Found  DaddyBobs email on Borax....see below.


I've used CMO for years now and have reported what it has done for me
several times.

Now if you really want that relief to go into high gear, get Boron into
diet. It will do things that CMO won't, and the two together are a one-two
punch against arthritis.

But to stay on the topic of CS- it was MSM that gave me my first real
arthritis relief, but the whole time I took it, I could feel the pain
seething underneath like a caged animal, and if I didn't take massive
of MSM, the animal lashed out. CS is what stopped all that. Just a few
of taking a pint daily of CS stopped all my seething chronic pain back in

When you have been badly damaged by whatever cause of arthritis, no matter
how you may rid yourself of the cause, you are left with osteo-arthritis.
That's where CMO and Boron really make a difference.

To test this for your self cheap and easy...and I ask anyone reading this
not to jump to conclusions and start flaming me about it*...start dipping
wet fingertip, up to the first joint, into BORAX (yes 20 Mule Team Borax)
and lick it off, at least once a day, going up to perhaps 4 times a day
until you get the relief you need. The first thing you may notice is that
the finger you use may start to feel better.

*Borax is mined out of the ground and is perfectly edible, despite being
sold as a laundry cleaner complete with warnings not to eat it because
(The Powers That Be) don't want you to know how effective it is. TOO much,
as in spoonfuls, is poisonous, but what won't kill you if you take TOO

If you're squeamish about doing it that way, then get yourself a boron
supplement. I will not entertain arguments from
non-supplement-get-it-all-from-food freaks. You cannot get enough boron
way to get this ball rolling if you have severe arthritis. Forget it. I
personally am now using Twin Labs Tri-Boron. Most people on this list are
not of that extreme mindset anyway, since CS is definitely not available


On 6/13/07, Bruce Anderson <> wrote:

Greetings all:
Again I turn to the members pf the Silver List for help.
I have gone through all my saved mail and can not find and can not find
the mail I thought I had saved on Boron/Borax.

From memory, Daddy Bob,  I think said to wet the index finger to the
first joint from the tip, stick it into the borax and lick it off.
I don't remember how often to do this or how long before results.

Also, the 20 MULE TEAM BORAX I bought was made by DIAL corp. and has a
warning: "CAUTION: Contains sodium tetraborate decahydrate.  Avoid
contact with eyes.  Do not take internally."
Have I got the wrong product or is this a pharma scare tactic?

Best regards;
Bruce A.

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