re: just a one question

1995-12-23 Thread Tara da Costa
hello! :)

hello there and merry christmas. i have been off the list for a while now 
and i'm just wondering about something. what's going on with the les 

the tapes are presently being run-off by tara lee :) we are beginning to
work on cover art/sleeve design/zine stuff etc..
should be done sooon! :) -- famous last words ;) im getting a bad rep
lately on the slacker tip..

amis du sloan thingie? i wrote tara da costa about it a while ago, but i 
haven't gotten anything back from her. is it happening? did it happen? 

oops i think i might have accidentally deleted the msg :(
etc..?? and zine-wise..has anyone on the list offered any new 'issues' 
since this summer? i know, i'm really really off..just clueless.

yah there's been lotsa new stuff! i hope all the zine kids email you w/
details :) if not email me and ill hook ya up w/ some addresses :)
as for us, there is a summer ffiction out w/ lotsa interviews and stuff.
fall ish. coming soon (heehe late as all heck):) email me if yr
interested. :)

merry christmas, everyone! :) :) :) have a ravin' holiday! ;) ;)

tis the season to kill lawlor
fa la la la la la la la la --herbal E
tara :) :)
freakin fish is a elf who loves crack

ps/ new grand joined the sonic unyon klan! treble charger are moving to
new york? whats the deal. and did anyone else read the sloan tidbit in the
stink? ohboyohboyohboyohboy :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

wE LoVe LeNNi! :)

1995-11-06 Thread Tara da Costa
hidee hoe, neighbours, :)

Ottawa was sure kickin this weekend. :) On top of the usual weekend
punk-out shows occuring in the nation's capital, we were visited by some
extra special bands. :) and i don't mean the ripcordz. ;)

On saturday, the superfriendz and al tuck and no action swung by our luvly
city. Of course, it was a bar show, so jayson and i had to make do with
watching the soundcheck through the window of the door, which we kept ajar so
that the music could be heard. And what a soundcheck it was! :) We heard
_Karate Man_, _When They Pay(Paid) Me_ and _Up and Running_. We probably
missed some other kool toons at the start, but that's ok. as long as they
played _up and running_ wooh! that is my favourite superfriendz song. i
get chills.
we didn't see al's check; i guess we missed it. :( :( but we met
lonnie, the new friend. :)he's wicked. :) i can't beleive he's only been
playing with them since tuesday. wow. :)
on sunday, the Pit became a freakin madhouse party! :) 3 local bands and
the mighty LEN! :) yay, len! they drove all the way down from toronto to
play the show and they rawked the house down. :)
Purifica was the first band up. They are a 5 piece from out here in a
suburb of ottawa known as orleans city of excitement. :) Jody has the best
voice; she sings really beautifully. Their songs (they played 4 - short but
sweet!) were just the right mix of poppiness and moodiness. sonic youthish
guitar at times, with our own jeremy gara on drums, kickin it out! :)
Next was Son of Flynn. 4 rawk outs who attend my school. :)real
loud and dark and powerful, very guitar-oriented mood-rawk. They sure love
flangers. :) they played their big hit, _Roof It_ as well as the usual
assortment of spacey tunes, with the addition of a new *almost* pop/punk
one in which mike, the BEST drummer ever, sings! :) maniacs that drive the
girls wild. :)
Next up unfortunately was us. :) hitchiked played the usual pop
tunes with too many covers, not enough sleep and too much sugar. we forgot
how to play every song it seems. and we BRUTALIZED (and i mean killed!)
the La's _There She Goes_. :) but it was all in fun and at least i got to
drum on some tunes. Janet is the next broken girl. :) 
Finally, LEN! :) wh!! :) :) i was so excited to see them! :)
they were incredible. tonnes of energy and wackiness. they played
_Superfly_ , _My Damn Itch_ , and  _Slacker_, all from their wonderful and
diverse CD _Superstar_, which you should seriously look into buying if you
dont already own it. The highlight of the show for me, though, was the
Laverne  Shirley theme song!! :) :) hooray! :) :) I've never heard it
done better. :)
 so that was my weekend. i took the day of school today. wooh. too much, g.

thanks len for playing! :) sorry for the length of this message, kids.:)

i'm out like 80's music! ;)

tara :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

les amis du sloan

1995-11-05 Thread Tara da Costa
hello to everyone on this fine sunday morning :)

there have been a few people lately asking about the les amis
project and its progress so here's the scoop: Right now we've *finally*
gotten all of the submissions in and we're about to begin compiling
everything making the tapes. woooh! big step. :) It shouldn't be too long
before we post about our next step. :)
on a slightly sad note, the rare sloan track inclusion thing
didn't exactly work out, since chirs m.'s stuff is all in storage and 
he can't locate what he was going to donate. but don't despair - we've
still got a wicked assortment of tunes and little surprise bits. :)
basically what we wanted to tell everyone is we really appreciate
your patience, but please dont put the screws to us, as i do believe we were
fairly patient when it came to waiting half a year to get submissions sent in.
you don't have to post every week asking how its going; believe us, we
will let you know. and dont think that this is a foolish pipe dream sort of a
project because tara and i are very serious about it and we intend to
really make it work, with your help of course.
and helpful you have been. thanks very much again to all who have
contributed, placed orders, told a friend about it, and who have confidence in
this. we really appreciate the support. :)
i am as itching to hear the compilation as any of you, be assured.
:) it will be wonderful. :)

if you have any questions email me, not the list as im sure many of you
are sick to death of hearing the same thing said over and over again.

thanks again. :)

tara :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: Sloan Filmography

1995-09-11 Thread Tara da Costa
 actually, chris was in a couple of movies when he was younger. (like 6 yrs
 old). These include:
 the Man Inside [kid in class]

Which The Man Inside?  The 1958 B/W one with Anita Ekberg, the 1976 one 
that was a TV movie, or the one from 1990.  How old is Chris, anyway?

h... the one with the actress from Heart To Heart -- what's her name?
..she plays a schoolteacher. 

probably the 1976 one. :) chris is, what, 25 or 26...

 and the Silent Partner [kid in choir]

I assume you mean the Canadian one from 1978 with Elliot Gould and, gosh, 

yep, that's the one. :)

go buckwild at blockbuster video. :)
tara :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: Sloan Filmography

1995-09-10 Thread Tara da Costa

Chris Murphy Filmography...

1.  Jacob's Ladder (1990) 1990 [Partygoer] 
2.  Quest for the Mighty Sword (1990)[Skiold] 
3.  Poltergeist III (1988) 1988 [Dusty]

actually, chris was in a couple of movies when he was younger. (like 6 yrs
old). These include:
the Man Inside [kid in class]
and the Silent Partner [kid in choir]
bit parts.

find the flicks in yr video store!!!

i kid you not. he was also in Eaton's catalogues [winnie the pooh sleeping
bags] and was the infamous model boy for Big Jim. He was also in a t.v.
show once with his dad in Toronto...called 'street' something...

:) :) i'm not lying :)

love ,
tara on gummi worms :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: \\=//\\/\//\\=//

1995-09-09 Thread Tara da Costa
hello to all on this bright and lovely saturday afternoon, :) :)

4.)What's this I read about the superfriendz not playing their own

i believe this is part of the joke of the century. :)

5.)Pop quiz!! fill in the blanks.. take another drag on your ciggarette,
it's such a drag __ . what the hack is that line?

i beleive that it is It's such a drag that you regret but of course i
may be wrong. :)

change of heart whats wrong with you? :(

tara :) :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: Jay makes his mark on the acting world!

1995-09-06 Thread Tara da Costa
wholly kow, :)

Actually, this Jay Ferguson that Shanan mentioned is another guy
who was actually an actor (u know, one of the has-been teen actors ;)).
It's weird how they have the same name tho.. then again, Jay and
Ferguson aren't such odd names.. :P

heehee all this hubbub is rather freaky... :)
you see, we did a whole article in our zine about the _actor_ jay f.,
comprised of numerous and _very_ informative _teen beat_ clippings. :)

not only that, but we watched the film _higher learning_ a couple weeks ago,
and, lo and behold, who plays a raving drunk frosh boy but jay freaking
ferguson. the actor is almost like the anti-jay, tho, if you ask me. :)

i'd say that name is extremely common, as there is also that rock composer
guy who, among other wondrous endeavors, composed the score for that
amazing old-school-skater-murder-mystery flick, _gleaming the cube_,
which starred another _teen beat_ face, christian slater. :) 

ive got the lodown. e-mail me for more fun fax about the actor. ;) ;)

check ya :)

tara :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

i feel dumb

1995-08-23 Thread Tara da Costa
hello :) :)

its a weird co-incidence that carol's zine and my zine are done the same
day.. i feel stupid posting this.

but make sure you get In the Meantime okay?!?! :) :) :) we have ffinished ffiction ffreakin' ffour. _ffiction_ is the little
sloan/canadian bands zine that my friends and i do. issue number four is
jam packed, its got interviews with: thrush hermit, super friendz,
plumtree, cub, girl afraid, and sook yin lee. :) its got dumb articles on
local rabbits, treble charger, ring pops, what i did on my summer va-
cation... theres lots of 7 reviews, some l'il zine reviews, an extremely
twisted :) 5-pg X-Files story involving east coast bands, a piece on
x-files literature. there is jamesy C.'s hardship post discography ,murder
 cinnamon toast updates, a feature on Finland, a piece on U.K Punk Rawk, a
continuation of #3's sloan/alien abduction cartoon, and the janet sloan
cartoon #4 'cept its not done by janet. there is a piece on the canadian
army's jet,stealth' and the monster in Ghostbusters, Zuul. plus sloan art
and the final installment of 'that time of year'.
im sorry this is so long.
you can get this zine for 2$ ppd.or trade cos i'm a trade freak. :)
 ffiction. 1501 roberval ave. orleans, ont. k4a 2c4
thanks for reading, sorry for wasting space.

tara :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Chris and Laura : made at the snob shop

1995-08-14 Thread Tara da Costa
hey all you people with smelly vegetable fetishes, ;)

i picked up the Snob Shop 'pick of the week' 10 yesterday (for a buck an
inch!:) and its so artsy crazy goofy but thats not my point.

you see, it got me curious. has anyone ever read laura's 'inherit the
median strip' or 'dames dames' ? cos ive read a wee bit of her writing and
i really should write her for the books but i have no clue on the price
plus im lazy. i just wanna know what its like.

five hundred and eighty-three thank-you's. :) 

tara :) pickin' her nose

i dreamed about you, and we were fun, you poked your finger in my
belly button and then we went swimming..
 -laura borealis

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: Sloanfest vs. weddings

1995-08-04 Thread Tara da Costa
hey! :)

Question: Assuming it is possible to back order copies of Chart magazine, 
which issue had the Sloan flexidisk?

it was the september 1994 issue..i think you can (used to be able to)
order back ish's..
$4 bucks each + 7% gst

Chart Magazine
p.o. box 332 willowdale stn. A
north york, ontario
M2N 5S9

call (416) 363-3101
or fax (416) 363-3109
if ya need more info. :)

check ya! :)

tara :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

those slow ones on much shmoozic

1995-08-02 Thread Tara da Costa
yayy!!! :) :) :)

guess what kiddies? sloan will be in the
m u c h  m u s i c  e n v i r o n m e n t
tomorrow, between 3:30 and 4:00 pm. *if*
sook-yin was telling the truth. but why
would she lie? im just baffled that those
boyos are making a tv appearance. :) why
does this message look like this? answer:
cos im a jamesy c wannabe from the t to
the d to the c. :) yr tv very
*closely* tomoprrow and if you are LUCKY
enough to live near TO, then _BY GOD_ haul
it on down to the station and stalk those 
haligonians! ;) ;) ;) kidding. at *least* 
go press your nose up to the big glass wall
and smile and watch them. :) surprisingly
enough, and much to my dismay, i have 
ingested absolutely no sugar today, so
dont ask. wheee!
just high on pre-edgefest mania. :) :) :)

REMEMBER: mushmusic tomorrow. 3:30 -4:00 or
somewhere around then. SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN. :)

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
all my love,
tara :)

WAIT!! IMPORTANT!! does anyone have jon bartlett's phone number at the
camp where he is working? please? it would be **greatly** appreciated.
also: anyone talk to nina lately(in the past week?)? i havent seen/spoke
to her since a very unfortunate incident ended our lollapalooza day and i
really hope she got back to camp ok..same for jon..

thanks bunches. :) :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

plummy T. rawk the Pit

1995-07-22 Thread Tara da Costa
hey all! :)

last night was the split 7 release party of two of ottawa's finest pop bands,
girl afraid and two for flinching (if you havent heard of 'em yet, check
them out! they are the reason for which i still have faith in our ottawa
scene..) with plumtree playing inbetween the 2 bands! :)

girl afraid should play around town more often, in my opinion. id rather
see them any night than the onslaught of hardcore madness that are most
ottawa bands, but thats just me, a sucker for pop. and girl afraid are
just that: swirling, shimmering, delicate, and melodic. at times they remind
me of sebadoh, at times they remind me of eric's trip, but at all times
they remind me why i love pop music so much. :)

i had only heard 2 plumtree songs before, one of which was 'dog gone
crazy', and was expecting them to sound fairly cub-ish (i love cub) and
jangly.  boy was i surprised! they reminded me more of jale than cub...
the joyousness was there, but they managed to come off as more
'sophisticated' sounding than i'd expected. i wish i knew the names of
some of the songs they played, but alas...i can still recall some of the
tunes, though. especially this one with absolutely gorgeous vocal harmonies..
they played a lot of new stuff, they said. they are in town recording a
record as we speak..they pulled an all-nighter last night in the studio.
their set was surely a fun one, i was genuinely impressed and truly
inspired. :)

two fo flinching closed the show last night, playing all our favourite
tunes, including the ever-amazing 'dynamo boy'! now here's the cub-esque
band...they're nutso too. :) 
this song is about a fruit. a citrus fruit. no, actually its about
stalking. all our songs are about stalking.
:) :) heeheee how could anyone resist them? ;) i looove this band.
more fun and madness than you can shake a stick at. :) :)

so...who says ottawa's only good bands are the hawd coar ones?
NOT ME! :) :) :)

pop at the pit. the best kind there is! :) ooh those 3 bands had girls in
'em. it was really neat to see all those women on stage. :) (but we love
the boys too.) :)

later, g's,

lotsa love,
tara :) :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: Hodgepodge

1995-07-02 Thread Tara da Costa
:) hell

The sloan Moto-X shirt can be best described as looking like:
A) a football type jersy.

i vote for a. i quite like my sloan moto-x shrt. with it on,i can be easily
spotted if i get lost in a snowstorm and cars seem to steer away if i'm
walking down the road at night.:) it is the only jersey i own. aside from it
GIANT FRIGGIN BATHROBES?) i quite like my sloan moto-x shrt. :)
Seeing as I don't have www capabilities, can someone who has done this tell

i was cruisin the www yesterday like the true freaking hacker i am (?) ;)
and the deal seems to be:
-email joyce linehan and tell her yr up for the challenge (duh)
-her crew will send you a plethora of posters
-your crew will receive them and will decorate yr town
-joyce's spies will check out the job you've done
-if yr job is cool, you get the trophy - guest list time baby :).

i think an alternative to all this postering was baking cookies for the
tour kids :) ? correct me if im wrong..

2.)Who the hell is catherine stockhausen?

sorry to dip into the more personal gossipy side of things but she's criss m.'
s girlfriend. she is a photographer and she takes many photos for the
murder posse. 
Heck Yea! all those concerned about my math grade, I got an A on the
final!, and a C+ for the marking period. I tell ya, I worked me buns off for
the final, but he musta curved the MP grade through the roof.

good job!:) :)   math is hell.


tara charger :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: mail from canadia!

1995-06-30 Thread Tara da Costa
yo whaddup, g's? :)

back yet, Tara, what did those Bootleg sloan T-shirts Chris Murphy mentioned
in th' video look like? Thanks a million fer all the copyright infringement,

[adam- i'm glad you got the stuff ok. :) i forgot to send a letter in the
parcel so i sent it seperately - postmarked in nova scotia, too... :)]

a-ha! :) these guys were selling these *awful* bootlegged sloan tees at
the last montreal show...they were black and had a bad copy of a photo from
impact magazine -i can't remember the issue no. but it's the one we have
10 billion copies of and we cut it up and mutilate it for ffiction all the
time :) (its the page-sized one where they are seated at a picnic table
and chris is holding a gun..)

anyhow, the tshirts were really bad - you could see where they'd used a
marker to darken places in the photo - and it was done quite sloppily i
might add..
but were they ever fun to see. :)

shant or kat got one, right? i think...

check y'all.. 

tara :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: Only one question

1995-06-30 Thread Tara da Costa
yo :)

i hope im not repeating someone here...
there has been so much sloannet mail! :)
rawk right on. :)

What Is you're such a stupid idiot on?
Is it on the murder 7 or the album?

it is on the murder 7 called 'put on your snowsuit you're going to hell'.
the flipside is a song called 'play with your poodle'.
h the rabbits are playin here in 5 days.... :) :) :)

oh yeah, that's not it. 

i thought that was too short for an adam weezer post... ;) ;)

are there any Hardship post bootlegs floatin' around?

i've got a video of their most recent ottawa show at spodeeodee's...its
a really good show except for the fact that it was too short - but
you've heard that story before, i am sure. :)

|  | |  |
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|   _   |/   |   \|  \ / __/| |_| || ||   \
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|__| |__|_| ||_|_\|__/ /___/|_| |_||_||_|
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|_| \__/ /___/  |_|

now that is cool. :) :)
art-sayy, baybeee! :)

tara :) :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

halifax kids...

1995-06-21 Thread Tara da Costa

hi! :)

this is a waste of space again, im really sorry. but um im driving up to
halifax tomorrow, we'll be there on friday actually. :) hope some of you
will come out for a picnic or something, eh? :) itd be wonderful; to meet
everyone. :)

see ya! :)

ps/ f***in fish will be there too i promise ( a real 4-ft. long fish serving
platter) :) :)

tara :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: Never played LIVE ?

1995-06-09 Thread Tara da Costa
Are there any songs that Sloan has never performed at any one of their

try getting them to play guidance counsellor. heads will roll! just

I've never heard them play:

Pillow Fight
Two Seater
What's there to decide?
Left of Center

out of those 'uns i've heard pillerfight, two seater, left o' centre,
an' loosens live. pillow fight was done in a gloriously splendid
heavy/soft way; two seater was fast/cool/heavy/you know...; left of centre
was done very wonkily ;) and bluesy-like with the Locally R's helpin' out;
and loosens went over surprisingly well, really amazingly actually -
they built up the chorus and it was all very dynamic..

well whatever. :) 

ps/ totally unreleated but did anyone see treble charger's 'Red'
video today? wow.
:) :) :) :)  

schoolsalmost ..out.
my brain is mush.

w  e  s  ts  t  a  rl  a  n  d  

tara :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

ralphy B.

1995-05-24 Thread Tara da Costa
hi :) :)

those wacky Sloan kids did indeed play ralphy B. once, back in the day..
i am yet to see the performance (which the lovely tara lee taped and
promised to dub for me a long time ago ;) but i hear that they performed
underwhelmed, that patty P. forgot the words, that criss M.'s pants fell
down and that he was rolling around on the floor and you could see his
bare behind, and that the whole show was just wild.
tara lee can embellish on this when she returns. :) bring this subject up
again in a week or so.. ;) ;)

whatever. :)
check y'all...

love, tara :)

hahaa ha ha makenzie posted again:) :) 

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: miscellaneous: same old flame, j_le, TH.

1995-05-19 Thread Tara da Costa
hey y'all :)

:) bye bye cold flu, bye bye cold weather...

 What's the consensus on the other one - Stood Up I

i think stood up is a gorgeous track..but in that kinda darkish way. its
funny how, well in my opinion, these two tracks are sorta 'sad' sounding..
do y'as think it's cos this could (very well) be sloan's last release?
maybe its just me.   

:'( boohoo

just bein somewhat silly :)

i think same old flame is 'patty pop' at its finest. :)
and stood up is a beautiful heartwrencher.:)

  - Is The Great Pacific Ocean only available on
picturedisc? (and if so - what the hell's the picture of?)

you can get this 'fuck band's latest [OK. the joke IS gettin old. :)]
ep on cassette or cd. the picturedisc will be 349857349857 times cooler,
though. wanna know why? cos , well theres the picture of the beach (thats
on the cass  cd)  that rob's (i think) parents took on vacation...AND
there is (cheeze!:) pictures of the 4 thrushy H. boyeez's faces overlaid
on the pic, so when it spins there's some cool effect or something. :)

 Ah, well, they're a fuck band, right, so I probably
 shouldn't bother ordering a copy... ;)

yr fuckin right. ;)

 - has anybody confirmed TLW's grandmama's address for
sending $ for les amis?   I've got:  2444-44 St. S.E.
 Calgary, AB
 T2B 1J6

yeppers, that'd be it. :)

oops i deleted when shanan writes 'sorry for taking up space'..

hey whats this sorry business? :) this is what sloannet's for. :) keep
posting shanny k. cos u rawk. :) :) 

HEY! :) :) :) :) [ an email freak's pathetic plea ] :)

everyone -- post like crazy!! lets RAISE HELL ON SLOANNET while james
covey's gone!!! ;) ;) its like when the teacher leaves the room for 3
minutes and all heck breaks loose. c'mon! lets go wild!!! :) post
nonsense. post dumb stuff. post a 5000 word essay on what sloan means to
you. :) go nutz. 

heehee i guess im really desperate. but, hey, itd be cool to chuck some
life back into sloannet for a bit...:) :)

lotsa love to all you who are still around,
wacko T.
:) :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: Pondering

1995-05-13 Thread Tara da Costa

Did anyone see when Thrush Hermit were (was?) on the Wedge?  They played
 a rillywicked song called Razzamanazz (pardon my poor spelling) that
 I've never heardbefore and I was wondering, is it on a single or
something?  Does anyone know 

it's not a thrush hermit song, its a song by Nazareth. :)

 i have no clue where you could find the original version of it, tho im
sure it wouldnt be as amusing as thrushy H's wicked cover. :) rawk right on.
:) :)

tara :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

mucheast/ tara leeeee

1995-05-08 Thread Tara da Costa
helli-elli-o to y'all..

as usual, i was an idiot and forgot about that goshdarned luvable mike
campbell ;) and his MuchEast shenannigans last evening...
did anyone catch it? what did i miss? thanks... i mean, the show is
largely annoying, but there's often interesting bits once in a while.. :)

ie/ the hardship post gig @ birdland on friday...tara lee said mikey c was
there and maybe some of you kids were broadcast? shant  kat- dancin in the
front row as usual? ;)

anyways, if someone would be so kind as to let me know..

thanks. :) :) :) 

ps/ tara lee has a million pals on this here net and she gave me her
address today, where she is living in French Hell. french in hell. (how
many times have i read that joke in the past 3 days? :) :) )
i dont know who might want this but im sure there are many of you, so if ya
wanna snail her (do it!) she's at:

Tara Lee Wittchen (*make sure her name is clearly written)
Appt.#109 Residence Normande
Universite Ste-Anne
Church Point, NS
B0W 1M0

and it *can* be english mail. ;)

bye bye. :)

love,tara DC - hawdcoar punk rawka chick ;)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

JOeY jOeY RaWKs My fREaKiN WoRlD.

1995-05-02 Thread Tara da Costa
helooo everyone!! :)

you've all ordered yr copies of joey joey zine #2 and #3, RiGHt??!

all i can say is holy cow holy cow holy cow...

i just received my copies to-day in the mail and boy-oh-boy has
tara Lee (Aaron) ;) done a thoroughly wonderful job. i'm sure you all know
that joey joey is a sloan/east coast fanzine she puts out. if you don't
well you do now. :)  

** this is a long 'review'. but its cos im s excited and i cant stop
writing. please maybe ignore my over-exuberance..sorry. i just think
everyone should get these zines.. :) :)

 letsee...where can i start? well#2 's got stuff like:

-the truth behind joey joey...patrick p. says 'James [covey] is a bit of
odd guy.' :-) :-)
-a wicked interview with courteny love- oops, i mean- mike catano and the
state champs..vinyl pants, guys? the tighter the better?! ;)
-a cinnamonny toasty thingy 
-a treble charger interview a meatlockersmelly band alert! ;)
-hahahahaha! this is the best! there's instrucions to this game called
'pat daman' oh my, i can't wait to play this...identifying milk brands 
patting pillows. :) good grief..:) :)
-the continued criss smurfy interview...a supergood read. hilarious...tara
and chris are goofs... :):) there's talk about archie comics, school
nicknames, proms, gross record covers, ear to the ass, mums  dads, and a
million other topics. 
-the frontcover features a very silly looking boy by the name of criss...
the backcover - oh my gosh, the back's got - is that?? FUckiN fIsh?!?! :) :)

**there's tonnes more stuff in this zine (it IS like over 40p. long, but
im on a 2-hour daily time limit on freenet and im a slow typer) :)
GET IT NOW :) :)

ok. now #3's a little shorter, but still jam-packed! it's got:
-JaY FerGuSoN (the *real* one) ;) on the front cover
-the freakin most hilarious comics i ever did see. ever!! :)
wanna see criss murphy get rolled for his loveless shirt? :) wanna see
joel plaskett do some '87 style skatin while at the same time, 
killing the Nation of Ulysses kids? :) and lets not forget Andrew scott
and his killer (literally) bass drum action... :) :) my lord
-andrew's love advice :) 
-a 6-year old's visual interpretation of sloan (big-mouth criss..)
;) ;)
-SUGAR RECIPES!!! oh my god these are so totally gonna have to
try the 'sugar-filled green peppers' !! :)
-laura borealis' interesting um comics about her  criss
-cute east coast poems 
-updates on all the bestest record labels
-a summer camp/sloannet analogy that makes me cry every time i read it
-our unofficial sloannet theme song!! :) :)
-an indie cred contest..heehee!
-a superfriend contest! (a real conjunction w/ murder..)
-some funny criss 'breathless' smurfy shots... :) :) :)

Get it baby.

*** OH
this one-page zine called 'Next to Nothing' is distributed with each joey
joey  issue...what a neat treat! :) wonderful writing, insights..

soto get all this wonderful stuff, e-mail tara lee wittchen at
for more info. but she's leaving for halifax in 3? 4? days so ACT
FAST! :)


the other tara :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

ffiction number three

1995-04-21 Thread Tara da Costa
hi kidz :)

we just finished the spring issue of the zine last night at 3:30 am.
i should have copies this weeekend.
for anyone who doesnt know, this is a little sloan zine that we put out
every once and a while..its pretty nuts but its all in fun. :)
issue #3 's got stuff like:
-a sloan interview
-a jale interview
-a hip club groove interview
- a radioblaster interview
- 2 different sloan cartoons
-a bit on endearing records
-a superfriends spotlite
-an eric's trip discography
-an easter cream egg thing
-a cheese grater story
-this crazy sloan picture story kinda thing
-recipes (for cream eggs, cheese loaf, and chris murphy's mom's fish soup)
-a Star Wars book review
-a write-up on New Mexico
-freaking fish everywhere

and other assorted junk as usual...its about 47 pages long or something.

e-mail me or whatever.

its $2 (damn postage) by mail but if i bump into you on the street its
freee. :)

1501 roberval Avenue.
orleans, ontario.
K4A 2C4

 boy i know its like everyones asking for soo much money all the time and
it sucks. it'd be totally free if things were my way. grrr canada post.
well, thanks for reading.

ps...thanks to all you wonderful wonderful kids who've been ordering LES
AMIS.. vol. I. [rob page and steve dinn, i got yr $$ today but i dont have
yr e-mails..thanks!!] it looks like mid-summer you'll all get your
tapes. :) :)

thanks again. :) :)

all my love and then some,
tara. :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom


1995-04-17 Thread Tara da Costa

and happy easter one and all. :) :)

i'm putting together a ffiction tonight and i want to do like a spotlight
on the superfriendz. problem is i dont know much about those wonderful
wonderful kids, save for their names and where they live...
any info --AnYtHIng ok?--- that *anyone* has to offer would be
greatly appreciated. :) :) :)
 i was gonna do this on Len but they snubbed me and never replied. :(
but i still love them tremendously...but i digress --

**Supahfriendzwhen did they form? who sings which songs? whats the
drummer situation? who wrote what? blah blah -- help!! 


all my love and then some, 
tara the sweara

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

patty story!

1995-04-12 Thread Tara da Costa
hi its me, the bad tara, not to be confused with the sweet dear tara lee ;)

WhAT'S ThE PaTTy SToRy?!?! you never told me. you said you would.tara?

argh. eye for an eye. 
im gonna bug ya til i die. ;)

im losing my mind though really why am i bugging you two? argh. hey
atatarara im sooo excited for yr trip im s excited im gonna scream.
james yr so lucky you get to hang wit her! vice versa too!! 

hey james are there many all ages shows in hali f? like wicked ones
like super F's and l'il O and becky W? :)
:) cos thatll piss me right off if i cant see anyone when im there...

see yas.

-Evil T ;)




Re: sloan flexi

1995-04-03 Thread Tara da Costa
:) haw haw this is a clever criss-ism...

1. COAX ME (Icks Nay On The Evie Stay Micks)

Big Jim a.k.a. the fat one had this to say regarding this li'l pun..

[after singing/ demonstrating how the Coax Me drumbeat is a total rip-off
of 'Go Your Own Way' by Fleetwood Mac..]

Crix: 'icks nay on the evie stay micks' means nix on the Stevie
Nicks mix, and then Mick - Mick Fleetwood. Triple pun. So anyways, 'One
Proffessional Care' is sorta half the song 'Stood Up'...The part that I
stole was.[sings] der ner ner, der ner ner...

and you get tha point. 

'one professional care' about health care? wow...thats smart. i thought it
was about painting a bathroom

love, tara :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: let's all talk about who sloan has ripped off :)

1995-03-31 Thread Tara da Costa
tara, this is the *best* topic.. :) :)

Husker Du - Don't Want To Know If You Are Lonely (Lucky For Me)
Doughboys - Tearin' Away (Amped)
Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way (Coax Me)
the Beatles - The Word (People Of The Sky)
My Bloody Valentine - Sueisfine (I Am The Cancer)
Rankin Family - North Country (Penpals)
Sonic Youth - Silver Rocket (Two Seater)

ok ive got a couple more... listen to the vocal line of 'Amped' real hard
and you may just find yrself singing 'you're lookin wicked and so am i/
let's  get together and reminisce...'
i don't know but i think 

-Thrush Hermit- French Inhale (Amped)

and then there's 'Stood Up' where Criss rips Andrew's bit of 'One
Professional Care' off (!)so there's

-Sloan- One Professional Care (Stood Up)

and then

-Redd Kross- Annie's Gone (Coax Me)
[personally i cant hear that one as well, but criss himself said so, so...]

  Those jerks... and here we all thought they were *cool* ;-)

tara sometimes yr so evil ;)

love, the other tara :) 

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

wwild wacky weekend :)

1995-03-28 Thread Tara da Costa
hi all you wonderful kids :)

just to let you know, there's some pretty cool stuff happening this weekend!
firstoff, sloan's toronto show will be aired on CBC radio this saturday,
april fool's day. :) [does this mean they think that sloan are fools?] ;)
so tune in for the Hot Ticket! (8:00pm eastern i think i dunno...) ??

speaking of fools once more, ;) li'l orton hogget will be featured on
mucheast this sunday!! make sure you watch, 'kay?! thats 9:00pm eastern...

gonna be goodtimes :)

and this just goes to show, that everywhere you look, you will find criss
smurphy ;)

love, pippilotta longstocking, la freakaine poissonqure
;) ;)

'does this mean you think i'm cheesy?!' -criss smurphy...;)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

rugged operator

1995-03-18 Thread Tara da Costa
hey kids :)

  hip club groove's wicked 'rugged operator' was played on rapcity on
wednesday. what a wicked video. black n' white, simple, with lotsa fast
camera work. quick and slick. truly great. :)

and , don't ask me how, but i caught the words 'chris murphy' on the
screen for a split second after the video, and , unsure wheter or not i
was halucinating again (as usual) i rewound and paused. 

Sure enough, the smurf and Catherine Stockhausen are listed as producers
on the credits which flashed on the screen for a millionth of a second. 

my obsession consistantly amazes me. :)

on the same note...that *is* criss in the audience for a split second in
the 'my only aim' vid, right? 
during one of the 'ba ba ba ba..'s  they flash on the audience and i swear
its criss down in the bottom lefthand corner, wearing glasses and navy
blue and a bit of red...

:) anyways, the point is, that the new HCG video RAWKS and so keep yr eyes
peeled for it. you never know where you'll see it... 

:) love,
tara the leprochaun

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

send yr stuff

1995-03-15 Thread Tara da Costa
hi kids :)

we are starting to brainstorm for ffiction#3 and we want your stuff!
if anyone wants to contribute anything (especially sloan/eastcoast related)
e-mail me and send it right along to
1501 roberval ave.
orleans, ont.
k4a 2c4

send stories, interviews, reviews, pictures, artwork, poems, recipies, get the picture.
deadline: i'd like the stuff by the first week of april or so..

for all you les amis du sloan kids:
thanks for your interest  involvement! we have a whopping 26 or so
artists in on this so far. :) we are planning to actually get the tapes
made at a company so im thinking we might even put the whole thing out
with the summer issues of the zines. this means there isnt really a hurry
to send the stuff in.  but april would be nice.. try not to scald your
hands or anything ;) in the meantime...

we will be splitting up the bands for the two volumes...and tara lee will
post with who's on which tape and with both of the addresses.

remember there is no cost to be on this comp. but you have to buy the
zine/tape  thingy if ya want it (ie: no freebies) or else we'll lose our
shirts. i was thinking of asking for 5$ (maybe 4) for the whole shebang
(thats including tape, zine, and postage for it all...)

thanks for listening/reading/ t'aime.

love tara :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: criss and jay on cfny

1995-02-28 Thread Tara da Costa
yo whassup:)

 what do you mean quebec version. is it the way they've played(sp?) it in
 MTL..maybe i hate my generation has a hidden political meanin..

Hmmanyone see that old LAME interview on CBC news where Andrew is 
wearing a leopard skin type of jacket and has fluffy blonde hair? Yeah
well sloan (`in with the teenage crowd') were asked what about this 
comparison between you and nirvana?

Andrew Scott - The only similarity is that we play guitar
Chris Murphy - And you have blonde hair now...
Andrew Scott - The only similarity is that I have blonde hair and that 
we play guitar.

Hso it's not *just* penpals :) :)

:) in my LAME interview with them i brought up this blonde-guitar-nirvana
thing that you'd mentioned before, tara (as well as this theory about all
their songs sumbliminally being about nirvana) :) and criss laughed and
said it had nothing to do with thatneither did coax me have anything
to do with kurts death. it got silly after those songs though.

ie. in underwhelmed 'she said thankyou and i said *nevermind*...'

:)  im terminally silly.

tara eggzs on da toes

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

les ami(e)s du sloan comp....

1995-02-28 Thread Tara da Costa
hi everyone. :)

thanks to all of you who are getting involved with this 'les ami(e)s...'
thing. it's going to be great thanks to all the contributors. :)

we've had so much interest however, that we're going to try and restrict
it to one song (a sloan cover) form each artist, for *this* particular
comp. you know, cover all sloan songs and get it out in time for the
break-up, which im pretty sure is going to happen..

HOWEVER, i know there are some of you who are really into sending up an
original tune...well send 'em along with the sloan covers , cos if this
goes over well, we can put out a collection of sloannet bands' originals
in the summertime, ok? :)

thanks for your cooperation (and patience) as we try to work this all out...

hereis a list of people who need to email a tara and let us know which
song they'd like to do:

-Yan + mr. roper's tapioca
-Hua in California
-Gord D.
-Ian D.  (umbrella tree boy)
-Blair P. (and B'ehl ? did i spell that right? sorry.)
-Heather H.
-Jon from the Toolie
-Galapagos Raygun kids (tara lee can you find out?)

here is a list of people who've already told us which song they're doing
(but if ya change your mind, let us know) :

-james covey
-jeff C + Karen W.
-state champs kids
-Hugh ;)
-tom in New York
-Christine in ottawa
-Warren R.
-shant/kat/adam (i think)
-hitchiked (duh.) ;)

deadline for entries (not actual tapes, just e-mailed info) is THIS
FRIDAY.unless theres some big problem and your computer blows up and you
cant reach us til the weekend...;) 

ALL. i think there were a few others who were interested (Rob in 
olympia) but who i havent heard back from yet..

and Tara Lee, i dont know if you've got anyone else on your list, but add
them on if you do...

okay, since this is going to be a two-volume deal, we will have to have
half the kids send their stuff to me and  the other half send them to tara
in calgaryDONT SEND ANYTHING YET (if you already did tho, dont worry) .
We will let you know this weekend who it is that you can send your tapes
to, okay?

deadline for sending tapes in wont be for a few weeks...we're willing to
wait for everyone to get there acts together and stuff, so chill. :)

i think i've addressed everything i intended to. if there are any
problems or if anyone wants more info, OR if you are on that list and we
need to know which song you are covering, please e-mail a tara  at:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (tara lee)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (tara dee)

thanks again, kids! :)

love, tara:)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

we love lenni!

1995-02-22 Thread Tara da Costa
hoo!! :)

i just saw len's _sugar pop_ video on the wedge...i was rather 
impressed...any idea where i can pick up any of len's releases (if there 
are any...:) )...

mmm hmmm! i just caught the vid toowicked. hey was that checklove
shakil i spyed with my little eye?!! ;) great videoa worthy follow-up
to 'Slacker' (which was ,in my opinion , one of the best videos of '94..)

okay Len are from toronto -- so you think you caught me posting on
non-east-coast- related fare? 
 :) nope... both videos were filmed in haltown and they're on an east
coast-y label...No Records. For a copy of the *wonderful* 'Superstar'
cassette or 4-track (yippee!) :) write:
No Records
p.o. box36082 
Halifax, NS
B3J 3S9

PLUS: joel plaskett drums  sings backup on it, Stinkin' Rich rhymes on
it, and 'Cris Merfi' sings backup on it as well...there ya go. :)


oh question for the raleigh sport/state champs folks...what 
ever happened to the 2 raleigh sport tapes i ordered in like december?  

eeeheee! east coast conspiracy.

:) l o v e 
 t a r a  :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: intended for sloan net...

1995-02-22 Thread Tara da Costa
hi there y'all.. :)

2.Which sloan song is it that they wrote from lfan letters they had ripped
off from a band they were touring with and does anyone know who the band

penpals is supposedly ripped-off Nirvana fanletters. :)

3.Whats with this Les Amies du Sloanet comp. and can I be on it?(also can
i do an acoustic versuion of I am the Cancer or is everyone and their
house cat doing that one?)

hee hee, yeah..we already have a taker on Cancer (acoustic, too) so.. but
yr more than welcome to send something else in! (e-mail me personally for
more details..i won't waste space here..)  :)

5.Which Sloan memeber was the Oscar Mayer kid? (or was that just a rumor)

i was talking to criss smurphy sunday about this -- oo cooincidence. :)
he was in the JR Schrneider commercial where the mom brings  home some
bacon or something..he is the little kid that steals it off the table...he
was also in numerous Eatons and Winnie The Pooh ads... and he was the
BigJim model. :)hee hee..anyone remember this from that '92 ? was it New
Music interview in the flea market? :)

 oh well i better shut up obsession is
running my


l o v e 
t a r a  t h e  e x t o r t i o n i s t :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: jale on wedge

1994-11-12 Thread Tara da Costa
heythat New Music thing on the Halifax Pop Explosion is set to
run this wednesday (16th--8pm eastern--MuchMusic).
It should be interesting...:)
--love tara:)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom