Re: CSoff-topic question

2011-03-25 Thread Silver Smith
As Dr. Tennant outlines in his book, the amount of cellular voltage that
corresponds to various states of the cells and tissues—degeneration, severe
degeneration, inflammation, severe inflammation, and normal—has a distinct
correlation with biological and physiological processes. This includes pH.
These voltages aren’t made up by Tennant. They are parameters of voltage,
measurements of voltage under various conditions that were established in
the 1940s in Germany by Reinhold Voll, whose work was later expanded on by
many others. Dr. Tennant has simply laid it out in an easily accessible
manner in his book.

The Tennant Biomodulator, which I own, is a biofeedback device that restores
voltage to the tissues. The frequency and wave shape it emits depends on (1)
the signals it receives from the skin as the subject is being treated, (2)
the amplitude of the wave (volume as set by the user), and (3) the setting
on the device (there are several treatment and assess settings).

The electromagnetic (EM) emanations from cells always precede chemical
processes. Yes, there is a correlation between the two—when the EM signature
changes, it affects the biochemistry; and when the biochemistry changes,
that affects the EM signature. However, the EM signature changes FIRST.
Often, changes in the EM signature can be detected before changes in the
biochemistry can be detected. This is especially true of degenerative
conditions. In the case of sudden, contagious pathogen infection or
especially in the case of instantaneous injuries (such as accidents), there
isn’t enough time between the EM signature change and the biochemical
change. However, these are exceptions rather than the rule.

There’s an article I wrote on electromedicine that’s freely available on my

I know that people tend to discount stuff that’s free, and from someone they
know—but this article has been considered so important, it was first
published in Townsend Letter, then in Nexus, and it’s now being translated
into German and Korean. Perhaps some of you will read it. I wrote it to help
people understand electromedicine.

I bought a Biomodulator to help with chronic pain from whiplash I sustained
in an auto accident many years ago. The decrease in pain was not merely
palliative; there has been actual healing involved. (Read the article to
find out why.)

I have not only greatly benefitted from it myself, but have personally
witnessed great improvements in others. One young woman had been injured as
a child in a car accident. Her femur jutted out of her leg at a 90 degree
angle. Doctors wanted to amputate but her parents wouldn’t let them, so they
repositioned the bone and sent the girl home. For 12 years, she had no
sensation in her knee and surrounding tissues. After three 1-1/2 hour
sessions, sensation was restored.

If anyone would like more information on the Biomodulator, please email me



Nenah Sylver, PhD

electromedicine specialist and author

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009)

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 12:11 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

 Does anyone remember the name of the manufacturer of the Biomodulator?  It
 was mentioned in a post in the last 6-8 month (I think) but I have been
 looking in the archives and cannot find it.
 Thanks in advance.

CSProtocol for Making Liposomal GSH

2011-03-02 Thread Silver Smith
I have been successfully making Liposomal Vit C and I am ready to make some
Liposomal GSH.  I was wondering if anybody had devised a successful protocol
for Lipo GSH? If so, would you post it?   I tried to search past posts but
did not find one.  Sorry if I missed it.

Best Source for GSH?



Re: CSEIS and stem cells

2011-03-02 Thread Silver Smith
This link maybe of interest?

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 5:09 PM, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.comwrote:

 Anyone have any ideas how EIS compares to stem-cell boosting products
 like StemPlex, StemKine, StemGevity, or StemEhnhance?  These are all
 supposed to increase the levels or circulating adult stem cells.  Does
 oral EIS have a similar effect?  Or is this only in other methods of

 FYI, I just sprayed EIS on a paper cut yesterday and put a bandaid on.
  Today the cut is completely undetectable to my eyes!


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 List Owner: Mike Devour

CSLiposomal CS?

2010-11-29 Thread Silver Smith
Liposomal CS?  Has anybody tried it?  I would think that bypassing the GI
tract would help get more of it into the bloodstream?



CSRe: Liposomal CS?

2010-11-29 Thread Silver Smith

Same on this Post.



On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 6:28 PM, Silver Smith wrote:

 Liposomal CS?  Has anybody tried it?  I would think that bypassing the GI
 tract would help get more of it into the bloodstream?



Re: CSLiposomal Vit C absorbability vs. sodium ascorbate

2010-06-28 Thread Silver Smith
I make it myself.


On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Del wrote:

 Do you purchase sodium ascorbate or make it yourself?

 - Original Message - From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
 Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 2:28 PM
 Subject: Re: CSLiposomal Vit C absorbability vs. sodium ascorbate

 Brooks recommends sodium ascorbate to be used with LET Vit C.  This is what
 I use and it tastes better than the ascorbic acid.  Besides, bicarb has
 other alkalising uses in the body. dee

 On 24 Jun 2010, at 21:30, Silver Smith wrote:

  I have read that Vit C (ascorbic acid) when mixed with Baking Soda will
 form sodium ascorbate that is supposedly more absorbable than Vit C.  I read
 that Linus Pauling took his Vit C that way.  See sources below.

 My questions are:
 1. Is this true?
 2. If so, how does the absorbability of sodium ascorbate compare to
 LET-Vit C?
 3. What does the LET-Vit C do that the sodium ascorbate can't do?


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 List Owner: Mike Devour

CSLiposomal Vit C absorbability vs. sodium ascorbate

2010-06-24 Thread Silver Smith
I have read that Vit C (ascorbic acid) when mixed with Baking Soda will form
sodium ascorbate that is *supposedly *more absorbable than Vit C.  I read
that Linus Pauling took his Vit C that way.  See sources below.

My questions are:
1. Is this true?
2. If so, how does the absorbability of sodium ascorbate compare to LET-Vit
3. What does the LET-Vit C do that the sodium ascorbate can't do?


Not all forms of vitamin C are created equal. The form of vitamin C taken by
the late 2-time Nobelist Linus Pauling was *ascorbic acid** *. Pauling
took his ascorbic acid in water and he added some bicarbonate (baking) soda
to make a delicious effervescent drink.

* *

ACID)* (1 tsp) with Arm and Hammer baking soda (1/2 tsp) in 1 inch of water,
letting it fizz and then diluting to 1/2 to 1 cup with water, then drinking.
The  resulting SODIUM ASCORBATE is non-acid, very pure and a thousand times
ACID (C) in building connective tissue and antibody structures and more
effective in killing some viruses and bacteria.  *Good Teeth, Birth to
Death,  Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D.,  Chemist, Researcher for 18 years,
Professor of Chemistry for 33 yrs.*

CSCS and Anthrax and Homeland Security

2009-12-13 Thread Silver Smith
Do I remember someone reporting that Homeland Security had purchased CS
because of its effectiveness on anthrax?  Better than what they had?  I
think they bought it from a company?


Re: CSspreading the word

2009-12-03 Thread Silver Smith

I agree.  There seems to be universal resistance or deception maybe be a
better term.  I did stint as a Lab Manager for a hospital lab in the Duke
Healthcare System.  Shortly after I arrived, we began having a personnel
shortage due to sickness.  I decided to pull out my CS solution for the
personnel shortage and began to offer it to people.  Several were game and
had almost miraculous responses.  One lady that was sick that I offered it
to looked at me as if I was from another planet. However, two wweks later
she was still sick. So I asked her IF she wanted to get well? (Remember she
was right in the middle of the Duke Healthcare System but nothing they tried
worked)  She said yes so I went and got her some.  She was well in two days
and singing the CS praises.  I think the misery factor opens people up to

After that I began to have people show up at my door asking for some of
that silver stuff.  When I left there were over 20 employees of the Duke
System that were using CS.  We even did some testing with CS in the Micro
Dept.  And it did great in MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureaus).


On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Richard Goodwin

 One funny thing I have noticed is how difficult it is to convince anybody
 who doesn't already know about CS how amazing it is.

 Both of my groan, er, I mean, grown kids have worked at the New England
 Journal of Medicine, and they are True Believers in the AMA, FDA, and all
 things traditional western medicine.  And they steadfastly refuse to believe
 in anything else.  These are 30-somethings.  At the moment.  They totally
 scoff at the idea of CS, as if we are talking about voodoo or witchdoctors
 or something.

 Same reaction with people at work.  So now I just don't bother much.  I
 hear them coughing and sniffing, taking off sick, talking about the flu,
 getting their flu shots, getting colds, etc., and think how nice it is not
 to have to deal with any of that any more.  But even when they are sick,
 they don't want to hear about CS.

 Of course it doesn't help that the powers that are against it have websites
 that they pay to keep at the front of google searches, that put down CS and
 try to scare people away from it.  A friend of mine did a google search on
 it, and the first 3 or 4 items were quackwatch, some site from a university,
 the standard blue man and gray people pictures, etc.  It's no wonder people
 get turned off to it.  I looked into quackwatch, and found references to the
 guy who owns it having received awards from the FDA.  No surprises there.
 The university sites were AMA connected.  You have to pay to get your
 website up front on google like that, and I'll bet I know exactly who is
 paying in this case.

 Anyhow, interesting phenomenon, the resistance to learning about something
 new like this, or maybe it is just resistance to learning about anything
 that doesn't come from one's own doctor?


Re: CSHi listers--got this ? from a friend. CS flying..

2009-11-14 Thread Silver Smith
Larry B,

Glass Funnel

Nasal Sprayer



On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Larry Biggar wrote:

 Hi SS. I would appriciate knowing where you get your various sprayer
 bottles. Especially the long nose nasial sprayer. Maybe other glass toys
 like a glass funnel to use in my Silver Puppy. It seems like Ken has run
 out. Thanks anyone!  Larry

 *From:* Silver Smith
 *Sent:* Wed, November 11, 2009 12:32:42 PM

 *Subject:* Re: CSHi listers--got this ? from a friend. CS  flying..

 I take several 3oz  bottles on board in my briefcase.  1 w/ a cap, 1 w/ a
 sprayer (eyes, ears, mouth, lungs) and 1 with a nose sprayer.  Covers my
 trips fine.   Never had a problem with security.  I also check a bigger
 bottle to refill for the return trip.


 On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 4:34 PM, wrote:

  Hey Lois,
   I'm leaving for Florida Saturday, any good ideas for carrying my C.S.
 onboard the airplane? Checked luggage, of course.

 Any ideas--?? I don't fly so can't help her .. Thanks much, Lois

Re: CSHi listers--got this ? from a friend. CS flying..

2009-11-13 Thread Silver Smith
I take several 3oz  bottles on board in my briefcase.  1 w/ a cap, 1 w/ a
sprayer (eyes, ears, mouth, lungs) and 1 with a nose sprayer.  Covers my
trips fine.   Never had a problem with security.  I also check a bigger
bottle to refill for the return trip.


On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 4:34 PM, wrote:

  Hey Lois,
   I'm leaving for Florida Saturday, any good ideas for carrying my C.S.
 onboard the airplane? Checked luggage, of course.

 Any ideas--?? I don't fly so can't help her .. Thanks much, Lois

Re: CSsilver gel

2009-11-06 Thread Silver Smith

1 fluid oz of CS to 16 Tbsp (8 oz) of oil does not seem like a enough CS?
That is a 1:9 dilution?

A 1:9 dilution of  20ppm CS gives you an approximate 2.2 ppm concentration
of CS.  Is that enough to do any good?




On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Scotty wrote:

 Do you want it to be natural or not? Gel or lotion? If not, use the
 Carbomer 940. If so, use 1 fluid oz CS, 16tbsp oil (almond preferably),
 citric acid (1tsp) or Citricidal (25 drops), 2tbsp filtered beeswax, 5 drops
 essential oil for fragrance (if desired).  Melt beeswax at low temp,
 add oil, let heat for a few minutes, add CS, stir until all is melted and
 emulsification will start, turn heat down to simmer and continue to stir for
 10 mins. No more, no less. *Remember to stir or else you may get an oil
 pop*. Take off heat, put in a glass or ceramic mixing bowl,
 add remaining ingredients and use a hand mixer to whip it. And whip it! Pour the mixture into a container while still warm and 'voila'
 you have a great lotion! If you want it be more of a salve add another
 tbsp of beeswax up front. Hope this helps. I've been making this for the
 past year and it works great. It's a bit oily at first but the skin loves
 it! Have fun and let me know if you have any other questions.
 Scott *
 With God, all things are possible. - Mark 10:27

 --- On *Fri, 11/6/09, Bethany Methven* wrote:

 From: Bethany Methven
 Subject: CSsilver gel

 Date: Friday, November 6, 2009, 10:10 AM

Could anyone give me some ideas with making a colloidal silver gel?  I
 have been trying to use beeswax beads, coconut oil, small amount of vit. E
 oil and colloidal silver gel.  I am having a hard time getting the oils and
 waxes to blend with the silver water.  It keeps separating, even when I
 bring it to a very high temperature in a double broiler.  Is there some sort
 of natural agent that would break down the oils so that they can mix with
 the water.  When the gel sets up at the end,  I have a hard top of waxy
 stuff and then silver water liquid at the bottom.   I would love any ideas.

 Thanks  -  Beth

 *Methven Colloidal Silver - Try a natural antibiotic that has been used
 for thousands of years!  (907) 357-8954 or*

Re: CSGlucose management commentary

2009-10-29 Thread Silver Smith

Thanks for the valuable information!  We appreciate your willingness to
share your research.

I am going to try the Agaricus Blazei for my glucose mgt and have a
question.  What dosing levels are you experimenting with?



On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Brooks Bradley brooks76...@lycos.comwrote:

 During a recently-past immune system modulation evaluation study, we
 experienced a serendipitous circumstance. Several of the volunteers were
 presenting (as a corollary) various stages of insulin resistance and/or
 general glucose fluctuations of considerable magnitude. We were quite
 surprisedand intriguedby the spontaneous stabilization of glucose
 parameters---among a majority of these volunteers. Following an extensive
 literature search, we were able to confirm that some investigative research
 had, already been conducted
 relative to this mushroom's effectiveness in helpfully modulating glucose
 metabolism. Apparently, the beneficial effect sprang from the ability of
 Agaricus Blazei to boost the levels of adiponectin.a substance which
 QUICKLY clears sugar from the bloodstream.without detrimental
 side-effects. To our knowledge, Agaricus Blazei is the only substance (at
 present) that can boost adiponectin levels.
 We are, at present, in the midst of conducting evaluations concentrating on

 verifying the speed and/or effectivity of Blazei on a variety of volunteers
 presenting with
 glucose management challenges. Although early into (6 weeks duration) these
 evaluations, we are quite impressed with the positive results. Most
 especially, in the fact that raising the adiponectin levels have, unaided by
 supporting protocols-effected surprising improvements/stabilization of
 glucose management problems, among our experimental volunteer population.
 Most impressive have been the reduction in wide fluctuations of fasting
 levels and the mood swings which, normally, accompany pronounced glucose
 List experimenters interested in pursuing their own, personalized,
 trialscan find a large number of Internet-based suppliers of this
 mushroomin both extract and powdered form.
 I hope our experiences are of some value to the List Membership.
 Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
 -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To
 post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic
 messages to: The Silver List and Off
 Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSLichen Planus and CS

2009-10-20 Thread Silver Smith
*Has anyone had experience with Lichen Planus.?  I have a friend whose wife
had used some of my CS (EIS)  (15-20ppm'ish clear, made with LVDC) **to
overcome a sinus infection.  They called and asked for some more.  About the
time they received the new batch, the husband called and said his wife had
been diagnosed with Lichen Planus and he was wondering IF the CS could have
caused it since his wife had used the CS about the same time the Lichen
Plaus broke out?

Could the CS CAUSE or CURE the Lichen Planus?

Any CS-Lichen Planus info is greatly appreciated.


Re: CSGetting Rid of Blue Moons

2009-06-03 Thread Silver Smith

What kind of CS were you taking?...
I am taking my homemade CS at 15-20 ppm.  I only use Distilled Water and
silver.  No salts to make it.

I think the problem began about a year ago when I tried to use CS as my
deodorant.  The straight CS did not work for me as a deodorant.  The next
thing I tried was taking a Qt of CS and dropping one of those Mineral
Deodorant Stones into the CS until saturated. I thought if there was going
to be any problems with salts in the mineral  stone I would SEE some type
of cloud or cloudiness.  I did not. It was perfectly clear. I then put
this CS/deodorant stone   mixture in a small spray bottle and used it as a
deodorant.  It worked great!!  NO stink.  After about a year of using this
mixture and giving it to others to try I started noticing the blue moons.


On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Kenda Skaggs wrote:

 What kind of CS were you taking?  I'm sitting here looking at my moons and
 wonder if they're turning too!  I wish I had looked at them prior to taking
 CS.  My thumb moons are whitish with a purplish hue above the white.  My
 husband says they're fine, I'm not so sure!


 On 6/2/09 10:18 PM, wrote:

  Moons make a nice early warning system.
  Reversal includes vitamin E and selenium added to your diet.
  I wouldn't go over 200 MICROgrams of selenium/day personally.
  It's a metal toxicity thing.
  42--The answer to life, the universe, and everything
  On 6/2/2009 10:20:48 PM, Silver Smith ( wrote:
  I recently had a friend  point out that I am developing Blue Moons on
  fingernails.  Can anybody recommend a remedy?  How long should it take
  get rid of them?
  I think they started when I was experimenting with CS as a deodorant and
  mixed the CS with some of a mineral stone deodorant.  The combo has
  worked great for a year or so as a  deodorant...NO odor!  Kinda bummed
  with the Blue creates a bit of a problem when I am
  CS to someone and they are concerned with turning blue.
  No virus found in this outgoing message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.51/2151 - Release Date:

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSGetting Rid of Blue Moons

2009-06-02 Thread Silver Smith
I recently had a friend  point out that I am developing Blue Moons on my
fingernails.  Can anybody recommend a remedy?  How long should it take to
get rid of them?

I think they started when I was experimenting with CS as a deodorant and
mixed the CS with some of a mineral stone deodorant.  The combo has worked
great for a year or so as a  deodorant...NO odor!  Kinda bummed with the
Blue creates a bit of a problem when I am recommending CS to
someone and they are concerned with turning blue.



CSCS and Hep C..Any Personal Experience

2009-04-24 Thread Silver Smith
Does anybody have any personal experience treating Hep C with CS?  For
themselves or others?

I have a friend with Hep C who is fed up with traditional medicine options
and wants to try CS.  I sent her 2L of 15-20 PPM CS/EIS about 4 weeks ago.

 She started out with 2 Tbs AM and 2 Tbs PM and had a Herx Rxn.  We backed
off and got her drinking more water and then start ramping back up.

At about 2 weeks into the CS she had to go to the ER with some very bad
pains in her Liver that eventually lessened but did not go away.  She wanted
to continue with the CS.

At about 4 weeks she has ingested the 2L of CS (2.5 oz/day) and went in for
a Dr's visit and they did blood work.

She called today a bit discouraged and afraid because her Liver enzymes had
more than tripled.

Pre-CS  4 weeks 2L CS

AST:  43H  149

ALT:  46H189

Anybody on the list that can speak to this from experience?  Is this
normal ?  Should we stop or continue and check the enzymes at 3 mos?

Any input is greatly appreciated!


CSCS and Tanning Bed

2009-04-06 Thread Silver Smith
I just started a friend with Hep C on CS last week.  She started off taking
2 Tbs AM and 2 Tbs in PM and had a Herx rxn.   She is now up to 3 and 3.
 She asked me if there would be any problem doing a few sessions in a
Tanning bed while taking CS.
What to you think?


CSHepatitis HCV (genotype 1A)

2009-03-17 Thread Silver Smith
I was just contacted by  a friend who has Hepatitis  HCV  (genotype 1A) with
a viral load in the millions wanting advice on how best to treat it with
CS.  Seems doc is recommending Chemo?

Thanks in advance for your input.


Re: CSCS + cold sores

2008-03-19 Thread Silver Smith
I think drinking it helps however I have had great reports that applying it
directly to the
 established cold sore for faster healing or to the emerging (tingling bump)
cold sore that has prevented it.  CS gel works great.  If you don't have any
gel spray it on or apply to sore using a saturated gauze pad or cotton.


On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Chad Sullivan


 does anyone know if drinking more CS daily helps w/ uring cold sore
 faster? i drink it daily anyway + i have medicine for it was just
 wondering...thanks for your help in adavance..

CSCS Gel and the Blue Man

2008-02-12 Thread Silver Smith

I purchased a gel kit from Silverpuppy and have several teenagers using it,
very successfully, for acne.  One Mom even stated,  it works better than
that stuff on TV.  With the advent of the blue man who reports he used CS
on his skin/face for dermatitis, should I be concerned for these teenagers
that use it daily?  I have been making my gel with @ 30 ppm clear CS.



CSResponse to Blue Man Story

2007-12-31 Thread Silver Smith

I have had a number of people who I have sent me emails with the Blue Man
link almost as a warning or a see I told you so .  The ones that send
them tend to be those I have told about CS but have not tried it.  Those who
have used and benefited from it seems to be no big deal.  However, I still
feel the need to respond.

Would it be possible put together a silver-list response paper that we
could send these folks.  A response that contains some data that rebuts or
at least questions the Blue Man story and communicates the safety of CS/EIS
as we the Silver-List recommend it (ingredients, processing, etc..).

Maybe you could appoint a committee of our most seasoned and knowledgeable
subscribers to craft a position type paper for us to use?

We have such a wealth of knowledge and experience that we could produce a
pretty scientific, historical and authoritative Paper .

Data such as:
# of Silver-List subscribers
# of reports of Argeryia among our subscribers
# of years of use w/o problems
Usual Dosages w/o problems





Re: CSThe Blue Man (Agryria) - Any Comments?

2007-12-20 Thread Silver Smith
When you watch the clip carefully, the generator looks like the SOTA Silver
Pulser?  How long have they been around?  Have we heard of any problems with
them? I still think it must be the water or the salt or other.  If not, with
the 100's of thousands using CS statistically we would have MANY more Poppa
Smurf's to read about.

On Wed, 19 Dec 2007 23:31:51 -5, M. G. Devour wrote:

 Oh, by the way. Thanks for bringing the story to our attention, Chuck
 and Smith.

 Mike D.
  Whoa, this is really blue...
  Are you sure it isn't time for a colorful metaphor?
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 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

Re: CSThe Blue Man (Agryria) - Any Comments?

2007-12-19 Thread Silver Smith

Here's the CNN link.

On Dec 19, 2007 7:08 PM, wrote:

 Whoa, this is really blue...

 Are you sure it isn't time for a colorful metaphor?

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Re: CSThe Blue Man (Agryria) - Any Comments?

2007-12-19 Thread Silver Smith
We need more information.
1. Type water being used to make CS?
2. Concentration of CS made?
3. How much ingested for how long?

What else?


On Dec 19, 2007 8:37 PM, Clayton Family wrote:

 How about time for a colorful neighbor?

 This guy is really a dark color. I wonder if he is making it with salt?
  And if he knows about the protocol to help that kind of thing...

 On Dec 19, 2007, at 7:08 PM, wrote:
  Whoa, this is really blue...
  Are you sure it isn't time for a colorful metaphor?

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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CSCS Salve or Gel

2007-12-08 Thread Silver Smith
I was recently in a Health Food Store and a small container of Silver
Salve.  What is the best way to make my own silver salve or would it be
more accurate to say gel?


Re: CSCS Settled Out

2007-12-07 Thread Silver Smith
Daughter loved the CS gel I made and wants me to make another container of

Pat how did you make your CS gel?


On Dec 7, 2007 7:45 PM, Pat wrote:

 My son just called about the colloidal silver I'd given him 2 to 4 months
 ago.  He'd eaten a shrimp cocktail which smelled a little strong so he
 thought he should take some CS just in case.  He said neither clear quart
 jar of CS had a Tyndall.  He shook it and of course it had a strong line
 then, and he asked if he should take some.  I said maybe a little, since any
 might be better than none and he hardly ever takes any.  Was I right?  He
 said he was just going to use a shot glass of it.  I used my Colloid Master
 AC to make it.  One other time we found a jar which had settled out.  What
 is causing this to happen?  All these jars have only been at room
 temperature.  Is it more likely to be stable if you don't use AC to make it?
  Maybe I should ask for a different generator for Christmas?

 Also, he says it makes his tongue tingle and thinks it's very acidic.  I'd
 told him to just mix it with some juice or Gatorade.  I haven't had time to
 read about and find alkaline water. When we're out in the truck, it's all I
 can do to keep up with the silver list and the MDI group.  We just got back
 after seven weekss good to be home in the warm, sunny south. This
 last time out was great though; I saw so many places I'd always wanted to
 see. We started out going through Montana to Kelowna, BC,  WA, Oregon,
  northern CA, Reno, near Lake Tahoe, Los Angeles, Denver (husband had to
 chain up in the mountains). Then through the snowy, windy misery of Ontario
 and Quebec in the storm.  Anyway, gotta get busy brewing some CS.

 Daughter loved the CS gel I made and wants me to make another container of


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CSCS and Fever Blisters

2007-11-16 Thread Silver Smith
Does CS work on fever blisters?  If so what would be the most
effective way to apply it?


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Re: CSAre more electrodes better?

2007-06-21 Thread Silver Smith

On your current controlled  silverpuppy would adding another set of
electrodes improve (speed, quality)  the process or would the current
controlled circuit have to be adjusted to accommodate the added resistance
from the extra electrodes?


On 6/21/07, Ode Coyote wrote:

At 06:06 PM 6/19/2007 -0500, you wrote:

Will using multiple sets of electrodes with my CS generator decrease the

That depends on what generator.  On some it will decrease both time ..and

   Will it effect a batch in any other ways...good or bad?

Generally speaking, the more electrode the better.



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CSAre more electrodes better?

2007-06-19 Thread Silver Smith

Will using multiple sets of electrodes with my CS generator decrease the
time?  Will it effect a batch in any other ways...good or bad?



Re: CS20 mule team BORAX -- Please Help

2007-06-13 Thread Silver Smith

Found  DaddyBobs email on Boraxsee below.


I've used CMO for years now and have reported what it has done for me
several times.

Now if you really want that relief to go into high gear, get Boron into
diet. It will do things that CMO won't, and the two together are a one-two
punch against arthritis.

But to stay on the topic of CS- it was MSM that gave me my first real
arthritis relief, but the whole time I took it, I could feel the pain
seething underneath like a caged animal, and if I didn't take massive
of MSM, the animal lashed out. CS is what stopped all that. Just a few
of taking a pint daily of CS stopped all my seething chronic pain back in

When you have been badly damaged by whatever cause of arthritis, no matter
how you may rid yourself of the cause, you are left with osteo-arthritis.
That's where CMO and Boron really make a difference.

To test this for your self cheap and easy...and I ask anyone reading this
not to jump to conclusions and start flaming me about it*...start dipping
wet fingertip, up to the first joint, into BORAX (yes 20 Mule Team Borax)
and lick it off, at least once a day, going up to perhaps 4 times a day
until you get the relief you need. The first thing you may notice is that
the finger you use may start to feel better.

*Borax is mined out of the ground and is perfectly edible, despite being
sold as a laundry cleaner complete with warnings not to eat it because
(The Powers That Be) don't want you to know how effective it is. TOO much,
as in spoonfuls, is poisonous, but what won't kill you if you take TOO

If you're squeamish about doing it that way, then get yourself a boron
supplement. I will not entertain arguments from
non-supplement-get-it-all-from-food freaks. You cannot get enough boron
way to get this ball rolling if you have severe arthritis. Forget it. I
personally am now using Twin Labs Tri-Boron. Most people on this list are
not of that extreme mindset anyway, since CS is definitely not available


On 6/13/07, Bruce Anderson wrote:

Greetings all:
Again I turn to the members pf the Silver List for help.
I have gone through all my saved mail and can not find and can not find
the mail I thought I had saved on Boron/Borax.

From memory, Daddy Bob,  I think said to wet the index finger to the
first joint from the tip, stick it into the borax and lick it off.
I don't remember how often to do this or how long before results.

Also, the 20 MULE TEAM BORAX I bought was made by DIAL corp. and has a
warning: CAUTION: Contains sodium tetraborate decahydrate.  Avoid
contact with eyes.  Do not take internally.
Have I got the wrong product or is this a pharma scare tactic?

Best regards;
Bruce A.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSgenerator repair question

2007-06-12 Thread Silver Smith

I use a $6.00 fish tank bubbler I got at Walmart that works great. I am able
to consistently make clear 20 ppm.  Before I implemented the bubbler, it was
hard to get above 13-15 w/o it beginning to turn yellow.  I run the bubble
tube all the way to the bottom between the electrodes so the bubbles run up
the side of the 1 Qt jar.  Works great. Very consistent batches.


On 6/9/07, wrote:

I'm hoping someone knowledgeable about CS generators might be able to help
me with a repair question.  The stirring motor on my SG-6 has gone out and
the quote for fixing/replacing it is one third the original price I paid
about 2 years ago.  I've made around 10 gallons of CS during that time.
At least one other person with an identical unit reports having the same
problem, had the stirring motor replaced, and had that motor burn out as

I'd like to know if there is a good alternative stirring method for a unit
like this - maybe a way to rig up an adequate thermal stirrer, bubbler,
etc. for making one quart at a time.

Thanks very much,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSgenerator repair question

2007-06-12 Thread Silver Smith

10 PPM is fine.  I just wanted to get into the 15-20 ppm range without the
color and the fish bubbler helped my set up to accomplish that.  It also
helped decrease the particulate matter that is produced and decreases my
time for a batch.,


On 6/12/07, Leslie wrote:

 I was told that the ideal was 10 ppm. When mine goes over it starts
turning brown. Sooo, I'm thinking either I was told wrong or my measurer is
not ppm's.


- Original Message -
*From:* Silver Smith
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:18 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSgenerator repair question

I use a $6.00 fish tank bubbler I got at Walmart that works great. I am
able to consistently make clear 20 ppm.  Before I implemented the bubbler,
it was hard to get above 13-15 w/o it beginning to turn yellow.  I run the
bubble tube all the way to the bottom between the electrodes so the bubbles
run up the side of the 1 Qt jar.  Works great. Very consistent batches.


On 6/9/07, 

 I'm hoping someone knowledgeable about CS generators might be able to
 me with a repair question.  The stirring motor on my SG-6 has gone out
 the quote for fixing/replacing it is one third the original price I paid
 about 2 years ago.  I've made around 10 gallons of CS during that time.
 At least one other person with an identical unit reports having the same
 problem, had the stirring motor replaced, and had that motor burn out as

 I'd like to know if there is a good alternative stirring method for a
 like this - maybe a way to rig up an adequate thermal stirrer, bubbler,
 etc. for making one quart at a time.

 Thanks very much,

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSConcentration?....ppm?

2007-05-24 Thread Silver Smith

Thanks for the input.  So is the following summary accurate?

For Pure water (DH2O)1ml (cc) of  DH20 = 1g of mass

ppm = parts per million usually stated as unit mass/unit mass

Since pure water is 1g:1ml we can state CS/EIS as a concentration of
mass/unit volume

For 10 ppm CS/EIS 1ml DH2O has 1 ug of Silver in it or 10mg
silver per liter.

For 20 ppm CS/EIS 1ml DH2O has 2 ug of Silver in it or 20mg
silver per liter.

There are 1000ug in a mg and 1000mg in a gram

Therefore, if it estimated that it would take 3800mg of silver/day to cause
argyria you would have to drink:

380,000 ml or 12,667 ounces or 99 gallons of 10ppm CS/EIS to risk it.  OR

190,000 ml or 6,334 ounces or 49.5 gallons of 20ppm CS/EIS to risk it.

On 5/23/07, Silver Smith wrote:

I was reading some info on Argyria and came across the following
statement, The amount of silver required to develop Argyria is estimated
to be 3.8 grams per day

I have two questions about that statement.

1.  If you are drinking a 10ppm concentration of CS/EIS, how many ounces
or milliliters (ml)  of the 10ppm CS/EIS would you have to drink to reach
the 3.8 grams for a day.

2. How many days would you need to drink it to get it (argyria)?

I need a bit of help fully understanding what we mean in terms of
concentration when we use ppm as the unit of concentration. I understand
that ppm = parts per million.   I assume that would  be  parts of silver
per some unit of volume (water)?  In the clinical lab we measure
concentration of analytes in the blood in mg/dl or ug/dl..etc.  So would
ppm be microgram (ug-1millionth of a gram) per some volume of water?  What
would the volume of water be?




2007-05-23 Thread Silver Smith

I was reading some info on Argyria and came across the following statement,
The amount of silver required to develop Argyria is estimated to be
3.8grams per day

I have two questions about that statement.

1.  If you are drinking a 10ppm concentration of CS/EIS, how many ounces
or milliliters (ml)  of the 10ppm CS/EIS would you have to drink to reach
the 3.8 grams for a day.

2. How many days would you need to drink it to get it (argyria)?

I need a bit of help fully understanding what we mean in terms of
concentration when we use ppm as the unit of concentration. I understand
that ppm = parts per million.   I assume that would  be  parts of silver
per some unit of volume (water)?  In the clinical lab we measure
concentration of analytes in the blood in mg/dl or ug/dl..etc.  So would
ppm be microgram (ug-1millionth of a gram) per some volume of water?  What
would the volume of water be?



Re: CSIn memory of Nancy

2007-05-01 Thread Silver Smith

I have a friend who has CS.  Could I get a copy of Nancy's Journal.


On 4/29/07, Terry Chamberlin wrote:

Nancy used to call me each year or so to update me
about how she was doing. She had purchased one of my
10-gallon-per batch CS-brewers about five years ago,
which enabled her to give away a lot of CS. She was a
very generous woman.

She was a positive, cheerful, hopeful person whom I
enjoyed chatting with. I know she is having more fun
right now than we are!

My prayers go out to her husband.

For those of you whom I have not sent it to, I have a
copy of her 2-year journal that she kept as she
vanquished MS with CS. Contact me and I will send it
to you.

Terry Chamberlin

  Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to
Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2007-04-14 Thread Silver Smith

I was just reading on Cayenne this week...figured I would contribute./

Dr. John Christopher's wisdom and experience will be mainly drawn upon. Dr.
Christopher was a Master Herbalist and Naturopathic Doctor of great renown
here in America and even abroad. His teachings were learned by so many and
his influence was so great, that most would agree that he stood out amongst
the three largest promoters of natural healing in the latter half of the
20th Century.


1. HEART ATTACKS: In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and
teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the
reason is, whenever I go in--if they are still breathing--I pour down them a
cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within
minutes they are up and around). This is one of the fastest acting aids we
could ever give for the heart, because it feeds that heart immediately. Most
hearts are suffering from malnutrition because of processed food we are
eating, but here it gets a good powerful dose of real food and it's
something that has brought people in time after time. This is something that
everyone should know how great it is, because a heart attack can come to
your friends or loved ones any time. And even yourself. The warm tea is
faster working than tablets, capsules, cold tea, because the warm tea opens
up the cell structure--makes it expand and accept the cayenne that much
faster, and it goes directly to the heart, through the artery system, and
feeds it in powerful food. [Dr. Christopher¹s Newsletter 1-12]

Re: CSCS question

2006-05-17 Thread Silver Smith

1. Would using magnetized water or ozenated water to make EIS effect it one
way or the other?
2. Would Ozenating or magnetizing EIS after the fact effect it one way or
the other?

On 5/17/06, Robert Berger wrote:

 Do not boil the EIS.

Ole Bob

*V* wrote:

Maybe this question has come up before but I have not heald anybody
mention it.


What happens if you boil CS ? and if you have lets say a quart of 25ppm CS
and you boil it down to half its volume would the ppm go up to 50ppm?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Poison Ivy - WD40 discussion

2006-05-04 Thread Silver Smith

WD-40 story:
I used to work in the athletic dept. of a major university and had several
coach/administrator friends who were former high powered athletes.  One who
was an ex-NFL player for St. Louis told me that many of his teammates used
WD-40 as a rub in salve on their injuries and joints.  He siad their Mon AM
meetings and walk-through huddles always had a strong garlic smell (possible
indication of DMSO absorption).  I also had the swim coach relay similiar
uses and experiences.

What's this got to do with CS?

CSWD-40 Discussion

2006-05-04 Thread Silver Smith

WD-40 story:
I used to work in the athletic dept. of a major university and had several
coach/administrator friends who were former high powered athletes.  One who
was an ex-NFL player for St. Louis told me that many of his teammates used
WD-40 as a rub in salve on their injuries and joints.  He siad their Mon AM
meetings and walk-through huddles always had a strong garlic smell (possible
indication of DMSO absorption).  I also had the swim coach relay similiar
uses and experiences.

What's this got to do with CS?


2006-05-01 Thread Silver Smith

I want to  determine the concentraion of my EIS. I  have a meter that reads
u Siemens.   What is the relationship of uSeimens to PPM?



CSWhat do you think?

2005-09-24 Thread Silver Smith
I have been learning about, using and now making CS/EIS for about 6 months.
I am very convinced that it needs to be in everybody's wellness arsenal.
 A friend of mine suggested that we begin selling it in our area (SE USA).
He owns an advertising agency and suggested making a 60 sec TV infomercial
for local showing. Any thoughts on these ideas? Who should we market to?
Will health food stores (where i bought my 1st bottle for $24/4 oz) buy it?
 Should we even consider the idea?
 Thanks for any input + or -.