Error? cancer cures Re: CS>CBD Oil Survivor

2017-09-18 Thread Karen Eck
In the comments someone said it's THC that cures cancer, not CBD and 
that's what I got from the Rick Simpson Oil information as I had cancer 
surgery last Feb and did quite a bit of research. It's the sleepy kind, 
Indica, and he says Sativa is the opposite of what puts cancer into 
regression. Just had a CT Scan and so far no signs of more cancer, but 
it did show up a few more things that I had no idea of and am searching 
for how to repair or stop the progess of them.

For early stage cancer I was advised to take benzaldehyde, Grape seed 
extract, and Vitamin D. Back in the 1930s, I believe it was, a small 
study of about 13, showed 1 hour a day outside, even in the shade, put 
all but one person into remission - the main factor being no sunglasses 
and no prescription lenses and today would include no contact lenses, 
letting pure unfiltered sunlight hit the retina of the eye and active 
the pineal gland.
The only person not to go in remission misunderstood and wore her 
prescription lenses while outside. Further funding for additional 
studies was denied. Can't have a free cancer treatment that actually 
saves your life, but destroys a trillion dollar industry.


> On 9/13/2017 2:11:32 PM, Phil Morrison ( wrote:
> >


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Re: CSRE Fukushima And Ocean Products

2013-12-14 Thread Karen Eck

And this article didn't even mention radiation -
high levels of arsenic and a toxin that causes paralytic shellfish 

 On 12/14/2013 4:30:04 PM, M.G. Devour ( wrote:
  Phil wrote:
  China has suspended imports of shellfish from the west coast of the
  United States -- an unprecedented move that cuts off a $270 million
  Northwest industry from its biggest export market.

 Yeah, strangely enough, China doesn't seem to want to play along with
 the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil approach western
 governments seem to be taking to the Fukushima crisis. Rather than stop
 radiation testing or raise safe exposure levels like our government
 has done, they just point out the

Re: CSScissors for skin tag? (papilloma) removal

2013-08-30 Thread Karen Eck

Hi Neville
There are cuticle clippers with a curved edge, but the cutting portion 
is straight - in the store right alongside the nail clippers and my new 
pairs have been very sharp. I have recently been tempted to use mine for 
tag snipping, but first I thought I'd try multiple applications of 
Lugols iodine - just ordered it last night. A shaving razor might also 
work if the tag is small.


On 8/30/2013 7:58:21 PM, Neville Munn ( wrote:
 This is not strictly off topic as I treat after removal with EIS, but 
does anyone know if scissors are available with hooked or cross over 
blades which will enable cutting papilloma off using only one hand with 
blades trapping the papilloma preventing it from slipping out of the blades.
 Nail cutters have worked in the past but convex blade makes it 
impossible to cut close to the skin if unable to grip papilloma with 
other hand to pull it away far enough.

 This is self removal of course, I'm not doing this with anyone else g.

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2011-07-19 Thread Karen Eck
Our local boondocks store carries Nutiva. Ingredients: Organic, 
unrefined, cold-pressed, extra-virgin coconut oil.
I find if I keep it on the floor, the consistency is perfect - I just 
eat off the spoon.
put it on my desk and it starts getting liquefied. I keep the room 
thermostat around 72.


On 7/19/2011 4:36:29 PM, jaxi ( wrote:
 So Sara - who doesn't use heat? That's what I am not clear on.


 On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 5:45 PM, Sara Mandal-Joy 

  I have used and enjoyed TT, but if you read their detailed processing
  info, they do use heating, and believe it is healthful/good to kill all
  natural enzymes in the processing. Sara

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 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CS{OT} EMF radiation advice

2008-04-01 Thread Karen Eck

There a discussion about this at
There is a chart in the files section, plus the recent discussion.

Suddenly I find myself unable to spend much time at the computer.
You can use a cheap transistor radio to indicate some fields.
Every electric thing all around me caused various changes in the signal.
Even the water pipes buzz.

My chiropractor recommends Total Shield for the living space and
a Mini Harmonizer you can put in your pocket.
He used kinesiology to help me sort out the worst offenders.
LCD computer monitors was mentioned on the EMF Refugee list as being 
intolerable to some,

and it muscle tested the worst offender for me so I got an old CRT monitor,
but I'm still getting zapped after a short time!
Oh and the wireless mouse is really bad, (not the keyboard)
and so is the doorbell transformer in my sleeping space.

Computer time is up! Prickling and burning ...
gotta run.


At 10:34 AM 4/1/2008, you wrote:

No takers on this topic?

Really I'm very surprised!!! J


From: Misc. IP Group []
Sent: 20 March 2008 16:12
Subject: CS{OT} somewhat OT anyway but health rated! EMF radiation advice


I'm sure somebody here will have opinions on the validity of EMF 
testing and how to do it properly!!

Have been looking at scanners but there are so many and I have no 
idea which ones are of any use to be able to test and then resolve any issues.

Many thanks


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Re: CSRe: Cancer - Sarcoma

2008-01-18 Thread Karen Eck
Thanks for this jr. My aunt is going for surgery next week, we just 
got back from going over to Boise to see the doc. That's what suits 
her temperament best - just get it over with. This is a huge exposed 
tumor because we had tried the black salve. The report from the doc 
is its very localized and surgery should easily get it all without 
any major damage to the arm,  so I think what I did manage to get her 
to cooperate with was somewhat effective.

This doc was like most allopaths - an arrogant jerk as far as 
listening to or having any interest in the alternatives we had tried. 
We were proof - can't I see- that they didn't work. If there were 
studies ... he said. I told him some of the alt docs of decades past 
begged for studies to be done, but such a thing was refused, because 
it would have put the PharmaCartel out of business and all the 
effective methods were driven out of the USA into Mexico.

He said a bunch of other arrogant jerk things, but when he got to the 
if there were studies propaganda they love to spout, I just told him 

Of course he doesn't want to know about effective and cheap 
alternatives, it would put him out of business. Early on I handed him 
a paper with studies about how Vincent Gammill's protocol for 
methylglyoxal worked 70% of the time, and when he glanced and handed 
it back, I said he could keep it and he said no, and shoved it at me.

Anyway, I think I'll be heading down to San Diego and will check in 
with Dr. Lobsang Dhondup. I was invited to be Vincent Gammill's 
research assistant, but I got stuck here trying to get the black 
salve to finish off that tumor, and it would only grow. It would 
certainly be nice to be in an area with some open-minded, like-minded 
practitioners and patients for a time, plus check out the Mexican 
facilities. Your experience with Dr. Lobsang Dhondup sounds very 
encouraging - my feet are often freezing cold, and my hands and face 
burning hot - and other stuff. I am so tired and really not up for a 
move again, but I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't 
give it a go. Thanks for the tip on the Tibetan Healing Center! It 
gives me great hope someone will actually know how to help me - 
acupuncture didn't go any good and cost quite a bit.


At 02:37 PM 1/14/2008, you wrote:
Re Karen's aunt, I had a similar situation where doctors had 
biopsied and diagnosed a growth on my right hand as cancerous, said 
it HAD to be removed surgically or else.  As they'd given me a 
'distant' surgery date, as I walked back to my car, when I 
saw  Tibetan Healing Center outside a non-descript building near 
my hospital, I walked in to see what they might have to 
say.  Despite having no money in my pocket, Dr. Lobsang Dhondup saw 
me immediately.  After taking the 6 pulses in each forearm and 
examining a urine sample, he prescribed a 30-day herbal regimen 
(that they prepare; little round pellets resembling rabbit 
droppings).  As an aside, you don't tell him what's wrong---he tells 
you.  When I came back 30 days later, the growth had disappeared, 
never to return.  This is now 5 years later.

Powerful medicine---can't recommend them enough!
While their main location is in San Diego, where I saw him, Dr. 
Dhondup travels and takes appointments throughout California.

(At the time, an appointment was $70, plus meds.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSAsparagus Cancer Cure

2008-01-13 Thread Karen Eck

From Leonard on the cancercured list:
Just came across an article a friend faxed me titled, Asparagus
Therapy; it says printed by Arlin J. Brown Info. Ctr. (a formerly
well-known alt. med. info center in Virgnia that no longer exists)
but I know nothing else about the original source of the article. The
following are the key excerpts from it:
A group of 60 cancer patients recovered…by taking asparagus…dumped a
can of…asparagus into a blender….8 tablespoons daily….all kinds of
cancer responded, except in those patients who had had mustard gas
chemo….[Asparagus has] a DNA factor….take the asparagus regularly for
at least 6 months to a year….
Within about 4 weeks the [large benign intestinal] tumor had
decreased considerably in size. The patient…stricken with intestinal
flu, was unable to eat  discontinued the asparagus for about 5
weeks. The tumor then grew very rapidly. She then resumed taking the
asparagus…The tumor is now gone.
Asparagus therapy [was] developed by a dentist in Pittsburgh who had
cancer behind his eye [and] Hodgkins…large tumor….at the end of a
year…no sign of cancer…aorta…entirely free of deposits…compared
favorably with that of an 18 year old….cancer of the mouth; bladder…
breast, metastasized to lung…given 3 months to live; intestinal
cancer; leukemia; prostate….have also been helped….theories…ranging
from…vermifuge…kill[ing] parasites; or that it is high in a certain
DNA factor….should not be taken when any mustard gas drugs are used

I think this article was written several decades ago.
Below are my other notes on asparagus as a cancer remedy:

cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer (Kurt Donsbach, M.D., Let's Talk
Health, May 2000); There are reports of cancer recoveries from
eating asparagus daily ( many
recoveries have been reported from both raw and cooked
asparagus; raw juice [from juicer or blender] may be the most
effective form (Houston cited in Hess, 1999, p. 138); however, I
wouldn't consume too much raw asparagus (or juice) at 1 time.
cancer on the ears…asparagus…In 3 weeks all of it was gone
(Kroeger, 1997, p. 16)
discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure
cancerwe have accumulated a number of favourable case
historiesNo. 1, man with an almost hopeless case of
Hodgkin's...completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the
asparagus...[no] signs of cancerNo. 2...cancer of the bladder for
16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation
without improvement, he went on asparagus. Within 3 months...bladder
tumour had disappearedNo. 3...March 5th...lung cancer so widely
spread...hopeless. On April 5th...asparagus...started...By August...x-
ray...revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappearedNo.
4...different skin cancers...advanced...3 months...on looked fine and no more skin lesionsalso cured
her kidney disease...had over 10 operations for kidney
stones...inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the
cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparaguspopular
remedy for kidney stonescanned asparagus is…good….Place the
cooked asparagus in a blender and in the
refrigerator4 full tablesp. twice dailyusually...improvement
in...2-4 weekslarger amounts can do no harm and may be
neededAsparagus contains...protein called in
controlling cell growth. From Asparagus for Cancer, Cancer News
Journal, Dec. 1979.
Active compounds  mechanisms of action:
Contains abscisic acid, beta-carotene, oxalic acid, potassium,
selenium, iodine, quercetin, oligosaccharide, glutathione, a
telemerase-repairing enzyme, and Protein-Histones which are thought
to control cell growth (Cell Growth Normalizer/CGN)...Has
Oligosaccharides, Asparagoside Saponins and steroid Glycosides;
Asparaginase (degrades Aspartic acid inhibiting tumor growths)
(Marion, 1999, p. 276); its saponins are antitumor and inhibit
leukemia HL-60 (
L-asparaginase (Elspar) is used to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia
(ALL) and LYMPHOMA (Altman  Sarg, 2000, p. 187).
Asparagus reportedly can repair damaged DNA (Steven N. Green, DDS, NP
[1991]. Eclectic Dentistry: Demystifying Medicine.).
Asparagus degrades aspartic acid to inhibit unwanted cell growth.
Consisting of aldehyde and ketone, Asparagus...kill[s] abnormal cells
during electron transferenceAsparagoside adjusts immunity and
increases the transfer activity of T-lymphocytes (Interlukin-
2)Interlukin 2 functions had doubled because Asparagus Extract
was included (
Emanuel Revici...said...[it] produces in the body a substance
similar to one that he be the most powerful antitumor
agent he had ever worked with, which is in the mercaptan series of
sulfur compounds. Asparagus 

Re: CSCancer - Sarcoma

2008-01-12 Thread Karen Eck

Thank you Paula,

Ingrid Naiman had some really fascinating information to share with 
me. I still have to get part 2 finished. The interview went on for 2 
hours. It's very amazing what medical people learn OUTSIDE of the 
Rockefeller gang controlled/suppressed system of the USA.

If you change the article number on the end of the url to 21 and 22, 
that is my interview with alt cancer researcher Vincent Gammill of and Mango Retreat Center. In article 
22 he explains his understanding of why the American system is so suppressed.

[Directions to find the current article indented below.]

I've had a few articles ranting about the mercury in vaccinations but 
I have Dr. Carley in mind for an interview in the near future, as she 
says the mercury issue is just a red herring distraction from the 
fact that ALL vaccinations cause serious damage to the immune system, 
nervous system, etc. Her main page is so long, I cannot find the term 
she uses for the damage done by vaccines.
Here' one of her diagrams
Oh the links to the other 3 are right at the top of when the text aligns left.
And of course, she has healing protocol -- that can be done without 
an office visit.

In article 18 I covered how the vaccinations have created stealth 
viruses and viteria (bacteria/virus chimera) in article. Lyme disease 
is thought by some to be a viteria, showing positive for a bacterial 
anti-body, (because viruses can snatch up DNA from anything else 
around them) but not able to be killed with antibiotics because it's 
really a virus.

I think that's why people find colloidal silver effective for so many 
conditions - it simply suffocates whatever organism is causing the problem.
Oh and I just watched this video that tells more about the who what 
where when and why of the USAs vaccine jihad.
DNA - Pirates of the Sacred Spiral - Dr Horowitz
Dr Leonard Horrowitz discusses what our DNA might truly be for - and 
who has hidden this secret from us. Time to wake up.

(was the link to that posted in that group, if so thanks!)


At 03:34 AM 1/12/2008, you wrote:

Hi Karen,
It was interesting to hear back about your experiences with your 
aunt and search for a cure for her.

 Enjoyed reading your article.

If you follow the Children of the New Earth link below,
and scroll about halfway down the page, to my monthly column,
there is a link to my interview with Ingrid about Immunity vs. Immunizations.

Books, Relaxation CDs, Resources for Indigo Children
Children of the New Earth Online
PlanetLightworker Online

Re: CSMicroscopes Not allowed to be used

2008-01-12 Thread Karen Eck

They is obviously The Powers that Be,
the jack-booted, gun toting thugs that raid alternative medical clinics
such as Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. in
the infamous 1992 FDA Tahoma Clinic raid (The Great B-Vitamin Bust)

Or as the story is told here:
Tyranny in the USA: The true history of FDA raids 
on healers, vitamin shops and supplement companies
On February 26, 1987, approximately 25 armed FDA 
agents and U.S. Marshals burst through the glass 
doors of the Ft. Lauderdale offices of the Life 
Extension Foundation with guns drawn. A second 
group of FDA agents simultaneously attacked the 
LEF warehouse, where they detained LEF founder 
William Faloon at gunpoint. Employees were lined 
up against the wall and searched. Agents rifled 
through the personal belonging of the 
and confiscated many items. Over the next 12 
hours, they seized thousands of items, including 
products, files, and documents, including 5,000 
newsletters that were about to be mailed to 
subscribers. Computers and telephones were 
reportedly, …ripped from the wall, and agents 
seized anything they could find regardless of 
whether such items were actually named in the 
search warrant. Later analysis revealed that 80 
percent of the seized items were never named in 
the warrant.  And 9 other raids are outlined here.

I personally was getting a nice little check each 
week from Seasilver when it was raided at 
gunpoint by the FDA and FTC and the entire stock 
was confiscated, because Seasilver reps claimed 
the benefits of all the diseases that colloidal 
silver can cure. At that time the silver came 
from sea vegetables high in silver.

My comment about the darkfield microscopes being 
raided and destroyed came from my taped telephone 
interview with darkfield microscopist Ingrid 
Naiman.  I trust she knows of such instances 
since that was her field of work, but that was an 
aside and not the topic of the 2 hour interview, 
therefore I did not obtain any specifics. I 
thought I might do a websearch later, but right 
now I'm really busy helping my aunt with her 
cancer treatment. She said she left her 
microscope in Germany. When I mentioned this to 
Vincent Gammill he remarked that he had also 
heard of such raids. He had his scope in Mexico 
and wouldn't you know it, it was stolen.

Here's some history on why the Rife microscope 
and Rife technologies were attempted to be wiped from the face of the earth.

Why would not today's powerful scopes be targeted for removal by TPTB?
Has anything changed since then?
Destruction by fire.

I did get in one short search session, but I 
can't find much, or have not yet typed in the 
right search parameters. Combining what Ingrid 
said and my memory of one website (don't know 
where it was) said, in the USA, the scopes are 
generally sold as a sort of package deal with a 
line of supplements, and the microscopist has a 
short training (typically 3 days) on using the 
scope to sell these supplements. I suppose TPTB, 
FDA, FTC would call that practicing medicine 
without a license and perform a guns drawn, 
jack-booted raid on the premises, and for good 
measure, make sure that scope never looks at another drop of live blood.

I'm a lab tech who looked at lots of dead and 
stained blood slides for 13 years, and then 
rather than continue to sell my soul to the 
devil, I defected from allopathy and now do 
research and writing about alternatives and live 
on a tiny income. I'd love to get my hands on one 
of those scopes and train German style 
long-distance with Ingrid Naiman, rather than the 
hoky USA training. She said a lot of people are 
just buying them for personal use. Imagine, 
instant feedback on how a product is affecting 
you! Maybe if you stay away from helping others 
with it your scope will be more sure to stay safe 
from confiscation/destruction. Contact Ingrid:

Thanks for your comments Wayne! I like the way you think.

At 05:52 AM 1/12/2008, you wrote:

At 12:20 AM 1/12/2008, you wrote:

Do you have any links that substantiate this, 
and that make clear who they are?  Thanks.

This is nothing New.  If you don't know who they 
are, what difference does it make.

Enemies of the State, .. NO !
Enemies of the People
Not only Dark Fields
You think NOT ?
One doctor told me,  when I mentioned his digital Microscope,
He had been,  Sanctioned, and BANNED from using it.
Studying LIVE BLOOD has virtually been banned in this Country for Years.
Why ? ... Three guesses.
A half Smart 10 year old can figure out many thing with a microscope.
What do you think a Half Smart doctor can figure out ?
What about 

Re: CSCancer - Sarcoma

2008-01-11 Thread Karen Eck

At 06:38 AM 1/10/2008, you wrote:

Hi Karen,
Did your friend have any success in reducing the size?

Well, well, well, I learned a lot about people and what system of 
medical care is best suited to their nature. My aunt is just not 
suited to following alternative medicine instructions and big changes 
in diet. Which is why I began looking for something topical, but I 
chickened-out on trying anything else such as a vitamin C paste. Once 
we quit the black salve the size seemed to stabilize or just increase 
very slightly. Cancers are easily irritated into growing.

So I turned her over to allopathy on Dec. 30. Unfortunately Dr. 
Arrogant Neanderthal was the doc in the ER that night. He said 
alternative cancer cures work less than 1% of the time, and basically 
laughed at us. Actually they work as high as 90% of the time (Budwig 
Protocol), but he didn't want to hear anything about that or about 
methylglyoxal. I had to tell him end of conversation, to keep his 
opinions to himself, and I'd do the same.

I first took her to Vincent Gammil's Mango Retreat in San Diego.  Vincent is one of the top cancer 
researchers in the world and has worked with methylgyloxal for 30 
years and it has a 70% rate of halting tumor growth or causing 
remission. It didn't work for my aunt, but Vincent is still the first 
one I'd turn to if I myself had cancer. I'd never take anyone else 
there again, unless *they asked me* and were previously committed to 
alternative cures. Under his direction she also included a dairy 
free, low protein, low carb - lots of veggies diet, pau d' arco tea, 
asparagus tea, benzaldehyde, and hematoxylin, but it was too 
difficult for her to follow all that, living by herself and having 
very low energy. And I'm not Kitchen Karen, and live about a mile 
away so I wasn't much help. Vincent also uses some very effective 
vaccines and works with clinics in Mexico. One of the biggest 
problems for my aunt was the lack of money to pay out of pocket for 
additional therapies. So ...

In a painfully slow manner the allopaths who ARE covered by Medicare 
are going about setting up the needed appointments. Hard to believe 
with a fast growing tumor you have to wait two weeks to see the 
cancer doc, and then how long after that for surgery? We don't know.

I am pressing her DO something until they can get the surgery done. I 
found canned asparagus on sale for 89 cents each. I pureed it up and 
delivered it to her door and said just do this one thing, eat as much 
asparagus as you can! I'll see if I can find the Asparagus Cure email 
that was posted to the cancercured list and see if its suitable for 
posting here.

Oh and I was told by Ingrid Naiman
not to put colloidal silver on the tumor as CS kills white blood cells.
Taking a little internally is not the same as topical application.
She wrote a book on Cancer Salves and worked with darkfield 
microscopy in Germany,

and WBC/blood reactions to various therapies.
Very effective method to *see* what works - and thus,
in the US they are confiscating and destroying darkfield scopes.
If you follow the Children of the New Earth link below,
and scroll about halfway down the page, to my monthly column,
there is a link to my interview with Ingrid about Immunity vs. Immunizations.

I consulted with several experts about what to do, and
I am now more stunned than ever over the vast differences in opinion
that alt practitioners have about the various therapies.
I got a lot of totally conflicting advice.

Yeppers I learned lot from this one.

Books, Relaxation CDs, Resources for Indigo Children
Children of the New Earth Online
PlanetLightworker Online

- Original Message - From: Karen Eck

Does anyone have information on CS and cancer, specifically sarcoma?
This one that my aunt has is called pleomorphic malignant histiocytoma.
The tumor is now exposed and went from golf ball size under the skin,
to 1/2 a large orange sitting on top of the skin after trying black salve -
in two months it increased that much.
She's taking a some tonics (for 10 days now) from
modeled after Hoxsey and Eli Jones called Sundance and Algonquin.
We have sprayed CS on it and CS with DMSO, but not consistently.
She's also going to see about going ahead with surgery and radiation,
but the holidays are really getting in the way of trying to get 
something done in that respect.
So she's got 5 days to hit it with something and see if she can get 
some shrinkage of it.

Thanks, Karen

CSCancer - Sarcoma

2007-12-28 Thread Karen Eck

Does anyone have information on CS and cancer, specifically sarcoma?
This one that my aunt has is called pleomorphic malignant histiocytoma.
The tumor is now exposed and went from golf ball size under the skin,
to 1/2 a large orange sitting on top of the skin after trying black salve -
in two months it increased that much.
She's taking a some tonics (for 10 days now) from
modeled after Hoxsey and Eli Jones called Sundance and Algonquin.
We have sprayed CS on it and CS with DMSO, but not consistently.
She's also going to see about going ahead with surgery and radiation,
but the holidays are really getting in the way of trying to get 
something done in that respect.
So she's got 5 days to hit it with something and see if she can get 
some shrinkage of it.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIncorrect times on some emails?

2007-10-31 Thread Karen Eck
Computers are programmed to automatically make the change back and 
forth from standard to Daylight savings time.
But this year they've moved the fall back date forward, something 
about economic savings.
Last time they tried to leave us on Daylight savings time all year 
round the school kids were left standing in the dark waiting for the 
school bus.

So my computer time fell back last weekend. I had to manually reset it.
Then on the new fall back date, one week later, I'll have to 
manually reset to standard time.

Quote at:
Congress appears to have felt we were not having enough of a 
difficult time so in 2007 they passed a law starting Daylight Savings 
time 3 weeks earlier and ending it one week later. This cost US 
companies billions to reset automated equipment, put us further out 
of sync with Asia and Africa time-wise, inconvenienced most of the 
country, all in the name of unproven studies that claim we save 
energy. {end quote}

And lots more interesting time change facts on that page ...

At 11:04 AM 10/31/2007, you wrote:

faith gagne, on 10/31/2007 2:40 PM, said the following:
Incorrect time stamps are a common problem on Yahoo message boards, 
or at least on some of them.

Only if you are using the web interface, which neither bob (Outlook) 
nor The Clayton Family (Apple Mail) is.

When using a local mail client, it is that computer that stamps the 
initial date/time on the message - then the server they use for 
sending, then each successive server that touches it adds a header 
that is date/time stamped...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIncorrect times on some emails?

2007-10-31 Thread Karen Eck

I remove junkmail straight from the server with Mailwasher
Mailwasher also provides a quick view of all the email contents.
I get a ton of email from various groups/newletters.

Then I download mail into Eudora and reply from there.
If a computer is posting the wrong time, it can be difficult to find 
the message.

It places the email out of order of reply in the group folder.
I have to jump through more hoops to find the message.
If the email is dated into the past, then instead of appearing in the 
last batch of email I just downloaded, it will jump up the list, to 
who knows where.

Sometimes I don't remember which group the topic was posted to.
Sometimes I don't remember the exact word to run a keyword search.
So often I just give up and go on to something else.

Its just a nice little netiquette, common courtesy to others to have 
your computer set for the correct time.

That's how it is from my perspective.
Its important to me.

At 11:11 AM 10/31/2007, you wrote:

And why would it matter in any way.  :)

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Re: CSteeth sensitivity

2007-08-23 Thread Karen Eck
It is possible to seal off small areas of decay, and probably works 
for the teeth grinding also.

Look up the word remineralize and teeth
I've heard that even when the whole top of a tooth is gone, you can 
get it heal over, but not regrow.

Remineralize Products: Look up Novamin, Recaldent, and ACP ( 
Amorphous Calcium Phosphate)
These are added to various brands of products including Trident gum 
with all the bad fake sugars like aspartame.

I haven't found any products yet, where I like all the ingredients, 
but then since my daughter is look at $8,000 for drill and fill of 
one big and a bunch of small cavities, I'd say SLS and acesulfame K 
are the lesser of the evils.

These are all products WITHOUT fluoride.

Technologies from

These people are sending her some free samples.
fluoride free
NovaMin is composed of elements naturally occurring in body (and 
tooth) chemistry: Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium and Silica. Its 
chemical name is Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate. NovaMin is based 
on a technology developed for surgical bone regeneration, and has 
been successfully used in nearly one million bone surgeries. When 
NovaMin contacts water or saliva (during tooth brushing, in this 
case), it releases fully-active ions of calcium and phosphorus. These 
ions are identical to those present in normal, healthy saliva - just 
in higher concentrations. Furthermore, after brushing, microscopic 
NovaMin particles stick to the teeth and continue to release ions for 
hours afterwards. These essential ions ensure that the natural 
self-repair process can take place in an accelerated and enhanced 
manner. To learn more about NovaMin, go to

Products powered by NovaMin

I have not found anything you can get except through mail order.
Some you can only get from a dentist.

On this page, I was looking at
Dr. Collins Restore Toothpaste
Prospec MI Paste with Recaldent

Also there is Uncle Harry's in Redmond, WA
Explanatory article
Wait a minute - there's no fake sugar or SLS in this stuff
Remineralization Powder - Peppermint (1 oz)
Ingredients: Unrefined sea salt, calcium carbonate, tabashir, 
magnetic earth with probiotic bacteria, alkalizer ionic minerals, 
purified seawater, marshallow root, organic peppermint, clove, and 
oregano oils.
This one is unscented

Oh, I know why I moved on from this site, it just sounds so complicated.
But for a dedicated person looking to help themselves - this looks 
like the ticket!

Uncle Harry's Remineralization System for Tooth Enamel

At 08:42 AM 8/23/2007, you wrote:
A dentist said I'm wearing away teeth enamel probably from grinding 
at night. After years of using non fluoride health food brand 
toothpastes, she wants me to use Sensodyne for possible exposure of 
nerve endings. It has 5% potassium nitrate to numb and fluoride to 
rebuild/remineralize tooth enamel. I read that potassium nitrate is 
used to make gunpowder, fireworks, etc. and that it is   derived 
from various things combined with waste material also used in 
fertilizer. She recommends leaving it on teeth all night long for 
two months without rinsing although the product says per FDA not to 
use more than four weeks. It stings/burns a little which causes the 
numbing I guess.

This morning I read Tom's of Maine has a naturally occurring brand 
of pot nitrate toothpaste for sensitive teeth.  I think tooth 
sensitivity and acidic balance has something to do with hormones as 
it started right before the mense cycle. I have been drinking non 
fluoridated water for 15 yrs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.   Jess

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Re: CSHelp for heavy metal detox (from amalgum fillings)?

2007-07-27 Thread Karen Eck
Hey guys, I referred Miranda here because this is the group where I 
found some postings by Nena Sylver, about using oat top tea for a 
month or two to repair neurological damage from mercury first and 
then using a chelator like NCD zeolite. And this group doesn't have 
an archive. Now I see Nena hasn't posted here for a year and a half. 
I was also thinking if Nena wasn't posting here anymore, there are 
some very smart people here that might help Miranda with her best 
course of action. I did not mean the colloidal silver would help, I 
mean not that I know of, but that this was where I found Nena. 
Miranda, there is another group talking about this right now too. 
I'll just send you Nena's email address and some posts that I just 
got in. Also, Miranda, Dr. Bate in the orthomolecular group used 
Vitamin C in high doses and it chelates out heavy metals - slowly.


At 02:39 AM 7/27/2007, you wrote:
Thank you Ode Coyote, but you don't understand...or I haven't made 
myself clear. I already know it is from my old fillings- not from 
the environment. It is mercury in my system (from the amalgum 
fillings). I was told colloidal silver might help or other such as 
Oat top tea then chelation. And to contact you folks on this site.


Ode Coyote wrote:
First, see what heavy metals.
Next, check the local environment for sources.
The local DNR might have sampled the area. [department of natural resources]
Airborne mercury vapor is not too uncommon. [ IOW all *too* common]
Dust, water, foods [Tuna? ].

Having fillings replaced probably isn't a bad idea, but if that's not the
source of the metals, it won't help you.
You'd think that after a few decades, whatever *can* leach out of a
filling, already would have.


At 12:09 AM 7/27/2007 -0700, you wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am new and have been led here because I have a problem. I am low-income
without health or dental insurance. I have several large amalgum fillings
in my mouth from childhood (I'm 50). I just discovered that I tested high
in heavy metal toxicity. naturally, I'm very concerned. The best thing to
do is get those old fillings removed, however I do not have the money to
afford this.

Can some body tell me if Colloidal silver or anything else, can help me
(inexpensively), and if so how?

Thanks very much in advance,


Re: CSRe: DMSO/herpes virus- marshall

2007-06-01 Thread Karen Eck

I have DMSO 99.9% by Nature's Gift,
Golden Life colloidal silver 15-25 ppm
and what my chiro says muscles tests as shingles about to bust out on my face.
There is a hot spot on my right cheek that comes and goes and I 
thought was an allergic reaction,

but it flared really bad when a drunk driver ran into my parked van,
and the game with the insurance companies began,
I didn't have a car to drive, fight over getting a rental,
then it stank of chemical air fresheners.
Didn't know for sure if my van was totalled or not for about a week.
But had to be looking for a new car just in case, knowing nothing about them,
Then all the cars on the lot stank of air freshener. yada yada yada.
Talk about stress!

So finally the chiro said it was shingles and I'd better zap it 
before it got full blown.

His stuff didn't work. Finally I zapped it quite well with eucalyptus oil
plus all these different type of bumps have stopped erupting on my face,
but I think I'm starting to get a reaction from the oil.
Time to switch!

What ratio of DMSO and CS do I use?

I turned 55 (the age for senior citizen perks) on April 11.
A couple of weeks later I bought my first sports car burgundy red.
Not that I wanted a sports car, or a red car, but it was the only one I could
find in timbuckfour that was not infested with the stench of chemicals.
It hadn't made to the detail man yet.

And yep, that lysine and vitamin C, stay away from arginine helps 
keep that herpes slapped down.

Need to add in the B and E on an every day schedule - thanks for that tip!


At 08:13 PM 5/30/2007, you wrote:
From my husband's experience, yes adding DMSO to CS can get the 
silver to where the virus hides. And applying CS/DMSO to active 
lesions stops them very quickly, and also keeps them dried up so 
you aren't shedding virus as you are when the sores/blisters weep. 
I don't personally know of any other virus that is stimulated by 
arginine and inhibited by lysine. My husband also has used this 
protocol for herpes outbreaks:

B-Complex 50 mg
Vitamin C 1-10 grams
Vitamin E 400-1200 iu
Zinc 5o mg
Lysine 1500 mg (500 mg 3 times a day) (I've seen recommendations for 
2000 mg per day)
That is for an active outbreak, as daily prevention he takes 500 mg 
lysine. If he eats a lot of high arginine foods he takes more, or at 
least he is supposed to, but often forgets, and he eats lots and 
lots of peanuts.

The thing is, long before we knew about CS, when he would feel the 
tingle of the virus moving down the nerves, he'd start the above 
protocol and that short-circuited nearly all outbreaks. Over time I 
believe the virus actually damages the nerves it uses as its 
highway, as in recent years he does not feel the warning nerve 
tingle. Since using CS/DMSO he has many fewer breakout sores, and 
just yesterday he got a warning tingle again.

CS healing the nerves?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSThe Best Butter, etc.

2007-03-19 Thread Karen Eck

At 10:45 AM 3/19/2007, you wrote:
Maybe Weston Price's website has a listing of 
organic farmers you can buy real butter from. I 
know there is lady in my neck of the woods 
(Vegas) who sells fresh real butter, milk, goat 
milk , yogurt etc from her organic farm with healthy, well fed animals.


Also listed are sources for liquid milk, cheese, yoghurt and cream.

Directory of best dairy products available [quote]
Butter - The best commercial brands of butter are 
probably Organic Valley and Tillamook ­they are 
pasteurized, but come from cows that are mostly 
pasture-fed. New Zealand butter is available 
Traditions. It is not raw, but it is from 100% 
pasture fed cows. A growing number of farmers 
sell raw butter from pasture-fed cows directly to 
the consumer and ship within the continental US. 
Many of them place classified ads in Wise 
Traditions, the magazine of the 
http://www.westonaprice.orgWeston A. Price Foundation. [end quote]

I heard Tillamook (shame, shame) set up a 
grain-feeding operation in the Eastern Oregon 
desert, but haven't checked out the facts on 
that. The Western Oregon rain forest has green 
grass year round, and that is where Tillamook, 
Oregon is. I'm in Eastern Oregon, with cows as 
far as the eye and see - and beyond, but they are 
steers for steak. Can I find a milk cow, no, but 
I haven't tried real hard yet. Now that spring 
has sprung I downloaded the file below.

There are other directories when I have time to look them up.
And there is this Yahoo Group
and in the files section, it tells you how to 
ferret out local sources of raw dairy.

OK, OK, here's another related directory:
Directory of Pasture-Based Farmers
United States, Canada and Republic of Panama
The Directory of Pasture-Based 
Farmers lists more than 800 farms, making it the 
most comprehensive source for grass-fed meat and 
dairy products in the United States and Canada.

Mercola was going to set up a directory, did that ever happen?

There are more ... like any omnivore raw food 
discussion group knows the best sources.


Re: CSButter, EarthBalance. etc.

2007-03-19 Thread Karen Eck

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want to eat soy or canola oil.
And the products page doesn't give us a full list of ingredients.

Actually, if I thought bread and other grain products were good for me,
I'd just dip it in olive oil if I didn't want butter. Yummy! Forget 
the spread nonsense.

Step outside the box.

But, since I don't eat grains - its a moot point.
Olive oil and butter serve me just fine.
Coconut is detrimental to B blood types,
according to d'Adamo.
Virgin Red Palm Oil sounds fascinating.
I don't know its blood type profile.


At 07:36 AM 3/19/2007, you wrote:

This is the only site I've found that has non-hydrogenated stick 
butter.  Check it out and let us know what you 
think: .

In His Service,
Scott Young

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAlternative to butter

2007-03-18 Thread Karen Eck

At 04:53 PM 3/18/2007, you wrote:

What is a better alternative to butter? thanks debbie

Does butter cause disease? On the contrary, butter protects us 
against many diseases.  ... Butter is America's best and most easily 
absorbed source of vitamin A.

The Wulzen or anti-stiffness factor is a nutrient unique to butter. 
Dutch researcher Wulzen found that it protects against calcification 
of the joints--degenerative arthritis--as well as hardening of the 
arteries, cataracts and calcification of the pineal gland. 
Unfortunately this vital substance is destroyed during pasteurization.
The Price Factor or Activator X: Discovered by Dr. Price, Activator X 
is a powerful catalyst which, like vitamins A and D, helps the body 
absorb and utilize minerals. It is found in organ meats from grazing 
animals and some sea food. Butter can be an especially rich source of 
Activator X when it comes from cows eating rapidly growing grass in 
the spring and fall seasons. It disappears in cows fed cottonseed 
meal or high protein soy-based feeds.[1] Fortunately, Activator X is 
not destroyed by pasteurization.
The nutrient Price called Activator X, most richly concentrated in 
milk fat from cows grazing on rapidly growing pasture, may be the 
most important activator of all. Price was able to reverse tooth 
decay and cure many diseases using X-Factor butter oil concentrate 
in conjunction with high-vitamin cod liver oil.
Nutrients in Butter
The Diet Dictocrats have succeeded in convincing Americans that 
butter is dangerous, when in fact it is a valued component of many 
traditional diets and a source of the following nutrients: 
Fat-Soluble Vitamins: These include true vitamin A or retinol, 
vitamin D, vitamin K and vitamin E as well as all their naturally 
occurring cofactors needed to obtain maximum effect. Butter is 
America's best source of these important nutrients. In fact, vitamin 
A is more easily absorbed and utilized from butter than from other 
sources.61 Fortunately, these fat-soluble vitamins are relatively 
stable and survive the pasteurization process.

When Dr. Weston Price studied isolated traditional peoples around the 
world, he found that butter was a staple in many native diets. (He 
did not find any isolated peoples who consumed polyunsaturated oils.) 
The groups he studied particularly valued the deep yellow butter 
produced by cows feeding on rapidly growing green grass. Their 
natural intuition told them that its life-giving qualities were 
especially beneficial for children and expectant mothers.

Re: CSAlternative to butter

2007-03-18 Thread Karen Eck
At 06:16 PM 3/18/2007, you wrote:  Debbie,  please go to  and do a search on 
cholesterol Read  and then stop worrying.zoe

Thanks for all the great info...I was concerned about my cholestral 
levels being high and thought it might be because I use butter 
...thanks again ...debbie

How old are you? How high is your cholesterol? In older women higher 
cholesterol levels are very protective -- to a point.

I found that info at, like Zoe says.

Heart disease is due to the intake of too much 
sugar/starch/carbohydrate. We've been lied to - big time!

The Great Cholesterol Con  (book) by Anthony Colpo  [quote]
The shocking, sordid tale of the cholesterol scam - a mind-boggling 
saga of ignorance, corruption, deceit and greed - is a subject worthy 
of an entire book! So that's exactly what I've done; after years of 
research, I've finally put together The Great Cholesterol Con: Why 
Everything You've Been Told About Cholesterol, Diet and Heart Disease 
is Wrong!
   * A single disgruntled researcher, who conducted some of the 
sloppiest and most shamelessly biased research ever seen, was largely 
responsible for launching the anti-animal fat/anti-cholesterol mania 
as we know it today!
   * The rise in coronary heart disease that occurred during the 
twentieth century had nothing whatsoever to do with saturated fat intake!
   * Study after study has shown that people with so-called 
'healthy' low cholesterol levels actually live shorter lives!
   * Upon closer scrutiny, the very studies that have formed the 
cornerstone of the anti-cholesterol argument actually show that 
cholesterol and saturated fat are not harmful!
   * Numerous populations consuming high saturated fat diets have 
been documented to enjoy very low rates of heart disease!
   * Over fifty years' worth of clinical dietary intervention trials 
have completely failed to show any mortality benefit among those 
following saturated fat-restricted diets - in fact, several of these 
studies showed higher death rates among those assigned to diets low 
in saturated fats!
   * Many dietary recommendations made by 'experts' to reduce heart 
disease have actually been shown in animal and human studies to 
increase heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity!
   * The primary force behind the anti-cholesterol paradigm is not 
public health, but greed! Drug companies, food companies, the medical 
profession, and health organizations all make billions in dollars of 
profit from the cholesterol theory!

Books, Relaxation CDs, Resources for Indigo Children
Children of the New Earth Online
PlanetLightworker Online

Re: CSscalp muscle adhesions

2007-02-25 Thread Karen Eck

Look at
Its based partial on genomics work and molecular receptors.
It a forum and difficult to navigate and find info quickly.
I've got about 20 windows open right now.
Have to go to work, will try to post more specifics later.
Use the search feature.
Look at the required reading section.

I think one video I watched says it stops fibrotic tissue from being 
laid down and maybe reverses it.

It might solve the adhesions problem for you. The Benicar may do that.


Here's one video,
but I don't think this is the one that explains reversal of the fibrosis.
I can look later for more info.

Some highlights -
These infections and the autoimmune diseases are caused by CWD - 
cell wall deficient bacteria.

They are intracellular in macrophages and white blood cells,
They hide from the immune system by producing a metabolite of vitamin D
1 25 hydroxy-something
You can do a diagnostic test for the metabolite.
Or you can just do the protocol and see if you get a herx reaction.

Its complicated. Exclude all sources of vit D, cover skin, wear 
special sunglasses indoors and out.
Then take a blood pressure medication, Benicar, which causes the 
bacteria to reveal themselves.
This is also the piece of the puzzle about the fibrotic, inflammatory 

This medication stops that.
Then you take small pulsed doses of minocycline, every 48 hours.
Then over time add two more antibiotics that all work synergistically.
Typical timeline for the very ill. People feel better in 6 months. 2 
years symptom free.

3-5 years to a cure.

Looks like it will cure all immune disorders in more than 50 percent of cases.
So I'm checking around about colloidal silver, wild oregano oil, etc. 
to see if they might whack these teeny, tiny, intracellular CWD 
bacteria without all the hassles of this protocol.


At 12:18 PM 2/25/2007, you wrote:

You might try the deodorized DMSO from

It is pricey, but I've been using it and it doesn't produce the BO 
in me that regular DMSO does.

And don't forget you can also take/chew chlorophyll tablets when 
using regular DMSO. I've done that also. It does help, but 
apparently doesn't work for everyone.

sol wrote:

Any suggestions for riding burning scalp muscle adhesions with 
trapped edema from a chronic lyme infection? I have tried many 
things but nothing penetrates the muscle tissue that has become 
fibrosed entrapping fluid. My head is alaways stiff and 
crunchy,contracted and burning from head to heels. I have tried 
many dressings on my head and done many therapies. DMSO and silver 
stinks so bad no one comes near me. All the oils are impossible to 
get out of my hair and nothing's changed. I have done many systemic 
therapies too but to no avail. The connective tissue in the scalp 
muscle has walled off the spirochetes and surrounded my skull with 
adhesions.  I'm told not to use electrical devices on the head. Any ideas?

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Re: CSSPAM filter.

2006-03-02 Thread Karen Eck

At 01:42 PM 2/27/2006, you wrote:
They do, but only get 90% of it, which still left me with over 1,000 
this morning. Marshall

Gee, I don't feel so bad anymore that I only have to deal with about 
100 a day.

I used Mailwasher for a while
Its free unless you want tech support

Since I was in sales, the email provider spam filter would also snag 
some important emails.
And since I would have to go through them anyway -- I opted to just 
let them come into my mailbox and delete from there. Then I found 
Mailwasher. It deletes the mail right from your server.
You can program it anyway you want and though that part took time, it 
began to work very well for me.
That is until one day in desperation to find out why my computer was 
acting whacky, I uninstalled the program.
I regret that day. I can always set it back up again when I want to 
take the time to do so...

Love is who we are,

Find out everything you want to know about indigo kids, crystal 
children, rainbows, starseeds and more at 
of the New Earth Magazine Online

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target=_topBooks by Lori LiteIndigo Dreams - Resources for Indigo Children  

Re: CSSeasilver/was Silver - The Dark Side of a New Health Craze - Rebuttal by Marshall Dudley

2005-11-18 Thread Karen Eck

 Seasilver does not have anything to do with silver.  It is named
that for the image of Silver of the Sea.

Where did this come from? I've done a web search and can't find this phrase 
linked to Seasilver.
As a former Seasilver distributor, I never heard or read that. My 
understanding is this:
In the beginning, Seasilver contained high quality colloidal silver made by 
a special process.

I wasn't with the company at that time, so I can't recall what that process 
was called.
Then TPTB tried to outlaw colloidal silver, and Seasilver switched to 

which was simply a few species of sea vegetables found to be high in silver.
Then the FDA/FTC did the big gestapo-like raid on Seasilver and shut them 
They rose from the dead and reformulated the product again because of a 
cranberry issue.

I'm not sure if the present blend of Sealogica® (proprietary blend of 7 
different sea vegetables­ Ascophylium Nodosum, Fucus Vesiculosus, Kelp, 
Fucus, Chondrus Crispus, Nori,  Ulva Lactuca) contains those Phyto-silver 
sea vegetables or not.  Seasilver also contains aloe vera,  Pau D'Arco 
Extract and

4 Concentrated Juices,White Grape, Concord Grape, Cranberry, Black Cherry
I think the reason many of these botanical products work so well is because 
of a high concentration of ORME elements, which cannot even be analyzed by 
standard methods.

Infinite Love is who we are, Karen

The Accelerator Pendant -- Spiritual growth, elevated consciousness; all 
the benefits of superconducting White Powder Gold  without the replacement 
costs and possible risks associated with consumption of ORME products.

Reversal -21st Century Hydration, Anti-Time in a bottle and more . . .
For more information contact


2005-11-18 Thread Karen Eck

Why can't I access the archives?

Infinite Love is who we are, Karen
The Accelerator Pendant -- Spiritual growth, elevated consciousness; all 
the benefits of superconducting White Powder Gold  without the replacement 
costs and possible risks associated with consumption of ORME products.

Reversal -21st Century Hydration, Anti-Time in a bottle and more . . .
For more information contact