Re: [SLUG] ownCloud alternatives

2013-12-10 Thread Piers Rowan

On 12/10/2013 08:14 PM, Ben Donohue wrote:

Anyone have experience with backing up/restoring this in the event of 
a hardware meltdown?

I would put it in if there is a bullet proof way of ensuring a restore 
in case of a failure.

We have been using it for months with only the occasional hiccups in a 
client here and there.

Simple to set up in CentOS, sync's with all the PC's we need. If you 
backup the DB and conf files to the data directory then it will 
replicate them to your clients. If your server dies then just restore 
from anyone one of the clients.

I like it

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Re: [SLUG] 20 years of using Linux at Home

2013-04-07 Thread Piers Rowan

have changed. I spent ten years writing for - - - .  Travelled
round the world a few times doing that.

I think my first distro was Caldera which I think was in 1996. I was 
working as an NT / 95-98 admin at the time. Magazines played two huge 
parts in my adoption of Linux.

1) I go to have disks to install distros from

2) In one article on PHP + MySQL they had a shot of Webmin

In NT land we had buggy mail severs and other crap + a whole lot of 
shrink wrapped boxes that cost 1,000 $ of equally crap software. I 
installed RedHat 7.? and webmin and clicked on the Servers tab - here 
was a suite of offerings that I could install for free and get working 
rather than thinking of how to install front page extensions on IIS.

The screen shot in one of those magazines was a big eye opener - thanks!


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Re: [SLUG] DAW audio software and the Zoom HD8/16

2013-01-31 Thread Piers Rowan

On 01/30/2013 06:07 PM, Trevor D. Manning wrote:

Hi Sluggers,

I am curious if anybody on this list has used one of these units with
DAW software such as Ardour, for example, and what their experience has

I've not used this particular hardware but I've often had problems with 
setting my Edirol USB device and being able to layer tracks and listen 
while record. I think part of the problem is (was?) setting up a real 
time kernel.

I use Linux as a general purpose box so I haven't geared it to a DAW so 
much (as I would have wanted).

There was a guru on the Melbourne or LUV group (I forget which) who 
appeared to know a great deal about using Linux professionally as a DAW 
- perhaps search their archives.


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Re: [SLUG] clone system to a vm?

2012-09-26 Thread Piers Rowan
I have a Centos 4 machine, I'd like to try cloning it from a physical 
machine to a VM on another system, I've installed Centos 6 on the new 
machine, and, learning how to setup VM how would I clone existing system 
across LAN to VM ? thanks for any tips

That is a old version so I would be inclined to upgrade.

That being said I'll echo another’s comments and rebuild the machine.

* use RPM to list all the $packages
* Install a base install
* yum -y install $packages
* rsync /home/ server:/home/ (repeat for other data dirs)

If you want to clone the config then you could copy files from /etc or 
install webmin and backup (old) restore (to new) the config of the 
various services.

Just my $0.02



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Re: [SLUG] downgrading from Centos 5 to 4 ?

2012-09-02 Thread Piers Rowan

On Sun, September 2, 2012 2:42 pm, James Linder wrote:


yes, I've been thinking of that, what sort of minimum hardware would you
guesstimate I'd need ?
all I need for Centos is apache php mysql, single cms that has perhaps 5
users at most, if that, just to retrieve docs from doc repository

Set your apache max clients to 6. If the CMS is memory hungry then check 
the log files for:

PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of  bytes exhausted (tried to 
allocate  bytes)

And update the PHP ini file accordingly.

I suspect that you could get a usable system for 5 users in 256MB of RAM 
/ 1 CPU 1.7 is fine or lower) and what ever image size that covers your 
install + growth.

If a CMS is being used for 5 people then it must be a wiki / KB or 
something similar? You could just dump the db and write a PHP navigation 
tool and be done with it.


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Re: [SLUG] US DOD Distro - First Impressions

2011-08-03 Thread Piers Rowan

On 08/03/2011 08:56 AM, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:

To get started, download the LPS-Public ISO image and burn it to a 
CD. Read the Quick Start Guide for more information.

Downloaded 300Meg ISO and used UNetbootin to write it to USB.

Nice to have a distro that boots to root.

Very quick from a app load POV. Uses windows (95 / NT) like widgets with 
'Shows Desktop' and C:\ icons.

Have Nvidia settings app and detected my wireless.

Shell is BusyBox Ash. Has Ctrix  RDP clients.

Not sure if it has disk management tools for a system recovery.

In a nutshell - its hard not to like: quick, responsive, secure, has the 
basic apps one needs (especially if you use apps in the cloud). I wonder 
how long before they have 'dev' version with a syntax highlighted text 

This usb _is_ staying on my car keyring.


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Re: [SLUG] Is Linux Dead a worthy Debate for a SLUG meeting?

2011-06-23 Thread Piers Rowan

On 24/06/11 07:43, David Lyon wrote:

Occassionaly you'd see changes in face expression..

Piers likes this.
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Re: [SLUG] Choice of OS's

2011-06-09 Thread Piers Rowan

On 06/09/2011 04:52 PM, Andrew Hurley wrote:

Hi, haven't used a linux box in many a years and am tossing up to run either
OpenSUSE 11.4 or CentOS 5.6 due to specific software requirements. If you
had to choice an OS which one would it be?

If you want a desktop then probably look at Fedora and not CentOS. What 
is the specific software you need?

Ubuntu is a good desktop but so if Fedora / OpenSUSE.

Most people don't buy Linux. Just download your choice onto a CD / DVD / 
USB drive and install from there. Most of them let you install it 
alongside an existing system as well.


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Re: [SLUG] Hourly rate for short-term PHP work

2011-06-05 Thread Piers Rowan

On 06/05/2011 06:46 PM, James Gray wrote:

On 05/06/2011, at 10:08 AM, Jim Donovan wrote:

The matter of pay rates came up a week or so ago. How about $25-30/hour for an 
experienced PHP developer - see

I hope that's not indicative of where the market's headed.


You'd get paid more washing cars, or (night) packing shelves...maybe the pimp 
advertising was smoking crack?

The FTE @ $30 / hour (Full Time Equiv) [1] is $47,424 which is way above 
many jobs (washing cars, stacking shelves). I've often spoken to PHP 
devs who want $90 / hour (which is $142,272) and many wanting $50 / hour 
($79,040 FTE).

Often when people talk of a package that includes 9% super (aka $50 / 
hour = $86,153.60 package).

Alternately has PHP devs for $5.19 AUD + 
per hour.

Maybe the person advertising was taking into fact that you can offshore 
development in the blink of an eye.

If you have global skills you have global competition.



[1] ~ FTE == 80% of casual rate. Contractors you are really casual 
employees with a cool name

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Re: [SLUG] Re: [Jobs] Systems Admin - Build Engineer

2011-05-24 Thread Piers Rowan

On 05/24/2011 12:54 PM, Simon Rumble wrote:

You're talking to the wrong people.  Lemme guess, recruitment agents with
English accents, straight off the plane from England but claiming to have
extensive contacts in the industry?  They're idiots. Every last one of them.
  They'll be reading your somewhat eclectic CV and see that as a liability,
which is idiotic of course but they're idiots you see.  Since they have
absolutely no understanding of what we do, they just parse a checklist of
skills against your CV.

There are two discussions I know of on LinkedIn regarding IT recruiters. 
One in the Australian IT Industry group asking for your top five 
complaints about recruiters. (If you are going to post have a read of 
all the comments first - you might learn something [and grab a large 
coffee first its rather long])

...and secondly in Australian  New Zealand Recruitment Network where 
recruiters are discussing how they can *fix and address* the *valid* 
complaints IT (and other) candidates have.

The comments about imported recruiters have been made on both LinkedIn 

Try to find companies that advertise direct.

In some (many?) cases recruiters are filling positions you are 
interested in so dealing with them is part of the employment landscape.

My advice:

* Make an effort to build a relationship with smaller numbers of 
recruiter who you get better service from, find them, stick with them.

* They are time poor and dealing with 100's of different people each 
week - give them a break and start every phone conversation with a 
couple of words to job their memory Hi its David, the DBA candidate for 
the North Shore role...

* Vote with your feet - walk away from recruiters that mess you about 
and tell them eg: You told me the role was paying $80k but in interview 
the employer said it was $70k (it might be that the *employer* made a 
mistake or lied - give the recruiter enough feedback to mend their evil 

If there's a job you really want that's got a recruitment agent in the way,
put in a custom CV that ticks all the mandatory boxes, plus something
ridiculously wrong but funny (12 years Ruby on Rails experience).  Hopefully
you'll get through to someone with a brain who'll find it funny and decide
to call you.

That's not good advice. (I find it funny and can look past it but I 
wouldn't bet you career on the recruiter or employer doing sowould you?)

The IT recruitment agency slogan:
If you can, do.  If you can't, have you considered a career in IT

Most engineers and IT people make lousy recruiters, one of the biggest 
complaints that IT candidate have is that the recruiter doesn't 
understand the job (aka they are not an engineer / IT person).

Now just some caveats:

* I've been in the Recruitment Industry since 1991
* Most recently as a developer of recruitment software
* I manage the Australian  New Zealand Recruitment Network group on 
LinkedIn and kicked off the discussion so that recruiters could fix 
their own back yard - and OF COURSE they want to!
* I have hired engineers a number of times (grad, ord, masters and up to 
professor level) and without exception none of them could do the 
recruitment role, but I know of people in the industry who are engineers 
and can
* The discussion on Australian IT Industry has much larger feedback 
from both sides - most of which is valid - and if you care about this 
topic then I suggest you read it.

The reason I have posted a reply is that in all the LUG's their are 
people with a wealth of experience and knowledge and also young people 
starting out on their careers. It would be unfair to the latter group to 
have Simon's opinion (which he is perfectly entitled to) go uncontested 
since - IMHO - the problems won't exactly go away so people might as 
well know how to deal with them.

Trust me - I've been using Linux years before I was in recruitment!



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2011-04-03 Thread Piers Rowan

On 03/04/11 20:16, Chris Allen wrote:

Is there an application that created a PDF file from an XHTML.
I'm looking for something the woks form the $ prompt, even better if 
it is available in Unix (Sun Solaris).

Chris Allen

But you  probably want ghostscript:,or.r_gc.r_pw.fp=c4f9bf7f64efb33f



We use a variety of command line tools to translate doc, docx, pdf, rtf, 
html to text for resume / document indexing. If this query is part of a 
bigger problem then I might have some other ideas that could help. PM me 
if that is the case.

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Re: [SLUG] Travelling Overeseas - USB Modems

2010-09-05 Thread Piers Rowan

Rick Phillips wrote:

I presume some people on this list travel to the UK and Europe.

Any pointers would be appreciated.


Mc Donalds free wifi?

I did some emergency coding from one of these restaurants when w/o 
internet access a few years back.

Depends on what you need but for the price of a coffee


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Re: [SLUG] Buy a Web filter now, from Kogan

2010-06-28 Thread Piers Rowan

On 29/06/10 11:16, darrin hodges wrote:

  I  see a flaw in the design.  What happens if the spam comes in very small

I saw this problem so I decided to wrap the computer in glad wrap until 
completely sealed. This was bad for air flow / heat so I did it to the 
user, haven't heard any negative feedback from them yet

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Re: Vodaphone USB wireless (was Re: [SLUG] Telstra USB wireless internet)

2010-06-04 Thread Piers Rowan
I didn't do anything special to mine (I don't think), but: I do have to 
wait about a minute until it modeswitches itself. I takes a long time.

Might help some one
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Re: [SLUG] Virtualization - Whither goes thou?

2010-05-13 Thread Piers Rowan

On 13/05/10 18:08, Dean Hamstead wrote:

At my undisclosed business we are running 14 physical machines, 128gig
ram 2x6 core amd, each with ~100 VMs.

What server hardware? Sun Fire X4140 Server?

Just curious.


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Re: [SLUG] Send EOF to Browser from LAMP stack.

2010-01-20 Thread Piers Rowan

how immediate does this need to be? unless this really needs to run
straight away, i'd put the needs background work request in a simple
queue and process it via a cron script. IMHO, putting a layer between
a web request and any serious out-of-band processing is the best way
to handle these cases.


You could set up a cron job to poll a php script hourly.

php /var/www/html/cron/cron.php

Have that script query a queue:

SELECT script_name, parameters FROM cron_table WHERE done = 'NO';

Iterate through the results and run the script(s):

foreach($results as $row)
   // assuming the params are in the formate a:1/b:2/c:3
   $params = explode('/', $row['parameters']);

   // populate the variables that the script is expecting
   foreach($params as $p)
  $z = explode(':', $p);
  $$p[0] = $p[1];

   // include the script that actually does stuff
   include '/var/www/html/cron/' .  $row['script_name'];

Using this way you only have to set up one cron job and you can point it 
at any PHP script by just getting the page to insert a row in a database.

Just an idea, code probably is broken somewhere but anyway...





   * *Recruitment, Advertising, Document Managment, CRM, Online Storage
 and Search hosted services.*

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Re: [SLUG] Weird Word docs

2009-12-01 Thread Piers Rowan

Peter Chubb wrote:

Rodolfo How do you read .docx documents without OOo? Or you install
Rodolfo OOo libraries and convert the document to other format?


Alternatively if you already have a gnome desktop, abiword works most
of the time, but its user interface is modelled on that of Word(TM) (and is
therefore horrible to me).


If you just want the text of the document then unzip the file and 
convert the document.xml to text.

Below is some (old) code which does this.


   function importDOCX($file_info)
   shell_exec('mkdir /tmp/docx');
   shell_exec(cp  . DOC_ROOT . 'documents/' . str_replace(' ', 
'_', $file_info['file_group'])  . '/' . $file_info['sub_folder_path'] . 
'/' . str_replace(')', '\)', str_replace('(', '\(', str_replace(' ', '\ 
', $file_info['filename']) .' /tmp/docx/')));

   shell_exec('unzip /tmp/docx/' . str_replace(')', '\)', 
str_replace('(', '\(', str_replace(' ', '\ ', $file_info['filename']))) 
. ' -d /tmp/docx/');

   $file = file_get_contents('/tmp/docx/word/document.xml');
   shell_exec('rm -fR /tmp/docx');

   $file = str_replace('w:', \nw:, $file);
   $file = strip_tags($file);
   $file = str_replace('amp;', '', $file);
   $out = '';
   $arr = explode(\n, $file);
   foreach($arr as $line)
   if(trim($line) != '')
   $out .= $line . \n;
   $c = 1;
   } else {
   if($c == 2)
   $out .= \n;

   return $out;

Also you can use antiword from the command line:

   function importDOC($file_info)
   return shell_exec(/usr/bin/antiword  . DOC_ROOT . 'documents/' 
. str_replace(' ', '_', $file_info['file_group'])  . '/' . 
$file_info['sub_folder_path'] . '/' . str_replace(')', '\)', 
str_replace('(', '\(', str_replace(' ', '\ ', $file_info['filename'];


These are both converts to text for searching purposes from some legacy 
code. The do meet the criteria on minimum install.




*Piers Rowan
Managing Director
Recruit Online
Mob: 0418 770 331

   * *Recruitment, Advertising, Document Managment, CRM, Online Storage
 and Search hosted services.*

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Re: [SLUG] Wireless Broadband for Net Book

2009-09-29 Thread Piers Rowan

Tim Bayfield wrote:

Greetings SLUG,

Can anyone advise if there is a USB Wireless Broadband device from any 
of the ISPs which will work with a PC based Net Book running Linux?

Telstra Series 7.

Model: MF636

You need to turn off the device's functionality as a thumb drive and not 
as a modem.

From here (and other places):

*You can try the following steps:

1. on WinVista through control panel ADD the extra init command 

2. try to connect once with the providers s/w (WinVista)
3. remove the above command through control panel (WinVista)

Sending this command to the device is essential to un-paperweight it: 

Then you have to make sure that usb_serial is loaded for the device.

Then just plug it in (to Ubuntu) and it gets found and enter your pin 
and you're off.

We use these for all our staff's laptops running ubuntu.

Big Note: DO THIS **AT+ZCDRUN=8 first (and only once).

Sounds a pain but it should only be done once.



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