Re: [SLUG] Installing RH 7.0

2001-02-05 Thread Mehmet Ozdemir

Bill Bennett wrote:
 I'd like to install RH 7.0 on my laptop.
 The problem is that, at the moment, the laptop is infested with
 Windows 2000. I'd like to go completely over to Linux (ie, no
 I assume that I should with a clean slate, ie., an empty hard
 disk, but I'm not sure how this can be done. The booklet
 accompanying the CDs is silent on the matter.

One point on removing partions on Notebooks, be carefull , as most
notebooks (well my dell anyway) have a small partition that they use to
suspend to disk, you want this feature don't remove this partion, it
usually shows up as a HPFS partion.


Mehmet Ozdemir

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] RPMs for Debian!

2001-02-05 Thread Richard Blackburn

I thought that might get your attention.

Could someone briefly explain WITHOUT prejudice what is Debian as
opposed to what is not Debian? Please be objective.

Further what difference would that mean if I wanted to load an
application, say, Real Player 8 for *nix? 


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Skywell MagicTV video capture card

2001-02-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who="DaZZa"

  So why did I upgrade from CPM then?
 CP/M wasn't broke?

CP/M didn't have decent 3D accelerator support!

obFreeSoftware: Now, if nVidia wrote Free Software drivers, you could have
your Quake and CP/M it too.


- Jeff


  It's depressing to see such useful code wasted on such a useless  

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[SLUG] Kylix arrives

2001-02-05 Thread waratah

Delphi Kylix was released Jan 31.

C++ Kylix is real soon now ( oh well ).

There are stripped down free versions available.  By the sounds of it more 
complete than the windoze free versions though.


This message was sent using Endymion MailMan.

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Re: [SLUG] Sony SDT-7000 tape drive problems

2001-02-05 Thread Jon Biddell

I have a Sony SDT-7000 tape drive to be used to back up a Linux server.
Everything was fine until I tried to back up a large amount of data on a
20gb drive. I have tried using both dump and tar and with each got a message
at the end of the first volume that it was time to change volumes. When I
did so, I got an I/O error message and had to abort the dump (or tar).

When you say "volume", are you refering to the tape as a volume, or the disk ?

The reason I ask is that, if you are TARing, there is a special switch to 
span tapes. See the man page(s).

I suspect there may be something wrong with the driver. Formerly I used this
same drive on a SCO Unix box without a problem.

The driver sounds OK - probably just the command you're using...

Now, if anyone can tell me how to get my DDS3 drive to back up more than 
4Gb (it's a 12/24 Gb drive !!) on DDS3 tapes...:-)


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] RPMs for Debian!

2001-02-05 Thread Craige McWhirter

There's going to be some long answers to this one. I'll focus mine on
the RealPlayer:


Don't download the RPM, down load the Tarball which has an installer in
it and you are off and running (worked fine on my Debian system).


On Mon, 05 Feb 2001 19:46:12 Richard Blackburn wrote:
 I thought that might get your attention.
 Could someone briefly explain WITHOUT prejudice what is Debian as
 opposed to what is not Debian? Please be objective.
 Further what difference would that mean if I wanted to load an
 application, say, Real Player 8 for *nix? 
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Skywell MagicTV video capture card

2001-02-05 Thread Terry Collins

Jeff Waugh wrote:

 CP/M didn't have decent 3D accelerator support!

We didn't need 3D to play games then - we knew how to PLAY. {:-)

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services lan/wan, linux/unix, novell

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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Re: Sorry ! Re: [SLUG] Pascal, anyone?

2001-02-05 Thread Jon Biddell

At 09:04 AM 5/02/01 +1100, Jamie Honan wrote:
 transfer Fidonet packets {if you don't know, don't ask - you're probably
 too young anyway!} via the internet/IP.
 Eeee;...  flashback time
 Wasn't there a C version of this (written, as I recall, by a Minister
 from Manly) ??
 Let me see if I can contact him and ask..

Apolgies, couldn't resist:

A programming Minister from Manly,
needed Fidonet packets handily
said he, with devlish glee
I'll translate this Pascal to C
And is now contactable randomly

All I can say Jamie is "PLEASE don't give up your day job !!!"

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[SLUG] Sony SDT-7000 tape drive problems

2001-02-05 Thread Terry Collins

Jon Biddell wrote:

 Now, if anyone can tell me how to get my DDS3 drive to back up more than
 4Gb (it's a 12/24 Gb drive !!) on DDS3 tapes...:-)

It is in the archives somewhere, but

 60M = 1Gb
 90M = 4Gb?
120M =  8Gb
125M =  12Gb

Probably incorrect, but someone will know for sure.
Either you have the wrong tapes or the drive is not recognising their
true capacity.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services lan/wan, linux/unix, novell

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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Re: [SLUG] Sony SDT-7000 tape drive problems

2001-02-05 Thread dmgray

Yes...I am using tape, not disk. "Volume" can refer to any medium in this

I am using the -M option with tar. The end-of-volume seems to be sensed
correctly. The I/O error occurs after mounting the new tape.


On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Jon Biddell wrote:

 I have a Sony SDT-7000 tape drive to be used to back up a Linux server.
 Everything was fine until I tried to back up a large amount of data on a
 20gb drive. I have tried using both dump and tar and with each got a message
 at the end of the first volume that it was time to change volumes. When I
 did so, I got an I/O error message and had to abort the dump (or tar).
 When you say "volume", are you refering to the tape as a volume, or the disk ?
 The reason I ask is that, if you are TARing, there is a special switch to 
 span tapes. See the man page(s).
 I suspect there may be something wrong with the driver. Formerly I used this
 same drive on a SCO Unix box without a problem.
 The driver sounds OK - probably just the command you're using...
 Now, if anyone can tell me how to get my DDS3 drive to back up more than 
 4Gb (it's a 12/24 Gb drive !!) on DDS3 tapes...:-)

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RE: [SLUG] On the topic of new lists.

2001-02-05 Thread Jon Biddell

At 11:51 AM 5/02/01 +1100, David Kempe wrote:
  How about we put a voting thingy on the website? :)

yaya voting thingy!

Seconded - the voting things, that is

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Re: [SLUG] Sony SDT-7000 tape drive problems

2001-02-05 Thread Crossfire

Jon Biddell was once rumoured to have said:
 Now, if anyone can tell me how to get my DDS3 drive to back up more than 
 4Gb (it's a 12/24 Gb drive !!) on DDS3 tapes...:-)

Sounds like you're using DDS2 tapes in a DDS3 drive.

Also, don't bother quoting the "compressed" capacity figures - They're
just marketing drivel. I've yet to see a tape-drive actually achieve
it on real-life data.

  Crossfire  | This email was brought to you
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | on 100% Recycled Electrons

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Re: [SLUG] RPMs for Debian!

2001-02-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who="Richard Blackburn"

 I thought that might get your attention.

Have a look at 'alien' sometime... RPMs for Debian (and vice versa, and
others). RPM is also packaged in the official Debian repositories.

 Could someone briefly explain WITHOUT prejudice what is Debian as
 opposed to what is not Debian? Please be objective.

Okay, I'll bite. ;)

Debian is the OS you can download from, or one of its
mirrors. The project provides well integrated software that can be used on
top of the Linux, HURD, and soon, the BSD kernels.

But that's all semantics - how can you say what is SuSE and what is not?
After all, they're all the same OS (Linux), and most of them distribute
similar selections of Free Software.

It's really the way it's done that makes the difference. :)

The non-objective side of it is this: I reckon Debian is a very cool way of
building an OS around Free Software. Nothing religious, I just like it a
lot. :)

 Further what difference would that mean if I wanted to load an
 application, say, Real Player 8 for *nix? 

Oh, that's easy: apt-get install realplayer

Really, I'm not kidding! Okay, realplayer is only distributed as an RPM by
Real. Plus, the way they lay out the files and set it up doesn't really fit
into Debian's design; alien doesn't really help out a lot.

When you install realplayer in Debian, debconf (the standard package
configuration system - ncurses clicky stuff) prompts you to download the
RPM, and it then extracts and installs realplayer the 'Debian Way'. [1]

Not all packages do this - you just happened to choose a good one to
demonstrate how the Debian project routes around problems. ;)

- Jeff

 [1] Some people get the impression that this strange thing sometimes called
 the 'Debian Way' is a wild decree that things must be in their 'proper
 place' and any exceptions will be flamed publically.
 Okay, so it sometimes is that, ;) but it's usually a lot more. How do you
 make sure that thousands of pieces of software work together well? You have
 to standardise, and have good ways of interacting with it. I've mentioned
 the 'rule of least surprise' before; Debian pulls this off remarkably well.

 I now say about Debian what I used to say about Linux: It's not quite ready
 for everyone (yet), but it's bloody good stuff already.


 ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI.  

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[SLUG] [Fwd: those who live in glasshouses ..]

2001-02-05 Thread Matthew Dalton

Interesting message received on our internal linux mailing list here at

Strange, no?

 Original Message 
Subject: those who live in glasshouses ..
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 01 15:05:50 +1100

linuxjournal were crowing about microsoft's dnses running linux :

fair enough. so what is running on? if you go
there, notice the big 'windows free zone' tape. let's ask netcraft what
the site is running :


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] AUUG 2001 Update No: 1 (fwd)

2001-02-05 Thread Conrad Parker

AUUG (the Australian Unix Users Group) is holding their next annual
conference in Sydney in September. It should be fun, they tend to
cover a fairly wide range of topics and it is a good chance to compare
Linux to what is going on in the BSD and proprietary Unix worlds.

The announcement below includes information for those wishing to
present at the conference.


- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

AUUG 2001 - Always On and Everywhere

Welcome to the first of our regular notes about the
preparations for AUUG 2001.

This year AUUG has moved back to its regular time-frame
of September, and as such the AUUG Annual Conference
will be held in Sydney, Australia, 26, 27 and 28 September 2001.
The Conference will be preceded by three days of tutorials, to
be held on 23, 24 and 25 September 2001.

Like all previous AUUG Conferences, this is a technical conference,
the success of which is built on the support of the AUUG membership
and like-minded individuals.  To this end, we are always looking for
good papers from you, with the close for the CFP being 13 July 2001
-- still plenty of time to send one in!

Along with papers from the membership, we are also arranging a
number of well-known International Keynote Speakers.  More details
about these will follow.

Information on the conference can be found at:

This includes a copy of the Call for Papers, as well as details about
Sponsorship Opportunities for AUUG 2001.

There are a number of different packages available, ranging from $2,500
to $10,000, or some which can be individually tailored to suit your
organisation.  Why not consider your company taking one out.  I will be
happy to discuss your particular requirements, and can be contacted via
email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or on 1-800-625 655.

Please check the AUUG site regularly for any updates.

We look forward to your participation at AUUG 2001.

Liz Carroll
AUUG Business Manager

- End forwarded message -

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Re: [SLUG] Too much security!!

2001-02-05 Thread Jin Ting Liew

You're a legend!!  /etc/lilo.conf had the 'i' attribute on making it 
read-only (and various other things).

Thanks, and thanks to the others that responded to the soundcard mail.


Luke Szymanski wrote:

 lsattr /etc/lilo.conf
 If you don't get '' man chattr
 If it's not that, I don't have a clue.
 On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Jin Ting Liew wrote:
 After reading an article on Linux security some time ago, I put some 
 extra security measures on my server (the same one that has the problem 
 with Redhad network update agent).  This  included protecting 
 /etc/lilo.conf.  I am not sure what i did to it, but even as root or in 
 single user mode i cannot do anything to this file but read it.  Even 
 the redhat 7 upgrade had problems with this file and aborted (causing a 
 huge headache, but this has been resolved).
 I am certain that the drive is mounted read / write and that I have the 
 appropriate permissions to write to the file.
 If anyone knows what I have done it would be great if you could let me 
 know = )

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Re: [SLUG] RPMs for Debian!

2001-02-05 Thread Andreas Mueller

On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 07:46:12PM +1100, Richard Blackburn wrote:
 I thought that might get your attention.
 Could someone briefly explain WITHOUT prejudice what is Debian as
 opposed to what is not Debian? Please be objective.

best thing, read the "Debian Social Contract"


The Debian Free Software Guidelines

 Further what difference would that mean if I wanted to load an
 application, say, Real Player 8 for *nix? 



Aus der Reihe "Arbeiten wie die Profis" k?nnte folgendes Zitat stammen:
"Manchmal vergisst Windows auch, beim L?schen einer Datei deren langen
Dateinamen zu l?schen, Warum? Wei? ich auch nicht, aber es passiert".
Quelle: Buch "Windows ME", erschienen im Franzis-Verlag.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Sony SDT-7000 tape drive problems

2001-02-05 Thread Crossfire

Crossfire was once rumoured to have said:


My apologies - mutt and sendmail were being flaky - and I didn't work
out what was going on before I suddenly discovered I'd sent this 6
times. :(

  Crossfire  | This email was brought to you
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | on 100% Recycled Electrons

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[SLUG] Meeting - 23rd February, 2001

2001-02-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

   Meeting - Friday, 23nd February, 2001

The Usual Suspects

  * QA - "What has Linux done for/to me lately?"
  * Linux News  Discussion

He's Bck!

Conrad has returned from New York (LWE) and Brussels (OSDEM) with some
hacks, and stories...

  "I'll do a (short/userlevel) talk at this months meeting about my new
  presentation tool ekepoint.

  "When I got to America I decided to rewrite my presentation as a C program
  using Evas. I abstracted out the engine and turned it into a library
  (libekepoint). Then at OSDEM I wrote a magicpoint replacement (ekemagic)
  cos Wichert's laptop was [unwell]. It reads the same slides but doesn't
  [have an ungainly appearance].

  "I'll also crap on about the two conferences. (OSDEM rocked by the way,
  fyodor on nmap was awesome)."

Our first Conectiva Review!

Jason is our Conectiva guinea pig, and it looks like he's survived. What
happens when you cross Brazil, RPM and apt? iA evolucao da especie!/i Or at
least that's what they say.

Plus, as always, dinner afterwards

Directions to this month's SLUG meeting:

See you all there!

- Jeff


- What inspired you to become a bus driver? 
 - Linus Torvalds.  

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] [Fwd: those who live in glasshouses ..]

2001-02-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who="Matthew Dalton"

 Strange, no?

They've been defending it on their letters page ever since. :)

Some say this is 'religion' getting in the way of everything else, but...
It's a bit slack given the options out there.

Don't worry, Don Marti will be giving them stick before too long.

- Jeff


  Australians don't dislike Americans, we just dislike the sight,   
 sound and thought of them. 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] [Fwd: those who live in glasshouses ..]

2001-02-05 Thread Ian Tester

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Matthew Dalton wrote:

  Original Message 
 Subject: those who live in glasshouses ..
 Date: Mon, 05 Feb 01 15:05:50 +1100
 linuxjournal were crowing about microsoft's dnses running linux :
 fair enough. so what is running on? if you go
 there, notice the big 'windows free zone' tape. let's ask netcraft what
 the site is running :

I believe this was asked in a letter that was published a year or so
ago in the magazine. From memory, the answer was that was outsourced. The company that created it used
NT and other M$ "solutions".

I've never visited that site, so I don't know how much it does. But isn't
there a couple of open-source "e-commerce" packages now? Perhaps they
could relaunch the store - running Linux, Apache, mod_perl/PHP/Whatever.

Ian Tester   *8)#  \7\LINUX: because geeks will find a way

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[SLUG] Re: Slug digest, Vol 1 #591 - 19 msgs

2001-02-05 Thread Ben Babich


This may sound like a stupid question, but, do any of you out there know how
to restrict access to an index but not the files in it via .htaccess for
Apache? That would allow the user to get the data (images) with the HTML
document but not be able to see the folder index with it's entire context.


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 8:15 PM
Subject: Slug digest, Vol 1 #591 - 19 msgs

 Send Slug mailing list submissions to

 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than "Re: Contents of Slug digest..."

 Today's Topics:

1. Debian Install ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
2. Re: Installing RH 7.0 (Peter Rundle)
3. Re: [ANN] Interest in a Debian SIG [Was: [SLUG] MetaSLUG [Was: SLUG
Activities]] (Craige McWhirter)
4. Re: Skywell MagicTV video capture card (DaZZa)
5. Re: Getting magicpoint to recognise my freetype fonts. (Michael
6. Re: Skywell MagicTV video capture card (Terry Collins)
7. re : Debian Install ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
8. RE: Skywell MagicTV video capture card (Jill Rowling)
9. Re: Skywell MagicTV video capture card (Terry Collins)
   10. Re: dhcpd.. thanks all (Alex Salmon)
   11. Re: Too much security!! (Luke Szymanski)
   12. Re: Installing RH 7.0 (Mehmet Ozdemir)
   13. Re: Skywell MagicTV video capture card (Jeff Waugh)
   14. RPMs for Debian! (Richard Blackburn)
   15. Re: RPMs for Debian! (Craige McWhirter)
   16. Kylix arrives ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   17. Re: Sorry ! Re: [SLUG] Pascal, anyone? (Jon Biddell)
   18. Re: Sony SDT-7000 tape drive problems (Jon Biddell)
   19. Re: Sony SDT-7000 tape drive problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List Digest -
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Re: [SLUG] [Fwd: those who live in glasshouses ..]

2001-02-05 Thread Jason Rennie

 Interesting message received on our internal linux mailing list here at
 Strange, no?

No really you'll find they probably out source that chuck of the web site,
so as to get secure credit facilites?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] [Fwd: those who live in glasshouses ..]

2001-02-05 Thread Dean Hamstead

If you wana hook into credit cards and debit systems and the like
quite often your not given alot of options. Only their store is
using NT, its not like its mission critical stuff.


Jason Rennie wrote:
  Interesting message received on our internal linux mailing list here at
  Strange, no?
 No really you'll find they probably out source that chuck of the web site,
 so as to get secure credit facilites?
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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ICQ: 16867613

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Re: [SLUG] Re: Slug digest, Vol 1 #591 - 19 msgs

2001-02-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who="Ben Babich"

 This may sound like a stupid question, but, do any of you out there know how
 to restrict access to an index but not the files in it via .htaccess for

Options -Indexes

I often have a .htaccess file in my top level web directory, and have these
lines in it:

FilesMatch images|admin|blah|dontlookhereyoupeskycracker
Options -Indexes


- Jeff


 "Free software never simply picks up its marbles and goes home." - 
Jonathan Corbet, LWN

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Skywell MagicTV video capture card

2001-02-05 Thread James Wilkinson

This one time, at band camp, Terry Collins said:
Jeff Waugh wrote:

 CP/M didn't have decent 3D accelerator support!

We didn't need 3D to play games then - we knew how to PLAY. {:-)

"space invaders, and that other boring game." :)

  "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using
(o_ ' Windows NT for mission-critical applications." 
//\   -- What Yoda *meant* to say, Devin L. Ganger, scary.devil.monastery

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Installing RH 7.0

2001-02-05 Thread James Wilkinson

This one time, at band camp, Bill Bennett said:
[I have a problem with logic here. It seems to me that I cannot
order an operating system to destroy/remove itself, because what
carries out this operation, ie., what's left after completion, is
part of the operating system. Am I right?]

Aha, you aren't being presented with the full picture.  The part of the
operating system that can be made responsible for removing the operating
system is mirrored into short term memory whilst the purge continutes.
The magic here is that once the long term storage is clean, the short
term can be erased by features outside of the OS, ie turning off the

  "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using
(o_ ' Windows NT for mission-critical applications." 
//\   -- What Yoda *meant* to say, Devin L. Ganger, scary.devil.monastery

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[SLUG] Authentication

2001-02-05 Thread Matthias Oertli

With linux as the server, what is the best way to set up centralised
network authentication (domain logon, so to speak) for windows
95/98/NT and linux clients? I'd like to avoid putting in an NT server.



Matthias Oertli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] RPMs for Debian!

2001-02-05 Thread James Wilkinson

This one time, at band camp, Ian Tester said:
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Craige McWhirter wrote:

 There's going to be some long answers to this one. I'll focus mine on
 the RealPlayer:
 Don't download the RPM, down load the Tarball which has an installer in
 it and you are off and running (worked fine on my Debian system).

Gee, I've always just used the debian package that comes with debian. The
post-install asks you to download the RPM and put it in /root. I guess it
then uses Alien to convert it or something. 

realplayer depends on rpm, debian actually extracts the rpm to a sandbox
and moves the contents to the Correct(tm) locations.

  "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using
(o_ ' Windows NT for mission-critical applications." 
//\   -- What Yoda *meant* to say, Devin L. Ganger, scary.devil.monastery

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Re: [SLUG] [Fwd: those who live in glasshouses ..]

2001-02-05 Thread Rick Welykochy

Matthew Dalton wrote:
 Interesting message received on our internal linux mailing list here at
 Strange, no?

which reports:

"The site runs Microsoft-IIS/4.0 on NT4/Windows 98"

IIS as a front-end. Nah, they are running a few
low-paid, undernourished NT boxen feeding a farm of
Linux/Apaches which do the grunt dynamic page serving ;)

Crackers take note and hackers beware ... we've found YAWBOTN

Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services Pty Limited
"Tired of being a crash test dummy for Microsoft? Try Linux"

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Re: [SLUG] Meeting - 23rd February, 2001

2001-02-05 Thread Mehmet Ozdemir

Jeff Waugh wrote:
Meeting - Friday, 23nd February, 2001
 The Usual Suspects
   * QA - "What has Linux done for/to me lately?"
   * Linux News  Discussion

What happened to the Kylix presentation, will it be on this month, next
month ???


Mehmet Ozdemir

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[SLUG] Updated Sparc Hardware list from ComputerBank

2001-02-05 Thread Mark Willis

Hello Everyone,

Want to break of of the Lintel (wintel) monopoly?  Well here is your 
chance!  ComputerBank-NSW currently has Sun boxen and a SGI 
workstation that need good homes.

Last Saturday (3rd Feb) we held a workshop in Terry's garage to sort 
through the equipment ... even tried a Linux install.  The list below 
is has been updated to include any information that we found on 
Saturday.  We also decided to split the packages of monitor and 
computer so you can now just buy the monitor or vice versa.
The hardware will be distributed to people prepared to pay that 
suggested value of the equipment and the merit of the bit.  If you 
don't think the hardware is worth the suggested value or you cannot 
afford it,  make an offer, all bids will be considered on their 

There will be a MacLUG meeting on Saturday 17th February where we 
will endeavour to help you install Linux/BSD(?)/Solaris on your new 
boxes.  All payments on approved bids must be received on or before 
this day, otherwise the hardware may be redistributed.  Any hardware 
that has been paid for must be removed picked in person or by courier 
before the 24th, otherwise the item may even become garden furniture.

$2751 Sparc 10 (w/ 20" monitor, 32M RAM, hard disk ???)

$1251 Sparc Classic 48Mb (keyboard and mouse, NO monitor)
$1251 Sparc LX 32M RAM (keyboard and mouse, NO monitor)
  includes ISDN port also twisted pair network port

$75 1 Sparc IPC 8Mb (keyboard, NO mouse  NO monitor)
AUI networking port (no BNC or TP)
$75 1 Sparc IPX 40Mb (NO keyboard, NO mouse  NO monitor)
AUI networking port (no BNC or TP)

Spare Parts Material
$75 1 Sparc 2 (no memory, no keyboard  no monitor)
$75 1 Sparc 1+ 

$50 1 14" NEC (model no.) monitor
$1501 17" NEC (model no.) monitor

$50 2 half-height external disk boxes (various sizes)
high-density SCSI ports
$50 6 full-height external disk boxes (various sizes)
low-density SCSI ports

Auction (to highest bid)
$150+   1 Indy (SGI) (w/ 17" monitor)

Firstly regarding all this equipment; v1.1
Guarantee: There Is None: Lets make this very clear up front.
None of this equipment comes with a guarantee. ComputerBank have 
received the items "as is" so we cannot and will not, service it, 
support it or anything else it.  We will tell you the little we
know about the equipment. You make up your own mind. 

Just to prove we are not heartless bastards.  If the hardware is 
"seriously broken" and non operational from the start, then if you 
return the item (at your expense) and can demonstrate the problem,
we of course will refund the money you gave to ComputerBank for 
the equipment only.  Specifically excluded from this refund are the
units hard disks, as these can be damaged in transport or by many 
other causes and as such we can not take responsibility for their 
failure. But there will no refunds of any postage in any situation.
Refunds will not be given in any other circumstances.

For further details contact Terry Collins or myself, at:
"Terry Collins" [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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Re: [SLUG] RPMs for Debian!

2001-02-05 Thread Rev Simon Rumble

On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 07:46:12PM +1100, Richard Blackburn uttered:

 Could someone briefly explain WITHOUT prejudice what is Debian as
 opposed to what is not Debian? Please be objective.

What you're really asking is why Debian is cool.  I can answer that.

1) Strong policy
   Debian has a strong policy on everything from labelling software that
   isn't free to the locations of files on the file system.  This last
   is a real breath of fresh air coming from RedHat where most of the
   useful software comes in "contrib" meaning it doesn't match policy.
   For example config files ALL go in /etc.  No ifs, no buts.  If a
   config file isn't in /etc it is flagged as a critical bug in the bug
   database and the developer is strongly hassled by the bug software
   and peers to fix it.  By contrast look at the Majordomo package in
   RPM format which stored config in /usr/lib/majordomo (from memory).
   When every package you install uses a different location you really
   end up using locate a lot!

2) Debian is a live distribution
   With the tool apt, Debian is a live distribution with real "hands
   off" upgrades.  If you run unstable (and you should -- unstable is a
   poor label as it is stable) you get upgrades to the latest versions
   of software just but running apt-get update and apt-get ungrade.
   This works by querying your local mirror for a packages list which
   defines all the available packages, their versions and dependencies.
   You system then upgrades selected packages that have a new version

3) Receptive developers
   With a centralised bug-tracking system, developers are really
   responsive when you flag bugs.  For example I flagged a bug in
   msttcorefonts last week and it was fixed over the weekend.

4) Debian has more packages
   So nyer.  It really is often a case of read about a new piece of code
   on freshmeat, do an apt-get update and the package is already
   packaged up in Debian.

5) Debian helps you pull chicks
   Well I don't know about that one... But if I was a chick I'd insist
   on a prospective bed partner converting 8)

Rev Simon RumbleCurrent physical location: London, UK
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Travel site:   

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[SLUG] kernel.. err

2001-02-05 Thread Alex Salmon

hi all

I am just playing w/ 2.4 and have relised that it does not seem to 
have any masqurading modules. is this right.. nothing to the effect 
shows up in xconfig.. 

i then tried to compile 2.2.18 again but i am getting a strage error.

init/main.c: In function `start_kernel':
init/main.c:1447: warning: implicit declaration of function
make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1

any ideas??
i just patched on the vpn masq patch if that makes any diffrence..


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Re: [SLUG] Updated Sparc Hardware list from ComputerBank

2001-02-05 Thread Ian Tester

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Mark Willis wrote:

 We also decided to split the packages of monitor and 
 computer so you can now just buy the monitor or vice versa.

Do these Suns use non-PC connections/cables? i.e R/G/B/sync on seperate
BNC connectors or something similar?
Will I be able to use these machines with a normal VGA monitor?

Ian Tester   *8)#  \7\LINUX: because geeks will find a way

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Re: [SLUG] Updated Sparc Hardware list from ComputerBank

2001-02-05 Thread Crossfire

Ian Tester was once rumoured to have said:
 On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Mark Willis wrote:
  We also decided to split the packages of monitor and 
  computer so you can now just buy the monitor or vice versa.
 Do these Suns use non-PC connections/cables? i.e R/G/B/sync on seperate
 BNC connectors or something similar?
 Will I be able to use these machines with a normal VGA monitor?

These model suns traditionally use a 13W3 connector on the back - the
standard Sun badged monitors were fixed sync, and had a matching 13W3
connector - other Sun badged monitors had 4 BNCs (R, G, B and
C. Sync).  however, it would seem that these machines had ordinary
monitors on them.

  Crossfire  | This email was brought to you
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | on 100% Recycled Electrons

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Re: [SLUG] kernel.. err

2001-02-05 Thread Thom May

2.4 uses a different firewalling and masquerading system to 2.2 - one which
is _much_ nicer to use... in the networking options part of x/menuconfig,
see IP: Netfilter Configuration sub menu.
* Alex Salmon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote on Sat Feb 03, 2001 at 09:06:53PM +1100:
 hi all
 I am just playing w/ 2.4 and have relised that it does not seem to 
 have any masqurading modules. is this right.. nothing to the effect 
 shows up in xconfig.. 
 i then tried to compile 2.2.18 again but i am getting a strage error.
 init/main.c: In function `start_kernel':
 init/main.c:1447: warning: implicit declaration of function
 make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1
 any ideas??
 i just patched on the vpn masq patch if that makes any diffrence..

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Re: [SLUG] Updated Sparc Hardware list from ComputerBank

2001-02-05 Thread Terry Collins

Crossfire wrote:

  Do these Suns use non-PC connections/cables? i.e R/G/B/sync on seperate
  BNC connectors or something similar?
  Will I be able to use these machines with a normal VGA monitor?
 These model suns traditionally use a 13W3 connector on the back - the
 standard Sun badged monitors were fixed sync, and had a matching 13W3
 connector - other Sun badged monitors had 4 BNCs (R, G, B and
 C. Sync).  however, it would seem that these machines had ordinary
 monitors on them.

Yes, basically, the lunch box systems were given with "standard"

If you buy one of the Sun lunch box systems and one of the two remaining
screens, then

the NEC 5FGp will come with two cables to allow it to be connected to a
Sun box or other computer.

Plus, we have a converter for sun to standard for the Nec 4FG.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services lan/wan, linux/unix, novell

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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[SLUG] dev/vcs

2001-02-05 Thread Simon Bryan

Can someone tell me what

  .U.. /dev/vcs1
  .U.. /dev/vcsa1

are and why they might change (in other words what did I do to change them!)
These popped up from a 'check-packages' script I acquired from somewhere, 
which usually shows no changes or at least ones I know about.

Simon Bryan

IT Manager
OLMC Parramatta

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[SLUG] New RPM format

2001-02-05 Thread Richard Hayes

Dear Sluggers,

I'm using RH 6.2 and want to upgrade??? to the newer RPM format used in
RH 7.0

I have searched with Google and at the RedHat site, any pointers please. 

Richard Hayes
Nada Marketing - 113-115 Oxford St Sydney Australia 2010
Phone: +(61-2) 9360  Fax: +(61-2) 9361 0094  Mob: +(61) 0414 618 425

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[SLUG] Wierd routing problems....

2001-02-05 Thread Mehmet Yousouf

I've got a strange routing problem on my system:
3 boxes in a network plus a router, one system is a dialin server.
If I dial in and try to ping another box on the lan there is no reply
coming back to the ppp connection but if I ssh onto the server, I can
ping, access the other systems. Using tcpdump -i eth0 on the server while
pinging from the ppp connection shows the request is getting out to the
other system and it is replying - however the reply is not passed on to
the ppp connection (only gets as far as the eth0 connection).. also, the ppp 
can access / ping the router and any other external system and any other
ppp connection.
The only thing a ppp connection cannot get replies from (although the
reply is reaching the dialin server) is the other two boxes on the lan.
Everything was OK this morning, routing table shows that the correct ip is
pointing to the, routing table must be working as requests to/from
the router are arriving safely.
I would prefer not to restart the server, any suggestions what to try
would be appreciated.

Regards, Mehmet

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Re: [SLUG] Meeting - 23rd February, 2001

2001-02-05 Thread Conrad Parker

On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 10:43:00PM +1100, Mehmet Ozdemir wrote:
 Jeff Waugh wrote:
 Meeting - Friday, 23nd February, 2001
  The Usual Suspects
* QA - "What has Linux done for/to me lately?"
* Linux News  Discussion
 What happened to the Kylix presentation, will it be on this month, next
 month ???

haven't heard back from Borland yet, we told them this month is ok but
it needs to be confirmed


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RE: [SLUG] weird PC behaviour

2001-02-05 Thread Dave Fitch

Hi all,

ok well for people who like to know how things turned

I picked up (another) new cpu fan, and some goo
that joins the heatsink to cpu, yesterday and put it
all together and cleaned all the dust and crap out of
the PC and fired it up.  The video seemed to work ok
but the bios was still reporting junk for the hdd disk.
And trying to access hdc was giving all sorts of ext2
fs errors, and the directory sizes and settings all
wrong etc etc.

Anway, I thought about what I was doing at the time
some more and checked everything closely and noticed
hdc had a jumper set across two pins that I intended
to mean to set it to master but the two pins I picked
weren't listed as valid (master/slave/cable etc).
(It's a Fujitsu disk and I'm so used to Seagate ones
I just whacked it on as you do for Seagate - and of
course they're different!)

So I fixed that and suddenly hdd was ok in the bios
and hdc worked ok again (the two pins I picked must have
been the undocumented "f#k up the IDE bus" setting) .

So now it's working again.  I'm still slightly suspicious
of it though (it was on all through that hot weather
just recently with a dead or dying cpu fan) so I am
keeping an eye out for any more weird behaviour
(and I did a backup of the system which I hadn't done
since I installed it all a few weeks ago).


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Re: [SLUG] [Fwd: those who live in glasshouses ..]

2001-02-05 Thread Marty

 They've been defending it on their letters page ever since. :)
 Some say this is 'religion' getting in the way of everything else, but...
 It's a bit slack given the options out there.

the company it is outsourced to wrote back and explained that the NT setup
was legacy and they were currently porting to unix...


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[SLUG] Re: Updated Sparc HW - HD's to Bangladesh

2001-02-05 Thread Terry Collins

Mark Willis wrote:
 Hello Everyone,
 Want to break of of the Lintel (wintel) monopoly?  Well here is your
 chance!  ComputerBank-NSW currently has Sun boxen and a SGI
 workstation that need good homes.


 $50 2 half-height external disk boxes (various sizes)
 high-density SCSI ports
 $50 6 full-height external disk boxes (various sizes)
 low-density SCSI ports

The six full height external hard disk are now gone.

I was approached and I've donated them to a FoE computer shipment to

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services lan/wan, linux/unix, novell

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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[SLUG] Sending mail from apache

2001-02-05 Thread Shannon Doyle


I am experiencing 
some difficulty in getting mail to be sent from apache. I currently have a 
couple of sites that were on another linux box. The sites use the standard 
mailto command through a php script to mail some information etc. 

However, the mail 
does not appear to be being sent. I cannot find any errors in the system to see 
why the email is not being sent. If I use the standard mailto command from the 
command line the mail goes through ok. 

Any ideas would be 
appreciated on this one


Re: [SLUG] Sending mail from apache

2001-02-05 Thread Marty

 I am experiencing some difficulty in getting mail to be sent from apache. I
 currently have a couple of sites that were on another linux box. The sites
 use the standard mailto command through a php script to mail some
 information etc.

php has a function to do this without having to invoke an 'exec'...

have a look at the mail() function...


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RE: [SLUG] Sending mail from apache

2001-02-05 Thread Shannon Doyle

 I am experiencing some difficulty in getting mail to be sent from apache.
 currently have a couple of sites that were on another linux box. The sites
 use the standard mailto command through a php script to mail some
 information etc.

php has a function to do this without having to invoke an 'exec'...

have a look at the mail() function...

My apologies, this is the function that I am using however, my problem is
that the actual mail is not being sent to the intended recipient.

I am asuming that it is a permissions problem, however I am not getting any
errors that I can tell.

- Shannon

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[SLUG] Etherboot question

2001-02-05 Thread Gareth Walters

G'day all,
I recently got a diskless-root via nfs system working and now would like
to see if I can get it to boot using etherboot.
This is soley for the sake of convienience.

At the moment I am stuck.
the ROM image loads from the floppy, it gets an IP address and starts
downloading the the kernel via tftp then   it reboots.

I have run mknbi on a kernel I am already using to boot from floppy and
mount root via nfs so I am pretty sure the kernels ok.

Any ideas about what is going wrong, or how I can get a better idea of whats
going wrong?

Its an intel eepro100 NIC btw.


Gareth Walters

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Re: [SLUG] Etherboot question

2001-02-05 Thread Ken Yap

|At the moment I am stuck.
|the ROM image loads from the floppy, it gets an IP address and starts
|downloading the the kernel via tftp then   it reboots.
|I have run mknbi on a kernel I am already using to boot from floppy and
|mount root via nfs so I am pretty sure the kernels ok.
|Any ideas about what is going wrong, or how I can get a better idea of whats
|going wrong?
|Its an intel eepro100 NIC btw.

What version Etherboot are you using? There was a bug in older versions
where the eepro100 hardware was not disabled at the end of tftp loading
so was still live and liable to crash the machine when packets came in
and overwrote parts of the kernel in memory. If you are not using the
latest or close to the latest version (4.6.12, 4.7.18), you should be
flogged with wet noodles. :-)

You don't have to compile it yourself, you can get ROM images made on
demand using the web form at

Followups set to Etherboot-users mailing list. You should join this list
or be flogged with...

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Re: [SLUG] Sending mail from apache

2001-02-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who="Shannon Doyle"

 I am asuming that it is a permissions problem, however I am not getting any
 errors that I can tell.

Have you had a sift through /var/log/mail(log|.log) to see if there are any
errors there?

- Jeff


 I was there when geek became chic. 

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RE: [SLUG] Sending mail from apache

2001-02-05 Thread Shannon Doyle

Have you had a sift through /var/log/mail(log|.log) to see if there are any
errors there?

I sure have. The weird part was that the mail logs were under their own
directory in the /var/log/ directory. Split into error, info and warning
files. Something I have never seen before.

Nothing in the logs, but now I have found that sendmail itself is no longer
functioning. Another of my techs have been playing..and removed
sendmail... and he says that the rpm is failing on install.

Guess I will be here late tonight trying to get this all working again.

- Shannon

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