Re: CS>Gold Generator

2004-08-09 Thread Bill Fernald
Reported? Where? When? Gold SALTS can damage the kidneys, liver, over time.
The good thing about electrically produced colloidal gold is that there are
no salts produced, only particles.

On Sun, 2004-08-08 at 16:34, Nina Whit wrote:
> Be carefull with gold, gold has been reported to suppress the immune
> system.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Gold Generator

2004-08-08 Thread Bill Fernald
poppy cock. Gold does not turn loose of its atoms with 30 vdc at all. Trust me. 
It takes an arc.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ode Coyote 
  Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 6:15 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Gold Generator

  Brent has been in business for a long time. That's all I know about him or 
his machines.
  I bought zinc elecrodes from Brent a few years ago in hopes of making CZ. 
They came fast enough. Making CZ didn't work at 30 volts that I could tell.
  Why not email him for output specs and copies of lab reports?
  Ask about return policy too. If it's a good machine that he stands behind, it 
should be a generous one.


  At 06:15 PM 8/7/2004 EDT, you wrote: 

I have been making CS for a few years and I'm now interested in making 
colloidal gold. But a search of the archives and extensive googling shows that 
gold generators are few and far between -- and expensive. One of the less 
expensive, which is said to produce both silver and gold is on sale at

The sales report says it can produce "40ppm and higher with a new 4" 
electrode which is 90% .999 gold and 10% .999 silver."

Has anyone had experience with this machine? Comments would be appreciated.



  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
  To post, address your message to: Silver List archive:
  Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2004 #582

2004-07-27 Thread Bill Fernald
About balding:
>From a normal balding male. Testosterone causes balding and enables
virility. You choose. It is not about colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>High volume

2004-06-15 Thread Bill Fernald
To Marshall Dudley's question, "Anyone have any good methods for making large 
quantites of 20 ppm CS?" I could show you that process, but then I would have 
to kill you. Frank could also, and might not be quite so abrupt, so you might 
check with him. 

We sell it in 55 gallon drums, however, where a nice profit margin could be 
priced in.

I will go back in my hole for another year now. It was so refreshing to drop by 
and actually see good solid discussion about colloidal silver. Good job 
shepherding this list Mike.

CS>regarding bladder infections

2004-06-15 Thread Bill Fernald
Some types of cs don't get to the urethras, ureters and to the "faucets" Ole 
Coyote so deftly refers to on this gender neutral board. The reason is that HCl 
in the stomach turns the ionic portion of it to silver chloride which is not as 
effective as elemental silver which produces ions at the site of infection. 
When I have time, I will dig up the science we have archived on that from over 
a century ago, fascinating! 

My wife, who had UTI's her whole adult life (she is almost 60) until cs entered 
the scene in 1997, has had no such trouble since she started taking a tsp or 2 
daily of our 20 ppm, small particle (under 2 nm), low ionic CS product. I can't 
give you the name or Mike would blow his whistle and step off 15 yards for 
"advertising without permission." I respect his authority and can't wait for 
football season, go Cowboys.


CS>Terry's 2 cents

2004-04-11 Thread Bill Fernald
Very well said. I would like to add that to this site, with your permission.


CS>on hep-c

2003-12-02 Thread Bill Fernald
There are 74 reports on it here

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>negative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

2003-08-09 Thread Bill Fernald
I too have used myself as a guinea pig with colloidal silver and for almost 5 
years. For the last 2 years I have taken about 2 tsp of very small particle, 
low ionic colloidal silver (listers would know this as the "meso" type cs.) If 
I take as much as a tbsp when mold tries to get me in the bronchial, I get a 
clean out of the colon(diarrhea). When I hear of the megadoses some people take 
and get no diarrhea, I have to ask about the effectiveness of the products used 
since it is obvious to me that effective cs will kill flora in the lower gi 
track. If I take 2 oz or so of this 20 ppm product, it will not only clean me 
out but the resulting feces is odorless. I don't take any acidophilus though my 
wife does on occasion. I have found the flora returns quickly on its own. Yeast 
wouldn't DARE come to replace it as this stuff is lethal to it as well.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Langsley T Russell 
  To: Silver List 
  Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 12:14 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>negative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

  Hi Wayne. 

  You said, 
Why not use yourself for a guinea pig?   I do it all the time and many 
others do also. 
  I guess I could say I already do. I too take both probiotics and CS on a 
daily basis. I make no efforts to separate the ingestion of one from the 
ingestion of the other beyond natural daily routine. I experience no adverse 
digestive effects as a result. However I don't believe that will prove anything 
other than the fact that I don't have digestive problems. 

  I too do not consume anything approaching 32 ounces of CS in a day. It is 
more like 4 ounces daily, occasionally as much as eight ounces. When I first 
started taking CS I noticed some mild stomach pain following the ingestion of 
the CS. I backed off some, then over time, I increased my consumption. I don't 
consider that to be proof of anything other than the fact that I did experience 
some passing pain. This may or may not have been directly related to my 
ingestion of CS. Granted it appears that way on the surface but in my view, 
that hardly constitutes credible evidence that CS had any effect on my 
intestinal flora. 

  I do give a lot of credibility to anecdotal evidence. I believe its value 
though depends largely on numbers. I believe that anecdotal evidence becomes 
what I consider to be empirical evidence only after a sufficient quantity of 
supporting anecdotal evidence has been amassed.

  Thanks for your feedback. I intend to put my experiments up on our website. 
In doing so I will be sure to include the anecdotal evidence of my own 
experience as well as that provided by other CS users like you. 

LTR  }}:{(  

Re: CS>cs and saline

2003-07-16 Thread Bill Fernald
Thanks, Bob, I knew I could count on you,

More than just a hint, Bob, And even more so the even higher particulate
concentrate types including Mesosilver and Advanced Colloidal Silver. In the
same way they survive the stomach acid and blood serum, they survive mixing
with saline.

Subject: Re: CS>cs and saline

   Is this a hint that HVAC has a higher particle to ion ratio than the
same concentration LVDC?
  Could be.


At 02:56 PM 7/14/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>You only lose the ionic portion. The particulate remains. Best to start
>a high particulate product if you are mixing with saline so you will still
>have some effective silver remaining. Now, go ahead someone and set me up.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Robert Berger" 
>Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 10:23 AM
>Subject: Re: CS>cs and saline
>Hi Shirley,
>When you mix CS with a saline solution the silver forms silver chloride
>and drops out of solution. So might just as wellsave the CS and use the
>weak saline solution.
>Or better still throw away the saline solution ans use just the CS.
>"Ole Bob"
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cs and saline

2003-07-14 Thread Bill Fernald
You only lose the ionic portion. The particulate remains. Best to start with
a high particulate product if you are mixing with saline so you will still
have some effective silver remaining. Now, go ahead someone and set me up.

- Original Message -
From: "Robert Berger" 
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: CS>cs and saline

Hi Shirley,

When you mix CS with a saline solution the silver forms silver chloride
and drops out of solution. So might just as wellsave the CS and use the
weak saline solution.
Or better still throw away the saline solution ans use just the CS.

"Ole Bob"

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2003-05-03 Thread Bill Fernald
Since the subject came up, I searched our archives and found this: It is lengthy
so it is best to just go there and read. BTW, our archives are massive.
Hundreds of testimonials on every malady you can imagine. It is a compendium
of all our newsletters of the last three years.

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>visible particles

2001-12-26 Thread Bill Fernald
Nanometer size particles (a dozen or so atoms) are very visible at even 1or
2 ppm with a lazer. Invisible silver in water is called ionic silver. It is
not colloidal.

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2001-12-08 Thread Bill Fernald
Please reply off list if you do silver testing for total and ionic content.
I need to do some multiple testing.

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CS>dr Jon's fraud?

2001-12-01 Thread Bill Fernald
What makes anyone think that someone would impersonate an MD (felony) and
then bother to put real supplements in the bottles he sends out. From the
first, the scam struck me as "funny". As a business man, I know one cannot
run such an operation on those margins. If one is selling capsulized flour
for $10/bottle, however, the profit margins rise significantly. Is there a
lawyer in the house? Can you say "class action lawsuit?"

Chances are by now he is on a sunny beach somewhere far south of Arkansas.

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CS>Blue lady

2001-10-27 Thread Bill Fernald

She wrote:

Is this gray concern mostly for those with white exteriors?

Yea, Josey, why not let the people of color at least be healthy if Argyria
is the only problem with CS? I mean gee, whiz!, huh?

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CS>on Hepatitis c

2001-10-21 Thread Bill Fernald
We have a lot of great testimonials on hep c here:

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CS>Unidentified subject!

2001-10-03 Thread Bill Fernald
That is a very useful piece. I always tell my simple generator users, "it is
not rocket science". You have fleshed out that statement to the n'th degree.
It is also comforting to know you have many customers, none of which haven't
turned blue. All of us who use, sell, recommend and defend colloidal silver
can take solace in your de facto research. This is the kind of post which
makes this list worth reading. Thanks for the time and effort to put it
Terry Wrote:
> I make and supply CS to 70+ Health Food stores, 3
> pharmacies, 3 Naturopathic doctors and a medical
> doctor.
> Because I desire to see CS being used by as many
> people as possible, here is my method. It is not
> original, it is not complex, it is just cheap, simple
> and effective.
> I also have a zip file that contains 40+ articles on
> how CS is being used worldwide that is extremely
> interesting and enlightening reading. Send me an email
> off-list and I will send it to you.
> Here's my method:
> Colloidal Silver Brewing Instructions:
> The first question is, how much CS do you want to make
> at a time? If you are only going to use it topically,

and on and on..

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>List feedback

2001-09-29 Thread bill fernald
The subject I can most ably address is the ready demonization of the ligitimate 
CS purveyors on the list. If a purpose of this forum is to proliferate 
knowledge of CS as widely as possible, then many will have to be introduced to 
CS and hear about its benefits. We could send thousands of our customers to 
this list each week as we get over 1000 hits daily and have an opt in list of 
eager readers of 4000 and growing. I would not, however, send them here to be 
introduced to the loony toons of UFO's, crop circles, conspiracy theories and 
other off topic and off the planet subjects. They would likely and justly 
relate us to these topics. It is dificult enough to bring these curious 
neophites to a basic understanding of this wonderful natural antibiotic through 
the fog of FDA, FTC and AMA hired bashers and blue schills without the further 
confusion of a psyco ward of pseudo scientific types who love to read their own 
typing about nonsense. Some makeup new terms in every new paragraph, much to 
their own delight, I'm sure, but to the confusion and consternation of the new 

We get at least a dozen new testimonials each week which would edify and 
encourage many listers, especially the new ones instead of the endless strings 
of stories about taking quarts of inferior cs daily mixed with DMSO, Gatorade, 
Tealeaves, H2O2 and a host of other things to chase a common cold for days. 
There are dozens if not over a hundred people who have overcome hepatitis c and 
even AIDS with quality cs. I don't want them coming to this list getting all 
confused. Most of these newbies never heard of CS a few minutes before coming 
to our web site. They just know it works and want more. Amatuer tinkerers are 
not able(financially) to drive thousands of visitors to their website or to 
this list as it takes big bucks. For us purveyors who have CS as not only a 
hoby but a livelyhood to be bashed by the moderator and certain listers seems 
to be a conterproductive tactic in view of the stated list goals. 

In my opinion, listers should confine their questions and answers to the 
subject of colloidal silver and very closely related subjects. They should be 
quickly removed from the forum after being once warned of violations. There 
have to be judgements made also when a persistent poster presents only palaver 
instead of valid information. Psycos should not be allowed to run around the 
cabin saying any dumb thing in the name of democracy. It is not legal to yell 
"fire" in a crowded theatre and it should not be tolerated to say dumb stuff 
repeatedly in a moderated list. 

In short, Mike, I think you are a bright guy and very knowledgable on CS and I 
am sure many other subjects as well. We are blessed to have you as a moderator, 
but I sense you are near deserting us unless things improve. I don't blame you 
and I just barely care, but I still do, though only barely. What you need to do 
is kick some serious butt (can we say that here?). Kicking the right ones and 
properly admonishing the right ones the key. When you got rid of Stuart who was 
a "terrorist" you did the right thing. Recently, we have had someone who 
associates himself with terrorism and Stewart. He should be put in the category 
of being "with the terrorists" and sent packing. He is the most dangerous type 
as he has some large and scientific sounding words, some of which are his own 
coinage and used only on his planet. He even has a scientific instrument, 
albeit a relic, and a flashy though obscure website. His declared enemy, Frank, 
toots his own horn very poorly, but in a real scientific pissing contest 
between the two Mr Q would be like a girl (if you know what I mean). In short, 
you are the pilot on this plane. Instead of cowering behind a flimsy cockpit 
door and having highjackers kick it down and take over the plane, you must take 
action and eleminate the offenders. Afterall you are armed with a gun that 
won't even hurt the plane. You should do it in silence so as not to disturb the 
other passengers. The list fights as we are now having are like being invited 
to a party of all new people and seeing a drunken brawl when you walk in the 
door. If you are a drunk and like fights, you will pick up a chair and join in 
the fun by smashing it randomly over someone's head. The party will continue to 
grow until it resembles a pirate ship with a hold full of rum. All of the 
civilized patrons will close the door in fright and never stay long enough to 
contribute or learn. 

Just make some judgements, eject some psycos and let the pieces fall where they 
may. They will know they are gone when their posts bounce. If you deem me one 
of them, oh well. I did my best.
Be well,

CS>Re battery produced CS

2001-09-26 Thread Bill Fernald
If one wants to avoid the obvious pitfalls of ingesting batteries, just
don't put them in the water.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Which generator is the most reliable and easy to use?

2001-09-20 Thread Bill Fernald
the $89 dollar option is the full production set-up

- Original Message -
From: "Josephine" 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Which generator is the most reliable and easy to use?

I did not see the 89 dollar option, just saw the 39 dollar one.
I would like to start off with a low dose of 5 PPM, would your generator be
able to produce this?
  - Original Message -
  From: Bill Fernald
  Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 3:55 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Which generator is the most reliable and easy to use?

  Our complete production set-up is $89 including shipping. You can read
  it here:

  - Original Message -
  From: "Josephine" 
  To: "coloidal silver" 
  Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 12:54 AM
  Subject: CS>Which generator is the most reliable and easy to use?

  Hello list,

  I am seriously considering purchasing one of those CS Generators that I
  seen in my searches on the net. I am looking for one that is not over
  $100.00 and is easy to use and yields a good quality solution.


  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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  List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Which generator is the most reliable and easy to use?

2001-09-20 Thread Bill Fernald
Our complete production set-up is $89 including shipping. You can read about
it here:

- Original Message -
From: "Josephine" 
To: "coloidal silver" 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 12:54 AM
Subject: CS>Which generator is the most reliable and easy to use?

Hello list,

I am seriously considering purchasing one of those CS Generators that I have
seen in my searches on the net. I am looking for one that is not over
$100.00 and is easy to use and yields a good quality solution.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>At Mike's request, Steven vs. Frank

2001-09-19 Thread Bill Fernald
ome significant tests and studies planned later this year which I
am not at liberty to disclose (don't you just love it when someone does
that?) which should complete this voyage, but we have much territory to
explore after that.

There, I have gone and blown three hours writing this. I hope it opens some
cranial channels, including Frank's and Stephen's so we can just get along.

Regards and God Bless America,
Bill Fernald

*Rodney King after his beating by police sparked the L.A. riots.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-09-13 Thread Bill Fernald
How about we just talk about colloidal silver. You can vent and discuss
ancilliary matters elsewhere.

- Original Message -
From: "brooks bradley" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:28 PM

Dear  List Members,
It is with great reluctance that I make this post.  Yesterday's
tragedy is, truly, a vivid example of "man's inhumanity to man".  I am not
attempting to pontificate..only to appeal rational deportment and
restrained emotion-when exchanging views on the circumstances/causes of
this event.
My concerns center, not upon the objective analyses of the
event...but rather, on the  flame-style comments beginning to appear.  I do
not believe anyone is well-served by personal attacks on each other.  One of
the most admirable characteristics of this list has been the sense of
comraderie marking an almost "family-like" group.
All persons of moral substance are, justifiably, enraged,
but losing one's  rational perspective..serves only the forces of chaos.
Do let us make a genuine attempt to tolerate each others
differences of personality-to do otherwise may, indeed, allow the growth
of a type of meaness and dissension that will inflict irreparable damage to
our present harmony.
In good fellowship to you all.   Sincerely, Brooks

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>hepatitis c testimonial with documents

2001-08-12 Thread Bill Fernald
ssibility is that the original hepatitis C
test was falsely positive. At any rate, there is no indication of virus at
this time, and after discussing the results with Dr. Georgetson, he does not
believe there is any reason to treat it at this time.

Your Liver function tests are normal at this time as are your blood mineral
levels and kidney function tests. Your blood sugar was minimally elevated at
130 (normal 65-110). If you had eaten prior to this test, this is a fairly
common finding. Your complete blood count was normal. There was no
indication of any inflamation or anemia. Your blood clotting studies were
normal indicating that your liver is producing enzymes necessary for blood

Based on this information, Dr. Georgetson has suggested that you follow up
in the office in 6 months at which time we will recheck your hepatitis C
test as well as your liver function tests. I have placed you on a reminder
list for this.

The blood work does not explain the fatigue that you had been experiencing
or the abdominal discomfort. If the fatigue persists, I would ask that you
follow up with your primary care provider for further workup. If your
abdominal discomfort persists, I would ask that you call our office for
further care.

I hope that this correspondence finds you well. If you have any questions
regarding this information, or if any problems arise, please do not hesitate
to give me a call at xxx . I will make every attempt to return your call
as expediently as possible.


Bruce D Askey, MS, CRNP
Section of Gastroenterology

Bill Fernald

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Regarding Mike on civility

2001-05-23 Thread Bill Fernald
while standing
clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap,
clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap,
clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap,
clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap,
clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap,
clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap,
clap, clap, clap

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Marvelous testimonial

2001-05-22 Thread Bill Fernald
At the risk of interrupting the bickering, I thought I would post this
marvelous testimonial.
i just wanted you people at utopia silver to know that i started using
colloidal silver about two month ago for a sinus infection and it wiped it
out but i kept taking it as a preventive for  sinus infection,  i am
thirty-five years old and i started too lose some of my hair about five
ago and i started getting fine lines and wrinkles also. but there was
much i could do about that so i just went with it being that hair
and face lifts are way over my finances, around a week ago i noticed that my
hair felt full and when i brushed it  back it looked dark and full and where
it had been falling out baby hairs were growing in i couldn't believe my
eyes! and i thought maybe i was just seeing things but my friends and family
have noticed and have made comments about my hair looking fuller and my face
looking younger. it wasn't until i started taking colloidal silver that i
started getting these compliments thank you all again! for another MIRACLE
 singed  revitalized

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fungus Amoung us

2001-04-22 Thread Bill Fernald
If you don't have any interest in chronic Sinusitis, its treatment or cause,
don't open this page I just out up. If you are interested, get ready to have
your eyes opened wide!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ions vs Particles

2001-04-12 Thread Bill Fernald
The underwater arc does not work well for silver as it makes large
particles. Yes, it makes a turbid solution but it is yellowish/green. It has
been tested to be large particles in the Zetasizer. Frank's cloudy solution
is not made with this process but with a complex multi-step process. My
underwater arc process is intended for gold. I have not done much with
copper or zinc, but it may be suitable for them.
- Original Message -
From: Robert L. Berger 
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Ions vs Particles

> Tracey, join the crowd!!!
> Most CS is basically ionic. It is as B--ch to make particle CS. I wonder
if it
> is worth the effort.
> I have made four runs and only one shows the turpidity or cloudiness
> "Ole Bob"
> --
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CS cures mental illness?

2001-04-10 Thread Bill Fernald
Did you all see this?
Virus in DNA 'is cause of mental illness',,2-112215,00.html

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>HIV/AIDS Testimonial

2001-03-30 Thread Bill Fernald
You need to see this one. Not a reprint, but a personal email we got today.
Hi Denise,
Colloidal Silver works with HIV/AIDS

I haven't got my new web site up & running yet...I ended up getting more
involved in it... & it got to be a bit more than my limited knowledge in
HTML & web site buildingbut it is in the construction process.

I am including my friend's web site URL...he has done a great job with
his...but he is also attending classes at UCF for web site building.

I am trying to do mine with my limited web site building
knowledge...without having to take college classes on it.

Here's the URL for his:

Feel free to pass his URL on to others that may have questions about how
Colloidal Silver works with HIV/AIDS & the horrible medications intended
for this illness.

Please understand that my friend & myself are adult gay men...but this
should have no bearings when it comes to dealing with
HIV/AIDS...Colloidal Silver& much needed Medical information.

Colloidal Silver has been a true blessing for he & myself. He & I went
about using Colloidal Silver in different ways...he stayed on his hiv
meds while taking silver..then gradually deleted hiv meds along the way,
as you will see in his web site.

I, on the other hand...stopped all my meds Feb. 2000 & went 6 months
without hiv meds before starting on C.S...just got my blood work results
back the other day which was done in Mar 2001and everything came back
much better than I had expected...& much better than they were a year

I have a very close friend that is a Registered Nurse & she was amazed at
my blood work...she said that most healthy people that she deals with
doesn't have blood results as good as mine were...needless to say..this
made me feel like I was on the right track with dealing with this
HIV/AIDS thing..

Now my job is to get this information about Colloidal Silver out to as
many as humanly possible...not only HIV/AIDS peoplebut to people with
many other illnesses! But I can honestly say that I am enjoying doing
what I am doing.
There are a lot of people that have gotten on Colloidal Silver after they
saw the change it made in me & my health &
 my life.

The HIV Meds were rapidly stealing my life away from me.Colloidal
Silver has given me back my life!!

People need to understand that HIV/AIDS was not killing was
the intolerable toxic meds that was doing the killing& even with the
newer meds.the meds are still killing people.not the HIV/AIDS
itself.  No one has ever died
from the HIV/AIDS Virus!  But many many thousands have died from the
toxic meds & other things like viral pneumonia.

In bringing this to a close...please feel free to contact me at any time
& also feel free to give my e mail address  to anyone that
may want to
talk with me about my experience with Colloidal Silver.

Take Care
Keep up the good work
God Bless

Curtis R. Hale

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Chip's query on gold electrodes

2001-03-30 Thread Bill Fernald
Chip wrote:
Does anyone know of a source for gold electrodes.  All of this
discussion about colloidal gold has gotten my curiosity up.


I have such 24K wire in 14 ga, 16 ga, and 22 ga. I charge too much however
so you can get it from my source at Rio Grande 1-800-545-6566. All but the
22ga is special order however. Please do not be deluded into thinking you
can get this fine potion with 27VDC and 2 gold wires. We use 15KVAC. It can
be done with a little less but not to a good concentration. Gold is nobel
and therefore stubborn about giving up particles.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Unidentified subject!

2001-03-29 Thread Bill Fernald
I guess I should address gold and its ingestion in an anecdotal way because
all I really have is my testimony and that of my family, friends, and
customers. We put gold in suspension without ions with an arc just below the
surface of the water. Then we eat it. It makes us feel good and we like it.
I think I am better off than I was (2 years ago when I started) both
mentally and emotionally. My wife heartily concurrs. I would not be without
it. I don't know about the form of gold you mention, but what we have works
very well for us and our customers keep coming back for more (PTL).
I have offered it to the list for half price as a promotion (shameless), but
for you, I will give you a sample if you will send a private email to me. I
know this is not fair to those who pay but life is not fair and I cannot
give it to everyone.
For those who want the half price promotion (shameless), go here

To Mike Devour:
What do I do now? I got started down this road by replying to a post and now
in a natural flow I find myself promoting (shamelessly) one of our products.
If you want, I will cease and desist. Of course I will because you can just
zap me off in a flash.
Ivan wrote:

Colloidal gold and White Powder Gold (or ORMUS Gold or M-state Gold) are
two entirely different potions, and bare no resemblance to one another.
You are misleading people when you suggest colloidal gold is the modern
version of the White Powder Gold.

BTW, talking of gold, you have yet to answer my question (of some time
ago) about the difference between the gold you produce and the gold as
recommended by the papers you present as information in support of its


- Original Message -
From: "Bill Fernald" 
Sent: Thursday, 29 March 2001 02:49
Subject: CS>The White Powder Gold

> The modern and actually available version of this mystical potion is
> colloidal gold. If you have not been there (as a gold eater), you need
> try colloidal gold. For some, including me, it is the Holy Grail of
> ingestibles. Go to and read about it. If you are
> in, just drop us an email and I will turn you on to a bottle at half

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>cradle cap??

2001-03-28 Thread Bill Fernald
Well, I guess I gotta chime in here 'cuz I was at the opthamalogist a couple
of weeks ago and he said the bleary eyed condition I sometimes got was from
a microbial condition which he likened to dandruff in my eyelashes. He
recommended an eye wash like saline to controll the effect on the vision.
(you wouldn't want to take care of the cause of the problem, now wudja?).
So, I thought, well it couldn't hurt so I put a single drop of our HVAC
colloidal silver in each eye and guess what?, no more eyelash dandruff.

Therefore, I would recommend (with proper disclaimer that "I am no doctor,
bla bla bla"): Soak the little guy's head in colloidal silver and give
it to him internally and see if that doesn't clear it up. Doesn't matter how
ionic the CS is 'cause the cloride monster won't be there to gobble up the
silver and turn it in to useless silver chloride (on the soaking part)

- Original Message -
From: Beverle Sweitzer 
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: CS>cradle cap and CS

> > How in the world did he get this?
> Janet - I am (most certainly!) no expert, but I think 5 is too old for
> "cradle cap".  Sounds like a form of eczema and I would look to a food
> allergy or intolerance.  When I was a little kid (right after the
> left) I remember having such a thing - like monster ( I mean HUGE!)
> dandruff.  My dad was in the Navy and the medic gave me this yucky, pink
> alcohol type crap to put on my poor head and hair.  I don't recall that it
> worked very well, but I sure smelled strange.  The affliction showed up in
> my eyelashes, too.  I'm sorry that I don't remember why or when it went
> away.  I would start looking at grains, sugars and dairy.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>The White Powder Gold

2001-03-28 Thread Bill Fernald
The modern and actually available version of this mystical potion is
colloidal gold. If you have not been there (as a gold eater), you need to
try colloidal gold. For some, including me, it is the Holy Grail of
ingestibles. Go to and read about it. If you are drawn
in, just drop us an email and I will turn you on to a bottle at half price.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-03-26 Thread Bill Fernald
If "The Paranormal" is not off topic, then maybe I am missing something.
Pleeease don't go there for the sake of the integrity of the Colloidal
Silver list.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>testimony about Acne Rosecia

2001-03-24 Thread Bill Fernald
Dear Bill
A few days ago, a dear friend of ours submitted an order for some silver
for replacement of our electrodes, and she { Portia Battista, Also living
here in Vegas } Related to you my  apparent success, at least at this point
of being free of the virus causing acne rosecia.
First, let me state that I had emailed you over a year ago telling you how
skeptical I was over what some related to me  what was a " snake oil
treatment " for shingles, and how I agreed to try your colloidal silver  for
no other reason than to prove to my wife that this would just be another
useless  " tonic " like some of the other  remedies suggested by well
friends. So I did take internally and topical the silver and not only did I
discover my shingles disappeared but also the horrible congestion in my
throat which caused me to nearly constantly  clear my throat . You had asked
me at that time if you could use that as a testimonial to which I did not
respond, sorry.
But now Bill, I must respond because at this date, March 24 th of the year
2001, I have been off of tetracycline for 84 days. . Please let me explain.
am not writing this to  help make someone in this col. silver business more
sales. If it does that, that is o.k. too, but the real reason I am telling
you this is that it can help others like me to get away from this horrible
malady. And if anyone does not think that acne rosecia is not a  horribly
disfiguring, embarrassing disease to be afflicted with, just bring it up on
web. and observe the disfigurement  it can cause. I  was diagnosed in 1973
having Lupus arithmatosis and treated by a Dr. in WA. for a time and then
unable to arrest the problem of swollen nose with pustules all over it, I
tried treating it topically with hydrogen peroxide,  antibiotic jells, etc.
then I was referred to a dermatologist in Olympia WA who said that tests
showed that it was acne Rosecia and not lupus and the real treatment was to
take tetracycline the rest of my life or until such time that some other
treatment was discovered. That was 27 years ago and I have been on that
antibiotic for all that time except for the periodic trial of not taking it
the hopes that It might have gone away. Always, after about 4 days my nose
and face would swell, become very red and break out with pustules again, so
back to the meds. and only after a week or so even doubling up on the
antibiotic some days would my nose become anywhere normal. Well to shorten
story, in order to have my arrhythmia meds and tetracycline prescriptions
renewed {I had enrolled in a HMO plan and had to change DR`s. ] and after
being examined by him he said I had atrial fib. and the arrhythmia med was
necessary that I must go on coumaden and so when going off the arrhythmia
I thought I might just as well give the going off of tetracycline another
try, which I did and it has now been 84 days and absolutely no sign  of my
rosecia returning. I can only attribute this to the Colloidal silver which I
must take on a frequent basis for the control of the junk in my throat so
that I don't drive my wife nuts from constant throat clearing. I brought up
the rosecia web site and wanted to tell them of this, but chose to wait
longer to make sure I would not give someone false hopes. The Rosecia
has sent me monthly bulletins and the bottom line has always been that there
is no cure, only certain life styles to conform to, such as no caffeine,
alcohol, spices, sunlight and on and on. I live in Vegas, plenty of sun, and
all the other no no`s  which I now enjoy, and I only hope that silver could
do the same for others if they could only give it an honest try.
It has been nice talking to you Bill and if there is anything I can do or
in this regard, please use my wife's email add. which is
Please feel free to use all or any part of this email to help others, and if
just one can gain relief from this I will consider it a blessing.
  your friend Robert Weaver
We are so blessed when we hear such reports. We hope you are too. More and
more it is becomming aparent that this simple solution, colloidal silver is
indeed a miracle drug though of course it is sold only as a mineral
supplement and we make no claims that it has been deemed as either safe or
effective by the FDA for any disease or condition :)

To see this and dozens of other powerful, first hand testimonies, go to
Bill Fernald

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