Re: [SLUG] Re: [SLUG]partitioning with linux ##

2000-07-10 Thread Heracles

Minh Van wrote:
> > >linux can't handle more than 4 primary partitions eh ? it tells me i'm
> >
> > hmm, its more a BIOS limitation than Linux anyway, just make sure
> >
> > 1) /boot is on the first primary partition
> > 2) create an extended partition
> > 3) put all your logical drives in this partition
> > 4) don't forget the swap
> yeah i figured.
> what i'm trying to do is boot os/2 warp 4, dos/win95, nt, beos, minix &
> linux off the primary master.
> for two things that make my life difficult - os/2 says my partition table
> is incorrect or corrupt, and NT has a hard time figuring fat32.
Use GAG as your boot manager. It can handle all of the operating systems
you mentioned.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Red Hat Slagging

2000-07-12 Thread Heracles

Simon Bryan wrote:

> Another 2 cents (plus GST) worth from a long term newbie..
> My job involves managing a school network, our primary aim is to be able to
> provide the services that the users want (teachers and students) note they
> are NOT 'lusers', they are the reason I have a job (and possibly many of you
> as well). If they were all experts they would not need me,

> I am learning stuff every day: how to support 1000 users on only 100
> machines with 15 printers, email, web browsing, application software,
> network security, anti-viral and anti-intrusion protection, video, cd, dvd and
> the development of in-house applications with just two of us
> Seems some people don't want Linux to reach the mass market and
> seriously chalenge MS - which would be a good thing - I would like myself
> and my users to have a much greater choice.
> Having got that off my chest I will go back to lurking and hopefully learning
> some more.

Please tell me how you stop the "gremlins" from changing the system. We have a similar
number of systems and our computer coordinator spends almost of his three hours per
week (the time he is allowed off class to do the job of keeping the networks going)
reinstalling win98, removing viruses and replacing unimportant files like
and io.sys that the students like to delete - just before they turn the system off
without shutting down.
Changing from windows is not an option as the DET have supplied the "Microsoft Set" to
all state schools and expect it to be used.

Stay well and happy

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[SLUG] HP Computer and Linux

2000-07-18 Thread Heracles

I tried to help a mate install Caldera Linux 2.2 on the
second HDD in his new HP Prolinea Desktop. The setup went
fine until near the end. We entered the correct specs for
the inbuilt video card (which was detected and is supported)
and the monitor. The screen then displayed a set of
horizontal bands of white and, although the system did not
seem to be locked up, we could not get back to a text
terminal. I tried running through the usual steps I use with
SuSE if this happens to no avail. I have advised him that we
are having an install fest soon and he will be attending if
possible, but for the time being, does anyone have any

Stay well and happy

PS. I had a feeling that the video card may have been
misread by the installation, but the docs suggest not.

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Re: [SLUG] How to annoy PINE users

2000-07-26 Thread Heracles

Ken Yap wrote:

> >> Perhaps we should coin a new word: Penguinterrorist? Penguinguerilla? :-)
> >
> >Penguinilla!
> >Press release: Penguinilism wreaks havoc on Internet-connected MS boxes!
> YES! By jove, he's got it.

Leave the poor buggers alone. It's not nice to pick on the OS challenged.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] good advocacy article

2000-08-02 Thread Heracles


> Quoting Conrad Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > A gust of sanity for mindless penguinistas ;-)
> >
> >
> >
> > Conrad.
> Bugger - I hate it when El Presidente' makes sense !!

> Maybe there's a few future SLUG "projects" in here ?
> How much would it raise the profile of not only Linux
> in general but SLUG  other LUG's, to have us set up a
> network for, as an example, the Guide Dogs Association -
>  the media would eat that up, we'd get (hopefully) good
> press, and not to forget the "warm and fuzzies" as
> well...
> And they'd get a kick-ass network for next to nothing...

As an aside to this, I helped a friend of mine (an M$ user till now)
set up e-smith at school in his department. It works so well and so
efficiently that his little network (5 machines - e-smith - modem)is
always up and online whereas the wonderful M$ systems around the
place are almost always having problems. I have now been asked by
the "computer guru" if I would set a similar system up in other
places around the school.
Need I say more ;-)

Stay well and happy
P.S. The latest version of e-smith is great.

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Re: [SLUG] ADSL, physical installation

2000-08-08 Thread Heracles

marty wrote:

> > >Dont feel left out, I live 15 mins from the city (Hunters Hill) and im not
> > >getting it either :(
> > >
> > >The HH Council is really precious and wont let Optus hang cables either.
> > >Bastards.
> >
> > May they choke in their own bile !!
> be thankful you don't live in the sticks (**cough** newcastle **cough**)
> no cable and no adsl until 2002 or later
>  :( 

Try being at Summerland Point - I think we upgrade from Smoke Signals sometime
next millenium :-{

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] What to do

2000-08-10 Thread Heracles

Jill Rowling wrote:

> Yet other people seem to be using Staroffice on Linux so I thought it might
> be just a configuration thing. I think I will have to rtfm again.
> - Jill.

I use Star Office 5.1a both on my SuSE 6.4 KDE setup at work and on
Enlightenment at home (also SuSE 6.4 with the updates) and have not yet had a
problem. I'm still on XFree version 3.3.6 though.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Free T-Shirt Offer/Installfest

2000-08-10 Thread Heracles

Jason Rennie wrote:

> Hi all,
> As you all know SLUG is running a bit install fest at macquarie uni on the
> 26th of august.
> We need people to run talks, they can be on anything cool to do with
> linux, or newbie oriented talks, or both :)
> Also we need people to act as installers. All installers will get a
> t-shirt for there efforts (so there kinda free ;), and the tshirts will be
> a one-off so if you get one for working as an installer, you can be part
> of a very small club :)
> Let me know what you'd like to do, and if you would like to be an
> installer, what have you installed, can you install and what level of
> experience do you have relating to problems.
> Jason

I will be there on the day - I will need to know where in the Uni it will be
As to experience - the usual - RedHat 6.0/1/2, SuSE 6.0/2/3/4 and the latest
version of e-smith but never Debian.  I was one of the insrall demonstrators
on the SuSE stand for the four days of the PCIT.
Usually a reasonable problem solver, but no expert.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Proper quotes with X / The GIMP

2000-08-14 Thread Heracles

Jeff Waugh wrote:

> Howdy all,
> I hate to pull out the "Help me or I'll reboot!" card, but this time, it's
> getting serious. ;)
> I need to use proper quotes in The GIMP. ` and ' only the *real* kind. It's
> probably related closely to X as well...
> In the Other OS you can just type alt-0xxx to use something out of the
> keyboards range, such as alt-0133 for an em-dash or alt-0233 for an e acute
> (a very special character to have in one's name).

Actually   alt-130 is the e acute in DOS and in notepad   alt-233 gives an
underline in notepad and a theta in DOS.
In a bash shell you get an e acute for alt-233.

I don't understand what you mean by "the real kind". I get the quotes - both
double and single - correctly displayed using the Utopia font in the Gimp.  I
think if you want a foreign character such as e-acute etc. you may be better
off setting it to use the Eastern European character set.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] debian 2.2 (potato) released

2000-08-16 Thread Heracles

marty wrote:

> > This brings up and interesting point and I'm not trying to start any distro
> > religious wars but might it not be a bad idea to have our own "official
> > distro advocates/evangelists"  Maybe someone for each distro (well most of
> > the more prominent ones anyway) in an identifying t-shirt or the like that
> > can be available to "inform" the newbies as far as any specific distro
> > questions.
> ok... hands up who **doesn't** want to wear a debian t-shirt...
> anyone... ??

I tried Debian once (version 1.0 I think - it was on my Slackware CD back in
about 93 or 4) and it was a pain to install. I have found SuSE much better.  I
admit that Debian MAY have improved a little over the last few years, but why
wear a Debian shirt if you can't even get it to install

Saty well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] workshop-full of junk available late this week

2000-08-24 Thread Heracles

Terry Collins wrote:

> >
> > > Yep, this is very limited use.
> >
> > Well it depends on the expectations of the users. If everybody wants to run
> > StarOffice, then there isn't much hope of supporting them on discarded hardware.
> Pentiums run SO & WP okay.
> If users hqve an explanation of getting the latest, greatest and
> fastest, then they would not be the sort of donee CB would want.
> I have this problem with my surplus list
> ( - some people WANT everything, but
> have a strange reluctance to pay postage to have it sent to them.


>  Unfortunately the current evidence is that hardware (not very modern hardware
>  though) is easy to get and takers are few.

If you have access to machines of the 486DX4 100  category or there abouts with some
memory and HDDs (just the box - no monitors needed) I know an IM class that could use
a couple.  (As for pickup, I would be happy to arrange that.)

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Intellimouse Explorer troubles

2000-08-27 Thread Heracles

Jeff Waugh wrote:

> > James Wilkinson wrote:
> >
> > Section "Pointer"
> >   Protocol "IMPS/2"
> >   Device "/dev/mouse" # /dev/mouse is symlinked to /dev/psaux
> >   Resolution 100
> >   Buttons 7
> >   ZAxisMapping 4 5
> >   SampleRate 150
> >   BaudRate 9600
> > EndSection
> Section "Pointer"
>   Protocol"IMPS/2"
>   Device  "/dev/psaux"
>   BaudRate1200
>   Emulate3Timeout 50
>   Resolution  200
>   ZAxisMapping4 5
>   Buttons 7
> EndSection
> That's my setup, which works.

The critical part of this seems to be the BaudRate setting.  I also have found
that changing it from 1200 gives unpredictable results.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] pap/chap script

2000-09-06 Thread Heracles

Ian Ward wrote:

> What works for me to debug a dialin script is to connect to the modem using
> cu
> Sometimes you need to set the permissions, so try something like this.
> #chmod 777 /dev/ttyS0
> # cu -l ttyS0
> at
> OK
> atdt22
> blah
> blha
> ~.
> #
> Just write down the steps or questions you were asked.
> Ian

Or you could just setup and use  kppp with the debug window open.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Fix to: Help - Disaster Struck

2000-09-06 Thread Heracles

Rick Welykochy wrote:

> Steven Kerr wrote:
> > Thanks for those who responded.
> >
> > The fix was a bit of patience and Reading TFM
> >
> > e2fsck -b 16385 -c /dev/hdd1
> >
> > The -c did a bad block check, in frustration I left the system
> > overnight as it appeared just to hang... no disk activity for about 10
> > minutes.
> >
> > This morning it had finished (well dropped back to shell anyway), and
> > now the fs is mountable.
> Had a similar disk muckup the other day (found oue that cat had been
> sitting on the keyboard of a server tucked away in the corner ... somehow
> all the errant keystrokes crapped out the machine!) Both corrupted disks
> on the server recovered quite well and the keyboard has been removed :)
> This is YALSP (Yet Another Linux Selling Point):  When these kinds of disk
> failures occur on Windows, unless you have a Ph.D. in Norton Utilities and
> have forked out $$$, chances are exactly 0% that you will recover your disk,
> since MS fails to provide any tools with its OS to save you from disaster.
> --
> Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services Pty Limited

Actually its not too hard in M$ either as long as you have patience.  I once
recovered a 340Mb HDD in only a couple of days. Got almost all the files off OK
too ;-)

Stay well and happy

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[SLUG] Debian still sucks

2000-09-18 Thread Heracles

I know the title of this note is a little extreme, but on the advice of
several members of SLUG i decided to give Debian 2.2 a try. What a
It usually takes me about 30 minutes to install and configure a default
SuSE system - I have been working on installing Debian for four (4) days
so far and have not yet been able to get it to work properly. I had to
use this windoze machine to get back on the net - Debian just keeps
killing the ppp daemon, or if I manage to get the connection I can ping
the ISP's machines, but can't get a browser or email client to work.
What a waste of time and effort!

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] E-Smith v4.0

2000-09-20 Thread heracles

Jon Biddell wrote:
> Has anyone played with e-smith yet (apart from Charlie Brady, that is
> !!!...:-))
> Just got a server / gateway / etc. up and running from scratch in under
> 30 minutes with (from memory) one reboot
> Hell, I'm impressed...
>   --
> Regards,
> Jon
We set it up to connect two of out networks at school to the net
with no major problems. Works like a dream.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Debian still sucks

2000-09-21 Thread Heracles

Anand Kumria wrote:

> Having assisted quite a few people in their install of Debian I think
> I know what you are missing: the Debian System Administrators Manual.
> Unfortunately, though such a document is referenced, it does not exist
> in non-corporal form (i.e. other Debian users).
> Perhaps you can write up your problems (in more detail) and send it onto
> the debian-doc mailing list (or similiar).
> Anand

Actually Anand,
Hard though it may be to believe, I am using the Debian 2.2
distribution at this very moment. I was just frustrated at my
total lack of knowledge (common sense?) after so many years of
playing with Linux in its various forms. I apologise for my rash
post. The fault was entirely mine :-( I believed the documentation
and did not bother to put my ISP's DNS addresses in resolve.conf.
The only program that seems to be broken now is Balsa, but I'll
sort that out.
BTW. Why does Debian come with a loader for Netscape3 and a note
that Netscape is not free? I would have thought it better to
update this information.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] User-owned mounts

2000-09-24 Thread Heracles

Ken Yap wrote:
 Except for
> stupid FS like FAT which have to have ownership faked.

Give FAT a break, Ken, it was designed to run as a simple single
user system on a 360K floppy. Perfect security if you keep the
floppy locked away ;-)
It is just the inappropriate extension of its use to more
sophisticated systems that is the problem.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Evil HD

2000-09-24 Thread Heracles

John Ferlito wrote:
> I've just come across the most evil hd I've ever discovered. It's
> a segate ST5808A. 850MB Drive.
> It's got this thing called Dual Drive emulation mode which I'd never heard of
> before. appraent;ly to overcome the old 540MB limit. It sort of splits the drive in 
>half and
> pretends to be the master and the slave drive in the system. Now the question is if 
>you put it
> in a machine with a master drive any ideas how you tell it which side of it's own 
>drive you want to
> view :)
> --
> John
There should be a set of 12 pins which take jumpers on the drive. 
Pins 1 and 2 are shorted for the drive to act as a slave.
Pins 3 and 4 are shorted if the drive is a master with a slave
Pins 5 and 6 and Pins 9 and 10 are shorted for the drive to
emulate a master/slave combination within itself.
Pins 7 and 8 and Pins 11 and 12 are not used normally

Hope this helps
Stay well and happy

P.S. is a useful site.

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[SLUG] Mozilla

2000-09-25 Thread Heracles

Has anyone had any experiences with the Mozilla browser. I checked
out M14 from the latest Debian distribution and it seemed very
unstable. It does have some features that I would like to have
available to me though. Are the newer releases (e.g.. M17) more
stable or is it still unusable?

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] How to recover a failed Debian installation?

2000-09-27 Thread Heracles

Terry Collins wrote:
> I was part way through a Debian installation, it has just finished
> asking the question about source CDs ad looked at 3 CDs, when a message
> listing a pile of packages wrapped across the screen and about having
> 0/180Mb to install came up and it stopped taking input from the
> keyboard. The other terms were present. The system rebooted okay, but I
> only have 79Mb of stuff installed.
> So, I'm wandering how to pick up from where it failed.
That is exactly what happened to me. After rebooting I ran dselect
(it highlighted install so I just pressed ) and it carried
on with the installation. It had aparently already stored the
information it needed, but may have a bug in the installation

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Name of Source package for Suse 6.4

2000-10-02 Thread Heracles

Terry Collins wrote:
> Does anyone know the name of the kernel source package for Suse 6.4?

There are two copies of the kernal source on the SuSE 6.4 disks.
The first is the SuSE kernal source which is called "lx_suse.rpm"
and the second is "linux.rpm". They are in series d1 and d2
respectively if I remember correctly. I think the SuSE version is
on CD-1 and the plain version on CD-2.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Re: [OT] Debian Flame on LWN

2000-10-04 Thread Heracles

Dave Fitch wrote:
> Jill Rowling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > I haven't seen this sort of offering from any of the popular Linux distros,
> > well not yet anyway.
> > It's probably an expensive "free service".
> indeed which is one reason many companies are paying money for
> support for these unicies rather than using a "free" unix.
> Where I work, paying $0 or $100 or $1000 for the OS is
> irrelevent, it's the support that matters.
> Dave.

 Have a look at and go to the support section.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] E-smith 4.0 network issues

2000-10-08 Thread Heracles

Dan Treacy wrote:
> Hey Sluggers,
> I'm after some help (if anyone is willing and able) with E-smith 4.0 details
> are as follows:
> I've recently installed V4.0 on a HP 6611. (Celeron 533 i810 Motherboard
> with DE500 NIC) Install was sensational and flawless (or so I thought :-)) a
> very nice product to use (and using it a lot I will be if I can resolve
> these issues).

> I'd be awfully appreciative if anyone could shed some light on this for me
> or even provide some suggestions as to things to try.
> Thanks,
> Dan.

e-smith may not be correctly identifying your network card - check
what module it is loading. (Alt-F2 to a new term and log in as
root - use your admin password) Also, when you set it up to go
online, be careful with the times. We had trouble getting e-smith
to go online - thought it was a modem or serial port problem,
turned out to be the timezone was set to the US by default. Easy
fix but was frustrating at the time.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Beginners Home Network

2000-10-10 Thread Heracles

Richard Blackburn wrote:
> Thanks to George Viera for the offer of advice for a basic home network.
> Well where do we start? Someone just gave me an old 586 box. So what do
> I get next?
> 2 NIC cards, some cables and hub?
> I'd like to try to document this setup for others further down the line.
> Richard

Depends entirely upon what you want to do. If you are only
networking two machines together then use a crossover cable (~$15
for a 5 metre cable) and two NICs at about $25 each for PCI types.
If you want a larger network you will need a hub. Make sure you
have enough RAM in the 586 - say 64Mb. Other than that, follow the
advice in any of the HOW-TOs that apply and the NAG is a fun read
also. It is really easy if you get supported cards - you'll see
once you start the project.

Stay well and happy

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[SLUG] Netscape error

2000-10-16 Thread Heracles

>From time to time, usually after a few hours on the net, Netscape
will crash and autoclose with the only error given being "bus
error". It has only happened since I upgraded to Netscape 4.75.
Any ideas? It is not much of a hassle, but I would prefer not to
have the problem.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Star Office and Printing.

2000-10-24 Thread Heracles

> I've never been able to get this to work. I can get it to print out the
> sample pages from within spadmin, but when I try to print real documents
> they silently fail...
> The printers are setup correctly via lpd because I can print from anywhere
> else.
> Any further hints?
> Ta,
> Mikal
Use the "generic Post Script" printer and have Ghostscript do the
work. It does a good job and can be set to work interactively. I
had it working this way sending the print jobs to an old bj300
until it died.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] New User with a few questions.

2000-10-24 Thread Heracles

Doug Stalker wrote:
> Graeme Nichols wrote:
> >
> > Hello Folks,
> >
> > Please bear with me if the questions I am about to ask appear to be a
> > bit silly. I am completely new to Linux.
> >
> > I have just installed Red Hat Linux 6.1 onto a 10G HD.
> Welcome!
> [...]
> > Linux still works fine. WIN 98 works just fine and doesn't hang around
> > trying to sort out the HD. It sees C, D & E (the CDRom). I can go to the
> > D drive under Win 98 but again cannot actually do anything such as DIR.
> > A message comes back saying that some thing else has the drive. I am not
> > game to try a format on D in case it may be the Linux partition.

Under win98, format the D: drive. It will not be your Linux
partition. Win98 will not give an unknown system a drive letter. I
have set up several systems in almost exactly the way you
described and they all worked fine. The only problem I had was the
booting, and once I got GAG to look after that There were no

Have fun with it. If you make mistakes you can always reinstall
AND you will have learned something.
Once again, welcome to the Brave New World and remember 7x9 is not

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] ISP DNS woes

2000-10-24 Thread Heracles

Gregg wrote:
 Are there any other SLUG people in Gosford who use the
> same ISP who are having similar experiences? Are there other ISPs in
> Gosford that are:
> a. Cheap?
> b. Support Linux?
> I'd be grateful for advice.
> Regards,
> Gregg
When I was in Woy Woy I used Linux with Terrigal.Net and ComCen,
but they are not cheap ($44 per month). I'm in Summerland Point
now and still use Terrigal.Net but use their Newcastle POP
(Nobbys.Net) and it is still expensive. Friends of mine use Terry
Anthony, but I'm not sure of the cost.

Stay well and happy

P.S. If anyone knows a good CHEAP ISP in my area I'd love to hear
from them.

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Re: [SLUG] Another literature question

2000-10-30 Thread Heracles

Stuart Cooper wrote:
> If you see a book that mentions accomplishing the learning of C or any
> other technology in a particular timeframe (24 hours, a weekend, 12
> easy lessons) it is safe to ignore that book.
> Enjoy,
> Stuart.
Hate to disagree with an expert, but speaking as someone who has
had to start from scratch, I found books such as "Teach yourself C
in 24 hours" an easy starting point. If you don't have either a
general understanding of programming or a tutor/mentor handy then
I think "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" is a bit
heavy going for a first book on C.  

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Debian newbie guide for existing linux users

2000-10-31 Thread Heracles

Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > If there a guide anywhere titled "Debian for people who have had a lot
> > of experience using Redhat and redhat like linux distributions like
> > Mandrake who now wish to change to Debian"?

> But, I have to admit, the best way of learning all the intricacies and cool
> tools is to have a rabid Debian user to refer to. Gus, Conrad and Anand have
> been my (very well qualified) converters. :)

Who'll probably tell you to RTFM
> Just ask around, and see if there's a special way of doing things before you
> try doing them the way you're used to.

Debian has a special (read obscure) way of doing EVERYTHING.

Even trying to set up X you're apt to get quite anXious whereas,
to pull another Distribution out of my Red Hat, say SuSE it's as
easy as SaX (or is that the Kiwi way?).

Stay well and happy
> -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- --
> "The ability to procrastinate is what separates us from the
> machines." - Chris Gregory, Desktop Magazine
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

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Re: [SLUG] Mad Mouse under Kde on Suse 6.4

2000-11-01 Thread Heracles

Terry Collins wrote:
> James Wilkinson wrote:
> >
> > Dirty balls?  can't help more than that, sorry.
> If you are under the impression that it might be dirty balls then I
> haven't made myself clear. It is definitely not a dirty ball or rollers.
> It is like the left mouse button is being clicked very fast, repeatedly,
> on everything the cursor passes over.
> Somewhere something is broken, very badly.

> Anyway, if anyone has any ideas, much appreciated.

If it is a serial MS Mouse that you are using, there are several
1. The com port may not be set to run at 1200 baud. It really
2. gpm may be running and this often interferes with the operation
of some mice in X
3. The mouse may be faulty.

Case 1 - run SaX and fix the problem remembering to use keys only
until you apply the changes.

Case 2 - add gpm -k to the beginning of the startx script.

Case 3 - Either pull the mouse apart and fix it of replace it.

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Was network card - now sounds in X windows

2000-11-06 Thread Heracles

Ken Foskey wrote:

> Another question,  is there a trick to getting the X-windows sounds going.
> I can play a sound  'play phone.wav' and I change the plugin in XMMS  to the
> OSS driver and I can play a sound there but I cannot hear the sounds from
> the windows actions.
> Ken

Depends on the window manager. You usually have to set up your
sounds using the config tool for your window manager. However,
sometimes they are incorporated in the theme, as in enlightenment,
but you can change them to whatever you want.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Dual boot Linux & Dos/wfwg

2000-11-06 Thread Heracles

Ken Caldwell wrote:
  Terry Collins wrote:
 > The boss's (SWMBO) pentium has finally spat the dummy and needs
 > complete rebuild, so it is an opportunity to put in a bigger
hard disk
 > and convert it to dual boot. The dual boot will be Suse6.4 &
 > Does anyone know of any gotcha's with this?

One possible problem. I found that it was usually better to set up
the boot sector of the Linux partition as the repository for lilo.
Something Windows for Workgroups writes to the boot sector seems
to get fscked by lilo - or maybe it was just my old system. I had
no problems with other versions of windows, just wfw. YMMV.

stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Idiot file remove

2000-11-21 Thread Heracles

Jon Biddell wrote:
> While playing around with my tape drive, I appear to have created a
> tar file in /backup called '-z'
> And no amount of rm'ing will move it.
> Any clues ?

Nor sure about on tape, but have you tried renaming it. Something
mv *z fred.tar might work. I know in DRDOS I could always use the
wildcards to get around unusual characters in filenames.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Are distro's no longer supporting 486's

2000-11-25 Thread Heracles

Terry Collins wrote:
> Gidday Folks
> Is anyone noticing any trouble doing installs of later distros onto 486
> hardware?
> I'm currently have a lot of trouble getting Suse 6.4 onto an AST Bravo
> 486DX2/66 that previously ran Suse 6.0 okay. Also had trouble with
> getting Debian 2.2 (spud beta 6/2k) on as well.
I assume you are using YAST (the older installer as used in
6.0)and not YAST2 to do the install. The only gotcha is that you
have to pick the basic 386 kernel. The distribution selects a
pentium optimised kernal by default. Other than that you should be

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] ISP support and Linux

2000-11-27 Thread Heracles

Jason Rennie wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question.
> Many people complain about the lack of support from most ISP's regarding
> linux.
> now from the ISP's point of view linux would be expensive to support due
> to the ratio of linux users to windows users.

My ISP both uses and supports Linux. I have been with them for
about five years now and although they are expensive ($44 for
300/300) I always get straight on and the speed is generally fair.
(BTW I'm with Nobbys Net which is part of Terrigal Net)

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] ISP support and Linux

2000-11-27 Thread Heracles

Edward Murphy wrote:
> Well speaking from a helpdesk point of view the helldesk I work for (ihug)
> don't officially support linux but if you were to call up and need support
> their is someone there that would be more then glad to help them out.
> We even provide drivers for our Satelite product (Ultra/satnet) for a linux
> 2.2 kernel.

I contacted iHug sales by email asking about Satnet and they did
not even bother to reply. 
Says a lot!

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Older i386 looking for buff firewall. Must know how to handle badpackets...

2000-11-28 Thread Heracles

Aaron Binns wrote:
> Hello World,
> Ive got an old 386 machine - an SX I suspect thought I dont know for sure - with
> 4meg ram, 20mge hdd, 5.25" and 3.5" floppy drives, ega & 8-bit soundblaster
> card. I want to make this machine into a firewall for an up-coming cable or adsl
> connection. It doesnt have to run any web proxy or mail server or squid cache -
> just firewall between outside and inside.
> 1. Now, can you make a linux install on a 20mg drive on a 386 which will do
> this? - and what distro is best suited for this?

There are plenty of small distros about, but you'd be better off
with a 486 or at least a 386DX. If you want to roll your own mini
distro try a Debian small install without X - Under 40 Mb if I
remember correctly. 

> 2. What networking cards should I get? (ISA? PCI? - assuming there are enough

There are NO PCI slots on 386 motherboards, they came in after the
VESA slots on the 486's

> slots for each...)
> 3. Where can I get these cards from?

Try Granville (the market is part of the OZ design warehouse - you
turn left at the second set of lights (coming from Parramatta on
Parramatta Road) - the first set only let you turn right! And then
turn right into the lane at the back of the warehouse (it's on the
corner). There is a little parking at the back and the market is
open 10-3 Saturday and Sunday I think. Or you could try North
Rocks on Sunday, but it will be smaller than usual due to the
constraints that Westfield put on the traders in the lead up to

> 4. Will doing this increase my Internet latency much if at all?

Depends on your connection, Mine would to be an XT to be any
slower ;-P

> 5. Since the box doesnt have a cd-rom drive - would it be best to install off 
>floppies or do a network install?

NFS install is easier than floppies.

> 6. Is there anything else I will need that I havent mentioned?

> Cheers + TIA,
> Aaron

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Older i386 looking for buff firewall. Must know how tohandle bad packets...

2000-11-28 Thread Heracles

Matthew Dalton wrote:
> Ken Caldwell wrote:
> >
> > Small Linux at
> >
> > will boot with only 2MB RAM ! (we lived in a shoebox and had to eat
> > gravel...)
> Any bids for 1Mb? Do I hear 640k? Going once, going twice...

There is always ELKS on an XT. 

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Computer Markets was [SLUG]Older i386 looking for buff firewall. Must know how to handle badpackets...

2000-11-29 Thread Heracles

SydLinx wrote:

> Regarding computer markets, I was wondering if anyone can recommend
> any of the other markets around Sydney, or warehouses selling
> computers cheaply?
> Similarly can anyone recommend which auctions or sales of computer
> equipment are worth attending.

Pickles Computer Auctions are really good but DON'T go there
during school holidays. The mums and dads (with kids) fill the
rooms and boost the prices. 
The Granville market I mentioned and North Rocks both have vendors
of second hand stuff - some of it worthwhile.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Linux news on slashdot

2000-11-30 Thread Heracles


> ->  What exactly do you find difficult (desktop wise?).
> installing software on linux is a pain - compared to windows. - you
> have to find the right file - read a readme - figure out how to
> decompress/run/do somethngt with that file - get a Cd of 3rd party
> software (linux has distros - but they will never answer everything -

I knew I must be doing something wrong. I can never seem to get
installing software to be this complicated. All I do with rpms and
debs is open them in mc and click install or upgrade and it's done
(or do an apt-get install  if I don't have it in my zips
directory). Silly really, I'll have to get someone to show me the
complicated/fun way. 

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Linux news on slashdot

2000-11-30 Thread Heracles

David wrote:
> I wasn't going to get onto this thread, cos I'm a Mac person struggling
> with Linux and getting by, not an IT professional.


I found Linux a lot easier to install and although I agree that
the OS is not easy to install and configure (unless you use SuSE
;-) it is no harder than the other common ones.
> The trouble with this list is that nearly everyone is an IT pro, and has
> no idea what it's like to struggle with config files and arcane syntax.

Actually there are a large number of SLUG members who are NOT IT
professionals. Myself for one. I have used Macs and found them
difficult at first. Installing an operating system on a blank HDD
was not intuitive and the configuration of the system to optimise
performance and memory usage was only possible after a lot of
> When running apps on a linux desktop distrib. (that has yet to be
> invented) is as brain-dead as installing on a mac, then apps will follow
> like day follows night. Until then, Linux is a fabulous server OS and a
> marginal desktop for the boffins.
Once Linux and X are configured anyone can use the desktop. I use
SuSE Linux and enlightenment with the Ganimede theme at work and I
set up user accounts for my students. They use it to practice
their writing and web page design skills as well as to surf the
net (the machine is permanently online) and perform other tasks.
They love it, and prefer it to the windoze machines. I also use it
to store the whole school's reports and collate and analyse the
information on them. I find the win98 interface awkward and
flakey. I cannot speak too highly of the X/enlightenment desktop.

Stay well and happy

PS. Debian Gurus, I have Debian 2.2 on my home system - Is there a
tool like YAST or even printtool in Potato to set up my bj300
printer or must I edit the filter in VI?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: Linux news on slashdot

2000-11-30 Thread Heracles


> -> as soon as nvidia gives up this silly little game, the drivers will be
> -> assimilated and everyone can get on with things.
> i won't say much - I can't (company NDA) but suffice to say they have
> very good reasons for what they do - and to be honest - the open soruce
> world needs to grow up and stop seeing things only one-sidedly. 

Third party is fine if it is available. Often when you want to
upgrade your hardware you find that the manufacturer has only
supplied drivers to run it in win98 or ME or whatever. I bought
some hardware recently for my daughter's machine (win95). I had to
go out and get win98 because the manufacturer only supplies win98
If hardware manufacturers are so incompetent as to only supply
drivers for one distribution of one operating system, then they
should either go broke or let others do it for them.
We have nothing against third party software as long as it works
properly. And no, I have not as yet upgraded to a fast 3D
accelerator, but when my favourite games (FreeCell and GTali)
require one I will.

Stay well and happy

P.S. Your typing/spelling still hasn't improved.

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Re: [SLUG] Linux as Business Desktop

2000-12-02 Thread Heracles

Jason Rennie wrote:

> Well i guess i will have to use it then. I might try openoffice, the just
> released GPL version of star office.
> How does it run on older processors ? The test box i will be dropping off
> for them will be a 400Mhz K6, but there existing machines are a p133 and a
> p166.

I run SO5.2 on a celeron 300 64Mb RAM at work. I leave it running
in the background all day so it is ready when I need it and often
use Netscape and The Gimp at the same time. It works fine for me.
I also use it at home on a Cyrix 166+ with 64Mb RAM and it runs ok
after it starts up - that part is a bit slow.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Re: Debian Upgrade Problem

2000-12-02 Thread Heracles

Anand Kumria wrote:
ll me your toaster isn't working. Is it the
> fact that you have no electricity, the element is burnt out, you
> have no bread, it isn't plugged in, the switch isn't on, you
> haven't pressed down on the toaster-thing-to-press-down, etc.
> Anand
Not sure which, difficult to see during the blackout >:-P

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Debian Compliment

2000-12-03 Thread Heracles

Jason Rennie wrote:

> I just switched over to debian from redhat, may i reccomend it.
> Apart from only needing 3 floppies and an internet connection to do the
> install the system runs quite well.

This may be so, but what does it use to do general config. I want
to install my old bj300 to run on my Debian system. In SuSE I'd
just run yast and have it set up in no time, It seems I will have
to get my SuSE system to generate a printcap and copy it over -
and yes, I read the Debian Docs that I had available and could not
find mention of a config utility.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] RPM Fun

2000-12-05 Thread Heracles

Stephen Mills wrote:
> Hi,
> If anyone has any idea, feel free to give me a yell.

> [root@davros nighty]# rpm -U rpm-4.0-4.i386.rpm
> only packages with major numbers <= 3 are supported by this version of
> error: rpm-4.0-4.i386.rpm cannot be installed

There is a .tar.gz copy of the rpm source around. Try that.

I'd love to meet the moron who did this!
I got caught in the same trap AND rpm-3.0.5 gave the same error. I
gave up and decided to wait for it to turn up on the SuSE site in
their upgrades for 6.4 section - I did not think any Linux people
could be such morons as to wrap a new version of the rpm software
with itself - it should have been wrapped with 3.0.3 so it could
easily be upgraded. Really gives DOS and Mac people a good laugh
at our expense.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Mouse can't move after installation

2000-12-10 Thread Heracles

Gladys Siaw wrote:
> hai
> I just bought a Suse Linux 7.0 Professional box set, and started to install
> it just now.
> I managed to go through all the installation steps, and I am able to see the
> graphical user interface KDE
> everything seems right but my problem is taht I am not able to use my mouse
> my mouse cursor is not functioning at all!

Just a thought: Check that gpm is not running. It sometimes kills
the mouse. Seems to be started by default in most SuSE
distributions. Other than that, you could try running sax again
and check the mouse.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Newbie Question from a Mac user - Dual Booting Win98 and Linux

2000-12-10 Thread Heracles

Ho Ming Shun wrote:
> A long time ago (Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 09:27:23PM +1100), in a galaxy far far away, 
>Shane Anderson wrote :
> > Not another Newbie!
> >
> > Sorry guys, comes with the territory of using an OS that is growing rapidly
> > in popularity  :)
> >
> > Also, I'm a Mac user  :)  Now now, be nice  :)
> >
> > I am actually Shane Anderson, the Mac EvangeList List Dad
> > <>.
> >
> > Anyway, I have just bought myself a nice new 900MHz Athlon and 2 HDs and I
> > wish to run a dual boot system, Win98SE and Linux (Corel Dist.).
> >
> > I have had a problem that my searches on the web have discovered is common,
> > I get 01 01 01 01 01 all over my screen after installing Linux on the 2nd
> > drive, which is the slave of the main bus. The only way to get back to Win98
> I think that the problem here is that the Linux partition is >1024 cylinders. LIO 
>needs the kernel to be below 1024 cylinders to be able to load it. Two solutions:
> 1. Download and install a new version of LILO. This could allow you to load the 
>kernel from a high cylinder. Since your box is so new, I am assuming that the BIOS 
>would support the stuff to load high cylinders(still haven't really understood the 
>details of this yet). I have tried it on some older boxes and it would not work.

OR download GAG and set it up. GAG is a boot loader and should
solve your problem. It is so easy to use even a Mac user could
probably figure it out ;-P

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Learning to program

2000-12-17 Thread Heracles

Peter Faulks wrote:
> My 2c,
> If you have enuf time, learn them a bit about relational database theory and SQL.
> (Or at least let them know what it is and how to get more information)
I'm inclined to agree with this. It is useful and "usually"
logical(SQL). But I think if you stick with Python and C you'd
probably do well. After all, I should imagine that most of your
students in the initial semesters of the course will be Linux
oriented people who aren't really aiming at a career in
programming but rather learning to program in the Linux
environment for the pleasure of it >:-P

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] RH6.2 Product ID, anyone ?

2000-12-26 Thread Heracles

Ken Caldwell wrote:

> The 3rd edition of "The Linux Pocketbook" is out and can be found at
> some newsagents for $19.95.  It comes with CDs for RH7 and Mandrake 7.2

Afriend of mine tried to install the Mandrake 7.2 from this set
and could not get it to recognise his PS/2 MS mouse (all other
distributions recognise and use it without a hitch). It would not
even recognise it when he told it what it was. He went to SuSE 7 -
no more mouse problems.

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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2000-12-27 Thread Heracles

Is there a problem? I was disconnected from the list because my
mail was said to have bounced. When I sent a subscribe message it
was bounced by your server. Any ideas?

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Mozilla 0.6

2000-12-27 Thread Heracles

This message is sent from Mozilla 0.6. It is certainly not completely 
stable yet, but has improved quite a lot since M18.
Anyone else using it?
I keep getting an error about a module I have not heard of when I load 

modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-10

All seems to work OK without it, but what is it? It has only cropped up 
since I installed Mozilla 0.6   It was not called by earlier versions.

Stay well and happy

P.S. Please include my email address in replies as I can't seem to get 
the list to resubscribe me as yet.

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Re: [SLUG] Blown monitor guns

2001-01-07 Thread Heracles

Michael Lake wrote:

> To tell if it is a Trinitron: Setup a nice white background and look for
> the two fine black horizontal lines 1/3 and 2/3 of the way down the
> screen. Hallmark of the Trinitron Clan.

If you value your sanity - DON'T do this. They will haunt you! You
will forever see the lines in your mind's eye just where they
should be on the monitor - even in games. They are almost
imperceptable normally, but when you know they are there you look
for them.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] shmget and 2.4.0

2001-01-08 Thread Heracles

Jeff Waugh wrote:

> In a similar fashion, hdparm -T /dev/hda dies thusly:
>   /dev/hda:
>   could not allocate sharedmem buf: No space left on device
> Odd, no? Anyone have any pointers?
Is there _writeable_ space left on the device it wants to use?

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] COMPAQ running Linux

2001-01-08 Thread Heracles

Jon Biddell wrote:

> >Video chipset?
> Cirrus Logic I believe - whenever I configure X and it starts, on trying to
> return to command mode I get parallel lines and the box hangs...

Just an aside but:
Most Cirrus Logic chipsets have gaps in the frequencies they
support. This can be a bit of a problem. Make sure you know
exactly which chipset you have. The SVGA server should be ok IF
the rest of the setup is correct.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] re: Problem Mounting hdb under SuSe

2003-10-09 Thread Heracles
On Friday 10 Oct 2003 12:00 am, D.V. Rogers wrote:
> Hello Sluggers
> Hoping for some more help on trying to mount  drive hdb to
> retrieve data. thanks dazza & rickw for their recent postings.
> fdisk tells me that /dev/hdb is definately their!!

> I then created the directory /mnt/temp as a directory to mount
> to
> The following happens;
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/ > mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/temp
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb1,
>or too many mounted file systems

Just a longshot, but have you tried leaving out the  -t ext2  
parameter. Is the filesysten on the hdb1  ext2  or maybe some 
other type? When I was using SuSE, RieserFS was my default.

Also have you tried mounting the other partition hdb2? This is 
where you probably have your data anyway.

Just a thought.
Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] ISA Servers and Linux

2003-11-20 Thread Heracles
I have installed the python program (and it runs fine) but still 
cannot connect to the internet through our ISA Server. I have 
followed the instructions exactly, but still don't seem to 
Has anyone been able to browse the net through an ISA server with 
Mozilla using the aps098 program? If so, how was it done? Changes 
to the server are not possible.

Stay well and happy
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] ISA Servers and Linux

2003-11-20 Thread Heracles
On Thursday 20 Nov 2003 10:59 pm, Robert Collins wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 22:41, Heracles wrote:
> > I have installed the python program (and it runs fine) but
> > still cannot connect to the internet through our ISA Server.
> > I have followed the instructions exactly, but still don't
> > seem to authenticate.
> > Has anyone been able to browse the net through an ISA server
> > with Mozilla using the aps098 program? If so, how was it
> > done? Changes to the server are not possible.
> Go to There is a link there to a
> basic->NTLM translating proxy. ISA is almost certainly
> configured to require NTLM authentication.

Yes, I know about the translation proxy. The proxy file is called 
aps098.tar.gz and expands to a series of files that run under 
python. The program runs, but does not seem to authenticate.
Has anyone got it working? Is there an undocumented feature that I 
have missed?

Stay well and happy


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] ISA Servers and Linux

2003-11-22 Thread Heracles
On Friday 21 Nov 2003 2:14 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Heracles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Go to There is a link there to a
> >> basic->NTLM translating proxy. ISA is almost certainly
> >> configured to require NTLM authentication.
> >
> > Yes, I know about the translation proxy. The proxy file is
> > called aps098.tar.gz and expands to a series of files that
> > run under python. The program runs, but does not seem to
> > authenticate. Has anyone got it working? Is there an
> > undocumented feature that I have missed?
> I use it, it's a life saver.
> here's a bit of my config:

Thanks, after reviewing your file I found my error. All works 
really well now.
Thanks again, silly error on my part.

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Software Package Search

2003-11-25 Thread Heracles
On Sunday 23 Nov 2003 11:02 pm, Piers Wren wrote:
> Dia works well for windows people as it's pretty simple and
> runs under both 'nix and windows.
> There's also xfig which is more powerful, but more difficult to
> master.
> I haven't found anything that is as good as Visio, but between
> those two and occasionally gimp, you should be able to draw
> just about any diagram you need.

Have you tried   Sketch   It handles text and some drawing. You 
could always run Visio under wine I suppose.

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Video card info

2004-01-05 Thread Heracles
On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 10:00, Alan L Tyree wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 09:54, Alan L Tyree wrote:
> > I have a box with a video card that claims to have 32mb memory. Running
> > at 1028x768, the best I can get is 8 colour depth. Is this about right?
> Oops - 1024x768
> > Thanks,
> > Alan
You should easily get 1024x768x32bit colour. My old 8Mb card used to give me 
1024x768x24bit in Linux and 32bit in windoze when I out it in my daughter's machine.
Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Video card info

2004-01-05 Thread Heracles
On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 10:1 3, Alan L Tyree wrote:

> Thanks for this Matt & Peter. I'll have a look at the logs later today
> (it's my wife's machine). I'm running RH8 and it picked the vesa driver
> - I've tried a few others without success. 
> Doing an lspci -vv on it gives:
> VGA Compatible Controller: SiS: unknown device 6325
> Subsystem: MicroStar International: unknown device 5339.
Alan, I know that chipset (SiS 6325) quite well. It was once necessary
to download a special driver for it, but now the driver is included in
the Xfree_SVGA drivers(don't use the VESA driver). XFree version 4.1 should have no 
trouble with
it. If the problem persists either get the latest version of XFree or
go back to the last of version 3 (3.3.6 If I recall) and use Xfree_SVGA.

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [slug] KPPP and ISP problems

2004-01-25 Thread Heracles
On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 01:16, Neast Pty Ltd wrote:
> Hell Sluggers!
> Here I am logging in on m$hite, in disgust, if only for one reason...
> I can't receive email or web sites on my linux box.
> I can connect using kppp, but when I try to load any web pages nothing
> happens. A view of the trafic info on the details page indicates an
> incoming blip, but absolutely no outgoing data.

OK, Wild guess - you're running Mandrake Linux.
If this is correct, what is happening is that you set up your eth0 at
the same time as your modem. I have had this problem also, but it is
usually easy to fix.
Go to the mandrake control centre then select hardware. From this array
you select the first icon (harDrake).
Select your ethernet card and click on it and select "run config tool".
let it autodetect and then untick the ethernet and tick the modem. This
does not affect the ethernet card, but allows you to set up the modem.
be careful as you go through the setup and you will see one window that
asks if you want to use the modem to connect to the internet. Make the
correct selection and after the configuration iscompleted it will be
saves and the problem should be solved.

Stay well and happy

PS. What happened was that even though you were able to dial and get an
IP address, mandrake was still trying to find internet pages and mail
servers through the eth0 interface. A quirk in Mandrake's configuration
that should be addressed.

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Re: [SLUG] Trouble finding Linux

2004-02-10 Thread Heracles
On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 15:24, Greg Brennan wrote:
> I'm interested in installing Linux on my home pc. I've heard
> that Mandrake is probably the best for a beginner like myself, but I'm
> having trouble finding a copy of this or any other version. As I would
> prefer not to order online, I have been scouring newsagents trying to
> find a copy included with a magazine (as recommended by the SLUG
> website and others) with no luck. Do you know of any current
> publications that have this included, and if so, which newsagents in
> Sydney City might stock it?

Mandrake is 3 CDs usually, but I haven't seen it on the front of a
magazine recently.
However, You can get a copy of Morphix (based on the cutting edge Debian
distribution - sometimes referred to as unstable) on the cover of PC
Authority. It runs from your CDROM and has a link on the desktop to
install it if you like.

Knoppix (based on the Debian Woody distribution) was on the last issue
of Atomic magazine. It works like Morphix except that to install it to
your HDD you have go to a terminal and type knx_install to start the
install process.

I don't usually recomment Debian, but Morphix looks really neat - it
even includes The Gimp 1.3 and 1.1.0.

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] System freezes when copying files

2004-03-09 Thread Heracles
On Tue, 2004-03-09 at 01:28, Roger Barnes wrote:
> Hi all,
> What happens ... using rsync or plain ol' cp, I start copying a fairly 
> large quantity (1000+) of smallish (1-3Mb) files from a usbdrive or 
> smbmounted windows share to an LVM2 partition on an SATA drive, on a 
> linux 2.6.2 kernel machine running Debian Sarge. (told you there were a 
> lot of factors :) ).  After a random amount of time and successfully 
> copied files, the tranfer fails, and the system effectively crashes.  I 
> can move mouse in X, type in a shell, switch to another tty, but it 
> won't respond to any commands or Ctl-Alt-Del.  Hitting the reset switch 
> frequently on an otherwise reasonably stable system is painful (I had 
> another operating system for when I wanted to do that :p).

Just a shot in the dark, but I had a similar problem and found it was
solved by copying in smaller chunks. I think, in my case, it was filling
my /tmp folder as an intermediary when copying and as this was part of
my / partition it stopped most operations.
As I said, only a shot in the dark.

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] PowerPoint Analogue.

2004-03-22 Thread Heracles
On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 18:14, Bill Bennett wrote:
> I'd like to like to teach myself to make a presentation.
> People who know no better have suggested PowerPoint.
> The list of analogues ^{*} has:---
> 1) StarOffice Presentation
> 2) Open Office Impress
> 3) Kpresenter
> 4) MagicPoint
> 5) Kuickshow & gimp :)
> (I do not know the significance of (5).
> Has anyone any experience with any of these?
> That you can talk about?

Have used StarOffice and OpenOffice products. They work the same and are
easy to use (almost intuitive). I used to create my presentations in
StarOffice and convert them to Powerpoint to use on windoze boxes.
Just jump in and try to create a simple presentation in Impress, then
use the Help to add the bells and whistles. It took me about 10 minutes
to teach a group of 25 11 and 12 year olds to make reasonable
presentations. You will have no problems.

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: problems with Harris Technology and browsers

2004-03-25 Thread Heracles
On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 11:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> If anyone is having problems with accessing Harris Technology's web site
> please
> send them feedback. might ask you for the type of browser you are using and
> the
> type of problems you are experiencing with their web site.
> Maybe they might ask you to upgrade to a current version of browser. ;-)

Can't see the problem. Firefox works fine on the Harris Technology site.
I think the original poster may have a problem with his setup.

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Mailing list

2004-03-28 Thread heracles
I have recently had to unsubscribe from the OOo mailing list. The reason:
I received so many copys of an email that was autogenerated by exim that
it filled my mailbox and caused it to refuse further posts. Is this a fault
within exim or some sort of virus/worm?

stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

RE: [SLUG] Mailing list

2004-03-28 Thread heracles

>-- Original Message --
>Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 09:13:34 +1000
>Subject: [SLUG] Mailing list
>I have recently had to unsubscribe from the OOo mailing list. The reason:
>I received so many copys of an email that was autogenerated by exim that
>it filled my mailbox and caused it to refuse further posts. Is this a fault
>within exim or some sort of virus/worm?
 Sorry, That was ezmin not exim. 

Stay well and happy
Stay well & happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] NSW targets employers' email snooping

2004-03-31 Thread Heracles
On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 21:27, Howard Lowndes wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 20:43, James Gray wrote:
> > On Tue, 30 Mar 2004 04:38 pm, Howard Lowndes wrote:
> > *snipped*
> > > "Unless employers have a court order, they will need to give employees
> > > notice that surveillance will be conducted," he said.
> > >
> > > That could mean a warning box pops up when the computer is turned on.
> > 
> > We already have a pre-login message on our systems that basically says:
> > 
> > "You agree to adhere to the acceptable use policy.  You understand that 
> > anything and everything you do is logged and monitored and by logging into 
> > this system agree to allow this to occur.  If you don't like this, HR will 
> > be happy to receive your resignation."
> add to this "...and archived..."
> Mind you, the resignation bit might just land you in trouble,

This may seemreasonable in Howard's case, but would he be so keen to
enforce this in the case of employers who have outside agencies maintain
the networks. Would you like, for example a rival company monitoring
your email for you.
In our case the only people with access beyond basic restricted user
access are the company who maintain the network. The do not exclusively
work for the Dept of Education, but are the only ones with high enough
privaleges to monitor email - including confidential email between
counsellors. Do you want an outside agency reading your child's
confidential Psychological and Wealfare reports (Meant for your eyes

As I said before, might work in a situation where the IT support is

Stay well and Happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] 2.6 kernel pasting with scrol wheel

2004-04-19 Thread Heracles
On Mon, 2004-04-19 at 19:04, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 11:10:26 +1000
> Erik de Castro Lopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > HI all,
> > 
> > I've just compiled a 2.6.4 kernel and found that everything works
> > except the mouse. 
> Is anyone using a scroll wheel PS/2 mouse with a 2.6 kernel? 
Yes  2.6.3

> Does
> clicking using the scroll wheel work for you?
Yes Perfectly. (MS Optical Scroll mouse)

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Intro and a question

2004-05-24 Thread Heracles
On Sun, 2004-05-23 at 18:31, Gary Bennett wrote:
> Hello,
> I subbed to SLUG last weekend, have read along for the week and thought it
> about time to introduce myself.

> In the next month or so I'm planning to buy a new machine. My current
> thinking is for a P4 2.8GHz processor with 512MB RAM and something like an
> 80GB HDD. I also think a combo CD/DVD reader/writer would be useful, and
> maybe a separate CD reader.

If you mean a drive that reads CD and DVD but only writes CDs then you
would be better to get a CDRW and a DVD reader. I have found that the
combo drives can be a problem. The CDs written on them are often
unreadable in regular CDROMs.

>  System-wise I'm thinking of running Debian Woody
> on it.
Good luck, I've never go Debian to work anywhere near as well as
Mandrake or SuSE and I've tried many times over the past 10 years.
I personally would recommend either spending a lot of time learning the
Debian System or install a simpler version to use first.
(no flames please, I know Debian is the "Holy Grail" but it is not the
easiest version to begin with)

> And so on to the questions:
> As a relative newbie to Linux, will installing Debian cause me too much
> sleeplessness? Opinions "out there" seem to vary. I've been running Knoppix
> 3.3 off CD to begin to reacclimatise myself with Linux.

works OK when installed on the HDD as well, but can be a problem when
you want to add specialist programs.

> I'm planning on keeping the old machine around and hopefully access Optusnet
> cable for both. What sort of hardware would be needed to enable both
> machines to be connected to the net, and for my machines to be able to
> exchange files with each other (more from old to new)

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Boot hangs at 'Starting Samba daemons: nmbd smbd'

2004-05-24 Thread Heracles
On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 20:48, Adam Felix Bogacki wrote:
> Thanks Mary,
> I tried typing "Linux init=/bin/sh" at the LILO prompt and it booted
> without all the bells & whistles, but when I tried 'vi' or 'apt-get' I 
> was told they were
> unknown commands. I had thought I might try changing 
> '/etc/apt/sources.list' to
> testing and deleting and reinstalling samba, or just doing another 
> 'dist-upgrade'.
> I could do a 'find' and 'rm' the samba files but that might be a bit 
> unpredictable.
> But if 'vi' was not available, what do I use to edit and save files ?

You don't have a path. Try /bin/vi etc.

Stay well and happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Printing with Morphix

2004-06-16 Thread heracles
Hi all,
Installed Morphix (a Debian distro) recently on an older machine and can't
find the command to set up the printer. It is on a win2003 server network,
but the printer hangs off one of the machines. In SuSE I'd just use YAST2,
but what is available in Debian?

Stay well and happy

PS Not converted (SuSE 9.1 on main machine) but wanted to give Debian another

Stay well & happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Networking advice please.

2004-07-14 Thread Heracles
bill wrote:
I have 3 pc's networked to an ethernet switch, which is connected to 
the 'Net via a modem router. All works well.

My house was cabled for LAN with cat5 cable when it was built.
I have connected a pc to each of 2 LAN wall outlets ( in different 
rooms)  with a straight-through (ie not crossover) cable, and have 
tried connecting the ethernet switch to each of the 4 outlets at the 
LAN outlet point at the other end of the cabling in my "Den". The 
appropriate set of lights on the ethernet switch fail to light up, no 
matter which of the 4 outlets at the wall junction I attach it to, 
even though the other end of one of these outlets has a PC (in another 
room) attached.

Either all of the LAN cabling in the house is defective (unlikely as 
the other cables for Cable-TV and TV Aerial work), or I am doing 
something wrong re connecting the remote PC's to the ethernet switch.

Should I be using straight-through cable or crossover cable from the 
wall point to the ethernet switch (I asume straight-through)?

How can I test the cabling, short of purchasing an appropriate cable 

Straight through cables from the switch is correct. If you are not 
getting a connection I would check the cabling - check the patch cables 
first.  I know you don't want to buy a cable tester (however, a simple 
continuity tester is only a few dollars) but without such a device you 
could be spending a great deal of time and still not solve your problem.

Stay well and happy
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Printing with Debian/Morphix

2004-07-27 Thread Heracles
I have installed Morphix on a computer and upgraded the Distribution 
with apt. All works well. I can use the net through the lan etc. but I 
have one major problem:
How the hell does one set up a network printer with Debian. From my SuSE 
9.1 box I just use YAST. There seems to be no comparable tool in Debian.
As you can guess I have used SuSE/Mandrake/RedHat type distros for 
several years. I have no experience with Debian based systems. And -NO - 
Google didn't help.

Stay well and happy
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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2006-11-27 Thread heracles
Hi Dean,
Actually what I am getting is very long lookup times but the transfer rate,
on downloads, is just fine.

>-- Original Message --
>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 23:46:43 +1100 (EST)
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] IPV6
>From: "Dean Hamstead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Ashley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>local dns problems will manifest themselves as failed look ups, long look
>up times then normal transfer rates.
>if domain names are resolving properly they will be resolving to ipv4
>addresses and the stack will use the right protocol.
>check your network cable, switch/hub port and look at /var/log/messages
>for error messages - it could also be your network card.
>On Mon, November 27, 2006 11:24 pm, Ashley wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>   My ADSL is as slow as dialup when searching for pages. even google
>> takes 30-60 seconds to start to display. I know it's only 512k ADSL but
>> I think there must be a problem as my daughter's XP machine displays all
>> pages very quickly.
>> My machine is an AMD64 3300+ running Ubuntu64 6.10 and my daughter's is
>> a 1700 celeron with XP.
>> I assumed the problem was DNS related but we both use the same DNS. The
>> only thing I can see that is significantly different is the existance
>> ipV6 addresses
>> How do I stop Ubuntu 6.10 trying to use ipV6. I've removed the addresses
>> where I could find them, but still I get them displayed when I do an
>> ifconfig.
>> TIA
>> Ashley
>> --
>> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
>> Subscription info and FAQs:

Stay well & happy

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] (no subject)

2007-02-03 Thread Heracles

Hi Mike,
Jeff helped me do exactly that at LCA. He used an intermediate distro as 
a first upgrade then went to etch. He told me that was the best way. 
Even then there were a few issues so I just bit the bullet and did a 
clean install using one of the Ubuntu 6.10 they were giving away at LCA 
on the open day.

I wish you luck, but I believe a clean install is your best solution.

Good luck

Michael Lake wrote:

Hi all

Upgrading the wifes PC from an old Debian to etch using dist-upgrade has really
busted it. xserver-xorg won't install as it depends on x11-common but that won't
install as I get a dpkg "error processing xmem (--remove)" during the post
removal script. I have tried also just 'apt-get -f install' and I get the same
I have tried to remove xmem using dpkg --force-all and various other options to
dpkg but it still wont work. 

At this stage I think I need to totally remove X11 stuff and  reinstall it. 
Any help appreciated to recover from this.

(Note box has no X and no media that I can used to copy error messages from that
box to my laptop here so all errors have to be typed in! I also can't therefore
copy and past errors into google.)
Mike Lake

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Gnash or Flash

2007-02-21 Thread Heracles

Since moving to my AMD64 based machine I have changed my Ubuntu to the 
64 bit version. My problem is that I can no longer see flash in web pages.
There appears to be no way to get a 64 bit flash 9 player or plugin and 
using nspluginwrapper -i (directory)/ with either Flash 
7 or 9 gets the same result:

"nspluginwrapper: is not a valid NPAPI plugin"

I have been able to install gnash as a stand alone but don't know how to 
install it as a plugin. I tried setting it as an external player but no 
I have spent a great deal of time googling for an answer, but no useable 

Any clues would be appreciated.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Firefox sux

2007-02-28 Thread Heracles
Firefox for AMD64 has to be the worst piece of crap ever written; just 
use epiphany (if you run gnome) or konqueror (if you run KDE).
I used to love firefox on my old system; it was fast and easy to use. 
The new version just uses up ALL my processor and memory as soon as it 
is started and brings the system to a standstill. I have to switch to a 
command line to stop it after which everything returns to normal.

What happened to it between 1.5 and 2.0? My current version is 
but the problem has existed since 2.0. I am now using epiphany and 
occasionally konqueror (without flash) and don't have the hassle.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Dell Wireless

2007-03-06 Thread Heracles

Hi all,
A friend of mine has an HP laptop running Ubuntu 6.10 and is not certain 
how to set up the "Dell wireless 1470 dual band wlan (vendoe Broadcomm)" 
card in his machine. Ubuntu told him what it was so is it supported in 
Linux or just recognised?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] NVIDIA driver

2007-03-11 Thread Heracles

I am now trying a 32bit system on my AMD64.
All works well and many times faster than the 64bit version of ubuntu. 
The only glitch is the NVIDIA driver. I have a GeForce 6200 and when I 
install the proprietry driver I constantly get version mismatch on boot 
BUT (and here is the strange bit) if I start in console mode and run 
startx I get the NVIDIA screen flash up and then all works.

Anyone have any ideas?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] NVIDIA driver

2007-03-11 Thread Heracles

Thank-you Rich, that worked perfectly. I am now functional.


Rich Buggy wrote:

I had a similar problem. If performed an rmmod followed by a modprobe it
loaded the binary drivers instead of the ones that shipped with Ubuntu.
After wasting a lot of time I ended up simply removing the following so
it couldn't find them.


Make sure you keep the binary drivers from nVIDIA somewhere handy. When
you upgrade the kernel you'll need to reinstall them and remove these
files again.


On Sun, 2007-03-11 at 20:19 +1100, Heracles wrote:

I am now trying a 32bit system on my AMD64.
All works well and many times faster than the 64bit version of ubuntu. 
The only glitch is the NVIDIA driver. I have a GeForce 6200 and when I 
install the proprietry driver I constantly get version mismatch on boot 
BUT (and here is the strange bit) if I start in console mode and run 
startx I get the NVIDIA screen flash up and then all works.

Anyone have any ideas?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Slight flickering on dual monitor set up

2007-04-09 Thread Heracles
Hi Elliot,
CRT monitors have a coil (which when powered up creates a strong
magnetic field) around the edge of the tube to degauss them. The tubes
also produce interesting magnetic fields when they are in operation. If
they are placed too close together this can interfere with the operation
of each of them -10cm is far too close. Try 30-40cm apart and it should
solve the problem.
If you need them to be close then get a couple of LCD monitors (17"
about $190 each or so) which don't have this characteristic.


elliott-brennan wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> Thanks for the suggestions.
> The monitor screens are about 10cms apart and the rear about 30cm (they
> sit at a slight angle to each other on the desktop).
> There are no other power cables crossing the video cables. Each of the
> monitors is plugged into a separate power point.
> My original post was a little misleading. I do not get a flickering of
> the monitors in synch or consecutively when opening mail. I meant it
> occurs whether I open mail when the Thunderbird mail application is open
> in either monitor.
> I'll keep experimenting though.
> I'm wondering too whether it is generally the case that the second
> monitor in such set-ups works less well than the primary???
> Regards,
> Patrick
> Ben Donohue wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've had similar to this before...
>> sometimes it power. You might try to plug them into the power in a
>> different way.
>> Ben
>> elliott-brennan wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions or advice?
>>> I'm running Kubuntu 6.06 on a Hyperthreaded 3Ghz P4 with 1.5G RAM.
>>> I have to 17" Philips monitors (107T5 - primary - and a 107S6 -
>>> secondary) running off a 128Mb Nvidia FX5500 dual-head card.
>>> At times (e.g.. when I open mail from Thunderbird) I get a slight
>>> flicker on the second monitor and similar on the primary monitor.
>>> I've tried various refresh frequencies, but to no avail.
>>> I've posted (below) my xorg.conf in case anyone has any suggestions
>>> or can see something that I can't (highly likely :)).
>>> NB. I modified xorg.conf to show only 1024x768 as dual-display it
>>> wouldn't play nice otherwise.
>>> Thanks for any assistance or advice offered.
>>> Regards,
>>> Patrick
>>> # /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
>>> #
>>> # This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration
>>> tool, using
>>> # values from the debconf database.
>>> #
>>> # Edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manual
>>> page.
>>> # (Type "man /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
>>> #
>>> # This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades
>>> *only*
>>> # if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
>>> # package.
>>> #
>>> # If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically
>>> updated
>>> # again, run the following command:
>>> #   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
>>> Section "Files"
>>>   FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
>>>   FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
>>>   FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
>>>   FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
>>>   FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1"
>>>   FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi"
>>>   FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi"
>>>   # path to defoma fonts
>>>   FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"
>>> EndSection
>>> Section "Module"
>>>   Load "bitmap"
>>>   Load "ddc"
>>>   Load "extmod"
>>>   Load "freetype"
>>>   Load "int10"
>>>   Load "record"
>>>   Load "type1"
>>>   Load "vbe"
>>>   load "glx"
>>>   load "v4l"
>>> EndSection
>>> Section "InputDevice"
>>>   Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
>>>   Driver "kbd"
>>>   option "CoreKeyboard"
>>>   o

Re: [SLUG] Running Google Earth in Ubuntu

2007-04-12 Thread Heracles
I changed my 9250 ATI for a 6200 G-Force Nvidia (less than $90 for the
256Mb model) and it runs well. I have it running in the background at
this time.
Not sure what is causing it to use so much CPU on your machine Ken. It
does not take much CPU at all on mine. It is fast and smooth and has no
effect on performance.

So if you really want to run it and can't get the ATI running the way
you want, an Nvidia is a cheap replacement.

(BTW, easyubuntu will go and get the proprietary drivers and install
them if you really must.)


Ken Caldwell wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 06:05 +0100, Dave Airlie wrote:
>>> Google Earth probably needs to have direct rendering and 3D
>>> capability, because it uses OpenGL to draw the textures and such. The
>>> open source "ati" driver likely won't give you direct rendering on a
>>> 9200 card, and you'll need to install the proprietary "fglrx" drivers
>>> from ATI to get 3D support. There's a good howto on the Ubuntu wiki:
>>> That documents how to install it from the repos or how to do it
>>> manually. It doesn't have a guide specifically for Feisty, but it
>>> should be a similar procedure.
>> fglrx won't give you direct rendering on 9200 whatsoever.. they stopped 
>> supporting that card a long time ago..
>> the open source driver should support that card in feisty fine..
>> glxinfo should give direct rendering... does glxgears run?
>> Does the system lockup completely? do you have any fancy AGP options 
>> enabled in the logs..? does adding Option "CardType" "PCI" to the 
>> driver section in xorg.conf make any difference?
> Attached is my xorg.conf file and a file glxinfo.txt containing the
> output of glxinfo. glxgears runs slowly and jerkily unless the window is
> small.
> The computer does not lock solid when I try to run googleearth but as
> that program seems to take about 95% of the CPU time not much else
> happens!
> I cant see mention of AGP in the xorg.conf file, in which log file
> should I look. (As you have no doubt guessed my knowledge of video cards
> is very limited.)
> cheers,
> Ken
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] off topic but urgent hardware problem

2007-04-19 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

Wild guesses...
Either there is a simple problem with corrosion which can be fixed by
removing and replacing the cards fitted to the motherboard. (unlikely
but possible!)

OR.. more likely your power supply has a problem and does not have
enough kick on the +12 volt rail to start up the HDDs. (most likely)

Unfortunately the friendly splash screens hide any startup messages and
prevent you from seeing exactly where the post stopped.

As for repairers - no idea sorry.


David wrote:
> please excuse the off topic post but the need is urgent.
> I've just attempted to reboot and my ASUS P5P800mx motherboard doesn't get
> past the splash screen. Can't enter the BIOS setup. No strange beeps. I'm
> guessing that's serious.
> Any diagnostic suggestions?
> In case of need, any suggestions where to go to get urgent repairs? (city
> area).
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] HDD, new motherboard

2007-07-03 Thread Heracles

Hi Scott,
I did exactly that with Ubuntu 6.10 a little while back. I replaced a 
basic AMD 2400+ and MB with a 64 bit AMD 3300+ and had no problems at 
all. I used the same video card in both instances, so if you are also 
changing the video card you may have to reinstall your nvidia drivers 
(if it is an nvidia card and you use the proprietary drivers) but other 
than that all should be fine.


Scott Waller wrote:


I have a strange question.


Last week my father in-law was having computer problems (as usual),
anyway, through a course of different problems; PSU and graphics card.
The computer guy offered to replace the MB?  Very strange, for FREE!
After that he got it home, plugged it in and pop! another PSU, fried the
MB and apparently the MB.

So he now has a new:

Graphics Card
TV Tuner Card

My Father in law has a lot of software and important files that he
really can't afford to loose or go through re-installing programs.  The
guy told him a story that in windoze XP you can not just put an old HDD
onto a new MB?

I offered to call the guy, as I had done this many times when I was a
sys admin at my last place of work.  So, I called the guy, and we
exchanged in "professional dialogue" and things didn't turn out too

Anyway, I have since found out that he was right! (I am eating humble
pie..large portion) and find this absolutely ridiculous.

Somy question is.

What ever flavour Linux whether Ubuntu or Redhat or Fedora, will this be
the same?  Could I take the HDD (80 gig about 2 years old) out of my
wife's desktop and install it into a brand new computer and still boot


Scott Waller

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[SLUG] Sound in Ubuntu

2007-07-04 Thread Heracles

How do I tell Ubuntu to ignore the built in via sound card and use my 
Sound Blaster Live sound card. I can tell some programs to use it but 
flash and some others ignore it. Is there a way to tell ubuntu (7.0.4 
btw) to completely ignore the via sound system?

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[SLUG] Firefox pausing

2007-07-12 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

Hi All,
I have a small but annoying problem. I installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my
daughter's machine (Celeron 1.7 G, 768Mb DDR333, 256Mb nVidia 6200
Compaq S720 screen) and all works OK except when she is on the net with
Firefox it stalls from time to time. It never did this to her under XP
so I don't see why it should do it under Linux. The only difference I
can see is that X chose 1280x1024 as the native resolution.
Any ideas appreciated.
Note, she has two browser windows and amsn running. This is the same for
both systems.


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Re: [SLUG] Firefox pausing

2007-07-12 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

Thanks Simon,
I'll check the cooling fans.
She uses amsn and it seems to do everything she wants. The only problem
is that the file browser is not configurable so she does not get thumbnails.


Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Heracles wrote:
>> I have a small but annoying problem. I installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my
>> daughter's machine (Celeron 1.7 G, 768Mb DDR333, 256Mb nVidia 6200
>> Compaq S720 screen) and all works OK except when she is on the net with
>> Firefox it stalls from time to time. It never did this to her under XP
>> so I don't see why it should do it under Linux. The only difference I
>> can see is that X chose 1280x1024 as the native resolution.
> I've had weird pauses and lockups using the Skype Linux client (which I 
> sadly have to use to talk to work people).
>> Note, she has two browser windows and amsn running. This is the same for
>> both systems.
> What client for MSN?  I presume there's no "official" client for Linux.
> Also, pauses like this can sometimes indicate a cooling problem.  Check 
> that the CPU fan is working.
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Re: [SLUG] Firefox pausing

2007-07-15 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

Hi Amos,
Everything pauses, but if she kills Firefox then there are no further
problems. I got her to move to Opera and the problem has gone away so I
guess the problem is in Firefox.
Not really sure why as it works fine on my machine using exactly the
same version - except that my machine is a 64 bit athalon and hers is a
1.7GHz P4 style Celeron both running the 32 bit version of Feisty.

Also, for those who commented on amsn, she agrees it is terrible, but
she does not find gaim, kmsn or kopete any better. Any other ideas would
be appreciated.

Amos Shapira wrote:
> On 13/07/07, Heracles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Compaq S720 screen) and all works OK except when she is on the net with
>> Firefox it stalls from time to time. It never did this to her under XP
> What exactly do you mean by "stalls"? The Firefox network traffic or the
> entire X display?
> --Amos
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Re: [SLUG] Firefox pausing

2007-07-15 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

Hi Steven,
She gets thumbnails in Nautilus. amsn uses its own file browser which
has no configuration menu that I can find. If amsn can be configured to
use an outside browser, how do I tell it to do so?


Steven Tucker wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-07-13 at 13:31 +1000, Heracles wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Thanks Simon,
>> I'll check the cooling fans.
>> She uses amsn and it seems to do everything she wants. The only problem
>> is that the file browser is not configurable so she does not get thumbnails.
> ?
> Why cant she get thumbnails? I do!
> Try opening nautilus and going to
> Edit ---> preferences --> preview
> Here you can tell it to show thumbnails for files.
> If you want things like .wmv files to have previews you need to have the
> codecs for totem to play them.
> Also remember that Gnu/Linux is the definition of customization, and any
> claims that another less free operating system is more configurable
> always comes back to knowledge of the user, and not the system.
> Tuxta
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Re: [SLUG] buying new linux dedicated PC, advice sought

2007-07-24 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

Why not just install the 32bit version of Ubuntu and leave it at that. I
have an Athalon 64 bit system recognised by Ubuntu as such but due to
the unavailability of 64 bit Flash etc. I wiped the 64bit system and
installed 32bit. It runs much faster and works well.


Amos Shapira wrote:
> On 23/07/07, Darren Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Makes me wonder why all the amd64 Debian documents keep talking about the
> need to have a chroot for 32 bit instead of just installing 32-bit
> libraries. Could they be just too lazy to provide full set of 32-bit
> packages for the amd64 arch?
> With the 32 bit libraries installed, 32 bit programs should run as
>> normal. I have Google Earth and it runs perfectly. I have proprietary
>> games (Quake IV, Doom 3, Neverwinter Nights, all 32 bit only) and they
>> run just fine. I have Cedega (to run windows games (all 32 bit)) and it
>> runs... adequately. I have not tried Skype.
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Re: [SLUG] Networking dropouts on Bigpond cable.

2007-07-24 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

Hi Ken,
Doesn't Bigpond require a heartbeat? I seem to remember something like
bpalogin being required for a reliable connection to their cable internet.

Ken Caldwell wrote:
> Can anyone explain the what is going on here?
> I recently built my son a new computer running Ubuntu 7.04. He connects
> to the internet via Bigpond cable. The cable modem feeds a router and
> the computer connects to the router via ethernet. (Also tried connecting
> without the router)
> Connection to the internet is established OK but sometimes drops out
> every few minutes and reconnects itself.
> I have a copy of the daemon.log but find it confusing. I have not
> attached it to this email as it is about 400kBytes. If any knowledgeable
> kind soul would care to take a look I will forward a copy but didn't
> want to burden the whole list.
> cheers,
> Ken
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Re: [SLUG] Audio skipping on Ubuntu kernels

2007-07-31 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

I have only 1GB of RAM and a 2GB swap. My scaling governor is set to
ondemand and I don't have a problem with audio (playing oggs on vlc)
skipping with disk IO and ftp happening simultaneously.
My kernel is  2.6.20-16-generic on Ubuntu 7.04.
Do the files work properly when they are the only thing running?


Scott Ragen wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 01/08/2007 03:05:49 PM:
>> On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 13:31 +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 13:27 +1000, James Gregory wrote:
>>>> Hey guys,
>>>> I've found that playback of music on my laptop has this horrible,
>>>> horrible tendency to "skip" (by which I mean that the music stops 
> for
>>>> some fraction of a second) extremely frequently. This has only been
>>>> occurring since Ubuntu's -generic kernels came in (I forget which
>>>> version that was).
>>> I'd check your disk is using dma; PIO disk IO is a great way to turn
>>> your laptop into a snail.
> This might be way off, but I had intermittant freezing problems with the 
> kernel using cpufreq ondemand governor.
> To see what govenor is used, try
> # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
> Try setting it to performance if its anything but.
> Cheers,
> Scott
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Re: [SLUG] Home Linux Server

2007-08-02 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

A simple Dual core intel or Athalon x2 core duo with about 2GB RAM
should be fine. You can pick one up from Westgate Technology without the
HDDs and monitor for about $350. 320GB SATA HDDs are $110 ea. and since
it is only a server you can either maintain it from your workstation or
throw on a cheap monitor if you prefer.
Westgate are near the Family Hotel at Rydlemare. They also can be found
at Muirfield High, North Rocks on a Sunday.


Stephen Black wrote:
> I need a home Linux server to act as a 
> 1. Proxy Server
> 2. Web Server (For Web development only)
> 3. Proxy Mail Server
> 5. Print Server (Needing a USB 2.0 ports)
> 6. File Server
> 7. IP Tables firewall
> Does anybody have any ideas as what would make a good Linux server and
> where such a computer could be obtained for a reasonable price?
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[SLUG] Starting up problem

2007-08-08 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

Sometimes when I start my Ubuntu 7.04 box I get an annoying problem - it
If when it is starting up it has to check a disk (more than 20 mounts
etc) it goes through all of the usual startup then fails at the point
where the Nvidia logo should flash. At this point the keyboard is locked
out so turn off and restart is the only option (hard reset using just
goes through the motions and gets back to the same point).
I also noticed that it always has the message:
> Aug  6 15:01:57 heracles kernel: [   47.173023] codec_read: codec 0 is not 
> valid [0xfe]
> Aug  6 15:01:57 heracles kernel: [   47.179510] codec_read: codec 0 is not 
> valid [0xfe]
> Aug  6 15:01:57 heracles kernel: [   47.186030] codec_read: codec 0 is not 
> valid [0xfe0000]
> Aug  6 15:01:57 heracles kernel: [   47.192507] codec_read: codec 0 is not 
> valid [0xfe]
I' using the binary drivers for my GeForce nVidia 6200 card.
This problem with startup occurs infrequently but I suspect that the
binary nVidia drivers may be the reason for both the problem and kernel
log entry I've included.

Any clues appreciated.

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Re: [SLUG] I've stuffed up my display

2007-08-09 Thread Heracles
Hash: SHA1

Hi Howard,
I would check that the video card is not set incorrectly.
Doesn't Fedora still have a text mode version of xconfigurator?


Howard Lowndes wrote:
> My environment is Fedora 6 with KDE and I went to change the display
> resolution using system-config-display.
> The display is set to generic LCD 800x600 but it will only permit 640x480.
> I've tried editting /etc/X11/xorg.conf but that does appear to get me
> anywhere.
> Where else should I be looking, even to get it to recognise the original
> display which is a CMV 1280x???
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