Re: CS>Globalist's Covid-Crime Against Humanity

2021-10-05 Thread S Khanna
 Very encouraging!
On Sunday, October 3, 2021, 10:43:02 AM PDT, Ed  wrote:
 --The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Rules 
and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.orgUnsubscribe: Archives: 
discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour   

Re: CS>

2021-09-23 Thread S Khanna
 LOL!  Oh, thanks, I needed a laugh!
On Thursday, September 23, 2021, 11:32:53 AM PDT, pal joey 
 One time my son swallowed a quarter,  and I called a doctor, asked what should 
I do? He said, push his nose, see if you get 2 dimes and a nickel. Now my son 
lives in Las Vegas,  I wonder.  

Re: CS>UK UNDERTAKER -- he was "ACTIVIATED" to bury/burn Covid victims first in Nov-Dec 2019

2021-09-18 Thread S Khanna
 Just watch this on youtube if it hasn't been taken down:  "A thousand doctors 
suing the WHO!"It's more like 10,000, they're saying, backed by I don't know 
how many lawyers.
And for help you can go to
I know I wouldn't risk a good professional career on something I wasn't pretty 
convinced of and I suspect, neither would any of them.
On Saturday, September 18, 2021, 02:17:14 AM PDT, Diane Mackey 
 I watched this earlier tonight and he confirmed everything I have believed 
since the beginning.  When he spoke of children becoming sterile, but we won't 
see it for about 10 years, I was floored.  We have to fight this and save the 
children from the jab!

On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 4:48 AM Douglas Haack  wrote:

This is almost UNBELIEVEABLE -- I have the feeling this is real and TRUTHFUL . 
. . . 

They got in early and practiced killing the AGED in UK CARE HOMES -- without 
doctors in attendance to sign death Certificates . . . 

This guy is a HERO and he knows he's in danger . . . 

MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid

|  |  |


|  | 
MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid

Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services John O'Looney's 
direct email:




Re: CS>Our First Hand ICU Story - What is ACTUALLY Killing People In The Hospital

2021-08-11 Thread S Khanna
 Thanks so much for that!  Very helpful info to know.
On Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 02:10:34 AM PDT, Tony Moody 
Cross post, 
Thanks TJ for the info. 
This info should have been out at the very beginning. We would have had fewer 
unnecessary deaths.
  Forwarded Message  
| Subject:  | CS>Our First Hand ICU Story - What is ACTUALLY Killing People In 
The Hospital |
| Resent-Date:  | Tue, 10 Aug 2021 20:45:17 -0700 (PDT) |
| Resent-From:  | |
| Date:  | Tue, 10 Aug 2021 23:45:14 -0400 |
| From:  | T. J. Garland  |
 The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.  Louis Pasteur

Re: CS>Re: CS>Virologists Report Poor Man’s Amino Acid Cure for Covid-19 Would Abolish Need for Vaccines - LewRockwell

2021-02-19 Thread S Khanna
 Diane,What form of lysine did you use and where did you get it?
On Thursday, February 18, 2021, 07:08:11 AM PST, Diane Mackey 
 I have used Lysine in the past for chronic cold sores and one bottle was all I 
needed and they have never returned and that was over 40 years ago!  I gift it 
to anyone I see with cold sores because it works and is so cheap!  This article 
makes complete sense to me and I'll make sure I keep a few bottles on hand if I 
get symptoms.  Thanks so much for the article!
On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 8:33 AM Robert Banever  wrote:


-Original Message-
From: Gmail 
Sent: Feb 18, 2021 4:42 AM
To:, Robert Dotson , Richard Esparza ,, Carol Bridge , Jim Campbell , Ben Cupp , Kevin Desmond , 
Stanley Beckner , Andrew Garland , Eddie Terry , Byrge Lynn , Joyce Lee , 
Jolynn Quillen , Elisabeth Winkler , Neal Weegens 
Subject: CS>=?utf-8?Q?Virologists_Report_Poor_Man=E2=80=99s_Amino_Acid_Cure_?= 
for Covid-19 Would Abolish Need for Vaccines - LewRockwell

   - The brutal reality is that the dollar was worth 1/40th ounce of gold fifty 
years ago and now is worth 1/1,900th ounce of gold. Someday, perhaps soon, it 
will be worth 1/10,000th ounce of gold.

--The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Rules 
and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.orgUnsubscribe: Archives: 
discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>hydroxychloroquine

2021-02-08 Thread S Khanna
 Hi Patricia,
I don't know about Hydroxychloroquine as a preventative, but we have friends in 
India who had a family memberaged 94, who was hospitalized with the virus.  
Five days and five injections of H chloroquine later, she wasfine.
On Monday, February 8, 2021, 10:04:45 AM PST, pc  
 Do any of you have an opinion on taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative 
for Covid ?  or Ivermectin ?  is one better than the other ?  I keep reading 
conflicting info... seems like early on we were getting incorrect reports.  
Should we take anything other than silver... I dunno.. In my area - there is a 
lot of Covid.  I'm only out to Sprouts.  Everything else is pick up or 
delivery.  You just never know who is a carrier.    Patricia   

Re: CS>Carol Tierney | Facebook

2021-01-04 Thread S Khanna
 That was enlightening, but I'm not really surprised.
 On Monday, January 4, 2021, 05:52:11 AM PST, MaryAnn Helland 
  Wow.  I'm beginning to hear/read things like this in a variety of places.  
I'm also beginning to think there might be some credibility to it.MA
On Sunday, January 3, 2021, 06:18:49 PM CST, Gmail  

All warfare is based on deception. - Sun Tzu

Re: CS>Antiparasitic-drug-Ivermectin-kills-coronavirus-in-48-hours.aspx

2021-01-02 Thread S Khanna
 Thank you! A friend told me last week she has two friends who recovered (one 
was at death's door) in 4 days using Ivermectin.

 On Saturday, January 2, 2021, 05:55:53 AM PST, Robert Banever 
Excellent link.  Thank you.  To further expand on the use of Ivermectin this is 
a link to America's Frontline Doctors Critical Care Alliance and their peer 
reviewed protocol using Ivermectin.

-Original Message-
From: Douglas Haack 
Sent: Dec 29, 2020 11:02 PM
To: Kym Borrett 
Subject: CS>Antiparasitic-drug-Ivermectin-kills-coronavirus-in-48-hours.aspx
 --The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Rules 
and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.orgUnsubscribe: Archives: 
discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour   

Re: CS>Was: Lew Rockwell, Is: V's post that expanded information is important

2020-12-21 Thread S Khanna
 I think that should keep everyone happy. :)

 On Monday, December 21, 2020, 09:44:59 AM PST, Nenah Sylver 
V wrote: I disagree with limiting information that is vital to us all. The 
political situation has ramifications for us all and for shuttering use of 
colloidal silver and other remedies. Having said that we all need to back up 
our statements with decent links. Which will not of necessity all fall under 
today's bought and paid for so called fact checkers. If a person simply takes a 
look and puts some questionable info to the side and drop excessive pride and 
in humility stay the course of examining a lot of information and yes there is 
a lot and it requires reading and focus and humility to be ready to examine 
long held and emotional responses, then eventually there is much gained in 
figuring out who we are and what has happened, where we are going versus where 
we should be going. If we limit what can be said anywhere how do we make better 
decisions. The presuppositions we are basing our knowledge on need all to be 
examined right from where you believe we came from. We all need to grow up and 
if any of us cant handle or simply dont agree we have many basic problems to 
examine then skip past. Just my two cents. 



You covered so many points in that one paragraph! All of the points you brought 
up are very wise. They make a great deal of sense to me. There is too much 
going on in the world for us to ignore at this point.


However . . . to assist those who don't want to read about any issues except 
those concretely and directly related to specific health conditions: Perhaps we 
could put "OT" in the header. This stands for "off topic." (It's not OT to us, 
but it's OT to them.) What do you think?


Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition 


NEW Etsy Shop: Earth Riches

Handmade, one-of-a-kind jewelry

of semi-precious stones from the Earth

plus rare and unique vintage items 


Re: CS>Colloidal silver removed from all Whole Foods stores...

2020-08-05 Thread S Khanna
 Not surprised. From time to time, things get targeted. I remember when garlic 
was! Kyolic was taken off the shelves. They never

I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said "The price of freedom is eternal 

 On Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 04:37:46 AM PDT, Neville Munn 
  #yiv5125331773 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}I wish a TRUE researcher 
could fund his/her own research on our product, the home made product, he/she 
would be a gadzilliianaire overnight.
From: Deborah Gerard 
Sent: Wednesday, 5 August 2020 7:00 PM
To: Silver-List 
Subject: CS>Colloidal silver removed from all Whole Foods stores... Colloidal 
Silver Removed from All WFWhole Foods has officially removed all colloidal 
silver based products from their store shelves and online search products. Step 
by step we are seeing a direct campaign to remove colloidal silver at every 
turn. The concerted campaign against colloidal silver started immediately upon 
the COVID-19 pandemic. Surely it is not hard to read between the lines at this 
point. Spread this news to your family and friends who have been skeptical 
about colloidal silver and remind them it may be sooner than expected that 
colloidal silver will be an outlawed element of nature. We soon expect Amazon, 
GNC, Vitamin Shoppe and similar retail outlets to be targeted and will continue 
to keep you informed as of the latest news concerning colloidal silver and the 
agenda to remove it from the general 


Re: CS>Moderating

2020-07-03 Thread S Khanna
 I agree Reid, it's great to make a difference in someone's life, no matter how 
small a difference!
I purchased a low level cold laser about 3 years ago. One of my molars got an 
abscess during this pandemic and, after failing
with antibiotics, both herbal and conventional, I remembered the laser and 
applied the 780 nm diode. Healed the abscess!

Great sharing info on this list.

Sally On Friday, July 3, 2020, 12:58:16 AM PDT, Reid Harvey 
 If it's okay to talk about others of the so-called alternatives I'd like to 
ask that we recall the ones such as BE - Blood Electrification. ...sounds 
scaredy but such a tiny current.  I seem to recall a time when Mike told us 
such discussion is acceptable;  something to the effect that this is called 
'the Silverlist' simply because this 'alternative' is perhaps the most 
Back then there was a lot of discussion here about placing two gauze-wrapped 
electrodes on either side of the big artery at ones wrist;  that the electrons 
(if I remember correctly) flow through the bloodstream, killing/disabling 
microbes along their merry way.
What I've totally forgotten (while fending off a wide array of disappointments) 
is the amount of the current and some other such details.  And I wish I could 
recall exactly how I helped a friend save an infected tooth.  He was so afraid 
the dentist would feel compelled to pull it.  
I only recall very roughly, that for two days he would run across his tooth 
ever 20 minutes, whatever that tiny current was.  And was it for a minute or 
two?  What I do remember is his joy and gladness when the infection 
disappeared.  And isn't such remembrance a sign that people such as us have 
essential 'work' to do.  Aren't we here to make joyous contribution to 
creation? (...fending off ...along our merry way... the many disappointments.)
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020, 8:38 PM  wrote:

I must be totally weird but I LOVE OT.  lol... as long as it is about 
alternatives.  Yes, the
occasional political statement/observation makes it's way into the conversation 
but it rarely lasts very long and once in a while it really, really is 
pertinent..  What does your momma say?  Don't talk religion or politics 
socially. It is amazing the things I have picked up from various members in 
various groups andtheir willingness to share their experiences.  As a three 
time cancer survivor, my eyesare always open and my ear to the ground, eagerly 
waiting to hear about the latest researchand/or findings.  And I do like 
alternatives that have some solid science behind thembecause it is the wild, 
wild west 'out there' and you have to be careful, smart and alwaysdo your due 
diligence and homework. Lola
- Original Message -
From: Neville Munn 
Sent: Wed, 01 Jul 2020 22:55:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Moderating

I agree, this IS a knowledgeable group, at least we get the 'right' information 
by and large.  What concerns me the most in 2020 is that eventually we will 
disappear, one by one, by natural attrition, and I don't mean to sound morbid, 
but that's just a fact
 of life unfortunately.  Where is this List going to go then?  Some formats may 
look fancy, but the content leaves a little to be desired from my experience.

In my opinion, I would not change this email format, this way it keeps a lot of 
'undesirables' out, and it's worked well from my years of involvement in this 
Group.  For me it's not about a 'numbers' game or members, it's more about 
getting "factual" information.
  Those who wish to learn about Silver will find this place, just as I did 
years ago.

Sorry, I forgot to get my coat when I left before. 


From: S Khanna 
Sent: Thursday, 2 July 2020 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Moderating Agreed, MaryAnn. I had written and sent a note a few 
days ago, but it hasn't yet shown up in my inbox, so I guess it got lost.

I was saying that I have been on this list a long time also and have really 
appreciated sharing issues related to health, colloidal silver and

other forms of medicine and modalities. This is a knowledgeable group. OT 
really doesn't bother me; we can label it so and then it can be deleted by 
those not wanting to read a particular message.

Or, I am also open to switching to IO.




Re: CS>Moderating

2020-07-01 Thread S Khanna
 Agreed, MaryAnn. I had written and sent a note a few days ago, but it hasn't 
yet shown up in my inbox, so I guess it got lost. 

I was saying that I have been on this list a long time also and have really 
appreciated sharing issues related to health, colloidal silver and 
other forms of medicine and modalities. This is a knowledgeable group. OT 
really doesn't bother me; we can label it so and then it can be deleted by 
those not wanting to read a particular message. 

Or, I am also open to switching to IO.

 On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 06:13:52 PM PDT, MaryAnn Helland 
  I'm afraid that social media isn't too welcoming to alternate groups.  So I'm 
afraid that if we all head off there, we'll be *stifled*.  I understand people 
who are coming here for information about Colloidal Silver being unhappy with 
non-Colloidal-Silver-conversation.  But all they have to do is ask questions, 
and this list will be right back on track.  Life is diverse.  Filled with 
things we both agree with don't.  As adults, we deal with that.  I agree with 
Neville -- I don't see a problem here.  If it makes people happy -- we can 
title the subject line *OT* when the topic isn't CS.  That way, people who 
aren't interested can just pass it by.
One other thing -- Nenah has been part of this list for a very long time.  
She's not a *hawker*.  I appreciate her knowledge, and her willingness to share 
Lighten up people.  Life is short.  And sometimes very difficult, as we've all 
discovered these past few months.  Let's not be so rigid -- let's be open to 
ideas that aren't our own -- let's allow others the privilege of sharing things 
that are important to them.
I do miss Mike terribly.  He was a voice of reason and a kind human being.  I 
hope he's ok.MA
P.S.  I belong to a couple of groups that have migrated to IO -- it's a great 
platform, and operates the way that Yahoogroups used to.  So I'm very ok with 
switching to that if everyone wants to.  Tony -- thank you for taking the 
trouble to set it all up.
On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 07:34:01 PM CDT, Mk Grimm  
 Yea would hate to see this list dies off.
Perhaps this list should also have its own channel on each of the social media 
platform to generate more audience for CS awareness. And within each of the 
social media platform account for this CS list, can link back here to this 
list. CS is a powerful and super cheap alternative medicine that far more 
people should be aware of especially during this time and our unknown future.
On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 5:23 PM Neville Munn  wrote:

If people take a look at the Internet today, in the print medium, on the TV, in 
their mailbox at home, everywhere you go today, they are bombarded with rubbish 
Advertising etc blah blah, all they do is either have patience, stop buying the 
print medium, turn the TV off, and add "No Junk Mail" in their home mailbox, 
and then go on to what they want to see or hear.  It's the world of Internet, 
so, if they can deal with that rubbish, then surely they can do it in the same 
way on here.  I don't see a problem.  If one wishes not to read something, then 
just ignore it and delete it in the same way they have dealing with it for a 
decade or more.
Frankly, I don't see an issue if OT stuff was here as well as Silver.  I can 
deal with it in the same way I deal with it any other Social Platform, I can 
take it or leave it, my choice, it's simply one button to push to delete 
My opinion is, this List will probably die a natural death when most of us on 
here die out.  No disrespect or whatever, but that's how I see it.  We can 
already see that the List goes quite quiet from time to time, there is only so 
much which can be known, (if you get my drift), then it's the next generation 
which will have to hold the torch and carry it on.  If you want to keep this 
List alive, then I reckon it should be joined with the OT stuff.  Like I said, 
people can participate or take it or leave it, their choice.
This Silver List was created way before I joined, but over the years I think 
the best way to keep this alive is to allow a different direction.
My opinion...I'll put my hat on and leave now. 

Re: CS>How this group is (not) being run

2020-06-29 Thread S Khanna
 I have been on this list for many years, since before Mike Devour abandoned 

While it is a list for discussing colloidal silver, I saw and appreciated very 
much some of the "off topic" things that were discussed. I found many members 
had knowledge that was of help in many health-related issues.

Usually, the OT initials keyed me in, so that I could simply delete it if I 

So my point is, why not just continue, or send an OT message and then we can 
discuss it elsewhere if it offends?

 On Monday, June 29, 2020, 06:55:56 AM PDT, Cyndiann Phillips 
 And none of that addresses conspiracy theories which have no place here.

|  | Virus-free.  |

On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 6:11 AM Nenah Sylver  wrote:

I do agree that there should be an "off topic" section for people who aren't 
directly discussing colloidal silver. It's understandable that during these 
recent months of extraordinary and unusual circumstances, some of us would veer 
from a CS-only discussion. However, for those who signed on to this egroup 
solely to discuss colloidal silver, I can understand their frustration at not 
receiving posts that are relevant to them. 


Mike Devour abandoned this group years ago, leaving it without a moderator. 
After that--and this is from my memory of awhile back, so I might be missing 
some details or mis-remembering--some members got in touch with him and asked 
him to either return to moderate, or else give them control of the group so 
they could moderate the group themselves. That request was not met. (If anyone 
has something to add or correct, please do so.)


This leaves the group without moderation, and without a way to ban or remove 


So my question is, how do we fix this? Moving the group so it can be moderated 
is very likely going to cost money. Are members willing to pay for that 
privilege? If so, how much money? (This leads me to the question, *who* is 
paying for the group now? Because is a server, and servers cost 


If the majority of people don't want to donate funds, is there any way to 
separate off-topic people from on-topic people, cyber-wise? Or must we simply 
put "OT" in the subject line so people who don't want to see those posts can 
simply delete them? Of course, the subject line itself generally gives a clue, 
but I *can* understand someone not wanting to have their Inbox cluttered with 
what they consider irrelevant information.


So . . . any suggestions (made in a civil tone)?


Nenah Sylver, PhD


author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:

an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases 

NEW 5th Edition  


NEW! See my EarthRiches Etsy shop: 

Beautiful, handmade, one-of-a-kind items from

semiprecious stones for healing and enrichment


|  | Virus-free.  |


Re: CS>Essential Oils

2020-06-26 Thread S Khanna
 You can get a lot of info from Essential Oil University. I don't know about 
what brands are best, though.

 On Friday, June 26, 2020, 08:30:04 AM PDT, MaryAnn Helland 
  Thanks Lynn -- I'll check her out!MA
On Friday, June 26, 2020, 10:03:33 AM CDT, Lynn Greene 
 Hi MaryAnn:
Yes. A newer essential oil supplier is at The owner/producer’s name is 
Cher. She is scrupulous about sourcing from the very best sources, such as 
Bulgarian rose and different varieties of frankincense, and personalized 
organic perfumes, and lotions. She has a FB page and website, too.Fast 
shipping, as well.Lynn

On Jun 26, 2020, at 6:35 AM, MaryAnn Helland  wrote:
Hi all.  My essential oil supplier is closing up shop -- and I need a new 
source of supply.  I'm familiar with DoTerra and Young Living, and prefer to 
avoid those.  Can anyone make a recommendation for a quality company with a 
good reputation for undiluted oils?  I'm specifically looking for Frankincense. 

Re: CS>Landmark lawsuit: Fluoride Action Network is suing the EPA

2020-06-19 Thread S Khanna
 This is great news. It's about time.
 On Thursday, June 18, 2020, 06:11:26 PM PDT, Nenah Sylver 
In the midst of all this upheaval, I have some good news. The Fluoride Action 
Network is suing the US Environmental Protection Agency for putting fluoride in 
this country's drinking water when not only has fluoride not been proven safe, 
but there are many studies showing its harm--including the fact that fluoride 
substantially lowers the IQ of children. There are wonderful scientists giving 
expert testimony.


Here is the video link to the interview on the fluoride lawsuit: 


To see more on the trial, see




Nenah Sylver, PhD


author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:

an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases 

NEW 5th Edition  


NEW! See my EarthRiches Etsy shop: 

Beautiful, handmade, one-of-a-kind items from

semiprecious stones for healing and enrichment


Re: CS>I've ordered the portable Mini Nebulizer - now a question on heart health

2020-03-08 Thread S Khanna
 Hi Reid,

Depending on the diagnosis, there is a therapy for cardiac atherosclerosis 
which can be very effective. ECP, or External
Counter Pulsation. Not many cardiologists have the equipment, but I know if 
it's appropriate, it can be covered by insurance (even medicare).

Take care,

 On Saturday, March 7, 2020, 11:57:15 PM PST, Reid Harvey 
My doctor tells me I need tests of Echocardiogram and carotid dopplers and I'm 
supposing he'll prescribe some over-priced drugs.   Can someone tell me what 
natural, alternative remedies there might be for a healthy heart?
I also want you to know about 3 books of mine being published by Lambert 
Academic Publishing. The overview of these is *Ceramics in Environmental Health 
and Development.*  The other two are training manuals in the forming processes 
of ceramics, intended for developing world, low-income ceramists, who will then 
be in a position to produce ceramic water filters and insulating ceramic rocket 
The first book details the urgent need for these environmental health 
interventions.  Having done trainings of these ceramists in Africa and Southern 
Asia my experience is that they tend to be entirely capable and highly 
Interestingly, coincident is a question as imperative by the Nobel laureate in 
Economics, Abhijit Banerjee, "Most important is the question, what idea is 
bigger than the notion that even the poorest of the poor have enough talent to 
be self-sufficient?"
Please let me know about natural remedies for heart health. I still have a huge 
amount of work to do.
On Sun, Mar 8, 2020, 12:12 AM Victor Cozzetto  wrote:

Just chiming in again here... The device Ode recommended, the MY-250, really 
puts out a powerful mist. I used one for years, bringing it from NY to Tokyo to 
Costa Rica, and back again. It is a small hand-held device; however, it stands 
fine on a table, and I never really held it. The power of the mist makes it 
easy to use in many ways, and I even used it with pets. I also have a heavy 
Omron (NE-C28) device, and the mist is a joke compared to the MY-250. It is 
also much noisier than the MY-250. And only $20 dollars in eBay! Honestly, I 
cannot understand the reason why any other nebulizer design even exists ;-)

On Sun, Mar 8, 2020 at 4:48 AM PT Ferrance  wrote:

Ode, are you looking at the one with the compressor or the hands-free 

On Saturday, March 7, 2020, 12:06:25 PM EST, Ode Coyote 
 Looking at the photo of the mist stream, the MY-540 puts out a LOT more 
mist.Cheap enough to get 2 [1 for backup]

On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 11:52 AM PT Ferrance  wrote:

Isn't the one Ode recommended less expensive?PT

On Saturday, March 7, 2020, 11:41:50 AM EST, Reid Harvey 
 Hey Everyone, I suppose I'm a cheapskate but can one of the several experts 
here tell me what they think of the nebulizer at this link?¤cy=USD&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqY3zBRDQARIsAJeCVxPU6Ni0r7WsEiPDVHdpaPhzoEdsD-pNePa_Jw1ECzO99I3wc7P_bxUaAq-AEALw_wcB


CS>OT request

2017-10-20 Thread S Khanna
HI everyone, 
I'm wondering if any on this  list have experience with hand held lasers?
I've been researching them and find it a daunting task to say the least!
The ideal would be one with a wide range of application., if the power is 


2016-06-07 Thread S Khanna
Is it anything like  Transfer Factor?  I've used that and knew two people who 
recovered from 3rd and 4th stage cancer using it.

  From: RaVen Sequoia 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 3:36 AM
 Subject: Re: CS>IVIG
I'd try Del Immune V - you may want to call this company to interview them 
thoroughly. It's an amazing immune building supplement - 
Be sure to use the correct website from the original sellers - Google DEL 
Hope you feel better soon! 

On Jun 6, 2016, at 11:55 PM, cassidy  wrote:

IVIG is Intravenous Immunoglobulin - does anybody have any experience with this 
protocol ?  
 My doctor has recommended these infusions every 3 weeks for the next year 
because of my low immunity.  I had pneumonia 2x last year and catch everything 
that comes around.  I had an allergic reaction to the last  antibiotic  
(Levoquin) that put me into Afib.  Very slowly those effects have diminished been nearly a year now.  I've had 3 of the infusions and I am not reacting 
very well to them at all.  I am not comfortable taking this blood product but 
also need to be well.  Any experiences would be appreciated.   For some reason 
the CS doesn't seem to stop upper respirator stuff on me.  Tks  Pat C.


Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

2016-06-03 Thread S Khanna
Dear Folks,I called one cast iron company re: the oil they use for seasoning (I 
think it was Lodge, but not sure) and they use coconut oil.
I've used it for re seasoning ever since and it works fine.
Just mentioning it as another option, as it's also better for ingestion.

  From: "" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 7:22 PM
 Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware
Hi, Gail...  when you are seasoning the skillet, the low temp (200 - 250) 
doesn't seem to 
generate enough heat to make the Crisco smoke or, at least, that has been my 
The skillet will be absorbing the oil/grease etc and you really don't want a 
smoky flavor
imparted to the skillet.  You don't want the skillet to be 'dry' but you don't 
want the
oil/grease to be in puddles either. You don't want to use an oil or grease that 
has a 
low smoke point regardless.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thu, 02 Jun 2016 18:50:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

Hi Lola,

I'm just curious, when baking the skillet, does the Crisco smoke up the oven?  
If so, do u cover the skillet to keep it from escaping?



Anyhow, she showed me how to season a cast iron skillet.  Used to... you would
slather up the skillet up real good with Crisco (this was back before 
trans-fats were
frowned upon) and put it in a 200 - 250 degree oven for  4 - 6  hours.  You 
wipe out any excess, unabsorbed Crisco and you would be good to go. You never 
wanted that skillet to 'dry out' during that baking time and would add extra 
if need be. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 31, 2016, at 8:41 PM, ""  
> wrote:
> Anyhow, she showed me how to season a cast iron skillet.  Used to... you would
> slather up the skillet up real good with Crisco (this was back before 
> trans-fats were
> frowned upon) and put it in a 200 - 250 degree oven for  4 - 6  hours.  You 
> would
> wipe out any excess, unabsorbed Crisco and you would be good to go. You never 
> wanted that skillet to 'dry out' during that baking time and would add extra 
> Crisco
> if need be. 

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Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware

2016-05-31 Thread S Khanna
I second that, Jerry.  The only problem is the weight - gets a bit cumbersome 
to handle sometimes.
There is a new cast iron pan on the market which weighs considerably less.  
I'll look up the name.

  From: Jerry Durand 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 7:17 PM
 Subject: Re: CS>Non Stick Cookware
 I thought I should expand on this since the concept of cast iron seems foreign 
to many modern people.
 Never, ever use soap/detergent!
 You clean with a stainless scrubby ball (get from most grocery or hardware 
stores for $1 or two) and warm to hot water.  Dry completely and put away.
 New cast iron (even pre-seasoned) needs to be fully seasoned, you can either 
do this by just using it with a little extra oil/fat in it or do it all at once 
by baking in oil.  You can find instructions on the web.
 No soap!
 On 05/31/2016 09:08 AM, Jerry Durand wrote:
Seasoned cast iron.  Best non-stick ever if you take care of it (like not 
washing the seasoning off).
 -- Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc. +1 
408 356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886Skype: jerrydurand  


Re: CS>Re: Mexican Product "Microdyn",

2005-05-19 Thread S Khanna
How did you send for it, Sandee?   

Sandee George  wrote:
I have sent for a bottle will let you know when I get it and have it

"The one who accomplished it is the one
who failed to realize that he could not do it."

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Re: CS>

2005-05-17 Thread S Khanna
Thanks for that, Marshall.  The clinic is worth knowing about, too.

Marshall Dudley  wrote:
This part focuses more on how to market technologies that heal and beat
the FDA in their attempts to prevent you from doing so. Worth reading
for anyone wanting to market alternative therapies without going to

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Re: CS>Rats!

2005-05-14 Thread S Khanna
It sounds horrible, but no worse than rat poison, which causes them to die a 
slow death also.
My brother has a summer cottage, which gets infested with mice in the winter.  
He came up with this:
A gallon bucket.  Poke a hole in the bottom of a soda can and run a string 
through both ends.  Suspend the can across the top of the bucket and attach 
with the string.
Spread peanut butter around soda can
Put anti-freeze 1/3 way up in bucket.  I think this was mainly because of it 
being winter, don't know if it's necessary in warmer weather.
First try, he caught 13.
I always used traps.  They love chocolate.  They don't suffer, but it's much 
harder to deal with! :o(

Ode Coyote  wrote:

Old time rat poison that won't kill anything else.
1 part portland cement
9 parts flour
Mix dry and leave in bowl near water.
..I just had to ask what those porcelain curlicues were in the crawlspace
under that 90 year old house.

Rats can probably burp..or fart, but they can't regurgitate [throw up /
toss cookies]

I have no problem with pet rats or any animal that's properly trained and
cared about.


At 01:38 PM 5/13/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>Jim Holmes said,
>“They will chew away the insulation of 100 foot power
>cables through to the wiring in several spots. Why?
>They like the plastic taste? Or are they just
>sharpening their little teeth.”
>Actually, if a rat doesn’t chew on things, his teeth
>will grow right through the top or bottom of his head.
>He MUST chew!
>To get rid of wild rats, I read in Mother Earth
>magazine some years ago that putting out bowls of Coca
>Cola for them to drink would do it. Rats have no
>burping mechanism (the article said), so when they
>drink it, it kind of blows them up inside. If you make
>it diet soda, it will kill them even if they don’t
>internally burp to death (unless they have the sense
>to avoid it). 
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Re: CS>CS & Teeth Stains

2005-05-14 Thread S Khanna
Glad it worked for you Raine.  But be careful, it can be quite abrasive.  Try 
not to brush the gums too much with it.
I only use it maybe once in two weeks now.

Raine  wrote:
Hi Sally and Heather,

It's day two of brushing with baking soda, and the stains are almost gone. 
I had tried brushing with baking soda when I gave up toothpaste initially, but 
my gums were much too sensitive for it. I was pleased to find that they did 
very well this time around. Feels like I've just come from the dentist! :-) 

Thanks for reminding me of this rememdy.


S Khanna wrote: What works for me with the staining is brushing with baking 
soda.  I always use it to whiten teeth, even getting a little on a toothpick 
and carefully going between the teeth.  It does a wonderful job.

Heather King (LCA) wrote: 
Baking soda gets the CS brown stains off my white laminate counter top in the 
kitchen too. Just pour a little dry baking soda on the stain, add a few drops 
of water to make a paste, and rub gently until it disappears. There may be 
lingering particles that will re-stain in a day or 2, but if you keep after it, 
eventually, it disappears for good. I think tooth enamel, being smoother & less 
porous than a laminate counter top, will probably respond quite favorably.



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Re: CS>CS & Teeth Stains

2005-05-12 Thread S Khanna
What works for me with the staining is brushing with baking soda.  I always use 
it to whiten teeth, even getting a little on a toothpick and carefully going 
between the teeth.  It does a wonderful job.

Raine  wrote:
Hi all,

I've been swishing the CS twice daily to treat gum disease. After a few
weeks I discovered some brown staining on my teeth! In discussing teeth,
gums and such on another list, I found others who experienced this as
well, and suspected the CS.

I've changed to using a CS/H202/water solution for swishing in hopes of
eliminating the staining, but not doing damage to the enamel from acidity.

My question; has anyone else encountered this, and if so what did they
do to rid themselves of the staining?


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Re: CS>Re:Diabetes information

2005-05-10 Thread S Khanna
Marshall, thanks so much for that, my husband is already putting the info to 
good use.  

Marshall Dudley  wrote:
If you or a friend has diabetes, you need to read this:


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Re: CS>Microdyn dosage

2005-05-10 Thread S Khanna
I'm going to India soon, to places in the Himalayas and would love to have a 
strong CS to sanitize things. I have a 30 ppm by Source Naturals.
I have some CS by Innovative Natural Products which is 500 ppm.  I've been told 
before on this list that it probably is mild silver protein so I don't take 
orally, but use it more for cuts and sanitizing. 
I can't carry much with me, but definitely will take CS. ( haven't bought a 
machine yet.)  
What I'd like, is something concentrated, due to space limitations.
I assume Microdyn isn't available in the US,  Any suggestions?

William Missett  wrote:
Microdyn is a common CS preparation sold in Mexico to prevent cholera, clean 
impure water, and wash vegetables. It is available cheaply throughout the 
country in markets and pharmacies.  
The patent is held by the Mexican government, and it has been in national use 
since the 1960s.  It purportedly is 3600ppm, but it has not been reliably 
tested.  A 1-ounce (15ml.) bottle costs about $1.  There are other brands of 
supposedly equally potent CS available, but Microdyn has proven safe for me, 
and I don't use the others.
There is no cholera in Mexico, nor any other infectious diseases coming across 
the border from this Third World country into the U.S, and I credit Microdyn 
for this.
- Original Message - 
From: S Khanna 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Microdyn dosage

What is Microdyn?

William Missett  wrote:
My experience has been to put 3-4 DROPS in drinking water daily. We have
bottled water, so that's easy to do. Otherwise, you can simply consume 3-4
drops in a glass of water daily. This is a good daily maintenance dosage.

This will help prevent many illnesses, but when illness does strike, from
food poisoning, salmonella, e-coli., etc., I have found that 8-10 drops in
a glass of water 3 times daily will effectively kill off most intestinal
infections in 24 hours. ALWAYS extend treatment for another day, after
symptoms subside.

Microdyn can also be used full strength, applied to cuts and scrapes, and
for external//internal infections in eyes, ears, nose, throat, vaginal, and
rectal. You might dilute it somewhat for the eyes, particularly in

Hope this helps. The small (15-ml.) bottles last a month with normal use.

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Re: CS>Microdyn dosage

2005-05-10 Thread S Khanna
What is Microdyn?

William Missett  wrote:
My experience has been to put 3-4 DROPS in drinking water daily. We have
bottled water, so that's easy to do. Otherwise, you can simply consume 3-4
drops in a glass of water daily. This is a good daily maintenance dosage.

This will help prevent many illnesses, but when illness does strike, from
food poisoning, salmonella, e-coli., etc., I have found that 8-10 drops in
a glass of water 3 times daily will effectively kill off most intestinal
infections in 24 hours. ALWAYS extend treatment for another day, after
symptoms subside.

Microdyn can also be used full strength, applied to cuts and scrapes, and
for external//internal infections in eyes, ears, nose, throat, vaginal, and
rectal. You might dilute it somewhat for the eyes, particularly in

Hope this helps. The small (15-ml.) bottles last a month with normal use.

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Re: CS>water oz,granddaughters behaviour and castor oil

2005-05-09 Thread S Khanna
Hi Betsy,
Herbally speaking, castor oil is cooling externally but heating internally.  
That is to say, it can cause inflammation and probably would be irritating to 
the bladder lesions if its effect even reached that far, but certainly would 
irritate the colon.  It's a great laxative, but doesn't soothe the tissues 
internally as far as I know.
Dr. Richard Schulze (American Botannical Pharmacy) makes a kidney/bladder 
tincture that might help.  
Betsy Coffey  wrote:
I thought water oz was found to be unsafe for oral
consumption. Wasnt there a post a while back about it
causing agrayia? Regarding the womans granddaughter,
her behaviour that is limited only to her mother
would suggest a discipline problem. However, the
statment was made that the girl has been like this
since childhood. The fact that her siblings are not
noted to engage in this behaviour would point to
perhaps some type of possible organic problem. Before
attemptimg to establish disclipinary measures, I would
want to rule out any possible chemical imbalance. My
suggestion would be to have a complete evaluation
including food allergies, yeast, thyroid, blood sugar
etc. I had a friend who had two children ONe was very
mild mannered and the other child was cross and
behaviourly challanged. It took them several years to
find out that she was severly hypoglycimic. Put on a
proper diet, she is like a different child. This
status and money issue with so many teenagers is
another problem in itself. It is alot more prominant
than it used to be and is a sad commentary of our
materialistic society. I dont think that we as adults
are setting a very good example for our young people.
As a teacher for 20 years of young children, I do not
observe that girls are any more mean than boys. It is
equal amoung the sexes.The meaness is just manifested
differently.Girls tend to be a bit more sophisticated
in their behaviour at that age. I agree with the
statment that it is very very important for involved
adults to constantly and consistantly guide young
children on how to be kind and remind them often of
how much their behaviour affects others. INstead of
being critical of young people, we need to be
responsible in setting good examples for them and
being accountable towards them.
Last comment, Does someone know the benefits of taking
a food grade castor oil supplement? I was thinking
about using it to heal bladder lesions but dont know
if it would actually be more irritating. The castor
oil I purchased was for castor oil liver packs but is
said to be edible.

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Re: CS>OT: Help With Dog Injury

2005-05-08 Thread S Khanna
The homeopathic arnica 30c would probably help a lot.  I've had accidnets where 
I thought nothing would help and Arnica brought me out of it.  You can get it 
in a health food store.
Since the accident happened yesterday and by the time you are able to give the 
Arnica it will be later, you can give it often .  I take it every couple hours 
until the symptoms begin to let up.

Raine  wrote:
My friend has a dog who was hit by a car yesterday. A financial 
emergency (that also occurred yesterday) makes a trip to the vet 

He is walking fine, eating, pottying, doesn't favor the rear, left 
leg/hip, but it will "give out" on occassion. She also says when he sits 
down, the leg/hip flops to the side. (Also, afterward he developed a 
lump on his neck? Any idea what that's about?)

I've offered to help her treat him, and am hoping to draw on the wisdom 
of others who may have experience here.

A bit of info on the dog; he's about 6 months old, Rott/Shepherd/Chow 
mix. We just adore him- he's my surrogate fur-child, so my heart is just 
breaking for him.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have,

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2005-05-05 Thread S Khanna
Hi folks,
I've been looking for a "mercury-free" holistic dentist in my area and found 
something interesting.  I'd like to get some advice from this list.  I need a 
couple crowns replaced due to breakage and leakage.
One party I called informed me that they only make porcelain crowns unless the 
patient specifically wants porcelain over gold, which is made in a lab and 
takes about 2 weeks. This was what I had in mind, due to the breakdown of the 
pure porcelain.
But, they can make a porcelain crown the SAME DAY!  Now, I haven't needed this 
type of dental work for awhile and so am obviously unimformed, but has anyone 
heard about this?
There are many questions running through my befuddled brain right now,  maybe 
someone here can enlighten me?

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RE: CS>Candida, FMS/CFIDS, Leaky Gut

2005-04-29 Thread S Khanna
This reminds me of the vedic science called Sthapatya.  Architecture for 
health, longevity and peaceful living.  Vastu is the science similar to Feng 

Essentially Sasha  wrote:
Thank you very much for this concise and reasonable explanation of 
Now that makes sense.  I would also add to check your surrounding environmental 
material as in home building and structural materials. That reminds me of  
Baubiology.  I know --  you are asking - now what the heck? . . . . .  So for 
those of you who don't know, but yet, want to know, go to the following links I 
have provided.  There is a whole new world for you to involve yourselves in if 
you have the time and the interest.  Baubiology has been around for years and 
the study and practice originated in Germany.  For those of you looking for a 
career past retirement, and/or just a fabulous career for self-employment and 
are home health and safety environmentalists, I think you are going to like 
this.  Not many people in the US know about Baubiology.  When you mention it 
their head cocks to one side and they say, hhhhh?  America is sometimes lax 
(and I might add arrogant) in keeping up with the rest of the world when it 
comes to protecting our health, home, and safety.  Of course, I
 say this politely and only out of the great desire to share the good.
Blessings and Great Health to all,

Subject: RE: CS>Candida, FMS/CFIDS, Leaky Gut

And then I would find out what is causing the adrenal and thyroid problems.
A lot of "diseases" today are no more than diagnosing a set of symptoms and
then prescribing meds for them.
Fibromyalgia is a breakdown in the lining surrounding nerve tissue.  The
diagnosis is simply realizing that the lining surrounding the nerves is
breaking down leaving holes causing extreme pain.  Medications are
prescribed to control the pain.  Yet studies have shown
( that fibromyalgia is due to xenoestrogens in our
environment.  Soy, plastics, bleach, Vaseline, mineral oil (check the labels
of your lotions, shampoos etc)and any petroleum based product give off
environmental estrogen.  The result is a hormonal imbalance that can cause a
host of problems including thyroid problems.
Hi Jason -
> Have you had your thyroid checked?  
>From what I have been reading, it really looks like I have adrenal or thyroid 
 Thanks for pointing this out! :-) I will let you know what I find out...

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Re: CS>scam

2005-04-29 Thread S Khanna
If you want to read something funny about scammers, go to:  . One woman's story about how she dealt with them when 
they claimed to want to buy her horses.

Terry Chamberlin  wrote:
Last year, I received an email informing me that
such-and-such a business in Europe wanted to do
business in Canada, and needed a rep here. They would
send me money to pay their clients with, and I would
keep a percentage as my commission. (They didn't at
this time have any bank accounts here.)

I played along, expecting them to ask me for some
money of some kind, or my account number, etc.

One day UPS showed up at my door and handed me an
envelope containing a check, made out to me, for

My commission was to be $6,000. All I had to do was to
deposit it into my account and write a check to a
certain person (the client) for $6,000 less.

I have a background in tax consulting, and I knew that
a deposit of that size would not go unnoticed. I
looked up the company that had written the check on
the internet, and found it to be a very large, billion
dollar a year company with offices in Canada and the
US. I had been informed by the people who first
contacted me that a Mr. John Hansen (not actual name)
had sent me the check. When I called this company (800
number in Cleveland), I was told that, yes, Mr. John
Hansen did work for them. I was transferred to him,
but he didn't know who I was nor had he written any
$34,000 checks.

I was later contacted by a security agent for this
company, who informed me that 8 checks had been stolen
from this company. They had been altered (very
professionally) to be made out for much larger sums
than originally, plus made out to me (this one,

The agent told me how these checks had been
reappearing in the hands of other people. One lady had
been told she had won a contest, had deposited the
check, sent a smaller sum to the scammers (for
"adjustment fees") and spent $5,000 of it, before it
bounced. Now she owes the bank $5,000.

The agent also told me there was nothing to be done
about it. The local police had no authority over a
crime originating somewhere else, and no one wanted to
spend the money to pursue the scammers all over the
continent, indeed, the Europian continent.

Had I deposited the check, I would have owed income
tax on the whole amount, not just the amount I kept.
(How would I have proven it wasn't all mine?)

Don't be suckered by these scams. If it sounds to good
to be true

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2005-04-26 Thread S Khanna
In my experience, allergies play a very important role in ADD/ADHD.  Especially 
if there have been frequent ear infections.  This can cause a disfunction of 
the vestibular nerve, which is often very apparent in children with ADD/ADHD.  
Some of the symptoms of vestibular disfunction are constant need to be very 
active (they are sesking the stimulation that the vestibular nerve needs to 
fulfill its development), lack of dizzyness after spinning, and absence or 
depressed post-rotary nystagmus.  This is determined when a trained therapist 
shines a flashlight in their eyes after they have been spun around rapidly 
several times.
Simple exercises can help this.
Sally (a mom and teacher with personal experience)

Lori Fields  wrote:
Cindy and others...

My son has slight ADD. He also has a reading disability. However once he
was seen by an Ear Nose and Throat specialist who asked about his food
allergies. I said Joshua didn't have any allergies, he in turn asked me how
long Joshua had acted like he did...talking a lot, climbing things, being
VERY active. Of course to me that was just Joshua. The MD persuaded me to
have allergy testing done and sure enough Joshua was allergic to a host of
foods. Once off of them his "hyper" activity was much easier to manage.

I am not saying allergies are totally responsible for ADD or ADHD, because
as a matter of fact I think the predominance of estrogens (plastics,
petroleum-based products [margarine anyone??]) in our environment (water,
air, food, etc) is responsible for most of it. What I am saying is that:
yes, there is a very real problem. Lets find out what is causing it instead
of treating symptoms.


-Original Message-
From: CH [] 
Be careful. It's easy to say some of these "problems" aren't real if you're
not the one dealing with it.

As much as I like the natural world because that is where true healing is,
some of us get to the point where we chose drugs because nothing else has
worked. And I speak from experience of ADD since my oldest boy has it. 
Call it what you will but something is amiss neurologically. Yes, far too
many boys are asked to get tested for ADD simply because they are active
little boys.


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