Seasons Beastings..

1995-12-23 Thread Brendan Ryan
I just fealt like posting cause it feels like a while since I have last 
done so.. I just wanted to tell those people who (about 3 months ago) 
said that Al Tuck was a poor opener for the Super Friendz.. 

You are all sooo wrong
.On Thurs I saw the New Al Tuck band.. Al Tuck  New Action?.. 
hmm..? But yeah, this is only my second time ever to see them play and I 
liked this show much better than the first.. in particular, the new 
guitar/organ player (name please?) was incredible on guitar.. I can't belive 
some of the licks this guy came up with, he rules.. and I think that Al 
can sing just fine.. or maybe I'm just tone dealf, I dunno.. But I can 
totally see Al Tuck being a great opener for the Friendz.. In a way all 
of the (Al Tuck) guitar noodeling is very Matt Murphy. So I have to say 
that I think they would have been a match made in heaven, straight up. 

Oh, and I hope to see you all at the Cinnomin Toast xmas shindig at the 
crappy old Birdland tonite.. I know it is probably too late to find out 
but, who else will play besides R West?.. I hear that Dusty Sorbet will 
also play.. who else?.. anyone?.. hmm. This would be a great time for 
another last time ever, we swear Sloan show.. don't you think? Not that 
that would be a bad thing though.. au contraire mon amie.. Well, whatever, 
pipe talk.. Merry Christmas sloan net.. 

Smashing Dumb-Kids,
Brendan with Butterfly Wings..

Re: Coax Me

1995-12-01 Thread Brendan Ryan

It's not the fans I hate, it's consolidated..
Well.. from what I have heard (though I could be lying), is that one time 
in (I belive it was) New York, an unruley mob of people at one of their 
shows (played w/ Lemonheadz) totally ruined the show by insisting that 
sloan play this consolidated song, apparently it was a big hit at the 
time and these subpopjocks:).. no wait they were (set up in) frat boys, 
yeah well anyhow, they insisted on hearing this song. So Patrick, being 
the kind of guitar wyzard he is, started banging off this consolidated song
but Chris was all thumbs and couldn't get with it, Jay was laughing so 
hard, milk came out of his nose (though he wasn't even drinking milk at 
the time?) I guess Andrew started laughing too and milk came out of 
_his_ nose too... he was drinking milk. Well lets just say that the show 
wasn't a hit.. that is, until people started throwing rotten vegetables at 
them. So _this_ is the bone Sloan had to pick with those rotten nasties 
who wrecked their _one_ chance to rock-out infront of Evan Dando..

Cor-Crane Brendan..

On Thu, 30 Nov 1995, Brian Muldoon Lamey wrote:

 On Wed, 29 Nov 1995, Bob Reeves wrote:
  While we're on this subject (and, yes, this has probably been discussed
  before), is there an inside joke/story to
  'can I think Consolidated's ok'
  Just wunderin' ('cause, personally, I like them).
 I had heard that Consolidated *demanded* an apology for being mentionned in 
 that light. Apparently they were very offended.
 is that true? or another rumour?
 brian muldoon lamey.

Sloanercross tees

1995-11-29 Thread Brendan Ryan

A little ways back there was a thread on those hideously overpriced 
sloan/Suzuki shirts.. well whoever was asking about them, they are back 
and priced to sell, this time they are t-shirts... 

Oh.. Erics Trip breakup.. Erics Last Trip?.. hmm.. I dunno.. I guess I 
could see that happening, like.. when this happened with Sloan, everyone 
saw it coming.. how the hell do you follow up a record like 2x?.. I guess 
we will never know.. but back to ET.. all I can say is to enjoy it while it 
lasts, and if it does happen I hope they don't pull a Sloan and embark 
on a This is our last show _ever_ Tour across Canada.. Well I hope 
Sloan decide to pull a few more Sloans someday, like _that_ would ever 
happen.. oh well I should be tending to my studies..

Dalhousie Approved..
Ol'Dirty Brendan.

Re: Where do you get Len?

1995-11-08 Thread Brendan Ryan
That was the same episode that Sloan was on too.. I think, what total 
camera hogs, eh?
Simple tuniversal Brendan.

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, Tara Lee Wittchen wrote:

 On Tue, 7 Nov 1995, Bryce Colenbrander wrote:
  i also heard somewhere, that the really old street cents theme was
  done by thrush hermit.. true, or a cruel joke?..
 true. one time thrush hermit played live on street cents too, they did 
 simple universal leader (from the _marya_ 7'' or _john boomer_ 
 cassette). tara da costa has it on video and sent me a copy of it. it's 
 pretty funny, they're all so young and they look so cool with their big 
 wool toques. (to paraphrase grampa simpson, it was the style at the 
 time). there was a short interview. this was all pre-cliff, by the way. 
 they had some smart ass kid drumming for them back then.
 ...when we first started, Ian, Rob and I, our first band was called 
 Nabisco Fonzi.   - Joel Plaskett
 ***CJSW 90.9 fm --***

Re: DEstruction

1995-10-27 Thread Brendan Ryan
Whoa.. you know, it's true, that if you live on the road too long you 
really _do_ start to loose mental capacity... Man.. those Guided by Voices 
must have snuck some beer into Rob's evian wawa. 

Brenda-godda-da-vita..  bay-bay.

On Fri, 27 Oct 1995, Bob Benvie wrote:

 All you geeks:
 It's all about this:
 1. Judge
 2. Jury
 3. Executioner
 We are busy perverting your insignificant perception of Cliff.
 We eat and bastardize your puny Fenwick-Gibb.
 Blah blah blah
 Turn your dumb computer off now you nerd, so sayeth the Destructor.
 Cliff kicks my ass so don't even bother?
   Love Robert E. Benvie AKA The Benv

Re: I'm depressed. :(

1995-10-06 Thread Brendan Ryan
 Well.. don't be, cause.. baby.. you guys got to see Fugazi.. we missed 
out.. we also missed Superchunk.. SuperGrass.. and countless others.. and 
besides.. most of the bands on the bill have already been there or will 
eventually go there.. or mabye are from there. So cheer up, baby, cause 
you'll get your turn soon. 


On Fri, 6 Oct 1995, Catherine S Onodera wrote:

 I don't want to put anyone down or anything, but since I am unable to get 
 out to Halifax for next weekend (lack of funds, and I've got midterms 
 creeping up fast!), I've been feeling kinda down.  It would appear that I 
 keep missing out on stuff being situated where I am in Guelph (Ontario), 
 and I could really appreciate some sympathy.  
 Well, I hope everyone has a lot of fun, and I expect some really detailed 
 Oh, does anyone know when cub, inbreds, and superfriendz are swingin' by 
 this way?  That is the line-up that was mentioned, no?  Oh well, someone 
 will correct me
 To the Taras:  I AM sending you money for the tape(s).  I've been low on 
 cash for weeks now.  It will be very soon, hopefully in the next week
 To other people:  Hi.  (especially you, cp!)  :)
 To Carol:  See you today.  Or if not, when you read this message, send me 
 one.  I haven't heard from you in weeks via e-mail!  (my own cousin 
 ignoring me *sniff*)
 Well, that's my two cents worth.  I think that people out this way gotta 
 get together too.  If only in retaliation of the big get together we're 
 Cathy  :)

Re: new Sloan album

1995-10-02 Thread Brendan Ryan
You know it's kinda funny you should mention those demos, cause I was 
just thinking that it would be very good to get a tape of all the Sloan 
demos from Peppermint to present.. I was once played what I was told to 
be the 2X demos.. not actually the _whole_ thing but enough to want to 
hear more. 

My Brendan Valentine 

On Sat, 30 Sep 1995, Ian MacEachern wrote:

 Word has it from a source very close to the Sloan organization (charles
 superfriend  a new grand) that their is a new Sloan album to be released on
 murderecords early in the new year. One of my sources has heard three new
 demos from Chris Murphy himself. It is said to be very poppy a la beach
 boys, beatles etc. It looks like the boys in Sloan had broken up just to get
 out of their contract with those money whores DGC. That would be it.
 (at heather's computer) 

Re: what!

1995-09-10 Thread Brendan Ryan
Well I dunno, if any of you recorded the muchmusic appearance a little 
ways back you may find that there is a bit of a resembelance between the 
two, and has anybody noticed the resembelance between Lil' Orton Hoggit and 
Matt Murphy it's uncanny really, and their drummer looks alot like Chris 
Murphy of Sloan, yeah I think there is definately something weird going 
on with the Superfriendz. 

Guided by Slushes

On Fri, 8 Sep 1995, Lisa Wilton wrote:

 Charles does NOT look like Krist Novoselic or whatever his last name is!
 That's insulting! (for Charles that is.) :)
 Cheers, Lisa :-)

Re: explicit filth

1995-08-21 Thread Brendan Ryan
You know what, I heard that the video in question is entirity made up 
of editing room floor clips from this unreleased *Skin Flick* that was 
to be called Super Sexy Friends: Easy Livin' in Nashville. I guess the 
Hollywood censors weren't into the hotpants either. 

On Mon, 21 Aug 1995, Tara Lee Wittchen wrote:

 Yeah they think they are so clever, those stupid super friendz. with 
 their little boy charm and innocent, fresh-faced good looks. well they're 
 sure not fooling me anymore.
 i had the displeasure of watching their debut video on mucheast tonight 
 and i have two words for you:
   Porno Graphic.
 how i made it to the end of their so called music video is nothing short 
 of a miracle. first, matthew murphy -  those tight pants leave VERY 
 little to the imagination. you know, there are many young children who 
 watch this programme and for him to be strutting around in pants that 
 revealing shows how irresponsible he is. 
 then there is the young lady who practically bares all in her little 
 country and western dance. i cry for women everywhere tonight.
 the lustful facial expressions all of the musicians make throughout the 
 stage performance are sickening. what next, actual fornication on the 
 i'm not even going to talk about the hot tub scenes which CLEARLY depict 
 some sort of twisted aquarian orgy. 
 well i am sure disappointed in what used to be my favorite rock band. i 
 hope they are happy. charles, drew, matt, you walk on the dark side. i 
 only hope chris gets out while he can, instead of being led down this 
 evil path as dave marsh once was.
 a sad fan,
 tara lee

Man... do I have to do everything?

1995-07-29 Thread Brendan Ryan
How come nobody posted about yesterdays Daily News coverstory (sort of 
anyways) about Sloans breaking up finally being confirmed. They were 
talking about Chris touring with the Superfriends, Andrew living in 
Toronto with his wife, Jay being the manager of the Inbreds and I don't 
think they mentioned anything about Patrick. It appears that they don't 
have any plans on booking any more shows after this weekend, I don't know 
if this means they _won't_ but I really can't see it happening. Its a 
really sad thing to see them end up like this, but I guess it is as they 
say how all good things..  coming to an end.

Brendan vs. The Greatest of all Time 

If any of y'all know..

1995-07-19 Thread Brendan Ryan
This isn't a big deal really but if any of you know what Sloan's 
situation is right now as far as record label ties goe I would be 
curious to know. I heard they left or got let go Geffen and I think I 
remember hearing something in the rumor mill about a deal with Atlantic 
Records in the works. Also are they still together or aren't they? Cause 
I have (as we all have) heard and read about their possible breakup. Oh well 
thats all I really wanted to ask.Thanks.

Brendan to the ground  

Re: Sloan MOTOX shirt

1995-06-29 Thread Brendan Ryan
The motox jerseys are modeled after _I think_ a Suzuki jersey and are 
yellow with I think black writing are very cool but just as expensive,  
think 35-45 bucks but worth every red cent _if you like jerseys and 
sloan and yellow_ For a more acurate account of it email murder.

On Wed, 28 Jun 1995, Darryll Hobson wrote:

 I would imagine that most people on the net here own their very own
 Sloan MOTOX style long sleeve as orderable from Murderecords, so this
 should be an easy question for anyone to answer:
 What's it look like?  I mean, what is MOTOX style ??  Is that some sort
 of mesh?  
 Is it heavy material?  thick?  does it have a hood?  pockets?  does it 
 accomodate a clip-on tie?  
 any verbose descriptions welcomed...  and maybe a ranking from 1 to 10 on 
 the tastefull clothing scale (1 being a sheepskin vest, 10 being the 
 Sloan bill for damages shirt -- way cool)

Re: Sloan's Linament

1995-06-09 Thread Brendan Ryan
Well james I was watching a telivision movie (think a police movie) a few 
months back and there was this robbery of a grocery store called *Sloans*
Hmmm..  talk about an aggressive p.r. stunt, sheese.

On Thu, 8 Jun 1995, James R. Covey wrote:

 adam wrote about sloan's linament:
 The stuff itself smells a lot like Vicks Vapo-Rub but it is a 
 clear/brown (Just like SAPPY vinyl:) oily liquid. 
 gee, name a liquid chemical, adam can tell you what it smells
 like.  now why is that?  ;-)
 you know, i'm really enjoying this thread of how many tangents
 can we go on from the name 'sloan'?, believe it or not.  here's
 my contribution...
 for your next video rental, if you haven't seen it already, or
 even if you have, you should check out _over the edge_.  i think
 it was made in 1980 or so.  maybe earlier.  this is the film 
 about suburban seventies kids trashing their public school with
 their parents locked inside.  it was never shown in theatres 
 because of fears about youth gangs etc.  it is on video though.
 it's matt dillon's first movie.  on the soundtrack you get the
 ramones, van halen, cheap trick, and the cars!  what more could
 you want?  the script of this movie could be, like, the bible of
 thrush hermit or something.  and the big bad texan land-developer 
 villain -- you guessed it, his name is... sloan.
  _James R. Covey [EMAIL PROTECTED]_sloan net is a discussion of the
  ___| | ___   __ _ _ __  _ __   ___| |_  halifax / east coast music scene
 / __| |/ _ \ / _` | '_ \| '_ \ / __| __| [un]subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \__ \ | |_| | |_| | | | |   | | | |  __| |_  to post to the list send mail to
 |___/_|\___/ \__,_|_| |_|   |_| |_|\___|\__| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Zedd recordZ/daydream records po box 29057 hfx shopping centre hfx NS B3L 4T8

Makin' the bacon

1995-06-09 Thread Brendan Ryan
Well I haven't actually _heard_ the new offering from leonard conan, but 
here is what Ron Foley MacDonald had to say about Bringin' home the bacon 
bits: full length cass. of original songs that confirms  the band's 
initial promise. ...greater things to come.. ..sounds like a more 
intimate, kitchen party version of the Replacements' Paul Westerberg 
..wistful melodies and short choruses make the tunes more immediate. If 
the Velvet Underground had a somewhat sunnier outlook, it might sound 
like Leonard Conan ...stark minimalism...   ...primitivism of 
recording...   ..wonky charm... ...respect for McDaniels writing takes 
precedent over any hot-dogging from the players...  ...yada yada cool 
packaging wrapped in brown paper shrinkwrapped on a butchers styrofoam 
I would like to hear from some people who have heard it, I _will_ of 
course pick it up but lets hear some noise for Leonard Conan, a great 
band that is still yet to break. 

Re: dat irc stufffff

1995-05-30 Thread Brendan Ryan
Yeah I thik it would be veeery cool to meet up with all of the 
sloanneters on irc.. hmm.. Just had an idea lets all meet up after 
mucheast so when it gets over run to the computer and sign in and that 
will be that, ok? We did meet once, all two of us.. Doh!
So yeah we'll know when and we might have something to talk about, eh.
#sloanet ...the channel that rocks


1995-05-28 Thread Brendan Ryan
I checked my mail today only to find people were giving static to 
plumtree and thruster, while I'll admit they're not the two best bands in 
the world anyone who listened to flutterboard _knows_ how hookey the 
tracks are. Plumtree are really entertaining and nice girls too boot. 
Thruster are good, pretty good in fact, bad name though, they definately 
are reminicent of 88-89 skaterock, fancy footwork, blazing riffs, they 
really rocked ma socks off. Ok the porno stunt was funny for a second but 
ended up being more retarded than funny, and that feed back, drumstick 
throwing at the symbols thing has been done and is quite played out BUT 
they rocked as hard as aimless ever did, ok. And The hardship Post, I 
have always thought they were the most boring rock band in the world, I 
mean snooze-o-rama these guys were always writing good songs but there 
live act was always a sleeper. zzz. _But_ the last time I saw them was 
that show at khyber w/ HCG a few months back and they really were 
entertaining and for the first time I walked away from a hardship post 
show thinking they really rocked me out. So I guess I'll pick up the new 
THP cd and spin it a few times and see if if it's better than the last 
one I heard. 

The Brendan

Re: JAy Ferguson is two rock stars

1995-04-30 Thread Brendan Ryan
Yeah I was at this crap north end pawn/record shop last summer and there 
were at least twelve different Jay Ferguson records, and Jay is this 
total sleez-o with at least six girlies on each arm, too funny, I think 
Jay would _love_ to see one of these (if he hasn't already). 

And to save a second post, let me be the first to say that Thrush Hermit 
rocked with a vengence last night at the Oasis, they are sooo AM rock now 
it's funny, blazing two fisted guitar riffs, joel's dancing definately 
increased the goofiness of the show, definate rock masters with their 20 
minute intermission and an encore that was a speeded up and slowed down 
pink is the color, the main part was punk rock fast and the breakdown at 
the end was s slow, hopefully the upcoming tour will do well for them 
cause I have been that the down south american experience doesn't include 
loud unadulterated sissy-boy rock. But I think they'll do just fine. Oh 
well this post kinda dragged on a bit, sorry kids.

   *** STATE CHAMPS 7 OUT SOON!! *** 
   ***  daydream records  ***
   *** Buy it or yoo suck ***

On Sun, 30 Apr 1995, Tara da Costa wrote:

 helll kids :) :) :)
 just thought i'd share this sloanny anecdote..
 So we were sitting in my living room a couple of weeks ago, watching
 something really fun on tv like the PBS telethon. My friend Jil suggests,
 'let's watch Gleaming The Cube!' so we slip in this ancient copy of this
 old-school skater-flick-with-a-plot, Gleaming The Cube. (with christian
 slater when he's like 18 or something ..)
 watching the by: Jay Ferguson.
 i was killing myself laughing. it was really weird, cos id been so
 obsessed with that movie like five years ago. i watched it every day. 
 and the music was just rich. it was like 'waoooah, gleamin' ths cube!'
 and it sounded like tom cochrane. :)
 so i guess that 'Jay Ferguson' - 'White Noise' record or whatever on the
 2nd sloan mailout was for real.. :) :)
 SPEAKING of which, adam and i are wondering what the HELL is the deal with
 the tourbook1? is it a joke or what? how come nobody ever talks about it?
 too weird...
 anyways, see y'all later! :)
 love,tara :) :) :)
 The smile that you send out...
returns to you. :)
 -Indian Wisdom

Re: Stinkin' Rich

1995-04-09 Thread Brendan Ryan
Yeah Rich's new material is the tightest of tight, on Murder (methinks)
15 songer, new this week, get it, get it, I really hope this is the one 
that gets him lots of play, cause it's a shame when all these wack mc's 
of today go platnum and mc's out east aren't even going cardboard... _yet_ 
I'm with Avi, so go pick up a copy tomorrow, not to support local talent, 
but because it really is good. I give it three x's. 
I'm out like the left foot in hokey-pokey...  Brendan

On Sun, 9 Apr 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Also Known As  buck 65!
 On Sun, 9 Apr 1995, Avi Cieplinski wrote:
  Nobody seems to be talking about the new Stinkin' Rich tape, Game Tight. I'd
 When did it come out? What label did it come out on and how many tracks 
 are on it? I really liked Who You Frontin' For on the 7'', so I'd like 
 to maybe pick that tape up...
  like to say that is a really darn good album and I suggest that people go
  out and buy it. 
 - Avi
  P.S. - Stinkin' Rich is X-Rated :-)
 ComplexIll Fated but he still made it! :)
 MC Evie  :P
 ps/ is it just me or is It's Tricky not THEE definitive hiphop song? :)
 `I knew a little girlie... her hair was kinda curly...'
   Twice Removed represents a delicate balance between four people.
   Its title is sort of like a disclaimer.  When you say someone is
   a first cousin, twice removed, it implies relationship, but also
   a separation.  Some days we're a unit,  some days we're totally 
   different.- Chris Murphy