RE: Mental Ray Fatal error

2015-10-14 Thread Manny Papamanos
I repro on 2015.
Did you test on an SP?
Your workaround is a valid one since MR is doing that under the hood anyway.
Don’t know if much can be done at this point;
However, it’s imo it’s rare to use deformers on nurbs.
I’ll check if it’s logged.

Manny Papamanos
Product Support Specialist
Americas Frontline Technical Support
Customer Service and Support

[] On Behalf Of Chris Marshall
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: Mental Ray Fatal error

I know, the fatal error is me using Mental ray in the first place!?!?
Maybe it's not a fatal error, but a schoolboy error!?
Anyway, I converted the object to a polymesh and it's fine now. Not ideal but 
it works.

On 14 October 2015 at 15:27, Chris Marshall 
<<>> wrote:
Hi All,
I have a nurbs object that's deformed with a lattice. I'm doing some shape 
animation on the lattice, but when I render a sequence, I get a Mental Ray 
fatal error after it completes rendering frame 1. I've remade the lattice 
animation on a new lattice, but I get the same error. If I delete the lattice, 
it renders ok. So it looks like an issue with nurbs/lattices/shape animation. 
Is this a known problem? Any thoughts/workarounds?

Chris Marshall
Mint Motion Limited
029 20 37 27 57
07730 533 115<><>


RE: Glasswoks Lycra

2014-10-02 Thread Manny Papamanos
The long extruded element may already be generated as a whole piece,
and then is 'masked' off.
Would definitely be easier if it were patch/nurbs  based.

Manny Papamanos
Product Support Specialist
Americas Frontline Technical Support
Customer Service and Support

[] On Behalf Of adrian wyer
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 6:46 AM
Subject: RE: Glasswoks Lycra

any idea how the UVs were created?


 [] On Behalf Of Rob Chapman
Sent: 02 October 2014 10:37
Subject: Re: Glasswoks Lycra

speaking to JJ about this the other day (am on a short gig at Glassworks so sat 
next to him)  he said that it was verlet dynamic strands that were then meshed 
- most of the hard work was in the matchmove / roto integration

and yes Softimage still very much alive and kicking here :D

On 2 October 2014 10:08, adrian wyer wrote:
Alastair (or anyone else) any insight into how you extruded the geometry to 
have UV for the fabric patterns?

been baking my noodle thinking about this


 On Behalf Of Sebastien Sterling
Sent: 02 October 2014 02:57
Subject: Re: Glasswoks Lycra

Looks like a bloody intense pitch meeting ;).

On 2 October 2014 01:50, David Barosin wrote:
Wow.  Cool idea and great execution!

On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Byron Nash wrote:
Very nice spot.

On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 5:41 AM, Alastair Hearsum wrote:
Thanks for the compliment.
Yes Softimage and Redshift
Great result from the team here at Glassworks and such a good director work 
Alastair Hearsum
Head of 3d
See our latest work here.
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On 30/09/2014 18:55, olivier jeannel wrote:

Beautifull film, out of curiousity are we still speaking softimage here ?

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: BUG!?: Path-constrain tangency on closed curves

2014-05-26 Thread Manny Papamanos
I do confirm that this particular functionality is broken since SI:2014 and 
that it worked in SI:2013.
The issue seems specific with closed curves and happens with path and param 
types of curve constraints.

I have logged the issue as a regression so it can get immediate attention here:
SPR-14215 Tangency on Path constraint (path and param) broken for closed curves

It’s possible this issue may have developed when resolving this fixed one:
SOFT-8622   Evaluation of fcurve tangents yield incorrect results in long curve 

Manny Papamanos
Product Support Specialist
Americas Frontline Technical Support

[] On Behalf Of Thomas Volkmann
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2014 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: BUG!?: Path-constrain tangency on closed curves

Let's hope so! This feature is basic enough to be high on the priority list

Eric Turman hat am 26. Mai 
2014 um 17:18 geschrieben:
Correct. I reported the bug at the end of the beta for 2015, it works fine in 
2013 but breaks after 2014.

I hope that this regression bug is a low hanging fruit that they can get to 

On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Thomas Volkmann wrote:

we just opened up an old scene and found that some objects were moving strange 
on their curves. It seems some bug was introduced to the path-constrain 
operator when using closed curves and tangency. Tangency is doing something 

A little python-script to reproduce:

Application.NewScene(, )
Application.SICreateCurve(crvlist, 3, 0)
Application.SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd(crvlist, -4.12493302610738, 0, 
-1.5985306969839, False, 0, )
Application.SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd(crvlist, -1.94612224821476, 0, 
-2.72067807367415, False, 0, )
Application.SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd(crvlist, 2.89802986962416, 0, 
-3.2076476899737, False, 0, )
Application.SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd(crvlist, 6.282590301302, 0, 
1.95846476120408, False, 0, )
Application.SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd(crvlist, 0.973061124107382, 0, 
4.54152098679297, False, 0, )
Application.SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd(crvlist, -2.87687636692617, 0, 
3.71578989828504, False, 0, )
Application.SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd(crvlist, -5.01338013942281, 0, 
1.09038848867011, False, 0, )
Application.ApplyTopoOp(CrvOpenClose, crvlist, 3, siPersistentOperation, 
Application.GetPrim(Null, , , )
Application.ApplyCns(Path, null, crvlist, )
Application.SetValue(null.kine.pathcns.perc, 3.646, )   # on linux the 
objects rotation will be nan when this is 0 and tangency gets activated
Application.SetValue(null.kine.pathcns.tangent, True, )
Application.SetValue(null.kine.pathcns.dirx, 0, )
Application.SetValue(null.kine.pathcns.diry, 0, )
Application.SetValue(null.kine.pathcns.dirz, 1, )
Application.SetValue(null.kine.pathcns.upvct_active, True, )

When you now move the path age slider you will notice that the null doesn't 
align to the curve like it should.
Some observations:
+ was introduced either with 2014SP1 or SP2  (works in 2014 but not in SP2 or 
2015, don't have SP1 available atm)
+ only closed handmade curves are affected (but not getPrimitve-curve-circle)
+ null rotation becomes 'nan' on linux when path-age is 0 and tangency is 
activated (no problem on windows)

Please please fix it for for the absolute final Softimage version!




attachment: winmail.dat

RE: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves

2014-05-07 Thread Manny Papamanos
In such situations, I call on the 'stretch keys'
b and mmb,
Unlike q, it works with a pivot according to where your cursor is placed.

Manny Papamanos
Product Support Specialist
Americas Frontline Technical Support

[] On Behalf Of adrian wyer
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 12:42 PM
Subject: RE: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves

or be a brush based tool, like editing a weightmap

we can dream eh?


 [] On Behalf Of David Barosin
Sent: 07 May 2014 17:36
To: xsi
Subject: Re: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves

You can hit 'q' to bring up the bounding region in the fcurve editor after you 
tag keys which does limit the effect.   The smoothing introduce new kinks at 
the boundaries though :P  It could use a falloff.

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:19 PM, adrian wyer wrote:
like the title says...

curve processing affects the whole curve, ignoring selection

i have a track with a kink, the more i try and smooth it manually, the worse it 

smoothing works fine, but i only want to smooth a small section

i COULD create a null, copy the camera animation, smooth just that bit, and 
copy it back but really? this is 2014!


Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
75-77 Margaret St.
++44(0) 207 580 0829tel:%2B%2B44%280%29%20207%20580%200829

Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
Company number:5657815
VAT number: 872 6893 71

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Constrain in only one axis instead of all 3?

2014-02-28 Thread Manny Papamanos
Just equals expression a null to follow all 3 pos axis of the hip.
Now replace the posy expression and just put 5 (let say)  in the expression 
editor for the nulls posy.

Constrain the cam/effector  to that null.

Now you can use CnsComp.

AD Si and Mobu support

[] On Behalf Of Siew Yi Liang
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: Constrain in only one axis instead of all 3?

Hmm maybe let me describe my problem a bit more...

I have a character that I'm planning to make run/jump forward etc. I would like 
to make an animation camera that follows his movement as he moves forward in 
space but without manually keying it (for now). So what I usually do elsewhere 
is just constrain the camera to his COG and then disable the constraint for 
axes that I don't need (otherwise vertical and horizontal movement combined in 
a camera is really vomit-inducing :P)

Right now my solution is:
null constrained to hip control (where this control's translates do not change 
as the animation progress)
direct expression camera root axis = null axis

But this doesn't let me keep the initial offset that the camera had (turning on 
ChildComp doesn't help unfortunately)...for now this is a simple workaround but 
I'm worried about in future what if I have to tackle a similar issue but with 
this exact same problem? Which is why I was wondering if anyone uses a simpler 
solution or if I have missed something about XSI constraints that allow for 

Yours sincerely,

Siew Yi Liang
On 2/28/2014 9:01 AM, patrick nethercoat wrote:
ah yes, i see.
how about setting the neutral pose on the constraining object (use current 
pose) before drag/dropping? May be a workaround for your situation if you can 
cope with the offset in your fcurves.

On 28 February 2014 16:29, Siew Yi Liang wrote:
Hi patrick:

Yes, I could make an expression that way, but I want a kind of automatic way to 
keep the constrained object at its original position (sort of having constraint 
compensation on) while making the expression...other than manually typing the 
offset values myself I was wondering if there was a better way to do this? (As 
sometimes the offset values won't always be readily available if there is a 
neutral pose, other things interfering etc...)

Yours sincerely,

Siew Yi Liang
On 2/28/2014 8:08 AM, patrick nethercoat wrote:
you can drag+drop fcurve widgets to create a constraint. that way you choose 
which axes are affected.
or am i missing?

On 28 February 2014 16:00, Siew Yi Liang wrote:

I can only do offsets so far using the standard UI...I've been looking through 
the docs as well for something that can help me out but I haven't seen anything 
yet that relates to this :X

Yours sincerely,

Siew Yi Liang
On 2/28/2014 7:51 AM, Sebastien Sterling wrote:
isn't it an option in the pose constrain PPG ?

On 28 February 2014 16:43, Siew Yi Liang wrote:

Had a quick question among all this current hullabuloo, hopefully it's not too 
silly...I was actually looking for a way to limit constrain to one/two axes in 
XSI on pos/rot/scale constraints, is there a way to do this in the constraint 
parameters itself? I can't find any such option...

Right now what I'm doing is making a null, using an expression to link whatever 
axes I want to the first constraining object, and then constraining my 2nd 
object to that null to get around the problem (because I need the 2nd object to 
remain in place. I feel like what I'm doing is a little silly though, does 
anyone use a better way or have I missed something really obvious in the 
constraint PPG?

Been doing some searching around and I couldn't find anything on this...

Any help would be appreciated! :D

Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Survey - how would you do this?

2014-02-11 Thread Manny Papamanos
Here's something quick and dirty just I made.
Hope this gives you some inspiration.

SI Mobu Support

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 5:03 PM
Subject: RE: Survey - how would you do this?

Pay up ;-)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Eric Thivierge
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: Survey - how would you do this?

$10 says you can't use instances

On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:13:50 PM, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
 Well, a quick solution will be

 1. create a group of asteroids and add the animation of the asteroids.
 2. create the torus that will hold up the asteroids belt.
 3. Instanciate the group of asteroids.
 4. Create a object to cluster constrain of the asteroids group in 
 dispersed points in the torus.
 5. Randomize the torus to create the jittering of the position of the 
 asteroids group.
 6. Animate the rotation of the torus.

 2014-02-11 14:06 GMT-06:00 Matt Lind

 I should probably mention we don’t do realism here.  Think comic
 book style with a little Anime thrown in.

 __ __

 Given the dimensions of the belt, asteroids could be up to 1 SI
 unit in diameter for the really large rocks.  The camera might
 move through this belt, so the fact they’re small shouldn’t be so
 readily dismissed.  This isn’t film/video where you can sweep the
 stuff you don’t see under the carpet.

 __ __

 __ __


 __ __

 __ __

 __ __

 __ __

 __ __

 __ __

 [] *On Behalf Of
 *Bradley Gabe
 *Sent:* Tuesday, February 11, 2014 11:48 AM

 *Subject:* Re: Survey - how would you do this?

 __ __

 Considering that the typical distance from one asteroid to the
 next is many thousands of kilometers,  you really shouldn't have
 any issues with collisions if you scale them properly. 

 __ __

 At your scale of 40 SI units for the asteroid belt, each asteroid
 would be well sub-pixel in diameter anyway, so I would create a
 torus to represent the belt, make it only very slightly opaque and
 call it a day. 

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Feb 11, 2014, at 1:23 PM, Matt Lind wrote:

 An artist came to my desk yesterday asking how to do what I
 felt was a simple task, but after getting 80% through it I ran
 into a speed bump realizing it needed custom scripting or
 other advanced tools to fully resolve to satisfaction.  I had
 to give him a procedure that was ‘good enough’.  This problem
 has multiple solutions, but I am curious how others would
 solve it:


 The problem:


 Artist must create an asteroid belt around a planet.  The
 asteroids are likely 2D sprites which must face the camera and
 tumble as they orbit, but could be 3D objects as well.
 Asteroids must vary in size, shape, and animation speed
 (linear as well as rotational).  Asteroids cannot collide with
 anything.  Movement is generally slow – like a screen saver
 for your computer desktop.  Asteroid positions are jittered
 within the belt.


 The question:


 Dispersing objects into a ring is fairly straightforward
 through a number of techniques, but how do you apply the
 random jitter to the object positions?


 The rules:


 __-__Cannot use ICE

 __-__Cannot use custom scripts, custom operators, or 

 __-__Must only use tools out of the box that a junior or staff
 level artist would know how to use.

 __-__Must be able to create the asteroid belt, from scratch to
 completion, in less than 30 minutes – and be iteration
 friendly to react to art director feedback.

 __-__Ideally, the belt could be made a child of the planet in
 encompasses so it can be reoriented with respect to changes in
 the planet’s size/shape/tilt/orbit.

 __-__Final output must be able to exist with full integrity on
 its own in a vacuum.  

RE: Gear installation question

2014-01-20 Thread Manny Papamanos
Did you try
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2014\Application\bin\setenv.bat
instead of global?


[] On Behalf Of Szabolcs Matefy
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 11:02 AM
Subject: Gear installation question

Hey folks,

Does anybody have an idea how can I install Gear without changing the 
Environment variable on the computer? Our head of IT was a bit nervous when I 
told, I wanted to change that...


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attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Facerobot - wrinkle maps and mouth smooth doesn't work

2014-01-06 Thread Manny Papamanos
I think I had the same issue once.
It may have been due to topo edits combined with a 'freeze/freezeM I may have 
I realized the problem  and reverted to a previous scene.

Manny Papamanos
Product Support Specialist
Americas Frontline Technical Support

[] On Behalf Of Nicolas Esposito
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 4:51 PM
Subject: Facerobot - wrinkle maps and mouth smooth doesn't work

Hi having a strange issue with Facerobot

I'm rigging the same face with both Gear and Facerobot to see which one is the 
best solution for my needs, I'm following the videotutorials on youtube from 
SoftimageHowsTo and I would like to paint the wrinkle maps

As soon as I choose to do wrinkle paint or mouth paint basically the paint tool 
doesn't work at all

On the Mouth paint option basically it doesn't affect the painted region ( nor 
delete or smooth, nor add )

On the wrinkle paint I cannot see at all the classic yellow lines that defines 
the wrinkle themselfat first I tought that was a graphic glitch, but even 
if I paint without seeing what I'm painting and I test the rig the wrinkle 
paint is not there at all

The strangest thing is that the wrinkle paint and the mouth smoothing works 
with the other already supplied meshes ( RockFalcon, Mister Fitness ) but not 
with my mesh

Did anyone had my same problem?


attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Envelopes, Weights, Deformers and setting them up.

2014-01-06 Thread Manny Papamanos
Perhaps deform by volume?
This doesn't deal with weight though but can be flexible since you can 
interactively mod the radius on the volume deformers.

Manny Papamanos
Product Support Specialist
Americas Frontline Technical Support

[] On Behalf Of pedro santos
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 4:45 PM
Subject: Envelopes, Weights, Deformers and setting them up.

We use Species here for ease and speed. So the head and jaw have their 
deformers, and the facial expressions are done through Shapes on a FaceRig 
panel. For some time now the animator wants some additional Facial controls so 
he isn't restricted by the range of the shapes. And he wants something that 
does not turn into a cumbersome task given the revisions/iterations over an 
asset. I'm fairly new to Softimage and these were the approaches I went about:

I had it setup, just one thing that is dragging the process; Envelopes are 
generated by distance but there's always normalization. So if I want them to 
just have a straight spherical falloff into black I can't. Or even to falloff 
into another dummy null weight, I can't. So I had to paint, around the ears, on 
the top of the head and sides, neck, etc. I was trying to minimize paitings so 
iterations on a model's rig can be faster.
I could put an inplicit per Derformer set on Bounding Volume  Limit. But it's 
an abrupt cut off.

Deform by Spine
Creates the falloff I want from the curve. I like the drawn deformations it 
does on mouth and eyes. I do an operator per curve, since the combined weights 
of several curves seems wonky. The downside seems to be that I can't transfer 
them with GATOR. How would you come about to transfer Deform by Spine between 
objects to save time?

General Concerns.
I come from Lightwave and Envelopes to me seem to be like a box of weights that 
are usually normalized. I see that deformers like Cage, Spine also generate 
such box of weights, but they don't seem to be handled as envelopes.
How flexible and manipulated can be weights and the underlying connections of 
Softimage between the mesh object, the weight, the control null and the 
deforming operator?? Seems to me that such weights don't exist without the 

 illustrates what I'me trying to do.

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Problems with weighted constraints

2013-12-13 Thread Manny Papamanos
The problem I'm seeing is that each time I move the arm(s) (either), be it by 
manually moving the animation controls I have for them, or by playing with my 
blending slider, these small nulls seem to not return precisely to their 
original locations.

Key them perhaps, that way they know where to come back once the constraint is 
If there is no key, once a single constraint is blended off, it will stay put.


[] On Behalf Of David Barosin
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 4:21 PM
To: xsi
Subject: Re: Problems with weighted constraints

offset1 and offset2, then its constrained to both, with a 0.5 weight on each 

Soft constraints are layered, meaning that the order the constraints are 
applied is important.  The last applied constraint trumps the previous one.  So 
if you want to blend a 50/50 amount you have to leave the first constraint at 
100% and the second at 50%
Think of it as the if last constraint reveals to the previous ones.

Hope that makes sense.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Sergio Mucino wrote:
I'm running into an interesting problem with weighted constraints. I have a 
feeling of what's causing it, but I wanted to see if anyone has ran into it 
I've got a fairly straightforward 3-arm animation setup. One chain is the IK 
arm, another chain is the FK arm, and the third chain is the deformation arm. 
Each joint on the deformation arm has two orientation constraints, targeting 
its corresponding joint in both the IK arm and FK arm. The weights on the 
constraints are controlled by a single Custom Parameter, so I can blend with a 
single control.
There are some Offset controls parented to each joint of the Deformation arm. 
And there are a bunch of little nulls sitting on the deformation arm. These 
nulls are position constrained to two of these offsets each. Say, one of the 
nulls sits midway between offset1 and offset2, then its constrained to both, 
with a 0.5 weight on each constraint.
The problem I'm seeing is that each time I move the arm(s) (either), be it by 
manually moving the animation controls I have for them, or by playing with my 
blending slider, these small nulls seem to not return precisely to their 
original locations. They land somewhere in the vicinity, but they have a hard 
time returning to their original place. This is more notorious when I perform 
fast movements (for example, by quickly dragging side by side on the blending 
slider I have for my Custom Parameter). If I drag said slider very slowly, they 
stand a much better chance of coming back to their original position.
My feeling is that it's somewhat related to the fact that all the objects 
constrained in all cases, were constrained with Constraint Compensation on. 
Looks like all these offsets added together are causing rounding errors during 
the solve. Of course, this is just my gut feeling, but I wanted to see if 
anyone has ever seen a problem such as this. I'm kinda surprised SI would have 
problems with such a simple setup... there's a bit of stuff going on (I 
actually over-simplified it for the purpose of this explanation, but it's 
nothing crazy really), but nothing that should break like this.
We're on SI 2012. Any pointers are welcome. Thanks!

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Problems with weighted constraints

2013-12-13 Thread Manny Papamanos
'2 point' constraint...Which should probably be called '2 object' constraint.


[] On Behalf Of Sergio Mucino
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: Problems with weighted constraints

Okay. I wasn't aware of this. How would you do this in a setting where you want 
the object constrained 80-20, for example? You don't want the constraint to be 
100, because it means the object would move all the way with it with the 
constraining object, and you want it to move 80 percent only...
Can I do 'hard' constraints in Softimage?
On 13/12/2013 4:21 PM, David Barosin wrote:
offset1 and offset2, then its constrained to both, with a 0.5 weight on each 

Soft constraints are layered, meaning that the order the constraints are 
applied is important.  The last applied constraint trumps the previous one.  So 
if you want to blend a 50/50 amount you have to leave the first constraint at 
100% and the second at 50%
Think of it as the if last constraint reveals to the previous ones.

Hope that makes sense.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Sergio Mucino wrote:
I'm running into an interesting problem with weighted constraints. I have a 
feeling of what's causing it, but I wanted to see if anyone has ran into it 
I've got a fairly straightforward 3-arm animation setup. One chain is the IK 
arm, another chain is the FK arm, and the third chain is the deformation arm. 
Each joint on the deformation arm has two orientation constraints, targeting 
its corresponding joint in both the IK arm and FK arm. The weights on the 
constraints are controlled by a single Custom Parameter, so I can blend with a 
single control.
There are some Offset controls parented to each joint of the Deformation arm. 
And there are a bunch of little nulls sitting on the deformation arm. These 
nulls are position constrained to two of these offsets each. Say, one of the 
nulls sits midway between offset1 and offset2, then its constrained to both, 
with a 0.5 weight on each constraint.
The problem I'm seeing is that each time I move the arm(s) (either), be it by 
manually moving the animation controls I have for them, or by playing with my 
blending slider, these small nulls seem to not return precisely to their 
original locations. They land somewhere in the vicinity, but they have a hard 
time returning to their original place. This is more notorious when I perform 
fast movements (for example, by quickly dragging side by side on the blending 
slider I have for my Custom Parameter). If I drag said slider very slowly, they 
stand a much better chance of coming back to their original position.
My feeling is that it's somewhat related to the fact that all the objects 
constrained in all cases, were constrained with Constraint Compensation on. 
Looks like all these offsets added together are causing rounding errors during 
the solve. Of course, this is just my gut feeling, but I wanted to see if 
anyone has ever seen a problem such as this. I'm kinda surprised SI would have 
problems with such a simple setup... there's a bit of stuff going on (I 
actually over-simplified it for the purpose of this explanation, but it's 
nothing crazy really), but nothing that should break like this.
We're on SI 2012. Any pointers are welcome. Thanks!

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Cage deformer acting up

2013-12-05 Thread Manny Papamanos
Try exporting/importing it as obj, maybe something on it needs resetting.
Check the normals on import maybe some things whacky there.


[] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 10:29 AM
Subject: Cage deformer acting up

It has been a while since I needed Cage deformers and I am running in to a 
weird problem with it today. I have frozen geometry with frozen translation, 
pick the cage deformer which is also frozen and translation zeroed, but when I 
apply the Cade deformer the deformed object pops to a very deformed state. I 
can see absolutely nothing that should produce this deformation offset. The 
deformed geometry has been imported from Maya, but I have deleted user normals, 
reoriented it and frozen everything before applying the cage deformer.

Does someone here have any suggestions on what to look for and how to fix it?



attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Remapping envelope weights

2013-11-29 Thread Manny Papamanos
You can re-envelope the new mesh to the same deformers group then apply the 
weight preset.
If you don't have the deformers in a group, select the weighted mesh and use 
Envelopeselect deformer from envelope.
Create the group
Create a new auto  envelope on the new mesh with that group.
Apply the weight preset.

Or just use GATOR and go shopping.

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk Product Support Specialist
Softimage and Motionbuilder

[] On Behalf Of Sergio Mucino
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 4:25 PM
Subject: Remapping envelope weights

Does anyone have a good way of re-mapping envelope weight deformers? I have a 
mesh that I need to load weights to from a previous version of itself. No 
vertex changes. What has changed is the deformers for the envelope. Same number 
of deformers, just different names (and objects). I need to just say 
oldEnvelopeName = newEnvelopeName for each, and load the weights the preset 
file has. Anyone knows of anything out there that can do this? Thanks!
attachment: winmail.dat

RE: UV packing

2013-11-28 Thread Manny Papamanos
Try UniqueUV,
PropertyTexture ProjectionUniqueUV
then play with the 'PolyPackUV' operator in the explorer window to break the 
islands up according to angles and other options.
'PolyPackUV' op is in the object..polymesh clusterstexture cords PolyPackUV

In 'Unique UV' or 'Unfold' methods, at times it does not occupy the complete 
0-1 workspace but that is normal because it won't scale the islands.
You can scale/rotate/move them afterwards if need be in the texture editor.

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk Product Support Specialist
Softimage and Motionbuilder

[] On Behalf Of Mladen Kevic
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 5:21 AM
Subject: Re: UV packing

yeah i try that one, but it uses space even worse than i did. it without any 
reason rotate islands, and make very big gaps between them

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Luca wrote:
Using the Spacing parameter you can avoid island overlaps, but actually, it 
doesn't optimize the space as you'd like.

2013/11/28 Luca
You can use the Pack of the Undold Tool.
In Texture Editor  Tools  Unfold Pack.

In the Undfol ppg select the Pack Tab and then the Pack button.

2013/11/28 Mladen Kevic
Hi everybody

I don't have much experience in UV, so sorry if this a stupid question, but i 
didn't find so far solution for it.

Is there a tool or technique to 'pack' UV sets to use maximum of work area (box 
0,0 1,1)?
I manually unwrap object to have it nice and clean, but i think that i loose 
usable work area of image when i manually place it.


...superpositiviii...qualunque cosa accada!...

...superpositiviii...qualunque cosa accada!...

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Extracted meshes and performance

2013-11-01 Thread Manny Papamanos
What the others said plus personally, one mesh would allow for more 
flexibility, in that case why not use the actual mesh instead of extracting it.

You may be taking a big hit right there by extracting it and keeping it live.

To test :

On a second instance of Softimage

Get a very dense sphere

Deform it with a 3-4 bone chain


Check the interaction by moving the effector on the chain

Keep that scene open...

That’s what I do.


[] On Behalf Of Alok Gandhi
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: Extracted meshes and performance

In theory, one mesh with more polys should be faster I think, because the scene 
has only one operator to update compared to many operators in case of multiple 

But, if the number of polygons is too high, the overhead for each operator with 
single polygon may be less than processing the heavy poly data in one operator.

This should be the case theoretically, but you have to do the tests to confirm 
as Eric said.

On 11/1/2013 11:02 AM, Eric Thivierge wrote:
Have you run any tests yourself in this respect?

On Friday, November 01, 2013 10:58:56 AM, Sergio Mucino wrote:

Simple, quick question. When dealing with extracting meshes from
another one that is deforming (using Create - Poly Mesh - Extract
Polygons (keep) ), what is a better approach to take,
performance-wise? One single mesh with lots of polygons (relatively
speaking), or several meshes with few polys? Thanks everyone!




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RE: plotting animation and sending too cinema 4D?

2013-10-30 Thread Manny Papamanos
First re-import the .fbx into soft see  if that works.
If yes, it may be a C4D issue.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 2:58 PM
Subject: plotting animation and sending too cinema 4D?

Alembic is not an option unfortunatley.

I'm going from XSI 2014 too an older version of cinema.

I try plotting the shapes but when I export .fbx the shapes don't seem to ride 
with the geo...any thoughts? Is there a setting I'm missing when pltting the 
shapes to output to .fbx? The cinema guy can send me animated fbx geos and they 
seem fine but going the other way sin't happy.

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Shameless Plug | New blog little article

2013-10-30 Thread Manny Papamanos
Good job and thanks.

Ps: I see you like to experiment with a toon look.
Maybe this will interest you to remove that 'clean' 3D look.
Perhaps you can push the 'randomize' deformer and instead make something more 
custom in ICE .


[] On Behalf Of Vincent Fortin
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 2:03 PM
To: softimage
Subject: Re: Shameless Plug | New blog little article

Well done Olivier!
On 2013-10-30 12:42 PM, olivier jeannel wrote:
I made this little exercise this morning and decided to share it.
It's long and difficult to share a simple concept, double kudos and hugs to 
every tutorial makers !
I'm not sure it's clear, but it's rather simple.

Honestly if you're a serious TD, jump to the next message, nothing to read 

I put it on my old and quiet since 2010 blog...

It's about circles and arrays.
Oh, and I tried to mention the name of people I took things from, hope they 
won't mind, appologies if I forgot someone.

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Envelope Operator funkyness

2013-10-30 Thread Manny Papamanos
Yes, also you may have inadvertently moved the 'center' (Button top right) of 
the skin element after the mute.
Reset the center if that the case.
Also, doing a “set reference poses” should  alleviate this, I think you must do 
it on the deformers (bone elements) and skin.
Save ur scene first;)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Eric Thivierge
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: Envelope Operator funkyness

If your nulls have moved since you initially did the bind yes. Select the mesh 
Envelope  Reset Actor. Watch for a shift of one of the nulls. 
One probably has moved for some reason.

If your nulls are in a good place where you want them, you can use the current 
positions of the nulls for the bind pose but selecting all of them and doing a 
Envelope  Set Reference Pose.

On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 4:35:17 PM, Sergio Mucino wrote:
 Taking a closer look, this is happening when I do the mesh binding.
 The mesh shifts a bit right away (no need to go through the weights 
 editing step). Could it be related to transforms stored in the nulls 
 I'm using to deform the mesh? I don't see how something like this 
 could have been introduced, since all nulls were created by a 
 script... anyway, just exploring all the options.
 Thanks for any help!

 On 30/10/2013 4:29 PM, Sergio Mucino wrote:
 I'm seeing something a little bit odd, and I was wondering if it was 
 normal, or if someone else had seen it before.
 I've got a quite complex mesh that I'm enveloping to a set of nulls.
 Everything is ok. I then do a Smooth Envelope Weights on the mesh, 
 and then maybe tweak some weights using the Edit Weights table. Once 
 I'm done, if I take the Envelope operator and mute it/unmute it, I 
 can see the verts of the mesh shift positions. Sometimes (on other
 meshes) its by a super tiny bit. Other times (as in this mesh) it is 
 more noticeable.
 I was wondering why this would be. Am I doing something that somehow 
 disturbs the rest shape of the mesh stored by the operator (if it 
 is that way how it works)? Can this cause problems down the road? Can 
 it be prevented?
 Thanks for any comments!

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Equivalent to Maya's Wrap Deformer...

2013-10-29 Thread Manny Papamanos
Don't mean to hijack.
From my tests on an envelope using extract then using those extracted polys as 
a cage, won't work.
Use the actual skin mesh instead or duplicate it and delete what you don't need 
and use that as a cage.

The solution I would use is to GATOR the mud to the char.
Merge all the mud if you want to have a single element.
Gator that to the character.
Freeze the GATOR op.

Gator is mostly practical because you will be dealing with 'weight deform' once 
frozen which is very fast.

Also, you can save alot of time by testing on a simple scenario first and not 
on the production sample.

Manny Papamanos
Product Support Specialist
Softimage and Motionbuilder

[] On Behalf Of Jeremie Passerin
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 4:11 PM
To: softimage
Subject: Re: Equivalent to Maya's Wrap Deformer...

Hi Steven,

Well this is something I have created recently so maybe I haven't spotted the 
issues you're talking about.
Though, I remember Enoch mentioning that the ICECageDeform wasn't working in 
2010 but does in 2013. So maybe something has been fixed.

My version use a similar approach, I simplified a little bit and added blend 
and scale support.


On 29 October 2013 12:55, Steven Caron wrote:
you might be able to skip the 'extraction' step because ICE might be faster.

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Sergio Mucino wrote:
Thanks a lot Jeremie! I'll give it a shot (I tried using the ICE Deform by Hull 
compound approach, but it's not working, very likely due to what David 
explained). Cheers!

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Equivalent to Maya's Wrap Deformer...

2013-10-29 Thread Manny Papamanos
Don't know if you have the option but you can use Plotshape on the point 
cached mesh .
I then tested Cage and that worked, GATOR also worked even when frozen .


[] On Behalf Of Sergio Mucino
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: Equivalent to Maya's Wrap Deformer...

Thanks Manny. Earlier in the thread I explained why GATOR won't work for me in 
this case. Thanks anyway!


On 29/10/2013 4:24 PM, Manny Papamanos wrote:

Don't mean to hijack.

From my tests on an envelope using extract then using those extracted polys as 
a cage, won't work.

Use the actual skin mesh instead or duplicate it and delete what you don't need 
and use that as a cage.

The solution I would use is to GATOR the mud to the char.

Merge all the mud if you want to have a single element.

Gator that to the character.

Freeze the GATOR op.

Gator is mostly practical because you will be dealing with 'weight deform' once 
frozen which is very fast.

Also, you can save alot of time by testing on a simple scenario first and not 
on the production sample.

Manny Papamanos

Product Support Specialist

Softimage and Motionbuilder

 [] On Behalf Of Jeremie Passerin

Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 4:11 PM

To: softimage

Subject: Re: Equivalent to Maya's Wrap Deformer...

Hi Steven,

Well this is something I have created recently so maybe I haven't spotted the 
issues you're talking about.

Though, I remember Enoch mentioning that the ICECageDeform wasn't working in 
2010 but does in 2013. So maybe something has been fixed.

My version use a similar approach, I simplified a little bit and added blend 
and scale support.


On 29 October 2013 12:55, Steven Caron

you might be able to skip the 'extraction' step because ICE might be faster.

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Sergio Mucino

Thanks a lot Jeremie! I'll give it a shot (I tried using the ICE Deform by Hull 
compound approach, but it's not working, very likely due to what David 
explained). Cheers!

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: GEAR and Global Scale

2013-10-23 Thread Manny Papamanos
I just tested with one of my gear chars.
Global-Scale does break the spine but only when pushed past 3.
Easy to overlook while testing because the range goes from 0 to 3 on that 

Manny Papamanos
Product Support Specialist
Softimage and Motionbuilder

[] On Behalf Of Daniel Kim
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: GEAR and Global Scale

I've done many characters with Gear, but had no problems with global scale @_@

Daniel Kim
Animation Director  Professional 3D Generalist

On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 4:10 PM, Adrian Lopez wrote:
Hmmm.. weird.  We just finished a four character job with GEAR rigs and 
extensive scaling.. never had a problem.  Have you tried emailing Jeremie?  
He's incredibly responsive if not too busy...

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Mirko Jankovic wrote:
I'm having some weird issues with scaling character rigged in gear using global 
scale from anim_prop on global_C0_stl.
For one his fingers kinda wonders of from character and also some deformations 
in back as we..
Just wondering if anyone else noticed anything weird happening when using 
global scale to rescale gear rigged characters? got even worse problem with 
rigs based on animal templates as well.

Adrian Lopez
Liquid Light Digital

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Fatal BSP2 error

2013-10-23 Thread Manny Papamanos
Animating render vis may be interfering with things like motion-blur in some 
negative way...
Just set the visibility to 'on' for that frame (remove the keys) and re-render 


[] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 5:10 PM
Subject: RE: Fatal BSP2 error

I think at that particular frame I have an object with it's render visibility 
animated from off to on...

I remember having problems with that too. Try setting/keying primary and 
secondary rays off instead.


 [] On Behalf Of Paul Griswold
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: Fatal BSP2 error

I think at that particular frame I have an object with it's render visibility 
animated from off to on.

I'll give batch a try  see what happens.  I've tried rendering with all 
diagnostics turned on and I can't see anything else listed that it's having a 
problem with.


On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:
BSP is an optimization algorithm. It divides up the scene into smaller boxes 
in order to optimize the raytracing speed. When BSP2 was introduced it was 
apparently further optimized to set automatically to what it thinks is the best 
settings internally.  I'd try changing the render type to rasterize or 
scanline, and I would also try render from xsibatch to see if that works. I'd 
bet that since everything works but that frame you could either move the camera 
or an object just a bit(gotta find the right one first of course) and it might 
free it up.

Joey Ponthieux
LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)
Mymic Technical Services
NASA Langley Research Center
Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.

 On Behalf Of Paul Griswold
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: Fatal BSP2 error

Straight render from Softimage, not a preview/region render.  Though I think 
I'd get the same if I tried those as well.

I'm searching through all my textures for the scene now - there are a lot of 
animated ones, and I'm wondering of one of those are corrupt.


On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:
Is this coming from render region, preview, or render(interface)?

Or is it from xsibatch render?

Have you tried using the older bsp and changing the bsp settings?

Search for MI_FORCE_OLD_BSP in the documentation.

Joey Ponthieux
LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)
Mymic Technical Services
NASA Langley Research Center
Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.

 On Behalf Of Paul Griswold
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:25 PM
Subject: Fatal BSP2 error

I'm stuck back using Mental Ray on a project and on 1 particular frame I'm 
getting this:

// ERROR : FATAL: BSP2 0.4 39 MB fatal  551109: runtime exception 
0xc0fd: stack overflow
// ERROR : FATAL: BSP2 0.4 39 MB fatal  551109: runtime exception 
0xc0fd: stack overflow
// ERROR : FATAL: BSP2 0.4 39 MB fatal  551109: runtime exception 
0xc0fd: stack overflow
// ERROR : FATAL: BSP2 0.4 39 MB fatal  551109: runtime exception 
0xc0fd: stack overflow
// ERROR : FATAL: Mental ray has encountered a fatal error condition and has 
been disabled for the rest of this XSI session.
// It is advisable to save your work and restart Softimage.
// You may file a bug report at
// A dump file and script log has been generated on your user folder, please 
attach these files when submitting a report.
// WARNING : 3030-REND-RenderPasses - Command was cancelled.
// VERBOSE : CM_DefaultPrims_EndCommand Called
// VERBOSE : CM_ICEPortExplorer_OnEndCommand_OnEvent
// INFO : Successfully saved scene before 

RE: Expressions on constraints... huh?

2013-09-30 Thread Manny Papamanos
All you have to do really is select the divot (where you key on the custom 
parameter) and drag and drop it to the U location divot in the constraint.
This works.
However, I noticed in 2014 SP2 there are no divots on the custom parameter set 
making it impossible to key their values in the interface... weird.
It may be the particular QFE I'm using...
I'll check it out.
Since it may be missing, just right click on the divot of the U Location  
select 'expression editor'
In the expression editor, select 'object' (on top of expression editor) 
Now the custom param in the null will control the U Location of the other null.

SI and Mobu support

[] On Behalf Of Sergio Mucino
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: Expressions on constraints... huh?

Hey Eric. I got carried away with a different task. Let me get back to you on 
this one a little later. (I also tried your other suggestion with the = sign... 
didn't make a difference, if I remember correctly). I'll let you know ASAP... 
Sergio Mucino
Lead Rigger
Modus FX

On 30/09/2013 11:48 AM, Eric Turman wrote:
I know this sounds really simple, but did you set a relative value of the U 
position for each extreme of your custom parameter?

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Sergio Mucino wrote:
This should be a simple one. I've got a null constrained to a curve (param). I 
have another null on which I created a Custom Parameter, so I could drive with 
it the U Pos parameter on the curve constraint for the first null.
I've connected them using the Parameter Connection Editor, and the constrained 
Null shows the following expression on its Path %age parameter:

l_fcv( Rig.CustomPSet.Path_U_Pos )

However, when I go to my custom parameter on the second Null and change the 
value, the constrained null does not update. It does nothing. What am I missing?
Thanks for any help!
(P.S. I also tried getting rid of the l_fcv part of the expression, since it 
reads to me as if it was expecting a function curve as an input... but this 
didn't change anything).
Sergio Mucino
Lead Rigger
Modus FX

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RE: Expressions on constraints... huh?

2013-09-30 Thread Manny Papamanos
Seems like someone changed the default behaviour of the Floating Point Number 
custom parameter.
You have to enable 'Animatable' and 'keyable' now in 2014.
Logged it.

SI and Mobu support

[] On Behalf Of Manny Papamanos
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 3:45 PM
Subject: RE: Expressions on constraints... huh?

All you have to do really is select the divot (where you key on the custom 
parameter) and drag and drop it to the U location divot in the constraint.
This works.
However, I noticed in 2014 SP2 there are no divots on the custom parameter set 
making it impossible to key their values in the interface... weird.
It may be the particular QFE I'm using...
I'll check it out.
Since it may be missing, just right click on the divot of the U Location  
select 'expression editor'
In the expression editor, select 'object' (on top of expression editor) 
Now the custom param in the null will control the U Location of the other null.

SI and Mobu support

 [] On Behalf Of Sergio Mucino
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: Expressions on constraints... huh?

Hey Eric. I got carried away with a different task. Let me get back to you on 
this one a little later. (I also tried your other suggestion with the = sign... 
didn't make a difference, if I remember correctly). I'll let you know ASAP... 
Sergio Mucino
Lead Rigger
Modus FX

On 30/09/2013 11:48 AM, Eric Turman wrote:
I know this sounds really simple, but did you set a relative value of the U 
position for each extreme of your custom parameter?

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Sergio Mucino wrote:
This should be a simple one. I've got a null constrained to a curve (param). I 
have another null on which I created a Custom Parameter, so I could drive with 
it the U Pos parameter on the curve constraint for the first null.
I've connected them using the Parameter Connection Editor, and the constrained 
Null shows the following expression on its Path %age parameter:

l_fcv( Rig.CustomPSet.Path_U_Pos )

However, when I go to my custom parameter on the second Null and change the 
value, the constrained null does not update. It does nothing. What am I missing?
Thanks for any help!
(P.S. I also tried getting rid of the l_fcv part of the expression, since it 
reads to me as if it was expecting a function curve as an input... but this 
didn't change anything).
Sergio Mucino
Lead Rigger
Modus FX

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RE: Child objects not following animation (GEAR?)

2013-07-05 Thread Manny Papamanos
I can't say I've ever had issues with this and I have quite an elaborate rig 
added to a GEAR rig.
The schematic helps me to quickly discover unusual problems like.. enveloped 
deformers.. or something...
In the Shematic, enable Show'Operator links' and 'Associated Model links' and 
perhaps disable 'Links on selected'

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk Softimage and MotionBuilder Support

[] On Behalf Of Michael Heberlein
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2013 6:46 AM
To: Softimage List
Subject: Child objects not following animation (GEAR?)

Hey gang,

I have a GEAR rig here (hats off to Jeremie for this great tool) that's not 
very complex but some child objects are not updating when their parent control 
is animated. However, they follow when I move the parent by hand.

Making all children visible all the time or adding local transform expressions, 
pose constraints, etc. didn't help.

After I also moved one of the children manually, their evaluation wakes up 
and everything works fine for the current session. It falls back to the odd 
behavoir when I reload the scene or model (tested on different machines).

Has anyone experienced this before and am I missing something obvious? I could 
not reproduce the problem in a simple scene so it may be related to some GEAR 


attachment: winmail.dat

RE: 2014-2013

2013-07-05 Thread Manny Papamanos
Converting a scene is wasted time imo and may yield bad results at render due 
to passes and data that doesn’t port over.
Personally, I would override the render manager and just render with
xsibatch –render [“scenepath”] –skip
in a command prompt.
You can run on 5 separate terminals to one SI license.

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk Softimage and MotionBuilder Support

[] On Behalf Of Rob Chapman
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: 2014-2013

or try an earlier .xsi version export of the scene made into a model...?

On 5 July 2013 12:41, Sandy Sutherland wrote:
Well you could write out caches - then export obj of geometry - go into the 
previous Softimage, import the obj - load the cache onto it and redo the 
texture - UV should go with the obj - camera you could try fbx.


On 2013/07/05 12:38 PM, Pingo van der Brinkloev wrote:
I don't evern have caches. This scene is so simple. I'm using 2 texture maps 
and everything else is super simple animation and geo.

Isn't there a cheat? Somehow to get soft to think it's a 2013 scene?


On 05/07/2013, at 12.33, Sandy Sutherland wrote:

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Rendering crowds on a farm

2013-06-17 Thread Manny Papamanos
Hi Jeff.
I meant 'well documented' inside the defect log of SOFT-9095, for an eventual 
The defects and feature-requests are accessible by AD staff only.


[] On Behalf Of Jeff McFall
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: Rendering crowds on a farm

Just curious - when you say well documented do you mean via forums or is there 
an active/up to date Autodesk link which covers these kinds of details?
I had similar issues early this year and would say that I struggled to find any 
information for this or other issues other than asking via the forums.
Wondering if there is an Autodesk go to location that would be a good place to 
start when having troubles like this...

Apologies if I am missing the obvious


 [] On Behalf Of Manny Papamanos
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:05 PM
Subject: RE: Rendering crowds on a farm

This is a known issue and well documented.

From my tests at the time, I would repro this if I rendered on several 
computers with
'xsibatch -render' and the -skip flag.
If your render management app is using the same flag internally, it will have 
the same issue.

However, there was no issue when I tested on two computers with:

On one:
xsibatch -render [path to .scn in quotes] -frames 1,100,2
on the other:
xsibatch -render [path to .scn in quotes] -frames 2,100,2

run this on a SI command prompt.

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk Softimage and MotionBuilder Support

 [] On Behalf Of Andi Farhall
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 12:01 PM
Subject: Rendering crowds on a farm

Hello, having got completely stuffed by crowd texturing and FBX exporting i've 
taken the fairly drastic measure of not using textured characters and just 
using a coloured shader, and also reverted to the conventional point cache way 
of caching rather than using fbx which is much simpler and much quicker 
However. i'm getting issues when rendering on the farm, i.e all my actors 
are now a single colour. Load the scene and render it locally and it's fine 
which makes debugging it rather tricky

I'm using a technique i saw on Stephen Blairs blog for colouring crowds which 
works a treat but i can't be sure if the farm is disliking this, but i've added 
the user attributes to the cache list, i've cached from frame one, rendered 
from frame one and it still comes out incorrectly. I've tried a get and set for 
all the custom attributes on the cached cloud, I even locked the farm 
submission to one machine for the whole sequence and still i'm not getting the 

I have spoken to someone from another company who was doing crowd stuff 
recently and he said they had to render everything locally as the their farm 
did exactly the same thing.

I'm just wondering if there's anything i've missed before i resign myself to 
rendering everything locally myself.




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RE: Crowd FBX won't save in scene

2013-06-07 Thread Manny Papamanos
The materials issue is something I repro when batch rendering on more than one 
computer and using -skip.
I was  asked to test this on the current SP1.
From my understanding, the scene has to be recreated in the SP1 because there 
were some changes in the core compound most likely.
Hopefully that one is fixed, will let you know.

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk Softimage and MotionBuilder Support

[] On Behalf Of Andi Farhall
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013 11:08 AM
Subject: RE: Crowd FBX won't save in scene

Hi Ivan, the problem only occurs when i've imported an FBX with a few thousand 
actors. I don't get it at all with the simulation scene i generate the FBX from



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Subject: RE: Crowd FBX won't save in scene
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 15:05:35 +
I've also tried the standard point cache procedure an i ended up with broken 
materials in the cache.  Not very handy, so at this rate i'll be rendering 
locally on one machine!



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Subject: Crowd FBX won't save in scene
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 14:33:18 +


I understand there are issues with CrowdFX and exporting via FBX, and I wanted 
to check if the issues I seem to be having are part of that known issue. I'm 
using 2013sp1

I can bake out an FBX fine, and read it into a new scene and it works fine and 
dandy. Then i try and save the scene and it refuses, citing a load of CLSid 
errors. It works as expected if i have less than about a 1000 actors but more 
than this and the problem appears, and seeing as a production sized bake is 
taking nearly an hour to import I'm wastin gtime i haven't got.

Apart from that, this is the first time i've opened the crowdFX box and i have 
to say it's pretty darn good.



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RE: Setting and Manipulating Keys Very slow in Referenced Model

2013-05-22 Thread Manny Papamanos
Hi Enrique.

I repro the issue in 2013SP1 QFE1 x64 with your test scene sent to support.
The keying issue is nonexistent in 2014 x64 with your test scene but the 
f-curve editing issue is still there.
Also, I tested my own gear character and things are fine with gear and ref 

I recreated a character keyset on your scene where I included all rotation and 
all translation on all controllers.
Making it heavier than usual and things still seem to go a lot more smoothly 
when keying or editing.

You may have omitted a very critical step in your pipeline:

As you may know, 'Key all keyable' is the worst option to use because it will 
key all the parameters sr+t unless you edit them in bunches in the keyable 
parameters editor under (KP/L).
At the end,  inside the keying panel (KP/L), if we take the finger bones as an 
example, only rotation should be present if you use this option'Key all 

I personally use 'character key set' method for blocking then go with marked 
Key sets are good because you can interactively see what you are keying in one 
list  by selecting the (two keys icon on bottom right)inspect plus when you 
open the fcurve editor it reflects all keys in the char key set.

If you have omitted this, then you're looking at 3x more data that has to be 
Without this due diligence, the entire scene bogs down because you're dealing 
with too much data and this probably gets compounded with reference models.
The real time playback will also suffer.

Only include controllers in the keying list.
There are a big pile of nulls that are being keyed unnecessarily in your scene.
Also, the little man icon objects, don't include that either.

Most likely someone may be using key all keyable and this may be bogging 
things down.

To be on the safe side:
I would go to the model level and lock what you don't want the animators to 
animate like all the scaling on all controllers and things like translation on 
controllers meant to be rotated such as finger bones.

Subsequent scenes will profit from this, I don't know about current ones though.

What does everyone else do to keep things from being keyed in ref model 
situations in a production environment?

Manny Papamanos
SI and Mobu support

[] On Behalf Of Tim Crowson
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: Setting and Manipulating Keys Very slow in Referenced Model

Gotcha. Just making sure the vocab was clear. Yeah that's just asset management 
then... I have to say we don't have a good system in place for asset versioning 
either (also a small shop with real constraints), but it's something we're 
aware that we need.


On 5/22/2013 11:55 AM, Sandy Sutherland wrote:
Tim - it would be a system that controls VERSIONS of rig models for e.g., they 
would be tested, then passed on to become the 'current' version, which would 
then update the references.  Basically to avoid say a rigger just writing out 
the model that is used by a bunch of animators, possibly adding some 'feature' 
or changing a hierarchy or whatever that then breaks the animation in the scene 
on the reference model.


On 22/05/2013 17:40, Tim Crowson wrote:
Just to make sure I understand the terminology... when you say 'versionned' 
referencing, do you mean a workflow that uses controlled 'resolutions'?

-Tim C.


Tim Crowson
Lead CG Artist

Magnetic Dreams, Inc.
2525 Lebanon Pike, Building C. Nashville, TN 37214
Ph  615.885.6801 | Fax  615.889.4768 | 

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RE: Face Robot sculpting lips problem

2013-02-14 Thread Manny Papamanos
Hi, Nothing related in our db under this.

I checked with a Rock Falcon scene an this works well in 2013.

Some things to check:
In the schematic..
On the instance that appears when you hit mouth, check that there is E,C,I in 
schematic associated with the node.
Check that there is E,V for the Face and that facial soft tissue operator is 
below the envelope op.
Perhaps there are  move components in the Modeling stack that interfere, delete 
them as a test.
Move the teeth back and forth, it may reveal something...
Send the scene to us, I can take a look or log something.

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk 3D Graphics Specialist : Softimage | MotionBuilder | Mudbox

[] On Behalf Of Bradley Gabe
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Face Robot sculpting lips problem

Check the map for the soft tissue operator for the mouth, and see if you can 
reduce the effect by painting it out.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 8:19 AM, Sandy Sutherland 
Hi all,

We are trying to do some sculpting around the corners of the Lips on our 
character and we are getting a funny effect, you select tune  sculpt lips - do 
the sculpting and it looks great - BUT when you hit apply, the sculpt changes a 
bit, it no longer looks quite how you sculpted it.

Any ideas how to get round this?



Sandy | Technical 
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RE: Fcurve editor crashing soft

2013-02-05 Thread Manny Papamanos
Hi. Did you receive this? Cause I didn't.
Also, if you know where to get RC1 please let me know.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Chia
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: Fcurve editor crashing soft

U sent it to Manny?

On 5 Feb, 2013, at 7:24 PM, Stephen Blair wrote:

I already sent a repro scene to Autodesk, so they have at least one.
And I did try muting all the events. In fact, the problem is repro if you load 
just sitoa.dll and nothing else.


// Stephen
// Solid Angle Support

On 05/02/2013 5:48 AM, adrian wyer wrote:
shitty BT broadband doesn't play well with a 300+Mb scene file. ;o)

and my usual preference is to eliminate any extraneous junk from the scene to 
make it easier to trace the problem for support


 On Behalf Of Dan Yargici
Sent: 05 February 2013 10:29
Subject: Re: Fcurve editor crashing soft

this makes it VERY difficult to send a low complexity scene to support for 

I don't mean to sound like a smartarse, but why not send a high complexity one 
then?  :)


On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 12:20 PM, adrian wyer wrote:
as noted, we have had lots of issues with this, but if we strip an offending 
scene down to just an animated null/root, the unwanted behaviour ceases

this makes it VERY difficult to send a low complexity scene to support for repro

having already lost PLENTY of production time to this bug, we can't justify 
MORE time spent trying to create a repro scene at our expense


 On Behalf Of Steven Caron
Sent: 05 February 2013 05:41

Subject: Re: Fcurve editor crashing soft

fyi, i animate regularly, have arnold loaded, and haven't experienced this. it 
must be very specific data set that causes it

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 9:35 PM, Enrique Caballero wrote:
This is great to know.  I am now disconnecting Arnold from our Animation WG.  I 
had it in there due to Laziness

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 11:53 PM, Stefano Jannuzzo wrote:
In SItoA, most of the ipr events are managed through the dirty list. Since it's 
not perfect, we manage some through the OnValueChange event.
Can you guys test after disabling the event in the plugin manager?

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Kamen Lilov wrote:
On 2/2/2013 2:26 AM, Stefan Kubicek wrote:
Just wildly guessing here but since renderers need to update e.g. the Render 
Region when values are changed in the scene, which sometimes fails when the 
built-in mechanisms are used, I suspect both Vray and Arnold are making heavy 
use of some custom OnValueChanged events. Maybe this could cause problems when 
used excessively and/or or with deep hierarchies?
Can't speak for Arnold, but yes, VRay does rely heavily on OnValueChanged. Hope 
this helps the dev folks at Autodesk

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RE: Fcurve editor crashing soft

2013-02-05 Thread Manny Papamanos
Crap !$@
Was meant for Chris.


[] On Behalf Of Manny Papamanos
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 4:42 PM
Subject: RE: Fcurve editor crashing soft

Hi. Did you receive this? Cause I didn't.
Also, if you know where to get RC1 please let me know.


 [] On Behalf Of Chris Chia
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: Fcurve editor crashing soft

U sent it to Manny?

On 5 Feb, 2013, at 7:24 PM, Stephen Blair wrote:

I already sent a repro scene to Autodesk, so they have at least one.
And I did try muting all the events. In fact, the problem is repro if you load 
just sitoa.dll and nothing else.


// Stephen
// Solid Angle Support

On 05/02/2013 5:48 AM, adrian wyer wrote:
shitty BT broadband doesn't play well with a 300+Mb scene file. ;o)

and my usual preference is to eliminate any extraneous junk from the scene to 
make it easier to trace the problem for support


 On Behalf Of Dan Yargici
Sent: 05 February 2013 10:29
Subject: Re: Fcurve editor crashing soft

this makes it VERY difficult to send a low complexity scene to support for 

I don't mean to sound like a smartarse, but why not send a high complexity one 
then?  :)


On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 12:20 PM, adrian wyer wrote:
as noted, we have had lots of issues with this, but if we strip an offending 
scene down to just an animated null/root, the unwanted behaviour ceases

this makes it VERY difficult to send a low complexity scene to support for repro

having already lost PLENTY of production time to this bug, we can't justify 
MORE time spent trying to create a repro scene at our expense


 On Behalf Of Steven Caron
Sent: 05 February 2013 05:41

Subject: Re: Fcurve editor crashing soft

fyi, i animate regularly, have arnold loaded, and haven't experienced this. it 
must be very specific data set that causes it

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 9:35 PM, Enrique Caballero wrote:
This is great to know.  I am now disconnecting Arnold from our Animation WG.  I 
had it in there due to Laziness

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 11:53 PM, Stefano Jannuzzo wrote:
In SItoA, most of the ipr events are managed through the dirty list. Since it's 
not perfect, we manage some through the OnValueChange event.
Can you guys test after disabling the event in the plugin manager?

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Kamen Lilov wrote:
On 2/2/2013 2:26 AM, Stefan Kubicek wrote:
Just wildly guessing here but since renderers need to update e.g. the Render 
Region when values are changed in the scene, which sometimes fails when the 
built-in mechanisms are used, I suspect both Vray and Arnold are making heavy 
use of some custom OnValueChanged events. Maybe this could cause problems when 
used excessively and/or or with deep hierarchies?
Can't speak for Arnold, but yes, VRay does rely heavily on OnValueChanged. Hope 
this helps the dev folks at Autodesk

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RE: Face Robot refresh

2013-02-05 Thread Manny Papamanos
Hi Kris.
After spending some time troubleshooting this one.
The head element FR_head is not disappearing but deforming the verts to 
infinity due to the MetaMouthOperator.
Looks like it may be due to a crappy value someone may have set inside the 
MouthAdjustProperties operator that FR is not happy with.
Once I replaced the MouthAdjustProperties with a preset I saved out of a 
RockFalcon scene, the face reappears, and stays there when the scene is 

1 Find the MouthAdjustProperties in the FR_head element
2 Open the operator and Load Preset (attached)
3 Save scene

Let us know if that does it.

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk 3D Graphics Specialist : Softimage | MotionBuilder | Mudbox

[] On Behalf Of Chris Chia
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 1:10 AM
Subject: RE: Face Robot refresh

Check your partition.
Clear your preference folder under user home
Check the explorer...
Check the camera visibility

This is what I could think of.

 [] On Behalf Of Kris Rivel
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 9:08 PM
To: Softimage List
Subject: Face Robot refresh

Anyone ever run into a situation where your main face robot mesh just isn't 
visible?  Its in the scene and set to visible but I can not see it.  I load in 
the model, set the active face robot node to the right model and save it out. 
 But when I reload, the face is hidden.  The toggle face control in the face 
robot editor does nothing too.  Any ideas what causes this?  Is there some sort 
of force refresh or something to fix this?

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Rigging resources

2013-01-22 Thread Manny Papamanos
Ah yes Jason... Those were the days ;)
Whatever happened to Maude?

The 3dmastermind training is still quite useful since the rigging tools and 
techniques haven’t changed much and also shows some good animation tricks.
Couple that knowledge with modern toolkits like Gear or Species and you can get 
by just any character rigging/animation/lip-synch project with ease.
If you know someone who’s trying to get initiated to rigging in Softimage let 
me know and I’ll give you a complimentary copy if you’re a member on the list.
Send a message to


Manny Papamanos
Autodesk 3D Graphics Specialist : Softimage | MotionBuilder | Mudbox

[] On Behalf Of Jason S
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: Rigging resources

Known Manny for a long while, even before the SI years, at a small comany 
called PRH
Showed me a number of tricks, and even then he was da' man :)

On 21/01/2013 3:09 PM, Luca wrote:
Yeah, me too bought the DVD from Manny, about 4 or 5 years ago. I'd like to see 
something more. His tricks were nice...

2013/1/21 Adrian Lopez
Manny Papamanos released a rigging DVD for Soft a few years ago,  We purchased 
and enjoyed it, but it may be getting a bit dated by now..  Still, alot of 
useful techniques from someone very close to the software.

Unfortunately a second edition was not forthcoming...

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Jeremie Passerin wrote:
A child cannot drive it's parent in Softimage. That might be a big problem for 
May riggers sometimes.
I would love it to be possible actually.

Another thing is the scaling hierarchy that is different in Softimage. Though, 
you can have it behaving like Maya in XSI. I'm actually frustrated that you 
an't have it behaving like Softimage in Maya :)

Adrian Lopez
Liquid Light Digital

[Image removed by sender.]...superpositiviii...qualunque cosa accada!...

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RE: Rigging resources

2013-01-21 Thread Manny Papamanos
Nice list Alan,  some other neat features are the non-linear workflow (I see 
people really struggling in Maya with this) and also the 'shadow' display of 
rig elements is cool which works with nulls also, this saves you time and makes 
the scene lighter.

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk 3D Graphics Specialist : Softimage | MotionBuilder | Mudbox

[] On Behalf Of Jason S
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Rigging resources

Also, although it might be a good thing for a transitionning rigger to to know 
the pluginless basics,
but still don't forget Gear!

On 21/01/2013 9:58 AM, Alan Fregtman wrote:
- get the ribbon spine out of your head -- there are far better ways to do a 
spine in Soft.
- you need not have UVs to save your weighting natively. :)
- IK comes free with any bonechain, you don't need to create an IK handle.
- there are no disconnected nodes floating in your scene, except possibly 
those in ICE or the rendertree. For example if you have something constrained 
to another, and delete the other, your constraint ops will disappear into the 
cosmos and not linger in your scene.
- always use 2D bone chains in Soft. the 3D one is for very rare cases.
- Maya's history concept = Softimage's operator stack
- Maya's UV sets = Softimage's texture projections and Maya's UV 
projection = Soft's texture subprojections
- In Maya you have one history stack, in Softimage you do also BUT it's split 
to several sections, Modeling, Shape Modeling, Animation, Secondary Shape 
Animation and sometimes Simulation and Post-Simulation. This lets you do 
witchcraft like have a finished rig and modify your topology while having UVs, 
shapes, materials, clusters, weight (influence) maps, etc. cleanly adjust to it 
automagically. This feature will save your life.
- Freeze button will make all your operators permanent, and ruin your rig. 
Freeze M(odeling) will only freeze below the Modeling marker. As I recall, 
it's quite tricky in Maya to do the equivalent of a freezing of the topology 
modifiers you may have applied after the rig was done.
- Freeze Translation will reset your pivot to the parent's, or if no parent, 
the world center. In Maya's equivalent it keeps the pivot in place. To keep it 
in place, use Set Neutral Translation instead.
- You can't add more bones to an existing bonechain, or remove bones, without 
having to recreate it completely. (Annoying, I know.) You can always chain some 
chains together of course.
- Be aware that Neutral Pose is not the same as putting the object as a child 
of a parent in the same transformation. For example if you rotate a child and 
neutralposed, when you have animated it translating around and expect to adjust 
the position curves, for example posY, to actually go UP in the zeroed 
(neutralposed) orientation of your child, it won't, it will always be relative 
to the parent's transform regardless of what the neutral pose says. Also, FYI, 
neutralposes can be undone (Transform-Remove Neutral Pose).
- ICE is awesome for custom deformers and many, many things.

That's all for now.

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 4:51 AM, Michal Doniec wrote:
I've trained many people back and forth, doesn't take long if a person is open 
minded. Most people do't want to go back to Maya after a while too :)
 Main differences to point out:
- Softimage joints have no orientation in Maya sense
- anything can be enveloped
- pose deformers are built in
- FK chains are usually built from nulls
- explain how referencing and models work
- show them synoptic and animation mixer (export/import animation/pose)
Other than that (and probably a few other things I forgot), it's the same as in 
maya. Personally I tend to go back and forth and most techniques apply to both 

On 21 January 2013 09:30, Enrique Caballero wrote:
I recently trained someone during their transition. And basically, there are no 
useful tutorials that I could find.  The thing is though, once she gets her 
head around some of the simple differences between Maya and Soft, it shouldn't 
be that painful of a transition.

This is the path that I took recently.

The first mistake she will make is that she will start enveloping everything to 

So let her know that we usually only use Bones if we need IK and introduce her 
to Nulls and how to use the neutral pose for rigging etc.

Then she will need to learn the curve deform and what happens when you deform a 
curve with another curve.

A quick explanation about quaternions will be very helpful

And then the Pose constraint, and how it works with constraint compensation.

But if you want her to be enthusiastic about the process. Start with the 
strengths, show her ICE and the power

RE: Rigging resources

2013-01-21 Thread Manny Papamanos
If you mean eliminate one of the
Chains are seen as an entity.
You can click enter on the bone and set the bone display to none.
Also, you can 'break a chain at bone' to break the IK at a certain bone.

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk 3D Graphics Specialist : Softimage | MotionBuilder | Mudbox

[] On Behalf Of Eugen Sares
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: Rigging resources

Am 21.01.2013 17:51, schrieb Miquel Campos:

2013/1/21 Alan Fregtman
You can't add more bones to an existing bonechain, or remove bones, without 
having to recreate it completely. (Annoying, I know.) You can always chain some 
chains together of course.

You can add bones .. Skeleton menu  Add Bone to Chain ;)

Btw... is it possible to delete bones out of a chain as well?

Miquel Campos

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Normal Maps in Softimage

2012-12-13 Thread Manny Papamanos
Here’s a good cage example.
Look at barrels at bottom.

Feature request was already logged and I updated it:
SOFT-5435 Ultimapper needs cage support to control ray length and direction

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk 3D Graphics Specialist
Softimage | MotionBuilder | Mudbox

[] On Behalf Of Szabolcs Matefy
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 3:03 AM
Subject: RE: Normal Maps in Softimage

In SI using ultimapper you set an overall scan distance. In other solution 
there is a cage (the clone of the original low res model) and you tweak this 
cage to set the distance on a per vertex level. It’s almost critical in game 
dev where you might need different distances on your model (armpit, behind ear 
areas are good examples)

 [] On Behalf Of Eric Cosky
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 5:41 AM
Subject: RE: Normal Maps in Softimage

Being primarily a Softimage user when it comes to 3D tools (I also use 3dcoat, 
fwiw), I don’t know what I’m missing with respect to “proper cage 
functionality” so if you don’t mind explaining that a bit further I’d 
appreciate it. Ultimapper always seemed to work for my simple  limited tests 
for baking maps within Softimage, but maybe there is a better way? Or maybe 
there are bugs with it I haven’t noticed yet?

Just curious, thanks.

-Eric Cosky

 On Behalf Of Williams, Wayne
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 5:24 AM
Subject: RE: Normal Maps in Softimage

Because Softimage doesn’t have proper cage functionality most folks I know that 
still use Soft have ditched baking normals with it. Xnormal (freeware) is 
pretty much the quasi-standard app for baking these days. 8 bit maps are fairly 
standard in my travels.

If you are trying to get more “bump” to your normal you can duplicate the map 
in photoshop, double click it to bring up the layer dialog and set to overlay 
and uncheck the blue channel. Merge those together and you have a “stronger” 
map.  Another thing to note is depending on what you will be viewing in you may 
need to invert the green channel of the normal map, else the normals will look 
flipped weird.

Also, if you are going to be viewing this in a game engine as the final result, 
it is typically standard workflow to check your normals there, because in the 
end, it doesn’t really matter what they look like in Soft/Maya/Max.


 [] On Behalf Of Adam Sale
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 2:15 AM
Subject: Normal Maps in Softimage

So, My Softimage decided to play hardball with me and stopped working earlier 
this evening.

What I had wanted to test out tonight were Normal Maps in Softimage. I don't do 
a whole lot of texturing , and have known the normal map to be a little strange 
in my past dealings with it.

One of my students is having an issue generating normal maps out of mudbox and 
getting them to work in Softimage.

Is anyone having success with this, or do you generally import high res meshes 
into soft and use Ultimapper to create the maps.

When creating maps, is it best to create 16 bit or float maps/ Do they always 
give superior results to 8 bit?

My main issue with the normal maps out of Mudbox, is that they don't look like 
the correct scale or relief of the normals mesh in midbox, or even when I apply 
the normals to a similar mesh in Maya, and the fact the normal map 3 node 
doesnt allow us to scale normals is a bit perplexing.

The workaround with mixing the normal map with a mix 2 color node set to mix 
with RGB at .5 and B at 1 doesn't quite cut it..

Is there a good working solution that I am simply missing?

A better normalMap node perhaps?


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RE: AD Support issues

2012-12-06 Thread Manny Papamanos
Hi Ronald.
I usually become the owner of all SI cases but for some reason this one was 
handled by another agent.
I am the owner now.
As you know, we came up with a solution to your vector displacement map issue 
and the case is ongoing.

Let me know if there are any more issues.

Manny Papamanos
Autodesk 3D graphics Specialist / Softimage and MotionBuilder

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: AD Support issues

What is consumerreport ?

The only people from AD support who would be on this list are technical 
support people like Manny.

On 04/12/2012 10:40 AM, Toonafish wrote:
 Is anyone from AD support on this list ?

 There seems to be an issue with consumersupport. I can't seem to get 
 in touch with them anymore and I no longer get confirmations to my 

 Is this just me ?



attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Importing FBX from Maya to SI

2012-10-29 Thread Manny Papamanos
Hi this is known and logged here:
SOFT-7341 Send to SI: Animation is erroneously plotted when object is frozen in 
I had made a video displaying the problem at the time :

This only happens when you freeze transformations in Maya...
So you know what not to do.

Manny Papamanos
Support Specialist, Softimage and MotionBuilder
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

[] On Behalf Of Alok
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Importing FBX from Maya to SI

Exactly which parameters in maya scene that are getting extra keys in soft, it 
is just transforms of locators, curves,  meshes, surfaces or something else 
like some other attributes?

On 29/10/2012 11:03 AM, David Barosin wrote:

Yeah someone else had the same issue.  in and out of maya fine but not

softimage.  Just check to see if there are pivots that are not zero'ed


On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Debdas Mohanty wrote:

Hello David,

Problem is when i am importing the same FBX file i.e. exported

from maya and importing again in maya and other softwares, its showing no

change in animation curve.

But only in softimage, it is changing. Why i dont know?

As Sandy suggested me to change the import fbx default frame rate from 30 to

24 and it worked for him. But no good luck for me yet..May be i am missing

some thing...


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RE: Multiple pivot

2012-10-12 Thread Manny Papamanos
Having the constraint switch is the easy part.
The tough part is having the two pivots react to each other as if the selected 
one is always the parent.
aka: 'dynamic parenting'

This page comes to mind:

Perhaps you can take Phil's compound and make it work for you.

SI and Mobu support

[] On Behalf Of Szabolcs Matefy
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: Multiple pivot

Funny, turning to shaded mode resolved the least I have seen what 
am I doing :D unfortunately I can't key it, so I'm still looking for a 

 [] On Behalf Of Peter Agg
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: Multiple pivot

Yeah, your best bet is probably just reading the Plugin script - as I say it 
looks well commented so you can always just recreate what he's doing yourself.

On 12 October 2012 11:30, Szabolcs Matefy wrote:

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on 2013 still seeking for 

 On Behalf Of Peter Agg
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Multiple pivot

I remember seeing a tutorial ages ago

...and after a bit of digging it looks like it was 'PoseBalls' by Mike 
Malinowski (twas 3D world 136, apparently). Looks like he's got a version of it 
up on . Looks like he's been a good chap and 
commented it all pretty well.

I can't say I've had any luck with the multiple constraints with slider method, 
personally. Whichever way round I try the half-arsed Softimage evaluation 
doesn't like it. Maybe there's a special order/technique for it which eluded 
me. I can't say I trust the Pivot Kinematics either so this PoseBalls thing has 
been on my 'must deconstruct and work out' list for about 2 years now! Alas 
I've never gotten round to it so I have to credit Mike  instead. :)
On 12 October 2012 10:41, Szabolcs Matefy wrote:
Hey guys,

I need a solution for multiple pivots

At this moment my idea is to have all the pivots pose constraining the object 
in question, and a slider activates which pivot is active. The animator is 
however not satisfied, he would like to grab the pivot and animate the object 
through the pivot...

I'd welcome any idea...

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RE: zoom limits

2012-09-21 Thread Manny Papamanos
Even if you cut the interest, it looks like the camera uses an imaginary 
interest to reorient itself (when u hit 'f' for instance) and behaves the same 
as a cam with interest.
I think what is  needed is an option like 'interest follows camera'.
However, this can be a nightmare if you are doing camera work and keep it on.
Perhaps it should work on the user view only.


[] On Behalf Of David Gallagher
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: zoom limits

Would be nice to have those new developers put this on a list.

Thanks Brent!

On 9/21/2012 11:14 AM, Adam Sale wrote:
same behavior.. Camera hits a wall and stops dead. I'd like to see this 
behavior changed as well.. a royal PITA when trying to get in close for 
modeling detail work..
Usually, I just tag points and then reframe, but still would be nice to have 
this adjust automatically..
On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 7:44 AM, Eric Thivierge wrote:
What if you delete the interest?

Eric Thivierge

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 12:37 AM, Brent McPherson wrote:
That is actually a tricky one because when you zoom in the Nav tool you are not 
changing the FOV but rather moving the camera closer to the interest. (e.g. the 
point about which the camera orbits) When the camera reaches the interest you 
can't go any further.

In Maya when you start zooming and the distance between the camera and the 
interest gets small they reset the interest to some fixed distance further from 
the camera. So you zoom in close, release the mouse and on the next zoom the 
interest will be reset and you can zoom some more.

This solution is probably the best compromise but requires some care to ensure 
the zooming feels smooth.

-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Len Krenzler
Sent: 21 September 2012 14:46
Subject: Re: zoom limits

I've always wondered about that too. Seems odd and maybe should be added to the 
small annoying things list.

On 9/20/2012 3:02 PM, David Gallagher wrote:
 Is there a way to make the navigation tool (I use the Alt key) not
 have limits when you get close to the camera interest?

 I just realized I can use the zoom tool separately to get in closer.
 That certainly helps, but I'm curious why there's a limit at all and
 how to change it.

 Dave G


Len Krenzler - Creative Control Media Productions

Phone: 780.463.3126tel:780.463.3126

www.creativecontrol.ca -

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: My scene now thinks it was created with the student

2012-09-20 Thread Manny Papamanos
To make it clearer:

I repro this.
If you do a 'fileopen' on a commercial scene while you were on a 'student' 
scene then save the scene you repro. (scene will become a student scene).
If you do a New scene first, before 'fileopen' then save the scene you don't 
reproduce the issue.

I logged it here:
SPR-4862 Commercial scene gets infected with Student scenes


Manny Papamanos
Autodesk Softimage and Mobu Support Specialist

 [] On Behalf Of Dan Yargici
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: My scene now thinks it was created with the student

Thanks Nick, however there is a seemingly subtle but quite important difference 
in my case that I didn't re-save the student scene, I re-opened a scene that 
was created with a commercial version and re-saved that.  A scene that had 
never touched a student version suddenly began to think it had.

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 6:41 AM, Nicholas Hong wrote:

Tracked in SOFT-6990 - Licensing: Scene does not recognise Commercial License 
when Student license scene is re-saved.


attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Car wheel motion blur

2012-07-18 Thread Manny Papamanos
You're right.
If you paste the parent's translation to the spinning element, it still reproes 
as well, so hierarchy is not important here.
From what I can see, despite the linear motion, the ark you're getting is 
because although the object is moving in a linear way, it has to evaluate the 
spinning motion also for the motion vectors.
I have a feeling it's always been like this.
Setting the wheels to 'deformation blur' may seem ok but are your 'deform' 
'motion steps' set to 1?
I made a quick video here:

As you can see, it seems ok when you set the transform steps to 1 (Perhaps your 
deform steps were set to 1?)

I'd have to check in previous versions if it's the same.

I should have some time later and I'll let u know before eod.

-manny|SI support

[] On Behalf Of Ed Manning
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: Car wheel motion blur

I have reproduced this behavior.  2013 SP1.  various types of objects as parent 
and child. Even with both rotation and translation on one object.

Manny -- try using a fairly large translation amount per frame.

At low speeds it's not really noticeable.  At high speeds it's glaringly 
evident.  At higher speeds still, it's hard to see again.

Looks like a real bug to me.

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 5:21 AM, Arvid Björn wrote:
Yep, more steps only produce a smoother error :-)

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Jack Kao wrote:
Have you played with adjusting the motion steps in the renderer options?

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Car wheel motion blur

2012-07-18 Thread Manny Papamanos
Same thing in 2010.
Although it seems weird, I don't think it's a bug.
It seems related to the way it evaluates the blur without  calculating 
One way out of this is to double or triple the anim length (animationsequence 
animationscene) and then step render.

-manny|SI support

[] On Behalf Of Manny Papamanos
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 1:33 PM
Subject: RE: Car wheel motion blur

You're right.
If you paste the parent's translation to the spinning element, it still reproes 
as well, so hierarchy is not important here.
From what I can see, despite the linear motion, the ark you're getting is 
because although the object is moving in a linear way, it has to evaluate the 
spinning motion also for the motion vectors.
I have a feeling it's always been like this.
Setting the wheels to 'deformation blur' may seem ok but are your 'deform' 
'motion steps' set to 1?
I made a quick video here:

As you can see, it seems ok when you set the transform steps to 1 (Perhaps your 
deform steps were set to 1?)

I'd have to check in previous versions if it's the same.

I should have some time later and I'll let u know before eod.

-manny|SI support

[] On Behalf Of Ed Manning
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: Car wheel motion blur

I have reproduced this behavior.  2013 SP1.  various types of objects as parent 
and child. Even with both rotation and translation on one object.

Manny -- try using a fairly large translation amount per frame.

At low speeds it's not really noticeable.  At high speeds it's glaringly 
evident.  At higher speeds still, it's hard to see again.

Looks like a real bug to me.

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 5:21 AM, Arvid Björn wrote:
Yep, more steps only produce a smoother error :-)

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Jack Kao wrote:
Have you played with adjusting the motion steps in the renderer options?

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Car wheel motion blur

2012-07-18 Thread Manny Papamanos
Hi Matt.

You're right,
however, if you look here:
this happens even with a short rotation shift per frame.

I'll try  to ask a Maya or Max guy to repro.


[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 2:55 PM
Subject: RE: Car wheel motion blur

The issue is caused by extreme rotation values.

Motion blur typically solves rotations along the shortest arc between frames.  
Which implies the maximum rotation you can have between frames which solves 
correctly is 179.9 degrees or else you'll get the 'rewind' effect.  Mental ray 
does have some built-in logic to solve on a window a little larger than 179.9, 
but probably not beyond 360 degrees.  Mental ray is largely dependent on 
information coming from the host application to resolve these kinds of things

In your case, the difference between frames is 421,039.2 degrees which is 
way beyond that solvable range.  The motion blur arc is so stretched out 
it's wrapping around itself hundreds of times like thread wrapped around a 
spool.  Your shutter open/close times are so close together it reveals only a 
very tiny portion of that path which results in the strange arc you see.

The solution is to reduce the number of rotations by a multiple which retains 
the persistence-of-vision of the wheels appear to rotate correctly, but where 
the delta between frames is less than 360 degrees.


[] On Behalf Of Arvid Björn
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12:58 AM
Subject: Re: Car wheel motion blur

Here, I've recreated the problem in the simplest possible setup, no weird 
rotation order and it's centered on the null, just draw a region to see the 


Different rotation speeds of the ball yield different arcs though, so sometimes 
you'd get lucky to hit a number that doesn't show the problem, which is why the 
problem appear at random for us. The problem was solved by skinning the geo to 
the null instead of parenting it, which invokes deformation motion blur, but 
the scene gets more complex and the rig gets heavier.

Please see if I've missed something in my settings, I'd love to solve the 
problem without skinning!

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 6:09 PM, Manny Papamanos wrote:
I did a quick test and the blur seemed to look  good in MR on a simple cube 
spinning on a moving cube hierarchy.
Be sure you don't use 'offset' in the MB settings or the wheels or they may 
look like they are coming out of the wheel wells.
Check the transforms on your 'centers' on the wheels and all the parents for 
If something weird is based on the parents, one way out of this is to plot and 
then use that motion on the wheels.
Also, perhaps playing with the 'rotation order' may help, I would make sure 
that the spinning axis is first on the list.

-manny|SI support

 On Behalf Of Arvid Björn
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Car wheel motion blur

Thanks, I tried your suggestion, but there's nothing wrong with the parenting. 
It is related to parenting, but that's not where the problem lies. It works 
fine with deformation motion blur with the exact same center of rotation, so 
that proves that the problem is in how transformation motion blur is being 
evaluated. When evaluated per point with a global vector, everything's fine. I 
wish I could force MR to do that even though I'm not actually deforming 
On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Alok Gandhi
Most probably the motion samples are creating an arc due to parenting. What you 
need to do is to check this is take the fcurves and scale them quite a bit. 
This will allows you to see in slo-mo the trajectory of the wheel as it moves 
along. If you see the undesired arcing then I would suggest changing the 
parenting so the center of motion is at the center of the wheels.

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Car wheel motion blur

2012-07-17 Thread Manny Papamanos
I did a quick test and the blur seemed to look  good in MR on a simple cube 
spinning on a moving cube hierarchy.
Be sure you don't use 'offset' in the MB settings or the wheels or they may 
look like they are coming out of the wheel wells.
Check the transforms on your 'centers' on the wheels and all the parents for 
If something weird is based on the parents, one way out of this is to plot and 
then use that motion on the wheels.
Also, perhaps playing with the 'rotation order' may help, I would make sure 
that the spinning axis is first on the list.

-manny|SI support

[] On Behalf Of Arvid Björn
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Car wheel motion blur

Thanks, I tried your suggestion, but there's nothing wrong with the parenting. 
It is related to parenting, but that's not where the problem lies. It works 
fine with deformation motion blur with the exact same center of rotation, so 
that proves that the problem is in how transformation motion blur is being 
evaluated. When evaluated per point with a global vector, everything's fine. I 
wish I could force MR to do that even though I'm not actually deforming 

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Alok Gandhi wrote:
Most probably the motion samples are creating an arc due to parenting. What you 
need to do is to check this is take the fcurves and scale them quite a bit. 
This will allows you to see in slo-mo the trajectory of the wheel as it moves 
along. If you see the undesired arcing then I would suggest changing the 
parenting so the center of motion is at the center of the wheels.

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: wire colors

2012-06-29 Thread Manny Papamanos
Yes, the color widget is available in the display property but it seems not to 
work when you multi select objects and edit the object's common assets in 
I tried it as far back as V2010 and it seems to do the same, nothing logged :(
As far as I know, those listed assets in the top part of selection in the MCP 
are common and should affect all selected elements. (I use this all the time 
to open a multi ppg)
Anyone is able to change multiple object's wireframe color in one go in the UI?

What bothers me more is the fact that when you do set a color and then make the 
element unselect-able, it turns grey... arghhh!

-manny|SI support

[] On Behalf Of Alan Fregtman
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: wire colors

The sad truth is XSI toolbars don't support color widgets. :/ Bitmap buttons is 
as advanced as it gets.

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Paul Griswold
I guess I should have phrased that better.

Why, when you click on the Palette and Script Toolbar, are you only given a 
choice of 13 swatches rather than just having a standard color picker available?

If it's going to be swatches, it might be nice to have it work more like 
Photoshop swatches where you can have your own custom set of swatches and 
aren't limited to just 13 colors.



From: Gareth Bell
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 10:33:09 AM
Subject: RE: wire colors

Can you not just set the display property and then you have the standard RGB 
mixer to make any colour you wish..

 On Behalf Of Paul Griswold
Sent: 29 June 2012 15:26
To: Softimage Mailing list
Subject: wire colors

Just out of curiosity... Why is the Wire Colors picker so limited?  Why isn't 
it just a standard color picker?

I like to use wireframe on shaded and it'd be handy to have more than 13 
colors to pick from.


attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Gear rig problem - joint spinning at render time

2012-06-12 Thread Manny Papamanos
What are you rendering with?
Does this happen when you render (not capture) in  hardware render ?

Softimage, Mobu support specialist

[] On Behalf Of Mirko Jankovic
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: Gear rig problem - joint spinning at render time

I had something similar with joints in arm... also viewport scrubbing 
everything clean and in rendering rotating...
in any case geometry caching is safest way to go and that was only thing that 
helped at the end.
attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Animation layers info

2012-06-05 Thread Manny Papamanos
I don't think you have a choice not to use them if you use mocap but I haven't 
heard anything bad about them really.

SI/Mobu support specialist

[] On Behalf Of Enrique Caballero
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 3:51 PM
Subject: Animation layers info

Hey guys,
  just looking for some advice.  I seem to remember somebody telling me that 
animation layers were buggy. I dont remember the specifics though.  Recently 
the animators here have discovered them and are incorperating layers into their 

Any information on whether animation layers are problematic at all would be 
appreciated as I dont want to endorse the technique until im sure.

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