Re: CSRudeness -- List Owner, please read...

2003-06-09 Thread shirley holder
I AGREE WITH YOU 1000%.  I am here to learn and so far, I am
much more knowledgeable about making CS and its uses. Thanks
to  everyone for posting.

M. G. Devour wrote:
Dear Silver List members,

There are a handful of individuals who have been behaving rudely to 
other members of the list.

Typical of this rude behavior has been the response to Jay's series of 
questions about various kinds of water.

Let me say that it's within the realm of reason that you *might* feel
exasperated by his questions. Over the course of a day or so, he
posted something like four questions about the suitability of various
kinds of water, to which the consensus reply was, Jay, use only
distilled water!

You might consider that he may have posted all of those questions 
before he saw more than the first couple of replies... so maybe he 
wasn't asking questions he'd already seen answered.

In any case, a number of people did offer respectful answers to his
questions. A few of you succeeded in urging him toward some obvious
answers he missed, while doing so in a reasonable manner.

Thanks to you folks! That's what the list is for.

Some other comments were made that were rude and wrong:

His questions are ignorant/stupid and he is a basket case who is 
only trolling for attention...

...and stop the nonsense that you are putting on this list.

...Jay if you are intent on producing crap...

... you remind me of my youth when I went out with a blond that no
mater (sic) what you told her it just wouldn't sink in...

Folks, I seem to remember making some CS that looked a lot like watered 
down milk... back in the bad old days when we used salt for a starter. 
Sorta like making CS in some high mineral content drinking water 
that's being sold as distilled. Like a couple of grocery store brands 
I've bought recently when they were out of the stuff I know works.

Did you consider that before you wrote Jay off as a crank?

And, you'll notice, a few of you offered good quality comments on the
difficulties of achieving reasonable purity from rain water. Gee, that
was useful, considering that such advice is found any number of places
on the web!

The following is an example of good advice delivered well...


 Feel comfortable with what you're doing. You are reacting to people
 that want to take a process to the nth degree, no need for meters
 etc. unless you need a science project. I've used grocery store
 distilled water for 5 years with never a bad batch. Worry more about
 soap residue from cleaning the brewing container...


Yes, Jean might still want a meter of one sort or another. Yes, I just
got through noting above the problems I've had with some grocery
store distilled water. But those are things that can be dealt with as
they arise. What Chuck does *right* is to give reassurance and

What *cannot* be seen is the fear that will stop new people and
lurkers from asking questions because they fear *you* will call them
stupid, ignorant, or a troll, and their questions nonsense.

If you cannot answer without venting your frustration or exasperation, 
then remain silent.

If you would like to accuse somebody of being a troll, talk to me in
private e-mail. You may not make public accusations on this list.

If you cannot frame your answers in language that is respectful and 
affirming, then do not answer.

If you choose to be rude, you are forgetting the purpose of this list. 
If so, you will go away. You are not welcome here.

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[ ]
[Speaking only for myself... ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


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Re: CSWal*Mart water

2003-06-09 Thread wayne tighe

Our walmart runs out of distilled water at times.  There's runs on DW that I
just don't *get*.  Since we usually get 5 gallons at a time we always
notice.  Walmart always gets more water in.  It just may take a couple of

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,  Their flag to April's breeze
unfurled,  Here once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard
round the world. --Emerson
- Original Message -
From: Jay Ice
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: CSWal*Mart water

 geez how come you guys don't get it. the Wal*mart I have been going to for
 MONTHS now no longer carries any distilled water!!! I would go to the
 same isle and it would be there now it's not! I CAN'T GET GOOD DW
 the ones I have tried since make MURKY WHITE CS I DON'T WANT TO

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSWater Thread

2003-06-09 Thread Jay Ice
OK maybe this isn't so clear I am searching super markets remember I 
said I made murky white kind with the other 3 I have tried... I am 
searching. BTW that's also why I wanted the ppm tester. I'm going with ole 
bobs suggestion then in the future a PWT tester. The water thing is really 
not really this complicated, Really. Until I find another I just wanted to 
know if I could use the underground spring water, rain or filtered. No I 
can't. I now know this. It's fine by me. I just want everyone to be on the 
same page from where I was coming from. I hope this settles this thread gone 
bad! It's cool. I understand only DW. Just questions that were answered.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSmilky white CS

2003-06-09 Thread Jay Ice
Not a clue. Maybe it's not the water. After using the bubbler I put it in 
peroxide to keep it clean because it builds up silver particles on it when I 
over cook. So maybe it's the peroxide. I'll try soaking in DW for now and see 
what I get? 

Furthermore, I have never made CS under conditions that produced MILKY, WHITE 
CS.   I have overrun the batch at times and got murky dark gray CS.  I have 
seen it turn dark amber and over time turn to a rose colored.  I am just on earth do you get it to turn MILKY WHITE?  Is this also a 
unique factor occurring only to your process? I don't know, but I don't recall 
hearing of this problem of MILKY WHITE CS before. 

I have openned up my last reading of the WalMart Water thread. It simply does 
not make sense anymore.


CSWater Thread - Thanks Jay

2003-06-09 Thread K G Murray
Hey Jay,

Thanks for asking the questions as I am sure there are other new people joining
these lists out there that did not know all the answers about colloidal silver.
I have used only Distilled water and I have made milky CS too.  I thought it was
the thermal stirring : ).  All the questions have helped get my brain going as
it operates on slow most of the time and these questions do make me think.


Jay Ice wrote:

 OK maybe this isn't so clear I am searching super markets remember I
 said I made murky white kind with the other 3 I have tried... I am
 searching. BTW that's also why I wanted the ppm tester. I'm going with ole
 bobs suggestion then in the future a PWT tester. The water thing is really
 not really this complicated, Really. Until I find another I just wanted to
 know if I could use the underground spring water, rain or filtered. No I
 can't. I now know this. It's fine by me. I just want everyone to be on the
 same page from where I was coming from. I hope this settles this thread gone
 bad! It's cool. I understand only DW. Just questions that were answered.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: (ot) verised as sedative in VCUG procedure Update

2003-06-09 Thread Sharon

Dear Sharon,

  You said:

That her ureteral tubes are either kinked or too short, causing the
reflux. Thus the need for surgery.

  **  Is this a speculation on their part or do they have a picture to
support this?

This is what the VCUG test is for, to produce a picture..., and test 
how long it takes the kidneys to rid the system of a radioactive dye, 
at least that is my understanding of it. DD has not had the VCUG yet, 
she can't have it unless she is infection free.

It sounds like one of their lame guesses to explain away what they don't

Of course, there is plenty of that going on too!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2003-06-09 Thread akaJhon
War on germs gets cutting-edge weapon from ancient world technique

 Public release date: 9-May-2003

Contact: Kirk Monroe
K-M Communications 

War on germs gets cutting-edge weapon from ancient world technique
Antimicrobial powder coating for hospitals, homes uses silver -- Germ fighter 
pioneered by Egyptians, Phoenicians
Alexandria, VA – May 9, 2003 – Ancient Egyptians used it to keep food supplies 
safe from fungus and mold. The Phoenicians used it to keep water from being 
spoiled by germs. Today silver is a key ingredient in new high-tech, powder 
coated finishes that hospitals and doctor’s offices are using to protect walls, 
counters and other germ-gathering surfaces. Tomorrow those finishes may be used 
in home kitchens, bathrooms and on a wide variety of surfaces such as 
doorknobs, handles and push panels. 
These new finishes are an important tool in preventing the growth of microbes 
in or on commercial and consumer products such as HVAC systems, food service 
equipment, refrigerators and humidifiers, for use in hospitals, commercial 
buildings and homes, says Dr. Ravi Bhatkal of AgION Technologies, Inc. 

The new finishes have been developed by the manufacturers of powder coating, an 
advanced method of finishing a wide range of materials and products. In powder 
coating, often called “dry painting,” tiny dry particles of pigment and resin 
are given an electric charge, then sprayed on to a wide variety of consumer and 
industrial products. The electrostatic charge makes the powder particles stick 
to the surface. When heated in an oven, the powder is permanently fused into a 
uniform, durable, high-quality coating. 

Long praised as a virtually pollution-free process that protects products from 
chips, scratches and stains, the new germ fighting powder coatings use silver 
as their key antimicrobial ingredient. Silver’s protective benefits have been 
known since ancient times. And it’s especially useful today, when germs are 
becoming increasingly resistant to modern antibiotics. 

Research shows that the mechanisms by which silver ions act against microbes 
are different than those by which antibiotics act,” explains Dr. Bhatkal of 
AgION Technologies. “Silver also has multiple mechanisms of action. Use of 
silver as an antimicrobial is therefore unlikely to promote antibiotic 

The new finishes have also been formulated to be effective long term. According 
to Greg Bocchi, Executive Director of The Powder Coating Institute, “Powder 
coating manufacturers have extended the protective life of the new finishes by 
developing an inorganic, ceramic additive that ensures the slow release of 
silver ions over a long period of time.” 

Antimicrobial powder coatings are currently in use at the new City of Hope’s 
Helford Clinical Research Hospital in Duarte, California, on ductwork, door 
handles and hardware and push plates. Other hospitals and clinics are looking 
into using antimicrobial powder coated materials in emergency rooms, surgery 
areas and patients rooms, on cabinets, counters and other surfaces. 

“These powder coatings just give us one more weapon against germs,” says 
University of Arizona Microbiologist Dr. Charles Gerba, “They literally create 
self-sanitizing surfaces that require less time in cleaning and give us all 
greater peace of mind.” 

These uses appear to be just the start. Bosch and Siemens in Munich, Germany, 
is applying antimicrobial powder coating to the interior of refrigerators. 
Honeywell Corporation, in this country, is using powder coating to coat 
portable, air-blown humidifiers where wicks soak up water, which can provide a 
breeding ground for germs. 

And in the Los Angeles area, AK Coatings is setting up a special Concept Home 
to field test antimicrobial powder coatings in high-touch areas on a wide 
variety of surfaces such as door knobs, handles and push panels, as well as on 
metal panels and railings inside the home’s elevator. 

Editors: To request photos, interviews, or for more information on powder 
coating, please contact: Kirk Monroe, 202-331-0175, or via email at 

To learn more about powder coating, go to: 


Re: CSrequest

2003-06-09 Thread Ode Coyote

   Auto shutoff is keyed to the current controls and moniters the water 
exactly in the same way that a PWT checking conductivity.  [By 
monitering voltage drop]
  In order to work right, the electrodes must have a set surface area and 
be kept at a set distance apart and be parallel, there should be some way 
of distributing the ions so they don't from denser pathways in the water 
and the generator must have current control.
  If all these factors are considered in the design of the generator, it's 
highly repeatable.   It's not as accurate as, or temperature compensated or 
give you numbers on a display like a meter but it's very close  within 
a few microsiemens.

Any device that counts on time without controlling current AND giving you a 
monitered starting point to time from...that's BS.
 Timers won't work unless you know where you are and how fast you're 
going.  Constant voltage from battery packs and wall warts is like driving 
an accelerating vehicle without a speedometer. You can do it IF you know 
the acceleration curve and where you started from.  [fat chance]
 Using a meter to constantly check is like stopping and asking 
directions.  That will work.

 Monitering current rise at a constant voltage will also work but it's 
difficult to make excellent CS  very strong with high currents and you may 
find yourself limited to 3 to 5 PPM.  [Electrode area and distance is still 
a factor there]
   The 6 volt scanner adapter will do better but take longer than the 40 
volt one.

 You can in fact use distance to your advantage by making the electrodes 
movable on a calibrated mount like a ruler. Move the electrodes apart every 
so often to a certain distance and current will stay at a fairly constant 
rate. [you can at least control it] How far and when can be determined with 
an ammeter and correlated to PPM with a conductivity meter or some pretty 
complicated math.

 Same thing can be done with a potentiometer and an ammeter. to pay attention for that long.


At 07:54 PM 6/8/2003 -0500, you wrote:

First get a PWT meter to test the DW and the PPMs
Second take any power supply you may have from AC to 6Vdc to 40Vdc (your 
Scanner, Printer plugin will work) and two . silver wires, Put the + 
to one wire and the - to the other wire and you have what any of these 
high priced gen's have, other than you have to watch the PWT meter each 
hour or so to see what PPM you have other than a auto shut off. ( that is 
BS anyway) Even the seller's will tell you this.

Sincerely Yours,

- Original Message -
From: mailto:annfurgur...@yahoo.comAnn Furgurson
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 6:55 PM
Subject: CSrequest

Hi All!
I've been a silent participant of this newsletter
for a month or two, but still have some very basic
questions. I am a natural healer and have been using
and making CS for about 18 months ( but making it the
wrong way- heating it, using saline and making very
high ppm - I was using Metcaff's first book.) Now I
want to buy a new generator that will make CS that is
stable, of high quality, with consistently small
particles. I know that much. What I don't know is what
to buy. I think that low voltage is good too, right? I
feel that I need a degree in chemistry to understand
how it is made! I understand the applications and have
had wonderful results with CS, but I really want to
make it right. I see that Ruth bought a generator from What do any of you think about the
generator from It's
called the colloid Master. I'll explain a little about
it, but it would be better if someone who knows
something could check it out and let me know please.
It's low voltage, automatic shutoff, current and
voltage are modulated for optimal particle size,
constant current devise, bi-directional current
pattern to the electrodes, so no stirring needed. It
has adjustable ppm and shut-off, built in water
quality test function. One sells for $99- the other
 I would appreciate so much if someone could let
me know what they think about this generator or if
they know of a better one. Your help will in turn
allow me to help many more people. Thank you!


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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: 

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Re: CSWater Thread - Thanks Jay

2003-06-09 Thread Ode Coyote
  If you are making small particle CS that's very strong it may appear to 
be milky in direct light [like from the sun or unfrosted bulbs] and not in 
diffused light [like from florecent or frosted incandecent bulbs].
 What you are seeing is called  TE   [Tyndal Effect] and the CS would 
appear milky with thermal stirring if you are using that sort of  unfrosted 
light bulb as the heat source shining directly into the container...but not 
milky when you turn the bulb off.

If there is no difference in different light it would be called murky  ??

 Any trace of H2O2 in the water you are using will screw things up in a 
major way.


At 12:34 AM 6/9/2003 -0600, you wrote:

Hey Jay,

Thanks for asking the questions as I am sure there are other new people 
these lists out there that did not know all the answers about colloidal 
I have used only Distilled water and I have made milky CS too.  I thought 
it was

the thermal stirring : ).  All the questions have helped get my brain going as
it operates on slow most of the time and these questions do make me think.


Jay Ice wrote:

 OK maybe this isn't so clear I am searching super markets remember I
 said I made murky white kind with the other 3 I have tried... I am
 searching. BTW that's also why I wanted the ppm tester. I'm going with ole
 bobs suggestion then in the future a PWT tester. The water thing is really
 not really this complicated, Really. Until I find another I just wanted to
 know if I could use the underground spring water, rain or filtered. No I
 can't. I now know this. It's fine by me. I just want everyone to be on the
 same page from where I was coming from. I hope this settles this thread 

 bad! It's cool. I understand only DW. Just questions that were answered.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: distilling water through glass wool and resin

2003-06-09 Thread Reid Harvey
The problem is that when making concentrated CS, ~200ppm and upwards,
even very small amounts of total disolved solids can interfere with the
process.  So we need under 10 TDS (10 milli grams per liter).  Otherwise
our beautiful, red CS goes murky.  It's hard to imagine what may be
going on with these other methods you're talking about, but at this
point we're hoping to solve the problem without a lot of lab work.

Andy wrote:
Hi Reid,

Do you really need mineral free water for your purpose? Does it matter
if you make particulate silver or ionic silver or
a silver compound if you are going to be saturating ceramic with it? I
would think that you might even consider mixing
the water with something so you can increase the concentration of
suspended silver and thus increase the amount of
total silver in the ceramic water purifiers. The idea is that the silver
stays in the ceramic and the pathogens die as
they pass through it right? If you use a good grade of DW and you are
striving to make ionic silver you will be limited
to a very small amount of total silver to impregnate the ceramic with. I
would think that a high concentration of ions,
particles and chunks would be best for your purpose.

Best regards,

From: Reid Harvey
Silver Friends,
People in a neighboring country, here in South Asia, are making a very
mineral free water, 10TDS, by filtering water through a combination of
glass wool and some sort of resin.  They use about twenty sections of 4
inch pvc pipe, each about 18 inches long, and each stuffed with layers
of the glass wool and resin.  I would like to replicate this process but

first need to find out what resin it is that would be appropriate.  Also

I assume that glass wool is glass wool and is easier to find.

For this process I understand the glass wool can be periodically washed
out and the resin can be processed for re-use.  Is there anyone who can
give me some insight on these materials, how I might use them in this
way and where to find them? We are considering the possibility of making

distilled water in this way so that we can produce concentrated
colloidal silver for use in saturation of ceramic water purifiers.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: CS vs. the FDA- where is the accurate history?

2003-06-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
Snake oil comes from the Chinese water snake.


Jack Dayton wrote:

 Marshall Dudley6/5/03 9:31 AM

  What is wrong with snake oil? From what I have read it is really quite good
  for rheumatism.
 From what variety of snake?

   I finally got my head together; now my body is falling apart.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CScheap ppm tester

2003-06-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
Yeh consistantly bad for our's.  Everyone when they talk about Walmat water 
to look at the label and see where it is bottled and who is doing it.  Different
parts of the country use different suppliers, and you need to be comparing the
supplier, not simply Walmart water which is meaningless. That is like simply
saying distilled water without giving the brand or bottling plant.

The supplier for Walmart water in Knoxville is horrible. It is so bad I had to
pour the stuff down the drain, it pegged the meters from the start giving 
almost 0
volts across the electrodes. Couldn't measure the ppm, it pegs that too..


Jim wrote:

 I've found Wal Mart DW very consistant.


 Jay Ice wrote:
  Eh not so worried about checking ppm. The main problem I am having is water.
  I can't find the brand I was using. So now every time I get a different
  brand and make CS it comes out a murky white. So I have trusted it to drink
  or spray on me or my plants. I just need a ppm tester to see the quality of
  water I have.
 Bottom line, Jay, is that we do not have to make this into rocket
 science. It matters not a whit if your brew is actually 22 ppm rather
 than 12, or vice versa. Use a good basic process, decent DW and pure
 silver, clean and sanitary procedures, and dose for effect.
 If you're in a situation where you think it's critical to know exactly
 what you have, then you'll be spending a lot more than 60 bucks to
 find out.
 Hope that helps! You've come along really fast, Jay. Keep up the good
 Be well,
 Mike D.
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSrain...

2003-06-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
It is mostly distilled. But there are impurities in it. First of all the
droplets initially form on a speck of dust, so every drop normally has a speck
of dust in it.  Second it picks up any acid forming compounds on the way down.
If it is lightning then it picks up nitric and nitrous acids, and if you have
any automobiles or coal fired plants around, it picks up sulfuric acid and
sufurous acid.  If there are any chemtrail, who know what it might be picking up


Charles Sutton wrote:

 I thought rain was water distilled naturally..Most contains H2O2, but
 I'm curious now to have some tested.  Depends on what you catch it with.
 Pure water (rain) picks up and dissolves a little bit of everything it comes
 in contact with.

 - Original Message -
 From: Robert Berger
 Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 12:29 PM
 Subject: Re: CSrain...

  Jay, NO.
  Ole Bob
  Jay Ice wrote:
   It's been raining all day everyday for the past month. Can I catch some
 in a
   cup and make CS with it?
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
   Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
   To post, address your message to:
   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: distilling water through glass wool and resin

2003-06-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
The resins are probably ion exchange resins.  They are used in water
softners.  Search the net on the, you will probably find more information on
what they can do.


Reid Harvey wrote:

 Silver Friends,
 People in a neighboring country, here in South Asia, are making a very
 mineral free water, 10TDS, by filtering water through a combination of
 glass wool and some sort of resin.  They use about twenty sections of 4
 inch pvc pipe, each about 18 inches long, and each stuffed with layers
 of the glass wool and resin.  I would like to replicate this process but
 first need to find out what resin it is that would be appropriate.  Also
 I assume that glass wool is glass wool and is easier to find.

 For this process I understand the glass wool can be periodically washed
 out and the resin can be processed for re-use.  Is there anyone who can
 give me some insight on these materials, how I might use them in this
 way and where to find them? We are considering the possibility of making
 distilled water in this way so that we can produce concentrated
 colloidal silver for use in saturation of ceramic water purifiers.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSWal*Mart water

2003-06-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
If you can find it, try Crystal Springs or Arrowhead.  Otherwise tell us what
part of the country you are from, and maybe someone from the same area can give
you the name of the brand in that area that is good and where to get it.


Jay Ice wrote:

 geez how come you guys don't get it. the Wal*mart I have been going to for 2
 MONTHS now no longer carries any distilled water!!! I would go to the
 same isle and it would be there now it's not! I CAN'T GET GOOD DW
 the ones I have tried since make MURKY WHITE CS I DON'T WANT TO

  They moved it?
Jay, you're making something very simple woefully complicated.
  Get some  distilled water, a ppm tester, and make some CS like the
  rest of us.
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSWal*Mart water

2003-06-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
Yes you can do that.  When they were going months without the distilled water 
shelf was simply empty), I asked them to special order me a case and they did.  
came in, and I bought it.  But the shelf remained bare for another couple of
months.  They would tell me things like it was unavailable or they were having
trouble getting it from the supplier, but then when they ordered it for me, it 
in in about 3 days.

Marshall wrote:

 Ask the WM service desk or manager what happened ?
 Maybe they're just between shipments.
 Or, if a customer requests, they'll stock it again.


 I wouldn't take a million dollars for any of my kids, but I wouldn't pay a 
 for another one.

 On Sun, 08 Jun 2003 11:11:47 -0400, Jay Ice wrote:

 this has gone sour. I didn't want this going on. I just wanted to find out
 if rain water would do. Or a brita filter... the answerNO. I will still
 search for good distilled water but until then I figured hey it's raining
 maybe that will work. Sorry if you took it that way. It wasn't meant like
 that. I don't know hwy it was taken that way. The thread ended for me with
 ole bob. if it continues then it will continue. But I now know what I need
 to know.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBob Beck's baldness cure

2003-06-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
I would hesitate on using the magnetic pulser on the head.  A friend of
mine did it and lost his intuition for a while every time he tried it.
It seems to mess up the brain astral connection, at least for him.


S K wrote:

 According to a friend of Bob Beck's, he massaged ionic/colloidal
 silver into his scalp, and then used his Magnetic Pulser over his
 entire scalp daily.  He started to notice (which was a delightful
 surprise to him) re-growth of hair after about 2 months of doing
 this.  The hair appeared to be thick and dark.


 Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. -- The
 silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to: Silver-list
 archive: List
 maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CScheap ppm tester

2003-06-09 Thread Jim

I've had good luck with my Wal Mart water, the label says:

Bottled by: Tyler Mountain Water Co. Hazelwood, Mo
Source:  St. Louis County Municipal Water Supply
Carbon Filtered, Micron Filtered and Ozonated Steam Distillation.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Yeh consistantly bad for our's.  Everyone when they talk about Walmat water 
to look at the label and see where it is bottled and who is doing it.  Different
parts of the country use different suppliers, and you need to be comparing the
supplier, not simply Walmart water which is meaningless. That is like simply
saying distilled water without giving the brand or bottling plant.

The supplier for Walmart water in Knoxville is horrible. It is so bad I had to
pour the stuff down the drain, it pegged the meters from the start giving 
almost 0
volts across the electrodes. Couldn't measure the ppm, it pegs that too..


Jim wrote:

I've found Wal Mart DW very consistant.


Jay Ice wrote:

Eh not so worried about checking ppm. The main problem I am having is water.
I can't find the brand I was using. So now every time I get a different
brand and make CS it comes out a murky white. So I have trusted it to drink
or spray on me or my plants. I just need a ppm tester to see the quality of
water I have.

Bottom line, Jay, is that we do not have to make this into rocket
science. It matters not a whit if your brew is actually 22 ppm rather
than 12, or vice versa. Use a good basic process, decent DW and pure
silver, clean and sanitary procedures, and dose for effect.

If you're in a situation where you think it's critical to know exactly
what you have, then you'll be spending a lot more than 60 bucks to
find out.

Hope that helps! You've come along really fast, Jay. Keep up the good

Be well,

Mike D.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSrequest

2003-06-09 Thread Ruth Bertella
This is all still really new to me, but I have made several different size 
batches of CS with the silverpuppy generator which includes an auto shut off.   
All of my one pint batches have been consistently turning off after about 1 to 
1 1/2 hours.  All of my different size batches had different cooking times (I 
always use a starter of pre-made CS as suggested in some earlier threads).   
The one batch I made using a 1 quart jar took over 3 hours, so I've decided to 
stick with the pint size.

I even did a test on 2 different size batches.   After they were done and the 
generator was unplugged, I waited a while and plugged the generator back in.   
After MAYBE a minute or two (at most) the generator shut off automatically.   
So wouldn't this tell me that my batches should pretty consistently be good 
clear quality 24 ppm CS?   Since what I've been reading there is quite a bit of 
a margin of error with the meters (at least some of them), would there really 
be a need for PWT testers.   I don't even have to keep a watch on my brew...  
 I just know to come back in an hour or so if I want to start anew batch.

Still learning   Ruth
  - Original Message - 
  From: Hank 
  Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 7:54 PM
  Subject: Re: CSrequest

  First get a PWT meter to test the DW and the PPMs 
  Second take any power supply you may have from AC to 6Vdc to 40Vdc (your 
Scanner, Printer plugin will work) and two . silver wires, Put the + to one 
wire and the - to the other wire and you have what any of these high priced 
gen's have, other than you have to watch the PWT meter each hour or so to see 
what PPM you have other than a auto shut off. ( that is BS anyway) Even the 
seller's will tell you this.
  Sincerely Yours,

- Original Message - 
From: Ann Furgurson 
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 6:55 PM
Subject: CSrequest

Hi All!
I've been a silent participant of this newsletter
for a month or two, but still have some very basic
questions. I am a natural healer and have been using
and making CS for about 18 months ( but making it the
wrong way- heating it, using saline and making very
high ppm - I was using Metcaff's first book.) Now I
want to buy a new generator that will make CS that is
stable, of high quality, with consistently small
particles. I know that much. What I don't know is what
to buy. I think that low voltage is good too, right? I
feel that I need a degree in chemistry to understand
how it is made! I understand the applications and have
had wonderful results with CS, but I really want to
make it right. I see that Ruth bought a generator from What do any of you think about the
generator from It's
called the colloid Master. I'll explain a little about
it, but it would be better if someone who knows
something could check it out and let me know please.
It's low voltage, automatic shutoff, current and
voltage are modulated for optimal particle size,
constant current devise, bi-directional current
pattern to the electrodes, so no stirring needed. It
has adjustable ppm and shut-off, built in water
quality test function. One sells for $99- the other
 I would appreciate so much if someone could let
me know what they think about this generator or if
they know of a better one. Your help will in turn
allow me to help many more people. Thank you!


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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVirus and address book

2003-06-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
Mike Monett wrote:

 CSVirus and address book
 From: Robert Berger
 Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2003 16:24:00


About 4  years ago this thing raised it head and  the  solution is
very simple.

Make a new entry in your address book that consists of five zero's
0 When the virus hit the  is recognizes that this  is no
a valid address and stops.

Ole Bob

   Hi Robert,

   That is  about  the  silliest  thing I  have  heard  of.  Are  you a
   programmer? It  would  take  a really sloppy  one  to  fail  on that

Actually that is done by sloppy programmers, those that work for Microsoft.
I don't think it keeps the virus from infecting your computer, only from
successfully sending out emails.  Apparently if you put that in as an email
address outlook express will refuse to send it, saying it is an invalid
address and abort the email attempted by the virus. Actually that is not
slopply programming, it is the kind of error checking and recovery I wish
the Microsoft programmers would do more often.  But I don't think it does a
thing to prevent the virus from infecting your computer.  Also it is my
understanding that the  has to be the first email address, otherwise the
ones before will still go out but since I don't run Outlook, I am really not
sure about that.

As far as being sloppy programming by the virus author, if you ever looked
at viruses they typically use system facilities as much as possible.  If
they don't then they become dependent on the hardware, version of the
operating system, version of the outlook express, and become extremely
large.  So using the system and program calls to do the work is not really
sloppy programming either.

And yes, I am a programmer..


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBob Beck's baldness cure

2003-06-09 Thread C Creel
Malcolm said:

I would hesitate on using the magnetic pulser on the head.  A friend of
mine did it and lost his intuition for a while every time he tried it.  It
seems to mess up the brain astral connection, at least for him. 

  **  When I saw this suggestion yesterday, my intuition told me that a
magnetic pulser should not be used on the head.  Therapeutically, all this
is doing is increasing the circulation to promote hair growth but with what
I 'see' as having a number of drawbacks.  The stimulation can be
accomplished also by vigorously massaging the scalp.

   Overall, you want something that will decrease the overproduction of

  Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA),  Linoleic and
Oleic Acid, Saw Palmetto, Pygeum africanum H , Vit B6 and zinc will help
with this.

It will also assist in keeping a healthy prostate.

Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA),  Linoleic and
Oleic Acid
have been proven to inhibit 5-Alpha Reductase which is responsible for the
overproduction of dihydrotestosterone.

 Saw Palmetto inhibits dihydrotestosterone and relieves symptoms of BPH,
such as urinary frequency and urgency, excessive nighttime urination, or
delayed urination.  In fact, Fenistride (active ingredient of Propecia) only
inhibits the Type 2 form of 5 alpha reductase where Saw Palmetto extract
inhibited both type 1 and 2 forms of 5 alpha-reductase.

Pygeum africanum H. contains lipophilic sterols, including beta
sitosterol and sitosterone plus unique fatty acids. These ingredients
influence prostaglandin synthesis to help control the damaging effects of
inflammation and inhibits 5-Alpha-Reductase.

 Vitamin B6 is a vitamin in which many men are deficient.  It is
necessary for the proper assimilation of zinc. Zinc cannot be converted into
a form that is readily used by the prostate without it.

Zinc is concentrated in the prostate gland.  The prostate needs 10 times
more zinc than any other organ in the body. Chicago's Cook County Hospital,
tested the effect of zinc on patients with BPH symptoms. All patients
reported symptomatic improvements, and 75% had palpable shrinkage of the

Zinc not only inhibits the production of 5-alpha-reductase (thereby
reducing the levels of dihydrotestosterone), but it also helps the body
excrete excess dihydrotestosterone.  Zinc has been shown, in several
controlled studies, to actually reverse prostate enlargement.

  This combination is most effective on male pattern baldness not receding
hairlines although it can arrest the hairline from further recession.  It is
also effective for women whose cause of hair loss is the over-production of
testosterone resulting in the production of dihydrotestosterone.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBob Beck's baldness cure

2003-06-09 Thread Bill Missett

I've been taking Saw Palmetto since the early 90's to tame a troublesome
prostate. That it has done admirably.  But it has also depressed my libido,
because it inhibits production of dihydrotestosterone.  What can be done to
counteract that?  Mandatory CS reference:  CS doesn't help.

- Original Message -
From: C Creel
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSBob Beck's baldness cure

 Malcolm said:

 I would hesitate on using the magnetic pulser on the head.  A friend of
 mine did it and lost his intuition for a while every time he tried it.  It
 seems to mess up the brain astral connection, at least for him. 

   **  When I saw this suggestion yesterday, my intuition told me that a
 magnetic pulser should not be used on the head.  Therapeutically, all this
 is doing is increasing the circulation to promote hair growth but with
 I 'see' as having a number of drawbacks.  The stimulation can be
 accomplished also by vigorously massaging the scalp.

Overall, you want something that will decrease the overproduction of

   Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA),  Linoleic and
 Oleic Acid, Saw Palmetto, Pygeum africanum H , Vit B6 and zinc will help
 with this.

 It will also assist in keeping a healthy prostate.

 Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA),  Linoleic and
 Oleic Acid
 have been proven to inhibit 5-Alpha Reductase which is responsible for the
 overproduction of dihydrotestosterone.

  Saw Palmetto inhibits dihydrotestosterone and relieves symptoms of
 such as urinary frequency and urgency, excessive nighttime urination, or
 delayed urination.  In fact, Fenistride (active ingredient of Propecia)
 inhibits the Type 2 form of 5 alpha reductase where Saw Palmetto extract
 inhibited both type 1 and 2 forms of 5 alpha-reductase.

 Pygeum africanum H. contains lipophilic sterols, including beta
 sitosterol and sitosterone plus unique fatty acids. These ingredients
 influence prostaglandin synthesis to help control the damaging effects of
 inflammation and inhibits 5-Alpha-Reductase.

  Vitamin B6 is a vitamin in which many men are deficient.  It is
 necessary for the proper assimilation of zinc. Zinc cannot be converted
 a form that is readily used by the prostate without it.

 Zinc is concentrated in the prostate gland.  The prostate needs 10
 more zinc than any other organ in the body. Chicago's Cook County
 tested the effect of zinc on patients with BPH symptoms. All patients
 reported symptomatic improvements, and 75% had palpable shrinkage of the

 Zinc not only inhibits the production of 5-alpha-reductase (thereby
 reducing the levels of dihydrotestosterone), but it also helps the body
 excrete excess dihydrotestosterone.  Zinc has been shown, in several
 controlled studies, to actually reverse prostate enlargement.

   This combination is most effective on male pattern baldness not receding
 hairlines although it can arrest the hairline from further recession.  It
 also effective for women whose cause of hair loss is the over-production
 testosterone resulting in the production of dihydrotestosterone.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSrequest

2003-06-09 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CSrequest
From: Ruth Bertella
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 07:36:10

   This is  all  still  really new to me,  but  I  have  made several
   different size batches of CS with the silverpuppy  generator which
   includes an  auto shut off. All of my one pint  batches  have been
   consistently turning  off after about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. All  of my
   different size batches had different cooking times (I always use
   a starter of pre-made CS as suggested in some  earlier threads).
   The one  batch  I made using a 1 quart jar took over  3  hours, so
   I've decided to stick with the pint size.

   I even  did a test on 2 different size batches. After  they were
   done and the generator was unplugged, I waited a while and plugged
   the generator  back in. After MAYBE a minute or two (at  most) the
   generator shut off automatically. So wouldn't this tell me that my
   batches should  pretty consistently be good clear  quality  24 ppm
   CS? Since what I've been reading there is quite a bit of  a margin
   of error  with  the meters (at least some  of  them),  would there
   really be  a  need for PWT testers. I don't even  have  to  keep a
   watch on my brew... I just know to come back in an hour or so if
   I want to start anew batch.

   Still learning Ruth

  Hi Ruth,

  Different size  batches will have different brewing  times  to reach
  the same  concentration. Think of it as baking a wedding  cake  vs a
  cupcake -  the  wedding cake takes more sugar. Since  the  silver is
  added to the water at a constant rate, it takes more time to  brew a
  larger batch.

  You can  check  the results of different brews  by  putting  a small
  amount in  a  glass  and adding a few shakes of  salt.  As  the salt
  dissolves, the chlorine from the salt reacts with the silver ions to
  form silver chloride. This makes a pale blue/milky white  cloud that
  hangs in  the  water. Cover the glass with saran  wrap  to  keep the
  water from evaporating.

  Repeat this  for different batches and compare the  strength  of the
  cloud from each. They should be the same. Once you are confident the
  system is  repeatable, you only need to check from time  to  time to
  verify that  nothing has changed. For example, it's a  good  idea to
  check when you get distilled water from a different supplier.

  Once you get the hang of it, the salt test is very convincing.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRudeness -- List Owner, please read...

2003-06-09 Thread Charles Sutton
Bravo!  Bravo!

- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 1:17 AM
Subject: CSRudeness -- List Owner, please read...

 Dear Silver List members,
 There are a handful of individuals who have been behaving rudely to 
 other members of the list.
 Typical of this rude behavior has been the response to Jay's series of 
 questions about various kinds of water.
 Let me say that it's within the realm of reason that you *might* feel
 exasperated by his questions. Over the course of a day or so, he
 posted something like four questions about the suitability of various
 kinds of water, to which the consensus reply was, Jay, use only
 distilled water!
 You might consider that he may have posted all of those questions 
 before he saw more than the first couple of replies... so maybe he 
 wasn't asking questions he'd already seen answered.
 In any case, a number of people did offer respectful answers to his
 questions. A few of you succeeded in urging him toward some obvious
 answers he missed, while doing so in a reasonable manner.
 Thanks to you folks! That's what the list is for.
 Some other comments were made that were rude and wrong:
 His questions are ignorant/stupid and he is a basket case who is 
 only trolling for attention...
 ...and stop the nonsense that you are putting on this list.
 ...Jay if you are intent on producing crap...
 ... you remind me of my youth when I went out with a blond that no
 mater (sic) what you told her it just wouldn't sink in...
 Folks, I seem to remember making some CS that looked a lot like watered 
 down milk... back in the bad old days when we used salt for a starter. 
 Sorta like making CS in some high mineral content drinking water 
 that's being sold as distilled. Like a couple of grocery store brands 
 I've bought recently when they were out of the stuff I know works.
 Did you consider that before you wrote Jay off as a crank?
 And, you'll notice, a few of you offered good quality comments on the
 difficulties of achieving reasonable purity from rain water. Gee, that
 was useful, considering that such advice is found any number of places
 on the web!
 The following is an example of good advice delivered well...
  Feel comfortable with what you're doing. You are reacting to people
  that want to take a process to the nth degree, no need for meters
  etc. unless you need a science project. I've used grocery store
  distilled water for 5 years with never a bad batch. Worry more about
  soap residue from cleaning the brewing container...
 Yes, Jean might still want a meter of one sort or another. Yes, I just
 got through noting above the problems I've had with some grocery
 store distilled water. But those are things that can be dealt with as
 they arise. What Chuck does *right* is to give reassurance and
 What *cannot* be seen is the fear that will stop new people and
 lurkers from asking questions because they fear *you* will call them
 stupid, ignorant, or a troll, and their questions nonsense.
 If you cannot answer without venting your frustration or exasperation, 
 then remain silent.
 If you would like to accuse somebody of being a troll, talk to me in
 private e-mail. You may not make public accusations on this list.
 If you cannot frame your answers in language that is respectful and 
 affirming, then do not answer.
 If you choose to be rude, you are forgetting the purpose of this list. 
 If so, you will go away. You are not welcome here.
 Mike Devour
 silver-list owner
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CScheap ppm tester

2003-06-09 Thread sol
  The Walmart brand distilled water I have gotten (Rock Springs, WY)
has no info whatsoever on the bottle about who/where it was bottled.
It has the Walmart brand label and nothing else. All other brands have
some info printed on the bottle as to time of production, date, plant
# etc, but not the Walmart brand.
   There is something (?) in some of the distilled water brands I can
get (including Walmart and Arrowhead) which makes my CS come out
yellowish even if the DW tests very low (.2 or .3 uS) on the PWT. The
Walmart water is ok sometimes, and sometimes not, and the uS reading
doesn't always correlate with whether my CS comes out clear or
   After being opened some bottles of DW have increased uS readings
after a few days, and some have lowered. I have finally found one
brand of DW that gives me the most consistent results, but it has also
given CS with slight straw color. Believe it or not, I also made CS at
full moon, etc, to test the idea that CS made then is more likely to
show color, but that turned out not to be true.
  Whatever is going on with the DW here, it is more than I have the
time and $$$ to figure out. As long as my CS is clear or very, very
pale straw color, I consume it. Very yellow stuff is used for plants,
cat water, wiping counters and cutting boards, etc.
  I had been planning to buy a home distiller (counter top unit) but
after hearing from the person whose tap water pegged the PWT and was
not pure enough for CS making even after being distilled twice, I'm
not sure if it would work---my tap water pegs the meter too, and still
does so after being run through two filters (faucet and Brita).

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley

 Yeh consistantly bad for our's.  Everyone when they talk about
Walmat water needs
 to look at the label and see where it is bottled and who is doing
it.  Different
 parts of the country use different suppliers, and you need to be
comparing the
 supplier, not simply Walmart water which is meaningless. That is
like simply
 saying distilled water without giving the brand or bottling plant.

 The supplier for Walmart water in Knoxville is horrible. It is so
bad I had to
 pour the stuff down the drain, it pegged the meters from the start
giving almost 0
 volts across the electrodes. Couldn't measure the ppm, it pegs that


 Jim wrote:

  I've found Wal Mart DW very consistant.
  Jay Ice wrote:
   Eh not so worried about checking ppm. The main problem I am
having is water.
   I can't find the brand I was using. So now every time I get a
   brand and make CS it comes out a murky white. So I have trusted
it to drink
   or spray on me or my plants. I just need a ppm tester to see the
quality of
   water I have.
  Bottom line, Jay, is that we do not have to make this into
  science. It matters not a whit if your brew is actually 22 ppm
  than 12, or vice versa. Use a good basic process, decent DW and
  silver, clean and sanitary procedures, and dose for effect.
  If you're in a situation where you think it's critical to know
  what you have, then you'll be spending a lot more than 60 bucks
  find out.
  Hope that helps! You've come along really fast, Jay. Keep up the
  Be well,
  Mike D.
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
   Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
   To post, address your message to:
   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSrequest

2003-06-09 Thread sol
  You didn't say if all your batches have come out clear? Pint batches come out 
well for me too, with the same model generator you have. I did get a meter due 
to DW problems and inconsistencies (I just posted in more detail about the DW 
here). I no longer seed my batches of CS, nor do I pre-heat the DW, just use it 
room temp. 
  My 2 cents is that if you aren't having any batches turn unexpectedly yellow, 
you likely don't need the meter. I bought one, because the inconsistencies in 
how my CS was turning out were driving me completely nuts. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ruth Bertella 

  This is all still really new to me, but I have made several different size 
batches of CS with the silverpuppy generator which includes an auto shut off.   
All of my one pint batches have been consistently turning off after about 1 to 
1 1/2 hours.  All of my different size batches had different cooking times (I 
always use a starter of pre-made CS as suggested in some earlier threads).   
The one batch I made using a 1 quart jar took over 3 hours, so I've decided to 
stick with the pint size.

Re: CSRe: (ot) Bladder infections

2003-06-09 Thread Sharon

You may be right about the system being off balance. I suspected she 
had allergies, so rather than continue guessing about their nature I 
had her tested. We just got the results of the blood test back. She 
is highly allergic to all dairy, wheat, lemon, beef, lamb. Those are 
the major ones...
As I mentioned before we took her off dairy for a while, but perhaps 
there seeemed to be little effect because of the many other things in 
her diet she was still reacting to, like wheat. So now we will see 
what happens with all the allergens eliminated from her diet.

I would appreciate it if you could pull out all your notes and if 
anyone out there has advice on living with food allergies. I am just 
starting down this road. Seems like there are a lot of products out 
there now that are wheat free, dairy free, etc.

Still swimming against the allopathic tide, and general public opinion.

Terry said:

One of my closest friends has three daughters. They and his wife had
bladder, urinary tract and female problems for years. They were always
taking antibiotics etc.
Someone talked his wife into stopping all dairy products and sugars for a
Unbelievable as it might sound, before the test was over, their problems had
cleared up; and without the use of any antibiotics.  I understand from his
wife that the few times they reverted to their old eating habits, the
problems returned. Did not take those girls long to figure out what they no
longer wanted to eat.
Thought you might want to try this before letting them at your little

   **  This idea is well worth pursuing.  I would also add the cranberry
and Primal Defense powder for the immune system support and because she must
be in real need of probiotics because of all the antibiotics.  There's
very unbalanced in the system when UTIs recur.  Allopathic medicine is
ignoring this
and creating more imbalance.

   I'm going to pull out some of my notes on UTIs tonight.  Normally I
remember these things but I've had a virus for about a week and my brain is
pretty lame right now.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: (ot) Bladder infections

2003-06-09 Thread tdg39
You might want to look at the No Grain Diet @ , he might
also have some other information that could be of value to you and DD such
as his free nutrition plan.  You
might also find this interesting reading.

With Very Best Wishes for Good Health,

- Original Message - 
From: Sharon
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: (ot) Bladder infections

 You may be right about the system being off balance. I suspected she
 had allergies, so rather than continue guessing about their nature I
 had her tested. We just got the results of the blood test back. She
 is highly allergic to all dairy, wheat, lemon, beef, lamb. Those are
 the major ones...
 As I mentioned before we took her off dairy for a while, but perhaps
 there seeemed to be little effect because of the many other things in
 her diet she was still reacting to, like wheat. So now we will see
 what happens with all the allergens eliminated from her diet.

 I would appreciate it if you could pull out all your notes and if
 anyone out there has advice on living with food allergies. I am just
 starting down this road. Seems like there are a lot of products out
 there now that are wheat free, dairy free, etc.
 Still swimming against the allopathic tide, and general public opinion.

 Terry said:
 One of my closest friends has three daughters. They and his wife had
 bladder, urinary tract and female problems for years. They were always
 taking antibiotics etc.
 Someone talked his wife into stopping all dairy products and sugars for a
 Unbelievable as it might sound, before the test was over, their problems
 cleared up; and without the use of any antibiotics.  I understand from
 wife that the few times they reverted to their old eating habits, the
 problems returned. Did not take those girls long to figure out what they
 longer wanted to eat.
 Thought you might want to try this before letting them at your little
 **  This idea is well worth pursuing.  I would also add the cranberry
 and Primal Defense powder for the immune system support and because she
 be in real need of probiotics because of all the antibiotics.  There's
 very unbalanced in the system when UTIs recur.  Allopathic medicine is
 ignoring this
 and creating more imbalance.
 I'm going to pull out some of my notes on UTIs tonight.  Normally
 remember these things but I've had a virus for about a week and my brain
 pretty lame right now.
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBob Beck's baldness cure

2003-06-09 Thread carpae . diem
Have your friend try it with the magnetic (emf) field lined up with the
known field structure of the heads basic magnetic field / also try it lined
up with the Three primary chakeras in the head ... If you nead, I'll try and
draw up a polar-orientation chart...

In line with the heads fields, the pulse seams to be of real benefit, and I
experienced the opposite of what your friend did ! But... used out of
orientation with those fields, you should expect dissonance in function...

- Original Message -
From: C Creel
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSBob Beck's baldness cure

 Malcolm said:

 I would hesitate on using the magnetic pulser on the head.  A friend of
 mine did it and lost his intuition for a while every time he tried it.  It
 seems to mess up the brain astral connection, at least for him. 

   **  When I saw this suggestion yesterday, my intuition told me that a
 magnetic pulser should not be used on the head.  Therapeutically, all this
 is doing is increasing the circulation to promote hair growth but with
 I 'see' as having a number of drawbacks.  The stimulation can be
 accomplished also by vigorously massaging the scalp.

Overall, you want something that will decrease the overproduction of

   Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA),  Linoleic and
 Oleic Acid, Saw Palmetto, Pygeum africanum H , Vit B6 and zinc will help
 with this.

 It will also assist in keeping a healthy prostate.

 Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA),  Linoleic and
 Oleic Acid
 have been proven to inhibit 5-Alpha Reductase which is responsible for the
 overproduction of dihydrotestosterone.

  Saw Palmetto inhibits dihydrotestosterone and relieves symptoms of
 such as urinary frequency and urgency, excessive nighttime urination, or
 delayed urination.  In fact, Fenistride (active ingredient of Propecia)
 inhibits the Type 2 form of 5 alpha reductase where Saw Palmetto extract
 inhibited both type 1 and 2 forms of 5 alpha-reductase.

 Pygeum africanum H. contains lipophilic sterols, including beta
 sitosterol and sitosterone plus unique fatty acids. These ingredients
 influence prostaglandin synthesis to help control the damaging effects of
 inflammation and inhibits 5-Alpha-Reductase.

  Vitamin B6 is a vitamin in which many men are deficient.  It is
 necessary for the proper assimilation of zinc. Zinc cannot be converted
 a form that is readily used by the prostate without it.

 Zinc is concentrated in the prostate gland.  The prostate needs 10
 more zinc than any other organ in the body. Chicago's Cook County
 tested the effect of zinc on patients with BPH symptoms. All patients
 reported symptomatic improvements, and 75% had palpable shrinkage of the

 Zinc not only inhibits the production of 5-alpha-reductase (thereby
 reducing the levels of dihydrotestosterone), but it also helps the body
 excrete excess dihydrotestosterone.  Zinc has been shown, in several
 controlled studies, to actually reverse prostate enlargement.

   This combination is most effective on male pattern baldness not receding
 hairlines although it can arrest the hairline from further recession.  It
 also effective for women whose cause of hair loss is the over-production
 testosterone resulting in the production of dihydrotestosterone.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS$$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread carpae . diem
Hello All :)

1-pack cigarettses=$5.00 x 2 x 7 = $70.00 per week...
1-tank high-test gasoli...@$1.80 x 15 x 2 = $54.00 per week...
1-family (of 4) outing at the movies = @ $50.00...
1 PWT meter should be very affordable if it's value is traded 
 against these luxery commodities, over the course of just one  
 calendar week 

If that's not good enough, then consider the Emergency Room treatment of just 
one severe case of the flu... @ $150.00+ and that dose not even include the 
cost of expensive medications/antibiotics...

That's how I justified going out and dropping $500.00 on a Silvergen
SG-7 pro C.S. generator... It makes 5 gallons of extremely high grade C.S., in 
the time that a little unit makes a cup full of low grade C.S. Also, in the 
advent of a major Bio-Attack, my friends and family will have a liberal supply 
at all times... I'm prior service, and have a little knowledge of how terrorism 
operates... SARS was  is probably just a test of how the real (probably soon 
to be released ) killer bio-weapon pathogen will spread. They are studying The 
SARS Pattern, and analyzing the spread pattern... Also the true 
Bio-weapon is probably a strain of something that is based on resistance to 
what was observed to be practicable on a mass treatment scale by the U.S.  
Canada... However, If you have a C.S. generator  even better the entire set of 
E.M. devices that go with the Dr. Robert Beck protocol... Then rest easy, you 
will be just fine... Just do not plan on being able to buy C.S. through the 
mail, once the real Bio-weapon is deployed... The U.S.P.S. will be under 
quarantine and shut down... When I was 16 the house next door was blown up by 
soviet terrorist... They planted 2 bombs... A little one to get every ones 
attention, and a bigger one to kill the curious people that would naturally try 
to start inspecting the 
ruins @ an hour later... SARS is probably modified G.W.I. 
(microplasma-fermentiens (incognitos-strain)), that Sadam shot at our troops in 
aerosol-tipped warheads atop scud missiles, during Dessert Storm...


Re: CScheap ppm tester

2003-06-09 Thread carpae . diem
Right On Buddy !

A precicly known resistive load should be ideal for calibration !!!  Because
I live in Rhode Island, Hanna Instruments is a local call for me. I will
find out exactly what ohm  tolerance level of resistor to shunt across the
meter leads, and exactly where to obtain these given resistors... etc...
My guess is that a simple radio shack resistor will do, as long as the (+/-)
tolerance is able to produce a small PPM error zone...
Say @ 3-5 ppm, would be ok I think...

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: CScheap ppm tester

It would be interesting to know what was used as a benchmark.
 Apparently, some benches are of different heights and some look more like
   I would trust a benchmark based on electrical conductivity of a known
 [solid?] substance rather than some dubious liquid solution.
   Typically  a PPM meter will read half that of a microsiemens meter such
 as the PWT.


 At 06:21 AM 6/7/2003 -0500, you wrote:
 My TDS -1 reads from 0 to 999 not 0 to 2000 and it is calibrated to
 measure homemade CS.
 The TDS-1 from Hanna Instruments is a good bit cheaper, but it reads
 from 0 to 2000 ppm. You'll be using it at the *very* bottom of its
 range, which means the accuracy will not be tremendous. Sorta like
 measuring grains of sand with a yardstick. Do you see what I mean?
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRudeness -- List Owner, please read...

2003-06-09 Thread Hank
Mike, when I wrote this to Jay there was no disrespect mean. I enjoy reading 
his post, It does take me back about 40 yrs or more sometimes and I sure like 
that. All I could add is that if Jay can afford it get a distiller, they are 
some good ones for around $120.00 total.
Sincerely Yours,

  ... you remind me of my youth when I went out with a blond that no
  mater (sic) what you told her it just wouldn't sink in...

Re: CS$$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread Ruth Bertella
My CS is low grade simply because I have a small generator?? Ruth
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 2:55 PM
  Subject: CS$$$ perpectives

  Hello All :)

  1-pack cigarettses=$5.00 x 2 x 7 = $70.00 per week...
  1-tank high-test gasoli...@$1.80 x 15 x 2 = $54.00 per week...
  1-family (of 4) outing at the movies = @ $50.00...
  1 PWT meter should be very affordable if it's value is traded 
   against these luxery commodities, over the course of just one  
   calendar week 

  If that's not good enough, then consider the Emergency Room treatment of just 
one severe case of the flu... @ $150.00+ and that dose not even include the 
cost of expensive medications/antibiotics...

  That's how I justified going out and dropping $500.00 on a Silvergen
  SG-7 pro C.S. generator... It makes 5 gallons of extremely high grade C.S., 
in the time that a little unit makes a cup full of low grade C.S. Also, in the 
advent of a major Bio-Attack, my friends and family will have a liberal supply 
at all times... I'm prior service, and have a little knowledge of how terrorism 
operates... SARS was  is probably just a test of how the real (probably soon 
to be released ) killer bio-weapon pathogen will spread. They are studying The 
SARS Pattern, and analyzing the spread pattern... Also the true 
  Bio-weapon is probably a strain of something that is based on resistance to 
what was observed to be practicable on a mass treatment scale by the U.S.  
Canada... However, If you have a C.S. generator  even better the entire set of 
E.M. devices that go with the Dr. Robert Beck protocol... Then rest easy, you 
will be just fine... Just do not plan on being able to buy C.S. through the 
mail, once the real Bio-weapon is deployed... The U.S.P.S. will be under 
quarantine and shut down... When I was 16 the house next door was blown up by 
soviet terrorist... They planted 2 bombs... A little one to get every ones 
attention, and a bigger one to kill the curious people that would naturally try 
to start inspecting the 
  ruins @ an hour later... SARS is probably modified G.W.I. 
(microplasma-fermentiens (incognitos-strain)), that Sadam shot at our troops in 
aerosol-tipped warheads atop scud missiles, during Dessert Storm...


Re: CS$$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread Hank
A.J.F. Go just a little more and get a solar panel. The one (1.5v) I have will 
make a qt of 7 to 10 ppm CS in about 10 hrs. Just it going to the two . 
silver wires. No fancy stuff here.
Sincerely Yours,
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 2:55 PM
  Subject: CS$$$ perpectives

  Hello All :)
  1-pack cigarettses=$5.00 x 2 x 7 = $70.00 per week...
  1-tank high-test gasoli...@$1.80 x 15 x 2 = $54.00 per week...
  1-family (of 4) outing at the movies = @ $50.00...
  1 PWT meter should be very affordable if it's value is traded 
   against these luxery commodities, over the course of just one  
   calendar week 
  If that's not good enough, then consider the Emergency Room treatment of just 
one severe case of the flu... @ $150.00+ and that dose not even include the 
cost of expensive medications/antibiotics...
  That's how I justified going out and dropping $500.00 on a Silvergen
  SG-7 pro C.S. generator... It makes 5 gallons of extremely high grade C.S., 
in the time that a little unit makes a cup full of low grade C.S. Also, in the 
advent of a major Bio-Attack, my friends and family will have a liberal supply 
at all times... I'm prior service, and have a little knowledge of how terrorism 
operates... SARS was  is probably just a test of how the real (probably soon 
to be released ) killer bio-weapon pathogen will spread. They are studying The 
SARS Pattern, and analyzing the spread pattern... Also the true 
  Bio-weapon is probably a strain of something that is based on resistance to 
what was observed to be practicable on a mass treatment scale by the U.S.  
Canada... However, If you have a C.S. generator  even better the entire set of 
E.M. devices that go with the Dr. Robert Beck protocol... Then rest easy, you 
will be just fine... Just do not plan on being able to buy C.S. through the 
mail, once the real Bio-weapon is deployed... The U.S.P.S. will be under 
quarantine and shut down... When I was 16 the house next door was blown up by 
soviet terrorist... They planted 2 bombs... A little one to get every ones 
attention, and a bigger one to kill the curious people that would naturally try 
to start inspecting the 
  ruins @ an hour later... SARS is probably modified G.W.I. 
(microplasma-fermentiens (incognitos-strain)), that Sadam shot at our troops in 
aerosol-tipped warheads atop scud missiles, during Dessert Storm...

Re: CSBob Beck's baldness cure

2003-06-09 Thread TJ Garland
I cured my 12 yr old Yorkie with either mange or some other kind of hair 
loss problem with CS- giving him 2 oz. a day in his water and spraying his 
coat. His hair loss was either fungal or bacterial caused.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

From: S K
Subject: CSBob Beck's  baldness cure
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 09:25:50 -0700

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

According to a friend of Bob Beck's,he massaged ionic/colloidal silver into his scalp, and then used his Magnetic Pulser over hisentire scalp daily. He started to notice (which was a delightful surprise to him) re-growth of hair after about 2 months of doing this. The hair appeared to be thick and dark.
Regards,NiaAdd photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

---End Message---

Re: CSFollowing archive Subject threads

2003-06-09 Thread TJ Garland

Quick- gather up that hair -- I'm now doing hair analysis.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

Subject: CSFollowing archive Subject threads
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 12:38:35 -0700

While slightly modifying Subject lines under current discussion
doesn't much hamper comprehension now, it wreaks havoc later on when
trying to follow Subject threads in our already labrynthian Archives

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: CSRe: (ot) Bladder infections

2003-06-09 Thread TJ Garland
Buy Lets Play Doctor  By Joel Wallach. Good start on self allergy testing 
and rotation diets.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

From: Sharon
Subject: Re: CSRe: (ot) Bladder infections
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 10:36:52 -0700

You may be right about the system being off balance. I suspected she had 
allergies, so rather than continue guessing about their nature I had her 
tested. We just got the results of the blood test back. She is highly 
allergic to all dairy, wheat, lemon, beef, lamb. Those are the major 
As I mentioned before we took her off dairy for a while, but perhaps there 
seeemed to be little effect because of the many other things in her diet 
she was still reacting to, like wheat. So now we will see what happens with 
all the allergens eliminated from her diet.

I would appreciate it if you could pull out all your notes and if anyone 
out there has advice on living with food allergies. I am just starting down 
this road. Seems like there are a lot of products out there now that are 
wheat free, dairy free, etc.

Still swimming against the allopathic tide, and general public opinion.

Terry said:

One of my closest friends has three daughters. They and his wife had
bladder, urinary tract and female problems for years. They were always
taking antibiotics etc.
Someone talked his wife into stopping all dairy products and sugars for a
Unbelievable as it might sound, before the test was over, their problems 

cleared up; and without the use of any antibiotics.  I understand from his
wife that the few times they reverted to their old eating habits, the
problems returned. Did not take those girls long to figure out what they 

longer wanted to eat.
Thought you might want to try this before letting them at your little

   **  This idea is well worth pursuing.  I would also add the cranberry
and Primal Defense powder for the immune system support and because she 

be in real need of probiotics because of all the antibiotics.  There's
very unbalanced in the system when UTIs recur.  Allopathic medicine is
ignoring this
and creating more imbalance.

   I'm going to pull out some of my notes on UTIs tonight.  Normally 
remember these things but I've had a virus for about a week and my brain 

pretty lame right now.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: CS$$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread TJ Garland
I agree on the test. I think it will be the plague. Notice how the  ex 
Nazi drug companies are pushing Codex all over the world - they have now 
gotten a toehold into China-- no more cheap effective TCM for the citizens. 
They must now use drugs. Go to and read awhile.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

From: Hank h...@arkansas.n of just one
   calendar week

  If that's not good enough, then consider the Emergency Room treatment of 
just one severe case of the flu... @ $150.00+ and that dose not even 
include the cost of expensive medications/antibiotics...

  That's how I justified going out and dropping $500.00 on a Silvergen
  SG-7 pro C.S. generator... It makes 5 gallons of extremely high grade 
C.S., in the time that a little unit makes a cup full of low grade C.S. 
Also, in the advent of a major Bio-Attack, my friends and family will have 
a liberal supply at all times... I'm prior service, and have a little 
knowledge of how terrorism operates... SARS was  is probably just a test 
of how the real (probably soon to be released ) killer bio-weapon pathogen 
will spread. They are studying The SARS Pattern, and analyzing the spread 
pattern... Also the true
  Bio-weapon is probably a strain of something that is based on resistance 
to what was observed to be practicable on a mass treatment scale by the 
U.S.  Canada... However, If you have a C.S. generator  even better the 
entire set of E.M. devices that go with the Dr. Robert Beck protocol... 
Then rest easy, you will be just fine... Just do not plan on being able to 
buy C.S. through the mail, once the real Bio-weapon is deployed... The 
U.S.P.S. will be under quarantine and shut down... When I was 16 the house 
next door was blown up by soviet terrorist... They planted 2 bombs... A 
little one to get every ones attention, and a bigger one to kill the 
curious people that would naturally try to start inspecting the
  ruins @ an hour later... SARS is probably modified G.W.I. 
(microplasma-fermentiens (incognitos-strain)), that Sadam shot at our 
troops in aerosol-tipped warheads atop scud missiles, during Dessert 



Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRudeness -- List Owner, please read...

2003-06-09 Thread CKing001
On Mon, 09 Jun 2003 00:17:02 -0005, M. G. Devour wrote:

The following is an example of good advice delivered well...




Yes, Jean might still want a meter of one sort or another. Yes, I just
got through noting above the problems I've had with some grocery
store distilled water. But those are things that can be dealt with as
they arise. What Chuck does *right* is to give reassurance and

AWww...Shucks...Mike...(kicking the dust).

THWpp! to the rest of you guys!


I don't want constructive criticism. It's all I can do to put up with
constructive praise

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS$$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS$$$ perpectives
From: Ruth Bertella
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 13:04:07

   My CS is low grade simply because I have a small generator??


Your unit is fine.

The best cs is made very slowly. Please see my post on ULVDC at

Steve confirms this approach works well:

and Dick posted a schematic:

The key is to operate at very low current density. Units that operate 
quickly and use small electrodes tend to make large particles. This 
causes the solution to turn black and plate out quickly. Besides being 
unpalatable, this reduces the number of silver ions available to kill 
bacteria and viruses. So the cs is not very effective.

It is very difficult to increase the wetted area and keep uniform current 
density. For example, many units use flat strips of silver instead of 
round wire. This tends to concentrate the current at the edges and 
produce large particles.

So, faster is not necessarily better, regardless of the price.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVirus and address book

2003-06-09 Thread Robert Berger

Anybody that uses Microsoft browsers are soft in the head !!!

Go to Netscape or Eudora or some other one.

Ole Bob

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVirus and address book

2003-06-09 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CSVirus and address book
From: Robert Berger
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 15:33:26


   Anybody that uses Microsoft browsers are soft in the head !!!

   Go to Netscape or Eudora or some other one.

   Ole Bob

I agree. I run Win 3.1 and use Netscape 2.02 for email. It doesn't open 
attachments and doesn't respond to scripts. The I run my simple spam kill 
software and put the spam into a separate file so I can look at it.

It is amazing the tricks spammers use to try to get past spam filters. 
Unfortunately for them, the tricks are easy to spot by simply analyzing 
the header. 

For example, someone who forges an originating date several days or years 
in the future tries to put his message at the top of the list. Similarly, 
a date months or years in the past shows he is trying to appear at the 

None of my friends are this fast or this slow:)

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS$$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread Trem
Hi Mike,

I've been hearing you knock flat silver electrodes for some time now and
think it's about time to say something.  I'm SilverGen.  Our generators do
NOT make large particles nor do they EVER produce CS that turns yellow.
Particle size is .001 to .005 microns.  See for visual evidence of particle size.
You may be correct in stating that the edges release the silver more quickly
than the surface but the facts are the facts current limiting and
circulation of the water during production using large surface area equals
small particles as long as one stays under 2 ma./square inch.  I hear of
many people getting yellow CS using other generators that use round wire so
you may want to rethink your argument.


Trem Williams

- Original Message -
From: Mike Monett
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: CS$$$ perpectives

 Re: CS$$$ perpectives
 From: Ruth Bertella
 Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 13:04:07

My CS is low grade simply because I have a small generator??


 Your unit is fine.

 The best cs is made very slowly. Please see my post on ULVDC at

 Steve confirms this approach works well:

 and Dick posted a schematic:

 The key is to operate at very low current density. Units that operate
 quickly and use small electrodes tend to make large particles. This
 causes the solution to turn black and plate out quickly. Besides being
 unpalatable, this reduces the number of silver ions available to kill
 bacteria and viruses. So the cs is not very effective.

 It is very difficult to increase the wetted area and keep uniform current
 density. For example, many units use flat strips of silver instead of
 round wire. This tends to concentrate the current at the edges and
 produce large particles.

 So, faster is not necessarily better, regardless of the price.

 Best Regards,

 Mike Monett

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: distilling water through glass wool and resin

2003-06-09 Thread bob smith
Don't the ion exchange add sodium to the resin in exchange for the minerals?
This would not make good quality cs, I would think.  At one time softener
resin was made by Dow and Rohm Hass. The only purpose the glass wool would
have would be to retain the resin.   Both resin and wool should be easy to
get.  I  wouldn't want to be the one to have to regenerate that pipe setup.
Bob Smith

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: distilling water through glass wool and resin

 The resins are probably ion exchange resins.  They are used in water
 softners.  Search the net on the, you will probably find more information
 what they can do.


 Reid Harvey wrote:

  Silver Friends,
  People in a neighboring country, here in South Asia, are making a very
  mineral free water, 10TDS, by filtering water through a combination of
  glass wool and some sort of resin.  They use about twenty sections of 4
  inch pvc pipe, each about 18 inches long, and each stuffed with layers
  of the glass wool and resin.  I would like to replicate this process but
  first need to find out what resin it is that would be appropriate.  Also
  I assume that glass wool is glass wool and is easier to find.
  For this process I understand the glass wool can be periodically washed
  out and the resin can be processed for re-use.  Is there anyone who can
  give me some insight on these materials, how I might use them in this
  way and where to find them? We are considering the possibility of making
  distilled water in this way so that we can produce concentrated
  colloidal silver for use in saturation of ceramic water purifiers.
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS$$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread Robert Berger

I use 320 microamps with curves sheet electrodes and the TEM shows sub-nano
meter to 28 nano meter size

Ole Bob

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS$$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CS$$$ perpectives
From: Trem
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 16:22:08

   Hi Mike,

   I've been  hearing you knock flat silver electrodes for  some time
   now and think it's about time to say something. I'm SilverGen. Our
   generators do NOT make large particles nor do they EVER produce CS
   that turns yellow. Particle size is .001 to .005 microns. See

   for visual evidence of particle size.

   You may  be correct in stating that the edges  release  the silver
   more quickly  than  the surface but the  facts  are  the facts
   current limiting  and circulation of the  water  during production
   using large  surface  area equals small particles as  long  as one
   stays under  2  ma./square  inch. I hear  of  many  people getting
   yellow CS  using other generators that use round wire  so  you may
   want to rethink your argument.


   Trem Williams

  Hi Trem,

  Nice to  hear from you. Of course you can use flat electrodes  - you
  just have  to reduce the current. This means it will be  slower than
  an equivalent system using round wires and the same wetted area.

  I used  to  run  at 1.4 mA per square inch,  and  it  usually turned
  yellow or black after a few days when I tried to make high ppm cs. I
  had a low-level residual Shingles infection, and the cs made at this
  current had no effect.

  However, reducing  the  current density to 80 to  100  microamps per
  square inch  produces very strong and very clear cs.  The  rods stay
  clean, which indicates very little is wasted making black sludge. It
  doesn't turn yellow.

  The cs made with this current density killed the Shingles infection.
  The scabs fell off several days later, and have not returned.

  I now only need to take a mouthful every three or four days, instead
  of drinking 8 oz each day as I did before. This helps  the digestion
  a great  deal,  since  much less enters the  intestine  to  kill the

  I use  12 ga folded into a W to increase the  surface  area, which
  allows proportionally higher current and shortens the run time.

  I have  done a few runs at higher currents that do turn  yellow with
  the same total number of Coulombs. So I believe there is  a critical
  current density somewhere between 100 and perhaps 1,000 uA/sq in.

  So the  effect  of  flat plates is you  reach  the  critical current
  density sooner than with round wire, since the current is  higher at
  the edges.

  With either method, if you are making black sludge and have to clean
  the rods, reduce the current and increase the brew time.

  I tried  three methods of stirring, and it helps reduce  the sludge.
  But it had no effect on the Shingles. Low current is the only thing
  that worked.

  The other  problem  with flat plates is  keeping  them  straight and
  aligned. 12 ga wire is quite stiff, so it holds alignment very well.
  Thin sheet is very difficult to keep flat and straight.

  Another problem is simple contamination. Systems that leave the rods
  loose means they will lay flat. I once got very ill after  getting a
  drop of something on the rods. I never found where it came from.

  With 12 ga wire, you can bolt the rods to a plastic lid.  This keeps
  them aligned,  and you can set the lid upside-down on  a  table with
  the rods  sticking  in  the air while you  are  emptying  the  cs to
  another container.  So  you never have to touch the  rods  or handle

  Flat is OK. Round is better.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS$$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread Robert Berger

You aren't listening, or should I say reading.

I make 2 gallons of 30 to 40 true PPM using 35 volts with a regulator set to
turn on at 12 .6 ma or 320 microamps /sqin of anode Time, five hours, and
this is were I shut down. Crystal clear sub nano in size, and stays that

TEM's to prove it They only cost $75.00 per copy!!! Do it and report

Ole Bob

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS$$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread Mike Monett
url :
Re: CS$$$ perpectives
From: Robert Berger
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 18:25:24


   You aren't listening, or should I say reading.

   I make  2  gallons  of 30 to 40 true PPM  using  35  volts  with a
   regulator set  to  turn on at 12.6 ma or  320  microamps  /sqin of
   anode Time,  five  hours, and this is were  I  shut  down. Crystal
   clear sub nano in size, and stays that way!

   TEM's to prove it They only cost $75.00 per copy!!! Do  it and
   report back.

   Ole Bob

  Hi Robert,

  A current  density  of 320 uA/sq. may be a  good  value,  although I
  prefer running much lower.

  As I understand it, you have a curved plate for the anode, and a rod
  for the  cathode. This means the current density is  greater  at the
  cathode, which is the location where misting will start. One  way to
  check is  to  turn  off the stirring and let it  run  until  it just
  starts to  mist.  That  shows the location  of  the  highest current
  density. On a flat plate, it starts at the edges.

  If the  current  stayed at 12.6 mA the whole  brew  time,  you would
  transfer 226 Coulombs. This would produce 6.69 ppm/hr in  2 gallons,
  for a total of 33.49 ppm. Here's the equations:

  gal = 2   ; number of gallons
  hrs = 5   ; hours
  I   = 12.6e-3 ; current in Amperes
  ml  = 3785.41 * gal   ; milliliters
  x   = 1e6 * 107.87 / 96485; x = 1117.99

  sec = hrs * 3600  ; seconds
  C   = I * sec ; coulombs
  ppm = x * C / ml  ; parts per million
  ppmhr = x * I * 3600 / ml ; ppm per hr

  Here's the  results. Please check my numbers to make  sure  I didn't
  goof somewhere:

  C = +226.8000
  gal   = +2.00
  hrs   = +5.00
  I = +0.012600
  ml= +7570.820
  ppm   = +33.4919941771666
  ppmhr = +6.6983988354333
  sec   = +18000.00

  However, you  mentioned earlier that it takes 5 hrs for  the current
  limiting to  set in, and you mentioned most of the ppm  is deposited
  in the last 50 minutes.

  So the total ppm may be a bit lower than calculated above.

  One way  to test is to put some in a glass and add a  few  shakes of
  salt. A  strong  concentration will show an  immediate  response and
  produce a strong dispersion.

  A weak concentration may only show up after several minutes when the
  salt is  completely dissolved. It may be difficult to see  the cloud
  even when you put a lamp nearby for sidelighting.

  Finally, a  recent  post  mentioned  difficulty  getting correlation
  between different  PWT's.  So  the  ppm could  be  a  bit  less than
  measured, which means the solution is less likely to turn yellow and
  plate out. Obviously, the weaker the concentration, the  less likely
  this is to happen.

  Can you  post or email a copy of the current vs time  curve?  I will
  integrate it  to  get the total Coulombs,  which  will  indicate the
  upper bound for the ppm.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: $$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread jrowland the cathode, which is the location where misting will start...
By the term misting, are you inferring silver is being drawn off the
the negative electrode?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: $$$ perpectives

2003-06-09 Thread Mike Monett
CSRe: $$$ perpectives
From: jrowland
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 22:09:51 the  cathode,  which  is the  location  where  misting will

   By the term misting, are you inferring silver is being drawn off
   the cathode; the negative electrode?


  Hi jr,

  No, I  do not mean to imply silver is being drawn from  the cathode.
  My theory  is  the silver ions form an invisible  cloud  around both

  At the anode, they have just left and are slowly moving  towards the
  cathode. When they reach the cathode, they form another  cloud since
  hydrogen is  also  formed  at the cathode,  and  there  are  no more
  electrons available to interact with.

  The density  of these clouds is directly related to the  current and
  voltage across the cell.

  At the  anode,  high current means a higher density of  ions  in the
  immediate vicinity of the electrode. This increases the  chance that
  Brownian motion will push ions together until they get  close enough
  for the van Der Walls effect to make them stick.

  Note the  term Brownian motion is not exactly correct,  but  it is
  good enough  for  our  purposes. Similarly, there  are  a  number of
  effects that  together form the van Der Walls force,  and  which one
  operates depends  on the type of ion. It is OK to use van  Der Walls
  to describe any of these effects since they are all lumped together.

  The same  effect occurs at the cathode. When the ion cloud  is dense
  enough, the particles become large enough to see, and form a mist.

  Usually, the  mist  first starts forming at  the  cathode.  With low
  current, round wires and no stirring, it forms a uniform cloud about
  1/16 thick around the wire.

  The cloud is denser than the surrounding water, so it  begins slowly
  falling to the bottom of the glass. It may form a stream and  go out
  at right angles to the rod, then disperse.

  The mist  starts forming at the anode after it has already  begun at
  the cathode.  I  believe the reason for this is  the  field gradient
  moves the  ions away from the anode and towards the cathode,  so the
  density is greater at the cathode.

  The proof  is to reverse the voltage applied to the rods.  The cloud
  that formed  around the cathode disperses quickly without  forming a
  stream. It simply disappears.

  I believe  stirring has the same effect. The  particles  still form,
  but they  are  quickly dispersed. I believe this  is  why  the three
  methods of stirring I tried produced cs that was not very effective.

  Running at  very low current reduces the density of  the  ion cloud.
  This reduces  the number of ions that are pushed  together,  and the
  mist doesn't form until you reach very high concentrations.

  This stuff  is  unsuitable  for  drinking -  it  has  a  very strong
  metallic taste  and gives me an upset stomach. But it is OK  to hold
  in the mouth for ten minutes, then spit out.

  My current  approach  is to run 6 hrs at 335 uA  with  3.85  sq. in.
  wetted area and 425 ml of dw. This produces 7.24 Coulombs and 19 ppm
  calculated. The current density is 87 uA/sq. in.

  The rods  stay clean with only a trace of black stuff  after wiping.
  The salt test is quite strong.

  You can  definitely tell it is having an effect after holding  it in
  the mouth.  Just  run your tongue along your  teeth  afterwards. The
  teeth feel  slightly rough and bits of tartar may fall off  over the
  next few days. You may find small cavities you never knew about.

  But if you have a sore throat from a flu just starting, it will be gone 
  the next day.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour