1998-05-24 Thread Cisco



Jade wrote:
> At 12:07 AM 5/22/98 +, Cisco wrote:
>  I would ask Jim to explain why the addition of acid to the body
> >> causes an alkline reaction...
> I believe it was Your Health, Your Choice, by Ted Morter Jr that 
> explained
> why eating an acidic food like fruit will increase the alkalinity of the body.
> It has nothing to do with the original PH of the food. Most fruits &
> vegetables make the body more alkaline; most dairy, grains & proteins, as
> well as junk food, make the body more acidic.
> It has more to do with what 'ash' is left behind when the foods are
> metabolized. Fruits & vegetables leave behind sodium, calcium, potassium &
> magnesium, which are alkaline; the other's ash is sulfuric or phosphoric
> acid.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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1998-05-24 Thread Jade
At 12:07 AM 5/22/98 +, Cisco wrote:

 I would ask Jim to explain why the addition of acid to the body
>> causes an alkline reaction...

I believe it was Your Health, Your Choice, by Ted Morter Jr that 
why eating an acidic food like fruit will increase the alkalinity of the body.

It has nothing to do with the original PH of the food. Most fruits &
vegetables make the body more alkaline; most dairy, grains & proteins, as
well as junk food, make the body more acidic.

It has more to do with what 'ash' is left behind when the foods are
metabolized. Fruits & vegetables leave behind sodium, calcium, potassium &
magnesium, which are alkaline; the other's ash is sulfuric or phosphoric

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-05-23 Thread Cisco
you wrote:
> >>I don't know much about melatonin, but I do know that it is outlawed in
> >>Canada.  Before anyone goes on a tirade about government controlling
> >>people's health freedom, I don't necessarily agree or disagree with the
> >>Canadian government's position, but they might have gathered some
> >>"evidence" that its use is "dangerous."
> >>
> >>There might be a way to investigate this through the Internet...
> >>
> >>
> >>Kris
> >>
> >>> --
> >>> From:   It's not me[]
> >>> Sent:   Friday, May 22, 1998 6:25 AM
> >>> To:
> >>> Subject:Re: URINE PH
> >>>
> >>> Cisco,
> >>>
> >>> What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not
> >>> seen
> >>> any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have
> >>> read.
> >>> I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and
> >>> would hate
> >>> to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people
> >>> and let
> >>> them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate
> >>> any
> >>> info that you could provide to me.
> >>>
> >>> Vern
> >>>
> >>> -Original Message-
> >>> From: Cisco 
> >>> To: 
> >>> Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
> >>> Subject: Re: URINE PH
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> >Joe and Jim and Listers,
> >>> >
> >>> >pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use
> >>> has
> >>> >bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
> >>> >Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep
> >>> causes
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> >>> silver.
> >>>
> >>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
> >>> to:
> >>>  -or-
> >>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> >>>
> >>> To post, address your message to:
> >>>
> >>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >>
> >>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >>  -or-
> >>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> >>
> >>To post, address your message to:
> >>
> >>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-05-22 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Please be advised, I am not recommending that anyone take
melatonin, for any reason.  I am suggesting, based upon our limited
evaluations that it seems to hold promise for older persons (60+) as a
sleep aid and neuro-transmitter.  Melatonin is a powerful regulator derived
from two precursors;  tryptophan, an aminmo acid, and serotonin, another
neurotransmitter. The body actually manufactures the melatonin. (The pineal
gland is the actual source). The maximum production of melatonin occurs in
children around 6 years of age.  It falls rather linearly until around 45
to 50, then more rapidly, until the early sixties (when you are producing
about half as much as you were at 20),then it falls rather rapidly until
the 80s, when in some cases it is unmeasureable.  The longevity research
with rats has been quite remarkable. Melatonin is a powerful,
kaleidoscopically influencial hormone and should be regarded with respect.
In my view, persons under 55 years of age should have an important clinical
reason for supplementing their natural melatonin production.   Brooks
Bradley  07:19 PM 5/22/98 -0500, you wrote:
>  Melatonin has been researched quite thoroughly throughout a large
>portion of the western world..during the past 15 years.  The academic
>community (also the legitimate pharmaceutical houses)did not show too much
>interest in this substance until Dr. William Regelson's research was
>published.  Shortly after publishing his official findings in the early
>nineties, Regelson collaborated on a book with Walter Pierpaoli ( The
>Melatonin Miracle;  Simon & Schuster).  While designed for the popular
>press, the work is well founded in proper scientific protocols.  I would
>suggest you either purchase this book---or check it out of your local
>library.  It will be well worth your time.  Our limited, anectdotal
>experimentation (on older members of our staff's extended families60
>and over)  have yielded very satisfactory results, with no detectable side
>effects...whatever.There is one characteristic that one (82 year old
>male) complained abouthe continued to be somewhat sleepy for an hour or
>so after getting up in the morning.  Although this was after being able to
>sleep soundly for a continuous 6-7 hours for the first time in over 10
>years.  This substance appears to offer outstanding promise as a non-toxic
>sleep aidespecially for the elderly.  Brooks Bradley.  11:48 AM
>5/22/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>I don't know much about melatonin, but I do know that it is outlawed in
>>Canada.  Before anyone goes on a tirade about government controlling
>>people's health freedom, I don't necessarily agree or disagree with the
>>Canadian government's position, but they might have gathered some
>>"evidence" that its use is "dangerous."
>>There might be a way to investigate this through the Internet...
>>> --
>>> From:   It's not me[]
>>> Sent:   Friday, May 22, 1998 6:25 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject:Re: URINE PH
>>> Cisco,
>>> What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not
>>> seen
>>> any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have
>>> read.
>>> I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and
>>> would hate
>>> to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people
>>> and let
>>> them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate
>>> any
>>> info that you could provide to me.
>>> Vern
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Cisco 
>>> To: 
>>> Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
>>> Subject: Re: URINE PH
>>> >Joe and Jim and Listers,
>>> >
>>> >pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use
>>> has
>>> >bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
>>> >Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep
>>> causes
>>> --
>>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
>>> silver.
>>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
>>> to: 
>>>  -or-
>>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.


1998-05-22 Thread jeinert
> Date:  Fri, 22 May 1998 14:58:50 -0700
> From:  Cisco 
> Subject:   Re: URINE PH
> Reply-to:

> Jim,
> Rightthis exchange is our only hope of getting anywherethe
> different people on the list who have varying studies and hands on
> research should attempt to keep open exchanges moving so all can
> benifit.
I agree whole-heartedly! We can all help one another.
> The Boat we are building to sail to some of the more desolate areas is
> about $10,000 from completion. She will offer us a platform to manuver
> from area to area and transfer product, material and research throughout
> many areas. I will keep an open invitation for those who would like to
> go to different areas of the world like Papua New Guinea, see things
> only visable in a National Geographic and maybe help some people who
> have no idea what a computer ismuch less health.
Good luck with the boat. Who knows, maybe someday I can come along 
and do some work helping those people to regain their health.
> There are places there which still have head hunting as a daily
> occurance and it can get rough. But in two visits we had no prblem once
> they understood we were there to help. In the Soloman Islands a bar of
> soap will buy you more than $10 in cash willso ideals and logic
> which we live by does not apply there. Life is a learning thingkeep
> up the good research we need it.
Interesting, very interesting. Here in the US of A, we take too much 
for granted. I think that foundation is being shaken as we speak. 
Many things will change. I think that is why the great swing to 
natural health. So much of the medical/drug culture is failing, and 
people are looking for something that works better. They will find it 
in natural health.
When I got into this, I never dreamed I would be doing research that 
might one day lead to a cure for cancer or AIDS, or any of a number 
of other chronic diseases, but now I realize we are on the frontier 
of discovery where a simple poor man like myself, can rake up a few 
dollars to buy some test equipment and a lot of books, and do some 
serious research, and quiet possibly find so earth saving 
information. But of course it could not be done without the help of 
lots of other people both past and present. So we all are equal in 
that everyone has a chance to be the first to discover a great cure. 
Don't give up, just keep up the good work, and network with one 
another, and together we can move mountains!!!
God Bless you!
Jim Einert, N.D.
> Cisco
> wrote:
> > 
> > > Date:  Fri, 22 May 1998 13:39:14 -0700
> > > From:  Cisco 
> > >
> > > Subject:   Re: URINE PH
> > > Reply-to:
> > 
> > > Joe and Jim and Listers,
> > >
> > > Over the past two years we have noticed that with Herxheimer Effect that
> > > the urine Ph drops. We have found a multitude of foods which cause these
> > > rapid rise and falls of Ph in the urine and blood. We use Papaya, guava,
> > > passion fruit and bread fruits to help the body stabilize the Acid
> > > levels. I would ask Jim to explain why the addition of acid to the body
> > > causes an alkline reactionbecause I dont have the true explination.
> > > We do find that in serious CS and Rife Herx reaction that Papaya and
> > > Oranges in quantity help massively with stabilization of Ph.
> > >
> > Hi Cisco,
> > I am assuming you mean acid from the fruits. The body does not
> > necessarily see the fruits as being acid once they are converted as
> > food. They will sometimes have an acid effect, but they can also have
> > an alkaline reaction. Think about this, I just read this a few days
> > ago. According to some of the darkfield work done by Michael Coyle,
> > he says that when the blood goes alkaline, the body pH will go acid.
> > So the urine is supposted to measure the pH of the body, not the
> > blood (even though the urine comes from the blood, the kidneys will
> > recycle as much of the minerals as possible, especially if your body
> > levels are low, there by causing the urine to reflect the body pH
> > instead of the blood pH). So the fruits may be causing the blood to
> > go more acid, but the body shows alkaline. I don't have all the
> > answers to this as yet. I am still trying to understand it all.
> > 
> > > As to sleep we have attempted a multitude of measures espically when
> > > pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolo


1998-05-22 Thread Joyce Inouye
Re:  Melatonin & "Fountain of Youth"
I read that old mice who had their old pineal gland transplanted with
pineal glands from young mice became younger.  Melatonin is normally
abundant in young children, but decreases upon puberty.  Please recognize
that the drug cartel TARGETS the EFFECTIVE healing medicines, not impotent
ones. Go to the following site, scroll down the left menu, and click on
"Canadian Battle For Health Freedom".  Also, it's very important to buy a
brand that is properly processed, or it might do you more harm than good.

You will find at the site how "planned nutritional scare" tactics are
purposely released to the media to control the industry.
Remember that artificial drugs kill about 300,000 people in the USA each
year (180,000 according to Harvard; 100,000 according to AMA), making it
the LARGEST CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE USA.  Natural Medicines, in contract,
have a very safe record.  Please don't be fooled by the propaganda that is
purposely given to the news media.  The media have been controlled by
the Illuminati-NewWorldOrder since 1917, and are setting you up for

Take care,
:)  Joyce Inouye
On Fri, 22 May 1998, Hermes, Kristofer J wrote:

> I don't know much about melatonin, but I do know that it is outlawed in
> Canada.  Before anyone goes on a tirade about government controlling
> people's health freedom, I don't necessarily agree or disagree with the
> Canadian government's position, but they might have gathered some
> "evidence" that its use is "dangerous."
> There might be a way to investigate this through the Internet...
> Kris
> > --
> > From:   It's not me[]
> > Sent:   Friday, May 22, 1998 6:25 AM
> > To:
> > Subject:Re: URINE PH
> > 
> > Cisco,
> > 
> > What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not
> > seen
> > any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have
> > read.
> > I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and
> > would hate
> > to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people
> > and let
> > them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate
> > any
> > info that you could provide to me.
> > 
> > Vern
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Cisco 
> > To: 
> > Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
> > Subject: Re: URINE PH
> > 
> > 
> > >Joe and Jim and Listers,
> > >
> > >pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use
> > has
> > >bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
> > >Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep
> > causes
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > silver.
> > 
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
> > to: 
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> > 
> > To post, address your message to:
> > 
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > 
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-05-22 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Melatonin has been researched quite thoroughly throughout a large
portion of the western world..during the past 15 years.  The academic
community (also the legitimate pharmaceutical houses)did not show too much
interest in this substance until Dr. William Regelson's research was
published.  Shortly after publishing his official findings in the early
nineties, Regelson collaborated on a book with Walter Pierpaoli ( The
Melatonin Miracle;  Simon & Schuster).  While designed for the popular
press, the work is well founded in proper scientific protocols.  I would
suggest you either purchase this book---or check it out of your local
library.  It will be well worth your time.  Our limited, anectdotal
experimentation (on older members of our staff's extended families60
and over)  have yielded very satisfactory results, with no detectable side
effects...whatever.There is one characteristic that one (82 year old
male) complained abouthe continued to be somewhat sleepy for an hour or
so after getting up in the morning.  Although this was after being able to
sleep soundly for a continuous 6-7 hours for the first time in over 10
years.  This substance appears to offer outstanding promise as a non-toxic
sleep aidespecially for the elderly.  Brooks Bradley.  11:48 AM
5/22/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I don't know much about melatonin, but I do know that it is outlawed in
>Canada.  Before anyone goes on a tirade about government controlling
>people's health freedom, I don't necessarily agree or disagree with the
>Canadian government's position, but they might have gathered some
>"evidence" that its use is "dangerous."
>There might be a way to investigate this through the Internet...
>> --
>> From:It's not me[]
>> Sent:Friday, May 22, 1998 6:25 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: URINE PH
>> Cisco,
>> What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not
>> seen
>> any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have
>> read.
>> I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and
>> would hate
>> to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people
>> and let
>> them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate
>> any
>> info that you could provide to me.
>> Vern
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Cisco 
>> To: 
>> Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
>> Subject: Re: URINE PH
>> >Joe and Jim and Listers,
>> >
>> >pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use
>> has
>> >bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
>> >Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep
>> causes
>> --
>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
>> silver.
>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
>> to: 
>>  -or-
>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>> To post, address your message to:
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-05-22 Thread Hermes, Kristofer J
I don't know much about melatonin, but I do know that it is outlawed in
Canada.  Before anyone goes on a tirade about government controlling
people's health freedom, I don't necessarily agree or disagree with the
Canadian government's position, but they might have gathered some
"evidence" that its use is "dangerous."

There might be a way to investigate this through the Internet...


> --
> From: It's not me[]
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 1998 6:25 AM
> To:
> Subject:  Re: URINE PH
> Cisco,
> What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not
> seen
> any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have
> read.
> I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and
> would hate
> to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people
> and let
> them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate
> any
> info that you could provide to me.
> Vern
> -Original Message-
> From: Cisco 
> To: 
> Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
> Subject: Re: URINE PH
> >Joe and Jim and Listers,
> >
> >pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use
> has
> >bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
> >Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep
> causes
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
> to: 
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-05-22 Thread Cisco

I believe it was Jim Einert who first pointed it out to me, could be
wrong, but I believe so.

Melatonin has several side effects when used in concentrates. The worst
is a sexual deficiency, although in the beginning this is not so.

It can also cause system regression although 75 mg per day has provided
many great results with cancer. This research is only reported by the
producer of the product who has now licensed a multitude of companies to
manufacture it. We use it for relief of sleep loss due to pain and to
sleep disorders.

I would suggest Jim respond with this findings as I have done follow up
on it and read some things most disturbing and he is much more clear on
the subject.


It's not me wrote:
> Cisco,
> What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not seen
> any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have read.
> I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and would hate
> to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people and let
> them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate any
> info that you could provide to me.
> Vern
> -Original Message-
> From: Cisco 
> To: 
> Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
> Subject: Re: URINE PH
> >Joe and Jim and Listers,
> >
> >pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use has
> >bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
> >Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep causes
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-05-22 Thread It's not me

What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not seen
any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have read.
I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and would hate
to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people and let
them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate any
info that you could provide to me.


-Original Message-
From: Cisco 
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: URINE PH

>Joe and Jim and Listers,
>pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use has
>bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
>Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep causes

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-05-22 Thread Cisco

Rightthis exchange is our only hope of getting anywherethe
different people on the list who have varying studies and hands on
research should attempt to keep open exchanges moving so all can

The Boat we are building to sail to some of the more desolate areas is
about $10,000 from completion. She will offer us a platform to manuver
from area to area and transfer product, material and research throughout
many areas. I will keep an open invitation for those who would like to
go to different areas of the world like Papua New Guinea, see things
only visable in a National Geographic and maybe help some people who
have no idea what a computer ismuch less health.

There are places there which still have head hunting as a daily
occurance and it can get rough. But in two visits we had no prblem once
they understood we were there to help. In the Soloman Islands a bar of
soap will buy you more than $10 in cash willso ideals and logic
which we live by does not apply there. Life is a learning thingkeep
up the good research we need it.

Cisco wrote:
> > Date:  Fri, 22 May 1998 13:39:14 -0700
> > From:  Cisco 
> >
> > Subject:   Re: URINE PH
> > Reply-to:
> > Joe and Jim and Listers,
> >
> > Over the past two years we have noticed that with Herxheimer Effect that
> > the urine Ph drops. We have found a multitude of foods which cause these
> > rapid rise and falls of Ph in the urine and blood. We use Papaya, guava,
> > passion fruit and bread fruits to help the body stabilize the Acid
> > levels. I would ask Jim to explain why the addition of acid to the body
> > causes an alkline reactionbecause I dont have the true explination.
> > We do find that in serious CS and Rife Herx reaction that Papaya and
> > Oranges in quantity help massively with stabilization of Ph.
> >
> Hi Cisco,
> I am assuming you mean acid from the fruits. The body does not
> necessarily see the fruits as being acid once they are converted as
> food. They will sometimes have an acid effect, but they can also have
> an alkaline reaction. Think about this, I just read this a few days
> ago. According to some of the darkfield work done by Michael Coyle,
> he says that when the blood goes alkaline, the body pH will go acid.
> So the urine is supposted to measure the pH of the body, not the
> blood (even though the urine comes from the blood, the kidneys will
> recycle as much of the minerals as possible, especially if your body
> levels are low, there by causing the urine to reflect the body pH
> instead of the blood pH). So the fruits may be causing the blood to
> go more acid, but the body shows alkaline. I don't have all the
> answers to this as yet. I am still trying to understand it all.
> > As to sleep we have attempted a multitude of measures espically when
> > pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use has
> > bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
> > Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep causes
> > some massive problems for healing. With the imbalance of Ph in the
> > system an additional problem is created, the system is too stressed to
> > work properly and clean itself.
> >
> > This is the point where we begin using Distilled water for the major
> > intake of the person in need. It causes the system to flush and the
> > absorbancy rate is incredible. The body of most of the people loses
> > quantities of water through fever and sweat. As far as Ph goes we remain
> > concerned with it every 6 to 12 hours. Your concern over the varying of
> > Joes Ph is a good thing but it does not swing into a real bad area yet.
> >
> I agree, Joe's pH is not in a danger zone, although the 7.0 and above
> is getting too high, but I do believe something is making his pH
> shift around like this. It could be the CS moving the pH around, or
> it could be something else.
> > It may be the dosage of CS which causes this swing...I would wonder
> > where the Ph level goes after each dosage of CS and how long before the
> > swing occursJoe if you can chart that you may have the answer to the
> > reason for the wide Ph levels your tracking.just thinking out loud.
> > Killoff will cause the blood and urine Ph to drop.
> >
> Good thoughts Cisco. We need to exchange ideas about body chemistry.
> There could be some things we could learn from these different
> observations. And I know you have a lot of experience working with
> sick people there in your area. I wish I could come down there and do
> urin


1998-05-22 Thread jeinert
> Date:  Fri, 22 May 1998 13:39:14 -0700
> From:  Cisco 
> Subject:   Re: URINE PH
> Reply-to:

> Joe and Jim and Listers,
> Over the past two years we have noticed that with Herxheimer Effect that
> the urine Ph drops. We have found a multitude of foods which cause these
> rapid rise and falls of Ph in the urine and blood. We use Papaya, guava,
> passion fruit and bread fruits to help the body stabilize the Acid
> levels. I would ask Jim to explain why the addition of acid to the body
> causes an alkline reactionbecause I dont have the true explination.
> We do find that in serious CS and Rife Herx reaction that Papaya and
> Oranges in quantity help massively with stabilization of Ph.
Hi Cisco,
I am assuming you mean acid from the fruits. The body does not 
necessarily see the fruits as being acid once they are converted as 
food. They will sometimes have an acid effect, but they can also have 
an alkaline reaction. Think about this, I just read this a few days 
ago. According to some of the darkfield work done by Michael Coyle, 
he says that when the blood goes alkaline, the body pH will go acid. 
So the urine is supposted to measure the pH of the body, not the 
blood (even though the urine comes from the blood, the kidneys will 
recycle as much of the minerals as possible, especially if your body 
levels are low, there by causing the urine to reflect the body pH 
instead of the blood pH). So the fruits may be causing the blood to 
go more acid, but the body shows alkaline. I don't have all the 
answers to this as yet. I am still trying to understand it all.
> As to sleep we have attempted a multitude of measures espically when
> pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use has
> bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
> Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep causes
> some massive problems for healing. With the imbalance of Ph in the
> system an additional problem is created, the system is too stressed to
> work properly and clean itself.
> This is the point where we begin using Distilled water for the major
> intake of the person in need. It causes the system to flush and the
> absorbancy rate is incredible. The body of most of the people loses
> quantities of water through fever and sweat. As far as Ph goes we remain
> concerned with it every 6 to 12 hours. Your concern over the varying of
> Joes Ph is a good thing but it does not swing into a real bad area yet.
I agree, Joe's pH is not in a danger zone, although the 7.0 and above 
is getting too high, but I do believe something is making his pH 
shift around like this. It could be the CS moving the pH around, or 
it could be something else.
> It may be the dosage of CS which causes this swing...I would wonder
> where the Ph level goes after each dosage of CS and how long before the
> swing occursJoe if you can chart that you may have the answer to the
> reason for the wide Ph levels your tracking.just thinking out loud.
> Killoff will cause the blood and urine Ph to drop.
Good thoughts Cisco. We need to exchange ideas about body chemistry. 
There could be some things we could learn from these different 
observations. And I know you have a lot of experience working with 
sick people there in your area. I wish I could come down there and do 
urine/saliva and darkfield testing on those people and then work with 
the chemistry to see how changing it around who benefit the people. 
Oh well, I don't think that will happen, but maybe we can help each 
other out via e-mail, and find some more realiable cures for these 
Take care, and keep up the good work!
> Cisco

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-05-22 Thread Cisco
Joe and Jim and Listers,

Over the past two years we have noticed that with Herxheimer Effect that
the urine Ph drops. We have found a multitude of foods which cause these
rapid rise and falls of Ph in the urine and blood. We use Papaya, guava,
passion fruit and bread fruits to help the body stabilize the Acid
levels. I would ask Jim to explain why the addition of acid to the body
causes an alkline reactionbecause I dont have the true explination.
We do find that in serious CS and Rife Herx reaction that Papaya and
Oranges in quantity help massively with stabilization of Ph.

As to sleep we have attempted a multitude of measures espically when
pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use has
bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep causes
some massive problems for healing. With the imbalance of Ph in the
system an additional problem is created, the system is too stressed to
work properly and clean itself.

This is the point where we begin using Distilled water for the major
intake of the person in need. It causes the system to flush and the
absorbancy rate is incredible. The body of most of the people loses
quantities of water through fever and sweat. As far as Ph goes we remain
concerned with it every 6 to 12 hours. Your concern over the varying of
Joes Ph is a good thing but it does not swing into a real bad area yet.

It may be the dosage of CS which causes this swing...I would wonder
where the Ph level goes after each dosage of CS and how long before the
swing occursJoe if you can chart that you may have the answer to the
reason for the wide Ph levels your tracking.just thinking out loud.
Killoff will cause the blood and urine Ph to drop.

Cisco wrote:
> > To:
> > Cc:, ,
> >"Multiple recipients of list DOWSING" 
> > Subject:   Re: URINE PH
> > Date:  Thu, 21 May 1998 20:52:53 -0400
> > > I have just gotten a PH meter and have been keeping track of my urine
> > > PH for a few days.  Have also checked my distilled water.
> > > The distilled water has tested 5.9, 5.6, 6.0, 5.8 Also tested with the
> > > TDS 1 for PPM which was 1 to 2 PPM for all tests. I thought that distilled
> > > water should be neutral or PH 7.0.
> > >
> > Hi Joe,
> > I have tested my distilled water lately, and found it to be somewhat
> > acid as well. I buy bottled distilled water, and I have read that it
> > can go more acid as it sets, but should be neutral pH 7 when first
> > made. I plan to do more study on this later. Still I believe you
> > should be drinking distilled water.
> >
> > Jim
> > I make my own distilled water, by the dual distalation process, this
> > uses two containers separated  by a catch system and spout. The
> > upper tank acts as a condenser by having an inverted funnel inside,
> > and the water is preheated to drive off low temp distillates. This water
> > is then manually poured into the lower tank where H2O is boiled off at
> > a low flame to prevent splashing into the separator.  I don't believe that
> > better distilled water can be had for a reasonable cost, and I only use
> > store bought distilled water when traveling, which has been rare of late.
> >
> > > The urine test readings were taken at wakeup + just before bed.
> > >
> > >   Wakeuplate in day
> > > 05/16  5.17.0
> > > 05/175.36.3
> > > 05/185.36.5
> > > 05/195.06.8
> > > 05/205.17.2
> > > Is this unusual, as this is the first time that I have had more than 1
> > > test in 1 day? MDs seem to think 1 test every 30 to 90 days is OK.
> > > The last urine test that I have was done by a hospital on 02/27/98
> > > which was done at the same time as a blood test, was in the morning
> > > and fasting for 12 hrs. The PH  was 5.2
> > >
> > In the urine saliva testing I do, you don't use the first urine of
> > the day, and you fast for 2 hours before checking your pH. Best time
> > to take the pH is around 2 p.m. Fast those 2 hours and give me a pH
> > reading for that, and I can tell you more.
> > I rarely eat anything in the morning, taking only a sip or two of distilled
> > water until lunchtime.  So most of the ( late in day ) tests are fasting
> >  fo


1998-05-21 Thread jeinert
> To:
> Cc:, ,
>"Multiple recipients of list DOWSING" 
> Subject:   Re: URINE PH
> Date:  Thu, 21 May 1998 20:52:53 -0400

> > I have just gotten a PH meter and have been keeping track of my urine
> > PH for a few days.  Have also checked my distilled water.
> > The distilled water has tested 5.9, 5.6, 6.0, 5.8 Also tested with the
> > TDS 1 for PPM which was 1 to 2 PPM for all tests. I thought that distilled
> > water should be neutral or PH 7.0.
> >
> Hi Joe,
> I have tested my distilled water lately, and found it to be somewhat
> acid as well. I buy bottled distilled water, and I have read that it
> can go more acid as it sets, but should be neutral pH 7 when first
> made. I plan to do more study on this later. Still I believe you
> should be drinking distilled water.
> Jim
> I make my own distilled water, by the dual distalation process, this
> uses two containers separated  by a catch system and spout. The
> upper tank acts as a condenser by having an inverted funnel inside,
> and the water is preheated to drive off low temp distillates. This water
> is then manually poured into the lower tank where H2O is boiled off at
> a low flame to prevent splashing into the separator.  I don't believe that
> better distilled water can be had for a reasonable cost, and I only use
> store bought distilled water when traveling, which has been rare of late.
> > The urine test readings were taken at wakeup + just before bed.
> >
> >   Wakeuplate in day
> > 05/16  5.17.0
> > 05/175.36.3
> > 05/185.36.5
> > 05/195.06.8
> > 05/205.17.2
> > Is this unusual, as this is the first time that I have had more than 1
> > test in 1 day? MDs seem to think 1 test every 30 to 90 days is OK.
> > The last urine test that I have was done by a hospital on 02/27/98
> > which was done at the same time as a blood test, was in the morning
> > and fasting for 12 hrs. The PH  was 5.2
> >
> In the urine saliva testing I do, you don't use the first urine of
> the day, and you fast for 2 hours before checking your pH. Best time
> to take the pH is around 2 p.m. Fast those 2 hours and give me a pH
> reading for that, and I can tell you more.
> I rarely eat anything in the morning, taking only a sip or two of distilled
> water until lunchtime.  So most of the ( late in day ) tests are fasting
>  for 2 to 4 hrs.
Hi Joe,
That being the case, I see your pH is moving a quiet a bit. it went 
from alkaline at 7.0 then droped to 6.3 and went back up to alkaline 
again. You need to keep a record of what you eat to see what might be 
making you pH move around so much. Something you eat, drink or take 
is moving it around. You need some calcium to level it out. Probably 
a calcium citrate or a chelated calcium.
> > I have SLEEP APNEA and am on a Bi-PAP machine every night.
> > Also have had anemia for 10 years and have had blood transfusions
> > several times, last blood test RBC  was  4.84 just above the low
> > of 4.40 to 5.90 normal range, several other  tests are low also.
> > Have had kidney infections for 10 yrs also, have been on almost constant
> > antibiotics until 9 mos ago started CS, three current urine tests have
> shown
> > no bacteria growth.  One problem eliminated, I hope!
> > Have kidney stones, many X-RAYs were negative, but in 95 got them to
> > run an IVP X-RAY series which showed large stones  invisible to the
> regular
> > X-RAYs.  Was to have removed in Jan 97 but canceled at last minute because
> > of anemia.
> > Have pain in feet, ankles, legs upper and lower, knees, and hips,
> sometimes
> > being unable to walk, sometimes require cane, sometime no symptoms at all.
> > X-RAYs unable to find any problem.
> The kidney stones that I have are STRUVITE the rarest type and are caused by
> bacterial action.
> My calcium levels at least according to the MDs and hospital blood test are
> normal at 9.5 with the normal range being mg/dl (8.7- 10.1). Is it  still
> possible
> to have a calcium deficiency when blood tests show normal?

Yes! The body will pull calcium from the bones to keep the blood 
calcium levels normal. If the blood pH gets off too much either way, 
you die! So the body uses calcium to buffer the pH of the blood. If 
you have a calcium deficiency the body will pull calcium from the 
bones to keep the blood pH


1998-05-21 Thread jeinert
> Date:  Thu, 21 May 1998 07:25:05 -0700
> From:  pat weissleader 
> Reply-to:
> Organization:  lizardhaven
>Multiple recipients of list DOWSING 
> Subject:   Re: URINE PH

Great post!
Onions are high in natural vitamin C, and it is an alkaline form of 
vitamin C. Also, my mom is on kidney dialisis and was having trouble 
with her iron (she was allergic to most forms of iron)  so we used 
yellow dock tablets and a product called Doc Ferro Tonic which is a 
natural organic form of ferrous sulfate. This put her iron where it 
needed to be.
Sounds like your problem is not enough stomach acid to digest the 
iron. HCL tablets would also help you digest the iron, but if the 
citrus is working and not bothering you in other ways (too much 
citrus gives me Bell's palsy) then keep it up. Lemons are very good 
for you, they alkalize as well as fill you with some wonderful 
God Bless you!
Jim Einert, N.D.

> i have two suggestions. first, i read a story once about a man who did
> surgery to remove kidney stones for a living. he had a particularly
> beautiful stone made into a ring for his wife.  one night after dinner
> she was washing a pan that had contained boiled onipons, and when she
> was done, the stone wass gone.  she looked for it and could not find it
> and knew it had not gone down the drain.  she told her husband who after
> that had a good percentage of his patients avoid surgery by eating
> boiled onions on a regular basis and dissolving their own stones.
> second, though i was never termed anemic, i  have a problem adsorping
> iron. i  was told after a blood test that  i needed iron, and i went on
> the expensive herbal liquids since i knew that the pill forms didn't
> work for me.  they retested and the iron was lower than before.  i find
> that eating citrus makes it possible for my body to extrct the iron in
> normal food.  i buy frozen lemonade and drink it on a regular basis, and
> now i am getting fruit on my own trees, but the frozen lemonade is cheap
> and alive and the best solution for most people.
> --
> Patricia Weissleader at Lizardhaven Ranch
> 'where the critter meets the glitter'

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-05-21 Thread JOSEPH T HARRISON
> I have just gotten a PH meter and have been keeping track of my urine
> PH for a few days.  Have also checked my distilled water.
> The distilled water has tested 5.9, 5.6, 6.0, 5.8 Also tested with the
> TDS 1 for PPM which was 1 to 2 PPM for all tests. I thought that distilled
> water should be neutral or PH 7.0.
Hi Joe,
I have tested my distilled water lately, and found it to be somewhat
acid as well. I buy bottled distilled water, and I have read that it
can go more acid as it sets, but should be neutral pH 7 when first
made. I plan to do more study on this later. Still I believe you
should be drinking distilled water.

I make my own distilled water, by the dual distalation process, this
uses two containers separated  by a catch system and spout. The
upper tank acts as a condenser by having an inverted funnel inside,
and the water is preheated to drive off low temp distillates. This water
is then manually poured into the lower tank where H2O is boiled off at
a low flame to prevent splashing into the separator.  I don't believe that
better distilled water can be had for a reasonable cost, and I only use
store bought distilled water when traveling, which has been rare of late.

> The urine test readings were taken at wakeup + just before bed.
>   Wakeuplate in day
> 05/16  5.17.0
> 05/175.36.3
> 05/185.36.5
> 05/195.06.8
> 05/205.17.2
> Is this unusual, as this is the first time that I have had more than 1
> test in 1 day? MDs seem to think 1 test every 30 to 90 days is OK.
> The last urine test that I have was done by a hospital on 02/27/98
> which was done at the same time as a blood test, was in the morning
> and fasting for 12 hrs. The PH  was 5.2
In the urine saliva testing I do, you don't use the first urine of
the day, and you fast for 2 hours before checking your pH. Best time
to take the pH is around 2 p.m. Fast those 2 hours and give me a pH
reading for that, and I can tell you more.
I rarely eat anything in the morning, taking only a sip or two of distilled
water until lunchtime.  So most of the ( late in day ) tests are fasting
 for 2 to 4 hrs.

> I have SLEEP APNEA and am on a Bi-PAP machine every night.
> Also have had anemia for 10 years and have had blood transfusions
> several times, last blood test RBC  was  4.84 just above the low
> of 4.40 to 5.90 normal range, several other  tests are low also.
> Have had kidney infections for 10 yrs also, have been on almost constant
> antibiotics until 9 mos ago started CS, three current urine tests have
> no bacteria growth.  One problem eliminated, I hope!
> Have kidney stones, many X-RAYs were negative, but in 95 got them to
> run an IVP X-RAY series which showed large stones  invisible to the
> X-RAYs.  Was to have removed in Jan 97 but canceled at last minute because
> of anemia.
> Have pain in feet, ankles, legs upper and lower, knees, and hips,
> being unable to walk, sometimes require cane, sometime no symptoms at all.
> X-RAYs unable to find any problem.

The kidney stones that I have are STRUVITE the rarest type and are caused by
bacterial action.
My calcium levels at least according to the MDs and hospital blood test are
normal at 9.5 with the normal range being mg/dl (8.7- 10.1). Is it  still
to have a calcium deficiency when blood tests show normal?
First off, I can tell you that you have a . The
kidney stones are caused by a calcium deficiency, plus the pain you
have in your legs and feet are probably caused by the calcium
deficiency as well. When the body chemistry gets off, the body will
not accept minerals even if you are taking plenty of the right kind!
You also have an iron/vitamin B-12 deficiency which is causing the
anemia. My mother is to most forms of iron, and she is on
kidney dialisis 3 times per week. The MD's were unable to do anything
about her iron. She would have to have blood every now and then. Then
I started working on the problem, and found the herb Yellow Dock to
be high in iron, so she started taking that. It helped, but would
never get her iron level up to normal. Then I added a product called
Doc's Ferro Tonic, which was developed by the man who started the
urine/saliva test I do. That did the trick. She found the yellow dock
made her have the runs, and the Ferro Tonic made her constipated, so
she was able to balance the two supplements so she was regular, and
at the same time brought her blood levels of iron up to normal!!!
I would also be interested in what foods you eat. That is probably
playing a part in your health (a big part!)
Take care. Keep me posted! God Bless you!
Jim Einert, N.D.
I am also allergic to any iron products that have ferrous sulfate in them
which is in every one the MDs prefer. I was supposed

(Fwd) Re: URINE PH

1998-05-21 Thread M. G. Devour
This is one of a couple of messages that bounced to the 
list-maintenance account, probably because Mr. Harrison is not a 
subscriber to the silver-list and the thread was cross posted.

I thought they were worth seeing...

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 07:26:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: pat weissleader 
Multiple recipients of list DOWSING 
Subject: Re: URINE PH

i have two suggestions. first, i read a story once about a man who did
surgery to remove kidney stones for a living. he had a particularly
beautiful stone made into a ring for his wife.  one night after dinner
she was washing a pan that had contained boiled onipons, and when she
was done, the stone wass gone.  she looked for it and could not find
it and knew it had not gone down the drain.  she told her husband who
after that had a good percentage of his patients avoid surgery by
eating boiled onions on a regular basis and dissolving their own
stones. second, though i was never termed anemic, i  have a problem
adsorping iron. i  was told after a blood test that  i needed iron,
and i went on the expensive herbal liquids since i knew that the pill
forms didn't work for me.  they retested and the iron was lower than
before.  i find that eating citrus makes it possible for my body to
extrct the iron in normal food.  i buy frozen lemonade and drink it on
a regular basis, and now i am getting fruit on my own trees, but the
frozen lemonade is cheap and alive and the best solution for most

Patricia Weissleader at Lizardhaven Ranch
'where the critter meets the glitter'

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-05-21 Thread jeinert
> To:
> Cc:, ,
>"Multiple recipients of list DOWSING" 
> Subject:   URINE PH
> Date:  Wed, 20 May 1998 18:37:28 -0400

> I have just gotten a PH meter and have been keeping track of my urine
> PH for a few days.  Have also checked my distilled water.
> The distilled water has tested 5.9, 5.6, 6.0, 5.8 Also tested with the
> TDS 1 for PPM which was 1 to 2 PPM for all tests. I thought that distilled
> water should be neutral or PH 7.0.
Hi Joe,
I have tested my distilled water lately, and found it to be somewhat 
acid as well. I buy bottled distilled water, and I have read that it 
can go more acid as it sets, but should be neutral pH 7 when first 
made. I plan to do more study on this later. Still I believe you 
should be drinking distilled water.
> The urine test readings were taken at wakeup + just before bed.
>   Wakeuplate in day
> 05/16  5.17.0
> 05/175.36.3
> 05/185.36.5
> 05/195.06.8
> 05/205.17.2
> Is this unusual, as this is the first time that I have had more than 1
> test in 1 day? MDs seem to think 1 test every 30 to 90 days is OK.
> The last urine test that I have was done by a hospital on 02/27/98
> which was done at the same time as a blood test, was in the morning
> and fasting for 12 hrs. The PH  was 5.2
In the urine saliva testing I do, you don't use the first urine of 
the day, and you fast for 2 hours before checking your pH. Best time 
to take the pH is around 2 p.m. Fast those 2 hours and give me a pH 
reading for that, and I can tell you more.
> I have SLEEP APNEA and am on a Bi-PAP machine every night.
> Also have had anemia for 10 years and have had blood transfusions
> several times, last blood test RBC  was  4.84 just above the low
> of 4.40 to 5.90 normal range, several other  tests are low also.
> Have had kidney infections for 10 yrs also, have been on almost constant
> antibiotics until 9 mos ago started CS, three current urine tests have shown
> no bacteria growth.  One problem eliminated, I hope!
> Have kidney stones, many X-RAYs were negative, but in 95 got them to
> run an IVP X-RAY series which showed large stones  invisible to the regular
> X-RAYs.  Was to have removed in Jan 97 but canceled at last minute because
> of anemia.
> Have pain in feet, ankles, legs upper and lower, knees, and hips, sometimes
> being unable to walk, sometimes require cane, sometime no symptoms at all.
> X-RAYs unable to find any problem.
First off, I can tell you that you have a calcium deficiency. The 
kidney stones are caused by a calcium deficiency, plus the pain you 
have in your legs and feet are probably caused by the calcium 
deficiency as well. When the body chemistry gets off, the body will 
not accept minerals even if you are taking plenty of the right kind!
You also have an iron/vitamin B-12 deficiency which is causing the 
anemia. My mother is allergic to most forms of iron, and she is on 
kidney dialisis 3 times per week. The MD's were unable to do anything 
about her iron. She would have to have blood every now and then. Then 
I started working on the problem, and found the herb Yellow Dock to 
be high in iron, so she started taking that. It helped, but would 
never get her iron level up to normal. Then I added a product called 
Doc's Ferro Tonic, which was developed by the man who started the 
urine/saliva test I do. That did the trick. She found the yellow dock 
made her have the runs, and the Ferro Tonic made her constipated, so 
she was able to balance the two supplements so she was regular, and 
at the same time brought her blood levels of iron up to normal!!!
I would also be interested in what foods you eat. That is probably 
playing a part in your health (a big part!)
Take care. Keep me posted! God Bless you!
Jim Einert, N.D.
> Thank You  Joe Harrison

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour