Re: [SLUG] Linux hosting providers - recommendations

2010-05-10 Thread UnclePete
I've been using WebCity ( for quite a while and have been 
very satisfied with them. Their Business Pro plans are good value.


On 10/05/2010 6:05 PM, Dean Hamstead wrote:

I was looking at Any experience with them?

Google for reviews about them, I don't have personal experience but
found many horror stories (now that I think - maybe on the whirlpool
forums too).

They are fantastically cheap for buying domains. But for hosting, 
their mail servers are frequently blacklisted. A relative had his 
business on their for a year, and the hassle of blacklisting wasnt 
worth the few dollars savings.

I have a VPS with, they are quite good and 
competitively priced.


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Re: [SLUG] Joomla

2010-02-21 Thread UnclePete

Several questions here - I've answered them separately for clarity:
Q: Why is Joomla! not in the repositories?
A: I think it was at one point, but I prefer to install this type of 
application manually - I've found that patches and critical security 
stuff take too long to filter through the repositories, and the manual 
patch process is usually a no-brainer.

Q: Unknown suffix error message
A: Use 'unzip' as the archive is in pkzip format not gzip.

Q: How do I get a copy of Joomla! installed?
A: I'm assuming you have Apache, PHP and MySQL already installed - these 
are pre-requisites. You've downloaded the archive - that's the first 
step. The brief instructions are to unzip the archive in your apache doc 
root directory, create a MySQL database and user and then browse to the 
location where you installed the archive - an installation window will 
be displayed and you just follow the instructions.

If the above is too brief, try the instructions at

Joomla is a great CMS - stick with it and Good Luck!

Regards - Peter

Heracles wrote:

Hash: SHA1

How do I get a copy of Joomla installed on Ubuntu 9.10? I have
downloaded the file package ffom their site, but it is in zip format and
gunzip says unknown suffix --ignored and does nothing

NOTE: If it is gpl, why is it not in the Ubuntu repositories?

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Re: [SLUG] Wireless Broadband?

2010-01-21 Thread UnclePete
I have a laptop with a Sierra Wireless modem built-in. Stuffed if I can 
get the sodding thing to work on Ubuntu Karmic. The SIM (3 prepaid) 
works fine with other modem dongles on Ubuntu and also works with the PC 
modem on Windoze.

I guess the moral is - check before you buy :)

BTW the 3 prepaid is a very good deal - $149 for 12GB and 12 months to 
use it. If you don't use it in 12 months, you can rollover the balance. 
I'm mobile between the CBD, western suburbs, south western suburbs and 
southern suburbs and the coverage is pretty good. Also the network is 
not as congested as, say, Optus which can be unusable during normal 
online time.


Ben Donohue wrote:
From memory you can get them in two general packages... time online or 
monthly download.

you really have to watch the downloads of these...

If you go over, you get slugged quite heavily. They are not capped at 
whatever and then shaped. You get hit for every additional MEGABYTE! 
(unless their plans have changed recently...)

If you are not careful, you'll have the finance dept. knocking on your 

Also useful to record the IMEI number and serial number and anything 
else you can, 'cause if you lose it you want to disable it ASAP before 
someone else uses it to death and you get the $$$ bill at the end of 
the month. Treat it like a credit card with the PIN written on it. 
Anyone else who finds/steals it can simply plug it in and use it.


Amos Shapira wrote:

Since this became a discussion of broadband modems - I got an OK from
my workplace to buy the Telstra Turbo USB pre-paid modem (currently
costs $149) but so far Google, whirlpool and ubuntuforums failed to
provide a positive answer about the hardware compatibility to linux
(Ubuntu 9.10).

Can anyone here have positive experience with this moddem?



On 1/21/10, j blrown wrote:

I've been looking at getting a wireless Broadband Prepaid kit from
either Vodaphone,Optus or Bigpond.

I just want it to use in addition to my ADSL Broadband connection, and
will use it with either my Laptop or Netbook.

I'm running Ubuntu in one form or another, from 8.10 to 9.04.

Any advice Pros/Cons re the above providers and their supplied modems?

I've had no experience with wireless connectivity.


  j blrown

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Re: [SLUG] ftp client recomendations ?

2009-08-14 Thread UnclePete
I think the problem is caused by a lack of a keep-alive process. 
Filezilla v2.x had this, but it seemed to disappear in v3. However, the 
current version (3.2.7) is promoted as having this feature - NOTE: there is a linux 
version, too although I haven't used it.

I've only installed 3.2.7 today, so can't comment on the effectiveness 
of the keep-alive.

I still recommend Filezilla - I use it at work and it's never let me down.


Marghanita da Cruz wrote:

Voytek Eymont wrote:

what is a good ftp client for windoze ?

From memory, which could be faulty,
I used ftppro on Win95. It still seems to be around.

Does anyone have recommendations for FTP clients for Linux?

I use pftp at the command line...but others prefer something prettier.


I have a user with Filezilla, since he moved ISP, his Filezilla times 

with my ProFTPd on Centos (but, it worked till now with the former ISP)

googling brings similar issues elsewhere;
increasing timeout in Filezilla didn't help

I can log to the ProFTPd from command line, and, upload with no issues

I suspect the issue is with Filezilla rather than at the ProFTPd end ?

Status:Resolving IP-Address for
Status:Connecting to 111.222.333.444:21...
Status:Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response:220 FTP Server ready.
Response:331 Password required for
Response:230 User logged in.
Response:215 UNIX Type: L8
Response: MDTM
Response: MFMT
Response: MFF modify;;UNIX.mode;
Response: MLST
Response: SIZE
Response:211 End
Status:Retrieving directory listing...
Response:257 / is the current directory
Command:TYPE I
Response:200 Type set to I
Command:PORT 192,168,97,49,226,65
Response:500 Illegal PORT command
Response:227 Entering Passive Mode (116,197,145,51,175,75).
Error:Connection timed out
Error:Failed to retrieve directory listing

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Re: [SLUG] USB ports

2009-06-05 Thread UnclePete
That's fairly common on many motherboards, not just laptops. If you can 
get external power to the HDD, that may help


David Gillies wrote:

Ken Foskey wrote:

I bought a huge backup drive and went to plug it in today and it kept
mounting and unmounting it spawning windows along the way.

Strange thing is I plugged the same drive into the rear of the computer
and it now works correctly.  Is it possible that they are two different
types of USB port?
Sounds like the first port you plugged it into might not have enough 
power to run the usb hdd? I know some Apple notebooks (just off the 
top of my head) have slightly different power ratings for different 
usb ports on the same machine.

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