CSMold experiment - Chuck

1999-09-12 Thread Kato109
Hey Chuck - 
You wrote:
I don't think you're finished with your experiment yet.
What if you sprayed the bread first and then tried to infect it with
I've sprayed fruit that usually develops mold in a few days (peaches,
apples, oranges) and they last until I get to use them.
Gotta be the same kinda mold you're working with. 

That was my second experiment. On the forst one, I tried to kill already 
grown mold - which is why Wong thinks I am a homicidal maniac!
But on this second try I inundated the bread in silver first, trying to see 
if I could prevent it from growing mold. I did one with storebought cs, one 
with homemade, and a control with no cs. Lo and behold - the two with cs grew 
beautiful, thick black hairy mold -- while the non cs control only grew a 
lttle bit of light fluffy white mold.
My guess is that the cs killed off something - mold or bacteria - that 
competes with the black mold for food - thereby allowing it to flourish. 
Who knows?

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CSFailure of mold experiments

1999-09-10 Thread Kato109
Okay guys, now I really need help.
All my mold experiments have failed - but I find it hard to believe that it's 
my homemade cs because they failed with the storebought too.
Last time I tried putting cs on mold grown on bread -- I saw no effect.
This time I put bread and sugar and water in three seperate containers. To 
one I added storebought CS, to another my homemade, and the third was a 
Well, all three grew mold - but the two with CS grew much more mold and the 
mold on them was dark brown and very thick, while the mold on the control was 
white and lighter.
Help!! What am I doing wrong?
 Obviously the CS is having some effect, but it sure isn't killing the mold.
Somebody, I think it was Wong, said that when he put the cs on mold it 
worked, but only on the spots where he put it. What did working look like?
Any feedback at all would be appreciated because I really want to figure out 
a home test to see how effective my CS is.

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1999-09-10 Thread Kato109
Hi Sharon,
welcome back. My doctor had also reccommended colonics for my candida - I 
haven't gotten around to doing them yet - but he said that the best were ones 
which had some acidophilus in them to help them reseed.
If you want to know more details you can email me privately.
Take care,

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CSKass/beneficial bugs

1999-09-07 Thread Kato109
Hi Kass - the good critters that I am taking are called Optiflora and are 
enteric coated and supposedly get to the gut much better than most. They have 
to be ordered through the Shaklee company and you have to be sponsored. You 
can email Susan at ch...@bestweb.net and she can sponsor you and tell you how 
to do it. I'm not sure yet if they are working for me, but I do have some die 
off signs and I'm not taking any yeast killers, so they may be.
Let me know if they work for you.
Take care,

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CStyndall beam width/Bob?

1999-09-04 Thread Kato109
Hi Bob, could you elaborate on tyndall beam width as a way to estimate ppm 
and particle size? It's true that we never talk about beam width, and I 
noticed that some of my samples had much wider and some narrower and it 
doesn't always correlate with brightness of the beam. What does it mean?

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CSKass/wateroz silver vs cs

1999-09-04 Thread Kato109
Dear Kass,
thanks so much for the info on your battle with candida. At Sparrows 
suggestion I just got the water-oz info and found it very intereesting and 
intriguing. I'd actually love to hear what other people on the list think of 
the idea of water-soluble minerals made by a proprietary method which 
enables the minerals to crystalize when dehydrated, thus proving that they 
are not colloidal but dissolved. I don't understand enough about it to know 
if it can be true, but it is a vey intriguing idea - and I am glad to hear 
that the silver is working for you and seems to be helping sparrow. Sparrow, 
if you read this, how are you doing?
So I am considering using the wateroz silver and their copper as well -- but 
first I want to try one other thing. I'm curious as to whether I am actually 
managing to kill off the yeasties fairly well, but have been also coninuing 
to kill the beneficial flora and never give them a chance to replenish 
themselves by discontinuing the yeast/bacteria/fungus killers. So I think 
what I want to try right now is doing just replenishment therapy for a month 
or two and see how that does. I'm using soil based organisms and an 
acidophilus supplement called optiflora which is enterically coated so that 
the good guys will reach my intestines intact. I actually feel like I am 
having some die off after two days on this regime (sort of spacey) but of 
course it is so hard to tell symptoms of candida growth from die off!!
But if this doesn't work I will probably try water-oz, and your testimony 
makes me lean even more toward it.
And I want to thank you for all your posts to the list- you have so much 
interesting information  that I have been copying them and saving them for 
future need!!
Thanks again,
warm wishes,

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CSNo Subject

1999-09-04 Thread Kato109
Hi Mike,
thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement!! 
I think I'm geting the hang of making the cs - at least as far as my setup 
will allow, but now my frustration is testing it to see if it works. So far 
all my experiments on mold grown on bread have failed - both with my cs and 
with storebought - so I don't think I'm doing them right. 
I'm currently trying a new tack. Instead of testing on pre-grown mold, I've 
made three seperate samples of bread with water and sugar - one as a control, 
and one with my cs in it and one with storebought. I'll let you know what I 
Thanks again for your very helpful and complete answers to my questions!
Take care,

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CSQuestions about making Cs

1999-08-30 Thread Kato109
Hi everyone,
I've been following the increasingly technical discussions of the parameters 
for making CS with increasing awe at the the minds of those of you who can 
figure out this stuff -- and I hope eventually someone will summarize it all 
for those of us who are technologically handicapped.
But meanwhile I'm back to my quest to make the best CS I can with the 
generator I already have, which is the Bob Beck Silver Pulser, and I want to 
summarize what I think I know? and see if I got it or am way off base.

I assume that because my generator does not limit it's power it is unlikely 
that I can make high ppm cs without making larger particles.

It seems to me that it is agreed that larger amounts of lower ppm cs will 
have the same effect as small amounts of higher ppm cs (although they might 
not be as easy to use for a sinus infection because of having to get more up 

And it seems to me that smaller particle size probably means more effective - 
unless you are going after larger bugs - so I'd rather try to make smaller 
particle size at a lower ppm if necessary.
Am I accurate in assuming that if the cs I make is gold it will have larger 
particles than if it is clear? So If I want smaller particles I should run 
the generator for less time and get a clear sol. The clear sol has weaker 
tyndall - does that mean it probably has a lower ppm?
I do know that I need to experiment with different waters and that if I find 
a good one then I may be able to get stronger tyndall but still have it be 
clear - correct?

Also, I think I am going to quit heating the water because it seems to hurry 
the process and end up with it gold colored quicker - which means bigger 

And lastly, if I bend the silver wires so that they are further apart it 
seems to take much longer for the tyndall to appear - is this because it is 
much weaker for longer or is it because they are smaller particles?

And what about seeding the batch with old batches of cs? That also seems to 
speed up the process - but is it likely to create larger particles?

Thanks in advance for the info  - 

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1999-08-30 Thread Kato109
Hi Brooks,
 Thanks for your post -- the information that all your volunteers were able 
to easily regain balance of beneficial flora once the problem was gone is 
very interesting. Perhaps there is still something preventing the acidophilus 
from being able to settle in. I'm getting retested soon, so we'll see.
Thanks again.

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CSSusan - source for info on CS

1999-08-30 Thread Kato109
Hi Susan,
don't know if you still want a source for info on cs - or if anyone else 
already posted this - but if not there is a good compilation of articles on 
it under articles on the candida forum. www.healthyawareness.com/candida.
Good luck,

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CSOff Topic/Vilik

1999-08-30 Thread Kato109
Hi Vilik --- 
Your adventures with alkalinity made me so jealous that I wanted to ask you 
to sign me up for the alkaline list when it starts.
Especially if it ends up allowing me to enjoy a margarita along with my 
mexican food!
Humor aside, I hope you continue to feel better.
take care,

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CSVikki's tinkering

1999-08-30 Thread Kato109
Hey Vikki,
I, for one, am very impressed by your tinkering and hope you continue to do 
it because I think that the more we figure out the specifics of producing CS 
in a reliable manner the better. And I certainly can't figure it out. 
But what if it turns out that larger particles are better for some things, 
and smaller for others - then your work will be very useful. And my 
experience was that all cs was not the same . My homemade cs did not clear up 
my sinus infection, while the storebought did. I don't know whether it was 
because it had smaller particles or a much higher ppm and I therefore used 
much more. (by the way, for the friend you are dosing, everything I've read 
indicates that it doesn't matter how diluted your cs is - just how much you 
use - so your friend should be able to dilute it in as much juice as he/she 
wants to hide the taste as long as he/she sticks to the same doseage.Only it 
depends on where you were trying to get it to - for sinuses it works so well 
to hold it on your tongue and let it absorb into the local blood stream, but 
that's harder to do with a low ppm) 
Anyhow, just wanted to say thanks for tinkering.

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CSmold/cs test

1999-08-30 Thread Kato109
Thanks to everyone who answered me about my mold test.
I guess I realized that, as Nancy said, I don't really know what it would 
look like if the cs killed the mold - and that I was sort of expecting it to 
disappear. And I didn't put enough for it to turn pink, like Taylor's did. 
Now, if I'd had Wong's response - that the mold died wherever the cs touched 
it - then I would have been happy - since I expected it to need contact for a 
while in order to kill it. Wong - I think yours was working if it killed it 
on direct contact.
So, now I'm trying a new experiment instead -- I drew lines of cs on a piece 
of bread and put it in with the mold. So we'll see if it gets moldy in 
Anyhow, thanks everyone and I'll report back.
Take care,
Ps. James Allison - I think Sam answerd your question? anyhow, it was my 
assumption that if the cs kills fungus it should kill mold if it was working.

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CSThank you for cat info

1999-08-30 Thread Kato109
Thank you guys all so much for the great cat info -- it'll all be a big help 
next time my cat gets in a fight -- as long as I catch it in time! It's 
amazing how much this little week of vet visits has cost -- so I'm really 
glad for the info.
And, Heather, that roll em up in a towel saved me a lot of scratches while 
irrigating her -- so thanks again.

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CSBrooks Bradley/CS experiments

1999-08-29 Thread Kato109
Hi Brooks,
Thanks so much for your post on the CS experiments and humans. Also the info 
about water is fascinating and very important.
As a candida sufferer (ugh) who is cionsidering using CS to treat it, I'm 
obviously very interested in issues of how cs affects friendly flora. I have 
found it very difficult to replace friendly flora after the antibiotics that 
gave me - and the antifungals, mostly natural, which I have used to treat it. 
Despite long term consumption of hight quality acidophilus, I still test as 
having zero acidophilus in my stool. I'm trying a new enteric coated 
acidophilus now and we'll see if it works - but you can see why I am 
interested in the info on cs and friendly flora.

It seemed that in your study on dogs the friendly flora was  reduced at a 
relatively lower doseage of cs than in the human studies. Have you done any 
studies that showed the highest dose's of cs that one could take without 
affecting the friendly flora?

Thanks so much for all your wonderful information.
Take care,

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CSmold/cs experiments

1999-08-26 Thread Kato109
Hey everyone,
In order to figure out if my cs is working I decided to try the mold test.
I grew some nasty long hairy mold on a piece of bread and then dropped a few 
drops of each of several of my batches of CS on it in different spots -- 
along with a test spot of the storebought cs which cured my sinus infection.
And not just for my homemede cs - which has good tyndall and is either clear 
or golden. That mold is sitting up there mocking me right now. But the thing 
that makes me really suspect this test is that my cat got a terrible abcess 
over the weekend and a high fever -- I had no idea what to do and vet wasn't 
open so I dosed her orally and in the eyes and by rubbing a cs/msm mixture on 
the lump -- and it seemed to bring down her fever and the lump definitely got 
smaller. And she was in such bad shape that the vet took an ounce of pus out 
when he drained the abcess - so I don't think it was resolving itself 
naturally - I think the cs did it.
And this was combos of the same cs that is not affecting the mold.
Comments? Answers? Is there a better way to test?

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Re: CSOff Topic/soy/sesame seeds/nutrition questions

1999-08-25 Thread Kato109
Hi Rex,
thanks so much for the wonderful information and I intend to make myself a 
sprouted almond shake tommorow. So you think that soaking the sesame seeds 
overnight might also be a good idea? How about flax seeds?
I'm not sure how tofu and soy milk are made -- aren't they cooked? which 
would kill both enzymes and enzyme inhibitor?
Thanks again for that and the other info on candida
Take care,

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1999-08-24 Thread Kato109
Hi Karen,
You wroteKatarina,
Would you like to know some facts about how bitterness (towards yourself OR
others) destroys health that even cs can't help?  Forgiveness is one of the
best healers there is.
I fully agree with you about the healing power of forgiveness. When I reread 
my post to Marshall I realized I had written it in full brain fog - as it 
sounded preachy, which is not what I meant to be, and also sounded as if I 
think that bitterness is healthy, which I don't. I do think that when first 
dealing with a loss it's important to allow yourself the full range of your 
feelings -- including anger and bitterness -- and not feel apologetic or 
ashamed of them because they are natural and will only pass through if 
allowed to be felt - otherwise they tend to get stuck or turn inwards. 
Now, that might not be true for someone who is very enlightened and just 
feels love and forgiveness from the start, but I think for a lot of us it is 
a process that we have to go through before we get there. For me it is much 
easier to forgive others than to forgive myself, so that's why I was so 
triggered to respond to Marshall's apologizing for his bitterness -- worried 
that he might turn it on himself if he held it in.
So, Marshall, if you read this, that's what I meant and mostly I just meant 
to send hugs and am still a novice at expressing emotion to people I don't 
know but am fond of long distance over the internet and didn't know how to do 
it right.

And Karen, certainly if you want to send me information privately, I'm always 
glad to learn more, but I think we actually agree about forgiveness and love, 
for ourselves and others as perhaps the most primary tool for healing.

Take care,
Ps thanks for giving me the prod to change what I said.

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CSRe: RE: CS650 Virus

1999-08-24 Thread Kato109
Hey Terry, thanks so much for your note,

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CSCopper/question for Sparrow

1999-08-24 Thread Kato109
Hi Sparrow,
would you please post some more about your copper/cs treatment for candida 
and how it is going??
I've been following for a while and am very curious as I know that Simon said 
he cured his with the British brand of some sort of copper solution and I'm 
wondering if the wateroz is equally effective.
Also would love to hear how you are feeling.
Take care,

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CSOff Topic/soy/sesame seeds/nutrition questions

1999-08-24 Thread Kato109
Hi Listers,
since so many of you are so knowledgeable about nutrition, I wonder if anyone 
can answer these questions.
Someone just told me that unfermented soy is bad for you because it contains 
tripsen (sp) inhibitors which create incomplete digestion of proteins and 
negatively affects the bodys use of calcium, zinc and iron and also that it 
harms your thyroid. She said that supposedly the only healthful kinds of soy 
are tempeh and miso and soy sauce. This concerns me because I don't eat dairy 
and thus often eat tofu or use soy milk in things. Any feedback?

Another question I had was on the sesame seed issue of oxalates (sp?) in 
hulled sesame seeds. What are they and in what way are they bad for you? I 
like the idea of using sesame seeds as a calcium source so I've been making a 
morning shake with flax seeds, flax oil, hulled sesame seeds, soy yoghurt and 
fruit. Any ideas on how much sesame seeds is good and whether it would harm 
them to be roasted and whether hulled or unhulled is good would be helpful.

And then, at the recommendtion of someone on the list I read Fit for life 
about food combining and found out that according to the theories of food 
combining fruit and protein is bad for you.

I've gotten to this place of tremendous frustration because every time I find 
out one interesting thing, I find something else to contradict or confuse it. 

So -- I liked the idea of flax seed oil and cottage cheese, but I believe the 
studies which show that dairy promotes osteoporosis so I don't eat it. So I 
combine the flax oil with soy yoghurt or tofu and hope it has the same 
effect. But now maybe soy yoghurt and tofu are bad for you - or maybe they 
are fermented enough to be okay.
And I love making morning shakes, but fit for life says fruit only in the 
mornings and without anything else. However, trying that for even a few days 
made my candida very happy and me miserable. So I'd like to stick with the 
shakes. One thought was to make them with just oranges and banana and sesame 
and flax but no soy. Does anyone know if seeds are allright to combine with 
fruit? And I sometimes take MSM -- does anyone know if since Johanna Budwigs 
flax oil theories have to do with combining flaxoil and protein and sulfur -- 
would I get enough protein from the flax and sesame and enough sulfur from 
msm to activate the flax oil?
Sorry if this is very off topic, but I think you guys are the best people I 
know to ask.
Thanks again,

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Re: CSCopper/question for Sparrow

1999-08-24 Thread Kato109
thanks so much, that was very helpful. 

I'm sorry about the depression and the herx - no matter that you know you 
come out better on the other end - it still feels so lousy.

Do you think the herx is from the cs/copper mixture or are you taking other 
stuff as well?

Did you get the waterOz from this phone # 1-800-547-2294 or from 
1-800-574-1897? And do they have different ppm's or is it just one type of 
silver and one copper that they sell?

I'm definitely going to try your vaginal yeast recipe -- I'm tired of using 
storebought creams.

Hope you feel better soon.
Take care,

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CSDo we need our parasites?

1999-08-23 Thread Kato109
Hi Listers,
I just read the a fascinating article in Science news which I wanted to share 
with you.
The article suggests that many of the diseases that are currently 
accelerating in the US may be because of our attempts to eradicate bacteria 
and other organisms in our environment and in our bodies. I have heard this 
theory before and it makes a lot of sense to me, but this article took it one 
step further to include studies which showed that we may need our parasites 
in order to stay healthy.

Evidently, baffled by the rise of diseases such as athsma, allergies, 
automimmune diseases, rheumatiod arthritis and diabetes in the developed 
nations scientist have begun to investigate the possibility that our immune 
systems need exposure to a certain amount of bacteria and diseases in order 
to develop. With the combination of early childhood vaccinations, and our 
care to remove children from dirty or bacteria laden environments -- their 
immune systems never get the exercise they need and in later life either 
don't work well or turn on the body itself. I remember reading an earlier 
article saying that children who ate  dirt when they were little had stronger 
immune systems than those who didn't. And I believe from watching the 
children of friends and family that unvaccinated children seem to have 
helthier immune systems, whether it is because the vaccines themselves are 
dangerous, or because the children got to experience more normal childhood 
diseases as exercise I don't know. I wonder what the health comparison would 
be with children in Japan -- most of whom don't get their vaccinations until 
they are several years old (I think).
Anyhow, this article says it has something to do with stimulating the Th1 
lymphocyte system which cannot grow unless it has outside stimuli.

They cite a bunch of studies ; One of thm shows that children brought up on 
farms have less allergies than children brought up in non-farm rural 
environments  or than city kids -- the assumption being because they are 
exposed to more dirt and bacteria.
Another shows that children in large families, as well as those who enter day 
care early have less allergies -- presumably because they are exposed to more 
germs. Interestingly - the oldest children in large families were not 
protected from the allergies - since when they were little there were no 
other kids around.

But the most interesting studies were the ones that postulate that 
inflammatory bowel disease comes about because modern sanitation has largely 
wiped out parasites in our guts, leaving our immune system to mistakenly 
attack the lining of the intestines since it doesn't have anything else to 
battle. They have actually tested this theory by giving six volunteers the 
eggs of the whipworm , a helminthic parasite which is about 60 millimeters 
long. All six volunteers showed substantial improvement in the symptoms of 
their inflammatory bowel disease.

Now, that's a small study -- but even so, it raises some interesting 
questions about whether it is good for us to even try to eliminate all 
parasites and bacteria from our systems?

Don't get me wrong - I definitely intend to continue to try to kill off as 
much candida and blastocystus as I can -- but it does make me once again come 
back to thinking that health is a question of balances -- and we don't yet 
have any idea yet what those balances really are. So I'm not sure if I would 
do a maintenance dose of CS, just in case, while I will certainly continue to 
use it to readjust the balance when it gets out of whack.


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CSOff Topic question about die off

1999-08-18 Thread Kato109
Can any of you guys tell me what your die off feels like, especially from 
candida or from parasites?
I've felt for the last ten days like I am on another planet - or living 
outside my body and watching everything as if it was a movie. And I'm very 
disoriented if I move too fast, as if I were on a different time scheme than 
the outside world. Could this be die off? I'm not really foggy - but I can't 
think straight either -- witness my accidental posting of the AA petition to 
the list.
Is there any wy that it could be the colloidal silver that I used for my 
sinus infection? I did use a lot of very strong (it said 500ppm silver but 
I'm sure was much weaker) cs in my mouth and nose and eyes for about three 
And my eyes are definitely having a tough time focusing?
thanks so much

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CSNo Subject

1999-08-12 Thread Kato109
Dear Friends

 American Airlines is a major sponsor and supporter of groups like GLADD,
 the Human Rights Campaign, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, the AIDS
 Action Foundation, DIFFA, AmFAR, and scores of community-based groups
 representing gays and lesbians.

 It is also the first airline to adopt a written non-discrimination
 policy covering sexual orientation in its employment practices.

 In an unusual joint letter released to the media on March 14th from the
 Family Research Council, Concerned Women of America, American Family
 Association and Coral Ridge Ministries, American Airlines was openly
 criticised about its policy. Radical right leader Beverly LaHaye also
 went on Christian talk radio on Friday to blast American Airlines
 because American's sponsorship of homosexual 'pride' events constitutes
 an open endorsement of promiscuous homosexuality. She and the other
 groups have written Bob Crandall at American to complain that the
 airline has gone beyond mere tolerance of gays and lesbians.

 American Airline's switchboard and e-mails are being bombarded now by
 homophobic and hateful callers who have been urged by LaHaye and others
 to demand the company terminate its gay-friendly policies. You don't
 have to be gay or lesbian or, for that matter, of any particular sexual
 nature to respond to this message.

 You only have to be decent and have a desire to take one small step in
 opposing bigotry.

 Please add your name to this petition and forward it to as many people
 as you can.

 IMPORTANT: Do not use the Forward utility in your mail program.
 Instead, cut and paste this message onto a new message, add your name to
 the bottom of the list, and SEND IT OUT. If you are the 25th, 50th,
 75th, 100th, etc. person to sign this petition then also please forward
 this to American Airlines at: webmas...@amrcorp.com
 mailto:webmas...@amrcorp.com .

 To American Airlines:

 We, the undersigned, support your gay/lesbian rights policies and
 commend you for your efforts in ending discrimination. Thank you for
 your dedication to such issues and please continue to remain active in
 the struggle to end discrimination.

 1. Jim Bushnell, Seattle, WA
 2. Ernest Coffey, Edmonds, WA
 3. William Hamp, Edmonds, WA
 4. Nicole Lippa, CA
 5. Blaise Lippa, CA
 6. Elizabeth Wylie, CA
 7. Eleanor R. Mason, CA
 8. Doll Piccotto, San Carlos, CA
 9. Scott King Crandall, Sunnyvale, CA
 10. Alyca Tanner, Mountain View, CA
 11. Brian Larsen, San Josi, CA
 12. Dyan McBride, San Francisco, CA
 13. Dennis O'Brien, San Francisco, CA
 14. Jim Taulli, Orange County, CA
 15. Kaleta Brown, Tahoe Vista, CA
 16. Tom Provenzano, Los Angeles, CA
 17. Linsey Hamilton, Las Vegas, NV
 18. Traci Allanson, Las Vegas, NV
 19. Amber Madsen, Pasadena,CA
 20. Amy Ross, Las Vegas, NV
 21. Janelle M. Lannan, Las Vegas, NV
 22. Shawn G. Davis, Las Vegas, NV
 23. Jon Landstrom, Santa Fe, NM
 24. Sarah Beck, Tijeras, NM
 25. Elizabeth K.Canfield, Albuquerque,NM
 26. The Rev. B. Gail Joralemon, Albuquerque, NM
 27. The Rev. Elice Higginbotham, Albuquerque, NM
 28. Bob Long, Wyndmoor PA
 29. Kenneth E. Garner, Philadelphia, PA
 30. Robert R. Mikrut, Philadelphia, PA
 31. Peter Rutenberg, Los Angeles, CA
 32. Maurice Staples, Washington, DC
 33. Tom Hall, Baltimore, MD
 34. Sloane Brown, Baltimore, MD
 35. Steve Sobelman, Baltimore, MD
 36. Phyllis Kushner, Columbia, MD
 37. Judy Temchine, Columbia, MD
 38. Kim Rich, Nashville, TN
 39. Janet Segal, Nashville, TN
 40. Anne-Marie Rosato, Nashville, TN
 41. Andy Arrow, Nashville, TN
 42. William Fitzhugh, Nashville, TN
 43. Michael Parrish, Nashville, TN
 44. Linda Gray, Nashville, TN
 45. Amanda Gray-Swain, Evanston, IL
 46. Carter Tellinghuisen, Claremont, CA
 47. Sahar Rooholamini, Claremont, CA
 48. Brian Schwartz, Claremont, CA
 49. Anita Kapoor, Claremont, CA
 50. Rebecca Fineman, Claremont, CA
 51. Kirsten Alker, Claremont, CA
 52. Emily Isaacs, San Francisco, CA
 53. Aleigh Bracken, San Francisco,CA
 54. Aaron Manheim, Oberlin, OH
 55. Ben Leavitt
 56. Andy Rafter, Philidelphia, PA
 57. Brooke Lyle, Greensboro, NC
 58. Mary K. McNeely, Greensboro, NC
 59. Emily Rupp, Delaware, Oh
 60. Jesse Milnes, Haverford, PA
 61. Ry Strohm-Herman
 62. Amy LaGrotte, Haverford, PA
 63. Fritz Krembs, Haverford, PA
 64. Jean Kinney, Norwich VT
 65. Anne Kinney, Norway, ME
 66. Kay Hawkins, Norway, ME
 67. Rev. Judith A. Gould, Rumford, ME
 68. Rev. Judith H. Blanchard, Freeport, ME
 69. Marilyn C. Dickhaut, Prospect Harbor, ME
 70. Walter R. Dickhaut, Prospect Harbor, ME
 71. William H. Casto Jr., Columbus Ohio
 72. Jennifer Kimball Casto, Columbus, Ohio
 73. Sara Paullin Casto, Columbus, Ohio
 74. Trevor W.P. Casto, Columbus, Ohio
 75. Charlotte Hickcox, Burlington, VT
 76. Michelle Ortiz, Austin, TX
 77. Megan Farr, Seattle, WA
 78. Selina Davis, Albion, WA
 79. Emily Campbell, Washington, DC
 80. Thatcher L. Williams, Silver Spring, MD
 81. Andrea H. DeGirolamo, Rockville, MD
 82. Wilhelmina Eaton, Camden, 

CSNo Subject

1999-07-14 Thread Kato109
Hi everyone,
If I don't answer back to information you send in answer to my post full of 
questions it's only because I'm off on vacation at  6A tomorrow and will 
answer when I get back.
But thank you, thank you.

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CSsinus infections

1999-07-12 Thread Kato109
Hi Sheila,
the products I used were made by Innovative Natural Products and they have 
them at almost every health food store here in LA. I don't know if I believe 
that they really had the high ppm they say they do - but they sure worked 
 The nasal spray is called Silver Aloe and I just sprayed it every hour or so 
for a day - although I have since been told to take a dropperful of the 
liquid CS and put it in each nostril with your head upside down by your knees 
so that it will drain into your frontal sinuses. I've started doing that 
since I'm convinced that a colony of yeasties living in my sinuses and ears 
is part of why my candida just won't leave completely. I also have been 
putting a few drops in my eyes in the morning before I pout my lenses in and 
my eyes have stopped itching. And I'm putting some in my ears as well and 
they no longer feel like they are oozing from inside. So we'll see what 
happens -- but I am very impressed.
I think if you can't find the one I used, just get a good higher ppm one and 
if necessary emty out a glass nasal spray bottle, preferably of the pump type 
- or put the dropperfuls in your nose. 
I have a friend who just cleared up a six month sinus infection in less than 
a week just by spraying some 40ppm solution into her nose for a couple of 
Oh yeah, the other thing that worked dramatically for me was to hold the 
liquid cs on my tongue against the roof of my mouth until I could feel my 
sinuses clearing.
Let me know how it works for you and good luck!
Ex chronic sinusitis sufferer - Katarina

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CSNo Subject

1999-07-12 Thread Kato109
Dear everyone experienced in the making of CS -- HELP!!
I have a number of questions about making my own CS. I've been following the 
particle size/color/water heating controversies and still am not sure what I 
should be doing.
My first batch ofCS did not help with my sinus infection - while the 
storebought one cleared it up right away - so I must be doing something 
wrong. I am concerned that my particles are too big to absorb properly.The 
makers of my machine say that at 20 minutes you should have 3-5ppm sol of 
.0005 to .015 microns
How do I find out the size of the particles - without buying expensive 
The solution had Tyndall effect - but can anyone explain how thick or bright 
the beam should be -- or what variations might tell you something about your 

Anyhow, I tried making four different batches, using two different distilled 
waters and doing one each with boiled water that had cooled slightly and the 
other with room temperature unboiled, and here's what I got.
(Oh yeah, I'm using the Beck's silver pulser which is a 27 volt DC machine 
made by Sota and I used 16 ounces of water and put two tablespoons of my last 
batch of CS in each as a starter. I ran them all for 25 minutes.)

The room temperature solutions were both colorless with a very slight white 
cloudiness. The next morning they were clear and there was a small ring of 
white precipitate at the bottom of the glass. Is this a silver salt and 
therefore an indication that the solution is not pure because the water isn't 
pure? It happened with both distilled waters. One of them had a brighter 
Tyndall than the other. Does that mean it is stronger?

The solutions which I made with boiled water (allowed to cool so that it 
wouldn't break the glass - but still steaming) are amber colored and clear. 
They had no precipitate in the morning, but a lot of sludge on the electrodes 
when making it and left a dark stain in the bottom of the glass and colored 
the glass slightly. I can't tell if their Tyndall is slightly weaker or if it 
is just that they are darker colored. When I boiled the water there was a 
white residue inside the porcelain tea kettle which I had carefully cleaned 
with distilled water before use.
While making the boiled one I checked Tyndall as it went along and there 
didn't start to be any tyndall until 20 minutes, then it built up fast.

So which are the better solutions and what is the best way to make it? 
Which one would have the smallest particle size?
And how do I figure out how strong it is - Is it Robert who can test it and 
how do I send it to you?

Any help at all on this would be appreciated because I am definitely 
confused. On the one hand it sounds as if clear is smaller particle size - 
but on the other hand it sounds as if cloudy and precipitte is exactly what 
you don't want because of silver salts. And I don't know how to produce clear 
without precipitate.

The original solution which I used which didn't do much was very light amber 
and clear and was made with boiling - but I didn't have a laser at the time 
to check for Tyndall.

Oh yes, and if I want to make more than 16 ounces at a time do I just double 
the time I take while I double the amount of water? Or will that imbalance 

thank you all again.


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CSSilver Safety

1999-07-12 Thread Kato109
Dear Ivan,
thanks so much for your response to my concerns about the safety of CS.
As I reread it I picture you standing on steel girders high above some city 
sniffing CS and it somehow makes you seem very qualified to speak about 
safety! :-)

Jokes aside, your answer ws very helpfuland Ithink I finally am understanding 
that although there is nothing proving the safety of CS, a lot of people seem 
to have used it without harm for a long time and that the agyria thing is 
scare tactics because it isn't possible with colloids.

I don't know yet whether I will take it on a regular basis as a preventative 
or supplement because, like Terry, I am always leery of upsetting balances 
that I don't understand -- but I am absolutely joyful at finally having found 
a way to stop sinus infections without antibiotics - and I think it will make 
 huge difference in my life in the long run.

As you see in my other post, I'm still having problems making my own CS, and 
wondered where you get your purified water which you sid was made by McGraw 
Biomed. Do Pharmacies sell it?

Anyhow, thanks a lot for your help - and I would love any responses you might 
have to my previous post and questions about making the CS.
Take care,

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CSInfo on CS

1999-07-12 Thread Kato109
This is for anyone new to this subject of CS who could use more information 
on it. Someone has put together an extremely informative digest of 
information on CS which answered a lot of my questions (and of course, raised 
new ones!)
It can be found at the Candida Forum at www.healthyawareness.com/candida 
under the articles section.
And thanks a million to Taylor, who I think suggested it to me.

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CSVitamin D

1999-07-11 Thread Kato109
Hi Edith - the study did say that people were less deficient during summer 
months and in warmer climates - but they were still deficient.
Go figure.

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CSNo Subject

1999-07-11 Thread Kato109
Hi Samm,
my doctor gave me a book on how ionized water was the key to health and 
longevity - don't know if it's true or not - but would be very curious to try 
one that doesn't cost $1,000 or more as most seem to. Would you also let me 
know if you get it and if it seems to work.? And then maybe get the name of 
the store or of the ionizer and I can see if I can find one in LA. 
Thanks so much.

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CSCalcium and Vitamin D

1999-07-10 Thread Kato109
Hi Tom,
The other thing completely neccessary for the body to utilize any form of  
calcium is Vitamin D.  Studies recently have shown that people consuming 
enough calcium but not getting enough vitamin D either through diet or 
photosynthesis have higher amounts of osteoporosis, indicating that they 
can't use the calcium. 
Also I read some scary studies recently that showed that most adults in the 
US are seriously vitamin D deficient, even when taking the USRDA in 
supplement form.
Take care,

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1999-07-09 Thread Kato109
Hi Taylor,
I have also been fighting Candida, and have found some pretty effective ways 
to bring it down - I just seem to be having a hard time getting the last 
little bit out.

I'd love to share information - on or off the list, since it isn't explicitly 
CS related - so if you want to, feel free to email me privately.
There is a doctor here in LA with a really great protocol which would 
probably go well alongside the CS --- I'd be glad to tell you about it. And 
I'm very curious about what you know about the use of CS for it.
Take care,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSSinus Infection cured!!!Yayy!

1999-07-08 Thread Kato109
Dear Everyone,
this list is so amazing and the amount of information on it so huge that I 
end up only reading and never seem to get the time to write.
But first, a huge thank you to everyone who encouraged me in persisting in 
using the CS for my sinus infection.
Unfortunately, the CS I made myself with my beck's silver pulser was not good 
enough or strong enough or something because I tried taking it and spraying 
it in my nose for a couple of days with no success.
But then I bought some 200ppm .0001 CS nasal spray from the store, and some 
500ppm to hold on my tongue against the roof of my mouth and I could 
literally feel my sinuses clearing when I held it against the roof of my 
Within 48 hrs my quite serious sinus infection was gone. Yay!!! The last 
time I tried to get rid of a sinus infection I ended up on three months of 
antibiotics which only made me worse and they wanted to do sinus surgery and 
eight months later I am still fighting candida and a parasite from the 
antibiotic effects  and here there is a way to get rid of it in 48 hrs 
with no side effects.
I am so so grateful and excited. (told a friend and she cleared hers in a 
week with 40ppm storebought spray)
My only worry is my herb doctor who tells me that CS is toxic and will cause 
scarring in the brain and kill brain cells, especially when used on the 
sinuses. He says he had a patient whose brain went south from using a CS 
nasal spray.
So, I understand that there are no studies done on safety because who is 
going to fund them when CS is so cheap and easy to make on your own - but are 
there any articles at all that I could find to help refute him? He xeroxed me 
an article from a book on toxic effects of metals and it said Large doses of 
colloidal silver administered intravenously to experimental animals produced 
death due to pulmonary edema and congestion. Hemolysis and resulting bone 
marrow hyperplasia have been reported. Chronic bronchitis has also been 
reported to result from medicinal use of colloidal silver (Browning1969; 
Luckey et al 1975) 
Has anyone read these articles? Obviously we are not mainlining it in large 
quantities so I don't know if it even applies. 
I think I would like to take some on a regular basis so that I can help 
support my system while fighting off this candida/blastocystis, but I'm still 
a little worried about safety.
And I have to get my setup working, so will have lots of questions but will 
save them for the next post.
This is just a huge thank you.
Take care,
P.S. Can anyone suggest a good list or place to go for help with this 
candada? I've tried so many things and done so much reading and it's still 
just not working .
Also, is there anyone on the list other than Margaret who used Becks silver 
pulser to make their CS and could help with additional advice?

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1999-06-29 Thread Kato109
Hi, was anyone else unable to download digest V99-322? 
Was anyone able to download it who wouldn't mind copying it and sending it on 
to me? I was hoping it might have answers to some of my questions.
Thanks so much.

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CSNo Subject

1999-06-29 Thread Kato109
Hi Marshall,
thanks for the information. 
If longer time means bigger particles maybe I should try running mine shorter 
and see if it is clearer and less cloudy.
I'm a bit confused about the conversation about bigger and smaller particles 
and ppm's and color and time. 
Isn't what you are saying that above 5ppm you start to get some color? But 
color doesn't necessarily mean larger particle size, does it? I thought it 
was cloudiness that means particle size, although I'm not sure I know how to 
differentiate cloudiness and color since it seems to me that my solution is 
colored by a faint gold haze - so it's not clear and it is colored.
And the one batch I made that went so weird -- it's hard to describe its 
color - it's a kind of mauve - a mixed gold and purple -- and some of it does 
seem to be precipitating out. I may just have run it for longer than I 
thought because I was out of the room when the timer rang. But, Marshall, I'm 
confused because you seem to have said two contradictory things - although 
I'm sure it's just that I didn't understand them. In one post you said that 
the purple meant yellow light being absorbed and that means relly big 
particles -- and in another you said that the blue has nothing to do with 
particle size. Maybe it's my bad description - it's not really blue - more 
I am very excited because I think it is working now at the higher, 
storebought ppm - but I really want to figure it out so I can make it myself.
I'm pretty sure that what I have is not allergies - I've been fighting sinus 
infections on and off for a year and it's connected to candida and a parasite 
and though it may be kicked off by reactions to something in the air, this is 
the first time since I got the candida levels down that it has turned into a 
full scale yellow and green mucus and mostly from one nostril - which 
indicates infection to me. (sorry to be so graphic!)
Anyhow, thanks so much for taking the time for all these questions.
Take care,

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CSNo Subject

1999-06-29 Thread Kato109
Hi Tony,
thanks for the advice and next time I will buy from the list -- I ws just 
desperate to do something right away - and the stuff I got from the store 
appears to be working.

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CSNo Subject

1999-06-29 Thread Kato109
Hi Robert,
thank you so much for your help and encouragement.
The generosity of people on this list to us newcomers is just great.
I'm not sure how much of the information that you might need to get me 
straightened out is possible for me to give because I am not very good with 
machinery and just bought a silver pulser unit from Sota on reccomendation 
from a friend. But I will tell you what it says in the manual and what I did.
The pamphlet says that it runs on a 9 volt battery and  a proprietary DC-DC 
converter circuit boosts the 9 volts of the battery to the required 27 
volts.The electrodes are mounted in a sort of V so they are 2 inches apart at 
their widest and about 1 inch at the midway point. They are 7 1/2 inches long 
and I had them submerged to about 6 inches. they are circular rods and one is 
thicker than the other. I made it in a glass which holds about 14 ounces of 
water. I used distilled water and boiled it first but then waited a few 
minutes until it was a tiny bit cooler so that the glass I poured it into 
wouldn't crack. It was still steaming. I don't have any kind of meter -- you 
just turn it on and let it run. I took the electrodes out a couple of times 
and rubbed them off with an unbleached paper towel, stirred the water with 
them out, then put them back in. I timed it for 25 minutes. There was some 
bubbling and mist trailing up from the wires -- and a slight dark spot on the 
glass where they rested at the bottom - but no flakes of anything in the 
water. The first time, when I did it without taking the electrodes out and 
cleaning them - there were some dark flakes.
The solution is just the tiniest bit cloudy with a gold tinge. It has a 
strong beam through it when I use the pointer.
Thats all the info I can think of.
Thank you for your help.

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CSNo Subject

1999-06-29 Thread Kato109
Hi everyone,
can anyone give me suggestions of the best place to find info on what support 
to do for your system when having mercury fillings removed? I had my first 
set done and then got quite sick with this sinus infection and don't know if 
they are connected, but want to make sure it doen't happen again.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSNo Subject

1999-06-28 Thread Kato109
Hi everyone.
I've been using CS in the nasal sprayer for about four days now for my sinus 
infection, but have seen no improvement. I'm also taking MSM to try to 
increase the absorption.
How often should I be spraying my nose and how many sprays? Also, I took 25 
minutes for this last batch  - I guess that means it's about 10 ppm. Should I 
try letting it go for longer?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSNo Subject

1999-06-28 Thread Kato109
Hi and sorry to be asking all these questions, but I want to make sure I am 
doing this right.

The batch of CS which I made yesterday has turned a sort of deep purply color 
overnight. Does that mean it is no good?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSNo Subject

1999-06-28 Thread Kato109
Sorry guys, more questions.
If I want to make more CS at a time can I just double the amount of water and 
double the time I let it sit? I'm using th Becks silver Pulser and their 
instructions are for 16 ounces and 3-6 ppm at 20 minutes.

Also - would ther be any reason I couldn't use CS in my morning saline nasal 
wash to help try to beat this sinus infection?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSNo Subject

1999-06-28 Thread Kato109
Okay, last question for today. I promise. 
Someone just told me that maybe the CS is not working on my sinus infection 
because the particles are too big. How would I find that out? 
I just made a new batch at 25 minutes with the beck's silver pulser and it is 
almost clear. Maybe the water in the last batch wasn't good. Anyhow, I'm 
worried about taking it if the particles are too big because of this question 
about turning blue. The pulser manual says the micron size should be .005 to 
.015 - is that okay?
I think for the moment for my sinuses I will buy some at the store for my 
sprayer and see if it is more effective. Also maybe try a higher ppm. Any 
And can I make a higher ppm by running my pulser for longer - or does that 
make the particles bigger.
Sorry that I am so ignorant about how this works but I never was any good at 
science experiments.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSNo Subject

1999-06-26 Thread Kato109
Thanks so so much to everyone who responded to my post. I've been slow in 
getting back to you because this sinus infection has really flared up along 
with a miserable headache which has been slowing me down.
So I made my first silver using the Beck's silver pulser. I used distilled 
water and I ran it for 20 minutes. It came out a very pale goldish color with 
a few black flecks floating in it - so I filtered it through a unbleached 
paper towel. Now, Mashall, you suggested 5-12ppm for nasal or topical. How 
would I know what PPm it is or does it not need to be that precise. James 
Vernon, you suggested distilled water at room temp with the rods 12 inch 
apart at 27 volts. I am not sure if the rods would be considered a half inch 
apart, they are in a sort of y  which is about an inch apart at the bottom. 
Does that matter? I also forgot to stir it. Would that matter?

I put some in a pump nasal spray bottle. How often should I use it and how 
much? I've been doing a couple of sprays in each nostril three or four times 
a day.
And I took about two ounces orally in AM and PM as well. Is that too much - 
or too little -  and is it  a good idea to do both orally and nasal?

I felt a little better after the first sprays, but now about the same - of 
course it has only been 24 hrs.

So maybe I should take more - but are there any risks from taking more and 
what would be the maximum dose to fight an infection? I read somewhere about 
the risk of turning blue from the silver if the particles are too large -- is 
there a way to know whether the particles would be too large if you are 
making it yourself.

And how long does the silver keep? I imagine I will use it up pretty quickly, 
but am curious about shelf life.

Anyhow, I really appreciate all the information - it has been very usefull.

And hi to Joey if you are on.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSNo Subject

1999-06-26 Thread Kato109
Hi Vilik,
thanks for your post -- and yes, I am very curious about the nature of these 
fungus/bacteria/protozoa beasties which have chosen us to flourish in. What 
is mycoplamal infection and how did you find out that you have it?

I actually realized that I had tried the soil based organisms for the 
blastocystis/candida combo before - without much luck - but at that time the 
candida was so strong that maybe it was just impenetrable. My candida levels 
are now down fairly low so maybe it will be more effective.

I've tried a bunch of things for the blastocystis - none of them have worked 
except maybe now the herbs that my chinese medicine doctor mixes for me are 
beginning to work. However,  I just read in a very good book called Allergy 
Relief and Prevention by Jacqueline Krohn, MD that she has a regime that is 
90 percent effective with protozoa (including blasto) It is very high doses 
of Grapefruit Seed extract and Par Quing (which is Artemesia Annua and some 
other herbs. If this regime doesn't work I will probably try that. My 
holistic MD suggested that I try a zapper - or Beck's pulser - but I'm 
waiting on that since the chinese medicine doctor swears that they are 
dangerous -- and I don't want to try too many things at once. 
This has all been so confusing and difficult -- every doctor or health care 
practitioner has a different theory and most of them conflict.
At the moment though - my main fear is that this sinus infection will take 
root and then they'll want to do antibiotics again which is how I wound up 
with a weakened gut in the first place.
Arggh! So I hope the CS works!

What have you tried for the blastocystis?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net