RE: CSTesting pH?

2010-07-03 Thread Neville Munn

Oops, OK, Sorry, my mistake.


I did say my knowledge of chemistry was minimal {but I am still reading in an 
attempt to get a better grasp of pH testing methods} g.


 Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 21:21:13 -0500
 Subject: RE: CSTesting pH?
 The chemical Harold is adding is not a buffer, but simply an 
 *indicator* that changes color over a range of pH. It's a similar thing 
 to the stuff that's soaked into litmus paper. It should *not* change 
 the pH of the sample, if it's properly designed and made.
 Buffers, as you say, are designed to adjust the pH to a particular 
 value, and don't necessarily have anything to do with measuring the pH. 
 The only way I can think they might is by measuring the amount needed 
 to achieve that pH change you could possibly get some indication of the 
 composition of the acid or alkaline chemistry of the sample. That's 
 just a guess on my part, however. I don't have any experience with such 
 Be well,
 Mike D.
  This is why I asked if a buffer is *necessary*, I don't want to change
  anything, and I don't want to 'neutralise' anything, I just want to take
  a measurement *as is*.
  I'm content now, knowing that a buffer is not a requirement if simply
  wanting to take a straight measurement of water or a solution.
  Why do you add the reagent Harold?
  Correct me if I'm wrong, but buffers are for the purpose of increasing
  or decreasing acidity/alkalinity as a compensatory measure to create a
  neutral pH are they not? I don't wish to alter or neutralise anything,
  just get a reading of pH of the water/solution as it is from scratch.
  Subject: CSTesting pH?
  Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 16:26:24 -0700
  I test my Distilled water using an aquarium kit.It uses a blue reagent,2
  drops in a measured amt of water.
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RE: CSTesting pH?

2010-07-03 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Neville,

Taking a guess here . The buffer may be a solution made up to be a fixed 
pH for testing and monitoring and adjusting the pH meter. From memory, 
watching others setting up and calibrating pH electrodes and meters, 
there were two such solutions at or near the ends of the upper and lower 
range of the desired measurement range.  But usually only one solution is 
sufficient for checking, once the meter and electrode is set.

A buffer solution is chosen to be a stable pH even though it has aged or 
been stuffed up in other ways. It should be a steady, reliable known pH.


On 3 Jul 2010 at 11:28, Neville Munn wrote about :
Subject : RE: CSTesting pH?

 This is why I asked if a buffer is *necessary*, I don't want to change
 anything, and I don't want to 'neutralise' anything, I just want to take a
 measurement *as is*.
 I'm content now, knowing that a buffer is not a requirement if simply
 wanting to take a straight measurement of water or a solution.
 Why do you add the reagent Harold?
 Correct me if I'm wrong, but buffers are for the purpose of increasing or
 decreasing acidity/alkalinity as a compensatory measure to create a
 neutral pH are they not?  I don't wish to alter or neutralise anything,
 just get a reading of pH of the water/solution as it is from scratch.
 Subject: CSTesting pH?
 Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 16:26:24 -0700
 I test my Distilled water using an aquarium kit.It uses a blue reagent,2
 drops in a measured amt of water.
 If It Exists, You'll Find it on SEEK. Australia's #1 job site

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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSTesting pH?

2010-07-03 Thread Ode Coyote


The  Litumus paper is to see what the PH is, the buffer to change it and 
Litumus paper is to see what the PH is then.


At 09:55 PM 7/2/2010 +1030, you wrote:

Don't know if you've misunderstood the question Ode?

Most articles I read about pH testing there is mention of a buffer 
solution, not being chemistry minded, and my understanding in these 
matters is minimal {whilst I continue my search for relevant material} 
therefore I just wanted to know if a meter/paper could be used *as is* 
without the necessity for that buffer solution.

It seems to me that the reason buffer solutions are used is if one wishes 
to *change* the acidity or alkalinity of that solution which is being 
tested as a means of 'compensation'...I don't want to *change* or 
*compensate* for anything...just want to know if I can dip the paper/meter 
in the water and use that pH reading as a reference of pH of that solution.

Do you follow what I'm saying?

PH will be different at cessation of production to what it will be after 
suitable time frame has a point whereby I suppose the pH 
reaches a point of 'stabilization?'...Yes/No?  Not dissimilar to the 
silver solution time frame for stabilization.


 Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 05:59:00 -0400
 Subject: Re: CSTesting pH?

 It seems to me that if you do buffer a solution, you are using the
 paper/meter to test the PH altering effect of the buffer and would have to
 test the solution both before and after buffering it.


 At 05:34 PM 7/2/2010 +1030, you wrote:
 If I wanted to test pH of distilled water or my EIS/CS solutions do I 

 to use that 'buffer' solution or can I simply use a pH meter or paper, out, job done so to speak?
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Re: CSUSDA and Codex Alimentarius

2010-07-03 Thread Ode Coyote

  There's a difference between a treaty and a trade agreement.
When parties in an agreement disagree, it's gone.

. WTO members do not have to be full sovereign nation-members. Instead, 
they must be a customs territory with full autonomy in the conduct of their 
***external***  #commercial#  relations.
It has zero influence beyond what goes on at borders concerning 
import/export and has no authority even there.
It's a system of mere voluntary guidelines...policies...' agreed upon ' in 
a meeting of the's not even a law

NAFTA only worked going South out of Canada  for a looong time and only 
recently did they decide to follow the rules on their end to some degree.

The ONLY thing the USA could do about that is abandon the agreement.

The WTO has no international legal teeth ..and besides that, even treaties 
are bent and broken all the time.
It comes down to make me and Oh Never Mind, can't do it, no tools in 
the box and just not worth the effort if somebody decides not to follow the 
There is no enforcement arm and the WTO  has absolutely nothing to do with 
internal domestic trade.

All they can do is have a meeting and yell at each other.
The Trilateral Commission doesn't rule anything either, nor do the 

Influence ?   YES, to some degree.

Bush put up the steel tariffs, and all the steel industry loved it? But
the WTO ruled against it and - guess what?
The WTO is over in Europe, but George Bush had to withdraw the tariffs?

No, he didn't had to do anything...and even the sanctions are voluntarily 
implemented by the members, but no power other than bluff and bluster.
 More recently it was Tire Tariffs with China, like you guys do that 
and we'll stop sending you cupie dolls. [except for the 5 million we let 
get snuck though to keep our  doll factories in bizness]

 The members don't even follow their OWN rules.

Pass 17 resolutions and DO nothing ?

So, unless this Admin decides to adopt CODEX as a DOMESTIC LAW, it can't 
affect anything made here...and then, it's not the WTO, it's the 
Obamanation at work.

You probably also believe that the PTA lords over  the Dept of Education ?
On the other hand, it DOES seem like the town drunks are setting the price 
of whine in this country.

Drop that price or we'll stop drinking! [sanctions]


t 10:25 AM 7/2/2010 -0500, you wrote:

I messed up my previous cut and paste so here is a revised version that
should be correct. In spite of Annie's posts on the Codex Alimentarius I
kinda thought What's that to me?. But apparently it may be imposed on
us by the WTO and our access to natural supplements could be severely
restricted. Thanks for the warning Annie.

 - Steve N

Some excerpts from:

Dr. Wright: We're gaining ground, and so what's being tried is a stealth
attack, and you'll read about that if you care to in previous editions
of my newsletter.

Unfortunately, the folks that wrote our Constitution here in the United
States put a little clause in there that has allowed the last two or
three administrations, that is several administrations, to do things to
us through the back door without the approval of Congress. It says
somewhere in the Constitution (and I'm serious, go read it, I just about
fell over when I read it) that if we enter into a treaty, then that
treaty shall override our United States Constitution.

Were you aware of that?

Mike: I was not.

Dr. Wright: It is in there. I kid you not.

Mike: So how do they use this to suppress nutritional medicine?

Dr. Wright: Real easy! You know that thing called the World Trade
Organization? Well, the WTO apparently gets to make so-called trade
rules, and if the various countries don't pay attention to them they
get to do this thing called sanctions. Remember when good-old George
Bush put up the steel tariffs, and all the steel industry loved it? But
the WTO ruled against it and - guess what?

The WTO is over in Europe, but George Bush had to withdraw the tariffs?
And I'm thinking, excuse me? The president of the United States has to
bow down to the WTO? Not that I think that the presidency of the United
States has been run all that wonderfully well the last few years, but
still. That was the case. Because they were threatening these sanctions
which would have damaged the country economically.

Alright, well, as you know, there's this outfit over in Europe called
Codex Alimentarius or whatever it's called, and a lot of the folks who
attend their meetings are from the big European pharmaceutical cartel,
which is just about the same as the American patent medicine cartel
these days.

And they put together this directive which is now called the European
Food Supplements Directive, and the silly thing is scheduled to go into
effect unless it's overturned in the European Court - and what that
would do is to severely restrict the number and type of vitamins and
minerals and 

Re: CSrequest for cs info from animal shelters or rescuers

2010-07-03 Thread Lin
The silverpets group is gathering testimonials from animal shelters, rescue 
groups and individual rescuers of their experiences in using cs to help 
We would appreciate any info this group can supply us or please pass our 
request to anyone you know that can help our cause.  It is our hopes to 
promote the use of cs in animal shelters.  Many shelters are just private 
groups...not city or county.  They will be the ones that most likely can use
the info we gather.  Most all are very limited in funding and won't 
experiment on their own.  Many of us have done that on our own and now 
want to take all these positive results to those that really need it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSHospital stay

2010-07-03 Thread Brickeyk
I am scheduled for knee replacement surgery in a couple of weeks. I would  
like to bring in some EIS. Dee used an empty drinking bottle with her name 
on  the lid. How do you get the bottle past the nurses? I also would like to 
bring  in some B-12.
I tried the Pain Free knee exercises and they did reduce the  pain. I told 
my DR about the exercises and he said great you need to do them  even after 
I bought my tree colorant (paint) from an East Coast outfit, so I don't  
think the yellow pine needles are only common on the West Coast. I saw 
Christmas  trees shipped from North Carolina that were sprayed with the 
colorant. I 
talked  to a worker at a huge Montana tree farm who said they do not spray 
their pines  until just before harvest. He used a tractor that sprayed 
colorant on ten rows  at a time.
One year I sprayed spruce trees with a blue colorant sample, enough for  
about 50 trees. A commercial buyer followed me and tagged every tree I just  
sprayed. Every spruce looked like a blue spruce.

Re: CSHospital stay

2010-07-03 Thread Renee
Take it and tell them it's none of their business if they ask.  When I had
my cancer operation I took a bunch of ziplock bags full of vitamins for
every day.  I laid them on the bed stand so I could get to them.  Doctors
asked me what they were and I said my vitamins.  Their response--'well, they
won't hurt you'.  The nurses asked and I told them.  Their response--'good
for you, I take them too.

Now of course, CS is different from vitamins.  BUT--it's YOUR body, YOU are
paying the bill and if YOU want to take CS, they have no right to stop you. 

It's good that the stretches helped.  Did it get you out of pain yet?  If it
did, then you don't need the surgery IF you continue to do the stretches. 
Because if the stretches get you out of pain, that means that the reason for
the surgery isn't valid.

In the book--remember where he said he went over to talk to the lady at the
kids basketball game?  She looked as if she was in so much pain so he went
over to talk to her and said arthritis and she said yes.  He gave her a
quick little stretch to do and said now how do you feel and she
said--painless.  He said do you know what that means?--expecting her not
to know.  But she surprised him and said--'it means I don't have arthritis,
like the doctors told me'.  He said that's correct--you are using the wrong
muscles to do the job.

So--if these stretches work for you, then this means the surgery is not
necessary.  If they haven't totally gotten you out of pain it could be that
1) you haven't done them long enough yet or 2) you are not doing them
correctly.  Do you have someone to compare your poses with the poses in the
book?  If so, if they look the same, then perhaps you should write to the
clinic at  for, I think it use to be $150 you can send them
photos of you standing and tell them your problem, and they'll give you
specific stretches that will take care of it.  But they will tell you
whether or not the stretches will help once you tell them your problem and
they see your photos.  

Good luck.


---Original Message---
I am scheduled for knee replacement surgery in a couple of weeks. I would
like to bring in some EIS. Dee used an empty drinking bottle with her name
on the lid. How do you get the bottle past the nurses? I also would like to
bring in some B-12.
I tried the Pain Free knee exercises and they did reduce the pain. I told my
DR about the exercises and he said great you need to do them even after
I bought my tree colorant (paint) from an East Coast outfit, so I don't
think the yellow pine needles are only common on the West Coast. I saw
Christmas trees shipped from North Carolina that were sprayed with the
colorant. I talked to a worker at a huge Montana tree farm who said they do
not spray their pines until just before harvest. He used a tractor that
sprayed colorant on ten rows at a time.
One year I sprayed spruce trees with a blue colorant sample, enough for
about 50 trees. A commercial buyer followed me and tagged every tree I just
sprayed. Every spruce looked like a blue spruce.

Re: CSHospital stay

2010-07-03 Thread Day Sutton
You still have time to check out Prolotherapy.  See if there is a Dr. in
your area that can explain it to you...

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 6:48 PM, wrote:

  I am scheduled for knee replacement surgery in a couple of weeks. I would
 like to bring in some EIS. Dee used an empty drinking bottle with her name
 on the lid. How do you get the bottle past the nurses? I also would like to
 bring in some B-12.

 I tried the Pain Free knee exercises and they did reduce the pain. I told
 my DR about the exercises and he said great you need to do them even after

 I bought my tree colorant (paint) from an East Coast outfit, so I don't
 think the yellow pine needles are only common on the West Coast. I saw
 Christmas trees shipped from North Carolina that were sprayed with the
 colorant. I talked to a worker at a huge Montana tree farm who said they do
 not spray their pines until just before harvest. He used a tractor that
 sprayed colorant on ten rows at a time.

 One year I sprayed spruce trees with a blue colorant sample, enough for
 about 50 trees. A commercial buyer followed me and tagged every tree I just
 sprayed. Every spruce looked like a blue spruce.

Day Sutton

CSblog on oil

2010-07-03 Thread needling around
I have lost the link to the blog on the discussion of alkalizing to help detox 
from the oils spill.

Would someone mind forwarding it again as I don't even remember who sent it 


RE: CSHospital stay

2010-07-03 Thread Neville Munn

This may be a tad off topic, but still relates to the main theme I guess.


I often wonder about that, and where one stood legally?  It would be 
interesting to know.  Same with old folks homes?


While you're in THEIR building on THEIR property under THEIR medical 
supervision or care blah blah etc etc, could they have anything to say 
regarding what one does on 'private property', or conflict with some 
'insurance' thing they may have and pull some legal stunt that disallows people 
to consume stuff while in THEIR care? {if they wished to enforce it}


Can't they legally refuse alcohol, or cigarettes to be brought in or consumed 
by a patient?


Of course America may have differing laws to us...Or do they, when it comes to 
this sort of thing I wonder?


Any lawyers in the house? g



Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2010 18:17:26 -0500
Subject: Re: CSHospital stay

Now of course, CS is different from vitamins.  BUT--it's YOUR body, YOU are 
paying the bill and if YOU want to take CS, they have no right to stop you.  
---Original Message---


New, Used, Demo, Dealer or Private? Find it at

Re: CSHospital stay

2010-07-03 Thread Robert L. Booth
You might try the book entitled Ortho-Bionomy a path to self careby luann 

--- On Sat, 7/3/10, Day Sutton wrote:

From: Day Sutton
Subject: Re: CSHospital stay
Date: Saturday, July 3, 2010, 7:32 PM

You still have time to check out Prolotherapy.  See if there is a Dr. in your 
area that can explain it to you...

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 6:48 PM, wrote:

I am scheduled for knee replacement surgery in a couple of weeks. I would like 
to bring in some EIS. Dee used an empty drinking bottle with her name on the 
lid. How do you get the bottle past the nurses? I also would like to bring in 
some B-12.
I tried the Pain Free knee exercises and they did reduce the pain. I told my DR 
about the exercises and he said great you need to do them even after surgery. 
I bought my tree colorant (paint) from an East Coast outfit, so I don't think 
the yellow pine needles are only common on the West Coast. I saw Christmas 
trees shipped from North Carolina that were sprayed with the colorant. I talked 
to a worker at a huge Montana tree farm who said they do not spray their pines 
until just before harvest. He used a tractor that sprayed colorant on ten rows 
at a time.
One year I sprayed spruce trees with a blue colorant sample, enough for about 
50 trees. A commercial buyer followed me and tagged every tree I just sprayed. 
Every spruce looked like a blue spruce.

Day Sutton

#yiv488784710 #avg_ls_inline_popup {padding:0px 


Re: CSblog on oil

2010-07-03 Thread Robert L. Booth
Was this what you wanted

--- On Sat, 7/3/10, needling around wrote:

From: needling around
Subject: CSblog on oil
Date: Saturday, July 3, 2010, 7:36 PM

I have lost the link to the blog on the discussion of alkalizing to help detox 
from the oils spill.
Would someone mind forwarding it again as I don't even remember who sent it 



2010-07-03 Thread Jane MacRoss
I poured boiling stewed apples (accidentally)  over my hand 2 hours ago - 
splashed CS over the area and although it stung for 90 minutes now there is no 
pain and no indication of burns - it just puzzles me as to why this is so 
effective - I always think of CS mainly as an antiseptic

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~

Re: CSBurns

2010-07-03 Thread Bob Banever

 CS dedifferentiates cells... it makes cells regenerate themselves back to 
normalcy.  I don't know why this is so... perhaps due to the charge of the 
silver ions.  
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jane MacRoss 
  Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2010 8:53 PM
  Subject: CSBurns

  I poured boiling stewed apples (accidentally)  over my hand 2 hours ago - 
splashed CS over the area and although it stung for 90 minutes now there is no 
pain and no indication of burns - it just puzzles me as to why this is so 
effective - I always think of CS mainly as an antiseptic

  ~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~

Re: CSBurns

2010-07-03 Thread Jane MacRoss
Extraordinary - I've done this twice now in the last 2 days - only because i 
seem to be out of SSD cream (more silver!) - that miracle stuff that stops the 
pain too - but this works more effectively I think - not sure why I grabbed it 
but sure am glad I did!

THanks for the response!

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
  - Original Message - 
  From: Bob Banever 


   CS dedifferentiates cells... it makes cells regenerate themselves back 
to normalcy.  I don't know why this is so... perhaps due to the charge of the 
silver ions.  

Re: CSBurns

2010-07-03 Thread Renee
When my kitten pulled a skillet with hot grease over on himself and burned a
streak down both back legs, from hip to ankle, the first couple days I used
aloe Vera and it really didn't do much.  The poor little guy was in major
pain, we had to carry him to the litter box and bring food and water to him
as he couldn't walk.  One side was over an inch wide and the other side was
about a half inch.  3rd degree burns.

After the third day I smacked my forehead and ran and got CS in a spray
bottle.  The relief was almost immediate, and new skin started to grow back
within a few days, from the outside edges in.  You could just see
improvement every day.  It 2 weeks it was totally healed over.  Hardly a
scar at all on the half inch side--just a fine line now.  The other side,
where the burn was over an inch wide, there is about a half inch wide scar
at the top which narrows down to almost nothing at his 'knee' area down to
his ankle.  The one side you have to part his hair to even see the scar, on
the bad side you can see the scar as no hair ever grew back (he's 7 now) but
the skin over the scar is totally smooth and normal color.  Not puckered
like normal burn scar tissue.

I would never be without CS after that, and bought my own CS maker after
seeing what it did for him.

---Original Message---
 it just puzzles me as to why this is so effective - I always think of CS
mainly as an antiseptic

Re: CSBurns

2010-07-03 Thread Jane MacRoss
Now that's a good idea to have some in a spray bottle - do you use a plastic 
spray bottle? Is it OK to have the CS in plastic (my stock is in a glass bottle)

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
  - Original Message - 
  From: Renee 

After the third day I smacked my forehead and ran and got CS in a spray 
bottle.  The relief was almost immediate, and new skin started to grow back 
within a few days, from the outside edges in.  You could just see improvement 
every day.  It 2 weeks it was totally healed over.  Hardly a scar at all on the 
half inch side--just a fine line now.  The other side, where the burn was over 
an inch wide, there is about a half inch wide scar at the top which narrows 
down to almost nothing at his 'knee' area down to his ankle.  The one side you 
have to part his hair to even see the scar, on the bad side you can see the 
scar as no hair ever grew back (he's 7 now) but the skin over the scar is 
totally smooth and normal color.  Not puckered like normal burn scar tissue.

I would never be without CS after that, and bought my own CS maker 
after seeing what it did for him.
