Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.

2002-03-21 Thread Michael Lake

Bill Bennett wrote:
 I'd like to install elvis, which is a vi/ex clone, but it
 occurred to me to ask if anyone has any experience with others.

 Has anyone any strong feelings they'd like to air?

When editing with it don't step on my blue suade shoes :-)


Michael Lake
University of Technology, Sydney
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 02 9514 1724 Fx: 02 9514 1628 
Linux enthusiast, active caver and interested in anything technical.

UTS CRICOS Provider Code:  00099F

This email message and any accompanying attachments may contain
confidential information.  If you are not the intended recipient, do not
read, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments.
If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender
immediately and delete this message. Any views expressed in this message
are those of the individual sender, except where the sender expressly,
and with authority, states them to be the views the University of
Technology Sydney. Before opening any attachments, please check them for
viruses and defects.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Zsh: M-. should bring back last arg of prev cmd

2002-03-21 Thread Mike Holland

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Nick Croft wrote:

 I wrote too soon.  Had to bindkey -m to establish a Meta key.

Thanks - I wasnt aware of that one. No more !$ for me now.

 Am I the only zsh addict round here?

Have been addicted to zsh since before I heard of Linux.
Of course bash is doing a good job of trying to catch up with zsh. Maybe
in a few more years ...

The human race is faced with a cruel choice - work or daytime
television -- Dave Barry

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Maps of Sydney ...

2002-03-21 Thread Rev Simon Rumble

On Thu 21 Mar, Terry Collins bloviated thus:

 [1] the rational is that data collect by the US government has already
 been paid for by its citizens.

Well, this might be the rationale for the following but isn't the
specific reason why US GIS data is free.

The US Government is not allowed to own copyright in any of its
material.  No government agency may own its publicly published

As for user-pays, there are two conflicting ideas:

1) We've already paid for it, so why do we have to pay for it again.
2) The person who benefits should pay.

Overdoing option 2 brings you ridiculous situations like here in the
UK where they have an entirely seperate taxation system, with its own
substantial collection and enforcement overheads, to collect
Television License Fees from 99% of the population while the roads
(used by 60-80% of the population) are free.

However, I think I would have a hard time convincing my grandmother
why she should be paying for GIS data that you are going to use.
Though I have a feeling there could be some very good
(market-building, mainly) arguments in favour of free GIS data.

Rev Simon Rumble [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Illegal arrivals by sea have always been a problem
in Australia.  Ask any Aborigine.
- corruption of a Robert Orben quote

Description: PGP signature

Re: [SLUG] Mandrake 8.2

2002-03-21 Thread Kevin Saenz

I'm using a 2 meg link and at times I am getting a piddley 0.32kbs So I 
am yet to see
the download I started at 10am this morning complete :(

Karl Bowden wrote:

 Has anybody finished downloading the 3 cd's of mandrake 8.2 yet?


 I am almost finished cd1 on my 56k connection (i get unlimited 
 downloads). But if anybody else wanted to download cd2 or cd3, I would 
 be willing to swap the cd's by post. Let me know if you are interested.


 Also once I have the 3 cds if anybody wanted the 3 cds they could post 
 me 3 blanks and a self addresed, pre payed packaging, and I would be 
 willing to burn em a copy at no extra charge. (except for maybe a 3 or 
 for day wait, but that may be worth it for some people at 1.8gb)




 Karl Bowden


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] iptables help required

2002-03-21 Thread Peter Rundle


I'm learning iptables by trial and terror and fail to understand iptables
behaviour when matching rules. I thought that once a rule was matched
the chain was exited but it appears that iptables continues down the
chain attempting to match all rules. Is this true and if so what the hell
for? This would appear to me to make iptables about next to useless.

For example, I flush all the input rules with

# iptables -F INPUT

I then add a couple of simple rules with
# iptables -A INPUT -p TCP --dport 80 -j LOG --log-prefix HTTP: 
# iptables -A INPUT -p TCP -j LOG --log-prefix OTHER: 

But when I list /var/log/messages I get both the HTTP and OTHER 

  Mar 21 21:25:26 ganymede kernel: HTTP: IN=lo OUT=  [snip]
  Mar 21 21:25:26 ganymede kernel: OTHER: IN=lo OUT=   [snip]

So what's the story? I want to impliment a DENY or DROP policy so that 
that I don't have a rule for get dumped but as soon as I change the 
INPUT policy
to DENY or DROP nothing can talk to the box, even though I have a matching
input rule. I don't want to have to impliment a chain by putting in 
matching rules for
all the ports that I don't want I just want to put in a list of allows 
and then a DROP
at the end.

Anyone have any ideas? Is their a flag or switch on iptables that 
changes the
traverse policy to exit on match. Clues sticks?



SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] iptables help required

2002-03-21 Thread Martin

$author = Peter Rundle ;
 I then add a couple of simple rules with
# iptables -A INPUT -p TCP --dport 80 -j LOG --log-prefix HTTP: 
# iptables -A INPUT -p TCP -j LOG --log-prefix OTHER: 
 But when I list /var/log/messages I get both the HTTP and OTHER 
  Mar 21 21:25:26 ganymede kernel: HTTP: IN=lo OUT=  [snip]
  Mar 21 21:25:26 ganymede kernel: OTHER: IN=lo OUT=   [snip]
 So what's the story?

logging doesn't automatically stop processing. it jumps to the log action
but returns to continue processing the ruleset.

if you jump to one of the other actions (ie. DROP, REJECT, ALLOW) that does
cease processing...

so to implement your DROP by default, allow what we specify, set the default
policy of the ruleset to DROP:

iptables -P INPUT DROP

and then add all your allow rules, and then just to be sure, i always finish
with a DROP to remind myself i am dropping everything (even though this is
redundant given the default policy, but i prefer defense in depth, so if i
forget one or the other i have a backup)

have you read rusty's unreliable guides? (


Skirwan - And if pigs can fly, and I can ride one, and they fly me to hell, 
   and it just froze over, and we all have ice cream... [1]

talonyx - I really need to stop reading Slashdot while on codeiene... [2]

[1] -
[2] -
SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] iptables help required

2002-03-21 Thread Peter Rundle

Ok, I think I've solved it. I can telnet to port 80 from another box ok

I need to have |

  iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

to allow the input packets that are coming back to the terminal to be
accepted. (Doh, Dur, dummy etc etc).

'scuse my ignorance




SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] (no subject)

2002-03-21 Thread Stuart Guthrie

If you're running webmin on that there is a good overview package called
systats. Visit the webmin home page.

Otherwise ntop is good from the command line (you'll need to acquire it).

ifconfig also gives you the poop. systats is pretty, gives cute little by
the minute graphs including eth activity. Breaks by daily, weekly, monthly
and yearly.



- Original Message -
From: Ben Donohue [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 21 March 2002 9:10
Subject: [SLUG] (no subject)

 Hi Slugs,

 Is there a way to tell how hard a network card is being used in a PC.
 e.g stats, errors, usage, etc. I wouldn't know where to start looking so
 some help would be appreciated.
 I'm running debian.


 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Maps of Sydney ...

2002-03-21 Thread Terry Collins

Rev Simon Rumble wrote:


 However, I think I would have a hard time convincing my grandmother
 why she should be paying for GIS data that you are going to use.

She has (and we have) already paid for it. Most GIS activity in
Australia is in the government sector. I'd say that most of the
non-government people that are doing it create their own data; farms,
mines, etc i.e they don't care what their real world co-ordinates are,
just so long as they apply a consistent map to the their site.

The point that was being made was by having access to free data, US
companies have developed far more GIS products than Australian
companies. They probably have ten to one GIS companies and our biggest
(?) keeps going broke.

If you want to develop a Linux based GIS application, you are crippled
by having to buy or recapture real world data.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures Bicycles, Books, Computers, GIS

 People without trees are like fish without clean water
SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Maps of Sydney ...

2002-03-21 Thread Michael Still

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Terry Collins wrote:

 If you want to develop a Linux based GIS application, you are crippled
 by having to buy or recapture real world data.

There are at least two groups of CLUG people playing with GIS systems.
They might have maps of Sydney going spare. Perhaps try mailing



Michael Still ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) UMT+11hrs

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.

2002-03-21 Thread Ken Foskey

On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 17:28, Bill Bennett wrote:
 I'd like to install elvis, which is a vi/ex clone, but it
 occurred to me to ask if anyone has any experience with others.
 Has anyone any strong feelings they'd like to air?

gvim rocks   It seems to have the most updates happening to it. 
Runs great on the other operating system as well.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.

2002-03-21 Thread Karl Bowden

Give me my Windows Notepad any day.

kicking my self what newsgroup was this again? /kicking my self

 I'd like to install elvis, which is a vi/ex clone, but it
 occurred to me to ask if anyone has any experience with others.
 Has anyone any strong feelings they'd like to air?
 Bill Bennett.
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
 More Info:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.

2002-03-21 Thread Karl Clements

heh notepad is ok, but it all comes down to preference I probably use too
many editors, joe and sometimes jed on console (or vi as a last resort),
nedit and bluefish in X and textpad in winblows.

Karl Clements
Everyone is stupid, its just the degree that varies

reply who=Karl Bowden date=Fri, 22 Mar 2002 00:27:30 +1100

 Give me my Windows Notepad any day.
 kicking my self what newsgroup was this again? /kicking my self
  I'd like to install elvis, which is a vi/ex clone, but it
  occurred to me to ask if anyone has any experience with others.
  Has anyone any strong feelings they'd like to air?
  Bill Bennett.
  SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
  More Info:
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Looking For Free SMTP/POP Account,Any Suggestions?

2002-03-21 Thread $B%"%s%H%K!<(B $B%9%F%$%9(B


I have been using yahoo for email using their smtp and pop accounts to send and 
receive my email.  Now they have said they will be stopping free access to this next 
month.  So now I am looking for another free email account somewhere which has smtp 
and pop access.  There is quite a few sites on the net where I can get an account, but 
I am not sure which one I should use.  I am looking for one which has been around for 
a while and not likely to fold up in the near future, and has capacity to store 5 meg 
or more of messages.  Suggestions anyone?

Thanks for your help.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

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[SLUG] Maps of Sydney ... thanks

2002-03-21 Thread Harry Ohlsen

Thanks to everyone who replied to my query.  Since the thing the maps are 
required for is a commercial product (currently, working on a proof of 
concept), there won't be any problem with paying someone for the data 
(although, I agree to some extent with the rationale that the data should be 
freely available ... it's the value add that people should be paid for).

I now have a number a number of avenues of enquiry to follow through.

Maybe we'll even look into talking to the Auslig people about getting some 
open source libraries happening, so that people who have bought their data 
can at least use it on Linux !!

Thanks again.

Harry O.
SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] iptables help required

2002-03-21 Thread Daniel Stone

On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 09:33:21PM +1100, Peter Rundle wrote:
 I'm learning iptables by trial and terror and fail to understand iptables
 behaviour when matching rules. I thought that once a rule was matched
 the chain was exited but it appears that iptables continues down the
 chain attempting to match all rules. Is this true and if so what the hell
 for? This would appear to me to make iptables about next to useless.

You're confusing matches with targets. Matches say oh yes, this packet
has the property of foo (e.g. being a TCP packet on port 80). Targets
do stuff with the packet (log it, for instance).

# iptables -A INPUT -p TCP --dport 80 -j LOG --log-prefix HTTP: 
# iptables -A INPUT -p TCP -j LOG --log-prefix OTHER: 
 But when I list /var/log/messages I get both the HTTP and OTHER 

Yes. The LOG target keeps traversing down the chain for obvious reasons;
what if you want to log something, and then drop it? ipchains did it in
a very unclean way. I suggest you do something like:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j LOG --log-prefix HTTP: 
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp ! --dport 80 -j LOG --log-prefix OTHER: 

This will negate matching on port 80 for the second target.
iptables -N HTTP
iptables -A HTTP -j LOG --log-prefix HTTP: 
iptables -P HTTP ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j HTTP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j LOG --log-prefix OTHER: 

This will create a separate chain for HTTP.

 So what's the story? I want to impliment a DENY or DROP policy so that 
 that I don't have a rule for get dumped but as soon as I change the 
 INPUT policy
 to DENY or DROP nothing can talk to the box, even though I have a matching
 input rule. I don't want to have to impliment a chain by putting in 
 matching rules for
 all the ports that I don't want I just want to put in a list of allows 
 and then a DROP
 at the end.

That's easy.
iptables -N ALLOWED
iptables -A ALLOWED -j LOG --log-prefix OTHER: 
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ALLOWED
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1234 -j ALLOWED

 Anyone have any ideas? Is their a flag or switch on iptables that 
 changes the
 traverse policy to exit on match. Clues sticks?

I can offer you a clue stick, but you can't exit on match - what would
the verdict be?

d, who notes that most of this is in the Netfilter-HOWTO, or whatever
it's called

Gnea welcome to OPN. today is a day which shall live in infamy! your
services are important to us. please be patient while we attempt to shine 
a flashlight with dead batteries. thank you.  :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.

2002-03-21 Thread Christopher Booth

wine /mnt/windows/windows/notepad.exe

if you must...


On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 00:38:16 +1100
Karl Clements [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 heh notepad is ok, but it all comes down to preference I probably use too
 many editors, joe and sometimes jed on console (or vi as a last resort),
 nedit and bluefish in X and textpad in winblows.
 Karl Clements
 Everyone is stupid, its just the degree that varies
 reply who=Karl Bowden date=Fri, 22 Mar 2002 00:27:30 +1100
  Give me my Windows Notepad any day.
  kicking my self what newsgroup was this again? /kicking my self
   I'd like to install elvis, which is a vi/ex clone, but it
   occurred to me to ask if anyone has any experience with others.
   Has anyone any strong feelings they'd like to air?
   Bill Bennett.
   SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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  SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.

2002-03-21 Thread Christopher Booth

joe is great

problem with using vim, is that if you go to a generic Solaris box, or telnet to it 
and try to edit something.  You'll pull your hair out... or maybe it's just me, but 
for basic text editing joe is my fave.

I like pico too


On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 00:38:16 +1100
Karl Clements [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 heh notepad is ok, but it all comes down to preference I probably use too
 many editors, joe and sometimes jed on console (or vi as a last resort),
 nedit and bluefish in X and textpad in winblows.
 Karl Clements
 Everyone is stupid, its just the degree that varies
 reply who=Karl Bowden date=Fri, 22 Mar 2002 00:27:30 +1100
  Give me my Windows Notepad any day.
  kicking my self what newsgroup was this again? /kicking my self
   I'd like to install elvis, which is a vi/ex clone, but it
   occurred to me to ask if anyone has any experience with others.
   Has anyone any strong feelings they'd like to air?
   Bill Bennett.
   SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
   More Info:
  SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.

2002-03-21 Thread Jean-Francois Dive

elvis is definitively the one  this vi clone simply Rocks !!!

On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 12:29:24AM +1100, Ken Foskey wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 17:28, Bill Bennett wrote:
  I'd like to install elvis, which is a vi/ex clone, but it
  occurred to me to ask if anyone has any experience with others.
  Has anyone any strong feelings they'd like to air?
 gvim rocks   It seems to have the most updates happening to it. 
 Runs great on the other operating system as well.
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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- Jean-Francois Dive
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Re: [SLUG] ask 2 questions

2002-03-21 Thread Nick Croft

* henry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Dear Nuck:
 I am the root , the file is as attached.

1) What is your set-up. I don't understand why you write from Outlook.

2) Don't use `root'; create a user account, i.e.
   adduser henry

   You'll be asked to provide a password. Then logout from root and
   login as henry.

   Anything like installing software that needs root priviledges, you
   can do from `henry' by typing `su' - you'll be asked for root's
   password. When you've finished, type `su henry' and you'll be
   yourself again.

   If you get sick of that, install visudo. You'll need to learn how to
   use vi or vim. For that install vi and vim, and to learn type

3) I opened the 
   just using gv. Also `less' works, though that shows all the
   postscript markup as well.
   If in doubt use `file',
   as in the attached script record, to see what kind of file you're
   looking at. In this case it shows it to be a Postscript document.
   No mentions of it being zipped.

4) I think you're downloading with Internet Explorer and then
   transferring the files to your linux machine. IE is probably
   unzipping the files for you without asking or telling, and without
   removing the gz suffix

5) PLEASE, if you attach a 751k file, just send it to me, not the whole
   slug list. 
  751 x 10  members =~ 7.5M
  x 100 members =~ 75M
  x 700 members =~ 525M
   Somebody has to pay for this. Just letting you know: be careful with
   attachments. It's better to put the file on your website and give the
   location. Anyone interested can download it for themselves.

   And apart from the slug-server paying to send out 525M of your email,
   each member, if they got one email like that each day, after a month
   would be paying to receive 21M. If they got 10 emails like that per
   day, they'd be paying for  over 200M a month. Etc etc ...

Script started on Fri Mar 22 08:40:25 2002

nicko@debian:~/tmp$ gunzip 

gunzip: not in gzip format

nicko@debian:~/tmp$ gv 

nicko@debian:~/tmp$ unzip 

End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of or, and cannot find, 

nicko@debian:~/tmp$ file PostScript document text conforming at level 

nicko@debian:~/tmp$ less 

Script done on Fri Mar 22 08:45:51 2002

Best wishes,

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.

2002-03-21 Thread $B%"%s%H%K!<(B $B%9%F%$%9(B

 wine /mnt/windows/windows/notepad.exe

Anyone successful in installing Windows Media Player 7.1? I tried and it said it 
needed an IE version installed, so I tried to
install IE5.5 only to get an error on installing IE that it could not connect to the 
Success anyone?

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

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Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.

2002-03-21 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who=Jean-Francois Dive

 elvis is definitively the one  this vi clone simply Rocks !!!

Rather like banging two of them together. Rocks, I mean.


- Jeff

   The plural of lego is legouch, from when you tread on those plural on   
  the floor in bare feet. - Telsa Gwynne   
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[SLUG] (no subject)

2002-03-21 Thread Nick Croft

How many slug_members are there? I told the member for Taiwan 700.


/*   _\|/_
 (o o)
 |Piano Technician - Theme  Variations, Sydney|
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Re: [SLUG] (no subject)

2002-03-21 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who=Nick Croft

 How many slug_members are there? I told the member for Taiwan 700.

Around 550 on the mailing list, but Patrick will know how many financial
members we currently have. You can come along tonight and sign up too. :)

- Jeff

  So please lets focus on preparing to beat up our neighbours instead of   
   spending all the energy on domestic violence. - Christian Schaller on   
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Re: [SLUG] Looking For Free SMTP/POP Account,Any Suggestions?

2002-03-21 Thread jon

Try - it's run by Novell. For a normal webmail account, try


 I have been using yahoo for email using their smtp and pop accounts to send
 and receive my email.  Now they have said they will be stopping free access
 to this next month.  So now I am looking for another free email account
 somewhere which has smtp and pop access.  There is quite a few sites on the
 net where I can get an account, but I am not sure which one I should use.  I
 am looking for one which has been around for a while and not likely to fold
 up in the near future, and has capacity to store 5 meg or more of messages. 
 Suggestions anyone?
 Thanks for your help.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
 More Info:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Looking For Free SMTP/POP Account,Any Suggestions?

2002-03-21 Thread jon

Try - it's run by Novell. For a normal webmail account, try


 I have been using yahoo for email using their smtp and pop accounts to send
 and receive my email.  Now they have said they will be stopping free access
 to this next month.  So now I am looking for another free email account
 somewhere which has smtp and pop access.  There is quite a few sites on the
 net where I can get an account, but I am not sure which one I should use.  I
 am looking for one which has been around for a while and not likely to fold
 up in the near future, and has capacity to store 5 meg or more of messages. 
 Suggestions anyone?
 Thanks for your help.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
 More Info:

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Re: [SLUG] ask 2 questions

2002-03-21 Thread Matthew Dalton

Nick Croft wrote:
When you've finished, type `su henry' and you'll be
yourself again.

That's not the best thing to do, as it leaves you still logged in as
root. All one has to do is type 'exit' and you're back at a root shell

You're much better off typing 'exit' to leave the root shell and become
yourself again.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Zsh: M-. should bring back last arg of prev cmd

2002-03-21 Thread Nick Croft

* Andre Pang ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 make _sure_ you run
 the 'compinstall' script.  On my system (Debian unstable), it's
 in the /usr/share/zsh/4.0.4/functions/Completion directory.
Debian unstable here likewise.

compinstall lists as 
   -rw-r--r--  .
Do I need lines in .zshrc to the effect of

autoload -U compinstall
compinstall ?

And should I chmod +x it?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Free Linux Training

2002-03-21 Thread Richard Hayes

Dear list,

Anyone interested in free Linux training can register with IBM DeveloperWorks.

They have about 50 different courses which starts with a basic Linux 
introduction through to a eight part course to help you study for LPI 101 
exam.  As well as  advance topics such as Mosix clustering.   

Most of the couse is html or pdf format.


Richard Hayes
Nada Marketing - 113-115 Oxford St Darlinghurst Australia
Phone: +(61-2) 9360  Fax +(61-2) 9361 0094 0414 618 425
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Re: wine (Was: Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.)

2002-03-21 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who=Peter Hardy

 Commercial software, but well worth the price, and the money gets poured
 back in to wine development.

Proprietary! We use Free commercial software *every* day.

- Jeff

   Odd is good by the way. I knew normal in high school and normal hates   
me. - Mary Gardiner
SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: wine (Was: Re: [SLUG] Opinions, please.)

2002-03-21 Thread Peter Hardy

On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 10:39, Jeff Waugh wrote:
 quote who=Peter Hardy
  Commercial software, but well worth the price, and the money gets poured
  back in to wine development.
 Proprietary! We use Free commercial software *every* day.

Pedant! :-)
Free software, with some proprietary commercial glue, then?


AaaaAAAaaaAAA - hngh, hngh
-- The Librarian (A mon^H^H^Horangutan)
   (Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures)

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[SLUG] Permission denied when automounting /home

2002-03-21 Thread Nicholas Reese

Hi all,

A simplification of my NIS problems:

Whenever I try to mount the servers /home directory on a client machine 
(either manually or by automounting at startup) I get 'permission denied' 
from the server. I can mount other directories no worries. Is there some 
security thing here that I have to take into account?


Nick Reese

Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

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[SLUG] zsh compinstall (was: Zsh: M-. should bring back last arg of prev cmd)

2002-03-21 Thread Andre Pang

On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 10:22:22AM +1100, Nick Croft wrote:

 compinstall lists as 
-rw-r--r--  .
 Do I need lines in .zshrc to the effect of
 autoload -U compinstall
 compinstall ?

Yep, that'll work.

You can also source it:

% . ./compinstall
(assuming you're in the right directory)

 And should I chmod +x it?

Nah, don't do that :).

#ozone/algorithm [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -
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Re: [SLUG] Permission denied when automounting /home

2002-03-21 Thread Karl Bowden

Out of curiosity what are the permissions on the home directory, and do you
have any sym links in the first level of the home dir?

 Hi all,

 A simplification of my NIS problems:

 Whenever I try to mount the servers /home directory on a client machine
 (either manually or by automounting at startup) I get 'permission denied'
 from the server. I can mount other directories no worries. Is there some
 security thing here that I have to take into account?


 Nick Reese

 Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

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[SLUG] Re: lynx's homepage?

2002-03-21 Thread Angus Lees

At 21 Mar 2002 10:17:51 +1100,
Peter Hardy wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 10:11, Jamie Honan wrote:
  Pictures, frames, ssl, and text mode browsing.
 Does w3m do http auth?  This is the one sticking point that's stopped me
 from replacing lynx with links on all of my machines.

w3m does. links does not.

i tend to use w3m for viewing local html files, and links for actual
web browsing, since links does render-while-downloading, etc which
makes it feel a little nicer over a slow link.

i got freaked out by w3m displaying an image in my xterm just a few
days ago. since when/how does an xterm display an image?

there's also w3, which can be textual or graphical, depending on what
options you have turned on. w3 is the emacs web browser, of course ;)
having said that, i've started using w3m-el, since i've found w3 to be
a little slow on my machine. (i wish some of the popular web browser
groups would have a look at w3 and steal some ideas out of it tho)

 - Gus
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Re: [SLUG] Re: lynx's homepage?

2002-03-21 Thread Andre Pang

On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 11:32:03PM +1100, Angus Lees wrote:

 At 21 Mar 2002 10:17:51 +1100,
 Peter Hardy wrote:
  On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 10:11, Jamie Honan wrote:
   Pictures, frames, ssl, and text mode browsing.
  Does w3m do http auth?  This is the one sticking point that's stopped me
  from replacing lynx with links on all of my machines.
 w3m does. links does not.

What do you mean by http auth?  The login/password stuff set on a
htpasswd file?  (Just making sure that you're not talking about
general SSL).

 i got freaked out by w3m displaying an image in my xterm just a few
 days ago. since when/how does an xterm display an image?

Escape codes; I think it's EscG.  I don't know if there's
support for it in the official xterm, but I think rxvt has had an
experimental graphics mode thing for yonks, and therefore aterm
would too.  Not sure about Eterm and xterm.

That's pretty funky though.  I've never _seen_ graphics in a
terminal before, even though there's theoretically been support
for it for ages ...

#ozone/algorithm [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -
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[SLUG] ls command

2002-03-21 Thread Dennis Curnow`

G'day Gang,

I'm still having trouble getting X to start but have ordered RedHat 7.2 and am hoping 
may talk to my video card better.

Anyway to the question.

Is there a parameter to add when doing a ls the restrict the screen to one page at a 
time  a bit like the dos command dir /p/w  The /p is for page at a time and the /w 
is to 
show the lists across the page in multiple coloms.

Kind Regards 


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RE: [SLUG] ls command

2002-03-21 Thread Ben Donohue

What video card was it again?

ls |more will page it.
ls -la gives all the file details
there's heaps of other switches.

-Original Message-
Dennis Curnow`
Sent: Friday, 22 March 2002 11:41 AM
To: Sydney Linux Users Group
Subject: [SLUG] ls command

G'day Gang,

I'm still having trouble getting X to start but have ordered RedHat 7.2 and
am hoping that
may talk to my video card better.

Anyway to the question.

Is there a parameter to add when doing a ls the restrict the screen to one
page at a
time  a bit like the dos command dir /p/w  The /p is for page at a time
and the /w is to
show the lists across the page in multiple coloms.

Kind Regards


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Re: [SLUG] ls command

2002-03-21 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who=Dennis Curnow`

 Is there a parameter to add when doing a ls the restrict the screen to
 one page at a time  a bit like the dos command dir /p/w  The /p is for
 page at a time and the /w is to 

Use 'ls | more' or 'ls | less' (which is nicer). This exactly the same as
using '| more' in DOS, you're piping the output through a program that does
the paging for you.

- Jeff

   I look forward to someday putting foo-colored ribbons on my homepage
   declaring 'port 25 is for spam', and 'just say no to the Spam Message
   Transmission Protocol!' - Raph Levien   
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[SLUG] epson color stylus from commandline :debian2.2r5

2002-03-21 Thread Bill Taylor

thought I could copy printcap/local from rh, but it doesn't exist in 
debian. I want to print files so I can get x working.
2)or can I have multiple desktops/terminals from the commandline?

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Re: [SLUG] epson color stylus from commandline :debian2.2r5

2002-03-21 Thread Robert Reid

I think printcap just lives in /etc/printcap in debian - but can't
remember off the top of my head

You can use Alt-F1, Alt-F2 ... F6 to switch between different virtual
terminals, so you can have the text files open in a second terminal.


On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Bill Taylor wrote:

 thought I could copy printcap/local from rh, but it doesn't exist in
 debian. I want to print files so I can get x working.
 2)or can I have multiple desktops/terminals from the commandline?

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Re: [SLUG] Re: lynx's homepage?

2002-03-21 Thread John Clarke

On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 11:36:10AM +1100, Andre Pang wrote:

 That's pretty funky though.  I've never _seen_ graphics in a
 terminal before, even though there's theoretically been support

I assume you're talking about xterm here.  Graphics terminals have been
around for years: the first computer game I ever encountered (1975) was
Moon Lander on a mainframe (Burroughs or IBM, but I've long since
recycled the neurons which remembered which one) running on a vector
graphics terminal.

Even VT-220s could do limited graphics through downloadable character
sets.  I remember using Word Perfect 5.1 on VMS and doing Print Preview
on a VT-220.  OK, so it was a bit chunky, but it gave you a good idea
of how the page would look.


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RE: [SLUG] epson color stylus from commandline :debian2.2r5

2002-03-21 Thread Wienand Ian

1) no idea
2) you have multiple (or virtual more correctly) terminals just try holding
alt-f1, alt-f2 etc to swap between them.
as for multiple desktops on the command line check out the application
screen (apt-get install screen).  it really rocks and is like a window
manager for your terminal.  great over ssh.


 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Taylor [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:02 PM
 Subject:  [SLUG] epson color stylus from commandline :debian2.2r5
 thought I could copy printcap/local from rh, but it doesn't exist in 
 debian. I want to print files so I can get x working.
 2)or can I have multiple desktops/terminals from the commandline?
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[SLUG] PPTP and different network sizes

2002-03-21 Thread John Ferlito

If I have pptpd running on a linux box handing out say a remote
IP address of and a localip of If a windows box
connects then it does the equivelant of
route add -net gw dev ppp0

is there anyway of changing the setup on the linux side so a /16 is
handed out rather than a /24. Just trying to save some pain of having
windows users manually adding routes to other subnets.

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Re: [SLUG] PPTP and different network sizes

2002-03-21 Thread David Kempe

 handed out rather than a /24. Just trying to save some pain of having
 windows users manually adding routes to other subnets.

Isnt that what a default gateway is for?


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Re: [SLUG] iptables help required

2002-03-21 Thread Kevin Saenz


Firstly don't try by trial and error. Someone has already gone thru the
same trouble as yourself. I would suggest that you go to
and do a search for iptables, there is a tutorial there I think it's or something like that. He is pretty good with his examples

Also for a implied DENY or DROP what you can do is

iptables -p INPUT -j DROP
iptables -p FORWARD -j DROP
iptables -p OUTPUT -j DROP

the above rule set is just creating a standard policy to drop packets
on the input, output, and forward chains

I have forgotten the case for the chains.


 I'm learning iptables by trial and terror and fail to understand
 behaviour when matching rules. I thought that once a rule was matched
 the chain was exited but it appears that iptables continues down the
 chain attempting to match all rules. Is this true and if so what the
 for? This would appear to me to make iptables about next to useless.
 For example, I flush all the input rules with
 # iptables -F INPUT
 I then add a couple of simple rules with
 # iptables -A INPUT -p TCP --dport 80 -j LOG --log-prefix HTTP: 
 # iptables -A INPUT -p TCP -j LOG --log-prefix OTHER: 
 But when I list /var/log/messages I get both the HTTP and OTHER 
   Mar 21 21:25:26 ganymede kernel: HTTP: IN=lo OUT=  [snip]
   Mar 21 21:25:26 ganymede kernel: OTHER: IN=lo OUT=   [snip]
 So what's the story? I want to impliment a DENY or DROP policy so that
 that I don't have a rule for get dumped but as soon as I change the 
 INPUT policy
 to DENY or DROP nothing can talk to the box, even though I have a
 input rule. I don't want to have to impliment a chain by putting in 
 matching rules for
 all the ports that I don't want I just want to put in a list of allows
 and then a DROP
 at the end.
 Anyone have any ideas? Is their a flag or switch on iptables that 
 changes the
 traverse policy to exit on match. Clues sticks?
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Kevin Saenz
Security Analyst
mobile: +61418455661
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Re: [SLUG] PPTP and different network sizes

2002-03-21 Thread Peter Hardy

On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 13:30, David Kempe wrote:
  handed out rather than a /24. Just trying to save some pain of having
  windows users manually adding routes to other subnets.
 Isnt that what a default gateway is for?

If you set the default gateway, then the client will route *everything*
down the VPN tunnel.  Not ideal, but it looks like that's the only


By now the whole of downtown Morpork was alight, and the richer and
citizens of Ankh on the far bank were bravely responding by feverishly
demolishing the bridges.
   (Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] ls command

2002-03-21 Thread Kevin Saenz

you could try ls | more

 G'day Gang,
 I'm still having trouble getting X to start but have ordered RedHat 7.2
 and am hoping that 
 may talk to my video card better.
 Anyway to the question.
 Is there a parameter to add when doing a ls the restrict the screen to
 one page at a 
 time  a bit like the dos command dir /p/w  The /p is for page at a
 time and the /w is to 
 show the lists across the page in multiple coloms.
 Kind Regards 
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Kevin Saenz
Security Analyst
mobile: +61418455661
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Re: [SLUG] iptables accounting

2002-03-21 Thread Jeff Waugh


 Does anyone have a suggestion for software that generates reports on the
 amount of data going to each server that I can use for billing on a
 monthly basis??


- Jeff

It's like having someone say to you, 'You should get back together 
 with your first wife. You guys were good together'. It's not that  
  simple. - David Byrne on Talking Heads   
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Re: [SLUG] PPTP and different network sizes

2002-03-21 Thread Jean-Francois Dive

If you push your default gateway into the ppp tunnel interface,
then you'll have troubles to send the GRE packet carring the PPTP
traffic into it, it could be managed with a host route pointing to
the external interface for the remote vpn peer address. 
However windows have some strange way to handle default
routes so .. 

Anyway, i reckon that the netmask is a standard PPP attribute, this should
be configurable within the ppptp server which starts the pppd processes .

Hope that help,


On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 01:30:08PM +1100, David Kempe wrote:
  handed out rather than a /24. Just trying to save some pain of having
  windows users manually adding routes to other subnets.
 Isnt that what a default gateway is for?
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Re: [SLUG] iptables accounting

2002-03-21 Thread Jean-Francois Dive

In fact,instead of loggging each packet, you should simply use the 2 counters
associated with each rule. So, for example:

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 2408 packets, 1136110 bytes)
pkts  bytes target prot opt in out source   
   00all  --  *  *  

Then account on it. ip-ng does this parsing and store the counters.
Pay attention that thoses counters are 64bit ones and not 32 bit as usual. 

On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 01:59:05PM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi to everybody on the list
 Thanks to all who replied to my Solaris / Linux query a couple of weeks
 I need a little help with a iptables problem.
 I am trying to configure a linux machine to sit between two networks and
 log data downloads by hosts.
 ie - - - - - - - - - - - --eth0 - linux box  - eth1  - - - -
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 I can currently log traffic using iptables to all destinations on y.0 using
 a separate rule under OUTPUT
 -A FORWARD -j LOG --log-level 6 -d -i eth1
 -A OUTPUT -j LOG --log-level 6 -d
 -A OUTPUT -j LOG --log-level 6 -d
 -A OUTPUT -j LOG --log-level 6 -d
 And these messages are being logged to a file.
 Does anyone have a suggestion for software that generates reports on the
 amount of data going to each server that I can use for billing on a monthly
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[SLUG] lilo stopping booting at L

2002-03-21 Thread Booth, Christopher (Aus) - ATP

Sorry for this coming from Outlook.

I've got this new CPU and motherboard, and RAM, or rather 2nd hand.
Anyway, my RedHat 7.1 hard disk, which dual boots between 2k and
I am getting this error on boot up in which lilo stops at L.

Any reason, why on this and a few other motherboards that I have
tried, I get this happening ?


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[SLUG] Re: wine (Was: Re: Opinions, please.)

2002-03-21 Thread Angus Lees

\begin{Peter Hardy}
 On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 10:39, Jeff Waugh wrote:
  quote who=Peter Hardy
   Commercial software, but well worth the price, and the money gets poured
   back in to wine development.
  Proprietary! We use Free commercial software *every* day.
 Pedant! :-)
 Free software, with some proprietary commercial glue, then?

note that as of a week or two ago, wine is now LGPL (instead of X11ish)
 - mostly because codeweavers(*) (who make the crossover plugin) had become
   aware of some nasty proprietariness afoot.

yay for the commercial wine companies and they're willingness to contribute
back, even though they have not been required to (until now).

(*) at least, i think it was them. it was definately one of the 3 (or so)
companies actively/commercially involved in wine.

if anyone thinks license discussions tend to never get anywhere, flicking
back through the wine archives and seeing how this license change was
quite quickly decided is probably worth the effort. alexandre is to be
congratulated.  (there was even reference made to a summary of the MPL
license made by anand back in the early mozilla days.)

 - Gus
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[SLUG] Re: Re: lynx's homepage?

2002-03-21 Thread Angus Lees

\begin{Andre Pang}
 On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 11:32:03PM +1100, Angus Lees wrote:
  At 21 Mar 2002 10:17:51 +1100,
  Peter Hardy wrote:
   On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 10:11, Jamie Honan wrote:
Pictures, frames, ssl, and text mode browsing.
   Does w3m do http auth?  This is the one sticking point that's stopped me
   from replacing lynx with links on all of my machines.
  w3m does. links does not.
 What do you mean by http auth?  The login/password stuff set on a
 htpasswd file?  (Just making sure that you're not talking about
 general SSL).

yes. HTTP (Basic, but i think w3m can also do digest) auth.

both w3m and links can do ssl, judging by the presence of links-ssl and
w3m-ssl debian packages.

  i got freaked out by w3m displaying an image in my xterm just a few
  days ago. since when/how does an xterm display an image?
 Escape codes; I think it's EscG.  I don't know if there's
 support for it in the official xterm, but I think rxvt has had an
 experimental graphics mode thing for yonks, and therefore aterm
 would too.  Not sure about Eterm and xterm.

i only use Real XTerms(TM). (the others always have some lingering
compatibility issues, ime)

i had to move the cursor in and around it to convince myself w3m
wasn't doing some wierd X11/ImageMagick/Shape hackery or something.

 - Gus
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Re: [SLUG] Re: wine (Was: Re: Opinions, please.)

2002-03-21 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who=Angus Lees

 note that as of a week or two ago, wine is now LGPL (instead of X11ish)

I didn't realise this had already happened (and so soon!) - great!

- Jeff

  And up in the corporate box there's a group of pleasant  
   thirtysomething guys making tuneful music for the masses of people who   
can spell 'nihilism', but don't want to listen to it in the car. - 
Richard Jinman, SMH 
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Re: [SLUG] lilo stopping booting at L

2002-03-21 Thread Peter Hardy

On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 16:00, Booth, Christopher (Aus) - ATP wrote:
   Sorry for this coming from Outlook.

Nobody's perfect. ;-)

   I've got this new CPU and motherboard, and RAM, or rather 2nd hand.
   Anyway, my RedHat 7.1 hard disk, which dual boots between 2k and
   I am getting this error on boot up in which lilo stops at L.

LILO prints each letter as it completes a specific part of the boot
process.  The fact that it stops after the first L is significant.  From :

Output: L  The first stage boot loader has been loaded and started, but
it can't load the second stage boot loader. The two-digit error codes
indicate the type of problem. (See also section ``Disk error codes''.)
This condition usually indicates a media failure or a geometry mismatch
(e.g. bad disk parameters).

So, sounds like the old and the new motherboard are using different
addressing schemes.  I'd check and make sure the two BIOSen detect the
drive the same.


Much human ingenuity has gone into finding the ultimate Before.
The current state of knowledge can be summarised thus:
In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded.  
-- (Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies)

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[SLUG] Re: Opinions, please.

2002-03-21 Thread Angus Lees

\begin{Bill Bennett}
 I'd like to install elvis, which is a vi/ex clone, but it
 occurred to me to ask if anyone has any experience with others.
 Has anyone any strong feelings they'd like to air?

M-x viper-mode


it has 5 emulation levels, to ease the rehabilitation process.

(why is there always vi discussions on this list, but never emacs ones?
 is there truly that few emacs users in slug?)

 - Gus
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[SLUG] stopping a module from autoloading

2002-03-21 Thread Andy Eager

Hi all,

Is there any way to stop a module from autoloading ?

I am trying to get xcdroast to use my ide cd drive as the reader.  When 
I put a cd into the IDE drive, it wants to mount the drive.  (and it 
does!).  When I try to rmmod ide-cd, it just goes and puts it back 
again.  Got so sick of it that I physically renamed the ide-cd.o to 
something else just so I could modprobe ide-scsi for xcdroast.  

There must be a better way!!


Andy E.

(Hope to get to slug tonight, I'm on baby sitting duty so I might have 
to bring my kids along for their first slug meeting - dont worry they'll 
be quiet I've got a suitable bribe lined up for afterwards)

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[SLUG] ask wu-ftpd

2002-03-21 Thread henry

Dear List:

Wu-ftpd is a programto serve ftp-client (auto-installed 
in RedHat7.1).
A Book says : the file(/etc/inetd.conf ) should be modified to 
initialize Wu-ftpd .


There isno such file (except afile xinetd.conf 
without any data about ftp)in my computer.

How could I know wu-ftpd is alive ? 
---I executed in.ftpd ,but I saw nothing on screen 
about ftp by typing "ps -A" .


[SLUG] Module Section Keyword Expected

2002-03-21 Thread Dennis Curnow`

G'Day Gang,

I'm still fighting with X

I now get a Module Section Keyword Expected error when trying to startx.
What Keyword does it require and how and where do I give it one?

Also there seems to be multple XF86Config files in different locations. Which file is 
referred to when X starts?


Kind Regards 

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