponential runaway that can vary by hours at the
start and burn up in seconds towards the end.  The slightest bit of
difference in waters will make a huge difference in the time it takes. 
On a constant current generator, timing can be accurate IF you know what
you had when you started timing as runaway stops when the current controls
kick in and the process goes linear from there.  You have to know  when the
current control has kicked in or have some other reference to show you
where you were when you started timing.

At 06:56 PM 9/22/02 EDT, you wrote:
I have been making my own CS for a little over a year now.

I use Walgreens Distilled Water which has always worked for
me.  I use a Robey Deluxe Mark ll Colloidal Silver Generator.
I make 8 ounces in about 35 minutes normally
I recently found a larger container that the lid of the CS gen.
would fit on. The new bottle is a quart ( 32 ounces )
I ran it for about an hour, cleaning the wires every 20 minutes
and stirring each time.
The batches all looked clear when I finished, but today all
of them (3 ) have turned different shades of yellow.
The question is,  did I over cook them?
Is the CS good to use in my cat's water and for me to drink?
What about using yellow CS for eyedrops?
I don't have a meter to see what PPM I got but tests on the
40PPM setting and 8 oz brewed till the timer light goes out, 
gave me  reading of 15 PPM.

Thank you for your opinions/expertise in advance.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2002-09-23 Thread Ode Coyote
 I've made some pretty strong CS with a strong TE  24.7 uS [PWT]  see jpg.
 Sample pic taken sitting on a window sill in morning daylight...CS 3 weeks
old, crystal clear in indirect light, almost milky looking in direct light,
no sparklies.
 Another sample metered out to 14.6 uS, strong TE in indirect daylight
[similar to pic]...looked pale yellow in old gin bottle with yellow label
but was actually crystal clear when placed in another container without a

 It's like a billion tiny mirrors that pick up any color that's near it.

Yet another batch meters to 43.7 uS, clear but the TE isn't as strong.
I'm still trying to figure out how to make batches go one way or the other
in a repeatable manner.

Every lab I've ever sent a sample to has returned  widely different results
ranging from 26.8 PPM [Ole Bob] to 45.5 PPM. [NCDNR Water Lab]
 [No two labs used the same method..all samples run the same way so far as
possible.  Samples wound up very pale yellow on arrival but were
clear/colorless when they left here]

 I think the science of testing quantities in the lower end of parts per
million range has a ways to go.


At 08:25 AM 9/20/02 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Frank,

So that explains why our CS shows very faint Tyndall except in the dark or
subdued light.  It's because the CS is mostly ionic.  By your recent
analysis of CS made with our SG7 it's 99.97% ionic.

What wasn't clear to me is why there were some large particles showing in
microphotographs and yet I see a weak Tyndall.  That has always bothered me.
It was a dichotomy that I couldn't rationalize.  Thanks for making it more
clear to

However, there's another problem.  We have had samples analyzed using AA
and the results always came back 85% ionic...15% colloidal.  That seems
incongruous doesn't it?  How do you think it can be almost 100% ionic when
you test it and only 85% when another lab does the test?  I'm stumped.
Do you think one of the methods skews the results?

I have been able to produce CS with very pronounced Tyndall but of course
it was always coloredthe depth of color directly related to Tyndall
effect.  I have always tried to produce clear CS knowing the particles
were as small as possible if there was no color.


- Original Message -
From: Frank Key fr...@strsoft.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: CSBuyer Beware

 TEM images of ionic silver solutions are virtually worthless for the
 following reason:

 When attempting to use a Transmission Electron Microscope(TEM)  to observe
 colloidal silver solutions, the sample must be desiccated to remove the
 water. This removal of water forces the silver ions in solution to combine
 with anions in solution to form silver compounds. This dramatically
 what was in solution so that what is observed using the TEM now has little
 relationship to what was in the solution before desiccation. For this
 reason, the interpretation of TEM images of ionic solutions becomes
 difficult in the extreme (read virtually impossible!).

 The TEM is sometimes used in an attempt to measure the size of particles
 solution. The U.S. National Bureau of Standards (now N.I.S.T) has
 that it would required at least 10,000 TEM images be analyzed in order to
 make a statistically valid measurement of particle size based on TEM
 For this reason, the TEM is not considered viable for measuring particle

 When you try to use a TEM to examine ionic silver solutions, you wind up
 only seeing the silver oxide that is formed when the sample is desiccated.
 You are not seeing the silver particles because the particles of silver
 oxide out number the silver particles by several million to one. Below is
 explanation of what happens.

 What happens to the silver ions in solution when the water is evaporated?
 Silver ions in a solution cannot exist without water, so when the water is
 evaporated the silver ions (cations) must combine with an available anion
 form a compound. The predominant anions present in a silver colloid
 are hydroxide and carbonate. The compounds thus formed are silver
 and silver carbonate. Silver hydroxide is unstable and reduces to silver
 oxide and hydrogen. The silver carbonate will reduce to silver oxide and
 carbon dioxide. The final compound that remains is silver oxide.
 This process begins as a single silver ion is forced to combine with a
 single anion forming a single molecule of the compound. The molecule has
 ionic charge and therefore no repulsive force. The lack of repulsion
 the molecules to be attracted to each other by van der Waals' force of
 attraction which causes them to aggregate and form small particles of the
 compound. The size of the particle growth is limited by the reduced
 of the molecules as the water evaporates. What remains is particles of
 silver oxide whose diameter is 1 - 3 nanometers. It is these particles

Re: CSDistilled Water Purity

2002-09-23 Thread Ode Coyote
  I don't know about bubblers but with circular stirring, too fast a water
speed creates a pressure wave that increases the stability of hydrogen
bubbles and increases their surface tension so they won't bubble off as
well...and silver gets stuck in the boundary between bubble and water.  The
fuzzies grow into the direction of the water flow. [chunks]
 Too slow and you don't get proper hydration for the ion propagation rate.

 Somewhere in between is the sweet spot, No?
 I find that the more pitted and blackened looking the electrodes are, the
easier it is to get a good batch.
 I never scrub them shiney anymore...just a light wipe.

At 10:55 AM 9/23/02 -0400, you wrote:

Regarding the 'beard' or 'roots' on my one electrode, I notice when I make
CS (my own set-up with the 9volt batteries) that  depending on whether I
use a bubbler or not AND whether the bubbler is moving slowly or gung ho
makes a difference as to whether I get a 'beard' or 'roots'.

I get roots when I don't use a bubbler or have the bubbler set to bubble
very slowly (two or three bubbles per second).  This is also when I get a
yellowish CS with a stronger TE.

I tend to get a beardy-like, waving grass-like growth when I use my bubbler
set to bubble stronger and have more water movement.  I also get a totally
clear CS with very little TE when I brew like this.

I would assume the bubbler is adding air (oxygen,etc...) into the water,
both dissolved and not dissolved.   Does this have anything to do with the
roots or beardiness of the electrode?  Or could it be the carbon dioxide in
the 'air'?

Also, I don't have either of the Hanna meters to check my distilled water
but when I check the conductivity of the water before I start brewing a
batch AND before I spike it with some of a previous batch, using a plain
old digital multimeter (using the mA function), my Food Lion distilled
water, which is ozonated and steam distilled, always reads below .05 mA.
Is this good?  Does it even matter?  I would think that I would want the
water the least conductive to start with (until I spike it with CS to raise
the conductivity).  Am I correct?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

RE: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V102 #680

2002-09-23 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Consider MSM

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-Original Message-
From: Hanneke [mailto:bloss...@ozemail.com.au]
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 9:07 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V102 #680

I've got a question which someone hopefully can answer for me:

My lower-back is killing me at the moment.  I have colloidal silver, MSM
powder, and a 12 ml spraybottle.  Can I mix the 2 (silver and MSM) and what
is the ratio, and is that a good solution for topical application.
(Have ordered books on both silver and MSM but it takes 4-6 weeks to arrive
here from USA).


- Original Message -
From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 1:15 AM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V102 #680

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSNature's Treasure Silver Machine

2002-09-23 Thread Jannette McKoy-Abel
Hi All,
I'm considering purchasing this company's CS generator.  The Silver Machine 
seems to be not only capable of producing high quality CS, but also does that 
at a really good price!  This is very important to me because not only do I 
have severe health issues, but I also am on Disability as a result of these 
issues, so cost is a big consideration.  The info on the website sounds great, 
but is a little sketchy on some of the details, IMHO.  As this will be an 
international purchase for me, I am wondering if anyone on this list has any 
usage experience with this machine and would like to share the info (good/bad), 
makes no difference.  The product page on the company's website is:

TIA for any input.

Blessings and Light,

PS.  My apologies to everyone for not turning off my Return receipt request 
before posting to the group.  I am a member of several newsgroups (most  hosted 
by Yahoo ), and had never encountered this situation before.  

Re: CSCS Making Help

2002-09-23 Thread M. G. Devour
Greetings Martha, and welcome to the list!

 I am new to making CS, and have made my own generator out of
 alligator clamps, wire, and a 27 volt ac/dc plug (husband helped make
 it). :-) 

Well, good job, both of you. smile

 Anyway, I have read several sites that say they use spring water 
 instead of distilled water, because spring water has everything in it,
 where as distilled water you need to add baking soda to get the
 silver started.

In the old days, folks said to start with distilled water and add a 
bit of salt (the size of the bit varying from one expert to 
another) to act as a starter for the reaction. The result was very 
rapid production, with a highly visible cloud of particles coming off 
the anode, streams of bubbles from the cathode, and a yeild something 
like 1 ppm per minute.

Analysis by some experimentors showed that the product made this way
contained larger particles. This seemed to be confirmed by a tendency 
for at least some of the silver to settle out in the bottom of the 
bottle if it sat for a couple of weeks.

You wouldn't want to run it this way for more than a few minutes, or 
you'll make mud!

It doesn't surprise me that some folks have taken a shortcut for 
simplicity's sake and just said to use tap water or spring water... I'd 
even use that if it was all I had and the need was urgent, as it would 
not do any harm in the short run. 

But in the long run, you don't really know what you're making, as
there will be all sorts of chemistry going on between the silver and
the dissolved salts and minerals in the water... You'll get 
who-knows-what, and it won't be just silver.

 I decided to use spring water to make my CS so I wouldn't have
 to add stuff to the water.  I tested the spring water and the TDS
 meter shows 143 on the meter.  (is this the ppm?).

If it's a TDS meter, it's probably calibrated in parts-per-million of 
some standard solution. It won't directly tell you what ppm your CS is 
because 1) it's not calibrated for silver, and 2) your silver will be 
both ions, that the TDS meter detects, and particles, that it won't.

TDS meters will let you catch a bad batch of distilled water, and will 
give you a rough idea of what you're getting from batch to batch, but 
actually measuring ppm accurately is quite complicated, so don't expect 
miracles from such a simple meter.

The good news is that it's not crucial exactly how strong you make 
your CS. If it's weaker you use more. Dose for effect.

 I also tested the CS when it was finished with the TDS meter and it
 showed 117 (is this the ppm?). Why would the ppm go down after making
 CS?  Wouldn't it make sense that the number would go up and not

Remember that remark I made above about all sorts of chemistry going 
on? That's what I'm talking about.

You also say:
 I heated the water...

... which adds that to the mix as well. 

Heating the water may drive off some dissolved gases that normally
make the water more conductive. The silver might also be combining with
some of the stuff in the water to make stable compounds that drop out
of solution and thus won't be picked up by the meter, either. And any
number of other things going on could be acting to reduce the
concentration of things that the TDS meter can pick up...

 The water is a little cloudy.  When you drink it, it taste a little
 bitter.   So you would still figure that the number on the TDS meter
 should read higher, instead of lower.

Yes you would! 

In fact, if you started with good distilled water in a clean container,
it would read no more than a couple of ppm when you started. Then, 
after you ran it for a while you could re-test and see maybe 5 or 10 or 
15 ppm, at which point I'd say you should stop. There's no point in 
trying to push for more.

The big difference between the methods is that it will take a long time
for enough current to start flowing in the pure water to really start
producing CS. In fact, it happens so slowly it's nearly impossible to
*see* anything happening at all except by monitoring the current with 
a milliamp meter or periodically checking with the TDS meter. 

Expect to take an hour or two to make a batch. Exactly how long will
depend on a number of things that are really not easy to control.

The other difference is that you'll probably get some fluffy buildup on 
the negative electrode that you will have to be careful not to mix in 
with the CS. You'll need to carefully pull the electrodes out of the 
water and wipe them off with a paper napkin or something a few times 
during the run.

The results will (probably) be clear to some shade of pale yellow, and 
it will last longer in the bottle than the other stuff, with little if 
any settling.

Even this process will produce mud and instability and settling if you
run it for too long trying to make it stronger. Like I said, a few to 
a dozen ppm is plenty good enough.

 I was on another forum for those making CS, and someone told me that
 I needed to use 

CSBackache question

2002-09-23 Thread Jdownmaine
Okay -- here I am on my soapbox again.  When I had lower back pain I decided
it might be kidneys.  Finally discovered I was  dehydrated.  I now drink
half of my weight (in pounds) divided by eight (in 8 oz glasses) of water
every day -- half before breakfast.  My back ache is about gone -- and so
are joint aches.
Judy Down Maine

-Original Message-
From: James Osbourne, Holmes [mailto:a...@cybermesa.com]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 12:06 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V102 #680

Consider MSM

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-Original Message-
From: Hanneke [mailto:bloss...@ozemail.com.au]
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 9:07 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V102 #680

I've got a question which someone hopefully can answer for me:

My lower-back is killing me at the moment.  I have colloidal silver, MSM
powder, and a 12 ml spraybottle.  Can I mix the 2 (silver and MSM) and what
is the ratio, and is that a good solution for topical application.
(Have ordered books on both silver and MSM but it takes 4-6 weeks to arrive
here from USA).


- Original Message -
From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 1:15 AM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V102 #680

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.386 / Virus Database: 218 - Release Date: 09/09/2002

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.386 / Virus Database: 218 - Release Date: 09/09/2002

Re: CSCS Making Help

2002-09-23 Thread Marshall Dudley
Martha N. wrote:

 Hello,I am new to making CS, and have made my own generator out of
 alligator clamps, wire, and a 27 volt ac/dc plug (husband helped make
 it). :-)Anyway, I have read several sites that say they use spring
 water instead of distilled water, because spring water has everything
 in it, where as distilled water you need to add baking soda to get the
 silver started.So, I decided to use spring water to make my CS so
 I wouldn't have to add stuff to the water.  I tested the spring water
 and the TDS meter shows 143 on the meter.  (is this the ppm?).I
 also tested the CS when it was finished with the TDS meter and it
 showed 117 (is this the ppm?).Why would the ppm go down after
 making CS?  Wouldn't it make sense that the number would go up and not

No, that is exactly what I would expect, since you will be reducing the
number of ions in the water.

Using spring water, there is no telling what you are making.  Basically
the silver ions leave the anode, then if using distilled water bind
together to form a silver colloid mixed with ions.  If you have any
salts in the water, then the ions will immediately bind with the anion
of the salt, usually chlorine.  So virtually ALL the silver ions will
end up reacting with the chlorine of the salts.  This forms silver
chloride, which is almost totally insoluble, and precipitates out.

So lets say that you have 143 ppm of sodium, potassium or calcium
chloride in the water.  That means that you have approximately 70 ppm
chlorine (this is using some gross rounding off).  What that means is
that the first 70 ppm of silver ions you make, none will end up being a
colloid, all of it will become silver chloride and precipitate out.  So
what you end up with eventually will be water, sodium, potassium or
calcium hydroxide and silver chloride on the bottom.

Once all the chlorine is used up, the colloid can start forming.  If you
are wanting to make 5 ppm of colloid, you will have to use up 75 ppm of
your silver.

I think you would be much better off starting with distilled water so
when 5 ppm of silver goes into the water, it stays there as ions or

Your water likely contains calcium carbonate as well if the ph is over
7, or sulfuric and sulfurous acids if the ph is below 7, so the above is
not exactly right, but the chemistry would still be similar.


CSCS Making Help

2002-09-23 Thread Martha N.
I am new to making CS, and have made my own generator out of alligator 
clamps, wire, and a 27 volt ac/dc plug (husband helped make it). :-)  
Anyway, I have read several sites that say they use spring water instead of 
distilled water, because spring water has everything in it, where as distilled 
water you need to add baking soda to get the silver started.
So, I decided to use spring water to make my CS so I wouldn't have to add 
stuff to the water.  I tested the spring water and the TDS meter shows 143 on 
the meter.  (is this the ppm?).
I also tested the CS when it was finished with the TDS meter and it showed 
117 (is this the ppm?).  
Why would the ppm go down after making CS?  Wouldn't it make sense that the 
number would go up and not down?
I read that heating the water makes a higher ppm of CS than using water 
that is room temperature.  So I heated the water, and then put the homemade 
generator together and started it.  You could see that the silver was coming 
off the silver wire, and the other wire was turning a slight greyish black 
You can also see the silver floating around in the water after the 
generator was unhooked (the process stopped).  The water is a little cloudy.  
When you drink it, it taste a little bitter.   So you would still figure that 
the number on the TDS meter should read higher, instead of lower.  
I was on another forum for those making CS, and someone told me that I 
needed to use the distilled water instead of the spring water.  They also said 
that I needed to get on here and talk to others that make CS to get more 
information, since their forum had more or less died out.
I hope someone on here can help me.
Thank you very much,

Re: CSQuestion about new batches of CS?

2002-09-23 Thread Martha N.
Why is there so much different in ppm of distilled or spring water that you 
buy?  I thought it was all suppose to say 0ppm??

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote coyote...@earthlink.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: CSQuestion about new batches of CS?

   Overcook could be it.
  Timers on a constant voltage generator cannot be the least bit accurate.
 The whole process is an exponential runaway that can vary by hours at the
 start and burn up in seconds towards the end.  The slightest bit of
 difference in waters will make a huge difference in the time it takes. 
 On a constant current generator, timing can be accurate IF you know what
 you had when you started timing as runaway stops when the current controls
 kick in and the process goes linear from there.  You have to know  when the
 current control has kicked in or have some other reference to show you
 where you were when you started timing.
 At 06:56 PM 9/22/02 EDT, you wrote:
 I have been making my own CS for a little over a year now.
 I use Walgreens Distilled Water which has always worked for
 me.  I use a Robey Deluxe Mark ll Colloidal Silver Generator.
 I make 8 ounces in about 35 minutes normally
 I recently found a larger container that the lid of the CS gen.
 would fit on. The new bottle is a quart ( 32 ounces )
 I ran it for about an hour, cleaning the wires every 20 minutes
 and stirring each time.
 The batches all looked clear when I finished, but today all
 of them (3 ) have turned different shades of yellow.
 The question is,  did I over cook them?
 Is the CS good to use in my cat's water and for me to drink?
 What about using yellow CS for eyedrops?
 I don't have a meter to see what PPM I got but tests on the
 40PPM setting and 8 oz brewed till the timer light goes out, 
 gave me  reading of 15 PPM.
 Thank you for your opinions/expertise in advance.
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCS Making Help

2002-09-23 Thread Roy Thompson


I am not an expert at making CS. I am sure there are others here that have much 
more knowledge about this than me. All I can say is that everything I have read 
and been told is to make CS with distilled water. Nothing has to be added as 
far as I hear from most of everyone. It doesn't take anything added for CS to 
start being made in distilled water. Sometimes I hear of others using a little 
bit of already made CS when making a new batch. I don't think that is 
absolutely necessary though. It just helps speed up the process a bit. I am 
sure others will soon post and agree about using distilled water though.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Martha N. 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 3:44 PM
  Subject: CSCS Making Help

  I am new to making CS, and have made my own generator out of alligator 
clamps, wire, and a 27 volt ac/dc plug (husband helped make it). :-)  
  Anyway, I have read several sites that say they use spring water instead 
of distilled water, because spring water has everything in it, where as 
distilled water you need to add baking soda to get the silver started.
  So, I decided to use spring water to make my CS so I wouldn't have to add 
stuff to the water.  I tested the spring water and the TDS meter shows 143 on 
the meter.  (is this the ppm?).
  I also tested the CS when it was finished with the TDS meter and it 
showed 117 (is this the ppm?).  
  Why would the ppm go down after making CS?  Wouldn't it make sense that 
the number would go up and not down?
  I read that heating the water makes a higher ppm of CS than using water 
that is room temperature.  So I heated the water, and then put the homemade 
generator together and started it.  You could see that the silver was coming 
off the silver wire, and the other wire was turning a slight greyish black 
  You can also see the silver floating around in the water after the 
generator was unhooked (the process stopped).  The water is a little cloudy.  
When you drink it, it taste a little bitter.   So you would still figure that 
the number on the TDS meter should read higher, instead of lower.  
  I was on another forum for those making CS, and someone told me that I 
needed to use the distilled water instead of the spring water.  They also said 
that I needed to get on here and talk to others that make CS to get more 
information, since their forum had more or less died out.
  I hope someone on here can help me.
  Thank you very much,

CSHepatitis C CS

2002-09-23 Thread doggo1
I'mlooking for any info, advice, experiences, success or non stories
regarding the use of CS for Hepatitis C.  This would be in a case
where a round of interferon has not worked.



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSWhy don't we call it Ionic Silver?

2002-09-23 Thread Langsley T Russell
Recently I followed the thread under the subject of Buyer Beware. In
it a silver substance referred to as colloidal silver was in fact
between 85% and 99.7% ionic silver.

I've checked a number of lab reports on commercially available
colloidal silver. In every case the ionic content has been between 85
and 99% yet it is consistently referred to as colloidal silver. We
wouldn't do that in talking about juice as opposed to flavored drinks. 
Even though the practice of referring to all of these substances as
colloidal silver isn't intended to deceive, isn't this practice indeed

I know that Colloidal silver has become a sort of catch all term for
liquids, gels, and ointments containing silver in virtually any form,
but isn't that part of the problem we face every day in trying to help
people understand what is and is not a quality colloidal silver

I believe that what most of us make with our home generators is,
generally speaking, 85% or greater ionic silver yet we continue to refer
to it as colloidal silver.

Why, as a community, do we seem so unwilling to refer to the substance
we're talking about as ionic silver? It seams clear that in 90% or more
of the cases, the substance being talked about is an ionic silver
solution and not colloidal silver at all. Are we afraid that we will
confuse people by using the term ionic silver? Or is it just easier to
continue to do what we've been doing and not try to explain the
terminology and work at reforming our habits? Or is there some other
reason that we hesitate to use the term, ionic silver solution? 

When people ask me, How can I be sure I'm getting real colloidal silver?
Or how can I tell if the CS I'm buying is what the label claims? Or how
do I tell the difference between a good CS and one that is not so good?
shouldn't I tell them that, chances are, you are not getting true
colloidal silver no matter what you buy? 

Aren't we doing our cause more harm by being so careless in our
terminology. If what we are making and/or selling is 85% to99% ionic
silver in its make up, why don't we call it Ionic silver or ionic silver
solution rather than colloidal silver, which it is not? We appear to be
more particular about the terminology we use for the water we use to
make this stuff than we are about what we call the end product. 

How can we hope to enhance our credibility when we don't even call our
product by an accurate name. We all know that there are very real
differences between colloidal silver and an ionic sliver solution.
Wouldn't we all be better served if we consistently used the right term
for the substance under discussion? 

If ionic silver solutions are actually responsible for most of the
impressive results achieved by people using colloidal silver shouldn't
we make that clear rather than crediting it to colloidal silver? 



2002-09-23 Thread Robb Allen
Hi to everyone.yesterday I began a protocol of internal H202 therapy 
after much reading and studying.  I decided to start with 10 drops twice a day 
mixed with distilled water.  My first dose was last nite at around 02:00.  I 
noticed no sick feeling or any other ill affect.  This morning I was amazed 
when I woke up with about a 80% decrease in my rheumatoid arthritis pain.  I've 
been slowly getting better anyway from taking large doses of silver however I 
seemed to be at a very very slow progress here lately.  I got out of bed and 
didn't need to sit down to wait for stiffness to leave my joints.I'm not 
going to claim at this point that it was the H202but thats the only 
thing I did different.  

 About a month agoI made another big change..since I am a computer 
tech.I decided to switch to a LCD monitor.
That also led to a big change in how well I was feelingI wouldn't 
be a bit surprised if my whole problem was caused by radiation bombardment from 
constant pc use.  I have read alot about what monitor radiationg can do to 
you.and I'm convinced that this had alot to do with my RA.  {especially 
since my monitors that I use are somewhat older}

   Any other suggestions would be very welcome and appreciated!!

Re: CSNature's Treasure Silver Machine

2002-09-23 Thread Ode Coyote
  If you live in the USA [or even if you don't]
silverpuppy and silvergen have both the price and the technology beat hands down with constant current, constant stirring, auto off and concentration flexability that's based on something. 
Next in line would be wishgranted and a few others.
The manufacturing process IS in our hands and you get to see what the heck you're buying inside and out with all the specs available with a 100% satisfaction gaurantee [You do that Trem?] and direct contact with the person who designed and made the thing for any support you might need.

This site tells you nothing much and doesn't even have a visual of the product.  Like, what is it?? $166 for what?  I'd want to know.
The machines are also foolproof. Simply turn them on, half hour later, they automatically turn off. If for some reason you require a stronger solution, simply turn the machine on again - half hour later, you have a double strength solution. 
How does it turn itself off? [a timer apparently]
Double the time/ double the strength...OK, that sorta works...double 'what' strength?
What current, over what area ,in what volume, at what spacing, for how long, in what inital conductivity water?
Clue:  The timer won't work unless you know where you start timing from and doubling an unknown still gets you an unknown. [and it's likely that you won't be doubling it the first time..the second time?, yes.] The timing start point has to be keyed from something that eliminates the initial variables of starting conductivity and beginning undercurrent if that conductivity is very low. The difference could be seconds, minutes or hours depending on the water quality and how cold or hot it is.

a quote..
13] HOW is it made? In simple terms - you take two pure Silver rods [size depending on the ratio of water going to be used], 
 Why is that important?  The electrodes have no idea how much water is around them...only between them. Is that how they calibrate the timer?  Change the surface area of the electrodes or the distance between them and everything else changes too. Do they supply a chart or something?

immerse them in pure water, then apply power. Positive to one rod, negative to the other. Apply power at the rate of 27 volts and around 500 microamps.  {{OK, .5 ma, pretty safe, not bad, but not informative either}}

How big are the electrodes?  What shape?
How is electrode spacing and mounting handled?
What's the power source?
A quote from the site

 That’s why, as you will read below, we recommend the use of pure, distilled
water. You see, the moment you turn the power on to make your Silver, whatever impurities exist in the water, become - well,
something else. A molecular change occurs. Sea-salt for example becomes a different sodium. Not so useful for someone who is
already not well. There is also a company that tells you to drop some hydrogen peroxide - bleach - into your Silver. Just to be
different, just so it can be claimed that they are better. Well, forget it. After over 20 years of research, you still cannot improve
something pure by making it less pure. What we have learned is how to produce consistently fine .001 to .005 micron size particles.
Even after double or triple normal production times, these machines will still produce that same size particles. 

No idea about agglomeration I see. All LVDC generators produce the same sized particles, ie ions...they just don't all stay that size.

The method is no
secret. You see, with most machines, what happens is that as the machine begins to produce Silver, resistance increases in the
water. As the resistance increases, so does the power drawn from the machine increases. The result of that is larger and larger

So, after 20 years of research they don't know the difference between resistance and conductance?  Hydrogen peroxide is not bleach, though it can be used as bleach... and doesn't remain hydrogen peroxide,[which is just water and oxygen anyway], after it reacts. [not that I recommend doing that nor am saying that it can't be toxic or form free radicals..but get a perspective here! H2O2 isn't cyanide.]  They make it sound like 2 or 3 drops in a cup is a big bugga boo.  And anyone that suggests running a generator in h202 water is out of their minds.  Great way to make metal flake for your paint job.
Sea salt does not become a different sodium..it's the same sodium compounded differently...which likely makes it more inert. They make it sound like a few grains of salt is a significant health risk compared to one saltine cracker.
Beyond the big sales scare, they're right.  No point in changing something that works better or using something that's not needed.
Well, they have the skeleton of an idea..now for 166 smackers worth of flesh on it?

As the particles form, they ‘inherit’ a positive charge. This inherent positive charge is what enables the particles to remain in
suspension. It is quite a magic show - if you put some silver into a clear 

CSRe: Malaria

2002-09-23 Thread Reid Harvey
CS Gang,
I have no doubt that in many respects CS would be effective against
malaria, though not a cure all.  I spent the decade of the 70's in West
Africa and used to get reinfected with malaria about twice a year,
pretty consistently.  I stopped taking the prophylaxis/ drug because
these had deleterious effects over time, like memory loss/ loss of hair
and so forth.  Gradually I came to understand that my body would at
times become vulnerable.   This tended to happen whenever, due to some
circumstance I would become exhausted.  For example, if I were to take a
long journey by road.  That's when I would pop the drug.

I've heard it said that the parasite remains in the blood for about
fifteen years, but I think its power to effect one might tend to
constantly diminish over that period.  So when the immune system is down
the parasite bounces back  In any event CS could only help, but it seems
one has to combat malaria with a whole grab bag of remedies. Mosquito
nets are one good starter, effective against more direct reinfection.

As an aside it's interesting to note the reason why Sub-Saharan Africans
tend to be immune to malaria.  This has to do with their tendency to
sickle cell anemia.  It seems that the mere shape of the sickle cell is
a real inhibition to the malarial parasite.
Reid, newly moved to Kathmandu and back to work.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: malaria and water supply

2002-09-23 Thread Reid Harvey
A question regarding a posted observation that..
CS isn't a medicine or drug, it's a mineral supplement that most
animals (including humans) can use as their entire water supply.

If CS is one's entire water supply wouldn't that tend to mean that
they're not getting any of the other beneficial minerals water typically
containes.  It would appear that aside from the benefits of the CS the
water would only serve as an aid to hydration.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCS Making Help

2002-09-23 Thread Ode Coyote
Huh, no you wouldn't.
 The cloudier the water becomes, the more particles of something you
made..the lower the TDS meter will read.

Look for precipitates after letting things settle for a few days.  You've
probably made more of them out of ions that 'were' in the water than have
induced conductive silver ions 'into' the water.

 With a little time, don't be surprised if the TDS reads even lower.

 The water is a little cloudy.  When you drink it, it taste a little
 bitter.   So you would still figure that the number on the TDS meter
 should read higher, instead of lower.

Yes you would! 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: responses to backache

2002-09-23 Thread Hanneke
Thanks Bill, James and Judy for the suggestions.  Bill, I have put the books
on my list for the library (hopefully they can get them for me thru
interlibrary loan- not sure if I want to 'hang on' to my backache till books
arrive from USA).
With my water intake being pretty much up to scratch (around 70 oz per day),
I've now sprayed with CS.

Thanks for all help

  - Original Message -
From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 6:45 AM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V102 #683

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRe: malaria and water supply

2002-09-23 Thread Dean Miller
Hi Reid,

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 04:27:20 +0600, Reid Harvey pott...@wlink.com.np

If CS is one's entire water supply wouldn't that tend to mean that
they're not getting any of the other beneficial minerals water typically
containes.  It would appear that aside from the benefits of the CS the
water would only serve as an aid to hydration.

That's true, you'd be missing other minerals and compounds from water.
But in many places, you really don't want many of the compounds or
minerals, like lead, mercury, fluorine, pesticides, herbicides, etc.).
In most cases, getting minerals from the meat and veggies you eat is a
better idea -- and they're easier for the body to assimilate.
Unfortunately, silver isn't available in most food sources, except
food grown in silver regions of the world (where they have silver in
their water sources).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCS Making Help

2002-09-23 Thread Martha N.
Thank you very much for the information Mike and Marshall.  This helps a lot.  
I am going to make some more CS tomorrow with the distilled water.  I will let 
yall know what happens with the batch.
I did read about adding salt to the water before making the CS.  That 
causes some kind of other effect, from what I've read and is not good for you 
at all.  So I know not to add salt to the CS before starting or at anytime.  
From some of the other post, it sounds like the distilled water from 
Wal-greens is better to buy to make the CS with.  Why does the other distilled 
water have more ppm of something in it than, Wal-Greens?  I thought that any 
distilled water, would be distilled water, and that would make all distilled 
water the same?  


- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour mdev...@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS Making Help

 Greetings Martha, and welcome to the list!
  I am new to making CS, and have made my own generator out of
  alligator clamps, wire, and a 27 volt ac/dc plug (husband helped make
  it). :-) 
 Well, good job, both of you. smile
  Anyway, I have read several sites that say they use spring water 
  instead of distilled water, because spring water has everything in it,
  where as distilled water you need to add baking soda to get the
  silver started.
 In the old days, folks said to start with distilled water and add a 
 bit of salt (the size of the bit varying from one expert to 
 another) to act as a starter for the reaction. The result was very 
 rapid production, with a highly visible cloud of particles coming off 
 the anode, streams of bubbles from the cathode, and a yeild something 
 like 1 ppm per minute.
 Analysis by some experimentors showed that the product made this way
 contained larger particles. This seemed to be confirmed by a tendency 
 for at least some of the silver to settle out in the bottom of the 
 bottle if it sat for a couple of weeks.
 You wouldn't want to run it this way for more than a few minutes, or 
 you'll make mud!
 It doesn't surprise me that some folks have taken a shortcut for 
 simplicity's sake and just said to use tap water or spring water... I'd 
 even use that if it was all I had and the need was urgent, as it would 
 not do any harm in the short run. 
 But in the long run, you don't really know what you're making, as
 there will be all sorts of chemistry going on between the silver and
 the dissolved salts and minerals in the water... You'll get 
 who-knows-what, and it won't be just silver.
  I decided to use spring water to make my CS so I wouldn't have
  to add stuff to the water.  I tested the spring water and the TDS
  meter shows 143 on the meter.  (is this the ppm?).
 If it's a TDS meter, it's probably calibrated in parts-per-million of 
 some standard solution. It won't directly tell you what ppm your CS is 
 because 1) it's not calibrated for silver, and 2) your silver will be 
 both ions, that the TDS meter detects, and particles, that it won't.
 TDS meters will let you catch a bad batch of distilled water, and will 
 give you a rough idea of what you're getting from batch to batch, but 
 actually measuring ppm accurately is quite complicated, so don't expect 
 miracles from such a simple meter.
 The good news is that it's not crucial exactly how strong you make 
 your CS. If it's weaker you use more. Dose for effect.
  I also tested the CS when it was finished with the TDS meter and it
  showed 117 (is this the ppm?). Why would the ppm go down after making
  CS?  Wouldn't it make sense that the number would go up and not
 Remember that remark I made above about all sorts of chemistry going 
 on? That's what I'm talking about.
 You also say:
  I heated the water...
 ... which adds that to the mix as well. 
 Heating the water may drive off some dissolved gases that normally
 make the water more conductive. The silver might also be combining with
 some of the stuff in the water to make stable compounds that drop out
 of solution and thus won't be picked up by the meter, either. And any
 number of other things going on could be acting to reduce the
 concentration of things that the TDS meter can pick up...
  The water is a little cloudy.  When you drink it, it taste a little
  bitter.   So you would still figure that the number on the TDS meter
  should read higher, instead of lower.
 Yes you would! 
 In fact, if you started with good distilled water in a clean container,
 it would read no more than a couple of ppm when you started. Then, 
 after you ran it for a while you could re-test and see maybe 5 or 10 or 
 15 ppm, at which point I'd say you should stop. There's no point in 
 trying to push for more.
 The big difference between the methods is that it will take a long time
 for enough current to start flowing in the pure water to really start

Re: CSRe: responses to backache

2002-09-23 Thread Bill Missett
Aren't these books also available in Australia?  You can also get expedited
shipping, which despite the cost seems recommended in your case.

- Original Message -
From: Hanneke bloss...@ozemail.com.au
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 6:28 PM
Subject: CSRe: responses to backache

 Thanks Bill, James and Judy for the suggestions.  Bill, I have put the
 on my list for the library (hopefully they can get them for me thru
 interlibrary loan- not sure if I want to 'hang on' to my backache till
 arrive from USA).
 With my water intake being pretty much up to scratch (around 70 oz per
 I've now sprayed with CS.

 Thanks for all help

   - Original Message -
 From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
 To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
 Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 6:45 AM
 Subject: silver-digest Digest V102 #683

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSHepatitis C CS reply

2002-09-23 Thread mars larz

 doggo1 wrote:
I'mlooking for any info, advice, experiences, success or non stories
regarding the use of CS for Hepatitis C. This would be in a case
where a round of interferon has not worked.



nancy try this web address kkor...@gc.com  it's from a woman named karen  i  
read her testimony on another website. she's going through peg inteferon 
treatment for hep-c  plus taking cs she says her last hep-c test was negative  
within a month after adding the cs.  i have hep -c and  was on peg it was 
lowering my viral load  but i couldn't stand the side effects so i stopped. i 
wished i would have taken cs with my treatment but i hadn't heard of anyone who 
ever tried the two together  and was afraid to experiment with it.  also do a 
google search  and key in utopia silver it's filled with hep-c testomonies. 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

thank you

Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!

Re: CSNature's Treasure Silver Machine

2002-09-23 Thread Trem
Hi Ken,

Yep, we give a 30 day money back trial but almost never get one back.  Guess 
that says it all.


- Original Message - 
  From: Ode Coyote 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 3:15 PM
  Subject: Re: CSNature's Treasure Silver Machine

  If you live in the USA [or even if you don't]
  silverpuppy and silvergen have both the price and the technology beat hands 
down with constant current, constant stirring, auto off and concentration 
flexability that's based on something. 
  Next in line would be wishgranted and a few others.
  The manufacturing process IS in our hands and you get to see what the heck 
you're buying inside and out with all the specs available with a 100% 
satisfaction gaurantee [You do that Trem?] and direct contact with the person 
who designed and made the thing for any support you might need.

Re: CSHepatitis C CS

2002-09-23 Thread Duncan Crow

A search in Google.com on ozone Sunnen hepatitis would reinforce the fact 
that hep can be eliminated. 
Personally I'd go for ozone steam saunas and even insufflations over IVs though.

Also, Immunocal will keep ANY infection down to next-to-nothing.

The CS can't hurt and will likely do some good.

Increasing selenium intake to about 800 mcg or so daily alone has dropped viral 
load in both HIV and HepC by 
87% to 94%. Don't take more than about 1100 mcg or risk poisoning. Then you'd 
have to take a bit o' arsenic 
to get out some of the selenium :(

good luck...

Duncan Crow

 I'mlooking for any info, advice, experiences, success or non stories
 regarding the use of CS for Hepatitis C.  This would be in a case
 where a round of interferon has not worked.
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSWhy don't we call it Ionic Silver?reply

2002-09-23 Thread mars larz

 Langsley T Russell wrote: 
Recently I followed the thread under the subject of Buyer Beware. In it a 
silver substance referred to as colloidal silver was in fact between 85% and 
99.7% ionic silver. 

I've checked a number of lab reports on commercially available colloidal 
silver. In every case the ionic content has been between 85 and 99% yet it is 
consistently referred to as colloidal silver. We wouldn't do that in talking 
about juice as opposed to flavored drinks.  Even though the practice of 
referring to all of these substances as colloidal silver isn't intended to 
deceive, isn't this practice indeed deceptive? 

I know that Colloidal silver has become a sort of catch all term for liquids, 
gels, and ointments containing silver in virtually any form, but isn't that 
part of the problem we face every day in trying to help people understand what 
is and is not a quality colloidal silver product? 

I believe that what most of us make with our home generators is, generally 
speaking, 85% or greater ionic silver yet we continue to refer to it as 
colloidal silver. 

Why, as a community, do we seem so unwilling to refer to the substance we're 
talking about as ionic silver? It seams clear that in 90% or more of the cases, 
the substance being talked about is an ionic silver solution and not colloidal 
silver at all. Are we afraid that we will confuse people by using the term 
ionic silver? Or is it just easier to continue to do what we've been doing and 
not try to explain the terminology and work at reforming our habits? Or is 
there some other reason that we hesitate to use the term, ionic silver 

When people ask me, How can I be sure I'm getting real colloidal silver? Or how 
can I tell if the CS I'm buying is what the label claims? Or how do I tell the 
difference between a good CS and one that is not so good? shouldn't I tell them 
that, chances are, you are not getting true colloidal silver no matter what you 

Aren't we doing our cause more harm by being so careless in our terminology. If 
what we are making and/or selling is 85% to99% ionic silver in its make up, why 
don't we call it Ionic silver or ionic silver solution rather than colloidal 
silver, which it is not? We appear to be more particular about the terminology 
we use for the water we use to make this stuff than we are about what we call 
the end product. 

How can we hope to enhance our credibility when we don't even call our product 
by an accurate name. We all know that there are very real differences between 
colloidal silver and an ionic sliver solution. Wouldn't we all be better served 
if we consistently used the right term for the substance under discussion? 

If ionic silver solutions are actually responsible for most of the impressive 
results achieved by people using colloidal silver shouldn't we make that 
clear rather than crediting it to colloidal silver? 


Yo: i don't make cs i buy it on line from utopia silver and i also read about 
cs production.  i don't think people are being deceptive by calling their 
product cs per se  from what i've been reading you can make cs with greater 
parts ionic atoms or with greater silver particle concentration.(some folks 
think the ionic part is the greater strength of the product some think the 
silver particles do the trick).  in any event  whoever is making cs 
and selling it should let you know the inoic and silver contration their 
product is made of. 

thank you

Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!

Re: CSNature's Treasure Silver Machine

2002-09-23 Thread James Allison
Shoot, you should offer a lifetime satisfaction guarantee like I do.  Luckily 
I've never had anybody take me up on it. (knock on wood (not bad for over 10 
years in biz)).  It's my firm and personal opinion that if I can't personally 
have 100% trust in something that I make or manufacture, then there is no way 
on this green earth that I can expect my customers to put that same amount of 
trust in me or my product.  Don't get me wrong now, in terms of customer 
service, as I also believe that the customer is not always right, because 
every once in awhile, they're just plain silly, and some of them are just 
downright nuts! *smile*

You've got a good product Trem, and you should tell the people how you feel 
about it, by letting them know that you yourself have 100% trust in it.

I hope I will be forgiven for my slight digression into merchantism.

Yours in health,
James Allison

  - Original Message - 
  From: Trem 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 5:32 PM
  Subject: Re: CSNature's Treasure Silver Machine

  Hi Ken,

  Yep, we give a 30 day money back trial but almost never get one back.  Guess 
that says it all.


  - Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: CSNature's Treasure Silver Machine

If you live in the USA [or even if you don't]
silverpuppy and silvergen have both the price and the technology beat hands 
down with constant current, constant stirring, auto off and concentration 
flexability that's based on something. 
Next in line would be wishgranted and a few others.
The manufacturing process IS in our hands and you get to see what the heck 
you're buying inside and out with all the specs available with a 100% 
satisfaction gaurantee [You do that Trem?] and direct contact with the person 
who designed and made the thing for any support you might need.

Re: CSWow!

2002-09-23 Thread Marshall Dudley
Ionic silver would be silver ions, that is charged atoms of silver.
Colloidal silver would be particles of silver atoms clumped together
that are still so small that their charge keeps them in suspension


Martha N. wrote:

 What is the difference then between CS and Ionic Silver?I don't
 understand the difference.  Could you please explain?Thank

  - Original Message -
  From: Robb Allen
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 5:13 PM
  Subject: CSWow!
   Hi to everyone.yesterday I began a protocol of
  internal H202 therapy after much reading and studying.  I
  decided to start with 10 drops twice a day mixed with
  distilled water.  My first dose was last nite at around
  02:00.  I noticed no sick feeling or any other ill affect.
  This morning I was amazed when I woke up with about a 80%
  decrease in my rheumatoid arthritis pain.  I've been slowly
  getting better anyway from taking large doses of silver
  however I seemed to be at a very very slow progress here
  lately.  I got out of bed and didn't need to sit down to
  wait for stiffness to leave my joints.I'm not going to
  claim at this point that it was the H202but thats
  the only thing I did different.  About a month agoI
  made another big change..since I am a computer
  tech.I decided to switch to a LCD monitor.That also led
  to a big change in how well I was feelingI
  wouldn't be a bit surprised if my whole problem was caused
  by radiation bombardment from constant pc use.  I have
  read alot about what monitor radiationg can do to
  you.and I'm convinced that this had alot to do with my
  RA.  {especially since my monitors that I use are somewhat
  older}Any other suggestions would be very welcome and

Re: CSWow!

2002-09-23 Thread Martha N.
What is the difference then between CS and Ionic Silver?
I don't understand the difference.  Could you please explain?  
Thank you,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Robb Allen 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 5:13 PM
  Subject: CSWow!

  Hi to everyone.yesterday I began a protocol of internal H202 therapy 
after much reading and studying.  I decided to start with 10 drops twice a day 
mixed with distilled water.  My first dose was last nite at around 02:00.  I 
noticed no sick feeling or any other ill affect.  This morning I was amazed 
when I woke up with about a 80% decrease in my rheumatoid arthritis pain.  I've 
been slowly getting better anyway from taking large doses of silver however I 
seemed to be at a very very slow progress here lately.  I got out of bed and 
didn't need to sit down to wait for stiffness to leave my joints.I'm not 
going to claim at this point that it was the H202but thats the only 
thing I did different.  

   About a month agoI made another big change..since I am a 
computer tech.I decided to switch to a LCD monitor.
  That also led to a big change in how well I was feelingI wouldn't 
be a bit surprised if my whole problem was caused by radiation bombardment from 
constant pc use.  I have read alot about what monitor radiationg can do to 
you.and I'm convinced that this had alot to do with my RA.  {especially 
since my monitors that I use are somewhat older}

 Any other suggestions would be very welcome and appreciated!!


2002-09-23 Thread BJ
I am having some challenges with a silver generator I have only used 3 
times, including today.

It is supposed to automatically turn off, but then you supposedly, or at 
least as I understand it, can plug the unit back in and thus brew a 
stronger batch.

First of all, when I added a little of my old CS, it would only stay on for 
a few seconds at a time.  So I ditched that idea.

Got distilled water from a different source, and started over - did not add 
any old CS .this time the unit stayed on for about 2 hours.

I cleaned the silver rods, stirred the mixture and plugged the unit in to 
make a more potent batch, as the directions said I could.  Well, I cannot 
keep that thing on for more than 3 minutes at a time now.

Has anyone else encountered this, and what exactly is the work-around for 
this challenge?  I have emailed the manufacturer, but only got a response 
telling me to try water from a different source.  I have not heard back yet 
on my other questions.

I'm wondering if it is shutting off just because there's actually some CS 
in thereso how can I ever make a stronger batch then???


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCS Making Help

2002-09-23 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
MD's reply below makes me wonder again whether a layman without lab
equipment could simply and effectively obtain a pure colloid of silver
by making a mostly ionic mix first, and after completion adding a very
pure salt to take up the ions, which might separate from the particles.  

Anyone ever try this?   I think a laser check would show the Tyndall
effect if it worked.  I have not tried yet having misplace my laser . .

Marshall Dudley wrote:
 Martha N. wrote:
  Hello,I am new to making CS, and have made my own generator out
  of alligator clamps, wire, and a 27 volt ac/dc plug (husband helped
  make it). :-)Anyway, I have read several sites that say they use
  spring water instead of distilled water, because spring water has
  everything in it, where as distilled water you need to add baking
  soda to get the silver started.So, I decided to use spring water
  to make my CS so I wouldn't have to add stuff to the water.  I
  tested the spring water and the TDS meter shows 143 on the meter.
  (is this the ppm?).I also tested the CS when it was finished
  with the TDS meter and it showed 117 (is this the ppm?).Why
  would the ppm go down after making CS?  Wouldn't it make sense that
  the number would go up and not down?
 No, that is exactly what I would expect, since you will be reducing
 the number of ions in the water.
 Using spring water, there is no telling what you are making.
 Basically the silver ions leave the anode, then if using distilled
 water bind together to form a silver colloid mixed with ions.  If you
 have any salts in the water, then the ions will immediately bind with
 the anion of the salt, usually chlorine.  So virtually ALL the silver
 ions will end up reacting with the chlorine of the salts.  This forms
 silver chloride, which is almost totally insoluble, and precipitates
 So lets say that you have 143 ppm of sodium, potassium or calcium
 chloride in the water.  That means that you have approximately 70 ppm
 chlorine (this is using some gross rounding off).  What that means is
 that the first 70 ppm of silver ions you make, none will end up being
 a colloid, all of it will become silver chloride and precipitate out.
 So what you end up with eventually will be water, sodium, potassium or
 calcium hydroxide and silver chloride on the bottom.
 Once all the chlorine is used up, the colloid can start forming.  If
 you are wanting to make 5 ppm of colloid, you will have to use up 75
 ppm of your silver.
 I think you would be much better off starting with distilled water so
 when 5 ppm of silver goes into the water, it stays there as ions or
 Your water likely contains calcium carbonate as well if the ph is over
 7, or sulfuric and sulfurous acids if the ph is below 7, so the above
 is not exactly right, but the chemistry would still be similar.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSWow!

2002-09-23 Thread Paul Ladendorf

You might go to: 
There's some good info there on the basics.
 Martha N. wrote:What is the difference then between CS and Ionic Silver?I 
don't understand the difference.  Could you please explain?  Thank 
you,Martha - Original Message - From: Robb 
Allen To: silver-list@eskimo.com Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 5:13 
PMSubject: CSWow!
Hi to everyone.yesterday I began a protocol of internal H202 therapy 
after much reading and studying.  I decided to start with 10 drops twice a day 
mixed with distilled water.  My first dose was last nite at around 02:00.  I 
noticed no sick feeling or any other ill affect.  This morning I was amazed 
when I woke up with about a 80% decrease in my rheumatoid arthritis pain.  I've 
been slowly getting better anyway from taking large doses of silver however I 
seemed to be at a very very slow progress here lately.  I got out of bed and 
didn't need to sit down to wait for stiffness to leave my joints.I'm not 
going to claim at this point that it was the H202but thats the only 
thing I did different.About a month agoI made another big 
change..since I am a computer tech.I decided to switch to a LCD 
monitor.That also led to a big change in how well I was feelingI 
wouldn't be a bit surprised if my whole problem was caused by radiation 
bombardment from constant pc use.  I have read alot about what monitor 
radiationg can do to you.and I'm convinced that this had alot to do with my 
RA.  {especially since my monitors that I use are somewhat older}Any other 
suggestions would be very welcome and appreciated!!Robb

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Re: CSChuck and PWT meter

2002-09-23 Thread CKing001
Thanks for answering on-list.

Remarks are interspersed...

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 09:18:03 -0700, Trem t...@silvergen.com wrote:

Hi Chuck,

Since you've attacked me one more time it's time to clear the air with you
too.  I'm tired of your sniping.  It is uncalled for.  The rest of this
message is for the list.

When someone buys a PWT meter from us we do not open and test every unit.
If they are not in operating condition when received by the purchaser and
they call us for service we do the following.

If we cannot give them technical advice on what is wrong such as making sure
the batteries are in correctly we tell them to call the factory.  We do this
because the factory (Hanna Instruments) has indicated that is the procedure
we are to follow.  The factory will then send the customer a new unit
postpaid and enclose a call tag for the customer to use for return.  There
is no shipping cost to the customer that way.

I have the distinct impression from some of Chucks posts that he expected us
to make sure the meter worked properly before shipping it to him.  I'll bet
there isn't a reseller of someone else's products that opens each and every
box, takes the item out and subjects it to a test to make sure it works
before shipping.  It is unreasonable to think that's the way businesses
work.  When an item is defective it is returned to the manufacturer, NOT the
dealer where it was purchased.  Most items I have ever purchased have the
same instructions in the warranty.send it to the factory if there is a
problem.  Do not send it to the dealer.  They are not equipped to do

I didn't ask you to do repairs. I purchased a PWT unit from you and it arrived
incomplete (the batteries were dead).
I merely asked that you complete our transaction by supplying the live batteries
to which I was entitled. I did the troubleshooting.

This was on arrival not some time after. If I was at your place of business,
I would have handed it back to you and expected an exchange on the spot, not a
Take it up with the manufacturer blowoff.

You protest WAY too much!
No need to check each unit, blah, blah, etc...
Just send me the batteries, I'll put them in.

Chuck apparently has some notion that since he bought
the unit from us we should do exactly what he wants rather than what the
factory wants us to do.  He seems to be irritated because we either didn't
send him a new one or have him return it to us or who knows what because
after he initially called and was told to call Hanna for a replacement we
never heard from him again.  But he has certainly let the list know of his
displeasure.  He didn't say a word to me about his displeasure at the time.

The header of my email to you was Disappointed
But displeasure was not the intent.
I simply gave you the fact that the batteries were inoperative and that
replacement (of the batteries) was expected to complete our transaction.
Never expected or implied that a new unit should be involved.
Now you're trying to drag a red herring across the trail.
I merely requested working batteries.

The case of Hanna meters not working when received is a very rare one.

I know that, I have other Hanna devices. They all work.

It becomes curious why you object to simply sending a customer batteries (cheap)
rather than risk your reputation about customer service/satisfaction.
If you had, there would have been no incident and I would have been recommending
you as an upright dealer.
I cannot in conscience do that now, can I? 
In fact when you post to fluff your business, I admit that it kinda pushes my
buttons and I feel that I need to express my opinion based on our experience.
I probably need to work on that.

OTOH, newbies to this forum often ask who to deal with, so my opinion helps to
steer them according to MY experiences.
Milage may vary per individual.

Other than Chuck I can only think of person that had a problem where
the unit had to be returned to the factory.  If there is someone I missed,
excuse me for not remembering you.  This is not an ongoing problem.but
apparently the wrong person (Chuck) got a defective unit.  I'm not even sure
it was defective since I never heard from the factory.

I replaced them myself. It's really a non-thing.
Although, I see you are now trying to question that there WAS a problem at all.
Are you in denial?

Enough said. hopefully Chuck will back off.  He shows his narrow
attitude by his irresponsible words toward us.

Errr, the transaction is still incomplete...
You still owe me a set of good batteries.


Don't destroy the world in the first chapter--you'll find you need it later.

- Original Message -
From: cking...@nycap.rr.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: CSBuyer Beware

 James, you're right of course but I don't think that was the issue.

 I think the issue was truth in advertising, and fair 

Re: CSNature's Treasure Silver Machine

2002-09-23 Thread Jannette McKoy-Abel
Thank you, thank you!
A couple hours ago in the archives I came upon a post with a link to your
websitethis just what I've been looking for, and it's stateside!

The Silver Machine SOUNDED as if it was on par with the SG6, (
unfortunately, out of my budget at this time) but it had no detail to back
it up.  I could not decide if this was a poor presentation, or a poor
product.  BTW, the price is $166.00AUD, which converts to approx. $91.00USD.
Before I posted to the list I emailed Nature's Treasure with some similar
questions, but have not recieved a response yet. Of course, my emails lacked
the technical depth of your critique of the info on the site, but I got the
giste of the inadequate info.  I will reserve final opinion as I'm still
waiting for a reply.

I will also check out wishgranted.com.

Thanks again, I really needed some pointers in this direction.

Blessings and Light,

  From: Ode Coyote

If you live in the USA [or even if you don't]
silverpuppy and silvergen have both the price and the technology beat hands
down with constant current, constant stirring, auto off and concentration
flexability that's based on something.
Next in line would be wishgranted and a few others.
 thing for any support you might need.

This site tells you nothing much and doesn't even have a visual of the
product. Like, what is it?? $166 for what? I'd want to know.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSIons vs. Particles

2002-09-23 Thread Paul Ladendorf

I found the following article and wondered if some of you techies would respond 
to it.



Basically, there are two silver components in colloidal silver products which 
give them their antibiotic properties, silver particles and silver ions. 
Silver ions are silver atoms which have an electron missing in the outer 
shell. They are the smallest possible form of silver, about .28 nanometers. 
Silver particles are metallic silver consisting of clusters of silver atoms. 
They can range in size from less than a nanometer up to 1000 nanometers (1 

Silver ions will combine with chloride ions readily where they are present. The 
human stomach contains a strong solution of hydrochloric acid. Silver chloride 
forms immediately in the stomach when silver ions enter it. Though silver 
chloride is harmless and in fact not even soluble in the body, it also has no 
germ killing power. The same thing happens to silver ions in the bloodstream by 
virtue of the high chloride content due to the presence of sodium and potassium 
chloride. Silver ions, therefore are of little value inside the body as they 
are quickly combined with the available chloride ions to form silver chloride. 
One researcher, a Dr. Meade, has estimated the half-life of a silver ion inside 
the human body as 7.8 seconds. The only component of colloidal silver products 
which survives to work inside the body, therefore, is silver particles. This 
discovery is what has compelled us to strive for the greatest quantity of 
particulate silver possible in our product.


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Re: CSIons vs. Particles

2002-09-23 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Regarding the following, which I believe is from the MesoSilver site,  I
have asked one list member responsible for that site for postings of the
research by Dr. Meade,  or at least references to the publications, but
have not gotten a reply yet,  I think.   

It would be very helpful to be able to go to Meade's research if there
is strong evidence to support the claim that silver ions are not
effective.  If I have overlooked the references for Meade's work, I hope
someone will educate me here.   

NB the claims about the uselessness of silver choloride are contradicted
by a recent list posting about silver chloride and animal wounds.   If
that referenced article is correct about the strong antiseptic
properties of silver chloride applied to wounds,  than the claims below
are at least an oversimplification.  The words no germ-killing power 
seem meaningless if in fact silver chloride works well in wounds.  




Paul Ladendorf wrote:
 I found the following article and wondered if some of you techies
 would respond to it.
 Basically, there are two silver components in colloidal silver
 products which give them their antibiotic properties, silver particles
 and silver ions. Silver ions are silver atoms which have an electron
 missing in the outer shell. They are the smallest possible form of
 silver, about .28 nanometers. Silver particles are metallic silver
 consisting of clusters of silver atoms. They can range in size from
 less than a nanometer up to 1000 nanometers (1 micron).
 Silver ions will combine with chloride ions readily where they are
 present. The human stomach contains a strong solution of hydrochloric
 acid. Silver chloride forms immediately in the stomach when silver
 ions enter it. Though silver chloride is harmless and in fact not even
 soluble in the body, it also has no germ killing power. The same thing
 happens to silver ions in the bloodstream by virtue of the high
 chloride content due to the presence of sodium and potassium chloride.
 Silver ions, therefore are of little value inside the body as they are
 quickly combined with the available chloride ions to form silver
 chloride. One researcher, a Dr. Meade, has estimated the half-life of
 a silver ion inside the human body as 7.8 seconds. The only component
 of colloidal silver products which survives to work inside the body,
 therefore, is silver particles. This discovery is what has compelled
 us to strive for the greatest quantity of particulate silver possible
 in our product.
 Do you Yahoo!?
 New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com