Re: CSblue moons revisited - replied 5 Oct

2008-10-06 Thread Dee
Good luck with it Sandee, I am having really good results using aerobic 
oxygen i.e. more energy and no constipation (or a lot less) which I 
haven't experienced for years!  dee

Sandee George wrote:

You know Dee you may have a point here - I used to do oxygen therapy when
I lived in New Mexico
and I do not think I had any blue moons then, maybe I will give it a shot
again and see what happens
nothing beats a failure better than a try    

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Re: CSblue moons revisited - replied 5 Oct

2008-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley

Dee wrote:
Maybe it is not enough oxygen in the system for some reason?  This can 
be the cause for things turning blue, ie. lips etc., dee
Blood conditions can cause bluing, but it is different. Silver give a 
slate blue, blood low in oxygen is more of a sky blue. Also if you press 
on the nail above the bed, the blue will go to white if it is poor blood 
circulation, but the blue will be unchanged if it is silver.  Mine are 
slate, and unchanged if you press on them.


Sandee George wrote:
Hi There Neville - I concur with what you said  -  I myself have had 

moons on and off over my life
starting from childhood, all long before I started using EIS so both Sol
and I have some other factor
which is causing this and I do believe it is the retention of heavy
metals from some other aspect in our lives, I have had two series of IV
chelation over the past 12 years and every time I do this the blue moons
go for about a year and then slowly return, so it is something 
in my case to do with the way in which my body processes food etc., 
which is a contributory factor here - now what exactly that is I have 
yet to discover when I do I will let everyone know - however until then
blue moons are nothing more than additional attraction to my hands 
!   What I usually tell those who ask why is that I have a very high

iron reading in my body  I do believe that this is the case,
however cannot prove it as yet I
am NOT about to use soy to find this answer 
Cheers to all

Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSblue moons revisited - replied 5 Oct

2008-10-06 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Sol, 


You might try 'wearing' a magnet on your chest. This could magnetise the 
bloodcells passing under, which would force the cells apart exposing more of 
the cell surfaces to the fluid of the blood; and this may improve the oxygen 

Improved bile flow and elimination will increase of Fe. Easiest is take a 
couple of cups of hot water first thing in the morning and then go to stool 
in about 10 minutes. what may happen is that the warm water stimulates the 
gall bladder which squirts bile ( contains used Fe among other things) into 
the intestine and you should do a bm to move the stuff on. 

Also taking magnesium supplement first thing in the morning also gets your 
body including gall bladder in particular, into a wake up and go mode.


On 5 Oct 2008 at 15:04, sol wrote about :
Subject : Re: CSblue moons revisited - repli

What kind of chelations did you do? I'm curious to see what happens 
 to my nails as I try to get rid of excess iron. I hope they will clear 
 up as the iron leaves. I never had them before I started using CS, but 
 then I used to be on a very different and iron poor diet while consuming 
 a lot of iron absorption blocking foods and beverages. And way before 
 that I had the iron poor diet plus I had a lot of actual hemorrhaging 
 with menses so that probably kept the iron down.
My second rank suspicion is if not from iron or silver, it may be due 
 to some loss of circulatory efficiency from iron in the heart. This is 
 known to be one possible consequence of iron overload, and I do have 
 edema in ankles and feet which would go along with that idea. I get the 
 edema from time to time, and cannot find a consistent correlation with 
 anything in my diet or my meds.

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Re: CSblue moons revisited - replied 5 Oct

2008-10-05 Thread Sandee George
Hi There Neville - I concur with what you said  -  I myself have had blue
moons on and off over my life
starting from childhood, all long before I started using EIS so both Sol
and I have some other factor
which is causing this and I do believe it is the retention of heavy
metals from some other aspect in our lives, I have had two series of IV
chelation over the past 12 years and every time I do this the blue moons
go for about a year and then slowly return, so it is something definitely
in my case to do with the way in which my body processes food etc., 
which is a contributory factor here - now what exactly that is I have 
yet to discover when I do I will let everyone know - however until then
blue moons are nothing more than additional attraction to my hands ! 
  What I usually tell those who ask why is that I have a very high
iron reading in my body  I do believe that this is the case,
however cannot prove it as yet I
am NOT about to use soy to find this answer 
Cheers to all

Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSblue moons revisited - replied 5 Oct

2008-10-05 Thread Dee
Maybe it is not enough oxygen in the system for some reason?  This can 
be the cause for things turning blue, ie. lips etc., dee

Sandee George wrote:

Hi There Neville - I concur with what you said  -  I myself have had blue
moons on and off over my life
starting from childhood, all long before I started using EIS so both Sol
and I have some other factor
which is causing this and I do believe it is the retention of heavy
metals from some other aspect in our lives, I have had two series of IV
chelation over the past 12 years and every time I do this the blue moons
go for about a year and then slowly return, so it is something definitely
in my case to do with the way in which my body processes food etc., 
which is a contributory factor here - now what exactly that is I have 
yet to discover when I do I will let everyone know - however until then
blue moons are nothing more than additional attraction to my hands ! 
  What I usually tell those who ask why is that I have a very high

iron reading in my body  I do believe that this is the case,
however cannot prove it as yet I
am NOT about to use soy to find this answer 
Cheers to all

Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSblue moons revisited - replied 5 Oct

2008-10-05 Thread sol

  What kind of chelations did you do? I'm curious to see what happens 
to my nails as I try to get rid of excess iron. I hope they will clear 
up as the iron leaves. I never had them before I started using CS, but 
then I used to be on a very different and iron poor diet while consuming 
a lot of iron absorption blocking foods and beverages. And way before 
that I had the iron poor diet plus I had a lot of actual hemorrhaging 
with menses so that probably kept the iron down.
  My second rank suspicion is if not from iron or silver, it may be due 
to some loss of circulatory efficiency from iron in the heart. This is 
known to be one possible consequence of iron overload, and I do have 
edema in ankles and feet which would go along with that idea. I get the 
edema from time to time, and cannot find a consistent correlation with 
anything in my diet or my meds.
  Re soy, I was being somewhat facetious. However it is interesting 
that over the years that I have avoided soy proteins of any kind, as 
well as cutting way back on tea (fluoride) and coffee (I forget why), 
and not eating peanuts and whole grains, and a few other things known to 
block iron absorption my ferritin has steadily risen. I had good reasons 
for my dietary choices, such as the phytates of grains also block 
absorption of other minerals such as calcium, and vitamins such as B-12. 
And soy definitely interferes with thyroid hormone and function, and 
also messes up the s*x hormones, but I may have needed the iron blocking 
it provided.  As in physics, so in the bodyEVERYTHING has an 
equal and opposite reaction. Or so it seems.
  It has also been interesting to read that the body has NO method of 
getting rid of iron. The only way it can deal with iron excess is to 
stuff it away in body tissues, and its favorite places are the organs. 
Humans only lose about 1-2 mg of iron daily, through sweat, urine and 
sloughing of skin nails and hair and loss of the intestinal cells that 
shed back into the bowel. (paraphrased from Protein Power LifePlan. 
The body hangs onto iron very tightly.
  I was interested also to read that the diseases that seem to run in 
my family are those that can be caused or worsened by too much iron, so 
I may have a genetic component too. Well, those diseases can be caused 
by a bunch of other things also, but I did find it interesting.


Sandee George wrote:

Hi There Neville - I concur with what you said  -  I myself have had blue
moons on and off over my life
starting from childhood, all long before I started using EIS so both Sol
and I have some other factor
which is causing this and I do believe it is the retention of heavy
metals from some other aspect in our lives, I have had two series of IV
chelation over the past 12 years and every time I do this the blue moons
go for about a year and then slowly return, so it is something definitely
in my case to do with the way in which my body processes food etc., 
which is a contributory factor here - now what exactly that is I have 
yet to discover when I do I will let everyone know - however until then
blue moons are nothing more than additional attraction to my hands ! 
  What I usually tell those who ask why is that I have a very high

iron reading in my body  I do believe that this is the case,
however cannot prove it as yet I
am NOT about to use soy to find this answer 
Cheers to all


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSblue moons revisited - replied 5 Oct

2008-10-05 Thread Sandee George
You know Dee you may have a point here - I used to do oxygen therapy when
I lived in New Mexico
and I do not think I had any blue moons then, maybe I will give it a shot
again and see what happens
nothing beats a failure better than a try    Will touch base again
when I have done it for a while and
report on the progress 
Take good care
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSblue moons revisited - replied 5 Oct

2008-10-05 Thread Sandee George
Hi There Sol - as I said, I did IV chelation, which has to be given by a
medical doctor, in the first instance
I did 21 bottles, then a second go-round a year later of 15 - this was
about 15 years ago.If you would like to read about it here is a good
book on it called  Bypassing a Bypass Most people go for the
oral chelation today however from my experience it is not as effective -
as from time I have tried this
method and I feel very little difference compared to when I did the IV
mode After three bottles I felt
on top of the world the first time around 
Take good care of you

Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set

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