CS>Best type of Vitamin C to buy

2007-11-07 Thread laquerencia33

Here's another less expensive source of acerola powder:

And check this out wile you're there - a silver-based preservative for use  
in cosmetics etc.


I thought the FDA was clamping down on silver uses like this?


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Re: CS>Best type of Vitamin C to buy

2007-11-07 Thread laquerencia33
Just sharing something from personal experience, faith. That is allowed,  
isn't it?  This is what works best for me and it might work well for  
someone else too.  FYI this product has in descending order: l-ascorbic  
acid, quercitin, bromelain, citurs bioflavinoids, hesperidin, rose hips,  
acerola, rutin.


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CS>Best type of Vitamin C to buy

2007-11-07 Thread laquerencia33
Hi Richard - I've decided that taking something like the Super Quercitin  
formulated by Bluebonnet is best for me since its the best sort of "C  
Complex" I can come up with.  Lots of people follow Linus Pauling's work  
on L-ascorbic acid xclusively and he was an awfully smart guy.  However  
I'm increasingly convinced by holistic argunments that the body needs a  
complex of VitCs to assimilate properly. I am a bit concerned though about  
whatever degree of heat might be used in the processing, since heat tends  
to destroy VitC.  Its pretty hard to find information on how vitamins are  
processed, in my experience.

my 2cents,

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CS>Lugols at Walmart

2007-10-15 Thread laquerencia33
Just a thought but would it not be a good idea to find out whether this  
product is coming from China, with all the different contamination issues  


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CS>2 gals.of CS wanted

2007-07-16 Thread laquerencia33
This person posted on another list that she would like to buy 2 gallons of  
colloidal silver which is a bit beyond my capacity at the moment.  Maybe  
someone here could offer some at a reasonable price.

Customer's email addy:

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2007-07-10 Thread laquerencia33
This info is on glacial acetic acid which I've speculated might be the  
source in very diluted form of some white vinegars - not sure though.



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Re: CS>poison ivy

2007-07-06 Thread laquerencia33
I'd add to the other advice that you have to be careful not to  
recontaminate yourself by touching anything that may have the poison ivy  
oil on it.  I once had a very bad case get totally out of control because  
the oil was on my luggage handles, steering wheel, purse etc. - things I  
hadn't thought of washing along with my clothes, shoes etc.


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CS>bloodroot salves

2007-06-19 Thread laquerencia33
I called the fellow in Montana (www.risingsunhealth.com) last year about  
his products - his response when asked about staying out of trouble with  
the law was that he has special political connections that allow him  
remain in operation.


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CS>silver plated flatware

2007-06-14 Thread laquerencia33
On another health-related list a person claimed that you can get the same  
benefit using silver or silver-plated flatware at the dinner table as from  
using EIS/CS made with a generator.  Got me to wondering what sort of  
silver would be ingested this way - particles vs. ions - and just how long  
that silver spoon would have to be in your mouth to get a benefit.


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CS>generator repair question

2007-06-11 Thread laquerencia33
I want to thank everyone who responded.  One person suggested that the  
downside of thermal stirring is that the water actually moves too fast in  
the jar which causes fuzzy deposits on the electrodes.  If that's true  
then it seems a bubbler would move water even faster, thus causing more  
deposits.  I hope Brooks will comment on whether he's seen this.

I'd also like to mention that I never stored a generator unless completely  
dry and never set it upside down so that water could run into the motor -  
these units are expensive and I'm meticulous about maintenance.  When the  
problem initially showed up last year, I did reposition the plastic tube  
covering the motor shaft which worked for a while - then it just burned  
out completely.  A couple of experts have opined that corrosion is  
inevitable when such a motor operates that close to water.

All the suggestions are very much appreciated - its hard being without  
CS/EIS for very long.  There are now several options and I'm going to  
focus on finding the best alternative stirring method - either heat,  
magnetic or bubbler.


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CS>generator repair question

2007-06-09 Thread laquerencia33
I'm hoping someone knowledgeable about CS generators might be able to help  
me with a repair question.  The stirring motor on my SG-6 has gone out and  
the quote for fixing/replacing it is one third the original price I paid  
about 2 years ago.  I've made around 10 gallons of CS during that time.   
At least one other person with an identical unit reports having the same  
problem, had the stirring motor replaced, and had that motor burn out as  

I'd like to know if there is a good alternative stirring method for a unit  
like this - maybe a way to rig up an adequate thermal stirrer, bubbler,  
etc. for making one quart at a time.

Thanks very much,

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CS>leaky bladder

2007-06-04 Thread laquerencia33

Thank you Ruth and Faith for the suggestions.


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CS>leaky bladder

2007-06-01 Thread laquerencia33
I wonder if anyone has suggestions on how to help the leaky bladder  
condition that so often plagues elderly women (perhaps men as well, not  
sure). A relative of mine had one surgery several years ago to repair this  
situation but it lasted hardly any time at all.

Thanks in advance,

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CS>Catfish Fins, How Bad can they be ?

2007-05-24 Thread laquerencia33
Hi Wayne - Is he taking mega doses of vitC - like 10K 3X/day until he gets  
the runs, then back off a bit.  How about using dmso along with the CS for  
penetration.  Hot salt water soaks.  I'd also be taking goldenseal  
tincture by the ounce.


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CS>Big Pharma: Americans betrayed by senators of both parties

2007-05-09 Thread laquerencia33
Americans betrayed by senators with surprise amendment that protects Big  
Pharma monopoly

Fifteen Democratic senators voted in favor of this amendment to defend Big  
Pharma's monopoly. Those senators are are: Max Baucus, Evan Bayh, Maria  
Cantwell, Thomas Carper, Edward Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Frank  
Lautenberg, Blanche Lincoln, Robert Menéndez, Barbara Mikulski, Patty  
Murray, Ben Nelson, Jay Rockefeller, and Kenneth Salazar.

Thirty-three Republicans also supported the bill, which passed 49-40 (11  
not voting). The Republican senators who voted for this amendment are:  
Lamar Alexander, Robert Bennett, Kit Bond, Jim Bunning, Richard Burr,  
Saxby Chambliss, Tom Coburn, Thad Cochran, Norm Coleman, Bob Corker, John  
Cornyn, Michael Crapo, Elizabeth Dole, Pete Domenici, Michael Enzi,  
Lindsey Graham, Judd Gregg, Chuck Hagel, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey  
Hutchison, Johnny Isakson, Jon Kyl, Richard Lugar, Mel Martinez, Mitch  
McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Roberts, Arlen Specter, Ted Stevens, John  
Sununu, Craig Thomas, George Voinovich, and John Warner.

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CS>Nancy's death

2007-05-03 Thread laquerencia33
I hope investigators have thought of the possibility that the hot tub  
thermostat may have malfunctioned and allowed the water to heat up,  
perhaps too slowly for these two women to detect in time to get out safely.


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Re: CS>New in this forum

2007-04-16 Thread laquerencia33
Welcome Eugenie!  I visited your beautiful country once many years ago on  
my way to Niamey and I have always wished to return.  You will get many  
responses soon, I'm sure, to your request.  Have you thought about buying  
a small generator to make and possibly sell your own colloidal silver?

You've brought me good memories,
Deborah Byron

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Tooth Pain

2007-04-01 Thread laquerencia33
Greetings everyone - I posted this once before but will mention it again  
in case it was skimmed over, because I know how bad dental problems can  
be.  Its what I would do first: dip a Q-tip into diluted dmso, then into  
tea tree oil and rub directly onto the affected area - repeat. Swish and  
hold EIS/CS in your mouth several times a day, then drink a little as  
well. Take mega doses of VitC - up to 10K units at at time until it  
produces the runs, then back off a bit, keep it up for a few days. Drink  
lots of water. This allowed both my 83 yr. old mother with a hugely  
swollen jaw and my hubby with an abscess forming under bridge work to  
completely avoid dental visits. they have not had any recurrence in the 6  
months since.


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CS>Kennedy Seeks to Prohibit Much Alternative Medicine

2007-03-21 Thread laquerencia33


What do you mean by this statement - compounding pharmacies.

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CS>Kennedy Seeks to Prohibit Much Alternative Medicine

2007-03-21 Thread laquerencia33

This is an urgent message to engage your support to stop planned  
legislation that could eliminate compounding pharmacies in the U.S.

Basically the legislation, sponsored by Senator Kennedy, would place  
control of compounding in the hands of the FDA, which wants to severely  
restrict what pharmacists can do.

This compounding legislation being drafted by Senators Kennedy, Burr and  
Roberts is the biggest threat that pharmacists have seen to their  
compounding practices. The implications are disastrous and would impact  
all compounders - big, small, urban, rural, hospital, community and more.  
The stakes are truly high.

Fortunately there is an affiliate patient and physician advocacy  
organization - P2C2 - with more than 25,000 members.  To defeat this  
legislation we are going to need hundreds of thousands of patients calling  
on their members of Congress.

Please click on the link below for more information and an easy-to-use  
format for contacting your legislators.


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CS>almond milk

2007-03-06 Thread laquerencia33
Sol - a great idea for the meal - will try it. No, I don't remove the  
skins. Only give them a quick rinse to start with. I do toss out the  
soaking water and use fresh water for making the milk.

What is coconut oil candy?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>almond milk

2007-03-06 Thread laquerencia33
For people who've never tried it, almond milk is very easy to make.  Use  
about a cup of whole raw almonds in a blender jar full of good water,  
blend on the highest setting for a minute or so.  Strain through a flour  
sack kitchen towel or muslin.  You can then re-blend the meal with less  
water, strain, combine them and refridgerate. Compost the left-over meal.

Soaking the almonds overnight makes blending even easier.


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CS>Septic skeptic

2006-10-31 Thread laquerencia33
My question is this - if urine has in it what the body lacks/needs for  
some specific ailment, why is the body then excreting it?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CS & Tooth Abcess

2006-10-14 Thread laquerencia33

Here's another testimonial...

A few weeks ago both my husband and my elderly mother had the beginnings  
of dental infections/abscesses underneath their bridgework.  My mother's  
condition was most serious by far with significant pain and a great deal  
of swelling in one jaw.  Both of them knocked the infections out in very  
short order by taking mega-doses of vitamin C powder (calcium ascorbate),  
swabbing the affected area with a Q-tip soaked in Tea Tree Oil/DMSO, and  
swishing/holding CS in their mouths several times a day.  Both of them  
would have been subject to very expensive and invasive bridge replacements  
if they had rushed to the dentist.  Instead they were pain-free and  
asymptomatic within THREE DAYS with no dental visits necessary.  Both are  
continuing to take reduced amts. of VitC and are paying close attention to  
the problem areas but were just amazed.


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CS>Honey Honey Honey

2006-09-27 Thread laquerencia33
Makes perfect since.  I really appreciate getting a good lesson in wound  
care.  Of course I was already thinking along the lines of using CS to  
irrigate such a wound and wondering whether there are any conditions where  
a saline solution would be preferable to CS.  I suppose it might depend on  
whether the 'drawing out' action of salt is called for or not.  Thinking  
of the burn centers that use CS, probably in order to avoid just that.

Love back atcha,

I hope this makes sense.

Love Jackie

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CS>Honey Honey Honey

2006-09-27 Thread laquerencia33

Dear Jackie,

That was such a great story of home nursing - the best kind of care, imo.   
I'd like to ask for a few more details so I can duplicate your results if  
ever needed.  Exactly how was the honey applied - straight from the  
container or thinned out?  When you 'packed the wound' with the salt water  
solution and gauze, how was that done - did you pour the water into the  
wound cavitation so that it pooled and then use a gauze cover or...?  And  
about how much salt:water?  Also, was any of this painful to the patient.  
esp. the peroxide?

Thanks very much,

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CS>how long does cs last??

2006-09-14 Thread laquerencia33
Related question - can anyone tell me how much CS per gallon of filtered  
city water is needed to have it store well for an emergency supply kit?


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CS>Tabasco peppers...

2006-09-09 Thread laquerencia33
I think tabasco sauce is made with scotch bonnet peppers if I'm not  


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CS>root canal infection

2006-09-09 Thread laquerencia33
My husband has just reported that he's feeling pain underneath very  
expensive bridge work done just last year, saying it feels deeper than  
simply a gum problem.  I'd very much appreciate it if those interested  
would please review the following and add anything you'd do in addition.

* CS/EIS - a small mouthful every 2 hours with gradual build-up to more if  
* VitC megadoses - a much as tolerable until he gets the runs (question:  
MSM along with this for absorption?)

* CS/DMSO swabbed onto gums 3X/day
* H2O2 swished in mouth after brushing

Thanks very much,

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CS>Cayenne Tincture Methods

2006-09-02 Thread laquerencia33
Thanks Ed for the information on how to prepare cayenne.  I'd appreciate  
hearing about the options using vinegar and water/salt for tincturing.   
I'm hoping a couple of non-alcohol quarts of such tincture could be kept  
in the fridge to prevent spoilage.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>AG Deodorant

2006-09-01 Thread laquerencia33
My household has been using 12-15 ppm CS/EIS as an atomized deodorant  
spray for quite some some and finds that it works very well.  In hot humid  
conditions it has to be re-applied rather frequently however which has  
made me think that a roll-on formula of some kind would be the most  
effective way to go.  If anyone has a recipe for this, I'd like to try  
making it.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>C-Span will air 9/11 Truth Conference tomorrow

2006-07-28 Thread laquerencia33


The program will air on C-SPAN 1 at 8PM EST (7PM CST) on Saturday, July
29th and then air again for the West Coast at 11pm EST (10pm CST). You can
watch the program online at the times stated above by clicking here

The panel features incredible presentations by 9/11 Scholars for Truth
founder James Fetzer; BYU Physics Professor Steven Jones; President of the
Institute for Space and Security Studies Dr. Robert M. Bowman; Lt. Col.,
USAF, ret., Filmmaker and Radio Broadcaster Alex Jones; and Terrorism
Expert Webster Tarpley.

C-Span viewers will witness what many consider to be the most hard hitting
conference to date including the most professional and credible speakers
ever assembled.

Many have expressed a degree of frustration that some quarters of the 9/11
truth movement are not as bold in their stance when drawing conclusions
about 9/11 evidence as is necessary to make an impact. The American
Scholars Symposium was clear in its summation that 9/11 represents
an inside job carried out by criminal elements within the US government.

Preaching to the choir is a method best left in the past and the C-Span
airing is a positive step towards educating those who
remain in the dark about the staggering volume of evidence which
indicates that the official story behind 9/11 is a fraud.

The program will air on C-SPAN 1 at 8PM EST (7PM CST) on Saturday, July
29th and then air again for the West Coast at 11pm EST (10pm CST). You can
watch the program online at the times stated above by clicking here


9/11 Symposium: Professor Steven Jones
Professor Steven Jones gives an illustrated keynote speech about the role
of incendiary devices used in the destruction of the twin towers and
Building 7. Jones has often been cited as the torch carrier for a newly
defined 9/11 movement characterized by science, common sense and

9/11 Symposium: Lt. Col. Bob Bowman
In this presentation Bowman discusses the ignorance surrounding the events
of 9/11 and its aftermath and details the NORAD cover-up surrounding
intercept procedures that were not properly executed on that day - drawing
  from his own experience as an Air Force pilot and his Ph.D. in  

and Nuclear Engineering from Cal-Tech.

9/11 Symposium: Professor Jim Fetzer
Fetzer details the implausible collapse of the twin towers according to
the melting point of steel in comparison with the temperature of jet fuel.
This 78-minute high quality presentation also covers the controversy at
the Pentagon in depth with slides to accompany the discussion.

William Rodriguez: 9/11 Hero
Rodriguez passionately engages the audience and discusses the relentless
media circus that followed him in the days after 9/11 and his eyewitness
accounts of explosions in the underground basement levels of the towers.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>grapefruit seed extract

2006-07-21 Thread laquerencia33
This information came up on a cosmetics list where lots of attention is  
given to how substances are extracted and preserved.  It looks by these  
studies as if the antimicrobial action commonly attributed to GSE is in  
fact caused by chemicals used to process it.  I don't like it either, but  
people need accurate information.


Identification of benzethonium chloride in commercial grapefruit seed
Takeoka G, Dao L, Wong RY, Lundin R, Mahoney N.
J Agric Food Chem. 2001 Jul;49(7):3316-20.

Western Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, California 94710,
USA. g...@pw.usda.gov

Commercial grapefruit seed extracts (GSE) were extracted with chloroform.
The solvent was evaporated, and the resulting solid was subsequently
analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, electrospray ionization
mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and
elemental analysis (by proton-induced X-ray emission [PIXE] analysis). The
main constituent was identified as benzethonium chloride, a synthetic
antimicrobial agent commonly used in cosmetics and
other topical applications. This compound comprised 8.03% (n = 2) of the
liquid GSE sample. Higher amounts of benzethonium chloride were found in
powder GSE samples.
Aspects of the antimicrobial efficacy of grapefruit seed extract and its
relation to preservative substances contained.
von Woedtke T, Schluter B, Pflegel P, Lindequist U, Julich WD.
Pharmazie. 1999 Jun;54(6):452-6.
Institute of Pharmacy, Ernst Moritz Arndt University, Greifswald, Germany.

The antimicrobial efficacy as well as the content of preservative agents of
six commercially available grapefruit seed extracts were examined. Five of
the six extracts showed a high growth inhibiting activity against the test
germs Bacillus subtilis SBUG 14, Micrococcus flavus SBUG 16, Staphylococcus
aureus SBUG 11, Serratia marcescens SBUG 9, Escherichia coli SBUG 17,
Proteus mirabilis SBUG 47, and Candida maltosa SBUG 700. In all of the
antimicrobial active grapefruit seed extracts, the preservative  

chloride was detected by thin layer chromatography. Additionally, three
extracts contained the preserving substances triclosan and methyl parabene.
In only one of the grapefruit seed extracts tested no preservative agent  
found. However, with this extract as well as with several self-made  

from seed and juiceless pulp of grapefruits (Citrus paradisi) no
antimicrobial activity could be detected (standard serial broth dilution
assay, agar diffusion test). Thus, it is concluded that the potent as well
as nearly universal antimicrobial activity being attributed to grapefruit
seed extract is merely due to the synthetic preservative agents contained
within. Natural products with antimicrobial activity do not appear to be
[Analysis of components in natural food additive "grapefruit seed extract"
by HPLC and LC/MS]
Sakamoto S, Sato K, Maitani T, Yamada T.
Eisei Shikenjo Hokoku. 1996;(114):38-42.

The components in a commercial natural food additive "Grapefruit seed
extract" and the ethanol extract of grapefruit seeds were analyzed by HPLC
and LC/MS. The HPLC chromatogram of the commercial grapefruit seed extract
was quite different from that of the ethanol extract of grapefruit seeds.
Three main peaks were observed in the chromatogram of the commercial
grapefruit seed extract. By comparison of the retention times and the
absorption spectra with those of authentic samples, two peaks were
ascribed to methyl-p-hydroxybenzoate and
2,4,4'-trichloro-2'-hydroxydiphenylether (triclosan). Triclosan was also
identified by LC/MS by using the negative electrospray ionization method.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Mineral supplement

2006-07-20 Thread laquerencia33

Hello Duncan - would you please name the benzene based preservatives?

Duncan Crow wrote:

I used to buy Body Balance by the box and I'm still using up my
last few bottles even though it contains benzene-based
preservatives. You've probably heard products thus preserved
release benzene in the presence of acidity.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>best vitamin c

2006-07-16 Thread laquerencia33
Hi Mike - would you please tell us what specifically is bioavailable  
calcium, what to look for on a label to indicate that and also what are  
the organic and inorganic sources...my readings tell me that that  
ascorbates are often processed with some pretty undesirable chemicals.

Thanks, I appreciate it...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Emotional Freedom Technique

2006-07-13 Thread laquerencia33
Would the person who made the offer about EFT materials please re-post the  
contact info.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>msp to mike monet

2006-07-12 Thread laquerencia33

  So I stopped using dw in HDPE containers, and switched to  PET. This
  works a lot better.
  Mike M.

Hi Mike - I've never seen dw sold in PET, only the 'milk jug' plastic.  Do  
you mean that you transfer it to a PET container after purchase...or maybe  
you have a distiller?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>inner ear infection/EIS

2006-06-30 Thread laquerencia33
This is a situation a friend is going through that involves the inner ear,  
which I don't recall being addressed on the list.

To make a somewhat long story short, she has wound up with a bad  
irritation (which has probably now progressed to an infection) in one  
inner ear that is sending her to the MD's office.  When she asked this  
morning about the use of CS/EIS, I got to thinking what I might have tired  
was 1) before it got so bad, fill the ear canal with some warmed EIS or  
EIS/GSE and lie on my side so that it would remain there for several  
minutes before turning over and draining it out...or 2) to address an  
actual infection, add a couple drops of DMSO and use the same method.

I know inner ear infections are very painful and said to be potentially  
quite serious in terms of hearing loss, so hitting it ASAP is critical.   
I'd like to know for my own information whether anyone has tried this  
method or a similar one that worked and allowed them to avoid antibiotics.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Silver product claims

2006-06-26 Thread laquerencia33
Companies marketing these types of bandages apparently have no qualms  
about making claims.  I wonder if its because their claims don't involve  
'colloidal' silver.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>apricot seeds,milk based probiotics

2006-06-20 Thread laquerencia33
Is it true that bitter almonds are not allowed to be sold here in the US,  
as I've seen mentioned on-line?  I'd like to know a source for ordering.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>FresherLonger Miracle Food Storage

2006-06-12 Thread laquerencia33
Is this use of silver embedded into plastic likely to be  
effective--Doesn't EIS need to be in solution (water) in order to work?


On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:53:11 -0500, Rich Adams  wrote:


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Welcome Ann!

2006-05-22 Thread laquerencia33
Ann--Everything about kefir and the so-called grains (the living organisms  
that do the culturing) is on this website.  Kefir made this way is  
different and better than commercial pasturized products, yummy though  
they may be.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Welcome Ann!

2006-05-22 Thread laquerencia33

Dear Ann,

You mention having allergies--wondering if you've heard that there is in  
fact a link between damaged intestinal flora (the kind of damage done by  
antibiotics) and allergies.  Poor flora leads to incompletely digested  
material entering the blood stream which are then treated as foreign  
bodies by the immune system--thus the tendency to allergies.  Besides  
using CS, you could look into making your own kefir as a way of restoring  
balance in the gut.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Oh, nooooo

2006-05-22 Thread laquerencia33
I heard on last night's news that the horse had surgery and was up and  
walking on the leg almost immediately.  So, good news...however, imo there  
should be a hefty fine, criminal charges and sanctions for owners who run  
an injured horse, if that is in fact what happened.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour