[sqlalchemy] Re: Working with large IN lists

2012-02-21 Thread Manav Goel
This depends upon the execution plan of the query and is more really a
postgresql question. Google postgresql IN performance and you will get
a good idea of it.
By the look of your code, Second option would obviously be faster as
it hits database once whereas first one flush after every change.


On Feb 21, 6:07 pm, Vlad K. v...@haronmedia.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have to read thousands of rows from a table and compile some data, but
 in certain conditions update those rows, all with same value. The ratio
 of reads and writes here is widest possible. Sometimes no rows,
 sometimes few, and sometimes all rows that are read have to be updated.
 The last case scenario is making me concerned.

 for row in query.yield_per(100):
      # Do something with data

      if some_condition:
          row.some_column = 123

 I am thinking about just adding the row's ID to a list:

 list_of_ids = []
 for row in query.yield_per(100):
      # Do something with data

      if some_condition:

 and near the end of transaction do:

 : 123}, False)

 Yes I'm aware of increased memory requirements to store the ID list on
 the application side, and no I don't need to lock the rows for update,
 the logic of atomic update at the end is sufficient for my case.

 But I think, and the real use benchmarks will probably show, I haven't
 tested yet, that single update query will work faster. I need lowest
 transaction processing time on the application side for entire call,
 even if takes more memory and more database iron.

 What I'm concerned with here is if there are any limits or significant
 overheads with large .in_ lists?

 The backend is PostgreSQL via psycopg2.



 .oO V Oo.

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[sqlalchemy] Usage of begin nested

2012-02-14 Thread Manav Goel
My use case requires that if insertion of object of Myclass succeeds
then insert Object of Myclass1 .
Even if inserting of Myclass1 object fails insertion of Myclass should
not be rolled back.
I mean adding Myclass is permanent and does not depend on failure or
success of insertion of Myclass1.
I have written following code and want to know if am understanding
right usage of begin_nested and not writing buggy code.
I am using postgresql 9.0
 obj =Myclass()
 if condition true:
n = Myclass1(arguments)
except SQLAlchemyError:

except SQLAlchemyError:

Code is running f9, just want to make sure of some unknown gotcha in
this code.
Other option will be I commit after adding Myclass and perform
insertion of Myclass1 in separate transaction but this way is not
appealing to me.

Manav Goel

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Understanding sqlalchemy memory usage and releasing unused memory

2012-02-09 Thread Manav Goel
Thanks for the answer even after my half researched questions
which I should not have done. :)
 Yeah I realised that after posting the question and I dig
deep into python memory issues and have improved knowledge a lot.
  In fact objgraph module is a great one for understanding
these issues. It helped in understanding sqlalchemy a lot by drawing
great detailed graphs.

On Feb 7, 3:18 pm, Gunnlaugur Briem gunnlau...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Manav,

 the final question did touch SQLAlchemy: the one about expiring and

 1. expiring an object creates a weak reference - this is inaccurate. All
 object references held by the the session (except for objects whose
 addition, deletion or attribute change is not yet flushed) are weak
 references in the first place,
 and expiring an object just marks its attributes out of date, it does not
 change the session's reference to the object itself

 2. Does expunging an object do the same - expunging an object means the
 session no longer holds a reference (weak or otherwise) to that object. But
 the reference was weak in the first place (unless the object was in new,
 dirty or deleted), so expunging neither helps nor hurts in getting the
 object collected.

 Your other questions do not involve SQLAlchemy, and that's why nobody here
 is answering them. You might find some other group where questions about
 python basics and process memory management are in scope ... but the One
 True Way to learn these things is to grit your teeth and google and read.
 That may be more work than you were hoping, but such is life. :) Also, this
 talk is

 - Gulli

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[sqlalchemy] Understanding sqlalchemy memory usage and releasing unused memory

2012-02-06 Thread Manav Goel
I wanted to get idea about how much memory my sqlalchemy objects are taking.
I used pympler library and used its class tracking function.
I am using declarative base for defining the model and hence tables. I am 
pretty new to web development and python in general. So some questions may not 
be entirely due to sqlalchemy but due to my less knowledge about python.

My User model which contain 13 column attributes, 1 association proxy for  many 
to many connections and 6 one to many attributes set using lazy='dynamic'. When 
I tracked its memory usage only 6 attributes were loaded as others were set 
deffered and memory used was 1.6 mb.

I tried to do rough calculations and thought if one object was taking this much 
then loading 100 will take 160mb.
Then I created 50 user objects and then tracked memory and to my surprise total 
memory consumed was only 2 mb!
What is the reason of this?? Are this objects sharing some base which is is 
around 1.5 mb and actual object is just in kbs?

I tracked another type of object defined using 5 fields took only about 30kb 
and another object containing only 2 fields was 90 kb. Why is this different 
behavior in sizes?

Reading about memory usage and sqlalchemy in this group and other places that 
once python process accumulates memory then they release only once closed I am 
little confused.
Does it mean when I have loaded 100 objects and their usage is over, after that 
its memory will not be released back to system??

Final question expiring an object creates a weak reference and can be collected 
by gc if not used. Does expunging an object does the same?
mainly how can i make memory taken by object free after usage is over.

Thas quite a lot of questions. Thank you for reading.

Manav Goel

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[sqlalchemy] and_(condition1,condition2) or condition1 and condition2

2012-01-05 Thread Manav Goel
I noticed that in filter method I can use either 
condition1 and condition2

But I searched and did not find any mention about second way anywhere.

I want to know if both options are equal or there some catch in using second 

Manav Goel

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[sqlalchemy] Strange behavior from Association object in many to many relationships

2011-12-17 Thread Manav Goel
   I created a many to many relation between two tables as shown
in the tutorial using Association object as I have extra fields in
connecting table.
I have table User(user_id), Book(book_id) and UserBook(user_id,

This code gave me Integrity error of UserBook.user_id of being null.
Basically it is not user id of user automatically to UserBook object :

def con(user, mybook):
 ub = UserBook()
 ub.book = mybook

But this code worked :
def con(user, mybook):
 ub = UserBook()
 ub.book = mybook
 ub.user = user

Why the first one is not working?


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[sqlalchemy] convert_unicode option when using postgre and psycopg2

2011-10-28 Thread Manav Goel
   I am using sqlalchemy with postgresql and psycopg2. I want to write 
unicode compatible web application.
I noticed that when I pass string data to sqlalchemy string column, its get 
converted to unicode after commit.

So does setting convert_unicode option True has any meaning in this combination 
of postgre and psycopg2?

If it converts str to unicode in any case would it be useful to use only 
unicode from start? I mean assign u prefix before passing normal english string.

Manav Goel

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[sqlalchemy] Cant understand behavior of sqlalchemy while adding same object twice in a session

2011-10-18 Thread Manav Goel
   I am working in eclipse IDE. 
   I have this code in the file :

class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users'

id = Column('user_id',Integer,primary_key = True)
name = Column('user_name',String(20))

addresses = relationship(Address)

def __repr__(self):
return User(%s) % self.name
session = Session(bind=engine)
print u.id

I ran this file and it worked fine but then I changed 
Now to see the effect I have to run file again and then I 
noticed this

Instead of adding two different objects with two different 
ids but same name. It simply updated the id of already existing object.

  Now I have two questions :

1. What is the reason of this behavior? First of all it should have 
made two different objects . But I think it did not do that because it thought 
this object is similar to existing one. In that case it should have raised 
exception instead of simply my primary key.

2. WHat happened when I ran the file again? It created a brand new 
session or continued the previous one?

3. Due to problem mentioned in point no 1. it wasted my early id nos as 
when I committed it saved the last one?

I know there is something that I am missing here as I am just a beginner in 

Thanks in advance.

Manav Goel

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[sqlalchemy] Declarative Mapping vs Classic Mapping

2011-10-17 Thread Manav Goel
My question is regarding sqlalchemy version 0.7.2.

Are there any limitations in using declarative or classic mapping
while using sqlalchemy?

My main concern is there any limitation of declarative mapping which
can put me in some situation where I am stuck with the tables it will

Also what about table schema changes, If I want to add a column or
remove a column from table I simply add or remove that attribute in
declarative class?

I have completed my table design and thinking to create database in
one go using declarative mapping.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Declarative Mapping vs Classic Mapping

2011-10-17 Thread Manav Goel
Thanks for the quick reply.

One question here, suppose I add column using Alter Table command and then in 
class declaration the attribute. Will it see the newly added column then or not?

Concern is not issuing ALTER command by hand but is the class can see the newly 
added column.

Manav Goel
On 17-Oct-2011, at 11:06 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Oct 17, 2011, at 1:05 PM, Manav Goel wrote:
 My question is regarding sqlalchemy version 0.7.2.
 Are there any limitations in using declarative or classic mapping
 while using sqlalchemy?
 there's not, a declarative mapping is nothing more than a small organizing 
 layer on top of the classical system of class + Table + mapper() - all three 
 elements are used in the same way.
 My main concern is there any limitation of declarative mapping which
 can put me in some situation where I am stuck with the tables it will
 Declarative allows the full range of table specification that plain Table() 
 allows, and additionally you can use the Table construct directly with any 
 declarative class (I use this style in my current project) as demonstrated at 
 Also what about table schema changes, If I want to add a column or
 remove a column from table I simply add or remove that attribute in
 declarative class?
 That's a different story.   SQLAlchemy's table metadata is only an in-python 
 document describing the structure of an existing schema in a remote database. 
   While table metadata has the ability to emit CREATE statements to this 
 remote database, that's as far as it goes.   When using relational databases, 
 adding columns means that an ALTER statement must be emitted on the target 
 database.   You'd need to emit these ALTER commands yourself, if you'd like 
 an existing schema to gain new columns that you've added to your SQLalchemy 
 model.  Or if you're in development, you can alternatively (and IMHO this is 
 much easier, assuming you're working only with development databases) drop 
 the whole database and recreate it, where the new columns will be present.
 There is also the approach of using a tool like SQLAlchemy-Migrate which 
 gives you a place to define table alterations, and does the work of composing 
 the ALTER statements in a semi-automated fashion.
 Regardless, the choice of declarative versus classical has no impact here, 
 save for the fact that SQLAlchemy-Migrate works a little more clearly when 
 you give it Table constructs to work with, rather than copies of your 
 declared classes.   When I've used migrate in the past, it's entirely 
 unnecessary to copy the full table definition as its docs suggest, I tend to 
 just use Table(mytable, metadata, autoload=True) to get at the current 
 Table object before applying alterations, so the usage of declarative has no 
 I have completed my table design and thinking to create database in
 one go using declarative mapping.
 should be fine it's not that much of a commitment !
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