Re: CS>Bird flu a hoax

2006-03-15 Thread alltogethernow
While I believe that there may be a flu epidemic, and the usual
profiteers that take advantageI think it is just wise to guard
yourself against *any* kind of threat (I was not always wise, heh) and
so it is just good practice to research and learn what works for any
type of flu or cold. I believe that nothing can protect us from getting
the flu, etc, but we know that CS is one way to cope.
 Another claim is that tumeric will stop the cytokine cascade that is
said to be the real threat brought on by the immune response.
 Another that I know for sure is ascorbic acid, which I have used for a
severe cold back in Jan. I was actually able to work (heavy constuction)
during the entire time, due to taking 3-4 grams a-a each half hour, or
when the symptoms seemed to accelerate. I recognized this type of flu as
one that would usually put me in bed for a week in the past, but this
time I was ready for it.  Learning to titrate to bowel tolerance has
been the ticket. The more severe your illness, the more a a you can
tolerate before bowel distress, because your body will "take up" the
essential amount. The claim is that a a will donate its extra electrons
to quell free radicals, which is what the real killer is in an illness.
  A second way to do a maintenance dose is to take hydrocholric acid at
the half hour, and aa at the top of each hour, resulting in saturation.
 You can buy 3 lbs NOW ascorbic acid online for $50 and then cap the
powder for convenience.

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RE: CS>Hep A or B?

2006-03-07 Thread alltogethernow
Thanks Dan, Coincidently, I began castor oil packs last night. I have
gotten excellent results in the past. Doing rebounding to move the lymph
fluid, cilantro pesto to remove heavy metals, and on and on it
goes...but getting good results.nice to have CS as a backup or
adjunct when a person needs a change. 

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Re: CS>Hep A or B?

2006-03-06 Thread alltogethernow
I have had the impression that vit c makes the CS drop out of solution.
I have seen this in a glass of water, but don't really know what is
happening for certain.
 From what I read, I think that we lose the ability to produce hci
(hydrochloric acid) as we age, and even more so when we have a
degenerative disease (accelerated aging), so more  vitamin c can get to
the bowels and cause distress, if not absorbed.  Increased HCI allows
better absorption. (and a better appetite) I get nearly zero symptoms
even at 30 gms.
 It is also claimed that the sicker a person is, the higher bowel
tolerance, because the c donates electrons to quell free radicals, so
.more free radicals, more c needed and used. When the c isn't being
taken up, - (healthy state) it is left in the bowels, and you get
 BTW, I had almost no appetite (no hunger pangs-nothing) only eating by
the clock, until I took the hci. 

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RE: CS>Hep A or B?

2006-03-06 Thread alltogethernow
I have always gotten relief from the symptoms of hcv with my homade
20-30 ppm cs, even better with h202 added, however, I believe that the
damage contiued, based of health status and blood test (no biopsy) -many
days I was drinking a quart, and more.
 Only in the last few months of mega dosing on vit c, have I gotten
really good results. I've learned to quell the bowel distress by taking
one hydrochloric acid 500mg at the half hour, and 3-4 gms ascorbic acid,
or sodium ascorbate at he top of each hour.

 Some good words to search are -titrating to bowel tolerance- Klenner,
cathcart, Pauling

 You can buy 3lbs vit c NOW brand for about $50 online. 
 It would be good to have both C and CS if this b. flu hits hard. 

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Re: CS>h. pylori

2006-02-08 Thread alltogethernow
Hello, I have read that this can cause shcizophenia, and I would be
interested to know, if this is the reason for diagnosis and  treatment,
because I have a relative who has this problem Thank you

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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2006 #71

2006-01-25 Thread alltogethernow
At the risk of sounding like a grouch: Bob, can you post directions on
how to get your book on a daily(?) basis, so we can cut down on multiple
request? I only suggest this to stop the extra uneccesary emails.

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Re: CS>vitamin c

2006-01-13 Thread alltogethernow
Okay, if they're correct, then I am wrong, however, I'm still skeptical,
because that much of a drop might cause something cataclysmic, like
sayan Ice Age

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Re: CS>vitamin c

2006-01-12 Thread alltogethernow
Sorry about the bad link. this will take you to the main page, then you
can scoll down to the  Wallach article. It's really just a debunker art.  
 My opinion is that fruits and vegetables are not mineral deficient as
some claim, because they couldn't grow normally if they were.(just like
"they" claim we couldn't)
 Same with the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. The planet needs a
certain balance or it (existance) would all be over quickly. 
 We don't have "less than we used to".
 (not meaning to say that supplementing is useless- sometimes we need
more of something than others, like vitamin c, or CS to combat illness.

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Re: CS>vitamin c

2006-01-07 Thread alltogethernow
Let the stirring of the pot begin...

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Re: CS>stomach ache from CS?

2006-01-02 Thread alltogethernow
Ernie, That was basically all she did. I found the info. at -he has a bulletin board and archive.
 She/I would take a finger sized peice, skin it, cut into small peices,
add a litttle water, and blend. 
 I guess the amount needed would vary, but she only drank a little- half
a cup(?) before laying down, -she would use pillows to create an incline
to sleep.
 I think she drank the juice before eating, and sleeping

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Re: CS>stomach ache from CS?

2006-01-01 Thread alltogethernow
Had a girlfriend who overcame reflux with ginger juice. Blend a peice
with a little water and strain; drink several times a day...

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Re: CS>AIDS and Some of the Real Truth

2005-12-27 Thread alltogethernow
FWIW, my BIL said he knew the night that he was infected with "hiv"- in
1986. He was a fast-lane gay guy, fitting the profile that Duesburg
sketches; he began taking AZT right away, and died in 1990.

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RE: CS>**white diarrhea in a child??

2005-12-22 Thread alltogethernow
I'll take some guessesan obstruction in the bile duct? Maybe a
gallstone? might be a good place to search; maybe a liver
cleanse, using epsom salt, grapefruit juice/olive oil would push it out. 

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Re: CS>cs as an injection ?!?

2005-12-22 Thread alltogethernow
There has been some kind of miscommunication on this subject. The person
-Peter- brought up the sod. chloride/CS after I mentioned sod. clhoride
in a question to Marshal re; Vit C iv.
 I think English is not his first language, and at first I thought he
was being a wiseguy. Maybe he was; I don't know...
 One of our resident brainiacs got curious about sodium bicarbonate
(baking soda) when I mentioned it re: vit c and need a
program to follow along
 As to the IV / CS, fwiw, I got my doc to contact and buy the Argentyn
silver for iv use; which he did, (he showed me the 1200 ppm large vial-
looked like brown sludge) but then he contacted  his lawyer and was told
that he cannot legally  give it to me.
 I would not use homeade CS either, for one reason, there would be too
much water needed- and straight water is toxic.
 Sodium would be needed to buffer the water, but would make the silver
 As of now, I am working on doing the Vit C IVs...

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Re: CS>cs as an injection ?!?

2005-12-16 Thread alltogethernow
You can do anything you want, Peter. Please write back and let me know
what happens.

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Re: CS>cs as an injection ?!?

2005-12-15 Thread alltogethernow
Marshal, when you say "salt makes a good preservative', are you saying
that salt makes a good "vehicle" to carry a substance into the cell?
 For example, I want to inject vitamin C.
 Therefore, I want to inject -sodium- ascorbate, vs plain ascorbic
 The sodium being more readily absorbed by the cells (?)

 I have plans to inject vitamin c. i've been told by my med tech. -who
gives me injections already-, that they are using ascorbic acid, with
sodium bicarbonate as a buffer. Any opinions?

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Re: CS>Aluminum cookware

2005-12-07 Thread alltogethernow
You can find truckloads of alum. cookware at thriftstores. 
  Someone else -a friend-mentioned that it's the acid causing foods that
make aluminum a problem.  

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Re: CS>Re:treating melanoma

2005-12-01 Thread alltogethernow
I got an idea from the DMSO yahoo group- to put powdered vit c in dmso
until it became like syrup. then place on bandaid. I had a "mole"(?)
that was beginnining to turn colors. Now, looks same as surrounding
skin, after only a couple treatments. There were other ingrediants that
could be added as well.

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Re: CS>is alkaline water necessary for making good CS...? Nenah

2005-11-11 Thread alltogethernow
Maybe I'm getting a mix of sizes of particles. The small ones go through
the coffee filter.  Actually, I'm basing my "guesstimate"  of ppm on use
of the conductivity meter , which reads approx. 66. 

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Re: CS>is alkaline water necessary for making good CS...? Nenah

2005-11-11 Thread alltogethernow
Thanks, NenahI'm getting some large particles, floating, but the
CS is clear and measuring approx. 30-35 ppm, using Vs Godzilla unit-
maybe I've been leaving it turned up too high- something like 5 ma +  (
don't know the voltage, etc.)

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Re: CS>is alkaline water necessary for making good CS...? Nenah

2005-11-11 Thread alltogethernow
Without any thing to measure except the naked eye, how would you know
that you have plating, or large particles, "rendering it useless"? 

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Re: CS>collodial silver and yeast

2005-11-03 Thread alltogethernow
Several years ago, I did take ozonated olive oil internally, and my
liver numbers (cell death) shot up to 600+ - (40- is normal) I suspect
that the ozone causes some rancidity in the oil, and free radicals, -
although it may do some good as well; if you have a health challenge, I
would not do it.
 However, I still use ozone, and I still use olive oil- sometimes
breathing ozone through olive oil, but I won't be drinking it again. 

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Re: CS>CS:Sodium ascorbate

2005-10-22 Thread alltogethernow
 Dr Judd - "good teeth birth to death" states that a quarter teaspoon
baking soda added to 1 teas. calcium(?) ascorbate makes sodium
ascorbate, and is 1,000 x more absorbable.  

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Re: CS>is the secret finally getting out?

2005-10-21 Thread alltogethernow
I would definately be interested in a generator that offered these small
particles. Does the average generator do this, or is there some special
 I would buy one if so. 

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Re: CS>Cancer, lemon juice, etc.

2005-10-18 Thread alltogethernow
I don't want to be a wet blanket (too late) but can't we figure out a
way to contact Terry for the zip file, other than overloading the mail?
Maybe sending a request directly to him, or at least replace the subject
title, so everyone else can delete, instead of opening?  Thanks- and
don't call me grumpy, either 8^)

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Re: CS>What happened?

2005-09-23 Thread alltogethernow
Don't have the answer, but I have been curious about my CS, that I made
in China a couple years ago, with the nearly same experience. 
 I bought clear-plastic, bottled, distilled water, ;it tested approx.
1.9 with the TDS meter. It was yellow when done,(not much stirring) and
turned violet when I added a few drops of 35% fg h202.

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Re: CS>Damaging silver

2005-08-21 Thread alltogethernow
For what it's worth, I have a jar of CS in my car that has been in there
since March. It has to be at least 130 degrees in there during the day,
and probably has had at least some sun. It looks like it did the day I
put it in.

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Re: CS>Emphesema and Acne

2005-08-18 Thread alltogethernow
Oddly enough, I've seen mention of rebounders (the litte trampolines)
for emphysema.

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CS>DMSO and CS for eyedrops

2005-08-18 Thread alltogethernow
 Has anyone used this mix for an eye infection-(not sure what, but it
itches intermitantly) And what percentage of each? 
 By the way.I mixed 25% dmso and 75% sski (iodine solution) for a
toe fungus probleminteresting heat generated in the bottledon't
know what that means...just passing the info. FWIW

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Re: CS>Silver particles in the lungs

2005-08-14 Thread alltogethernow
Not to make light of inhaling particles -(I avoid them when possible by
using a mask at construction work,) but people, especially workmen,
inhale a lot of junk without "seeming" harm, although all is relative to
how much, how long, and what kind.
 I have seen pictures of anti-bodies attacking fiberglass insulation, so
I guess the body does try and clear the lungs several ways.
 I have doubts that microscopic silver particles would obstruct the
lungs- short term- in small amounts; after all there is some cleaning
going on, or else we would all have real acute problems. 
 I have, in the past, wondered whether my lungs were "clogged" or I had
emphysema, or some other problem because of lower lung functon,  and it
turned out that they just needed excercise, just like the heart for
cardio condition.

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Re: CS>canker sores ?

2005-07-27 Thread alltogethernow
If it were me, I would take the CS/food grade h202 (four drops 12%)-
probably one pint for a 8 yr old, swish and swallowafter the
symptoms go away, alternate the cs/h202 one day, and lots of vit c the
next, and selenium ..(I'm doing this, and having good results) 

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Re: CS>pyroenergen

2005-07-20 Thread alltogethernow
Bob, did you pay the $895 for it?  Seems kind of
expensive...-however, if it works...

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Re: CS>Magnet Question

2005-07-17 Thread alltogethernow
I just got mine in the mail. It does work, also. (Even with or without
my "intention", heh) Sorry, Ode, I couldn't resist.
 I noticed something else, too. the water bottles I lined with magnets
and stored the CS in daily, made the CS taste better in the beginning,
and worse within 24 hrs. Had to stop. 
 I'm doing a little experimenting- tonight just poured the cs through
the new gizmo, and will see tommorow.

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Re: CS>Magnetized Water

2005-07-07 Thread alltogethernow
I didn't expect a CS/h202 mixture to taste like regular spring water. It
was not my intention; but rather a surprise.

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Re: CS>Magnetized Water

2005-07-06 Thread alltogethernow
I'm Con-vinced I could prove the different improvement in my CS/h202
using the magnets taped to my bottle- to an intellectually honest
 I drank the water before and after, with out "intending" to find a
 I was pleasantly surprised by the absence of metal/bleach taste.
 Today, the same occured with a different batch, and the all day as
 I'll try and pour it from the magnet bottle, into a glass, let it sit a
bit, and drink- to see what happens..  

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Re: CS>Magnetic CS-How can I identify the poles of the magnets?

2005-07-05 Thread alltogethernow
  BTW, I used the method Al P. suggested, and it worked well. I had 10,
flat, coin sized magnets; scratched a groove in the styrofoam, and
wedged each one in. They all faced what I consider north.
 I then taped them opposite each other, 5 on each side, a few inches
apart, running from top to bottom of a clear plastic, 1 1/2 liter
bottle. The CS, with 20 drops of 12% food grade h202, taste noticiably
better; very little metal of peroxide taste. 
 ( I shook the water several times, also)

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Re: CS>magnets

2005-07-04 Thread alltogethernow
 Seems like a  good idea.and it raises a couple questions for me
 Would it be beneficial to magnetize CS as it cooks? 
 Or, would it be better to magnetize CS while stored? 

 Also, which side of the magnet is north?
 My first guess would be that north is the "non-sticking" side.
Thamks for any replies...

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Re: CS>Re: Help for Hepatitis C

2005-06-26 Thread alltogethernow
Yahoo groups (hcvsucks) is a good place to check into. I post there, and
the group favors natural therapies over chemical, but can discuss both. 
 We're all fans of Dr Zhangs herbs.
 I have started to make 40-50 ppm CS with a sota pulser and adding 4-
drops of h202 food grade to 16 oz 2-3 x aday, and3 weeks in, I see some
 Also loading up on vit c 10-20,000 mg a day. 
 I'm doing my best to come up with a protocol that "you can live with"
and inexpensively, as well.

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Re: CS>great results this weekend with CS/reply1

2005-06-20 Thread alltogethernow
Veganexus, I've been making very clear - 40 ppm -CS, using  a SOTA
Instrument pulser, and an aquarium bubbler to stir the water. (and
low/medium heat on a hot plate, and  mapleleaf coins) Is there a problem
with this?-(air?) Is the air causing any contamination when coming into
contact with the silver?

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Re: CS>Urine track infalmmation: Castor Oil Packs

2005-05-06 Thread alltogethernow
It was pointed out to me- maybe by someone on this list, some time ago,
that the chemical used to make clear saran wrap causes cancer. May be a
good idea to revise Edgars instructions 

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Re: CS>Oh my feet

2005-05-06 Thread alltogethernow
Castor Oil will make your feet look like brand spanking new,
just like a baby's, if you soak a pair of socks, put them on each night,
and cover with plastic bags, and a rubber band to hold in place.
 You would need the cold-pressed kind, found at health food stores, not
the heat, or chemical processed, drugstore variety. 

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Re: CS>Re: CS & bladder infection

2005-05-01 Thread alltogethernow
I found V at microelectricitygermkiller yahoogroups, but I've seen him
post here, as well. 

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RE: CS>Re: CS & bladder infection

2005-04-30 Thread alltogethernow
Mike, I made a 3x4" pad to place at the rear (tailbone), and a "donut"
pad at the front. 
 The donut pad was made from aluminum foil, with a wire attached, and
covered with towel cloth, 2-3 layers.
 If someone wants to try the cheap method, just hook up a 6 volt (NO
MORE) to the wires, or even 4- 1.5 volts. 
 My problem was resolved in about 2, 1 hour treatments.

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RE: CS>Re: CS & bladder infection

2005-04-29 Thread alltogethernow
I effectively treated my problem of too frequent urination (getting up
several times at night, and multiple times during the day) with only a
couple treatments of electricity - the device used was/is the one at
microelectricitygermkiller at yahoogroups. You would find the details in
the files, and you can make a simple device in 1/2 hr, or buy an
excellent metered one from V.  

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Re: CS>doctors, sigh

2005-04-13 Thread alltogethernow
Marshalee, after going through approx 20 brands of powdered C, I settled
on Natrol brand Ester C. Keeping an empty stomach and increasing a
hydrochloric acid with a supplement would help rapid and a better
 My main routine is to take 2 heaping teaspons (approx. 7,000 mg) in
juice at least 2 x a day.
  It's a calcium ascorbate. It may also help to take N actyl Cistiene
(NAC) and r-lipoic acid to keep the c re-circulating.
Pycnogenol will also do the same.
 Please keep in touch; I'd be happy to try to answer questions if I

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Re: CS>doctors, sigh

2005-04-12 Thread alltogethernow
Marshalee, I feel the same about the colonosocopy. I told my doc about s comments  that we all have cancer several times in
or lives, and he agreed, so if I develop it, then I would do the least
toxic treatment first, and so on.
 I am finding that mega doses of ester c powder as a basis of all the
therapies has great benefit regarding joint pain. Some say many diseases
are really symptoms of scurvy (vit c deficiency) at different levels. 
 I had a joint injury that lasted 2 years until I mega dosed C and it
cleared up in 2 weeks.

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Re: CS>Will CS help Hep C?

2005-04-03 Thread alltogethernow
Andy the best advice I can give is to join (hcv)
and ask any questions there, that is, if you are thinking pro-natural vs
conventional therapies. There are so many levels of this problem.CS
can be used solely by some, and others (like me)need CS plus more help.
 We discuss herbs and supplements and more there.

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RE: CS>Mesosilver

2005-04-02 Thread alltogethernow
Marks phishing, Ed; ss

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Re: CS>lyme mom

2005-03-29 Thread alltogethernow I don't know if it works, but I woud try it if I
had lyme.

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Re: CS>My Silvergen Machine

2005-03-21 Thread alltogethernow I don't have any experience with it; just passing
it on. 
 It would seem that more sodium into the cell, along with Vit c would be
a good thing.

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Re: CS>Open letter to the Silver List

2005-03-06 Thread alltogethernow
"How about you?"

 Since you asked, I will tell you; I have been denied non-toxic
treatment of IV vitamin C by the culture of fear that rules the AMA and
FDA. I won't bother everyone with the details; just invite you to find a
mainstream doc who knows of it, or endorses it, and an insurance co.
that will pay for it. The ones who will do it risk their license.
 There is a patent for tetracil; a silver solution that cures aids. Do
you see it on the news? 
 There is a silver catheter method that results in hiv, and hcv negative
blood test.
 You have to go to Mexico to get it.
 Look up doctor Burzynski out of Texas, re: Cancer. 
 My doctor in Md.was harrassed until he had to move to Wash DC.
 Codex; do I need to say more?
 Sorry that the negatives are getting to you, but I'm glad people are
  "We" are getting pissed off and more numerous. That makes me happy as
 I am fed up with being managed like a farm animal. 

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Re: CS>Open letter to the Silver List

2005-03-06 Thread alltogethernow

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RE: CS>Fw: CS>bladder infection

2005-02-28 Thread alltogethernow
I had success with a bladder "problem"- where I had to get up  several
times at night, and all too frequent during the day. Don't know the
exact cause, but assume infection. 
 Electricity took care of the problem, though, in the form of the
godzilla zapper found at yahoo microelectricitygermkiller.
 If you prefer the very poor mans experimental version, you can but a 4-
1.5 volt battery holder from Radio shack, or a 6 volt lantern battery.
 Hook 2 wires to the poles.
 Take a piece of alum. foil and shape it like a donut. 
 Take a second piece and make a flat 4"x4" pad. 
 Cover these with several layers of the kind of cloth that will hold
 Don't forget to connect the wires to the alum. first.
  Wear the donut in front (I don't need to explain more do I?)
 Put the flat pad at tail bone. 
 Wet both pads to almost dripping.
This is enough current to disable germs.
 More current is not neccesary or a good idea. 
 My first session was 2 hours, I slept through the night for the first
time in years.
 Drinking CS is a bonus and should create even better conductivity. 

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Re: CS>CS: Effective for Hep C?Link correction

2004-05-12 Thread alltogethernow

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Re: CS>CS: Effective for Hep C?

2004-05-12 Thread alltogethernow
Hi to all, I wanted to pass on some promising news regarding hep-c .
 I am a former member here and  I use CS daily, and also as of about a
year ago, I joined  and we have
been developing an electrical unit that is effective for hcv and hiv,
according to the reports. I posted an update on my situation a couple
days ago, under- "consistent improvement" and one of our hiv people
posted good news yesterday. 
 We are starting to see accelerated improvement lately because we have
improved the logistics over the past usage. You can make the unit for
less than $30 or you can buy one from one of our members (I buy mine
because I am not inclined to make one.) for $80.
 (The batteries that came with it a year ago are still working.)
 I will try to answer all questions there -we are hoping  to get some
serious and long term researchers to come and report their progress.

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Re: CS>A question for the scientifically inclined

2003-04-27 Thread alltogethernow
Well, for what it's worth, I have been flooding my system with CS and
zapping for the last 5 days, and this monster will not die. I have
drank, nebulized, gargled, and iv twice, and then used a godzilla.
  My hair finally stopped hurting today. 
 We may be in for some trouble, unless someone here has a better
 Maybe someone here can explain the logistics of dmso and so on.
 I just assumed that CS with a drop of h202 3-4 sessions a day in a neb.
would do it in, but it seems to have just offer temp. relief.
 On the other hand, it might buy some time, or provide extra kick for
prescribed medicine.  

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Re: CS>Tyndall effect

2003-04-27 Thread alltogethernow
I measure approx 160- 180 with the pwt, which (I think) translates to
about 80-100ppm of whatever is in the tap. Sound right?

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CS>Tyndall effect

2003-04-26 Thread alltogethernow
 Hi group,
I'm wondering: If there is approx 60 ppm of heavy
metals, and other minerals in tap water, why do I get zero Tyndall
effect when I shine a laser through? Any guesses? (I'm getting a good
one through the homebrewed 10-15ppm)

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Re: CS>CS and Strep Throat

2003-04-26 Thread alltogethernow
I was gargling with CS and it gave some relief, but I had to continue or
 I've heard that sucking a lemon gives relief because of the acid. (that
would explain relief from coffee)

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Re: CS>A question for the scientifically inclined

2003-04-25 Thread alltogethernow
My guess is that we will never know if CS works against sars unless
there is an extreme epidemic, because if you go and get a confirmation
now, you will probably be quarantined, rather than let loose to go home
and find out. ( Or, you might volunteer for your own safety.)
 But, only if it is a "given" that you, and those around you have it,
and you are left to your own, as in house or neighborhood quarantine,
will you get the opportunity to find out.  
 Another reason is that, at the first sign of symptoms, those of us that
can, will start treatment, and possibly knock it out before it gets
 I just went through 3 days of "probable" flu, and will never know for
sure, although I strongly doubt it was sars. 

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Re: CS>A question for the scientifically inclined

2003-04-25 Thread alltogethernow
I've been sick with something for the last 3 days akin to the symptoms
of sars, however, I'm assuming it's the flu or strep throat or such;
anyway, when I nebulize CS, the symptoms subside, so much so that on the
second day I felt good enough to lift weights, thinking I had kicked it,
but the next day it is back with a vengeance.
 Just finished 2 sessions, along with 2 kinds of zappers, and the
symptoms are diminished again, but not gone.
 At any rate, it's probably a good idea (for me) to self treat, and
avoid places like hospitals and drs offices. 
 I'm in Md. -no reported cases so far, that I know of.

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Re: CS>natural-immunogenics

2003-04-24 Thread alltogethernow
 MeanwhileThe "sovereign" brand CS -(2 bottles) I bought at Takoma
Park/ Silver Spring Co-Op was not clear. 
 And, it was not pharm grade as claimed.
 It's a diservice to members here to misrepresent a product that could
have a negative impact on their health. 

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2003-04-24 Thread alltogethernow
 Is this site censored? Is only certain info. allowed? 
  I posted a rebuttal to OB's endorsement of immunogenics CS last night.
I see that it has not been posted, and I wonder. 

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Re: CS> H- ion; was the Godzilla machine... garsh darnit...

2003-04-21 Thread alltogethernow
Hi Roman, 
Thanks for the tip. You know how it is(?) -this issue of
quality supplements can be very frustrating, and when you find one that
you really think works; it is a tough decision to change. 
   I plan to buy a large quantity, but I've been burned so many times,
that I'm gun shy.  I don't mean to disrespect anyones product.

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Re: CS> the G machine, acupuncture machine, and a metal skull...Chuck...

2003-04-21 Thread alltogethernow
The accupuncture stimulator is a Chinese product; Cost $140. If truly
interested, I'll look for another.
 However, I post the info. about the tibia/ metal rod for the curious
minds here. 

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Re: CS> H- ion; was the Godzilla machine... garsh darnit...

2003-04-21 Thread alltogethernow
The person who told me about New Vision and Active-h , cautioned me to
avoid Royal Body Care, as they may be the ones you are refering to.
 My bottle of Active h has 300mg per capsule, and the Vitamin Shoppe
brand has 250 mg; both have 60 caps.
 I think the difference is 3,000mg, so the price per company is close,
but thanks for the info.; it's good to have competition. 

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Re: CS> the Godzilla machine... garsh darnit...

2003-04-20 Thread alltogethernow
Just a note about a few thoughts on therapies. It's my experience that
the godzilla is an effective tool, but I would not rely on it only, to
decrease my viral load. Like any other, it has limits.
 I have been getting excellent results lately with extremely diminished
symptoms from hcv, however, I have been doing several other thigs too.
One other is a supplement called Active-h which is negatively charged
ions of hydrogen in a capsule. This stuff really does what it promises.
It provides cellular energy to put it simply. It put additional "color"
in my complexion almost overnight, and an immediate improvement in
 Search for Active-h by New Vision, or call 1-800-minerals _I am not a
distributor; just passing on the good news- but you will have t join
this MLM, which is a turn off, but worth it..
 A second part isI found a device used by some Chinese
accupunturists that emits a current whereby they hook it to the needles
for stimulation. 
 I modified the lead wire and made electrodes and covered these with
cloth, soaked them with CS, Whikle drinking some CS, and attached at the
ankle arteries. This, with the godzilla, seems to give a double whammy
on the critters. 
  Thirdly, here is a unique situation; I have a steel rod inside my
tibia(?) lower leg bone, that runs from knee to ankle, and the current
from the Chinese device is felt the entire length of the rod, and I
noticed even more improvement in my energy overnight. I am wondering if
the current is electrocuting the virus inside the bone marrow. Just a

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Re: CS> the Godzilla machine... garsh darnit...

2003-04-19 Thread alltogethernow

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Re: CS> the Godzilla machine... garsh darnit...

2003-04-19 Thread alltogethernow
Yes, that is the group name. Don't know why it doesn't show up. try and then search from there. HIV and HCV are
mentioned in the group introduction as well. 

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Re: CS> the Godzilla machine... ohhh no...

2003-04-19 Thread alltogethernow
The best I can offer is to go to and put the
microelecttricitygermkiller in the search engine. After you join, ask
"V" to provide the link. (he sells them)

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Re: CS>Virus killing alternative - the Godzilla machine

2003-04-18 Thread alltogethernow
Hi Christine, 
I'm getting good results fro the Godzilla thing too. 
 I've discovered something similar and which seems to double the effect, 
 This electrical device is used by Chinese accupuncturists to attach an
elect. charge to the needles inserted.
 It emits a pulsating charge. when turned all the way up, it will make
you jump across the room, but it is very tolerable when low. 
 I'm using this on the ankle arteries, while the godzilla is on the
wrist, and I have not looked, or felt this well in many moons.
 there is a person in that group who will make these godzillas. Here is
the address; I'm not affiliated, blah, blah.
 Also doing the CS and fast walking with the Godzilla to stir the blood.   

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Re: CS>CS use in I.V.'s & enemas

2003-04-18 Thread alltogethernow
My post was in response to an earlier post which led me to believe that
the person was asking if it was okay to inject homemade CS. Maybe I read
it wrong.
 At any rate, I'm glad that the converstaion continued and I was able to
learn the proper method, etc; and I'll probably use it for myself.
Thanks everyone for sharing 

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Re: CS>CS use in I.V.'s & enemas COMMENT

2003-04-17 Thread alltogethernow
Dr Bradley, I just assumed that water would not be compatible with blood
on account of contaminates in the water would trigger a immune response.
I may be wrong. 
 I'd like to hear from anyone who does decide to make and inject CS, and
the method used to make it. Thanks

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Re: CS>CS use in I.V.'s & enemas

2003-04-17 Thread alltogethernow
That's okay if it's not a popular answer. I woud welcome arguments to
the contrary, because I would do it too, if there is a way to deal with
the downside.
  I've been wrong before, and always open to correction

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Re: CS>CS use in I.V.'s & enemas

2003-04-17 Thread alltogethernow
The IV water will give you a headache and will be immuno suppressive,
and the CS enema will kill friendly bacteria.  Neither one is a good

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Re: CS>re: [ot] Boric Acid

2003-03-30 Thread alltogethernow
FWIW, Each spring I get a vist from an ant colony that comes under the
baseboard.(I'm in an apartment) and I plug the area with garlic, and
that usually turns them away. 

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Re: CS>Patriot Act II

2003-03-03 Thread alltogethernow
This quote is a Supreme Court ruling- never overturned.
 1803- Chief Justice Marshal declared: 
"all laws repugmant to the Constitution are void." Marbury vs.
Madison 5 US 13  (1803)

 Sorry, I threw the "null" in there. 

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Re: CS>WHO on silver oral intake

2003-03-03 Thread alltogethernow
Marshall, I just clicked on the link that you provided and it came up.
 The menu is on the left. 

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Re: CS>Patriot Act II

2003-03-03 Thread alltogethernow
I'll have to look for it. (I should be able to quote it anyway)

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Re: CS>WHO on silver oral intake

2003-03-03 Thread alltogethernow
These guys get to decide if you get rain or not.  

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Re: CS>Patriot Act II

2003-03-03 Thread alltogethernow
"Laws repugnant to the Constittuion are null and void"-- before they
even get off the ground. This cause is "built in". 
 The Constitution has not been suspended.
 People may believe it if repeated often enough, though.
 There are quite a few groups, and towns, I think even the state of
Hawaii have served notice that tis BS is rejected. 
 What I think we do need however, is a national data base for
"disappearing citizens" because the creeps are getting bolder. 

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Re: CS>Anthrax Comment - mesosilver

2003-03-01 Thread alltogethernow
My thoughts about using CS for anthrax were geared toward a "plan B" for
example, a large segment of population is infected, there are long lines
at the emergency room; service is not looking certain...Plan B would
be a good thing to haveI can't think of anything else to use
except ozone and h202, and They're part of my plan B along with CS... 

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Re: CS>Breathing, my experience and problem

2003-02-17 Thread alltogethernow
My brother and I have had a heart pain occasionally since we were very
 We had a conversation once when we about 9-10 y/o, and we agreed; it
felt like something sticking into your heart, as you tried to breathe,
so we called it " sticky heart." 
 It happens on occasion to this day, 40 years later, however, I am
relatively active and pass all test. (So does he)
 When it happens, I just shut down the breathing a bit and be still, and
it passes in about a minute or less.  

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