CS>No Message

2018-08-30 Thread Melly Bag


I got a mail from you, but there is no message with it.

Take care,


CS>Godzilla maker

2017-01-05 Thread Melly Bag
V the ledman makes Bob Beck Blood Cleaner/Godzilla.
You may contact him at:

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2015 #23

2015-01-17 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks Mr. Bradley.  Can we combine colloidal silver with the 5% DMSO and 
Take care,Melly 

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 12:48:15 -0600
From: Brooks Bradley 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Treatment for Eye Floaters
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=001a113d38a483a118050cb54cde

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

While we  have not conducted any dedicated research on the phenomenon,
we have received commentary by some of our colleagues that varying
combinations of  DMSO (5% by volume), plus glutathione (various
volumes)employed as eye drops have evinced
measurable improvement.within short time-spans ( e.g.,14 to 20 days.).
Conducting a Search Engine
inquiry (Gppgle, Dogpile, etc.) might prove to be worthwhile.
                                          Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.


CS>Oxidative Silver (EIS)

2014-11-18 Thread Melly Bag

> On Nov 14=2C 2014=2C at 6:11 PM=2C Jason  wrote:

> > HI Gail:

 Not actually...  Just because EIS/CS has a method of action that utiliz
es oxidation doesn't mean it has value as an oxidation therapy (I just
got out of a 30 minute steam ozone sauna=3B that's great oxidation therapy).
Most of us with extensive experience with oxidation therapies and CS/EIS would 
agree that colloidal silver's value as an oxidizing agent is very limited to 
its direct contact effect against certain pathogens.

> > ~Jason

Hi Jason,
Do you mean that EIS can't deliver (due to its limited direct contact effect) 
even if we use it with nebulizer and MSM?
Thanks, Melly

CS>DMSO for eyes

2014-10-06 Thread Melly Bag
Just a reminder, DMSO is a solvent and those with lens implants might want to 
void this.
Also DMSO and MSM may feed candida.  This has happened to me and am still 
trying my best to get rid of it although all symptoms are gone specially the 
daily allergies. Melly


2014-08-21 Thread Melly Bag
I am not sure if this has been released to this group.
Can someone let me know if we have nano particles in our EIS?



CS>Cleaning Distillers

2014-08-17 Thread Melly Bag
Hi PT,

My husband soaks the distiller overnight with 6% distilled vinegar and adds 
baking soda to it.  It would bubble so be careful, it could spill over.  The 
following morning if there is any residue left, most of the time very tiny 
bits, he would use a long brush with long bristles at the end, and coiled brush 
on the main body which he bought from Harbor Freight.  I believe that is used 
for oil changing.  Another favorite brush is the ultra soft bottle brush he 
bought at Dollar Store.  It does not take long to scrub away.

Before this, he has a hard time getting rid of those hard calcifications left 
on the stainless steel boiler pot.  This is hard to clean because the heating 
element is in the pot too.  Now he does it very easily.


CS>EBOLA - warning on Vit C

2014-08-04 Thread Melly Bag
Here is a part of a post from another yahoogroup.  I did not print the source 
as i do not have permission from him.  I put it here as a precaution to the 
Ebola remedy i posted the other day.

"To help clarify, there is a misunderstanding regarding "Vitamin C" and 
treating hemorrhagic issues.  

 in the brain should not be treated with ascorbic acid or similar 
Vitamin C derivatives.  Not only does it "NOT" strengthen capillaries 
and veins but may in fact weaken them through depleting copper.  Copper 
helps to strengthen capillaries and veins.  

The Vitamin C 
bioflavanoid Rutin is what strengthens the capillaries and veins 
preventing hemorrhages and microbleeds.  One will get small amounts of 
rutin when eating "foods" that contain Vitamin C however.

This is
 a very important distinction as one would not want to take large doses 
of ascorbic acid or similar thinking one will prevent a hemorrhage or 
microbleeds. " 

CS>Ebola Cure?

2014-08-02 Thread Melly Bag

I pray none of us will ever need this but here is a possible remedy just in 
case one is afflicted with Ebola.


Cure For Ebola They Don't Want You To Know About!! | Health

Cure For Ebola They Don't Want You To Know About!! | H...
By Susan Duclos We are all one plane ride away from a cataclysm.- Dr. Rima 
Laibow, MD Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, 
View on beforeit... Preview by Yahoo  


2014-07-28 Thread Melly Bag

 Hi Dee,
 Being a diabetic, i am so prone to UTI/Cystitis.  The last attack i had was 
horrible with so much pain and blood in the  urine and had to go every 
two-three minutes.  That was almost two years ago.

I treated by drinking EIS with DMSO.  One ounce with one ml of DMSO every 25 
minutes.  Then i would drink chilled water to remove the heat/burning pain at 
the bladder area.   In four hours time it suddenly stopped and i had clear 
urine.  I have since then not experienced the slightest symptoms of this 

I am not a physician.  This is what i did, it worked for me, and might not work 
for others.  

Take care,


CS>Cancer Natural Cures Video

2014-05-28 Thread Melly Bag
The link given by Tara did not work for me.  Here is another link from natural 
news where you can watch the preview
and also register.



CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2014 #101

2014-05-28 Thread Melly Bag

Have you gone to flaxseedo...@yahoogroups.com?  They have quite a few success 
stories using Johanna Budwig's diet.  Also search papaya leaves tea for cancer. 
 This can be used with the very strict Budwig diet too.  This diet also heals 
other diseases.

If it were me, i will not go the allopathic way, but instead jump into the 
Budwig wagon and use papaya leaves tea.  There is also the 
oleandersoupyahoogroup.  They have a few success stories but not as much as the 

Good luck and i hope you find the best treatment for your illness.



2014-01-16 Thread Melly Bag
Check this tree out.  I found it in Stuartxchange.com., a Philippine website of 
medicinal plants.  It can turn silver nitrate and chloroauric acid into nano 
particles of silver and gold.




2014-01-09 Thread Melly Bag
Check out boron/borax for radiation.  Some anecdotal reports from Florida(?).  
Gets rid of flouride too.


CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #339

2013-12-27 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks for replying, Ken.  I repeated the message at the addy you gave.


 From: "silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com" 
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com 
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 8:36 PM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2013 #339

- Forwarded Message -

silver-digest Digest                Volume 2013 : Issue 339

Today's Topics:
  CS>FOR KEN/ODE                        [ Melly Bag  ]
  Re: CS>FOR KEN/ODE                    [ Ode Coyote Happy holidays...              [ "Scott Adams"  ]

Hi Ken,

Did you get my email i sent to odecoyote2 about electrodes?

The address has been changed to odecoy...@silverpuppy.com


At 09:04 AM 12/26/2013 -0800, you wrote:

Hi Ken,
>Did you get my email i sent to odecoyote2 about electrodes?

   This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.  
Belated Merry Christmas and Happy new year to one and all!

Scott Adams
I bet you know someone who has Chronic Lyme and doesn't realize it yet!

-Original Message-
From: M.G. Devour [mailto:mdev...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2013 8:58 AM
To: silver-list
Subject: CS>Happy holidays...

Greetings folks!

Just wanted to wish any and all a good holiday season, companionship for
those who are alone, help to those who are in need, and better times for us


Mike D.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>


2013-12-26 Thread Melly Bag
Hi Ken,

Did you get my email i sent to odecoyote2 about electrodes?


CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #332

2013-12-16 Thread Melly Bag
Hi PT,

Sorry, the correct website is:  www.theseaweedman.com.
I normally send him an email, and he replies fast.
Contact details below:

The [at] in this email address is an anti-spam measure.
Please be sure to replace it with an @.
P.O. Box 57
Steuben, ME 04680
Phone & Fax
Early in the morning is a good time to catch Larch on the

Take care.

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #331

2013-12-16 Thread Melly Bag

I get my seaweeds from here:  www.seaweedman.com  The guy who runs it is named 

Someone asked if the sea salt i bought from Bolivia has iodine.  In most labels 
of sea salt, it is indicated that it is not a good source of Iodine.


CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #330

2013-12-15 Thread Melly Bag
I just read a report that the Southern part of the Pacific Ocean has very 
minimal contamination such as South Korea.

I just looked at map of South America and bought sea salt from Bolivia, it is 
along Pacific but way south.

I still buy my seaweeds from Maine.  It is Atlantic Ocean out there.


 From: "silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com" 
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com 
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 8:02 AM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2013 #330

PT wrote:
> Since Fukushima, what is everyone doing about seaweed?  Most of it
> must be contaminated by now.

I've been following the Fukushima situation ever since it happened. Just
last night I was studying whether and where to try to find seafood
that's still safe.

Looking at a chart from the NOAA showing major currents, it's apparent
-- to me, anyway -- that it's going to take some while for the
contaminated water of the northern Pacific to find it's way into the
North Atlantic to any meaningful extent.

Since the Bering Straight is only about 50 miles wide, there's not going
to be much transmission into the Arctic. That means that any major
contamination will have to travel all the way south (past the equatorial
currents) and pass through the Strait of Magellan at the tip of South
America, before it is able to contaminate any part of the Atlantic.

There's a gyre that circulates water clockwise around the North Pacific,
and the equatorial currents will act to at least somewhat slow the
contamination of the South Pacific. Meanwhile, there is surprisingly
little communication between the China Sea and the Indian Ocean, so that
it should take a while even for that ocean to take on serious

So I'm thinking that knowing the source of your ocean products is
critically important, and avoiding anything from North Pacific fisheries
an absolute. However, it may in fact be decades before the Atlantic
becomes unsafe. Expect ocean products to triple in price, though, as
this unhappy reality finally sinks into the mass mind.

Be well,

Mike D.

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #319

2013-12-13 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you  Lena and Neville for your kind replies.  I shall take my EIS 
everyday from now on.  Sorry for the delay in acknowledging, i am behind my 


Hi Lena and all,

Do you take CS every single day?  How much do you take?  Does it not cause 
respiratory or lung problem if taken everyday?   I ask as someone i know took 
it every single day, then she caught pneumonia and she was told it was due to 
too much silver.  I stopped ingesting everyday out of fear.




Hi Melly,
Everyone is different. 
I can only speak from my own experience. I routinely take about an oz. a day, 
but at the first sign of a cold or infection I ramp up to more for a few days. 
In September, I got what turned out to be flu from a co-worker. I spiked a 
fever for the first time in years (I'm a Lymie, so this was good news: that my 
immune system was CAPABLE for fevering again) Knowing that CS is a good 
antibiotic and anti-viral,  I tried to remember to take an oz every couple 
hours to fight the obvious infection. I also had a cough that was ruining 
sleep, until I remembered that I had a portable nebulizer I'd bought for my 
husband, whose colds always attack his chest. (believe me, I'm experienced with 
pneumonia and have been trained to hear its signs) 
So using his nebulizer, for my painful and persistent cough, I nebulized CS and 
was amazed at how much it quieted everything, soothed my bronchiae, and even 
soothed my dry and irritated eyes. I was also misting it up my sinuses, and 
using it in the other ways I mentioned in previous post. 
Then, feeling better, I got lazy with all the extra fiddling and stopped most 
for a few days and the flu tried to make a 'U'-turn. I resumed my full CS 
routine and emerged more energized than before I'd become ill.

I've never heard of 'too much silver' causing pneumonia: that somehow doesn't 
add up, but then, I don't know the details of your anecdote and the devil is in 
the details.

I rarely stop something out of unsubstantiated fear. Fear is a wild and 
damaging infection. I might back down a bit, but try to gather more info, as 
I've learned that the body doesn't like full stops or sudden big starts.

Be well,

Hi Melly,

 From one of the "...and all" , I've been ingesting approximately 30ml every 
morning before breakfast for near on 10 years now I guess, a long time anyway.  
It's not a lot I admit, but I believe it's adequate in maintaining everything 
in good working order, however, that quantity does jump up considerably if I 
feel the need to increase it for any reason.

The only thing is, I have to constantly remind myself that to me 'CS' refers to 
purchased products and are totally different to the home made stuff, i.e. EIS 
{opinion and sticking to it }.

So, if you are referring to the home made stuff then going on my daily regimen, 
there is no problem, I have no fear anyway.  I may only be a pup in my early to 
mid 60's, but I've not had a problem at all, quite the opposite I believe, and 
I'm an around a 50 year smoker to boot, roll your own for the last 8 years or 


CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #318

2013-12-02 Thread Melly Bag
Hi Lena and all,

Do you take CS every single day?  How much do you take?  Does it not cause 
respiratory or lung problem if taken everyday?   I ask as someone i know took 
it every single day, then she caught pneumonia and she was told it was due to 
too much silver.  I stopped ingesting everyday out of fear.



 Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Lena Guyot  wrote:

Hi David,
>They are misinformed (and propagandized by big pharma, which can't profit from 
>CS). If you're using properly-made CS, from distilled water with a good CS 
>generator, there's nothing to fear and much to gain. I've been using CS for 6 
>years now and except for a few gray hairs, (LOL) no gray anywhere else. I use 
>it for mouth rinse, ear-drops, eye-drops, mist it up into my sinuses, use for 
>topical wounds, take as abx when challenged by virus, wash my produce in it, 
>wipe my counters with it, put it in my dog's water, and and share it with 
>friends who soon become fans. Great stuff!
>I personally use Cream of Tartar for candida. I make my own (00) caps, and 
>take 4x a day. It's supposed to 'drown' candida, and It has definitely 
>lessened mine considerably. Not a doc, only a Lymie lab-rat, speaking from my 
>personal experience. Everyone's different.
>Be well,

CS>Cystitis and Kidney Failure

2013-10-17 Thread Melly Bag

I suffered from UTI.  It started at around 8am.  I immediately took 1 tsp CS 
with 1/2 ml DMSO every 20 minutes then drank lots of cold water.  I was 
urinating with blood and much burning pain every few minutes.  By around 11:30, 
i was at the doctor's office i noticed the urge to go to the bathroom had 
somewhat lessened.  By twelve noon, it all stopped like nothing happened.

As to failed kidney, ask your friend to google "COQ10 for failed kidney".  
There are lots of articles about it.  


CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #288

2013-10-08 Thread Melly Bag

Is the snake oil still out in the market?  Where did you buy it?

Coconut oil with a few drops of lavander oil is so effective for ear 
infections.  Put a few drops of the mix into the ear.  Plug entrance of ear 
with cotton to keep the oil from oozing out.  I've applied this on kids and 
overnight it is gone.


CS>Lead Crystals

2013-09-18 Thread Melly Bag
As far as i know, lead crystals should be soaked in vinegar for 24 hours before 
using to reduce presence of lead. 



CS>Setting for higher PPM

2013-09-09 Thread Melly Bag
Sorry, PT.  I was replying to the setting of the Silver Puppy for higher ppm.



2013-07-20 Thread Melly Bag
Virgin Coconut Oil gets rid of candida, but one has to take it long term.


CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #170

2013-06-12 Thread Melly Bag
My cousing uses Vaseline on her soles and covers with socks at bedtime.  She 
has the most beautiful soles.
There is a product which I use and works great, it is :  CALLEX
Ingredients:  petroleum USP, protease (Subtilisin), aminopeptides, and 
peppermint oil.
One has to cover feet with socks.  This is not as cheap as the Avon tube.  I 
have the 1.75 oz.  jar and only use a little.  It lasts long because when my 
feet recover I don't use it anymore, only when needed.

--- On Wed, 6/12/13, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 

From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2013 #170
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 11:16 AM

CS>CS for Leukemia

2013-05-07 Thread Melly Bag
Do you mind sharing how he did the protocol?  How many ppm?  Did he use home 
brewed CS?  How much did he take, and how many times a day?  Did he use DMSO 
prior to ingesting the CS?  How long did it take to turn around the leukemia?
I was under the impression leukemia is cured by chemo.  Now surely CS is better 
coz it will not have side effects.
If it cleans the blood, I suppose, it might clean other cancers too?  Pls. feel 
free to comment on my premise.
I really am interested.
Thanks in advance.
Forwarded Message: RE: CS>blood cancer

RE: CS>blood cancer
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 7:57 PM


"Rod Samuelson" 


yes and his white blood count is almost normal

From: Bob Banever [mailto:bbane...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 11:00 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>blood cancer
Is that the only therapy being used?


2013-04-20 Thread Melly Bag
The cause of my migraine a few years ago was bright lights hitting my eyes.  I 
always wore darkglasses.  Sun or light hitting shiny metal or car tints with 
sharp light reflection or the bright summer sun would cause me such horrible 
headaches that gets worse if I moved my head.
A brother in law was seeing docs and when he told me no one could find the 
cause, I told him to wear dark glasses.  Sure enough it went away when he used 
Lack of Vitamin D also causes headaches.


2013-04-15 Thread Melly Bag
I too am so saddened by this news.  I will surely miss her as she has been a 
great tutor to me.  She is/was so generous with her time, knowledge.  She even 
sent me a thornless cacti so I will not get pricked when I eat it.  she is such 
a wonderful person and am so grateful to her for everything she has taught me.
Love you Renee.


2013-04-09 Thread Melly Bag
4. Never physically remove them from the water while production is in process.
I only brew half a gallon at a time.  If I brew one gallon, I clean after 8 
hours and that's it.


CS>For Jane - nebulizing CS

2013-03-27 Thread Melly Bag
One oz of Pure 5ppm CS + 1/4 tsp msm - stir until dissolved.  You can divide it 
into three and give it to him 3 times a day using that divided dosage.  This is 
what DB gave his kids.  My husband often times just sit and nebulize the entire 
1 oz of CS with remarkable result.
Hope this helps.
I am not a doctor and we just experimented on this.  


2013-03-26 Thread Melly Bag
I nebulize 5-ppm CS (1 oz) and MSM (1/4 tsp) for my sinuses.  This formula is 
from DB.

CS>Stem Cell

2013-03-24 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you all for your replies to my question.
So it looks like stem cell would only be created if an electrode is inserted as 
Becker described.
If one takes CS with DMSO and the immediately use a mini PEMFT device, or high 
frequency violet ray, over an area that is to be treated, would this work like 
the Becker method?  How can one check if it did stimulte creation of stem cell?

CS>Stem Cell

2013-03-21 Thread Melly Bag
Does anyone know if taking colloidal silver/EIS orally will help make stem 

CS>Vitamins and Minerals

2013-03-12 Thread Melly Bag
I am just as forgetful as you are, maybe even worse.  I use pill boxes good for 
one week.  It has slots for AM (Breakfast), PM (lunch), Eve (dinner), bedtime  
(?).  This way i don't forget.  I have them on my dining table and yet i often 
forget to take them.  Hubby has a way of knowing if i took them or not by 
looking at my glass of water.  He would say, take your meds, your glass is 
still full.  LOL

CS>Vit E contraindication with Vit B - niacin

2013-03-09 Thread Melly Bag
I don't know.  What i did was take my tocopherol in the morning with COQ10 
(that combo becomes ubiquinol acc. to another article i've read) and all my B 
vitamins at lunch and the tocotrienol with Vit K2-K7 (mercola's) at night.  I 
felt better keeping vit Bs away from the Es.

CS>Magnesium Oil

2013-03-09 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks for your reply to my query.
Magnesium Oil:  In our experience when we were low in magnesium, the oil stung 
like hell.  When we took magnesium citrate and our level became normal, there 
was no longer any sting when we sprayed the mag oil.

CS>Vitamin E

2013-03-05 Thread Melly Bag
We take the vitamin E - Tocotrienol from annatto sold by AC Grace. 
Also please note TOCOTRIEnol and TOCOpherol are not to be mixed in one tablet 
or taken at the same time.  One cancels out the other.  We also take the AC 
Grace Tocopheral.
Both products of AC Grace do not combine the Tocotrienol and the Tocopherols.
Also please note Vitamin E is not to be combined with any B vitamin.
While taking E, you might want to take your COQ10 with it.  The difference 
between UBIQUINOL   and UBIQUINONE is the presence of Vitamin E in the 
UbiquiNOL.  And the price difference is big.
Vitamin K2 - K7 from Mercola is the best for  circulation/heart according to my 

CS>Liver Cleanse - Castor Oil Packs

2013-03-04 Thread Melly Bag
Hi PT,
How long does one do the castor oil pack in terms of days.  Also how many times 
a day does one have to apply it on the liver area and for how many hours.
You also suggested using frequencies, what method do you suggest for this?
I applied magnets yesterday on all my organs and sternum due to discomfort 
around my stomach on left side as well as gas.  Also took pancreas herbal tea 
last night.  Today, no pain.  I want to know more treatments so i can have them 
Many Thanks.


2013-02-22 Thread Melly Bag
Please read up on coconut oil and HIV.  Also there is a YouTube by Dr.Tent on 
how to cure viruses.  Among so many suggested alternative products, he has 
mentioned turmeric and andrographis paniculata.  Turmeric is to be taken with 
oil, so it is not a bad idea to add to the coconut oil and add a bit of black 
pepper.  There is  research that turmeric is more bioavailable as a while than 
isolated curcumin.
Hope you find some help with the above.

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #60

2013-02-20 Thread Melly Bag
Yes, PT.  I wrote about the eye discomfort.  The treatment with  Bio medici on 
the temple for eye and headache and super magnet on liver area.  Protocol works 
for both of them.  I just treated my sister in law.  She got rid of the 
horrible headache but she still has stings in the eyes and sometimes it 
triggers mild stings of headaches two.   I haven't been back to treat her more. 
 She was good for two days then it came back.

--- On Fri, 2/15/13, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 

From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2013 #60
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, February 15, 2013, 12:25 AM

CS>Coconut Oil

2013-02-06 Thread Melly Bag
I am just like you, can't stand the smell or taste of the vco.  For cooking we 
used wilderness' expeller pressed co but their is more expensive and the 
shipping cost is too high.  It is good you mentioned about TT having a no 
flavor no smell vco.  I will go to their website and check it out.
Take care.


2013-02-06 Thread Melly Bag
i remember selenium would get rid of blue skin, but would take time.

CS>Nebulizing CS

2013-01-28 Thread Melly Bag
AlterState had an article featuring some anecdotal accounts on the use of 
nebulizing CS.  It explained it gets to the lungs then to the blood and cells 
and kills the pathogens.  Some whose comments were featured were MDs.

CS>Smell in machines

2013-01-28 Thread Melly Bag
Most products from China uses glue that smell so bad, it could make you dizzy.
I bought a face brush from ebay and it had natural hair.  When i got it i 
washed it and to my surprise the dye turned my sink black and the smell of the 
glue came out.  Ikept washing and it took a lot of soap and water wash before 
the dye came off.  The smell remained for days until it dried.
Maybe i should not even use them anymore since most glues in CA are labeled 
"could cause cancer".

CS>Nebulizing CS

2013-01-26 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks Jim for your reply.  I will drop the MSM.  Is it still safe (for the 
lungs) to nebulize CS on a daily basis?

CS>Nebulizing CS

2013-01-25 Thread Melly Bag
I've been making my husband nebulize 2 oz CS with 1/4 tsp MSM every single day 
for the last three weeks due to the epedimics going around.  Many in his office 
are sick and coughing.  I would like your advice if it is safe to nebulize with 
MSM long term.  If it is not harmful i would like him to continue until flu, 
norovirus, etc. are over.
Thanks to you all.


2012-12-11 Thread Melly Bag
Hi Jane,
Oh dear, i made a mistake, sorry about that.  I didn't mean annatto, but the 
fermented natto that makes MK7 as part of Mercola's vitamin K2 which we use.
Annatto is indeed a food coloring and was found to be a great source of 
tocotrienol Vitamin E.
Thanks for the correction.
Take care.

CS>Vit D and K2

2012-12-10 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you Dee.  I do take the Mercola Vit K2 with MK7 from annato (fermented 
soy) in the morning and the D3 in the evening; so from now on, i will shift the 
D3 in the morning now.  This is wonderful info.  I missed that Mercola article 
on calcium and K2.

CS>Vitamin D

2012-12-07 Thread Melly Bag
We are not suppose to be taking calcium supplements due to arterial plaques.  
Do all vitamin D supplement contain calcium?  We take the Carlson Vit D, does 
anyone know if it has calcium?

CS>FDA Closures

2012-11-28 Thread Melly Bag
What i am afraid of is that this may be only the beginning, and eventually they 
will force all the others too.  They stopped rain-tree from importing.  Others 
import too.  They find excuses on imported goods being risky.

CS>Nebulizing CS with MSM

2012-11-28 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you very much for the measurements to use with the nebulizer.  
We do use EIS with one to three drops of DMSO and it works instantly.  At the 
very onset of symptom, we immediately use them.  I keep an ounce of both in my 
pocket book so we can use it anywhere whenever needed.


2012-11-27 Thread Melly Bag
Someone told me mixing a bit of MSM and  CS in nebulizer works fast even for 
pneumonia.  Maybe someone in the list can let us know the proportions to be 

CS>Rain-tree.com goodbye letter

2012-11-27 Thread Melly Bag
This is the second company giving notification they will fold up due to FDA 
interference.  Leslie Taylor is a well known herbalist.  This is truly sad. 
The Last Ever Raintree Nutrition Sales Coupon
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 5:21 PM


"Raintree Nutrition" Add sender to Contacts 

"Melly  tita_...@yahoo.com

We are sadden to inform you that Raintree Nutrition is going out of business. 
As many of you are aware, we have been prohibited by the FDA of importing our 
bulk plant materials in from the Amazon to manufacture our products over the 
last year. Between the additional high costs in meeting new GMP standards, the 
falling US dollar affecting our import prices, and battling the FDA over our 
website while still providing our customers with important factual information 
about our products, we simply cannot go on any longer. 

Hopefully by early next year, the Tropical Plant Database will be moved back 
onto the Raintree website and I will maintain the website for the wealth of 
information it has always provided for the last 16 years. I am gratified that 
we have done an excellent job in providing this service and encouraging 
competition because now many of the rainforest plants we've created markets for 
are available from other suppliers and companies. Once Raintree stops selling 
products, we will post our formulas on the website product pages so our 
customers can make their own formulas if they care to. The FDA may be able to 
stop us from selling products but they cannot stop us from providing factual 
information free of charge. If feasible, when I redesign the Raintree website, 
I will install message boards or discussion forums so you can finally share 
your experiences and results with these plants and formulas (that has been 
silenced by the FDA for all these years). So while
 the Raintree manufactured formulas might disappear, their legacy will live on 
and people around the world will continue to benefit from these incredible 
rainforest plants.

While we are out of inventory on many of our most popular products, beginning 
today, all remaining inventory will be available at a 15% discount, until 
inventory sells out. If you are wanting to make your own formulas after ours 
sells out, don't forget to order the bulk 1 pound packages of herbs while they 
last. This coupon goes into effect immediately. To activate the coupon, just 
follow this link: http://www.nexternal.com/raintree/?Coupon=final or go to our 
main product page at http://www.rain-tree.com/rtmprod.htm and the coupon will 
be activated automatically when you click on any "buy" button. 

We would like to sincerely thank you for your support of our company and 
mission over these many years. We would also like wish you a Merry Christmas 
and many happy new years to come.

Leslie Taylor and the dedicated staff of Raintree Nutrition.

Raintree Nutrition
3579 Hwy 50 East, Suite 222
Carson City, NV 89701
(800) 780-5902

CS>Bioavailability of Curcumin

2012-11-25 Thread Melly Bag
I was reading on a research report from NIH on Fenugreek for prostate cancer 
and in short it mentioned fenugreek and turmeric are better taken as a whole 
rather than isolating their beneficial component,
" This suggests that the whole product may have certain advantages over 
purified and isolated constituents of extracts. Some other studies too have 
shown the potent effects of whole extracts as opposed to individual components 
of the extracts [9, 10]. Curcumin - isolated from turmeric – is one example. 
Curcumin did not have the same ability to inhibit basal CYP1A1/1A2 enzymes in 
tissues of mice as did turmeric [11, 12]."
This is where i found it:  
Cancer Biol Ther. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 May 16.
Published in final edited form as:
Cancer Biol Ther. 2009 February; 8(3): 272–278. 
Published online 2009 February 18. 
PMCID: PMC3095649
Better to just buy by the pound and encapsulate the whole thing yourselves.  We 
use most of our herbs as tea.


2012-11-19 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you Olushola.

CS>Diabetic peripheral neuropathy

2012-11-18 Thread Melly Bag
Hi Mr. Bradley,
Would it be more beneficial to take the R-Alpha Lipoic form than the regular 
alpha lipoic acid?
Many thanks.


2012-11-11 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks Saralou.  

CS>For Saralou and Alan Jones

2012-11-09 Thread Melly Bag
Hi Saralou,
Thanks for another idea, but isn't 1/8 pretty strong for a cup of coffee?  
Looks like you did not have any side effects.  Did you take this daily?  How 
long have you been taking borax/boron?  Did you need to pulse? 

I am keeping you in my prayers.  
Peace in Christ,

CS>Vit C and Iodine

2012-11-07 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you Paul.
Thanks Dee and PT for straightening out my mistake.  Now i understand Vit 
C neutralizes iodine.  Will adjust timing of my intake of iodine to mid morning 

CS>Borax in water

2012-11-07 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you Saralou.  I was thinking of doingjust  that and it is so timely that 
you posted what you were doing.  Now i am more confident to follow your way of 
doing it.  Did you follow the measure of 1/8 tsp to a liter of water also?

CS>Water Filter - Boron for Pre-treated Water

2012-11-06 Thread Melly Bag
Hi Saralou,
Did you make the boron sit in the water for a time before filtering?

CS>Iodine - Vit C

2012-11-06 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks Chuck.  So i will now have to shift my taking the iodine to noon time.  
I take the Vit C at night since it is a chelator also from what i learned.

CS>Knox Gelatin

2012-11-05 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you Sol.  There is no way of knowing which was made of bovine or porcine 
cartillage, i think i'll pass on that one.  I eat the chicken cartillage though.

CS>Storing Water

2012-11-05 Thread Melly Bag
Maybe it is time to buy a non-electric water distiller, then preserve DW with 
EIS.  Ebay has some good ones like the one Dee posted at one time.  It looks 
real nice SS made in China.  Even the more expensive brand names are also made 
in China.   So, why not, this unit can be used to steam distill plants/flowers 
too.  Killing two birds with one stone.

CS>Vitamin C

2012-11-05 Thread Melly Bag
How much is the megadosing of the Vit C, please?  Is it true that vitamin C has 
a half life of half an hour?  If so, can it allow users to supplement with 
iodine without the Iodine being cancelled out by C?
BTW, knox gelatin is made from bovine cartillage.  I always wondered if it may 
carry the mad cow disease. 

CS>Nail Hardener

2012-11-04 Thread Melly Bag
After i have purchased from ebay this morning i see the long list of 
ingredients.  Sigh...i should have waited.  Others ingredients i can accept, 
however, why formaldehyde?

CS>Nail hardner posted by Donna

2012-11-04 Thread Melly Bag
It is also available from ebay and total cost for a small one is less than 
US$18.  I bought it here because it is quoted in US$ and shipping cost was 

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2012 #410

2012-11-02 Thread Melly Bag
I try to avoid DMSO and any oil that are pretty drying  because my nails are 
already brittle and dry.
I do have turpentine and clove too, but not too sure i want to use them.  
Turpentine is drying.  Clove is to be used with utmost care.  It is pretty 
strong too.
I think another cause could be the dish detergents.  We changed, i now boil 
soap nuts then  put borax , baking soda, vinegar and H2O2 in our dishwashing 
solution. It is strong for the hands.  I know i should wear gloves, but i keep 
forgetting too and it is so cumbersome to wash with gloves.

--- On Fri, 11/2/12, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 

From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2012 #410
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, November 2, 2012, 7:31 PM

CS>Toe Nail FUngus

2012-11-02 Thread Melly Bag
I don't know the cause.  Some say fungal infection and yet some say lack of 
vitamin B.
I took B complex, did not work, took biotin, did not work either. It did 
improve on the TeaTree + Jojoba oil.
It used to be just on my right thumb, but now it looks my hands' fingers and 
toenails are having  vertical lines as well.  Could it possibly be dehydratin 
as well, i don't know.
I have to get back on using tea tree and jojoba again.

CS>Nail Fungus

2012-11-02 Thread Melly Bag
All i can say is that when i applied the combo of tea tree oil and jojoba oil, 
i saw it disappear, so it was absorbed, after a few minutes.  My nails had 
improved.  Had i not forgotten to continue treatment, i am sure it would have 
healed nicely.
I stopped using nail polish as most in the market now have toulene.  
Terpentenes are so drying, if the nails are dry all the more it would crack if  
you use terp.
I tried coconut oil without any other oil as it is touted as antifungal and no 
Another thing, it is easier to penetrate the skin than the nail.  As i 
originally said jojoba is very thin, it could penetrate the nail.
In my experience, if i make cream with beeswax, the wax stays visible on top of 
the skin while vco is absorbed  by skin.

How about tea tree?

tea tree contains several terpenoids of which terpinen-4-ol shows a favorable 
skin penetration. One study starts out saying this;

Since its introduction, transdermal drug delivery has promised much but, in 
some respects has still to deliver on that initial promise, due to inherent 
limitations imposed by the percutaneous route. The greatest obstacle for 
transdermal delivery is the barrier property of the stratum corneum. Many 
approaches have been employed to breach the skin barrier, of which, the most 
widely used one is that of chemical penetration enhancers. Of the penetration 
enhancers, terpenes are arguably the most highly advanced and proven category 
and are classified as generally regarded as safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug 

Terpenes are included in the list of Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) 
substances and have low irritancy potential. Their mechanism of percutaneous 
permeation enhancement involves increasing the solubility of drugs in skin 
lipids, disruption of lipid/protein organization and/or extraction of skin 
micro constituents that are responsible for maintenance of barrier status. 
Hence, they appear to offer great promise for use in transdermal formulations. 
This article is aimed at reviewing the mechanisms responsible for percutaneous 
permeation enhancement activity of terpenes, which shall foster their rational 
use in transdermal formulations.

The thing about tea tree however is that it will likely evaporate before 
significant penetration occurs. Use of an occlusion method may therefor 
increase its therapeutic action. Perhaps jojoba or coconut would retard the 
evaporation and perhaps increase the penetration by other means. It is said 
that jojoba is more like a wax than an oil. An ointment made with bees wax 
might increase the occlusion and reduce evaporation rate even further. Coconut 
has anti fungal properties and so a combination of coconut, bees wax, oregano 
and tea tree might be good. 

Another study on transdermal drug delivery found that of lemon grass oil, 
eucalyptus, menthol and clove, that clove oil had the highest penetration 
enhancement. Since clove is also antibiotic, it could be useful. Perhaps clove, 
or any combination of clove, oregano, tea tree incorporated into a bees wax 
base with the viscosity controlled by coconut and or jojoba oil could make a 
useful ointment. This is what I do and it seems effective for many skin 
problems although I havent tried it on nail infections

There are medicated nail lacquers that are said to be effective with minimal 
side effects. One could just go with it, or try to make their own by using tee 
trea, clove, oregano and some kind of lacquer. The constant exposure and 
diffusion of the actives is the benefit of the lacquer, so this could have some 

CS>Nail Fungus

2012-11-01 Thread Melly Bag
As i mentioned in my post, the jojoba oil is a very thin oil that can easily 
penetrate the nails.  This is why you dilute it 50-50.  DMSO only carries 
anything lower than 1000 daltons.
The tea tree oil and most other oils you mentioned are essential oils, not 
carrier oils.

CS>Toenail Fungus

2012-10-31 Thread Melly Bag
Tea Tree Oil should be good for fungus IF you use a carrier oil.  From the post 
i read the best carrier oil to use is Jojoba Oil because it is very thin and 
can get through the nails.  I did use it on my very brittle cracked nails on my 
hands and it seems to help, the problem is i kept forgetting to apply regularly.


2012-10-31 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you so much for this information.  I am now comfortable to use the 
Lekithos sunflower lecithin.
That is truly a very helpful information.
Take care.


2012-10-27 Thread Melly Bag
Will be praying hard that all lives be spared and properties safe as Hurricane 
Sandy passes to say hello and remind us all we are not really the ones IN 
Take care.

CS>Non-stick pans

2012-10-23 Thread Melly Bag
During the olden times, my grandmother used to rub salt on her frying pan so 
food wouldn't stick.
When i use vision or corningware's pyroceram cookware, or stainless steel 
frying pan, I add a paper thin slice of butter to my cooking oil and my food 
never sticks.  Always worked.  You don't need a lot of butter to make it work.


2012-10-15 Thread Melly Bag
Of course you are right, i made a mistake of saying Ph meter.  So do you put 
the PWT into the solution, or do you get some out of it and measure from the 
Thanks for your reply on long storage of EIS.


2012-10-12 Thread Melly Bag
If brewed EIS has been in storage for a while and some sediments fell to the 
bottom, is that still ok to ingest/use?

CS>PH measurement

2012-10-11 Thread Melly Bag
Hi All,
When you measure the PPM of your EIS solution, do you dip the ph meter into the 
whole jar, or do you take some into another glass and measure from there?  Is 
there any chemical in the ph meter?

CS>For Mr. Brooks Bradley

2012-10-01 Thread Melly Bag
Dear Mr. Bradley,
Thank you so much for your advice and concern towards my weak ankles.  Yes, i 
will purchase
the knee-length compression stockings as you have suggested.
Take care and more power and good health to you.

CS>For Sol

2012-10-01 Thread Melly Bag
50-50 CS and Swedish Bitters (i make one cup)  then add a dropperful or two of 
DMSO.  DMSO works even if you just put one drop.   I've done this when taking 
CS, one ounce and one drop of DMSO and it works pretty well.
Take care.

CS>Injured foot of Sol

2012-09-30 Thread Melly Bag
When i get injured i put CS/Swedish Bitters/DMSO and overnight swelling 
subsides, wound heals very fast too.  This mix is great for bruises.  I twice 
had thromboembolism on my feet and i applied this mix on top of the  black 
walnut-sized bruise with hard swelling and in 5 minutes or less the bruise went 
away as well as the swelling.  I keep a mix in a bottle so whenever i need it 
is ready to be used.

CS>Doorway exercise

2012-09-28 Thread Melly Bag
My chiro also instructed me to do this.  Good for shoulder and spine as well as 
lymph nodes.  Problem, is i have weak ankles.
On 9/26/2012 12:00 AM, sol wrote:
> That is the method I use too.
> sol
> Bruce Anderson wrote:
>> How 'bout the one I use? Stand in a doorway, hold on if you like, raise up 
>> on your toes and drop gently back to the floor with your heels. Talk about 
>> cheap! Even I can afford it.
>> Bruce A

CS>Nasal Wash/CS-EIS with Salt

2012-09-02 Thread Melly Bag
Tony Mood,
Many thanks for sharing your nasal wash protocol. Yesterday, out of 
desperation, i boiled dried chapparal in distilled water.  I saw some thin film 
on top of the water.   I strained the liquid and used it as nasal wash after 
adding the Neil baking soda/sea  salt powder.  No sting, but that chapparal 
went to the top of my head (just like strong wasabi) all the way down to my 
nape and stayed there for a long time.  I had "herx" of expelling mucous and 
sneezing and blowing my nose, as well as cough all day.    Hubby  chopped onion 
and placed it in a bowl beside me.  I woke feeling a lot better today, but 
still herxing but more milder now.


CS>Mixing Salt and CS/EIS

2012-08-31 Thread Melly Bag
I thought it is not good to mix salt and CS/EIS as it becomes silver chloride.  
Someone/experts please confirm this.  CS/EIS truly stings when sprayed inside 


CS>Oregano Oil

2012-08-22 Thread Melly Bag
We buy our oregano oil from "Won with Nature" which used wild mountain orgegano 
and has 83% carvacol with olive oil.  We use it in half a glass of water 
together with Black cumin seed oil and olive leaf extract.  This mixture works 
all the time and pretty fast.

CS>Vitamin C

2012-08-06 Thread Melly Bag
We make salad dressings and always top it with grated lemon peel including 
white pulp on top it.  Makes salad tastier.  I hope fresh lemon peel works just 
as the dried ones.


2012-08-06 Thread Melly Bag
I do eat food with arginine but very limited intake.  Cashew is one big culprit 
for me as well as almond.  i can take pistachio but an ounce in a day only.  
If  you google foods with arginine you will find a list of foods containing it.
I haven't had an outbreak of my cold sore since i treated it with 
micro-electricity gadget and combination of 50-50 CS and Swedish Bitters and to 
it  I then added an eye dropperful of DMSO then i added an eye dropper of 
tincture (using DMSO)  of black walnut hull.  Once i feel the itch i put that 
mix and it disappears.  See if this can help you also.  Just buy the smallest 
Swedish Bitters from Swanson as that is from Germany.  Don't even think of 
drinking the  mix - swedish bitters has senna and that raises blood pressure.

CS>Brooks Bradley Mix

2012-08-06 Thread Melly Bag
Hi All,
I am a user of the Brooks Bradley Mix and love it.  
I have a question, i am thinking of adding a bit of urea and allantoin, does 
anyone know if this would be safe taking into account that DMSO brings 
everything even up to the brain?  How much of each should i put?
Many thanks for any advice you can give.


2012-08-06 Thread Melly Bag
Aside from taking L-lysine, try to avoid foods/seeds/nuts/veggies that are high 
in arginine.  For some reason arginine triggers an outbreak of herpes and it 
might do the same for shingles.


2012-07-29 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks again Lena.  
I also do take DMSO and sometimes i put in a drop to a dropper of DMSO.  I 
normally only take one to two ounces but for cystitis, i take that amount every 
20-30 minutes then drink lots of cold water.  In a matter of around 4 hours it 
suddenly stopped.   Those four hours was like eternity when one is in pain.
Take care.


2012-07-28 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you for posting Marc's reply to my question.  I am grateful for this new 
Take care.

CS>Silver + DMSO

2012-07-27 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks Lena. 
I am now also wondering, since DMSO crosses the blood brain barrier, if  we mix 
it with EIS/CS, is there a possibility of some of the EIS/CS being stuck in the 
brain?  Is there also a possibility of this if we use CS/MSM?


2012-07-24 Thread Melly Bag
i wonder if DMSO plus CS under the tongue would have better effect than MSM & 

CS>Anti Radiation Herb

2012-07-23 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks so much for reminding me about the use of Iodine.  I use Iodoral, one 
tablet every other day.  Sometimes, if there is news of radiation coming from 
Fuku then i take it everyday for around two weeks.  I do take Kelp and miso, 
but seldom.  I also drink moringa tea everyday and it does contain a bit of 
Maybe if there is solar flare, i will take iodine also.
Take care.

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2012 #287

2012-07-23 Thread Melly Bag

--- On Mon, 7/23/12, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 

From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2012 #287
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Date: Monday, July 23, 2012, 5:27 PM

Thanks for posting your post MRI experience.
I was told by my ENT to have an MRI of my sinus system. When i went for it, i 
told the technician to test me for any kind of allergy before administering any 
dye.  He said, no, and told me to go back to my doctor and advised me to ask 
for allergy pills before having the MRI.  My ENT would not give me the allergy 
pills.  So up until now, i still have not had the MRI.
Maybe what you experienced is just an allergy.  Try drinking lots of good water.


CS>Anti radiation herb

2012-07-20 Thread Melly Bag
Herb Robert (Geranium Robertianum) is known as anti radiation herb.  It removes 
radiation from ground and neighboring plants where it is planted and yet, when 
they tested HR, it did not have radiation.
I used to buy cut leaves of it, now most vendors disappeared, and those that 
used to sell cut leaves now only in sell powder form, and wished me luck if i 
find cut leaves.  I bought seeds and am now growing them in pots inside the 
My question is, does Coronal Mass Ejection contain radiation?  Can Herb 
Robert be used as antidote for  Coronal Mass Ejection physical effects?

CS>Petition to Stop Monsanto Rider

2012-07-16 Thread Melly Bag
I just signed it too.  Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
From: Nenah Sylver 
To: Nenah Sylver  
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 12:47 PM
Subject: CS>please sign petition: Monsanto's latest attack

A so-called "Monsanto rider," quietly slipped into the multi-billion dollar FY 
2013 Agricultural Appropriations bill, would require—not just allow, but 
require—the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a temporary permit for the 
planting or cultivation of a genetically engineered crop, even if a federal 
court has ordered the planting be halted until an Environmental Impact 
Statement is completed. 
That's why a petition on SignOn.org to the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. 
Senate, and President Barack Obama was created, which says:
Stop the Monsanto rider. Unless the Senate or a citizen's army of farmers and 
consumers can stop them, the House of Representatives is likely to ram this 
dangerous rider through any day now.
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your 

CS>Silver Puppy

2012-07-16 Thread Melly Bag
Thank you for your reply.  I continued to brew  until this morning and got 15.5 
ppm less 1.5 ppm of distilled water, so i got 14 ppm for an overnight brew of 
one gallon.
Take care,

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