CS>ICS toothpaste

2010-10-19 Thread Bethany Methven
I am experimenting with making an all natural ICS toothpaste.   Any ideas, 
thoughts or suggestions on this?  
Thanks - Beth

" Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." 
Hebrews 11:1



2010-10-10 Thread Bethany Methven
Has anyone ever played around with making a deordorant with ICS? If you could 
find a good base, doesn't it seem that the ICS would keep the odor causing 
bacteria from becoming a problem throughout the day?
I would LOVE some feedback on this. 
Thanks - Bethany

" Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." 
Hebrews 11:1

--- On Sun, 10/10/10, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 

From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #827
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010, 8:17 AM


CS>Colloidal silver lozenges

2010-10-04 Thread Bethany Methven
I am working on coming up with a colloidal silver throat lozenge.  I am 
wondering if anyone else has experimented with them. Any input on whether or 
not I would alter the colloidal silver in a bad way if I added vitamin C, non 
sugar sweeteners and boiled them into a "hard candy" form?   I have had lots of 
people ask for me to come up with some new colloidal silver products and I'm 
wondering, after the colloidal silver is made, can I mess with the molecular 
structure in a bad way by boiling it with other substances?  I would love any 
Thanks - Bethany

" Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." 
Hebrews 11:1



CS>Ionic silver in plastic

2010-05-06 Thread Bethany Methven

If anyone has some info on how ionic silver acts when stored in plastic, I 
would appreciate some help.  I usually store and sell ICS in amber glass, but 
have started offering people a gallon in a plastic jug.  I have been telling 
them it is best to trasfer it to a glass container for long term storage.  So, 
I am curious, does the ionic silver react instantly with the plastic? What 
amount of time is considered safe to store it in plastic before it is trasfered 
to a glass storage container?  I have heard that the plastic chemicals will 
bind with the ions and destabalize the suspension.  Is this true? Thanks for 
any help you can give me. 
 - Beth

Methven Colloidal Silver - Try a natural antibiotic that has been used for 
thousands of years!  (907) 357-8954 or methvencolloidalsil...@yahoo.com

--- On Thu, 5/6/10, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 

From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #485
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Date: Thursday, May 6, 2010, 7:38 AM


CS>silver gel

2009-11-06 Thread Bethany Methven
Could anyone give me some ideas with making a colloidal silver gel?  I have 
been trying to use beeswax beads, coconut oil, small amount of vit. E oil and 
colloidal silver gel.  I am having a hard time getting the oils and waxes to 
blend with the silver water.  It keeps separating, even when I bring it to a 
very high temperature in a double broiler.  Is there some sort of natural agent 
that would break down the oils so that they can mix with the water.  When the 
"gel" sets up at the end,  I have a hard top of waxy stuff and then silver 
water liquid at the bottom.   I would love any ideas. 
Thanks  -  Beth

Methven Colloidal Silver - Try a natural antibiotic that has been used for 
thousands of years!  (907) 357-8954 or methvencolloidalsil...@yahoo.com



CS>silver gel

2009-09-14 Thread Bethany Methven

I am trying to do some research about making a silver first aid gel.  I am 
thinking of mixing coconut oil ( an excellent antiviral) and base, vitamin E,  
aloe vera gel and approx. 15 - 20 ppm ionic/ colloidal silver.  I would love 
any feed back from you all about that.  Any ideas of things to add, percentages 
in the mix, etc? 
Thanks - Beth



CS>cs testing

2008-12-16 Thread Bethany Methven
I recently had my cs tested by soverein silver, and was very disappointed. They 
didn't tell me particle size, or content of particles vs. ions, and I was 
hoping for some more conclusive testing.  ( They are the ones that said my cs 
pH was over 9).  I paid $150. for info that really didn't tell me very much.  
Is there someone cheaper out there that will tell me more info?  I got photos 
of my cs,  but didn't get very much pertinent info.  for all the hype on their 
website.  I would like some very detailed testing. 
thanks -  Bethany


CS>pH of colloidal silver

2008-12-16 Thread Bethany Methven
Can someone explain to me the importance of pH in colloidal silver. I just 
recently had my silver tested and the pH was around 9 .  Somehow it seems kind 
of high to me.  Can someone tell me what the norm is for a good colloidal 
silver,  how the pH is affected during the process and what the pros and cons 
are for different levels in colloidal silver?  I use a Silver Gen and steam 
distilled water from the health food section of our store.  I don't understand 
why the pH of my cs is so much higher than others that I see on the internet. 
thanks - Bethany



CS>coconut oil and monolauren

2008-12-11 Thread Bethany Methven
I was wondering if anyone knows the shelf life of raw coconut oil?  I have 
thought about trying monolauren for things at different times - like impentigo, 
etc., but haven't had coconut oil on hand. If I just buy some to keep handy 
will it last for a while? 
Thanks - Beth
In Regards to:
According to some of the reports I've read, it is better to use raw, 
cold-pressed coconut oil than to use the actual monolauren. The body 
will get more usable monolauren that way. Amazon has the right stuff here:
It's a bit like eating coconut-flavored crisco, but I understand eating 
just a spoonful or two per day will help.




CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2008 #670

2008-12-06 Thread Bethany Methven

Thanks for all the response about Rosemary Jacobs.  I have alot of friends that 
have used cs without discoloration for years, but that Rosemary Jacobs has a 
way of coming across that makes you wonder.  Are there any records anywhere 
showing that she or any of the "blue" men have made money from pharmacies, FDA, 
movies, books, etc because of their argyria?  I am getting ready to do a 
colloidal silver seminar and would love some proof to show that these folks are 
benefiting from their condition and aren't trying to reverse the effects at 
thanks -  Beth Methven


CS>ionic silver and argyria

2008-12-05 Thread Bethany Methven
I know that most folks are saying that you can't get argyria with ionic 
silver,  but have had my faith shaken just a bit.  Some lady called Rosemary 
Jacobs e-mailed me that if I continued to use ionic silver, I would certainly 
turn blue.  Now,  while I'm sure she has an angle,  I do have a question.   I 
have had acne for a while, and recently I started washing my face morning and 
night with my ionic ( clear colored) silver. It has really seemed to clear up 
my skin very nicely.  I don't have alot of exposure to the sun ( almost 
none, right now, since I live in Alaska) , would there still be a danger of 
discoloring my face over a long period of time because I wash with cs morning 
and night? 
Thanks -  Beth Methven



CS>Re: Electricity as medicine

2008-12-02 Thread Bethany Methven

I'm very interested in electricity as medicine. Can someone give me the details 
of how to make a small machine for medical use like that?  Also,  how it is 
used, when, where for how long, what all does it help with, etc?  Is there a 
website that talks more about it?  
Thanks -  Beth Methven


CS>Help with some molecular silver information

2008-12-01 Thread Bethany Methven
Hi, there, 
Could someone,  anyone please, tell me if the following information is 
correct?  I am trying to learn more about silver ions at the molecular level.  
Thanks -  Beth Methven

•Silver ions ( Ag+) attract the negatively charged oxygen (-O )and the 
negatively charged bacteria (-S-H ) and they all bind together. 
•When one oxygen and 2 hydrogen atoms come in contact, they form water ( H2O ), 
which floats away harmlessly. 
•The silver ion, then leaves the now harmless sulfur molecule, and moves on to 
attack more bacteria. 


CS>Re: searching for color

2008-12-01 Thread Bethany Methven

Regarding -
My wife and I both got slate gray fingernail moons from 5-20 ppm EIS when 
drinking quart levels every day. The solution was crystal clear, with very weak 


Did the fingernail discoloration ever go away?  How long did you drink such 
large amounts before it showed up? 
Just interested,  thanks -  B. Methven


CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2008 #647

2008-11-14 Thread Bethany Methven

Does any one have any ideas for helping to clear up an impentigo take- over?   
I have been using CS large doses internally and externally on the impentigo 
spots, but it seems to be taking excessively long to clear up, and keeps 
spreading during the mean time.  Does anyone have any ideas of any other 
natural treatments for impentigo that I could use simultaneously with CS? 
 - Beth Methven


CS>Hot water for making colloidal silver

2008-11-03 Thread Bethany Methven
I am confused about the best temperature for making SMALL particle colloidal 
silver.  Some websites say to use very hot water, some sites say to use room 
temperature water.  Different websites claim small particles for using hot or 
cold water. Which is true? and how do I know for sure?  If I have a DC silver 
generator, do I need to use hot water?  Am I making the particles large by 
heating my water.  I still have absolutely clear CS when I do heat my water 
almost to the boiling point. 
Thanks for the help -  Beth

Methven Colloidal Silver - Try a natural antibiotic that has been used for 
thousands of years!  (907) 357-8954



CS>CS testing

2008-11-03 Thread Bethany Methven
Hi, just wondering if anyone out there gets there CS tested frequently, and 
where they test it.  I am looking for a cheaper place.  So far, the cheapest 
place chargest around $150. for complete testing.   I have been selling it for 
almost 6 months, but feel that I should know exactly what ppm, amount of ions 
vs. particles and perhaps particle size, too.  Do you think it would be 
sufficient to buy a hanna meter or something like that and just figure out what 
percentage of ions I have?  Because I'm selling it,  should I get as much info 
as possible about it?   Are there any regulations that I haven't heard about 
that require it to be tested if I'm selling it?   Thanks -  Beth

Methven Colloidal Silver - Try a natural antibiotic that has been used for 
thousands of years!  (907) 357-8954



CS>positive silver ions and negatively charged bacteria

2008-10-29 Thread Bethany Methven

Hi, I'm new to this list.  Here in Alaska, very few people actually know about 
CS.  I am trying to learn as much as I can so that I can educate those around 
me.  I have been studying about the positive charge from silver ions losing an 
electron during the electro colloidal process.  Anyway, my question is -  Does 
anyone know if all bacteria, fungus, viruses, etc are negatively charged?  Some 
web site was talking about how the positive charge from the silver ions 
attracts to the negative charge of the bacteria, and then basically short 
circuits it's biological clock, making it unable to reproduce.   If this is 
true, then how effective are silver particles, if they are negatively charged, 
vs. the positive charge of the ions?  I have heard so much confusion regarding 
ions vs. particles.   I"d like to hear some other opinions.  Thanks -  Beth

Methven Colloidal Silver - Try a natural antibiotic that has been used for 
thousands of years!  (907) 357-8954