[SLUG] Ugly fonts in Hardy

2008-03-08 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo
Hi all,

I'm on Hardy Heron and like Jeremy, I have been suffering from
ugly fonts:


In the comments to Jeremy's blog post Lindsay said:

> System -> Preferences -> Appearance, click on the Fonts tab.
> You’ll probably see “Rendering” set to “Best shapes”, and you’ll
> want to set it to “Subpixel smoothing (LCDs)”.
> If you click on the “Details” button at the bottom, you’ll get
> another screen with a bunch more options. Try setting “Hinting”
> to “None”, and “Smoothing” to “Subpixel (LCDs).

Problem is, I'm not running Gnome (i prefer E17). I've run
gconf-editor and I can find the "Hinting" setting, but not any
of the others.

Anybody got any clues how to fix this?

Erik de Castro Lopo
"I'm too fucking busy, or vice versa" -- Dorothy Parker
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] looking for a command to automatically create sequentially numbered files

2008-03-08 Thread elliott-brennan

Hi Rick,

On the basis that this is quite likely something 
simple that I'm not doing, or the consequence of 
something I haven't explained clearly enough (as 
I've very little experience with such things) -

These are the files I'm working with:

four sets of 124 images each:

a_01.jpeg to a_000125.jpeg
b_01.jpeg to b_000125.jpeg
c_01.jpeg to c_000125.jpeg
d_01.jpeg to d_000125.jpeg

I've entered the command:

$ for i in 'seq 1 999'; do j='printf %04d $i'; 
montage -geometry +4+4 a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg 
c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done

and receive the response:
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'

(I've cut-and-pasted the information for accuracy)

I've also tried changing:

'seq 1 999'
'seq 1 125'

with no success and tried changing:

do j='printf %04d
do j='printf %06d

again with no success.

I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind having another 
look at this for me?

Thanks again and much appreciated.



Rick Welykochy wrote:

elliott-brennan wrote:

Now, I know I've asked a similar questions, but I thought that I'd ask 
again with what may be a clearer request :)

For example:

I have a collection of images labelled -

a_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg
b_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg
c_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg
d_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg

I want to merge them as follows:

montage -geometry +4+4 a_0001.jpeg b_0001.jpeg c_0001.jpeg d_0001.jpeg 

the output file is montage.jpeg and needs to be a sequentially 
increasing number.

Is there a command that will allow me to do this automatically without 
having to individually enter each file name and output name?

I realise this is a little weird and no doubt unusual, but, as usual, 
any assistance or direction would be most appreciated.

Not weird at all. Well organised file systems often use sequential
or semi-sequential numbering to keep things logical and consistent.
(Who said consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative?)

The GNU seq command is useful for sequential numbering.

$ seq 1 5

As well, you can use printf to format the numbers as you wish, e.g.

$ for i in `seq 1 5`; do echo `printf a_%04d.jpeg $i`; done

Putting it all together:

$ for i in `seq 1 5`; do j=`printf %04d $i`; echo montage -geometry 
+4+4  a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done

montage -geometry +4+4 a_0001.jpeg b_0001.jpeg c_0001.jpeg d_0001.jpeg 
montage -geometry +4+4 a_0002.jpeg b_0002.jpeg c_0002.jpeg d_0002.jpeg 
montage -geometry +4+4 a_0003.jpeg b_0003.jpeg c_0003.jpeg d_0003.jpeg 
montage -geometry +4+4 a_0004.jpeg b_0004.jpeg c_0004.jpeg d_0004.jpeg 
montage -geometry +4+4 a_0005.jpeg b_0005.jpeg c_0005.jpeg d_0005.jpeg 

Get rid of the "echo" command, change 5 to 999 and Bob's your aunty.


Registered GNU/Linux User 368634
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] looking for a command to automatically create sequentially numbered files

2008-03-08 Thread Felix Sheldon

It looks like you might be using single quotes and not back-ticks (on 
the ~ key).

This works for me, with the echo in there at least.

for i in `seq 1 125`; do j=`printf %06d $i`; echo montage -geometry +4+4 
a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done


elliott-brennan wrote:

Hi Rick,

On the basis that this is quite likely something simple that I'm not 
doing, or the consequence of something I haven't explained clearly 
enough (as I've very little experience with such things) -

These are the files I'm working with:

four sets of 124 images each:

a_01.jpeg to a_000125.jpeg
b_01.jpeg to b_000125.jpeg
c_01.jpeg to c_000125.jpeg
d_01.jpeg to d_000125.jpeg

I've entered the command:

$ for i in 'seq 1 999'; do j='printf %04d $i'; montage -geometry +4+4 
a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done

and receive the response:
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'

(I've cut-and-pasted the information for accuracy)

I've also tried changing:

'seq 1 999'
'seq 1 125'

with no success and tried changing:

do j='printf %04d
do j='printf %06d

again with no success.

I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind having another look at this for me?

Thanks again and much appreciated.



Rick Welykochy wrote:

elliott-brennan wrote:

Now, I know I've asked a similar questions, but I thought that I'd 
ask again with what may be a clearer request :)

For example:

I have a collection of images labelled -

a_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg
b_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg
c_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg
d_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg

I want to merge them as follows:

montage -geometry +4+4 a_0001.jpeg b_0001.jpeg c_0001.jpeg 
d_0001.jpeg montage1.jpeg

the output file is montage.jpeg and needs to be a 
sequentially increasing number.

Is there a command that will allow me to do this automatically 
without having to individually enter each file name and output name?

I realise this is a little weird and no doubt unusual, but, as 
usual, any assistance or direction would be most appreciated.

Not weird at all. Well organised file systems often use sequential
or semi-sequential numbering to keep things logical and consistent.
(Who said consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative?)

The GNU seq command is useful for sequential numbering.

$ seq 1 5

As well, you can use printf to format the numbers as you wish, e.g.

$ for i in `seq 1 5`; do echo `printf a_%04d.jpeg $i`; done

Putting it all together:

$ for i in `seq 1 5`; do j=`printf %04d $i`; echo montage -geometry 
+4+4  a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done

montage -geometry +4+4 a_0001.jpeg b_0001.jpeg c_0001.jpeg 
d_0001.jpeg montage0001.jpeg
montage -geometry +4+4 a_0002.jpeg b_0002.jpeg c_0002.jpeg 
d_0002.jpeg montage0002.jpeg
montage -geometry +4+4 a_0003.jpeg b_0003.jpeg c_0003.jpeg 
d_0003.jpeg montage0003.jpeg
montage -geometry +4+4 a_0004.jpeg b_0004.jpeg c_0004.jpeg 
d_0004.jpeg montage0004.jpeg
montage -geometry +4+4 a_0005.jpeg b_0005.jpeg c_0005.jpeg 
d_0005.jpeg montage0005.jpeg

Get rid of the "echo" command, change 5 to 999 and Bob's your aunty.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Re: slug Digest, Vol 26, Issue 18

2008-03-08 Thread elliott-brennan

Dear Rick and Felix,

1. Rick

Thank you very much. That's brilliant!!!

2. Rick

Hand that man a Kewpie doll!

Obviously! Why would I keep those little things 
just as Rick had written them??? I'm so used to 
editing weird little things like that at work that 
naturally I assume they're formatting errors here 

What some people can do with MS Word is impressive 
in it's unintentional consequences %))

You can't believe how happy you've made me. I 
believe this form of video editing is available in 
things like Adobe Premier (I'm not certain, but 
I've 'heard'). However, I use Kino, GIMP, 
Avidemux, Gop Chop etc for my editing and 
dvdstyler etc for making the DVDs (I've got three 
kids). Many of the rels and friends who watch the 
videos (dunno why they've stopped coming around as 
much??? ;)) are impressed by what can be achieved 
(I know I am) but this was something I've 
struggled with working out for a while.

For those who recall, I posted this last time as 
the 'Brady Bunch' effect :)

I'm finishing off a video for my youngest child's 
naming day and this will be such a cool effect.

Again, thanks so very much, you help is greatly 
and warmly appreciated.



Re: [SLUG] looking for a command to automatically create sequentially 
numbered files

Felix Sheldon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun, 09 Mar 2008 00:07:45 +1100


It looks like you might be using single quotes and not back-ticks (on 
the ~ key).

This works for me, with the echo in there at least.

for i in `seq 1 125`; do j=`printf %06d $i`; echo montage -geometry 
+4+4 a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Registered GNU/Linux User 368634
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] SLUG 2008 Annual General Meeting: A Guide

2008-03-08 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
Another year, another Annual General Meeting. Join us as we reflect upon the 
past twelve months, and look forward to the next.

This is a simple guide to how the AGM, elections and the rest of the meeting 
will be conducted, including ways to get involved in the elections process.

Before you continue, I suggest that you take a look at the announcements 
released about the March meeting[0], and more specifically the AGM[1]. These 
should provide the structure you may need to understand the rest of this 

The programme of the meeting is as follows:

* The SLUG meeting opens as per normal (18:30).
* Standard introductions are held.
* The Public Officer opens the AGM (18:45).
* The President (or representative) delivers the President’s Report.
* The minutes of the 2007 AGM are confirmed.
* The Treasurer (or representative) delivers the Treasurer’s Report.
* Constitutional changes are announced and voted upon[2]:
# Motion: Changes to the process of becoming a member.
# Motion: Creation of a corporate membership.
* Further nominations are taken. These can also be done throughout the
  voting process.
* The voting section of the AGM begins:
# Voting happens for the positions in the following order:
  President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,
  Ordinary Committee Member (x3).
# The candidates are each offered 60 seconds to talk about themselves
  and what they want to do with their nominated SLUG position.
o Candidates are only be allowed to speak once, unless they have
  anything significant to talk about for their nominated role that
  they did not cover in their first spiel.
* Once the AGM is over (approximately 19:30), an intermission is called.
* The meeting returns to the usual In-Depth/SLUGlets split (19:45).
* The meeting is called to a close (20:30), and we head off to dinner.

For the meeting, we will need:

* A SLUG member to volunteer to be a Public Officer.
* Candidates' nominations.
* SLUG members to attend and vote.

We will be needing a valued SLUG member to act as a Public Officer to moderate 
the meeting. Please make your interest known on the SLUG Activities list[3] 
(for the sake of transparency, it is preferable to keep communications 

Before you consider any candidates (including yourself), please consult our 
guide to participation in the SLUG Community[4]. Note that Committee 
membership is but one of many ways to contribute to SLUG. Committee 
membership does entail additional responsibilities to keep SLUG running 

Some guidelines about nomination:

* Nominate people via e-mail on the SLUG Activities mailing list[3].
* The subject header should take the form, "Nomination: $firstname $lastname
  for $position". For example, "Nomination: Tux Penguin for President".
* In the mail body, mention why the nomination should be considered by the
  SLUG membership.
* It would be preferable to get a potential nominee's permission before you
  put them forward as a candidate.
* A single person may be nominated for multiple positions.
* There is nothing preventing you from nominating yourself.

An election is nothing without people there to vote. If you're already a paid 
member, bring along your membership card. We will be taking memberships[5] on 
the night, so you will have the opportunity to sign up or renew to gain 
voting rights.

If you have any questions, please direct them to the SLUG Activities list[3] 
(again, we like to keep communications transparent), or straight to the 
Committee[6] you really feel the need to keep matters private.

[0] http://www.slug.org.au/node/94
[1] http://lists.slug.org.au/archives/announce/2008/03/msg2.html
[2] http://lists.slug.org.au/archives/activities/2008/02/msg0.html
[3] http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/activities
[4] http://www.slug.org.au/participation
[5] http://www.slug.org.au/membership.html
[6] http://www.slug.org.au/contacts.html

"Maybe somebody else comes up with a better way to do it, or with a really 
compelling reason to. 'Feel free to try' is definitely the open source 
motto." - Linus Torvalds

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] looking for a command to automatically create sequentially numbered files

2008-03-08 Thread Alex Samad
On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 12:07:45AM +1100, Felix Sheldon wrote:
> It looks like you might be using single quotes and not back-ticks (on  
> the ~ key).
> This works for me, with the echo in there at least.
> for i in `seq 1 125`; do j=`printf %06d $i`; echo montage -geometry +4+4  
> a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done
you can also use $( some-command )

> -- 
> Felix
> elliott-brennan wrote:
>> Hi Rick,
>> On the basis that this is quite likely something simple that I'm not  
>> doing, or the consequence of something I haven't explained clearly  
>> enough (as I've very little experience with such things) -
>> These are the files I'm working with:
>> four sets of 124 images each:
>> a_01.jpeg to a_000125.jpeg
>> b_01.jpeg to b_000125.jpeg
>> c_01.jpeg to c_000125.jpeg
>> d_01.jpeg to d_000125.jpeg
>> I've entered the command:
>> $ for i in 'seq 1 999'; do j='printf %04d $i'; montage -geometry +4+4  
>> a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done
>> and receive the response:
>> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'
>> (I've cut-and-pasted the information for accuracy)
>> I've also tried changing:
>> 'seq 1 999'
>> to
>> 'seq 1 125'
>> with no success and tried changing:
>> do j='printf %04d
>> to
>> do j='printf %06d
>> again with no success.
>> I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind having another look at this for me?
>> Thanks again and much appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> Patrick
>> Rick Welykochy wrote:
>>> elliott-brennan wrote:
 Now, I know I've asked a similar questions, but I thought that I'd  
 ask again with what may be a clearer request :)
 For example:

 I have a collection of images labelled -

 a_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg
 b_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg
 c_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg
 d_0001.jpeg through to A0999.jpeg

 I want to merge them as follows:

 montage -geometry +4+4 a_0001.jpeg b_0001.jpeg c_0001.jpeg  
 d_0001.jpeg montage1.jpeg

 the output file is montage.jpeg and needs to be a  
 sequentially increasing number.

 Is there a command that will allow me to do this automatically  
 without having to individually enter each file name and output 

 I realise this is a little weird and no doubt unusual, but, as  
 usual, any assistance or direction would be most appreciated.
>>> Not weird at all. Well organised file systems often use sequential
>>> or semi-sequential numbering to keep things logical and consistent.
>>> (Who said consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative?)
>>> The GNU seq command is useful for sequential numbering.
>>> $ seq 1 5
>>> 1
>>> 2
>>> 3
>>> 4
>>> 5
>>> As well, you can use printf to format the numbers as you wish, e.g.
>>> $ for i in `seq 1 5`; do echo `printf a_%04d.jpeg $i`; done
>>> a_0001.jpeg
>>> a_0002.jpeg
>>> a_0003.jpeg
>>> a_0004.jpeg
>>> a_0005.jpeg
>>> Putting it all together:
>>> $ for i in `seq 1 5`; do j=`printf %04d $i`; echo montage -geometry  
>>> +4+4  a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done
>>> montage -geometry +4+4 a_0001.jpeg b_0001.jpeg c_0001.jpeg  
>>> d_0001.jpeg montage0001.jpeg
>>> montage -geometry +4+4 a_0002.jpeg b_0002.jpeg c_0002.jpeg  
>>> d_0002.jpeg montage0002.jpeg
>>> montage -geometry +4+4 a_0003.jpeg b_0003.jpeg c_0003.jpeg  
>>> d_0003.jpeg montage0003.jpeg
>>> montage -geometry +4+4 a_0004.jpeg b_0004.jpeg c_0004.jpeg  
>>> d_0004.jpeg montage0004.jpeg
>>> montage -geometry +4+4 a_0005.jpeg b_0005.jpeg c_0005.jpeg  
>>> d_0005.jpeg montage0005.jpeg
>>> Get rid of the "echo" command, change 5 to 999 and Bob's your aunty.
>>> cheers
>>> rickw
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

"One thing is clear, is relations between America and Russia are good, and 
they're important that they be good."

- George W. Bush
Strelna, Russia

Description: Digital signature
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Re: SLUG video helpers

2008-03-08 Thread Silvia Pfeiffer
Hi all,

We are still looking for volunteers to help with the video-recording at

On a side note I wanted to mention that I will not stand for committee any
longer this year. There's an opportunity for new people to step into the
committee. :-)


On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 12:15 PM, Silvia Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all,
> You might have noticed that we now have a new video camera to record SLUG
> talks. The old one died a gracious death and we took advantage of the latest
> offerings of JVC hard disk recorders. The camera that we got is a really
> nice one and it's fun to record with. It's inbuilt microphone is also
> amazingly good.
> During the last year, Scott Wallers has been our reliable camera man and
> transcoding person, often carrying DVD recoders and DV tapes and all sorts
> of stuff around. I'd like to thank him very much for all his work and am
> happy that he has volunteered to continue doing camera work where it's
> possible for him. However, he will need a reliable backup person, with whom
> he can exchange the camera & tripod should he not be able to attend a SLUG
> meeting.
> We are therefore looking for a person who would be available to partner
> with Scott on taking up the video recording task. If you are a regular at
> the Friday night SLUG meetings and can hold a camera, you qualify. :-)
> From the committee's point of view, the video team will be formed as a
> sub-committee and should have close contacts with the committee so that it
> can ask for support where needed (financial, servers to upload to, passwords
> for access etc.).
> Please shoot me an email if you are interested and I'll put you in contact
> with Scott so you can organise yourselves.
> Cheers,
> Silvia.
> --
> Vice President SLUG
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Re: SLUG video helpers

2008-03-08 Thread Alex Samad
On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 10:43:17AM +1100, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are still looking for volunteers to help with the video-recording at
interested in helping out with the transcoding, but I am not a regular
at the meetings

> On a side note I wanted to mention that I will not stand for committee any
> longer this year. There's an opportunity for new people to step into the
> committee. :-)
> Cheers,
> Silvia.
> On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 12:15 PM, Silvia Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > You might have noticed that we now have a new video camera to record SLUG
> > talks. The old one died a gracious death and we took advantage of the latest
> > offerings of JVC hard disk recorders. The camera that we got is a really
> > nice one and it's fun to record with. It's inbuilt microphone is also
> > amazingly good.
> >
> > During the last year, Scott Wallers has been our reliable camera man and
> > transcoding person, often carrying DVD recoders and DV tapes and all sorts
> > of stuff around. I'd like to thank him very much for all his work and am
> > happy that he has volunteered to continue doing camera work where it's
> > possible for him. However, he will need a reliable backup person, with whom
> > he can exchange the camera & tripod should he not be able to attend a SLUG
> > meeting.
> >
> > We are therefore looking for a person who would be available to partner
> > with Scott on taking up the video recording task. If you are a regular at
> > the Friday night SLUG meetings and can hold a camera, you qualify. :-)
> >
> > From the committee's point of view, the video team will be formed as a
> > sub-committee and should have close contacts with the committee so that it
> > can ask for support where needed (financial, servers to upload to, passwords
> > for access etc.).
> >
> > Please shoot me an email if you are interested and I'll put you in contact
> > with Scott so you can organise yourselves.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Silvia.
> > --
> > Vice President SLUG
> >
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

"I love the idea of a school in which people come to get educated and stay in 
the state in which they're educated."

- George W. Bush
Milwaukee, WI

Description: Digital signature
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] motherboard error signals

2008-03-08 Thread Donovan, Jim
I'm trying to resurrect a Gigabyte motherboard with a handy
2GHz P4 on it, although only 256MB of RAM.

It beeps on power-up but does not boot.

Where is a list of what the different beeps mean, please?

Jim Donovan

Office 8923-5208 until Easter
Home   9416-8459
Mobile 0428-609-208
Private email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Ken for Treasurer

2008-03-08 Thread Silvia Pfeiffer
To add into the general vibe of nominations, I'd like to nominate Ken Wilson
for Treasurer.

Ken has fulfilled the role of treasurer for SLUG for at least 3-4 years, and
has done so reliably and reliably and reliably (which is really the only
thing that matters for a treasurer :-). Our finances are in order and very
healthy, thanks to the care that Ken has taken of them. He has e.g. made
sure that our insurance is being paid regularly and that we chose the most
cost-efficient one. He's just generally doing a great job, which is why we
hear so little of his work. Thanks Ken!

Ken for Treasurer again!!

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

RE: [SLUG] motherboard error signals

2008-03-08 Thread Donovan, Jim
I did - see
which doesn't mention codes, although it does mention on pages 13 and 23
the Complete Version manual.
Jim Donovan

Tony Sceats
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2008 8:01 PM
To: Donovan, Jim
Cc: slug@slug.org.au
Subject: Re: [SLUG] motherboard error signals

It's motherboard specific, see if you can find the model number, it is
sometimes printed on the board, then search the gigabyte website for the

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Donovan, Jim

I'm trying to resurrect a Gigabyte motherboard with a handy
2GHz P4 on it, although only 256MB of RAM.

It beeps on power-up but does not boot.

Where is a list of what the different beeps mean, please?

Jim Donovan

Office 8923-5208 until Easter
Home   9416-8459
Mobile 0428-609-208
Private email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] motherboard error signals

2008-03-08 Thread Tony Sceats
It's motherboard specific, see if you can find the model number, it is
sometimes printed on the board, then search the gigabyte website for the

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Donovan, Jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm trying to resurrect a Gigabyte motherboard with a handy
> 2GHz P4 on it, although only 256MB of RAM.
> It beeps on power-up but does not boot.
> Where is a list of what the different beeps mean, please?
> Jim Donovan
> Office 8923-5208 until Easter
> Home   9416-8459
> Mobile 0428-609-208
> Private email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] motherboard error signals

2008-03-08 Thread Tony Sceats
I'd suggest you do that then, although in my experience it has usually been
the CPU or the RAM that's faulty if you're getting beeps. if you can't find
the full manual, try taking out all the PCI cards then remove RAM chips
 and/or the CPU.. not that it will be useful without RAM or a CPU, but may
give you an idea what is wrong

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Donovan, Jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Tony,
> I did - see
> http://america.giga-byte.com/FileList/Manual/motherboard_manual_ga-8i3.pdf
> which doesn't mention codes, although it does mention on pages 13 and 23
> downloading
> the Complete Version manual.
> Jim Donovan
>  --
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of
> *Tony Sceats
> *Sent:* Saturday, March 08, 2008 8:01 PM
> *To:* Donovan, Jim
> *Cc:* slug@slug.org.au
> *Subject:* Re: [SLUG] motherboard error signals
> It's motherboard specific, see if you can find the model number, it is
> sometimes printed on the board, then search the gigabyte website for the
> manual
> On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Donovan, Jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I'm trying to resurrect a Gigabyte motherboard with a handy
> > 2GHz P4 on it, although only 256MB of RAM.
> >
> > It beeps on power-up but does not boot.
> >
> > Where is a list of what the different beeps mean, please?
> >
> > Jim Donovan
> >
> > Office 8923-5208 until Easter
> > Home   9416-8459
> > Mobile 0428-609-208
> > Private email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > --
> > SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> > Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html
> >
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] motherboard error signals

2008-03-08 Thread Phil Scarratt

Tony Sceats wrote:

I'd suggest you do that then, although in my experience it has usually been
the CPU or the RAM that's faulty if you're getting beeps. if you can't find
the full manual, try taking out all the PCI cards then remove RAM chips
 and/or the CPU.. not that it will be useful without RAM or a CPU, but may
give you an idea what is wrong

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Donovan, Jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I did - see
which doesn't mention codes, although it does mention on pages 13 and 23
the Complete Version manual.

Could also be dud video card/slot
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] motherboard error signals

2008-03-08 Thread Ben
On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Donovan, Jim
>  Where is a list of what the different beeps mean, please?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Ken for Treasurer

2008-03-08 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Sun, 9 Mar 2008, "Silvia Pfeiffer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To add into the general vibe of nominations, I'd like to nominate Ken
> Wilson for Treasurer.
> Ken has fulfilled the role of treasurer for SLUG for at least 3-4 years,
> and has done so reliably and reliably and reliably (which is really the
> only thing that matters for a treasurer :-). Our finances are in order and
> very healthy, thanks to the care that Ken has taken of them. He has e.g.
> made sure that our insurance is being paid regularly and that we chose the
> most cost-efficient one. He's just generally doing a great job, which is
> why we hear so little of his work. Thanks Ken!
> Ken for Treasurer again!!

Seconded. Ken Wilson's reliability and consistency has meant that finances 
have never been a worry. This is good place to be for any organisation. I'd 
love to see Ken be able to continue in this capacity.

"I find people with big visions interesting but often a bit scary. One of my 
constant arguments on the kernel mailing list (in various guises) is to not 
redesign the world, but try to make specific small improvements, and let the 
big payoffs be kind of incidental." - Linus Torvalds, 21 December 2004

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Nomination: Sridhar Dhanapalan for President

2008-03-08 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Wed, 5 Mar 2008, "Lindsay Holmwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, time to kick off the nominations!
> I'd like to nominate Sridhar Dhanapalan for the position of President.
> Although his current position on the committee may be "Ordinary
> Committee Member" there is nothing ordinary about what he's acheived -
> over the last year Sridhar has demonstrated an outstanding ability in
> leading our community.
> He has:
>  * successfully and repeatedly organised meetings and events
>  * engaged with FOSS communities and companies
>  * responded to communications to the committee
>  * followed up on committee actions and tasks
>  * acted as a spokesperson to the media
> ...all whilst being an active and enthusiastic member of the SLUG
> community both on the mailing lists, IRC, and at meetings.
> Most importantly, I believe he has the vision, determination, and
> commitment to be a successful SLUG President - to build upon and
> better the community we have, forge strong relationships with other
> organisations, and keep everyone in line. :-)
> I wholeheartedly endorse Sridhar for this position.
> Lindsay

Wow, how can I possibly argue with that? :)

I accept. Thanks guys.

"Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana." - Bill Gates

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] looking for a command to automatically create sequentially numbered files

2008-03-08 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Sun, 9 Mar 2008, Alex Samad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 12:07:45AM +1100, Felix Sheldon wrote:
> > It looks like you might be using single quotes and not back-ticks (on
> > the ~ key).
> >
> > This works for me, with the echo in there at least.
> >
> > for i in `seq 1 125`; do j=`printf %06d $i`; echo montage -geometry +4+4
> > a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done
> you can also use $( some-command )

Which can be better as you can nest commands, like so:


 "We like to think of ourselves as the Microsoft of the energy world"
- Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] bash - identify changes within a directory.

2008-03-08 Thread david
if [ -N /some/directory/ ] ; then
echo "change"
echo "no change"

The object is to identify changes within a directory. This tells me if
there are any new or deleted files, but not if files within the
directory are modified.

Is there a trivial way to do it?

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Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html