Re: CSplease unsubscribe me

2011-09-22 Thread nenahsylver
Thanks for the kind words, friends.

I'm in Korea at the moment and wanted to temporarily unsubscribe so my inbox 
wouldn't be overwhelmed with emails. It's sometimes hard to do email when I'm 
traveling. I planned to subscribe on my return.

In any case, it's a moot point since Mike didn't respond. I'll be back online 
on a regular basis on Sept. 29th.

All the best,

 Jim Holmes wrote: 
 Hello Nenah,
 Why?  You are a valuable contributor.
 Are you going to post elsewhere?
 Thank you for everything.
 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 5:30 AM, MaryAnn Helland 
  Nenah -- why are you leaving?  I've always enjoyed and appreciated your
  *From:* Nenah Sylver
  *Cc:* Mike Devour
  *Sent:* Wed, September 21, 2011 6:12:38 AM
  *Subject:* CSplease unsubscribe me
  PLEASE unsubscribe me.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSCS as a sterilizer

2009-09-27 Thread nenahsylver
My grandson is one year old and my granddaughter is three.  Both of them
have asthma. I am concerned about the coming flu epidemic.   How much CS
should they take as a preventive and can it be added to their milk or juice
on a daily basis?



Just so you know, MANY children who have asthma are allergic to dairy,
especially if it's pasteurized and homogenized (not raw). Gluten can also be
a factor.


You might consider looking into the possibility of dietary causes as well.
If it's diet-related, the problem can be eliminated or lessened and then you
won't have to treat after the fact.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

now available in HARDCOVER

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy 



RE: CSCarb Blocker / Glucomannan

2009-09-25 Thread nenahsylver
[Marshall Dudley] I think that is a little extreme.


[zoe w] As I said, it  throws up RED FLAGS  for me. . . . If one is disposed
to eating out one is going to be exposed to all manner  of  stuff  one does
not want in ones system.  Especially if its Fast Food.

Take my pill  and you can eat whatever you want, you don't have to change
anything. This is the classic  Quick Fix that is a trap that  Americans at
least have fallen into over the years. I meant no offense, was just stating
my opinion since someone asked.




Zoe's position might be a little extreme for YOU, but it's not extreme for
HER. I think it's possible to state one's position without labeling other
people or making them wrong.


I agree that carb blockers can be useful for some people. If you're on the
road and all you have access to food-wise is crap, carb (or fat) blockers
might be a good idea.


However, for me, I wouldn't want to use them, primarily because they block
enzymatic action. We need all the enzymes we can get-in fact, people with
impaired digestion or any type of pain require MORE enzymes in their bodies.


So to block the beneficial activity of the enzymes we do have, seems
counterproductive in the long run.


Another issue here is research showing that the mere TASTE of food
stimulates the release of various hormones in the body. Some of these
hormones are related to satiety. (For instance, people drinking diet sodas
containing aspartame get fatter than people who drink sodas that contain
just sugar.) My position is, most ingredients that change the body's
normal responses are not optimally beneficial in the long run. I discuss the
relationship of taste to hormonal effects in some detail in my new Rife
Handbook (see tagline).


Besides, there is the reality that food (as with everything else) has an
energy level or frequency. Muscle testing shows that even being near
something negative can lower one's energy field if one isn't strong. So
imagine what would happen if I put junk food into my body? Maybe the stuff
would pass out of my system, but what is it doing to me energetically?


Fortunately, there IS something that a colleague of mine has been
successfully using: 


1/4 cup glucomannan 

1/2 cup psyllium 

1/2 cup raw chia seeds


Mix together well. The put 1 teaspoon of mixture into a cup of water, stir,
and drink.


According to this woman, one study had people taking it 2 hours before each
meal, and the participants all lost weight, mainly because they ate less at
the meals. (With rats, it was added to their food.)


Glucomannan (from the Konjac plant), is used in the Orient to make noodles.
They have virtually no carbs, and assume the flavor of whatever they are
cooked with.


The combination of glucomannan with the psyllium and chia seeds (the chia
has to be raw) seems to regulate the bowel again. It slows (NOT blocks) the
passage of sweet and starchy carbs through the digestive tract, which helps
reduce blood sugar spikes. And, the glucomannan appears to stick to Candida
(a good thing) and escort it out of the digestive tract.


I am going to order these ingredients and try them-not so I can pig out on
crap, but to help normalize my digestive tract.





Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

now available in HARDCOVER

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy   



RE: CSCarb Blocker / Glucomannan

2009-09-25 Thread nenahsylver
[zoe w] Nenah, Another solution is  Kefir  and/or Kombuchaboth healthy
pro-biotics that you can make at home -  also  commercially  available.
Both of these have proven useful in not only  weightloss,  but in balancing
the body in general.  They  rebalance your gut flora as well as aid  in
detoxifying-   its a win/win  situation.


Not if you're allergic to dairy and react negatively to Kombucha. I cannot
tolerate either of those, for numerous reasons. Believe me, I've tried all
variants, including making my own from organic (and in the case of dairy)
raw goat's milk. Not good for me.





RE: CSHelp needed for lady with MS who suffered a stroke 5 months ago

2009-09-12 Thread nenahsylver
[Hanneke] Earlier this week, I caught up with  some  friends and one of them
is desperate to get all and any information to help his partner towards
recovery of a stroke, recovery for as far as possible under the



The Tennant Biomodulator restores voltage to the cells. This means muscle,
nerve and glandular tissue-even cartilage and bones. At least two young
children were brought out of comas (due to their having fallen into swimming
pools) with the device.


You can download my article Healing with Electromedicine and Sound
Therapies at


After s/he reads the article, if your friend would like to contact me to ask
questions s/he is welcome to do so.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

now available in HARDCOVER

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy 



RE: CSmore info on brain damage - MARY

2009-09-12 Thread nenahsylver
Here is a link to an article written by a woman who used EFT for a brain


The EFT manual is free on the internet, and the technique can be
self-administered or done by proxy.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

now available in HARDCOVER

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy 

CSmicrobes resistant to silver

2009-09-11 Thread nenahsylver
A colleague I trust pointed out that published reports now cite pathogens
that are resistant to silver.


The following article explains the mechanism and cross-bacterial transfer of
silver resistance genes among bacteria.


At the bottom of the page is list of some known resistances to copper and


Escherichia coli bacteria Cu


Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria Cu  Ag


Legionella pneumophilia bacteria Cu  Ag


Salmonella sp. bacteria Ag


Vibrio cholerae bacteria Cu  Ag


Candida albicans yeast Cu


Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast Cu  Ag


Hartmenella vermiformis protozoa Cu  Ag


Tetrahymena pyriformis protozoa Cu  Ag


Paramecium sp. protozoa Cu  Ag


Amoeba sp. protozoa Cu  Ag


My colleague also did a PubMed search on silver resistance. She found that
article 12829274 mentions that in 2003, E. coli strain O157:H7 was found to
have silver resistance genes in its genome.  


I am wondering if we should be cautious about using CS routinely (meaning
even when we aren't ill). Or do you think the article is flawed? If so, what
are the flaws?






RE: [RE]CSmicrobes resistant to silver:Comment

2009-09-11 Thread nenahsylver
Dear Brooks,

Thank you SO much for your response. This was exactly the
information/opinion/experience I was looking for.


I have been using DMSO sporadically for aching muscles and will start
experimenting with EIS, in the proportions you used.


My gratitude,



Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

now available in HARDCOVER

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy 


From: Brooks Bradley [] 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 1:51 PM
Subject: [RE]CSmicrobes resistant to silver:Comment


Dear Nenah, 
We have not evaluated EIS against the bacterial agents referenced by your
colleague in any isolated environemnt, specifically designed to measure
toxicity. However, we have found that combining EIS with DMSO, has
togreatly increase effectivity..sometimes by an
order-of-magnitude--against a multiplicity of bacterial pathogens, both
in vitro and in vivo. 
It is my belief that very few, IF ANY, bacteria relying upon protein shields
(or any tissue-based isolation medium) to bind or block the EIS
component...are able to do so in the presence of EIS entrained in a weak
(e.g. 10% ) DMSO solution. In past research evaluations we discovered that
MANY conditions which served to greatly lower or prevent the effective
intervention of EIS against pathogens (mucous isolation, some epithelial
tissue interferences and even dead-tissue debris fields), were easily
overcome through the addition of DMSO as an entrainment/transport medium.
Our first successes with such protocols came circa 1996 
when we prosecuted our earliest evaluations of the airbrush system as a
successful intervention against double, bi-lateral, viral pneumonia [at
which time there was NO known treatment of effective nature). 
We DID encounter circumstances in which applying EIS to in vitro colonies of
pathogens were...initiallyunsuccessful-but when the EIS solution was
mixed with a companion DMSO (10% by volume) and reapplied..complete
control resulted in less than 
6 minutes in most casesand in 10 minutes in 95% of the cases. This
result presented 
against EVERY bacteria we confronted in these evaluations. 
As a postscript I might add that at that time (circa 1996-98) we encountered
only one bacteria which successfully resisted EISafter experiencing
actual physical contact. The bacteria (which name escapes my memory, but can
be supplied if someone wants to put me on-the-rack) was one found in
silver mines proper. Interestingly, after 9 generations of isolation from
the silver-impregnated environment of the mines, themselves-the bacteria
LOST its tolerance against EIS. 
With Warmest Regards, Brooks. 

RE: [RE]CSmicrobes resistant to silver:Comment

2009-09-11 Thread nenahsylver
On the DMSO egroup, there's lots of talk about using DMSO with CS.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

now available in HARDCOVER

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy 


From: Bob Banever [] 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [RE]CSmicrobes resistant to silver:Comment




Very interesting and thank you for those observations.  I would
assume it is ok to ingest EIS with a 10% solution of DMSO, yes?  I would
further assume this same mixture can be used as a nasal irrigant or inhalant
through a nebulizer.


  Comments welcome.




2009-09-10 Thread nenahsylver
I bought a perfectly serviceable distiller from Sears several years ago for
a little over $100.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

now available in HARDCOVER

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy  

CSAre some microbes becoming resistant to silver?

2009-09-10 Thread nenahsylver
Dear list:


A colleague whom I respect recently drew my attention to the following
article, which explains the mechanism and cross-bacterial transfer of silver
resistance genes among bacteria.


The bottom of the website page lists some microorganisms known to be
resistant not only to silver, but also to copper (commonly used in hot tubs
and swimming pools):


Escherichia coli bacteria Cu


Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria Cu  Ag


Legionella pneumophilia bacteria Cu  Ag


Salmonella sp. bacteria Ag


Vibrio cholerae bacteria Cu  Ag


Candida albicans yeast Cu


Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast Cu  Ag


Hartmenella vermiformis protozoa Cu  Ag


Tetrahymena pyriformis protozoa Cu  Ag


Paramecium sp. protozoa Cu  Ag


Amoeba sp. protozoa Cu  Ag


My colleague also did a search for silver resistance on PubMed. Article
12829274 mentions that in 2003, the E. coli strain O157:H7 was found to have
silver resistance genes in its genome.  


Are there any ways in which the studies showing microbial resistance to
silver could be flawed? I'd hate to see the preventive, or even more
restrained, use of CS create silver-resistant microorganisms.


I welcome informed input.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

now available in HARDCOVER

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy 


RE: CSRec. for Dr. Gerald Smith DDS

2009-09-10 Thread nenahsylver
[gmetropulo] Anyone have any insight into biological dentist Dr. Gerald
Smith and his biological root canals and treatments? Couldn't get much info
on him or dental practice. the sec. told me he does treatment based on
energy testing vs. xrays. does not promote exractions. Does root canal with
bio-frequencies.does whole body testing and have clients all over the world.
He's in Phil.



In going through my emails, I found this older post. If you're still
interested . . . Gerald is a genius and multi-faceted. If I lived nearby,
I'd see him.



RE: CSOff Topic - CMO and floride treatment

2009-08-24 Thread nenahsylver
Also I have had all of my silver fillings removed over the course of the
year (quite costly) (worth it since my migrains are gone) but they would
like to paint floride on at my next cleaning and I have said I am not
interested.  The hygenist said well just give me a reason why you wouldn't
want it.  I guess saying because I don't want it isn't going to satisfy
them.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.



It's YOUR mouth. YOU are paying THEM for their services. That they are
putting you on the spot is inappropriate-not to mention suspicious.


I would tell them that they don't need a reason, and that I'll see another
dentist if they don't abide by my wishes.


Even so, I'd think twice about going to such a dentist anyway. I'd be
concerned that they might slip things into my mouth that don't belong there,
without telling me.






2009-08-11 Thread nenahsylver
[David Bearrow] Wayne said you gotta get the wet processed cold pressed
virgin coconut oil melted to a liquid but you don't want to heat it too much
or it loses its good properties (it melts at 76 degrees). I used a double
boiler cause I keep my house at 74 degrees but you could just put it outside
on a hot day. Then you mix the coconut oil and the peanut butter half and
half. Then you add honey to taste. Then you pour the mixture into a brownie
pan and put it in the fridge. Once its cold it will harden up and you can
cut it into squares. Its a delicious way to eat a large amount of coconut
oil which is really good for you (




You can do this with raw cacao powder, too, and retain the benefits of
chocolate. Raw honey has healing properties, but when you heat it you
destroy the enzymes.


Coconut oil freezes well. You could put the brownies in the freezer for a
while to develop a wonderful fudge-like consistency.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009)

with a Holistic Health Primer 

The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy 



RE: CSH2O2 and cancer

2009-08-09 Thread nenahsylver

Putting three drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into 4 ounces of water
(NOT fruit juice!) is a very incomplete way to deal with cancer. 


H2O2 can also irritate the stomach. Since the idea behind its use is to
oxygenate the system (cancer thrives in an anaerobic environment), I'd use
ozone therapy instead, which is more powerful and more complete.


There's so much to this-diet, other types of infections, heavy metals and
other toxins (the body often forms tumors to encapsulate the toxins). 


I would use Rife technology, colloidal silver, ozone, and the appropriate
nutritional supplements (including Essiac tea). It's all discussed in my new
Rife Handbook.


For doses on H2O2, see Ed McCabe's book Oxygen Therapies.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009) 

 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy





From: A. Reid Harvey [] 
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 2:41 AM
Subject: CSH2O2 and cancer


Again I'm infrequent here, mostly tuning in when there's a need for answers.
Apologies if this sounds a bit like a cop put.  I have a friend whose sister
is apparently dying of cancer, and I remember that several years ago I had
read here that one of the several cures involves putting drops of hydrogen
peroxide into fruit juice.  Can someone please let me know about the proper
dosage and frequency, so that I can relate this information to my friend.
Thank you.

RE: CSRe: healing hands and electricity

2009-08-05 Thread nenahsylver

The entire article is at the bottom of the page. You download it as a pdf


To read the pdf file, you need the correct program. You can download, for
free, Adobe reader here: 






From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 8:00 AM
Subject: RE: CSRe: healing hands and electricity


Your web site is good I read about thyroid care but what I wanted was the
article on electromedicine I was able to read the first part but could not
access the second I tried to contact you but I could not, so I am trying
this way of contacting you.

I do believe in electromedicine and would like to read more.

Thank you in advance.


-- Original message from nenahsylver

You might also want to check out my article that was published last year in
Townsend Letter, called Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies.
You can download the pdf for free.


Best, Nenah


RE: CSOratec - Periodontal disease

2009-08-05 Thread nenahsylver
[Larry Tankersley] Periodontal disease arggg. Been dealing with it for
35 years; had the flap surgery... waste of time and money not to mention the
trauma and discomfort.. . .  I delayed tooth loss for years by injecting
hydrogen-peroxide or CS into the pockets using injection devices such as
those sold by Oratec, but, have lost nine teeth, so far, as I got tired of
dealing with it.



It sounds to me as though you have something more going on than just your


Bone infection is prevalent, more than you might think. Jawbone infection,
called cavitation, is slow to progress, but eventually causes the kind of
tooth loss that you describe.


Do a search on the web. Cavitations can affect the entire system.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy  

The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy



RE: CSRe: healing hands and electricity

2009-07-25 Thread nenahsylver
You might also want to check out my article that was published last year in
Townsend Letter, called Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies.
You can download the pdf for free.


Best, Nenah


From: A. Reid Harvey [] 
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:20 AM
Subject: CSRe: healing hands and electricity


Hi again!
Now I'm beginning to read the following, referenced article, and I'm
intrigued in saying that a lot of this has to do with electricity and
healing.  Back when I spent a lot more time on the Silver List I got to know
about B.E. and the Godzilla device that's used for this, and of course, many
of you are much more knowledgeable in these matters than I am.
Please check out the reference, following:
 an article that was in a 1974 issue from the Baltimore Sun:

CSBrooks Bradley's protocol - may I crosspost?

2009-07-22 Thread nenahsylver

Do I have your permission to forward your protocol to others? I will credit
you unless you request otherwise.

Thanks- Nenah Sylver

PARVOVIRUS Parvo protocol by Brooks Bradley

Dear Dog-Loving List Members: 


A very recent incident involving a long-time friend of mine, has re-kindled
my interest in posting a protocol which has proved to be quite efficacious
(as an ancillary protocol)in treating young puppies exposed to Parvo. 


The original protocol was discovered quite serendipitously, by my wife, some
18 years ago. 


It utilizes the simple expedient of introducing balanced fluid electrolytes
(Lactated Ringer's or Gatorade) into the system of puppies undergoing the
severe dehydration normally associated with this disorder.  Since puppies,
almost universally, refuse to drink when this condition manifests, the
alternative my wife chose was to administer Gatorade, via a rectal-entry
(enema).  She used Gatorade, undiluted, warmed to body temperature and
directly out of the container. 


The first subject was a male German Sheppard puppy, 6 weeks of age. She
administered approximately 4 ounces per treatment, every 6 hours--day and
night--for four days.  The pup lived, to become one of our dearest family
members and enlivened our lives immensely for the next 15 years.  His two
litter-mates died after receiving conventional hospitalization, antibiotics,
sulfa, etc. 


Since we had, already, spent about $800. on their unsuccessful treatment and
this pup was closer to morbidity than the other two she theorized the
situation to be, essentially, hopeless and opted for this unconventional (at
that time) treatment. 


During the ensuing years, we have passed this protocol on to dozens of our
friends and associates with essentially universally positive results.  This
protocol buys enough time and delays renal shut-down long enough for
ancillary treatments to be effective.  In the case of our pup, NO OTHER
protocol was involved. 


This brings me to the case at-hand.  My friend had a young puppy who was not
responding to any of the conventional treatments; after being treated by a
large-animal veterinarian who had made a 60 mile drive to his remote ranch
in northern Nevada.  Later, after a lengthy telephone conversation, with the
vet stating that the pup would probably expire before he could return, my
friend's wife called me, for solace more than treatment advice.  During our
telephone conversation I suggested Ringer's Lactate (which they keep on hand
for normal cattle treatments) 75% by volume,  mixed with Colloidal Silver,
25% by volume; administered as an enema - essentially following my wife's 18
year old protocol.  The puppy was able to stand, weakly, within 12 hours and
could move about with some stability within 24 hours and was fully
functional within 72 hours following the initial treatment. 


I believe knowledge of this proven, successful, protocol may be of value to
anyone confronted with a Parvo circumstance, in puppies most especially. 


Some Parvo strains are exceptionally virulent and very rapid-acting, thus
greatly limiting the response-time window for effective treatment. 


I hope this information may be of value to some of you.



Brooks Bradley

RE: CSRe Cracks on feet - to Ted

2009-07-18 Thread nenahsylver
Thank You for the heads up i do have some other health problems and
currently getting blood work done i will ask about thyroid test Thanks  





You're welcome. Be aware, however, that most blood tests don't indicate if
the thyroid is malfunctioning. To learn why, go to my website and download
the following article for free: 


In this article, I give a good summary of Dr. Mark Starr's research. The
best way to diagnose hypothyroidism is through a clinical picture-and the
person himself/herself is ultimately the best source for that.






RE: CSArmpit fungus / Sodium bicarbonate purity

2009-07-18 Thread nenahsylver
[sol] Hello Jean, I believe you are confusing baking soda with baking
powder. Most baking powders are a mix of ingredients including baking soda,
and many do have aluminum, but  baking SODA is just baking soda, i.e. sodium
bicarbonate (sometimes called bicarbonate of soda) and it has no aluminum.


[Karen] Arm and hammer baking SODA does have aluminum, Bobs red mill baking
soda does not. just because it doesn't say so doesn't mean it doesn't.  Jean
is correct. 


There's been a lot of Internet discussion in the past six months about how
sodium bicarbonate contains aluminum. My thought, too, was that people were
getting confused between pure baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) and baking
POWDER (which can contain, and has contained aluminum). It didn't make sense
to me that plain bicarbonate of soda would contain aluminum.


So about a month ago, I called up Bob's Red Mill company to talk to a rep. I
asked her point blank what the scoop was, because Bob's sodium bicarbonate
is at least 400% more expensive than good old Arm and Hammer's. 


She told me that the baking soda contains aluminum idea might have been
true ten years ago, because of the way baking soda was processed back then.
However, she continued, she was pretty positive that Arm and Hammer's baking
soda is pure now-and that, given the much higher price of Bob's, she herself
would purchase Arm and Hammer.


I can only relate the conversation I had with Bob's customer service rep. If
people feel better using Bob's than Arm and Hammer's baking soda, that
speaks for itself and I would never argue with how someone feels. But I did
want to let you all know about my discussion with Bob's rep. Talking
chemistry, sodium bicarbonate is sodium bicarbonate is sodium bicarbonate.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy

with a Holistic Health Primer 

The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy  


RE: CSCracked feet

2009-07-17 Thread nenahsylver
One more thing about cracked feet. Scaly, flaking skin on the heels
especially, with no fungal cause, can indicate low thyroid function.



RE: CSsalt for sinuses

2009-07-07 Thread nenahsylver
There's a very cool video clip at, called Salt for Sinuses,
and I wonder if this is a second cure, after the CS / DMSO mix, for drug
reistant lung infections.  Anybody?  And what about putting salt water into
an utrasonic nebulizer?

I would make sure that you take enough colloidal iodine (not potassium
iodide, but straight iodine) internally to nourish your lungs and also
sinuses. The lungs and sinuses require this form of iodine for proper
function. Iodine is a powerful germicide. 


You can paint iodine onto the skin over your lungs, and it'll be absorbed
quickly into the bloodstream.


I also use iodine in a nasal wash. My own recipe uses salt, iodine and
xylitol. Xylitol is a highly processed sweetener that produces diarrhea and
so therefore I won't eat it, but its slipperiness prevents microbes from
attaching themselves to cells (including mucosal linings), so it's a
wonderful ingredient to add to sinus washes.


The sinus cavities are huge. A lot of infections can begin there. I am
coming to believe that most chronic or serious lung infections might benefit
from treating the sinuses as well. For that, I use the Grossan Sinus
Irrigator. It works great.





Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy

with a Holistic Health Primer 

The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy 


RE: CSColloidal Iodine

2009-07-07 Thread nenahsylver
Where do you purchase the colloidal iodine?



It's the Energ-Iodine, the middle of the page:  



Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy

with a Holistic Health Primer 

The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy 



RE: CSsalt for sinuses - one more thing

2009-07-07 Thread nenahsylver
And what about putting salt water into an utrasonic nebulizer?


I forgot to mention that if you do use salt, boil the water first and
dissolve the salt into it. THEN pour it into the nebulizer.


If you are using an ultrasonic humidifier, make sure it's the kind that does
NOT have a wick. Otherwise, the particulate matter will be trapped in the
wick, instead of being dispersed into the air.

